Intel, Digital Research Sponsor Forum

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Intel, Digital Research Sponsor Forum Vol. 4, No. 2 Employee Newsletter of Digital Research February 1985 Intel, Digital Research sponsor forum A series of international fo- rums were sponsored by Digital Research and Intel Corp, to dis- cuss trends in microcomputer technology, including a general introduction of concurrent ~0~~~286 Entitled "Microcomputers/Direc- tions '85," speakers from both companies talked about the latest technology in operating systems and microprocessors, The forums were conducted during January in New York, London and Tokyo, "This is the first time Digital Research has discussed its upcom- ing products through multination- al forums," said Judy Mervis, director of Corporate Communica- tions. "Implementing plans for the forums required extensive cooperation and coordination be- tween two companies on three continents. The success of a11 these events is evidence that microcomputer market trends are of worldwide concern." In New York, President John Rowley discussed Concurrent DOS for Iqtel 80286 and Motorola MC38000 chips. Other speakers accompanying Rowley were David House, vice president of the Microcomputer Group at Intel; Will Zachmann, vice president of research at International Data Corp.; and Harvey Jeane, vice Reporters, industry luminaries and manufacturers' representatives attended the Intel and Digital president of software development Research forum (top photo). On the panel were, from left, Will Zachmann, vice president of at Ashton-Tate. research at International Data Corp.; David House, vice president of the Microcomputer Group In London the speakers included at Intel; Digital Research President John Rowley; Harvey Jeane, vice president of software Martin Healey of the university development at Ashton-Tate; and Bruce LaBoss, representative of Regis McKenna public of Cardiff; Jean-Claude Cornet, relations firm. See Forum, page 3 How two companies worked together on GEMTMsoftware Bright and early one morning January and the Computer Elec- specifications, staying in close last July a tractor-trailor rig tronics Show in Las Vegas. He had contact with hardware engineers drove up at the doorstep of Dig- wrestled with these kinds of from Atari. ital Research in Monterey. projects before when he was vice Meanwhile, the hardware was The 18-wheeler carried a load president of software development being produced at an equally of furniture, computer equipment at Twentieth Century Fox and frenetic pace at Atari headquar- and the like, It was dispatched later as director of software ters in Sunnyvale, The computer from Atari in Sunnyvale just a development at Atari. Lou antic- required specially designed chips few hours after agreement was ipated a demanding workload. See Atari project, page 4 reached on the most ambitious "It was an agressive project eng ineer ing contract in the from the beginning," Lou later history of Digital Research. said mattter-of-factly. By that The truck's arrival signaled he meant that it required dedi- the beginning of an important and cation of body and soul, Working comprehensive undertaking by ded- through weekends. Late ni-ghts. icated engineers from Atari and ?'The team was under incredible Digital Research, They worked for demands to perform difficult en- six solid months to help develop gineering feats on tight sched- the ST line of Atari computers, ules,' Lou said. "We started by machines based on Digital Re- training the Atari team on Digi- search' s GEM so£tware, tal Research software." A small but talented group of For their part, the Atari en- engineers was assembled under the gineers were eager to get start- guidance of Lou Tarnay, engineer- ed, First, they learned the ins ing project manager at Digital and outs of CP/M-68KTM, which was lose Research. Named to his team were used as the basis of a proprie- Steve Schmitt (Dr. LogoTM), Steve tary operating system for the ST Cavender (GSX~~and operating syst- computers, Then they began the ems) , Lowell Webster (GEM ser- t ime-consuming task of porting vices and the GEM DesktopTM)and code for Digital Research's GEM Rich Greco (project architect) . software and Dr, Logo, Each of the engineers was assign- Under the direction of Steve ed a group of Atari engineers who Schmitt, the team created a ver- moved to the Monterey Peninsula sion of Dr, Logo that uses graph- for the duration of the project, ic icons and may be placed into Their mission: Create software windows. It marks the first time so impressive, so dazzling, so a Logo product has offered these useful that ~taricould regain advanced features, its lead as pre-eminent supplier Not until after completion of of personal computers. the proj ec t did the eng ineers GEM software simplifies the operation of Lou and his hard-working group actually see the prototype hard- personal computers by offering a series of of engineers set their sights on ware, Instead, they worked from choices from pull-down menus. DIGITAL DIALOGUE Employees who get a lift out of flying - --- -- %? 7 by Bob Morrisette The next time you hear a pri- vate airplane overhead, look up to the sky -- it may be piloted by one of the fearless Digital Research flyboys. Each of the Digital Research pilots and stu- dent pilots has some interesting facts and stories. Here are some of their tales. Getting lost in the clouds Steve DIAnnolfo started flying in the Spring of 1981 in Monte- rey. He took lessons for a few months and then started again in 1983 with the goal of obtaining his license. He now flies by permit out of Salinas. Steve' s longest flight was from Salinas to Paso Robles and back, using VOR stations and Highway 1 for guidance. His next goal is to license before spring. He would like to organize a Digital Re- search flying club. Steve's closest call came when he became euphoric about the nice Richard Bennett is one of several Digital Research employees who are licensed pilots. An day and view as he came in for a adventurous flyer, Richard has pursued his hobby over the past 20 years and enjoys traveling to landing. Suddenly, he found that out of the way stopovers such as Columbia, Calif., an airstrip next toa restored gold mining town. he was almost ready to stall and had to make some quick correc- getting up in the air. It is an Ridge soaring along the hills tions. His airplane skidded in on incredible feeling, the perspec- parallel to Highway 680 is really two wheels (it had three), but he tive you get from what you see. fun. On many days, you can stay landed in one piece. The lesson It is a high-tech sport." up for hours, if the airport will learned: always concentrate on His longest flight was with let you rent your glider that what the airplane is doing. Gary. They flew from Monterey to long. The next time you drive up Boston in just 13 hours. Tom also 680, look for the gliders. A carp on wings flies ultra-lights, the lightest Soaring is very safe. Sky Sail- Gregg Morris, affectionately thing in the air with a motor. He ing gives about 10,000 tows a known as ''Carp Man," started has recorded around 600 hours in year and accidents are very rare. flying in 1977 and was licensed the air and expects to log many Of course, you must remember when in 1978. He thinks he is fortu- more. to head back to the airport if nate in that his parents are co- you run out of lift. owners of an airplane. Since he Close encounter of worst kid Sky Sailing offers sample les- lives in Santa Cruz, most of his Richard Bennett, project man- sons and rides for two people. It flying is out-of Watsonville. ager in languages, ~h_as2lown,rnore-, _I( 13 all L -mnT -T- When asked what he likes most than 450 hours in the past 20 get. I haven't had any close about flying, Gregg replied, "The years. He has been to several calls but the first time I en- sense of freedom -- you can go little-known airstrips which al- tered a llgagglel' of six other anywhere you want -- you don't low one to taxi directly to the gliders all riding a thermal have to follow a road or take a destination -- a beach or other upwards was very unnerving. specific route." attraction. He has made two long flights: He recommends the airstrip at to Tucson, Ariz., and Coeur de Columbia, Calif., which is a 'Alaine, Idaho. For all that short walk to the restored gold flying, he has had few problems. mining town. He also was able to One time he had to turn around land at strips on the East and from a flight to Lake Tahoe be- West coast that allow you to taxi cause of an electrical failure. to the beach. Examples are Shel- Gregg has spent 160 hours up in ter Cove along Highway 1 in the blue. Northern California and Martha's Vineyard on the East Coast. A chair in the air The strip at Catalina Island is Chairman of the Board and convex, so when you land you Founder Gary Kildall first flew can't see the end of the runway, when he was 15 and was licensed Richard said. b at 29. He has single and multi- Dick was flying through the engine licenses and owns a Pitts Sierra range a few years ago and S2B 2 place aerobatic airplane suddenly an Air Force jet flying DIGITAL DIALOGUE and a Falcon Ultralight. at his altitude zoomed by, barely Digital Diaglogue is published by and for em- What does Gary like most about missing him. "I didn't have time ployees of Digital Research Inc., Box DRI, 60 flying? "It is a good way to get to be scared, he appeared and Garden Court, Monterey, CA 93942.
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