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Three More Americans Wounded in Shangha

Three More Americans Wounded in Shangha

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SATDW)AY, ATODOT \ ^ A O E T W S L V * iBm ir^stnr Ettntins AlIiatAaB DAILY CXRCCLATIOR V n B A TB K B tor ttw nwath of Jaly, 1987 Hiantbnomoh Tribe No. S8, Im­ i l l . and Mrs. David R. Cede of W Thirty-seven Manchester owners Joseph O. Piantaalda, assembler, 100 par cant attendance at thla of 150 Mq^Ie street, and Doulsa Mm's • Wsttsangreai recon­ day Thursday. He has been con­ RATE special session they said today they venes President Roosevelt must New York War Reporter^ in catting banraating the .rop. there is still a scardty of rents fined to bis home for several morning. The buslneaa being done Glads! Glads! Tbe driving storm — first north­ Separate eearchee were also be­ ABEL'S believed inevitable about November. lh a waatber baa bean ezceptionatly Ehrery day people are Inquiring at the food stores was in excess of Quaranteed Electrical aad ver Lane-South Manchester Bus line, easter of the season--played havoc ing carried on for an unidentified choose one of these far-reaching months by illness. However, be Is Now Cutting Hundreds of They described much of tha unflnlth- courses of stn tegy: . fe ed for tobacco for there baa bean about suitable houses. These peo­ the usual Saturday morning busi­ Mechaaloal Auto Repairing with coastwise fishing and pleasure sailboat, reported capslsed off able to get out op the veranda each ed business left by their bomeward- Among 1,000 Womdm^ |M ball in HaadMOter. Tba tobacco ple ara mostly from out of town ness as housekeepers wanted to get Bear 96 Cooper Street TsD, Beantifal Spikes boats. The Coast Guard reported Oyster Bay, and the Alloney, an 18- 1. Reconciliation, at the cost of day. ______Inc., published in yesterday’s Herald, bqnnd colleagues ss too urgent to abandoning some of his most cher­ bopa to aea tba crop lathe who are asutioua to make Man­ their shopping drae before the heat BstabUsbed ItSl 101 persons had been rescued from foot sloop, reported mlaalng by the await the regular session next Jan­ ished objectives, with the party fac­ within the next two weeks. chester their home. Attorney William Ferguson and becomes too oppressive this after­ 14 boats which got in distress when Indian Harbor Boat Club, between Estimated 400 KiDoil uary. tions which have refused to support wife, of New York City, arrived in noon. through an oversight the advertise­ the storm struck. No storm deaths Senator LaFolette (Prof., Wla.), Greenwich, Conn., and N ew York. all of hie program. town yesterday and will spend ■ Choice ons of the President's most intimate 3. A new campaign to rally public part of their vacation with Mr. Business at the Manchester AuC' ment failed to state that all time congresaional advisors, frankly as­ support aad hammer through his Bjr MORRIS J. HARRIS Ferguson's father, William J. Fer­ tton Market yesterday was excep­ serted the administration would COOL OFF AT THE OAK GRHX guson of North Elm street. tionally low. The tot^ business for controversial issues, risking dianip- Shanghai, Aug. 28.— ( A P ) - ^ court disaster if it delayed its per­ Uon of the party beyond all repair. D E U aO U S HOT WEATHER FOODS the first week will not exceed 1800. GLADIOLUS given is Eastern Standard Time but manent farm program until next An estimated 400 penona wer«^ BEAT the HEAT One of the N ew Deal's most trust­ Archie Kilpatrick of The Herald year. 12 BURNED TO DEATH Our planting of thousands of ed atnteglsts said privately today killed and perhaps 1,000 wound-'"" ASSORTED COLD CUTS — SALADS wUl leave a week from today for a tvmi Unless production control machin­ that Mr. Roosevelt will base hie de­ tour of Maine and Vermont. He gladiolus bulbs of the finer, more SHOULD13E READ AS DAYLIGHT ery ia set up before farmers begin ed, including three Amerieana^|l Wines — Liquors and Beer will spend part of bis time camping I C E C O L D modem vaHeties is now in Its their winter planting, he predicted, cision on the trend of public opinion by a heavy artillery shell th a t} and fishing snd will visit ^ t h re­ bumper wheat and cotton crops may IN RAGING FOREST FIRE within the next few weeks. blooming period. Our etorage smashed into a crowded depart^j StMMl*Up Drinldiiff Allowed. latives in Now Hampshire'^ before FILMS SAVING TIME as long as Daylight sand farm prices tumbling next He described as “trial balloons” room Is a riot of color— doxena ment store section of the Inter«l Tour Best Bet In Any Weather returning to Manchester on Sept­ DEVEMIPED AND autumn and Jeopardixe the prosper­ two eantradictory speeches made ember 6. PRINTED BEER and doxeni of fresh cut flowers Saving remains in effect this year. ity of the rution. almost simultaneously last week by national Settlement today. ^ From In a cool place and all ready for Others I^y Plans Forty Others Bomed, 25 of NOTED AH O RNEY men often regarded aa White House Scores of Americans marvd*'] 24-HOUR SERVICE sale' ^ . Other Ckmgressional chiefs laid spokesmen— Postmaster General ously escaped death when a i OAK GRILL as« Farley and Senator Guffey (D., Pa.) FUm Deposit Box At their plans to rush through farm Them Needing Hospital ond projectile pierced the aix-i 80 Oak Street Formerly Oak St. Taveni CHIMNEYS Priced To SeD At legislation in November, if the No Reprisals Says Farley. CLEANED and REPAIRED Store Entrance ENGLAND’S President decides to call Congress DIES IN HARTFORD Farley assured a young Demo­ story United States naval ware« i Z iit SpnicG St.* Corner E2diidf« W e Use the Brush Method back. Treatment; CCC.Workers crats' convention in Indianapolis house and crashed through toT 5c 50c 75c doz. Leaders of both bouses already that there would be “no reprisals" at CSeaniBg. the bottom, but fa il^ to ex>, Special On have put this item at the head of against senators who fought the PH O N E 3444 KEMP'S RED FOX - CREMO their calendars for "next session”— Are Among the Victims. William Brosmith, General President's court plan. He prom- plode. whether special or regular. laed a return of party harmony. The wounded AmerieaQf! HOT? COLD? OLD E N G L A N D K. A. Karlsen The Senate Agriculture Commit- In a savagely-worded speech Guf­ were Anthony Billingham, i tee echeduled a series of public 715 North Main St. Phone 7885 Cody, Wyo., Aug. 38— (AP) — Coonsd for Travelers fey predicted that the "rebel” sena- It’s Ahriys Eating Tine A t Reymander’s AND HORTON’S “Went Be Seeing Y o u r beariage on proposed crop control correspondent for the New i Grimy rescue workers poked tors^otably Wheeler (D„ Mont.), TONIGHT legl^tion in 17 ettiea, beginning Burke (D., Neb.) and O'Maboney York Times; Hailett Abend, 1 S^tember 80, Senator Pope (D., through smouldering ruins of a Passes Away at 89. (D., WYo.)—would be driven from In this, one of the best action pictures ao far to reach this country from the lino-Japanese w arfre at chief of staff for the New York ^ DELICIOUS RAVIOLI *•$1.85“ ^"' Idaho), remained here in connec- mountain forest today seeking addi­ the party. Japanese troops are shown plunging into battle following an artillery barrage against Chinese . tlon with arrangements for this. Times in China, and Blanchg^, And All Our Umnl Dishes. Roast Chicken. " Three Bottles for 25c. tional victims of a gale-driven fire Reaction to these pronouncements. positions near Peiping. Heavy'casualties were reported on both sides after the fighting. The hearings will end November Tenney, Shanghai-bom Arnerl*! Steuned Cfauss. Soft Shell Crabs, Etc. which burned twelve of their com- Hartford, Aug. 23.— (AP)—The Democrats predicted, will guide, in 1, aad within a few days thereafter ALWAYS ICE COLDl paniooa to death. large measure, the President’s future can. Kingsbnry and Hanley’s On Tap. the committee, members said, ex­ death of William Brosmlth, 83-3rear Many other brand* available In Tk'o score others were injured— strategy. Other Americans may havti WANTED pects to have its bin ready. old general counsel and vice-pres­ any quantity denlred and, at all 35 so seriously they required hospi­ Tbe first reaction waa promptly been killed or wounded. timea, right off the Ice. The House Agriculture Commit­ tal treatment. ident of the Travelers Insurance ROSSI VELVET GO. RBTMANDER'8 TAVERN tee planned no hearings, but mem­ supplied by the three senators Guf­ STATE TO TAKE LEAD Police said they were unabll] A ll the victims, many of them Companies, took from this Insurance 85 Oak Street Chas. Reymander, Prop. bers agreed informally to gather in fey had denounced. In their last PHONE .3855 To Buy (XX; enrollees, were trapped while to estimate accurately the toU' Wsahlngton in October for a capital one of its leading ciUsena. major addresaas of the eesslon they FOR FREE DELIVERY LIVE BROILERS battling the blase in Sboehoni N a- Known aa the dean at iasuraaee defied anyoBS to oust them from the AT LABOR HEARING of injured and killed, but 11 month's work on the farm measure. ttenal forest ia northwest Wyoaflng. Chairman Jones Tqa-). delyrwd cqqmeU In tba United States, Bra- party, aad bluntly told tha adminis­ WITH NEW FLOOD PLAN counted 200 bodies and knolrj At Any Size Ths blase broke out FrMayfroes Us departure ta give further etody aralth died yesterday at bis home trator they were ready for open war. then must have been aa many] aa- uadstennlaed cause about 83 foDowlng a heart attack Aug. 5. It tha fight comes, their friends ENGLAND’S Also to them. miles Borthwest at here aad ap- Shortage Only Prevnntative Tba instuance world was not said, the “rebels” can count on more. Spruce and Eldrldge Streets proxtaiately the same distaace east National Board to Determine Some of those here said privately alone In mourning Brosmith’s death, strong support from other dis­ Wrecks Two Big ItorM Roasting Chickens of Yellowstone Park. It blaekaaed Att. Gen. Daly Bekeves Con-1 EXTENDING SEARCH that the only thing which could for be served faithfully the state, gruntled elements within the party. ALSO 1,500 to 3JXX) acres of dense timber Origin o t the departmeot stece^ SAFETY TESTED forestall a special eeeslon would be Backed by Oid-Unen. In the Abasroka mountains. the city and the Roman Catholic What Organiatim Will shell waa unknown. Some mUit a sudden rise in wheat and cotton With them would-stand the ”oId- trol Can be Accomplished Live Veal Calves - - - - i4 f Our New Location ! Tbe searchers edged forward at church of CXinnacUcut. experts said It may have base prtoes, caused by an unexpected Una” Democratic leaders, who are FOR SOVIET FLIERS and the flames subsided allghtly under Bom In New York City Nov. 8, 130-pound eight-inch sheU which j i^ r tA g e RbfORd- Represent the Workers. BENEHT DANCE Due to a local ordinance—etarting Wednesday, August 35tih a drlssUng rain. 1854, he waa forced to leave school determined to name an antl-New by New England States Japanaoa warahlpa off Woosung ^ Young Calves other legislation, most of It high­ Deal Prealdentlal candidate in 1940; T O NIG H T — 8:30 you'U and your favorite ‘Htood Humor” man itgiit next to tbn “W e don't know whether there at the age of IS aad received most wore firing to protoet landing of re> I To Be Fattened For Butchering. ly contraverslal, will be awaiting a host of southern congressmen, pei^ USED CARS BOLTON OOM.MUNITY HALL are more men out theto or not,” of bis subsequent education In night Inforeomenta. HoUywood Service Station At 842 East Center Street. action whenever Congress recon­ schoola After several years ot turbed by tbe admlnistrator'a wage- Without Any Federal Aid. N ew London, Aug. 33.— ( A P ) — A Ausplom Bolton G ran in A. GREMMO & SON venes. Radio Signals Heard in Mos­ The shell struck Nanking read at] RofrcnhmontB Sold. (Omttaoed oe Page Tea) study he passed the New York hour legislation and friendship with hearing to determine whether the the busiest eornar of Sbaagtwl ea( “CH AR LIE” - THE GOOD HUM OR M A N Administrstlon leaders have m- organixsd labor, and foea of the 1936 Oldsmobile 8 Sedan (t r u n k )___ $785 Vomon Orch. Adm. 85o. Telephone 3441 dlcated tbey will use all the {.res- State B ar examlnatlona in 1876 and employee of both the WUUmantlc one aide of the Intersecttoo, thej practiced law In the metropolis President's plan to extend public Hartford, Aug. 23.— (A P )—Con­ cow Again Yesterday huge eeven-etore bulldiag of tbsl sura at Jialr command to obtain and Mystic plants of the Rossi Vel­ presage of the wage-hour bill, al­ until he came to Hartford in 1895 necticut is preparing to take 'the Sincero Ck>, Ltd., departmaet stocel 1936 Oldsmobile 6 Sedan (t r u n k )___ $765 (Uooltnoed on Page rwo) vet Ckimpany shall be repreaented waa crowded with shoppers. Across r ready approved by tbe Senate. Re­ BRUNO IS CAUGHT aa attorney for the Travelers. lead soon in a new flood control plan Spurs Hnnt fo r Lost Men. publicans and Southern Democrats When Sylvester C. Dunham, who in the matter of coUectIve bargain­ the street tbe Wing On A CO, I for Now England which may receive 1935 Oldsmobile 8 Coach (tru n k )----- $575 PIE-PAPER PAINT!! on the House Rules Committee coro- later became president, was made ing by tbe Textile Workers organlr department store, somewhat larger j national attention because it ex­ waa equally Jammed. - Tbe tv Beautlfnl Tan Paint Job.______blued to keep it pigeon-holed until vice-president In 1901, Brosmlth zation Ck>mmittee of the C. L O., or cludes Federal participation. Barrow, Alaaka, Aug. 28.— (AP) stores are Chinese-owned. Congress adjourned, despite efforts BYN.Y.SLEUTHS succeeded to the post of general FARMERS’ INCOMES whether the WUUmantic workers . . . or take anything you pleaar. It's ‘'What's of House chieftains to force It to ooimsel. (7o-operative action through pri­ —Reports radio signals had been lupportod by on all night bon vate corporations set up by Q>nnec- will be represented by the Independ­ 1935 Chevrolet Sedan (trunk) ...... $525 the floor. His PnbUo OSIoea heard on the wave length of Sigis- bardment, Japanese landed retO'l A Cleaa Oar. In It- that oonnta. The ingredieata used la Ucut, Massachusetts, Vermont and ent Velvet Workers of WUUmantlc (orcements down tha W hangpoel Another farm measure, passed by During his career in Hartford he mund Levaneffsky’s misalng trans- and only the Mystic workers by the the Senate but overlooked by the LARGEST SINCE’29 New Hampshire is being proposed river, near the Chinees Woosung j ttw making at anything haa a very direct Life Prisoner Charged With served tbe city on the board of C. I. O, affiliate union waa begun House, ia the administratlon'e crop as an alternative for F e d e ^ con- Polar plane spurred rescue fliers to forts. The Japanese coosulsr ottle*' 1935 Plymouth Coach (tru n k )...... $495 bearing oa the quality of the flnlelied prodocL charity commissioners, the muni­ in the civil service room in the insurance bill, designed to protect troL I new efforts todsy in their search for reported 60,000 fresh troops Isadad’ ■sdle aBd Heater. cipal building commission, the com­ poet office buUdIng here today be­ wneat " growers against flood, KiDingFive Had Escaped Thla new and unexpected develop­ the aix lost adventures. in the fac* of Intense Chineoa ar^ - McGill's CUmatlxed Paint has tn it” n-ery drought, and Insect damage. mission of public welfare, the state Federal Experts P rd ict Prin­ ment, following biljoumment of fore Trial Examiner Henry J. Kent tUlery fire. MiUtary observers said' civil service commlasion and the The algnals, beard at Moscow ; of Washington, designated by the 1934 Phmiouth DeLuxe Sedan...... $425 thlng thpt le aeoeeeary to make It a real Northern senatora of both parties congress without 4' New England they expected Japanese to launch Very O eaa. liave exacted a promise from admin­ Jail Seven Months Ago. state council of defense during tbe flood control program, ia disclosed terday, were unintelligible, but So­ National Labor Relations Board to heavy offensive tonight. aU-weather paint. istration leaders to bring up the World War. Ho was a trustee of cipal Crops Win Put Nme by Attorney-Genera) Eklward J. viet officials asked northern Russian conduct the hearing. Chinee* said their troops “drovo ' S t Francis' hospital and St. The only witness up to a lata hour off" a Japanese force moving in*' 1934 Pontiac Sedan ...... $400 lUghly-controverslal antl-Iynchlng EMy...... '...... atatlons to broadcast rescue plans bin early in the next session. New York. Aug. 23— (A P I- Joseph’s Cathedral aad was head of Details of the pim^Yiaire not been today waa Treasurer Frank R. land to strike Chinese Unee from ’ Badlo aad Hester. BiDioiis in Their Pockets. to enopurage the flier# if they are ilie Holy Nam e society for 15 worked out. In fact, Mr. Daly re­ Wheeler of the Rossi Velvet (Jo., the rear, but Japanese held the W eary of dodging police for eight stranded at some Isolated Arctic (Cnnilnosd on Page Pea) years. ports, it is not yet rtoidy for pres­ who waa directly examined by At­ right bank of the Wbangpoo near months, Joseph J. (B ig Joe) Bruno point. , 1933 Plymouth Sedan...... $325 Brosmlth was the author or con­ entation to the other states, al­ torney Blake, counsel for the N a ­ its confluence with the Yangtse. willingly faced return to Pennsylva­ In this far northern outpost, be­ A Good Buy. sulting author of policy contracts Washington, Aug. 8.3 — (A P) — though their representatives know tional Labor Relations Board and Host of the approximately 100. nia today to serve three Ufe -jn- lief began to grow today the miss­ THOS. McCILL, Jr. tancee for the 1934 "Kelayres mas­ of many kinds of Insurance and Government economists predicted about it and unofficially ara encour­ cross examined by Attorney Sidney Japanese warahlpa In Shsnsjisl ing ship will be found “somewhere sacre” of five men. was a member of many national In- today that marketinga of thla aea- aging Mr. Daly to proceed. L. (John of N ew York, counsel (or waters Joined In the protective b a r *' 1932 Dodgre Sedan...... $225 SEARCH FOR KILLER In Alaska.” Pilot Bill Knox of Paci- PAINTER AND DECORATOR surance organisations One Insur­ aon'i principal cropa plus govern­ “W e are now studying the legal rage which preceded landing of r*> The 54-year-old dethroned Repub­ flo Alaaka Airways said Alaska 126-128 Cedar Street Telephone 6887 lican political boss of Kelayres, Pa., ance periodical said o f him a few ment benefits will put t9,000,(MX),000 aspects of the problem,” Mr. D ^ y ((jooUnned on Page (Ux) inforcements. filers firmly believed the plane had Chinese said daring raids by 1932 Plymouth Coupe...... $165 was arrested by New York and years ago: ‘There is not a life In the pockets of farmers, making said before departing for Ogunquil, OF BAY STATE COP landed on Alaskan soil. It disap­ t h ^ new mosquito-like sea-sleds Local Agent for AH Dutch Boy Prodnets. Pennsylvania detectives Sunday underwriter in the country who ta it their most prosperous year since Me., Saturday, where be is on a two peared a week ago Friday oh a 4,- had sunk several Japanese war- near a rooming bouse In the upper not indebted, indirectly, to the 1929. weeks' vacatiem. 1931 Dodge Sedan ...... $95 000-mile flight here from Moacow. abips. Tbe “suicide” boats sip over east side where he had lived since work which be had acoompUahed This figure Is over a blUlon dol­ The lucceaa of the Daly plan Jimmie Mattern, ace American JOBLESS MARCHERS tbe water to launch torpedoeo. last February. He had dyed bis for tbe insurance business as a lars more than 1936 cash farm in­ hinges on sucedMful circumvention filer. Bob Randall, (Canadian, and After the explosion, (Ainsse aad 1931 Studebaker Sedan ...... $95 Mao Sought Also Seriously graying hair black and grown a whole.” come, which was $7,863,000,000 of Article 1 of the 0>nstltuUon P^tot Zedkoff, Russian filer, watched Japanese troops latensifled the a ir,. new mustache. and more than double the 1933 de- which states that "no state shall, Pope Plus XI made him a weather reports. Impatient to take land and artillery battles on tba Bruno, who bad been confined in presdoa low of $4,828,000,000. Tba ARE REINFORCED 1930 Dodge Sedan...... $85 Knight of St. Gregory several yean fringes of the flame-swept dty. Woonded Another Officer, total was $10;479.000.000. a luxurioualy-equlpped Jail in Potta- ago, an honor conferred upon Cath­ (Uoattaoed On Page rwe) I waa Jiut leaving the Wing On A. G. Black, chief of the Bureau (UoDUnned os Pag* Xws) 1930 Ford Coupe...... $75 vllle. Pa., pending hearing of an ap­ olic laymen for distinctive service tk Co. department store when tha EHectric ligh ts Many Choice Girl Held As a Witness. peal, e s c a ^ last December 18 from to church aad community. In 1934 he of Agricultural Ekxmomles said 1937 shell screamed toward tbe settle­ waa more favorable In another re- Groop of 800 from Eastern ment. Suddenly everyone la tha 1929 Oldsmobile Coach..— ...... $60 Connected Building (CoBOnaed O d Page 'n n ) (Oeeoaeed ee Page IWe) ■pect — tbe larger Income la more crowded street seemed to know it Newton, Maa., Aug. 33.— (A P )— • v a l y divided ovwr the natton be- New Drug May Control Stata Arrive m Washing­ was coming. It ex^oded fo *1 1929 Q irysler Sedan...... $90 For Sites A cold-blooded killer, who alew a po- cauae droughts failed to damage of humanity. The front of tbe two ' ^ J M B n a n and aerloualy wounded an- crops of extensive regions at in buildings occupied by the W in g On iS H m t r . today waa the object of a 1984 and 1936. Colds And Influenza ton; Expect 700 M ^ tk Co. were blown away. 1929 Packard Sedan...... $90 Night Inspection Available ^ ■ gH p ie s p re a d manhunt. Nation's Musicians Honor The increased flow of dollars to The entire facade and ons wboia 'V 'M ean w h ile authoritlee held aa a farmers resulted. Black said, - from corner at the Sincere A Oo.'B great ii material wltneaa a pretty 17-year- Improved demand for farm products department store acroas the afaeet Washington, Aug. 23.—( , A P ) — X strong, Dr. Sanford M. Rosenthal, Washington. Aug. 23. — (AP) — oM Cambridge, girl, booked aa Miaa due to general business recover also were blown out. ‘St, Louis Blues ’ Composer Setentista of the National Institute Dr. Jerald G. Wooley, and Dr. Hugo New arrivals sweUed to nearly 3,000 Fraaoex W . F r a ^ and deacrlbed by reduction of auppUes by recent After the explosion, bricks, ttm- TRY MANCHESTER'S at Health reported today dlacovery Bauer, for a new weapon to control today tbe ranks of the Workers Diatrict Attorney Warren L. Biabop droughts, aad "farm programs car­ here and even steel girders hurtled that aoms chemicals have a specific them and pther virus diseases. Alliance Job-marohers camped ia through th* air, adding to tha dee- aa the guam an'i companion. S t Louia, Aug. 88. ( A P ) — Tbe^Loola Bluat,” flrxt scribbled on a ried on by the Federal government.” •ctlon la controlling vlrusea— those The vlnia which causes chorio­ Potomac Park. truetkm. ‘ ’ The unldentlfled alayer raked Pa- nagroae of tha levee were singtwg d g a r box. Federal Faymento FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS! nystcrioua substances which cause meningitis was isolated from two A group of about 800 from New erased With Fanle trohnen Henry Bell, 37, and Law­ The income survey estimated gov­ “L ooU a’ for the Bully,” ragtime'a It was not until twenty years aft- many diseases, including influenza human cases of the disease and iden­ York. Now Jersey and Pennsylvania The crowd went crazy In Its rence Murphy, 81, with platol Are ernment payments to farmers In 20 MONTHS TO There's plenty o f reason for the rythmic ancestor, when young W il­ ar hia first vlait that he returned to aad the comnmn cold. tified aa something new to eclenee. arrived at the camp Sunday, aad after be bad been atopped for a mi­ 1987 would amount to $400,000,000 choice of the Princess when discrim­ Front Entrance Perspectives Of Three Smart write the song. "L had no idea it The discovery, they said, opens a It was then Inoculated into mice in David Lasser, president of the AUl- (OMtIaaed am Page Rtz) nor violation at the automobile lawa. liam CL Handy, negro who later or $430,000,000, compared with would be ao popular,” he declared. new approach to treatment of such large doses and treatment with anee, aaid 700 more were expected inating people get together I The Bell, recently appointed to the po- compoesd the famous " S t Loula $387,000,000 In 1986. Ipeeding up He bad come to fill an engage­ dUsaaes; alnce it la the first in- prontosU was administered to half from the west today. TREASURY BALANCM On Any Car Under $300. liquor served here is carefully select­ Uee toroe and tha father a t two chil- payment checka accounted for the Blues,” atrods down to th* river­ ment with the band he built from ■taac* o t therapeutic activity of a of the animals. Thirteen out of 15 Leaders said tha Job-marehers ed and skillfully served; quality food dm i, died In Newton hospital aever- gala. front here one June night la 1893 hla one-man-aad-a-gultar idea in drug against a virus disease. — of the treated mice survived the dis­ would parade through down-town Washington, Aug. S8-^(AP7 Houses Now Completed ."STONEHAVEN." al bourn after the ehootlng with tw. is served at reasonable prices, the rivar-froat aakxm while ha waa Income from farm marketings The Institute group reported they ease wbUe only three out of 35 Washington Tuesday aa a demon­ The poatUon o f tha Treoaory bullet woundx in bis back. Doctor* kxAlag for a Job. surroundings are attractive, and the heaving sacks on and off the Miaeis- will run a $1,000,000,000 ahead ot have found that prontosU, a drug ‘‘control” antftials lived. stration against cuts in tbe Works August 20: told -Murphy, ahot in tba stomach, With Just a few cents la his Jeans aippi river boats. “1 sang it in the last year, the economist cald, chief­ used with great success in the treat­ This experiment waa repeated Progreas Administration employ­ Receipts, 834,5S1,11L18; exp* MANCHESTER service courteous. Try us for a snack Unusual features make these houses outstanding in their class. If you are searching had a -flfty-flfty chance to recover.'* Handy needed money to eomplete ment rolls. saloon and they liked it” Handy ly because of larger crops thi» ment streptococcus poisoning, many times and other drugs with a hires, $25,347,840.48; balance, $2.'1 or a full course dinner. Special Sun­ I Morphy aaid that before be *ell his mlnlatsrial aducatloa. a t smiled, “and I made e n o u ^ money year. meningitis, and a number o t other similar chemical structure were also Lasser asserted the Alliance 841444319.66; customs recatots for,: day Dinners A t EJeonomy Prices. for a fine htune at a moderate iMice your inroUan is answered here. he returned the Are and that at He got s Job oa the levs* anc scored one victory when W PA Ad­ to stake myaelf for a start” l^ifcat Oaina diasasaa, ia also effective In control- tried but none of them proved effec­ tba months. $2538638834. MOTOR SALES, Inc. leaat one of his atx ahoto found its afters week changed hie ministrator Harry _Hopklna sent a Receipts for tba fiscal' year (s He says tha “St Louis Blues" Wheat, apples aad tobacco wtn U iV 8 rMatively new disease, benign tive in halting the virus infection. mark. A trail of blood waa follow­ about his future. The worksrs* mel­ letter to (JongreasSaturday stating July 1). $751308,788.08; axpandl-t *Tonr Oldsmobile Dealer” Just “sorts" came along one day aa show largsM gains, tb^.katd. whua lymphocytic choriomeningitis, in “While the activity of prontoall ed by inveetigmtoex to ratlfiiad ancholy chants with the melodls no further r^uctions in V ^ A rolls tuns. 81,077,71734731, incladlngl ha retraced hla qteps along tha levae cotton aad cottonseed, vegetablea. labim tM y animals. has been dem onstrate only on sthe track* in the Brighton xeetlon of blue notes caught hla aar, aad ha with a d g a r ben Ud and a puicU in would be made "except for cause” $820,15332637 o f emargSMy ex-J 20 B. CENTER ST. ' \ and an grains except corn should 11m latter disease affects tba cen­ choriomeningitis virus. It U possible MANCHESTER PRINCESS RESTAURANT resolved to tiaaspoae their ainiple his hand. until after next winter. peadlturea; exceoa o f expenattatsskl surpaaa 1986 totals. tral asrvoua system, the brain, and that related compounds will be ef­ Bobert SchaOcr Janes Gonaan T h e JARVIS REALTY COMPANY ,A t the end of tha trail polioa be- beauty into orchestral mnate. ' “I w as Just seeking to set down in To Ooatiniie March $326,41130932; g n s 6 debt. "The healthy |daee to eat and drink” Ineoma from livestock and Uve- many other parts of the bodv. It Is fective against other virus diseases ” xan a xystematto home todioaaa Tonlgbt tha 8L Louis Muaieal As- He aaid tbe Job-march would go 961,188,24831, aa iaereass «C muste tbe tom-tom beet tha qmoo- atoek products wfll. bs about tb* •sldom fatal but its rsMmblanee to tha scieDtlsta said hopefuUy. Mala Street A t Peari Street sean h ' en the thaccy the gunman sodatlae and tba Nattooal Aaaoda- on, however, because th* alliance 881309.79 over tba provlaas dS3r;l .Tel^htme: 3526 - 6262 - 7275 patlon, tha humor of tbe dd songe. sama as last yaar, they predicted. aucb dlseaaes as encspballtis and In- “Further studies are la progress tion of Negro Musicians win heoor otlU hoped to win aa agreement gold aaoets, $12338,08131839^ and tba dialect ao cbaractaristic of faatUa parmlyals created bops la the directed toward obtaining more ac­ Handy with a plaque for hia “I t tba negro race.” eluding $130834938937 oC. On fB g * rassareh man. Dr, Charles Arm - tive compounds.” I .(OBcrtianad am Pag* llx k ittve gmd.


MORE PRM ’OSAlS F O B Leonard property In hla shack on Commlasieosrs in ths 1 lEAYLSTORMPOTS SAY ROOSEVELT nwjsnALREsniTS ABOUT TOWN S I R K E m n O N Sotalday mornlngrwms held on Sat­ urday afternoon with burial in tbe &— C3iarlaa Rogers of the poet office Doctor~Dedares 200,00 HIGH SCHOOL OFFIGE Main street and a raesat ON P R D U R r N0MINA110N Local Stocks N. Y. Stocks BABSON CAttS^HURCH South Yard cemetery. Rev. Valen­ carrier staff began his snntMl vaca­ ROCKVILLE to reduce the tine Hztit to HERE UNCHANGED tine 8. Alison, pastor of the ToUand iTWAVETOROUT WAVERS T W IX T ON'DOUARDAr tion thte morning. half bonr was rsjerted by lacraaaea Number Seeking Ftenlsbed by F. B. ghaw, tea Federated church officiated. To Take Syphilis Test TO BE OPEN DAILY Board. Adam Exp 1794 Mr. Hansel) had worked on the Town Office in Repnblican MS Fanniogtan Ava,, A ir Reduc ...... 69H Taxaa coUeeted test wsak, the first BASIS OF PROSPERITY Leonard farm for many years, and West Bartford wqek o t ths new fiscal year, totaled FARM BUREAU OUTING Primary to Eight; Those Alaska Jun ...... 1194 TRUCE AND WAR Mopped work about a year ago Still flOBCBN BTAMM WHO WUUam B. Martin Picket Line Smaller Because Chicago, Aug. 28.— (A P )— WhatKutea and a testing compound evolved f w t D tyt Downpour Fol­ Allegheny ...... 294 Merchants Pleased at Basi- 81,970AS, CoUector Samuel Nelson, living In hla ahack. He had not Fiiing. Loeal Bepreaeotatlva Allied Cbem ...... 233 Jr., reported today. Is a blood teat for syphilis? Ur. Kahn added. The mixture BkffS Obs) been eeen for several and Mr. Honrs to Be Observed Untfl Santa Barbara, (?aUf., Aug. 88 Bid Aske Am Can ...... 107H PROVES SUCCESSFUL Oo-yo, It’s 100 per cent poinlees, Dr. Is shaken by band or machine for at WiOimantic WOMAN ARRESTED Leonard went to the ahack on Sat­ (AP)—TOm work put a tempem y l lo w ! Hmnder Storms — Tax Collector Samuel Nelson, Jr., Cap. Nat. Bk. A Tr. . U 87 Am Home Prod ...... 43 V4 ness Done in Face o f Heat Nina members of the Beethoven of Rain; Police Force Is Harry Elagle, laboratory expert of seven minutes. power development through seven urday morning and- found the man holt, today to ths bonaynoon w j aad Constables Charles Crockett Htfd. Conn. Trust . . . 72 76 Am Rad St S '...... 3194 Glee Club of the Emanuel Lutheran the U. B. Public Health Service, to­ " I f the mixture appears clear, School Opens for Consnl- aad Ra}rmond Robinson have filed "UtUe T V A 'a ” Annnal Field Day Held at Ver­ dead. Medical Examiner Dr. John day assured the 200,000 Chicago John Howard Payne and Ann >hte* l Htfd. Nat. Bk. A Tr. . 32^ S41 Am Smelt ...... 92 ebu ^ traveled to New York yes­ Also Smaller Todaj. Camp Meeting He Cites when examined before a strong ley, who wrera nsrrled hen yestw j Mercorjin Sbrp TomUe. with the town clerk their proposal Some leaders o f the Insurgent fac­ and Saturday’s Storm. AS DRUNK DRIVER non Center Saturday; Win­ E. Flaherty for the town o f ToUand cltlBena who have volunteered to Phoenix St. Bk. A Tr. 280 .800 Am Tel and T e l ...... 16894 tion assarted that reoonetltetion may terday on the axcursion steamer light, ths Individual Is free from day. papers for renominatlon la the Re- Am Tob B ...... 79;4 Richard Peck from Bridgeport. ners of the Awards. waa eaUed and he atated the man submit to testa in the city’s cam­ syphilis. A cloudy sendlment Indi­ tation With Parents. teenraace Stocks already be lm)i)ossibIe, and said they Its Infloence As Most Im­ had been dead tor several days, Payne, acresn actor, was on pubUcaa primary three weeks from Aetna Casualty.... 96 100 Am Wat Wks ...... 17% Those making tfaM trip were: Evan paign to eradicate the disease. cates the presence of the disease.” to complete WFork in his latest pta*! expected the President to open his The picket line at the Ihdepeiid- death being due to heart disease. ' ^ VtBowlar cloaeijr aeveiml thunder tomorrow. Increasing to eight the Aetna Fire ...... 47 49 Anaconda ...... 58 Despite unusually humid weathar Nyqulst, ‘"Evald Erickson, John Rockville, Aug. 28,— The annual Furthermore, he said. It takea only The program here calls for a Waa- ture, "Love on ToasL” . .-J number ttf candidates for town of­ offensive thte, ailtumn. ent Cloak Company plant thte Tbe body was turned over to the ' men m Batnrdnjr nifht, • henvy Aetna U fa ...... 3914 81> Armour, lU ...... 13% and a shower in the afternoon on Oourley, Joseph DellaFera Ernest portant Fundamental m field day of the Tolland Oiunty Farm a tablespoonful of blood and a few Mrman test of every ’‘positive” sam­ The office at the Manchester Payne and Miss Shliiay, alao o t ] fice who have formally announced They predicted he would "'■Vy a Saturday local merebanU report a morning whan the workers arrived Palmyra, N. Y., Resident to Ladd Ehmeral home In RockvlUe. Automobile ...... 32 84 Atchison ...... 77 KJelteon, David Hutchinson, Albtrt Bureau held at Vernon Center on seconds o f time. ple, aa a double precaution. The High school wlU be open dally, ex­ ths screen, motored h m ft* MctfeMat atana Mattered the nla^ their candldaelea. “vacation'- trip to the west coast, good Dollar Day buatneia Thte from New Britain was small due to Mr. Hansen leavee one brother, The Initial test to be used In the heat wave la this section sad Conn. General ...... 36M 37^ Aviation Corp ...... 694 Roth, Stewart Neff aad Ertend Saturday afternoon and evening waa Wasserman test differs from the cept Saturday' and Sunday, from V Hollywood and were morriad In • ] Previously filed were the propos­ ■toppt&g enroute In Nebraska, W y­ covtra all Unas. Food atores also en­ the rainstorm. Only one bus ot Petef-JIanaen of Hartford. o'clock In the morning until 4 ■Msed the mercury to tumble from Hartford Fire ...... 78H 76^ Baldwin ...... 5% Johnson. I the Body Politic. Face Court; Three Other moat successful. The winners of syphllia drive Is the Kahn process, Kahn In many ways. hotel by a Juatice o f tha p als for renominatlon of Town Clerk Balt and Ohio ...... 2694 oming and Montana, the home states joyed additional buaineas although pickets arrived for strike duty. o'clock tn the afternoon until-school the peak c t M Saturday to 67 this Hartford Steam Boiler 66H 67^ the awards in the 4H Division were SUght AcetdenL developed by Dr. Reuben Kahn of Applied to 150 defendants arraigned Payne gave his aga aa 38. T%a 1 Samuel J. Turkington, Town Treas­ Bendix ...... 1994 of the rebel leaders. There, it was they had no Dollar Day speclate. The strike situstlon was dormant re-opens on Wednesday, September mnrtrtm at 7 o’clock. The heavy National Fire ...... 63H 661 Nine members of the Luther announced as follows: The Coven­ A Slight accident occurred on the University of Michigan. Dr. on disorderly conduct charges in Is 18. urer Oeorge H. Waddell, Registrar Beth Steel ...... 67% suggested, he would speak In de­ Several storea reported that In League of the Emfnuel Lutheran toiUy at Lbs close of the second Arrests Are Made. - Elagle gave this non-technlcal- de­ 8, It wras announced today ^ Prin­ - taittstarm caused cancellation of all Pboenix Fire ...... 83 86 fense of bis prograni and ask ths WUllmantlc, Aug. 33.— Roger try Happy Gardeners, first prise for Union street Saturday afternoon Women's Court as an experimenL of Voters Robert N. Velteb and Con­ Borden ...... 2394 view o f weather conditions they church attended an outing on Pic­ week of the garment labor troubtea, scription o f tt: cipal Eklson M. Bailey. All new week-end outdoor actlvitlas and Roesla Insuraiice . . . . lOVi 12; pending oontlderatlco of what At- Babaon will never forget the thun­ their display o f garden products; when an automobile driven by Mias the Kahn tests turned up 50 cases stable Sedrlck J. Straughan, aad Can Pae ...... ll% defeat o f his opponents at tha polls were agreeably surprised a ttb e vol­ nic Island, off Stoney Creak, Sat­ ”A constricting band Is wrrapped students, transfer atudenta and nports and gave local people the Travelers ...'...... 480 495 tornay Walfrid Q.. Lundborg, coun­ dering welcome he received at the second prize, Vernon Center Garden- Phyllis Read of this d ty ran into of syphilis In a wreck. Since then Otto Herrmann for corutable. Case (J, L ) .175 Many administration stalwarts ume of business they did. Other urday. Ths affair waa sponsored by Charged with drunken driving around the upper arm, making the those wishing to change their m et day IndMra of tbs suauner. Poblto CtlUty Stocks sel for the Independent (Tloak Oom«- Laymen’s Day gathering Saturday era; third prise, Vernon Weedlees the rear o f an auto being driven by many other defendants In such caaea WOMEN WHO HOLD - Conn. LL and Pow. .. 57 61 O rro De Pas ...... 73 showed little enthusiasm for such an ■tores reported that they were well tbe New Haven League for those Marguerite D. StewarL 84, of 311 vein stand out beneath the akin. The courses are asked to visit the office Parched areas - were well soaked Internecine itniggle, which might pany termed might be colled afternoon on WtlUmantie Ckmp club.' James Jamieson of S3 High street, have been ordered to submit to ex­ Conn. Pow...... 46H 47; Caies and Ohio ...... 46% pleased irith the amount of buslneos \'bo have attended the New Eng­ Hanaen streeC Palmyra, N. Y., was point of a hypodermic needle la In­ aminations. and make such arrangements as are by the hsavy''faln and lardens, golf well cripple their party for yean to "counter proposals.” Ground; nor will the large audience In the handicraft divialon. the Springfield. Ckptaln Peter J. Dow- Htfd. Elec. Lt...... 67 H 09; Chrysler ...... 11294 they did and the fact that Dollar land Conference Luther League arrested yesterday at 1 a m. by troduced into the vein and about a necessary. Parents who with to THEIR MEN coaiees and the tobacco crops In STATE TO TAKE L E B coma Previously, State Senator Joseph gathered to hear him fall to re- Vernon Chraftera who had a display gewlcs Investigated. Mr. Jamieson Test residts will be mailed to doc­ Hartford Gas ...... 29 83 Coca Cote ...... 151% Day was held at toe right time in Bible School and Recreation Camp Policemen Joseph A. Prentice and tablespoonful of blood Is withdrawn. discuss courses of their children are tUa area and throughout the Oon- Trace DlSIoalt. P. Coonty, counsel for the Union, fnemter the abaip_ llaahea of Jlgbt- ahowlngJiQw chairs were caned, won ■tsted that he h ^ pulled to the side tors ao they may advise their pa­ Bsetlcut valley In general were So. New Eng. Tel Co. 164 169 Col OSs and E l ...... 13% the season so that It could be ..eed at lake Wlnnepeaaukea N. H. Tbe -Raymond'Griffin.- Dr.-JJ.-C-.— Y. The closes immediately and th r aIso_invlted to confer with Mr. NEVER LCT THEM KNOW ' They conceded, however, -that a stated that the lLC W trw ou ld naive BlBg, ISe pouring rain blowing Into first prise. The Happy Go Lucky of the road to aak tbe direction to tients;— The tests her* w n risrfrw , Bailey. greatly helped by the long continued WITH NEW FtOOb P U N Comi Inv T r ...... 63 as a clearafiCS'Sale o f the balance of local Leaguers pim nt w m Dfiest Moore, police surgeon, who exam­ test la complete aa far as the testce Manafactnrlng Stocks truce with the ‘‘rebel” factions was tbe controversy to r settlement In either side at tbe auditorium In tbe Craft Club of Tolland was awarded Vernon Center. with 5,000 physicians having agreed o mstur how wash roar prsdpatlcii. Ooml Solv ...... 1394 summer stocks— the real raoton up­ Berggrsn, Ounnar Johnson, Richard ined her in the police statloo, re­ la concerned. Any doctor can take to assisL N bsek sciMS and jrew awras Acme W ir e ...... 48H 60; Incoming Increasingly difficult. the bands of an impartial bo^ at grove, and tbe flowing brooks Uiat second prise and the third prize waa On Trip to Ouiadg Pheoes Put Out Am. Hardware...... 83 36 Coos Edison ...... 36% on which the Idea was originally Hultman, Edward An^rson, John ported she waa under the influence Mr. and Mra. Emil SL Loula of thla blood sample in a few seconds.” Of a million ballots mailed to ■ema. roar hnabeed. bessew he (Osattaoed from Pngs One) Any lasting armisUca, they said, Johnson. Arthur Anderson Mias sevsral previous conferences a tbe ran down the aisles before tbe awarded to the Tolland Ha Po Ga Ga Wldspread damage was done by Arrow H and H. com. 60^ 62V ■Cons Oil ...... 15% based—a Summer Dollar Day In Au­ of liquor and. unfit to safely operate Mountain street, Ernest SL Louis Etech sample then will go to either CMcago residents, asking If they l« ootf e mae, caa aevw n a i » CoDt Can ...... 60% would Involve abandonment of such Pearl Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. varioui groups trying to effect a speech was concluded. It was un­ an automobile. 4H club. PARKING COMMITTEE stead whr jow arsaeherd «■>«• the storm over the week-end to the Billings and Spencer. 6H 6; gust to clear summer stocks and one and Mrs. Jack Oik left on Saturday the city or state laboratory. "There would agree to free, secret testa for without the consent of Oongreas... Com Prod ...... 65 New Deal alma as court reorganiza­ Erik Modean. settlement . Senator Cooney also fortunate that the meeting was not Richard Gutamer, 43, o f 43 Mather Tbe Tolland (Jounty 4H Dairy with OM week la erwr aoath. frdUties of the Southern New Eng- Bristol Brass ...... 68;i 60; In February to clear winter stoeke. for an automobile trip to Canada. It goes into a centrifuging machine enter Into any agreement or com­ Del Lack and W e s t...... is tion, wage and hour regulation, and ■aid that tbs tmion would consider held in the tabernacle, but aa tbe street waa arrested by Policeman club waa awarded first prise with Its syphilis, approximately 75,000 had Too ofMp tbs honor iseoa a*, land Telspbone Company, In this ColUns Co...... 136 135 Dollar Days have been more of a They will go to Derby and Levi, and whirled at high speed to sepa­ OF CHAMBER PICKED (n si it vnefesd hr ths a ^ n v pact with another sUte, or srlth I>u Pont ...... 161 new aocial reforms and would al­ Mtea Helen Moriarty ot North any counter propoeala of tha com­ rain began to descend 'ere the serv­ Prentice yesterday and charged display of cattle and the Ellington been tabulated today and Dr. Louis and adjotnlng towns and throughout Colt's Pat. Firearms . 71 73 success in Usnebeeter than In some across from Quebec and then to rate the serum or liquid from the Schmidy, head of the campaign com­ toasue of s three-qusrtw wtioH e foreign power." Elec and Uus ...... 594 most certainly provoka a new revolt Main atreet was surpria^ last night pany. • ice was half done, it waa too late to with reckless driving. The police­ 4H DMry club won second prise. wise weaiaa B01W lets hw buShaed the state. The thunder storm of Eagle Lock ...... 28 80 cities because local merchants bavj Today a much smaller force of make a change. Price, their former home town. cells or solid matter," Dr. Elagle mittee, said 95 per cent bad voted Saturday night caused much cable Beoomee New Weapon Else Auto Uts ...... 39 —this time from the militant pro­ when SO of her friends gathered st man reported that Gutzmer, In en­ The 4H ' Poultry club exhibit haow to ootward ess IbM ^ Is Fafnlr Bearings...... 128 138 given good valuea In other words State Police under Sergeant Both speaker and audience were WhUe in Canada they wiU visit with said. "The liquid rises to the top “ Yes." Since whole families voted President Fred T. BHsh. Jr., a TicUffl et pstledle pataL trouble and the heavy rain yester­ I f this legal barrier is hurdled, Gen Elec ...... 55% ponents of thte program. her home to help" her observe her tering Porter street from Pitkin brought out a large number of birds, Gray Tel Pay SUtlon 7% 88 regular stock marked down for Michael Smith and Captain Herman Mr. and M ra Joseph SL Louis, for­ of the test tube. The serum Is on a single balloL he estimated tbe Selects Earl G. Seaman to r or Uass ssoiratloae eaewdsasa day seeped Into cracks which had Ur. Daly believes, and co-operative Gen Foode ...... 37% John L. Lewis and other labor birthday. Mtea Moriarty, who te lual to the occasion, remaining un- street Saturday at 7:45 p. m., drove with first prise going to the Vernon Hart and Cooley . . . . 336 246 clearance and not Inferior jnerchan- Schandel wars posted at tha p lan t. merly of .RockvUle who left here, in heated in a water bath for SO mln- Sjcccptanccs sL 200,000 persona bet told taotbar bow tese ‘^■dh- •Sew opsneil iir-the cable sheathing state action, la found feasible, it may a m Motors ...... 6694 leadera who backed the President' registered nurse, had Just returned -T,L tha- storm-waa practically- over. his car over the white atones around Jtmior Poultry men-and- the second Act as the Chairman------IBItePStob" with 1901a B m fiH ' Hendey U fg. Co. . . . . 12H 14; dise bought spedaUy for sale pur­ for strike duty. 1909. during the protracted hot weather become the new weapon of state's QUletU ...... 14% vigorously in 1938, already have from a tour of duty and had plan­ Baboon, himself, though more or the small park there, crossed over to tbe Mansfield Eh^eriayers. This born's Vassiebis Oeanond. IS Landers, Frary A Clk. 88 40 poses It Is expected that the counter ' Wedding Date Selected. and also damaged the wires leading rights advocates who are trying to Hsekar Prod ...... 11% complained that the administration ned no special observance of her lose dampened by the gusty show- the sidewalk and lawn, blowing out club showed a number of pictures F. T. Bltsh, Jr., president of the hrips Nsturt tons up ns aislan. Uann A Bow, Class A — 10 proposals of ths company will be Miss Dorothy Farr, daughter of tliusIfeilnatbsdIseeiaSewneai Into subscribers' premises. fight off Federal encroachment. Heribey ...... 59% has given them only wavering and natal day, but unknown to her, era, stuck through like s g o ^ sporL two Urea. Immediately after the giving the history of caponixing. cycle. Royal claimed he wras mak­ and WUbrod Messier, who are head­ (Thamber of Commerce, today an­ New BrlL Ucb., com. 41 43 given at a meeting of union officials Hr. and Mrs. wrilllam J. Farr o f tbs tUacUonel diaosdan whM la Manchester IS telephoiM lines ‘I t may still be srlthln the legal Int Hsrv ...... 113% half-hearted support in their organ­ until the elements finally forced a accident Gutzmer was taken to Seooad Oaucos Held. ing a left hand turn Into the drive­ in g - the committee arranging for nounced the personnel of a Mer­ - - wooMB Bust sadnrs bi Iks toNb do., pfd...... 68 105 friends had derided upon a different and company officers before the Thompson street and Raymond were out of order and 40 stations posslbllltlea for the four states to Int Nick ...... 63% isation drives. pause near the end of hte speech. Coventry lake by another motorlsL A second caucus o f members of way o f the Walter Gerber home the carnival, to open August SO, chants Division committee to study erdask of dlh: L Toralaa Awn North and J u d d ...... 39 41 plan. Tbey came laden with food State Board of Mediation In Hart­ Lehrmltt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto ware affected. In Rockville 37 lines form a oorporatloo la each state and Int Tel and Tel ...... 10% Labor Party. Debts Growing Frank Comerford, 32. of Worces­ the Democratic party to discuss the when the motorcycle crashed Into have called a meeting of the entire the parking problem on Main atreeL Orlhood la weeBsahood. a toe- Peck, Stow A Wilcox 13H 16V for the collation that waa served dur­ ford this week. Lehrmltt of Ward street wlU be patlas tor siotlurliead. a Ato and 64 stations were silenced tem­ to have the corporation own aad op­ Johns UanvUU ...... 135 The Committee for Industrial Or­ OPEN FORUM Nathan D. Prince, president of the ter waa arrested on Eteat Middle ‘primarjr” caucus was bold on Sat­ the. Both Llmberger and Tuttle committee membership having the The committee la headed by Eteri Russell U fg. Co...... 36 43 ing the evening and Mias Moriarty turnpike Saturday at 5:10 p.,m. by united In marriage on Saturday, carnival In charge. A lunch, wlilch proachlns "rniddls sat,” porarily. erate flood control reservoirs -with­ Kenneeott ...... e n i ganisation has founded emooth- Windham National Bank, occupied urday evening with (Jeorge Dunn. were throwm from Hie motorcycle O. Seaman as chairman and the ScovlU U fg. Co...... 48H 45V waa given several useful gifts. Policeman Griffin and charged with September 4th. The wedding will will consist of peach shortcake and other membera are Samuel Kemp Don't bo a thrse^raartor wM% Testerday the company restored out Federal participation,” Ur. Daly Stanley Works ...... 60 62 I^ew ’s 83% working political machines of tu L U O. W. U. W E A LT H Y the chair. President Prince Intro­ Democratic registrar of voters call­ and landed under the running board teks LYDIA B. nNKRAhra says. ON NAVY FURLOUGH, duced tbe speaker as economteL Intoxication. Sentenced to Jail from take place at St. John’s Episcopal other light refreshments will be and Arthur H. Tiling. ■srv ice to 2,000 telephones but at Torrlngton ...... 86^ 38V Lorllterd ...... 21% own In half a dozen olUea Editor of The Herald: Charlotte Burke, daughter ing the caucus to tftder. of the auto, Tuttle being Injured as VEOKTABLX COMPOUND m t >:80 this morning 4,600 telephones atsUatlctea and Ck>ngregatlonallsL here June 14 on a charge ol church at two o’clock on that date, served. 'The cdmmlttee haa b«en Ibvttcd Oo "Smlllaa Tfaronaa” Ih s attorney-general’s views are Union U fg. Co...... 9 i i Mont Ward ...... 61% By 1940, Ita leadera, feel, the C. L Again the fair Mrs. (3iapde1alne of Mrs. Rose Burke at North street, A resolution proposing the re­ h* struck the running boai^. He erere still out of ordw In the state, shared by his two colleagues, Gen. Nash Keiv ...... i8% Hr. Babson began hte theme, ‘‘Fun­ vagrancy, Comerford waa pulling with Rev. H. B. Olmatead, rector of suffered lacerations of the face, Returns on the tickets Uiat were to confer with tbe Board of Police U 8 Bnvelopa com .. 76 86 G. may be able to launch a strong entertains with an acMunt of her waa given a miaceUaneoua shower scinding of the primary caucui rulea the most serious situation the com­ Sanford H. Wadbams and James A. N at Btec ...... 26 SAW CHINA SERVICE damentals of Proq^rity” by stating up mall boxes wfien ha was arrest­ the church officiating. scalp and hands and a nervous given to tbe different roembe'rs of do., pfd...... 133 183 third. party. If the Democrats family affairs. Again I remark at Pulaakl hall on North street Sat­ waa first adopted unanimously on pany has faced this year. Newlaads who represented this Nat Cash Reg ...... 34 that although we seem to have ed, tbe policeman reported. Announce EngogemenL shock. X-rays were taken to de­ the council are expected to be made Veeder Root ...... l48 166 abandon ttaelr "liberal” program, that her family affairs are not the urday night by friends from Hart­ a yes and no vote, and there were no All day yesterday 400 cable men, state on the Interstate compact com­ Nat Dairy ...... 20% r.tarted on Uie upward road to proa- A charge of intoxIcaUon was plac­ Mrs. Bernice Llszewska of 5 termine fractures. Constables John tonight to Theodore C. Zimmer, Whitlock Coll Pipe .. — 14 the new party would expect support issue of the strike at the Inde­ ford, Manchester and RookvUla Robert Brennan Has Medal ed against WUItem Favelle, 51, of remarks on the matter. It waa chairman of the ticket committee. tepalr men and Installers worked mittee of which Ur. Daly was chair- Nat Dlsuil ...... 30% perity, there te a strong Indication stated that It was voted to rescind River streeL Rockville, announces A. Gtrandlni and Lawrence Llsk of in the heavy rain restoring serviea New Verk Bank and Ina Stocks from many who have been militant- pendent Cloak Co. But it is an or­ There waa wsU over 100 in attend- Given for Action Daring 83 Bucktend street ^y Policeman N Y Central ...... ,.38% of a somewhat reckless abandon­ this rule at Saturday's caucus by a the engagement of her daughter Ellington Investigated the accident. •aad thsy remained on the Job until Bank of New York 453 ly pro-Roosevelt dinary story—a pathetic story— anca She was given many glfte. Kerman Muake who arretted him The three other Connecticut offi­ N Y NH and H ...... 4Vi the story of countless unorganized Last Sino-Jap Trouble. ment to Increswe of debts and mort­ vote of 06 to 7. A t the same time Loretta Liszewska to Anthony Deni, Elected Offlcera NO HELP WANTED nearly • noldnlght when conditions Bankers Tniat .... . 63 Fooremoet among them would be Mlsa Burke is to be married on Sat­ Saturday at 6:30 p. m. on North ciate, aad tha tignars from the other North A m ...... 24% workers. It la precisely because gages. In seeking for true funda­ It waa voted to reduce the towm alao of Rockville. Assistant C2ilef William Oonrady made It impossible to continue. Chase ...... 49 Packard ...... 8% Senator La FoUette (Prog.-Wte.) urday of thte week at SL Bridtet's Main street. ^ Bartlesville, Okla— When H. L. PROGRESSIVE three stataa agree with them, now Chemical ...... such precarious conditions exist Robert Brennan; who has been mentals of prosperity, be affirmed committee from 30 membera to 15. Pomona Grange Heetiiig. o f the Rockville fire department waa They were out again this morning . 60 Pxram Plct ...... 22% and the Farm-Laboritea of the north­ church to Alfred Heina Of East Tbe woman charged wlth'drunk- Bridges, Oklahoma (Ttty salesman, feel that tha Fsdaral government Continental ...... w est that far seeing, unselfish and brave boms on a three weeks furlough the church was a most Important Aa the result of the caucus on Sat­ Elast Central Pomona Grange will elected a vie* president of the newly at • o’clock. Company officials are - 16 Penn ...... 33% Hartford. Refreahmente were serv­ en driving was released tmder 8200 turned down an offer by state high­ AND MODERN does not want sectional problems Com Exchange .... 63 people make such a atruggls for from the U. S. Navy returns Wed­ one, aa It really hra been the foun­ urday. the statue of the rules of the meet with Wapplng Grange on Wed­ organized Windham and Tolland appbaUng to subscribers to notify Phelpe Dodge ...... 49% ed during the early part of tha bond for court Wednesday nIgbL way patrolmen to help him fix a solved through the iateratate com­ Guaranty Truet . , , . 814 labor organization. They know nesday to Antacostian. ths United dation of our schools, coUegea, hos­ The other three will be presented party were In doubt. On Friday at nesday evening, September IsL A County Firemen's Association at the lo w telephone offices concerning Phil Pete ...... 57% evening and this waa followed by tire, he tossed away 8200. talephoees which are out of order pact msthod... First National...... 3203 that only by Jieing organized can States naval broadcasting and air­ pitals and other helpful organlu- tonight. a primary caucus, called by the motion picture, "The Beneficent meeting held on Sunday. Fire (Thief H m ennsdaat in Most Aot By Selvas Pub Serv N J ...... 41 dancing until midnight plane testing grounds near Wash­ tiotu of our body politic. Aa the patrol car lefL two men aad repairman will be sent to check Irving ...... 14% 1«H DEMOCRATS TO MEET they gain the united power to In­ town committee It waa voted by 156 Reprobate” wUI be shown and a re­ George B. Milne of Rock\11Ie was nwnt la luorttsary equlip ”I t now looks as if the atstss Radio ...... 10% I sure themselves against industrial ington. D. C. He averred that large families in another automobile robbed him ea the trouble at the earliest possi­ Manhattan...... 81 33 Rem Rand ...... 26 to 104 to continue the “ primary" port on the annual field day will be elected a member of the finance of 8300, he told officers. niaat and iinthnrti ble moment. must act by thamsalvas if we are to Uanufact. Trust...... 61 63 exploitation and their g r^ te s t mod­ WtUtem Ingraham o f 46 Stark­ Bob has oompletod 10 years tn were at the back of former pros­ caucus plan. presented. ' / board. get Hood relief,” Gen. Wadhams Repub Steel ...... 36% SOME DAY THIS WEEK ern enemy— war. weather atreet and Henry Tureck perity, for nothing can equal the Wimara P. Qnisli a I Beat b Welcome National City Bank.. 45 47 Key Tob B ...... 51% ths naval service and during d a t MILK DEALERS HERE Following tbe caucus on Saturday, The following committee from Portable heaters and wood and ■aid. New York Trust___ 130 135 Over 450 Independent Cloak Co. of 35 Flower street su'e vacationing time baa bad much foreign aervlOa brain o f a child. Proper training of chairman o t tbe Democratic Towm Wapplng will be tn charge of the re­ la keeping hla asislea Safeway Storei ...... 34% at Pappaneaset Beach, on ths south coal rangae were fired up early this Although awaiting a bonfersnes 42% «% workers signed up with the union Including service in China In 1931 children in brains and morals must Committee Leo Flaherty repeated freshments, Mrs. William Foster, IMPORTANT MEETING strletly np-to-data. Tha of New England governors. Gov. Scheneley Dls ...... 42% Chairman of Town Committee sbors of Cape Cod. moialng In local homes as the cool­ TlUe Guarantee . 13 14 Sears Roebuck ...... 95 before the strike and their names when he waa one of the members Of follow. Independence Is aUo impor- atatementa made earlier in the week Mlsa Frieda Mullnite, Mrs. Annls V. lataat aad beat assthoda Choas has authorised Ur. Daly, Gen. Returns from Vacation; To are a matter of record. tenL for it has made the great mid­ UNDERSELL, CHARGE ing wind from the southeast made Ineuranoe Shell U n ion ...... ; ...... 25% the navy that tended In Shanghai that the second caucus was not Collins, CTharles J. Dewey and David are adopted by BIr. Qateh rooms uncompoftably cool, la con­ Wadbams and Ur. Newtends to pro­ American (Newark) IS IS Select Candidates for Office. The I. L.. G. W. U. Is wealthy A drill of the members of Hose to protect Americans who ware dle claaees. It has been said that called by tbe town chairman, and Tripp. OF K. OF C. TONIGHT Socony Vac ...... 21% and powerful. It has over a mil­ Company No. 1 of the Manchester aa aooa aa they ara Intra- trast to Friday’s extreme humidity ceed with their study. American Reserve . 36% 28% South Pac ...... 44% then in that place against raids by debts are more dangeroua thso that only the town chairman had the To Appear In Ellington. Ur. Daly ralsaa tha question of American Surety .., lion members who believe In it and fire department has been called for germs. Faith be named as a final aad stagnant air without the slight­ 81% 53% South Rwy ...... 29% Thomas J. Dannsber, chairman of tbe Japanese. For the part that be right to call the caucus. The ex­ John A. Llmberger of tbe Somers est stir of air. Blankets were tak- whether consent of Coagrees to an Baltimore American pay dues In It. They will not let tola evening by Foreman Frank fundamental, for It builds up the Council to Have Session and 7% 8% St Brands ...... n % the Democratic town committee, re­ and other membera of the navy to­ Deputy Administrator Re­ ception to this rule waa that 10 per Road, Elllnigton, o;>erator of the mo­ ea from the closets last night and interstats compact may not be "In­ Ehccesi ...... this strike be lost. As for unfair Brennan. world. He urged that we get back 5% 6% St Gas and El ...... g % turned this morning from a briei gether with the marinea took In cent or more of tbe registered party torcycle tnvolv^ in an accident late This Is to Be Followed by put to good use. ferred by clrcumstancee” since the Fid. and Deposit .. 120 methods— one must look to the to those daya of simple faith In God. 125 St on Cal ...... 44 vacation trip and tonight will call a that landing he was awarded a members could call a caucus provid­ Friday night, and Leslie Royal of 46 Meeting of Carnival Com­ The change In temperature was Constitution docs not provide for Great American . , . 25 27 strike-breakers. They have the Mlsa Deborah Wilson te spending After the elements bad passed their St Oil N J ...... 67 meeting of the Democratic town medal given by the United States veals Evidence Is Obtained ed they first secured permission from Hammond atreet. Rockville, have noticed at the office of t ^ Railway the form of consent. He asks wbeUi HaUfax ...... 25 27 protection of state and local police this week at Mj^rtle Beach, Milford. climax of confusion, he concluded mittee. T " E f u n e r a l H O M E lO f Tex Corp ...... 60% govsmment to enlisted men o f tbe tbe state Democratic chairman. Mr. both been charged with reckless Express Aguaer as Agent Nlcker- er the Flood Control Act of 1936 Hanover ...... S34%4 ^ 36% committee when a list of officers to —they are allowed to hear only one Marcus 8. Moriarty, manager ot bte speech by telling of hte chat in Timken Roller Bear ...... 64 be placed on the Democratic pri­ the First National Store at 163 service. Flaherty stated that he had called driving, and released tmder $1,000 Much business ia to be transacted acn fbuad the office so cold upon 4n- may not after all, be construed Home Ina...... 34 36 Trans America ...... J6 tide of the story since the loud South America with the president of Against Local Men. the State Chairman, J. Francis bonds, to appear to the Ellington W ILLIAM P, ' mary Hat will be selected by the speaker waa taken from the strik- North Main street. Is 00 a wsek's In returning to service agkln on at the meeting of (Tampbell Ctouncll, teriag that the office stove was ’’advance” or "Implied” consent He Home Fire Security , 8% 4% Union Cterblds ...... 101 the Argentine Republic, who told Smith of Waterbury and the later court next Saturday morning. lighted to provide sufficient committee. Just when the commit­ era They are pampered with pic­ automobile tour which will be spent Wednesday be docs not know where K. of C.. to be held at their clubhouse. also wants to know whether consent Mass Bonding...... 61% 83% Union Psc ...... 120 him the reason Noith America was stated that no such permission was Eklw-ard Tuttle. 24, of Somers warmth. National Ubaity .... tee nill meet baa not as yet been nics, free rides and gifts. They do In touring Northern New England he will be assigned, although be ex- Main and Delmont streets, tonight. must follow a compact. 8% 10% Unit Aircraft ...... 28% way ahead of South America In In announcing over tbe week-end requested or granted. Road, Ellington ia In a serious con­ North River ...... 26% 28% decided, but It will be some day thli not remain away from the win­ I psete to be left at the station near that three warrants have been Is­ It la the regular monthly meeting .Tht Morning Afterlaking To Study Oplnloos Unit Corp ...... 6% week. Robert Crockett, formerly a well prosperity was because tbe Span­ Funeral Saturday. dition at the Rockville d t y Hospital of the council and this Is to be Supreme Court opinions. Federal Prof. Wash...... S3 35 Unit Gas Imp ...... 13% dows— nor even remain Indoors at - Washington, from which place he iards came to South America seek­ sued charging three Hartford milk Among those \^bo will be candi­ known athlete In Manchester, now The funeral of Harry Haria-n. 65. as a result of the accident. He was followed by a meeting of the car­ C arters Little Liver Pills and State, are to be examined. A Pref. Accident ...... 19 21 U -8 Rubber ...... 57% noon—contrary to Mrs. Chap- was granted bte furlough. ing gpld. while the pllgrima cams to dealers with selling milk under the NORD ATTORNEY dates for selectmen on the Demo­ making his home in Maine, te ex­ of Tolland, who was found on the riding on tbe rear seat of the motor- nival committee. Thomas Hassett railroad decuion, in point Is unde: Seaboard Surety . . . . . 29 31 U S Smelt ...... 89 delaina's statement. North America seeking God. 14-cent fixed price established by Security Ins...... 33 35 cratic primary Uat will be Theodore Soma of them are going to the pected to arrive In Manchester this the state Milk Control Board, stood to have beien found, purport­ U 8 Steel ...... 115% week for a vacation. Chwiog Sabbath ing to show that private corpora- Springfield Fire A Ua 118 122 West Union ...... 47 C. Zimmer. Mr. Zimmer waa a can­ landlords of Manchester workers MAYOR S PE LU a GREETS A t 9 a m.. Rev. John Pearce led Deputy Administrator Arthur J. DIES IN HARTFORD Sun L i f e ...... Uons set up In more than one sta;j 680 740 West El and U f g ...... 152 didate on the Democratic ticket ''s t and offering to pay 50 per cent the annual Lovefeost in tha tsber- Hayea revealed that he also baa more rent In order to get the Although machinery has been in­ may taka Joint action without Fed­ U. 8. F. and G...... 28 25 Woolworth ...... 47% year, but like other candidates on nocte. Many testimonies were given evidence against dealers in Man Westchester ...... stalled by the Aetna Oil Burner tCoattnoed from Page One) eral consent. 33% 35% Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 17% the ticket for selectmen In the ' iwn homes away from Manchsster peo­ HIBERNIAN DELEGATES by both men and women to tbe sav cheater. He did not state whether ple. Evan so the strikera have no C jmpany tn the Apel Opera house The Federal government contends election tailed of electloa Ing and keeping power of ChrisL or not be would bring them Into wish to barm them. But they want building operations have not aa yet Stas gtven an audience by the Pope that by paying for Inc eight propoa- Encouraged by the success of the Owing to the overcast aky, and oourL in the Vatican. ^ party In the November election teat the opportunity to appeal to the started. It was sxpected that oper­ Welcomed to Hartford Aa .Con­ Warrants were issued for tha ar­ ed reservoirs In the flood compact It ations would get underway by occasional oprlnkles tbe services Surviving are two sons, three, HOSPITAL NOTES y/AH S T . year the local Democrats feel that Intelligence and honor of strike­ vention Enters Second Day; rest of Kent B. Stoddard, propri­ What some of America's would be financing about 70 per cent BRIEFS were held In the tabernacts through­ there is a good chance of electing breakers; they want to point out August IS, but because of the exten. etor of the Springbrook Farms daughters aad a sister. of the total cost for fiood control sive repair work that waa necessary Bail to Be Held Tonight- out the day and evening. The morn­ The funeral will be held Wednes­ members to the board iiiu ... 1 to them bow it la that textile work­ Dairy, Newington; Jack Kagan of without power development and, Admitted Saturday: Clifford ers throughout the Industry art on In the building the actual opera- ing audience nearly filled the build­ Kagan’s Dairy, Hartford; and day morning from the West Hart­ therefore. It ought to acquire title New York, Aug. 23 — Domestic will give careful consideration to all tlona were held up. New windows Hartford, Aug. 33— (A P )—Mem­ ing. Prayer waa offered by Rev. W. ford boms of his son, Allan Bro- Loomis, 248 School street of the candidates that thay will lower wage acaJt—chiefly be­ bers of the Ancient Order of Htber- Julius Jensen of the Neeta Farms to the dams and control of the pow­ July sales of new passenger ears In cause their work la very different were placed In the building and El. Newton, of Moodus. The preacher smlth. A solemn requiem mass Discharged Saturday: MUa Flor­ place in nomination for the primary. nisna attendad a benediction of the Dairy. Michael J. McNamara er developments. If any. the 31 states reporting registra­ In type and their workers are not soon after many ot the new win­ WM Rev. H. M. LeOourd, D.D., dean [uatic stats say about Camels will be celebrated In St. Joseph's ence Gugan, 11 Strickland street tions to date dropped 1.83 per cent Blessed Sacraments this morning president of the National Dairy af­ Ur. Newlands polnta out that If extensively organized. But. gar­ dows were Installed they were of the Graduate School of Boston filiated with R. G. Miller and &ma, Cathedral. Burial vrill be In St. Miss Anna Fuller, 66 Charter Oak under the same month teat year, R. broken. A notice on the building at SL Joaeph'a cathedral. Celebrant the atataa ware to buy power rights street Ura. Amelia Paulis, 845 Mid­ ment workers are almost 1()0 per University. is scheduled to come bofbre the Benedict cemetery. now held by riparian owners, the L. Polk 14 Co. announced today. EXTENDING SEARCH now offers a reward for informatloii waa the Most Reverent Maurice F. No ona can stand on a eamp- dle Turnpike Etest Leo Dowd, 14 eent organized-and their mini­ HcAuliffa, blihop of tbe Hartford court tomorrow on a ^tttge of un­ states would be psymg trom 63 to Estimates place total July sales at mum wage for operators la 838 par that will lead to the conviction ot meetlng platform without a sense of Newman street, Clarence LaChap- 365,00 units against 360,236 in June. dlocesa derselling, continued from last 63 per cant afid tha government week for 36 hours. Their mini­ those responsible for the trouble. apostolic succession, said the speak­ week. One d ea ler.d ^ found guilty SPBINQBOABO ACE. lovely Jane Fauotz Msoske, o f Chicago, pelle, Jr., 72 Oakland atreet Salva­ FOR SOVIET FUERS The building, vaesmt for many Following tbe services, which FARMERS’ INCOMES only about 38 per cent. tore Reale, 85 Purnell Place. mum wage for preaaers te 844. er. Russia destroys churches, be­ and fined 85 aad costa last week. •aya: "It’s Camels for mel Good digestion is o f prime importance Connecticut officiate feel Uut the July movement of commodities yeara, was built In 1888 by the late opened the second day of the A. O. Admitted S im d ^: Mrs. Uaetta The strike te not a question of H. 38th biennial state convention, a cause it believes religion is the ene The Milk BpSrd haa brought four to me. Tense competitioa and all the changes o f diet wrfacn Federal government ahould not take by truck declined 6.43 per cent In who te right but a question of hu­ B. C. Apel. Post, Westport <5onn., Ulas AUce volume from the June tonnage, but (Cootlniied frero Page Oim ) Joint sesaton o f the A.OH. and the my o t man. Religion in Germany te esaes to court since July 19. all LARGEST SINCE 1 9 the position of ‘‘either proving that mane rights,—a question o f uniting opposed as being against tbe state. resulUng-'in fines. traveling ate liable to upset digestion. But I smoke Camels st 0'(Donnor, 689 Main street James was 3.89 per cent shove July last WUliam Dalton, Jr., of the ad­ Lodlea Auxiliary waa held tn tha nwsirimes sod sftcr and my digestioa runs tmoothly.” It desires to aid on fiood control by Touhey, Vernon. year, the American Trucking Asao- to the air again. Fog grounded them labor, for Ita own benefit—a ques­ adjoining St. Jetsph's community So they are havUig a re'volutlon. In (Osnttnued from Page One) the Interstate compact plan or by a yesterday. tion of whether men and women vertising department of Tbe Herald, Amarlca the church la not being The beat o f meala taatet better and digetci easier when you have Discharged Sunday: PriscUte and clatlon reported. July total waa with M ra Dalton, are absent from hall. frank admission through its repre­ Other Planes On Way will unite to help mankind or legteteted against. an aboodant flow o f digesrive fluids — slkalioe digestive fluids. William Keating. 107 Hamlin street 435,672 tons against 465.580 In town on their annual vacation, Mayor Thomas J. Spellacy was Shorter market supplies offsetting sentatives that It Is not only not In­ June and 419,341 In July 1936. Reenforcements for the rescue whether they prefer a "dog eat Introduced by (3eorge E; Smith, Sunday Afternoon 15 MARRIAGES HERE Smoking Camels eocoorages this flow—helps yon esjoy s fenir Shirley Glenney, 70 Bigelow street dog" society. which will be spent In an automobile higher prices for cattle, hogs, and terested In such a plan, but is actu­ squadrons were on the way. An am president of the Hartford branch, Tbe tabernacle was again fll|sd to Marshall Warren, 42 &burn Road, Perhaps the lady who so tour. o f wcU-betog. Steady smokers say: "Camels set me right!” ether animals. ally opposed to It. It would appear George Sadrozlnakl, S3 Ridge street Hupp Motor Car Corp. has ap­ phlblan piloted by King IM rd anc' fre- A.O.H., and extended welcome from Haten to a second sermon Dr. quently Introducea ths Lord may Income from dairy products Is ex­ now that the purported sincerity ot Mrs. Edwin Markley and Infant plied to the Los Angeles Stock Ex­ CThartersd by the Russian goveni- the city saying. "1 greeted you at Howard LeGourd. P r a w waa of­ THE PAST MONTH remember Ha was only One.. He- Mtea Hazel Johnson of HoU atreet pected to run 5 percent ateve last the Federal government Is on trial.' daughter, Vernon, Mrs. John Zapad- change for listing of lu 1,648,285 ment was enroute from Seattle with your banquet last night at a Brother fered by Rev. N. B. Barfoa of Burn- year while that of poultry and eggs "We are not so completely dis­ common abarea outstanding, Tom additional radio equipment. fought and waa sacrificed for and Miss Vivian Anderson o t Ham­ Hibernian, today I welcome you of­ aide. The soloist of-Lhe morning, ka and Infant daughter, 103 Eldridge Ideate But millions through tha lin street, left yesterday on a two may be less because of lower prices. couraged at this time as to oelleve street. Bradley, president of the Detroit Pilot Roger Q. Williams waa pi ficially aa the mayor of the capital C3iarles Morgan. .of Norwich, sang ages are still His beneficiaries. a-eeks vacation, to be spent vteltlng Cash Incomes of fanners averag­ that If the fiood control desired can­ Birth; Sunday, a daughter to Mr. company, announced. Apparent in- paring to take off from New York city of (SonnecUcut.” again, hte selsetlon being "Fear Not At Least Mandiester ed about 810,000,000,000 for the not be bad by any plan heretofore tereat of western Investors In the City for Fairbaaka, Alaska aecom' CAROUN KORNER BRITTON relatives tn Detroit, Mich. Following introduetlona of sUte Ye. Oh lanfil.” Dr. LeOourd read and Mrs. Leo Parker of R. F. D. August 33, 1937 period 1934-28. Annual totels since discussed. sU hopes of fiood control No. 1, Manchester. company's stock, already listed on panted by Cniarles "SUm” West, of and national officers of the A.O.H. trom Bphtetens 8:14-31. Ouiatlan is, then: 1929, 810,479,000,000; 193U must be entirely abandoned." unless the New York and Chicago stock Teterborq, N. J. HU ship has been 65 Park street. The number of persona arrested the members adjourned to conven­ character must be patterned after Admitted today: Arthur Bteney, Manchester, Conn. People Wed Out of Tovm 88.461.000. 000; 1631, 83.869.000,000;the desires of our people are fulfill­ 86 Summit street. ezohanget, prorApted the action, the ranted to the Russian governmsnt. In Manchester during tbe year end­ tion balls for business sessions. ChztiL But how do you interpret president stated. ing August 15 for drunken driving. 1983, 84,338.000,000; 1933. 83,117,- ed. We Intend to continue our Births: Today, a daughter to Ur. Sir Hubert Wilkins, Arctic explor­ Tonight a convention ball will be tn'a personality and message ? Char­ 68, la believed to be tbe largest tn 000,000: 1934, 86.348,000,000; 1633. studies n-lth a view toward accom­ and Mra. Adolf Larson, 54 Chestnut er, and Pilot HolUck-Kenyon, ..ying held In the Hotel Bond ballroom. acter te that which te of highest in July, Records Show. HABOLD rDUThH") SMITH, ths history of ths town. It com­ 87.090.000. 000; 1936, 87,863,000.000;plishing the desire even If this ro street and a son to Ur. and Mrs. a giant seaplane, took off from Oop A mass for deceased membera of value for tbe greatest number of Olympic diving champion, would pared with 85 during the previous 1987. 89,000,000,000 (preliminary). quires a plan by and In which the Leonard GIglio, Bolton. permlne, N. W. T., expecting to fly THREE AUTO FATALITIES tbe order will be said In SL people for the longest period of "walk a mile for a Csmell ” ” 1 find a Federal government has no partici­ CURB QUOTATIONS as far aa Aktevik. They carried period of slmUar length and with 61 Patrick's church at 9 a m., tomor^ tlm a We must have the highest re­ P uring July, 15 marriages wera Census: Stxty-three patients. in tha year before that, the two row. grest deal o f pleasure in Camel 1," COLT CUTS OFF BOR.N pation. This Is not Intended as a enough gasoline “ to last 4,000 spect for every personality. Think­ performed In Manchester and at Clinic Sebedoia years during which detailed reports Mys”Dntcli.” "I long ego discovered threat. It Is sllnply a statement of Week of Aagast 22. miles,” ARE REPORTED IN STATE Ths delegates will then conclude ing U analysing sttuationa. Develop­ least six Manchester persons were of arrests have been made in the any unfinished business and elect tbii smoking a Cemel restores my Norwalk, Aug. 22.— (A P )—A cow our convictions.'' Tuesday, 6 a. m.. Dental eUnlc at By ASSOCIATED PRESS At sea the Soviet Ics breaker ment of character comes by use. married out of towm, according o annual town report. effleere for the ensuing year. owned by Mrs. Anns Schllcttng of clinic, Haynea street Am Cita Pow and L t B ...... Kraaaln battled heavy ics In an ef­ keeps people to be at thet- the records of RegUtrar of Vital Sow o f energy after a strenuous 4% Murder and « Fall Completes fltatlsHrs fitenuiai. g,— Turktegtea, - WBtoA Is totey minus one of Its Tuesday, 9:30 a m., Tonan afid Ark Nat Got ...... 7 fort to reach thte port svlth gasoUns hast, and henes is ahseiuMy neeas- meet—gives an invigorsting 'lift.'” KINO'S FUNERAL Pirsmiec U la n i&oH sL the Man­ The total 21 July weddings In­ hoifia The animal wai it^ek Sat­ adenoid clinic at H ijm ei I t fM t Assd Caa and D A ...... for ZedkolTs plane. List of Vlident Deallis Over a■ory o ry 1te enable ua to build God's o t 2% chester Auction Market Yester­ volving local persons was more than urday night by a belt of lightning Wednesday, 9 a m.. Chest cUnlc Am Sup Pow ...... 1% Pilot Murray Stuart brought to the Week-end. lorn. srhleb sevtrad tha horn. The aame WlUlm* lUc. Aug. 23.— (A P ) — Caa Marconi ...... 2 Fairbanks equipment from Mat- day the salea amounted to 8260.80. STATE Cleslag Service five times as many as ths four re­ Funeral services for Attorney WU- at Haynes street R. H. Reid A Son. auctlonoera at the corded for the same month of the bolt alao hit a tree and a cottage on Cent States D ...... tern's rsfueliz^ ship, which cracked By ASSOCIATED PRESS Iti qdtsI of rainy weather, the Item A. King, the second man to be Wednc.vtey, 3 p. m.. Well baby 1% market, announced after the auction previous year. Seven of the 18 mar­ the SehUehtlng estata clinic St "Y .” CIU Serv ...... 3% up near Fairbanks yesterday. Five violent deaths were recorded TOMORROW AND WED. bernacleI waa half-filled to bear elected attorney general of Oon- yesterday. The Biggeet Stare of Tomonow riages in Manchester were perform­ During the aame storm, the Wea- Thursday, 9 a m ., Pre-natal ellnlo ata Serv, nfd ...... « % in Oonneeticut during the week % the final1 sermon o f the Ctempmaet- "raTB" DI8JAB. ton home of James Uelton, radio nectlcut, were held today at the n Bond and Share ...... In thg Picture of Today! tng by James L Bartholomew, ed tn ona day, Saturday, July 81. n at Haynes street 17% SEARCHING IN BCSSIA end, the results of a ateylng, an Mr. and George O. Nlcholt, et 127 July weddtogs Increased tha total D IN S —another Cs- aingar, svas also struck by lightning. First Congregational church bera Nteg Hud Pow ...... PIlD., formerly prealding alde^ o f Friday, 2 p. m.. Well baby clinic 12 T4 Three huge Polar planes were accidental fall aad three automo­ Porter atreet have returned from for this calendar year to 94. Mar- MILLIONS Damage was slight Burial was In ths old WUUmanUe Perm Road ...... Norwich dtetricL Prayer was offer­ mous dhrer—speak­ at Haynes street S% warmed up today for a hazardous bile accidenta an automebtle trip that took them riagea already plaaaed for this cemetsry. Segal Lock ...... 1% search In the Arctic ice fields for th Two btesta from a shotgun ended o Pa ed by Rev. John Pearce. The choir ing: "Divers like a The Rev. Harry P. Leach, pastor United Gaa ...... 9 % to many points o f Interest In Maine month will raise the number Auring m iU dgirctts d>at ADVERTISEMENT— Soviet filer Sigtemund Levaneffaky the Ufe Saturday of Mlriiael A. Including the Passamaquoddy pro­ o t young people under Chorister the flret eight months o f 1937 to MORE of ths church, officiated. Unit L t and Pow A ...... 6 % and five companions missing 10 days DUao, 86-ysar-old Meriden barber. Howard Pierce rendered an anthem. doesn't upset dicir U til Pew and L t ...... % ject o f the Federal government more than 100. The 88'm aniagee Any size roll of film developed Uembera of the Windham County TURKINGTON NAMED on an over-the-Pols Sight from Mos­ Detective Captain Walter Kuroon Mira Bltgood acting as ptenlsL A ia June was aesrty as many as the oerrea That’s why and printed for 39a Arthur Drug B ar' Association were honorary cow to New York. said Duncan H. Ladd, 38. o f Wall­ soronil anthem was rendered as an 88 during tha prsvloba five montha I prefer to smoke v }V F O R Store, RuMnow Bldg. bearers The active beareri Includ­ ingford, swlmitted firing tbs ahote. Kni.ED BY TRAIN The rescue ships wtD be com­ offsrtoty. During July there were 88 births r ed Justice George E. Hlnman of the REGULAR P. 0 . CLERK manded by three of Ruaaia’a most Mtea Htlcn Story, 18, of Wood- 51IDDLETOWN ACCIDENT Dr. Bartbolomsw’s text waa Acts Tecortled; compared with 38 during Supreme Court of Errors. famous veterans of Arctic flying. side, L. L, met tnatont death early 3 3 —_ 16:18. T remember when I was coo- the aame month o t 1986. and 19 ^ COSTLIER NSW Britain, Aug, 33. — (A P )— yesterday when a cor In which she Middletown, Aug. 38.__(AP)— B oiy wtth thete — n r iim ItotiT PMtmaster Qnish Gets Notill- Mihail Vodapyanoff, Vasily MoLkoff Ncrfwi Q eorn Storpliy verted at IS at a Methodist altar. deaths, compared with 30 during EIORT ABE RESCUED Anthony Andruisklswics, 44, of 93 and AnatoUl Alexsleff. waa a passenger ovcrtunied In Big- Slippery highways caused tiro ears Ths Methodlste don’t talk much July of the previoua year. cation of SoccesMr to the Booth strest. was kiUsd when ha to skid and overturn here today, re- They are waiting favorable weath­ gonuffi. about revivals nowodaya I read UNOBB nORT WmOABD AQUAPLANE EZPBBT. Mist TOBACCOS WANTED Norwalk. Aug. 23.— (A P )—Eight Late Henry Franey. was struck by a Watsrbury bound er to take off on ths first lag, Shortly after hla automobUs col­ aulUng in ona driver receiving a ■bout Panl’s eenversiao. Hs sold in < »» AOOroKNT ' peraons were rescued this morning passsngsr train whils hs waa walk­ lided with another in Middletown cut In hte head. ^ Heoiy Annette Boy Ham — a rtismpioo o f ckamploas In Gloria Wbsedeo can do hand-stands flight to Rudolf tetend, a far north­ Mtocha A n ^ tha words o t m y text, T was not dls- KNMV BCNNr •OODMUTS SMTIM M W from Nauvoo tetend In Long laland Postmaster Thomas J. Quteh *»»« ing ths tracks west o f the Block yesterday, William Sweetnam, 84, A car drivee by WlUtem J. Cbeh- Bridgeport. Ang. 28,—(AP)—A speed swimmings comments on on an aquaplsne. tunchiag on the Uve Poultry ern Soviet Soviet air station, whence ------the Same Show — — ebsdisot onto tbs heavenly vision.’ ” FOR « F lIU MLF-NOURI Sound off tha Norwalk harbor where been notified of the appointment o f Roiek bridge this morning at 8 they e-ill fly non-atop across the o f Brooklyn. N. T,, died In Middle­ ron of BaUlmore. Md^ who 1s coo- fly bothered John daSomnse, 68. of smoking: "After aa azhansting speed b o ^ she says; " I get so much “ word Everett Hortoa 1 . TUee in Benes'e powelae ewlaaslwe—bear hfsisseewe M O gg ANT SIZE BBOUEBS thay wert stranded overnight when WiUtem J. Turkington of 2S Orchard o'clock. iMsdlcal Examiner John roof of tbs world to sex hospital. neeted with the U. 8. Naval bonltol Bridgeport yostardajraa m sat iw i^ T g t e aTift* with a CamaL" benefit smokTng Csmels at m eila" d ia r ie s Oorbsr, 94,' o f Tsrryvms, in OMteea. Itaas.. aktddsd. overturn- cat WnH THE DANCE M o e m t enwtetw. T ussSayi —fcJS sat L O . T . (M b their 33-foot cruteer waa blown street as a regular clerk In the Man­ Purasy said his body waa cut in Vodapyanoff said the thres planss hla noma. sw C.D.8.T.). 7-J* MS C .8.T„ toM pa hL8.T, iz r IN S m TOB AOCOI... 1 died Saturday n l^ t in Bristol hos­ ashore and wrecked on rocks. The chester post office to sueoead ths halves. would fly from twelve to fifteen ed and than righted ItesU. Nstthsr He got up, aad swung viciously MS pa P.8.T, aver WASC-CtetaUa Network. .teaauuy ethapepw lai boat waa a total loaa pital o f injurlss suffered the same TO THE LADIES Wallace. Idaho—John Pouser be­ late Henry Franey who died In AndruMdriswics, who was am- mllas apart, scanning a strstcb of Cochran nor hte three cernnoniona at tt with hla right hand. H e M t a OTTO H. In the party were: Ur. and U ra afternoon when bis motorcycle were Injured. gan bis ninth jaO term for Intoad- Springfield. Masa, July 2L Mr. l^jrsd by tbs PtelnvUls Casting about 1.300 miles of virtually unsx- g o l d e n POPPY pain and decided to go over te tbe James Rsith, U r. and Ura. Thomas ■truck an automobile in Bristol. A short tims later st almost the caUon today. Turkington has aeived as a substi­ Company was walking to plored ice and water within Uw Are- emergency hoepitaL J. Hoermann, Louis Buachbaun, Patrick H. Sullivan, about 60. ot aame spot a car driven 1^ Om ar la- ' Pausar was serving senteBes IRMAMM tute since January 7, 1930. Tbs new Tbs train did not stop, tha crew‘ * Uc dreto. BAK-IN-WARE Dr. D. W. PasquaiieDo told Da- James Tookar, aU o f N o r w ^ and Springfield. Uaaa, was ktUed Satur­ cobs. 86, o f Needham, 8Caaa, staged nuadier sight sazly thte weak, when, regular wUl be assL ^ ed to duty in being unnworejof ths fatality. Tbs rescue ships are equipped * p ^ T THE TOA8T Bvanln* Bseapt dumbneas to welcome Instead of Recorder, Labor Board, U, 8 . Naval In making 1,143 axamlnnUona of ti«-e story writer. ton o f Oolchsster. n d a ft and Holidara Bniarad at tha utterly repudiating that support. Evidently ths Chinese are look­ Torpedo Station, Newport, R. L, children In the firs t second and P A T — the Janitor who played Ksthlcsn looked at their hoatsaa, Miss Gladys Baylor, nurss who of MANCHEST It Oniea at Manrhaatar Cana., aa with whom eppUeations may be then her eyes wldansd'-in astonish­ C O N N . ., ~ \ aeend Claaa Matt Matiar ing at this war tat tbs big way. tt third grades o f school last year, CapM. haa been caring for Mrs. Louis Meantime Roosevelt played to tbe filed until further notice. m ent “Did you ever see anything is the only way It la poaMhlsw any tha -Divtaion o f Mouth Hygiana of 'IlM DUCHESS— patron ot aor- Twining in Blast Hartford haa i SumcKIPTION fUTBB galleriee and to Labor—and make the State Department of Health renlist nrt. _ ao amasing? No wonder she came turned to ths home of Mias Stolls laa Taar b« Mall ...... f t * « longer, to took at war. dressed Uke a queen. She's more no mistake, that Labor backing cut found 88 percent or 88 ehlldren out PROFESSOR BKACEY —Egyp­ Spak for a short vlslL Mrs. Twin­ tar Manta kr Mall ...... • .. I « beautiful than anyone in the room.' & tngla Can* ...... I 01 a huge figure in last year’s events. I f a nation is not prepared to he HEBRON of every 100 In need of dental at­ tologist. > ing was moved to the hospital Fri­ >all*arad Ona Taar ...... laoa * * * "Yeah. Even seems to be rais­ 80, even though millions of voters down on the altar of utterly self fisr- tention, and 82 percent SC the day for traatment. Yesterday: Bob cheeks with poUoe ing ’em from tha dead," remarked : MEMBER OP rHIC aBtUOIATBD getful sacrifles It would do exceed­ children were found In need of Mrs. A. H. Pott, Mrs. B. E. Ftorto, had begun to regard the New Deal About 138 were present at the on tbe IdenUty of aa Egyptian nram- a swarthy pirate etrolUrm past re­ PKBB8 ingly well to keep Itself tar. far Hebron and Gilead oburcb and com­ emergency treatment becauae they and Mrs. Charles Fish spent the . Tka Aaaaclaiad Praaa la aaeiuaiaair as something pretty crazy, when it my expert who torned oat to be a splendent in gold-hooped earrings, T h is is the time munity picnic at Columbia lake, had one or more abeeesea draining weekend In Laconia, N. H., tbe ;kktltlad to tha naa et raoubtlea'ton away from ths rsmotsst possibUtty Jewel thief. , Oaa this be Profeaaor gay kerchief and tall boots. He mt all nawa dlapatchaa eradi'rd >e l> to a choice betsveen Roosevelt Wednesday. Bathing, boatii^ and through tbe bodies or badly broken guests of Mr. nsd Mrs. Deems 8 . of war. To weigh war or ths tin­ Braoeyf swung a murderous looking cutlass, BueU. Mrs. Forts plans to stay M not etharwtao sraditad la tnia end mere plsnlees fault finding they swimming, also games, were enjoy­ teeth which were potential souroes and one eye winked knowingly at Mpar and alae tha local nawa pub- iest possibility o f It tat the tcalee ed, and a fine dinner was served on of Infection. C H APTE R X. until Labor Day, Mrs. Post and Babad baraln. stuck to the party which definitely For the next 10 days, toe studio Bob. to select your picnic tables on tha shore. Tbe These surprising flguraa were Mrs. Fish returnod homo Monday. r All rtdhia of rapnblleationa ol promised better wages and hours against monetary profit Is a mani­ apartment'bouM was buzxing with Bob nodded. "She does seem to tBaflal diapatofaaa baraln a>a alao rc- rain storm in the morning caused quoted by Dr. Franklin H. Brian- Nelson Porter, son of Mr. and and imder which there there, ^ lit festation sheer demMitla. preparations and excitement. The be knocking your Pharaoh friend Barrad Soma anxious momenta, and proba­ bach, chief of the dlvtaion. In the- cold, doesn't she?" Mrs. Roger Porter of Hartford la Duchess' fancy dress ball was the visiting S t the home of hla grand­ Pall aarvlea pliant of N B A Barr- leaat, more Jobs and leas hunger than bly the uncertain weather kept departmant’s weekly broadcast to­ Kathleen looked again at the many away. The attendanoe was subject of much comment tn the parents Mr. and Mrs. Merton HtUa new bedroom* laa laa In 1933. day, in which he urged perettte to papers and among toe various art Ducheas, who was sitting on a GOES HOME W ITH ITS P A Y not so large as last year. take their childrm to tbe dentist marble seat before a bank of rosea while hla parents are on a visit to _J U »B d■jr AlBdrtean Kawapaoar Pob- So we come down to date. Tbe Mr. and Mrs. LeeUe F. Ward took groups o f the city. Even the Maine. fMkara Aaaeaiatiaa. A Congress has adjourned. Wash­ for a check-up before the reopen­ - churchmen took occasion to express Profeaaor Bracey was leaning over Democratic party, the voters find, the membera o f tbe Hebron Congre­ The Ladies Aid of the OUead Con­ In fact it’a the time to buy any home fur. ing ot school next month and at opinions on toe extravagance, which her, hla smoldering gaze on toe at i5 0 SOLID MAPLE . 'Pablianaaa Napraaoniailraa: Tha isn’t a real party with a real purpose ington and ths country at large gational church choir on a boat trip gregational church will give a nishlngs for 95% of Wstkuis stock of fins the same time to havt; tha dentist gave the affair publicity enough to beauty of her white neck and should­ Jaliaa Matbawa dpociai aaaner—Naw seem relieved and pleased. I f sol­ around Long Island Sound Satur­ peach supper at the Gilead Hall, Furniture Is reduced from 10 to over 60 per Tork. Chtoago. Oairoli and Boaton It Is Just another ooUeetion of poU- examine thalT own teeth. Daeplta aatiafy even the Duchess herself. In­ ers' which her elaborate velvet cos­ day. Those included tn the invita­ Wednesday evening, August 25th cent . . snd most reductions are from old, tieians, grinding azas. It didn't diers In ths midst of a bard cam­ the fact that general health can be vitations were eagerly sought. The tume displayed to toe best advan­ 3 PIECE GROUPS MBMIiKH AUDIT BUREAU OP tion were tbe organist, Mrs. WUUam tage. Around her throat was a from six o'clock until eight. Tha low prices. aRCUUATIuNB mean a thing when it promtaed paign or firemen In the midst of a no better than dental health, tt la Artists' Ball became toe chief sub­ O. Seysoa of CoIehsaUr, Mr. Seyms, flashing necklace of dlamoods and menu coneiqta of baked beans, cab­ conflagration or workmen engaged Mri. Charles N. Fillmore, Mrs. How­ estimated, bs said, that 70 peepu ject of convarsatlon. Tha Barald Printind Companp me. wage-and-hour legislation. All tbe lovely gems gleamal from toe smaU bage ealad, tomato aalad, peach ard Kelsey, Mra. Mary E. Cum­ Out of every 100 receive no dental A steady stream of workmen and You can pay for your selections on tbs kaaumaa no dnanelal raaponalnilitr Southern half of It, eventa dlscloaed. in tbe Job of shoring up a building tiara on her head. But toe famous shortcake with whipped cream. An unfortunate error at the mill . , a fortunate tor ippodraphleal arrora appaanna tn mings, Mra. B. A. Lewis, wife of the treatment whatever, and that the decorators filed up and down the W-B Budget Plan, If yxm wish. A amall kdaartlaamanta la tha Manehaaiar Is definitely against any such thing threatened with coUapas were to majority of the remaining 80 visit stairway, doing marvelous things to emerald siupassed them aU. It error for you . . makes tola astounding value pos­ down payment reserves your selecUpns for pastor, and Mr. and Mrs. Clement sible. An order was issued to proceed with toe CTanlna HaraM. —and so are plenty of tbe Northern quit and go home because they were WaU of East Hampton. Mr. Wall dentists only In cases of omergeney. the Duchess' big studio, though hung from a thin chain low against future or immediate delivery. BaUuiM pay­ everyone w u sworn to deep secrecy, her breast. Its magnificence was manufacture of tola pattern when the mill was Democrats. Mr. Roosevelt doesn't tired and hot and bad lost their en­ assisU ths choir here whenever It ia "Germs which produce dtawsa able ,tai equaL wj;eldy or monthly., sums. HONDAT, AUaCBT 38 require four things for their de­ so that toe ball might dazzle all writo breath-taking. already well stocked. A part of toe surplus was Aak about.. this plan. . . thusiasm. their superloia and the possible for him to do so. TTie trip COLUMBIA offered to us at a discount, and aa this ia a,regular want a wagea-an'd-bour law. He was made In Mr. Ward'e boat, the velopment," Dr. Erlenbach ateted Its tmexpected features. "N ot many men could resist her public would not be either {leased stock Watkins group we were quick to accept IL wants s tsw to let him make wages- "Jan-Fle-Mur." In, explaining what oral health Bob hardly saw Kathleen at all. tonight, could they?" Kathleen Mrs. Ethel Comes and two daugh­ NATIONAL POLITICS Regular $89.00. Selections made st A u n s t Sale prices esn and-hour laws; one kind, perhaps, or relieved. Mr. and Mra. Charles O. Allyn of means to the general health of H er bead was alwrays cent over her asked a Uttle wistfully. "And of ters of Mandan, N. D., called last course to a man o f toe world like be stored for future deRvery la our flre- H m polltteal aitUAtlOD 1b ~ thia Congress frittered away month Hartford are spending some time at children and adults. "First warmth, desk when he glanced tn toe window week on Mrs. WUUam Wolff. Mrs. fo ' the South, snother for the ahd even Schmatz did not atop ao Professor Bracey, she would be es­ Comes and Mrs. W olff taught school proof warehouses without charge fully Botmtiy la either bacoralnf aatreme- after month In purely political and their country place en Burroughs then moisture, then darkness and Insured. North; one kind for Msssachusetts, Hill. Mr. Allyn was rather badly lastly food. All of these rsqulsttea often at her door for a bit o f candy pecially interesting." together several years ago, and had personally ambitious quarrels, I f complex or tt la ilmpIUyinB It- another for Connecticut; one kind Injured several weeks ago when he •re provided In unclean mouths or cookie. Pat hustled about with Before Bob could reply, a swift not seen each otoer since that time. dart of light came winging across aaif, and It all dapeoda oa ktow you maybe for a etfte that votea Demo­ neglecting the business of the peo­ fell from a bay load on bis place. containing abceased or broken down a worried expression on his usual Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Little of I f you can't conveniently shop during regu­ tbe dark room from toe bow of a Chattanooga, Tenn., were In. town took at the problem aa to what the ple of the United States. In more He has now recovered ao far as to teeth. cheery face, wiridlng his dustpan lar store hours, ws'U gladly arrange aa cratic, another kind for a state that huge electrical Cupid, which seemed recently, viaitlng the old Jamea P. be able to get about. "Ironically, dental hygiene, or and broom In a hopeless effort to evening . sppolntmcnL Dial Mancheatar kaawer tarlll be. Tbe aituaUon of votes Republican. There just isn't prlmlUva but perhaps mote sensible to bs hovering above toe tall bank Little place, where Malcolm used to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allyn are dental check-up ank oral oleanll- keep the litter out of toe halls, while 5171. the Republlcao party baa been pret­ times tbs tribal council ' that con­ of fenu, and fell fuU on toe Ducheas visit bli grandfather when a hoy. any Democratic poeitlon on wages- spending the month of August on a neas, offers one of the moat afino- the shrill temperamental voice of tbs Duchesa could be heard from and Bracey. Thia brought a burst Mrs. Marion Hutchins entertained ty wMl in the open for the laat four and-boura. There Just isn't any ducted itaslf aa thla Congress has vacation trip. Mr. Allyn, who was lent weapons there la tn ths pre­ critically 111 for several montha, haa morning until night directing and of applause, and made the Pharaoh toe Boys’ club at her home recently Store eloaed WiKInaadaya at 18:00 Noeo. EBara and more. In IM d It poUad dons would not, in an likelihood, vention of contagious dlaeaste. The Democratic position on anything r e v e r e d and haa resumed hla law complaining. ' put up bis band as though to shield overnight, with a camp fire In the Open Thursday snd Saturday Evenings oral cavity la readily acceaelUe and pn the- voten It can ever expect to vital or Important, not any more have- heen permitted to go borne— practice in Hartford. He la a fre­ "It's as batty aa a Ibon'ahe Is, and his eyes from the brightness. evening. Previously they took ' a until 9 P. M. Otoer daya 9 A. M. to amazingly amenabl to treatment. alx-mile hike, 5:30 P. M. ee a program of return to the than there was a Democratic posi­ certainly not with its pay In Ita quent visitor at tbe Hebron home ot all toe rest o' ua'U be toe same, I'm "P at— that’s Pat up there," Bob A child with scarlet fever, meailee Columbia la planning to put on old daya of ragged indlvldual- pocket An Indignant populace the Allyn family. toinkln'," Pat told Bob when be told Kathleen. "H e’s working the — ^ tion on the Supreme Court. or any of the childhood diaeasee la a wedding gown parade at toe Field &Inn—and It doaan’t make a atraw'a would perhaps have ehackled tt to Miss Florence E. Smith haa re- opened hla door to discover the rea­ beam from toe Cupid'a bow. Can't Only B few o f toe dozens and dosens o f fine So ediat? turnad from her six weeks' trip considered a sick child and medical son for an especially loud outburst. you Imagine how that would appeal Day of toe ToUand County Farm bedrooms reduced can he tUustratod and M ig h t of difference whether that An administration party, the Dem­ Its. seals and said, “When jrou do abroad. Bha arrived In New York attention la ImmadlaUly sought. “We're all done up with wires and to his sentimental Irish soul? He Bureau to be held Saturday at toe described here. One-of-a-kind suttee (so Children's Home In Vernon. This KBd c f program la enunciated by a ocratic, definitely spilt Into factions your Job 3rou can go home— not Thursday night, and her brother. Yet many of these same children, riggln' enough to drive anybody nuts was telliog ms about It yesterday. tndiested here) are subject to prior ash^ In New York Edward A. Smith, and hla son, EM- bevlng unclean mouths and brokwi Since your other partner seems de­ wiU be different from most affairs |toof«r or a Landon. Thera juat of exactly oppoilte purposes with until” i that ain't already that way.” Then ____ By Oaiorge Boas______win, went to the boat to meet her. down and Infected teath — with he came closer and asked softly out tained, how about drmclng?’’ He of toe sort, aa aome of toe brides not enough of the Rug-Inda In Sometimes It seems to lu that In HEALTH-DIET ADVICE wlU be accompanied by bride­ apparently no hope of real recondl- With her friend. Miss Mary Kelley, toothache their -only complaint ■*— of one corner of his mouth, "Ye're held out his arms and they drifted By UK. KK McCUY grooms. epimtiT to cany a Prealdentlal the development of our civilization of Middletown, the baa visited Bhig- are obviously danuUy naglectad. away to a dreamy waltz, weaving In ' i latlon hecatiia Ita dlffarancea are goln', ain't y e?" Friends have received word of or win a Oongraaa, bacauaa we have aacrlflced some of the aid- HELEN MENKEN WOULD QuesttoDS m regard 10 Haatth and Diet lasd, Scotland and Ireland. Mlsa How much tha Incidence Or acute "She invited me all right," Bob and out among the crowd of gypsies, fundamantal; a Republican party the wedding on Monday in Somers STAGE BIG REVIVAL will be -uiitwrivd (I) Ur M rioy who «»■ Smith will return next month to her diseases In later life could be cut tha number of people who get noth- vantages of ancient tribal govern­ answered, "and I'll, be there, though nymphs, cowboys, Indians and har­ of Miss Dorla Leger, a former teach­ which doesn't know which way to go OF INTERBSl be eddrewH-d in oere ol this paper. Cn- duties as principal of the Seymour down through better dental care, tt not tor the reason she thinks. I lequins. ^ but tha worat of it out of the but still has loo much of leadership ment oinae etamped, tell-addressed eavelopr school. West Hertford. • • • er at toe Hop M ver school. The la Impoaalbla to eatlmata, but tt la suggested she have my friend Steve matrimonial bug aeems to be active fuggodly IndlTlduallatlc, tootb-and- Next on the program In George tor reply. Mr. and Mra. Eugene Smith end of tbe pattern of 1890; with every safe to aaauma that tha chronic Carnahan, from Headquarters, and For Kathleen all toe months of in that school, as toe teacher of last Rots’ vacation repertory of all- son, Robert, of Norwich, who have diaw dogfight of exiatence la a great day a bigger, more numerous and diseases of the heart, eye, kj^tney or not tell anyone he's coming. If tiie 'e heartbreaking work and worry were year, Miss E3ots Logee, was also star substitutes as author of his been spending tbe past six weeks JoinU could ba cut In half if earlier stuck to wear her famous emerald." swept away and she was conscious fieal larger than the number of tboae more potent element of voters who with Mr. Smith's father, Edwin T. .married during the summer, neces­ I182.75 Kour-Plece New England Made "In New-York" column ti Helen DIABETES OR "SUGAR and more regular attention were Pat nodded. “She’ll wear toe only of a feeling of ecstasy that trtie are aatlafied with the aharpneaa a lu r lt reaohes too high Smith, have returned home. sitating another change. Bedroom oT solid Rock msple. P il^ m care not a hoot for old party labels W a s h t o g t o n Menken, brilliant Broadway SICKNESS” given the oral cavity from Infancy emerald, ail righ t Always does Bob'a arms were about her, and hla i f their teeth and tha length of tbalr a figure, the kidneys be^n to throw Raymond McCutebeon, who haa Mrs. George Champlin Is a pa­ bed. Cblpptndsle bracket-base chest snd but are likely to go on the warpath star especially remembered lor out sugar. through adult life. when she gives a big blowout. We'll eyes were looking Into hers. I f they her performances tn "Mary of been employed through the sum­ tient at the Windham Community dresser,r, turned-legturned-Ie| dressing ^ ^ 0 0 0 ^ w a . tor John L,. Lewis or Joe Louis or D a y b o o k Diabetes mellltus la a disorder The title of tomorrow'a article la "Dental Inspection or check-ups likely be murdered In our tracks could only go on and on like tola Memorial hospital for observation table. One only ,t. By PRESTUN UKUVER Scotland." mer on the Edward A. Smith farm, some day on account o’ it. This forever. In a magical world where I So tt baa long bkan obvloua that the man who struck Billy Patterson sometimes referred to as "Sugar W ET AND DUBIJTES. Look for It baa gone bade to hla home in Cam­ should not be considered merely a and treatment. In this nawapapar. means of detecting defects sliiMdy Steve DOW?" misunderstandings and other people Prof, and Mrs. Adanoa o f Brown iaa tha O. O. P. ware prepared to —If he only fscea far enough to the By HELEN MENKEN Sickness ' and la steadily growing bridge, Mass. Ha will resume bis “He's a detective, and a good one," were forgotten. Maybe she coidd $189.75 Four-Piece Handmade Bedroom Washington. — I f you're looking existing and getting then corrected. University, Providence, called to tha country with a program more common. I find that many High school course there, which was Bob' pulled him Inside tha room and say something that would let him of solid Rock msple. Bracket-base chest left and has a big enough fist and a for food, light, summer reading, New York. Aug. 33.—You must QUESTIONS AND ANSWEK8 Ita true signiflcence is In prsvxB- Thursday on their cousin, Mrs. people have an Idea it Is a dlssase Interrupted by 111 health. closed toe door. "Say, you’re help­ know bow much she bad missed and dresser; full size panelled bed: dress- Embodying a oonatdarabla amount sufficientlyof bass voice. don't you d m pick up a volume of have heard of Caln'a Warehouse. of the kidneys. It Is not sssentlally The Gilead Ladles' Aid society tion. Only when prevention la tha Faith Manley, at Rose cottage. r That Is where Broadway plays are (Temperature Varlattona) ing tbe electrician, aren’t you? him, make him understand thst it The annual Fair and supper of ^aore or laea radical laglalatloa for the congressional bearings on tbe propelling motive tn dental ehsok- It may all be m y compUcatod— s kidney disorder slthougb one are offering an attraction for next 'Think we could fix it so that every­ was not Professor Bracey but— current wage and hour bill. consigned to limbo. Actually only Quastlon: B. (5. wants to know: Wednesday evening at Gilead ball, up have we learned tbe lesson ot toe Columbia Ladles' Aid society ...... 139.00 dliect and poalUva benefite to the or It may be as simple as a grand evidence of tbe presence of dtsbetas one would pass In front of a big Cutting in, McTavlsh, and the was held Thursday afternoon and That amblUoui o p ^ stacks up tbe scenery and props are placed Is the finding of sn exceeslve "When a patlant has tubereulosle, In tha shape of a peach supper, to regular dental attention. Then, and jlam tltfled majority It would remain there after a play baa closed. But, light— to show off toeir costumes or queen orders you Into her pres­ evening with toe usual large at­ rush away from both the old parties to three volumei. But It baa few smount of sugsr In the llouid elimi­ what tima of tha day la tha tempar- be served from 0 to 8. They will only then, have we measured up to $221.25 Four-Piece Handmade Bedroom It Inevitably develops that along somethin?” ence.’’ said toe Egyptologist's voice tendance. Both supper and sale Trtiara It found itaelf laat Norembar and to a third party of tha left In of the thrills of the three decker nation thrown off by the kidneys. atura likely to rise? Does a normal serve peaches galore, with hot short­ our full reaponalbUity to ouraelveo • « • with full size Pilgrim panelled bed, dress­ novels Kipling loved so well and with the scenery the entire play is parson aver have a alight tisa In behind them. were well patronized by toe lake ing table, Chippendale Ogee bracket-base f- c p to Ita eyaa tn the aoup. 1940 that will leave the Elephant A Uat.ot diabetics Includes ths cakes and cream and other delica­ and our children." Pat thought a minute, then be has little but size in common with stored away never to be seen aguln. temperature?" cies. Baked beans, salads, rollt, Bob scowled and reluctantly re­ people, as well as neighboring dresser and chest. 1 A and the Mule In the Ark on top of names of many famous men; 'or grinned. "Sure. Some o’ thlm towns, and parties from as far • Tha ettuatioo of tha Democratic "Gone With the Wind." It seems to be a pity chat so Answer: In tha tubercular pa pickles, coffee, etc., will give a wide linquished his partner, made hla way One only ...... example, H. G. Wells, the rsmous dames wnfild like nothin' better. I away as New Haven and Providence 149s00 Barty, though It Is only Just now Mount Ararat— imicas In tha mean­ We can't take It upon ourselves many wonderful plays should be tipnt, the elevation of temperature range of choice. The proceeds will to the side of the Duchess, who held English author Is said to have this can put it up to the Duchesa so out her hand and drew him down be­ were present. Over 300 were fed. time they stop squealing and kick­ single handed to blame all those completely lost In the ihadows of a from 3 to 3 p. m. and generally bj go towards redecorating the Gilead Biakltig Itaelf clear, la practically as disease. Thomas Edison, world-fa­ Quotations— she’ll fall for tt In a big way. Lave side her. with food enough left to feed nmny $215.00 Four-Piece Cushman (Jolonlal witnesses because they did cot en­ dark storeroom. 8 p. m. the temperature 'w ill have church. Hebron people, aa well as aaay to understand. It got Into ing at each other and decide to work mous Inventor, and ths late King It to me. W e’ll rig up a regular " I ’ve been waiting all evening to more. The various booths in the Bedroom (from Cushman Galleries.) Solid tertain tbe American public. That In tbe smarter sections'of New returned to normal—however In outsiders, always enjoy the Gilead power, not because it presented a In double harness, hauling the wagon George V of England, are also re­ shadow-box Uhe’i down at toe Jail, hear you say you love me. Bob chapel were practically sold out, and birch bed. dresser, chest and u * 7 0 A A U not their business. York city there are email, Inti­ acme Inatancee the afternoon rise Euppere. and they are ao well pa­ I think 18 la my lucky number. ported to have been diabetic. and give ’em the one-over in folne dear," ahe began with regal auda­ the ladles will be able to add a sub­ vanity. One only...... 1 f 9 « U U Boaatructlve program In tha least of conservatlam. But why did moat of those folks mate motion picture playhouses In temperature may not take place tronised that sometimei It la diffi­ It seems to pop up everjrtlma any­ About two-thirds of the patlenta ■bape—or for folne shapes either. " city. "Most of the other men have stantial sum to their treasury. On Maybe It's sunspots, baybe It's Individually Insist on reviewing the which apeclalize In tbe presents until aa late aa 6 to 8 p. m. cult to get a seat at the tables. thing good happens to me. Bommensurata to tha necesalUaa of developing this disease are past the The night of toe big ball, Kath­ already told mo but you're the only the drawing of the quilt, toe lucky condition of labor tn the United tlona of revivals of popular motion with tha temperature falling back Mr. and Mra. Henry Hannaway ot — Mias Lucy Elisabeth Hodder of tha 1933 occasion, but because It was teaching people to read, nuybe Its age ol 40, however It Is also found leen UsUeealy put on her Irish peas, one who could really make It mean number was held by Mrs. Jeiuiic States before getting to the point? pictures. People of wealth and to normal by 10. The rlst in Pawtucket, R. I., arrived Sunday to Belmont, Mass., who Uvea at IS the only alternative to tha oootlnua- merely evolution. But whatever it Such prellmlnaiiea use up an In children and young adults. In Sycamore street and was mar­ ant costume, and tied S'green ribbon something to me." Hunt, one of the older members of discrimination pay higher prices to spite of the seriousness ot the dis­ temperature varies from a rise o ■pend a week with their brother-in- the Ladies' Aid In point of years Is, these be times of action and anrful lot of type, and most of them ried Friday the 18th at 8:18 around her head. All toe pleasure "What did the others say when tion in power of a party which for see these old pictures thiui they are order It la possible to give the pa­ a fraction of a degree up to as law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. E l­ and also in length of memberahip. merely summed up their Introdue- ton Post. Their children, Roberta p. m. Her engagement ring and excitement over toe party had you told them that?" Bob asked, three aoUd years after the 1929 col­ change, and diseatabllahment of old required to spend to see tbe latest tient of middle age a great deal 01 much as 2 or 3 degrees. Normal In Uoni with the same thought, name­ and Paul, are with them. had IS diamonds and she car­ gone, becauae It was Professor Bra- smiling down at her. lapse had failed to do anything effec- and mistakenly presumed Immutable releases. Tbe reason for this Is the help. Tbe younger the patient, the dlvlduals havt been known to have ly: "Nobody believes more itrong- fact that entertainment. In most Mr. and Mra. Harry Sherman of ried 39 white rosea— three Cey who was to be her partner for "I didn't tell that to toe others— at ^00 SOLID PHILIPPINE more serious tbe outlook as a gen' a alight riaa in temparature of times 18. only you. Bob. Won’t you A lievs ttva about tha worat depreaelon tbe InatituUons. ly than I In raising the standard of cases, retains Its capacity to nter- (tolumbus, Ohio, are spending a va­ toe'evening. Once or twice she bad living for American workers." eral rule, because if metabolism la one-fifth or two-flftba of a degree it? " She clasped his hand and country had ever er:perienced. In There are political clouda gather­ taln despite the passing of a few after eating. cation at tbs home of Mr. Sber- heard Bob and hla dog pas4 bier door Ovemight News AUHOCANY (TANCUILLE) Imperfect at an early age thia shows man’a parents, Mr. and Mra. Hyman Apparently It’s going to n and 'tad hoped they would atop. But looked at him with an unexpected Ua clrcumatancea a Hormon party ing in tbe northwest, and they are years. (Watchful Waltfesg) at Helpful OpInloBs a radical Impairment Z t tha pan- ShermaiL aearcarch warrant_____ or a habeas corpus always they had gone on, while she earnestness which sent a chill over Of Connecticut 100 loo could have won, or a Townssnd par­ not only mighty dark ones, but they Of course, when tbe witnesses It la my contention that tbe crass. For some reason aa yat un Quastlon: Esmaralda O. inquires: Mitt Florence Bogus of Hartford, to get a g U m ^ of it reluctantly turned back to her desk. him. theater should follow thla example. ‘Hava heard so much of tha danger Chippendale In atyls, this group has features that ty could have woo—or Faadem or seem to bo assuming that cone-Uke finally got dowm to the meat of the explained, diabetic children seem to who haa spent part of tha summer — Anthenv ramon^ Alaskan dolo- Often a tear splattered down on Here was a dangeroiu woman (By I) problem, tbe story eras quite a dif­ There have been intercilttent re­ have a tandency to be bigger and o f canoar that I would appreciate it usually ara found only on groups st much higher prices. Communism or nudism; If It had tha formation which forecaata ths sud­ with her brother-in-law and sister. gats, who asked Oongreaa to au- some gay verse of love and summer with wealth aiul beauty and position, ferent one. Nesirly every one of vivals on tbe Broadway scene but smarter than normal ehUdran ot tha If you would tell ma aome of the Mr. and Mra. Walter Wright, haa thorlsa the Alaska Purebaso actually making love to him, an un­ Bridgeport— Attendants at St. The bed la a distinctive model with broken pediment luck to be tbs only opposition party den movement of the roof of the and happiness. Pat had scowllngly them contributed an intelllgact. there has been no worthy attempt asms age. Mgna which should eauaa one to be gone to East Hampton to spend a chack'a tranafar to Junaau fOr known writer. It was too ridicu­ Vincent's hospital reported Im­ ^ 9 ^ headboard snd poets that terminate at the bottom In Sketched above are pieces from a largs opsa* to educate the public to patronise delivered dally gifts of flowers, can­ square feet. The Ogee bracket feet and comer pilasters with a ready mads national organ- barn into the next county. helpful thought to a oommlttee Diabetes la fundamantally a dlS' 00 guard. 1 undaratand that most llttla tima. She expects to return exhibition. dy or books from Professor Bracey, lous, too— provement in the condition o t Police these days. of tha difficulty oomaa from tho pa- of toe cabinet pieces are typical of the period. Be^ stock group of Colonial furniture. They're made if laation. that was straggling with an almost ease of tha pancreas. Tha panoraa. here later. but when he would have offered an “ You see I can’t possibly beleave Sergt. John Phelan o t Waterbuiy, hopeless task. has been described- aa a beefy or­ Uant not knovring aoon anough Jiat Harry Collier of New Haven la a The Japanese army, Uka any wall- you Duqjieas, becauae I'm *tn love who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage dresser and chest. of mahogany veneers, combined with guqnroad. The Democratic victory was dut opinion on the subject, Kathleen Here are a couple of the real Movies Show Way gan. having a shape almlUr to that be has cancer and delaying treat­ guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. trained force, prefers tha offensive made it very plain she wished for no with someone else," he said slowly Saturday night while swimming at Select the bed and ehast of drawers skstehed, WAR gems: to nothing In the world but the be­ I vividly recidl the day when of the tongue, a alae about that ot ment until too late. Plaaae tell me Walter Wright. to the defensive, but I am at pres­ advice, so he had stumped away as though Juat realising for the first Seaside Park. together with a dreaaer with turned legfa ts William Green— "A n y proposal lief oTa great majority of the people The war Incident of three-quar­ "Mary of Scotland" concluded Its tha band, and lying behind the aome of the symptoms to watch Mrs. Gertrude Hough entertained ent restrained by my government muttering to himself. time toa*t this was so. ^ m tn Waterbury—Three men were un­ match tbs cheat (not sketched) st fSS. to deal with ;he fixing of general tour. I almost wept to think thst for." that they had tbe choice of making ters of a thousand persona killed or ftomach. It ia an organ having the Women's Bridge club at her which continue to hope for settle­ Fittingly enough. Professor Bra- love with a girt who doesn’t love der treatment at hoepltal here for minimum wage •tendarda by a gov­ I would never be playing that rolo double duty, for on one band it Antwar: Any of tha foUowing home Thursday afternoon. Three ment without further bloodshed. me," he added., wounds wrhich Detective Lieut John a “ change" or etarvlng to death. Injured— half of them klUed— by a ernment flat for men In private In­ cey chose to come to the ball dressed Or, the poster bed with Ogee bracket-bass pis who had not yet seen tha play pours Into the digestive tract a se­ signs should causa tha jpatient to tables were tn play. Mra. Charles — Lieut Gen. Klyothi KatsulcL BS an Egyptian Pharaoh. Kathleen (To Be'Coatlnaed) Galvin said were suffered In • dustry would be strenuously op­ again. I felt sorry, too, that peo- Iresser shown snd a cheat of drawers to match Then tbe Democrats—or rather single shell falling in the most im­ cretion necessary for digestion; on aeak medical aid: tha presence of . N. Fillmore was a guest ot the club. Japanese army chief la N. gaspod with astonishment when ahe knife fight on West Main street. posed by the American Federation would never be availed of the op­ They identified themselves ss Stan­ It (not Bketcbed) for only giS. Mr. Roosevelt—went to work on the portant thoroughfare of the Inter­ tbe other band it seerttea directly sore which refuses to heal, particu Tables were spread on the lawn at China. opened the door to toe stately fig­ of Labor as contrary to our con­ portunity to see It presented again laiiy on the tongue or Ups or else- tbe rear of tbe house. Mrs. Anne ley ^ k e tt, 28, bis brother, George, AH sketches wildly demanded change. Two or national Settlement of Shanghai to­ Into the bloodstream a aubatanca ure, whose black eyes only seemed ception of democracy, and as vio­ with Ita original cast. called Insulin which Is needed by wbare In tha mouth; stubborn indl- C. Gilbert won highest honors. Mrs. Records? You can't ast 32, both of Richmond Hill, N. Y., shown here are Otoer pieces thst esn be used to jnake up dif­ three new things were done that day, two of tbe wounded being wide-, lating the cardln.1l prlndplei of to be alive. In bis hand he carried GILEAD snd Joseph ( “Blue Steel") Knock- A t that time, I reconciled my­ tha body In burning sugar. gaation with progressiva loss Ui Charles P. Miner won second prize What good are tbay if you have a tiny statue of an Egyptian god. of the actual ferent ensembles Include the Queen Anne lowboy self-government prevailing In pri­ A family from Hartford have ett, Negro, of Wsterbury. helped. We irent off the gold ly known American newspaper cor­ self tc the fact that It bad been This second substance la ealla weight; the development of en to anchor five boura befora landing “M y!" ahe told him, "You actual­ Tolland county will Join Windham pieces described. shown, snd an Interesting cbest-on-cheat. vate Industry In thle country." lump (particularly tn tha breast in rented the small house owned by passengera ? Meriden— An Illness o f ssverai ‘ standard. We Insured bank de­ respondents, wUI probably add con­ George H. Davis of tha United definitely eetabliehed that peopla natlvs insulin or natural inaulLi ly gave me a start, you look so regal coimty on a dairy tour on Thursday, did not want to see revivals. But woman); any Irregular blaading or F. R. Post on Godfrey Hill They —Capt J. C. Townley, relief com­ wreeks' duration caused toe desth of posits. We primed the pump of siderably to the growing realization States Chamber of Commerce— " I f the secretion ot which la regulated and so slnlater." August 26 at 10:30 a. m. and wrill tbe success of the revival move­ tn such a way as to exactly meat dlacharga. WbUa thaaa symptoms do expect to occupy it the first of Sep­ mander of tbe Quo*b Mary Dr. Helen West, who practised business men are threatened by "While jrof're ao beautiful and meet st tha Dairy Building at tbe medicine In this city for 43 years. business sritb tsvo billion dollars of In this country of what war nowa­ ment In motion pictures, especially not tnavltably mean cancer their -p- tember. This place was formerly after bearing that toe Norman­ changes In costs In the future period the needs of tha body. It la prob- young." he rejdled. (tonnectlcut State college st Btorrs A native of Plainfield, Dr. West was bonus money—very much against In the cases of people w to were known aa the Richmond cottage. die had chalked up a new days Is really Uke. Shanghai, ap­ they must confront, through hour abla that with an (nereasa of starch- paaranoa should awaken the patlaat • • • st 10:30 there wrlU be Inspection ol a graduate of toe Norwich Academy definitely the type that has long to the need for asmmlnation. Mr. and Mra. Orinton L W ill tiana-AUantie raoord. Mr. Rooaavelt'a wishes by tbe way. parently, Is doomed to complete de­ and wage orders from an official as and sugars la tbe diet, th Tbe Duchesa’ huge studio bad toe college herd and dairy barn an 1 Boston University. She leaves suppo.-ted tbe legitimate theater on ipent the day Thursday aa gueata of And right there wisdom fiew out of struction and likely enough most of board, they are bound to hesitate healthy pancreas sacretes an extra been transformed luto a tropical gar­ under toe extension dairyman A. R. a slater, Mrs. Marianna West ■ *1 Broudwey. has caused me to doubt amount of Insulin, with the Increased tha Rav. and Mra. Howard C Next year we will coma to Amer­ and keep their future coromitmante den, where brilliant birds fluttered M errill «:^At 10:43 they will vleit the Treadway of Stamford. The funer­ tbe srlndow and the New Deal began Its three and a half million people, the accuracy of that bellet producU'^n keeping pace with the Champa at Lebanon. Mrs. Champs ica every two weeks with n fw down to tbe minimum they think NACIflNSTS NEEDED among the palms and exotic flowers pernosnent pasture experimental al wriU be held Tuesday. . to get both fancy and freah. We including a great many foreigners, increased Intake of theee foods caU- la Mrs. WUI’a sitter. helium-inflated Zeppelins. they dare risk. Healthful business Mrs. Dalla Porter HlUa, town aiuL-little fountains sprayed tinted plots and the supplemental pasture South Norwalk—Francea Oath- Revivals Least of Evils tng for more Insulin. However, the — (?apt. Max Praaa, eommaaij^ bad the N. R. A., an essentially car­ some of them Americans, will die. activity that gives employment and Clark, attended a Farm Buraau I Ml water. The soft music of plots under toe guidance of J. Stan­ erine Greene, 17, whose blonde hair With all due respect to new and inauila output ia so oontrollad that AT NATAL STATION of toe Ul-fatad Hindenburg,v nivorous creature If there ever was This is unspeakably horrible to steady earnings to svorkert dapends meeting In Vernon Saturday. Her ed Instruments drifted dream- ley Owrens, extension agronomist. is accentuated ty.deep brown eyes, aspiring playwrights, tt la hard to the body has always exactly anough upon reasonable certainty as to the place at the office was taken for the f o ^ r the sriiole scene, weaving a A t noon a basket luiteh will be was chosen "M in Connecticut" to at one— with all Ita teeth caritfully ex- contemplate, but Its full elgnlficance future." believe they can faahlon-plays any —without too much or too lltUa represent the stats at the «mui«i The United Stetee OvU Service day by Mlee Barbara Tennant. |iagle spell o f glamour that suited eaten at toe college. A t 3 p. m. a 100 tracted by Mr. Roosevelt himself. Is not to be realized'unless we bear _,Even in disagreement, theee man more com piling and entertaining being avallabla "Min America” bathing beauty than the prise-winning plajrs of a Commlealon announces open com­ Mr. and Mra. Herbert Adams ot A Thought he fantastic, colorful costumes of visit to Bahler Brotoeri farm tat W e bad the A. A . A., which bao 'wre're stating their fundamental be­ Native Insulin ia produced by contest at Atlantic City Sept. 6-13. J 1 1 1 ' In mind the attitude of the Chinese few years ago. Why not sprinkle petitive examinations for the p o r­ Bloomfield apent tha week-end here the guests. Ellington will be made. Everyone lief In American democracy. When certain cetia in ths pancreas wblcL tion of machinist, for duty a l tha She is toe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. teeth only fitted to bits the consum­ high command toward the overpow­ tbe roster of plays with a small at thalr Hebron home. They had Then the prtesta tha Levttea aroao Never In her- wildest dreams bid la welcome and the county agent B. they got to the point, they stated It have been given the name of Naval Toniado SUtion, Newport, KstMeen ever Imagined anything so Anthony Greene of 937 Naugatuck er. and which was shot by the Su­ ering tragedy. The Chinese leaders number of revivals presenting the Juat raturned from a vltlt In New and blessed the people: sad tbstr E. Tucker Is anxious for the dairy­ briUlantly and welL tha " lalanda of Langarbans." It R. L Tha outies and exi^ritnce re­ avenue, Milford. Selected as her al­ original casta? Select only the York with Mra. Adams's uncla, voles was beard, and their psayor gorgeous. GloversvlUc bad not pre­ men to take this tour. preme Court la the eame volley srlth do not. ws are told, regard the bean eetimated that there are quired are aa follows: p s ^ her for this. She stopped ternate at toe ninth annual all-state outstanding bits of Juat -a few years Oeorga C. Tennant. came up to his holy dwelling plaeSt Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Portsr bathing beauty pageant here was QRAND RAPIDS QUALITY the toothless but frightening N. R. Shanghai affair as of any basic RIohberg's Vtow a million of tbeae aecreting cells Pav: 37.390—37.770 and 38.380 Mr. and M ra Randadl C Tainant. .with a little cry of amasement, and bark, those which time has not an­ even onto heaven.—a Chronldee •pent Friday In New London where Ruth Irens Donnelly, 18, o f West Perhapa Donald R. Riehberg, for­ and that If you gathered them up per diem, 40-hour week. 30 days' former Hebron residenta', have for tbe moment forgot that she, too, A . Tbe whole alphabet began or­ strategical importance. . It Is, tiquated or outmoded, and offer 80:27. Mr. Porter attended tha snnusl Haven. M in Nellie M. MaaonU, 17, mer counsel for that battmed old and weighed them, all of the islands leave and IS days' sick laave, both given up their work at the filling appeared to be something very far (Right) Ths elaaatc delicacy of 18th Cen­ ganizing and running around and rather, a diversion; a tactical Inci­ theee on Broadway amkv on "the of New Britain was named "la^-in - N RA eagle, turned bis case aa neat­ from ona human pancreas woul. with pay, la aUowed annually. station at Kattsman's Corner, and removed from toe little writer of meeting of the Lumberman's As­ road” —In plaoe of the many dia- No man ever prayed heaitlly waitlng.” Among the Judges was tury Colonial furniture Is recreated in hsn oommand o t the vessel bear­ crasy. Want to walk around and Maine, head dietitian s t the isatiiai dium. might find Its position eonsid- their 30th, but not their 48tb, birth­ were returning from the traditional their skins and are hUnd and aeast- and the stage seas Uon, aa the regulator of wages for ing that name In 1901. give the place the ooee-over? Your Gwiersl hoepltal and Mrs. Halan Shanghai T A great city, yet; STJhly strengthened if it became ac­ have baen digeeted and abaorbed, day on tbe date o f the close of re­ Mohammedan festival at Aganu tivs to sU noises. I BBt fo r tha peopla to asntp tt out the worker and prices for the eon- tive In tbe presentation of revivals the body is unable to use them. He Is survived by two brotbsre Pharaoh seems to bs busy arith the Quinn o t Rockville called oa tkslr but only one o f many in China; three ceipt (ff appUcationa. These age capsized- off tbe bathing beach 18 Edward H. Hughes of New Ya>»' Tha sxplosloas got co thstr __ee *■ o f outsfBndlBB hit plays. Whan this ooeuts, tha blood sugar DaeiMss. She bedraoed to him elster, U n . Ruby Olbeon. reeentty. Umite do not apply to panooa m iM w tet <4 here. and John C. Hushes o t PlttdSan,, M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN« MONDAY, AUGUST 2S, 198T

Amerleaa eyewltnaas atatad tonight 3:15—News ServleA Ing, by Robert Browning; Modern 3:80— Ad-Liner. p tE L H O R E AMERICANS ha had cce JABMUM df«trqyer American and British Pioetry, by CHICAGO badljr damaged and a Japanese gun­ Father Hnds Daughter SACCO ANNIVERSARY OBITUARY NOVEH PROGRAM- DAILY RADIO PROGRAM '2:48 — Tad Matone's "Between Louis Ifotermeyer; “ Yesterday and boat sunk by Chinese airbombers The Bookends." Today^by Louis Untermayer; Good 8:00—Theater Matinee. Friday and OQier Poems, by John Q n JORED IN SHANtHAl aa tha warships covering the land­ MONDAY. AUGUST 7% (C«ntral and Eaitern Standard Tima) Fifteen acres of newly developed ing of Japanese army unite near Last Seen 25 Years Ago 8:80— Story o f a Song. ground for picnic areas at the sn- Masefield: Your Money’s Worth, by HDRSE ASSAULTED (Oontlaned trosD Page One) TO BE CELEBRATED DEATHS AT KIWANIS TODAY (HtUn§$ la ttandard tim»» DaylUtht time eii« hour later) Schllnk snd Chase; The American Woosung. NoUi All provrami to key and basic chains or aroups thereof oalOM sped* trance of the Natchaug Foraat ore Year Book, by Schayler and Hart: Michael Hermann, of Ghleage, aa B olm t flod; coast to coast