1/2021 iowramblers.com talk

Penny rolls in Walktalk meets super-fundraiser Karen Penny on her marathon coast path walk

IN THIS ISSUE... + Finding our feet again + Sun sets on 2020 + Coast with the most + Lovin’ the Lake District + Crete 2021 + Walking trail news + News from our volunteers

Welcomeand Happyfrom everyoneNew back! Year at 2021 WalkTalk LOCKDOWNII

Finding our As the sun sets on 2020... feet again THE WORLD IS AT LAST IW Ramblers’ Chairman TURNING ITS BACK David Howarth reflects on a year of changing ON A TURBULENT AND priorities UNPREDICTABLE YEAR – THIS YEAR HAS been challenging for all of us. Whilst we have been determined to stay fit and healthy, chaos has reigned around us. A YEAR IN WHICH THE We have all had to adapt to a new world where some of the things we have always taken for granted have VERY IDEA THAT OUR been lost and there has been a need to adapt to the new technologies. ACTIVITIES COULD BE Early in the year, we were preparing the spring edition of WalkTalk and had a full walks programme listed to September. CURTAILED WAS We were ready to attend General Council in April, and looking forward to our Roadshow at which was to be the first event in the Walking Festival calendar. UNTHINKABLE... Work was in hand to produce the Walking Festival and Walk the Wight , and we had arranged a special gate opening for the 30th anniversary. None of us knew what was around the corner and But the Island – our Walks for everyone, sadly all of these events had to be cancelled. Throughout the year we have had to follow guidance Island of infinite from easy half-hour and new rules which have been adapted for our variety and interest strolls to strenuous activities. And just as we were reintroducing a limited walks programme, Lockdown Number 2 – will be waiting for all-day rambles... arrived. us once our freedoms Up hill, down dale, So, it has been a difficult and frustrating year. have been restored. Break out your boots... rucksack on... Nevertheless, there have been some positives – regardless of the Best get ready for deep breath... best foot forward... we have better communications, technology has weather... improved, and there has been much progress in bracing coastline, developing the new coast path. Fresh air and exercise, There has been a tremendous amount of interest in remote downland, walking this year – our website and social media have secluded woods, and a pleasant tired- and both been extremely busy. rolling green fields, ness after a day well walk! Unfortunately, without a walks programme this interest does not translate into a growing lush river valleys... spent... membership. Let’s just hope for a better 2021. * Walks and events featured in this edition of WalkTalk took place either pre-lockdown or when regulations had been relaxed to allow small groups to convene. Social I would like to thank everyone who has played a part in distancing was observed. Please note that covid-secure walks can restart from Wednesday 2 December – our walks are exempt from the ‘rule of six’ in all local restriction helping find our feet again. tiers. Please check iowramblers.com to find out which walks are taking place. Members organising walks independently must observe government regulations. It’s a vital position! ONLINE You love walking. You’re passionate about the outdoors. So could you be our next Area Secretary? AGM 2021 The Ramblers is looking for What’s more, you’ll gain experience and AGENDA for Area and group AGMs a new Area Secretary to help with our skills which will really benefit you and can online, 23 Jan 2021 activities into 2021 and beyond. This is an be added to your CV. exciting time to become involved. 10 am Introduction by David Your role will involve writing, agreeing Howarth, Chairman The Ramblers helps everyone, and keeping records such as minutes, and It’s good to everywhere, to enjoy walking – and, liaising with Area Committee members as Group Agenda crucially, it protects the places we all well as Group Secretaries on the Island. 1. Approve Annual Report love to walk. Expert speakers at Meetings will need to be organised, 2. Approve accounts and balance talk By volunteering as Area Secretary you’ll venues booked and refreshments sheet be helping us achieve this. organised. You’ll need to be comfortable 3. Appoint office holders and December 2020 with emails and the internet. There is committee members: AGM 2020 If taking on a role like this is new to you, membership a two-way flow of information with a. Group Chair 458 you won’t be on your own. Training, Ramblers’ Central Office in London, such b. Group Treasurer total for the Main Group 406 Over forty members attended our AGM in January 2020, guidance and support will be readily as new policies or initiatives which you c. Group Secretary IW Ramblers Wightsole 52 enjoying stimulating and thought-provoking contributions available if you discover you need help or need to communicate to the rest of the d. Walks programme from each of our three distinguished guest speakers. advice. You will also have all the support Want to join us? Just go to Area Committee. e. Social secretary and encouragement you need from other f. Holidays www.iowramblers.com and >JOHN TAYLOR >BOB SEELY MP >AYNSLEY JARDIN members of the Area Committee. You will work with lots of different g. Committee members click on the membership link from Natural England said that he was a Ramblers Trustee, gave volunteers and members – you need to h. Representative for Area gave an update about concerned about the a motivational speech be able to work as a part of a team but Area Council Council the new English coast Island Plan which which explained the also be able to get on with things on your Area Chair David Howarth 07477 600337 i. Appoint external auditor path. The main part of indicated that 9000 current vision of our own. Acting Secretary David Howarth 07477 600337 4. Any other business Area Treasurer Carolyn Lymn 01983 565508 the report was due to be homes are proposed to charity and the various This role is a vital position but it can also Publicity, Social Media David Howarth 07477 600337 issued on 18th March be built over 15 years. ways of achieving the be a shared role – splitting the role into Area Agenda Newsletter Editor Stephen Williams 07967 272066 2020, with the Wootton Generally it was felt objectives. A new website Footpath Secretary Mike Slater 01983 752997 two or three parts: Minute Secretary, to Cowes section due that these homes are for is being planned, and 1. Approve Annual Report Membership Secretary Patricia Macaulay-Fraser 07894 466881 Volunteers Area Secretary and Assistant Area 2. Approve accounts and balance Committee members John Gurney-Champion 01983 522665 to be published in the mainland residents and various IT improvements, at the Secretary. sheet Pam Dana 01983 863189 future. IW Ramblers not needed for the stable along with marketing heart Chris Slann 07794 699558 is encouraging population of the Island. campaigns and of all 3. Appoint office holders and Frankie Goldspink 07794 69955 fundraising. More we do committee members: Group Committee everyone to make Bob also mentioned the their representations new Environment Act and training for volunteers a. Area Chair Chairman Vacant Fancy giving it a go? b. Area Treasurer Secretary Steve Gibson 07901555789 during the eight-week Agriculture Act which is also being made Membership Secretary Patricia 07894 466881 consultation period. might affect access rights. available. Email David Howarth, c. Area Footpath Secretary Walks Coordinator Steve Gibson 07901555789 our Area Chairman d. Area Secretary Treasurer Jackie H 01983 868517 [email protected] e. Area Membership Officer Newsletter distribution Tim H 01983 868517 f. Area Countryside Officer Committee member Roger 07740 541153 g. Members of Area Council John R 01983 508948 Carol H 01983 537445 h. Appoint external auditor Footpath Sub-Committee 4. Appoint two representatives for Area Secretary Mike Slater 01983 752997 General Council, NEC Birmingham 17 Planning John Hague 07779 208871 April 2021 Committee members Maureen Le Roi 01983 612666 5. Any other business Howard Duffus 07428 461619 Wight Sole Group Please note that owing to Chairman Gary 01983 867098 Deputy Chair Tracey 01983 867603 coronavirus restrictions, this is an Treasurer Dave 01983 297304 ONLINE Zoom meeting. Membership Suzanne 01983 297304 Publicity Alison 07792 913044 We encourage all members of Isle of Wight Ramblers to participate. Items for the next edition of WalkTalk Welcome back, Steve You will need a PC or laptop. WalkTalk is published in print and online three times a Our Newsletter Editor, Steve Williams, has now returned year, in April, July and December. Submissions to the next to the Island, having moved to Falmouth in 2016. Smartphones and tablets can also edition should be sent to David Howarth, by 7 March 2021. He offered to help us after retiring at the end of 2010 from be used. Email: [email protected] his job as Publications Manager at IOW Council, and the Tel: 01983 759823, 07477 600337 The Annual Report enclosed first Walktalk was created in September 2011. with this edition of WalkTalk has Area Chairman David Howarth said, “We have kept in details of how to attend, and all touch and enjoyed hearing about Steve’s life in Cornwall. the information needed for this It is excellent news that he has decided to return to the meeting. Print: St Mary’s Hospital Print Unit Island and take up the reins as Newsletter Editor”. Lovin’ ...and looking the forward to next Lake autumn District CRETE holiday 2021

A group of thirty IW Ramblers escaped the effects of lockdown on a Daish’s Holidays trip to the Cumbrian Lakes in August. Tim and Jackie Hough report

WITH WALKING BOOTS, rucksacks made to suit the walkers in our group. It was then an early night for us “weary and walking poles, Isle of Wight Wight walkers”! Yes, of course we had a day of heavy ramblers headed across The Solent for rain but it didn’t deter 22 walking the Our final walk of the holiday was from a Daish’s Holidays trip to Kendal in the six miles alongside the River Kent to Ambleside, where twenty of us enjoyed Lake District. Staveley. The river was wild and broke a figure-of-eight waterfall walk. its banks in many places which forced us This was our first holiday since A pleasant, gentle ascent took us up to RUGGED MOUNTAINS, SPECTACULAR coastline and dramatic We are now waiting for flight confirmation and prices. to alter our route a few times and climb lockdown, with a reduced group of Sweden Bridge, an old picturesque 17th gorges make Crete a mecca for walkers. a 10-foot wall! Besides hotel and flights the price will include luggage and 30 – the maximum allowed under the century packhorse bridge above a series A week on this Greek Island has been arranged through Travel transfers, two days’ walking with a guide and taverna lunch plus restrictions. of waterfalls with views across to the Thankfully the following day was Editions, staying at the Ideon Hotel in Rethymnon on a bed a full day excursion tour of the Island with lunch. Our holiday had been planned for well much better with light winds and the Langdale Pikes. and breakfast basis. The dates are Sunday 26th - Saturday 2nd sun shining. Although there were no After several cancellations we only have 15 on this holiday and over a year and we were all feeling a bit Heading back down to Ambleside we October 2021 boat trips operating on Windermere or to keep the group price we need a minimum of 20, so if anyone nervous. had time for lunch before going up to Derwent Water, a launch was running This holiday had to be postponed from October 2020 just a would like to join us, please contact Jackie Hough on 868517 for No need! We were very comfortable on Stockghyll Force, a 70-foot waterfall, to take walkers to Hawes End for the month before departure due to quarantine regulations. further details. the coach with single seating separated which after the heavy rain earlier in the ascent of Catbells. from couples and plenty of comfort week was spectacular. Nineteen of us then took a long slow stops, as the loo could not be used. Six of the stronger walkers trekked over climb and a scramble up to the top for The County Hotel was ready to welcome the fells from Patterdale to Rydal Water. A walk along the Dartmoor Way the superb views over the lakes and us and you could see the staff had been across to the high peaks. At the end of our journey back to the THE DARTMOOR WAY is a spectacular busy making it exceptionally clean and Island our coach drove straight onto the 108-mile route around Dartmoor in with the one-way system we soon got The remainder of the group walked ferry and got us home on time. Devon. used to the new procedures. the two miles back into Keswick where Nigel our driver was waiting to take The group thoroughly enjoyed being The route explores wooded valleys, It didn’t take us long to relax and enjoy them onto Grasmere before returning to back together for our short break in sparkling streams that tumble off the for this walking holiday, please contact the friendly family atmosphere that the hotel. Cumbria and came away feeling so moor, deep drove roads and bridleways him for more information and to Daish’s always offer. much more confident with the current discuss the details. The exhausted walkers returned by used for generations by farmers and The food was very good and served in situation. service bus but due to a traffic accident travellers. the restaurant that had been spaced to and road closure, we eventually arrived It was just what we needed and thanks Vernon Findell is hoping to organise a Telephone accommodate our group on tables of back at the Hotel at 8.00pm. The staff to Daish’s, we had the perfect holiday. trip to walk this route over ten days, 07760 808100 four and six. had stayed on to serve us our starter possibly in April, May or June 2021. or email We had two coach excursions – Keswick and dessert which we were all extremely Picture: Our group admiring the view from If you are interested in joining Vernon [email protected] and Windermere – which we had tailor grateful for. Catbells. Tim centre and Jackie far right Coast path in chunks! ISLE OF WIGHT RAMBLER was held at The Woodvale restaurant Maureen Jones organised a regular at Gurnard, where Chairman David COAST Sunday walk last summer which Howarth awarded certificates to WITH THE aimed to circumnavigate the members. Hopefully we can repeat whole of the Island Coast Path. this event once the new Coast Path MOST Several members completed all the has been created and coronavirus sections and a celebratory lunch restrictions allow.

12,500kms, £72,000 ...and counting Indomitable Karen WHAT AN INCREDIBLE person. Intrepid to , a further lockdown was those memories as well as learning about Karen Penny has been walking around the announced and Karen had to return home the new places I encounter along the way.” Penny rolled off the Coast path campaign progress coast of Ireland and the United Kingdom to Wales. She intends returning to the Isle of Wight Ramblers is pleased to have and intends to become the first woman to Island once it is safe to continue. played even a small part in helping Karen ferry and onto the achieve this journey of 20,000 kilometres. AT THE TIME of writing, we walking. In 2016, 20 volunteers position. Vectis Radio wanted Her 40lb backpack, named Neville, contains as she undertakes this incredible feat for await the the final report (East helped produce our own monthly updates, but Covid has Island during her Karen was inspired to undertake this everything that she needs to camp when such a deserving cause. Future editions of Cowes to Wootton) from comprehensive survey of the put a stop to that. epic walk around challenge after dementia had a profound necessary. On the night prior to arriving WalkTalk will feature more stories from her Natural England. coast. impact on her family with both her in-laws on the Island, Karen stayed at Hurst Castle travels around the Island. We met council officers succumbing to vascular dementia. where no there was no water or electricity. Nine reports were published in We spent time with our MP, and officials and now fully the coasts of In 2017, Alzheimer’s and other dementias March, and we responded by Bob Seely (below left, with understand their position. Ireland and the UK. The trek is a legacy to them and a chance to She walks around seven to eight hours became the leading cause of death in the sending 31 documents to Defra. footpaths officer Mike Slater assist others. To date she has raised more a day, and has already worked her way UK. With no treatments to stop or cure We met the monks at Quarr and Chairman David Howarth), Far from stopping than £72,000. She hopes to raise £100,000 through eight pairs of boots but has them, these are diseases that no-one has Just to recap, IW Ramblers Abbey, and local parish officials who was very supportive of our by the end of her journey later in 2021. survived her journey so far, remarkably, yet survived. With supporters such as Karen has been lobbying Island and agents. They expressed views and agreed to write to a her, lockdown has without even one blister! Alzheimer’s Research UK is committed to stakeholders to gather support their concerns about loss of She started in January 2019, when she Minister. changing that. for our aspiration to produce solitude at the retreat. merely introduced walked the whole of Ireland and Wales, but Karen said, “I’ve met some amazing people a truly coastal path, with We appeared on Community was forced to stop during the Spring 2020 and been to some incredible places on my You can show your support by donating seascapes and virtually no road Radio and explained our A day was spent walking the a temporary delay! lockdown. She then restarted in August journey so far and in the last three months via Karen’s Just Giving Page. (www. coast with a Guardian reporter and walked the South West Coast Path and there’s not been a day when I’ve walked on justgiving.com/fundraising/ who produced an excellent David Howarth on 30 October arrived on the Isle of Wight my own, so I’m hoping that I’ll have plenty thepennyrollson). article in that newspaper’s for a week following the coast. She has of people on the Island who want to join me travel section. went to meet completed 12,500Kms to date. on this part of my journey and who will help Follow her journey via me to reach my fundraising target. her Facebook page. There have been changes in her on a damp Members of Isle of Wight Ramblers had (Karen Penny the the Natural England team. planned to support with accommodation, “I spent time on the Island as a Girl Guide and windy day in Penny Rolls on IW Council is recruiting a new hot meals and company en route. and have many happy memories of coming Walking Britain Rights of Way officer to take Unfortunately, having completed just over on the boat for our summer camp, COAST November and Ireland). WITH THE charge of the implementation the first day’s walking from Yarmouth so I’m looking forward to reliving some of of the new National Trail. MOST Eastern Yar Trail Riverside Volunteer Fair celebrations ISLE OF WIGHT Ramblers On the day, we were able FOLLOWING THE SUCCESSFUL relaunch attended a volunteer fair at the to recruit eight new people of the Yar River Trail, three informative the Riverside Centre in Newport, and they are all becoming leaflets have been produced by the East in January 2020. established in these roles. Wight Landscape Partnership which About 40 organisations were Many thanks to everyone who funded the project. present and 300 people came to fronted our stand: Rod Senior, These show the route of the Yar Trail, and see the opportunities on offer. Patricia Macaulay-Fraser, Mike Slater, David Howarth, Linda the tributaries Wroxall Stream Trail and We were particularly keen to Jones, and Pam Dana. Scotchells Brook Trail. find people to fill a number of Flowing for 19 miles from to St footpath maintenance jobs. Helens, the Eastern Yar is the Island’s longest river, draining over a fifth of its land surface. If this is too great a distance, the walk could be started at , Newchurch, or , following the river as it develops. The Wroxall Stream is an eight-mile tributary which links with the village of . Scotchells Brook is 4.3 miles and the trail starts at Trails from rails Railway Station, joining the main river New life for near . Step up with the Hash House Harriers In 2001 the East Yar River underwent AT THE START of this year Tim Marshall, from , volunteered Merstone Station a major restoration programme. as our Footpath Work Party Coordinator. Unfortunately, Covid Strengthening connections between the 19 prevented us working with the Rights of Way Department river and local people was seen as a vital on footpath maintenance. But in September a small team of component to the hard ecological work volunteers from the Hash House Harriers – a running group – did Yesterday... taking place, as it was local communities work independently, guided by Tim, to renovate a set of steps along that would be guardians for the river in G12a in . Many thanks to Tim and to the team (pictured at The Merstone to St Lawrence Well, this branch line was the future. the new steps): Steve Caller, Simon Mawdsley and Trevor Ould. steam railway line was closed in 1952, although the opened in 1897 and later station continued to operate The visual arts were used to awaken extended to Ventnor West. until 1956 when the people to the river and its delights and to The chairman of the Isle of line also closed. nurture a respectful relationship, and so Wight Central railway said, a number of sculptures can be found on It is hard now to imagine that “It is my honest belief that these routes. Merstone Station was once a the Isle of Wight owes its social hub where passengers Paul Mason was employed to craft the 20 prosperity to the railways waited for steam trains to milestones along the trail and to create and to nothing else. Might Ventnor, or to catch the a series of six sculptures sited along the they flourish root and branch connection from Newport to river’s course, from Source to Sea. For ‘til time and memory be no Sandown. more information and to download the more.” leaflets go towww.islandrivers.org.uk A series of walks is being planned by ...and today IW Ramblers and will be publicised once Covid restrictions are relaxed. Today Merstone Station The villages of Rookley and is one of 29 green spaces are nearby. managed by Gift to Nature, Volunteers Gift to Nature has produced at the a project of Island charity a leaflet showing the walking Natural Enterprise. heart and cycling routes in this of all It is now an important centre area, and there are six trails we do for walking and cycling. suggested ranging in length The station has been much from a leisurely 3.2 miles to a improved with a picnic area more strenuous 9 miles. nearby, the Merstone Shelter These take you away from which has much information the busy cycletrack to some and a community orchard much more peaceful routes. (pictured) by the old track. Alan Rowe, whose work can Car parking is available be seen on many information and this is a good centre to panels across the Island, explore the varied terrain. produced the leaflets. WALKING TRAIL NEWS NEWS FROM OUR VOLUNTEERS 2019 THE RESTAURANTLunch AT Shanklin Conservative Club hosted over 50 Isle of Wight Ramblers for Christmas lunch 2019. Traditional food was served and judging Christmasby these pictures, the occasion was thoroughly enjoyed. The Slipshod Singers entertained with appropriately festive songs. Doug Pollard, leader of the group, is also a Saturday walker and wrote a special version of “We are Sailing Rambling”! Many thanks go to Ann Cable who organised the event, compiled the quiz and arranged a raffle.

Update The 2020 Christmas Lunch has been cancelled due to Covid restrictions and there is now a new date for your diary – 11 December 2021

Bill Bradley’s daughter, Jo Donations have been received Smith, contacted us to discuss from participants in the Walk the Wight is 30! ways in which we might Walking Festival and mainland 2021 IS THE 30th anniversary assists with clearing up. The celebrate this special occasion. holiday groups who enjoy our for this important Island event is part of the successful led walks. We agreed to raise funds for a fundraising event making it a Island Walking Festival. A special opening will take very special year. special commemorative gate Sadly, Bill died in 1999 but Frank and plaque which has now place when it is hoped that Thousands of walkers cross will attempt to Walk the Wight been installed on the footpath Frank Stevens will attend along the Island from to again in 2021. overlooking . with members of Bill’s family. Alum Bay. Well, coronavirus restrictions meant the cancellation of the event in 2020, so fingers crossed that it will go ahead this year. The founders of the walk were Bill Bradley and Frank Stevens, employees at timber merchants Moreys. The original event attracted 26 staff as a team- building event and raised money for a scanner at St Mary’s. The event has grown enormously and today some 7,000 people participate, raising over £250,000 annually for the Mountbatten Hospice. Many Ramblers’ members take part, and a team of our volunteers checks the route and

The Ramblers’ Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration number 4458492. Registered charity in England and Wales number 1093577, registered charity in Scotland, number SC039799. Registered Office: Second Floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW