January 8 - 14, 2020

www.lansingcitypulse.com Locally owned Got to get A newspaper for the rest of us you out of my life One man’s breakup with marijuana See page 11

City Pulse Ads.qxp_Layout 1 1/6/20 4:46 PM Page 6 2 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 Absolute Gallery is pleased to showcase Internationally recognized, local artist Julian VanDyke at

VanDykeFriday, is a Jan.renaissance 10 man active5-8 in PMthe Greater Lansing community through programs in our schools, as a muralist around town, an actor in the theater community, and an all- around great guy. He recently exhibited in the 2019 Miami Red Dot Art Exhibition, where he gained an international following for his work.

307 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave Lansing (517) 482-8845 www.absolutegallery.net City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 3 Favorite Things CBD products Chad Cottom of Spin Bicycle Shop for... and his Kona Honzo Mountain Bike The One Stop CBD Shop Arthritis Sleep CBD Anxiety Bath Bomb FREE Pain 1000MG CBD Immunity Inflammation Pain Cream Nausea Only $60 Seizures and more... 2000MG CBD Oil Only $70 4218 W Saginaw HWY - Lansing 1 Block West (517)928-0053 of Waverly My favorite thing is this Kona City in a race called Iceman that Honzo CR Trail DL Mountain Bike. goes from Kalkaska to Traverse City. That’s quite a mouthful. I’ve owned And don’t forget Lansing. We dozens of bikes, and this bike is have five trails here that are part probably the most fun of all the of the Michigan Mountain Bike bikes I’ve ever owned. It’s nimble Association. There’s Anderson Park and it’s predictable and it’s balanced by the Woldumar Nature Center. and it’s comfortable. It’s just got a At the West Lansing trail system really lively personality and it puts off of Sheffield and Hunter’s Ridge, a smile on your face every time you there are three parks along the riv- ride it. Plus, it’s beautiful. There’s er — Fine Park, Fulton Park and nothing in the shape and design that Hunter’s Ridge, five miles of trail, isn’t intentionally functional and as all of it connected, within the city a result it looks really cool. limits. It’s amazing, a gem that It matches my riding personal- people don’t realize is there. There ity. I’m an old BMX dog. The style are three other local parks that are of riding I developed when I was a part of the MBA: Burchfield Park young kid was this BMX stunt type south of town, Sleepy Hollow and riding — dirt jumping, jumping over Ingham Conservation District south cars, all this silly stuff. This bike is of Mason. Oh yeah, there’s Bennett designed to be ridden in that kind of Park near Charlotte and there’s a aggressive manner, like a grownup brand new trail, Fox Park, near version of BMX riding. It can han- Potterville, that they just cut. A lot dle big hits, big jumps, big drops. At of trails, all within half an hour of the same time, it’s light enough and here. fast enough to be ridden as a com- I ride this thing very aggressively petition race bike. It’s a very unique and to its full potential — to my full mix of qualities you don’t generally potential, anyway. But I don’t take find in one bike. it out and subject it to mud and salt This bike has been to all of the cool and stuff, only because I want it to trails in lower Michigan — Pinckney, stay nice. Grand Rapids, Chelsea, all over the (Edited and condensed by place. It’s been ridden up in Traverse Lawrence Cosentino.) 517.999.9999 4 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 VOL. 19 ISSUE 22

(517) 371-5600 • Fax: (517) 999-6061 • 1905 E. Michigan Ave. • Lansing, MI 48912 • www.lansingcitypulse.com ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: (517) 999-5061 or email [email protected] PAGE CLASSIFIEDS: (517) 999-6704 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER • Berl Schwartz 17 [email protected] • (517) 999-5061 ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR • Audrey Matusz Lake Michigan Film Fest showcases Midwest talent [email protected] • (517) 999-5068 EVENTS EDITOR/OFFICE MANAGER • Suzi Smith [email protected] • (517) 999-6704 PRODUCTION MANAGER • Skyler Ashley PAGE [email protected] (517) 999-5066 19 Composition • Abby Sumbler STAFF WRITERS • Lawrence Cosentino [email protected] • (517) 999-5065 Curious findings at the Curious Book Shop Kyle Kaminski • [email protected] (517) 999-6710 SALES EXECUTIVE PAGE Lee Purdy • [email protected] • (517) 999-5064

25 Contributors: Andy Balaskovitz, Justin Bilicki, Capital News Service, Bill Castanier, Ryan Claytor, Mary C. Midtown Brewing Co. unleashes a beast of a burger Cusack, Tom Helma, Gabrielle Lawrence Johnson, Terry Link, Kyle Melinn, Mark Nixon, Dennis Preston, Carrie Sampson, Nevin Speerbrecker, Rich Tupica, Ute Von Der Heyden, David Winkelstern, Paul Wozniak Cover Distribution manager: Garrett Clinard • (517) 999-6704 Art Delivery drivers: Garrett Clinard, Dave Fisher, Dale Gartner, Jack Sova, Gavin Smith Courtesy of Mike Stratton Interns: Matthew Stine • [email protected]


City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 5 PULSE NEWS & OPINION Toward a better Betz In the November Developers are not the enemy of that these projects would have hap- OF THE WEEK 2019 city elections progress. Painting them as the evil pened anyway and that developers seek this newspaper handmaidens of rapacious capitalism incentives merely to line their pockets proudly endorsed serves no discernable interest and sends with excessive profits. These assertions newcomer Brandon the message that the city’s leadership are ideologically driven hyperbole. While Betz for the First is hostile toward potential investors. We it is true that factors like labor availability, Ward seat on encourage Betz to tone down such rhetoric infrastructure and quality of life are primary the Lansing City and work toward developing collaborative, drivers of business location decisions, Council, replacing Betz respectful relationships with those who are the rehabilitation of blighted and contam- two-term Coun- willing to open their pocketbooks and drive inated structures within a community has cilmember Jody new growth in Lansing. everything to do with the financial viability Washington. His victory promises to bring of tackling an old building in the urban core a fresh voice to the city’s legislative body rather than building a new one elsewhere. 1609 N. Larch St. and rebalances the group’s informal alli- The Economic incentives are a primary factor This Lansing Board of Water & ances in a way that tempers Carol Wood’s CP Edit in that equation. Light substation has sat vacant for seemingly perpetual stranglehold over Opinion It’s also important to note that incentives more than a decade, but residents Council affairs. are not paid by the city’s earn-and-file tax- likely won’t have to watch it decay Our support for Betz, however, doesn’t payers, but from the new incremental tax for much longer. Instead, they’ll be mean we will refrain from critical commen- Betz’s animus toward economic revenues generated by the project itself, able to come inside and buy a bag of tary as he assumes his new role in city incentives is well known, but we are not which are paid by the developers. The marijuana. governance. We haven’t shied away from convinced it is well founded. Tax incentives brownfield incentive, for example, captures The three-story brick building critiques of incumbents Patricia Spitzley are often used by local governments to this stream of new taxes to reimburse the might not have any windows — or and Adam Hussain, who also earned our facilitate the redevelopment of contami- developer for the costs of environmental much going inside at all — but lease- endorsement. We won’t pull our punches nated properties and blighted buildings. remediation, which is a public good in and holder Chris Williams has big plans with Betz, either. Economic development tools like the of itself. Betz and others claim that the city for renovations (or possible demo- Toward that end, we were disappointed Brownfield TIF and the Obsolete Property is losing tax revenues by granting incen- lition) as he looks to give the north that one of Betz’s first public statements Rehabilitation Act (OPRA) were created tives is based on the flawed assumption side its first one-stop, marijuana after winning the election lacked the precisely to level the financial playing field that the projects would have happened microbusiness capable of growing graciousness we hope to hear from any between greenfield sites on the urban anyway. In fact, in nearly every case, the up to 150 plants for Michigan’s recre- ational pot market. victorious candidate. His comment that periphery and industrial legacy sites in the city has gained tax revenues (both proper- Jody Washington “has no say in what goes urban core. The latter are inherently more ty and income) as well as ancillary benefits Under state law, marijuana micro- on in the city of Lansing anymore” was expensive to develop than the former for that include temporary and permanent businesses can grow and sell the flower directly, or process it into unnecessarily harsh and should have been obvious reasons: Removing toxic soil or jobs, blight removal and neighborhood followed with a humble apology. While underground fuel storage tanks from a stabilization. concentrates, edibles or other it can be hard for a candidate to take off prospective building site, for example, is We say all of this to remind Councilman infused products. While they can’t his or her combat boots after a rough- an added expense that tilts the investment Betz and his colleagues that incentives sell directly to other dispensaries, and-tumble campaign, it is almost always calculus toward suburban sites. can and should continue to play a vital role they can effectively supply their own advisable to move forward with a modicum In case after case, Lansing’s leaders in sustaining Lansing’s economic resur- demand from a single location. Think of respect for one’s vanquished opponent. have granted tax incentives to spur the gence. We encourage our newest Council of them as craft breweries for weed. We’re also put off by some of Betz’s rehabilitation of the city’s most debilitated member to temper his anti-incentive fervor Just off the overpass where Larch Street splits from Cedar Street, the post-election statements regarding the structures and toxic sites because redevel- and give a fair shake to redevelopment 5,600-square-foot building was built city’s use of economic incentives, partic- oping the properties would not otherwise proposals that seek the city’s assistance. in 1936 and is mostly surrounded by ularly his characterization on Facebook have happened. The most obvious exam- To do otherwise is to risk stalling the mea- industrial space. BWL sold it back that incentives “line the pockets of the rich, ple is the Ottawa Power Station/Accident surable, meaningful progress the city has in 2018. Williams signed his lease in powerful, and politically well connected.” Fund project. In the absence of substantial made over the past decade. December. And barring a licensing It is one thing to critically examine the use economic incentives, the financial barriers delay, plans call for the recreational of incentives as part of the city’s develop- to transforming the gargantuan structure Send letters to the editor pot shop to open sometime this year. ment toolkit; we expect that from Betz and into Class A office space were simply on this editorial or welcome it. It is another thing to rhetorical- insurmountable. On a much smaller scale, — KYLE KAMINSKI ly villainize the people and companies who incentives have played a crucial role in any other topic to [email protected]. play a key role in driving the city’s growth, the redevelopment of numerous other “Eyesore of the Week” is our look at some which in turn creates economic opportunity buildings across the city. Please limit them of the seedier properties in Lansing. It rotates with Eye Candy of the Week and Eye for Design. Have for Lansing residents. Betz and others argue unpersuasively to 250 words. a suggestion? Email [email protected] or call it in at 517-999-6715. 6 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 Police reports reveal alleged Grindr killer’s checkered past Prosecutor: Christmas door at his vacant father’s home, lying on his back and unresponsive. After killing among ‘most some prodding by skeptical deputies, he eventually sprang to life. horrific’ in decades Latunski told authorities he was a (The following story contains graphic “protected person” and that he wanted details about a recent homicide investi- to know “the truth,” according to police gation.) reports. He had also told authorities A menacing silence surrounds Mark that he and his children were being Latunski’s hillside home in the back- “poisoned” by a bladder tank filled with woods of Shiawassee County. lead that his brother somehow mali- Investigators cleared the scene sev- ciously attached to the side of his house, eral days ago, leaving behind only a according to reports. thin, yellow line of police tape around Deputies brought Latunski to a hospi- the rural property. The eerie brick tal for treatment, but by then, Finnegan abode sits vacant. But the air is still was ready to nail custodial kidnap- thick with the sinister notions of what ping charges for his unauthorized and county Prosecuting Attorney Deanna Bacon Latunski extended vacation in Dundee with his Finnegan labeled as the “most horrific” children in August. He was arrested at local homicide in recent decades. Bacon had reportedly met Latunski ties visited the home of Latunski’s now Owosso Memorial Healthcare on Sept. “I’ve been doing this for over 30 years, on the popular gay hookup site Grindr ex-wife in July 2013 for a welfare check. 19, 2013, and criminally charged in the and I’ve never seen anything quite like on Christmas Eve. But when he didn’t She then told authorities that she and weeks that followed. it,” Finnegan added. “It’s absolutely the return home for breakfast on Christmas Latunski — who had recently been That criminal case continued for most horrific homicide case I’ve ever morning, his family called the police to diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia nearly 18 months while Latunski’s dealt with.” report he was missing. — were going through a messy divorce lawyers requested multiple psychiatric According to his lawyers, Latunski, Michigan State Police troopers even- and that he hadn’t been taking his pre- examinations to find whether he was 50, of Morrice, plans to plead insanity tually spotted Bacon’s car at a Family scribed medications. mentally fit to stand trial. Records show next week in 66th District Court after Dollar in Clayton Township. His Deputies had one of their first Latunski was twice found incompetent being charged with open murder and phone, wallet and some clothing were encounters with Latunski a few months but continued to undergo court-or- mutiliation of a body in the death of found inside. Days later, on Dec. 28, later, on Aug. 26, 2013, when they were dered treatment and testing during Kevin Bacon, a 25-year-old member of the investigation led authorities inside dispatched to check on the welfare of 2014 and 2015. the LGBTQ community, college student Latunski’s home, where police said his children. Police reports alleged that In the meantime, sheriff’s deputies and hairstylist from Swartz Creek. The Bacon’s mangled body was suspended Latunski had been ignoring a custody again responded to Tyrrell Road on death occurred either Christmas Eve by a rope in the basement. arrangement for his children and kept Sept. 14, 2014. An unidentified person or early Christmas day, according to It’s still unclear what exactly led hold of them well beyond the time allot- listed in police reports was reportedly authorities. investigators to Latunski. Dave Kaiser, ted under a court order. found naked in Grand Rapids, looking They said they discovered Bacon’s MSP’s public information officer, “Well, they will have to find me in to contact Latunski. Police reports note mutilated corpse hanging upside down couldn’t elaborate much as the inves- contempt then,” Latunski reportedly they were taken to a Grand Rapids hos- in the basement of Latunski’s home tigation and criminal proceedings told deputies at the time. pital. Latunski couldn't be found. The on the 700-block of W. Tyrrell Road continue. But recently released police The following day, the kids were case was closed. outside the village of Morrice. His reports indicate local authorities were nowhere to be found. Deputies were On Sept. 18, Latunski’s boss had throat had been slit. Both of his testi- all too familiar with Latunski, his home again dispatched to Latunski’s home, called sheriff’s deputies to report that cles had been removed. And Latunski and his checkered mental health histo- but they later discovered he and the Latunski hadn’t shown up for work in told authorities that he had eaten them ry. children had left town to stay at a hotel the past four days. Latunski couldn’t be before investigators arrived. Records show county sheriff’s depu- and visit a waterpark in Dundee. Police located during that investigation either. eventually found Latunski, took cus- The call was cleared. And a few months tody of the children and turned them later, in January 2015, a psychiatrist back over to his ex-wife, records show. was starting to feel differently about That’s when the police reports start Latunski’s mental health. to take a turn toward the stranger side. A doctor’s note filed into court On Sept. 3, 2013, Latunski reported- records states that Latunski had made ly visited the MSP post in Lansing — “adequate progress” in therapy and was giving officers a fake name and a fake able to address the “powerful emotions birthdate and telling authorities that and distress” from his recent divorce. he had “killed” Latunski “with a stroke His sense of “paranoia and anger” had of a pen.” Deputies later stopped by his subsided enough for him to function home for a welfare check and discov- — and to be held liable for the alleged ered cryptic notes scattered across the custodial kidnapping incident. kitchen, reports state. Although the charges could’ve ulti- Some referenced “being cursed and mately sent Latunski to prison for breaking the cycle,” reports state. They up to a year if convicted, prosecutors Kyle Kaminski/City Pulse also found references to Latunski’s decided to give up the case by February. Kevin Bacon was found murdered in the basement of this home on Tyrrell Road newfound alias: William Gregory Dean. near Morrice, in Shiawassee County. The owner, Greg Latunski is under arrest. Eventually, they found Latunski next See Murder, Page 7 City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 7

grabs drinks at Stober’s or Moriarty’s. “I’m much more likely to enjoy sit- ‘Leaving it better than we found it’ ting at home,” he added. “Surprisingly, City Council President I’m an introvert. Small talk is not my strong suit. I do go to neighborhood Peter Spadafore outlines events, but it always takes me a few minutes to warm up to the idea of vision for Lansing putting myself out there. I do enjoy it, Growing up, Peter Spadafore want- but it’s definitely my default to shrink ed to be president of the United to the back. I’m working on it.” States. But he’ll have to settle for the While Spadafore’s first passion was Lansing City Council — at least for in education, those skills have trans- now. Besides, at 34, he’s still not quite ferred well to city governance. He old enough to take on the Oval Office said his time on the Council has been anyway. challenging as he attempts to balance “I enjoy what I get to do every the priorities of Lansing’s 116,000 day,” Spadafore said in an interview residents — as an at-large member, Monday, ahead of the vote by City he represents the entire city — but he Council that night making him pres- has enjoyed helping build a consensus ident for the new year. “Work is not among his colleagues and a long-term a job for me. I feel what we’re doing vision for Lansing. on City Council is a service. Service is “This is home,” Spadafore said. “My Kyle Kaminski/City Pulse what gets me going. I want to serve family has been here for over 100 Peter Spadafore, in his office at the Michigan Association of Superintendents and the people around me the best I can years. To me, this is about leaving the Administrators, as he prepares to take over as Lansing City Council president. with the skills I was given. That’s city in a better position than how I really what gets me out of bed every He was approved, 8-0, Monday night. found it when I was elected. I’d like morning. That, and an Alexa alarm ic because I’m a different person,” After a failed bid for county com- my family and the people around me clock.” Spadafore said. “I’ve learned a lot missioner in 2008, Spadafore was to want to call this place home. The Two years into his first term on from Councilwoman Wood, but my elected to the Lansing School Board only way to do that is to continually the City Council, Spadafore was presidency, I think, is going to be a lit- in 2011. He served six years there, improve by leaving it better than we unanimously elected without com- tle bit more casual. I’m a much more three as its president, before eventual- found it.” petition. After a year as vice presi- relaxed person. I enjoy a little bit of ly turning to city politics in 2017. His Among Spadafore’s top focus areas dent, Spadafore took the gavel from humor. I think I’ll also bring a little day job is as a lobbyist and associate for 2020: A Council more direct- Councilwoman Carol Wood — who more to the floor for discussion.” executive director for the Michigan ly involved with outlining the city’s has served as president for the last two Spadafore lives off Moores River Association of Superintendents and annual budget. He said he wants to years and plans to leave the Council at Drive with his husband, Daniel, and Administrators. help to identify specific line items the end of her current term, her sixth. their black lab, Sadie. After growing During his free time, Spadafore and their associated costs upfront Spadafore plans to focus the up in Delta Township and working likes to mosey around downtown, Old rather than depend entirely on Mayor Council on the city’s budget, edge as the “breadstick guy” at Fazoli’s, Town and REO Town. He also likes Andy Schor’s administration to sin- down unfunded pension liabilities he graduated Waverly High School biking along the River Trail, checking gle-handedly set Lansing’s financial and foster a more robust dialogue in 2003 and later earned a degree emails at Strange Matter Coffee and agenda. between the community and its elect- in social relations and policy from ordering food from Tannin, Meat BBQ He also wants to view city spend- ed leaders. Michigan State University’s James and Pablo’s. He’s a bit of homebody, “It’s going to be a different dynam- Madison College. but Spadafore said he’ll occasionally See Council, Page 8

ex-wife had sought to cut off his cus- going on there at the time. It didn’t go forensic examination,” he said. “We will Murder todial rights to his children altogether. anywhere.” be filing an insanity defense.” Records also charted Latunski’s wors- The kilt was returned to Latunski. A massive procession followed from page 6 ening mental state , including a rough The other man was able to leave the Bacon’s body from his funeral to a bout with severe depression. home. The scene was again cleared local cemetery on Friday afternoon. About a month before Bacon’s disap- without incident. And about a month YouTube celebrity Jeffree Star donated Finnegan said the charges were dis- pearance, deputies were again called to later, authorities were back — this time $20,000 to his funeral expenses. In the missed at the request of Latunski’s Tyrrell Road after a neighbor reported to find Bacon’s body and to make an meantime, Latunski remains inside the ex-wife, who no longer wanted to see a younger man scrambling away from arrest. Latunski’s two felony charges Shiawassee County Jail without bail. her ex-husband face the legal conse- Latunski’s home wearing only a leath- carry the potential to sentence him to He’s due back in the courtroom for a quences of his alleged criminal activity. er kilt. Kaiser said the man had been life in prison, if he’s convicted. hearing later this week. “Things had apparently been going chained inside Latunski’s basement but At an arraignment hearing this Kaiser said authorities have not linked OK,” Finnegan added. “She just want- entirely by choice. No criminal charges month, Latunski told a judge his true any additional crimes to Latunski, but ed him to play by the rules and the case were filed against anyone. name was “Edgar Thomas Hill.” Doug they are searching for additional infor- was dismissed at her request.” She said “We showed up to do our investiga- Corwin, Shiawassee County’s pub- mation about the night of Bacon’s dis- Lutunski was warned the charges would tion and what we found was that he was lic defender and one of Latunski’s appearance or about any prior dealings be refiled “if he did anything stupid.” there consensually,” Kaiser added. “He court-appointed attorneys, pointed to with Latunski. Those with any informa- But Latunski’s encounters with law had not been assaulted. There was no that statement as added evidence of his tion to share can confidentially contact enforcement didn’t stop there. Records unwanted behavior and he didn’t want legal insanity. He plans to argue that as authorities at (877) 616-4677, Kaiser show Latunski had repeatedly failed to to do a police report. Apparently there part of a defense as the case proceeds. added. pay child support and that by 2019, his had been some type of boundary issues “I can tell you that we’ll be filing for a — KYLE KAMINSKI 8 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

The closer the calendar gets to Nov. badly. 3, 2020, the more likely a sustainable This makes it likely the Legislature 2020 may well travel road-funding plan is kicked to lame will pass a plan that allows Oakland, duck, where a concrete deadline Wayne and Washtenaw counties to helps chase away politics. ask their voters to support a millage — Expungement reform The new for a coordinated regional transit a familiar road conservative Republican sees fiscal system, something that’s been It’s all about fixing the damn roads. than raising gas taxes is borrowing sense in keeping people out of prison. hanging around since Bill Milliken. Again. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s money for infrastructure through If that means wiping away criminal — Red Meat No legislative session popular 2018 gubernatorial bonding. Particularly for this crew of records to give former inmates a before an election is complete campaign returns POLITICS lawmakers. better shot at getting a job, so be it. without some votes to excite the in 2020’s opening Michigan pays $160 million The House already took a step in majority’s base. This year, Right to months as the big- every year for John Engler’s road this direction in 2019. As long as Life has collected signatures for an ticket item. bonding adventures of the 1990s. victims’ rights are addressed, the initiated law to end what are known The 45-cent-a- The roads he repaired need to be Senate could follow through with in the medical field as Dilation and gallon tax increase fixed again, but we’re all still paying something that could be sent to the Evacuation (D&E) abortions but is out. Potentially, the debt service. Going well above governor this year. is being sold as “dismemberment expanded bonding the $1 billion the governor could — Michigan Reconnect The abortions.” options are in. legally bond through the State governor’s plan to pay community Once the secretary of state verifies Whitmer will let us all know for sure Transportation Commission isn’t the college or skill trades training for enough signatures were collected, by her Jan. 29 State of the State Legislature’s first, second or third non-traditional students is any easy the House and Senate will pass the address if and how she’s looking at option. sell for Republicans, even if it means initiated law without Whitmer’s raising $2.5 billion a year for roads. House, Senate and administration the end of the Snyder-era GoingPro signature in about 10 minutes. But as we look ahead in this officials made some headway on this program. Whether it will stand up in the courts column toward what we can expect issue last year. A compromise could Bringing back money for the Pure will be the more compelling question. from Lansing in 2020, what’s include Speaker Lee Chatfield’s push Michigan tourism campaign could Finally, look for a resolution or underneath the hood of Whitmer to have all gas tax go to the roads be the Republicans’ return ask since law clearing the way for “Second Road Funding 2.0 is less important and Senate Majority Leader Mike the constituents of the Northern Amendment Sanctuary Counties.” than whom she’s willing to share the Shirkey’s drive to bond out a portion Michigan lawmakers saw a financial Inspired by a situation in Virginia, road with. of the teacher pension payments bump from the ads. the idea is that county sheriffs could The landing strip is there for would still need to be in the mix. — Southeast Michigan transit refuse to enforce any state-enacted the Democratic governor and the A complicating factor is Southeast Nothing pisses off a rural Oakland strict gun-control law. Republican-led Legislature as it Michigan legislators like Sen. Pete County taxpayer more than the An enormous social media push heads toward a presidential election. Lucido, who insist that driver thought of paying an extra millage has been ignited on this, giving It’s just very thin and not very long. registration fees be spent in the for “empty buses” that serve the conservative Republicans in rural — Road Funding The popular county where collected. Big-county county’s urban area. Still, the areas fertile ground to score big chatter in town has Whitmer’s team lawmakers like Lucido like that a lot Michigan business community political points. exploring bonding for roads. For because it means more money for that cuts checks to the Republican (Kyle Melinn of the Capitol a fiscally conservative Republican, them. Northern Michigan lawmakers leadership caucuses want a newsletter MIRS is at melinnky@ the only thing likely less appealing — who include Chatfield — don’t. coordinated Michigan transit system gmail.com.)

community input and to fundamen- green spaces — like the former Red of things,” Spadafore said. “It was a Council tally streamline the way the city han- Cedar Golf Course. Instead, any tax rushed experience toward the end, dles its “customer service” experience, incentives need to be based almost but I do think there’s some merit he said. He suggested a single hub for exclusively on the community benefit, to talking more about social clubs, from page 7 residents to interact with several city he said. more microbusinesses, social equity departments and services rather than “The City Council needs to be incentives and temporary licenses for ing through the lens of its balloon- scattering them across multiple dif- more forceful in saying that we need events and other things like that.” ing unfunded pension liabilities. In ferent floors and offices at City Hall. something in it for the community,” Spadafore said he’s pondered the 2006, Lansing’s unfunded pensions He also paints himself as a consen- Spadafore said. “It’s not just for the idea of a mayoral bid in the past, but and post-employment benefits tallied sus builder on the Council deis. people who are going to live or work in right now is more focused on his leg- to about 13.5% or $25 million of the “I like to hear all ideas, and that those spaces, but development needs islative duties on the City Council. city’s $184 million revenue. In the last could cause me some trouble in the to provide a tangible benefit by way He doesn’t envision serving there for budget cycle, that figure climbed to future,” Spadafore added. “Some folks of something the community actually the next 30 years, but he 0said he has about 22% of the city’s annual reve- have said that 5-3 decisions are good. enjoys — not just a new building.” since decided to at least seek reelec- nue. I don’t believe that’s the case in most Additionally, Spadafore said he tion next year. “That’s going to require some tough instances. I think it’s more import- wants to bolster public transportation “I want to make some changes, get decisions,” Spadafore said. “Right ant to strike a compromise. I might options for local residents and provide some things in place in Lansing and now, everything seems OK. We’re not always agree with everyone, but a more conducive environment for the evaluate my personal and professional actually doing all right. We’re not nobody should ever feel like I’m not medical and recreational marijuana life as that comes up,” Spadafore said. great, but we’re not near bankruptcy. listening.” market to flourish. While he doesn’t “Right now, I really like what I do on When budgets get tight, that’s going Spadafore also said he’d like to want to amend the city’s ordinance on the Council and during my day job. I to become a more pressing issue. It’s implement a more judicious review of weed just yet, he said he’s open to the would never tell you that anything is not immediate, but we need to start tax incentives for future development. idea of reviewing it later this year. ever off the table. I just don’t know thinking long-term on those issues.” He doesn’t want any more Brownfield “I do wish we would’ve responded where my life will take me just yet.” Spadafore is also seeking additional plans to be approved for existing more quickly to the recreational side — KYLE KAMINSKI City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 9

went into it. Trump is nothing if not ed “the conditions for the presence impulsive — and driven by an atavis- of the American forces in Iraq.” A blustering president could get tic impulse to prove himself tougher Say what you want about the than his predecessor. Obama negoti- Bush administration, but they were a lot of people killed—again ated with Iran; Trump killed its No. the A-team of the neoconserva- 2. Iran jabbed; Trump pulled out a tive movement. Yet they failed to sledgehammer. Trump views foreign see beyond the first move, even. Second verse, same as the first/a little bit louder policy as a dick-measuring contest; Trump’s foreign policy crew, on as long as he has to U.S. military the other hand, isn’t the A-team and a little bit worse. to fight for him, he has no need for of anything. As important, Trump I was 23 in the run-up to the Iraq via drone strike in Baghdad Friday. diplomacy. has strained the alliances he’d need invasion, part of a generation that Like most Americans, I’d never But there’s a reason presidents to fight Iran, and it’s increasingly had been shocked out of a brief era heard his name before he was killed. Bush and Obama — who was likely that Iraq will ask the U.S. to of unquestioned A New Yorker profile from 2013 never shy about hunting human withdraw its 5,000 troops from the INFORMED DISSENT American hegemony portrays him as a powerful-yet-in- beings with drones — declined to country. Complicating matters fur- by 9/11 and watched visible behind-the-scenes operative kill Suleimani when they had the ther, Trump’s never had a coherent a country rally, in the Middle East, “assassinating chance, even though the government strategy in Iran; he paints himself drone-like, around a rivals, arming allies, and, for most considered him a terrorist: No one as a noninterventionist, yet every- war in Afghanistan. of a decade, directing a network of knows what happens now. thing his administration does points No sooner had JEFFREY C. BILLMAN militant groups that killed hundreds In a statement, the Defense toward regime change. the Taliban been of Americans in Iraq.” Department said it took out So now, for the first time in his dislodged than Suleimani was targeted after Suleimani to deter future violence. presidency, Donald Trump is about the administration turned its eyes Iranian-backed militias marched on Administration officials then told to face an honest-to-god foreign toward a new target — a more dan- the U.S. embassy in Baghdad last the media, on background, that policy crisis — one that stands to get gerous target, we were told. Tuesday. (No one was harmed.) That Trump acted to prevent unspecified a lot of people killed. What are the One with Weapons of Mass came in response to the American imminent attacks. Vice President chances that he’s thought through Destruction. Run by a Madman. bombing of Kataib Hezbollah militia Mike Pence linked Suleimani to the what happens after he waves his dick An Axis of Evil. Act now or risk a sites, which killed about two dozen 9/11 terrorists. Secretary of State around? “mushroom cloud,” President George people. That came in response to Mike Pompeo tweeted a video that As with Saddam Hussein 17 years W. Bush warned. Kataib Hezbollah allegedly firing showed what he said were Iraqis ago, the question isn’t whether I was skeptical of the Bush admin- 31 missiles at an American base on “dancing in the street.” we could kill Suleimani. Nor is it istration’s eagerness for war. But I Dec. 27, which killed an American Second verse, same as the first. whether he deserved to die. The wasn’t yet jaded enough to think contractor. In any event, that seems unlikely question is whether assassinating my government would manufacture The context shouldn’t be ignored: to be the final word. him is worth the blood we’re about a pretext for invasion. Besides, for President Trump is headed into Iran’s supreme leader vowed to spill — and whether we even the most part, neither the national a re-election year with lackluster “forceful revenge.” The State paused to ask ourselves that. media nor leading Democrats were approval numbers and facing an Department told Americans to (Jeffrey Billman is the editor challenging the president’s claims. impeachment trial. The day he leave Iraq. Iraq’s prime minister of INDY Week, in Durham, North The Iraq War cured me of such authorized the strike, evidence sur- condemned the assassination and Carolina.) naiveté. faced that Trump had personally labeled the strike a “flagrant viola- But although Paul Wolfowitz and directed the Office of Management tion of Iraqi sovereignty” that violat- Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney and Budget to withhold Ukrainian and the like had fantasized about aid while he was pressuring that ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE toppling Saddam Hussein for years, country’s CITY OF LANSING, MICHIGAN and although they’d been in and president to Case No. 19-1UDC-0863 Sealed bids marked S/20/055, ABANDONED VEHICLES will be accepted at the City of Dept. No. 1 around the highest levels of gov- investigate IN THE TENTH JUDICIAL Lansing Purchasing Office, 1232 Haco Dr, Lansing Mi. 48912 until but no later than, 1:00 PM, DISTRICT COURT OF THE local time in effect WED. JAN. 15, 2020. ernment for decades, they hadn’t his political STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Questions regarding this sale may be directed to Stephanie Robinson, Buyer, at (517) 702- thought through what would happen rival, even as CHURCHILL 6197 or email: [email protected]. after he was gone, when there was the Pentagon PAMALA LYNN BENTON, Plaintiff, SCOTT CHRISTOPHER BENTON, Vehicles may be inspected WED. JAN. 15, 2020, as follows: a power vacuum, the second- and worried that Defendant. SUMMONS SHROYER’S, 2740 EATON RAPIDS RD, LANSING MI. 48911 8:30 AM third-order effects: the Iraqi civil doing so was THE STATE OF NEVADA SENDS PJ’S , 1425 RENSEN, LANSING MI 10:00 AM GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE war, the rise of the ISIS, the Syrian both illegal NAMED DEFENDANT: You are NORTHSIDE TOWING, 226 RUSSELL, LANSING, MI 48906 10:45 AM hereby SUMMONED and required SWIFT TOWING, 3939 HOLT RD, HOLT MI 9:15 AM to serve upon the plaintiff, PAMALA civil war, the refugee crisis, even, to and contrary LYNN BENTON, whose address is 924 Brass Ring Road, Las Vegas, some degree, Brexit. Iraq’s collapse to America’s NV 89123, and ANSWER to the Abandoned Vehicle Sale List Complaint which is herewith served JAN.15, 2020 strengthened Iran, which seeded interests. upon you, within 20 days after service of this Summons upon you, NORTHSIDE PJ's SHROYERS Shia militias throughout the Middle You’d be for- exclusive of the date of service. In addition, you must file with the YEAR MAKE YEAR MAKE YEAR MAKE East —Including in Iraq — revved given for sus- Clerk of this Court, whose address is shown below, a formal written 1999 SATURN 1992 FORD 2010 CHEV answer to the complaint, along 2001 FORD 2006 CHEV 2015 CHRYS up its nuclear program, and, more pecting the with the appropriate filing fees, in accordance with the rules of the 2007 PONTIAC 1997 FORD 2002 MERCEDES recently, engaged in a proxy war dog is being Court. If you fail to do so, judgement 2018 MOPED 2002 FORD 2008 CHEV by default will be taken against against Saudi Arabia in Yemen. wagged. you for the relief demanded in the 2017 TRAILER 2011 GMC Complaint. This action is brought 2002 TRAILER 2000 LINC SWIFT For all their experience, Bush’s war But I’m to recover a judgement dissolving the contract of marriage existing 2015 MAZDA 2007 CHEV YEAR MAKE planners thought we’d be “greeted as not sure between you and the Plaintiff. The filer certifies that this document 2011 GMC 2018 HYUND 2013 DODGE liberators.” Instead, we got endless that’s the does not contain the social security 2011 DODGE 1997 FORD 2009 CHEV number of any person. war. case, because 2005 JEEP Sue Sevon 2011 BUICK CLERK OF THE COURT I won’t pretend to be an expert on I’m not sure Shellie Hooten 2016 CHEV DEPUTY CLERK 2005 CHRYS Qassim Suleimani, the high-ranking that much 73 Main St., Fallon, NV 89406 CP#20-004 Iranian general the U.S. assassinated thought CP#20-002 10 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 BOOKS We ALTERNATIVECan Do Very MEDICINE Special Events Ok,What quickly, isgrab Neurofeedback? your calendar! Don’t have a calendar? Really? It’s cool, we have some. Yeah, they’re pretty nifty. It’s not too sur- prising, I suppose, that we sell calendars — I mean we are a book- store. We also have stickers, mugs, candy, gifts ... and books, too. Neurofeedback is biofeedback for the brain. Biofeedback can Anyway,measure open heart your rate, calendar skin temperature to Feb. 1. Ifand you also have the aelectrical planner, pleaserhythms check of to the see brain. if 7 p.m. When is brainfree. wavesIt’s free? are Perfect! out of balance, You will we not want to miss Rabbi Michael Lerner present his new book, can have a range of symptoms: too many fast frequencies canEVERYBODY READS “Revolutionaryproduce trouble Love,” sleeping at Congregation and anxious feelings. Kehillat If Israel, the brain 2014 Forestwaves Road, are Lansing. too slow, it can affect focus and mood issues. BOOKS & STUFF Lerner is an internationally renowned social theorist, theo- logianIn aand session, psychotherapist. sensors are placedHe is the on foundera client’s and scalp publisher to of Tikkunmonitor magazine, brain waves. one of The the process most respected is non-invasive, intellectual/cul and can be- SCOTT HARRIS turalused magazines to gather in information the Jewish world.into a brain map. Clients can then learn how to slow down or speed up their brainwaves with Gretchen Morse, DMA, He is considered a national leader of the antiwar move- BCNS mentreal of timethe ‘60sfeedback and duringchairs the follow-upBerkeley sessions.chapter of Optimizing Students and balancing brainwaves can impact a variety of symptoms. for a Democratic Society. Lerner was described by J. (517) 346-9900MID-MICHIGAN EdgarA recent Hoover client as had “one tried of themultiple most interventions dangerous criminalsfor traumatic in 2019 E. MichiganNEUROFEEDBACK Ave America.”stress, but In had the not 21st seen century, the relie hef they helped desired. to organize Neurofeedb Theack Lansing, MI 48912 Networkhelped ofto settle Spiritual down Progressives, their brain and an nervous international system’s polit- 517-290-4965 ical responseand social to justicetriggers, movement providing relief,based and in theallowing United them States. to everybodyreadsbooks.com Of course,utilize toolsno presentation from other therapiesabout social more equity effectively, is complete as well. with- 2109 Hamilton Rd. Suite 100-C out Neurofeedbackbooks, and we gotcan books. help ease We alove wide bringing range of books! cognitive, So, if you Okemos, MI 48864 are emotional,ever looking and for physiological books for an symptoms. event, a class or a library, we would love to be there for you, too. INSURANCE JEWELRY JoseHYDROTHERAPY Can Actually & WELLNESS Make Your Life So Much Better A NewBANKING Year and a Look Back Do you know Jose Yanez? Isn’t he cool? He is really good at being aSpring personal financial is Almost planner. Jose, Here, as it turns Time out, works for with a me. HereThe we Advantages are, a new year, a new of decade, Using and a time for Same office and everything! Jose was kind enough to sit down with reflection on the way our lives change. As I age, I tend to meHot the otherTub day Checkup to answer some of the most important questions reflectCommunity on a lifetime rather Bank than days or weeks. That greater thatEveryone our clients is anxious had about for spring life insurance — after all, and it’s retirement a great planning. spanOne provides of the anice far thingsmore grandabout vision.a community bank is all of your Me:time Shouldto use your everyone tub. Hotwater retire? Works on Michigan Avenue offers Indecisions my youth, are wemade would locally. turn You on are the not TV just and an wait account for it number to comprehensiveJose: Mentally, hot No. tub But checkups. physically, We’ll our bring bodies you will a new one filter, day say, or business statistic no one knows. The people who make Jessica Graham & warm up before we could watch. The anticipation was over- “Enoughchange or is check enough,” your or water you andhave refill other your passions tub, if needed.that you would whelming,decisions as know was oftenwho you our are. patience. We live, Eventually work, and playthe devicein the like to pursue. When that time comes, will you have put yourself Michelle Humes We have fresh neck pillows, new covers, floating lights, spa wouldsame come community to life, although as you.To once keep in up a whilewith the it was technology necessary of in a positive financial position to maintain the lifestyle you have HOTWATER to finebigger tune banks, or to manyadjust community vertical or bankshorizontal are pushing hold, resulting to keep up. becomescents and accustomed all the necessary to? chemicals needed to usher in the in moreMany waiting have up-to-date until I could technology experience and digitalthe most banking amazing services — newMe: season. Do you hurt or help people? WORKS things.it is a lot different than 1990.Dart Bank has an app on both STEWART POWELL HavingJose: hotInitially, tub problems? it might hurt We canto have diagnose the gut-wrenching any issues and conver make- a iPhone and Android, and a brand new website. Online banking sationplan to about repair personal them. We’ve finances, seen but all overall, kinds of I issuesfeel I help and andcan bring SCOTT(517) HARRIS 364-8827 We live in an extraordinary new world of technology, con- venienceallows and you speed.to pay person-to-person.When evening arrives, We have we aturn brand on new the IQ vrepairalue to and people’s maintain lives. your tub. We are always fair and honest. mortgage application allowing people to apply online, with a (517) 482-0054 2116 E Michigan Ave TV. It bounds to life immediately. I click on the app for my Brennan Andrews, MostMe: tubs Does are everybody going to lastneed between life insurance? 10-18 years but our current Dart Bank mortgage specialist who can assist during the Jose: No, unless others rely on your income to live after you Lansing, MI 48912 subscription service, and wait for it to load. Occasionally it Marketing Director tubs, Jacuzzi and Nordic, have extended warranties to consider (517) 664-9600 process. We have business solutions and consumer solutions for223 S Washington Square, are gone. That being said, we all need some level of insurance is necessary to enter my user ID, which I have to look up Lansing, MI 48933 before making any repairs. Nordic is even made in Michigan! becauseeveryone. I have If fifty you differenthave a rare ones. case, More we can waiting. work withEventually, you in DART BANK whether it’s life, disability, or long-term care. Everyone’s situation 4112 S. Cedar St., isSome different. think having a hot tub will require a lot of maintenance, afterorder significant to find theexpense best solution of patience, for you.When I can watch you need the mostto reach us Lansing, MI 48910 linnandowenjewelers.com but Me: it’s Workonly ab forout10 the man?minutes a week. We want people to use amazingby phone, things. a real person will answer. The person you talk to is (517)244-4406 theirJose: tubs NO, in Ithe work healthiest for my way.clients. We can teach you to balance “Thea resident more thingsof the Lansingchange, thearea more and athey member remain of ourthe community.same.” water Me: chemistry Are you a and witch? check the filter once a month to make itsonllyinsurance.com A phraseYou might translated even get from the thepresident French of authorthe bank. Jean-Baptiste 368 S. Park Street Mason, MI 48854 sureJose: it’s Moregood tolike go. a wizard...hahaRelax Hotwater Works! Alphonse Karr. Beauty, kindness, family, love; they too Any questions that I forgot? Please call Jose at: 517-316-5333 remain the same. We are truly blessed.

GIFTS LITERACY ART SUPPLIES SlainteSuccess starts in style! with a community VolunteerNirvana, and Transcendent help change theInsight, world and Think Globally, Act Locally. This state- Insurance Few people are so enlightened to know of the insurance guru Forgetment about is reallythe over-priced what green being beer, a noisy business bars or waiting own- YOUwho sits can atop thechange world’s highest the mountainworld of paperwork- iner line is toabout. get a drink We during have the annualto think St. Paddy’s about Day the pub big somewhere beyond the Forest of Regret and the Sea of Dyspepsia. crawl - stay in and serve up your favorite brew or cocktail in InThe 2020! guru speaks of simplicity, “an insurance policy is nothing style.picture, but work within our community. Volunteermore than a contract. Tutors It is aneeded. contract that says, ‘if you give CAPITAL AREA JustThe in Internet time for your has St. allowedPatrick’s Day every revelry, business you can to have Delphi Glass money to an insurance company and something listed in the customizea global a stage, mug, pilsner but it’sglass our or piece community of stemware that at our gives Tutorcontract childrencomes to pass, or you adultswill be given in money.’" reading Of course LITERACY COALITION Sandblasted Glassware Art a la Carte class. It’s the perfect DELPHI GLASS the guru speaks of deductibles and conditions; but the guru us success. Customers are merely our friends we andactually writing. preaches the Obtain importance volunteer of having an insurance hours. agent time to get together with friends, make some mugs and (517) 394-4685 DI CLARK memories.are just meetingBring a beverage and ofour your businesses choice and begin are your merely Collegetranslate the credit words into options English. available. Scott Harris, LUTCF pre-St. Patrick’s Day drinking warm-up. You’ll leave at the a platform for creating a local door to the world. 3380 E Jolly Rd Often the guru is asked, “why is insurance so expensive?” In (517) MID-MICHIGAN485-4949 end of the night with fun glassware to raise a glass on any KATHYLansing, HOLCOMB MI 48910 the most disarming voice the guru responds, “is insurance occasion.To quote Mr. Rogers: “Won’t you be my neigh- www.delphiglass.com expensive when you’ve been t-boned while driving westbound 1028 E. SaginawINSURANCE St. on Jolly Road, totaling your Prius and lacerating your kidney, GROUP, INC. Callbor?” (517) Shop 394-5364 local, or visit Create DelphiGlass.com/Cheers Community, to Beregister the (517) 482-8845 Lansing, MI 48906 orWorld. to schedule your private party. Join us and be prepared for a and your insurance company must pay more than you’ve ever fun night in - your buddy is gonna get everyone tossed out of the paid in your premiums?” Smiling, the guru says- without thereadingpeople.org517-664-9600 bar for being too rowdy, anyway. 307 E. César E. Chávez Ave uttering a word, “of course not.” The guru is wise, and Lansing, MI 48906 knows insurance can be your dear friend while a loyal and 4112 S. Cedar St. humble (and cat loving) insurance agent can be your dearest Lansing, MI 48910 absolutegallery.com friend. City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 11 Breaking up with pot: When the going gets wEi D

(Mike Stratton is a local everything by the Beatles. psychotherapist. His Drinking was such a norm in my family new book, “The Little that I never questioned it. Cocktails after Green Book: A guide to work and late into the evening seemed to be what grownups did. My parents’ socializing breaking up with mari- always included a great deal of alcohol con- juana,” is a combination sumption. Most nights I thought nothing of of a memoir and self- Photo by Linda Vail it. But some nights the monsters came out. help guide for those who Stratton Mom and Dad could get into horrifically may be struggling with ugly verbal arguments that could go on into a dependency on mari- the wee hours of the morning. They’d say terrible things to each other. And I always juana. Stratton is not anti-pot, but he is had a sense that drinking had a lot to do aware from personal experience that it with their transformation from loving, rea- can be a problem for some users, as this sonable people into the pathetic, hateful excerpt shows. Stratton is also host of creatures they often became after downing the long-running jazz show “The Vinyl several Scotches. Side of Midnight” on Sunday nights on Meanwhile, compounding my parents’ WLNZ at 89.7 FM.) drinking was my Dad’s depression. He was, at times, suicidal. One day, as he prepared for a car trip across the state, Mom came into my bedroom and started throwing By MIKE STRATTON clothes into my suitcase. “When the going gets weird, “Your father’s going to kill himself. You have to stop him.” the weird go pro.” I was 13. Next thing I was in the car with Dad ~ Hunter S. Thompson, “Fear and surrounded by a deadly silence as we and Loathing at whipped down the highway. Miles passed before I could muster the courage to say, The Super Bowl” “So, you’re going to kill yourself?” My first interpretation as a therapist. My family has what I sometimes call “The His response? “Your mother is an alco- Irish Condition,” a long history of genera- holic.” tions of problem drinkers or out-and-out He didn’t kill himself. alcoholics. My parents lived into their late 70s and I was aware of this right from the start. died of natural causes. All the drama of Born into an Irish-Catholic middle-class my childhood receded as they aged, and at family in the smack dab middle of the the end of their lives I knew they’d had an 1950s, in Lansing, I was the third of four enduringly deep love for each other. But it kids. Middle, middle, middle. sure wasn’t easy. Beyond all the middling, I found great Music and books really kept me sane comfort and solace in both music and books. through some tense days at home. I was a little bit precocious in both areas, When my high school years arrived, I and I thank my sister Linda for introducing had a new friend, Renaldo, who had eclec- me to books like “Manchild in the Promised tic musical tastes; he introduced me to the Land” and “The Autobiography of Malcolm likes of Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart. X” by the I started to time I was buy records 12. Other by Led Zep- titles such “I was a better self after drinking. pelin and as “Flow- Jimi Hen- ers For More confident, better dancer, the drix, which Algernon” girls looked better, I looked better.” led me next and “One to the blues, Flew Over and then The Cuck- jazz. Jazz became a lifelong mistress. (Top to bottom) School pictures: The author in 1st grade oo’s Nest” were sprinkled among the series And on the heels of jazz blossomed my I sought out as a young boy: “Tarzan,” “Doc interest in girls. at Holy Cross Elementary at age 6; his 8th grade gradu- Savage” and “The Hardy Boys.” I gobbled As early as first grade I thought maybe I ation photo from when he attended St. Gerard Catholic them up while listening to the records my School; and his senior picture from Lansing Central brother Tom brought home, anything and See Weird, Page 12 Catholic High School. 12 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

“I was 20 when this picture was taken at the shank of wEi D a dinner party in Ireland in 1975.” from page 11 should be a priest, but then realized that I certain- ly could not be a priest because priests didn’t mar- ry, and I already had a first-grade crush on lovely, raven-haired Roberta. By the time I got to high school, my obsession with girls had peaked. Yet I was also painfully shy. In those days and in my school, guys and girls didn’t mix as easily as teens seem to mix today. But at school dances you could ask a girl to dance, and if she said yes, you could even touch her. If the “yes” was elation, the “no” was crushing. A friend of mine encouraged me to get a cou- ple of cheap bottles of wine from a store he knew didn’t card buyers. Andrew was Greek and could pass for 18 (which was buying age back during the era of the Vietnam War). We’d go into the store, pick out a couple of fruity flavors and be on our way, chugging the bottle and then whisking into the dance. I was a better self after drinking. More confident, better dancer, the girls looked better, I looked bet- I’d already experienced so many of the side effects I experienced the benefits many users say they ter. If I got a “no” after asking a girl to dance, it of weed: the euphoria, the depersonalization, the get from pot. I felt like it helped me open those didn’t bother me, I’d just go on to the next one. stimulation of humor, creativity, paranoia, hunger. “Doors of Perception” that Aldous Huxley wrote It got to the point where I would drink before I went to college and considered majoring in about. And so many of my creative heroes used every school dance. And after a couple of bad political science or history — basically shooting drugs: Charlie Parker, Hunter S. Thompson and experiences with drinking too much, I started to for a pre-law Jack Kerouac. The Beatles. make rules for myself. degree. After Many people find pot beneficial. And I did too. By the time I got to col- my heart broke Up to a point. lege, I thought I’d bet- “Many people find pot beneficial. in the first I tried to keep enough marijuana on hand that I ter restrict myself to no And I did too. Up to a point.” semester (unre- could smoke it whenever I’d see my girlfriend, who more than three drinks quited love), I had graduated and was living on the other side of an evening. read a primer the state. I only saw her once or twice a month. Sometimes I broke on Freud, then One evening I was walking with a friend back to that rule. It didn’t occur to me at the time that another primer on Jung. Next I took a psychology our house off campus. It was a beautiful fall day even feeling like I had to make rules for my drink- class and the rest actually is history. and the leaves were falling. I had just finished up ing was probably a bad sign. Here were answers, I thought, that explained my shift working at the college library, a job I loved I didn’t smoke marijuana in high school. I was myself and everyone and everything else. College because it allowed me to be around books and once aware of it, but it wasn’t around or as prevalent as was intellectually exhilarating. I was still reading I finished my work I could study and get paid for it would become even a year later, when it sudden- for pleasure, between all the assigned readings and it. ly flooded the school I had attended. texts. I declared a psychology major and accrued I asked my friend what we should do that eve- The first time I smoked, my younger broth- enough credits for an English minor. And since I ning. er initiated it. We were listening to Neil Young’s enjoyed reading novels so much, I started to think “Let’s get high!” he suggested. “Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere” (foreshadow- about writing them. “But we got high yesterday,” I said. “You can’t get ing!), and I kept waiting for something different Always appreciative of the aesthetic, I also stum- high two days in a row.” to occur. Nothing did. I didn’t feel anything, and I bled into a love of art. I took a class in art history “Yes, you can,” he said. didn’t know if I was doing it right. and sat in a dark room with other students, watch- And that was that. Thus started a string of days Sometime later I was out with friends and one ing dozens of slides the professor would project that ran into years of getting high every day. of them had a couple of joints. We smoked one onto the screen while he described a new way of I had only a few weeks before I finished my final and then went to see a science fiction film in the looking at history and culture and politics and reli- class, an independent study on existential psychol- theater. The movie was “Zardoz,” starring Sean gion. Through the prism of art. College was the ogy, and left campus. Once again, I’d be living with Connery. So I must have been 19 years old. After best. I made a few friends and then found a girl my parents and my brother in Lansing. I was still we left the theater, we smoked the other joint and who wouldn’t break my heart. dating Sue, the girl I’d been dating through most drove around town. My hometown had mysteri- After I went out with her once, she had a joint of college. It was a long-distance relationship, an ously shifted into a kind of science fiction land- and suggested we smoke it before we made out. As hour and a half drive from where I was living. I scape. Everything looked different. And I couldn’t much as I liked making out, making out on weed was happy when Sue told me she’d applied for a stop laughing. was even better, and I wanted to get high before teaching job in Lansing. We got the munchies so we decided to stop at a every make-out session. Which eventually led to I got a job at a local psychiatric hospital, work- donut shop downtown. As I pulled in (yes, I was sex. ing the midnight shift. I thought about Ken Kesey, the driver), I noticed three police cars in the park- I still loved to read, and I still loved music. And the author of “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,” ing lot. The little donut shop was loaded with cops! getting high seemed to help in both of those areas, going through early experiments with LSD with My friends kept saying, “Don’t act suspicious,” but as well. I felt like I could understand existential the Army during the day and then working on a I realized that as I floated into the store the police philosophy after smoking. I also felt a better con- psych unit at night, writing his great novel. would immediately know what was up. So I went nection with the later period of John Coltrane. In The day I interviewed, the head nurse took me back to the car, then drove around the block and other words, avant-garde music made sense. back into the “locked unit.” She took out a heavy picked up my buddies after they came out. I was I didn’t start using marijuana on a regular basis super paranoid. until I was almost done with college. See Weird, Page 13 City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 13 wEi D from page 12 set of keys, which it turned out every employee had, and led me into a room that was more like a glorified clos- et. Hanging on the wall were leather belts and cuffs — restraints to be used on patients if they attempted to hurt themselves or others. Or became unruly. Restraining the patients would be part of what I did in my job as a psych tech. Unlike Kesey, I hadn’t used LSD (yet), but I started smoking prodi- gious amounts of weed. Usually moving through an ounce every week to 10 days. It was a stressful job, and the night shift made it an extra twist of crazy, report- ing for work at 11 p.m. and punching out at 7:30 a.m. Night became day and day was night, and I lost all sense of when it was necessary to be straight for work. I started to smoke before work and after. Surprisingly (now), I was never con- fronted or written up for this behavior. It was 1977 and maybe people were just uninformed about marijuana. Or may- be the rest of the staff was using some- thing, too. My parents went to the desert for the winter, and my brother and I lived in their home for the few months while they were gone. He worked the day shift for a car dealership. Eventually a spot opened on the day shift for me. I was excited to start working with increased staff, around the therapists and getting a chance to interact with patients when they were involved in activities. The night before my first day shift, my brother came home from a night out. He said he assumed I was asleep, since I would have to be awake around 6 a.m. to make my 7 a.m. start time. Photo by Renaldo Migaldi But to his surprise, I was still awake “In the parking lot of my wedding reception in 1977 with a spliff in each hand.” at 1 a.m. Watching TV and smoking a joint. “Tom,” I said, taking another toke, eclipsed, my best judgment. astation many other addicts experience. Instead, “you’ve got to watch this. Tommy Lasorda’s on The psych ward job was a profound experience. heavy marijuana users just hit the PAUSE button Tom Snyder.” I saw psychosis up close, as well as all sorts of oth- in their lives. It’s just hard to get any traction, to He told me he had to get to bed and that I should er psychological suffering. I developed a sense of follow through on your goals, to get motivated, too, since I had to be up so early. He said that as what was and was not helpful to people. I made have initiative, and get stuff done. he went to sleep he could still hear me toking up. some good friendships among the staff and gained The other point is something else I was experi- “Toke, toke, toke … .” (Just say that out loud while some very valuable training. encing: Even though I had been a big fan of read- inhaling and you’ll get the idea of the sound of Because Sue was moving to Lansing, I asked ing, I had gotten to the point that I read less and toking). her if she’d marry me. She said “yes.” I was 22 and less. I had also stopped enjoying reading. This was The next morning, he got up at 7 a.m. and Sue was 24 years old. Some of my friends thought connected to my short-term memory, which was thought I must have left already for work. When I was too young and too wild to get married. I shot. he walked by my room, he saw me spread out on recognized I partied quite a bit, but I thought it I’d get to the end of a page in a novel and realize the bed, totally zonked out. would all work out. I didn’t remember a word of what I’d just read. I “Mike! You’ve got to get up!!” I’d intended to work “in the field” for a few knew if I couldn’t read, there was no way I could Oh, shit! I got up and went downstairs right months or maybe a year, and then enter graduate do graduate school. away while my brother jumped in the shower. school so I could start practicing therapy. Reading wasn’t the only place memory prob - As he headed downstairs he assumed I had got- That period stretched into two years. Then lems showed up. I’d walk into a room only to won- ten dressed and ran out the door for work. As he three. And four. Finally, at five years out of under- der, “What did I come in here for?” or I’d be in reached the bottom of the stairs he could hear, grad, working at the psych hospital, I applied to the middle of telling someone a story, usually joint “Toke, toke, toke … ,” the telltale sound of me get into graduate school. in hand, and then stop and ask, “What were we drawing in smoke before heading out the door. This illustrates a couple of very important talking about?” I was baked. That’s how much marijuana had become a points. For one, I believe people who have an issue necessity for me, and how it had affected, even See Weird, Page 14 with marijuana don’t experience the kind of dev- 14 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

well have asked us to describe ourselves and our lives. wEi D My specialties were families, couples, individ- uals and substance abuse. from page 13 The depressed, anxious therapist was work- ing with depression and anxiety. The borderline therapist was working with borderlines. And so Even though my wife had been one of the first on. people I’d gotten high with, she soon stopped, If that wasn’t enough of a clue, my drinking especially since she had started teaching. She’d had also intensified. still have some drinks, but marijuana didn’t fit One night I couldn’t get to sleep. I thought her perception of what a schoolteacher should that if I got up (at 2 a.m.) and had a stiff drink be. I kept the degree of my using hidden, as best it might help me drift off. So I did and started I could. Even though we sometimes struggled watching music videos on a new channel called financially, I always found money for grass. MTV. The first Scotch went down so smoothly, When I was 26 years old I was accepted into I had another. Then another. Suddenly it was 5 the Masters of Social Work program at Michi- a.m. and I realized I was having a hell of a party gan State University. I had it together enough and was supposed to be at work in two hours. to recognize that I had to quit smoking pot. Sleepless, drunk, I showered and headed to When I did, just as I started graduate school, work. I found the schedule of a colleague who there was an overwhelming craving to keep was the primary substance abuse expert, and I smoking. What to do? Alcohol. I did alcohol, A typical cocktail in St. Croix in 1983. wrote my name in his schedule. He came out of which soon became a substitute: first a quart of his office, saw my name, and laughed. beer a night, which rapidly became two, then four Taking him aside, I said, “No, I really need to to six 12 oz. beers. I was consuming an impressive and getting personalized feedback assisted me in see you.” amount of beer. All the empty cans were evidence becoming a competent therapist. Tom (same name as my brother) was a short of my growing habit. My wife noticed. The amount Ironically, at the same time, I was drinking more guy just a few years older than I. Puffy faced, he escalated. Hard liquor made sense: You could fit a than ever, and once I was out of school I felt like it was a chain smoker and probably drank 10 cups of 6-pack’s worth of alcohol in one tumbler. was probably OK to start smoking pot again. coffee a day at work. He was not in recovery him- Weirdly, I functioned well enough on alcohol to There are a couple of concepts I want to intro- self, which seemed to be a rarity in those days. A get through two years of graduate school. It didn’t duce here. First, the idea that many therapists tend great many therapists and counselors who worked seem to affect my memory the same way marijua- to work in their own wounds. That is, they become in the substance abuse field did so following their na did. On the other hand, my drinking escalat- “The Wounded own recovery. ed rapidly. I wasn’t adhering to the rules I’d made Healer,” a concept Wounded heal- myself as an undergrad. And now I was glorifying explored by Carl ers. drinking, the same way I had with marijuana. Jung. “I’d have the thought, ‘I don’t know Tom took me I started to work in an outpatient clinic, an Shamanism was what I was looking for, but this isn’t into his office HMO in Lansing. My interests tended toward the another role, devel- and asked me psychodynamic approaches of Freud and Jung oped by Native it.’ I hadn’t learned yet the distinction what was up. I but pulled even stronger in the direction of a new Americans, a healer told him I was way of thinking and treating people: systemic and of body and spirit between craving and using.” worried about strength-based work. The emphasis was on pos- who had often been my drinking itives, instead of negatives, and suggestions that wounded with the (mentioning we view the individual in a larger context, being same afflictions he or she was attempting to heal. nothing about marijuana). pulled by forces from larger structures around Naturally, I became interested in substance Tom asked me a bunch of questions. Did I have them, such as their families. abuse work. a family history for alcoholism? How much was I attended trainings by Salvador Minuchin and Once, at the clinic where I was working, the sec- I drinking? Did I sometimes drink more than I invested in three years of intensive post- gradu- retaries responsible for placing people with our intended? Did I try to stop or cut down, but was ate study with Family Therapy Associates in Ann group of therapists wished to get a better idea of unsuccessful? (Yes, too much, yes, yes.) Arbor, undergoing live supervision by Charles who should work with whom. So they asked us if At the end of his questions he looked at me and Fishman, who coauthored a seminal text in fam- we’d make a list of our specialties. said, simply, “You’ve got it.” ily therapy, “Family Therapy Techniques,” and was The next staff meeting we had a handout of the Hearing that you’re an alcoholic is bad news. It’s a senior trainer at the Philadelphia Child Guid- list, each therapist’s name, beside which was a list- ance Clinic. Being exposed to this level of expertise ing of their interests or specialties. They might as See Weird, Page 15


Community Music School www.cms.msu.edu • (517) 355-7661 College of Music 4930 S. Hagadorn Rd., East Lansing, MI 48823 City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 15

crumb of hashish Stratton wrapped in alu- celebrating wEi D minum. the Detroit Then I heard from page 14 Sue’s voice from Tigers' 1984 the stairs. World Se- “I wish you ries victory. news I’ve had to deliver to so many people since could see your- that day. self.” That’s what He went on to explain that I should probably she said. quit drinking. But I was early enough in the pro- Sometimes cess that I might try to control my drinking. And I would blame maybe I should just switch to pot. my use on Sue. I didn’t tell him I’d switched to alcohol from If only she’d pot in the first place because I was smoking like a change, be more chimney. I didn’t tell him that. understanding, I focused on the idea that I might control my and so on. At one drinking. point she got into therapy herself. I ASHES, ASHES, was so gratified that maybe she’d WE ALL FALL DOWN change. After a few sessions I The next seven years I spent trying to control asked what she my relationship with substances. We’d break up talked about in and get back together. We’d only see each other on her therapy. weekends. We’d only go on vacation together. We would be inseparable. We’d do trial separations. “You,” she said. the match and the quick hit of sulfur on the nos- In the field, they call what happened next “the “And how much you drink and smoke marijuana.” trils. Lucifer’s doorbell. The space the smoke takes downward spiral.” Efforts to control my use, to That wasn’t the answer I’d hoped to hear. in your lungs, and more, how it feels to expand slow down, to stop, varying my practices. What if Maintaining the supply was a necessity. I would once there, chasing the hit with a little more oxy- I only drank beer? have to hit up dif- gen to hold it down, letting it flood blood vessels, What if I only ferent sources. One feeling the hit take and give, the lung’s reluctant smoked marijua- “Addiction is the condition of friend started to exhale, the smoke tainted brown with what tolls na? What if, what call me “Stratus- internal passages have to pay. The light fuzziness if, what if … . desire, standing in the presence outta-potus” when of the high itself, the shift in senses and cognition, things brought in and out of focus at once. To me All the while, I’d call him. For my tolerance was this recollection can still conjure a light craving, of absence that leads to the a time I was pur- increasing, and I remembering my distant lover. was getting ever absence of presence. It is the chasing my pot Like I said, often when I’d take that first hit after more deeply lost from a shoe sales- an absence there was a feeling of disappointment. in the fog of addic- condition of craving.” man. I’d got to the The craving was the thing, not the thing itself. Isn’t tion. mall on Fridays that interesting? Addiction is a after work, walk The weird disconnect was that even as my addic- funny thing. The first person you need to lie to is into the store, and he’d tell me that he had an order tions progressed, so did my career. I no longer used yourself. And the lie needs to be convincing. The for me, and I’d walk out of the store with a bag of before work. I was gaining a good reputation as a relationship with your substances of choice must ganja inside a shoe box. therapist. No one knew what went on after work, be protected. And that protection takes the form of But sometimes I couldn’t find any pot. There except maybe Sue. “denial.” And the building blocks of denial? Justifi- would be dead-end calls, or maybe “try me next Nothing is all good or all bad. In spite of our cation. Minimization. Rationalization. week” and then, “call again on Thursday.” At the struggles as a couple, Sue and I decided to have a I had the brilliant idea that if I bought mari- end of these stretches there would be all this antic- child. Maggie was conceived in love and was born juana in larger quantities, I could sell half of it to ipation. I’d finally score, get it home and roll it up in 1983, after we had been married six years. Since friends and keep the other half for myself. I’d be and take that first hit. And then, disappointment. we both worked full time, there were periods when smoking for free. I invested in a quarter pound of After all that build up, I was just high again. I’d Maggie was in my care, and some of those times I pot, four nice fat happy ounces, with the intent of have the thought, “I don’t know what I was look- was intoxicated. I never dropped her or stuck a pin keeping two and selling two. ing for, but this isn’t it.” I hadn’t learned yet the in her while changing diapers, but I was impaired. A month later I was out of pot again. I’d smoked distinction between craving and using. I wasn’t as available emotionally as I should have it all myself. I’ve heard we desire our partner most when they been. And there were even times I drove after There would be occasions when it got “dry”; aren’t present. This was true of my relationship using marijuana or drinking. I hate admitting there was no weed to be had. So I’d substitute with marijuana. I most longed for it when it was it, but there it is. My addictions eclipsed my best with whatever I could get. I bought a little wedge gone. judgment as a parent. My daughter today says she of hashish and was smoking it in a small wooden Addiction is the condition of desire, standing in doesn’t remember any of that, and I’m not sure I pipe. Big-time users always have several items of the presence of absence that leads to the absence of believe her. I remember it. And I regret it. pot paraphernalia. I kept what was left wrapped presence. It is the condition of craving. Dopamine There was nothing dramatic about my descent. in aluminum foil. is associated with learning, learning to associate No arrests. No car crashes. Just coming home The next day I returned from work and looked pleasure with use of the substance. The learning, from a long day of seeing clients, taking that first for the hash. It had disappeared. I looked around it turns out, is important. Addiction can and is drink and then a joint, and then another, and then frantically and asked Sue if she’d seen it. learned and habituated. another, deep into the night after my wife and “That little piece of aluminum? I threw it out. It We can reduce the thing to bubbles and atoms daughter had gone to bed, which started to happen was trash, wasn’t it?” and molecules and electrical impulses, but then earlier and earlier. I realized that the trash hadn’t gone to the where is the poetry? The sheer experience of sen- My addiction played a kind of hide-and-seek curb yet. It was in a bag in the basement. Within suality while using? The smell of the flower top with me. Sometimes it was invisible. It was, weird- moments I was crouched on the basement floor, being broken up, how it clings to you like the funk pawing through the garbage, looking for that of sex, the aroma clinging to your fingers. Light See Weird, Page 16 16 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

to emerge. I think we also call these to do.” funny. He also said I was politically moments “miracles.” I finished drying myself and started incorrect. I may have been doing my wEi D I had been in therapy for a while, to get dressed when the phone rang. Richard Pryor imitation. It’s humili- completely underplaying my drinking It was my sister. We were going to ating to try and imagine what I might from page 15 and marijuana use (I usually kept a pick up our brother and his family have said. joint rolled in the ashtray of my car from the airport the next day, and she But I didn’t know what got a hold for a post-session smoke while driv- wanted to figure out who would drive. of me. Sometimes I’d just start binge ly enough, in the middle of the night ing home.) During one of my forays But in the middle of our conversation drinking like that, for what seemed that I’d see it most clearly. At 1 a.m., at into sobriety, I ran into my thera - she detected a tightness in my voice. no apparent reason. 2 a.m., I’d get the insight. pist by chance at a social event. He “Is something wrong?” she asked. It’s not like I’m without insight. “This isn’t right.” remarked how good I looked, and “I’m an alcoholic,” I answered. The prodigal son … who does Dad “I’m in trouble.” I told him I hadn’t had anything to “I am, too,” she said. prefer … brotherhood rivalry … all “I can’t stop.” drink for months. He said he didn’t That conversation started a two- of those dynamics were at play. But One of my friends in the field of sub- realize that had been an issue, but I year process of someone else knowing, the bottom line was that my drinking stance abuse would sometimes appear told him that it had. someone who got to 12-step recovery was out of control, as it was so often in a TV commercial around 1 a.m., tell- Now, a few years later, I was desper- ahead of me. Someone checking in those days, but this time it was pub- ing people to call the hospital where he ate and needed therapy again. I was with me to see how it was going. And lic. There were witnesses. On the way worked if they wanted help. taking a shower and thinking about someone who offered to take me to home, I passed out in the car. Dad’s At times I thought I needed to what I was going to tell him about my first meeting after my last spec- new car. And I woke up barfing. I tape-record myself, imploring myself my drinking. Because I was drink- tacular, public and disgusting drunk. barfed a couple of more times on that to get help because I knew the daytime ing again. Drinking like a fish. And My brother and I had decided to go long drive back from Pontiac to Lan- guy would ignore the 1 a.m. guy who smoking. Like a chimney. to see a Detroit Lions football game. I sing. needed so much help. Like Jekyll and I knew I would have to lie to him. bought the tickets and, almost at the When we pulled into my brother’s Hyde. Or come clean. last minute, we called Dad to see if he home, I spilled out onto the lawn. My But I never did. And I couldn’t do that. wanted to go. Of course, he did! He little nephew asked what was wrong Eventually, I did get help. And here A rare moment of clarity occurred. even offered to drive, since he’d just with me; my brother quickly covered. is how it happened. I knew if I saw a client in the same gotten a new car. “He just ate too many hot dogs.” conundrum that was spinning in my I was in a phase of trying to stop But my sister was there, too. The JOINING THE head, I would know she or he were drinking. And I had stopped. For two one who had told me she was an alcoholic. In that moment, I knew I weeks. I was hoping to smoke some alcoholic too. The one who had been NARRATIVE was an alcoholic. pot with my brother on the way down going to 12-step meetings for the past COMMUNITY By now I was out of the shower, to the game, but now that was out if two years. overwhelmed, drying myself off and we were going with Dad. I staggered home, which was about Carl Jung suggests that sometimes crying. I fell to my knees and prayed So we got to the game and I bought a mile away. Still drunk and humili- events align in a way that seems to a god in whom I no longer believed. an extra ticket. I let Dad and Tom sit ated. Hard to believe I could get that beyond coincidence. He calls this Maybe my Catholic upbringing had together and told them I’d come and drunk and sick on only 120 ounces or “synchronicity.” The universe seems finally kicked in. “God help me please. look for them at halftime. I found my so of beer. But I had. At the end of the to be opening for a new possibility I’m an alcoholic. I don’t know what seat and since I was early, I decided alcoholic cycle, tolerance begins to go to go and get something to eat before down, not up, as your liver starts to the game started. Standing in line I quit. CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF LANSING saw a life-sized picture of the coach I was lying on the kitchen floor, SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED MINUTES holding a beer with the words DRINK pathetically telling my wife that I was A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP RESPONSIBLY splashed across the an alcoholic. She wasn’t disagreeing. OF LANSING WAS HELD AT THE TOWNSHIP OFFICES LOCATED AT 3209 WEST poster. Then my sister walked in. She asked if MICHIGAN AVENUE, LANSING, MICHIGAN ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2019, AT 7:00 I just saw DRINK. I was ready to go to a meeting. P.M. I had a large beer and then another. I told her I wanted to take a shower MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisor Hayes, Clerk Aten, Treasurer Rodgers And another, and another, and anoth- first. Trustees: Broughton, Harris, McKenzie, Bankson er. Not now, she said, but in the morn- MEMBERS ABSENT: None. ALSO PRESENT: Michael Gresens, Attorney Within an hour, I drank myself into ing. Then she left. a state of inebriation. That night was so horrible. I got ACTION TAKEN BY THE BOARD: After halftime, my brother sick another time or two. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Hayes. described how I presented myself to Even worse: I felt a despair I had Minutes of the meeting held on November 12, 2019 approved. Agenda approved. them at their seats. There was actual- never felt. The dark night of the soul. Approved final development review, FDR-19-03. ly an open seat next to them. I could How would I live without alcohol? Approved Downtown Development Authority 2019 budget amendments. have sat with them all along. I was I knew I had to find a way, but life Approved Downtown Development Authority 2020 budget. in a blackout so I have no memory certainly wouldn’t be any fun any- Approved Memorandum of Understanding with the Garden Project of the Greater Lansing Food Bank in its substantial form. of what I said. My brother said I was more. Rejected Ballot Initiative Language. Authorized contact person for MERS Retiree Health Funding Vehicle. Approved MERS Retiree Health Funding Vehicle Uniform Resolution effective 12/1/19. Approved budget amendment. Art by Nevin Approved wage increase for non-union employees. Approved wages for elected officials. As seen on the cover of CityPulse Adopted MERS Defined Benefit Plan Amendment, authorized Clerk to sign. Adopted Resolution 19-21: Construction Board of Appeals Appointments. Approved used car lot license for Rightway Automotive Credit. Approved Claims. Commercial & Executive Session held to discuss pending litigation and labor negotiations. Residential Board returned to regular session. Authorized Assessor and Attorney to execute agreement with Michigan Tax Tribunal. Authorized Clerk and Supervisor to sign POLC Appendix 3 amendment. Fully Insured Meeting adjourned. Illustrations • Murals • Graphic Design Signs • Banners • T-shirts Diontrae Hayes, Supervisor [email protected] Call Joan at: Susan L. Aten, Clerk CP#20-003 ArtByNeviN Art_By_NeviN (517) 881-2204 City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 17

ARTS & CULTURE ART • BOOKS • FILM • MUSIC East Lansing launches new film festival

By AUDREY MATUSZ From love quarrels and battles with addiction to a small town-guy search- ing for love, Michigan filmmakers know their material better than anyone. An abundance of regional talent and good movies has bumped the Lake Michigan Film Lake Michigan Festival, running Film Festival from Jan. 9 to Jan. Thursday, Jan. 9 to 11, to a new level, Saturday, Jan. 11 from a competition Various start times $5 to a full-on festival. East Lansing In past years, the Hannah Community Center East Lansing Film Lake Michigan 819 Abbot Road, Festival honored East Lansing Film Festival Schedule (517) 980-5802 regional filmmakers ELFF.com in its Lake Michigan Film Competition, Thursday, Jan. 9 a selection of short films shot by 6:30 p.m. — “Foster Boy” Midwestern talent, with festival honors Directed by Youssef Delara determined by audience vote. For 10 years, rounding out the ELFF Friday, Jan. 10 (Theater A) program with locally cultivated flicks 6 p.m. — Shorts program 1 was not difficult, according to LMFF (92 minutes) Director Karl Millisor. However, the 8 p.m. — Short smaller titles often got buried in the Documentaries (86 minutes) heavy stock of nationally acclaimed fea- tures that packed the larger festival. Friday, Jan. 10 (Theater B) This year, for the first time, the com- 6 p.m. — “My Secret is petition will get festival treatment — a Courtesy/A&D Films My Story” (71 minutes) three-day showcase featuring 34 short A still from "Eugene," a short film written, shot and edited by seven creatives 7: 15 p.m. — “A Wonderful films and five features. “We are in the based in Bay City. The film will screen Friday at 6 p.m. as part of the Lake Michigan Day” process of turning the Lake Michigan Film Festival. Film Competition into its own film fes- (29 minutes) tival,” Millisor said. “The films just keep agents who visit an underground doc- the same. We wanted to do something getting better and better.” All screen- tor. The bite-sized drama made in fresh and new that was exciting to us, Saturday, Jan. 11 (Theater A) ings will take place in the East Lansing Clinton, Michigan was runner-up for and that’s what we did with Eugene.” 3 p.m. —Shorts program 2 Hannah Community Center, with North America in Light This Location, Hessell described “Eugene” as an (87 minutes) simultaneous programming in two the- an international film competition with “absurdist comedy” exploring the 6 p.m. — Shorts program 3 aters. Daily admission is $5 per feature an emphasis on cinematography. peripheries of unconventional storytell- (92 minutes) film or block of short films. Saturday, Another notable Michigan-made film ing. The short film follows a man and the showings will end at 8 p.m., fol- is “Eugene,” which will be screened in his dog as they search for acceptance in Saturday, Jan. 11 (Theater B) lowed by a party and award ceremony the short film block Friday at 6 p.m. a cold town with varying success. The 1 p.m. —Law in Cinema panel at El Azteco restaurant at 255 Ann St., The independent production was writ- film is short in cinéma vérité style with a 3 p.m. —Love Immortal East Lansing. ten, shot and edited in Bay City by a cast full of non-actors and shots of daily (104 minutes) Dark dramas told in less than 30 min- crew of film fanatics that have operated life in Bay City, while also toying with 6 p.m. — Short program 4 utes are a fixture in the lineup this year, a local film festival for 15 years. layers of perceived reality. (92 minutes) as well as full-length features. Thursday, “We’ve been running the film festival The short film was made by 30 Bay the festival opens with “Foster Boy,” for so long that we wanted to make our City residents, including a core team a 114-minute courtroom drama that own film,” said Don Hessell, the direc- of seven filmmakers, and was edited in going to see anywhere else,” Hessel said. delves into corruption and abuse in the tor of “Eugene” and the Hell’s Half Mile four days. Hessel and his team wrote “Especially with the shorts. The great foster care system. Saturday, Director Film and Music Festival. “As organizers roles with their friends in mind. thing is if you don’t like one film, it’s Colton Fromhart will present “Burnt,” of a film festival, we’ve watched thou- “The films you are going to see at the over before you know it.” a five-minute suspense film about two sands of films and they can start to feel East Lansing film festival, you aren’t 18 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 2020 theater predictions: a year of music, variety and female clout

By DAVID WINKELSTERN Williamston Theatre has “900 Miles Contemplating the lineup of 2020 to International Falls.” In this futur- plays remaining this Pulsar season, istic drama, Tanya Freeman is the there is much to get excited about. resilient mother who refuses to give One reason is because some splashy up her son to the chaos. Starting April musicals are on the way. I predict they 3, WT has “The Mortal Hosts.” In the will all make a splash at the box office. dramedy, two strong female charac- In February, the MSU Department ters (and a more docile male) are sur- of Theatre offers the popular, vivors of a Book of Revelations-like two-sided, “Into the Woods.” In May, disaster. Starlight Dinner Theatre tackles the In March, Riverwalk has “A Hotel showy “Guys and Dolls.” Also in May, on Marvin Gardens.” It’s a sardonic Peppermint Creek Theatre Co. is pre- comedy about American greed using senting the complex musical “Fun a Monopoly game as a metaphor for Home.” the interplay of its characters. The In June, Owosso Community ring leader of the fiscal debacle is Players showcases the Mel Brooks none other than a powerful female, and Tomas Meehan classic, “The David Lorne, 2015/Owosso Community Players KC. Producers.” June is also when In April, MSU has the gender bend- Riverwalk Theatre has the colorful ing “Marian, or the True Tale of Robin “Shrek the Musical.” Pulitzer Prize winner for drama, for Starting Jan. 16, PCT presents Hood.” I predict — with the variety of plays its March play. It’s about two couples, “Gloria,” which features a plum role The same actress playing Lady coming up — there will be something with one of each pair being disabled. for an actress. This play is not to be Marian will portray Robin, and not for everyone. I predict the production of the emo- confused with the titular 1980 Gena all the Merry Men are played by men. Riverwalk Theatre has the sil- tional play will have a profound effect Rowlands movie. This “Gloria” focus- OCP’s April production is “Five ly, two cops, three crooks and eight on those who see it. es on a woman who violently reacts to Women Wearing the Same Dress,” doors, “Unnecessary Farce,” starting Ixion Theatre’s March show, “The the toxicity of her co-workers’ actions a comedy about five bridesmaids in Feb. 6. Lansing Community College Skeleton Crew,” is about workers fear- in a heated debate over who can cov- the same attire who get in touch with Performing Arts has Sam Shepard’s ing unemployment— much like last er the death of a popular celebrity. I their real feelings. intense drama, “True West” the last year’s “Sweat” at Riverwalk. But since predict the staged gun violence will be WT’s May offering is a dark com- two weekends of February. In March, it’s written by Dominique Morisseau difficult to sit through. edy about tornado survivors called The Curtainless Theatre takes us to — author of last year’s “Sunset Baby” Starting at the same time, “Alabaster.” The play has four cast Rome in 44 B.C. for “The Tragedy of at LCC — I predict “The Skeleton Riverwalk’s “Boy Gets Girl” isn’t any members and they are all female. Like Julius Caesar.” Celebrating Christmas Crew” will be a grittier production. ordinary love story. In it, Theresa many of the season’s plays, “Alabaster” a little earlier this year, the SDT trans- Many of the upcoming area plays Bedell is a successful New York City is about the power of women. ports us to King Henry II’s medieval have a focus on gender roles. I predict reporter whose life is upended by a Finally, I predict the Pulsar judges Christmas in “The Lion in winter.” some standout female performances disturbed admirer. will have a hard time narrowing down PCT scored “Cost of Living,” a 2018 will shine through. From Feb. 7 to March 1, the best of 2020.

Red Cedar Grill calls it quits, Zynda BBQ steps in

BY AUDREY MATUSZ hope to reopen in May," read Zynda's Owner Michael Luther announced Facebook post. last week on Facebook he sold Red Zynda BBQ has built a strong rep- Cedar Grill, a fixture in Williamston’s utation for barbequed meats in the dining scene for 25 years. While long- parking lot of Tom's Liquor Store in time customers mourn the loss of East Lansing. The Williamston loca- their favorite gathering spot, Luther tion will be its first brick and mortar. said the change in ownership is “all- “A lot of people have been apolo- 40 around positive.” gizing and it’s like, ‘No, we wanted Red Cedar Grill, at 150 E. Grand this to happen,’” he said. “I guess I River Ave., will be replaced by Zynda can say this, the buyer is a local per- BBQ and Smoke Shack. Tuesday, son which I think is great.” Owner Nikki Zynda posted on The final day of operation of Red Facebook announcing the fami- Cedar Grill is Thursday (Jan. 9). ly-owned food truck purchased the Luther owned the restaurant for sev- business. en years. In 2016, he opened Bridge "The previous owner Mike has Street Social, a cocktail bar in DeWitt Audrey Matusz/City Pulse been great to work with through Michael Luther owned Red Cedar Grill the process. We are renovating and See Red Cedar, Page 19 for seven years. City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 19 Meet Curious Book Shop’s official in-house artist Bookstore finds new venture in custom Poe posters

BY AUDREY MATUSZ Have a design in mind featuring characters from your favorite graph- ic novel? For the past three years, Curious Books in East Lansing has designed custom posters (and tat- toos) for customers, thanks to Jesse Chesting. Chesting, 21, has worked as a clerk at Curious Book Shop for three years while studying pre-med at Michigan State University. Sitting at the regis- ter, she would keep herself busy filling in her elaborate sketches with water- colors. Once the secret got out to store owner Ray Walsh that she was an artist, he asked her to make signs for the store. Curious Book Shop Then one day a Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sun. Noon to 5 p.m. customer came 307 E. Grand River Ave., in looking for East Lansing (517) 332-0112 posters from curiousbooks.com a new book release and one thing led to another. “Ray wanted more posters, but didn’t know where to find them, and my manager suggested I make them,” said Chesting. “They let me sell them and they just take 20% of the com- mission. Usually, for artists, it’s the other way around and the store keeps 80.” Audrey Matusz/City Pulse Around the holidays, interesting Artist Jesse Chesting stands next to her original "Poe" inspired illustrations, which are available for sale at Curious Book Shop. requests start to pour in. This year, Chesting designed a tattoo for a cus- posters inspired by Poe’s legacy. The she said. “I used to do an internship and products for people out of their tomer (for free) and repurposed a locally owned bookstore is selling at General Motors for automotive house and they never told me until battered Steven King novel cover into copies of her original “Poe” designs. design and I don’t know why I didn’t this year,” said Chesting, clearly still a bookmark. As the designated in-house artist, stick with that.” bemused by the discovery. “A woman came in for Christmas Chesting often gets inquiries from After this spring, she is transfer- In the upcoming weeks, Curious and wanted Edgar Allen Poe posters, customers about her life plans. ring from MSU to study design with Book Shop will begin selling a series so we were like, ‘Why not?” Chesting “People would ask about my major a focus on mechanics. of Chesting’s “Alice in Wonderland” said. and what I’m doing with my life and “My parents used to own a design themed posters. She said they will The commission resulted in three I was like, ‘Why am I science major?’,” business. They would design parts sell for about $10 each.

— a future Spanish wine bar on drunken salmon, marinated in bour- me. I worked there in the ‘90s.” Red Cedar Lansing’s east side called Bar Mitena bon honey and ginger, as well as its- Luther said reactions from patrons — Luther was reaching his capacity. locally famous carrot cake. The cake, have been mostly positive. "About a year ago, we made a deci- according to Luther, takes almost 24 “We’ve had people tell us this was from page 18 sion.” Luther said. “Because of Bar hours to prepare between the baking, one of their favorite places to bring Mitena and Bridge Street, it made cooling and icing. Those who plan on their family and a go-to celebration more sense for me to refocus my making a last-minute stop for cake spot,” Luther said. offering modern American fare, with energy and align myself with Justin are encouraged to call in ahead of In September, Luther said he had his business partner, Justin King. than doing this other thing.” time to avoid disappointment. “enough staffing issues” at the grill For several years, “Chef Mike,” as Since making the announcement Red Cedar Grill's Facebook page that developing Bar Mitena was put he’s called in the kitchen, hopped on Facebook that the business was was flooded with comments from on hold. He added that he hopes to between Williamston and DeWitt, sold, Luther said the restaurant has supporters mourning the loss. One officially open the wine bar in “the filling in gaps and concocting new been “stupid busy.” Facebook user commented, “This is first half of 2020.” cuisines. However, after adding Items on the menu that have been sad news. I grew up in Williamston, another coal into the fire with King flying out the kitchen include the and this restaurant was special to 20 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

Summit Street. On Lansing’s north end, she rediscovered Jones Lake, one of the A little big city explored in ‘A City Saunter Story’ city’s few bodies of water. Local photographer speaks Facebook group for residents to share She also came away with what she positive testimonials. During her com- thinks is an answer to one of her most on two books documenting mute, she made it a point to stop at perplexing questions: Why does one her three-year project small mom and pop stores for coffee neighborhood prosper while the one and to chat with customers. right next to it flounders? By BILL CASTANIER O’Meara said parts of Lansing weren’t “It really comes down to a neighbor- In 2010, photographer Ariniko the easiest to walk in since there were no hood group or one person who organiz- O’Meara decided to go for a walk in sidewalks on numerous streets. (Delta es the neighborhood,” she said. “It’s easy her hometown. Three years later, she River Drive, Waverly Road, Tecumseh to be a cheerleader for Old Town, the was still walking — all 537 miles of River Road and Aurelius Road, to name Stadium District and REO Town, but Lansing’s streets. a few). we need cheerleaders everywhere.” Living in a city still reeling from an “Aurelius was the most dangerous,” In her books, she profiles some of ugly recession, O’Meara said she had she said. Lansing’s other “cheerleaders,” such as become a “cheerleader” for Lansing. In winter, she observed that the filmmaker Michael McCallum. She made it her city’s snow shoveling ordinance is often O’Meara makes the point that the “City Saunter” with personal mis- ignored, and specifically called out large best way to get to know Lansing is to Ariniko O’Meara sion to learn when he was 17. She visited the site of apartment complexes and commercial walk it, starting with your own neigh- Thursday, Jan. 16 more about the car crash and took pictures to pair properties. She was complimentary borhood. 7 p.m. her hometown Library of Michigan with her reflection. He would’ve turned about homeowners who keep their side- 702 W. Kalamazoo St., and took to the 39. walks clear. Lansing streets, cam- (517) 335-1477 She readily admits in the blog that O’Meara said you get to see the city in michigan.gov/library era in hand, when she began her first walk, she did a different light when you walk it. ofmichigan to seek out not plan out her routes. Eventually, “In cars and on bikes you are going hidden trea- O’Meara used a computer program to too fast to appreciate it. By the end of sures tucked inside Lansing’s changing track and plan her routes. Toward the my walk, I was looking people in the eye neighborhoods. end of the quest, she was able to use a and saying ‘Hi’,” she said. “I figured if I was going to be a cheer- new “smart” phone for navigation and Walking much of the city alone, leader, I needed to see all of Lansing,” tracking her steps. she realized the potential danger, but she said. However, no technological device she said there were no close calls. She KID’S STORY TIME O’Meara will join the Historical could remedy her the foot aches and was diligent to get her walks in before Saturdays · 11am Society of Greater Lansing Jan. 16 at the sore limbs from those first walks. school got out. Library of Michigan for a presentation “There were times I didn’t think I Of the thousands of photographs she Jump into the pages of our favorite on her two books about a nearly three- books! We will sing songs, make a craft could do it. I could barely walk 20 min- took, her favorite is of the State Capitol and go on a new adventure. year saunter in Lansing. In addition to utes when I first started.” she said, add- during the annual Silver Bells celebra- showing photos from her trip, she will ing that in the beginning of the project tion. SCHULER BOOK CLUB reflect on some of the more interesting she was recovering from a major sur- In assessing her walk, O’Meara said January 15 · 6pm experiences and people she encountered gery and 50-pound weight gain. one thing she could’ve done without along the way. She finished her last day, Oct. 4, 2013, were the dead-end streets — although Join us monthly for the Schuler Book Using her photographic and writing of hiking the city streets with a 29-mile she grew up on one. Because of the Club—a great way to create community, skills, she published two books last year jaunt. Along the way, she had worn out Grand River and I496 expressway, and engage with new books. This month with the help of a successful Kickstarter we are reading by seven pairs of shoes, lost 15 pounds and Lansing is blessed with scores of dead- , the critically acclaimed campaign. The books are an inspira- got to know terrific people who call end streets. author of The and When tional look at what she calls her “little Lansing home. But at the end of some of those the Nines Roll Over and co-creator of big city.” Her memoir of the walk, “A City On her walks, she was often accom- streets, she discovered some gems. For the HBO series , a Saunter Story: A Three Year Walking panied by neighbors and fans, many of example, she stumbled upon the Grand captivating novel about war, courage, Quest to Discover the Wholeness of whom she met through #lovelansing, a River at the end of a long walk down survival — and a remarkable friendship Lansing,” details her walk on a more that ripples across a lifetime. emotional level while her companion photographic book, “The City Saunter Project: A Photographic & Journalistic 307 E. Grand River ✽ East Lansing 50% OFF Quest to Discover the Wholeness of Mon - Sat 10-7 pm, Sun 12-5 CALENDARS Lansing, Michigan” showcases her pho- We validate parking! All sales final. tographic skills with more than 200 www.curiousbooks.com images. She began her series of strolls Oct. 1, 2010 to the State Capitol with “perfect 75% OFF skies,” she wrote in her blog titled, “City Saunter.” O’Meara was born in Lansing HOLIDAY ITEMS All sales final. and grew up on the city’s Northside. So, it was natural for one of her early walks to be in her old stomping grounds. 519 W. Grand River ✽ East Lansing In her blog for Oct. 10, 2010, she 332-8444 ✽ Free parking marked the birthday of her younger Mon - Sat 11-6 pm, Sun 12-5 pm brother, who died in an auto accident [email protected] City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 21

Community Night: Ritual Etiquette - do’s and don’ts of Wiccan and pagan ritual. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Inner Ascended Masters Ministries, 5705 S. Washington Ave., Lansing. 517-657-5800.

Lansing Area Mindfulness Community - 7-9 p.m. Chua Van Hanh Temple, 3015 S MLK Blvd., Lansing. 517-420-5820. lamc.info.

Line Dancing - 1-1:30 p.m. Hannah Community ON THE Center, 819 Abbot Rd., East Lansing. Tanya Liabenow at Allen Neighborhood Center - Join us for coffee and conversation! 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 1611 E Kalamazoo St, Lansing. ARTS

The Rainmakers Exhibit - 12-4 p.m. The TOWN Peoples Church of East Lansing, 200 W. Events must be entered through the calendar Grand River Ave., East Lansing. 517-332-6073. at lansingcitypulse.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. thepeopleschurch.com. Matt Bliton Band album release party Wednesdays for the following week’s issue. Sorry, I’m Not Leaving Exhibition - by Britta Charges may apply for paid events to appear Urness. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Lansing Art Gallery, 119 N. in print. If you need assistance, please call Washington, Ste. 101, Lansing. 517-374-6400. at UrbanBeat Suzi at (517) 999-6704. MUSIC Matt Bliton Band is a mid-Michigan- nies, Mark Thompson on trumpet, Gary based folk, blues jam band fronted Clavette on sax, Mark Kieme on flute Rachel Frederiksen, Bassoon - free. 6 p.m. by acclaimed singer/songwriter Matt and sax, Joshua Dunigan and Ty Forquer Wednesday, January 8 Cook Recital Hall, 333 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing. Bliton. The concert at UrbanBeat is a on percussion. events.msu.edu. celebration marking the group’s third The band has been featured at local CLASSES AND SEMINARS album entitled “Out of the Woods.” music and performance festivals includ- Thursday, January 9 The band draws influence from acts ing BluesFest, Renegade Theatre Festival Aqua Fitness - Fun for all fitness levels. such as and Pumpstock Festival of American 10:30-11:30 a.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 Album release party Abbot Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. CLASSES AND SEMINARS Jan. 11, 7:30 p.m., $15 door James Roots Music. The single "Bus Called 1213 Tuner Road, Lansing Taylor, Bob America" received a 2018 international Free Photography Clinic -Mini seminars. 6-9 Aqua Fitness - Fun for all fitness levels. 10:30- (517) 331-8440 Dylan, Neil songwriting award. p.m. First Presbyterian Church, 510 W. Ottawa, 11:30 a.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot urbanbeatevents.com Young and "We are always excited to get a Lansing. MMPhotoclub.com. Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. The Eagles. chance to play our music for our fami- English Country Dance - All dances taught. The band released its first album, "Solid lies, friends and fans," Bliton said. “We Line Dance Lessons - All ages welcome. 7-9 Ground, Endless Sky" in 2013, followed are really looking forward to the release p.m. Overdrive Lansing Mall, 5330 W Saginaw 7-9:30 p.m. Snyder-Phillips Hall, MSU, 362 Bogue St, East Lansing. 517-321-3070. by "New Morning" in 2015. This third of our third album, and hope everyone Hwy, Lansing. album, "Out of the Woods", fuses blues has as much fun listening to it, as we did Plant-Based Surf & Turf - Learn to create Strength & Balance (Adults) - Improve your rock with rock and roll with grooves bor- making it." vegan-friendly fare. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Al!ve, 800 W. posture, strength and balance. 2:30–3:30 p.m. rowed from basso nova, Latin and folk For more information on Matt Bliton Lawrence Ave., Charlotte. myalive.com. CADL-Okemos Branch, 4321 Okemos Rd. cadl.org rock. The album, which was recorded and the Matt Bliton Band, visit www. with Ryan Wert at Elm Street Recording, mattbliton.com. Zumba - Want to lose weight and have fun too? LITERATURE AND POETRY 6:30-7:30 p.m. Federated Polish Home, 1030 W. also features Rick Seguin on harmo- Mt. Hope Avenue, Lansing. 517-882-2838. Bookworms at the Broad - Bring eyes, Lansing Grassroots Philosophy Discussion EVENTS ears, and imaginations! 10-11 a.m. Broad Art LITERATURE AND POETRY Group - 6:30-8 p.m. Kelly’s Downtown, 220 S Museum, 547 E Circle Dr, East Lansing. Washington Square, Lansing. Howl at the Moon: Dogs on leash welcome. 7-8 PJ Storytime (Sensory Friendly) - 6:30-7 p.m. Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Rd., Family Storytime (Ages up to 6) - 11:15 a.m. ARTS Okemos. 517-349-3866. meridian.mi.us. CADL-Webberville, 115 N. Main St. cadl.org p.m. Grand Ledge Area District Library, 131 E Jefferson St, Grand Ledge. Studio (in) Process - 6-9 p.m. MSU Broad Art Midwest iHemp Expo - 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Lansing Kids Reading to Dogs (Age 6 & up) - 4–5 EVENTS Lab, 565 E Grand River Ave, East Lansing. 517-884- Center, 333 E Michigan Ave, Lansing. 517-483-7400. p.m. CADL – Haslett Branch, 1590 Franklin St. 4800. broadmuseum.msu.edu. midwestihempexpo.com. Pizza & Pages (Grade 3 & up)- To register Bath Township Farmers Market - 3-7 p.m. Bath Community Center, 5959 Park Lake Rd, MUSIC Monthly Game Night - 7-10 p.m. Inner call 517-347-2021. 4:30–5:30 p.m. CADL- Ascended Masters Ministry, 5705 S. Washington Okemos, 4321 Okemos Rd. Bath. bathtownship.us. Stefania Neumann, Flute - Free. 6 p.m. Cook Ave., Lansing. 517-657-5800. Youth Philosophy Group (Age 7 & up) Capital Area Audubon Society - 7-9 p.m. Recital Hall, 333 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing. Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mt. Hope Rd., events.msu.edu. Refuge Recovery Lansing - 7:30-8:30 p.m. -Enjoy stories followed by discussion. 4-5 p.m. Just B Yoga, 106 Island Ave., Lansing. CADL-South, 3500 S. Cedar St., Lansing. Lansing. 517-303-5742. capitalareaaudubon.org. Friday, January 10 TGIF Dance Party - all welcome! 7 p.m.-12 a.m. EVENTS Drop-in LEGO Club (Age 4 & up) - 3:15–4:30 p.m. CADL-Webberville, 115 N. Main St. cadl.org Hawk Hollow, 15101 Chandler Rd., Bath. 734-604- CLASSES AND SEMINARS 5095. tgifdance.com. Allen Farmers Market - 3-6:30 p.m. with The Future - Talk about the future. 10-11:30 a.m. Justin Deason performing at 5 p.m. 1611 Adult Technology Help (Adults) - Sign up for ARTS Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Rd., East a slot by calling 517-694-9351. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. CADL- E. Kalamazoo St., Lansing. 517-999-3911. Lansing. 517-337-1113. allenneighborhoodcenter.org. Holt-Delhi Branch, 2078 N. Aurelius Rd. Arts Night Out - Live music, demos, exhibits, affordable art & more! 5-7 p.m. Arts Council of Aqua Fitness - Fun for all fitness levels. 10:30- Greater Lansing, 1208 Turner St, Lansing. FRIDAY, JAN. 10 >> ARTS NIGHT OUT! MUSIC JAM AT ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS 11:30 a.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. BeauTIEful Launch Party - 6-8 p.m. MSU Browse Elderly Instruments' museum-like Broad Art Lab, 565 E. Grand River Ave., East Ballroom Dancing Begins - Learn the basic Lansing. 517-884-4800. broadmuseum.msu.edu. showroom while feeding your ears with steps and fundamentals. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Al!ve, 800 homegrown talent. Dewey Longuski, Nashville W Lawrence Ave., Charlotte. myalive.com. Songwriters' Association International Chapter Claude Johnson-Perry Exhibition and Opening Reception - 5-8 p.m. Arts Council of Coordinator, will host the open mic. Each Beginning Drawing - It’s never too late to learn Greater Lansing, 1208 Turner St, Lansing. performer gets 15 minutes. Slots are filled on a to draw! 1-3 p.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. first come first serve basis. MUSIC 5 to 8 p.m., Free Habitat Science - 10 a.m. Impression 5 Science Center, 200 Museum Dr, Lansing. 517-485-8116. Connie Kaldor and Garnet Rogers - 7:30- 1100 N. Washington Ave., Lansing 9:30 p.m. MSU Community Music School, 4930 S. impression5.org. (517) 372-7880 Hagadorn, East Lansing. elderly.com See Out on the town, Page 24 22 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

Jonesin' Crossword By Matt Jones Free Will Astrology By Rob Brezsny Jan. 8 - Jan. 14, 2020 ARIES (March 21-April 19): When comedian making yourself ready for love. Love is older and "You Turned John Cleese was 61, his mother died. She was wiser now, and you recognize its new guise. Love Up"--I'm just 101. Cleese testifies, "Just towards the end, as she changed its name, and you found out. (Thanks to following began to run out of energy, she did actually stop directions. Sarah and Phil Kaye for the inspiration for this trying to tell me what to do most of the time." I bet horoscope.) by Matt Jones you'll experience a similar phenomenon in 2020— only bigger and better. Fewer people will try to tell LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Renowned Greek you what to do than at any previous time of your sculptor Praxiteles created some famous and life. As a result, you'll be freer to be yourself exactly Across beloved statues in the fourth century B.C. One 1 Coat of arms as you want to be. You'll have unprecedented power to express your uniqueness. of his pieces, showing the gods Hermes and inscription Dionysus, was displayed inside the Temple of Hera 6 Dir. from NYC to TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Renowned Taurus in Olympia. But a few centuries later an earthquake Seattle philosopher Bertrand Russell was sent to jail in demolished the Temple and buried the statue. 1918 because of his pacifism and anti-war activism. There it remained until 1877, when archaeologists 9 Sibilant sound He liked being there. "I found prison in many ways dug it out of the rubble. I foresee a metaphorically 13 In the vicinity of quite agreeable," he said. "I had no engagements, equivalent recovery in your life, Libra—especially if 14 "The no difficult decisions to make, no fear of callers, you're willing to excavate an old mess or investigate no interruptions to my work. I read enormously; I a debris field or explore a faded ruin. Beatles at ___ wrote a book." The book he produced, *Introduction Stadium" (music to Mathematical Philosophy*, is today regarded as documentary) SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Over a period of a classic. In 2020, I would love to see you Tauruses 74 years, the Scorpio philosopher and author 15 Minimal amount cave out an equally luxurious sabbatical without Voltaire (1694–1778) wrote so many letters to so 16 ?keep a kaenS having to go through the inconvenience of being many people that they were eventually published in incarcerated. I'm confident you can do this. a series of 98 books, plus nine additional volumes 19 Collapsible of appendixes and indexes. I would love to see you shelter GEMINI (May 21-June 20): It's common to feel attracted to people because of the way they look communicate that abundantly and meticulously in 20 Paleozoic and and dress and carry themselves. But here's the 2020, Scorpio. The cosmic rhythms will tend to Cenozoic, e.g. problem: If you pursue an actual connection with bring you good fortune if you do. 21 What baby someone whose appearance you like, there's shampoo avoids no guarantee it will turn out to be interesting and SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Picasso was meaningful. That's because the most important one of the most influential artists of the twentieth 22 Hybrid citrus factor in becoming close to someone is not their century. He was also the richest. At the end of from Jamaica s'rotcudnoC 9 Job opening fillers 33 Do a haunted house cute face or body or style, but rather their ability his life, experts estimate his worth was as much 24 Propped open to converse with you in ways you find interesting. as $250 million, equivalent to $1.3 billion today. 67 Precious metal 10 Only state name job 26 ?loot s'tsirucinaM And that's a relatively rare phenomenon. As But in his earlier adulthood, while Picasso was sources starting with two vowels 36 Catches philosopher Mortimer Adler observed, "Love turning himself into a genius and creating his early 30 "___ a Rainbow" 68 "Eat, ___, Love" 11 Head the cast 40 Raw silk shade without conversation is impossible." I bring these masterpieces, he lived and worked in a small, (Rolling Stones tune) thoughts to your attention, Gemini, because I seedy, unheated room with no running water and 69 ___-Whirl (amusement 12 Reports 41 Annoying ones believe that in 2020 you could have some of the 34 ___ apso (dog breed) park ride) a toilet he shared with twenty people. If there will 14 Feature of a font 46 "Two-bite" bakery best conversations you've ever had—and as a be ever in your life be a semblance of Picasso's 35 Prescriptions, briefly 70 Second to ___ 17 Assist item, maybe result experience the richest intimacy. financial transformation, Sagittarius, I'm guessing it 37 "Mixed-ish" network would begin this year. 71 Wood used to make 18 Sched. guess 48 Actor Gibson of "2 CANCER (June 21-July 22): Mystic poet Rumi 38 "You've Got Mail" ISP baseball bats Fast 2 Furious" 23 Tropical fruit with pink told us the kind of person he was attracted to. 72 Fabled tale-teller 50 "The Daily Show" "I want a trouble-maker for a lover," he wrote. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Let's get 2020 39 With 49-Across, flesh started with a proper send-off. According to my ?retsis s'anereS correspondent Chieng "Blood spiller, blood drinker, a heart of flame, who 25 Baby Yoda, eventually quarrels with the sky and fights with fate, who reading of the astrological omens, the coming 42 Blazers' org. Down (one presumes) 51 Neighbor of Nev. burns like fire on the rushing sea." In response to months will bring you opportunities to achieve a host of liberations. Among the things from which 43 Unhealthy 1 Beer ingredient 26 Prime minister 53 Rafter's need that testimony, I say, "Boo! Ugh! Yuck!" I say "To hell with being in an intimate relationship with a trouble- you could be at least partially emancipated: stale 44 High or low cards 2 Symphony orchestra between Major and 55 Disney movie about maker who fights with fate and quarrels with the old suffering; shrunken expectations; people who Brown computers 45 "Li'l" guy in the comics woodwind sky." I can't imagine any bond that would be more don't appreciate you for who you really are; and 27 "Head Like ___" (Nine 56 Lifesaver, maybe unpleasant and serve me worse. What about you, 47 Take five 3 "Who Framed Roger beliefs and theories that don't serve you any more. Rabbit?" character Inch Nails song) 57 Subway fixture Cancerian? Do you find Rumi's definition glamorous (There may be others!) Here's an inspirational 49 See 39-Across and romantic? I hope not. If you do, I advise you maxim, courtesy of poet Mary Oliver: "Said the 4 Onomatopoetic name 28 They may be 59 "I know" to consider changing your mind. 2020 will be an 52 "___ be surprised" recorded for quality and river: imagine everything you can imagine, then for motorized rickshaws 61 Wriggly tankful excellent time to be precise in articulating the kinds keep on going." 54 "... ___ it seems" training purposes of alliances that are healthy for you. They shouldn't 5 First N.L. player to hit 62 "Dallas Buyers Club" 55 Birch of "Ghost World" 500 home runs 29 "Hello, ___ Be Going!" resemble Rumi's description. (Rumi translation by AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In a poem titled (Phil Collins album) Oscar winner Jared Zara Houshmand.) 58 "Flashdance" director 6 "Hold up!" "The Mess-iah," spiritual teacher Jeff Foster 31 Barbera's animation 63 Sandy golf hazard counsels us, "Fall in love with the mess of your life . Adrian 7 Company's bottom line LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The 18th-century comic partner 65 Hotel offering novel *Tristram Shandy* is still being translated, . . the wild, uncontrollable, unplanned, unexpected 60 Paintball mark moments of existence. Dignify the mess with your 8 When doubled, a guitar 32 Diminished 66 "Give ___ go!" adapted, and published today. Its popularity 64 ?rekrowoc effect persists. Likewise, the 18th-century novel *Moll loving attention, your gratitude. Because if you love Flanders*, which features a rowdy, eccentric the mess enough, you will become a Mess-iah." I ©2019 Jonesin' Crosswords ([email protected]) A nswers Page 24 heroine who was unusual for her era, has had bring this to your attention, Aquarius, because modern incarnations in TV, film, and radio. Then I suspect you'll have a better chance to ascend there's the 19th-century satirical novel *Vanity Fair*. to the role of Mess-iah in the coming weeks and SUDOKU Beginner It's considered a classic even now, and appears months than you have had in many years. on lists of best-loved books. The authors of these three books had one thing in common: They had to PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Comedian John TO PLAY pay to have their books published. No authority in Cleese believes that "sometimes we hang onto the book business had any faith in them. You may people or relationships long after they've ceased have similar challenges in 2020, Leo—and rise to to be of any use to either of you." That's why he Fill in the grid so that the occasion with equally good results. Believe in has chosen to live in such a way that his web of yourself! every row, column, and alliances is constantly evolving. "I'm always meeting VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I'll present two new people," he says, "and my list of friends seems outlined 3-by-3 box possible scenarios that could unfold for you in to change quite a bit." According to my analysis 2020. Which scenario actually occurs will depend of the astrological omens, Pisces, 2020 will be a contains the numbers 1 on how willing you are to transform yourself. propitious year for you to experiment with Cleese's Scenario #1. Love is awake, and you're asleep. Love approach. You'll have the chance to meet a greater is ready for you but you're not ready for love. Love number of interesting new people in the coming through 9 exactly once. is hard to recognize because you think it still looks months than you have in a long time. (And don't be like it did in the past. Love changed its name, and afraid to phase out connections that have become No guessing is required. you didn't notice. Scenario #2. Love is awake and a drain.) The solution is unique. you're waking up. Love is ready for you and you're

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE Answers on page 24 HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700. City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 23

AA surveysurvey of Lansing’sLansing’s MusicalMusical LAndscapeLAndscape TURNTURN IT ITDD WNWN!By By RICH RICH TU TUPICPICAA Saturday, Jan. 11 Q&A: Phil Lynch of Locust Point Q&A

Locust Point, (L to R): Albert LaRose (bass) and Dave Peterman (drums) and Phil “Doc” Lynch (guitar, vocals). Locust Point’s 2018 debut, self-titled LP. Hear the tracks live at Oigs Fest, Saturday at Mac’s Bar Locals shred at fourth annual Oigs Fest Saturday, Jan. 11 @ Mac’s Bar, 2700 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. All ages, $13, $10 adv., 3 p.m. Oigs Fest 4: Return of the Oigs! is on tape and to not slap a label on it until ‘70s-era Aerosmith and ZZ Top. There’s The day-to-day drudgery of living and an all-ages, all-day hard-rock and metal we had gone through that process and some Motörhead and Guns N’ Roses in working in a city that’s only nice about blowout at Mac’s Bar featuring a lengthy figured out what exactly we had. It came there, too. Beyond that, I hear some ‘80s four months out of the year and the bad roster of heavy hitters. This year’s lineup together pretty fast, and when Brad van punk like Black Flag and Agent Orange — habits that spring up around that kind includes Recorruptor, From Blue To Gray, Staveren was putting together his first even some ‘90s bands like Alice in Chains, of malaise. It’s about music being one of Burial Party, Locust Point, Throne, Iron Oigs Fest lineup, he found out what we Soundgarden and Nirvana. All that ‘90s the only healthy outlets for that kind of Mountain, Hokori, Teething, Pan, Hordes, were up to and asked us to play. We got stuff was rock ‘n’ roll too, they just called stuff. Playing music with your friends is Grave Moth and Wormfoot. a live lineup together, and it’s grown from it "grunge" because everyone looked like definitely worth getting up in the morning Phil “Doc” Lynch, vocalist and guitar- there. We’ve played the previous three auto mechanics and loggers back then. for when you don’t have a lot else to look ist of Locust Point, chatted with City Oigs Fests, so it’s become a tradition for Who writes the songs? forward to. Pulse about his power trio, which also us. It’s really just a big hangout with a lot We demo them on our own, send them With 2020 upon us, what does comprises Albert LaRose (bass) and of great bands, drunken camaraderie and to each other and teach them to each Locust Point have planned for the Dave Peterman (drums, vocals, guitar). no drama or agendas. other as we practice. It may get more year? Sample the band’s debut 2019 LP at Locust Point’s debut LP seems collaborative in the future, but I’ve always Definitely a new album. We’re aiming locustpoint.bandcamp.com. to draw from classic rock and punk dug bands like Hüsker Dü and later-era for late spring/summer at the earliest How did Locust Point first get rock. What bands motivated you Beatles — where you can go through the I think. It’s 100% written, but we really together? guys the most? record and identify "this is a Bob Mould want to take our time and make it good Dave Peterman and I got together in It’s riff driven, punk-y, working class song, this is a Grant Hart song” or “this is because the material just deserves that late 2016 with the intention of just doing rock ‘n’ roll with a lot of hooks. We’ve all John, but that’s a Paul song.” attention. I’d love to play more shows a studio project after a long period of played in metal bands before, so that ele- The vocals for sure have a Phil afterwards as we didn’t get to play quite musical inactivity for both of us. My only ment bleeds through, too. Musically our Lynott-esque vibe, but what as much as I wanted in support of our goal was to get songs and ideas down album draws from groups like Thin Lizzy, inspired the lyrics? first record.

DESTINATION WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY The Avenue Café, 2021 E. Michigan Ave.. Trivia Night: Always Sunny 10PM GTG Silktail 8PM Karaoke 9PM Dark Arts DJs 9PM Coach's Pub & Grill, 6201 Bishop Rd. Double Shot 9PM Crunchy's, 254 W. Grand River, East Lansing North of Five 8PM Karaoke 9PM Karaoke 9PM The Exchange, 314 E. Michigan Ave. Old School - DJ Jalese 8:30PM Avon Bomb 9PM Avon Bomb 9PM Green Door, 2005 E. Michigan Ave. Karaoke Starfarm 8:30PM Starfarm 8:30PM LIVE Lansing Brewing Co., 518 E. Shiawassee Live Music with Olivia Mainville 8PM The Loft, 414 E. Michigan Ave. Homegrown Throwdown 2020 7PM AND Mac's Bar, 2700 E. Michigan Ave. V*A*S*E 8PM The Rock and Roll Bad Guys 3PM Reno's East, 1310 Abbot, East Lansing The New Rule 7PM The New Rule 7PM Robin Theatre, 1105 S. Washington Appleseed Collective 8PM LOCAL Spiral, 1247 Center St. Rent Tribute Show 9PM Kiki Saturdays 9PM Urban Beat, 1213 Turner St. Matt Bliton Band Release Party 7:30PM Upcoming show? Contact Unicorn, 327 Cesar E. Chavez, Lansing Open Mic 9:30PM Live Music with Frog & The Beeftones 9PM Olivia & The Aquatic Troupe 8PM [email protected] Wildlife Pub, 6380 Drumeller Rd., Bath Open Mic 7:30PM 24 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020

From Page 21 Children’s Theatre, 819 Abbot Rd, East Lansing. events.msu.edu. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Federated Polish Home, 1030 W. Mt. Hope Ave., Lansing. 517-882-2838. Saturday, January 11 Mount Hope Quilters - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Custom Monday, January 13 Quilts, 676 Okemos Rd., Okemos.. LITERATURE AND POETRY CLASSES AND SEMINARS CLASSES AND SEMINARS SHREK Audition - Adult Fiona and Shrek only - Ekphrastic Poetry with Dennis Hinrichsen Habitat Science - 11 a.m. Impression 5 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Riverwalk Theatre, 228 Museum - 6-8 p.m. Lansing Art Gallery, 119 N Washington Dr, Lansing. 517-482-5700. riverwalktheatre.com Aqua Fitness - Fun for all fitness levels. 10:30- Science Center, 200 Museum Dr, Lansing. 517- 11:30 a.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Sq, Ste 101, Lansing. 517-374-6400. 485-8116. impression5.org. Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. MUSIC The Poetry Room Open Mic: 7pm doors 7:45 LITERATURE AND POETRY Group Dance Class - Beginning Hustle. 7:15-8:05 showtime. Signup list at door. 7-9:30 p.m. The Brittany Giles, Bassoon - Free. 4 p.m. Cook p.m. The MAC, 2900 Hannah Blvd, East Lansing. Robin Theatre, 1105 S Washington Ave, Lansing. Sing, Dance, and Move Storytime - 3:30-4 Recital Hall, 333 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing. 517-364-8888. p.m. Grand Ledge Area District Library, 131 E. events.msu.edu. Tuesday Book Group (Adults)- Call or stop in Jefferson St., Grand Ledge. 517-627-7014. Group Dance Class - Beginning Nightclub 2 for titles. 1-2 p.m. Foster Branch, 200 N. Foster Many Cultures, Many (Unusual) step. 8:15-9:05 p.m. The MAC, 2900 Hannah Blvd, Ave., Lansing. cadl.org EVENTS Instruments with Brian Kruschwitz of East Lansing. 517-364-8888. Yurtfolk - 10-11:30 a.m. MSU Community Music EVENTS Environmental Stewardship Work Day - School, 4930 S. Hagadorn, East Lansing. Intro to Italian Conversation - 3-4 p.m. volunteer for natural area work days. 10 a.m.-12 Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Rd., East Capital Area Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome p.m. East Lansing. cityofeastlansing.com. Old-time String Band Fiddle Tunes Lansing. 517-337-1113. Support Group - 7-8:30 p.m. CADL Okemos, Repertoire with Mike and Mary Ross - 4321 Okemos Rd, Okemos. 231-403-1395. Grand Opening Celebration of the Science 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Elderly Instruments, 1100 N LITERATURE AND POETRY chronicpainpartners.com. On a Sphere Gallery - 11 a.m.-2 p.m. MSU Washington, Lansing. 517-372-7880. elderly.com. Museum, 409 W Circle Dr, East Lansing. Battle of the Books Kick-off: Grand Ledge Death Cafe - Speaking casually about death is Sunday, January 12 District Library and Delta Township Library! - 6:30- taboo in many cultures, but death is part of life, Midwest iHemp Expo - 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Lansing 7:30 p.m. 5130 Davenport Dr., Lansing. and when we talk about it, we help normalize Center, 333 E Michigan Ave, Lansing. 517-483- CLASSES AND SEMINARS it. 12:30-2 p.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 7400. midwestihempexpo.com. Read to a Dog (Ages 6-8) - 4-5 p.m. CADL- Abbot Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. Juggling - Learn how to juggle! 2-4 p.m. Orchard Foster, 200 N. Foster Ave., Lansing. MSU Polo at the Pavilion - 3-5 p.m. MSU Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance Street Pumphouse, 368 Orchard St., East Lansing. Support Groups - 7-8:30 p.m. Sparrow Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock, 4301 Farm EVENTS Lane, East Lansing. 517-432-5566. Professional Bldg. 1200 Michigan Ave., 2nd Floor, EVENTS Conference Room 1-A, Lansing. 517-643-7671. Game Night at the Fledge - Board and card Owl Prowl at CCBS - 5-6:30 p.m. Capital City games, 7 pm to close. 1300 Eureka, Lansing. Bird Sanctuary, 6001 Delta River Dr., Lansing. Making Treats for Wildlife - Create edible Drop-in Minute to Win It Challenge michiganaudubon.org. treats. 2-3 p.m. Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Series (Ages 9-14) Stop by to complete some Atta Rd, Okemos. 517-349-3866. meridian.mi.us. Refuge Recovery Lansing - 6-7 p.m. The challenges. 3:15–4 p.m. CADL-Williamston, 3845 Fledge, 1300 Eureka, Lansing. Pokémon Party (Age 8 & up) - 1-3 p.m. CADL- Vanneter Rd. #1. cadl.org Downtown, 401 S. Capitol Ave., Lansing. cadl.org ARTS MUSIC Prime Time Crime Time - Featuring Psychic Fair Fundraiser - 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Inner SHREK Audition Adult Fiona and Shrek only movies of the 60s and 70s. 1-3 p.m. Hannah Ascended Masters Ministry, 5705 S. Washington - 2-3:30 p.m. Riverwalk Theatre, 228 Museum Dr, Gillian Riesen, voice - Free. 6 p.m. Cook Community Center, 819 Abbot Rd., East Ave., Lansing. Lansing. 517-482-5700. riverwalktheatre.com. Recital Hall, 333 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing. Lansing. 517-337-1113. events.msu.edu. Super Saturdays at the Michigan History The Sound Around - 2-4 p.m. MSU Broad Art ARTS Museum - 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Michigan History Lab, 565 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing. 517- Tuesday, January 14. 884-4800. broadmuseum.msu.edu. Center, 702 W. Kalamazoo, Lansing. 517-420-1342. 2020 MLK Jr. Holiday Art Contest CLASSES AND SEMINARS MUSIC Reception - 5-7 p.m. MSU Broad Art Lab, 565 ARTS E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing. 517-884- Aqua Fitness - Fun for all fitness levels. 10:30- 4800. broadmuseum.msu.edu. AECT Studio Class! - Year three of our Studio Keaton Garrett, Saxophone - Free. 6 p.m. 11:30 a.m. Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Cook Recital Hall, 333 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing. Rd., East Lansing. 517-337-1113. Class! 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All-of-Us Express Mixed Media: Adult - 6:30-8 p.m. Reach Group Dance Class - Beginning West Coast Studio Art Center, 1804 S Washington Ave, SATURDAY, JAN. 11 >> GUIDED WINTER TREE HIKE AT Swing. 8:15-9:05 p.m. The MAC, 2900 Hannah Blvd, Lansing. 517-999-3643. reachstudioart.org. WOLDUMAR NATURE CENTER East Lansing. 517-364-8888. Mixed Media: Teen - 4:30-6 p.m. Reach Get your weekend off to a healthy and Powered by Plants - A plant-based diet is Studio Art Center, 1804 S Washington Ave, informed start with this winter walk. A proving to be an ideal choice. 6:30-8 p.m. Al!ve, Lansing. 517-999-3643. reachstudioart.org. 800 W Lawrence Ave., Charlotte. myalive.com. naturalist from the nature center will guide participants through the park’s extensive Zumba - Want to lose weight and have fun too? forest. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. SATURDAY, JAN. 11 >> COLD MOON AT THE AVENUE $5 single, $10 couple DJ group Obsidian Nacht, with special guest 5739 Old Lansing Road, Lansing Sin Eater, spin synth wave, darkwave, ‘80s, (517) 322-0030 goth, industrial, dark techno all night. Feast woldumar.org your eyes on sinister visuals and step into CROSSWORD SOLUTION your much cooler, leather-wearing alter ego. From Pg. 22 SUDOKU SOLUTION 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., Free, 21+ From Pg. 22 2021 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing (517) 492-7403 avenuecafelansing.com

SUNDAY, JAN. 12 >> CARDBOARD PROPHETS PICNIC IN REUTTER PARK Everyone is invited to this cookout. Gravity Smokehouse & BBQ in Holt will touch down in Lansing to feed those looking for a hot meal. Volunteers can show up at the event ready to serve. 2 to 4 p.m., Free 400 S. Capitol Ave., Lansing (517) 712-0008 cardboardprophets.org City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 25 FOOD & DRINK DINING OUT IN GREATER LANSING ‘Red Eye Rye’ is a liquefied forest By DAVID WINKELSTERN Centennial hops with such varied characteristics make It’s a pale ale that isn’t and Northern Brewer a blend that excites the nose and taste really pale. It has a hearty, hops are added. The buds. Subtle smacks of sweetness and reddish color. Despite being first is known for fruitiness are contrasted with sugges- brewed in west Lansing, the THE its floral and lem- tions of nuttiness, and an almost for- “Red Eye Rye” has more of on notes; the second est-like flavor. I especially appreciat- an old-world taste. Drink for hints of pine and ed the “Red Eye Rye’s” delightful and It’s the signature craft mint. lingering taste. beer at the EagleMonk Pub The result is a beer Its 34 IBUs, which stands for and Brewery. with a robust taste without heavi- International Bitterness Units, is EagleMonk Pub Brew master ness. The “Red Eye Rye” is substan- more than a New Belgium Fat Tire and Brewery Dan Buonodono, tial enough to sip and savor on its and less than a Sierra Nevada Pale Tues-Sunday, creates concoc- own — or as an accompaniment to Ale. With a balanced malt and hops various hours 4906 W. Mt Hope Hwy, tions that justify EagleMonk’s tasty homemade pizzas mix, any bitterness is well masked. Lansing “craft” labels. or paninis. The ale has a full kick to go with its (517) 708-7350 eaglemonkbrewing.com For the “Red My $5 glass was filled and was full taste. The “Red Eye Rye” might Eye Rye,” he uses noticeably cold. The “Red Eye Rye” be the perfect brew to serve on a “Red British pale malt, caramel malt and came with a slight crown of bubbly Eye” flight for those ready for some generous amounts of rye malt. The foam. shuteye. Audrey Matusz/City Pulse rye flavor is appealingly obvious. I like that the mix of ingredients The "Red Eye Rye" is a robust, malt medley.

Gosling movie playing at the bar, you are silenced by its unabashed authentic- Meet the enemy of your New Year's Resolution ity. From the menu, I prepared myself By AUDREY MATUSZ and meat. I ordered the orange chili envisioned a tall, sloppy sandwich with for the dry, overly doctored blocks of salt If your 2020 diet resolutions are sauce on the side and let me just say, slices of stripped bacon hanging off the stuffed between buns served by chain already off to a tragic start, you are not Panda Express could never. The aro- sides and giant jalapenos poking out burger joints. What I got was master- alone. As of Jan. 1, I made a personal ma of orange peels is apparent but not from the iceberg lettuce. Clearly, I for- fully prepared patty and well-tempered commitment offensive. got where I was. experimentation. Midtown Brewing Co. to cut out red For my entree, it was less my flesh-eat- Midtown Brewing Co. is so Lansing. Sun.-Mon. The Midtown Monster ($15) is some- various hours meat (really ing ways that got the best of me. The It plays off the idea of being a ritzy, thing serious and can be easily shared 402 S. Washington Sq, meat in general, intrigue of a palette daring enough to downtown hang with basic, modern Lansing (unless your guest is a fry fiend, in (517) 977-1349 but I know my add jalapenos to a peanut butter and American fare (where burgers are con- which case, order an appetizer). weakness) and bacon jam sandwich seemed sinful. sidered a food group), but just when If you heard, you heard correctly: French fries. If you are a person with a When I read the dish ingredients, I you want to roast them and the Ryan Midtown Brewing Co. is the realest. will easily compromised by juicy patties decked in jalapenos, fresh greens and onions inside a ciabatta bun, I suggest you stop reading. Fresh food BREWERIES First, this review can’t go on until I Family fun! give Midtown Brewing Co. a salute for FROSTBITE VS its smoked chicken wings ($12). They 3 LOCATIONS are the perfect balance of crisp, juice Featuring 10 local breweries and over 20 beers Start 2020 January 16, 2020 off with a gift We will be collecting unused gloves, winter from us! $5 off your hats, coats, socks & blankets for order of Carboard ProPhets $25 or more $10 off your order of $ East Lansing - 3048 E Lake Lansing Rd • (517) 333-9212 50 or more Dine in only! Must Monday - Saturday: 11am to 2am • Sunday: 12pm to 1am present coupon. One coupon per customer, Holt • 2040 Aurelius Rd #13 • (517) 699-3670 per table. Does not Monday - Saturday: 11am to 2am • Sunday: 9am to 1am 3415 E. SAGINAW • LANSING, MI 48912 include tax or gratuity. Audrey Matusz/City Pulse Expires 3/16/2020 Midtown Brewing Co.'s Midtown Okemos • 1937 W Grand River Ave • (517)-347-0443 TAP TAKEOVER AT 5PM Monster. Monday - Saturday: 11am to 2am • Sunday: 9am to 1am COLLECTING DONATIONS 1/2 - 1/16/2020 26 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 DELHI CAFE Home of the FAMILY • CASUAL • DINING World Famous Sizzler 1/2 OFF ORDER YOUR LUNCH OR DINNER Baklava & Spinach Pie TODAY! Buy one lunch or dinner Lunch & Dinner Specials and receive Greek Specials • Soups & Salads a 2nd of equal or Breakfast Saturdays & Sundays 2019 QUIET ATMOSPHERE & FRIENDLY STAFF lesser value for 1/2 off 4625 Willoughby Rd • Holt Valid Sunday-Thursday Only. Dine-In Only. Valid with www.delhicaferestaurant.com coupon Only. Void if reproduced. 5000 N. Grand River 517-694-8655 Not valid with any other offers or T-F 11AM-8PM discounts. Expires 1/21/20. (517) 321-3852 Sat & Sun 9AM-3PM WANT YOUR RESTAURANT LISTED? CALL Appetizers 517-999-5064 Meat Southern BBQ WE BELIEVE EVERYONE DESERVES 1224 Turner Rd. GREAT BBQ. Award winning BBQ. Ribs, Lansing, MI 48906 French fry bar, chili, sides including BBQ pit Featured (517) 580-4400 baked beans, mac n’ cheese. 18 rotating taps on: meatbbq.com of craft, Michigan made beers. Craft cocktails. We cater, too! Try our Delhi Cafe Family COME JOIN THE FAMILY! COMFORT Restaurant FOOD FROM GENERATIONS! A great meeting place for family and friends. Relax with DELHI CAFE 4625 Willoughby Rd. a glass of wine and try our daily lunch/dinner Fish, Burgers & Steak Holt, MI 48842 specials, soups, salads, Greek plates and more. AUTHENTIC GREEK (517) 694-8655 Breakfast Saturday & Sundays. Friendly staff. FAMILY • CASUAL • DINING Visit us and continue the tradition!

Fresh off the Grill! Cask & Co. A LOCAL SPOT FOR LUNCH, DINNER AND DRINKS. A dining experience that is like 3415 E. Saginaw Hwy. no other. Featuring a fresh lunch buffet for a Lansing, MI 48912 quick bite, an extensive dinner menu and happy (517) 580-3750 hour specials, too! Screens to watch your favorite BUY ANY www.caskandcompany.com sporting events with your favorite people. Michigan craft brews abound here as well. DINNER GUY FIERI APPROVED! We were featured on Eastside Fish Fry Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Our 2417 E. Kalamazoo St., fried home-style classics and fresh seafood are ND Lansing, MI 48912 some of the best to be found in Lansing. We’ve got GET 2 (517) 993-5988 the classics: fried chicken buckets, chicken wings, eastsidefishfry.com exotic fare, like frog legs and alligator tails and DINNER fresh seafood. Desserts, too! DISCOVER YOUR NEW FAVORITE SPOT! Buddies Holt 2040 Aurelius Rd, Ste 12 Traditional classics and great drinks. Burgers, CARNIVORES Mexican entrees, pizza and appetizers. Five % Holt, MI 48842 (517) 699-3670 versions of loaded tots and Buddies Bowls you www.buddiesbars.com can’t get anywhere else. Locally owned and LOVE MEAT! 50 OFF operated for over 20 years. AWARD WINNING BBQ + 18 TAPS OF PURE GOLDEN JOY = A GREAT TIME! One per customer Airport Tavern FOR NEARLY 50 YEARS, Airport Tavern 5000 N. Grand River Ave. & Steakhouse has been a staple of Lansing’s 18 ROTATING CRAFT, MICHIGAN MADE AND Expires 1/22/20 Lansing, MI 48906 community. Full bar, prime rib weekends, daily 3 DOMESTIC BEERS ON TAP (517) 321-3852 FB: lunch and dinner specials. Ribs, steak, burgers @AirportTavernandSteakhouse and salads are all crowd pleasers at this neigh- 580-4400 I MEATBBQ.COM 2417 E. Kalamazoo borhood establishment. 1224 TURNER ST. OLD TOWN, LANSING Lansing, MI 48912 Claddagh Irish Pub MONDAYS - BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Eastwood Towne Center FISH & CHIPS with the purchase of 2 drinks. (517) 993-5988 2900 Town Centre Blvd. ALL DAY Mondays. Happy Hour - Mon- Lansing, MI 48912 day-Friday 3-6PM with “Half Off” Pub Bites www.eastsidefishfry.com (517) 484-2523 and deals on house wines, pints and cocktails. The only American owned & www.claddaghirishpubs.com Themed Trivia Thursdays at 7:30PM operated fish fry in Lansing DIRECTORY LISTINGS | PAID ADVERTISEMENTS City Pulse • January 8, 2020 www.lansingcitypulse.com 27

JAN. 10 Absolute Gallery

Arts Council of Greater Lansing

Bad Annie’s Sweary Goods

Clark Hill PLC

Katalyst Gallery

The Neighborhood Empowerment Center

Old Town General Store

And More! Arts Night Out 2020 Arts Night Out returns to Old Town Lansing on January 10, 2020 from 5-8pm! Experience a variety of unique venues — from one block to the next — alive with music, art, demos and a whole lot more. Come explore, meet the artists, wine and dine. Arts Night Out has something for everyone! For more information, visit #MyArtsNightOut MyArtsNightOut.com 28 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • January 8, 2020 THANK YOU FOR CELEBRATING

Thanks to all who helped celebrate our excellent run of 30 years with an even crazier Holiday Season! On Saturday, January 25, from 10-5, we will be See you Jan. 25 for open to sell the last few items of inventory our final day of inventory and as well as all of our display units, display sale! shelving, acrylic display risers, plate stands, baskets, Christmas trees, decorations, some track lighting, all of our pedestal system, wall shelving, pegboards, etc.

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