SOUTH SUDAN Total Population by County
SOUTH SUDAN Total population by county Manyo 77,009 Renk 189,061 SUDAN Melut 126,691 Malakal Fashoda Maban Pariang 74,772 54,263 Abyei region 127,959 UPPER NILE Panyikang 190,398 Abiemnhom ! 55,593 Rubkona 65,294 Malakal Baliet Aweil North Aweil East 333,412 56,348 ! 164,383 336,473 Twic Mayom Guit Longochuk Bentiu Canal/Pigi 263,824 152,879 68,179 Fangak 72,633 Raja Aweil West 103,828 Luakpiny/ Gogrial East 191,782 Nasir 58,073 198,885 ! 127,687 Aweil Gogrial 286,628 Maiwut Aweil South UNITY NORTHERN West Koch Ulang 128,913 138,486 Tonj Nyirol 317,972 96,257 137,691 BAHR EL North Ayod 138,777 GHAZAL ! Kuajok 256,629 189,295 Aweil Centre Mayendit Leer 74,120 WARRAP 69,075 75,769 Tonj East ETHIOPIA JONGLEI Akobo ! 179,909 WESTERN BAHR Wau Rumbek Duk 221,022 North Panyijiar Uror EL GHAZAL Jur 194,183 Wau River 70,949 117,105 191,141 CENTRAL 312,336 276,320 Rumbek Pochalla AFRICAN Cueibet Centre Twic East 77,474 Tonj 178,855 210,348 121,089 REPUBLIC South Yirol East 116,467 Rumbek ! Rumbek East 156,459 Bor South 170,302 Nagero 331,333 Yirol West LAKES Pibor International boundary 37,740 170,217 222,297 Awerial ! Bor State boundary Wulu Tambura 86,885 136,232 Mvolo County boundary 116,202 73,373 Undetermined boundary Terekeka WESTERN 252,096 Lafon Abyei region Mundri EQUATORIA Kapoeta EASTERN Ibba West Mundri 153,028 !^ Country capital East North EQUATORIA Ezo 64,801 48,457 97,644 153,304 129,508 Maridi Juba Kapoeta East ! State capital Yambio 107,613 509,958 165,518 164,427 Juba Total population per county Nzara !^ 81,561 Yambio Kapoeta 1-50,000 ! CENTRAL South 99,739 Lainya EQUATORIA ! Torit 50,001-100,000 Yei Budi 294,818 110,939 Torit 102,231 DEMOCRATIC 61,440 100,001-200,000 Ikotos REPUBLIC OF Kajo-keji Magwi KENYA 200,001-300,000 104,238 226,983 258,402 THE CONGO Morobo 300,001-500,000 113,186 UGANDA 0 50 100 km The administrative boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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