Niki Barr: The 21st Century ? Oh Yeah!

Posted by TBN On 05/10/2006

So everyone is enthralled with American Idol, where everyone has that polished look and they sing the classics, or worst yet, end up doing pop songs for the masses. And the winners go onto “pop” stardom. And then you’ve got the typical, young female pop singer with the bubble gum voice and lyrics written by someone else. Well Niki Barr is definitely not in that mold. You see, Ms. Barr, who was born and raised in Denton on Maryland’s Eastern Shore is not your typical young pop singing chick. No way. This young lady of 22 years is a high energy rock chick and she’s damn proud of it. When asked to describe herself and her music, Barr says “imagine a modern day Joan Jett, or Chrissy Hynde, chicks that are singer/songwriters with a real electric guitar.” And funny thing is that Barr opened for Joan Jett at a show last summer in Virginia and many thought that she overshadowed Jett’s performance.

Niki Barr has also garnered a bit of goddess-like status from our many troops serving overseas. So much so that she has already done three tours to visit the troops. Once, even giving up her Christmas and New Years to do so. She is now one of their most requested performers and she may be doing another tour this summer. Her past tours have taken her to Alaska, , , Diego Garcia, the Balkans, Western Europe, the UK and Central Asia.

Niki Barr’s music is full of energy and her lyrics are heartfelt and solid. But, it’s her live shows that give you the true Niki Barr experience. She is very interactive with her audience and she puts on a true show. This probably comes from her theater background as she really knows how to involve the crowd. I saw Barr perform at Ram’s Head in Annapolis last year. Ram’s Head is a concert venue where you are assigned a seat and no-one stands up. Well, by the end of her set, Barr had everyone standing for her rendition of the Beatles classic “Come Together.”

Barr is currently riding the success of her latest full length CD “Lush” and the accompanying video “Wasted Time.” Her songs have her ranked high on many UK and Europe-based radio stations and satellite radio groups. She released a four song EP May 9, which includes some brand new material that will blow you away. Barr is also set to perform at this year’s HFStival on Sunday May 28 with the likes of Counting Crows and Joan Jett, among others. This will be Barr’s second time playing at HFStival, and this young lady is also a shrewd businesswomen. With the guidance of her longtime manger Mike Marucci, she is involved in every aspect of her career, including a clothing line and sponsorships, so Barr has herself together and is far ahead of most 22 year olds in that sense.

I highly recommend you take a trip out to Neptune’s Beach Club this Saturday May 13 and catch this Maryland treasure and her outstanding show that will leave you wanting more and wondering just how long it will it be before Niki Barr is playing big arenas.

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