Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

Sept 2015 Search for ‘Cannock Chase Life’ @CannockChaseDC



Section Page

Introduction 1

Methodology 3

Final Evidence Base for Chase District 8 - SHLAA Overall Supply Results Table 9 - SHLAA 0-5 years Supply Summary Table 10 - Five Year Supply Position Summary 11 - Housing Trajectory Tables 13 - Long Term Delivery Viability Table 15 - Appendix 1- Call for Sites form and letter 16 - Summary of responses to Call for Sites and officer comments 22 - Summary of SHLAA Panel Responses and officer comments 24

Appendix 2a- Site Density 26

Appendix 3a- Net Capacity 28

Appendix 4a- Implementation Timescales 29

Appendix 5a- Windfall Allowance 30

Appendix 6a- Non implementation Discount Rates 31

Appendix 7a- Deliverable 0-5 year sites 33

Appendix 8a- Developable 6-15 year sites 53

Appendix 9a- Restricted and Excluded sites 64

Appendix 10a- Completed sites since 2014 SHLAA 73

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment i



The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is an evidence base document with a key role in identifying sites that have the potential for housing, to assess their capacity and when they could potentially be developed. This is to ensure that land availability is not a constraint on the delivery of new homes and that a more responsive approach is taken to land supply at a local level. The SHLAA should aim to identify as many sites with housing potential as possible within the study area. The main purpose of the SHLAA is therefore to inform decisions on locations in order to help meet housing need.

The assessment does not in itself determine that a site should or should not be allocated for housing development, but it is important in the plan-making process and helps to inform the Local Plan. It is the role of the Local Plan to determine which specific sites are to be allocated for housing purposes. The inclusion/exclusion of a site in the SHLAA does not determine the possibility of planning permission being granted/refused for residential development, unless the site in question has already been granted permission. All future planning applications will continue to be determined against the development plan and material planning considerations.

This is Cannock Chase Council’s seventh SHLAA and it supports the Authority’s Monitoring Report (AMR) process (including an up to date Housing Trajectory and five year supply of specific deliverable sites). The supply of land will be managed to ensure that a continuous five year supply of deliverable sites is maintained by monitoring the take-up on an annual basis. The 2015 SHLAA period covers from 1st April 2014-31st March 2015.

For this 2015 SHLAA the Council has undertaken a review of its previous SHLAA methodology and documents in conjunction with Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council. Together, Cannock Chase Council, Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council have worked on identifying housing needs within the South East area and taken this forward via their respective Local Plans. Consequently it was considered appropriate for the three authorities to work jointly on their housing supply evidence bases, using a common methodology and assessment approach going forward.

It is the intention for a SHLAA to be published annually for the three authorities that uses broadly the same methodology, but allowing for local elaboration e.g. in relation to how windfall allowances are calculated. Whilst the document is not being published in tandem with Lichfield and Tamworth this year (due to timescale and resource issues) Cannock Chase is utilising the agreed methodology in its 2015 SHLAA. Lichfield and Tamworth will publish their own SHLAA utilising the agreed methodology in due course. In future years the intention is for all the information for the three authorities to be published in tandem.

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 1


The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG- Paragraph 28) states that a SHLAA should produce the following core outputs: • a list of all sites or broad locations considered, cross-referenced to their locations on maps; • an assessment of each site or broad location, in terms of its suitability for development, availability and achievability including whether the site/broad location is viable) to determine whether a site is realistically expected to be developed and when; • contain more detail for those sites which are considered to be realistic candidates for development, where others have been discounted for clearly evidenced and justified reasons; • the potential type and quantity of development that could be delivered on each site/broad location, including a reasonable estimate of build out rates, setting out how any barriers to delivery could be overcome and when; • an indicative trajectory of anticipated development and consideration of associated risks. It sets out a recommended methodology for producing these core outputs and for ensuring the assessment is robust.

The methodology applied for this SHLAA is detailed in the following section. The methodology section is followed by the final evidence base section which details the SHLAA results for , including a summary of the overall land supply and a housing trajectory.

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2



This 2015 SHLAA has closely followed the NPPG to inform the methodology and assessment stages and the format of this SHLAA is set out in accordance with the NPPG. This section sets out the key common methodology for all of the three SE Staffordshire authorities to apply. It also sets out District-specific criteria which have been applied reflecting local characteristics. These are detailed in the Appendices.

Stage 1: Identification

Geographical Area: The SE Staffordshire Housing Market Area comprising Cannock Chase District, Lichfield District and Tamworth Borough. The methodology will be used across the housing market area with each authority carrying out the assessment within its own administrative boundaries.

Key stakeholders: The following will be invited to contribute to assessments:

• Developers • Those with land interests • Land promoters • Local property agents • Local communities • Partner organisations • Local Enterprise Partnerships • Businesses and business representative organisations • Parish and town councils • Neighbourhood forums preparing neighbourhood plans

Site size: For both housing land availability and employment land, all available sites will be assessed.

Site identification: Sites will be identified via two principal methods: desk top review and a call for sites.

Desk top review: A range of sources will be reviewed to help identify sites and broad locations, which may include the following:

• Local and neighbourhood plans • Planning application records • Development briefs • Development starts and completions records • Local authority land ownership records • National register of public sector land • Strategic plans of key partners

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 3


• Local authority empty properties register • English house condition survey • National Land Use Database • The databases of property agents where applicable • Valuation Office database • Mapping including Ordnance Survey • Aerial photography • Site surveys

Call for sites: There is an open call for sites process where it is always possible for sites to be submitted throughout the year. Additionally towards the end of each calendar year a ‘call for sites’ questionnaire (see Appendix 1) will be locally publicised and issued to a wide audience including:

• Parish Councils • Neighbourhood Forums • Landowners • Developers • Businesses Relevant Local Interest Groups

Responses to the call for sites process are also summarised in Appendix 1.

Detailed site surveys: Identified sites and broad locations will be assessed against national policies and designations to exclude those without reasonable potential of development. For remaining sites contact (e.g. telephone calls) will be made with site agents and/or landowners to get an up to date view on the type/scale of development and progress where clarification is required.

Site characteristics: The following characteristics will be recorded where possible:

• Site size, boundaries and location • Current land use and character • Land uses and character of surrounding area • Physical constraints • Potential environmental constraints • Development progress • Initial assessment of use

Stage 2: Assessment

Site assessment work for housing uses will be undertaken in accordance with the PPG, in particular site suitability factors identified in paragraph 19 (ref ID 3-019- 20140306) and by making use of the criteria identified in Table 1 below. Assessment will

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 4


be locally distinctive, making reference to the respective Local Plans and/or the most recent policy approaches of the three local planning authorities.

Table 1 Locally Distinctive Assessment Criteria Criteria Cannock Chase Site Density Appendix 2a Net capacity Appendix 3a Implementation Appendix 4a Timescales

Taken together these criteria will help determine the development potential of sites and broad locations and help to inform suitability and achievability (including viability). These criteria will be used in the absence of any specific further information from landowners or agents who are best placed to estimate these issues for specific sites.

Attention will be given to community and industry requirements within the area and to market signals to help inform the most appropriate uses. When undertaking assessments the following requirements for different types of development will be considered:

• Market housing • Affordable Housing • Private rented • Self build • Housing for older people • Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers • Economic Development uses • Mixed uses

Sites will be categorised with reference to relevant up-to-date planning policy. Where national or local planning policy shows a presumption against development for housing or employment uses (including Green Belt) sites will still be assessed, but recorded within a restricted or excluded section.

Contact made with site agents and/or landowners as part of detailed site survey work in stage 1 will help provide a current view on site availability/progress and identify any barriers or constraints to development. Where problems are identified the assessment will help to identify how they can be overcome.

Stage 3: Windfall Assessment

The three local planning authorities also have locally distinctive assessments for windfall allowances reflecting differing trends of preceding years.

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 5


Table 2 Windfall Assessment Cannock Chase Windfall Appendix 5a allowance

Stage 4: Assessment Review

Assessments will be used to inform housing trajectories based on housing requirements to be achieved within the boundaries of each District/Borough. An assessment of risk in relation to sites not coming forward is addressed for each local authority via the application of non-implementation discount rates.

Table 3 Non Implementation Discount Rates Cannock Chase Non- Appendix 6a Implementation

Site identification and assessment methodology will be subjected to checking via a SE Staffordshire Assessment Panel to include representatives from the key stakeholders identified in Stage 1. A Panel will be held annually (usually in February/March) held prior to completion of the final evidence base (stage 5). The SHLAA Panel will be consulted upon a draft version of the SHLAA before final publication and their responses published (see Appendix 1).

Stage 5: Final Evidence Base

The Core outputs of the assessments will be as described in paragraph 28 (ref ID 3-028-20140306) of the PPG.

Sites will be identified within sections of the final assessment document based on their deliverability within 1-5 years, or developability (6-15 years) in accordance with footnotes 11 and 12 of the NPPF.

Sites in areas identified as having significant constraints including:

• Sites protected under the Birds and Habitats Directives • Sites of Special Scientific Interest • Green Belt • Local Green Space • Designated heritage assets • Areas at risk of flooding and • Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 6


will be assessed, but included within a restricted/excluded (not available) section (unless clear evidence identifies the constraint can be overcome).

Assessments will be updated annually (with data to March 31) and will contain a calculation for five year housing supply based on up to date requirements for each District as described in paragraph 30 (ref ID 3-030-20140306) of the PPG. The panel is not being asked to consider and agree to the calculation method for five year supply by each authority. In determining what constitutes a ‘deliverable’ or ‘developable’ site, paragraphs 31 and 32 (ref ID 3-031-20140306 and 3-032-20140306) of the PPG will be adhered to.

In assessing the housing delivery records within each District/Borough the record of delivery for the completed plan period or previous five years (whichever is the longer) will be used.

The SE Staffordshire SHMA makes no specific assessment of C2 class provision in residential institutions. Therefore, as this is not part of the assessed requirement C2 class development will not form part of the assessment of the SE Staffordshire supply.

The information to be monitored annually will be as described in paragraph 43 (ref ID 3-043-20140306) of the PPG.

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 7

Final Evidence Base


This section presents the core outputs for Cannock Chase District and further analysis of the results. The summary results are presented in tables with supporting commentary. The results have been broken down by the geographical split set out within the Local Plan (Part 1) i.e. Cannock//Heath Hayes; and Brereton; ; and the Rural Areas.

The corresponding detailed site lists are set out in Appendices 7a-10a. The maps to accompany the SHLAA are available online at Instructions on how to use this mapping are available as a download on the Planning Policy website, or a hard copy can be provided on request to the Planning Policy team. If you require assistance on the mapping system please contact the Planning Policy Team.

Cannock Chase Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 8

Table 4: CCDC SHLAA Overall Supply of Sites

AREA SHLAA Site Sites Under 0-5 Year Sites 6-15 Year Sites Green Belt and Completions Construction (Major and Minor Sites (Major and Minor Sites Restricted Sites since 2014 Combined) Combined) (Not Included in Totals)

(Part of 0-5 Suggested Density Suggested Density Suggested Density Year Total) Allocation via Zones/Net Allocation via Zones/Net Allocation Zones/Net consultation Developable consultation Developable via Developable or planning Area or planning Area consultation Area application Calculations application Calculations or planning Calculations application Cannock, 119 869 12 1,490 45 6,262 1,995 Hednesford and Heath Hayes Rugeley 56 349 60 210 40 668 1,017 and Brereton Norton 16 299 0 463 13 809 544 Canes TOTALS 191 1,517 72 2,163 98 7,739 3,556 1,589 2,261 11,295

Greenfield Brownfield Green/Brown Mix TOTALS 1,389 957 70 2,416 14 643 2 659 547 33 195 775 1,950 1,633 267 3,850

NB. All figures above denote number of dwellings.

TOTAL RECALCULATED FIVE YEAR SUPPLY = 1,609 dwellings (1,589 dwellings 0-5 year identified supply) – 44 dwellings (20% non-implementation discount) + 64 dwellings (4% windfall allowance))

TOTAL RECALCULATED SHLAA SUPPLY = 3,672 dwellings (1,609 dwellings (total recalculated five year supply)) + 2,063 dwellings recalculated 6-15 year supply (2,261 dwellings 6-15 year identified supply - 198 dwellings (20% non- implementation discount)) PLEASE SEE APPENDICES 5A AND 6A FOR DETAILS ON THE WINDFALL AND NON-IMPLEMENTATION FIGURES APPLIED 9

Table 5: CCDC SHLAA 0-5 Years Supply Summary

FULL PLANNING UNDER CONSTRUCTION OUTLINE PLANNING NO PLANNING PERMISSION PERMISSION PERMISSION Suggested Density Suggested Density Suggested Density Suggested Density AREA/STATUS allocation Zones/Net allocation via Zones/Net allocation via Zones/Net allocation via Zones/Net TOTALS via Developable consultation or Developable consultation or Developable consultation or Developable consultation Area planning Area planning Area planning Area or planning Calculations application Calculations application Calculations application Calculations application SUPPLY OF DWELLINGS MAJOR SITES (10 or more dwellings) Cannock, Hednesford, 330 0 39 0 219 0 47 12 647 Heath Hayes Rugeley and Brereton 21 0 40 0 196 0 15 60 332 Norton Canes 63 0 0 0 164 0 50 0 277 Major Dwellings 414 0 79 0 579 0 112 72 1,256 Sub-Totals MINOR SITES (Less than 10 dwellings) Cannock, Hednesford, 87 0 80 0 37 0 30 0 234 Heath Hayes Rugeley and Brereton 39 0 16 0 5 0 17 0 77 Norton Canes 5 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 21 Minor Dwellings 131 0 112 0 43 0 47 0 333 Sub-Totals SUPPLY OF 545 0 191 0 622 0 159 72 1,589 DWELLINGS GRAND TOTALS NUMBER OF SITES MAJOR SITES (10 or more dwellings) Cannock, Hednesford, 5 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 15 Heath Hayes Rugeley and Brereton 1 0 2 0 4 0 1 2 10 Norton Canes 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 4 Major Sites 7 0 5 0 10 0 5 2 29 Sub-Totals MINOR SITES (Less than 10 dwellings) Cannock, Hednesford, 38 0 28 0 11 0 9 0 86 Heath Hayes Rugeley and Brereton 17 0 11 0 4 0 6 0 38 Norton Canes 4 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 10 Minor Sites 59 0 44 0 16 0 15 0 134 Sub-Totals NUMBER OF SITES 66 0 49 0 26 0 20 2 163 GRAND TOTALS


CCDC Five Year Supply Position Summary

The local housing requirement for Cannock Chase is 5,300 dwellings for the plan period 2006- 2028. This gives an annualised completion rate of 241 dwellings (not taking into account previous completions). Taking into account completions from 2006/07 to 2014/15 (2,313 dwellings), the requirement stands at 2,987 dwellings which equates to 230 dwellings per annum to the end of the plan period. This gives an initial five-year target of 1,150.

District Target Net Completions Residual Residual in Plan Period Requirement Requirement per annum

5,300 Dwellings 2006/07 (558) 2007/08 (340) (2006-2028) 2008/09 (242) 2009/10 (179) 2,987 230 2010/11 (263) 2011/12 (43) 2012/13 (168) 2013/14 (262) 2014/15 (258) = 2,313

In line with the NPPF a 5% buffer is applied to the five year requirement to assess the five year housing supply. This gives a five year target of 1,208 which equates to 242 dwellings per annum.

Baseline Target Local Plan (Part 1) Housing Requirement 5,300 5-year Target + 1,208 – 242 dwellings per annum, taking into account 5% buffer previous years completions over plan period (2006/07- 2014/15) Annualised target is 241 dwellings. Commitments 1,609 (Deliverable Sites) Total Supply 1,609 Balance + 401 Years Supply 6.6


As shown in the summary table above, Cannock Chase District meets the required 5-year housing land supply target for the period 2014/2015 – 2019/2020, including the 5% NPPF buffer requirements.

Based upon the most recent rates of delivery (past housing completions), the Council considers that a 5% buffer is currently applicable. There is currently no ‘persistent under delivery’ warranting a 20% buffer to be applied. However, for completeness the five year supply with a 20% buffer is calculated below.

If a 20% buffer is applied to the five year requirement (following the same methodology as above), then the Council also meets the 5-year housing land supply target for the period 2014/15- 2019/2020 (see below).

Baseline Target Local Plan (Part 1) Housing Requirement 5,300 5-year Target + 1,380 – 276 dwellings per annum, taking into account 20% buffer previous years completions over plan period (2006/07- 2013/14) Annualised target is 241 dwellings. Commitments 1,609 (Deliverable Sites) Total Supply 1,609 Balance +229 Years Supply 5.8


Table 6a: CCDC Housing Trajectory

Cannock Chase Council Housing Trajectory 2015

Total Actual Completions Annual Projected Completions Monitor Line Local Target (241 Dwellings per Annum - Rounded) Managed Delivery Target



558 463 500 340 393 352 352 353 318 330 305 242 263 262 258 279 179 191 224 168 161 129 43 0

7 8 /23 /25 /26 /27 06/0 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 14/15 22 24 25 26 27/2 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 2013/14 2 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 20 2023/24 20 20 20 20 Number of Additional Number ofDwellings Additional -500

-1000 Year

Monitor line - The position above or below zero represents the amount of dwellings an authority is ahead or behind their cumulative allocation at any time.

Source: Local Plan Part 1 2014 Target - 5,300 Dwellings 2006-2028

13 Table 6b: CCDC Housing Trajectory

YEAR 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 TOTALS 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 Completions to date: PREVIOUS NET COMPLETIONS 558 340 242 179 263 43 168 262 258 Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years 2313 PROJECTED COMPLETIONS

CANNOCK, HEDNESFORD AND HEATH CANNOCK Deliverable Sites (0-5 Years) 119 124 78 82 9 412 Developable Sites (6-15 Years) 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 84 679 Land to the West of Pye Green Road Urban 89 90 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 31 Extension Site 900 Greenheath Road, Pye Green Valley Development 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 425 CANNOCK TOTALS 119 174 217 222 149 235 235 235 235 210 185 116 84 2416 RUGELEY AND BRERETON RUGELEY Deliverable Sites (0-5 Years) 56 44 91 145 73 409 Developable Sites (6-15 Years) 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 250 RUGELEY TOTALS 56 44 91 145 73 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 659 NORTON CANES NORTON CANES Deliverable Sites (0-5 Years) 166 142525 86 Developable Sites (6-15 Years) 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 109 Land South West of Norton Canes Urban Extension 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Site 450 Land South East of Norton Canes Urban Extension 21 21 21 22 22 23 Site 130 NORTON CANES TOTALS 166 8596968686876464631313 775

191 224 393 463 318 352 352 353 330 305 279 161 129 3850 ANNUAL GRAND TOTAL PROVISION 6163 YEAR 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 Cumulative Projected Completions 558 898 1140 1319 1582 1625 1793 2055 2313 2504 2728 3121 3584 3902 4254 4606 4959 5289 5594 5873 6034 6163 Locally Determined Target (Annualised) 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 Cumulative Target

241 482 723 964 1205 1446 1687 1928 2169 2410 2651 2892 3133 3374 3615 3856 4097 4338 4579 4820 5061 5302 Annual Shortfall/Overprovision of Locally Determined Target 317 99 1 -62 22 -198 -73 21 17 -50 -17 152 222 77 111 111 112 89 64 38 -80 -112 Monitor – difference between cumulative completions and cumulative target to date 317 416 417 355 377 179 106 127 144 94 77 229 451 528 639 750 862 951 1015 1053 973 861

Managed Delivery Target – Annual Requirement 226 220 219 221 219 230 234 232 230 233 234 218 191 175 149 116 68 3 -98 -287 -734 -863 taking account of completions

Years of Plan Period Remaining 21 20 19 1817161514131211109876543210


Table 7: CCDC Long term delivery of sites

Baseline Total Housing Residual Annualised Long Over/ Annualised Plan Period Housing Completions Target Requirement Term Under Supply for Target to Date From calculated at Supply of Supply remainder for Start of Plan 2015 sites of plan Cannock Period position identified period Chase in SHLAA 1

(2006- 5,300 2,313 2,987 230 3,672 +685 306 2028) (3,850) (+863) (321)

1 Including and (excluding) non-implementation discount and windfall allowance




1. Applicant Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Applicant Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Applicant Telephone Number: …………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Applicant Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Applicant Status: (Landowner (please state SOLE or PART, if part provide brief details of other known landowners at Question 12); potential purchaser; housebuilder/ developer (you intend to construct the site once permission is obtained or have option on site); operator (you intend to operate the development e.g. hotel); other- please specify) ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Agent Name (if applicable) and details (including address, telephone number and email address): ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………


7. Site Address: (Please include a map with a boundary of the site, ideally 1:1250) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

8. OS Grid Reference (centre of site) Easting: ………………………………… Northing: ……………………………….


9. Site Area (Hectares): …………………………………

10. Description and current use of the site (and any additional planning history where possible): ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

11. Is this a new site? (The site has not been included in previous versions of the SHLAA/ELAA. Please indicate if you are updating a previously entered site and provide the ID number)

Yes/No/Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………


12. Details of ownership/land interests: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

13. Are all the above owners/those with a land interest aware of this submission of the site?

Yes/No/Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

14. Are there any known ownership issues i.e. do all of the owners support the proposed use of the site and are there any third party landownership constraints related to use of the site e.g. requirements for access?

Yes/No/Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………



15. Type of development proposed (e.g. Residential/Employment/Mixed Use. Please provide further details of the type of employment/mixed use scheme proposed e.g. retail, offices, industrial etc) ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

16. What is the potential capacity of the site? (Please provide approximate dwelling numbers and densities or indicative floorspace for employment developments) ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

17. What access is there in terms of public transport?

Bus Stop – Approximate walking distance: …………………………………………

Railway Station – Approximate walking distance: …………………………………………

18. Are there any known constraints to the site? (Access difficulties, infrastructure requirements/issues, topography or ground conditions, contamination, flood risk, minerals or landfill sites, legal issues e.g. restrictive covenants, current use needs to be relocated e.g. existing business) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

19. Are there any environmental constraints on, or in close proximity to, the site? (Green Belt, AONB, Green Space Network, Listing Buildings, etc.)

Yes/No/Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

20. Has any work been undertaken on the promotion of the site? (e.g. legal reports, traffic surveys, ecology reports)

Yes/No/Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………


21. Are any of the following services available on or to site?

Service Availability Comments Water Yes / No Electricity Yes / No Gas Yes / No Foul Sewer Yes / No Surface Water Sewer Yes / No Broadband Internet Yes/No

22. Availability of the site: Over what broad time frame do you anticipate that the site could become available for the commencement of development (1-5 years / 5-10 years / 10-15 years / 15 years or more)? ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

23. Is the site currently being marketed and is there current market interest in the site (please provide details of market interest): Yes / No /Comment (Would the landowner(s) be prepared to sell the site at current land values?) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

24. Are there any specific intentions to start development? (e.g. planning permissions, work programme?) Yes/No/Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

25. Will there be any phasing of the site? Yes/No/Comment: (Please provide an approximate timescale of build out rates if possible) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

26. Please provide any other relevant information below: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

Please provide a map with the site boundary with your response, ideally at a scale of 1:1250.


Please ask for: Matthew Hardy or Planning Policy

Phone No: (01543) 464265

E-mail: [email protected]

18th November 2014

Dear Consultee,

Cannock Chase Local Development Framework: Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and Employment Land Availability Assessment (ELAA) 2014/15 - Call For Sites and SHLAA Panel Membership

In August 2014, Cannock Chase Council published its fifth Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) as part of the Local Development Framework background evidence. The purpose of the SHLAA is to identify land suitable and available to meet future housing requirements. The SHLAA can be viewed on the website at The SHLAA was drawn up having regard to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and using the SHLAA practice guidance published by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in July 2007 (which can be found on their website at This has now been superseded by DCLG Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) viewable at The PPG will be used to inform the forthcoming assessment. The Council drew up a list of sites across the District, based on representations from interested parties, that it considered could provide housing within and beyond the next 5 year period. The sites have been assessed for their potential and are subsequently listed into specific categories including their current status and the potential housing yield for each site. This is followed by a mapping section which shows the location and boundaries of each site.

We are now in the process of producing a 2015 revision of the SHLAA and we would therefore appreciate any comments on the sites that have currently been selected and also your views on any additional sites that you feel should be included. Sites currently in the SHLAA do not need to be re-submitted unless information is being superseded. The SHLAA will continue to inform and contribute to the background evidence base for the Council’s Local Plan (Part 2).

This year we are also interested to know if you have any site(s) that may be suitable for consideration in providing pitches to help meet the needs of the Gypsy and Traveller communities and/or those of travelling showpeople.

Additionally, in August 2014 the Council prepared a draft Employment Land Availability Assessment (ELAA) to provide an up to date review of the land available for employment development across the District. The ELAA can be viewed on the website at This will also continue to inform and contribute to the background evidence for the Council’s Local Plan (Part 2). We will be updating the ELAA for 2015 alongside the SHLAA and we would therefore appreciate any comments on the sites that have currently been selected and also your views on any additional sites that


you feel should be included. Sites currently in the ELAA do not need to be re-submitted unless information is being superseded.

A questionnaire has been attached for you to complete. This can be sent back as a hard copy or alternatively if you would prefer to reply by e-mail, an electronic copy will be available from the e-mail address below. We would like to receive any comments by 19th December 2014.

The SHLAA is produced in conjunction with a SHLAA ‘Panel’ who provide more detailed input on the SHLAA methodology and assessments. They are also invited to comment on the ELAA. The primary role of the Panel is to assist the Council in producing a robust assessment of housing supply (the current terms of reference for the SHLAA Panel are enclosed for information). The Panel currently consists of local authorities and housing (market and social) developers, including their agents. The Council is discussing with Lichfield District and Tamworth Borough, the other local planning authorities in the SE Staffordshire housing market area, the possibility of holding a shared panel. Involvement in the Panel usually involves attendance at one workshop to discuss a draft SHLAA followed by further, written input on a final SHLAA prior to its publication. The Council would like to invite you to express an interest in becoming a member of its SHLAA Panel for this year. We will seek to accommodate all requests to be a SHLAA Panel member, subject to the overall level of interest expressed (in order to keep the process manageable). If you would like to become a member of the SHLAA Panel please confirm this via letter or email to the addresses below by the 19th December 2014.

If you have any questions regarding the SHLAA/ELAA please contact Matthew Hardy by telephone on (01543) 464265 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Yours faithfully,

Antony Lancaster Planning Policy Manager

Encs. Call for Sites Questionnaire 2014 SHLAA Panel Terms of Reference 2014



Name Comments CCDC Officer Response and Action

Church Suggest sites for consideration at Bleak Noted. These are existing Commissioners House, land to the east of Cannock. sites within the SHLAA- (represented by C264 and C265. Two site Barton Wilmore) submissions do not lie within Cannock Chase District and have therefore not been included within the CCDC SHLAA.

Coal Authority Pleased to note that CCDC is utilising coal Noted. mining records to inform assessments.

Craig Watts Provide information to update existing Noted. Site info updated. Developments Ltd SHLAA site C220 (a). (represented by Welcome Homes)

English Heritage Provide guidance on how to consider the Noted. The SHLAA takes historic environment as part of the SHLAA the historic environment into process, in accordance with national account as per national guidance. guidance.

Mr Deans Suggest site for consideration at Heath Noted. SHLAA site C352 Hayes Football Club. added. As sites lies within the Green Belt it is considered ‘restricted’ at this stage.

Mr Dorsett Suggest sites for consideration at Land off Noted. Existing SHLAA sites (represented by Road, Norton Canes and Land at N25 and C64. Former is Carter Jonas LLP) Rawnsley Road, Hazelslade. considered developable. Latter is being considered for designation as Local Green Space or Green Belt land so is considered ‘restricted’ at this stage.

Mr Follows Suggest sites for consideration at Land rear Noted. Existing SHLAA site (represented by of Longford House, Watling Street, C121. As site lies within the Chivers Cannock. Green Belt it is considered Commercial) ‘restricted’ at this stage.

Harworth Estates Suggest site for consideration at Norton Noted. SHLAA site C326 Road, Heath Hayes added. As site lies within the Green Belt it is considered ‘restricted’ at this stage.


Name Comments CCDC Officer Response and Action

Highways Agency Encourage CCDC to consider sustainable Noted. housing sites with good transport links. JS Holford and Suggest sites for consideration at Land off Noted. Sites N13 (a), N52 Sons (represented Norton Hall Lane and Butts Lane, Norton and C342 added to SHLAA. by Hawksmoor Canes; Land north of Norton Hall Lane, As site N13 (a) is currently Property Services Norton Canes; Land south west of Brindley proposed for an alternative Ltd) Heath Road, Hednesford. use (open space and employment) as part of an agreed planning consent it is considered ‘restricted’ at this stage. Other sites are within the Green Belt – these are considered ‘restricted’ at this stage.

Jones Lang Provide information to update existing Noted. Site info updated. LaSalle (acting on SHLAA site C270. behalf of landowner) Mr and Mrs Suggest sites for consideration at Court Noted. Site C373 added to Newton Bank Farm, and Hayfield SHLAA. As site currently Hill, Cannock Wood. lies within the Green Belt it is considered ‘restricted’ at this stage.

Richborough Suggest sites for consideration at Noted Site N51 added to Estates Brownhills Road, Norton Canes SHLAA. As the site currently (represented by lies within the Green Belt it is Pegasus Group considered ‘restricted’ at this Ltd) stage.

Mr T Wright Suggest site for consideration on land Noted. Site R112 added to (represented by adjacent to Hednesford Road, Rugeley. SHLAA. As the site currently Pegasus Group lies within the Green Belt it is Ltd) considered ‘restricted’ at this stage.



CCDC Officer Response and Panel Member Summary of Responses Action

Jones Lang Table 4- need to refer to the fact that Agree. Change made. LaSalle these are dwelling numbers. Appendix 2a- should refer to Agree. Change made. ‘examples’ not ‘exemplars’ Appendix 3a- 75% site capacity may The SHLAA Panel previously agreed not be achievable for larger sites this was a realistic estimate for larger sites. However, it is recognised that site and scheme specific circumstances will result in different site capacities- any information submitted by developers/landowners in relation to a specific site will be considered accordingly. The 75% threshold is only for use as a guide for sites with no development capacity information. No change made.

Page 28 last sentence- insert ‘sites’ Agree. Change made. after windfall Appendix 6a- do the implementation Where a revised consent has been rates take into account revised issued this supersedes any former consents? consents when the revised consent is actually implemented.

Site C43- missing text in column Agree. Change made.

Site C20- clarify planning application Agree. Change made. still being considered Site C335- 2016 should be 2015 Agree. Change made

Persimmon Request change to boundary of site Requested change made. Homes R28.

South Support the joint approach for Noted. Staffordshire Cannock, Lichfield and Tamworth in Council using a common methodology and assessment in future SHLAAs.

Support for the approach that the Noted. SHLAA Panel is not being asked to consider and agree to the calculation method for 5 year land supply.

Agree that C2 development should Noted. not form part of the supply calculations until such time as a SHMA makes provision for the assessment of C2 institutions.


CCDC Officer Response and Panel Member Summary of Responses Action

Monitoring of C2 might be useful for reference if officer time allows for this.

Sites C119 and C121 have been The Council’s online mapping system annotated that they lie partly within used to display the SHLAA sites only South Staffordshire boundaries. shows land that lies within the Whilst it is accepted that they are Cannock Chase District boundary. categorised as Green Belt/Restricted The SHLAA site list information only sites it is considered that site plans refers to land that lies within Cannock should clearly show the district Chase District. Reference to these boundary as it bisects the sites and sites being cross boundary (and any that details of the areas which lie in cross boundary capacity suggested each district should be clearly set by the site promoter) is made for out. South Staffordshire continues to completeness of information only and object to the principle of the inclusion clarity. of a site in the Cannock Chase SHLAA which does not fall fully within its boundaries unless the extent of the land in South Staffordshire is clearly delineated.

St Modwen Reviewed SHLAA and in particular Noted. (represented by the views on the trajectory for the RPS) Land West of Pye Green Road. In this respect the SHLAA indicates the potential for 900 dwellings to come forward in the plan period. This is correct and consistent with the Local Plan Part 1. Whilst permission has been granted for 700 dwellings to St Modwen and 113 dwellings to Barratt, it is recognised that a further application will need to come forward for the additional capacity on the site. Delivery of the first completions in 2017/2018 is also appropriate. Stafford Note there is five year supply. Note Noted. Borough Council that C2 uses are not included. Support for shared methodology with Lichfield and Tamworth. Council should ensure housing development in sustainable locations whilst avoiding development on Green Belt and Restricted Sites. What figure has been used to The figure is 988 dwellings, which is calculate the 20% non- the 6-15 year total minus the sites implementation figure for the 6-15 which are phased sites from the 0-5 year supply? year supply. This will be added to the SHLAA text at Appendix 6a for clarity. Tamworth No comments at this stage. Noted. Borough Council



Character Area Density Zones

Average Density DPH Character Character Areas (Derived from 0-5 sites Indicative District Examples(Derived from 2015 SHLAA) Area Density 2014 SHLAA with known Density for Zone permissions or non- representation) determined sites (dph) C300- 110 Mill Street, Cannock Cannock Town Centre 94.44 C128- Hednesford Court Office, Anglesey Street Urban Town Hednesford Town Centre 42.39 50 dwellings Centre per hectare R120- The Royal British Legion, Bow Street Rugeley Town Centre 43.48 Average Density Urban Town Centres: 55.46 C244- Vacant car park, Surrey Close, Cannock South and West Cannock 19.28

North Cannock – C294- Land adjacent to 103 John Street, Cannock Chadsmoor, Broomhill and 37.73 Blackfords N42- Land adjacent to 75 Norton Green Lane, Norton Norton Canes 25.02 Canes C222(b)- Edgemead Court, Bridgtown Bridgtown 46.58

Pye Green Valley 44.17 C37- Land off Green Heath Road, Hednesford

Suburban Hazelslade and Rawnsley 12.64 30 dwellings C295- Land adjacent to The Hazelslade, Rugeley Road Areas per hectare Western Rugeley – 28.00 R116- 12 Brindley Bank Road, Rugeley Etchinghill and Springfield R86- Land rear of 60 and 62 Main Road, Brereton Brereton and Ravenhill 38.49

Heath Hayes and 32.75 C330- Littleworth Road, Hednesford Wimblebury R45 – Garages Courts within the Pear Tree Estate, Hagley 30.10 Rugeley Hawks Green - N/A – 30 dwellings per hectare recommended Littleworth - N/A – 30 dwellings per hectare recommended Average Density Suburban Areas: 33.27 Slitting Mill - N/A – 20 dwellings per hectare recommended Rural Area – Established Prospect Village - 20 dwellings N/A – 20 dwellings per hectare recommended Settlement/ per hectare Village Cannock Wood 11.76 R117- 11 Bradwell Lane, Cannock Wood

Average Density Rural Areas Established: 11.76 Little Wyrley 28.57 N/A – To be determined on a site by site basis Rural Area – Determined Dispersed 8.33 on a site by N/A – To be determined on a site by site basis Settlement site basis (15- Other non-green belt rural No sites 20 dwellings N/A – To be determined on a site by site basis per hectare as a guide) Average Density Rural Areas Dispersed: 15.79 Determined Green Belt Generally Considered to on a site by have deliverability site basis (15- restrictions 20 dwellings per hectare as a guide)


The ‘character areas’ were identified by the CCDC Characterisation Study (2011) and have been taken forward via the Draft CCDC Design Supplementary Planning Document (2015). The indicative densities for the ‘character areas’ have been calculated by using the average densities from the 0-5 year SHLAA sites (sites with known permissions or representations only), which have been split into their respective character areas. For SHLAA purposes, the character areas have then been combined into four main overarching ‘character area density zones’ for ease of application- urban town centres; suburban areas; rural areas- established; rural areas- dispersed.

Sites in established rural settlements will be considered using a slightly lower indicative density of 20dph. Sites in dispersed rural settlements, the Green Belt and AONB will be determined on a case by case basis due to their non-conformity to the character area density table. As a guide an indicative site density of 15-20dph will be applied. A density of 15dph has generally been applied in the areas of Cannock, Hednesford, Heath Hayes and Rugeley and Brereton due to the combination of Green Belt and AONB constraints. Norton Canes does not lie in such close proximity to the AONB so a slightly higher density of 20dph has generally been applied to reflect this.

If respondents have made specific housing capacity and density representations on their sites, this request has been acknowledged and recorded; the potential density will then be taken forward unless it is not considered appropriate. However, where there has been no representation on sites, the site densities and potential net capacity have been calculated using the ‘Character Area Density Zones’ and ‘Site Area Thresholds’.



Site Area Thresholds (Net Capacity)

Gross Site Net District Area (ha) Developable Examples (2014/15) Area (%)

Less than C19 – Parts of 78 - 84, Hednesford Road, Cannock Site Area: 0.15ha Capacity: 5 dwellings (Under 0.5ha 100% Construction)

C43 – Land behind 81-129 High Mount Street and 97-105 Mount Street, Hednesford Site Area: 0.67ha 0.5 - 2ha 90% Capacity: 21 dwellings (Under Construction)

N13 – Land off Norton Hall Lane and Butts Lane, Norton Canes Site Area: 23.6ha Capacity: 450 Over 2ha 75% dwellings

The net developable area calculations take into consideration any potential ancillary uses of land, for example, roads, routes and pathways, open space provision and play areas that may be developed onsite along with any housing development. This helps to give a more accurate reflection of the anticipated land take up from housing development, particularly on larger sites. Again, sites will be considered on a case by case basis where further information is available to complement these threshold assumptions.



Major (10 or more dwellings) Minor (less than 10 dwellings) Full 2 yrs implementation 1 yr implementation Planning/Reserved 25 dwellings p.a. build out (per 10 dwellings p.a. Matters Permission developer) build out 50 dwellings p.a. build out on sites 100+ dwellings/2 developers. Outline Planning 2.5 yrs implementation 1.5 yrs Permission 25 dwellings p.a. build out (per implementation developer) 10 dwellings p.a. 50 dwellings p.a. build out on sites build out 100+ dwellings/2 developers. Sites without 3 yrs implementation 2 yrs implementation planning 25 dwellings p.a. build out (per 10 dwellings p.a. permission developer) build out 50 dwellings p.a. build out on sites 100+ dwellings/2 developers.

Delivery Rates for Major Sites (over 5 year period)

Sites less than 100 Sites of 100 dwellings dwellings or more Full Planning/Reserved Minimum 75 dwellings Minimum 150 dwellings Matters Permission Outline Planning Minimum 62 dwellings Minimum 125 dwellings Permission

Sites without planning Minimum 50 dwellings Minimum 100 dwellings permission

NB. Indicative only- to be amended as per individual information on sites.

These implementation rates have been informed by local examples and recommendations from the SHLAA Panel.



Windfall rates from CCDC 2008-2015 SHLAA data. SHLAA Years Windfall (no of Relevant SHLAA Windfall (as % of dwellings in 0-5 Five Year Supply relevant SHLAA year) (no of dwellings) five year supply) 2008-9 120 2,475/2,324 5%

2009-10 50 2,247 2%

2010-2012 56 1,731 3%

4% 2012-2013 59 1,415

5% 2013-2014 66 1,377

2014-15 93 1,589 6%

Source of windfalls from CCDC 2009-2015 SHLAA Year Change of Use Conversion New Build 2009 1% 11% 88%

2010 6% 34% 60%

2012 32% 0% 68%

2013 63% 3% 34%

2014 58% 11% 31%

2015 28% 1% 71%

A windfall allowance of 4% is considered appropriate for Cannock Chase District in the short term. This is based upon the average rates observed and the fact that this rate is considered to be realistic for the current five year supply period. Whilst the SHLAA is as comprehensive as possible in identifying sites (as indicated by 4% average windfall rate) is it inevitable that not all sites will be accounted for due to unpredictability of conversions/changes of use and their ‘visibility’ – similar issues apply to the situations of ‘hidden’ infill plots and redevelopment plans of small business/other Brownfield site landowners. Market conditions are not expected to be any worse than the preceding years and the annual windfall rate is likely to reliably remain in this region in the near future due to the mixture of sources of windfall sites set out above e.g. the District is not reliant on just new build sites- changes of use and conversions are also a feature of the market.



To inform this, local non-implementation rates have been analysed using 8 years data from April 2004-April 2012 (on the basis that any planning permissions granted up to April 2012 should have been implemented by April 2015 with a 3 year expiry period).

This analysis gives current non-implementation rates of between 10%-83% for all sites and 6%-60% on minor sites only.2 The average of the non-implementation rates for the 8 years is 33%, although this falls to 29% if sites currently under construction are included and 18% if two large sites (Former Ultra Electronics- 150 dwellings and Pye Green Valley- 330 dwellings) are discounted. The years of higher non-implementation rates can be associated with the recession period; more recent years are showing an improvement in delivery i.e. the rate of non-implementation for permissions granted in 2011/12 is 18% (including sites under construction)

Based upon this analysis a 20% non-implementation rate is considered a fair reflection of the local market circumstances and the trend which is likely to be emerging in the future (i.e. over the 5 year supply period)

For Deliverable sites, this has been applied to the minor sites only (as set out below). Individual enquiries were made of all the major sites and it is therefore considered that these have already been assessed for risk and discounted i.e. where it was apparent that the site was no longer likely to come forward within 5 years (no longer deliverable) it has been amended accordingly.

In relation to Developable sites (6-15 year supply) the 20% non-implementation discount has been applied to all major and minor sites (bar those which are part of a larger site identified as Deliverable i.e. where the phasing/delivery timetables run over 5 years due to the overall number of dwellings). This gives a total of 988 dwellings to apply the 20% discount too, equalling 198 dwellings to discount from the Developable supply total.

2 It should be noted that this analysis only counts actual dwellings that have been built and therefore remaining capacity in terms of dwellings to be constructed on sites which are ‘under construction’ are not classed as ‘implemented’. This effectively means that the non-implementation rates are ‘maxima’ and are likely to fall further as sites under construction are progressed.


Non-implementation discount for CCDC SHLAA Deliverable Sites 2014/15 Category Non-implementation discount Major Sites- Full PP Not discounted- investigated individually or had permission granted less than 3 years ago (excluding time extensions to planning permissions) Major Sites- Outline Not discounted- investigated individually or had PP permission granted less than 3 years ago (excluding time extensions to planning permissions) Major Sites- No PP Not discounted- investigated individually Minor Sites- Full PP Apply 20% discount Minor Sites- Outline Apply 20% discount PP Minor sites- No PP Apply 20% discount TOTAL Apply 20% discount

Category Non-implementation discount Dwellings to apply discount to Major Sites- Full PP Not discounted- investigated individually or 0 had permission granted less than 3 years ago (excluding time extensions to planning permissions) Major Sites- Outline PP Not discounted- investigated individually or 0 had permission granted less than 3 years ago (excluding time extensions to planning permissions) Major Sites- No PP Not discounted- investigated individually 0 Minor Sites- Full PP Apply 20% discount 131 Minor Sites- Outline PP Apply 20% discount 43 Minor sites- No PP Apply 20% discount 47 TOTAL Apply 20% discount 221

Non-implementation discount to apply to 0-5 year supply is therefore 44 dwellings.

32 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

0- 5 MAJOR SITES (10 Dwellings or More)


CH/06/0205 is the outline approval for residential development granted in December 2009. On site distributor road received Reserved Matters approval (with conditions) in December 2009 (CH/08/0386) and has been completed. CH/14/0268 is reserved matters planning permission for 425 dwellings, granted May 2015. Site has been split into 2 parts - 200 dwellings in 0- Land off Green Heath 5 years, 225 dwellings in 6-15 years (key on-site Development C37 Road, Hednesford - Pye Achievable Suburban infrastructure being in place, therefore shortening potential, FULL (Part 1) Green Valley Development 9.70 43.81 399320 313159 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 200 - implementation period). - planning permission Greenfield

Related to site C113 - parcel within the wider strategic housing site but outside of the area benefiting from outline planning permission (CH/11/0395). This part of the site has full Development Land to the West of Pye Achievable Suburban planning permission for the erection of 119 potential, FULL C113(a) Green Road, Hednesford 3.63 32.78 398524 313531 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 119 - dwellings, granted May 2015. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0132 is full planning permission for the erection of 5 pairs of 2-storey 3 bedroom houses Hednesford Court Office, Urban Town (with rooms in roof space), 3 detached 2-storey 4 Development Angelsey Street, Achievable Centre - bedroom houses and 1 detached 3 bedroom potential, FULL C128 Hednesford 0.35 40.00 399993 312284 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 14 - bungalow, granted December 2013. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/14/0312 is full planning permission for the Development Moss Road Achievable Suburban demolition of 170 flats and erection of 141 potential, FULL C280 Redevelopment, Cannock 4.37 32.27 399291 311764 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - -29 dwellings, granted January 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/14/0035 is prior notification approval for the change use of first and second floors from office (B1) to 16 no 2 bedroom flats, granted March 2014. CH/14/0154 is full planning permission for Urban Town the change of use of ground floor from education Development Crown House, Beecroft Achievable Centre - use (D1) to 10no. 2 bedroom flats, granted January potential, FULL C333 Road, Cannock 0.14 185.71 398134 310426 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 26 - 2015. - planning permission Brownfield Major Cannock Full Planning Permission Sub-Totals 330 0 MAJOR FULL PLANNING PERMISSION: RUGELEY

CH/14/0411 is full planning permission for the Development Former Hillsprings Clinic, Achievable Suburban demolition of existing building and the erection of 7 potential, FULL R119 Green Lane, Rugeley 0.29 72.41 403524 318641 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 21 - houses and 14 flats, granted April 2015. - planning permission Brownfield Major Rugeley Full Planning Permission Sub-Totals 21 0 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity MAJOR FULL PLANNING PERMISSION: NORTON CANES

Site is located in the Green Belt but it is partially previously developed land. Outline planning permission for up to 130 dwellings, granted May Norton Canes Greyhound 2012- (CH/12/0078). Site is split into two parts- 63 Stadium, (Land South of Green Belt dwellings in 0-5 years and 67 dwellings in 6-15 Development N29 Red Lion Lane, Norton Achievable and AONB- years. Reserved Matters application (CH/14/0315) potential, FULL Brownfield/ (Part 1) Canes) 8.6 15.12 402651 307613 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 20dph - 63 - granted December 2014. - planning permission Green Belt Major Norton Canes Full Planning Permission Sub-Totals 63 0 MAJOR SITES FULL PLANNING PERMISSION TOTAL: 414 0


Demolition of 95 High Mount Street included in the Reserved Matters application granted in December UNDER 2007 for 22 dwellings (net 21). Building work has CONSTRUCTION Land behind 81-129 High Urban Town resumed on site following a stall in 2009. (5 of 21 net Mount Street & 97-105 Achievable Centre - (CH/07/0507). 5 completions to date. These dwellings C43 Mount Street, Hednesford 0.65 33.85 399870 313147 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 16 - have been discounted from the total capacity. - completed to date) Brownfield

The site has full planning permission for the demolition of existing office buildings and construction of 13 detached dwellings, granted October 2010 (CH/10/0069, resubmission of Green Belt CH/09/0157). CH/13/0303 is permission for Fallow Park, Rugeley Achievable and AONB- variation of the dwelling design, granted February UNDER C126 Road, Hednesford 1.54 8.44 400885 313664 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 15dph - 13 - 2014. Green Belt CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Urban Town Full Planning Permission for the proposed Achievable Centre - demolition of vacant tyre depot and the erection of UNDER C300 110 Mill Street, Cannock 0.17 58.82 398453 309954 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 10 - 10 houses, granted March 2013 (CH/12/0345). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield Major Cannock Under Construction Sub-Totals 39 0 MAJOR UNDER CONSTRUCTION: RUGELEY

CH/07/0509 was full planning permission for 15 Former Bradbury and houses and 3 flats. CH/10/0286 is an extension of Brown Garage, Armitage Achievable Suburban time limit application, granted October 2010. UNDER R27 Road, Brereton, Rugeley 0.47 38.30 405319 317106 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 18 - Adjacent to Conservation Area. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield CH/12/0433 is full planning permission for change of use from care home to 20 no flats and erection of first storey extension and erection of entrance lobby, granted March 2013. Revised application for 22 flats (CH/13/0433) granted April 2014. Secondary Land off Coulthwaite Way, Achievable Urban Area - UNDER R97 Coulthwaite Way, Brereton 0.4 55.00 404863 317005 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 30dph - 22 - - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield Major Rugeley Under Construction Sub-Totals 40 0 MAJOR SITES UNDER CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: 79 0 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity


This is an allocated Strategic Housing Site in the Local Plan 2014- capacity of the site is up to 900 dwellings overall. Planning permission has been granted (CH/11/0395, August 2012) for up to 700 dwellings covering most of the site. A full planning Due to the proximity of application has been approved for 119 dwellings on the Cannock Chase another part of the site (C113a)- these dwellings Special Area of have been deleted from the 900 dwelling capacity Conservation (SAC) to avoid double counting. A reserved matters the site will be required planning application has also been recently to provide mitigating submitted for 219 units on part of C113. The C113 measures in order to site has been split into 2 parts in the SHLAA - 150 resolve any adverse dwellings in 0-5 years, 631 dwellings in 6-15 years. impacts the A Development Brief has been produced for the development could Development C113 Land to the West of Pye Achievable Suburban site. The potential area for residential development have on the SAC and potential, OUTLINE (Part 1) Green Road, Hednesford 57.4 39.30 398282 313528 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 150 - is estimated at 22.9ha. surrounding AONB. planning permission Greenfield

Urban Town CH/15/0078 is outline planning permission for Development 26 - 28 Wolverhampton Achievable Centre - 21no. 1 bed flats, granted May 2015. In proximity potential, OUTLINE C152 Road, Cannock 0.12 175.00 397923 309989 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 21 - to Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/11/0314 is an outline planning permission for Edgemead Court - Units the partial demolition of existing industrial buildings between Walsall Road and erection of 29 dwellings with the conversion of Development and, Park Street, Achievable Suburban an existing building to 6 dwellings, granted potential, OUTLINE C222(b) Bridgtown, Cannock 0.99 35.35 398336 306645 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 35 - November 2013. - planning permission Brownfield

The site has outline planning permission for 13 dwellings on the site (CH/07/0409). CH/10/0213 is an extension to time limit approval granted in September 2010. CH/13/0305 is extension of time Development 268 Bradbury Lane, Achievable Suburban limit, granted November 2013. Site currently on potential, OUTLINE C237 Hednesford 0.31 41.94 399375 313867 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 13 - market and landowner willing to sell. - planning permission Brownfield Major Cannock Outline Planning Permission Sub-Totals 219 0 MAJOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION: RUGELEY

CH/15/0084 is outline planning permission for the Development Pear Tree Primary School, Achievable Suburban erection of 72 dwellings (joint application with site potential, OUTLINE R16 Hardie Avenue, Rugeley 1.4 28.57 404277 317325 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 40 - R16), granted May 2015 Green Space Network planning permission Brownfield

CH/15/0084 is outline planning permission for the Development Land at end of Wharf Achievable Suburban erection of 72 dwellings (joint application with site potential, OUTLINE R20 Road, Rugeley 1.06 30.19 404471 317330 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 32 - R20), granted May 2015 - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/08/0113 was full planning permssion for 90 houses and 60 flats, however developer entered Former Ultra Electronics into adminstration. New outline planning Development Site, Main Road / Achievable Suburban permission CH/14/0293 recently granted for up to potential, OUTLINE R19 Armitage Road, Brereton 3.05 39.34 405178 316979 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 120 - 120 dwellings (May 2015). - planning permission Brownfield

Residential development of former garage court sites (outline with all matters reserved). Outline approval has been determined (CH/09/0180). Approximate yield totals are to be spread over the various sites (10 dwellings in total). Separate sites are now coming forward - see sitesR72, R95 and R96 (these 6 dwellings have been deleted from this sites 10 total capacity- outstanding 4 dwellings Various garage courts capacity). Sites being developed by private Development within the Pear Tree Achievable Suburban landlord- likely to continue to come forward in short potential, OUTLINE R45 Estate, Rugeley 0.33 30.30 404092 317044 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - term based upon developer rental business model. - planning permission Brownfield Major Rugeley Outline Planning Permission Sub-Totals 196 0 MAJOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION: NORTON CANES

The site lies on the edge of the greenbelt. Site connects to N3(b) which is in the greenbelt. The potential yields shown are for N3a only. Planning application for the erection of 14 dwellings Land at Norton East Road submitted (CH/13/0445) granted May 2015. Site Development / Burntwood Road, Norton Achievable Suburban owned by non-developer but willing to sell following potential, OUTLINE N3(a) Canes 0.38 36.84 402780 309273 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 14 - obtaining of planning permission. - planning permission Greenfield

Saved Local Plan site (C7 policy). CH/10/0294 is outline planning permission, granted March 2011 for a mixed use site with a maximum of 450 new houses. The size of the residential area is suggested as 13.6ha. Site has been split into 2 parts - 150 dwellings in 0-5 years, 300 dwellings in 6-15 years. Delivery rate based upon information Land off Norton Hall Lane provided by housebuilders for site - multi-sales Development N13 and Butts Lane, Norton Achievable Suburban outlet. Reserved Matters applications expected potential, OUTLINE (Part 1) Canes 23.6 33.09 401569 307547 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 150 - shortly. planning permission Greenfield

Major Norton Canes Outline Planning Permission Sub-Totals 164 0 MAJOR SITES OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION TOTAL: 579 0


410-418 Cannock Road, CH/15/0001 is full planning application for the Cannock (AKA. Land at demolition of existing retail units and the erection of Development Cannock Road/Stafford Achievable Suburban 23no. 2 bedroom houses and 11no. 3 bedroom Part of site within potential, NO Brownfield/ C20 Lane, Hightown) 0.94 36.17 399653 312139 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 34 - houses (all affordable housing), not yet determined Green Space Network planning permission Greenfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

Currently open space - previously used as a school playing field. To be left in-situ for 10 Land at Girton The site is currently laid to grass and is vacant. years (from 2006) Development Road/Spring Street, Achievable Suburban County Council pursuing planning application and under Sport potential, NO C177 Cannock 0.4 30.00 398483 309725 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph 100% - 12 disposal. rules. planning permission Greenfield

CH/14/0149 is outline planning application for Development The Tackeroo, Bracken Achievable Suburban 13no. 2 bedroom apartments. Subject to S106 for potential, NO C364 Close, Hednesford 0.1 130 400623 313812 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 13 - affordable housing contribution. - planning permission Brownfield Major Sites Cannock No Planning Permission Sub-Totals 47 12 MAJOR NO PLANNING PERMISSION: RUGELEY

Identified in the Rugeley TC Area Action Plan as a site for re-development as part of re-organisation of secondary school provision in Rugeley. County Council currently undertaking pre-application work with view to submitting application within the year Urban Town for an extra care and residential scheme. Willing to Development R9 (Part Aelfgar School, Taylors Achievable Centre - sell. Total capacity is 85 dwellings, split over 0-5 Green Space Network potential, NO 1) Lane, Rugeley 1.88 29.41 404269 318285 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph 90% - 50 and 6-15 years. Adjacent to Conservation Areas. along edge of site planning permission Brownfield

CH/05/0069 was full planning permission for 19 flats granted in October 2007, subject to a S106 agreement. Now expired. The owner (Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries) now actively looking to re-establish planning permission for the site and pursue disposal. Revised outline planning application submitted December 2013 (CH/13/0359) for unknown capacity- Car-park next to The Red Urban Town recommended for approval subject to S106- to be Development Lion, Market Street, Achievable Centre - agreed. Adjacent to Conservation Area and listed potential, NO R13 Rugeley 0.2 50.00 404514 318231 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph 100% - 10 building. - planning permission Brownfield

Cross-boundary site with Lichfield DC being considered for residential development- full planning application CH/14/0399 for 72 dwellings (including 62 affordable homes). Approx 15 Development Land at Wheelhouse Achievable Suburban dwellings within CCDC. Adjacent to Conservation potential, NO R110 Road, Rugeley 0.40 37.50 405926 316723 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 15 - Area. - planning permission Brownfield Major Sites Rugeley No Planning Permission Sub-Totals 15 60 MAJOR SITES NO PLANNING PERMISSION: NORTON CANES

Site subject of current outline planning application for 65 dwellings (CH/13/0020). Site is split into 2 90% parts- 50 dwellings in 0-5 years and 15 dwellings in Development Greenfield, N23 Land off of 71 Burntwood Achievable Suburban 6-15 years. Developer interest in site and potential, NO 10% (Part 1) Road, Norton Canes 3.71 17.52 402186 308880 Major TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 50 - landowner willing to sell once permission obtained. - planning permission Brownfield Major Sites Norton Canes No Planning Permission Sub-Totals 50 0 MAJOR SITES NO PLANNING PERMISSION TOTAL: 112 72

0-5 MAJOR SITES SUB-TOTALS: 1184 72 1256 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

0- 5 MINOR SITES (Less than 10 dwellings)


CH/14/0012 is full planning permission for the Development Garage court, off Cornhill, Achievable Suburban erection of 3 bungalows, granted April 2014. Sold potential, FULL C1 Chadsmoor 0.09 33.33 398029 312255 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - to Heantun Housing Association. - planning permission Brownfield

Land Adjacent to 81 Green Belt CH/14/0378 is full planning permission for the Development Rugeley Road, Hazel Achievable and AONB- erection of 3no. 4 bedroom detached houses, potential, FULL C68 Slade 0.11 27.27 402212 312946 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 15dph - 3 - granted April 2015. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0146 is full planning permission for the Land adjacent 284 erection of two 4 bedroom detached houses. (Re- Development Cannock Road, Heath Achievable Suburban submission of previously approved scheme potential, FULL C151 Hayes 0.09 22.22 400748 310043 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - CH/08/0136), granted June 2013. - planning permission Brownfield CH/08/0446 is outline planning permission (on appeal) for 2 detached dwellings granted in August 2009. CH/12/0242 is permission for extension of time limit to permission (granted August 2012). Development Land to the rear of 91 Old Achievable Suburban CH/13/0225 is reserved matters approval, granted potential, FULL C170 Fallow Road, Cannock 0.1 20.00 398399 311131 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - October 2013. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/12/0390 is an extension to the time limit for 4 Development Land off Ashleigh Croft, Achievable Suburban dwellings (renewal of planning permission potential, FULL C230 Cannock 0.18 22.22 398498 311294 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - CH/09/0320) granted January 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/11/0264 is outline planning permission for the Land to the rear of 127 erection of three detached houses, granted in Development and 129 New Penkridge Achievable Suburban December 2011. CH/14/0380 is approval of potential, FULL C258 Road, Cannock 0.22 13.64 397077 310553 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - reserved matters, granted February 2015 - planning permission Greenfield

CH/12/0121 is full planning permission for the Development 67, Sankey Road, Achievable Suburban erection of a detached 3 bedroom house, granted potential, FULL C283 Cannock 0.02 50.00 398934 311216 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - in June 2012. - planning permission Greenfield CH/12/0187 is full planning permission for the 15 Cannock Road demolition of a club and the erection of four 3 Development including land to rear with Achievable Suburban bedroom house and one 4 bedroom house, granted potential, FULL C286 access off Field Street 0.2 25.00 398563 311083 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 5 - in August 2012 - planning permission Brownfield

CH/12/0252 is full planning permission for the Development 29 Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban change of use from a bed and breakfast to a potential, FULL C288 Hednesford 0.13 7.69 400796 311761 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - residential dwelling, granted August 2012 - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town CH/12/0291 is full planning permission for a Development Doctors Surgery, 60 Achievable Centre - change of use from a doctors surgery with a first potential, FULL C290 Stafford Road, Cannock 0.06 16.67 397944 310552 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - floor extension, granted October 2012. - planning permission Brownfield

Development 184 Hednesford Road, Achievable Suburban CH/12/0384 is full planning permission for change potential, FULL C293 Heath Hayes 0.01 100.00 401250 310296 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - of use of shop to flat, granted December 2012. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/12/0405 is full planning permission for the Development Land adjacent to 103 Achievable Suburban erection of one detached bungalow, granted potential, FULL C294 John Street, Cannock 0.03 33.33 398984 311990 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - January 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/11/0417 is full planning permission for the Development The Lamb Public House, Achievable Suburban conversion of the public house into 7 flats, granted potential, FULL C296 John Street, Wimblebury 0.1 70.00 401606 311381 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 7 - August 2012. - planning permission Brownfield

Cannock Royal British Urban Town Full planning permission for proposed extension to Development Legion, 21 Stafford Road, Achievable Centre - create four 2-bedroom flats, granted May 2013 potential, FULL C302 Cannock 0.03 133.33 397936 310376 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 4 - (CH/13/0086). In proximity to Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Land rear of 115 Newhall Street, with access off Development Wolverhampton Road, Achievable Suburban CH/13/0088 is an extension to time limit for the potential, FULL C307 Cannock 0.07 14.29 397767 309851 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - erection of one detached house, granted May 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0098 is full planning permission for the Development 15 Marconi Place, Achievable Suburban conversion of one house into two 1 bed flats, potential, FULL C311 Hednesford 0.02 50.00 400242 313416 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - granted June 2013. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/13/0166 is full planning permission for the Development 32 Rugeley Road, Achievable Suburban erection of two detached dwellings (demolition of potential, FULL C314 Hazelslade, Cannock 0.14 7.14 402005 312830 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - one existing- 1 net dwelling), granted July 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0163 is extension of time limit to planning permission CH/10/0137, for 2 dwellings, granted Development 89a Station Road, Achievable Suburban July 2013. Reserved matters CH/14/0458 potential, FULL C315 Hednesford 0.1 20.00 400016 312881 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - approved February 2015. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0241 is full planning permission for the Urban Town change of use of a surgery to a dwelling, granted Development 28 Manor Avenue, Achievable Centre - September 2013. In proximity to Conservation potential, FULL C318 Cannock 0.06 16.67 397785 310195 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Land adjacent to 167 CH/14/0302 is full planning permission for the Development Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban erection of 1no. 4 bedroom house, granted potential, FULL C319 Hednesford 0.09 11.11 400775 311709 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - February 2015 - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0334 is full planning permission for the Development 177 Hednesford Road, Achievable Suburban erection of a pair of 3 bedroom semi-detached potential, FULL C322 Heath Hayes, Cannock 0.1 20.00 401223 310252 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - houses, granted December 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

Land adjacent to 95 CH/13/0392 is full planning permission for the Development Cannock Road, Heath Achievable Suburban erection of one 3 bedroom dwelling, granted potential, FULL C330 Hayes 0.04 25.00 401280 309944 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - February 2014 - planning permission Brownfield

CH/13/0373 is full planning permission for the demolition of existing bungalow and erection of three 2 bedroom houses, granted April 2014. Development 462 Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban Current application CH/15/0118 for the erection of potential, FULL C336 Cannock 0.15 13.33 401820 311997 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - 3no. 2 bedroom houses- not yet determined. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town CH/14/0185 is full planning permission for the Development Land to the rear of 5 St Achievable Centre - erection of a detached dormer bungalow, granted potential, FULL C348 Johns Road, Cannock 0.03 33.33 397828 309716 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - January 2015. - planning permission Greenfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/14/0243 is prior approval for change of use of Urban Town first and second floors from B1 office to up to 8 Development Achievable Centre - dwellings, granted September 2014. Within potential, FULL C349 1-3B Mill Street, Cannock 0.05 160.00 398146 310078 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 8 - Conservation Area-adjacent to listed building. - planning permission Brownfield

Former Midland Tattoo Centre, 156 Urban Town CH/14/0281 is full planning permission for the Development Wolverhampton Road, Achievable Centre - change of use from tattoo studio to 2 dwellings, potential, FULL C351 Cannock 0.06 33.33 397726 309732 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 2 - granted November 2014. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/14/0349 is full planning permission for the Development 219-221 Cannock Road, Achievable Suburban creation of 2 additional dwellings, granted May potential, FULL C354 Chadsmoor, Cannock 0.03 66.67 399004 311672 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Development Webb Bros, 201-205 Achievable Suburban CH/14/0407 is full planning permission for change potential, FULL C355 Cannock Road, Cannock 0.06 50.00 398968 311638 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - of use from storage to 3 flats, granted May 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Development Land adjacent 2 Laurel Achievable Suburban CH/14/0425 is full planning permission for the potential, FULL C356 Drive, Hednesford 0.01 100.00 401139 311598 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - erection of a detached dwelling, granted May 2015. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/14/0374 is full planning permission for Development Olistica, 385 Pye Green Achievable Suburban extension and cahnge of use to form 1 flat, granted potential, FULL C357 Road, Cannock 0.03 33.33 398347 312388 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - January 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town CH/14/0436 is prior approval to change use from Development 63-65 Market Place, Achievable Centre - B1 office to 1 bedroom flat, granted January 2015. potential, FULL C358 Cannock 0.02 50.00 397974 310139 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Development The Birds, Bradbury Lane, Achievable Suburban CH/15/0004 is full planning permission for the potential, FULL C359 Hednesford 0.28 21.43 399389 313737 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - erection of 6 dwellings, granted March 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Doctors Surgery, 441 CH/15/0022 is full planning permission for change Development Cannock Road, Achievable Suburban of use from surgery to 6no. 1 bedroom apartments, potential, FULL C360 Hednesford 0.03 200.00 399908 312527 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - granted April 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Chase Stores, 59 Development Ebenezer Street, Achievable Suburban CH/15/0026 is prior approval for the change of use potential, FULL C361 Hednesford 0.03 33.33 399548 313360 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - from retail (A1) to dwelling, granted March 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Cannock Exchange, 184- CH/15/0076 is full planning permission for the Development 186 Stafford Road, Achievable Suburban conversion of 1st floor flat into 2no. flats, granted potential, FULL C362 Cannock 0.05 20.00 397798 311011 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - May 2015. 1 net gain. - planning permission Brownfield

Development Land to the rear of 26 Achievable Suburban CH/14/0210 is full planning permission for a two potential, FULL C365 Blewitt Street, Hednesford 0.02 50.00 399647 313065 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - bedroom bungalow, granted September 2014. - planning permission Greenfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/14/0305 is full planning permission for a rear Development 58 North Street, Achievable Suburban extension to create 2 flats, granted October 2014. potential, FULL C366 Bridgtown, Cannock 0.01 200.00 398142 308705 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield Minor Cannock Full Planning Permission Sub-Totals 86 0 MINOR FULL PLANNING PERMISSION: RUGELEY

Site previously had planning permission for 2 flats Urban Town (CH/10/0014). Now has planning permission for Development Property to the rear of Achievable Centre - one 2 bedroom flat with garage (CH/12/0162) potential, FULL R67 6 Bow Street, Rugeley 0.01 100.00 404400 318138 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - granted July 2012. Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/11/0241 is full planning permission for the conversion of a former school (D1) into three dwellings (C3); comprising one 6 bedroom Youth Community Office, Urban Town dwelling, one 3 bedroom dwelling and one 2 Development The Former School, Achievable Centre - bedroom flat, granted July 2012. Within potential, FULL R81 Talbot Street, Rugeley 0.23 13.04 404612 317690 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 3 - Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/14/0371 is full planning permission for the Development Land rear of 60 and 62 Achievable Suburban erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings, potential, FULL R86 Main Road, Brereton 0.06 33.33 405176 316668 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - granted May 2015 - planning permission Greenfield

CH/12/0206 is full planning permission for the conversion of a garage and workshop into a one Development Broadslade, Brereton, Achievable Suburban bedroom dwelling, granted August 2012. Revised potential, FULL R89 Rugeley 0.2 5.00 404949 315672 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - scheme approved May 2013 (CH/13/0115). - planning permission Brownfield

Development Land adjacent to 29 Achievable Suburban CH/12/0147 is planning permission for 1 detached potential, FULL R91 Wattfield Close, Brereton 0.02 50.00 405415 315976 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - dormer bungalow, granted September 2014. - planning permission Greenfield CH/12/0409 is full planning permission for the erection of one 4 bedroom bungalow (including Development 26 West Butts Road, Achievable Suburban reconfiguration of existing bungalow on site), potential, FULL R93 Rugeley 0.1 20.00 402737 318400 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - granted January 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

Urban Town Demolition of existing building and erection of 6 Development West End Wines, 50 Achievable Centre - flats with A1 retail at ground floor, granted May potential, FULL R98 Anson Street, Rugeley 0.07 85.71 404474 318387 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 6 - 2013 (CH/13/0083) - planning permission Brownfield

Outline planning permission (CH/13/0041) for 1 Development Achievable Suburban detached dormer bungalow, granted April 2013. potential, FULL R99 27 Abbotts Walk, Rugeley 0.04 25.00 405869 316428 MInor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - Reserved matters granted December 2012. - planning permission Greenfield

Land adjacent to 41 CH/13/0136 is full planning permission for the Development Stonehouse Road, Achievable Suburban erection of one 5 bedroom house, granted July potential, FULL R101 Etchinghill 0.14 7.14 402503 318005 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2013. - planning permission Greenfield CH/13/0317 is full planning permission for the Urban Town conversion of the building into 2 houses and 6 flats, Development Libbys, 45 Bow Street, Achievable Centre - granted November 2013. Within Conservation potential, FULL R104 Rugeley 0.03 266.67 404291 318078 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 8 - Area and is listed building. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town CH/13/0328 is full planning permission for the Development Former Prince of Wales, Achievable Centre - change of use from a public house to a dwelling, potential, FULL R107 55 Church Street, Rugeley 0.04 25.00 404121 318218 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - granted January 2014. Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

Land to the rear of the Urban Town CH/13/0327 is full planning permission for the Development former Prince of Wales, Achievable Centre - erection of three 2 bedroom detached bungalows, potential, FULL R108 55 Church Street, Rugeley 0.08 37.50 404140 318198 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 3 - granted January 2014. Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Development 12 Brindley Bank Road, Achievable Suburban CH/14/0170 is full planning permission for 1 potential, FULL R116 Rugeley 0.03 33.33 403988 319326 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - bungalow, granted November 2014. - planning permission Greenfield

Urban Town CH/14/0412 is prior approval of change of use to Development St Josephs House, Achievable Centre - 2no. 2 bedroom flats, granted December 2014. potential, FULL R118 Lichfield Street, Rugeley 0.06 33.33 404560 317931 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 2 - Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town CH/15/0042 is full planning permission for the Development The Royal British Legion, Achievable Centre - erection of 4no. 2 bedroom houses, granted April potential, FULL R120 Bow Street, Rugeley 0.07 57.14 404276 318109 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 4 - 2015. Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town CH/15/0056 is prior approval for the change of use Development Achievable Centre - of a shop (A1) to 2no. 2 bedroom houses, granted potential, FULL R121 47 Albion Street, Rugeley 0.01 200.00 404589 318008 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 2 - April 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town Development Rowena Souveniers, 32 Achievable Centre - CH/15/0063 is prior approval for change of use potential, FULL R122 Anson Street, Rugeley 0.03 33.33 404458 318299 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - from office (B1) to dwelling, granted April 2015. - planning permission Brownfield Minor Rugeley Full Planning Permission Sub-Totals 39 0 MINOR FULL PLANNING PERMISSION: NORTON CANES

Land adjacent to 75 Development Norton Green Lane, Achievable Suburban Full planning permission for the erection of one potential, FULL N42 Norton Canes 0.03 33.33 401441 307842 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - dwelling, granted October 2012 (CH/12/0094). - planning permission Greenfield

CH/14/0001 is full planning permission for the Development 88 Brownhills Road, Achievable Suburban erection of a detached 3 bedroom bungalow, potential, FULL N50 Cannock 0.04 25.00 402216 308306 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - granted June 2014. - planning permission Greenfield

Norton East Working Men's Club, 192 CH/14/0234 is full planning permission for the Development Burntwood Road, Norton Achievable Suburban demolition of existing building and the erection of potential, FULL N53 Canes 0.08 25.00 402698 309224 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - 2no. 4 bedroom dwellings, granted December 2014. - planning permission Brownfield

Development 91 Chapel Street, Norton Achievable Suburban CH/14/0427 is full planning permission for the potential, FULL N54 Canes, Cannock 0.11 9.09 401594 308082 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - erection of 1 bungalow, granted February 2015. - planning permission Greenfield Minor Norton Canes Full Planning Permission Sub-Totals 50 MINOR SITES FULL PLANNING PERMISSION TOTAL: 130 0 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

MINOR UNDER CONSTRUCTION SITES MINOR UNDER CONSTRUCTION: CANNOCK Cabinet decision 15/09/11 - resolution to sell site to Garage court, south of Heantun Housing Association. Full planning Woodside Place, Achievable Suburban permission for 7 flats granted January 2013 UNDER C2 Chadsmoor 0.11 63.64 398018 312051 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 7 - (CH/12/0424). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/12/0192 is full planning permission for the UNDER Garage court off Glen Achievable Suburban erection of 4 bungalows, granted in November CONSTRUCTION C3 Close, Chadsmoor 0.09 11.11 398024 312126 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2012 (planning permission also covers site C4). - (1 of 2 completed) Brownfield

CH/12/0192 is full planning permission for the Garage court off Wardle Achievable Suburban erection of 4 bungalows, granted in November UNDER C4 Place, Chadsmoor 0.09 22.22 398028 312190 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - 2012 (planning permission also covers site C3). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield Former School at the CH/10/0384 is planning permission for the Corner of Cecil Street / conversion of The Old School House into 6 mews Cannock Road, Achievable Suburban houses granted in December 2010. 5 completions UNDER C13 Chadsmoor 0.12 50.00 399104 311751 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - to date. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Parts of 78 - 84, Full Planning Permission for demolition of 4 houses UNDER Hednesford Road, Achievable Suburban on site and erection of 9no. 3 bedroom houses- 5 CONSTRUCTION C19 Cannock 0.15 33.33 398546 310309 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 5 - net dwellings, granted May 2012 (CH/12/0022). - (2 of 9 completed) Brownfield

CH/08/0165 is full planning permission for 25 flats and 2 bungalows. CH/11/0150 is full planning Land adjacent and to the Urban Town permission allowing the implementation of the 2 C63 rear of 419-435, Cannock Achievable Centre - bungalows without the flats, granted September UNDER (part 1) Road, Hednesford 0.3 6.67 399861 312498 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 2 - 2011. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

The site was sold on 11th July 2011. CH/14/0130 is full planning permission for the demolition of the Garage court off Skipton Achievable Suburban garage court and the erection of 3 detached UNDER C100 Place, Cannock 0.07 42.86 396888 309392 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - houses, granted in June 2014. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield UNDER CONSTRUCTION Former Rawnsley Iron (2 of 8 Foundry, New Hayes Achievable Suburban CH/10/0172 is full planning permission for 8 completions to C122a Road, Rawnsley 1.13 7.08 403189 312005 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - detached houses. - date) Brownfield

Residential development for six detached dwellings including demolition of existing dwelling (5 net) originally granted (CH/08/0510). Permission then granted to substitute 1 dwelling for 2 dwellings on UNDER site (CH/12/0014), August 2012. Net capacity is CONSTRUCTION therefore 6 dwellings. Site is currently under (3 of 6 Land at 15 Sandy Lane, Achievable Suburban construction with 3 completions to date. These completions to C175 Cannock 0.4 15.00 396765 310526 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - have been discounted from the total capacity. - date) Brownfield

Conversion of existing dwelling into four dwellings, with a first floor rear extension, and a two storey side extension to provide a further dwelling. Full 155 Wimblebury Road, Achievable Suburban planning permission granted in November 2009 UNDER C227 Heath Hayes. 0.05 80.00 401601 310399 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - (CH/09/0309). 1 of 4 completed. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Rear of 30-34 Urban Town Market Street, Achievable Centre - 6 one-bedroom flats. Full planning permission UNDER C232 Hednesford, Cannock 0.07 85.71 400247 312316 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 6 - granted in June 2010 (CH/10/0159). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

UNDER CH/10/0357 is permission for the demolition of CONSTRUCTION numbers 35a and 49 and the erection of 3 (2 of 3 35a and 49 Old Penkridge Achievable Suburban detached dwellings (1 net). Granted in June 2011. completions to C242 Road, Cannock 0.34 8.82 397569 310474 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2 of 3 completed. - date) Brownfield

CH/14/0285 is full planning permission for 2 pairs Vacant car park, Surrey Achievable Suburban of semi-detached bungalows, granted October UNDER C244 Close, Cannock 0.09 44.44 398908 309843 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - 2014. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/11/0128 is full planning permission for a Urban Town change of use of first floor office (B1) to a 2 31 Wolverhampton Road, Achievable Centre - bedroom flat (C3) granted in June 2011. In UNDER C248 Cannock 0.01 100.00 397961 309974 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - proximity to Conservation Area. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield CH/11/0155 is full planning permission for a Land to the rear of 83 Achievable Suburban detached two bedroom dormer bungalow granted in UNDER C251 Lloyd Street, Cannock 0.01 100.00 397476 310222 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - July 2011. - CONSTRUCTION Greenfield CH/11/0132 is full planning permission for a 8 Cross Street, Achievable Suburban change of use from first floor office (B1) to a one UNDER C256 Bridgtown, Cannock 0.02 50.00 398265 308471 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - bedroom flat (C3). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/11/0385 is full planning permission for a change of use of three ground floor retail units into three 1 bedroom flats, granted in January 2012.2 completions to date. CH/12/0161 is full planning permission for a change of use of a further six UNDER ground floor units into five 1 bedroom flats and one CONSTRUCTION 2 bedroom flat, granted July 2012. 2 completions (4 of 9 Whitehouse Court, Broad Achievable Suburban to date. These have been discounted from the completions to C273 Street, Cannock 0.17 47.06 398122 308647 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 5 - total capacity. Within Conservation Area. - date). Brownfield

UNDER CONSTRUCTION Land between and to the CH/11/0411 is full planning permission for three (3 of 6 rear of 26-30, Old Fallow Achievable Suburban pairs of 2 bedroom semi-detached houses, granted completions to C277 Road, Cannock 0.15 40.00 398559 311294 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - in January 2012. 3 completions to date. - date) Greenfield CH/11/0394 is full planning permission for the demolition of a bungalow and erection of a pair of 2 10, Bradford Street, Achievable Suburban bedroom semi-detached houses, granted in UNDER C278 Cannock 0.03 100.00 399423 312096 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - January 2012. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Land rear of 219b CH/12/0148 is full planning permission for the Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban erection of a detached 4 bedroom house, granted UNDER C285 Hednesford 0.056 17.86 401026 311882 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - in September 2012 - CONSTRUCTION Greenfield

The site has full planning permission for the UNDER conversion of 10 retail and office units into 7 flats CONSTRUCTION Bridgtown Business (6 new and 1 existing) and one office unit, granted (2 of 7 Centre, North Street, Achievable Suburban November 2012 (CH/12/0340). Within completions to C291 Cannock 0.1 70.00 398055 308695 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 5 - Conservation Area. 2 completions to date. - date) Brownfield Land adjacent to The CH/13/0420 is full planning permission for the Hazelslade, Rugeley Achievable Suburban erection of two 4 bedroom detached house, UNDER C295 Road, Cannock 0.08 25.00 402261 312886 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - granted April 2014. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield CH/12/0434 is full planning permission for the 258 Walsall Road, Achievable Suburban conversion of offices into 4 flats and one retail unit, UNDER C297 Bridgtown, Cannock 0.05 80.00 398378 308558 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - granted Feb 2013 - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/13/0206 is full planning permission for the Ivy Cottage, 368, demolition of Ivy Cottage and erection of one pair of Cannock Road, Heath Achievable Suburban 3 bedroom semi-detached houses and one 3 UNDER C328 Hayes, Cannock 0.05 40.00 400429 309962 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - bedroom detached house, granted March 2014. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Land adjacent 41 Copperkins Road, Achievable Suburban CH/14/0408 is full planning permission for the UNDER C329 Hednesford 0.02 50.00 401115 311597 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - erection of one dwelling granted February 2015. - CONSTRUCTION Greenfield

CH/13/0306 is full planning permisison for change 26-28 North Street, Achievable Suburban of use from shop (A1) to a dwelling, granted UNDER C331 Cannock 0.01 100.00 398071 308646 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - December 2013. Within Conservation Area. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/14/0238 is full planning permission for 1 detached and 2 semi-detached dwellings, and 221 Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban demolition of existing house so 2 net gains- granted UNDER C339 Hednesford 0.07 28.57 401060 311819 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - October 2014. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

UNDER CONSTRUCTION Urban Town (1 of 7 The Willows, off Reservoir Achievable Centre - CH/06/0475 is full planning permission for 6 completions to C340 Road, Hednesford 0.28 25.00 400779 311819 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 6 - detached dwellings and 1 bungalow. - date) Greenfield Minor Cannock Under Construction Sub-Totals 80 0 MINOR UNDER CONSTRUCTION: RUGELEY

CH/11/0333 is full planning permission, granted on 6 West Butts Road, Achievable Suburban appeal October 2012 for the demolition of existing UNDER R94 Rugeley 0.09 22.22 402726 318238 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - dwelling and erection of 2 dwellings. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

24 Redbrook Lane, Achievable Suburban UNDER R40 Rugeley 0.04 50.00 405036 316660 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - CH/08/0429 is planning permission for 2 flats - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/08/0214 was outline planning permisison for 2 dwellings. A reserved matters application was 6, Stonehouse Road, Achievable Suburban approved in October 2010, reducing the permission UNDER R41 Etchinghill 0.19 5.26 402581 318114 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - to 1 dwelling (CH/10/0323). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Previous outline consent for one detached dwelling granted May 2010. Site now has full planning 8 Lea Hall Lane, Achievable Suburban permission for erection of two semi-detached UNDER R68 Brereton 0.05 40.00 405791 316517 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - dwellings, granted December 2012 (CH/12/0375). - CONSTRUCTION Greenfield

CH/11/0280 was outline planning permission for the erection of a 3 bedroom detached house UNDER granted in October 2011. Site now has full CONSTRUCTION 50% Urban Town planning permission via CH/12/0314 for the (1 of 2 Brownfield/ Land adjacent 4 Bryans Achievable Centre - erection of two 2 bedroom terrace houses, granted completions to 50% R84 Lane, Rugeley 0.03 66.66 404629 318204 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - November 2012. 1 completion to date. - date) Greenfield

CH/12/0394 is full planning permission for the 71 Chadsfield Road, Achievable Suburban erection of one 3 bedroom house, granted January UNDER R92 Rugeley 0.04 25.00 404025 318655 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2013. - CONSTRUCTION Greenfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/12/0297 is full planning permission for the Former garage site at erection of one 3 bedroom house at the former Hislop Road and Achievable Suburban garage site at Hislop Road and Queenway, granted UNDER R95 Queensway 0.03 33.33 404331 317026 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - October 2012. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/13/0234 is the revision of planning permission CH/12/0431 (erection of one 3 bedroom detached house and a pair of 3 bedroom semi-detached Former garage site, adj 25 houses) for the addition of an extra dwelling Hardie Avenue, Pear Tree Achievable Suburban comprising erection of two pairs of 3 bedroom semi- UNDER R96 Estate, Rugeley 0.07 57.14 404464 317069 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - detached houses, granted September 2013. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

CH/14/0136 is full planning permission for the Achievable Suburban demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two UNDER R103 88 Peakes Road, Rugeley 0.12 8.33 402779 318467 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - semi-detached houses- 1 net dwelling. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield CH/13/0358 is full planning permission for the Urban Town change of use of outbuilding to 2 bedroom house, Achievable Centre - granted December 2013. Within Conservation UNDER R105 26 Talbot Street, Rugeley 0.08 12.50 404649 317837 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - Area. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield Minor Rugeley Under Construction Sub-Totals 15 0 MINOR UNDER CONSTRUCTION: NORTON CANES

Land formerly 4-6 Poplar Achievable Suburban Two semi-detached dwellings. Full approval with UNDER N39 Street, Norton Canes 0.05 40.00 402173 308489 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - conditions November 2009 (CH/09/0306). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Land rear and adjacent to Full planning permission for the erection of 5 16 Chapel Street, Norton Achievable Suburban dwellings (demolition of existing buildings), granted UNDER N43 Canes 0.11 45.45 401859 308327 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 5 - May 2012 (CH/11/0405). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield

Land adjacent to 125 Norton East Road, Norton Achievable Suburban Full planning permission for 6 dwellings granted in UNDER N44 Canes 0.26 23.08 402541 308636 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - February 2012 (CH/11/0374) - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield CH/13/0099 is full planning permission for 12 School Road, Norton Achievable Suburban conversion of one house to two 1 bed flats- net UNDER N48 Canes 0.04 25.00 402280 308581 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - total 1 dwelling- granted May 2013. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield Minor Norton Canes Under Construction Sub-Totals 14 0 MINOR SITES UNDER CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: 109 0 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity


CH/09/0347 is outline planning permission for the demolition of number 174 and builders yard (172a) and the erection of 8 two bedroom flats (7 net), now expired. CH/14/0236 is outline planning Development 172 & 174, Belt Road, Achievable Suburban permission for demolition and erection of 6no. 2 potential, OUTLINE C35 Chadsmoor 0.1 53.33 398636 312711 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - bed flats, granted September 2014. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/11/0312 is outline planning permission for the Land to the rear of White erection of three detached 4 bedroom houses, Development Lodge, New Penkridge Achievable Suburban granted April 2012. Reserved matters application potential, OUTLINE C90 (a) Road, Cannock 0.22 13.64 397011 310539 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - submitted April 2015 (CH/13/0135). - planning permission Brownfield

Outline planning permission for the erection of Development Whitelodge, New Achievable Suburban three 4 bedroom houses proposed, granted July potential, OUTLINE C90(b) Penkridge Road, Cannock 0.23 13.04 397022 310567 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - 2013 (CH/13/0036). - planning permission Brownfield

Full Planning permission for 2 dwellings granted Urban Town August 2012 (1 net) (CH/12/0223). Outline Development 19 Eskrett Street, Achievable Centre - planning permission CH/13/0149 for 3 dwellings, potential, OUTLINE C157 Hednesford 0.13 15.38 400094 312167 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - granted May 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Planning permission was refused for 3 semi- detached dwellings (CH/09/0105). A new application (CH/10/0316) has been approved- outline permission on the site for two detached Rear of 347 & 349 dwellings and one pair of semi-detached dwellings, Development Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban granted October 2010. Extension of time limit potential, OUTLINE C160 Rawnsley 0.1 40.00 401393 312051 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - granted July 2013 (CH/13/0158). - planning permission Brownfield

CH/13/0251 is outline planning permission for 2 pairs of semi-detached houses, granted September Development Garage Court at Achievable Suburban 2013. Cabinet authority to sell granted 19/12/13. potential, OUTLINE C225 Glover Street, Wimblebury 0.1 40.00 401578 311415 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - Site being prepared for market. - planning permission Brownfield

Development Land to the rear of 53 Achievable Suburban CH/14/00306 is outline planning permission for one potential, OUTLINE C250 Hatherton Road, Cannock 0.10 10.00 397349 310329 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - detached 4bungalow granted in February 2015. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0174 is outline planning permission for the Development 476 Littleworth Road, Achievable Suburban erection of one 2 storey house, granted August potential, OUTLINE C317 Cannock 0.06 16.67 401893 312033 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/13/0271 is outline planning permission for the Development CVS Buildings, Arthur Achievable Suburban demolition of building and erection of dwellings, potential, OUTLINE C320 Street, Cannock 0.14 28.57 398917 311672 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - granted September 2013. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/14/0344 is outline planning permission for the Development 256 Walsall Road, Achievable Suburban erection of a block of 9no. 1 bedroom flats, granted potential, OUTLINE C353 Bridgtown, Cannock 0.07 128.57 398371 308570 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 9 - May 2015. - planning permission Brownfield

Urban Town Development 89 Wood Lane, Achievable Centre - CH/14/0134 is outline planning permission for the potential, OUTLINE C363 Hednesford 0.04 25.00 400547 311729 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - erection of 1 dwelling, granted June 2014. - planning permission Greenfield Minor Cannock Outline Planning Permission Sub-Totals 37 0 MINOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION: RUGELEY

50% Urban Town One detached dwelling. Outline approval granted in Development Brownfield/ Land adjacent to 37 Achievable Centre - February 2010. Time extension to planning potential, OUTLINE 50% R71 Attlee Crescent, Rugeley 0.08 12.50 404885 317423 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - permission granted March 2013 (CH/13/0032). - planning permission Greenfield

Development Achievable Suburban Outline planning permission (CH/13/0137) for one potential, OUTLINE R100 1 The Green, Rugeley 0.02 50.00 404994 316757 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - house, granted June 2013. - planning permission Greenfield

Urban Town CH/14/0211 is outline planning permission for a Development Ollys, 34-36 Bow Street, Achievable Centre - pair of semi-detached dwellings, granted November potential, OUTLINE R123 Rugeley 0.07 28.57 404295 318117 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 2 - 2014. Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield Minor Rugeley Outline Planning Permission Sub-Totals 40 MINOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION: NORTON CANES

CH/13/0045 is outline planning permission for demolition of existing property and erection of two Development 198 Hednesford Road, Achievable Suburban new dwellings- net total 1 dwelling- granted April potential, OUTLINE N47 Norton Canes 0.07 14.29 401983 308551 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2013. - planning permission Brownfield Minor Norton Canes Outline Planning Permission Sub-Totals 10 MINOR SITES OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION TOTAL: 42 0 APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity


A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop four dwellings by Development Land off Petersfield / Achievable Suburban October 2017. Council built properties for potential, NO C16 Cannock Road, Blackfords 0.06 66.67 398795 311511 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop three dwellings Development Land off Woodland Close, Achievable Suburban by October 2017. Council built properties for potential, NO C36 Hednesford 0.11 27.27 399780 313572 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval Garage Court off via a development brief to develop four dwellings by Development Brunswick Road near Achievable Suburban October 2017. Council built properties for potential, NO C131 Lysander Way, Cannock 0.07 57.14 398192 311080 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop six dwellings by Development Garage Court at Achievable Suburban October 2017. Council built properties for potential, NO C224 Berwick Drive, Cannock 0.11 54.55 396928 309805 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop six two bed Development Garage Court, Land at Achievable Suburban dwellings by October 2017. Council built potential, NO C343 Hannaford Way, Cannock 0.2 30.00 398817 310774 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - properties for affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval Garage Court, Cannock via a development brief to develop two two bed Development Wood Street, Hazelslade, Achievable Suburban bungalows by October 2017. Council built potential, NO C344 Cannock 0.05 40.00 402539 312531 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - properties for affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop three two bed Development Garage Court, Speedy Achievable Suburban bungalows by October 2017. Council built potential, NO C346 Close, Cannock 0.07 42.86 398215 312249 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 3 - properties for affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

Previous proposal for conversion to 2 dwellings Development Doctors Surgery, 24 Achievable Suburban withdrawn. Current application CH/15/0173 for potential, NO C347 Bideford Way, Cannock 0.03 33.33 396998 309959 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - conversion to 1 dwelling- not yet determined. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/15/0012 is planning application for division of Development 30 Lord Cromwell Court, Achievable Suburban 1no. 3 bed flat into 2no. 2 bed flats- not yet potential, NO C371 Bradford Street, Cannock 0.01 222.22 399410 312136 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 1 - determined. - planning permission Brownfield Minor Cannock No Planning Permission Sub-Totals 30 0 MINOR NO PLANNING PERMISSION: RUGELEY

Urban Town Development Land rear of 48 Anson Achievable Centre - CH/13/0288 is outline application for 1 detached potential, NO R109 Street, Rugeley 0.01 100.00 404490 318372 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 1 - dwelling- not yet determined. - planning permission Greenfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval Garage Court, Land at via a development brief to develop six two bed Development Coulthwaite Way, Achievable Suburban houses by October 2017. Council built properties potential, NO R111 Ravenhill 0.18 33.33 404654 316891 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 6 - for affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 7a: 0-5 YEARS SITES (URBAN SITES) Potential Yield

Suggested Major or Character Net Site Density of allocation via Brownfield/ Site ID Location Easting Northing Minor Suitable? Available? Achievability Area Developable Notes Constraints Status Area (Ha) Site (dph) consultation or Greenfield Site Density Zone Area planning Indicative application Capacity

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop two two bed Development Garage Court, Wood Achievable Suburban houses by October 2017. Council built properties potential, NO R113 View, Ravenhill 0.06 33.33 404870 316783 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - for affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop four two bed houses by October 2017. Council built properties Development Garage Court, St Achievable Suburban for affordable housing provision. Replaces former potential, NO R114 Michaels Drive, Brereton 0.14 28.57 405212 316497 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 4 - site R24. In proximity to Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

A Cabinet report dated 29.01.15 to obtain approval via a development brief to develop two two bed Development Garage Court, George Achievable Suburban houses by October 2017. Council built properties potential, NO R115 Brearley Close, Rugeley 0.04 50.00 404805 317312 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - for affordable housing provision. - planning permission Brownfield

Land to the rear of Prince Urban Town CH/15/0067 is planning application for 2no. 2 Development of Wales, 55 Church Achievable Centre - bedroom bungalows- not yet determined. Within potential, NO R124 Street, Rugeley 0.03 66.67 404118 318193 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 50dph - 2 - Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield Minor Rugeley No Planning Permission Sub-Totals 17 0 MINOR SITES NO PLANNING PERMISSION TOTAL: 47 0

0-5 MINOR SITES SUB-TOTAL: 328 0 328

0-5 URBAN SITES TOTAL: 1512 72 1584

APPENDIX 1: 0-5 YEARS SITES (RURAL SITES) RURAL SITES: CANNOCK Rural Area - Established Settlement or Development 74 Hayfield Hill, Cannock Achievable Village - Erection of 3 bed detached dwelling, granted full potential, FULL C374 Wood 0.11 9.09 404547 311670 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 20dph - 1 - planning permission May 2014 (CH/14/0175). - planning permission Greenfield RURAL SITES: RUGELEY

Rural Area - Residential development - One detached farm Oaktree Farm, Dispersed worker's dwelling. Outline Planning Permission Slitting Mill Road, Flaxley Available within Settlement - Granted June 2009 (CH/08/0343). CH/10/0051 is UNDER R56 Green, Brindley Heath 0.14 7.14 402595 315877 Minor TRUE TRUE 5 years 15dph - 1 - reserved matters. Now under construction. - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield Rural Area - Established Settlement or Development 11 Bradwell Lane, Achievable Village - CH/14/0372 is outline planning permission for 1 potential, OUTLINE R117 Cannock Wood, Rugeley 0.06 16.67 404627 312238 Minor TRUE TRUE within 5 years 20dph - 1 - dwelling, granted January 2015. - planning permission Greenfield RURAL SITES: NORTON CANES Conversion of two farm buildings to provide two Hall Farm, Little Wyrley, Available within Suburban dwellings. Full Planning Permission granted in UNDER N38 . 0.07 28.57 401227 306039 Minor TRUE TRUE 5 years Area - 30dph - 2 - November 2008 (CH/08/0450). - CONSTRUCTION Brownfield 0-5 RURAL SITES TOTAL: 50 5 GRAND TOTALS 0-5 YEAR SITES 1517 72 1589 APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield


Major Sites Cannock

CH/07/0863 granted full planning permission in March 2008 for 20 flats (19 net). Now expired. Planning permission for the erection of 12 houses (CH/13/0203) granted June Land adjacent to 67 2014, subject to S106 but this McGhie Street, Achievable Urban Town was not signed before CIL Development Hednesford (formerly within 6 - 15 Centre - deadline of 1/6/15. Revised potential, NO C31 adjacent to no. 73) 0.24 50.00 399838 312733 Major TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 12 - scheme now being considered. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/06/0205 is the outline approval for residential development granted in December 2009. On site distributor road received Reserved Matters approval (with conditions) in December 2009 (CH/08/0386) and has been completed. CH/14/0268 is reserved matters planning permission for 425 dwellings, granted May 2015. Site has been split into 2 parts - 200 dwellings in 0-5 years, 225 Land off Green Heath dwellings in 6-15 years (key on- Road, Hednesford (Local Achievable site infrastructure being in place, Development C37 (Part Plan site HP1.8) Pye within 6 - 15 Suburban therefore shortening potential, FULL 2) Green Valley Development 9.69 34.06 399320 313159 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 225 - implementation period). - planning permission Greenfield

CH/08/0165 is full planning permission for 25 flats and 2 bungalows. Application has expired. The 2 bungalows are being taken forward via a new planning application, see C63 Part 1. Site owner still wishes to take site forward for residential Land adjacent and to the Achievable Urban Town development but due to market Development C63 (part rear of 419-435, Cannock within 6 - 15 Centre - conditions this will not be in the potential, NO 2) Road, Hednesford 0.3 83.33 399861 312498 Major TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 25 - short term. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/07/0846 is full planning permission for 16 flats and CH/12/0308 is an application for extension of the time limit- approved, subject to S106. The Former club at end of Achievable owner wants to develop the site Development Arthur Street, Wimblebury, within 6 - 15 Suburban when the housing market potential, NO C75 Cannock 0.24 66.67 401388 311388 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 16 - improves. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

Outline permission subject to S106 granted in December 2006 for residential development of 90 dwellings (CH/06/0095), but S106 has not been signed and is unlikely to be due to revised Land opposite Keys Park Achievable scheme being prepared. Site surrounded Development football ground, Keys Park within 6 - 15 Suburban Developer preparing updated by SBI potential, NO C80 Road, Hednesford 7.5 12.00 400745 311077 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 95 - application. designation. planning permission Brownfield

Application CH/08/0006 was planning permission for 16 flats. CH/11/0061 is a recommended approval for an extension of time limit, subject to S106. To be signed- undergoing negotiations. Site owned by intended developers. Requires relocation Achievable of business but this business is Development 50 Park Street & Union within 6 - 15 Suburban owned by landowner/developer potential, NO C105 Street, Bridgtown 0.08 200.00 398278 308597 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 16 - so not considered a constraint. - planning permission Brownfield

This is an allocated Strategic Housing Site in the Local Plan 2014- capacity of the site is up to 900 dwellings overall. Planning permission has been granted (CH/11/0395, August 2012) for up to 700 dwellings covering most of the site. A full planning application has been approved for 119 dwellings on another part of the site (C113a)- these Due to the dwellings have been deleted proximity of the from the 900 dwelling capacity to Cannock Chase avoid double counting. A Special Area of reserved matters planning Conservation application has also been (SAC) the site will recently submitted for 219 units be required to on part of C113. The C113 site provide mitigating has been split into 2 parts in the measures in order SHLAA - 150 dwellings in 0-5 to resolve any years, 631 dwellings in 6-15 adverse impacts years. A Development Brief has the development been produced for the site. The could have on the Achievable potential area for residential SAC and Development C113 Land to the West of Pye within 6 - 15 Suburban development is estimated at surrounding potential,OUTLINE (Part 2) Green Road, Hednesford 57.4 39.30 398282 313528 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 631 - 22.9ha. AONB. planning permission Greenfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

CH/10/0364 is resolution to grant outline planning permission (subject to S106) for residential development (75 dwellings), resolved in April 2011. Remediation work Achievable Developer has since submitted may be required. Development Rumer Hill Industrial within 6 - 15 Suburban amended scheme for 83 Neighbouring potential, NO C127 Estate, Cannock 4.11 20.15 398712 309382 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -83-dwellings, not yet determined. industrial uses. planning permission Brownfield

Site is currently scrubland. Achievable Urban Town Landowner/developer Coal Authority Development Land opposite 116 Church within 6 - 15 Centre - progressing site preparation High Risk potential, NO C163 Hill, Hednesford 0.22 50.00 400493 312030 Major TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 11 - works at present. Development Area planning permission Greenfield

Currently forms the County Grounds Depot which supports aPotentially Achievable building and contaminated due Development County Grounds Depot, within 6 - 15 Suburban open area where operational to the current on- potential, NO C178 Cannock Road, Cannock 0.44 29.55 398593 310918 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -13material is kept. site activity planning permission Brownfield

Would involve demolition of Site A - Oaklands existing manufacturing/storage Industrial Estate, Lower Achievable properties and land acquisition. Development C220 Road, Hednesford, within 6 - 15 Suburban Pre-application discussions potential, NO Brownfield/ (a) Cannock 0.91 37.36 399794 311364 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -34-undertaken. - planning permission Greenfield

Site B - Image Business Achievable Would involve demolition of Development C220 Park, East Cannock Road, within 6 - 15 Suburban existing manufacturing/storage potential, NO (b) Hednesford, Cannock 0.66 50.00 399723 311352 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -33-properties. - planning permission Brownfield

A planning application was approved (with conditions) for 10 one-bedroom dwellings in May 2010 (CH/09/0317). Site recently sold to non-developer party, but with intention of pursuing development on site. Land at Church Court, 4- Achievable Extension to time limit granted Development 8a Church Street, within 6 - 15 Suburban July 2013 (CH/13/0120). Within potential, FULL C221 Cannock South, Bridgtown 0.11 90.91 398023 308680 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -10-Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Buildings have been demolished Site formerly had planning permission (CH/07/0806) for 24 apartments subject to S106 but this was never signed and a revised scheme is now likely to be considered due to viability issues. Site owned by a Blackford's Former Achievable developer, Regency Homes- Development Working Men's Club, within 6 - 15 Suburban retaining site until market potential, NO C269 Cannock Road, Cannock 0.39 41.03 398707 311001 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 16 - conditions improve. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

CH/15/0080 is outline planning application for the erection of up to 93 dwellings, not yet Former Parker Hannifin Achievable determined. Site has Site is Development Site, Walkmill Lane, within 6 - 15 Suburban contamination issues from contaminated in potential, NO C270 Cannock 3.3 16.36 397742 308440 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -54-industrial legacy. parts planning permission Brownfield

Planning application refused for the erection of 12 houses and Langbourn, Hillcroft and Achievable Urban Town four flats (CH/13/0430)- May Development C272 Ivy House, Longford within 6 - 15 Centre - 2014. Potential for conversion of potential, NO (Part 2) Road, Cannock 0.40 40.00 397528 309572 Major TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 16 - existing building. - planning permission Brownfield

Cleared site of former car garage. Planning permission CH/05/0161 for 9 flats and 2 dwellings granted June 2006- now expired. Site owned by developer, Tudorworth Properties, who do wish to develop site in the medium- longer term. Potential for Former Farm Garage, Achievable adjacent builders yard to be Development Hednesford Road, Heath within 6-15 Suburban incorporated into a larger site potential, NO C299 Hayes 0.18 77.78 400886 310564 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 14 - also. - planning permission Brownfield

Site currently owned and occupied by TNT Express. However, owners have expressed desire to relocate operations and dispose of site fo residential use. The site is surrounded by residential uses Achievable and it is considered that its Development TNT Express, Wimblebury within 6-15 Suburban redevelopment would be broadly potential, NO C309 Road, Cannock 0.91 36.26 401434 311679 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 33 - supported in policy terms. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/13/0322 is prior notification approval to change use from office (B1) to 10 no 2 bedroom flats and 2 no 1 bedroom flats, granted November 2013. Developer currently exploring Achievable feasibility further in terms of Development Virage Point, Green Lane, within 6-15 Suburban compliance with building potential, FULL C323 Cannock 0.1 120.00 398407 308675 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 12 - regulations. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

Site previously had planning permission (CH/06/0511) for the erection of 20 flats, but this has now expired. Planning application for 14 dwellings on Land at junction of Achievable site recently submitted (March Development Cannock Road and within 6-15 Suburban 2014- CH/14/0097) but there are potential, NO C327 Burgoyne Street, Cannock 0.3 46.67 399346 311979 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 14 - landownership issues. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/13/0323 Residential development proposed: Erection of 111 dwellings, public house/restaurant and provision of public open space (outline all matters reserved). Outline planning permission granted April 2015 subject to S106, but Land off Lakeside Achievable this was not signed prior to CIL Development Boulevard, Bridgetown, within 6-15 Suburban deadline. Scheme to potentially potential, NO C335 Cannock 4.44 30 397919 308335 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 111 be re evaluated. - planning permissionBrownfield Cannock Major Sites Totals 1461 13

Major Sites Rugeley

Identified in the Rugeley TC Area Action Plan as a site for re- development as part of re- organisation of secondary schoo provision in Rugeley. County Council currently undertaking pre-application work with view to submitting application within the year for an extra care and residential scheme. Willing to sell. Total capacity is 85 Achievable Urban Town dwellings, split over 0-5 and 6-15Green Space Development R9(Part Aelfgar School, Taylors within 6 -15 Centre - years. Adjacent to Conservation Network along potential, NO 2) Lane, Rugeley 1.88 20.59 404269 318285 Major TRUE TRUE years 50dph 90% -35Areas. edge of site planning permission Brownfield

Site previously considered restricted due to access issues. However, the owner of the site has now purchased land which would enable a widened access to the development. However, there are now landownership Achievable issues which require resolution Development Land at The Mossley, off within 6 -15 Suburban before the site can progress. potential, NO R18 Armitage Road 1.8 22.22 405014 317472 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 40 - Adjacent to Conservation Area. Landownership planning permission Brownfield

Site is subject to possible contamination-not considered a major constraint by the landowner. Former Kodak Processing Coal Authority Site and Transport Depot, Achievable Site comprises the former Kodak High Risk Development Redbrook Lane Industrial within 6 -15 Suburban Finishing Works and a Transport Development potential, NO R43(a) Estate, Brereton 2.3 30.43 404767 316465 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 70 - Depot. Area. planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

Site is subject to possible contamination-not considered a major constraint by the landowner. Coal Authority Former Milk Depot, Achievable Site comprises the former Kodak High Risk Development Redbrook Lane Industrial within 6 -15 Suburban Finishing Works and a Transport Development potential, NO R43(b) Estate, Brereton 0.75 30.67 404819 316525 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 23 - Depot. Area. planning permission Brownfield

Site is subject to possible contamination-not Achievable Site comprises the former Kodak considered a Development R43(c,d,e Sites at Redbrook Lane within 6 -15 Suburban Finishing Works and a Transport major constraint potential, NO ,f,g) Industrial Estate, Brereton 0.8 30.00 404723 316458 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 24 - Depot. by the landowner. planning permission Brownfield

Site is subject to possible contamination-not Achievable Site comprises the former Kodak considered a Development Land at Redbrook Lane, within 6 -15 Suburban Finishing Works and a Transport major constraint potential, NO R43(h) Brereton 0.65 30.77 404800 316397 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 20 - Depot. by the landowner. planning permission Brownfield

CH/12/0227 is outline planning permission for the demolition of a motor components building and the erection of three townhouses and seven flats, granted October 2012. Landowner currently retaining commercial use in shor Achievable Urban Town term with medium-longer term Development Land fronting Sheep Fair within 6 -15 Centre - ambitions for redevelopment. potential, OUTLINE R90 and the Old Mill, Rugeley 0.11 90.91 404124 318106 Major TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 10 - Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield Rugeley Major Sites Totals 187 35 APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

Major Sites Norton Canes

Saved Local Plan site (C7 policy). CH/10/0294 is outline planning permission, granted March 2011 for a mixed use site with a maximum of 450 new houses. The size of the residential area is suggested as 13.6ha. Site has been split into 2 parts - 150 dwellings in 0-5 years, 300 dwellings in 6-15 years. The density shown relates to calculating the whole 450 dwellings on the site. Delivery Land off Norton Hall Lane Achievable rate based upon information Development N13 (Part and Butts Lane, Norton within 6 - 15 Suburban provided by housebuilders for potential, OUTLINE 2) Canes 23.6 33.09 401569 307547 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 300 - site - multi-sales outlet. - planning permission Greenfield

Site HP1.14 on the Local Plan. Site subject of current outline planning application for 65 dwellings (CH/13/0020). Site is split into 2 parts- 50 dwellings in 0-5 years and 15 dwellings in 6- 90% Achievable 15 years. Developer interest in Development Greenfield, N23 (Part Land off of 71 Burntwood within 6 - 15 Suburban site and landowner willing to sell potential, NO 10% 2) Road, Norton Canes 3.71 4.04 402186 308880 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 15 - once permission obtained. - planning permission Brownfield

Site has been separated from the larger site of N13 as this is in different ownership. Assumes 90% of site available given infrastructure to be put in place on adjacent site. Landowner Land off Walsall Road Achievable currently undertaking preliminary Green Belt Development near Cherry Brook, Norton within 6 - 15 Suburban work in preparation of a planning crosses southern potential, NO N25 Canes 2.2 40.40 401798 307309 Major TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 80 - application. edge of site planning permission Greenfield

Site is located in the Green Belt but it is partially previously developed land. Outline planning permission for up to 130 dwellings, granted May 2012- (CH/12/0078). Site is split into two parts- 63 dwellings in 0-5 Norton Canes Greyhound years and 67 dwellings in 6-15 Stadium, (Land South of Achievable Green Belt years. Reserved Matters Development N29 (Part Red Lion Lane, Norton within 6 - 15 and AONB- application (CH/14/0315) potential, FULL Brownfield/ 2) Canes) 8.6 14.56 402651 307613 Major TRUE TRUE years 20dph - 67 - granted December 2014. - planning permissionGreen Belt Norton Canes Major Sites Totals 462 0

6-15 MAJOR SITES SUB-TOTALS: 2110 48 APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield


Minor Sites Cannock

Has been identified as being a possible site for disposal and Achievable levels of occupancy will be Development Garage court, off Gaelic within 6 - 15 Suburban monitored. Currently no authority potential, NO C10 Road, Cannock 0.05 40.00 397722 311533 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -2to sell. - planning permission Brownfield

Achievable Development Land at Datteln Road, within 6 - 15 Suburban potential, NO C18 Chadsmoor 0.05 40.00 399085 311900 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -2Vacant greenfield Land. - planning permission Greenfield

Site previously had outline planning permission for residential development (8 houses, 12 flats) June 2009 (CH/09/0082). Site being considered for supported living Achievable scheme. Likely to come forward Development The Golden Age Inn, within 6 - 15 Suburban at a reduced density to original potential, NO C21 Moss Road, Cannock 0.22 45.45 399312 311613 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% - 10 permission. - planning permission Brownfield

Application CH/10/0440 is permission for 5 terrace houses, granted outline approval in April 2011. Resubmission (outline) for 5 dwellings- revised layout of scheme- granted May 2012 (CH/12/0116). Now expired. Previous application for block of 11 flats (CH/10/0439) granted Land adjacent to Windsor subject to S106 which was never House, Albert Davie Drive, Achievable signed so this higher capacity Development Littleworth Road, within 6 - 15 Suburban could potentially still be potential, NO C66 Rawnsley 0.13 38.46 401365 311971 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 5 - implemented. - planning permission Brownfield

Relocation of the business Between 155 & 135 Achievable occupying the site would be Coal Authority Development Wimblebury Road, Heath within 6 - 15 Suburban necessary but the site is in a High Risk potential, NO C78 Hayes 0.08 25.00 401601 310380 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% - 2 predominantly residential area. Development Area planning permission Brownfield

Achievable Cabinet decision 10/7/03 Development Land off St. John's Road, within 6 - 15 Suburban declared surplus to requirements potential, NO C103 Cannock 0.25 32.00 397907 309533 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -8and is due for disposal. - planning permission Brownfield

Achievable Identified as being suitable for 3 Development Parking area off Warwick within 6 - 15 Suburban two bed bungalows but to be potential, NO C107 Close, Rumer Hill 0.05 60.00 398811 309792 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -3pursued in medium-longer term. - planning permission Brownfield

Garage Court off Achievable Identified as being suitable for 3 Development Brunswick Road near within 6 - 15 Suburban houses but to be pursued in potential, NO C130 Georgian Place, Cannock 0.08 37.50 398143 310898 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - -3medium-longer term. - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

CH/08/0391 is outline planning permission for a 2-storey detached dwelling. CH/11/0242 Land adjacent to 49 Achievable is approval for an extension of Development Stafford Street, Heath within 6 - 15 Suburban time limit granted in September potential, NO C140 Hayes 0.04 25.00 401386 310351 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 1 - 2011. Now expired. - planning permission Brownfield

Planning permission was refused on appeal for 2 semi detached dwellings, January 2009 (CH/08/0217). Application for Achievable one dwelling (CH/12/0352) Development Land rear of 160 Church within 6 - 15 Suburban recently withdrawn. Potential for potential, NO C147 Hill, Hednesford 0.02 50.00 400614 311884 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 1-one dwelling on site. - planning permission Greenfield

Site previously had outline planning permission for 3 dwellings as of May 2009 (CH/09/0092)- now expired. However, the site is adjacent to garage court which has been identified as appropriate for 145, Cannock Road and disposal (Site C16) so there is land rear of 133 -143 Achievable the potential for this site to also Development Cannock Road within 6 - 15 Suburban come forward as part of larger potential, NO C155 Chadsmoor 0.13 23.08 398793 311496 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 3 - scheme in the longer term. - planning permission Brownfield

Rural Area - Established CH/11/0093 is full planning Achievable Settlement or permission for two 4 bedroom Development 23 - 25 Ironstone Road, within 6 - 15 Village - detached houses, granted in potential, NO Brownfield/ C168 Rawnsley 0.1 20.00 403428 311598 Minor TRUE TRUE years 20dph - 2 - May 2011. Now expired. - planning permission Greenfield

CH/11/0380 is approval for an extension to time limit on Achievable application CH/08/0504 for a Development within 6 - 15 Suburban new bungalow, granted in potential, NO C275 2 Rowan Road, Cannock 0.1 10.00 397035 311012 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -1-January 2012. Now expired. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/12/0124 is outline planning permission for the demolition of an existing bungalow and the erection of two detached 3 Achievable bedroom dwellings, granted in Development 1, Foster Avenue, within 6 - 15 Suburban May 2012 (1 net total). Now potential, NO C284 Hednesford 0.07 28.50 398676 312714 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph -1-expired. - planning permission Brownfield

Planning permission for 2 Achievable Urban Town dwellings refused- CH/12/0260. Development Land adjacent to 11 within 6-15 Centre - Site is appropriate for one potential, NO C298 Stafford Lane, Hednesford 0.05 20.00 399739 312220 Minor TRUE TRUE years 50dph -1-dwelling. - planning permission Brownfield

Proposed Residential development - Erection of a three storey building comprising of 9 251, 253, 253A, Achievable No. 2 bedroom flats (Outline with Development Huntington Terrace Road, within 6-15 Suburban all matters reserved- potential, NO C301 Cannock 0.06 150.00 398823 312183 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 9 - CH/13/0070). - planning permission Brownfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

In use as a Identified with potential for community facility Achievable residential development by with use under Development Hazelslade Youth and within 6-15 Suburban County Council. Within review but no date potential, NO C341 Community Centre 0.08 25.00 402333 312898 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% - 2 settlement boundary. set. planning permission Brownfield

Rural Area - CH/14/0225 is refusal for Established demolition of two dwellings and Achievable Settlement or erection of 4 dwellings- 2 net Development 5&7 Ironstone Road, within 6-15 Village - dwellings. Application under potential, NO C367 Prospect Village, Cannock 0.11 18.18 403341 311528 Minor TRUE TRUE years 20dph - 2 - appeal. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/14/0360 is refusal for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 4 dwellings- 3 Achievable net. Principle of development Development 148 Hednesford Road, within 6-15 Suburban supported on site but design potential, NO C368 Cannock 0.10 30.00 398640 310803 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 3 - issues. - planning permission Brownfield Cannock Minor Sites Totals 29 32

Minor Sites Rugeley

Achievable Urban Town Has the potential to be Development Former Garage, Bow within 6 - 15 Centre - redeveloped as residential. potential, NO R12 Street, Rugeley. 0.1 50.00 404318 318151 Minor TRUE TRUE years 50dph 100% -5Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

Two storey extension with basement linked to rear of main building incorporating 5 flats. Ful Planning Permission granted on appeal (15th May 2009). CH/08/0505. Extension to time Achievable Urban Town limit granted June 2012 Development The Old Mill, Sheepfair, within 6 - 15 Centre - (CH/12/0158). Within Green Space potential, FULL R15(a) Rugeley 0.15 33.33 404177 318076 Minor TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 5 - Conservation Area. Network planning permission Brownfield

CH/11/0246 is planning permission for 3 terrace houses, a pair of semi-detached houses and conversion of hotel annex into 2 dwellings granted in Main Road, Brereton Achievable December 2011. Now expired. Development (between Cedar Tree within 6 - 15 Suburban Within Conservation Area and potential, NO R23 Hotel and Library) 0.53 13.21 405394 316242 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 7 - affects listed building. - planning permission Brownfield

Residential development - One and two storey building comprising 4 flats and 1 bungalow. Full Planning Achievable Urban Town Permission granted in April 2009 Development Land rear of 20a - 30a, within 6 - 15 Centre - (CH/08/0423). Now expired. potential, NO R55 Church Street, Rugeley 0.08 62.50 404214 318417 Minor TRUE TRUE years 50dph -5-Within Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/10/0328 is planning Rural Area - permission for one detached Established dwelling, granted in January Achievable Settlement or 2011. Now expired but site still Development 26, Post Office Lane, within 6 - 15 Village - considered to have development potential, NO R78 Slitting Mill, Rugeley 0.31 3.23 402686 317479 Minor TRUE TRUE years 20dph -1-potential. - planning permission Greenfield APPENDIX 8a: 6 - 15 YEARS SITES Potential Yield Suggested Major Character Net allocation via Site Area or Area Site ID Location Density (dph) Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable consultation or Notes Constraints Status (ha) Minor Density Area planning Indicative Brownfield/ Site? Zone application Capacity Greenfield

CH/11/0281 is planning permission for a change of use of a former dental surgery into 3 apartments, granted in December 2011. Now expired Former Dental Surgery, Achievable Urban Town and property boarded up but still Development 43, Market Street, within 6 - 15 Centre - considered to have development potential, NO R80 Rugeley 0.03 100.00 404543 318310 Minor TRUE TRUE years 50dph -3-potential. - planning permission Brownfield

CH/11/0403 is a withdrawn Achievable Urban Town planning application for the Development Former Abattoir, Love within 6 - 15 Centre - erection of 3 dwellings. Adjacen potential, NO R88 Lane, Rugeley 0.09 22.22 404872 318008 Minor TRUE TRUE years 50dph - 2-to Conservation Area. - planning permission Brownfield Rugeley Minor Sites Totals 23 5

Minor Sites Norton Canes

Cabinet decision 21/08/08 to set in motion course of action for Garage court off Red Lion Achievable disposal of garage courts. Site is Development Lane / Braemar Road, within 6-15 Suburban still with Housing Services. Site potential, NO N5 Norton Canes 0.14 35.71 402626 307718 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -5is accessible from both sides. - planning permission Brownfield Cabinet decision 15/11/07 that garage court is surplus to requirements and site sold 13/11/08. Full planning permission for residential development granted in May 2009 (CH/09/0026)- now Garage Court - Land Achievable expired, however still considered Development between, 30 - 40, Breeze within 6-15 Suburban appropriate for development in potential, NO N7 Avenue, Norton Canes 0.03 33.33 402731 308228 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph - 1 - longer term. - planning permission Brownfield

Land between 237 & 241 Achievable Coal Authority Development Hednesford Road, Norton within 6 - 15 Suburban Coal Yard. Surrounded by a High Risk potential, NO N17 Canes 0.27 29.63 401891 308709 Minor TRUE TRUE years Area - 30dph 100% -8residential area. Development Area planning permission Brownfield Norton Canes Minor Sites Totals 113



Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity

Green Belt and AONB Sites


The agent for the site has stated that the site could provide 750 dwellings. However, more recent representations for Sites C264 and C265 by different agents now cover this site so Green Belt the capacity for C114 is now covered by those Land East of Wimblebury Road, Heath and AONB- sites (to avoid double counting). Previously Greenbelt policy. Coal Authority High Risk C114 Hayes 46.2 16.20 402102 311478 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - - - site 05 in the original Site Allocations stage. Development Area. - Green Belt The site currently functions as and AONB - a nursery/garden centre. It was put forward as Greenbelt policy. Coal Authority High Risk C115 Land at Newlands Lane, Heath Hayes 0.75 14.81 401296 309849 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 10 site 07 in the Site Allocations. Development Area. -

Includes site C84, C115, C116(a) and C279 on the developers master plan but figures for those sites have been taken from the potential yield of the rest of the site to avoid double counting. Original submission for 3,000 dwellings for whole site. Indicative capacity Green Belt based upon masterplan for area at 30dph Greenbelt policy and part of the Land south of A5190, Lichfield Road, and AONB - (approx 2,500) minus capacities at C84, C115, site is covered by SSSI's. Coal Authority High C116 Heath Hayes 166 30.00 401998 310029 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - - 1740 C116(a) and C279 to avoid double counting. Risk Development Area. - Green Belt Previously formed part of C116 but site has C116(a Land south of A5190, Lichfield Road, and AONB - been put forward as separate representation (in Greenbelt policy. Coal Authority High Risk ) Heath Hayes 7.8 34.28 401016 309829 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 200 - 2013). Development Area. -

Cross boundary site with South Staffordshire- total site area is approx 16.5ha. Removal from Green Belt the greenbelt was suggested in site allocations Former Severn Trent Plc Land, and AONB - (site 14). Also suggested for Greenbelt policy, Access Problems, Flood Risk, C119 Wedges Mills 1.65 13 396996 308782 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 22 employment/recreational uses. Potential Contamination (former effluent lagoon) - Green Belt Land at the Grange, Cannock Wood St, and AONB - The site no longer includes the Grange Greenbelt policy, TPO's. Coal Authority High C120 Hazelslade 1.2 14.81 402679 312381 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 16 building as on Site 22 on the site allocations. Risk Development Area. -

Green Belt Cross boundary site with South Staffordshire Land to the rear of Longford House, and AONB - District with suggested total capacity of around C121 Watling Street, Cannock 2 28 396750 309253 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 55 - 70 dwellings in total. Green Belt - Green Belt Former Iron Foundry, New Hayes and AONB - C122b Road, Rawnsley 3.4 15.07 403221 311818 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% -39- Green Belt - Green Belt Land at the junction of Cumberledge and AONB - C135 Hill and Holly Hill Road, Cannock Wood 0.07 16.66 404018 312191 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 100% - 1 - Site within AONB and Greenbelt - Green Belt Land adjacent to 29 Cumberledge Hill, and AONB - Site within AONB and Greenbelt. Coal Authority C136 Cannock Wood 0.95 13.68 404120 312116 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 13 - High Risk Development Area. - Green Belt and AONB - Site Within AONB, Green Belt and a C137 Land at Hayfield Hill, Cannock Wood 1.12 28.57 404546 311588 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 32 - Site of Biological Interest (SBI) - Green Belt Land off Rugeley Road, Hazelslade, and AONB - Land is currently open grassland in agricultural C171 Cannock 3.17 15.09 402630 313163 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% - 36 use. Site is located within the greenbelt. Greenbelt policy - Site is situated outiside the development Green Belt boundary and is situated in the AONB. Site is Land at the Bungalow, Rugeley Road, and AONB - subject to a greenbelt review and possible In AONB. Coal Authority High Risk C174 Hazelslade, Cannock 0.79 15.47 401960 312808 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 11 Local Green Space designation. Development Area. - Green Belt Land adjacent to Cannock Wood and AONB - Site is located in the AONB and borders the C235 Street, Hazelslade 0.44 15.91 402345 312839 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 100% - 7 Green Belt. In the AONB - Land to the East of John Green Belt Street/Wimblebury Road, Wimblebury, and AONB - Greenbelt policy. Coal Authority High Risk C264 Cannock 65.3 15.26 402214 311675 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 1000 - Site is located in the Green Belt Development Area. - Land to the East of John Street/Wimblebury Road and West of Green Belt Cannock Wood Road, Wimblebury, and AONB - Greenbelt policy and SBI designation. Coal C265 Cannock 138 22.00 402766 311332 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 3000 - Site is located in the Green Belt Authority High Risk Development Area. - APPENDIX 9a: GREEN BELT, AONB AND RESTRICTED/EXCLUDED SITES Potential Yield

Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity Green Belt Land east of Wimblebury Road at and AONB Site is located in the Green Belt. Lies within Greenbelt policy and SBI designation. Coal C279 Bleak House, Heath Hayes 56 7.14 401935 310505 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 400 - larger site of C116. Authority High Risk Development Area. - Site is located in the Green Belt. Planning Green Belt Permission refused for erection of one dwelling and AONB (CH/12/0134) June 2012. Appeal also C289 81 Cannock Wood Street 0.09 11.11 402589 312423 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 1 - dismissed. Greenbelt policy -

Green Belt Outline planning application for 7 dwellings Land adjacent to 15 Cannock Wood and AONB refused January 2015 (CH/13/0401). Site lies C325 Street, Cannock 0.33 21.21 402405 312740 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 7 - within the AONB and partly on SBI. In the AONB - Land south of Cannock Road, Norton Green Belt Road and Wimblebury Road, Heath and AONB Site is located in the Green Belt. Formerly part Greenbelt policy. Coal Authority High Risk C326 Hayes 4.4 15.00 401806 309774 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% - 56 of larger site of C116. Development Area. - Land at West Cannock Farm (south Green Belt west of Brindley Heath Road), and AONB C342 Hednesford 55 20.00 400046 313951 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 1100 - Site is located in the Green Belt and AONB Site in Greenbelt and AONB -

Heath Hayes Football Club, Coppice Green Belt Colliery Sports Ground, Newlands and AONB Site is located in the Green Belt. Formerly part C352 Lane, Heath Hayes 1.1 31.82 401499 309832 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 35 - of larger site of C116. Greenbelt policy -

Green Belt Green Belt and AONB. Coal Authority High Land at Court Bank Farm, Cannock and AONB Site suggested for mixed use development. Risk Development Area. Scheduled Ancient C373 Wood 37 - 404211 311628 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - - - Part of site formerly site C172. Monuments on site. - CANNOCK TOTALS: 5798 1983


Site 06 in the original Site Allocations document. Cross boundary extension to site Green Belt with LDC proposed by agent (2014) with and AONB - indicative capacity for site of 500 dwellings. R28 Land at Springs Farm, Brereton 13.1 31 405400 315784 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 300 - Capacity within CCDC approx 300 dwellings Greenbelt policy and on the edge of AONB -

Was brought forward by Lichfield District as part of the site falls into LDC (approx 0.58ha). Even though the site is in the greenbelt, it is thought to be potentially suitable and deliverable. The site was initially put forward Green Belt as site 21 in the site allocations document. Site Land to the north of Armitage Lane, and AONB - subject to greenbelt release and cross- R29 Rugeley 1.1 13.64 405898 316457 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 15 boundary approval. Green Belt Policy and access issues - Green Belt Lakeside smallholding, Hagley Drive, and AONB - Owner wants to put 1 dwelling on the greenbelt R30 Rugeley 2.22 0.45 403854 317908 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 1 - part of the site. Green Belt Policy - Green Belt Land East of The Meadows, Armitage and AONB - Site put forward by Fisher German. Was site R32 Lane, Brereton 1.66 15.30 405854 316148 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 23 52 in the original site allocations document. Green Belt Policy - Green Belt and AONB - The site would be an extension of The Birches R33 Land adjacent to The Birches, Rugeley 6.76 14.95 403471 317193 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% - 76 existing residential area. Green Belt Policy - Green Belt Land adjacent to Lady Hill Terrace, PO and AONB - R36 Lane, Slitting Mill 0.2 15.00 402774 317017 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 100% - 3 - Site within AONB and Green Belt - Green Belt and AONB - R37 Land North of Stile Cop, Rugeley 2.32 14.88 403681 316457 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% - 26 - Site within AONB and Green Belt - Green Belt Land at Hagley Park Farm and Jones and AONB - R38 Lane, Rugeley 39.6 7.42 403374 317506 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 294 - - Site within AONB and Green Belt -

Green Belt This site lies adjacent to 7 houses and is Land Adjacent to No.1 Forge Row, and AONB - currently in use as a garden by the owners. R39 Slitting Mill, Rugeley 0.23 4.35 402615 316724 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 1 - Suggested development of 1 detached house. Site within AONB and Green Belt - Land between Stonehouse Road and Green Belt Stafford Brook Road, Etching Hill, and AONB - R74 Rugeley 1.88 15.09 402424 318613 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 90% - 25 The site is situated in the AONB and Greenbelt. Site within AONB and Green Belt - Green Belt and AONB - R75 The Mount, Colliery Road, Brereton 0.18 16.66 405025 316007 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 100% - 3 Located next to a car park. In the Green Belt. - APPENDIX 9a: GREEN BELT, AONB AND RESTRICTED/EXCLUDED SITES Potential Yield

Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity Green Belt Land at Gorse Lane, Cherry Tree and AONB - R83 Road, Rugeley 8.96 11.27 404366 316570 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% - 101 - Site within AONB and Green Belt -

CH/11/0207 is a refused outline planning Green Belt application for 3 dwellings. Appeal also Land north of Post Office Lane, Slitting and AONB- dismissed on grounds of detrimental impact R87 Mill 0.49 6.00 402767 317451 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 3-upon the AONB. Site within AONB -

Land between Stonehouse Road and Green Belt Shooting Butts Road, Etching Hill, and AONB- R106 Rugeley 2.2 11.36 402344 318065 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% -25Site is within Green Belt and AONB Site within AONB and Green Belt -

Green Belt Land between the Rising Brook and and AONB- Site is Green Belt land. Replaces former Site R112 Hednesford Road, Rugeley 64 11.25 403187 316424 FALSE FALSE - 15dph 75% - 720 R44. Green Belt Policy - RUGELEY TOTALS 599 1017


Green Belt Second section of the N3 site (see N3a in 5-15 Land at Burntwood Road and AONB - years). N3b is under Greenbelt designation. Green Belt Policy. Coal Authority High Risk N3(b) and Norton East Road, Norton Canes 0.5 20.00 402844 309332 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 100% - 10 The indicative capacity shown is for N3b only. Development Area. - Green Belt Land adjacent to Norton Canes High and AONB - Green Belt Policy and SBI designation. Coal N14 School, Norton Canes 2.5 20.26 402092 309141 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 38 - Authority High Risk Development Area. Green Belt Land at Washbrook Lane, Norton and AONB - Site 16 in the original Site Allocations Green Belt Policy. Coal Authority High Risk N15 Canes 3 20.00 401248 308026 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 45 document. Development Area. - Green Belt and AONB - Site 17 in the original Site Allocations Green Belt Policy. Coal Authority High Risk N16 Land at Castle Croft, Norton Canes 2.3 20.20 401369 308309 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 35 document. Development Area. -

Green Belt Site 44 of the original Site Allocations Lime Lane/Watling Street, Norton and AONB - document. Landowners now promoting site for N18 Canes 5.07 19.91 402123 306702 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 76 potential employment use- see ELAA. Green Belt Policy - Green Belt Land at South of Long Lane, Norton and AONB - Site 42 in the original Site Allocations Green Belt Policy. Coal Authority High Risk N20 Canes (Adjacent to Spinney Close) 3.72 20.02 401601 308411 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 56 document. Development Area. - Green Belt Land at north of Long Lane, Norton and AONB - Green Belt Policy. Coal Authority High Risk N24 Canes (Adjacent to Norton Terrace) 5.56 20.10 401601 308777 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 84 - Development Area. -

Green Belt Currently vacant greenfield land. Site is located Land to the north of no.2 Hednesford and AONB - within the Greenbelt. Dwelling density N33 Road, Norton Canes 0.36 30.55 401890 308864 FALSE FALSE - 20dph - 11 - suggestion put forward by consultee. Green Belt Policy -

Site lies within wider site N29 but is under Green Belt separate ownership and subject to separate and AONB - application. Higher density to accord with N46 Land at Red Lion Lane, Norton Canes 0.54 37.04 402772 307647 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 100% - 20 approved scheme of N29. Green Belt Policy -

Green Belt Land at Norton Canes between the A5 and AONB - N49 and M6 Toll 12 20.00 402697 306839 FALSE FALSE - 20dph 75% - 180 Site is Green Belt land. Green Belt Policy -

Green Belt Land between Greyhound Stadium and and AONB - N51 M6 Toll, Norton Canes 6.6 15.15 402911 307346 FALSE FALSE - 20dph - 100 - Site is Green Belt land. Green Belt Policy -

Green Belt Land north of Norton Hall Lane, Norton and AONB - Green Belt Policy. Coal Authority High Risk N52 Canes 27.7 20.58 400852 307908 FALSE FALSE - 20dph - 570 - Site is Green Belt land. Development Area. - NORTON CANES TOTALS: 681 544 APPENDIX 9a: GREEN BELT, AONB AND RESTRICTED/EXCLUDED SITES Potential Yield

Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity

Restricted and Excluded Sites The site has been approved for a No longer considered suitable or St. Chad's Courtyard, Suburban nursing/residential home and separate achievable. Property now has consent for C17 Cannock Road, Chadsmoor 0.3 - 399226 311746 TRUE FALSE - Area - 30dph ---specialist care facility (CH/10/0184). alternative use. -

Suburban Potential site for inclusion into the Green Belt Potential Green Belt or Local Green Space C64 Land at Rawnsley Road, Hazel Slade 2.4 31.25 401805 312662 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 75 - or Local Green Space designation. designation - In policy terms, relocation of the existing business use to a nearby business park Tennent's Bakery, Wood Lane, Suburban location would be welcomed. Business C73 Hednesford 0.4 - 400677 311762 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph 100% -12currently occupies low quality units. Currently occupied by operational business -

Suburban Has been subject of an application for a Potential Village Green status. Coal Authority C81 Land at Chapel Street, Heath Hayes 0.87 - 401276 310047 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph ---change of status to a village green. High Risk Development Area. -

Land removed from the Green Belt for development beyond the plan period (saved Local Plan site (C7 policy) and within Local Safeguarded land for development beyond the Land to the East of Wimblebury Road, Suburban Plan (Part 1)). Lies within sites C116 and C279 plan period. Coal Authority High Risk C84 Heath Hayes 6.4 17.58 401736 310629 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 150 - but is not Green Belt. Development Area. -

Urban Town Car sales and printers, Mill Street, Centre - Site would be most suitable for a mixed use Currently fully occupied and would involve C85 Cannock 0.19 - 398357 310075 TRUE TRUE - 50dph ---development including residential. significant demolition works. -

CH/04/0566 was outline planning permission for a mixed use development including residential. A revised planning application (CH/09/0094) was approved in November 2009 for amendments to the original Previous developer entered into adminstration permission, which included residential and site now in multiple ownership. Previous Urban Town development (24 dwellings). However, a schemes currently unviable and residential use Land at Walsall Road, Avon Road, Centre - forthcoming revision to the scheme does not is not being proactively considered by new C86 Hunter Road, Hallcourt Lane, Cannock 0.96 25.00 398125 309953 FALSE FALSE - 50dph - 24 - propose any residential element onthe site. landowners at present. -

Mining reports have been undertaken and Land adjacent to 10, Sherbrook Road, Suburban houses have been built around it but there has C89 Cannock 0.06 - 397146 310465 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph ---been no permissions since 1990. Potential ground instability related to mining -

Urban Town Site has access issues and land assembly Land between Newhall Street and Centre - difficulties- not put forward for redevelopment C95 Wolverhampton Road, Cannock 0.9 - 397778 309856 FALSE FALSE - 50dph ---by any owners at present. Access and ownership -

Land at Cardinal Griffin School, Suburban Within the Greenspace C118 Cannock 4 - 397545 311257 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph ---- Network -

A planning application (CH/07/0095) for a 41- Land adjacent to Newhall Farm, Suburban bed hotel was refused on appeal in January C125 Lichfield Road, Cannock 0.39 - 399939 309926 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph ---2008. Greenspace Network part of site -

CH/07/0579 is outline planning permission (subject to S106) for 51 dwellings as part of a mixed use re-development scheme including Urban Town retail and a public house. Now expired. The Corner of Uxbridge Street & Market Centre - site has a new owner and the development Land Assembly Difficulties. Landowner C129 Street, Hednesford 0.30 170.00 400256 312206 FALSE FALSE - 50dph -51- plans are not being taken forward at present. intentions. - CH/08/0180 was refusal of planning Rear of 146 - 164, Stafford Road, Suburban permission for 1 detached dwelling - May also C149 Cannock 0.08 100.00 397862 310866 FALSE TRUE - Area - 30dph - 1 - have issues over access. Tree protection and access issues - APPENDIX 9a: GREEN BELT, AONB AND RESTRICTED/EXCLUDED SITES Potential Yield

Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity

Land at 167- 169 Gorsemoor Road, Suburban CH/08/0155 was a refusal of planning C150 Heath Hayes 0.06 77.78 400670 310114 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -6- permisison for a block of 6 flats. Highways, character and amenity impact issues -

CH/08/0026 is full planning permission for 3 dwelllings. CH/11/0016 is approval for an Rear of 24 & 26 Old Fallow Road, Suburban extension to the time limit of the permission, C161 Cannock 0.07 42.86 398577 311301 TRUE FALSE - Area - 30dph -3- granted March 2011, now expired. Landowner intentions -

Suburban CH/08/0322 is a Full planning application for 7 C164 66 New Penkridge Road, Cannock 0.09 77.78 397484 310453 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 7 - flats for the Over 55's - refused 12/11/2008 Character and amenity impact issues -

An Outline Planning Application was approved for Business use (B1) and ancillary employment supporting uses covering hotel (C1) restaurant (A3) and creche/day nursey (D1) (CH/03/0747). Part of site was being promoted to include residential as part of mixed-use site, but this is no longer being progressed. Now subject of current application for a designer outlet village- not yet 11.9 determined. The site was initally identified as (7.6 site 30 in the site allocation document. The develop potential yield has been calculated using 1.9ha Land at Mill Green, able Suburban of the total site area (quarter of the site) for Landowner intentions not to pursue residential C173 Cannock area) 29.82 399075 310128 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 51 - propsective purposes. development - Green Belt and AONB - Site is part of the Green Space Network Site is in the Green Space Network and C176 Land at Rawnsley Road, Hednesford 2.28 15.14 400860 313084 FALSE FALSE - 15dph - 26 - in the District. adjacent to the Hednesford Hills SSSI - Residential development - One detached Land adjacent to, 14, Suburban dwelling. Planning Refused April 2008 C202 Pinewood Avenue, Cannock 0.02 50.00 397827 311681 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -1-(CH/08/0093). Character issues -

Residential development - One detached dormer bungalow. Planning Refused August 2009 (CH/09/0185). Application for two storey Land adjacent to, 1, Suburban extension to form new 3 bedroom house C204 Chaseley Avenue, Cannock 0.06 16.67 397131 310924 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -1-(CH/12/0306) withdrawn 22/11/13. TPO and character issues -

Urban Town Residential development. Conversion into one Post Office, 35, Centre - flat. Planning Refused August 2009 C206 Market Street, Hednesford 0.09 11.11 400199 312272 FALSE FALSE - 50dph -1-(CH/09/0186) Amenity and access issues -

Urban Town Change of use from day nursey to residential. British Red Cross Centre Care Centre - Full Planning Permission granted in October C212 Nursery, 27, Newhall Street, Cannock. 0.04 25.00 397850 310081 FALSE FALSE - 50dph -1- 2008 (CH/08/0403). Now expired. Landowner intentions -

8 no. three-bed houses, 7 no. two-bed houses and 6 no. one-bed apartments previously suggested by former landowner. New landowners indicate they are not intending to redevelop site in medium term- likely to remain commercial use. Site opposite recently C222(a Virage Court, Cannock South, Suburban granted planning permission for residential Landowner intentions not to pursue residential ) Bridgtown 0.27 77.78 398351 308774 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 21 - redevelopment (Edgmead Court). development -

CH/10/0127 is outline planning permission for the erection of 18 one bedroom flats granted in C222(d Roman Court, Cannock South, Suburban February 2011. Now expired and no current Land Assembly Difficulties. Existing ) Bridgtown 0.48 37.50 398317 308433 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph 18 - interest from landowner in taking forward. businesses on site. Landowner intentions. -

CH/11/0051 is full planning permission for a Land adjacent to 10 Union Street, Suburban two storey 3 bedroom dwelling granted in April C259 Bridgtown 0.06 16.66 398151 308684 TRUE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 1-2011, now expired. Landowner intentions -

CH/11/0002 is full planning permission for the demolition of existing building and the erection of a new 3 storey building incorporating 4 two Suburban bedroom flats and retail floorspace, granted in Existing businesses on site. Landowner C260 82-86 Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes 0.06 66.66 401434 310135 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 4-April 2011, now expired. intentions. - APPENDIX 9a: GREEN BELT, AONB AND RESTRICTED/EXCLUDED SITES Potential Yield

Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity

CH/14/0417 is full planning permission for 20 The Globe Inn, East Cannock Road, Suburban bed care home (C2) granted April 2015. Site C337 Hednesford, Cannock 0.26 - 399627 311404 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - - - no longer available for C3 residential use. - -

CH/14/0252 was planning application for 18 Pied Piper, 114 Pye Green Road, Suburban units, refused October 2014. The building is a C350 Cannock 0.28 64.29 398068 311061 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 18 - designated Asset of Community Value (ACV). ACV ACV

CH/14/0376 is refusal for the erection of 1 Land adjacent 86 Edward Street, Suburban detached dwelling- Issues with access and C369 Cannock 0.06 16.67 398387 311738 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 1 - sufficient space for additional dwelling. Access and site layout -

CH/14/0447 is refusal for the erection of 1 Suburban detached bungalow due to out of character C370 71 Gorsey Lane, Cannock 0.11 9.09 396970 310206 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 1 - garden land development. Garden land -

CH/15/0105 is planning application for 2 Land at the junction of Uxbridge Street Suburban detached dwellings- not yet determined- C372 and Forge Road, Cannock 0.07 28.57 400299 311847 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 2 - design issues. Design - Proposed residential development of 3 dwellings (CH/11/0423) refused on basis of Urban Town being out of character with Conservation Area Centre - and being located within the Green Space Within the Greenspace Lies within a statutory R15(b) The Old Mill, Sheepfair, Rugeley 0.15 20.00 404177 318076 FALSE TRUE - 50dph - 3 - Network Network conservation area.

There has been a new occupier of the industrial units so the availability of this site has changed. CH/08/0157 is the application for a Change of use from B8 (Warehouse and Distribution) to B2 (General Industry) granted in May 2008. Site within residential area and in policy terms relocation of the business to the Former Exterior Profiles Ltd, Gregory Suburban nearby Towers Business Park would be Currently fully occupied and would involve R22 Works, Armitage Road, Brereton 0.43 30.23 405600 316723 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 13 - welcomed. demolition works. Landowner intentions -

The school has closed and the site was being considered for residential development. SCC Nursery Fields, St Michaels Road, Suburban advise the site may now be required for a R25 Brereton 1.39 30.40 405296 316258 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 38 - school again. Green Space Network -

Residential development - One detached Rear of 20, Suburban dwelling. Planning Refused April 2008 R57 Brereton Road, Brereton 0.06 16.67 404592 317472 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -1-(CH/08/0143). Highways, character and amenity impact issues - Residential development - One dwelling Land rear of, 2, Suburban (outline). Planning Refused March 2008 R58 Hillside Close, Brereton 0.01 100.00 405747 316454 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -1-(CH/08/0046). Highways and amenity issues -

Rural Area - Established Land to rear of 11, Settlement Penkridge Bank Road, Slitting Mill, or Village - 2 detached 4 bedroom dwellings. Planning Highways, character, amenity TPO and R60 Rugeley 0.14 14.29 403060 317573 FALSE FALSE - 20dph - 2-Refused August 2009 (CH/09/0158). protected species impact issues -

Residential Development (CH/10/0222) - Refurbishment and first floor rear extension to existing public house and conversion into 6 one bedroom flats, and the erection of a two The Britannia Public House, Suburban storey building for the provision of 4 one Property is now in use as a veterinary surgery. R76 1 Brereton Road, Rugeley 0.09 111.11 404615 317571 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 10 - bedroom flats (Resubmission of CH/09/0389). Landowner intentions. - APPENDIX 9a: GREEN BELT, AONB AND RESTRICTED/EXCLUDED SITES Potential Yield

Character Suggested Site Net Density of Site Area allocation via Site ID Location Area Easting Northing Suitable? Available? Achievability Developable Notes Constraints Status (dph) Density consultation or (ha) Area Zone planning Indicative application Capacity

Suburban CH/15/0044 is refusal for 1 detached dwelling- R125 77 Hednesford Road, Rugeley 0.05 20.00 403857 316922 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 1-design issues Site design -

Area A (2ha) is allocated for B1 and B2 employment uses and area B (1.63ha) for recreation/open space as part of the larger 450 dwelling site under planning application CH/10/0294. In addition part A also provides a Land at Norton Hall Lane and Butts Suburban sound barrier between the dwellings and M6 Land allocated for employment uses and open N13a Lane, Norton Canes 5.2 23.08 401094 307452 FALSE FALSE - Area-30dph - 120 - Toll. space. - Site compound licence to South Staffs Water expired and site now cleared. Potential to Garage Court off Suburban incorporate site into adjoining recreation N41 Brownhills Road, Norton Canes 0.08 37.50 402344 308299 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -3-ground when funds available. Landowner intentions -

Full planning permission for change of use from dwelling with bed and breakfast to 5 bedsits (3 of which in situ- gives total net 2 Suburban dwellings) granted in March 2012 N45 31 Brownhills Road, Norton Canes 0.04 50.00 402030 308621 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph - 2-(CH/12/0006). Now expired. --

CH/14/0324 is refusal for 1 bungalow- issues Land rear of 58 Brownhills Road, Suburban with design and access on difficult site. Appeal N55 Norton Canes 0.03 33.33 402077 308425 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -1-dismissed. Design and access -

Suburban CH/15/0093 is refusal for 2 detached houses- N56 99 Walsall Road, Norton Canes 0.12 16.67 401842 308116 FALSE FALSE - Area - 30dph -2-design issues. Site layout -

Restricted Site Totals 661 12

GRAND TOTALS 7739 3556 11295 APPENDIX 10a: Completed Sites Since 2014 SHLAA

Site Area Density of Actual Yield Site ID Location Suitable? Available? Achievability Notes (ha) Site (Net) C5 Elizabeth Road Estate, Cannock 3.78 39.68 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 48 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. Former Automotive Lighting premises, Walkmill Lane / Watling Street, 193 C104 Bridgtown, Cannock 4.2 43.57 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. Land between Girton Road and Devon Road (former gas depot), 34 C108 Cannock 0.77 44.16 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA.

C124 Land on and to the rear of, 38-42 High Mount Street, Hednesford 0.26 26.92 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 7 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C138 67a, Moreton Street, Cannock 0.03 66.67 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C166 Land rear of 420 & 422 Pye Green Road, Hednesford 0.07 42.86 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 3 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C246 107 Rugeley Road, Hazel Slade, Cannock 0.12 16.67 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C255 92 Mill Street, Cannock 0.06 16.66 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C272 (Part 1) Langbourn, Hillcroft and Ivy House, Longford Road, Cannock 0.75 84.00 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 63 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C282 The Moon under Water, 272 Huntington Terrace Road, Cannock 0.15 40.00 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 6 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C308 Land to rear of 170 Cannock Road, Cannock 0.11 9.09 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C310 Land adjacent to 5 Hatherton Road, Cannock 0.04 25.00 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C313 97 Albert Street, Cannock 0.11 9.09 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C316 Fern and Fallow, 26 Stafford Road, Cannock 0.16 12.50 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 2 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C321 15 Newhall Street, Cannock 0.03 166.67 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 5 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. Former Edward Street Working Mens Club, 101 Edward Street, C324 Cannock 0.17 52.94 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 9 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. C332 24 Eskrett Street, Hednesford 0.07 14.29 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 1 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. Land north east of Wolseley Road, between junction of Bower Lane R4 and Brindley Bank Pumping Station, Rugeley 2.71 29.52 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 80 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. R21 Former Hindley & Son Bakery, Wharf Road, Rugeley 0.76 80.26 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 61 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. R102 Motorsave, 53 Albion Street, Rugeley 0.01 300.00 TRUE TRUE Achievable within 5 years 3 This site has been completed since the 2014 SHLAA. Total 521