2018 Annual Town Report

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2018 Annual Town Report TOWN OF NEW LONDON NEW HAMPSHIRE ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 2018 2019 MARCH TOWN MEETING OWN OF EW ONDON IRECTORY T +,-./+012!!!N L3 !!4562!!!3D!!78/512! 2,269201:!3!+/;+:<!=5+/!>??! <2/21@,20A<!844512!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BCD&EFC?!! 78/512!=27+6@,20@!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BCD&CDCD! 4GHI! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BCD&>E>E! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2*NL`N$(K!JMG%!>??! ,)$JGK!&!4LMJGKI!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!F!+,!3!E!7,! @)"$!"NOPMQNI!!"""#$%&$'#()*! 4562!=27+6@,20@! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BCD&D\[Z! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2*NL`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On front cover: Whipple Memorial Town Hall 1918-2018, celebrating 100 years. Photo courtesy of Harriman. On the back cover: New London Hospital 1918-2018, celebrating 100 years. Photo courtesy of New London Hospital. TOWN OF NEW LONDON Incorporated June 25, 1779 Total Area 16,192 Acres, Land Area 14,144 Acres, Water Area 2,048 Acres Highest Elevation in Town: Morgan Hill 1,760 feet Population (1950 Census) 1484 Population (1960 Census) 1738 Population (1970 Census) 2236 Population (1980 Census) 2893 Population (1990 Census) 3180 Population (2000 Census) 4116 Population (2010 Census) 4397 Second Congressional District Merrimack County District 5 Second Councilor District Eighth State Senatorial District U.S. Senator Margaret Wood Hassan U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen 330 Hart Senate Office Building 506 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3324 office (202) 224-2841 office hassan.senate.gov shaheen.senate.gov Representative in U.S. Congress Governor Chris Sununu Ann McLane Kuster 107 North Main Street 137 Cannon House Office Building State House Washington, DC 20515 Concord, NH 03301 (202) 225-5206 office (603) 271-2121 office (202) 225-2946 fax (603) 271-7680 fax kuster.house.gov governor.nh.gov Merrimack County Commissioner Executive Councilor Peter J. Spaulding Michael J. Cryans 333 Daniel Webster Highway Ste. 2 PO Box 999 Boscawen, NH 03303 Hanover, NH 03755 (603) 796-6800 office (603) 271-3632 office (603) 796-6840 fax (603)-443-1901 cell [email protected] [email protected] State Senator, District 8 Ruth Ward of Stoddard 107 North Main Street State House, Room 105-A Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-6733 office [email protected] Rep. Karen Ebel of New London Rep. Dan Wolf of Newbury P.O. Box 714 P.O. Box 88 New London, NH 03257 Newbury, NH 03255 (603) 748-3876 (603) 763-5176 [email protected] [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS TOWN REPORTS page COMMUNITY REPORTS page Archives Committee..................................................32 Adventures in Learning...............................................41 Assessing Office...................................................13-14 Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust..............42-43 Board of Selectmen..................................................6-7 Center for the Arts.................................................44-46 Budget Committee......................................................33 Colby-Sawyer College..........................................47-48 Cemetery Commission...............................................34 Community Action Program.......................................49 Conservation Commission....................................35-36 Demographics........................................................88-90 Emergency Management............................................16 Elkins Fish and Game Club...................................50-51 Energy Committee.....................................................37 Executive Councilor Report.......................................87 Fire Department.....................................................17-18 Forest Fire Warden & Forest Ranger..........................52 Planning Board...........................................................38 Garden at Tracy Memorial Library.............................53 Police & Communication Department..................19-20 Ice House Museum................................................54-55 Police Incident Report................................................21 Kearsarge Area Council on Aging..............................56 Public Works Department & Recycling Report....22-24 Kearsarge Community Band.......................................57 Recreation Department..............................................25 Kearsarge Lake Sunapee Food Pantry...................58-59 Solid Waste Management Committee........................39 Kearsarge Regional High School NL Graduates........91 Supervisors of the Checklist......................................30 Lake Sunapee Protective Association.........................60 Tax Relief Programs...................................................15 Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce.....61-62 Town Administrator.....................................................8 Lake Sunapee Region Visiting Nurse Association.....63 Town Clerk & Tax Collector........................................9 Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association...............64 Town Meeting Minutes.........................................80-86 Messer Pond Protective Association.....................65-66 Town Moderator....................................................10-11 Midwestern NH Hazmat District................................67 Tracy Memorial Library........................................23-26 New London Bandstand Committee Inc.....................68 Treasurer’s Report......................................................12 New London Barn Playhouse.....................................69 Trustees of the Trust Funds’ Report...........................12 New London Garden Club..........................................70 Vital Statistics – Births, Deaths, Marriages..........92-95 New London Historical Society..................................71 Volunteer Interest Form..............................................97
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