The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville

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The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville stephen a.barney, w. j. lewis, j. a. beach, oliver berghof with the collaboration of muriel hall Contents Acknowledgements page ix Note to the reader xi introduction Introduction 3 Historical background 4 Chronology 6 Life and works 7 The sources of the Etymologies 10 The character of the Etymologies 17 The influence of the Etymologies 24 Editions of the Etymologies and this translation 27 Bibliography 29 the etymologies Analytical table of contents 34 book i Grammar 39 book ii Rhetoric and dialectic 69 book iii Mathematics, music, astronomy 89 book iv Medicine 109 book v Laws and times 117 book vi Books and ecclesiastical offices 135 book vii God, angels, and saints 153 book viii The Church and sects 173 book ix Languages, nations, reigns, the military, citizens, family relationships 191 book x Vocabulary 213 book xi The human being and portents 231 book xii Animals 247 book xiii The cosmos and its parts 271 book xiv The earth and its parts 285 book xv Buildings and fields 301 vii viii Contents book xvi Stones and metals 317 book xvii Rural matters 337 book xviii War and games 359 book xix Ships, buildings, and clothing 373 book xx Provisions and various implements 395 appendix Correspondence of Isidore and Braulio 409 indexes General index 417 Index of Greek words 465 Index of citations 469 Introduction r We are pleased to present the first complete English Architects use green Carystean marble to panel translation from the Latin of Isidore’s Etymologies. libraries, because the green refreshes weary eyes Isidore, Bishop of Seville, compiled the Etymologies (also (VI.xi.2). r known as the Origins)inthelate teens and twenties of Esau had three names, meaning “red” (for the stew the seventh century, and left it nearly complete at his he made), “bloody” (for his complexion), and death in 636.Inthe form of an encyclopedia, it contains “hairy” (–34). r acompendium of much of the essential learning of the Aristotle says that Zoroaster, the first magician, ancient Greco-Roman and early Christian worlds. In his composed two million verses (VIII.ix.1). r important study of the Latin literary culture of medieval A soldier (miles)issocalled because once Europe, Ernst Robert Curtius spoke of the Etymologies as there were a thousand (mille)inonetroop serving “the entire Middle Ages as a basic book.”1 It was (IX.iii.32). r arguably the most influential book, after the Bible, in the The word for a garrulous person (garrulus) derives learned world of the Latin West for nearly a thousand from the name of the constantly chattering bird, the years. jackdaw (graculus)(X.114). r To get an idea of what a seventh-century Irish monk, In the womb, the knees (genua)are pressed against or a lecturer at a cathedral school in the eleventh cen- the face, and help to form the eye-sockets (genae); tury, or an Italian poet of the fourteenth century, or a hence their name (XI.i.108). r lexicographer of the sixteenth century could learn from The ibis purges itself by spewing water into its anus the Etymologies,onemightpickabitof lore from each with its beak (XII.vii.33). r of the twenty books in which the work has come down Because of its brightness, lightning reaches the eyes to us. From Isidore, then, we learn that: before thunder reaches the ears (XIII.viii.2). r Gaul is so named from the whiteness of its people, r Caesar Augustus used a code in which he replaced for “milk” in Greek is gla (XIV.iv.25). r each letter with the following letter of the alphabet, Minerva is ‘Athena’ in Greek; she is reputed to be b for a,etc.(I.xxv.2). inventor of many arts because various arts, and r Plato divided physics into four categories: arithmetic, philosophy itself, consider the city of Athens their geometry, music, and astronomy (II.xxiv.4). temple (XV.i.44). r r The term ‘cymbal’ derives from the Greek words for Amber is not the sap of the poplar, but of pine, “with” and “dancing,” sÅn and bal (III.xxii.12). because when burned it smells like pine pitch r AphysicianneedstoknowtheSevenLiberalArtsof (XVI.viii.6). r Grammar, Rhetoric, Dialectic, Arithmetic, An altar was dedicated in Rome to Stercutus, who Geometry, Music, and Astronomy (IV.xiii.1–4.) brought the technique of dunging (stercorare)fields r In ancient times execution by sword was preferred as to Italy (XVII.i.3). r speedier (V.xxvii.35). The battering ram takes its name ‘ram’ from its character, because it butts walls (XVIII.xi.1). r The women of Arabia and Mesopotamia wear the veil called theristrum even today as a protection from heat (XIX.xxv.6). 1 “Grundbuch des ganzen Mittelalters,” in Europaische¨ Literatur r und lateinisches Mittelalter (Bern, 1948), trans. by W. R. Trask, Euro- Wine (vinum)issocalled because it replenishes the pean Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (New York, 1953: 23). veins (vena)with blood (XX.ii.2). 3 4 introduction In the following introduction we provide sketches of sources of the Etymologies,ofthe character of the work, Isidore’s historical setting, of his life and works, of the and of its influence.2 Historical background When Isidore was born around the middle of the sixth In 507,Clovis,the king of the Franks, attacked the century, the Western Roman Empire no longer existed Gaulish part of the Visigothic kingdom, and over the as a political entity. Gaul was now ruled by the Franks, next quarter century the Visigoths lost all their Gaul- and in Italy the Ostrogoths had just been defeated by ish territory apart from the region around Narbonne Byzantine forces, who had also taken over North Africa known as Septimania. From this point on, the Visi- from the Vandals a short time earlier. Spain, meanwhile, gothic kingdom was essentially confined to the Spanish had been under Visigothic rule for over a century.3 peninsula. The Visigoths, like the Ostrogoths, were a Germanic It should be pointed out that although the Visi- people, originally settled north of the Danube. In 376, goths were rulers of Spain they probably only made up under increasing pressure from the Huns, they were a small percentage of the population throughout the allowed by Roman authorities to cross the Danube and period under their rule; the majority of the inhabitants settle in Thrace. Their dealings with Rome within the were Hispano-Roman. The new rulers retained a large Empire were rocky from the outset, and they soon part of the Roman administrative structure; Roman gov- rebelled, raiding throughout Thrace before defeating ernors and officials continued to collect at least some Roman forces outside Adrianople in 378. Fighting con- Roman taxes4 and enforce Roman law.5 The two groups tinued until the two sides reached an agreement in 382 remained socially distinct, however; a ban from imperial which established the Visigoths as Roman allies bound times on intermarriage between Goths and Romans, for to supply troops in return for subsidies and a certain example, apparently remained in effect until the later amount of autonomy. By the end of the century rela- part of the sixth century.6 tions had deteriorated again, however, and the Visigoths, Visigothic Spain was a politically unstable kingdom led by Alaric (reigned 395–410), entered Italy and sacked throughout most of the sixth century. Four successive Rome in 410 after they were unable to reach an agree- kings were murdered (Amalric, Theudis, Theudisclus, ment with the Emperor on the subsidies they were to and Agila). From 544,Byzantine forces intervened in receive. Still at odds with the Romans, they made their Visigothic affairs, possibly at the invitation of Athana- way to Southern Gaul in 412,andfromthere were driven gild in his rebellion against Agila. By 557,theByzan- by Emperor Constantius into Spain. tines occupied the southeastern coast of the peninsula, The Roman province of Hispania had been overrun a including the port city of Cartagena. Isidore’s parents few years previous to this by a loose alliance of Germanic appear to have left Cartagena at about this time, quite tribes, the Alans, the Vandals, and the Sueves. The Visi- possibly as a result of this invasion. In the meantime, goths, faced with food shortages due to a Roman block- ade, came to an agreement with Constantius to fight 2 The fullest recent account of all these matters is the extensive these earlier barbarian invaders on Rome’s behalf. After General Introduction by Manuel C. D´ıaz y D´ıaz to the Spanish some success, they were resettled in Gaul in 418. edition of the Etymologies,ed.Oroz Reta and Marcos Casquero 19932: In 456,underTheodoricII(reigned453–466), 3–257.Nogood general treatment of Isidore is available in English; the Visigoths invaded Spain again, where the Suevi the study by Brehaut (1912)isoutdated. 3 Forarecent overview of the whole period see McKitterick 2001. had become the dominant power in the meantime. 4 Land tax, custom tolls, and collatio lustralis continued to be Theodoric’s forces did not manage to conquer the entire collected, for example; see Heather 1996: 194–95. peninsula, however; areas held by the Suevi, Galicians 5 There is some controversy over whether the Gothic inhabitants were subject to a separate code based on traditional Gothic law; see, and others continued to assert their independence for among others, King 1980,Collins 1995: 24–31,Heather 1996: 194–96, some time, and the Basque territories were never com- Velazquez´ 1999, and Wood 1999. pletely subdued. 6 Wood 1999: 193.
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