Cloister Chronicle
THE CLOISTER CHRONICLE ST. JOSEPH'S PROVINCE Condolences The Fathers and Brothers of the Province extend their sympathy and prayers to Very Rev. E. M. Hanley, O .P., Rev. J. S. Murray, O.P., and Bro. Aurelius .Mauer, O.P., on the death of their mothers; to Very Rev. W . R. Dillon, O.P., Very Rev. C. A. Drexelius, O.P., Very Rev. T. H. Sullivan, O.P., and Rev. J. B. Mulgrew, O .P., on the death of their brothers ; to Rev. J. C. Rubba, O.P., Rev. J. C. Gunning, O.P., and Rev. J. D . Donovan on the death of their sisters. Professions On March 7, the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, Very Rev. H. H. McGinley, O.P., Prior, received the Solemn Profession of Lay brother Mario Prioette, O.P., in the chapel of St. Mary's Priory, New Haven, Conn. At St. Joseph's Priory, Somerset, Ohio, Laybrothers Joachim Vandergrift, Ceslaus Moore and Gabriel Rodriguez made their first Simple Profession on April 3, in the hands of Very Rev. T. T. Shea, O.P., Prior. Vestitions Very Rev. T. T. Shea, O.P., Prior, clothed the following postulants with the habit of the laybrother on March 18: William Ridgell (Bro. Emmanuel); Paul O'Connor (Bro. Bertrand) ; Brian Martin (Bro. Terence) ; Patrick Crusenmyer (Bro. Gilbert); Carlos Jackson (Bro. Vincent Ferrer); Joseph Faughnan (Bro. Cajetan); Joseph Polio (Bro. Sebastian) ; and Bernard Murphy (Bro. Edmund). Fr. Shea vested Jerome Lenius (Bro. Conrad) with the Layborther's habit on May 6. Degrees The chapel of the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C., was the scene of the presentation of the degree of Praesentatus in Sacred Theology to three Fathers of the Province who are members of the Pontifical Faculty at the House of Studies.
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