Donnici: No Attempt to 'Bribe' Legislature
........, UNJVERSITI OF HAWAII LIB.RAR'l 'Fatnous tow-el case' reaches .. high court ~ yond reasonable doubt" and ,,~ · sentenced her to "five days in e . j~ -all. suspended·. except· for hours." addition -;-,., ... : 39.' .: . ·. In - ·.··· ., . t :-she ? was. ordered to perfomi,40, ·,:)~ f) :hoursofcommunify,W:orlcser,.: •· :t-}.vice,lllldtostayawayfrofualli· .',.·.:'.."'' ~'.~:· st::zr~\~~~;i~tion ••. , • .................. <i.-•·;:~;~cc~:;:1tj:'. .:".:dubbed aS'-'The '.Great Towel\ .year. A local n~wspaper' s edil\ . t<>rial suggested that the case •. was too .. petty. to merit .. the Daniel DeRienzo court's efforts. .. .·. i,': By Mar•Vlc C Munar .. · · Butlegajcircumstancessur ,. Variety News Staff . ·rounding the case tend to incli"'. .. HERE was a case involving cate its seriousness. · what may be an insignificant Ac_cording to DeRienzo, the towel that prompted the Superior Court's . judgement island's best legal minds to must be reversed because it "is rummage up the US Supreme riddled with errors." Court library. DeRienzocited,forinstance, Yesterday, the high tribunal the police's failure to preserve heard contending parties' oral and present to the court the towel which, he said, was "the Donnici: No attempt arguments on Wang Hong Yan's appeal for the reversal most important piece of evi of her conviction in connec dence necessary for the trial." tion with a towel theft. "How did the trial court with to 'bribe' Legislature Through Chief Public De out having the benefit of actu fender Daniel DeRienzo, Wang ally seeing and examining the By Rafael H. Arroyo to a local lawyer's allegations that said "errors" committed by the towel in question, find beyond Variety News Staff the trust's offer was a "thinly I Superior Court denied her a reasonable doubt that it was THE RECENT offer to fund veiled bribe" supposedly to influ fair trial.
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