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THE RITE of MISRAIM. F a JC T R TABLE OF CONTENTS. to unforeseen and unexpected collapse. The able to defend himself against their imbe- PAGE laudable (?) intentions of the ° oozed out, cile attacks. 33 ; THE RITE OF M ISRAIM 211 and became knoAvn to certain bi et'i';ren , one It may appear an enigma to the Craft POETRY— of Avhom Avas then the only man in Eng- generally why the Golden-square people Lines on the Death of an Old Lady 211 land competent and legally entitled to should trouble their heads about the Rite FREEMASONRY IN I RELAND 212 & 213 confer the degrees of the Rite of Misraim. of Misraim, when they possess such ah ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS ... 214 As an apposite comment upon the above, El Dorado of their own ; but in reality this THE CRAFT— is the root of the Avhole matter. Note well Metropolitan ... ... ... 214 it may be remarked, en passant , that the Provincial ... ... 214 & 215 S.G.C. in Colden-square actually purposed the contrast. The S.G.C. 33° wanted to ROYAL ARCH— Avorking the Misraimitic degrees without add to their coffers five pounds from every Consecration of the Royal Chapter Middlesex , any authority whatever, except that de- brother admitted to the Rite of Misraim, No. 1194 215 General do Prov. Grand R. <A. Chapter of East Lancashire 215 rivable from the possession of the rituals Avhile the present Conservators members of MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL, D UBLIN ... 215 and plates before-mentioned ! Finding, not make any charge wltatcver to except BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS 216 therefore, that such Avas their resolve, a the Red Cross Order, nor to others, RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO MASONIC LITERA- meeting of brethren desirous of establishing a small sum to defray the cost of parapher- TURE 216 the Rite upon a legal basis Avas held, and nalia. Bearing this fact steadily m VICAV, MULTUM IN PARVO ' 2l6 & 217 this meeting Avas attended by a pupil of the disappointed rage of the " Inspectors ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE— General " can be readily understood. Just Qualifications for Mastership of a Mark Lodge 217 Marc Bcdarride, the " Premier Grand Con- Our Ancient Brethren 217 & 218 servateur " of the Order, and Avho had as the golden cup Avas at their lips, and an DISTRICT G RAND LODGE OF BENGAL ... 21S & 219 received its degrees thirty-seven years pre- endless vista of five-pound notes spread out MARK MASONRY— viously from the great chief himself. This before them, the ghost of Marc Bedarride Consecration of the Percy Lodge at Stockton 219 distinguished brother assented to the Rite inspiredhisdiscipleto dash the goblet aside, Consecration ofa New Lodge at Sunderland 219 being reorganised under his auspices, and and the unreal vision of profit, like a mirage ROYAL ARK MASONRY 220 on the ocean, quite melted aAvay. It Avould R ED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE 220 Avithout his presence and leadership not a be tedious, if not irrelevant to the subject, I NSTRUCTION 220 single step Avould have been taken in the to recount here the various causes of offence MASONIC FESTIVITIES — matter by thepresent Conservators-General. 0 Downshire Lodge of Instruction, No. 594, It is quite true that, for reasons easily Avhich have rendered the 33 Council Liverpool .. ... ... 220 understood by those Avho are acquainted obnoxious, and, it may almost be said, Caledonian Lodge, No. 4S9, Haskcim, Con- adherents. stantinople ... ... 220 Avith the inquisitorial system pursued by odious to their own quondam 0 A section of self-elected oligarchs at the SCOTLAND— the S.G.C. 33 , the illustrious brother The Grand Lodge of Scotland and thc St. alluded to thought it expedient to keep best, they are in no sense entitled to pass John's Lodge Memorial 220 & 221 his name out of si judgment upon others, and they may rest Glasgow ... 221 ght until the Rite Avas Wishaw ... ... 221 firmly consolidated, and it is equally true assured that unless they refrain from MASONIC M EETINGS FOR N EXT AVEEK 222 that he sought co-operation and aid from 111. " meddling and muddling " in affairs beyond they will aAvaken such a THE U NITED PILGRIMS' LODGE OF INSTRUCTION 222 Bro. Cremieux, 33°, of France, AVIIO Avas their jurisdiction , ADVERTISEMENTS ... 209, 210, 222, 223, & 224 then in London. It is further beyond storm of opposition as Avill shake doAvn question that Bro. Cremieux Avould have their card-board edifice of obstructiveness, THE RITE OF attended the inaugural meeting of the and scatter their transcendental pretensions MISRAIM. " Bective Sanctuary " had he not been un- to the Avinds. BY A CONSERVATOR-GENERAL 90°. avoidably prevented by urgent business. Bro. Cremieux, a proof of his " Speech is silvern, but silence is golden," Avillingness to assist, sent to the meeting f a JC t r u . said the sage, and it Avould have been as his diploma as a member of the French Avell if the Sovereign Grand Inspectors- Grand College of Rites and this di loma 0 , p LINES ON THE DEATH OF AN OLD LADY. General 33 , who sit enthroned on high Avas placed upon the table during the pro- stools at 33, Golden-square, had borne the ceedings, and Avas examined by several out AVritten by one of her dearest friends, maxim in mind before they published in of the hundred Masons present. It Avas BRO. C. I. PATON. the columns of your contemporary the re- also understood that Bro. Cremieux's cord of their impertinent interference with diploma invested him Avith power to found " Her children arise and call her blessed ; her husband the establishment of the Rite of Misraim rites or orders recognised by the Grand also, and he praiseth her." in _ England. However, as their blind Orient of 1*ranee (the Rite of Misraim being Another pass'd away—a friend animosity could be no longer restrained one) in all countries Avhere no such rites From childhood's dawn beloved, revered ! from open expression existed The pleasant converse is at end , the propitious , and this statement was accepted as By which, till now, life's path was cheered. moment has arrived for revealing the confirming and endorsing the previous Avhole scope and Well was she worthy of the love character of the Machia- action of the prime mover, Marc Bedarride's AVhich was her portion here below ; vellian policy by which the acts of this friend and pupil. The communication Only the better home above soi-disant Masonic body arc evidently (published by your contemporary) fro m Can love more pure and constant know. dictated. To effect this object little more Bro. Thevenot, Chef du Secretariat of the Her's was a long and happy life , than a plain statement of facts is required , Grand Orient, denies, however, that Bro. Though not without its painful days : and the Masonic Avorld can then judge upon Cremieux had any sucli authority, and he As girl, woman, daughter, wife, Avhich side arc to be found truth, justice, doubtless knows best ; but in reality it is a She walked in virtue's peaceful Avays. and honour. matter of indifference, inasmuch as the She lived in piety and faith, About the beginning of last December organization of thc Rite in England rests Pursuing still the heavenward road ; Always in readiness for death, the " Sovereign Grands," finding that the upon another and a surer foundation—its For always waiting upon God. Mark Grand Lodge had determined to title being derived, as already stated , from Her children rose to call her bless'd , absorb the " Ark " and other analogous de- the great Bedarride himself, and not from Her husband gave her willing praise ; grees, deemed it a fitting opportunity to any fore ign jurisdiction however " ancient And all thc neighbouring poor confess'd increase their own stock of Avares by annex- and accepted." The only subject for regret Her liberal hand and gentle ways. ing thc Rite of Misraim to thc Ancient is that thc illustrious brother under Avhose AVith age her sp irit's beauty grew, and Accepted Rite. They accordingly a*gis the present Council General of the 90° And, till away from earth she pass'd, commissioned a trusty henchman to attend Avas formed, should, from motives of expe- Shone with a radiance ever new, a meeting of the Grand Metropolitan diency, have conceived thc idea of remain- Bri ght'ning and mellowing to the last. Chapter Rose Croix, and then ancl there to ing incognito throughout the transaction, AVe now shall sec her face no more, begin business. Faithful, however to their and that the name of Bro. Cremieux should Nor hear her voice, until we stand , AVith her on Jordan's farther shore, traditional policy, which regards £ s. d. have been introduced at all. The result, Inheriting the promis'd land. as the sununum bonum of Masonry, the hoAvever, proves that thc policy of conceal- But still the remembrance will abide first qualification for candidates Avas to be ment was in a great measure justifiable Of her example bright and fair, the deposit of a five-pound note to cover and necessary, as the Supreme Grand To rouse our slumb'rott s souls, and guide , 0 the expense of certain rituals and plates Council 33 have now foolishly expended Our footsteps till we meet her there. which had come into their possession. Nor their gasbag of indignation upon the Avas any movement to be made until at " Avrong man's " head, and they Avill BREAKFAST. — E PPS'S COCOA. — Grateful and least twelve victims Comfortine;.— The very nr-recnb!e character of this preparation ha« at £$ each, represent- henceforth find all their subtle and secret rendered it a genera l favourite.
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