Painting Popularly Explained
/V2> " 1/35- THE D ELPHIC SIBYL, FROMHE T CEILING OF THE SISTINE CHAPEL, PAINTEDY B MICHAEL ANOELO. PAINTING POPULARLY E XPLAINED; INCLUDING Fresco, O il, Mosaic, Water-Colour, Water-Glass, T empera, Encaustic, Miniature, nPainting o Ivory, Vellum, Pottery, Porcelain, Enamel, Glass, &c. historical S luices of ijje |hogrcss of tlje 3Ltt. THOMAS J OHN GULLICK ASSISTEDY B "~ JOHN T IMBS, P.S.A. SECOND E DITION REVISED AND ENLARGED LONDON: L OCKWOOl) & CO., STATIONERS'-HALL COUKT. MDCCCLXIV. [ The right of tranrlatloti is reserved.] LONDOS nilNTED B Y SPOTTIfiWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET RQUAttE A-22-33 PKEFACE. Numerous e loquent and also some ' dry-as-dust ' books have been written on the theory of painting. Modern German writers, more especially, have speculated very ingeniously, as well as very vaguely, upon the nature of those high faculties in man through which he derives pleasurable perceptions and refining emotions from the beautiful in the material world ; and these speculations have been, under the name of assthetics, elevated to the dignity of a science. The his tory of Art has afforded more tangible subjects for a large class of authors ; while practical treatises for the exclusive guidance of art-students already exist of, perhaps, adequate authority and in sufficient number. We are, however, ac quainted with very few books containing precisely those explanations of the processes and materials employed in painting which we believe can be given, and would greatly assist, not only the student, but the general public to under stand and appreciate pictures, and to estimate how far ma terial and technical relations have had historical influence on painting— books which in fact contain the particular in formation which an artist might be presumed best capable of communicating.
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