Remarks of Senator Bob Dole Huck Boyd Foundation
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This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas REMARKS OF SENATOR BOB DOLE HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION DINNER TOPEKA, KANSAS APRIL 14, 1989 HUCK BOYD HAS LEFT QUITE A LASTING LEGACY OF FRIENDSHIP -- HERE WE ALL ARE TONIGHT TO KICK OFF A MAJOR FUNDRAISING EFFORT FOR A FOUNDATION IN HIS MEMORY. THIS JUST GOES TO SHOW HOW THE INFLUENCE AND INSPIRATION OF ONE MAN, WHO LED A VERY GENEROUS LIFE, CAN REACH FAR INTO THE FUTURE AND CONTINUE TO HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON Page 1 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 2 - THE STATE HE LOVED SO MUCH. WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER HUCK AS A CIVIC LEADER, NEWSPAPERMAN, AND ULTIMATELY ONE OF THE BEST POLITICIANS KANSAS HAS EVER KNOWN. HE WAS OUR FRIEND AND ONE OF THE BEST FRIENDS KANSAS EVER HAD. THE HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION IS IN THE PROCESS OF ESTABLISHING A RURAL RESOURCE CENTER TO HELP RURAL COMMUNITIES AND CITIZENS KEEP THEIR VITALITY IN CHANGING ECONOMIC TIMES. THE CENTER Page 2 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 3 - WILL PROVIDE A CLEARINGHOUSE FOR INFORMATION WHICH WILL ALLOW SMALL TOWNS IN RURAL KANSAS TO HAVE ACCESS TO SELF-HELP MEASURES AND POINT THEM IN THE DIRECTION OF POTENTIAL PRIVATE AND PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. JUST AS HUCK HIMSELF GENERATED A PERSONAL VITALITY THROUGHOUT THE TOWNS AND COUNTIES OF KANSAS WHILE HE WAS WITH US, IT IS OUR HOPE THAT THIS FOUNDATION WILL SERVE AS A CATALYST IN PROVIDING THE SUPPORT NECESSARY Page 3 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 4 - TO REENERGIZE RURAL KANSAS. THE PROPOSED RURAL RESOURCE CENTER WILL PERPETURATE HUCK'S SPECIAL GIFT OF FINDING SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS FACING RURAL AMERICA. THE AREAS WHICH THE FOUNDATION HAS CITED AS ITS MAJOR FOCUS ARE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION, RURAL MEDICAL SERVICE, TRANSPORTATION, CONSERVATION AND WILDLIFE PRESERVATION, THE ENVIRONMENT, BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE, AND CULTURAL Page 4 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 5 - ACTIVITIES. THE HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION HAS SET $3 MILLION AS ITS FUNDRAISING GOAL, AND WE ALL NEED TO WORK HARD TO MAKE THIS A REALITY. STEPS HAVE ALREADY BEEN TAKEN TO DEVELOP PROGRAMS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MAJOR STATE UNIVERSITIES, FOR EXAMPLE, THE CENTER FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AT WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY AND KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY'S EXTENSION SYSTEM. THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WILL ALSO BE INVOLVED. Page 5 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 6 - PART OF WHAT THE CENTER WILL DO IS SET UP WORKSHOPS AND OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS TO PROVIDE EXPERTISE TO SMALL BUSINESS PEOPLE IN RURAL AREAS. THERE ARE ALREADY A LOT OF SOURCES FOR PROGRAMS AND INFORMATION THAT COULD BE USEFUL IN EFFORTS TO REVITALIZE RURAL KANSAS, BUT THERE IS REALLY NO WAY TO PULL IT ALL TOGETHER IN A CENTRAL PLACE TO MAKE ALL THE AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND TECHNICAL EXPERTISE READILY Page 6 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 7 - ACCESSIBLE TO INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS IN RURAL AREAS. IT IS OUR HOPE THAT THIS INITIATIVE WILL ACCOMPLISH THESE OBJECTIVES. FROM MY EXPERIENCE WITH KANSANS, I KNOW THEY ARE RESOURCEFUL AND CREATIVE PEOPLE WITH A STRONG WILL TO GET THINGS DONE. SOMETIMES THEY ONLY NEED THE TOOLS TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS AND THE RIGHT INFORMATION TO USE AS A ROADMAP. THE RURAL RESOURCE CENTER WILL PROVIDE THE MISSING LINK BETWEEN ALREADY EXISTING PROGRAMS. Page 7 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas - 8 - WE'LL NEVER FORGET HUCK, BUT THIS FOUNDATION WILL ENSURE THAT HUCK BOYD WILL HAVE A LASTING INFLUENCE ON THE FUTURE OF THIS STATE. HUCK ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT THE FIRST PURPOSE OF A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER WAS TO MAKE HIS COMMUNITY A BEDER PLACE TO LIVE. BECAUSE HUCK BOYD WAS WITH US FOR SO LONG, KANSAS HAS BEEN A BEDER PLACE TO LIVE AND, WITH THE ESTABLISIHMENT OF THIS FOUNDATION, IT WILL REMAIN A BEDER PLACE TO LIVE FOR OUR CHILDREN. Page 8 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION Richard A. Payne, Executive Director Box 503 • 701 Third Street, Phillipsburg, KS 67661 (913) 543-5535 HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION ANNOUNCEMENT DINNER April 14, 1989 I. RECEPTION - (6:00 p.m.) A. Greeters 1. Board Members 2. Special Friends B. Registration and Name Tags II. WELCOME A. Vern Chesbro; Master of Ceremonies B. Senator Bob Dole c. Invocation - Doyle Rahjes III. DINNER IV. PROGRAM A. Introduction of Governor and Mrs. Hayden B. Governor's Remarks c. John Graham - Featured Speaker D. Recognition of Board, Congressional & Governor's Staffs & Special Guests E. Senator Nancy Kassebaum - Remarks F. Representative Pat Roberts - Remarks G. Fran Jabara - Remarks H. Video I. Marie Boyd - Thank You. V. ADJOURNMENT HONORARY CHAIRMEN Senator Bob Dole Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum Kansas Kansas BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wm. W. Kaumans, President Lowell F. Hahn, Secretary Charles I. Moyer, Treasurer U.S. Representative Pat Roberts Marcia Boyd Krauss Doyle Rahjes D. T. Broun, Jr. Don Hewitt Mrs. Dane G. Bales Darel Olliff Page 9 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News Release April 14, 1989 TOPEKA, Kan.--More than 100 Kansas business people, educators and other friends of the late Kansas newspaperman Huck Boyd heard plans Friday evening for a proposed rural resource center and related programs at a Topeka dinner. Honorary hosts for the reception and dinner at the Topeka Country Club were Kansas Senators Bob Dole and Nancy Kassebaum along with Rep. Pat Roberts. Sen. Dole greeted the guests telling them how the proposed center would perpetuate Boyd's gift of finding answers and solutions to problems facing rural America. ''Huck Boyd had a unique ability to get answers and results and that is what this rural resource center is all about," Dole explained. Bo~ senators and Rep. Roberts said they were especially pleased that cooperative arrangements have already been discussed with several Kansas uni- versities, medical organizations and other foundations. Fran Jabara, director of The Wichita State University center for entrepreneur- ship and small business development, announced a tentative agreement with the Huck Boyd Foundation to provide workshops and other special events to help small business people in rural areas. Jabara has also been named to the foundation's leadership council. Gov Mike Hayden discussed his friendship with Huck Boyd and the efforts needed to help revitalize rural Kansas. The featured speaker was John Graham of the Kansas Farm Bureau. Boyd's widow, Marie, thanked the guests for attending and shared some of her late husband's aspirations for rural Kansas and America. Foundation officials announced that a $Jmillion fund raising campaign is to get underway later this year. (MORE) Page 10 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Boyd Foundation--2 The proposed rural resource center will compile and store information about programs, institutions, agencies, key leaders and related background to assist any community, organization or individual upon request. Three primary areas to start include (1) rural medical service, (2) economic de- velopment and (3) the environment. Other areas of resource background will cover the areas of rural education, transportation, conservation and beautification, wildlife preservation, cultural activities, basic infrastructure~ and responsive government. The three Kansas congressional leaders and foundation officials said the rural resource center will serve as a central clearing house regarding per- tinent information relating to programs developed for rural enhancement and survival. Sen. Kassebaum pointed out that there are many programs already in place designed to assist Kansas communities, organizations and individuals, but too many times no one knows they exist. "With one phone call people can get that information from this center," Kassebaum said. Rep. Roberts said most Kansas communities have the brainpower, manpower and willpower to help themselves if they have the right information, resources and directions. One way to provide that i nformation, he said, is through the proposed rural resource center. Foundation officials said that the center could be functioning within 90 days following the successful completion of the fund raising campaign. The facility will be located in Phillipsburg, home of Huck Boyd. # # # Page 11 of 37 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION FACT SHEET WHAT IS THE HUCK BOYD FOUNDATION? It i 's a public, non-profit foundation established by a select group of Huck Boyd's friends as a memorial to the Phillipsburg newspaperman, civic leader and politician. WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION DOING? It is in the process of establishing a Rural Resource Center to help rural communities and citizens find and/or keep abreast of private and public programs, institutions, agencies, grants, financing, in- dividuals and related information leading to the enhancement and survival of rural America. WHY ESTABLISH A RURAL RESOURCE CENTER? Huck Boyd was known for his unique ability to get answers or find solutions to various problems confronting rural areas. Much of his success wa~ due to his unique tenacity as well as an assort- ment of friends, colleagues, special contacts and numerous business, c1v1c, educational, medical, military and governmental leaders that allowed him to go directly to decision makers or to the sources of needed information.