THEKENYAGAZETTE I PubtMed by Authorlty of the Republic of (Registered as a Newspapcr u the G.P.O.)

Vol. CXIX-No. Et NNROBI, 7th lnly,20l7 Pricrc Sh.60

. CONTENTS GAZETTENOTICES GAzE'rrE No[c *4Coatd.l I PAGE t i TlrchUicFrlrrrc}lmrgerEntAcr-Appoinmmt....__. 39{K, TIE Coqqrive Sckrics Act-Cooc[rtim of I Rcgistilin of Coqcmtivc Ttrc Envfuurlrrnhl It{rnegcrrgrt Corydin{in Scicrics...... 3n14gn Ii rd Act- Aepohcrts..... 3% ThcCorprnix Act-Dissolution,crc 3gn4ylS I 1,. TIE Civil Aviiim Act-Rdc.e of Aircnft Aocibrt Thc Phfiral Phnning Act-Corylctim of Pirt t Rcen6 3% IlvcbpnrntPlarc 3nL3y79 Thc Spccill Econornic Zors Act-Dcchration of Special Busirc Tlansfcr 3979 EconornicZors 3% Clmurc of hivar Afultip, @...... 3n}39gJ t Thc Natiord Cereelr and Prrodrce Bod Act- AmoinEEnt.... 3% Lcs of Folicirs.. 39&) t I Thc Fishcrir Mmrgcflmt lrd Dcvchpnrcnt Act- Changc of 3981 I Appcinmrcnt of Auluizal Officcrs ...... 3946-]947 i The Univcrsitix Act- Appointmt.. 3%:7 SUP?LEMENTNo 102 Scbc&il hnel ftr Norrinrtirm Cheirperson t ttr of and Ittbmbcrs of trc Boad of thc Nrtlmrl Connmissim for Nadonal Assenbly Bilk, nn Scixrcc, Tcchnologr ad Irurovrtim... 394:7 ; PAGE Thc Curstitrtin of lGnya-Rrrcwh fc &e Asamptirm of trc Offioc of Cnvcrnc 3%t-igfi Thc Public Fintrcc Mrnrgcrncnt (Amcodmat) Bill, 2017 t Thc C€ntsel Btt d Kcnye Acr-Rcvocrtirm of e Rrex 753 I Burceulilrc.. 3950

I Thc l.Ion€ovcrnnrcnal Orgmizrdms Coordinrixr t. Act- tvlcmbcrs of tbe Execltive Commiree, cE...... 39fi St P?LEMENT Noc 103 ud 104 Thc Ild R.gistntion Act-IssE of Prtovisimrl OertifrcrEs, erc.. 3950-395E I-e g i s lativ c S up p le mc n t, 2O 17 I,EGALNoncENo. TfE hd Act-Inquiry, crc...... 3958-3961 PAGE

' cruntycrovcfl[rslE 3961 103-Thc Registnr of Compenkx (Form) R.ulcs, 2017 1557 Ormr Scrviccs Dauturt-Goods to bc Sold rt C\Oms Wrrehousq JKIA,...... 3962-3n2 104-Thc Netiond Fleg, Emblcms end Namcs Thc Kcnye hfrrnation rnd Communitrtirrrs Act- Act-Gmnt of Fermission...... 1625 Appllatkm for Litrnccs, crc. 3n2-in3 105-Thc Coryrnics md lnsolvcrrcy Legislrtinn Thc Rccods Diryout (Couts) Rutcs-Incnd.d (Conscqucntial Arncndmnts) Acr, 2015- Dcsmrction of Court Rccords 3yw3c75 1625

lte+s 3945 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th July, 201


IN Gazctrc Noticc No.3220 of 2017, Cause No.34 of 2OlT,amcni THECIVILAVIATION ACT thc dcccascd's namc printed as "Mwangi Mwaniki Mugusha" to read (No.2l of20l3) John Muchiri Mwangi". TI{E CIVIL AVIATION (INVESTIGATION OF REGI.JLATIONS,2013 IN Gazccc Notice No. 27 5 of Till, Catsc No. I 10 of 20 16, anend thc expression prinrcd rs "cstatc of Kung'u Gacigo, lete of Kiambogo' (L.N.80 ol20r3) , who dicd at Provincial General Hospital, Nekuru in Kcny& on 6th May, 2012" to read "est E of Paul Kingori Munyorf' htc of R.ELEASE OF AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORTS Muruaki, who dicd thcrc on lst April,2010". IN EXERCISE of thc powers contbrrcd by rtgulation 18 (l) Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations' 201 IN Gazcft Noticc No. ll74 of 20L7, arnend thc expression printcd Cabinct Sccretary for Transport, Inftastructurc, Housing and as "/I(any awegil23" to read "Kisumufl(any awcgl2ill" - Dcvclopment releases thc aircraft accident and incident r€ports BUG, SY-BWL, 5Y-BYQ and F-JSCZ which may be visiting thc Ministry's offrcirl wcbsirc- www.transportgo.kc. PortrciE IN Gazettc Noticc No. 917 of 2014, delete "C129287 Dated thc 19th Junc,2017. Comprny Limitcd" whcre it eppcars. JAMES Cabinet Secrenryfor Infrastrucrure, Housing and Urban GAffiIENoncENO.6400

TTtr, PUBLIC FINANCEMANAGEMENT ACT GAZETTE NcrNCE NO. 6404 (No.18 of ?tl2) THE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES ACT APFOINIME.TT (No. t6 of20t5) IN E)(ERCISE of thc pou/crs confcrred by section 193 (1) of the DECLARATIoI{ OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE Public Finmce lvlanagenrcnt Act, the Cabinet Secrctery for the Nuionel Treasury appoints - IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by scction 4 (l) Special Economic Zoncs Act, the Cabinet Secretary for CHARITS ICPNG'ENO CTER'L,IYOT Trade and Co-operatives, on recommendation ofthe Special the to bc a fircmbcr of thc Public Sector Accounting Stendards Board' for Zones Authority dcclares the land spccified in following a pcriod of thrcc (3) ycars, with cffcct ftom thc l3th Iunc' 2017. to be a Special Economic Zonc.

Darcd thc l6th Junc, Z)17. SCHEDULE HENRYK.ROTIICH, All that piece of lmd being title No. L.R. No. l200Dl2 Cabinct Secretary Jor'thc National Treasury. 100 acres in Kircngcla within County.

Dated thc 30th Junc,2017. GAzE'rrENcrrlcENo. 6401 ADANMOHA Cabinet Sccreury for Industry, Trade and Co THE ENVIR.ONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND . CO-ORDINATIONACT

(No. 8 of 1999) GAzErrE No[cE No. 5405 APPODflMB.IT THE NATIONAL CEREALS AND PR.ODUCE BOARD IN EXERCISE of thc powers confcrred by scction 3l (l) (fl of thc (Cap.338) Environmcntal Management and Co-ordination Act, thc Cabinet Secr€tary for Environmcnt and Naoral RcsourEs apPoints- APFOINruENT SYLUA MUNTEYIANKONE IN E)(ERCISE of the powers conferred by scction 8 (l) to bc a mcmber of thc National Environnrnt Complaints Commiffcc' National Crreals and Produce Board Act, the Cabinet for a period of thrcc (3) ycars, with cffcct from thc 3 I st May' 2017. Agriculhrre, Livcstock and Fisheries appoints-

Darcd thc l2th lu,ne, 2011. NE\\rION KIPLANGATTERER JT,JDIW. WAKHUNGU. Cditut kcrcury for tlu Enviroment ard Naatal Rcsogccs. to be thc Managing Dinccbr of thc National Ccrcels and Board, for a period of tbrce (3) ycars, with effcct from the lst mfi. GAZET TENgncENo.62t02 Darcd the 6th June,2017. TTIE ETWIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND WLLY . CO-ORDINATIONACT Cabinet Secreury Jor Agriculture, Livestock and (No. 8 of 1999)


IN EXERCISE of thc powers conferrcd by scction 31 (1) (c) d thc THE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENtr Managcmcnt and C-o-ordination Act' thc Crbincl Environmcntal (No.35 of2016) Sccrctary for Environmcnt and Natural Rcsourccs appoints- APPoD.ITMENT OF AUTHORIZED OFFICERS CAROUNE KHASOA WANYONYI IN EXERCISE of thc powers conferred by section lE b bc e mcmbcr of thc National Environrrent Complains Commiucc, Fisheries Management and Dcvclopmcnt Ac! the Cabinet - a pcriod of thrce (3) ycan, with cffect from the l4th Junc' 2017. for for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in consultation Darcd the 19th June, 2017. Councit, the Director-General and with the approval of thc IUDIW. WAKHUNGU, appoints the following persons to be Authorized Offrc'ers for Cabinet Secreury for thc Environrrcnt and Natural Resources. of the Act- 7th July,2017 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3947

LtColRTBirech(37305) KNS Jasiri GAzEmE NsrIcE No. 6409 Maj B M Karuimbo(373M) KNS Nyayo Maj C O Owino(37353) KNS Jasiri TTIE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Maj J K Gitonga(37371) KNS Shupavu TTIE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT,2OI2 Maj S O Mano(37376) KNS Galana Maj Z A Amutsama(37359) KNS Tana (No.r7 of2ol2) Maj E N Ndirangu(37378) KNSUmoja Maj J W Kariuki(37415) KNS Shupavu THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS ACT, 2OI 2 Capt S U Swaleh(37422) KNS Nyayo (No.2 ol20l2) CaptJ O MayakapTa3S) RVMtafiti Capt W K Muhoro(37439) KNS Galana FI^MEWoR,K F(n THE AssUMmoN tr THE OFFICE oF GovERNoR, Dated the 22nd . Jume.20l7 IT IS notified for the information of the gcncrrl public that pursuant to the pmvisions of Articlc 189 (2) of thc Corstitution, cai,binetsecretaryforAgriculture,rrt"#'l*'iJli*r. scction l2l(l) of the County Govcrnmcnts Act, ?-Ol2 utd section 23 of . thc Intcrgovcmmental Relations Act" 2012, the Cabinct Secrctary for Dcvolution and Planning has issued tlrc guidclincs sct out in the GAzEnENcncENo.64{)7 Schcdule as a framewort for the proccdure and ccrsmony for thc assumption of thc offrcc of thc Govcmor+lcct. TTIE UNWERSITIES ACT SCHEDI.,LE (No.42 ofZAl2) MASENO I.JNTVERSITY Esublkhment of the Assumption oJ the Ofice of Govcrrror Committcc. APPoINTMBIT l. (l) Each county shall cstablish a Committcc to be known as fftc Assumpion of Offrce of the Govcrnor Conrrrittcc (hcreinaftcr refcrred IN H(ERCISE of the powcrs conferred by scction 36 (l) (d) of the *the to as the Commi$ee"). Univcrsitics Act, 2012, thc Cebinet Sccrctary for Education appoints- (2) The Commiuce shall be an ad hoc Cownrtt* and shell consist RI.ITH RUKUNoA NGI,rc}ru of- to be a member of Council for Mascno University, for a pcriod of thrcc (3) ycan, with effcct from thc l0th July, 2O17. Tln,e appointment of (a,) the County Secretary who shdl be the chairpcrson; Delilah Kadzo Ngala as membcr is revokcd. (D) the County Commissioncr', Darcd the 5th July,2017. FFGD O. MATIANG'I, (c) the officcr in charge of lcgal matterr in thc county; Cabinet Secretary Education. for (d) the Chicf Ofhccr in thc dcpartmcnt rcryonsiblc for matters relating to the county public scrvice; (e) GAZETTENOflCENo. 6408 the Chicf Offrccr in thc dcpartmcnt responsiblc for mettcrs rclating to Information and comnunicrtion; SELECTION PANEL FOR THE NOMINATION OF (fl thc Chief Offrcer in thc dcpartmcnt responsiblc for mattcrs CHAIRPERSONS AND MEMEERS OFTTIE BOARD OF TIIE rclating to frnancc; NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR SCIENCE, TECFINOLOGY AND INNOVATION (g/ thc Chief Ofhccr in thc &pnrtmcnt rcryonsiblc for matters relating to public worts, roads and transport; APPoINTMEtT IN EXERCISE of thc powers conferred by section 5 (8), (9) and fi) the head of National Policc Scrvicc in thc County; (15), of thc Scicnce, Tcchnology and Innovation Act, 2013, thc (i) thc hcad of the National Intcl$encc Scrvice in thc Coung; Cabinet Secretary for Education appoints- fff the Clcrk of thc County Asscmbly; Maryanne Njau Ki mani- (C hairp e rson) (t) onc Comty Asscmbly ofhciel nominated by the clerk of thc Members: County Assembly; Simon Rotich Public Service Commission, -Rcp., (I,l a representative of thc Ministry of Dcvolution and Planning; Daniel thc National Mutua-Rcp., Treasury and Godfrcy Nguru (Prof.)-Rcp., Kenya Private Scctor Alliance, Joseph K. Kimcmia (Dr)-Rcp., Rcscrrch Instiorcs, (m)a rcgcsentttivc of tlre Intcrgovcnmcnal Rclations Tcchnical Julius Nyabundi (Prof.)-Rcp., Universities, Committec. Peter Tole Mwakio (Prof.), Rep. Public Universities - (3) Immcdiatcly upon thc dccleretion of the rcsults of the clections with effcct frorn the l6th Junc, 2017, for a period of thlcc (3) months by thc Indcpcndent Elcctoral-rnd Boudarics Commisrion, thc or as s(x)n as thc membcn of the Commission are apointed. Govcrnu-clcct shall nominate two pcrsons !o sit in thc e.ommittcc. Tasks (4) Thc Chicf Officer in thc dcpartncnt responsible for mattcrs public (a.) To rcgularc its own proccdure. relating to thc county servicc and thc rcprercntative of the Ministry of Dcvolution and Planning shdl bc thc jnint sccretarics to (D)\To der,elop tlrc criteria for the appointnrcnt of chairycrson and the Committcc. membcrs of thc Commission guidcd by the provisions of (5) section 5(13) (a) and (D) scction 5(14). A vacancy in thc rembership of thc Committcc shall not affcct the dccisions of the Committec. (c) To advcrtise, for vacancies and publicize the list of applicants r and shortlisted candidates in at two ncwspapcn with a (6) Thc quonrm for the conduct of business of a rnccting of thc I widc circulation. Committce shall bc onc-half of all the mcmbcrs of thc Commitrce. F -of tI (d) To interview the shortlisrcd candidatrs. (7) In the absence thc chairperson, thc mcmben of the I Commitrce shall clect a chairpcrson from amongst thcir number. I (e,) Recommend thrce names to the CS for appointrncnt, in the cas€ I of chairperson. In the casc of other board membcrs, from a list (8) Thc Chairpcrson of thc Commitrce shall convenc the first of nine (9) namcs from which the Cabinct Sccretary will chose meeting of the Committee not morc thilt tbirty calcndar days bcforr six (6). the datc of thc general clections.

Dated the l5th June, 2017. (9) The terrr of officc of a Corrnittcc cstablishcd undcr this FREDO. MATIANG'I, paragraph shall lapse thirty days after ttr sweering in ofthc Govcrnor- C abine t Se c rc ury fu r Hucation. clect. l 3948 THEKENYA GAZYTTE 7th July,2017

F unc tio ns ol thc C onunittc c (3) A county public officcr ftom whom information is under subparagraph (2) $all provi& thc infcmetion within 72 ld 2. (1) Thc functions of thc Commiucc shall be to- from ttre time 6f nrccipt of thc'request of thc information. I (a) frcllitr,u thc hmding ovcr pocess by the outgoing Govemor to Swearing-in cerenony the Govcrnor+lccq, 7. (l) Thc swering-in of thc Crovernor-clcct shdl bc corductc{ ir (D) coordinarc thc p,rovision of thc surity of thc Govermr-clcct; ! public ccryqony bcfore-elligh C-ourt Judge, or in the ebscncc f r High Court ludgc, a Chicf Mrgistnte. (c) coordinate the provision of thc nccc:ssery frcilitics rnd l penonnel for the Governor-clect; (2) Thc Committer slrell publish, by noticc in thc Grzeue, trc 4c' tinrc and phce for thc condtcr of thc swcaring-in ceremony. (d) co-odinrte thc bricfings of the Governor+lect by thc rtlcvrnt I county prblic officcrs which shall include, but not bc limitcd to (3) Thc Govemor+lcct $all bc swom-in on thc bnth dry rft"l|rc l- thc following- dcclaration ofthe results ofthe election ofcounty govcmor. (i) an upto-dre rsccts rcgistcr; Taking oloart and signingolccrtifrcatc of ituugumtion, l (ii) an uFtodate register of liabilitics; 8. (l) Thc Govemor-clect shall, during the swcaring-in *.*rlr. trkc and subscribe to thc ooth or effirmation of officc rs povidd in (iii) a complctc list of all bank accouns and rpconcilcd the First Schedule of rhc County Govemrrcnts Act,2012. balenccs; ] (2) The Oath or affirmation undcr subparagraph (l) abovc ${bc (iv) a report of stafr establishmcnt per dcpartment; adminisrcred not earlier than e.m. cnd not later thrn 5O0 P.m. l (v) a comprehensive Eport on county entities (corporations) and agcncies containing information outlincd in (i) to (3) Upon uking or subscribing !o the oith or rffimrtion u*r (iv); subperagraph (l), thc Goremor shall sign a ccrtificete of inaugun$n in thc presence of a High Co.rrt Judge or in thc abscncc of e llh (vi) a report on all ongoing pmirts including donor funded CourtJudge,0re Deputy Rcgistrer. :; pmircB; (4) Upon sigring thc ccrtificrtc of inarguntion, thc outgttg (vii) an uptodate rcport on all pcnding legal cases; and Governor shall handover to the Govcrnor-elcct rny of the follo{ng (viii) county source of firnding. county symbols es a sign of trrnsfcr of cxecutivc power {nd (c) ficl/rtlalc- communication betwecn the outgoing Govcmor and authority- .1. thc Governor+lect; (a) ftc counglhg; i I (/) preparc thc programmc and organizc for thc swcering-in (D) thc county cot of armr; or l ccrcmony; end (c) the counry pblic sed. (g) cafiy ort any othcr rctivity nccessary for the pcrformance of its (5) Where thc ortgoing Govemor is not prcscnt dudng th€ frrnctions under this frrmewort. inauguntion the county symbols shall bc handcd ovcr to ftc Crover+r- crrc (2) Thc informetion b bc provided during thc bricfings referrcd to elect by the presiding ludgc or thc Deputy Rcgistnr, rs thc fI un&r paragrph 2 (l) (d) shall be prepared in the nunrrr set out in the bc. I Annexure to this franrcwort. (6) Thc failure by thc outgoing Governor to hend ovcr thc cdfty symbols !o thc Gorcnpr+lcct shdl not invalidrtc or mnacr -frc Sub-conmiltccs 'i swcaring in of the Govcmor+lcct 3, (l) Thc Crmmittrc mry ertablish such sub-committces for thc sccond beucr crrrying out of its functions ar it may considcr naoeslrry. (?) Whcrc thc outgoing govetnor is rc-clcctcd for I lim ud upon signing tre ccrtificetc of ineuguntion, thc presiding Judg{or (2) The Commircc mry co{pt into r sub-committc cstrblithcd the Deputy Rcgistnr u thc cuc rtrty b shrll hend ovcr to i un&r subprragnph (l), pcrsons whorc krpwlcdtc md skills arc Govcmor my of thc comty symbols. I necccury fm thc cffcctive functioning of thc Commiccc: Swcaring -in of the Dcputy Govcntor-c hct. hovided thet thc Commitcc ahdl Dot co-opt mrc lhrn two 9. Thc Dcputy Govcrmr-clcct shrll trkc utd st$scribc o thc ,ttl Pcllons, or rffirmrtion of officc rs p,rescribcd in ttre Fint Schcdttlc of Proccdurc of rtc Corunittcc County Govemrncnt! Act, 20 1 2. 4. (1) Exccpt u otbcnrrirc prtovidod in thb frrsrcwott, thc Ituuguml spccch. :i C,ommificc shdl dcrrminc iE own proccdutt. lO. Tbe Govcrmr shdl upcr corplction of hc rwouin{in (2) Dopia subprragnph (l), thc dccirions of tte Committce sbtll bc by conscnsus: Security during thc svtcaring-h ccratony hovidcd that whetr thcrr ic rxr cqt!rcnsrs tlre dccision of the ] Commircc chrl bc trkcn by thc votc of r simplc mr]xity and thc ll, Thc County Commisrioner shdl cnsurt thc proviriorlol rdcqurE lccurity during thc conduct of thc swcrring-in ccrcmcry. Cheirpcrron of thc Committcc shall heve I cuting votc in the event of J a tic. Rcports olttu Corunitu, I Gove rror-c lcc Sccurity fu r t 12. (l) The Committcc shall, within drirty days ftom tbc dea of iho 5. (l) Upon the dcclrntion of tbc find rcsults of thc clection for swcaring-in of thc Govcrnor, prcpere rd submit r rcport on thc rflrs thc Officc of Governor by trc hdcpcndcnt El€ctoral rnd Boundaries of thc Commiucc, to thc County Asccmbly ard C$inct St ttfy Commirsion rm&r Article lEO of tlrc Conrtinrtion rnd rcction 39 of rcrponsiblc for Intagovcmmcntrl Rclations. I ttc Electionr Act, thc Committce shall enaut lhrt 6c Govcmor+lcct (2) Thc rcport $rll contain | rnd Dcputy Govcrnor

documentr from r county prblic officcr u it mry conridcr nccclrry. confi&ntidity rgrccmt during the fint riting of thc Commitrcc. I 3949 7th July,2017 THE KENYA GTilEffE

Ftuding 2. County t irhili66s Prngnph 2(d)(ii) thc costs of 14. (l) Thc respcctivc Cormty Govemmcnts shall mcct Sutttrury of liabilities cuncntty owcd by the cowtty govcrnrunt ciremony, siring rllowrnces end oltcr opcrationd thc swcaring-in derived an up-to&te schcduh of liabilities Supporting coss of thcir respcctive Commiuec. fiom durnunts slwuld bc prcpared and avaibdfur scrutiny. (2) Without prcjudicc to thc provisione of sub prngraph (l)' thc agcncics ,----L Nationrl Govcmmcnt ministrics, dcPrrtments end No. latceom of liabilities represcntcd in thc Commiucc shall mcct thc cxlEnscs for their officcrs I -orns and ovcidrrfts (including rccrucd to thaCommiucc. appointcd nt Eri\ gcrurally Srcccssion 2. lediors 15. Thc dey-toJey functioning of thc county govcmmcnt bcforc 3. Jnrcmiucd rtrfi tory deductions end during thc assrmption of officc by thc Govcmor-e1cct shrll bc includinc Edtics) thc Constinrtion and othcr cxisting hwq tnnsition subjcct to Pg9$ing 4. Inmid ocrsanncl cmolurents and succcssion of institutions, officcs, rsscts end lirbilitbs. 5. -cc.l lirbilitics (p.(2) (d)) ANND(TI.]RE 6. bntinecnt lirbilitiGs FORMAT rcR q)UNTY INFORMATION 7. \nv othcr (PrragnPh 2(d) l. County Asscts 3. (County Brnk Accounts rnd Rcconciled Be!:ances) hngrph A swmary o! aslcu cunently held by the county govcmnrw dcrtvcd 2

Rcntcd E o lvi) o E 00 nromiss sE a o a o l) B E Si o d q o. o J vii) undcvcloocd 'c.! o tr I d E E o ct d 6 a lr a o 6 a' viii) Othcrs Ei c E E E o o & d c o ct a o l,lntat Vrhiclac z E

9. Invcstmcnts 10. Debtors including 5. (County Entitics, Corpontionr rnd Agcncics) Prngnph 2(dXv) outstrtrding imprccs,nlry Sttntrlrzlry of Entitics, Corporatiorts and Agercics citlur partialty or rdvrrrccs, crt lorn, wlolly owrcd by tlu County Govcranunt. Dortgrgcs and tny ottcr recovcrrblc tlo. lanu oJ ,'utttbn ilurcluldiag Xrcctotship lcmarks and rdvanccs, i.ntim %) unpaid rent(&tdlcd listings to bc rnonhanl\

'Lrnd and buildings - indicetc whcttcr titlcs rre eveihblc or not 6. (Ongoing/multiycrr proi:cs md domr funrbd pro!:cts in thc Moor vchiclcs - indicate whcther log books rrc rveihblc or not County) Prngnph 2(d)(vi) Plrnt and cquipmcnt indicetc whclher log bootvccrtificrtcs .Ir - on ongoinglruthiycar projects t'nd bnor fundcd eveihblc or not Swrnary of all wluther th. p ,iccts arc rctivc, Inungiblc rsscts (softwrre) - indicarc whcthcr contracMiccnscs tre projccts in thc Count! indbatkg cohorrrt. eveilablc or not snllcd, abandoned, tcrmilutcd or rcsuled on tlp h lr,rl


TI5 M)N{IOVERNTffiNTAL ONGANISATIONS C1}, ORDINA1IONTtcT I I (No.t9 of t9N) 'tI l,htBBS tr rrlE EGclmvE corfffirrEE t .t. IS f

IXE G A hovFror{AL CRmTCATE '' 'WHEREAS Scohrtice Nyaagrbi MuruUi, of P.O. Box 523E+ ffi)"Nrfuobi itr b R.@lic of Kcnyt is regirlcred r proprir:or 1ri**ro**" . h- of dl tfrt pi* ib. 651, crtcrd on rll 6rr pic of Lrd 1#i*tr?1, --' . rralllt-AIl,r.rlfl lnorm rr LR.. No. zgl?g,fit-.tut th ncrt of Thitr lrlunic{rlity h Cooal M of tutYa. Ttitr Datbt, regisrarcd by virtrrc of e lcrsc regfuircd rs Ln. ,-. . ?tu' 7th luly,2Ol7 THE KET.IYA GAZETTE 3951

l59fl5ll, and whcrcas sufficient cvidcrrcc has been adduccd to show GAarBNcrncENo. 6417 that thc lcasc has bccn lost, notice is given that after thc expiration of THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT sixty (6t)) days from thc derc hcrcof, I shall issue a provisional ccrtificate of titlc providcd that no obiction has bccn rcceivcd within (No.3 oJ20t2) period. that ISSUE OF A K,OUSIONAL CERTIFTCATE

Darcd the 7th htly,20l7 . WHEREAS Stcphcn Okwrraji Oticndc, of P.O. Box 84469-80100, C. K. NG'ETICH, Mombase in thc R.epublic of Kanya, is rcgisrcrcd as gopricor in fcc MR/35t8E57 Rc gisrar of Tit lc s, . simplc of ell that piccc of land containing 0.0299 hcctere or thcrcabouts, known as No. 10138/UMN, sih.ratc in Municipdity in Mombasa District, rcgistcrcd as C.R. 32045, and whcrees sufficicnt evidcnce has bccn adduccd to show thet thc GAzErrE NorIcE No. 6414 ccrtificerc of titlc issued thcreof has bcen los! notice is givcn thu rftcr Tlm LAND REcI:s'IrRr{lION ACT ftc cxpintion of sixty (60) dajs ftrom thc datc hcreof, I shdl irsuc e provisirnd ccrtificatc of titlc providcd thet no objcction hes bccn ' (No.3ol20l2) reccivcd within that pcriod. Dated thc 7th July,20l7. IssuE oF A kousroNAl CERTIFICATE D. J. SAFARI, WHEREAS John Otachi Kakongc, of P.O. Box 1736, Nairobi in MRR425124 Rcgistrar of Tiths, IVlombasa. thc Rcpublic of Kenya, is rcgistered as proprictor lcsscc of all thel Apartment No. 'B8", er€cted on all that piccc of land known as L.R. No. 991/17, situatc in tbc city of Nairobi in thc Nairobi Area, GAZErIENo[cENo.6418 registered by virtuc of a lcasc registered as I.R. 63519/1, and whcrpas TTIE LAND REGISTR,ATION ACT sufficicnt cvidencc hes bccn ad&rced !o show that thc lcasc has bcen (No.3 lost, noticc is given thet aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the oJ20l2) dete hcreof, I shall issuc a provisional ccrtificate of title providcd that ISSTJE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED no ob!:ction has becn rcccivcd witlrin that pcriod. WHEREAS David Kipleting R.ugut, of P.O. Box 644, Kapsabct in Darcd thc 7th luly,?117. thc Rcpublic of Kenye, is regirtcred as proprictor in absolutc owncrship inrcrest of all th.t piccc of land containing 0.0420 hectarc C. K. NG'ETICH, or thereabouts, sioet in tlrc disrict of Uasin Gishu, registcred under MRA5EE895 Rc gistrar of Titb s, N airobi. titlc No. Eldorcttlvlunicipality Block 7281, and whcrcrs sufEcicnt cvidcncc has bccn edducod to show ilrat drc lend titlc dccd issrcd 6crcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that afto* thc expiration of sixty GAzEmENcncENo. 6415 (60) deys from thc datc hercof, I shall issuc a ncw titlc dccd provided tlat no objcction has bccn rcceived within thet pcriod. TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Datcd thc 7th Iuly , ?nl7 . (No.3of ?Al2) D. LETTING, MxJ3425469 Land Rcgistrar, Uasin Gishu District. IssUE oF A KousIoNAL CER,TIFICATE

WHEREAS (l) Gathcche Holdings (2) Racha Limitcd and GAzErr" NcrncE No. 54 19 Limitcd, both of P.O. Box 98642-80100, Mombasa in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, arc registcrcd u proprietors in fee simplc of ell that piccc of TTIE LAND REGISTRAfiON ACT land containing 2.35 ecres or theieabout, known as No. 269lII/tlN, (No.3 oJ2Ot2) situate in Mombasa Municipality in Mombasa District, registcred rs ISST,E oF A NEw L^NDTITE DEED C.R. 1056, and whcreas sufFrcicnt cvidencc has bccn dduccd to show that the ccrtificarc of titlc issucd thereof has been lost, noticc is givcn WHEREAS Joscph Chelelc hr (1DD32829), is registcred as propricor that after thc expiration of sirty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall in absolurc ownership int€rcst of all thet pieqe of land containing 0.452 hccterc or thcrrabouts, thc district issuc a provisionel ccrtifrcatr of titlc provllcd trat rrc oblxtion has rlrtc in of , rcgistered under title No. Rongei/Gichcha Block ll7l, atd bccn rcccived within that pcriod. whereas sufficient evidcrrce has bcen edduccd to show that the land Dated thc 7dr July, 2017. titlc dccd issued thcrcof has bccn lost, notice is given that aftcr the cxpiretion of sixty (60) days from thc drtc hcrcof, I shall issuc e ncw J. G. WANJOHI, titlc dccd provided that no obiction hes been reccived within that MR/3588527 Rcgistrar of Tiths, Ivbnbasa. period. Darcd thc 7th luly,?nt7. C.W. SI,'NGUTI, GAzErrE NsncE No. 6416 ] MN34?l,467 Land Registra4 Nakuru District. THE LAND R.EGISTRATION ACT I (No.3 of ?.O12) Gi{zErrE NcrncE No. 6420


WHEREAS (l) Gathccha Holdings Limiad and (2) Racha (No.3 oINt2) Limitcd, both of P.O. Box 98642-801(X), Mombasa in thc Rcpublic of ISSUE OF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED Kenya, are regisrcred as proprietors in fee simple of all that piece of F WHEREAS Simon Ndiritu Nrin (IDO33972), is rrgister€d as land containing 2.36 rcrcs or thercrbout, known as No. 295[IVMN, I proprictor in absolute owncrship hifiest of dl that piece of lend situatc in Mombasa Municipality in Mombasa District, rcgistqrd as conteining I 0.8094 hcctere or ttrcrerbous, siuarc in tlrc district of i C.R. 1192, and whcrcas suffrcicnt cvidence has bccn adduccd to show N_akuru, rcgistcred m&r 6tlc lb. BahedrBehati Block l/1459, end I thlt thc ccrtificate of titlc issucd thcrcof has becn loet, notice is given 'wherpas sufEcicnt cvi&rrcc has bccn rdduccd to show that thc land I i that after the expiration of sixty (60) deys from the datc hcreof, I shall title decd issued thcreof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that after ttrc issuc a provisional certificate of title providcd that no obiction has cxpiration of sixty (60) days ft,orn thc date hcreof, I shdl issuc a ncw bccn rcccivcd within that period. titlc decd providcd thet no obiction hes bccn rcccivcd within thet pcriod. Dated thc 7th July,2017. Darcd thc 7th July,2ol1. J. G. WANJOHI, J. I.TYAMAMBA, MRA588527 Registrar of Titlcs, Mombasa. MR.(}588675 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. 7thJuly,2017


ISSIJE OFA NEW LANDTITLE DEED ISSI..,E OF A NEW L^ND TITLE DED P.O. Box 36, Mascno in thc WHEREAS Jorim Juma Obadha. of WHEREAS Arthur Kinyua Njiru (ID/12576612), of P.O. prcprietor absolurc ownership Rcpublic of Kcnyq is regisrcred rs in 1735, Thike in thc Rcpublic of Kcny4 is rcgisrcred es pmprietor piccc hectare intcrcst of all thl of hnd containing 0.064 or rbsolute owncrship intcrcst of all thet piecc of land coteining 6creabouts, situatc in thc district of Kisumu, regisrcred un&r titlc No. hcctarc or thcreabouts, situate in drc district of Embu, ttgistcrcd whereas dvidcncc becn KisumuA,Irrerr/25@, and sufficicnt hrs titlc No. GaturiAilenrI/507, and whereas sufftcient cvi&ncc has I m show that thc lurd titlc dccd isscd thcreof has bccn lost, dduced adduccd b show thet thc lend titlc dccd issucd thcrcof bas bccn given sixty (d)) days from thc datc noticc is thet efter thc cxpiration of noticc is givcn thet rftcr thc expintion of sixty (60) days from the issuc e ncw dccd providcd that no objection has hcreof, I shdl titlc hcrcof, I shall issue a ncw titlc dccd providcd that no objection bccn reccived within fiat pcriod. bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. Dated the 7th July,2Ol7. G.O.NYANGWESO, Datcd thc 7th July,frl1. J.M.GITARI,', MR/3588755 la nd Registrar, Kisumu fustlWest Districts. MR/358E535 land Registrar, Mu

GAZET 18 No[cE No. 6422 GAE',rrE NOICE NO. 6426 THE LAND REC}ISTRATION ACT TTIELANDR"EGISTRATIONACT Ii (No.3 of?nO) (No.3ofllot2) I ISST'E OF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED ISST.TEoFANEWLANDfiTLEDEp .ll WHEREAS Sammy David Moreisi, of P.O. Box 96,42, Kisumu in the Rcpublic of Kcnya, is registcned as proprietor in absolue WHEREAS Anduku Abuti Nmdrkulc, is rcgistcred as proprictif owncrship intcrest of ell that piccc of land containing 0.11 hcctue or in absolutc ownership itrtcrcst of all that piccc of lmd containing 6.Q thcreabouts, sioate in the distict of Kisumu, rcgistcred undcr titlc No. hcctares or thercabort, sitnte in the district of Kakamcga, rcgistcttf Kisumu/Konndo/4417, .nd whcreas sufEcicnt cvi&ncc hes bccn .undcr titlc No. Marama/Shikungzlfr, ad wbcreas sufficicnt cvidcn* adduccd b show that thc land titlc dccd issucd thcrcof hrs bccn lost, hrs bcen addrccd to show ttat thc hd title ded issucd ihereof h* noticc is givcn that aftcr thc cxpintionof sixty (60) deys ft,om thc dra bccn lost, noticc is givc,n that aftcr rhc cxpiration of sixty (60) da;p hcrcof, I shall issuc a new titlc dccd providcd th.t no obirction h.! from the drtr hcrcof, I shdl issuc a ncw titlc dccd providcd thet { bccn rcceived within that pcriod. objcction has bccn receivod within that pcriod.

Datcd thc 7th July,20l7. Dated thc 7th July,NlT . G. O. T.IYANGWESO, M. J. BOOR, MRI,588755 land Rcgistrar, Kiswru hstlltcs, Dkticts. MR'I!s88736 land Re gistrar, Ka*anu ga

cAzErrE NoncE No. 6423 GAZETTENcrilCENO. 6427

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of2ol2) ISSUE OF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED IssI,,E oF ANEw LANDTI1!.B DEED WHEREAS (l) Iohn Njoroge Kamau, (2) Ioscph Njuri Kameu and (3) Jocl Krrenja Kamau, are rcgisued as proprictors in ebsolutc WHEREAS Georgc Omondi Eriyr, of P.O. Box 2775, Kakunc owncrship intcrest of all that piccc of hnd conteining 0.884 hcctrre or in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyg is regisrcred as poprietor in rbsolt thereaborts, situatc in the district of Nrkuru, rcgistcrd un&r titlc No. owncrship inrcrest of all thet picce of hnd conaining 0.09 hccurc Kiambogo/Kiambogo Block l/312 (Mutukanio), and whercas thercabous, sioerc in thc district of Klkercga, registored un&r ti sufficicnt cvidcncc hes bccn adduccd to show that the land titlc dccd No. Butsoho/Shikoti/2678, end whcrcas sufhcicnt cvidencc hes issued thcreof has bocn lost, notice is givcn that aftcr thc expintion of edduccd b show that thc hnd title decd issucd thcrcof has bccn I sixty (60) drys from thc datc hcrcof, I shrll issuc a ncw titlc dccd notice is given that aftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) d.ys from thc d{ providcd that no objcction has bccn receivcd within that pcriod. hcrrof, I shall issue e ncw title dced p,oviricd that no objrrction hl bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. Darcd thc 7th luly,20l7 . J.NYAMAMBA, Datcd thc 7th July,20l7. MN3425498 Land Rcgistrar, Nahtru Distrbt. J. M. F[]NDI,A, MR.41588530 Larul Rc g istrar, Kalume ga

GAzErrE NcncE No. 642 GAZEIE NqIIcE No. 6428 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TTM LAND RECiISTRATION ACT ( No.3 of?tt2) (No.3 ol?-Ol2) ISSTJE OF A NEW LANDTTTLE DEED IssUE OF A NEW LAND TIILE DEED WHEREAS Joscph Mwangi Vo Kimondo, both of P.O. Box 1199, Nafuobi in thc Republic of Kcnya, is registcred ts Proprietor in WHEREAS Alikisi Wabwirc Wcre Khrcmbe, is rcgistcred { absolurc owncrship intcrrst of all that piccc of land conteining 1.45 prcprietor in ebsolute owncrship intcrcst of rll that piccc of led hectaEs or thcreabou! situerc in thc dianict of Nycri, regisErcd under containing 3.9 hcctares or ttcreabou! sinerc in ttre district d titlc No. Othaya/Ihuririo/65, end whcreas sufficicnt cvidencc has bccn Katamcfr, registcred undcr title No. NAtr/Kholcrat2[s9, md whcre{ edduccd to show that the land title dced issued thcreof hrs bccn losL sufEcicnt evidcocc has bccn edduccd to show tht the lend titlc dcc{ notice is given that rftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) deys ft,om tbc darc issucd thcreof her bccn los! notici is given thet eftcr thc cxpintion ri{ hcreof, I shall issuc e new titlc dced providcd that no objcction hrs sixry (60) days from thc dltc hereof, I shall issuc a new title &{ bccn rcccived within that pcriod. providod that no objr:ction hes been reccivcd wi0rin thtt pcriod. i Darcd the 7th July,20l7. Darcd the 7th July,?-Ot7.

S. M. MWANZAWA, J. M. FLJNDIA, i MRJ3588524 Land Registrar, District. MR/3588685 Land Registrar, Ifukamega Distri{ l

i 7thJu,ly,2Ol7 THEKENYA GAZETTE 3953


ISSI.,E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TI'II-E' DEED WHEREAS Eliud Muturi Kamau (ID/36273OAfi), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Claremont Investmcnts Limited, of P.O. Box 18- 1529, in the Reprblic of Kcnya, is regisrcred as propricor in 002m, Nakobi in ttrc Rcpublic of Kenya, is regisrcred as ploprictor in absolute ownership intercst of all that piccc of lend containing l'62 absolutc ownership intercst of dl that piccc of land conteining 0.0650 hcctarcs or thcreabout, situate in thc disrict of Trans Nzoia, regisrcred hcctrrc or thcreabouts, situatc in thc disrict of , registctcd undcr title No. Trans Nzoia/Chcrenganil487, and whcrcas sufficicnt under title No. Kajiado/Kaputici North/2716, and whcrcas sufficieilt cvidencc has bccn adduced to show that thc land titlc dccd isatcd cvidcncc has been adduced !o show that thc land titlc dccd issued thcrcof has been lost, notice is givcn that after thc cxpiration of sixty thcreof has bccn lost, notice is given that aftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc datc hcr€of, I shall issue a ncw title dccd providcd (60) days from ttrc date hcreof, I shall issue a ncw titlc dccd p,tovidcd that no objetion has bcen received within that pcriod. that no obiction has bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. Datcd thc 7th July,20ll. Dated thc 7th luly,20l7. A.KAYEHI, N.D.NYAMBASO, MB/3588505 Iand Registrar, Kiale. MR.{t588789 Land Registrar, Kajiodo District.

cAzErrENsflcENo.6430 GAzErrE NcncE No. 6434 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2olZ) (No.3 ofZol2) DEED ISSI,E OF A NEW LAND TITLE ISSUE OF.NEW ITND TTN.EDEDS WHEREAS Mrry Amenye Ojwang, of P.O. Box 49672-0o100, WHEREAS Pcrcr Kariuki Kiburi (ID,O561154), of P.O. Box propieor in Nairobi in ttrc Rcpublic of Kcnye, is registercd as 30201, Nairobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyg is rcgistered as proprietor in piccc 0.(X7 absolute owncrship intcrrst of all that of land contrining absolutc owncrship intcrcst of dl thosc pir:ccs of lmd contrining 0.089 hcctare or thcreabouts, situate h thc district of Machatos, regisrcrcd end 0.0E9 hcctare or thcreabouts, sinretc in thc disrict of Kajiado, undcr titlc No. Mavoko/Town Blor,.k l2lD98, and whcreas sufEcicnt registcrcd undcr titlc Nos. Ngong/Ngong/5l033 and' 51034, cvidcncc has bccn adduccd to show that thc land titlc dccd issted respcctivcly, and whcrcas sufficient evidcrrcc has bccn adduccd to givcn of sixty thcreof has been lost, noticc is that aftcr thc cxpiretion show thrt thc laDd titlc dccds issucd thcrcof havc bccn lost, noticc is ptovidcd (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issue a ncw title dccd given thet aftcr thc cxpiration of sixry (60) deys from tbc drtc hercof, I that no objection has bccn rcccivcd within that pcriod. shdl issuc ncw title deeds provided th* no objcction hes bccn Darcd thc 7th July,2017. rcceived within that period. M. NJOROGE, G. Darcd thc 7th July,20l7. NIRB42546.5 Land Rcgistrar, Maclnkos Distrbt. G.W.MI.JMO, MN3425470 Land Rcgistrar, Kajiado North District.

GAErrENqncENo.643l GAffiIENOICENO.6435 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) (No.3 ol20l2) ISSI.,E OF A NEW LANDTIEEDEED . ISSIJE OF A NEW LANDTIII.E DEEb WHEREAS Kcnnedy L,ukioh Aswah, of P'O. Box 82762-E0100' Mombasa in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, is rcgistercd as proprictor in WHEREAS Joycc Binsari Nyamwamu (ID/ll2!)4750), of P.O' ebsolurc owncrstrip intcrcst of dl that piccc of land containing 0.0310 Box l7rt4Z)8, Ngong Hills in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registcred hcctarc or thcreabouts, situae in thc disnict of Machakos, registcrcd rs proprictor in absolutc ownership intcrcst of all that piece of land undcr titlc No. Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block 166346, and whcreas conteining 0.20 hcctarc or thcrcabouts, situarc in the district of sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn adduccd {o show that thc land title decd Krjirdo, regisrcrcd undor titlc No. Ngong/Ngotrg33zg3, and whereas issued thcreof has bccn lost, rrcticc is givcn lhlt aftcr thc cxpiration of sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn adduccd to show thd thc land title deed sixty (60) days from thc datc hcreof, I shell issuc a new titlc deed issued thcrtof has bccn lost, mticc is given that eftcr thc cxpiration of proiidcd that no obiction has bccn reccivcd within thet pcriod. sixty (60) days from thc dttt hcreof, I shall iszuc a ncw titlc deed providcd that no obiction has becn reccived within that pcriod. Datcd thc 7th July' 2017' c. M. NJoRocE, Datcd thc 7th luly,20l7. MR/3588557 Land Registrar, Maclnl

G^zEnE NorcE No. 6432 GAzsnENcncENo. 6436 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 olAot2) (No.3 ofz$l2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSI,,E OF A NBW LAND fiTLE DED WHEREAS Winstonc Ongala Adcli $Dn957418), of P.O. Box 6642-00100, Nairobi in thc Rcpublic of Kenye, is rcgistcrcd as WHEREAS Eston Kamau Mwangi (Dn096l2l), of P.O. Box propricbr in absolurc owncrship inEr€st of all thet piccc of lend 2ID, Kenol in ttrc Republic of Kcnya, is regirrcred as p,roprictor in containing 0.088 hcctare or thcreaborts, sioarc in the district of absolutc owncrship intcrcst of rll that piccc of hnd containing 0.101 Kejiado, registcred undcr titlc No. Kajiado/Kitengcla/36481, and hcctare or thcrerbolrts, sinrarc in thc district of Nyandrrue, registcred whercrs sufficicnt cvidcttcc has bccn adduced to show that the land undcr titlc No. Nyandarua/Sabugo/1568, and whereas sufficicnt titlc dccd issucd thcrcof hrs bccn lost, noticc is given that after thc evidence hrs bccn adduccd to show thet the land title deed issred cxpiration of sixty (6()) days from the datc hereof, I shall issue a new thcreof has bccn los! noticc is givcn that aftcr thc expiration of sixty titte dced providcd that no objcction has been received within that (60) days from the datc hcrcof, I shall issuc a ncw title decd provided pcriod. that no objection has bccn rcccived within thet period. Detcd thc 7th July,2ol7. Dared rhc 7th July,?-ot, . I.M.WAMBUA, N. c. .ATHAI'A, MR/3588545 Land Rcgistrar, Kajiado District. MR/3588706 Land Rcgistrar, NyandarualSamburu Districts.


GAzErrE NcrncE No. 6437 GAzgmENorrcENo.544l TIS LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) (No.3 of?nl2) IssI,E oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED IssI,IE oF A NEw L^ND TITI.E DEED WHEREAS Francis Muthcc Njagua (ID/1421563), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Francis Ngugi Nllmgc (ID/857,1651), of P.O. 175ffi6, Nafuobi in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is regisrcred rs Gioemba in fte Rcpublic of Kcnye, is rcgisrcred es prop proprietor in absolute owncrship intcrcst of dl thrt piccc of hnd rbsolue owncrship intcrcst of thet piccc of lrnd containing 6snr-ining l.2l hcctares or thcrcabout, siuntc in thc disrict of hcctare or thcreabouts, sinrac in thc distict ofThikr, regisrcred Nyendanra, regisrcred undcr titlc No. Nyandanra/Kipipiri/1105, and titlc No. Chenia/lvlataara/1742, nd whcrcrs srfficicnt evidcn whcrcas sufFrcient evidencc has bccn adfuccd to show thet thc lend bcen adduccdto *row that tbe land titlc drcd issucd thcrcof title deed issued thcrcof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that rftcr thc lost, notice is given that aftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) deys expiration of sixty (60) days from tbc drtc hcrcof, I shall issuo a new datc hcreof, I shall.issuc a ncw titlc dccd providcd thet no tidc dccd p,rovide.d that no objection hrs been reccivcd within thet hes bcen rcoeivcd within thaf pcriod. pcriod. Drrcd thc 7th July,2017. Dercd thc 7th July,2ol7. C.M.GICHI,JKI, N1N3425478 MR/3588853 Latd Rc gistrar, Nyandarwl Sanburu Districts.

GAZErIE NcncE No.6442 GAzErrE NsncE No. 6438 THELANDREGISTRATIONACT I THE LAND RBGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) l (No.3 ofbl2) ISSI.JE OF A NEW LAND fiTLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTIILE DEED WHEREAS Srmrcl Maina Njorogc (IDfl57086), of P.( WHEREAS Njcnge Chui (ID/0518167), of P.O. Box 552-ryA7, 2338-O1(m, is rcgistcrcd rs proprictor in ebsolutc owrcrshb i thrt I imuru in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is rcgistcred rs proprictor itr of dl piccc of land contrining 0.12fl) hcctuc or ebsolutc owncnhip intcrest of all thet piccc of lard cmteining 1.760 sioarc in thc district of Thikr, registcrcd undcr titlc. j hecares or thcnbout, situatc in th. district of Neivlrhf Ruinr/lVluguthe Block L/T. 5440, rnd whcrees sufficicnt cvidcnql under tidc No. longonot/Kijabe Block 41272, ttd whcrcrs sufficicnt bccn dduccd to stlow thrt thc lerd titlc issucd thcrtof hls cvidcnce hrs bcctr adduccd to show thrr tb! trnd rirlc dccd issrcd lost, noticc is givcn thet efter thc cxpintion of sixty (60) drys thcreof has bcen lost, noticc is givcD ttrt after tie expiration of sixty datc hercof, I shdl issuc I ncw titlc dccd providcd thet no obj{ (60) dafs from the datc hercof, I shallissuc r ncw titlc dccd provided has bccn reccivcd within that pcriod thet no objcction has becn rcccivcd s,ithh pcriod. thrt Datcd thc 7th July , ?tl7 . Darcd thc 7th July,Nl1. B. K. G.O. NYANGWESO, MR/35888fi) Ia nd Rcgistrar, MMl5885l9 Iand Rcgistra4 Naivaslu Dist'a.

GAzErrE NqncE No. 6443 GAzEnE NgucE No. 6439 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TI{E LAND R.EGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of?nl2) (No.3 of ?-Ol2) IssUE oFA NEwLANDTITLE DEED ISSI,JE OF A NEW LAND Tl'fl-E DEED WHEREAS lohn Kemeu Wrnri (ID/1449M)), of P.O.; p.O. WHEREAS Srcphcn Ctomba K$iru GD4566677), of Box 480894)lm, is registcred rs proprictor in ebsolute owrrcnhip 89, Mekuyu in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, is rcgisEred as proprictor in of dl thet piccc of land containing 0.0095 bcctrrc or thcn .bsolutc owncrship intcrcst of ell that piccc o1 1"116 sonrqining 1.20 sihrt in the district of Thike, rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. hcctrres or thcrcebout, situarc in thc district of Thike, registcred undcr Block 5Bl0t, md whcrers sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn tidc No. Katuzi/Kirimiri Block Ul 15, rnd whcrcas sufEcicnt cvidencc show thet thc lud titlc dccd issucd thcreof hes bccn lost, nor has bccn adduccd to show that th hnd titlc dcd issucd thereof hrs givcn thet efter thc expintion of sixty (60) drys ftom tlE datc hc bccn lost, noticc is givcn thu aftcr $c cxpintion of sixty (60) days shall issuc e ncw titlc dccd providcd thtt no ob!:ction has from thc &tc hcrcof, I shdl issuc e ncw title decd provi&d that no reccivcd within that pcriod. objetion hes bccn rcccivcd within that pcriod. Detsd thc ?th July,2017. Deted thc 7th July,Nll. J. K. P. K. KIMANI, MR/358t868 Land Rcgisrrar, Thika MR/3588577 Land Rcgistral Thil.a A$ict.

GAzErrE NqncE No. 6444 GAZEIENs[cENo.6440 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT T1IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ot2) (No.3 of20t2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSI,'E S' A NEW LAND TTTLE DEED WHEREAS Ndigichu Housing WHEREAS Mbugue Gitcro Kinurhir (1N4912352), of p.O. Box Co.opcretivc Soci€ty Limitjt b rcgicercd rs prropricU in ebmlu! owncrship in6pst of 90{1030, Gearndu in thc Rcpublic of Kcnye, is registcred es dl ttrat;|gc of hnd contrining l.2l hccteres or thcreebort, goprictor in rbsoht owncrship intcrest of rll tt t pircc of land situetc in rhc disdl of Kirinyrgr, rcgiserEd undcr contrining 3.00 rcres or thcreabout, sioratc in thc district of Thike, titlc No. Kabarc/Nyrngeti/1971, ]rd whcrers sufEcknt cvidcrrcc rcgisrcrcd urrdcr titb No. Ngcnda/lGitun/552, and rrtcrers sufficicnt hes bccn rd&ccd to show that ttrc Lrd titlc issucd thcrcof has cvidcncc hes bccn edduccd to show thet thc lend titlc dccd imlcd bccn lost, noticc is givcn thrt rfu{tbc of sixty (fl)) thcreof hes bccn lost, noticc is givcn thet aftcr the cxpiration of sixty gxpinriol days ftom thc darc hcrecif, I shdl issuc e.iew titlc decd providcd has (60) deys from thc detc hcrmf, I shalt issuc a ncw titlc provi&d thrt no oblxtion [6sn received within hrt decd pcriod. that no ob!rctbn hes bccn rcccived within thu period. j Dred thc 7th July , NL7 . Dercd thc 7th July,2017. I. W. KAMI,M', RM.NYAG4 MR/3588861 Ia ad Re gistrar, ThiLa District. MR/35tt3ll Land Regisnar, Kirinyaga Di,*io. i

I I I 7tt July,2017 TIIE KEI{YA GAZETTE 3955

GAEITE Nc/flcENo. 6,!45 G^zETrENorcEIto.6{9 . .. j, ,, TIS LAND RECiTSTTATXN ACT TIEL.INDTEdfi rnbEr,Atsf (No.3 ofZ0t2) . (No.|offrD)l _", IssI.JE oFA NEa, LANDTITLEDEED IssuE oF A I{Ey L^r.rD I'}I.EOF WHEREAS Rerir Adcur Nil3r (Iry5813t)i, of P.o. Box WHEREAS $a1656 Keiadt lsij (dYfOfSClI rcgi*reA as 2n, Krgb h thc ncpblic of Kcnyl b rcgictrcd rl pmpriru in i in absobe of land rb6ol6E oyErhb in!,rcd of dl tt t of had cmreiniog 0.48 orrfi? i*F$ d.t 6* Dilcc t*rc cflirahirg o.06 h.cte or thcc*outs":irt of ltcru, hatrrc or tbrr$outr, siutt iD fu diotrict of Kirinyrga, regbrcd ir b frbt rcgistered undcr No. Nhrcac/lvlittrugu/lt6r, vficreas un&r titb No. Mutinilftngrill7sz, rd wbcrers suflicbnt cvilcncc titb rnd suffrchat cyiicace hes bccr edurcd'b thG titb hes.bccn d&cod !o shry dEt tb hd ti& ddd is$td &s€of bl' sh trt btrd bsucd thcrof hr becn lost, i. reor ttc oxpirdbn of bccn bei, notbc is givcn thrt rftcr thc e:pirain of sixty (60) &ys Dtlr fiva I sixty (60) days from fu hccof, tirb dcGd fro,m fr. drc bcrcof, I sldl i$rr e mr titb docd provitcd tht m U, I !w . Es pm,vidcd thet a6 obirction t obirctin hrs bcco lrccivcd wfhin tha pcriod. brs bccr rAtitd rrtia tt pcri{. DaEd dtc 76 luly,2Ot7. h;d tp 76luty,20t7. , R.. II,LNYAGA. - G.II, MAKAU, MRft5t8665 brd Regiw*, Klri;rpga Dtstrict. MM'5tt771 Ld ftrg*t*^ l*ru District.

GA,ErIENoDcEI\b.6145 GAzE-rrE NoncE l.Io. 6450 LANENEGItrTXAIIOHACT THE I,.AND REGISTRATION ACT , lEE (No.t ol8t2) (lb.3ifipla\, ISSTECAISEWLANDTiII!hD .LssrEaANElytr}*iflilimp WIIEREAS .lets Mwugi ,ccph, bciaS tb WHEREAS S.lilc B.hi rCfffi I rogisad nlgic!.iltrtivc of llcary Welru Gitutrfu (dcccarcd), of P.O. Box 359, GDrqbtrh fulntc l*ro of lad in ftc RcFbli.: is n gi.lcrcd Trvctr of Kcoya r poprbA ia -rott coateiningO202 h.ctdc orta.t {ihaf b,-di.tict of Ulcru, ownership inErcct of dl dut pbcc of lrld contrfudng 2.Dl fues t rcgisercd uD&r &lc No. Kiiruq[{rl436a".d utrprs sufficienr fur!.boq siot it 6G dbirbt of Murtrg'r, rcgisEd E&r ri& cvidcmc h.r bc{ ddBcrd b fur h Oa5 tft dld issucd No. Loc. 2/Kinyme/t9t, and wtcra zufficicnt cvilctrae hr bcca thcreof her b@ lct, no{cc is gy.r tld llo cxpiruion of sixty rh.r $i rddrccd b sbw drc hd titb d6d irlrcd thcroof h b.a lor( (60) deyr ftom fu d.b bbluf, i cldt igrr rcrr tiUi aoca providcd noticc is givcn thrt rftcr thc cxpintitrn of rixty (60) &ys ftom tb d... thrt no obixtioo hrs bcn Eocivcd viUf I paiod. h@of, I shdl irsrc e ru, titlc dccd povilod thl ao Sirtin hr "'r' '- '^ bcca rcceircd within th.lpcrbd. IlatdlbTthry,mfl. C. M. MAKAU, D.rDdthc76July,2Dl7. MRI'5S7?l . M.W.KAMAU, Idk*nw,Lttrl[stricr. MRR588529 Lond Rcgistrar, Llurory'a Atict. GATTTENonc-ENo.645l

GAZETTE NC,IICE No. 6447 TIIE LAND R.EGISTRATIOD{ ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION AC'T (No.3 affit?) (No.3ot8l2) tsst E.a^lE*lafiltlb TssI.,E tr A NEw L^ND TmE TEED wHEREAS hol Iomtdc Nli{tbrE. p". e526. EtdorGt in the R.caublic of Kcnyr, ir nryietd rr" in rbsolutc WHEREAS Srlom Kinye Kirgora (ID12537598), is rqiscrod as nqrictor o*naship intlirst of all thrt of 4,2 hoctrrcs or iD rb.oha outrcrsnip harest of dl thtt pica of lrnd 1i,co hd rftinng thGrahrt, siturb ir ttG diiEi:t of l{.!dl ffc No. conteining 0.41 hctrrc or thcrerbouts, sitrerc in thc ilistrict of }tcru, #mailq Nrndi/Kriboil/6,.trd uAcrtir sufficicot evidicr trr bocn ddrccd ro rcgistcrcd udcr titlc No. Kiirue./l{uri-Mritsi19l2, rnd whcres show thrt the hDd tidc dcod ienrcd tbcmo( bx boon lost, noticc is suf,Ecicnt cvidcacc h.s boco edduccd to show fr.t thc hd titb dccd givca thrt rfurtho expiretlm drhty (d0) dryr fionthc d& hcrEof, I issucd tbcrtof hu bccn losl rmticc is givcn thrt aftcr thc cryintion of shdl issrc a ncv tido doed p,rovidcd bccn sixty (60) lif ao oti:tioa has drys from thc derc hcrcof, I shdl issuc e ncr titlc dccd rcccivcd within that pcrki. providad thrt no ob!*tkm hes bccn rcccivcd wi6in thet pcrind. Darcd thc 76 July,frl7. Datcd 6c 76 luly,?nt7 . ' S. C. tvfWEI, C.M.MAXAU, MRI,58t528 fffi * gi*d,/+, N ,n,dt Etistrict. MMt5t877l Lond Registar, Maa Disoier.

GAurrENcncENo.6452 -.J G^zEITENo[cENo. 6.4E TIIE LAND REGriIXATIq}I ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 i (No.3 oINl2) d?.ol?J Isst,E oF NEg I.AND TIflx DBED IssI.,E oF A NEw LAND TITI.E DE@ ^ WHEREAS Str;hen Ngri finiii(Dffiftl7l ir llgirrctld 16 r WHERE{.S Seloc Kinya Kiogr (ID1253759t), ir rcgburd rs proprictor iD rlEluE owaortil Jlli*iof t t piE6 of hfld pmpricbr in rbeohb orncrship inffi of dl thrt I,iG of lrnd q'.drriarL i contrining 0.0291 hFtrr dt& i! &! dirtici of cootrining 0.105 hocterc or thatSoul1 in ttc di.Eict siturt of Mcru, N*unr, rcgir&rcd uDdE( tillo lto. NrhnneSey Bbck l/1,a35, i registatld Irl"r titk No. Kiiru/l{uri-Mtitcifn2, whcrpes I urd and wherers sufficicnt a*n * ier'bsr rd4dl b rhow drrr thc I .ff*vsq sufficicnt cvidcncc hrs bccn adduccd to show rhr thc lrtrd titta dod land I titlc dood furrEd frcrcof hr Lil loa. lef 6rt rfter I issncd thcraf hls bccn bl, mticc it givca thet dlcr thc crpintion of the cxpintlon of rixg (60) dry, fu4.6a e frre I rhdl iruc e sixty (60) deys from ftc drE lrrtof, shrll e ncw dccd I bruc titla nev titlc docd providod h* no objrrtioa hrl hen rnivod within that providcd ttat no ob!:ction hrs bccn rcccivcd wiihin thrt period p?riod.

Darcd thc . 7h July,2ol7 Ducd drc,l2th June, 2017. C. M. MAKAU, MRR5t877l Laad Rcgistrar, Mcru E[strbr. MR/35tts5t Lrd4rr*;,'ftffiJ#;. I 3956 TI{EKENYA GT'Z,VTTE 7th July,2017 t


i ISST,,E G ANEW L^NDTITI.EDEED ***lf"ifffil"*- I WHEREAS loscphat Njrgi Ngun gi (IDlffil43z), of P.O. Box 7t;l WHEREAS Ayub Muindc Ismacl, of P.O. Box l, Kwe Vonza in thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is regirrcred as proprigtor g[ thc Rcpublic of Kcnyr, is regisrcrcd as propricto: in absolutc Siekago in absolutc owncrship intcrcst of ell thet piccc o1 Lo6 sqatrining 1.?[ owncrship inrresr of that piccc of lalrd containing 7.7 hccarcs or hcctarcs or thercibout, siorrc in thc district of Mbccrc, rcgistcrcdl thcrcabort, siurtc in thc disrict of KiEi, regisrcrcd undcr titlc No. undcr title No. Nthewe/Rirndu/5670, rnd whcrus sufficicnt evidcncol Yrtte BZI(we Yornrzr,l2lg, and whcrcas sufficicnt cvidcncc has becn hls bccn addrccd to show lhrt thc irnd titlc dccd issrrcd rhcreof her{ rdduccd b show thet thc land title deed issucd thcrcof hts bccn lost' bccn lost, notice is givcn thrt rftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) deyrl noticc is givc,lr thu aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) &ys from thc datc from thc drte hcrcof, I shdl issue a ncw titlc dccd that noi hcrcof, I-shdl issuc e ncw titlc dccd providcd thet no obiction hes Fovidcd objcction hrs bccn rcccivcd within that pcriod. - bccn rcccivcd wi6in thrt 1 Pcriod' I Dercd thc 7th July,?.017. Dercd thc 7th July,20l7. N.K.NYAGA. L.K.MUGUTI, I MR/35EE9I9 Land Rcgktrar, Mbccrc Distict.i MR84254E3 Land Redstrar, Dktrict.

GAzErtENcmcENo.645t G^zEflENsncENo.6454 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol?m2) (No.3 of 2.012) IssI,JE oF A NEW LAND TIII.E DE@ ISSI,,EOFANEWLANDTITEDEP , WHEREAS Ketena Kdumc Krtcmbc, ir regisrcred rs poprictor il1 WHEREAS Siroon Onyrngo Omogo (ID/l 12827V2), is rcgistcred absolurc owncrshf intcrut of rll thrt of lend situerc in thel p,roprictor rbsohtc owncrship intercst of that picoe of lrnd Pice rs in diltrbt of Mbccrc, rcgisered undcr tidC No. /Vipingo/a3' rndj thrcebout, sioec in thc disrict of Homr contrining 3,6 hectares or whcrerc suffrcient cvidcncc has bccn eddrccd to show thet thc hndj regirarcd undcr titlc No. Gcm/Komolo/636' md Yftcrcac Bey, titlc doed issucd thcrcof hrs bccn lost, noticc is givcn thrt rftcr thcl hrs bccn rdducod to show thatlhc land titlc decd sulhcicni cvidcncc cxpintion of sixty (60) deys from thc drt€ hcrcof, I strdl issuc r ncrr' thcrcofhrs bccn los! notice is givcn thrt rftcr thc cxpiration of issucd titlc dccd prouiaia'thit nb oblrtion has bccn rcccivcd within thrt' sixty (60) days from tlc detc hcreof, I shell irsuc a ncw titlc dccd proi,iAcd tnet no oblrtion hu bccn reccivcd within thet pcriod. Drtcd thc 7th luly,?-O17. Datcd t$c 7tt luly,Nll. T. T. BAO, V.K., MR/35E8693 Land Rc g istrar, KiW D isfic ri MR/3425,[E3 Laad Rcgistar, Hottu fuy District.

GAZErIE NcncE No. 6,+59 G^ZETTENOIICENO.6455 THELANDREGISTRATIONACT I THE LAND RECiISTRATION ACT (No.3ol2ot2) I (No.3 offrt2) IssIIEoFNEwLANDTT[IDEDs i I IssuE oF A NBwLAND TITLEDEED WHEREAS Dilligaf Limircd, is registercd rs pnoprictor in ebsolutc-l WHEREAS Rlphrcl kencis Kimrnyi Muor (ID/ltl2l57)' of owncrship inrcrest of thosc picccs of lend siurtc in thc district ofi P.O. Box 34, lvldehetos in the Rcpublic of Kcnyr' is rcgisrcred as Kilifr: di";d undcr titlc'Nos. Crcdc/Deberc/I053 and 950, and! Foprictor in rb.ohE owrrcrship intcrest of dl thrt piccc of land whqres iufficicnt cvi&ncc has bccn addrccd to show that thc len4i iorltrining 0.125 hcctarc or thcrcebouts, liardc itr thc dirtrict of titlc dccds issucd thcrtof hevc bccn lmt, noticc is givcn thet rftcr thoi Mbocrp, rcgisarGd un&r titlc 1o. 11614r1t$irkrgo/1933' ud ufrcreas of shty (6O) deys fiom thc drtc hcrcof, I shdl issuc ncrri rufficbnl Jviacncc hls bccn rdduccd !o show thet the hnd titlc dced "ipirrtiootiti, dcc& proridd trt rio Jicc-Oon nas uocn roccivea within ttrdi irsucd thcrcof hr bccn lost, noticc is givcn thlt rftcr thc cxpintion of pcriod. sixty (60) drys fiom thc drt hcrmf, I shdl issuc e ncw titlc dccd within thrt period. Detcd fte 7th luly,2frl1. providcd thl no oblxtion hrs bccn reccivcd I. T. BAO, Drtcd thc 7th luly,?nl7. ttla13425270 Latd Rcgisrar, Kilifi Distrbt. J.K.KAMAU, I *Glazr;$E Noticc No. 6302 of ?.O17 is rcvokcd. MRB4254,/.5 Land Registrar, Mbccre District' ,

GAUmENOIICENo.6456 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THB LAND REOISTRATION ACT (No.3 olmt\ 1 (No.3 ol2m2) LAND I REclcNsTRUq[ON OF I,,6T OR f,IESTROYED REGISTB I lssuE oF ANEw LANDTITLEDEED t WHEREAS Amboseli Court Limitcd, e limitcd liability comprnyl j dminisuator WHEREAS Eliu Nyaga Geurmu, rs thc of Gaqtmo incorpontcd in rhc Rcpublic of Kcnyt of P.O. Box 22350-O040Ori Kethcndu (doc.Ncd), of P.O. Box 76, Sietego in thc Republic of of sU ftrt Nrimbi in 6c Rc?ublic of Kcnyr, is rcgistcrcd rs PrcPrictor I 1 Kcnye, is rcgirtcrcd er propricor in absolutc owncrship itrtcEst of all piccc of lrnd knovm rs L.R. No. 154[f,1486, siuetr in thc city ofl j It.t-piccc o1Ln6 ssntrining2.3l bcrlxes or thcrerbout, siturtc in thc it"i-Ui io thc Nairobi Aree, by virtuc of e ccrtificetc of titlc rcgisrcredl md i distict of Mbccrc. regisrcrcd undcr titlc No. Nthawr/Riendu/2243' es I.R, l52tE8, md rvtcras thc hnd rcgirtcr in rcspcct thcrcof is losti I whcres sufficicr4 cvi&rcc hrs bccn adduced to show thet thc land rnd cfforts mrdc to locarc thc srid hnd rcgistcr hlvc failcd' noticc irl i noticc is givcn .ftcr thc I t'il€ drcd iscucd thcrmf has bccn lost, th.t givcn thet rftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) drys fmm th detc hcrcof' ll ( (60) tbc datc hcrcot I shell issuc r ncw cxpintion of sixty deys from intcnd to procccd with thc recoostnrction of thc prqcrty rgfutcr erl i hes bccn rtccivcd within thrt titlc dccd p,mvid{d thet no ob}rtion providcd undgr qccti.o.q 3? (5) of thc Act, p,rovirtcd thet rc objecti{ pcriod. hrsbcen reccivcd wi6in 6*Pcriod i Drrcd thc 7tH,?,o17. Dercd thc 7th Julv'2o17 N. K. T{YAGA, ' c. M. MLT'ANGA, i MRtl5ttET9 Land Rcgistrar, l4beerc District. MRR5EE600 Rcgistar of Titles' Nairobi-l 7thJuly,2017 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3957

GAzErrE NoncE No. 6461 thc datc hcrcof, provided thet no vdid obiction has bccn reccived within ftat pcriod, I shdl opcn e ncw land registcr providcd THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT drat no ob!:ction hes becn reccived within that pcriod (No.3 of20l2) Datcd thc 7th July,?JJl7. REcoNsTRI.,cTIoN QF L6T oR, DESTRoYED LAND REciIsTER P.MAKIM, MR658E656 Land Rcgknar, Kwah District. WHEREAS Juja Clty Mall I imircd, of P.O. Box 70310{400, N&obi in thc Republic of Kcnya, is registcred rs proprictor lcesee of rll that piccc of land known as L.R. No. 13136115, situae thc in norfh GAzErrENsucsNo. 6465 east of Ruinr Township in Thika District, by virtuc of r ccrtificatc of tidc rcgisrcred rs I.R. 53675/1, rnd whcreu thc land register in respoct TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT thcrcof is lost, and cffofis madc to locrtc the said hnd rcgistcr hevc (No.3 of NlZ) failed, noticc is givcn that after thc cxpintion of sixty (@)-drys ft,orr the detc hereof, I intcnd to procacd with thc rcconstructio of thc I,ss oFLANDREGISTEa, prcpcrty register as providcd undcr section 33 (5) of the Act, providcd WHEREAS Bonifacc Njugune Kimani (ID/0267697), that no obirtion has bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. ts rcgistcred I as propricor in tbsolutc owncrship intcrest of thrt piccc i of tmd siturE Darcd the 7th July,20l7. in thc district of Thikl rcgisud undcr tiCc No. Ruinr/KIU Block I S. C. NJOROGE, 212167, andwherees sufficicnt evi&ncc has bccn edduccd to show thet i MRIIstE774 thc hod registcr of thc said piecc of lrnd i$ end whcreas > Registrar of Tiths, Nairobi. nissing, all efforts mrdc to locrtc thc said land rcgister havc feiled, noticc is given that eftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the ditr hcrcof, I providcd that no valid ob!rction hes bccn reccived pcriod, GAzErrENcncENo. 6462 within thet I I inlcn! b opcn another lerd registcr and upon such opcning thc said THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT missing land registcr shdl bc dccmcd obsolec and of rrc effcct (No.3 of?frL2) Darcd thc 7th July,2017. B. K. IFITICH, ISSTIEoFNEwWItrTECAR,D l[N3425478 Lan{ Rc gistrar, Thilu Distic t. WHEREAS p.O. I Shantilal Moh.nhl Mrnddiir, of Box 359, Kisumu in thc Ripublic of Kcnye, is rcgistercd es proprictor of that picce of hnd conteining 0.034t hcctarc or thcreabouts, sitrntc in the GAzE'mE NoIIcE No. 6466 qisHjt gf-Kisunu, registcrcd un&r titlc No. KisumuMunicipality Bloct 10/56, md uAcrees sufficbnt cvidcncc has becn adduccd to THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT show drat thc whitc cerd issucd tbcreof hes bccn lost noticc ir givcn (No.3 oJ2Ot2) thet aftcr thc cxpintion of sixty (60) drys from.thc datc hcrcof, I shell issue a ncw whitc card providcd thtt no oblrtion hrs bcEn reccivcd REGISTR.ATIoN oF NSTRUMB.IT within thtt period. WHEREAS Nesccm Machooka, of P.O. Box 44O{n606, Netuobi Detcd thc 7th July,?frl7. in thc Rcprblic of Kcnyl is rcgistcred es proprielor of all thrt Flrt No. G. O. NYANGWESO, Bl, crecrcd on all tbet piccc of land known ri as L.R. No. ll70fl/.n3, MR/3134990 Land Rcgktrar, Kisumu fustlWest Districts. situarc in thc city of Nairobi in thc Nrirobi Arca, by virtuc of e lcasc regisrcred sl.R.8226ll, rnd whcreas the Kcnya Allience Insurancc Grzette Notice . No 4?A of 2Ol7 , is revokcd. Compuy Limited, has cxccutcd en instrument of dischargc of chergc in fevour of Nrsecm Mrchoota, end whcrces ur affi&vit hls bccn filcd in tcrms of scction 65 (l) (rr) of thc seid Act &claring thet of trc G^ErIENcncENo.6463 said lcasc rcgistcrcd es I.R. 82211611, is not evafublc for registration, noticc is given thet aftcr thc cxpintion of fcurtcen (14) deys from thc THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT &tc hcreof, pnrvidcd no valid objetion hrs bccn rccciycd within thet (No.3 ol20t2) pcriod, I intcd to dispcnsc with thc production of thc said lcuc md procccd with rcgistration of thc seid instrument of dischargc of chargc. Issr.rB oF NEw WrarE CARD D*cd trc 7th July, 2017. WHEREAS Shantihl Mohanlel ffiadrtiia, P.O. Box 359, of C.N.KITI.M, Kisumu in the Rcpnblic of Kcnyr, is registcrod rs proprictor of thrt MR{I5886m Ia nd Registrar, Nairobi. pierc of lend cmtrining 0.034E hcctarc or thcrerbouts, sihrtc in thc qtftrilt 9f lioumu, rcgistercd undcr titlc No. Kisumu/Ilunicipelity Bloct 10/55, md wtcrces sufficicnt cvidcncc hes becn adduccd tb show thet thc whitc crrd issued thcrcof hrs becn lost, mticc is givcn GMETTE No[cE No. 6467 that rfter thc cxpintion of sixty (60) days from tb derc hcrrof, I-shdl . issuc e ncw whitc crrd providcd thet no ob!;ction hes bccn reccivcd TTMLANDREGISTRATIONACT yithin ttet pcriod. (No.3 ofl0tZ) Darcd thc 7th luly,?.017. - REGISTR,ATIoNoFII{STRUMENT G.O.NYANGWBSO, WHEREAS (&ccascd), MR/3134990 Latd Rcgktrar, Kiswu EastlWcst Districts. Munyinyi Igogo is rcgist rcd rs proprietor of thrt piecc of land contdning 3.84 hcctrrcc or thcretbout, known rs Gazctrc Noticc No. 424.lof 2Ol7 . is revokcd. KiembelRuekr/22I, situetc in the district of Thika md whcrcas 6c High Court rt Nafuobi in succession causc No. 1825 of 2015, has issucd gnnt of lcttcrs of administntion to (l) Iam€s Wawcru GAarrENo[cENo.64dl Munyinyi and (2) Morris Nduranu Munyinyi, rnd whcreas tbc said titlc dccd issucd cerlicr to the seid Munyiayi Igogo (dcccescd), hrs TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT bccn rcporrcd missing or lost, noticc is givca thrt rftcr ttc expintion (No.3 of2ol2) of tltfiy (30) days from thc datc hcreof, providcd no velid obtction hes bccn reccivcd within thet pcriod, I intcnd to dispensc with thc I OPB{NG oF A NEw REGISTER production of thc srid lurd titlc dccd ud ppcccd with registration of WHEREAS (l) S$indcr.Kumrr Srbhtwrl rnd (2) Anjint the said instrumcnts of R.. L. 19 rnd R. L. 7, rnd issuc e land title decd Sabhrrwal, both of P.O. Box 81290-E0100, Mombasr in the Rcpublic to thc said (l) Jemcs Wawcru Munyinyi rnd (2) Monis Nduranu of Kcnyr, arie registcrcd rs joint proprieors in lerscbold ovmcnhip Munyinyi, ud upon such registration thc land titlc dced issucd crrlier intcrrst of thrt Aprrtucnt No. 220, on dl that piccc of land sihnte in to thc seid Munyinyi Igogo (&ce.rcd), shdl bc dccmed to bc thc district of Kwdc, ttgirErld undcr titlc No. Kwdc/Dirni Bcrch crncellcd ard ofno cfrcct Block 547, erd whcrcas cuffrcicnt cvidarcc hrs been dduccd to show $1 thc lrnd rcgister is lost end cfforrs ro rrrcc it in thc registry hevc Datcd thc 76 luly,?fi71. frilcd; noticc is givcn that aftcr the cxpintion of sirty (60tdryi fton G. R. GICHI,JKI, MR/358EE93 Land. zgistrar, Distrbt. 3958 THEKENYA GAZETTE 7th July,2017

GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 6468 GAzErrEN(,rlcENo. fl71

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THELANDACT (No.3 ol20l2) (No.6oJ2Ol2) I REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT IIVfROVEMENT TO BITUMEN STANDARDS OFNAROMORF WHEREAS Ruth Nduta Murira (deceased), is rcgistered as MI,JNYU-KARISHEN ROAD PROJECT i proprietor of that piece of land containing 0'1200 hectare or I thereabouts, known as RuiruMugutha Block UT' 2839, sioae in thc INQUIRY district of Thika, and whcreas the chief magistratc's court at Thika in lr IN PURSUANCE of the Land Act (No. 6 of mlD Part VIII *d succession cause No. 24O of 1995, has issucd grant of letters of transitional provisions cbntahed in scction 162 (2) of the samc administration to Peter Kicnde Murira, of P.O. Box 436fl232' ' {t, and furtlrcr to Kenya Gazctc Notice No. 4 of 2O17, delete and addSc and whereas the said titlc deed issued earlier to the said Ruth Nduta (deceased), lost, notice is given following: Murira has been reported missing or I (30) from the date hereof, that after the expiration of thirty days Delete provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of thc said land titlc deed and Acquiredi R. 19 and R. L. Plot No. Registered Ownerls proceed with rcgistration of thc said instruments of L. Area (HQ 7, and upon such regisEation thc land title deed issued earlier to the said Ruth Nduta Murira (deceascd), shall bc deemed to be cancelled NveriA.{aromoru/3O4 Robison Mascra Muchunu 0.2600 and of no effect. Nveri/Nammoru/4323 Jamcs Kanoso Kangiri 0.1313

Datcd the 7th J|ly ,2017 . Addctdum P.K.KIMANI, Acquit MR/3588525 Land' Re gistrar, Thila Distric t. Registercd Ownerls Plot No. |rea (l Nvcri/l'{aromoru/1713 Rohimn Maecra Muchunu 0.071 Nveri/Naromoru/1712 Robison Maecra Muchunu o.o2' GAzEmE NcrncE No. 6469 Nvcri/Nemmonr/l?l I Robison Mesera Muchunu 0.057 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Nycri/1.{aromoru/1901 Robison Masera Muchunu 0.06{ (No.3 ol2012) Nvcri/I'{aromoru/1902 Peter Maina Muchiri 0.03r Nveri/1.{aromonr/46 I 2 James Kanogo Kansiri 0.u REGISIRA.ION OF INSTRI.,MENT Nvcri/Nmmoru/4613 Jackson Wachira Gathance o.014 (deceased)' is WHEREAS Jonathan J. Wambugu Muthui Nvcri/Nrmmoru/4.687 Jackson Wachira Gathanca o.021 proprietor that piece of land containing 6'4 hectares or registered as of Nveri/l.laromoru/4,688 0.028 thereabout, known as Nyandama/Lcsirto/424, sinrate in the distdct of NvcriA.laromoru/46E9 James Kanogo Kagiri 0.01 Nyandanra, and whercas the High Court at Nairobi in succcssion causc No. 2155 of 1994, has issucd grant of lcccrs of rdministration to (1) Inquiries Eunice Wambui Wambugu and'(D Fercr Muttrui Wambugu, and whereas thc said title deed issued earlier !o the said Jonatban J. Naromoru Chiefs Offtce on Thursd ey,24thAugust,2017 at 930 +. rtr{ambugu Muthui (deceascd), has bcen rcported missing or lost' notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days fi'om thc date hereof, provided no valid objection has bccn rcccivcd within that period, I intcnd to dispense with the production of the said land title 'decd and pmcecd with rcgistration of thc seid instrumcnt of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such regisration the land title dccd issucd carlicr to the said Jonathan J. Wambugu Muthui (deceased), shall bc dcemed to be cancellcd and of no cffect.

Dated the 7th July, Dl7. N.G. ATHAIYA, MR/3588901 Land Re gistar, Nyandarwl Samburu Disticts.

GAzErrE No[cE No. 6470


REGISTRATION OF INSIT.I,-rMENT WHEREAS Asuza Mavisi, of P.O. Box 22, in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistered as proprietor of that piecc of land containing 2.4 hectares or thercabout, known as KakamegaAr'iyalo/1362, situerc in the disrict of Sabatiq and whercas the High Coun at Kakamega under ELC No. 123 of 2015, has ordered that the registration of said land be cancelled and fansferred to Resipah Makungu Balusi, and whereas all efforts madc to compel thc registered proprietor !o surrender ttre land title deed issued in rcspect of the said parcel of land to the land registrar have failcd, notice is given that after the expiration of firirty (30) days from the date hereof, pcrson in ttre affectcd land is rcquircd !o !o no valid objection has been received within that period, I Every intercstcd [rovided the day of a intend to dispense wit}r thc production of the said land title deed and thc Netiond Irrxl Commission on or bcforc (ID), proceed with registration of the transfer and issue a land title deed o wriccn cleim to compcnsation, copy of identity the said Resipah Makungu Balusi, and upon such rcgistretion the land Idcntification No. (PIN), land owncrship docunrcns and titlc deed issued earlier to the said Asuza Mavisi, shall bc dccmed to Account details. The Commission offices aIt locarcd in Ardhi be cancelled and of no effcct. 3rd Floor, Room No. 305, lst Avenue. '+. Dated the 7th luly ,2O17 . Datcd the 9th June, 2Ol'1. K.M.OKWARO, MITHAMMAD A. SWAZURI"I MR/3588869 l.and Registrar, Sabatia District. MR/3588735 Chairman, National Land Connisf;n. 1

l 7th July,2Ot7 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3959

G^ZEITE NonCENo.6472 Plot No. Registered Owncr/s \rea Affectct rgeuqNoeci (Ha) (No.6 ol20t2) Shitochi/1891 Reserved for Mulundu Friends 0.00r 9 Church SIGALAGALA-MUSOLI-SABATIA-BUTERE ROAD PR.OJECT Shitochi/1973 Clement Simwenvi Musa 0.0053 Shitochi/1974 Marv S. Ingumba IAnENTIoN To ACQUIRE LAND Nyikuri 0.0052 Shitochi/I998 hcdrick Munase Shililu 0.0070 IN PLIRSUANCE of the Land Act (No. 6 of lflD pafi VIII and Shitochi/1999 John Amugune Uruiama- transitional provisions contained in scction 162 (2) of the same Act, Shitochil305l l:wrcnce Mulama Itolondo 0.0086 the National Commission on behalf of thc Kenya Rural Roads Shitochil3053 lawrence Mulama Itolondo o.0224 Authority (KeRRA) gives notice that thc Govemnrent of Kenya Shitochi/3054 !.,lamuscnda Mulama 0.0120 inoends to acquire the following parcels ofland for the construction of Shrtochil3l IE Musa Mulcna Shimenga 0.0200 Sigalagala-Musoli-Sabatia-Butere Road in . Shitochil3 I 26 Clcment Atuva Miheso 0.0014 Scneoule Shitochi/3 I 27 t)ctson Mbovi Alclia 0.0028 Shitochi/3 43 0.w2 Shilochil3145 tscnson Plot No. Registered Owner/s lrea Affectet Isabwa Shisundi 0.u)41 (Ha) Shitochi/3146 Patrick Musonye 0.0083 Shitochi/3o5o Anyika Salamba 0.0095 Shitochi/716 Amatobere Kuakha 0.0120 Shitochi/30J2 , Cosma Kisiubu Mbw:ka- o.0229 Shitochi/720 Dominiko Namusenda 0.0173 L.R. No. I 18Ol Musingu High School o.3771 Shitochi/721 Ernest Aleka Mukhovi 0.0073 Mukomari/l l7 Charles Muniendizi 0.0163 Shitorhin22 Gabriel Isalambo Munp'ala 0.007s Mukomari/I364 Kakamega County Councit 0.0526 Shitochi/728 Morris Serede 0.0043 Mukomari/I365 lElijah Mmbaka o.0233 Shitochir29 Aliuba Mukhanyi 0.oo29 Mukomari/I368 Khabalilia Ameyo ofixn Shitochir39 Ganira Chibitsi 0.03,10 Mukomari/I369 lLigamiAmcyo 0.0477 ShitochilT4O Imbarche Shibitsi 0.0125 Mukomari/I370 lJoscph Amcyo 0.0108 Shitochi/741 Francis Aliuba Jumha 0.0102 MukomarYl3T3 lLkiuyani Wishaminya 0.0070 Shitof,,htn42 Anyika Salamba 0.0070 Mukomari/1374 I Sylvester Muhanii Shabola o.rn5R Shitmhif/4? Lisare Isalambo 0.0299 Mukomaril1375 Safarinus Mukanzi Shitmhi/747 Charles Benson Woka Matrlnda, Edward 0.0052 0.0071 Matunda Milimu Shitochi/759 Kakamega County Council 0.0097 Vutomari/l375 Hannah Linyali Lung'ayia, Shitochi/760 lsalambo Achebi AJice 0.0165 0.0053 Jonathan Tsiyeri and Obadia Mbwavi Shitochi/761 Athanas Achebi 0.o1s7 Mukomari/I379 John Yabwetsa 0.0144 Shitochi/752 Josephat Inyamah Shililu 0.m62 Mukomari/1380 I Mahiakalo Friends Church 0.0201 Shitochi/763 Kakamega Countv Council 0.0187 Mukomari/1437 IGabriel Eric Mukhaya o.o37s Shitochi/765 David Imbache Mbaeava 0.0096 Oukomarill479 o.0219 Shir6chi1166 Alexander Shikonsa WGb;- 0.0203 Mukomari/1480 llikuyani Busula o.otos Shitochi/767 Khayumbi l€ti 0.0078 Mukomari/1493 lJoseph Mmbwavi 0.0r45 Shitochr/768 Shililu Butori o.0l 14 Mulomari/1495 Gerishom Ashivende Libasia 0.013t5 Shitochi/770 Sore Shiriru 0.0213 Mukomari/1496 Mate Asanya Mbehero 0.0355 Shitochi/771 Manoh Mbehero Ashivende 0.0182 Mukomari/1497 Aleka Asanya 0"0073 ShitochrlTT2 Mosi Mbehero 0.0143 t Mukomarill49E James Litswa 0.0104 Shitmhir/7i Inzoia Khatimba 0.0r53 Mukomari/l4D Daniel ShikoliTsalwa o.ot44 Shitochi/821 Henry Milimu Shililu 0.0072 Mukomari/ 5o-2 Sylvester Muhanii Shabola 0.0052 Shitochi/822 Sore Shiriru 0.01l3 Mukomari/1503 Likuvani Wishaminva 0.0481 shrtochi/E23 | Lawrent Shililu Sore 0.0067 MukomarVl5M Luka Lubialuli (Deccascd) Shitochil824 Mulama Butori om64 0.00,+4 Mukomari/l510 I Alfred Imbenzi Likami 0.0031 Shitochi/S25 John Mulama Butori + o ff)sn Mukomari/l514 Joseph Mukanzi Shitochi/826 | Ndukwa o.o3s2 David Mulama Amahwa 0.0184 wlukomarYl665 I Julius Lumumba o.Nt22 Shitochi/S27 I Iswekha Tendwa 0.0187 stuvalata/E I Julius Shisiali Namunyu 0.0350 Shitochi/E28 | Mbwenjcse Lutcti o.00r4 Shivakala/54 I Andrew Lukulu Shiawli Shitochil83l Ashihundu I- o"oos3- I Mbakaya 0.012s Shivakala/55 Shitochil837 Bukhala Shiavuli 0.0041 | I omet Shivakala/55 Dennis K Lidieu o-fl)ss Shilochi/847 Il:wrence Shililu Sori 0.012r Shivakala/S7 I Thomas Kashindi Ashiono 0.0084 Shitochi/848 Lawrence Shililu Sore 0.0034 Shivakala/58 Ruth Khamuye 0.0r31 Shitochi/849 lPaut Strikoli 0.0048 Shivakala/S9 | Adriano Bukhala 0-(n93 Shitochi/85O I Joseph Isalambo Shisyubu 0.0016 Shivakala/61 | Stephen Khaluhi 0.0086 ShitochilS5l I Moscs Machiso Shisiubu 0.0037 Shivakala/62 Matubache Mahindu o rnoo Shilochi/864 lBcnetigito Mungata oo2o? I Shivakala./63 Charles Induli Muhanji o.oo41 Shltochi/E65 I Pcter Shisiobu o.ot44 Shivakala./64 | Peter Mukabi o.0043 Shitochi/876 JAlexandcrMathcriGith:rna- 0.0173 Shivakala/65 lngosi Nq'ayo o 00R? Shitochii924 Dickson Aboyi Alcka o fi)6s Shivakala/69 Adrian Muteshi S/O Ayisi 0.0086 Shitochi/925 I Alfonsi Muhati Likabo l-lrn64 Shivakala/7o I Luhombo Lwangu ShitochV959 0.0463 o.o122 Shivakala/7 I Philimona Bukhala o.ol05 Shitochi/960 David Shihale 0.ol08 Shivakala.fl3 Flezron Andulu o.0243 Shitochi/961 Ashibaga Adrian Shikoli 0.0013 Shivakala/74 J r Serald Ligami Andulu 0.ot16 Shitochi/958 Christophcr Ashibaka Shiorero 0.0029 Shivakalaf/5 0.0226 Shitochi,/I781 Peter Khavati Shikoli 0.0014 Shivakala-/79 lawrence Bukhala 0.0036 ShitochVl823 Sigalagala Technical Training o.3253 Shivakala/81 Kakamega Counry Council Institute 0.0454 Shivakala/S4 Zakaria Shimechcm 0.0051 Shitochi/l 833 Joseph Betty Isenjia 0.0066 Shivakala/92 Zachariah Bukhala Shimechcm 0.01l5 Shitochi/1834 Andrea Sakania o.oo80 Shivakala/l 35 Clement Mulclc 0.0579 Shitochil1835 Andrew Matambache Ikobwa 0.0052 )eter Shrvakala/I37 | Anyanda o.ot44 Shitochi/1E36 Abiudi Livasia Ashivende 0.0104 Shivakala/I39 | icrald Lieami on)lA Shitochi/l8m Emcst Alcka Mukhoni 0.0013 Shivakala/I40 | Ihilip Isenye Mwirisa 0.028s I 3960 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7thJuly,2Ol7

4rea Affectea Plot No. Registered Ownerls Area Affectea PIot No Registered Ownerls (Ha) (Ha) Alusiola 0.0034 Shivakala/146 lsimale Shilonso 0.1098 Shivakala/963 Wvcliffee Gunvanvi 0.0362 Shivakala/147 Luchinea Aboka 0.0334 Shivakala/965 0.0107 Shivakala/148 Ingosi Asamba 0.0338 Shivakala/966 Enoch H. Isanya 0.0808 Shivakala./149 Christonher Ichunswa Shistama. 0.0170 Shivakala./967 Liaviansa Aromba Kakamesa Countv Council 0.0212 Shivakala/ 52 I-uoalasa Isundwa 0.0213 Shivakala/972 Isindu 0.0129 Shivakala/ 75 Godfrey Meia 0.0078 Shivakala/1074 Muhalia Stenhen Muliru 0.oo77 Shivakala/ 78 Shimanvula Mamadi 0.01l8 Shivakala/1075 Makotsi 0.0059 Shivakala/ '79 Mamadi Shimanvula 0.0052 Shivakala/1089 Shikhunyi I rrlrhwili Lrrvrrndi 0.0040 Shivakala./ 80 0.0025 Shivakala/1091 0.0036 Shivakala/ 82 Masheti Ligasto 0.0744 Shivakala/1096 Ilabonsa Luvundi 0.0048 Shivakala,/ 85 Silvester Lisanza Miheso 0.0066 Shivakala./lO97 Indeche Luvundi 0.0052 Shivakala/1 86 Shikoli Lusatso 0.00'12 Shivakala/1098 Isiaho Luyundi 0.0638 Shivakala/245 Shibonie Khamisi 0.0116 Shivakala/1099 Gamalieli Ilondansa '1 o.0423 Shivakala/294 Festus Masheti 0.0261 ShivakalaL/1 Samuel Akala Ashiono Matundu Mill Hill Mission 0.0509 Shivakala/296 Masheti Shiumila 0.0107 Shivakala/l zfr Iosenh Sahani Sula 0.0085 Shivakala/297 Inel I ioami 0.039s Shivakala/l 35 Gaittano Isiaho Mbehelo 0.0081 Shivakala/304 Busolo Shialwa 0.0068 Shivakala/l 137 Khaticha 0.0035 Shivakala/306 David Luseka 0.0054 Shivakala/l 138 Adema 44 Ashikholwa Sakali 0.0016 Shivakala/320 Saul Mbalasi Ambia o.0127 Shivakala/ I Luoamo Shihani 0.0001 Shivakala/32 I Zachary Ambia Kaburu (Adm) 0.0427 Shivakala/1 49 Patrick Munvesia Mbullnda 0.0108 Shivakala/322 Enock Khiraiili Shisietsanga o.ot77 Shivakala/1 50 Shikhole 0.0009 Shivakala/323 Rebeca Chiyumba Shisietsanga 0.0073 Shivakala/l 5l Andrew Mmeywa 0.0158 Shivakala"/325 Menasse I-umiti Musila 0.0089 Shivakala/1 53 Joseoh Hunter Mbehelo 0.0197 Shivakala/326 James Shikalangi Alukwe 0.0077 Shivakala/1 54 Nicholas Litswa 0.0004 Shivakala/420 Isdenye Mwayo o.046'7 Shivakala,/ 55 Antonv Mukhaya Luyengu 0.0002 Shivakalal 21 Julius Indonvi Masinza 0.0099 Shivakala-/ 59 Lawrence 0.0037 Shivakalal422 Francis Lumiti 0.0123 Shivakala./ 63 Luseno Mwavishi Mukhava Mathia Mukhuvu 0.00E4 Shivakala/423 Andrew Muchiti 0.0118 Shivakala/ & Mukhava Mathia MukhuYu 0.0164 Shivakala/425 Musangala Lwimbi 0.0157 Shivakala/ 6 Linus Ambani 0.0132 Shivakalal42T K ek amesa Countv Council 0.0361 Shivakala/l 168 Ashikholwa 0.0056 Shivakala/428 Masheti Andoolo 0.0079 Shivakala/l I 76 Tobias Chimwani Mangaga Mangaga 0.0048 Shivakala/429 Vincent Lunalo Makaka 0.0069 Shivakala/1 177 Tobias Chimwani I Shivole 0.0044 Shivakala/430 Lucia Itambo, Tejela Busolo, o.0245 Shivakala,/l 78 Kanuti 0.0152 Elizabeth A. Seraphine Shivakala/1 857 Ayub Ashiono F.mmanuel M Lidisu o.0080 Shivakala/435 Francis Vita Ashiono 0.0130 Shrvakala/2055 0.0132 Shivakala/436 Imonie Ilamoya o_0501 Shivakala/2063 Boaz Liiodi Shipimilu 0.0071 Shivakala./441 ltntottrata Likhabila | 0'0753 Shivakala/2068 Petero M'mbo Kakameqa Countv Council 0.00s9 Shivakala/443 Difina Fwava Butichi I o'o3ol Shivakala/2073 o.0026 Shivakala/445 Ashiono Asohe | 0.0267 Shivakala/2093 Ilondanga Mukhono o.Nt27 Shivakala/764 Glvde Luveku Akala 0.0001 Shivakala/2094 Christooher Mitalo Ilondanga o.0409 Shivakala/765 Isaiah Akala ShikhunYi 0.001 Shivakalal2l22 Maurice Mwayo Anyanda o.N1'l Shivakala/779 Alukwe Butichi o.021.2 Shivakala/2123 Assrey Shikanga Shitsama 1 24 Reuben L. Mulro 0.0006 Shivakala/78 1 Likhako Imbusi 0.0118 Shivakala/2 0.0018 Shivakala/799 Geoffrev Ashiono Luvundi 0.021'l Shivakala/2 I 28 Matsuhi Muma Nsaira 0.0066 Shivakala/800 Ndusi Mahelo 0.0148 Shivakala/2 1 4O Pascal Oounsa Abuna 0.0039 Shivakala/801 Hanninston Mobutu 0.1129 Shivakala/2141 Ilabo Ligasto 0.0084 Shivakala/802 Butichi Akala 0.0391 Shivakala./2 143 Julius Lumiti Wiyala Mamadi 0.1118 Shivakala/803 Bilali Weddo 0.0298 Shivakala/2145 Henry Ominde 0.0191 Shivakala/805 Glvde Luyeku Akala 0.0711 Shivakala/2 180 Fabian Liyayi Mazinzaii 0.0056 Shivakala/864 Festo Shivachi 0.0465 Shivakala/2197 Iames Shikalavi Alukwe 0.0075 Shivakala/865 Isaiah Mulama 0.0697 Shivakala/2198 Eliakim Bakhuya Mate 0.0038 Shivakala/885 0.0298 Shivakala/22O4 Ph ilio Kariuki Marakalu Beniamin Maswasa Ashiano 0.0223 Shivakala/899 Joseoh Akala Isava 0.0171 Shivakala/2208 0.0078 Shivakala/900 Joseoh Handa Mumevwa 0.0174 Shivakala/2269 Joseoh Alaka Isava ShivakalaJ9O I John Musila o.0174 Shiv^kalalzzll Hundson Isayi Zakaria 0.0067 0.0066 Shivakala/9O2 Lunalo Chisoloti 0.0169 Shivakala/2296 Emest Lichodi Angweye 0.0173 Shivakala/9 1 4 Linus Ambani Ashikholwa 0.0462 Shivz.kalal2297 0.0089 Shivakala/9 I 7 Julias Musinga Shiumila o.0329 Shivakala/2298 Karol Bahati Shikanga Soni Limiti Shialwa 0.0154 Shivakala/9 1 8 Alusiola Mukulu o.o745 Shivakala/l 299 0.0045 Shivakala/9i7 Reuben Likare Muliru 0.009E Shivakala/2300 Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship Church Shiva.kala/946 Kizito Mmevwa Bulinda 0.0317 of Afnca David l-anva Musivikhu 0.0128 Shivakala/947 Paul Lukhombo 0.0074 Shivakala/2320 Julius Isenve 0.0298 Shivakala/949 Paulina Mumeywa 0.0125 Shivakald2l32 Maioni Isava 0.01l2 Shivakala/950 Mavhendo Khashiama 0.0081 Shivakala./2344 Joseoh Akala Mbehero Mmevwa 0.0233 Shivakala/951 Mmevwa Anzimbo 0.0077 Shivakala/2345 Joshwa 0.00m Shivakala/952 Emest Shikoli 0.0104 Shivakala/2357 Wicliffe Ndombi Shikundi Bukhala Shimechero o.oo72 Shivakala/954 Andrew Shilesi Mahenye 0.0087 Shivakala,/2359 Zachaiah o.0068 Shivakala/955 Ndusi Mahenye 0.0087 Shivakala/2368 Julius Musaisi (hiwqkala/?169 Antonv Kamau Abuna 0.0075 Shivakala/958 Lawrence Luveku Mbavitsi 0.0059 Iulius Shehemi Alukwe 0.0095 Shivakala/959 Shikoli Shikalama 0.0046 Shivakala/2370 Shivakala/ 17 Eliiah Akhombi Shitosa 0.0313 Shivakala/960 Fred Mmeywa Handa 0.0066 0.0203 Shivakala/961 Moses Amalemba Vulinda 0.0028 Shivtkilal2372 Eliiah Akhombi Shitosa 0.0064 Shivakala/962 James Bakhuya Mamadi 0.0025 Shivakala/2373 Eliiah Akhombi Shitoea 1th July,2Ol7 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3961

Plot No. the Registered Owner/s Area Affectea Assembly shall have special sittings on the following dates at the (Ha) County Assembly Hall in : Shivzkela/)?74 Eliiah Akhombi Shitosa o.0206 (a) Tuesday, 11th July, 2017 as from 9.00 a.m. Shivakala/2375 Patrick Mwanzi Shitoka 0.0111 (0/ Wednesday Shivakala/2?Ro Andrea Esabu Astanso 0.0078 12th July,2017 as from 9.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Shivakala,i2388 0.0 t 75 (c.) Thursday, 13th July,20l7 as from 9.00 a.m. Shivakala/2389 Bonface Anvonyi Gonzolo 0.008s Shivakala/2i9? 0.0079 The main business wrll be to discuss the 2nd Supplementary Shivakala/2393 Luseka Josenh Miheso 0.0032 Budget Estimates 20l6l2oli and the Supplementary Appropriation Shivakala/2405 Boni Khalwale o.0209 Bill, 201 7. Shivakala/2406 Bensan Aukwe Lukami 0.0151 Dated the 6th JuIy,2017. Shivakala/2409 Jonathan Rhimango Amunabi 0.0079 GEOFFREY E. KAITUKO, Shivakala/241 I Cosmas Munavi Tendwa 0.0063 MR/3588936 Speakcr, Turkana County Assembly. Shivakala/2418 Enock Kharaiili Shisieten sa 0.0050 Shivakala/2419 ,onathan Masove Machunii 0.0026 Shivakalal2427 Mutuba Mihilana 0.0033 GAZEI-IE NoT.ICE No. 6474 Shivakala/2428 Jacob Michiael Shimanvula 0.0060 Shivakala/2433 Moses Aromba 0.0055 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Shivakah/24'14 Andrew Esabo Asaneo 0.0077 THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY STANDING Shwakalal2437 Joseph Kwitaho Khalwale 0.0501 ORDERS Shivakala/2438 Rachael Achista Lipwoni 0.0-501 SPECIAL SITTINGS oF THE CouNTY ASSEMBLY Shivakilal2447 Elijah Musambi Lumidi 0.0028 PURSUANT Shivakala/2455 Joash Chilanda Ligami 0.0070 to Standing Order no 26 of the Counry Assembly of Siaya^ Standing Orders, Shivakala/2463 Thomas Kashindi Ashiono 0.0065 and following a request by ihe kader of Majority Party in consultation Shivakalal24il Philip Agustine Ashiono 0.008r with the Committee on Budget and Appropnations and the Committee on Justice and Shivakala/2484 Reuben Likare Muliru 0.0079 Legal Affairs it is notified for the information of Members of the County Assembly and Shivakala/25 1 5 Moses Aromba 0.0037 the general public that there rvill be Special Sittingi Shivakala/25 I 6 Julius Aromba Musamia of the Clunty 0.0030 Assembly which shall Shivakala/2887 be held in the County Assembly Chambers, in 0.0051 Siaya on Wednesdpy, l2th shitoli/I313 July, 2Olj, at 9.30 am andat 2.30pm, for Charles Shilaho Mureniekhi o o).45 purposes of- Shitoli/1 3 14 Luhombo Lukoba 0.0170 shitoli/1323 Ezekiel Atema Madegwa 0.0111 (a) The Siaya Counry Budget Estimates for Fy 2}l.l/2olg. Shitoli/1404 Kakamega County Council o.0124 (b/ The Siaya Counry Appropriations Bill,2017. Shitolii 1,t05 Shikhuyu Pentecostal Assemblies of 0.0040 God (cJ Report of the Committee on Jusrice and Legat Affairs on Shiroli/1414 Mwilista Makachia 0.0036 Petition by the Former Councilors Shitoli/l 4l s Reuben Ligami Chitai 0.0040 Dated this 7th July. 2017. Shitolil14l6 Peter Witakista Makachia 0.0034 CEORGE Shitoli/1420 Makacha Imbali 0.0039 O. OKODE, MR/3588692 Speaker of the County Assembly Shitoli/1421 Shiveka Mwilista 0.0023 of Siaya. Shitoli/1422 Muhini Mwilista 0.0500 Shitolil1424 Samuel Mwillsta Kitavi 0.0 r 30 GAzErrE Shitoli/1663 Adrew Luhombo Makacha 0.0086 NorrcE No. 6475 Shibuname/902 Sombe Buyakane 0.0003 THE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT Shibuname/909 Kalara Gidioni 0.0004 (Cap.412C) Shibuname/910 Joseph Mukulu Limisi 0.0006 - Shibuname/926 Lunalo Amukava o.0296 COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF Shibuname/927 Kakamega County Councrl 0.1 136 IOOTo WAven oF INTERESTS AND PENALTIES oN ALL I,LoTs WITHIN Shibuname/1582 David Ambeyi Amukayia 0.ooo4 KERICHo CoUI.mY Shibuname/1581 David Ambeyi Amukayia o.Nl47 PURSUANT Shibuname/1587 Michabl Sosi f 0.0004 to the Public Finance Management Act,2012, section the Constitution of Kenya, Shibuname/1598 Henry Ominde f 0.0006 _l_59.and 2010, the County Govemment of Shibuname/1619 Kericho would like to draw attention of all plot owners within the Gospel Sign Worship Centre Church I 0.0006 county's jurisdiction that there wrll be a .lO\Vo waiver of interests and Plans for the affected land may be inspected during ofhce hours at penalties on the ourstanding land rates to those who will pay principal the offrce of the National Land Commission, Ardhi H-ouse, 3rd Floor, amount in full in the next sixty (60) days from the date of the gazette f99m No. 305, lst Ngong Avenue and Kakamega County Lands notice. Office. Any outstanding rates in arrears after sixty (60) days from the date Notice of hearing of claims to compcnsatlon by persons interested . of the gazette nodce shall accrue the interest and penalties prior in the land rcqufued by the above projcct to this will be published in the notice as if there was no waiver. Kenya Gazette as provided under section ll2 O) ;t the Land Act, 2012. Take this opportunity to clear your plot arrears within the MUHAMMADA. SWAZURI, stipulated period, failure to which the county government will take necessary legal MR/3588734 C hairman, N at ional land C ommi ssi on action including the following- (a) recover all the rates plus interests and penalties that may have accrued thereon; GAzErrE NorcE No. 6473 (D) compel tenants to pay directly to the County Government until THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF TURKANA the rates and interests are duly recovered; (c) cancel and withdraw any licence or permit granted TURKANA COUNTY ASSEMBLY STANDING ORDERS in the premises in which the rates have not been paid; or SPECIAL SIT.nNG oF THE CoI,]NTY ASSEMBLY (d) withhold any development and approvals until the total property rates are pard in full. PURSUANT to Standing Order No. 27 of Turkana County Assembly Standing Orders, it is notified for the rnformation of PATRICKMUTAI, CEC, Finance and Economic members of County Assembly of Turkana and the general pubhc that Planning MR/3-588870 and Head of County Trea.sury 1962 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7thJuly,2Ol7


GOODS TO BE SOLD AT CUSTOMS WAREHOUSE-JKIA given unless the pUR5UANT to the provisions of section 42 of the East African Community Customs Management Act,2004, notice is that (30) date dris notice, they will under mentioned goods are entcred and removed from the Customs Warehouse Keeper within thirty days from the of be sold by public auction on 2l st August, 20 I 7. Depot Embakasi Interest€d buycrs may view the goods at the Customs Warehouse-JKlA, tnland Conainer Depot, Pepe and Inland Container customs warehouse on 17tr Augus! 2017 ail lStr August,2017 during offrce hours. Localion and DescriPtion of lat No. Ship's Name lYaybill Manifest Number Station Consignee's Name and and Date of Number Address Goods Arrival sv947 065-271fi254 20t7IK1\161444 NAPlACHLl44l20r7 Multiple Haulier Ltd customs warchouse JKIA 032t20tr7 17lO5lt6 P.O. Box 41391-00100 lpkg. spares Nhi MS849 077-96289023 2017IKA 186s79 NAP/ACHL/45/20I7 Lucy W. Wafula Customs Warehouse JKIA t2/tUt6 2547013373'.75 ?nko S{ks nemnal effects ET39l l 706-2357s005 20t7JKA 185829 NAP/ACHL/48/20I7 Africai Green Element Customs Warehouse JKIA 6nlto RflLo maoezines tn/n1116 -0788 P.O. Box 4148 Nbi ET306 071-274001lL 20l7JKA lE392E NAP/ACHL/49I2017 Jacinta M. Oyugi Customs Warehouse JKIA 2U09n6 Box 8888-0716386524 lnks-73ks-nersonal effects KL533 706-256r46t0 20I7JKA 184163 NAP/ACHL/50/2017 Rosemary Mbugua Customs Warehouse JKIA 22tO8lt6 Box 254 Nbi loks. l3kc.eift item KL9E6I 0'144409928 20I7IKA 182749 NAP/ACHUsI/20I7 Gemesa Kenya Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA o4to2lt6 4122 Box 46586 Nbi 8nks. I 32ks.soare oarts MS849 077-%085931 20I7IKA 182292 NAP/ACHL/53Iz0I7 Linet Kalara Kikin Customs Warehouse JKIA t3t08lr6 254706337620 I okc. 26kg.personal effects KQ537 706-24885E62 20I7IKA 184220 NAP/ACHU54/20I7 Benjamin Anyanya Customs Warehouse JKIA 22t091t6 Box 15604-00100 lpkg.2Tkg.books 2s4727348954 ET3O2 071-27456111 20l7JKA 181978 NAP/ACHL/s5/2017 Florensis Kenya Customs Warehouse JKIA 2v09n6 2s4-5050107 loke. 2ke.cuttings ET306 071-2670494t 20I7JKA 186M5 NAPlACHL|'7l20r7 Cocacola Central East Customs Warehouse JKIA tTltut6 Kilimaniaro Rd-Nbi Anko 6).ko Fanti Omnqe KQs33 6ts-76027722 20r7tKA 172795 NAPtACHU52l20t7 Tang Siming Customs Warehouse JKIA 40nko R?1ko mnhile acessorier 03/08/l 5 wB450 459-10084830 2017IKA178672 NAP/ACHU46/20I7 Enok Omamo Customs Warehouse JKIA pkc.324ke.shear 04t06116 2 I butter o33t20ni 8A065 125-32854E06 2017JKA186380 NAP/SCS/009/2017 Bishop I. Wekesa Customs Warchouse JKIA 07ltUt6 o722474814 I oks. 42ke.personal effects LX296 724-52973454 20r7[KArE6fi2 NAP/SCS/oI l/2017 Encomm Ltd Customs Warchouse JKIA t2^1116 254728900015 loke. l.3ks fittings EY64I 607-7190555r 2017JKA187072 NAP/SCS/005/2017 Daniel K. Kihara Customs Warehouse JKIA 22nUt6 0713702298 2oks. l35ks.oersonal effects Warehouse JKIA G9734 5 14-03 I 71 545 2017tKA r87114 NAP/SCS/002/2017 Peter Ndungu Customs effects 23111/16 0722361588 2nks.54KHGS oersonal G9734 514-03262980 20l7JKA 188689 NAP/SCS/0o1i2017 Christian W. Carolite- Customs Warchouse JKIA 2nko.45ks.mited it€ms 27t12^6 o7 t't t635t 1 TK6O7 235-62605454 20t7IKA 188372 NAP/SCS/o12/2017 Tata Tea Company Customs Warehouse JKIA t9n2/16 25472142323 2nks.74ka.tqa samolcs TK6O7 23s-l0l 73 l 55 2017rKA185262 NAP/SCS/008/201 7 Hanlink Invesunents Ltd Customs' Warehouse JKIA tslr0lt6 Box 18792 Nbi- I products 072M52180 TK6O7 215-62132044 20l7JKA 188193 NAP/SCS/003/2017 Mercy N. Nyoike Customs Warehouse JKIA t6l12lt6 o717427498 I pke. 42ke.personal effects TK6O7 235-07057352 20I7IKA 183227 NAP/SCSi/o14/16 Nadzua M. Mboga. Custroms Warehouse JKIA 2toqt16 0705634717 I nks- 55kp-Dersonal effects Customs Warehouse JKIA QBE77s t 57-9940E083 2017IKA 181624 NAP/SCS/004/2017 Philips Medical Systems 0l/08/16 Isndmark Plaza Nbi I okc. 98ks.medical equipment TK607 235-07403620 2017JKA 185496 NAP/SCS/o10/2017 Govemor K. Mbugua Customs Warehouse JKIA 20tr0lt6 Box 2870 Nakuru 3pkg.zl6kg.catalogue stand n7rt6q6q6q 8Y955 607-71905186 20l7JKA 188126 NAP/SCS/007/2017 Beatrice A. Odongo Customs Warehouse JKIA 14lt2lt6 0'n6525415 loke. I Sks.Dersonal effects TK6O7 235-0705E50s 20171KA187926 NAP/SCS/006/2017 Leah W. Thiongo Customs Warehouse JKIA 10l12ll6 Box 25362 Nbi )ako 45ks remnal effects EY954 607-72736510 20171KA190423 NAP/SCS/OI52OI7 Nuru H. Bute Cusloms Warehouse JKIA 301031r7 o723477537 4oks. I 70kc.D€rsonal cffects AT263 147-89315135 2017JKA 190944 NAP/SCSy0l7/2017 Agakhan Univers. Customs Warehouse JKIA 30lo3lt7 Room 518 5s Floor 2pkg. I equiPmcnt

8A065 r2s-36161554 20l7JKA 190458 NAP/SCS/oI8/2017 Spectralab Analytical Customs Warehouse JKIA 301031r7 Services Ltd I pkg. 23kg.moisture balance Box 20502-0200 Nbi LX294 724-561224m 20l7JKA 1904s6 NAP/SCSi/o19/2017 Airtel Kenya Nctworks Cusoms Warehouse JKIA osto2llT Perkside Towers Msa Rt 3nko.33ks.telecorn eouioment 7th luly,2017 THEKENYA GAZETTE 3963

Lol No Ship's Name Waybill Mandest Number Station Consignee's Name and lncotion and and Date Description of of Number Address Anival Goods TK667 235-62624962 20l7JKA 189838 NAP/SCS/020/20t 7 Egar Kitur Customs Warehouse 23101t17 JKIA Box16526 Muthaiga lpkg. l3kg.winE 0734360806 TK6O7 235-07247380 20l7JKA 187882 NAPiSCS/021/2017 Agnterra Africa Customs 09/12/t6 Warehouse JKIA 072094237s I pke. 4ke.asrimax liouid EY956 607-73089844 20I7JKA 191 t9l NAP/SCS/024/2017 Susan M. Rentenoi Customs 2U02n7 Warehouse JKIA 07t51355i6 lpkc. 45ks.oersonal effects 000-m012017 NAP/SCS/o25/2017 Unknown Customs Warehouse JKIA 1 Tpkls.24Oke.assorted items 24tO3/17 514-03405172 2017IKA 192617 NAP/SCS/o35i2017 Samaha Athuman Customs Warehouse JKIA 254707578s47 5pke. I 00ks.oersonal effects 23t02n7 235-07439913 2017JKA 19t278 NAP/SCS/036/2017 Omar Muktar Kabin Customs Warehouse JKIA 254722551536 5pks.l20kc.snarc oarts 03/o3/17 724-57521855 2017IKA 191frp r NAP/SCS/034/201 7 China Jiangxi Customs Warehouse JKIA Corporation 3pkg. 1 1 I kg.memmet waterbath! P.O. Box 21802-00505 t 254714903646-Nbi 24tozl17 235-63456956 20I7IKA 191296 NAP/SCS/026/2017 Halar Induskies Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA I 254'.137550339 I pkg. 26kg.polydrene based olasfic comoound 0103n7 724-s6828365 2017JKA 191998 NAP/SCSy04l /201 7 Bactlabs Fast Africa Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA Box 35 I 16-001 00 Nhi 2oks.32k-s-reasents 24t07/16 125-31o9244s 20t7IKA t8tt67 NAP/SCS/033/201 7 Moses M. Munji Customs Warehouse JKIA 2547214868c)5 I pks. 23ks.Dersonal effecl 5/03/r7 514-03355 I 33 20I7IKA 192214 NAP/SCS/027I2017 Asha N. Mwangi Customs Warehouse JKIA 07920371o9 I pke. 4Sks.oersonal effecf-s o2t03/17 5 l4-03306376 zOtTrKA 19l6l I INAP/SCS/029/20r7 Tatu Ambrose Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA 254707718773 I pkg. 4Tke.personal effects 19/o2/17 0E3-32878 l 4s 20l7JKA 191060 NAP/SCS/o31/20t 7 Sugar Companl Cusloms Warehouse JKJ A- Box 57092-00200 lpkg. 433kg.SPARES )

396/. TIIEKENYA GAZETTE 7thluly,20t7

C,onsignec's Nane and Iacation and DescrAnnon of latNo Ship's Notu Waybill liandest Numbcr Station Address Goodt ! and Date of Number j

Customs warchousc JKIA- 0t6Dot7 o2l05n7 BAGGAGEHALL Abandoned I ".rio*p..t"g.aofPersonelcfFcct-q { Abandmed Cwtoms wtrchousc JKIA' 03712017 03105117 BAGGAGEHALL various prckeges of Pcrronrl cffets !l Abmdoncd Customs werehousc JKIA- 038D017 L9l0sl17 BAGGAGEHALL vrrious peckagas of Personrl .ffmt( Customs Wrrehousc JKIA OO52ATTKFT z0l7IKN20I4043 SIGruPS The Grecn Houcc K lpkg.,0.5kg of cerd rcader o3912017 KcnYe CtstomsWrrehousc JKIA i F07l 3l 276F7FJKRN3 2017 JKA20I0l8 SIGruPS Mctro Plasticr Tcl:073360858 lpkg.,23kgs l rubbcr rinss Industrics Customs Warehousc jkie lPk{ F07103 276R7FTR4I 2017 JKA20I0l6 SIGruPS Gcnqrl 23kgs i rubbcr rincs l Warrhousc 2E24W'NUN 2017 IKA20l0l8 SIGruPS Tribc Hotcl Thc Vil Customs JKIA i R07126 i M 646112270 lpkg. lkg h.ihs i Warehowc JKIA .j F07l0l 2Xl07FV7NV 2017 JKA20I0l6 SIGruPS Com Twenty otrc Ltd Customs lpkg., l0kgs x i lmhurcs r Ccntcr Customs Wrrchourc JKIA F06145 3R6I IFJLBZT 20l6JKA2fiB95 SIGruPS Ups Kenyr i. Sdv Trrnsrmi Kcnyt 25pkg.S, l2kgs i scsk -!. WaEhousc i 3YI3EIEX4D 2017JKA201053 SIGAIPS Kencth Manfir Customs JKIA F06061 lpkg. G I.3KGS I mcdicel itcms I Woods Customs \Vrrchousc JKIA F07246 737E6WKGK 2017JK4201053 SIGruPS Aptc8 Riara i w lpkg.2KGS i clolhino I Customc W.rchousc JKIA I F07196 8208A2V9BZ 20t7rKtaorc27 SIGruPS Ifs Kcnye C lpkg.0.2KGS i dmumcnts

SIGruPS Iasoft Kcnye Custom! Warchousc JKLA i F07400 AES68T9RT4 2017JKA201056 + Iel:073855660 lpkg.0.5pkg.S ctickcn i JKIA F07107 2017JKA201053 sIGruPS ltnitr Zih-oc Uun CustomsW[rhousc lfl{6we4Yq I rct,o2oTtsstz 9pkg.3KGS crtrlmucs Customs Wrchourc JKIA F06t56 E4SgOFTJBEE 2016JKA200953 SICruPS lDcrcons KcnYe Ltd ' l The Juction Centre lpkg.2kgs

Customs Werehousc IKIA F06155 E4SgOFVFDP 20t6rKA20@53 SIGruPS Dercons Kenye Ltd 9pkg.3kgs v ffitan Fo7ler 20t7IKA20IO27 SICruPS lContml Solutions Customs Warchousc JKIA lx31382JKYW lpkg. l6.5kgs

Customs Warehousc JKIA F06594 57A302QGJY 2017JKA201050 SIGruPS Jorn Wamcra a Ngong Road Housc lpkg.2KGS No.Kl6c Neirobi nhorc/lcd wetch W.rchousc JKIA F06760 8836X4JH4Tr 2017JKA201050 SIGAIPS Frurcois lrurorc Cusoms lplg. IKG wetch Cuslom! W&lhourc JKIA EE67 496il6t21749 20l6JKAl8tE42 FEDEX lFcdcx Serviccr EK7I9 lrPone25420833926 lpkg.6kgs

Customr Wrrchouse JKIA E8627 607882545789 20l7JKAl90l39 FEDEX lNesvax lnnovation KQlol I rszs)ssz-zooo 1pkg.43..3KGS 2trn0t7 rtomic sDcctrosc@y Dc Wrchousc JKIA t9257 @7882254s99 20171KA190287 FEDEX Ncrvax Ionovilion Customr lpkg.42.90kgs KQr0r 5 (973)882-7m0 2t4not1 hmhurcs Customs lilarehouse JKIA 8E384 632t25765rE4 z0l7JKAI88404 FEDEX Impala Glass +254737473054 lpkg.2kgs KQl0l mrchinc nltls r2a2l20r6 63768626ss6E 20t7IKAIBW2 FEDEX Thigiri Ricc Customs Warehouse JKIA i KQlol +25472251O819 lpkg. ll.l0kgs I nutritionil suooliments Warehouse JKIA 89993 785822117286 20l7JKAl9lE5 FEDEX Coulson Hamcy Customs KQl0l +2547098267t'.l lpkg. l.5kgs I tyv20r7 rrnrlmmmle 7th luly,2ol7 TIIEKET{YA GAZETAE 3965

Lot No. Ship's Name lva!bill Ltonifest Number Slation Consignee's Namc and Iacation and Descrtption of and Dare of Number Address Goods Anival UO4YU 66797331404.5 20l7JKAIE39El FEDEX Orkila East Aftica Customs W.rchouse JKIA EK7I9 +2517335566.20 2pkg.62.2kgs lArcf)nl6, crodetcric cab 87741 70130245.3697 2016JK4186783 FEDEX ZainabxaMul Customs Warchouse JKIA KQ3ll +25472237889 lpkg. l.50kgs 1711112016 ldiec wear nrrnichi .lmss EEI9E 701302463697 2016JKA186783 FEDEX KoDert Slmlyu Cusoms Warchouse JKIA KQ3lr +254729572997 lpkg.9.50kgs tTlttDol6 essential oils UU4OY 703477479t95 20l6JKAl882l3 FEDEX DAC Avirtion @A) Customs Warehousc JKLA KQl0l +2546,041E lpkg. l2.80kgs 22n2D016 aeronauticel books uor60 704128v25373 20l6JKAl8,1064 FEDEX Soutt Sudrncsc Customs Wuehousc JKIA KQ3ll +254733825041 lpkg. E.30rgs t9t9t20t6 suim umr orrir 88128 70797692237 2016JKA187560 FEDEX Mcrcclhr Ltd Customs Warchouse JKIA KQ3ll +25471t29r972 lpkg. l4.70kgs al noDot6 finish coods 87928 714374782715 20171KA187079 FEDE)( Cfa Socicty Erst Customs W[rhousc JKIA KQl0r lpkg. 3E.80kgs statrm€nt of )

Lot No. Ship's Name Woybill Iulandest Number Station Consignee's Name and Lacation and Description of and Date of Number Address Goods Anival UUUYU 785241683794 2017tK4t89259 FEDEX Ryan Komcn Kima Customs Warehousc JKIA KQl0l +254721899226 lpkg. l.80kgs U6l20t7 oift shinmenf 88933 785279578524 2017JKA189343 FEDEX Noel Noah Customs Warchousc JKIA Kql0l +2546199918 lpkg.5.70tgs llSt)017 lanfm 89 I .1t 7854 I 8635002 20171K4188979 FEDEX C/O Msid Konya Customs War,ehousc JKIA KQr0l +25470E8 I 8336 lpkg. I l.80kgs t/8t2017 nersonal effects 89332 785511024809 20t7JKAI8973t FEDEX Haleema Ahmed Customs Warchousc JKIA KQ3l l +254720241874 lpkg.2.50kgs 2t8/17 sports wear and watches E8958 80028r 313797 20l7JKAl8973l FEDEX Lakeside Fishing Customs Warchouse JKIA KQ3l l 2pkg.34.0kgs t/2012017 srnrts fishins omds 89213 803516782974 20l7JKAl8973l Sumaya Mimcha Customs Warehouse JKIA EK7I9 +2547217771 lpkg.3.20kgs 2t2t2017 beautv su[DDlies 87758 81681 1398555 20l7JKAlE6349 FEDEX Geoftey Ornwan Customs Warehouse JKIA DGIOI lpkg.2.60kgs 1t/11n6 tablet comouter rcfurr 89296 807634854323 20171KAr89259 FEDEX Jose Mcmoria Customs Warehousc JKIA EK7I9 +254705446 lpkg.20.0kgs 2t5n7 coaculation factor EO /!r4 8076348s4470 2016JKAI8M04 FEDEX Jose Memorial Customs Warehousc JKIA EK719 +254705446912 lpkg. l4.0kgs 9130n6 coaculation factor 8E126 8082024't5787 2016JK4187689 FEDEX Ramani Geosystem Customs Warchouse JKIA KQr0l +442085694949 1pkg. l.l0kgs ant)ntA lvhrrd diclr lrfbh hdd 86508 809652108902 20l6JKAl8,t0l6 FEDEX ueo-sat solutron Customs Warehouse JKIA KQl0l +2540.202637722 lpkg.5.30kgs 9n6n6 fuel level sensor 87933 E10083284692 20l6JKAl812l4 FEDEX Customs Warehouse JKIA sAl r 82 +254203544525 lpkg.5.30kgs tU25n6 5(h test wcicht UU4O4 8 I 0350556068 20l5JKAl88l7r FEDEX Gitaru Customs Warehouse JKIA EK7I9 +25472500 tpkg.9.90kgs 1)fiOfiA t-v 86923 El0624tf53s7 20t6JKAlE4793 FEDEX Miss Faith Jones Cusloms Warchouse JKIA KQ3l 1 lpkg.0.50kgs l0/6n6 mobile ohob,nes u /ov, 81037478394 20161K4184793 FEDEX Sun Packaging Customs Warehougc JKIA KQ3l l lpkg. l9.l0kgs I I l't

Et9v2 E983 l 1 29504 20171K4189259 FEDEX Robert Njenga Customs Warehousc JKIA EK7I9 lpkg.5.l0kgs t/21n'1 onc tov.2 vitemin suoolimcnts 68tZA 898319252099 2017tKA189259 FEDEX James Wairire Customs Warehouse JKIA EKl19 lpkg. ll.E0kgs lNlT iamsunc cslaxv s6 t2600 651131021754 20t5tKAt74137 FEDEX Cocacola Customs Warehouse JKIA EK719 lpkg.5kgs 5t6ns rnist F08249 l2w9lAH9V4 2017JK420fi06 UPS/SIG Nairobi Tiitlc Exchange Customs Warehousc JKIA L lpkg.2kgs mist F08226 lxx859P4LR 20t7IKA20rt06 UPS/SIG Ekas Technologies Customs Warchouse JKIA 3 lpkg.3kgs wk-m:(I)l F08048 3373V2TFT1R 20t 7JKA20l 109 T,PS/SIG Roham Chauham Customs Warehouse JKIA lpkg.5kgs dietrv sunnlimcnts F08176 0519RATC74I 20t7JKA?0It07 I.JPS/SIG Aman Mbande Customs Warchouse JKIA lpkg. lkgs synthctic hair F08174 5WO538VKKI 20t7JKA20ltog UPS/SIG Tiu Customs Warehouse JKIA xx 3pkg.20kgr nrintcd strtionrro F07944 @3769LWZC 20l7JKA20I l0 I.JPS/SIG Safrricom Ltd Mrb Customs lilar,ehoure JKIA lpkg.6kgs books F07823 W9I534KLSS 2017tKA2otlo4 UPS/SIG Kitchen And Beyond Cuctomc Warchousc JKIA 3S 4pkg. llkgs samol€s of svnthctic 7th July,?nl1 THE KENYA GAZET-TE 3967

Lot No. Ship's Name Waybill Manifesl Number Station Consignee's Name and lacalion and Description of and Date of Number Address Goods Arrival F08269 2Xt2ASTXZA 20t7IK1J0Il07 UPS/SIG Ngeria Stephen Customs Warehouse JKIA P lpkg. llkgs scone F08932 470476SS4QL 2017tK4201132 UPS/SIG Miranda East Africa Customs Warehouse JKIA +254738510151 lpkg.36kgs

F08714 967A85H9349 20t7IKA20tt24 I.JPS/SIG Pfizer Laboratories Customs Warchouse JKIA 5pkg. l6kgs nromotional items F08535 034V8WFVG 20171K1.201132 UPS/SIG Kenya Tropical Seal Customs Warchouse JKIA M7 lpkg.5kgs tractor Darts F08682 AOO3EOTNLK 20t7IKA20tt34 TJPS/SIG Unops Hq Customs Warehouse JKIA I +2540.20550104 lpkg.3kgs memory sticks F08461 3X04AFW459 201 7JKA20l 133 UPS/SIG Zingo lnvestmcnts Customs Warehouse JKIA +25N20550104 lpkg.2kgs toe band F08443 3XO4AIFYDF 2017JKN0I044 UPS/SIG Kellen Aluong Guald Customs Warehouse JKIA v +254718377546 lpkg.3kgs wino F08324 6R2634L8Q9 20t7tKA2ott2l UPS/SIG George Rumc Guerre Customs Warehouse JKIA c +25q715229052 5pkg.35kgs lift kit F08384 4E8SEl 144X5 20t7tKA2ott2t UPS/SIG Explosion Proof Customs Warchouse JKIA 5 20651531 lpkg.46kgs window filter F07941 7F677w33tt/2 20l7JKA20I l0 IJPSiSIG Rambo Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA 8 206s 1 53 l lpkg.2kgs smnle heos F08483 3497SFVCYF 20t7IKA20It2t SIGruPS Pastor Steve Customs Warehousc JKIA K +254726044191 lpkg. l4kgs hnnlrc F08288 v322ZESWS 20t7JK},0[22 SIGruPS Ccntury Junction Customs Warehouse JKIA MK +254256785 lpkg.2lkgs 2d./3d movies F08858 ZASVlS89Ctv 201'tIKA20rr24 SIGruPS Franlkie And Lee Customs Warehousc JKIA +254780821971 lokc. lOkc sbaes F08321 wl l766lJwc 2017tK4201123 SIGruPS Bcth Cusloms Warehouse JKIA w Ph.'25467879O 7pkg. I 3kgs books 10124557E tor245TE 2017tK420tt22 SIGruPS Mrs Shebanu uustoms warehouse JKIA Ph:254675432 lpkg.3kgs sarri€ t0124572 t0124572 2017lKt.20lr23 SIGruPS Firm Engineering Customs Warehouse JKIA Ph:2543424123 lpkg.3kgs frn,{ F08565 558754KNF93 201'trKA20tt34 SIGruPS Mcdi System Supplies Customs Warehouse JKIA Ph2547218710O 4pkg.38kgs marlihnrw 040t2017 KL4t41 7413723800 20I7JKA 190485 DHU25/2011 Honeywell Technologiet Customs Warchouse JKIA 05lo2lt7 7453714323 Kcnya 2pkg.9kg.barcode products Ltd Chiromo Rd EK72I 400M7ttt2 2017tKA18864 DHLI50lt7 Sr. Mercy Florcncc Customs Warchouse JKIA 06^2n6 17635244310 Mwangi Assumption I pkg. Skg.cotton garmerts Sisters of Nairobi Westlands Convcnt )<41)a)1n1l'n KL 0565 7407687361 201 TJKA 19031 I D}II./63lt7 H.F Firc Intemational K Customs Warchouse JKIA 02toz/r7 74s3714043 Ltd lpkg. 5kg.bacnet module Joscph Kangcthe Rd Next To Moi Girls Schnnl - ?{d-?O)11R))t BA 065 9054233926 20l7JKA 189168 DHIJ64ll7 Crimson Multimcdia Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA 0610lllT 125362085V2 Suilc 25 4th Floor Thc lpkg. 3kg.hard drive with non Grecn Housc Ngong phonographic Road 8A065 5252702523 20t7JKA 189987 DHI./68n7 Kcnncd Lagat Box 5l- Customs Warehousc JKIA 25lOUt7 12s3620t690 0301fi) Eldorct I pkg. 7kg-back ballcr foam 072971214t mlla 8A065 60430s1862 20I7IKA 190749 DHWlltT Dehair Hasran Adan Customs Warehousc JKIA 12t02fi't r25362tstfo Intcrnational Hsc I pkg. 2kg.lipcticr foundation Ground Flmr Meme clothing co. Noifia Strcct KO3l I 562266.5241 20l7JKA 190591 DVfiJ74^7 (.lqnhtri Tn6 Curlomr Wrrchourc JKIA 3968 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th July, 201

IatNo. Ship's Name Waybill lulanifest Number Station Consignee's Namb and Location and Description of and Date of Number Address Goods /nivol 08lo2lt7 70630438402 Mboya Strect World lpkg. lkg baby clothes shoet Bussincs Center 254- &bib 0721846410 KIAl4l 17407t4494 20I7JKA 188649 DHLl8.olt7 Dhl Express Comcr Customs Warchouse JKIA 25n2n6 745W65423 Lusaka Rd And Witu Rd lpkg. lkg ring Box 67577-00200 Nbi 25407M56571 8A065 r74100732r 20I7JKA 189722 DHU83lt7 Hope Mwangi Mama Customs Warehouse JKIA t9l0vt7 r2536208631 Ngina Street - lpkg. lkg hair pieces 071 5700583 foundation powdcr sAl82 3l 5626N63 20l7JKA 190805 DHU84/17 Jamii Bora Bok Head Customs Warehouse JKIA r2t02tr7 8333928591 Office lokc. lkcdvds LH8297 I 15201 1486 20I7JKA 189807 DHU85lr7 Naomi Gathoni Muchiri Customs Warehouse JKIA 2UOllll 20s5293254 Box 50816-00200 lokq. lka clothins books EK72I 484405275 20I7JKA 190631 DHUtor/17 Teresa Wambura Online Customs Warchouse JKIA 08t02n7 1763s200001 Mobile Communication lpkg. lkg zinc alloy necklaca -0727627473 EK 17636911626 20r7JKA 191587 DHLDIIT World Vision Kcnya Customs Warehouse JKIA 02103117 4533667132 Ngong Road Karcn 5pkg.6a. I 0kg.b/day cards n1a)1)6ltna KQ03ll 70630438 l 5s 20171KA189429 DHUt4nT Najo Contractors Co. lpkg. lkgbearing t3loytT 7RRS0{1166? LtA 0717020700 t Atto) I 2 536208535 20I7JKA 189303 DHUtSltT Amiran Kcnya Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA l 23lOUt7 4015651080 Airport Road 254- I pkg. 23kg.irrigation equipmirr 206907000 I KLo565 7453716552 20t7JKA 19l5E8 DHLBOIIT Cyprian Kimngetich Customs Warehousc JKIA o2lo3lt7 326951U51 Kuto Waford Park Box lpkg. lkg chargcr 2878s-00200 840065 12536208712 20[7IKAt9W92 DHU35n7 Eric Riungu Honeywcll Customs Warehouse JKIA . 27l0vt7 6788m8883 Eden Square 254- lpkg. l.5kg light spot digital ! 0711972758 KLo56s 74537166,66 DHI-/s8/17 Simplifi Nctworks Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA $nvt7 731224072s Hillcrest Court Karen C I 0pkg.8 parts 254-72s9r8122 EK072t 1763734574,r'. 20l7JKA 188760 DHLryOnT Gallop Afiica Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA 28lt2lt6 7480222971 Nelson Awoli Centre lpkg. l.5kg probc )

KQ 03r l 70630438413 20l7JKA 190351 DHU86|t7 James Mavisi Off Customs Warehouse JKIA 09102117 20061 38536 Magandi Rd 254- lpkg. 3.2kg.led advertising 0708/t4t6t troard EK072t t7635187574 20t7tKA 189723 DHUI00,IIT Ahmed Hussein Customs Warehouse JKIA t9lollt7 1417244721 Mohamud Nairobi lpkg.l2.T0kg.mobilephone I Kenva holder. l KQ 031 l 7083028r300 2017IKA 184124 DHIJ105n7 Philips Lighting East Customs Warehouse JKIA 2UO9n6 4494543362 Africa Cynthia lpkg. 27kg.led sample I(amburq 254- 0710919535 KQ 0765 70630291822 20I7JKA 189598 DHUtlT/t7 Soka Holdings Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA I t7t0yt7 174473622 Silverpool Suites lpkg. lkg camera I 254-0727443540 EK072t l 763r 3238 l0 2017JKA 185345 DHL|4nT Nairobi Java Hsc, Rosc Customs Warehouse JKIA l6il0tr6 133366456 Onyango 254- I pkg. supplies $721496R72 KLUtOS 7450958143 2017JKA 185882 DHU6IrT Nassur Mohemcd Customs Wafchouse JKIA 27ll0ll6 7684177491 Ramadhen Box 56934 t nko ?ko nrnmniinnql mot EKO72[ I 7617415055 20l7JKA 191586 DH{IJ1n',l Mithrn Parmar Box Customs Warchouse JKIA nnun I 8531098726 83241-80r00 I nkq- 4kq-cctv camem BA 006s 2537 2t0zy4 20I7JKA t9t586 DHL/9117 Abdul Mullicic Customs Warehouse JKIA 0U03il7 3506182245 Associates Woodland lpkg. lkg storage media Bussines Park KL4l4l 7450960000 2017IKA 186575 DHUtUtT Scienscope Ltd Customs Warehouse JKIA tlnUt6 283262824s Kirnathi House 254- lpkg. 23.30kg.lab equipment 2022tO741 BA 0065 12536215303 20l7JKA 18657s DHUl3ltT Ms Joana Akrofi Dewa Customs Warehouse JKIA i 28t02n7 3269s94775 Un Enwoment Box 3pkg.2l kg.microplastics repo( : 30552- 07623503 EK072l 17631322955 2017JKA 185248 DHU19lt7 Ms Gau Crowen Lex Customs Warehouse JKIA t4lt0lt6 51414446,11 Plaza- O7399553O6 lpkg.25kg.glucoseinjcction i 500m1 I KL 0565 7453716tr,66 20I7IKAt9t632 DHU20n7 African Conservation Customs Warehouse JKIA 03t03tr7 1298671231 Karlo Narl Complex lpkg. 2kg.harddisk Tillase Net 7frrJuly,2Ol7 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3969

Lot No. Ship's Name Waybill Manifest Number Station Consignee's Name and Localion and Descriplion of and Date of Number Address Goods Arrival EK072r I 7635 I 87 191 20r7JKA 189682 DEIL|lStOUtT lmcxolutions Ltd Box Customs Warehousc JKIA t8l0Ut7 8232289170 17800-00500 073707591 2okc.46kc.ncw vear diarics BA 0065 12536208690 2017JKA 189987 DHL|21lt1 Owilly AbokKisumu Customs Warehousc JKIA 25ltvt7 3544/.36184 )

Lot No. Ship's Name Waybill lulanifest Number Station Consignee's Name and Location and Description ot andPate of Number Address Goods Anivol KQ3il 7063M4o174 20l7JKA 191788 DHL/99n7 Ian Mbugua Box 44162 Customs Warchousc JKIA 06t03n7 2006299470 00l00Nbi I pkg. 3kg.mwital caselumiq batteris KL0565 7453'n77t6 20I7IKA 19219s DHIJt00fi7 Alex Africa B3abacus Customs Warehouse JKIA t6l03lt7 484M56250 Complcx Baba Dogo Rd lpkg. lkg placcntrex 2omg 78866'2709 cretm EK7I9 176t6/.38275 20I7IKA 192395 DHU102n7 IvIr Kiptoo Williams Customs Warchouse JKIA I t9l03lt7 3271651493 lntemational Lifc Housc lpkg. suit sampll MemaNgina Sreet. 25472il12075 l KQ3il 7063044n270 20I7JKA 192213 DHL{r0StrT Dr. Babiker Ibrahim 3rd Customs Warehous€ JKIA l6/03t17 6110128291 Maroon 0714{XD5l5 lpks. lkc medicinc KtAl4t 7453719050 20171KA192682 DHUtO5nT Saj Ccramics Ltd lpkg. lkg comprter 26tffyt7 8024524830 2547RO25274 comnmmiq BA 0065 125372t040r 20t7tKA 192075 DHU107t17 Skyplan Logistics Ltd Customs Warehousc JKIA : 12t0347 I 895301203 Box 665 Villace Markct loks. lka hcrval sumlcmml KQ31 1 IVOJI,44{)JUJ 20l7JKA 191590 DHI-/lO8/17 Hexirg Tcchnology Co. Customs Warehouse JKIA { 02t03n7 6347689246 Bayhill Gardcns lpkg. lkg pims app 2s4708750/,96 KL0565 74537 t9514 2017IKA 192928 DHUt0nT Aftican Wildlife Customs Warehouse JKIA 30to3t1't 1819737813 Foundation Box 310 8pkg.1 7 I kg.books Karen KLo565 7453721614 20I7JRA 193828 DHIJl3nT Snv Kenya Kmpd Customs Warehousc JKIA 19tMn7 759f699025 Project OffNgong Rd lpkg. 17.,{O books 254202fi595 KLAI4I 7453721216 2017IKA 193614 DHUt4il7 Godfrcy Mkaburu Box Customs Warehousc JKIA 14104117 1779746/.74 44482-00100 Gigiri Un lpkg.4.60 solar oven systcnl Comnlex )SA)n16))OAa KI,4I4 I 74s3720571 20I7JKA 193418 DHUt5ltT Stephanus Kruger Box Customs Warehouse JKIA 09tMt17 l 1s8607995 525Etd I pkg. 5kg.tractor brochurcs lc.zleloqre KL0565 07450960501 20I6JKA 185854 DHUt6lt7 Metro Motor Spares Mr Customs lVarchousc JKIA 17ny16 6776466.513 Amiraamir 108 lpkg. 4kg.calcndcr Kirinyaga Rd 0705123023 I'AUUO5 125320381& 20I6JKA lE6316 DHUtTnT Irene Mbwavi Box Customs Warehouse JKIA r 12/t0lt6 7220138693 25269-00100Nbi lpkg.2kg.fecd' I 25471374779 KQ0765 7ffi30293966 20t7JKA 193547 DHUtSnT Aig Kcnya Square Customs Warehousc JKIA t2/M/17 l4684lztOl0 Comply Chiromo Rd lpkg. lkg harddrives dell 01155tt000 BA 0065 12537210530 20I7IKA 192679 DHU20n7 John Ruxin Empress Customs Warehouse JKIA 25t03/17 52E944486 Plaza 2nd Floor lpkg. lkg prescription mcdiclt Wcstlands 254712236031 8A0065 12537217891 20t7IKA r93r42 DHU2vtT Tudor rilater Sports Msa Customs \ilarehouse JKIA MlO4tr7 6171173456 254721fi534 I aks, I ko clothino KLO565 7453718895 20171KAt92596 DHU22/r7 Tom Mboya Customs Warehouse JKIA 251O3117 6893242296 Intcmetional Lifc Housc lpkg. lkg levijeans 25473229254 KQo765 70630293071 2017IKA t92200 DHLD3Il7 lst Floor Schindclcr Customs Warehouse JKIA t7lo3/17 91ffi35252 Lifts L,ongonot Place lpkg. lkg led lights 0025420340/81 KLo565 7453718781 2017IKA 192548 DHU24|17 Ruqiyo Samed Rc Tcav Cusloms Warehousc JKIA 22tO3t17 3733161570 & Tours 6th Strcet lpkg. lkg medication Eastlcich 25472245&8 KQ03ll 7063043E14/. 20I7JKA 1t9374 DHW6\7 Honcywell Tcchnologics Customs Warehouse JKIA t2/01/17 E296603685 Ltd Iseac Muregc F/cn 4pkg.l6kg.elcctrical Squire Buseiness accesories/hmcy well Comolex 2547253E2567 8A0065 12537210596 20I7IKA 192956 DHLI30n7 Api Events Elgon Road Customs Warehouse JKIA 3U03n7 9E2485690/' Radisson Bluc Hotcl 7pkg.l lOkg.bronchure 27823678


Lot No. Ship's Name Yoyage No. linocy BilU Bill Iulanifest Numbers Lhrts ond Consignee't Nane L,ocation ond,Descriptiolq and Date of f Lding Numbers and Address ofGoods Anival ] KINQUAN )546W SHKIJMBAI60 20r7MSA 133996 PCrU8s06588 {,1Alccm Customs Warehouse ICDI1 )4U2017 ZHOU l89l Enterprises Limited PEPE-lxtl0ft stc 2040 ct.l''l Dlo2nol7 3 I multimcdia soeaker t42t2017 XINQUAN 0546W SHKI.JMBAI60 20l7MSA 133996 PCru8905340 Al Aleem Customs Warehouse ICD zJfou 189 t Encrpriscs Limited PEPE-Ix40ft stc 02102/2017 2040 ctrs 3 I multimcdia i smkr 7th July,2017 THEKENYA GAZETTE 3971

r,ot No. Ship's Nome Yoyage No. lirway BilU Bill Iulanifest Numbers Marks and Consignee's Name Lacation and Description and Date of tf Lading Numbers and Address ofGoods Arrival w3t20t7 CMACGM l889WN t'PIRAEESADI 20l7MSA 134135 FCru8007439 Crismart Collectionr Customs Warehouse ICD LATOUR s9877 Limited PEPE-Ix40ft stc l0Fcb 2017 photocopying machine/hawkers poods )44t2017 HANSA t703 95919433, 20l7MSA 134053 MSKU0620692 \{sguhad Panties lustoms Warehouse ICD AMERICA Iraden PEPE-Ix40ft stc 03-Feb 2017 189 bales fabric materials A5n$tj JULIE l409wN EPIRAEESADI 20I6MSA 130676 KINUSl802l3 Iriumph Impex Customs Warehouse ICD DELMAS s5336 Limited PEPE-lx40ft stc 25-Aus.2016 hawkem smds )46t2017 EXPRESS 1703 95923E26/. 20l7MSA l34l5r PONU7506296 Murahim Ventures Customs Warehouse ICD ARGENTIN Limited P.O. Box 4 PEPE-Ix40ft stc A housc hold cleaning items l6-Feb20l7 047t2017 CMACGM l922SN EPIRAEESADI 20I7MSA 13592( DFSU725947l Getwas Logistics Customs Warehouse ICD MANET 6169ry Box 25500200 PEPE-Ix40ft stc l6-April 20ll readv made mrments M8t20t7 TG 1707 57182149( 20l7MSAl3599r MSRUol38589 285pkgs Beauty Customs Warehouse ICD POSEIDON hoducts PEPE-lx20ft stc 23-Avil20l', 285 packages ofbeauty products non hazardous material no Iabcl re ouired )49t2017 EMIRATES )l7l4s EPIRAEESADl 20l7MSA 1360& FCrU8499998 Murahim Ventures lustoms Warehouse ICD ASANTE 61882 PEPE-Ix40ft stc 22-Aoil20ll ;ofa sets/electronics t50t2017 KOTA LUNLA,|UI+OY NGRr70065500 20l7MSAl3609: FCru866E568 Hasma Autospares lustoms Warchouse ICD GANDING Limitedpbox 8641 IEPE-1x40ft stc Z4-Aoil2Ol', 006r0 i27 ctns alto soares )51/2017 ]HIEF 1822SN EPIRAEESADI 20l7MSAI349(x DRYU988l740 Murahim Ventures Customs Warehouse ICD )9-March 60692 P.O. Box 43218 PEPE-Ix40ft src 2017 00100 blank cdVfumitures qOODS AT INLAND CONTAINER DEPOT CUSTOMS WAREHOUSE, EMBAKASI l,ot No. Ship's Yoyage Bill of Iading Iulanifesl It&,rlrs and Consignee's Name Location and Description of Name and Numbers Numbers and Address Goods Date 0s2120t7 MSC IH327A wEccl330EMBr l,16 2OI3 MSA FSCU908l450 Missionaries of the Customs Warehouse ICD NILGI.JN 108700 Poor Ruia Chokaa Embakasi-Ix40ft stc charitable goods foodstul soap household item bicycles childrens book clothing not for resal donation for poor childrer from canadian food fo chilrlrcn 05312017 UAl.E 004w il03fiM0101 z0l3 MsA EMCU9858282 Fleathway Properties Customs Warehouse .ICD MOSS 109720 -imited Embakasi-Ix4Oft stc fu miture used charisused tablesused beds 054t2017 CAPE 004w 570ffi72472 20l3 MSA BIMOU2t2204 lcathwey Propertics Customs Warehouse ICD MOSS t09720 -imited Embakasi-Ix20ft stc used beds 055t2017 wltic JH4{XA MSCUMQ324149 2014 MSA JARU4l37958 House OfHope Customs Warehouse ICD. ANAHITA 112517 Foundation AtEr Mr Embakasi-lx40ft stc Moses Basigwa donated clothes reliefgoods Kariuki )56t2017 HU(ru l4l I ,63226920 2014 MSA MSKU747037t Nairochem Ltd Nortl Customs Warehouse ICD SCHULTE tt4t42 Airport Rd Embakasi-1x20ft stc Warehouses Godown granules marble B Pcibox 21534- 00100 Nairobi Kenya )5712017 ts.K.UUPEI l4l I 603523737 2014 MSA TRLU8I829EO Foton East Africa Customs Warehouse ICD HAGEN lt7M5 LimitedAddPOBox Embakasi-lx40ft src l03ulo-00100 Nairobi foton vehicle spare partt Kenva decoration materials 058t2017 LIWIA P 7s46856r5 I 505 20ls MsA PONU82,|4734 To Order Customs Warehgusc ICD, l20l5t Notifr Party frfbakasi-txaOft src Kcnya Power And b(F00 kva 3 phase 33 433r Lighting Co Ltd Po diitribution Eansformers ar Box 3009-00100 per proforma invoice nr Nairobi Kenya nspl 20ll-12 210 dated 4tt no,vember 2012 ddp kpk stor es 54 nos 100 kva ! phase 33 O 433 kr distibution transforrners t I 3972 THE KENYA GAZETTE Tttr July, 2017 t l,ot No. Ship's Yoyage Billof Iading tulantles, Itlorks and Consigtee's Name lacation and Description oJ Name and Numbers Numbers and Address Goods Date uroer Customs wrchousc lcD t59t2017 LIWIA P 1505 754685665 20ls.MSA uRKU4345046 lo 120158 Noti$ Prrty Emhkesi-lx4()ftstc Kenya PowerAnd B 100 kva 3 phaec 33 433' Lighting Co Ltd Po distribution tsrnsformcrs r Box 3009-00100 pcr proforma invoicc nr Nairobi Kcnya nspl 20ll-12 210 drt€d 4tl novcmbcr 2012 ddp kpl, stor cs 54_nos 100 kva I phase 33 0 433 lc rlictrihrrtinn fnnrf^m.R rconot7 \IORDIC I 505 154714472 zut) MsA MSKUIEOI669 Io Ordcr Cuetoms IONG 120336 tlotifr Puty Embakasi-lx,l0ft src KONG (enya Powcr And ur 100 kve 3 phasc 33 433r -ighting Co Ltd Po distribution trrnsformcrs a Box 30099-ffi100 pcr proforma invoicc nt \leirobi Kcnya nspl 20ll-12 210 &trd 4d novcmbcr 2012 ddp kpL stor cr 27 ms 100 lve i phrsc 33 0 433 kt distribution transformcrs D6tn0r7 ]MACGM 02(x)wN cY20250377 ZOI5 MSA IPXL,3225E44 lloddmg Amca Customs Warchousc ICD KAILAS 122186 Limitedpo Box Embrtasi-1x20ft src 15100$6ffiNgrn 1620 crrtons of prima juiccr Roednrimbi Kcnva rnd nrclm omds w2t20t7 ELI'A 1605 t@12q,21 20l6MSA MRKU7779I5I Elisercch Diapostics Lustom! Wuthousc luu ISLAND 128373 EA Limited Embakasi-Ix20ft gtc blood oollection tubc swal ahrmo annfoimr 063t20t7 KOTA KGAA&3 )FOSEMBPl692432 ZUIO MSA PiCIUE696EIO Elite Crnvas Shcltcr Customc Warchousc ICD SAYA r32696 Limitdclite Centrr Embakrsi-lx,l0ft stc Opposit Ruirugok 954 pkgs prcfab vilh I sc Prison Wataalam prcfab office qrithout toilct : Road Ruinr Po sct prcfib office withou Box33l74fi)6ffiNbi tnil.t wt20t7 KOTA KMACOO3 RNSAMBAPI64T006 2016 MSA PCru259(D5O AlDrcn rlooucts uop( lustoms Warehousc lUL, \,TACHAN 132532 Box 853340506 lmbakasi-Ix20ft src Nrimhi Kenvr irmihrn 065n017 KOTA KLAZ(,(,T( PABV006l02(X 2016 MSA PCruI319985 Ayoo Philip -u$omt \f,[€nougc luLr, LAzIIl,,d w t33295 Akctchprincipd Of imbekrsi-Ix20ft stc Wlcio 379 boxcs usd bokr to- Mixedrccon&ry lomtion prporc Sc.hmlmionri Kmvr |66f2017 MSC NOA rx65lR WECCI60INBOI(X)I 2OI7 MSA MEDU338865{ Disrbility Rcsourcc lustoms Wuehousc ICD l 3353 I And Information Embakrsi-Ix20ft stc amfF Pmif;f I 97x orckasca rclicfcoods x7t20t7 XINQUA\ 0546W IIMBAI7l17024 ZOIT MSA cAruE377%5 lransmlnnc l'rldlng lustoms Wrrchousc ICD ZHOU 13396 Limitcdp O Box Embdresi-lx40ft src 546541(X) Neirobi SETcertms pdlock Icl07224fi9545F ,mcrgcncy led lamp bull rcrd hmo iron t6tt20t7 KOTA KLAZ(ruI NEMBI7IEO246 ZOIT MSA FCrut50397,1 loc Cooling Etccticd uu$oms wirrctrousc lul., LAZIM w r34261 lppliuccsk Limircd Embdosi-lx,mft$c P O Box 9061 3apcfrgcs modcl-nwz-3 ll limnrimhi Mi showcr.rc model-nwz- l0(X) x9r20l7 MV 01707s DXB034E60l zul / luuA APHU707l996 Mwenye Vc,nturcrpo Llrltoml Wllthourc luu AROSIA 134751 Box 5E3(X) 00200tc1 Embdosi-Ix,Oft stc +254722233318cmrr1 ulcd .uto ry.Ir part Info St€crf herdvrrc metcridr t70t20t7 JOLLY l70l3s G0706456 20 t7 MSA E[S,U9U2I724 Archdiocclc Of Customs Wrrchousc' ICD PERLA 13424t !{rirobi Embd

SIMONLUSENO, ssF 907/17-18 Chicl Lhnager, Nairobi Cusroms Starion, 7th luly,2Ol7 THEKET{YA GAZET1IE 3973



NOTICE is givcn tht the following epplicants have, pursuant to dre pmvisions of thc Kcnya Information rnd Communicrtions Act, mrde applications to thc Communicrtions Authority of Kcnya for thc grant of thc liccnccs rs bclow.

Compony Licence Category Frith Ministrics rnd Churchs Intcrnationd, P.O. Box 479-202N Commcrcial FM Radio Broedcraing Licorcc Kcricho Comm. Nct lnvcstmcnt Limitr4 P.O. Box 1702,T{D10, Nairobi Commcrcial Frec-To-Air-Tclcvision on thc Digital Terrcstrid Televirion Platform Voice Broadcasting Nctworlq P.O. Box l25Erl-201fi), Nd

Thc liccnccs, if grentcd, will cnablc the applicants to operrt€ and providc serviccs as indicrted egeinst thcir names. The grant of thesc licences may efrect public rnd local ruthoritics, companics, persons or bodies of persons within thc country.

Thc Authority wishcs to notiff thc gcneral public that any legal or nahral pcrson, or gloup of individuels, who arc dcsirous of making any rcprcscntrtion md/or any objcction to the said applications herein, to do so vide a lcttcr rddrcsscd to thc Director4eneral, Communications Authority of lGnyq Waiyrki Wey, P.O. Box 14448 - 00800, Nairobi indiceting thc liccocc catcgory on thc covcr cnclosing it. Thc sail rcprcscntation end/or objcction must bc filed on/or bcforc orpiry of thirty (30) days from frc date of this noticc and thc copy of thc sanrc be forwardcd to thc conccmcd rpplicatrt

Datcd the 3rd July,20l7. FRANCIS W. WANGUSI, ssF 95t/r7-lt Director-General,



IN Gazcsc Noticc No. 3519 of 2017, on prgc 1529, delete 6e Liccncc cltcgory indicatcd rs 'Commcrcial Frcc-to-Air Tclevision on the Digital Terrestrial Telcvision Pleform" in respcct of thc application by Francc Mcdias Monde - Francc 24 and insert thc following Licence catcgory: "Commercial FM Rrdio Broadcasting Licence"

Dated thc 3rd luly,2017. FRANCIS W. WANGUSI, ssF 95E/17-18 Director-General.



IN Grzcfic Noticc No. 4481 of 2O17, on prgc 2120, delete thc Licencc catrgory indiceted ls "Commcrcirl FM Redio Broadcasting Liccnce" in respcct ofttc rpplicrtion by Rcubcn Ccntrc and insert thc following Liccncc crtcgory:

"Community FM Radio Brordcasting Licencc"

Detcd the 3rd luly,20l7. FRANCIS W. WANGUSI, ssF 958/17-18 Director-General.



NOTICE is givcn that following the conclusion of sakeholdcr consultations on thc proposcd Quality of Scrvicc (Qo'S) paramctcrs, thc Communications Authority of Kenya prqoses to mdiry thc Quality of Sewice liccnce conditions of Fostal md Couricr liccrrccs in Kenya pursuant to the provisions of scction 82(2) and (3) of the Kenya Infonnation and Communications Act, by intr,oducing thc following condition:

'"Thc Liccnscc shall bc liable to pay such pcnalties rs set out in section 83A(l) of the Kenya Information and Communications Act, for failure to moet eny of thc following Qudity of Scrvicc (QoS) rcquircmens. 3974 THE KET{YA GAZE,ITE 7th July,2Ol

Quality of Servicc Rcquircmcnt Mail Scmbc CaEgory StatfurdlTargct (mininum Spocd of service (the transit timc \&twccn when a mail National (for within en urbrn rrea) J. + 0 of &)95 of mil I piccc has bccn posrcd end thc postagc cancellcd or recordcd at thc orisinatins offrcc. !o whcn thc piecc arrivcs 1x;fs^,T**Uvt'rcdrirhinbc t at thc dcstination ofFrce or dclvcrcd to tJtc customcr) National (ftom onc urban .rce to J* + l(minimum of flXb of meil anothcr) stichr to bc &livcrd wi&iD 6c I rrM,'l .T Spcciel rrers.. J' + 4 (minimm of &Xb of mil rfiiclcs to bc dclivcrcd wi6in thc rrrrvlrrrl\ lnrcmationd (rpplics o imoming J* + 5 (minimun of 8096 of mril mail) utbhs o bc &livcrcd within 6c rirndrrd) postaUcouricr articlc loss incidcrrccs reportcd Local and Inarnationd

**J mcans the dcy ofposting.

3* Specbl arcas truans areas with advenc clitnatic, inlrastructural and sccurity cottditions." i .1 Thc purposc of this modification is to cnsurc the provision of bctrcr quelity of rrviccs, provi& for rcasonrblc and rchicvrblc Qulity of Sc'{ct (QoS) targcts and to lcvcl thc playing ficld. i

Thc proposcd modifications mey affcct Postal and Couricr Licensccs, the public, locet eutboritics, compnhr, Pcrsoos or bodia of pcrr-, *$U thc countr5r. Any Postat and Couricr Liccnscc, mcmber of the public, public or local euthority, comp.Dy, perc

GAZEI'IENoncENo. 6481 G^zsflENo[cENo.6482


IN ACCORDANCE with thc Records Disposal (Courts) R.ules, INTE{T,D DES'NRUCTION tr COUIT R,ECORDS notice is givcn that thec (3) months aftcr the datc of publication of (Courts) this noticc, thc C-hicf Magistratc's Court at Machakos, intends to apply IN ACCORDANCE with thc R.ccords Dispocsl to thc Chicflusticc, for leavc !o dcstloy the records, books and papers noticc is givcn thrt furc (3) monhs rfur thc dec of of thc Chicf Magistrate's Court at Machakos as set out blow: this noticc, thc Scnior Principrl Mrgisrerc's Court at Mumies, in+d to to thc Chicf Justicc, for lcevc to &stoy ttrc rccods, h{ols CRII\,flNALCASES ryply end ppcn of ftc Scnior Principd Mrgistntc's Court at Mumias {rset Year No. of Cases out bclow: I 2008 2484 Criminrl crscs lgg&-14/9 I 20f9 2936 mrc I 887 :If:f iffi,l I 20ll r697 I 2012 t302 A comprchcnsivc list of e[ condcmncd recordr thu qrnffy { U 20r3 tt29 disposcd un&r thc Act ctr bc obained rnd paurd at thc Stlior A comprchcnsivc list of all condcmncd rccords that qualify to bc Principal Megisrerc's Court Rcgistry, Mumirs. :1 disposcd undcr the Act can bc obtaincd and pcruscd at thc Chicf I Any pcrson &siring thc rctrm of rny cxhibit in eny of thc Magistrarc's Court Rcgistry, Machrkos. $vc c.scs must mekc his/hcr cleim wi6in thc tinc stiprlrtcd in:fhir Any pcrson desiring thc return of any cxhibit in any of thc abovc publicetion should do so bcbrc thc cxpiry ofdrc noticc. cascs must makc hiVhcr claim within thc time stipularcd in this 1 publication shorld do so before thc expiry of the notice. Alt cxhibits to which m chim is substutietcd ucforclOc dcstruction of thc rccords shrll rm&r scction 4 bc doctrtcd to bc p* of All cxhibits to which no claim is substantiarcd beforc the thc records for thc purposcs of dcstruction. ] dcstruction of thc rccords shall under section 4 bc decrncd to bc part of thc records for thc purposcs of destruction. ' Datcd trc 2nd Jurrc, 2017. , Datcd the l5th Junc,2017. r.oDm j A.G. KIBIRU, Scnior Prhcip.l lthgisfiatc, Mu*at. C hicf Ma g istrate, Mac hato s.