TABLE OF CONTENTS. to unforeseen and unexpected collapse. The able to defend himself against their imbe- PAGE laudable (?) intentions of the ° oozed out, cile attacks. 33 ; THE RITE OF M ISRAIM 211 and became knoAvn to certain bi et'i';ren , one It may appear an enigma to the Craft POETRY— of Avhom Avas then the only man in Eng- generally why the Golden-square people Lines on the Death of an Old Lady 211 land competent and legally entitled to should trouble their heads about the Rite IN I RELAND 212 & 213 confer the degrees of the Rite of Misraim. of Misraim, when they possess such ah ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS ... 214 As an apposite comment upon the above, El Dorado of their own ; but in reality this THE CRAFT— is the root of the Avhole matter. Note well Metropolitan ...... 214 it may be remarked, en passant , that the Provincial ...... 214 & 215 S.G.C. in Colden-square actually purposed the contrast. The S.G.C. 33° wanted to ROYAL ARCH— Avorking the Misraimitic degrees without add to their coffers five pounds from every Consecration of the Royal Chapter Middlesex , any authority whatever, except that de- brother admitted to the Rite of Misraim, No. 1194 215 General do Prov. Grand R.