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1 E. Wolf, Progress in 50 1 © 2007 Elsevier B.V. 2 All rights reserved 2 3 3

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6 6 7 Chapter 2 7 8 8

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10 Conical diffraction: Hamilton’s diabolical point 10 11 at the heart of optics 11 12 12 13 by 13 14 14

15 15 M.V. Berry, M.R. Jeffrey 16 16

17 17 H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK 18 18

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39 39 ISSN: 0079-6638 DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6638(07)50002-8 13 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 2 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

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6 6 7 Contents 7 8 8

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10 Page 10 11 § 1. Introduction ...... 15 11 12 12 § 2. Preliminaries: electromagnetism and the wave surface ...... 18 13 13 14 § 3. The diabolical singularity: Hamilton’s ray cone ...... 20 14 15 § 4. The bright ring of internal conical refraction ...... 23 15 16 16

17 § 5. Poggendorff’s dark ring, Raman’s bright spot ...... 26 17 18 § 6. Belsky and Khapalyuk’s exact paraxial theory of conical diffraction . 31 18 19 19 § 7. Consequences of conical diffraction theory ...... 34 20 20

21 § 8. Experiments ...... 41 21 22 § 9. Concluding remarks ...... 43 22 23 23

24 Acknowledgements ...... 45 24 25 Appendix 1: Paraxiality ...... 45 25 26 26 Appendix 2: Conical refraction and analyticity ...... 47 27 27

28 References ...... 48 28

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6 6 7 § 1. Introduction. 7 8 8 9 The bicentenary of the birth in 1805 of William Rowan Hamilton (fig. 1) comes 9 10 at a time of renewed interest in the phenomenon of conical refraction (Born and 10 11 Wolf [1999], Landau, Lifshitz and Pitaevskii [1984]), in which a narrow beam of 11 12 12 , incident along the optic axis of a biaxial crystal, spreads into a hollow cone 13 13 within the crystal, and emerges as a hollow cylinder. The prediction of the effect 14 14 in 1832 (Hamilton [1837]), and its observation by Lloyd (fig. 1) soon afterwards 15 15 (Lloyd [1837]), caused a sensation. For a non-technical account, see Lunney and 16 16 Weaire [2006]. 17 17 Our purpose here is to describe how the current understanding of conical re- 18 18 fraction has been reached after nearly two centuries of theoretical and experimen- 19 19 tal study. Although our treatment will be roughly historical, we do not adhere to 20 20 the practice, common in historical research, of describing each episode using only 21 21

22 sources and arguments from the period being studied. For the early history of con- 22

23 ical refraction, this has already been done, by Graves [1882] and O’Hara [1982]. 23

24 Rather, we will weave each aspect of the theory into the historical development in 24

25 ways more concordant with the current style of theoretical physics, hoping thus 25

26 to bring out connections with other phenomena in mathematics and physics. 26

27 There are many reasons why conical refraction is worth revisiting: 27

28 (i) It was an early (perhaps the first) example of a qualitatively new phe- 28

29 nomenon predicted by mathematical reasoning. By the early 1800s, it 29

30 was widely appreciated that mathematics is essential to understanding 30

31 the natural world. However, the phenomena to which mathematics had 31

32 been applied were already familiar (e.g., tides, eclipses, and planetary 32 33 orbits). Prediction of qualitatively new effects by mathematics may be 33 34 commonplace today, but in the 1830s it was startling. 34 35 (ii) With its intimate interplay of position and direction, conical refraction 35 36 was the first non-trivial application of phase space, and of what we now 36 37 call dynamics governed by a Hamiltonian. 37 38 (iii) Its observation provided powerful evidence confirming that light is a 38 39 transverse wave. 39

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16 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 1

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23 Fig. 1. Dramatis personae. 23

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2, § 1] Introduction 17

1 (iv) Recently, it has become popular to study light through its singularities 1 2 (Berry [2001], Nye [1999], Soskin and Vasnetsov [2001]). In retrospect, 2 3 we see conical refraction as one of the first phenomena in singular po- 3 4 larization optics; another is the pattern of in the blue sky 4 5 (Berry, Dennis and Lee [2004]). 5 6 (v) It was the first physical example of a conical intersection (diabolical 6 7 point) (Berry [1983], Uhlenbeck [1976], Berry and Wilkinson [1984]) 7 8 involving a degeneracy. Nowadays, conical intersections are popular in 8 9 theoretical chemistry, as spectral features indicating the breakdown of 9 10 the Born–Oppenheimer separation between fast electronic and slow nu- 10 11 clear freedoms (Cederbaum, Friedman, Ryaboy and Moiseyev [2003], 11 12 Herzberg and Longuet-Higgins [1963], Mead and Truhlar [1979]). By 12 13 analogy, conical refraction can be reinterpreted as an exactly solvable 13 14 model for quantum physics in the presence of a degeneracy. 14 15 (vi) The effect displays a subtle interplay of ray and wave physics. Although 15 16 its original prediction was geometrical (Sections 3 and 4), there are sev- 16 17 eral levels of geometrical optics (Sections 5 and 7), of which all except 17 18 the first require concepts from wave physics, and waves are essential to a 18 19 detailed understanding (Section 6). That is why we use the term conical 19 20 diffraction, and why the effect has taken so long to understand. 20 21 (vii) Analysis of the theory (Berry [2004b]) led to identification of an unex- 21 22 pected universal phenomenon in mathematical asymptotics: when expo- 22 23 nential contributions to a function compete, the smaller exponential can 23 24 dominate (Berry [2004a]). 24 25 (viii) There are extensions (Section 8) of the case studied by Hamilton, and 25 26 their theoretical understanding still presents challenges. Effects of chi- 26 27 rality (optical activity) have only recently been fully understood (Belsky 27 28 and Stepanov [2002], Berry and Jeffrey [2006a]), and further extensions 28 29 incorporate absorption (Berry and Jeffrey [2006b], Jeffrey [2007]) and 29 30 nonlinearity (Indik and Newell [2006]). 30 31 (ix) Conical diffraction is a continuing stimulus for experiments. Although 31 32 the fine details of Hamilton’s original phenomenon have now been ob- 32 33 served (Berry, Jeffrey and Lunney [2006]), predictions of new structures 33 34 that appear in the presence of chirality, absorption and nonlinearity re- 34 35 main untested. 35 36 (x) The story of conical diffraction, unfolding over 175 years, provides an 36 37 edifying contrast to the current emphasis on short-term science. 37 38 Although all results of the theory have been published before, some of our 38 39 ways of presenting them are original. In particular, after the exact treatment in 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 6 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

18 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 2

1 Sections 2–4 we make systematic use of the simplifying approximation of parax- 1 2 iality. This is justified by the small angles involved in conical diffraction (Appen- 2 3 dix 1), and leads to what we hope are the simplest quantitative explanations of the 3 4 various phenomena. 4 5 5

6 6

7 § 2. Preliminaries: electromagnetism and the wave surface 7

8 8

9 Hamilton’s prediction was based on a singular property of the wave surface de- 9

10 scribing propagation in an anisotropic medium. Originally, this was formulated 10

11 in terms of Fresnel’s elastic-solid theory. Today it is natural to use Maxwell’s 11

12 electromagnetic theory. 12

13 For the physical fields in a homogeneous medium, we write plane waves with 13

14 wavevector k and frequency ω as 14 15 15 Re {Dk, Ek, Bk, Hk} exp i(k · r − ωt) , (2.1) 16 16

17 in which the vectors Dk, etc., are usually complex. From Maxwell’s curl equa- 17

18 tions, 18

19 19 ωDk =−k × Hk,ωBk = k × Ek. (2.2) 20 20

21 A complete specification of the fields requires constitutive equations. For a 21

22 transparent nonmagnetic nonchiral biaxial , these can be written as 22 23 −1 23 Ek = ε Dk, Bk = μ0Hk. (2.3) 24 24 −1 25 ε is the inverse dielectric , conveniently expressed in principal axes as 25 ⎛ ⎞ 26 2 26 1/n1 00 − 1 27 1 = ⎝ 2 ⎠ 27 ε 01/n2 0 , (2.4) 28 ε0 2 28 001/n3 29 29 where ni are the principal refractive indices, all different, with the conventional 30 ordering 30 31 31 32 n1

2, § 2] Preliminaries: electromagnetism and the wave surface 19

1 It will be convenient to express the wavevector k in terms of the 1 2 nk, through the definitions 2 3 ω 3 k ≡ ke ≡ k n e ,k≡ , (2.7) 4 k 0 k k 0 c 4 5 incorporating 5 6 6 1 7 c = √ . (2.8) 7 8 ε0μ0 8 9 It is simpler to work with the electric vector D rather than E, because D is 9 10 always transverse to the propagation direction ek. Then eqs. (2.2) and (2.3) lead 10 11 to the following eigenequation determining the possible plane waves: 11 12 12 1 −1 13 Dk =−ek × ek × ε0ε · Dk . (2.9) 13 n2 14 k 14

15 This involves a 3 × 3 matrix whose determinant vanishes, and the two eigen- 15

16 values λ± of the 2 × 2 inverse dielectric tensor transverse to k give the refractive 16

17 indices 17 18 1 18 nk± = . (2.10) 19 19 λ±(ek) 20 20 Of several different graphical representations (Born and Wolf [1999], Landau, 21 21 Lifshitz and Pitaevskii [1984]) of the propagation governed by nk±, we choose 22 22 the two-sheeted polar plot in direction space; this is commonly called the wave 23 23 surface, though there is no universally established terminology. The wave surface 24 24 has the same shape as the constant ω surface in k space, that is [cf. eq. (2.7)], the 25 25 contour surface of the dispersion relation 26 26 ck 27 ω(k) ≡ ; (2.11) 27 28 nk 28 29 ω(k) is the Hamiltonian generating rays in the crystal, with k as canonical mo- 29 30 mentum. 30 31 An immediate application of the wave surface, known to Hamilton and cen- 31 32 tral to his discovery, is that for each of the two waves with wavevector k,theray 32 33 direction, that is, the direction of energy transport, is perpendicular to the corre- 33 34 sponding sheet of the surface. This can be seen from the first Hamilton equation, 34 35 according to which the group (ray) velocity is 35 36 36 v =∇ ω(k) (2.12) 37 g k 37 38 (for this case of a homogeneous medium, the second Hamilton equation sim- 38 39 ply asserts that k is constant along a ray). Alternatively (Landau, Lifshitz and 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 8 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

20 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 3

1 Pitaevskii [1984]), the ray direction can be regarded as that of the Poynting vec- 1 2 tor, 2 3 3 = ∗ × 4 S Re E H, (2.13) 4 5 because for any displacement dk with ω constant – that is, any displacement in 5 6 the wave surface – 6 7 7 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 8 S · dk = ω Re E · dD − dE · D + H · dB − dH · B = 0, (2.14) 8 2 9 9 where the first equality is a consequence of Maxwell’s equations and the second 10 10 follows from the linearity and Hermiticity of the constitutive relations (2.3).(This 11 11 argument is slightly more general than that of Landau, Lifshitz and Pitaevskii 12 12 [1984], because it includes transparent media that are chiral as well as biaxial.) 13 13

14 14

15 15 § 3. The diabolical singularity: Hamilton’s ray cone 16 16 17 Figure 2 is a cutaway representation of the wave surface, showing four points of 17 18 18 degeneracy where nk+ = nk−, located on two optic axes in the k1, k3 plane in 19 k space. Each intersection of the surfaces takes the form of a double cone, that 19 20 is, a diabolo, and since these are the organizing centres of degenerate behaviour 20 21 we call them diabolical points, a term adopted in quantum (Ferretti, Lami and 21 22 22

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38 38 Fig. 2. Wave surface for n1 = 1.1, n2 = 1.4, n3 = 1.8, showing the four diabolical points on the two 39 optic axes. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 9 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 3] The diabolical singularity: Hamilton’s ray cone 21

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17 Fig. 3. The ray cone is a slant cone normal to the wave cone. 17

18 18 19 Villani [1999]) and nuclear physics (Chu, Rasmussen, Stoyer, Canto, Donangelo 19 20 and Ring [1995]) as well as optics. In fact, such degeneracies are to be expected, 20 21 because of the theorem of Von Neumann and Wigner [1929] that degeneracies of 21 22 real symmetric matrices [such as that in (2.9)] have codimension two, and indeed 22 23 we have two parameters, representing the direction of k. 23 24 Hamilton’s insight was that at a diabolical point the normals (rays) to the sur- 24 25 faces are not defined, so there are infinitely many normals (rays), not two as for 25 26 all other k. These normals to the wave cone define another cone. This is the ray 26 27 cone (fig. 3), about whose structure – noncircular and skewed – we can learn by 27 28 extending an argument of Born and Wolf [1999]. 28 29 We choose k along an optic axis, and track the Poynting vector as D rotates 29 30 in the plane transverse to k.From(2.13) and Maxwell’s equations, S can be ex- 30 31 pressed as 31 32 32 c ∗ ∗ 33 S = Re E · De − E · e D . (3.1) 33 n k k 34 k 34

35 Using coordinates kx, ky, kz, with ez along k and ex in the k1, k3 plane (i.e., 35 = 36 ey e2), 36 ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 37 37 Dx Ex − 38 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 1  1 38 D = Dy , E = Ey = ε D. (3.2) 39 ε0 39 0 Ez po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 10 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

22 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 3

 1 Here ε is the rotated dielectric matrix, determined by four conditions: rotation 1 2 about the y axis does not change components involving the 2 axis, the choice of 2 3 k along an optic axis (degeneracy) implies that the xx and yy elements are the 3  4 same, and the trace and determinant of the matrices ε and ε are the same. Thus 4 5 ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ √ ⎞ 5 6 100 00 αβ 6  − 1 ε ε 1 = ⎝ ⎠ + ⎝ ⎠ . (3.3) 7 0 2 010 √00 0 7 n2 − 8 001 αβ 0 α β 8 9 It follows that, in eq. (3.1), 9 10 10

∗ 1 11 E · D = |D |2 +|D |2 , 11 2 x y 12 ε0n2 12

13 ∗ 1 13 Ez = E · ek = αβDx. (3.4) 14 ε0 14 15 15 Denoting the direction of D in the kx, ky plane by φ, that is 16 16

17 17 Dx = D cos φ, Dy = D sin φ, (3.5) 18 18

19 we obtain a φ-parametrized representation of the surface swept out by S: 19

20  20 cD2 1 21 S = e − tan 2A(e + e cos 2φ + e sin 2φ) . (3.6) 21 3 z 2 x x y 22 ε0n2 22 23 This is the ray surface, in the form of a skewed noncircular cone (fig. 3), with 23 24 half-angle A given by 24 25 25 26 = 2 26 tan 2A n2 αβ, (3.7) 27 27 = 28 From eq. (3.6) it is clear that in a circuit of the ray cone (2φ 2π), the po- 28

29 larization direction φ rotates by half a turn, illustrating the familiar ‘fermionic’ 29

30 property of degeneracies (Berry [1984], Silverman [1980]). 30

31 The direction of the optic axis, that is, the polar angle θc in the xz plane (fig. 2) 31  32 can be determined from the rotation required to transform ε into ε . Thus 32

33  − 33 ε = RεR 1, (3.8) 34 34 35 where 35 36 ⎛ ⎞ 36 θ − 37 sin c 0 cos θc 37 R = ⎝ ⎠ , 38 01 0 (3.9) 38

39 cos θc 0sinθc 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 11 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 4] The bright ring of internal conical refraction 23

1 whence identification with eq. (3.3) fixes θc as 1 2  2 α 3 tan θc = . (3.10) 3 4 β 4

5 5

6 6 § 4. The bright ring of internal conical refraction 7 7

8 8 In a leap of insight that we now recognise as squarely in the spirit of singular 9 9 optics, Hamilton [1837] realised that the ray cone would appear inside a crystal 10 10 slab, on which is incident a narrow beam directed along the optic axis. The hol- 11 11 low cone would refract into a hollow cylinder outside the slab (fig. 4). This is a 12 12 singular situation because a beam incident in any other direction would emerge, 13 13 doubly refracted, into just two beams, not a cylinder of infinitely many rays. 14 14 This is internal conical refraction, so-called because the cone is inside the crys- 15 15 tal. 16 16 Hamilton also envisaged external conical refraction, in which a different op- 17 17 tical arrangement results in a cone outside the crystal. This is associated with a 18 18 circle of contact between the wave surface and a tangent plane, “somewhat as a 19 19 plum can be laid down on a table so as to touch and rest on the table in a whole 20 20 circle of contact” (Graves [1882]). Since the theory is similar for the two effects, 21 21

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39 Fig. 4. Schematic of Hamilton’s prediction of internal conical refraction. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 12 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

24 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 4

1 our emphasis henceforth will be on internal, rather than external, conical refrac- 1 2 tion. 2 3 Hamilton’s research attracted wide attention. According to Graves [1882],Airy 3 4 called conical refraction “perhaps the most remarkable prediction that has ever 4 5 been made”; and Herschel, in a prescient anticipation of singular optics, wrote 5 6 “of theory actually remanding back experiment to read her lesson anew; inform- 6 7 ing her of facts so strange, as to appear to her impossible, and showing her all the 7 8 singularities she would observe in critical cases she never dreamed of trying”. In 8 9 particular, the predictions fascinated Lloyd [1837], who called them “in the high- 9 10 est degree novel and remarkable”, and regarded them as “singular and unexpected 10 11 consequences of the undulatory theory, not only unsupported by any facts hitherto 11 12 observed, but even opposed to all the analogies derived from experience. If con- 12 13 firmed by experiment, they would furnish new and almost convincing proofs of 13 14 the truth of that theory.” 14 15 Using a crystal of aragonite, Lloyd succeeded in observing conical refraction. 15 16 The experiment was difficult because the cone is narrow: the semi-angle A is 16 17 small. If the slab has thickness l, the emerging cylinder, with radius 17 18 18 = 19 R0 Al, (4.1) 19

20 20 is thin unless l is large. To see the cylinder clearly, R0 must be larger than the 21 width w of the incident beam. Lloyd used a beam narrowed by passage through 21 22 22 small pinholes with radii w  200 µm. As we will see, this interplay between R0 23 and w is important. However, large l brings the additional difficulty of finding a 23 24 24

25 25

26 Table 1 26 Data for experiments on conical diffraction 27 27 ◦ 28 Experiment n1, n2, n3 A ( ) l (mm) w (µm) ρ0 28   29 Lloyd [1837] (aragonite) 1.5326, 1.6863, 1.6908 0.96 12 200 1.0 29 Potter [1841] (aragonite) 1.5326, 1.6863, 1.6908 0.96 12.712.716.7 30 Raman, Rajagopalan and 30 31 Nedungadi [1941] 31 32 (naphthalene) 1.525, 1.722, 1.945 6.92 0.5 500 32 Schell and Bloembergen [1978a] 1.530, 1.680, 1.695 1.09.521.87.8 33 (aragonite) 33 34 Mikhailychenko [2005] (sulfur) data not provided 3.530 1756 34 35 Fève, Boulanger and Marnier [1994] 35 (sphere of KTP = KTiOPO ) 1.7636, 1.7733, 1.8636 0.92 2.56 53.0 1210 36 4 36 Berry, Jeffrey and Lunney [2006] 37 37 (MDT = KGd(WO4)2 2.02, 2.06, 2.11 1.025 7.160 38 For the experiments of Lloyd and Raman, w is the pinhole radius; for the other experiments, w is the 38 39 1/e intensity half-width of the laser beam. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 13 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 4] The bright ring of internal conical refraction 25

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26 Fig. 5. The transition (a–d) from double to conical refraction as the incident beam direction approaches 26 27 the optic axis. In (d) two rings are visible, separated by the Poggendorff dark ring studied in Section 5. 27

28 This figure is taken from Berry, Jeffrey and Lunney [2006] (see also Table 1). 28

29 29 30 clean enough length of crystal; Lloyd describes how he explored several regions 30 31 of his crystal before being able to detect the effect. 31 32 Nowadays it is simpler to use a laser beam with waist width w rather than a 32 33 pinhole with radius w. Nevertheless, observation of the effect remains challeng- 33 34 ing. Table 1 summarises the conditions of the several experiments known to us; 34 35 we will describe some of them later. 35 36 Figure 5 illustrates how double refraction transforms into conical refraction as 36 37 the direction of the incident light beam approaches an optic axis. Of this trans- 37 38 formation, Lloyd [1837] wrote: “This phenomenon was exceedingly striking. It 38 39 looked like a small ring of gold viewed upon a dark ground; and the sudden and 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 14 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

26 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 5

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15 15 Fig. 6. Simulation of rings for incident beam linearly polarized horizontally, with polarization direc- 16 16 tions superimposed, showing the ‘fermionic’ half-turn of the polarization. 17 17

18 18

19 almost magical change of the appearance, from two luminous points to a perfect 19

20 luminous ring, contributed not a little to enhance the interest.” 20 Lloyd also observed a feature that Hamilton had predicted: the half-turn of 21 21 polarization round the ring (fig. 6). 22 22

23 23 24 § 5. Poggendorff’s dark ring, Raman’s bright spot 24 25 25 26 Hamilton was aware that his geometrical theory did not give a complete descrip- 26 27 tion of conical refraction: “I suspect the exact laws of it depend on things yet 27 28 unknown” (Graves [1882]). And indeed, as fig. 5(d) shows, closer observation re- 28 29 veals internal structure in Hamilton’s ring, that he did not predict and Lloyd did 29 30 not detect: there is not one bright ring but two, separated by a dark ring. This was 30 31 first reported in a brief but important paper by Poggendorff [1839] (fig. 1), who 31 32 noted “...a bright ring that encompasses a coal-black sliver” (“einem hellen Ringe 32 33 vereinigen, der ein kohlschwarzes Scheibchen einschliefst”). The existence of two 33 34 bright rings, rather than one, was independently discovered soon afterwards by 34 35 Potter [1841] (Table 1). 35 36 After more than 65 years, the origin of Poggendorff’s dark ring was identi- 36 37 fied by Voigt [1905a] (fig. 1)(seealsoBorn and Wolf [1999]), who pointed out 37 38 that Hamilton’s prediction involved the idealization of a perfectly collimated in- 38 39 finitely narrow beam. This is incompatible with the wave nature of light: a beam 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 15 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 5] Poggendorff’s dark ring, Raman’s bright spot 27

1 of spatial width w must contain transverse wavevector components (i.e., kx, ky) 1 2 extending over at least a range 1/w (more, if the light is incoherent); this is just 2 3 the optical analogue of the uncertainty principle. Therefore the incident beam will 3 4 explore not just the diabolical point itself but a neighbourhood of the optic axis 4 5 in k space. In fact Hamilton knew about the off-axis waves: “it was in fact from 5 6 considering them and passing to the limit that I first deduced my expectation of 6 7 conical refraction”. Lloyd too was aware of “the angle of divergence produced by 7 8 diffraction in the minutest apertures”. 8 9 Voigt’s observation was that the strength of the light generated by the off-axis 9 10 2 + 2 10 waves inside and outside the cylinder is proportional to the radius kx ky of 11 the circumference of contributing rings on the wave cone. At the diabolical point 11 12 this vanishes, so the intensity is zero on the geometrical cylinder itself. Thus, 12 13 the Poggendorff dark ring is a manifestation of the area element in plane polar 13 14 coordinates in k space. 14 15 The elementary quantitative theory of the Poggendorff ring is based on geomet- 15 16 rical optics, incorporating the finite k width of the beam – which of course is a 16 17 consequence of wave physics. Rigorous geometrical-optics treatments were given 17 18 by Ludwig [1961] and Uhlmann [1982]; here, our aim is to obtain the simplest 18 19 explicit formulae. To prepare for later analysis of experiments, we formulate the 19 20 theory so as to describe the light beyond the crystal. Appropriately enough, we 20 21 will use Hamilton’s principle. 21 22 22 We begin with the optical path lengths from a point ri on the entrance face 23 z = 0 of the crystal to a point r beyond the crystal at a distance z from the 23 24 24 entrance face, for the two waves with transverse wavevector components kx, ky: 25  25 26 = − + − + 2 2 − 2 − 2 26 path length kx(x xi) ky(y yi) l k0nk± kx ky 27  27 + − 2 − 2 − 2 28 (z l) k0 kx ky. (5.1) 28 29 The exit face of the crystal is z = l, but all our formulae are also valid for z

28 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 5

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18 Fig. 7. Dimensionless coordinates for conical diffraction theory. 18

19 19

20 20 Here, transverse position ρ and transverse wavevectors κ are measured in terms 21 21 of the beam width w, with ρ measured from the axis of the cylinder. Especially 22 22 important is the parameter ρ0, giving the radius of the cylinder in units of w;this 23 23 single quantity characterises the field of rays – and also of waves, as we shall see 24 24 – replacing the five quantities n1, n2, n3, l, w. Well-developed rings correspond 25 25 to ρ0  1. 26 26 Near the diabolical point, κ is small, so we can write the sheets of the wave 27 27 surface as 28  28 29 A(−κx ± κ) 29 nk± = n2 1 + . (5.3) 30 k0n2w 30 31 Now comes an important simplification, to be used in all subsequent analysis: 31 32 because all angles are small (Table 1), we use the paraxial approximation (Ap- 32 33 pendix 1) to expand the square roots in eq. (5.1). This leads to 33 34 34 35 = + − + 35 path length k0(n2l z l) Φ±(κ, ρ, ρi), (5.4) 36 36

37 where 37 38 ≡ · − ± − 1 2 38 Φ±(κ, ρ, ρi) κ (ρ ρi) κρ0 κ ζ (5.5) 39 2 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 17 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 5] Poggendorff’s dark ring, Raman’s bright spot 29

1 and 1 2 l + n (z − l) 2 ζ ≡ 2 . 3 2 (5.6) 3 n2k0w 4 Here ζ is a dimensionless propagation parameter, measuring distance from the 4 5 5 ‘focal image plane’ z = l(1 − 1/n2) (fig. 7) where the sharpest image of the inci- 6 dent beam (pinhole or laser waist) would be formed if the crystal were isotropic 6 7 (i.e., if A were zero). The importance of the focal image plane ζ = 0 was first 7 8 noted in observations by Potter [1841]. 8 9 { } { } 9 By Hamilton’s principle, rays from ρi, 0 to ρ,z correspond to waves with 10 wavenumber κ for which the optical distance is stationary. Thus 10 11 11 ∇ = − ± − = 12 κ Φ ρ ρi ρ0eκ κζ 0, (5.7) 12 13 that is 13 14 14 − = ∓ 15 ρ ρi (κζ ρ0)eκ . (5.8) 15 16 = 16 Consider for the moment rays from ρi 0. Squaring eq. (5.8) and using ρ>0, 17 κ>0 leads to 17 18 (ρ + ρ ) 18 +: two solutions: (a): κ = 0 e , 19 ζ ρ 19 20 (ρ − ρ) 20 (b): κ = 0 e (ρ  ρ ), (5.9) 21 ζ ρ 0 21 22 22 (ρ − ρ0) 23 −: one solution: (c): κ = e (ρ  ρ ). 23 ζ ρ 0 24 24 For each ρ, there are two solutions: (a); and either (b) (if ρ  ρ )or(c)(if 25 0 25 ρ  ρ ). As fig. 8 illustrates, these correspond to minus the slopes of the surface 26 0 26 27 1 2 27 κ ζ ∓ κρ0. (5.10) 28 2 28 29 29

30 30

31 31

32 32

33 33

34 34

35 35

36 36

37 37

38 38

39 Fig. 8. The ‘Hamiltonian’ surface (5.10) whose normals generate the paraxial rays. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 18 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

30 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 5

− 1 A ray bundle dκ will reach dρ at ζ with intensity proportional to |J | 1 where 1 2 J is the Jacobian 2 3  3 dρ ∂(ξ,η) ρ0 4 J = det = det = ζ ζ ∓ . (5.11) 4 dκ ∂(κx,κy) κ 5 5

6 The ray equation (5.8) gives 6

7 − κ |ρ ± ρ | 7 |J | 1 = = 0 , (5.12) 8 ζρ ζ 2ρ 8 9 9 which for the minus sign vanishes linearly on the cylinder ρ = ρ0, where, 10 10 from (5.9), the contributing wavevector is the diabolical point κ = 0. Thus the 11 11 Poggendoff dark ring is an ‘anticaustic’. 12 12 This geometrical theory also explains an important observation made by 13 13 Raman, Rajagopalan and Nedungadi [1941] (fig. 1), who emphasized that the 14 14 ring pattern changes dramatically beyond the crystal; in our notation, the pattern 15 15 depends strongly on the distance ζ from the focal image plane. Raman saw that 16 16 as ζ increases, a bright spot develops at ρ = 0. This is associated with the factor 17 17 1/ρ in the inverse Jacobian (5.12), corresponding to a singularity on the cylin- 18 18 der axis ρ = 0 – a line caustic, resulting from the ring of normals where the 19 19 surface (5.10) turns over at κ = ρ0/ζ (fig. 8). At the turnover, the surface is lo- 20 20 cally toroidal, so the Raman spot is analogous to the optical glory (Nussenzveig 21 21 [1992], van de Hulst [1981]) − another consequence of an axial caustic resulting 22 22 from circular symmetry. Raman, Rajagopalan and Nedungadi [1941] pointed out 23 23 that the turnover is related to the circle of contact in external conical refraction, 24 24 so that the two effects discovered by Hamilton cannot be completely separated. 25 25 The central spot had been observed earlier by Potter [1841], who however failed 26 26 to understand its origin. 27 27 Since the factor 1/ρ in (5.12) applies to all z, why does the Raman spot ap- 28 28 pear only as ζ increases? The reason is that in the full geometrical-optics inten- 29 29 sity I , the inverse Jacobian must be modulated by the angular distribution of 30 geom 30 the incident beam. Let the incident transverse beam amplitude (assumed circu- 31 31 lar) have Fourier transform a(κ). Important cases are a pinhole with radius w, 32 32 and a Gaussian beam with intensity 1/e half-width w, for which [in the scaled 33 33 variables (5.2)] 34 34 35 J1(κ) 35 circular pinhole: ap(κ) = , 36 κ 36 37  (5.13) 37 38 1 2 38 Gaussian beam: aG(κ) = exp − κ . 39 2 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 19 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 6] Belsky and Khapalyuk’s exact paraxial theory of conical diffraction 31

1 Incorporating the Jacobian and the ray equations gives 1 2 1   2 I (ρ, ζ ) = |ρ − ρ |a |ρ − ρ |/ζ 2 3 geom 2ζ 2ρ 0 0 3 4   4 + +  + 2 5 (ρ ρ0) a (ρ ρ0)/ζ . (5.14) 5 6 The first term represents the bright rings, separated by the Poggendorff dark ring; 6 7 in this approximation, the rings are symmetric. The second term is weak except 7 8 near ρ = 0, where it combines with the first term to give the Raman central spot, 8 9 with strength proportional to 9 10 1   10 a(ρ /ζ )2, (5.15) 11 ρζ2 0 11 12 12 which (for a Gaussian beam, for example) is exponentially small unless ζ ap- 13 13 proaches ρ0, and decays slowly with ζ thereafter. 14 14 Although Igeom captures some essential features of conical refraction, it fails 15 15 to describe others. Like all applications of geometrical optics, it neglects inter- 16 16 ference and polarization, and fails where there are geometrical singularities. Here 17 17 the singularities are of two kinds: a zero at the anticaustic cylinder ρ = ρ0, and 18 18 focal divergences on the axial caustic ρ = 0 and in the focal image plane ζ = 0. 19 19 Interference and polarization can be incorporated by adding the geometrical 20 20 amplitudes (square roots of Jacobians) rather than intensities, with phases given 21 21 by the values of Φ± (from eq. (5.5)) at the contributing κ values. We will return 22 22 to improvements of geometrical-optics theory in Section 7, and compare a more 23 23 sophisticated version with exact wave theory (see fig. 12 later). 24 = = 24 The singularity at ζ 0 is associated with our choice of ρi 0. Thus, although 25 25 Igeom incorporates the effect of w on the angular spectrum of the incident beam, it 26 26 neglects the more elementary lateral smoothing of the cylinder of conical refrac- 27 27 tion. One possible remedy is to average Igeom over points ρi, that is, across the 28 28 incident beam. In the focal image plane, where the unsmoothed I is singular, such 29 29 averaging would obscure the Poggendorff dark ring. However, averaging over ρi 30 30 is correct only for incoherent illumination, which does not correspond to Lloyd’s 31 31 and later experiments, where the light is spatially coherent. The correct treatment 32 32 of the focal image plane, and of other features of the observed rings, requires a 33 33 full wave theory. 34 34

35 35 36 § 6. Belsky and Khapalyuk’s exact paraxial theory of conical diffraction 36 37 37 38 Nearly 40 years after Raman, the need for a full wave treatment, based on an 38 39 angular superposition of plane waves, was finally appreciated. Following (and 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 20 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

32 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 6

1 correcting) an early attempt by Lalor [1972], Schell and Bloembergen [1978a] 1 2 supplied such a theory, but this was restricted to the exit face of the crystal (that 2 3 is, it did not incorporate the ζ dependence of the ring pattern); moreover, it was 3 4 unnecessarily complicated because it did not exploit the simplifying feature of 4 5 paraxiality. The breakthrough was provided by Belsky and Khapalyuk [1978], 5 6 who did make use of paraxiality and gave definitive general formulae, obtained 6 7 after “quite lengthy calculations”, which they omitted. We now give an elementary 7 8 derivation of the same formulae. 8 9 The field D ={Dx,Dy} outside the crystal is a superposition of plane waves 9 10 κ, each of which is the result of a unitary 2 × 2 matrix operator U(κ) acting on 10 11 the initial vector wave amplitude a(κ). Thus 11 12  12 1 13 D = dκ exp{iκ · ρ}U(κ)a(κ). (6.1) 13 14 2π 14 15 U(κ) is determined from two requirements: its eigenphases must be the ρ-in- 15 16 dependent part of the phases Φ± (5.5), involving the refractive indices n±(κ), 16 17 and because the diabolical point at κ = 0 is a degeneracy, its eigenvectors (the 17 18 eigenpolarizations) must change sign as φκ changes by 2π. These are satisfied by 18 19 19 = {− } 20 U(κ) exp iF(κ) , (6.2) 20 21 where 21 22   22 1 10 cos φ sin φ 23 = 2 + κ κ 23 F(κ) κ ζ ρ0κ − 24 2 01 sin φκ cos φκ 24

25 1 2 25 = κ ζ 1 + ρ0κ · S, (6.3) 26 2 26 27 in which the compact form involves two of the Pauli spin matrices 27 28 28 · = + 29 κ S σ 3κx σ 1κy. (6.4) 29 30 Evaluating the matrix exponential (6.2) gives the explicit form 30 31    31 32 1 2 sin ρ0κ 32 U(κ) = exp − iκ ζ cos ρ0κ1 − i κ · S . (6.5) 33 2 κ 33 34 We learned from A. Newell of a connection between the evolution associated 34 35 with U(κ) and analytic functions. Although we do not make use of this connec- 35 36 tion, it is interesting, and we describe it in Appendix 2. 36 37 It is not hard to show that U(κ) possesses the required eigenstructure, namely 37 38 38

39 U(κ)d±(κ) = λ±(κ)d±(κ), (6.6) 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 21 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 6] Belsky and Khapalyuk’s exact paraxial theory of conical diffraction 33

1 where 1 2   2 1 2 3 λ±(κ) = exp i − κ ζ ± ρ κ , 3 2 0 4 4 1  1  cos 2 φκ sin 2 φκ 5 d+(κ) = , d−(κ) = . (6.7) 5 1 − 1 6 sin 2 φκ cos 2 φκ 6 7 Without significant loss of generality, we can regard the incident beam as uni- 7 8 formly polarized and circularly symmetric, that is 8 9  9

10 d0x 10 a(κ) = a(κ) = a(κ)d0, (6.8) 11 d0y 11 12 where a(κ) is the Fourier amplitude introduced in the previous section [cf. 12 13 eq. (5.13)], related to the transverse incident beam profile D0(ρ) by 13 14 ∞ 14 15 15 D0 = d0D0(ρ) = d0 dκκJ0(κρ)a(κ). (6.9) 16 16

17 0 17 18 Combining eqs. (6.1), (6.5) and (6.9), we obtain, after elementary integrations, 18 19 and recalling ρ = ρ{cos φ,sin φ}, 19 20  20 B0 + B1 cos φB1 sin φ 21 D = d0, (6.10) 21 B1 sin φB0 − B1 cos φ 22 22 23 where 23 24 ∞   24 25 1 2 25 B0(ρ, ζ ; ρ0) = dκκa(κ)exp − iζκ J0(κρ) cos(κρ0), 26 2 26 0 27 ∞   27 28 1 2 28 B1(ρ, ζ ; ρ0) = dκκa(κ)exp − iζκ J1(κρ) sin(κρ0). (6.11) 29 2 29 30 0 30 31 These are the fundamental integrals of the Belsky–Khapalyuk theory. 31 32 For unpolarized or circularly polarized incident light, eq. (6.10) gives the in- 32 33 tensity as 33

34 ∗ 34 I = D · D =|B |2 +|B |2. 35 0 1 (6.12) 35

36 A useful alternative form for D, in terms of the eigenvectors d± evaluated at 36 37 the direction φ of ρ, and involving 37 38 38 39 A+ ≡ B0 + B1,A− ≡ B0 − B1, (6.13) 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 22 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

34 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 7

1 is 1  2 1 1 2 D = A+ d cos φ + d sin φ d+(ρ) 3 0x 2 0y 2 3 4  (6.14) 4 1 1 5 + A− d sin φ − d cos φ d−(ρ). 5 0x 2 0y 2 6 6

7 D is a single-valued function of ρ, although d±(ρ) change sign around the origin. 7

8 The corresponding intensity, 8   9  2 9 =| |2 1 + 1  10 I A+ d0x cos φ d0y sin φ 10 2 2 11   (6.15) 11  2 2 1 1  12 +|A−| d0x sin φ − d0y cos φ , 12 13 2 2 13 14 contains no oscillations resulting from interference between A+ and A−, because 14 15 d+ and d− are orthogonally polarized. But, as we will see in the next section, the 15 16 exact rings do possess oscillations, from A+ and A− individually. 16 17 Associated with the polarization structure of the beam (6.14) (see also fig. 6)is 17 18 an interesting property of the angular momentum (Berry, Jeffrey and Mansuripur 18 19 [2005]): for well-developed rings (large ρ0), the initial angular momentum, which 19 20 is pure spin, is transformed by the crystal into pure orbital, and reduced in mag- 20 21 nitude, the difference being imparted to the crystal. 21 22 22

23 23

24 § 7. Consequences of conical diffraction theory 24

25 25

26 We begin our explanation of the rich implications of the paraxial wave theory 26

27 by obtaining an explicit expression for the improved geometrical-optics theory 27

28 anticipated in Section 5. The derivation proceeds by replacing the Bessel functions 28

29 in eq. (6.11) by their asymptotic forms, and then evaluating the integrals by their 29

30 stationary-phase approximations. The stationary values of κ specify the rays (5.9), 30 ± 31 and the result, for the quantities A ,is: 31 √     32 2 32 |ρ0 − ρ| |ρ0 − ρ| (ρ0 − ρ) 1ifρ<ρ0 + = √ × 33 A geom a exp i , 33 ζ ρ ζ 2ζ −iifρ>ρ0 √    34 2 34 ρ0 + ρ ρ0 + ρ (ρ0 + ρ) 35 A− =−i √ a exp i . (7.1) 35 geom ζ ρ ζ 2ζ 36 36

37 For an incident beam linearly polarized in direction γ , that is 37  38 cos γ 38 d = , (7.2) 39 0 sin γ 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 23 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 7] Consequences of conical diffraction theory 35

1 the resulting electric field (6.14) is 1 2   2 3 1 1 3 D = A+geom cos φ − γ d+(φ) + A−geom sin φ − γ d−(φ), (7.3) 4 2 2 4 5 and the intensity is 5 6 6 ∗ 7 I = D · D 7 geom1    8 8 2 2 1 2 2 1 = |A+ | cos φ − γ +|A− | sin φ − γ . (7.4) 9 geom 2 geom 2 9 10 10

11 The elementary geometrical-optics intensity Igeom (5.14) is recovered for un- 11

12 polarized light by averaging over γ , or by superposing intensities for any two 12

13 orthogonal incident polarizations. Without such averaging, the first term in Igeom1 13

14 gives the lune-shaped ring structure observed by Lloyd (fig. 6) with linearly po- 14

15 larized light, and both terms combine to give the unpolarized geometrical central 15

16 spot. 16

17 Next, we examine the detailed structure of the Poggendorff rings, starting with 17

18 the focal image plane ζ = 0 where the rings are most sharply focused. Figure 9 18

19 19

20 20

21 21

22 22

23 23

24 24

25 25

26 26

27 27

28 28

29 29

30 30

31 31

32 32

33 33

34 34

35 35

36 36

37 37 Fig. 9. Emergence of double ring structure in the focal image plane ζ = 0asρ0 increases, computed 38 38 from eq. (6.10) for an unpolarized Gaussian incident beam. (a) ρ0 = 0.5; (b) ρ0 = 0.8; (c) ρ0 = 2; 39 (d) ρ0 = 4. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 24 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

36 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 7

1 shows how the double ring emerges as ρ0 increases. Significant events, corre- 1 2 sponding to sign changes in the curvature of I at ρ = 0, are: the birth of the first 2 3 ring when ρ0 = 0.627; the birth of a central maximum when ρ0 = 1.513; and the 3 4 birth of the second bright ring when ρ0 = 2.669. 4 5 As ρ0 increases further, the rings become localized near ρ = ρ0, but their shape 5 6 is independent of ρ0 and depends only on the form of the incident beam. To obtain 6 7 a formula for this invariant shape, we cannot use geometrical optics for the large- 7 8 8 ρ0 asymptotics. The reason is that although eq. (7.1) is a good approximation to 9 A−, it fails for the function A+ that determines the rings, because the ray contri- 9 10 bution comes from the neighbourhood of the end-point κ = 0 of the integrals. So, 10 11 although the Bessel functions can still be replaced by their asymptotic forms, the 11 12 stationary-phase approximation is invalid. Near the rings, with 12 13 13

14 ρ ≡ ρ − ρ0, (7.5) 14 15 15

16 Bessel asymptotics gives A+ as 16 17 1 17 A+ = √ f(ρ,ζ), (7.6) 18 rings ρ 18 19 19

20 where 20 21  ∞     21 2 √ 1 1 22 f(ρ,ζ)= dκ κa(κ)cos κρ − π exp − iκ2ζ . (7.7) 22 23 π 4 2 23 0 24 24

25 In the focal image plane ζ = 0, f can be evaluated analytically for a pinhole 25 26 incident beam, in terms of elliptic integrals E and K. With the conventions in 26 27 Mathematica (Wolfram [1996]), 27 28 28 ≡ 29 f0p(ρ) f(ρ,0) 29 ⎧ √    30 ⎪ 2 2 2 ρ 2 30 ⎪ 1 − ρE + √ K 31 ⎪ − − − 31 ⎪ π 1 ρ 1 ρ 1 ρ 32 ⎪ − 32 ⎨ (ρ < 1),   33 = 33 ⎪ 2 − 1 − + 1 − 34 ⎪ K (1 ρ) 2E (1 ρ) 34 ⎪ π 2 2 35 ⎪ 35 ⎪ (|ρ| < 1), 36 ⎩⎪ 36 (7.8) 37 0 (ρ > 1). 37 38 Figure 10(a) shows the corresponding intensity. To our knowledge, this unusual 38 39 focused image has not been seen in any experiment. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 25 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 7] Consequences of conical diffraction theory 37

1 1

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19 2 19 Fig. 10. Intensity functions f0 (ρ) of rings in the focal image plane, for (a) a circular pinhole (7.8), 20 and (b) a Gaussian beam (7.9). 20 21 21

22 22 For a Gaussian beam, the focal image can be expressed in terms of Bessel 23 23 functions: 24 24

25 f0g(ρ) ≡ f(ρ,0) 25    26 | |3/2 − 1 2 26 ρ exp 4 ρ 1 2 1 2 27 = √ K 3 ρ + sgn ρK 1 ρ 27 2 2π 4 4 4 4 28   28 √ 1 1 29 2 2 29 + π 2(−ρ) I 3 ρ − I 1 ρ . (7.9) 4 4 30 4 4 30 31 Figure 10(b) shows the corresponding intensity, and fig. 11 shows how the ap- 31 32 proximation f0g gets better as ρ0 increases. The focal image functions f0p and 32 33 f0g have been discussed in detail by Belsky and Stepanov [1999], Berry [2004b] 33 34 and Warnick and Arnold [1997]; of several equivalent representations, eqs. (7.8) 34 35 and (7.9) are the most convenient. 35 36 Away from the focal image plane, that is as ζ increases from zero, secondary 36 37 rings develop, in the form of oscillations within the inner bright ring [the solid 37 38 curves in fig. 12(b–e)]; these were discovered in numerical computations by 38 39 Warnick and Arnold [1997]. Using asymptotics based on eq. (7.7), the secondary 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 26 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

38 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 7

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27 Fig. 11. Ring intensity in the focal image plane for a Gaussian incident beam, calculated exactly (solid 27 = = 28 curves), and in the local approximation (7.6) and (7.9) (dashed curves), for (a) ρ0 5; (b) ρ0 √ 10; 28 = = 29 (c) ρ0 20. [The divergences at ρ 0 for the approximate rings come from the factor 1/ ρ in 29 eq. (7.6).] 30 30 31 rings can be interpreted as interference between a geometrical ray and a wave 31 32 scattered from the diabolical point in k space (Berry [2004b]); the associated 32 33 mathematics led to a surprising general observation in the asymptotics of com- 33 34 peting exponentials (Berry [2004a]). 34 35 All the features so far discussed are displayed in the simulated image and cut- 35 36 away in fig. 13, which can be regarded as a summary of the main results of conical 36 37 diffraction theory. The parameters (ρ0 = 20, ζ = 8) are chosen to display the two 37 38 bright rings, the Poggendorff dark ring, the nascent Raman spot (whose intensity 38 39 will increase for larger ζ ), and the secondary rings. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 27 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 7] Consequences of conical diffraction theory 39

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22 22 Fig. 12. Intensity for a Gaussian incident beam for ρ = 20 and (a) ζ = 1; (b) ζ = 4; (c) ζ = 6; (d) 23 0 23 ζ = 8; (e) ζ = 10; (f) ζ = 20. Solid curves: exact theory; dashed curves: refined geometrical-optics 24 theory (7.13). 24 25 25

26 26

27 As ζ increases further, the inner rings approach the Raman spot [solid curves 27

28 in fig. 12(e,f)], and are then described by Bessel functions (Berry [2004b]): 28 29      29 π ρ2 1 ρ ρρ 30 B (ρ, ζ ; ρ ) ≈ ρ exp i 0 − π a 0 J 0 , 30 0 0 0 2ζ 3 2ζ 4 ζ 0 ζ 31      31 32 2 32 π ρ0 3 ρ0 ρρ0 B1(ρ, ζ ; ρ0) ≈ ρ0 exp i − π a J1 , 33 2ζ 3 2ζ 4 ζ ζ 33 34 34 (ρ ρ0,ζ 1). (7.10) 35 35 2 + 2 36 Figure 14 illustrates how well the approximation J0 J1 approximates the true 36 37 intensity. The weak oscillations (shoulders at zeros of J1(ρρ0/ζ )) are the result of 37 38 interference involving the next large-ρ0 correction term to the geometrical-optics 38 39 approximation (7.1). 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 28 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

40 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 7

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29 29 Fig. 13. (a) Density plot and (b) cutaway 3D plot, of conical diffraction intensity for ρ0 = 20, ζ = 8, 30 showing bright rings B, Poggenforff dark ring P, Raman spot R and secondary rings S. 30 31 31

32 32

33 In the important special case of a Gaussian incident beam, the conical diffrac- 33 34 tion integrals (6.11) for general ζ can be obtained by complex continuation from 34 35 the focal image plane ζ = 0. This useful simplification is a variant of the complex- 35 36 source trick of Deschamps [1971]. It is based on the observation 36 37       37 1 1 1 38 exp − κ2 exp − iκ2ζ = exp − κ2(1 + iζ) , (7.11) 38 39 2 2 2 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 29 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 8] Experiments 41

1 1

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12 Fig. 14. Weak oscillations decorating the Raman spot for a Gaussian incident beam; thick curve: exact 12 13 intensity; thin curve: Bessel approximation (7.10),forρ0 = 20, ζ = 20. 13 14 14

15 15 and leads to 16  16 17 1 ρ ρ0 17 B0,1(ρ, ζ ; ρ0) = B0,1 √ , 0, √ . (7.12) 18 1 + iζ 1 + iζ 1 + iζ 18 19 In geometrical optics, the same trick leads to a further refinement, incorporating 19 20 a(κ) into the stationary-phase approximation (so that the rays are complex): 20 21 21 A+geom1 22 √   22 23 |ρ − ρ| (ρ − ρ)2 23 = 0 √ exp iζ 0 24 (ζ − i) ρ 2(ζ 2 + 1) 24    25 2 25 (ρ0 − ρ) 1ifρ<ρ0 26 × exp − × , 26 2(ζ 2 + 1) −iifρ>ρ0 27 √     27 2 2 ρ0 + ρ (ρ0 + ρ) (ρ0 + ρ) 28 A− =−i √ exp iζ exp − . (7.13) 28 geom1 − 2 + 2 + 29 (ζ i) ρ 2(ζ 1) 2(ζ 1) 29 30 Figure 12 shows how accurately this reproduces the oscillation-averaged rings 30 31 and the Raman spot when ζ is not small. Near the focal plane, however, the geo- 31 32 metrical approximation is only rough, even though the refinement eliminates the 32 33 singularity at ζ = 0. 33 34 34

35 35 36 § 8. Experiments 36 37 37 38 Experimental studies of conical refraction are few, probably because of the diffi- 38 39 culty of finding, or growing, crystals of sufficient quality and thickness. Table 1 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 30 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

42 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 8

1 lists the investigations known to us. We have already mentioned the pioneering 1 2 observations of Lloyd, Poggendorff, Potter and Raman. 2 3 Lloyd [1837] stated that he used several pinholes, but gave only the size of the 3 4 largest (which he used as a way of measuring A), so we do not know the values of 4 5 w, and hence ρ0, corresponding to his rings. Poggendorff [1839] gave no details 5 6 of his experiment, except that it was performed with aragonite. Potter [1841] gave 6 7 a detailed description of his experiments with aragonite, but misinterpreted his 7 8 observation of the double ring as evidence against the diabolical connection of the 8 9 sheets of the wave surface, leading to polemical criticisms of Hamilton and Lloyd. 9 10 Raman, Rajagopalan and Nedungadi [1941] chose naphthalene, whose crystals 10 11 have a large cone angle A and which they could grow in sufficient thickness. They 11 12 emphasize that they did not see the Poggendorff dark ring in their most sharply 12 13 focused images; but in the focal image plane the two bright rings are very narrow 13

14 (comparable with w ≈ 0.5 µm), so they might not have resolved them. 14

15 Schell and Bloembergen [1978a] compared measured ring profiles with numer- 15

16 ically integrated wave theory and with the stationary-phase (geometrical optics) 16

17 approximation, in a plane corresponding to the exit face of their aragonite crystal. 17

18 From the data in Table 1, it follows that this corresponds to ζ ≈ 1.3,aregimein 18

19 which there is no central spot and no secondary rings, and, as they report, geo- 19

20 metrical optics is a reasonable approximation. 20

21 Perkal’skis and Mikhailychenko [1979] and Mikhailychenko [2005] report 21

22 large-scale demonstrations of internal and external conical refraction with rhom- 22

23 bic sulfur. 23

24 In an ingenious investigation, Fève, Boulanger and Marnier [1994] used KTP 24

25 in the form of a ball rather than a slab. The theory of Section 6 applies, provided 25 the parameters are interpreted as follows: 26  26 27 d 27 ρ0 → ρball = ρ0 1 − 2(n2 − 1) , 28 l 28 29 l + d(2 − n ) 29 ζ → ζ = 2 , ball 2 (8.1) 30 n2kw 30 31 where l is the diameter of the ball and d is the distance between the exit face of the 31 32 ball and the observation plane. In this case, a cone emerges from the ball, giving 32 33 rings whose radius wρball depends on d; the radius vanishes at a point, close to 33 34 the ball, where the generators of the cone (that is, the rays) cross. They obtain 34 35 good agreement between the measured ring profile and the geometrical-optics 35 36 intensity, which is a good approximation in their regime of enormous effective ρ0 36 37 and relatively modest ζ (Table 1). 37 38 The many wave-optical and geometrical-optical phenomena predicted by the 38 39 detailed theory of conical diffraction have recently been observed by Berry, Jef- 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 31 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 9] Concluding remarks 43

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15

16 16

17 17

18 Fig. 15. Theoretical and experimental images for a monoclinic double tungstate crystal illuminated 18 by a Gaussian beam (Berry, Jeffrey and Lunney [2006]), for ρ0 = 60. (a,b) ζ = 3; (c,d) ζ = 12; 19 (e,f) ζ = 30; (a,c,e) theory; (b,d,f) experiment. 19 20 20

21 21

22 frey and Lunney [2006] in a crystal of the monoclinic double tungstate material 22 23 KGd(WO4)2, obtained from Vision Crystal Technology (VCT [2006]). The agree- 23 24 ment, illustrated in figs. 15 and 16, is quantitative as well as qualitative. Their 24

25 measurements confirm predictions for the ζ -dependence of the radii and separa- 25

26 tion of the main rings, and of the sizes of the interference fringes: the secondary 26

27 rings decorating the inner bright ring, and the rings decorating the Raman spot. 27

28 28

29 29 30 § 9. Concluding remarks 30 31 31 32 Although conical diffraction exemplifies a fundamental feature of crystal optics, 32 33 namely the diabolical point, it can also be regarded as a curiosity, because the 33 34 effect seems to occur nowhere in the natural universe, and no practical application 34 35 seems to have been found. To forestall confusion, we should immediately qualify 35 36 these assertions. 36 37 It is Hamilton’s idealized geometry (collimated beam, parallel-sided crystal 37 38 slab, etc.) that does not occur in nature. In generic situations, for example an 38 39 anisotropic medium that is also inhomogeneous, it is likely for a ray to encounter a 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 32 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

44 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 9

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

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6 6

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24 24

25 25

26 26

27 27 Fig. 16. As fig. 15, with (a) ζ = 3; (b) ζ = 12; (c) ζ = 30. Solid curves: theory; dashed curves: 28 28 angular averages of experimental images. (After Berry, Jeffrey and Lunney [2006].) 29 29

30 30 31 point where its direction is locally diabolical, corresponding to a local refractive- 31 32 index degeneracy (Naida [1979]); or, in quantum mechanics, a coupled system 32 33 with fast and slow components (e.g., a molecule) can encounter a degeneracy of 33 34 the adiabatically evolving fast sub-system. In understanding such generic situa- 34 35 tions, the analysis of the idealized case will surely play a major part. 35 36 On the practical side, it is possible that the bright cylinder of conical refrac- 36 37 tion can be applied to trap and manipulate small particles; this is being explored, 37 38 but the outcome is not yet clear. And a related phenomenon associated with the 38 39 diabolical point, namely the conoscopic interference figures seen under polarized 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 33 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 9] Acknowledgements 45

1 illumination of very thin crystal plates, is a well-established identification tech- 1 2 nique in mineralogy (Liebisch [1896]). 2 3 As we have tried to explain, our understanding of the effect predicted by Hamil- 3 4 ton is essentially complete. We end by describing several generalizations that are 4 5 less well understood. 5 6 Although the theory of Section 6 applies to any paraxial incident beam, detailed 6 7 explorations have been restricted to pinhole and Gaussian beams. A start has been 7 8 made by King, Hogervorst, Kazak, Khilo and Ryzhevich [2001] and Stepanov 8 9 [2002] in the exploration of other types of beam, for example Laguerre–Gauss 9 10 and Bessel beams. 10 11 A further extension is to materials that are chiral (optically active) as well as 11 12 biaxially birefringent. This alters the mathematical framework, because chirality 12 13 destroys the diabolical point by separating the two sheets of the wave surface, 13 14 reflecting the change of the dielectric matrix from real symmetric to complex 14 15 Hermitian. There have been several studies incorporating chirality (Belsky and 15 16 Stepanov [2002], Schell and Bloembergen [1978b], Voigt [1905b]), leading to 16 17 the recent identification of the central new feature: the bright cylinder of conical 17 18 refraction is replaced by a ‘spun cusp’ caustic (Berry and Jeffrey [2006a]). So far 18 19 this has not been seen in any experiment. 19 20 The introduction of anisotropic absorption (dichroism) brings a more radical 20 21 change: each diabolical point splits into two branch-points, reflecting the fact 21 22 that the dielectric matrix is now non-Hermitian (Berry [2004c], Berry and Dennis 22 23 [2003]). The dramatic effects of absorption on the pattern of emerging light have 23 24 been recently described by Berry and Jeffrey [2006b]. The combined effects of 24

25 dichroism and chirality have been described by Jeffrey [2007]. 25

26 The final generalization incorporates nonlinearity. Early results were reported 26

27 by Schell and Bloembergen [1977] and Shih and Bloembergen [1969], and the 27

28 subject has been revisited by Indik and Newell [2006]. 28

29 29

30 30 Acknowledgements 31 31

32 32 Our research is supported by the Royal Society. We thank Professor Alan Newell 33 33 for permission to reproduce the argument in Appendix 2. 34 34

35 35 36 Appendix 1: Paraxiality 36 37 37 38 The paraxial approximation requires small angles, equivalent to replacing cos θ 38 39 by 1 − θ2/2, that is, to assuming θ 4/24 1 for all wave deflection angles θ.In 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 34 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

46 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2, § 9

1 conical refraction, deflections are determined by the half-angle of the ray cone, 1 2 which from eq. (3.7) is 2 3 1 3 A = arctan n2 αβ . (A.1) 4 2 2 4 5 This is indeed small in practice, because of the near-equality of the three refractive 5 6 indices. For the Lloyd [1837] experiment on aragonite, the Berry, Jeffrey and 6 7 Lunney [2006] experiment on MDT, and the Raman, Rajagopalan and Nedungadi 7 8 [1941] experiment on naphthalene (whose cone angle is the largest yet reported), 8 9 the data in Table 1 give 9 10 10 1 4 −9 11 A = 3.3 × 10 , 11 24 Lloyd 12 12 1 4 −9 13 A = 9.1 × 10 , (A.2) 13 24 Berry 14 14 1 − A4 = 8.5 × 10 6. 15 24 Raman 15 16 As is often emphasized, internal and external conical refraction are associated 16 17 with different aspects of the geometry of the wave surface. But in the paraxial 17 18 18 regime the difference between the cone angles (A and Aext respectively) disap- 19 pears. To explore this, we first note that (Born and Wolf [1999]) 19 20 20 1 21 A = arctan n n αβ . (A.3) 21 ext 2 1 3 22 22 In terms of the refractive-index differences 23 23 n2 − n1 n3 − n2 24 μ ≡ ,μ≡ , (A.4) 24 1 n 3 n 25 2 2 25

26 we have, to lowest order, 26 √ 27 A ≈ Aext ≈ μ1μ3, (A.5) 27 28 28 which is proportional to the refractive-index differences. The difference between 29 29 the angles is 30   30 √ 1 31 − ≈ − + 2 − + 2 31 A Aext μ1μ3 μ1 μ3 3μ1 2μ1μ3 3μ3 , (A.6) 32 4 32 33 which is proportional to the square of the index differences, except when the two 33 34 differences are equal, when it is proportional to the cube. For the aragonite, MDT 34 35 and naphthalene experiments, 35 36 −2 36 ALloyd − Aext,Lloyd = 8.9 × 10 ALloyd, 37 − 37 A − A =−4.4 × 10 3A , (A.7) 38 Berry ext,Berry Berry 38 −4 39 ARaman − Aext,Raman =−2.7 × 10 ARaman. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 35 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

2, § 9] Acknowledgements 47

1 Appendix 2: Conical refraction and analyticity 1 2 2 3 We seek the paraxial differential equation for the evolution of the wave inside the 3 4 crystal. Within the framework of Section 6, the wave can be described by setting 4 2 5 z = l and regarding ζ = l/k0w as a variable, enabling the evolution operator 5 6 (6.2) and (6.3) to be written as 6 7   7 1 8 U(κ) = exp −iζ κ21 + Γ κ · S , (B.1) 8 9 2 9 10 where 10 11 11

12 Γ ≡ Ak0w. (B.2) 12 13 Writing κ as the differential operator 13 14 14

15 κ =−i∇=−i{∂ξ ,∂η}, (B.3) 15 16 16

17 and differentiating eq. (B.1) with respect to ζ leads to 17      18 18 Dξ = −1∇2 10− ∂ξ ∂η Dξ 19 i∂ζ iΓ . (B.4) 19 Dη 2 01 ∂η −∂ξ Dη 20 20

21 The differential operator connects the components of D in the same way as the 21

22 Cauchy–Riemann conditions for analytic functions. The relation is clearer when 22

23 D is expressed in a basis of circular polarizations and ξ and η are replaced by 23

24 complex variables, as follows 24

25 25 ≡ √1 − ≡ √1 + 26 D+ (Dξ iDη), D− (Dξ iDη), 26 2 2 27 27 w+ ≡ ξ + iη, w− ≡ ξ − iη. (B.5) 28 28 29 Then eq. (B.4) becomes 29 30      30 D+ 10 0 ∂ D+ 31 w+ 31 i∂ζ =−2 ∂w+ ∂w− + iΓ . (B.6) D− 01 ∂ 0 D− 32 w− 32 33 Thus D+ and D− propagate unchanged if D+ is a function of w+ alone and D− is 33 34 a function of w− alone, that is if the field components are analytic or anti-analytic 34 35 functions. For such fields, there is no conical refraction, and (for example) a pat- 35 36 tern of zeros in the incident field propagates not conically but as a set of straight 36 37 optical vortex lines parallel to the ζ direction. However, these analytic functions 37 38 do not represent realistic optical beams, which must decay in all directions φ as 38 39 ρ →∞. 39 po50 v.2007/06/12 Prn:21/08/2007; 12:53 F:po50002.tex; VTEX/Jolanta p. 36 aid: 50002 pii: S0079-6638(07)50002-8 docsubty: REV

48 Conical diffraction and Hamilton’s diabolical point [2

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