Astronomy Magazine 2018 Index
Astronomy Magazine 2018 Index SUBJECT A AAS (American Astronomical Society), 10:56–57 AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers), 10:57 Abell 1656 (Coma Cluster of Galaxies), 6:57 Abell 1758 (galaxy cluster), 12:74 Abell S0636 (Antlia Cluster), 12:71 abiogenesis, 8:16 ACEAP (Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program), 4:28–31 active galactic nuclei (AGN) See also black holes clouds of obscuring dust, 10:13 dusty torus around, 6:21 need to revise model used to classify, 2:19 Adler Planetarium, 6:45 AE Aurigae (variable star), 1:53 AL (Astronomical League), 10:58 ALMA. See Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) ALPHA experiment, 1:24–25 Alpha Scorpii (Antares) (star), 1:72 ALPO (Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers), 10:56 amateur astronomy changing lives of students, 5:16 exoplanets discovered through, 9:11 organizations for, 10:56–60 #Popscope, 10:64 American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), 10:57 American Astronomical Society (AAS), 10:56–57 American Meteor Society (AMS), 10:57 Andromeda (constellation), observations within, 10:68 Andromeda Galaxy (M31) consumption of M32, 11:18 mass of, 6:19 Ant Nebula, 9:11 Antares (Alpha Scorpii) (star), 1:72 antimatter high number of positrons in near-Earth space, 3:12 lightning strikes and, 3:11 trapping antihydrogen for study, 1:24–25 Antique Telescope Society (ATS), 10:58 Antlia Cluster (Abell S0636), 12:71 Apollo missions Apollo 7 mission, 50th anniversary, 10:10–11 Apollo 8 mission, interview with Jim Lovell, 12:28–35 Apollo 8 mission, orbits of Moon, 12:14 Apollo 11 mission, digitizing recordings from, 4:19 Apollo 12 mission, struck by lightning, 11:16 Mission Moon 3-D book, 12:18–27 Arecibo Observatory, 6:15 ARIEL space telescope, 7:11 Arp 78 (NGC 772) (spiral galaxy), 4:73 ARTS supercomputer, 5:15 ASP (Astronomical Society of the Pacific), 10:58 Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO), 10:56 1 Astronomy Magazine Subject Index asterisms, created by John Davis, 8:66.
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