Dated 27th June 2013 Venue Committee Room, International Rescue Committee (IRC) Office, Airport Road Sukkur. Time 1100 hrs Number of participants 16 Number of Organizations 14 Subject Deliberations Action Points / Decision Welcome Note and . The Provincial Food Security Cluster Meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Ashraf Ali FSC Co-lead from UNFAO, Introduction of the Mr. Tanveer Bhangar (focal person-FSC) from UNWFP and Mr. Abdul Rehman Assistant Director PDMA Participants Sukkur.

. The participant organizations were Save The Children, DEVCON, Insaf Social Welfare Association (ISWA), World Vision International, ACTED, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Oxfam GB, WFP, Indus Resource Centre (IRC), PDMA, Goth Seeenghar Foundation(GSF) and FAO.

Updates from cluster The updates were shared by participants on planned and ongoing Food Security projects of their respective members: ongoing organizations under ER 2011 are as under: and planned projects. . Save the Children representative shared that we are implementing PEFSA IV project in District Mirpukhas, Sanghar and Badin in south and in District Jacobabad in North. The activities in South are conditional cash grants for Backyard poultry followed by trainings; in Jacobabad CFW and conditional cash grants.

In addition we are looking for the MoU with line department (Livestock) at the district level for It was agreed that conducting of the trainings. organizations will seek support Comments by other PEFSA partners: We need to look at the PEFSA parameters; whether this is directly; in case of requirement or not. problem they will request cluster for The Oxfam representative informed that we had meetings with the livestock department officials at assistance. Hyderabad and found them very much cooperative and suggested the other partners for meetings with them; he shared the contact details with the participants.

Observation: save the Children colleague shared that during field visits in District Jacobabad; it has been observed that due to the rumors of possible floods the farmers are not planting Kharif crop. He suggested the humanitarian community that they should negate this rumor during their field visits.

- The INSAF representative shared that due to the change of face of River in District Ghotki; there is possibility of flooding.

- The partners commented that this is something different and we can’t relate this to the other districts.

. DEVCON representative shared that we are working in District Jacobabad since October 2012 as an IP of Concern World Wide (CWW). We are implementing two projects of IRISH Aid and ECHO 6. Under the FS components we cover three types of activities:

a) Rice inputs (Seed 20kg, 2Urea, 1 DAP and 3kg Zinc) for 271 HH’s (male) beneficiaries. b) 95 goats to the female beneficiaries through voucher modality c) Followed by trainings on Agriculture and Livestock management. The cluster should Suggestion: The FSC co-lead suggested the partners for the soil testing; before deciding the discuss with the fertilizer package. department for the functionality of the The partners commented that soil fertility labs at district are non-functional and we are labs. approaching ENGRO/FFC for testing.

. Indus Resource centre (IRC) representative shared that we are implementing FS project with the support from CWW in District Shikarpur. The same as of DEVCON; kind of activities are being conducted. The more details will be shared in next meeting.

. Insaf Social Welfare association (ISWA) representative shared that we did food distribution in relief phase; currently we are looking for project in FS. . Save the children (focal person for WFP activities) representative shared that we are working as CP of WFP in three Districts Jacobabad, Kashmore and Shikarpur. We have completed the 1st and 2nd cycle of the CFW activity. Under these cycles total 21000 beneficiaries has got assistance in all three districts. Now we are waiting for the 3rd cycle, moreover he shared that we are also targeting the non-CNIC holder's beneficiaries on basis of SOPs otherwise those with valid CNICs through Easy Paisa.

On reply to the question of beneficiary double counting, the WFP colleague informed that we are WFP colleague will mostly covering the same beneficiaries but in rare case we have new. ensure the quoting of right figure in Challenge: Political pressure; 3W matrix

On the question of the information sharing with district authorities, the partners suggested that cluster focal person should give detailed presentation in GCM.

. Catholic Relief services (CRS)/ Goth Seenghar Foundation (GSF) representative shared that currently Participation of we are implementing two projects one in District Kashmore one in District Jacobababd. In District Cluster focal person Kashmore we are implementing the project in UC Saeedokot of Taluka Tangwani. Under this project in GCM, with the activities are; Agriculture management skills training, training on restocking of livestock, kitchen detailed gardening training and toolkit distribution. In District Jacobabad, we are targeting UC Karim Bux of presentation Taluka Thul, in this project the activities are trainings on agriculture management skills, training and restocking of livestock, livelihood infrastructure CFW, seed and fertilizer vouchers.

Challenge: the major challenge is the security threats from the non-beneficiaries

. World vision International representative shared that we are implementing the nutrition project (slogan of Tawana Bachay); in UC Sangi, Nauraja, Dadlo, Hingoro & Sultanpur of Taluka Pano Aqil District Sukkur; in District Taluka Khairpur, Kotdiji, , , sobhodero, Faiz Ganj, Nara and (UC’s Faizabad, Lyari, Karam-u Din Lashari, , Deh Soho, Kumb, Drib Mehar Shah, sadder Ji Bhatyoon, Hadal shah, , Noor pur, Kamal dero, Hingorja, Ranipur, Akri, Chundiko, Sikanderabad, Baqi Khan and Sabbar Rind).

The total direct beneficiaries will be 6,783, pregnant/lactating mother 1925, children <5years 4858. Under the FS component they will provide training on kitchen gardening and livestock management. Only the demo material will be provided; otherwise this will be only capacity building component.

Request: He requested the cluster for the technical material on Kitchen gardening and Livestock management.

Suggestion: The Cluster co-chair will provide the available material and suggested for meetings with the Govt: line departments for more help.

. ACTED representative shared that currently we are implementing following two Food Security Projects in UC Lashari of District Kashomore and UCs Garhi Hussan & Sherwah of District Jacobabad with following modalities:

Under the ERF-UNOCHA Project : - 36 HHs were targeted for CCG followed by nutrition training. - 1224 unskilled and 37 skilled Men for CFW activities (37 Kacha road rehabilitation Scheme). - 374 unskilled Women for CFW activities (32 Scheme of fuel efficient stove, mud seed storage bin, solid waste bin) - Each above mentioned unskilled and CCG beneficiary got PKR 9240/- for June and Skilled beneficiary got PKR 18480/-.

Under PEFSA IV (ECHO funded) project: - 414 unskilled (Male/Female) beneficiaries were paid PKR 9,240/- each for 24 days CFW activities in June 2013. - Male CFW worker were involved in Culverts and Kacha roads rehabilitation and Female CFW workers were involved in Fuel efficient stove, mud seed bin and soled west bin activities.

He informed the forum that we changed the target UC in District Kashmore due to the duplication issue with the ongoing WFP (SCI) project.

. International Rescue Committee representative shared that currently IRC is implementing the ERF funded and PEFSA IV project in District Shikarpur. Under the ERF project the support is being given for CFW (for growing of Rice Nursery and Vegetable Gardening) and conditional cash grants.

Under the PEFSA IV project in District Shikarpur the modalities are CFW and CCGs. In District Mirpurkhas the modalities are goat distribution and backyard poultry.

Challenge: More preference was given by the beneficiaries for the raising of Rice nursery in comparison to vegetable gardening and suitability of the soil for growing vegetable was another challenge which resulted poor germination of certain vegetables.

. Oxfam GB representative shared that we are working in District Kashmore at North Sindh and in District in South Sindh. In District Kashmore the activities under ERF project are successfully completed.

Under the PEFSA IV project we are targeting two districts; one from south and one from north Sindh and total 6300 HH will be targeted; In District Kashmore the total target is 4200 HH’s in which 1700 HH will be targeted for CFW, 1700 HH will be targeted for CCG and 800 HH will be targeted for back yard poultry farm while and in District Tando Allahyar the target is 2100 HH’s; 1500 HH will be receive assistance for kitchen gardening and provision of livestock and 600 HH will be targeted for establishment of backyard poultry form followed by the trainings of kitchen gardening training, livestock and poultry training.

Updates from FSC Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Mr. Ashraf Ali, Provincial Cluster Coordinator FSC (UNFAO) form UNFAO and FSC Co- Chair shared the detailed presentation on the FSC response for both ER interventions and the flood 2012 response. The glimpses of the presentation are as under:

Emergency Response 2012. - 166,465 HH’s received the food assistance in three districts Jacobabad, Kashmore, Shikarpur and Dadu during rain emergency 2012. - 11,167 HH’s received the livestock support assistance in Districts Jacobabad , Kashmore and Shikarpur. - 9,043 HH’s received the Conditional Cash Grant support in Districts Kashmore & Shikarpur. - 1,540 HH’s received unconditional cash grants in Jacobabad & Kashmore. - 5,123 HH’s received agriculture input in Jacobabad & Shikarpur. - 30,987 HH’s under CFW in District Jacobabad, Kashmore and Dadu. - More than 1 Million Animals have been vaccinated treated and drenched by the livestock department in three districts i.e. Jacobabad, Kashmore and Shikarpur.

District wise Organizational Presence Matrix District Project Owner Implementing partner ACTED ACTED CRS GSF Concern World Wide DEVCON UNFAO CDF Jacobabad HANDS HANDS HKS Foundation HKS Foundation PREPARED PREPARED PDI PDI UNWFP Save The Children, SRSP, ACTED & HANDS HANDS HANDS ISWA ISWA Shikarpur IRC IRC SIF SIF UNWFP World Vision ACTED ACTED CRS GSF HANDS HANDS Kashmore OXFAM GB RDF & SAFWCO PDI PDI UNWFP DBF, HANDS, IMC, MOJAZ, RDF, ACTED

Early Recovery Response 2011. - 243,652 HH’s assisted in activity of rehabilitation of infrastructure - 119,033 HH’s in Agriculture assistance - 21,481 in Livestock assistance - 13,268 in conditional cash grants

Updates on Cash The FSC Co-Chair informed the forum that Cash Guidelines have been finalized by the CWG which can be Working Group accessed at below link:

‘Guidelines for Cash and Voucher Interventions’ links Global Food Security Cluster (Country: ) Humanitarian Response, Pakistan

Updates on FSC The FSC evaluation was conducted in 2013. The main objective was to get the feedback from the evaluation partners on its functionality and suggestions for improvement. The below are the glimpses of the evaluation.

i. Profile of the respondents: Most of the respondents belong to either national or International NGO (55% and 33% of the respondents respectively). Remaining identified them as donors (3%), UN representatives (5%) and Govt. representatives (3%). ii. Perception about FSC functions and coordination mechanism One fourth of the respondents feel that they are familiar with the role and responsibilities of FSC at satisfactory level. 5% had familiarity only to some extent, remaining are very well aware. Similarly, for the functionality of FSC, 5% consider it poor, 38% consider satisfactory, 42% better and 16% excellent. 8% of the respondents feel that FSC is not promoting ownership among the cluster members very well. 29% feel that FSC role in this regard is satisfactory whereas remaining consider it superior. As for information sharing, 63% stated that it is occurring on regular basis and 28% observed it irregular. iii. Assessments Food Security cluster carried out different assessments in near past including “Detailed Livelihood Assessment”, “Livelihood Recovery Appraisal” and “Detailed Food Security Assessment”. In addition, FSC participated in coordinated assessment MIRA. Respondents of the survey were asked about quality and usability of these assessments as well. According to their responses, only 2-7% of respondents reported that quality of these assessment is poor, 10-20% stated it satisfactory, remaining considered it superior (either better or excellent). iv. Response strategies and cash guidelines Perceptions of food security cluster members about MHOP, HOP and ERAF are also captured in the assessment. As per the results, none of the respondent declared MHOP and HOP in poor category. Only 4% rate ERAF as a poor. 10-18% respondents rated these strategies as a satisfactory. 35-45% reported as better or excellent category, whereas for 23% to 36% respondents were not aware or question was not applicable for them. As per the reasons of dissatisfaction; improper dissemination, funding gap and political influence on humanitarian policies are important. As for the cash and voucher guidelines, 45% of the respondents considered it useful, 7% considered not useful, whereas remaining are not aware about cash guidelines. v. Recommendations for upcoming activities Respondents were asked to provide their priorities for next six months that Food Security Cluster should do. Their responses for some pre-defined activities are given below:

When they were asked for their top priorities for trainings, they replied as:

Priorities for training

62% 55% 47% 45%

20% 12% 10% 7%

Nutrition Agriculture Cash and Gardening Livestock DRR/DRM Livelihood Others voucher

In addition, 38% o the respondents attended FS cluster training before and found it useful. These training include training on assessments, zero hunger program, SRF and 4W, cash and voucher guidelines, Food Security training, IPC, LEGS and gender mainstreaming. Updates on Response Analysis Primary objectives of RAF workshop: Framework - To review the available impact assessment information using a response analysis lens; workshop held at - To identify the existing problems and underline causes related to food insecurity and livelihood Karachi and recovery of the affected population, to review their vulnerability profile and to formulate the assessment response objectives; workshop held at - To identify the gaps within the response mechanism and how those gaps could be targeted with Islamabad. different sectoral interventions in order to realize informed decision making; - Re-prioritization of outstanding activities, diversify the working modalities to achieve high levels of integration and resource efficiency. - Mainstreaming gender, protection and disaster risk reduction within the discussion and eventual development of the plan will be a key. Links to other sectors including WASH, Health, Shelter and Community Restoration are important in leveraging limited resources.

Survey and Assessment Workshop at Islamabad:

Objectives The capacity building workshop will aim to increase the ability and understanding of member organizations about assessment process and to train them so that they are able to participate in a more effective and efficient manner. The specific objectives of the workshop will be:

- To increase the understating of assessment process among the participants - To increase their capacity so that they are able to participate in a more effective manner in the upcoming assessments - To develop a method which would also incorporate cross-cutting thematic areas in the assessments - To increase the capacity of participants so that they are able to deduce quality information from the assessment results - To enable the FSC member organizations to conduct need/impact assessments with high rigor and increased reliability AoB Training on Market assessment in the month of July Next Meeting During the month of July 2013@Hyderabad and in August 2013@Sukkur (Tentative)