Congressional Record—Senate S6259
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June 11, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6259 Diocese of Lansing. These are just a who is retiring at the end of June, 1998. dented target-by-target scrub of the few examples of Sister Monica's un- Since 1996, General Habiger has served Single Integrated Operational Plan wavering devotion to her community as the Commander in Chief of United (SIOP) helped shape the conceptual and and the entire State of Michigan. States Strategic Command, Offutt Air practical character of post-Cold War I want to join with Sister Monica's Force Base, Nebraska. US nuclear weapons policy that will be friends and family in congratulating General Habiger's career in the mili- instrumental in decisions for years to her on this very special occasion. She tary began in 1959 when he enlisted as come. is a remarkable woman whom the state an infantryman in the U.S. Army. Convinced that the Nation's security of Michigan is fortunate to benefit After his tour in Fort Benning, Geor- is best served by a stable strategic re- from. · gia, he attended the University of lationship with Russia, General f Georgia earning a Bachelor of Science Habiger was a forceful spokesman for degree in 1963. After college, Gene the START II Treaty and Defense De- TRIBUTE TO FRANKIE WELCH joined the Air Force and upon comple- partment Cooperative Threat Reduc- · Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I wish tion of Officer Training School in Sep- tion activities. Twice, he accompanied to bring to the Senate's attention a tember 1963, he was selected as a dis- the Secretary of Defense to Moscow to milestone that has particular relevance tinguished graduate. meet with the Russian Defense Min- to this body. Mrs. Frankie Welch, who Soon after leaving Officer Training ister and Commander-in-Chief of the is nationally recognized for her artistic School, as a young Captain and B±52 Strategic Rocket Forces stressing the and original scarf and tie designs, is Aircraft Commander, Gene flew 150 political, economic, and military im- celebrating 30 years of fashion design combat missions and participated in portance of ratifying START II for this month. Frankie was born in Geor- the B±52 Arc Light operations during both the United States and Russia. gia, but I am pleased to say she has the Vietnam War. In the early 1980s, he Gene's work on a post-START II nu- strong ties to South Carolina, where commanded the 325th Bombardment clear arms control agenda was re- she graduated with a degree from Squadron and later served as assistant flected in national policy, and helped Furman University in Greenville. It deputy commander for operations, 92nd form the basis for portions of the was at Furman that she met her late Bombardment Wing, Fairchild Air START III framework announced at husband, William Welch. One of their Force Base, Washington. the Presidential Summit in Helsinki, daughters chose to continue the family In the late 1980s, Gene commanded in March 1997. tradition and also received a Furman the 379th Bombardment Wing at Undoubtedly, General Habiger has diploma. Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan, been the unparalleled leader in expand- Frankie Welch has designed many and the 2nd Bombardment Wing at ing military-to-military contacts with memorable scarves and ties. In the Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. Russian counterparts, particularly the 1980s, she designed a patriotic scarf for In the 1990s, Gene's command experi- Strategic Rocket Forces. These actions the United States Senate. She has de- ence served him well as vice com- established a more stable relationship signed ties for Presidents Lyndon mander, Headquarters Air Education with Russian leadership. As evidence of Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Training Command at Randolph the high regard and confidence in Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Air Force Base, Texas; and as Deputy which General Habiger is viewed in Bush, and Bill Clinton. Mrs. Welch also Chief of Staff for Personnel, Head- Russia, he was the first non-Russian to designed a gown for First Lady Betty quarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, enter a Russian nuclear weapons stor- Ford, which Mrs. Ford donated to the D.C. age area. His ceaseless efforts in estab- Smithsonian Institution's First Ladies The apex of General Habiger's career lishing good relations with Russia have Collection in 1976. Frankie and Mrs. came with his current assignment as significantly improved communication Ford remained good friends; last Commander in Chief, United States and understanding. For the first time month, on the occasion of Betty Ford's Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force in history, as Commander in Chief of 80th birthday, Frankie was one of the Base, Nebraska. The command has re- the US nuclear arsenal, he can pick up speakers at the Ford Museum in Grand sponsibility for all U.S. Air Force and the phone and talk directly to senior Rapids. U.S. Navy strategic nuclear forces. Russian military leadership. Frankie Welch is no ordinary fashion These powerful forces act as this Na- General Habiger and his wife, Bar- designer. She often employs her talents tion's strategic deterrent. bara, have two sons, Karl and Kurt. I to produce patriotic garments, and her During his command at am sure Gene and Barbara have ambi- designs demonstrate an exemplary love USSTRATCOM, General Habiger made tious plans for their life after military of our country. She has produced origi- major contributions to the national se- service and I hope they make the most nal and widely admired fabric designs curity of the United States by estab- of this time. From a private in the U.S. for such revered institutions as the St. lishing the parameters for future stra- Army to a four star general in the U.S. Paul's Cathedral in London, the Cor- tegic forces and possible arms control Air Force, General Habiger has served coran Gallery of Art, the White House, agreements. His leading role in manag- our military and the Nation with great and the U.S. Capital. Frankie is also a ing a stable drawdown of nuclear forces honor and distinction. I have the pleas- philanthropist: she recently began the helped foster mutual understanding ure of calling Gene Habiger a friend Frankie Welch Scholarship for out- and cooperation with Russia. In addi- and I want to thank him for his con- standing students of fashion design. tion, his cooperative efforts with the tribution to our nation's security.· Mr. President, I think it appropriate Department of Energy shaped the proc- f to honor a woman who has so often ess by which the United States will turned her talents to patriotic themes maintain the long term safety and reli- DOVER HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER and who has attained national and ability of its nuclear weapons stock- AND NATIONAL FEDERATION OF international accolades. It is with pile. As the Department of Energy's PRESS WOMEN AWARD WINNERÐ great pride that I thank Frankie Welch customer, General Habiger insured the PATTY RICHARDSON HINCHEY for honoring our country and congratu- Stockpile Stewardship Program is pro- · Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, as we late her on thirty years of success.· grammed and funded to develop the focus on improving our education sys- f new tools, technologies, and concepts tem on the national state and local lev- to ensure our strategic forces remain els, it is my pleasure to offer congratu- THANKING GENERAL EUGENE E. safe, effective, ready, and responsive to lations to an award-winning teacher HABIGER FOR CAREER SERVICE changing needs. from Dover, Delaware who exemplifies IN THE UNITED STATES AIR In addition, Gene was a premier play- excellence in education for her stu- FORCE er in shaping our strategic force struc- dents, her community, my home state · Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, I ture. His team completed a very de- of Delaware, and indeed, this nation. rise to say thank you to a patriot and tailed analysis of United States' Stra- For the second consecutive year, one of this nation's finest military tegic Force Structure options reaching Patty Richardson Hinchey received the leaders, General Eugene E. Habiger, far beyond START II. This unprece- second place award in the category of.