International Journal of Algebra, Vol. 3, 2009, no. 3, 125 - 135 Cyclic Pure Submodules V. A. Hiremath1 Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University Dharwad-580003, India va Seema S. Gramopadhye2 Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University Dharwad-580003, India e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract P.M.Cohn [3] has introduced the notion of purity for R-modules. With respect to purity, flat, absolutely pure and regular modules are studied. In this paper we introduce and study the corresponding no- tions of c-flat, absolutely c-pure and c-regular modules for cyclic pu- rity. We prove that absolutely c-pure R-modules are precisely injective modules. Also we study the relationship between c-flat and torsion-free modules over commutative integral domains and non-commutative non- integral domains. Also, we study the conditions under which c-regular R-modules are semi-simple. Mathematics Subject Classifications: 16D40, 16D50 Keywords: Pure submodules, flat module and regular ring Introduction In this paper, by a ring R we mean an associative ring with unity and by an R-module we mean a unitary right R-module. Z(M) denotes the singular submodule of the R-module M. 1Corresponding author 2The author is supported by University Research Scholarship. 126 V. A. Hiremath and S. S. Gramopadhye A ring R is said to be principal projective, if every principal right ideal is projective. We denote this ring by p.p. The notion of purity has an important role in module theory and in model theory. In model theory, the notion of pure exact sequence is more useful than split exact sequences.