Volume 2, Issue 3 – July – December - 2018

Journal-Economic development, Technological chance and Growth

ISSN-On line 2524-2024

RINOE® RINOE-Western Sahara

Chief Editor RINOE Journal-Economic Development RAMOS-ESCAMILLA, María. PhD Technological Chance and Growth, Volume 2, Issue 3, July – December 2018, is a Senior Editor journal edited semestral by RINOE. Agueinit # SERRUDO-GONZALES, Javier. BsC 4, Wilaya de Awserd, Sahara Occidental, Western Sahara. WEB: www.rinoe.org Senior Editorial Assistant [email protected]. Editor in Chief: RAMOS- ROSALES-BORBOR, Eleana. BsC ESCAMILLA, María. PhD, Co-Editor: AALÍ- SORIANO-VELASCO, Jesús. BsC BUJARI, Ali, PhD. ISSN: 2524-2024. Responsible for the latest update of this number Editorial Director RINOE Computer Unit. ESCAMILLA- PERALTA-CASTRO, Enrique. MsC BOUCHÁN, Imelda, LUNA SOTO, Vladimir. PhD. Agueinit # 4, Wilaya de Awserd, Sahara Executive Editor Occidental, Western Sahara, last updated AALÍ-BUJARI, Ali. PhD December 31, 2018.

Production Editors The opinions expressed by the authors do not ESCAMILLA-BOUCHAN, Imelda. PhD necessarily reflect the views of the editor of the LUNA-SOTO, Vladimir. PhD publication.

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RINOE Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth

Definition of the Journal

Scientific Objectives

Support the international scientific community in its written production Science, Technology and Innovation in the Field of Engineering and Technology, in Subdisciplines of Economic development: Macroeconomic analyses of economic development, Microeconomic analyses of economic development, Agriculture, Natural resources, Environment, Other primary products, Industrialization, Choice of technology, Human resources, Income distribution, Migration, Financial markets, Saving and capital investment, Formal and informal sectors, Shadow economy, Institutional arrangements, Regional, Urban, and Rural analyses, International linkages to development, Role of international organizations; Development planning and policy: Planning models, Planning policy, Project analysis, Fiscal and monetary policy in development, Trade policy, Factor movement, Foreign exchange policy; Technological change: Innovation and invention, Management of technological innovation and R&D, Technological change; Intellectual property rights; Government policy; Economic growth and aggregate productivity: One, two, and multisector growth models, Monetary growth models, Measurement of economic growth, Aggregate productivity; Economywide country studies: Comparative studies of countries.

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RINOE Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth is a Journal edited by RINOE® in its Holding with repository in Western Sahara, is a scientific publication arbitrated and indexed with semester periods. It supports a wide range of contents that are evaluated by academic peers by the Double-Blind method, around subjects related to the theory and practice of Economic development: Macroeconomic analyses of economic development, Microeconomic analyses of economic development, Agriculture, Natural resources, Environment, Other primary products, Industrialization, Choice of technology, Human resources, Income distribution, Migration, Financial markets, Saving and capital investment, Formal and informal sectors, Shadow economy, Institutional arrangements, Regional, Urban, and Rural analyses, International linkages to development, Role of international organizations; Development planning and policy: Planning models, Planning policy, Project analysis, Fiscal and monetary policy in development, Trade policy, Factor movement, Foreign exchange policy; Technological change: Innovation and invention, Management of technological innovation and R&D, Technological change; Intellectual property rights; Government policy; Economic growth and aggregate productivity: One, two, and multisector growth models, Monetary growth models, Measurement of economic growth, Aggregate productivity; Economywide country studies: Comparative studies of countries with diverse approaches and perspectives, That contribute to the diffusion of the development of Science Technology and Innovation that allow the arguments related to the decision making and influence in the formulation of international policies in the Field of Engineering and Technology. The editorial horizon of RINOE® extends beyond the academy and integrates other segments of research and analysis outside the scope, as long as they meet the requirements of rigorous argumentative and scientific, as well as addressing issues of general and current interest of the International Scientific Society.

Editorial Board

ANGELES - CASTRO, Gerardo. PhD University of Kent

BUJARI - ALLI, Ali. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

MIRANDA - GARCÍA, Marta. PhD Universidad Complutense de Madrid

VARGAS - DELGADO, Oscar René. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

MIRANDA - TORRADO, Fernando. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

SUYO - CRUZ, Gabriel. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

CAMPOS - QUIROGA, Peter. PhD Universidad Real y Pontifica de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca

GARCIA - ESPINOZA, Lupe Cecilia. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

AZIZ - POSWAL, Bilal. PhD. University of the Punjab-Pakistan

BANERJEE, Bidisha. PhD Amity University

GUZMÁN - HURTADO, Juan Luis. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

BARRERO - ROSALES, José Luis. PhD Universidad Rey Juan Carlos III

ALIAGA - LORDEMANN, Francisco Javier. PhD Universidad de Zaragoza

GUZMAN - SALA, Andrés. PhD University of

PEREIRA - LÓPEZ, Xesús. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

BARDEY, David. PhD University of Besançon

GÓMEZ - MONGE, Rodrigo. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

HIRA, Anil. PhD Claremont Graduate School

FELDMAN, German. PhD Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität

IBARRA - ZAVALA, Darío Guadalupe. PhD New School for Social Research

GARCÍA Y MOISES, Enrique. PhD Boston University

CHAPARRO, Germán Raúl. PhD Universidad Nacional de Colombia

VARGAS - HERNANDEZ, José G. PhD Keele University

BELTRÁN - MORALES, Luis Felipe. PhD Universidad de Concepción

VILLASANTE, Sebastián. PhD Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

BLANCO - GARCÍA, Susana. PhD Universidad Complutense de Madrid

VALDIVIA - ALTAMIRANO, William Fernando. PhD Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

DE AZEVEDO - JUNIOR, Wladimir Colman. PhD Universidade Federal do Amazonas

LUO, Yongli. PhD Universidad de Chongqing

PALACIO, Juan. PhD University of St. Gallen

DANTE - SUAREZ, Eugenio. PhD State University

D. EVANS, Richard. PhD University of Greenwich

NIEVA - ROJAS Jefferson. PhD Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

MANRÍQUEZ - CAMPOS, Irma. PhD Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas – UNAM

Arbitration Committee

OLIVES - MALDONADO, Carlos. PhD Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

GALICIA - PALACIOS, Alexander. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

SAENZ - OZAETTA, Carlos. PhD Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo

QUISPE, Jimmy. PhD Universidad Superior Politécnica del Litoral

SOLORZANO - MENDEZ, Víctor. PhD Universidad Agraria la Molina

HERNÁNDEZ, Carmen Guadalupe. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

LUIS - PINEDA, Octavio. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

CAICHE - ROSALES, Willian. PhD Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil

GIRÓN, Alicia. PhD Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

GARCÍA - ELIZALDE, Maribel. PhD Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

HUERTA - QUINTANILLA, Rogelio. PhD Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

ORDÓÑEZ - GUTIÉRREZ, Sergio Adrián. PhD. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

MORÁN - CHIQUITO, Diana María. PhD Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

PELAYO - MACIEL, Jorge. PhD Universidad de Guadalajara

CAMELO - AVEDOY, José Octavio. PhD Universidad de Guadalajara

ACEVEDO - VALERIO, Víctor Antonio. PhD. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

SANCHEZ - CANO, Julieta Evangelina. PhD Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango

TAVERA - CORTÉS, María Elena. PhD Colegio de Postgraduados

CONTRERAS - ÁLVAREZ, Isaí. PhD Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

VILLALBA - PADILLA, Fátima Irina. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

SÁNCHEZ - TRUJILLO, Magda Gabriela. PhD Universidad de Celaya

FERNÁNDEZ - GARCÍA, Oscar. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

SALAMANCA - COTS, María Rosa. PhD Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

MALDONADO - SANCHEZ, Marisol. PhD Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

PERALES - SALVADOR, Arturo. PhD Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

CAMPOS - RANGEL, Cuauhtémoc Crisanto. PhD Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

NOVELO - URDANIVIA, Federico Jesús. PhD Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

GÓMEZ - CHIÑAS, Carlos. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

VARGAS - SANCHEZ, Gustavo. PhD Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

TREJO - GARCÍA, José Carlos. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

MANJARREZ - LÓPEZ, Juan Carlos. PhD El Colegio de Tlaxcala

MARTÍNEZ - SÁNCHEZ, José Francisco. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

COTA - YAÑEZ, María del Rosario. PhD Universidad de Guadalajara

MARTÍNEZ - GARCÍA, Miguel Ángel. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

GAVIRA - DURÓN, Nora. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

BECERRIL - TORRES, Osvaldo U. PhD Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

CAPRARO - RODRÍGUEZ, Santiago Gabriel Manuel. PhD Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

ISLAS - RIVERA, Víctor Manuel. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

OLIVO - ESTRADA, José Ramón. PhD Instituto Pedagógico de Estudios de Posgrado

RUIZ - MARTINEZ, Julio César. PhD Instituto Politécnico Nacional

PÉREZ - SOTO, Francisco. PhD Colegio de Postgraduados

SALDAÑA - CARRO, Cesar. PhD Colegio de Tlaxcala

GARCÍA - ROJAS, Jesús Alberto. PhD Universidad de

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Instructions for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Publication

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The works must be unpublished and refer to topics of Economic development: Macroeconomic analyses of economic development, Microeconomic analyses of economic development, Agriculture, Natural resources, Environment, Other primary products, Industrialization, Choice of technology, Human resources, Income distribution, Migration, Financial markets, Saving and capital investment, Formal and informal sectors, Shadow economy, Institutional arrangements, Regional, Urban, and Rural analyses, International linkages to development, Role of international organizations; Development planning and policy: Planning models, Planning policy, Project analysis, Fiscal and monetary policy in development, Trade policy, Factor movement, Foreign exchange policy.

Technological change: Innovation and invention, Management of technological innovation and R&D, Technological change; Intellectual property rights; Government policy; Economic growth and aggregate productivity: One, two, and multisector growth models, Monetary growth models, Measurement of economic growth, Aggregate productivity; Economywide country studies: Comparative studies of countries and other topics related to Engineering and Technology

Presentation of the Content In the first chapter we present, Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill, by BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ- ZAMUDIO, Abraham, RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio, with ascription in the Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz, as a second article we present, Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for innovation capacity building, by VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, Ana Eugenia, with ascription in the Universidad Tecnológica de , as the following article we present, Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana, by MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel †*, GARRIDO-MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ-ROSAS, Gilberto, with affiliation at the Universidad Veracruzana, as next article we present, First approach to the collection of edible as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto, by ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia Isela.


Article Page

Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the 1-6 grinding area in a sugar mill BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, RAMOS- TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz

Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for innovation capacity 7-12 building VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, Ana Eugenia Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco

Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana 13-23 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO-MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ-ROSAS, Gilberto Universidad Veracruzana

First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra 24-28 de Santa Rosa, Gto ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, MARQUEZ- LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia Isela

1 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth Diciembre 2018 Vol.2 No.3 1-6

Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill

Determinación de factores que afectan la disponibilidad en equipos críticos del área de molienda en un ingenio azucarero


Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz, Av. Universidad 350, Cuitláhuac, Veracruz. C.P. 94910

ID 1st Author: Israel, Bernardino-Flores / ORC ID: 0000-0001-5192-624X, Researcher ID Thomson: S-6801-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 947214

ID 1st Coauthor: Abraham, Martínez-Zamudio / ORC ID: 0000-0002-8582-1486, Researcher ID Thomson: V-7242-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 951799

ID 2nd Coauthor: Ricardo Ramos-Tejeda / ORC ID: 0000-0001-6122-2780, Researcher ID Thomson: V-7140-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 485779

ID 3rd Coauthor: Sergio, Vázquez-Rosas/ ORC ID: 0000-0002-3259-382X, Researcher ID Thomson: P-8011-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 857794

Received July 25, 2018; Accepted October 30, 2018

Abstract Resumen

A production system in which there are no stoppages Un sistema de producción en el que no se presenten paros is the ideal of any company, so in this work we make es el ideal de toda empresa, por lo que en el presente a study comparing the factors that reduce the time trabajo se realiza un estudio en donde se comparan los that an equipment can be available to perform the facotres que reducen el tiempo que un equipment pueda primary function of the equipment. The objective is estar disponible para poder cumplir la función primaria del equipment. El objetivo es determinar los factores que to compare the factors that affect the availability of afetan la disponibilidad de los equipments criticos en un critical equipment in a sugar mill. The work focuses ingenio azucarero. El trabajo se enfoca en el inicio del on the beginning of the process at the batey area and proceso área de batey y molinos, se toma la decision mills, the decision is made because they show the debido a que en ellas se presentan el mayor numero de highest number of stoppages. To be able to generate paros. Para poder generar los resultados se inicia con la the results, it starts with the collection of faults and recolección de fallos y paros presentados en el área de stops presented in the analysis area, with the análisis, con la información pertinente se genera un libro pertinent information a fault book is generated to de fallos para poder ser facilitar su análisis, se obtiene una facilitate its analysis, a 49.10% availability is disponibilidad del 49.10% para el área de molinos y 94.73 obtained for the mill area and 94.73%. for batey. It is para batey. Se concluye que los indicadores Mean time Between Failures, Mean Time To Repair y disponibilidad concluded that the Mean Time Between Failures, a partir de estos se establecen estrategias para reducir la Mean Time To Repair and availability indicators indisponibilidad de los equipments from these indicators establish strategies to reduce equipment unavailability. Disponibilidad, Equipment Crítico, Mantenimiento Availability, Critical equipment, Maintenance

Citation: BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio. Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-3: 1-6.

* Correspondence to Author (email: [email protected]) † Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara www.rinoe.org/westernsahara

2 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth Diciembre 2018 Vol.2 No.3 1-6

Introduction According to Mokhtari, Modzgir and Nakhai Kamal Abadi (2012) theoretically a Since the 1950s, a new stage in industrial equipment must be available for its operation, maintenance has begun, as it begins by adopting however, equipments must have a time for a reactive culture to a proactive culture, based on preventive maintenance, when preventive actions that seek to prolong the useful life of the services are not performed on a machine its equipment; these actions are known as availability tends to be reduced because it will maintenance management through the increase the possibility of failure of it. implementation of methodologies such as maintenance focused on reliability and total Availability is the relationship that exists productive maintenance (Díaz, Del Castillo, & between the effective operating time of a device, Villar, 2017). known as the Mean Time Between Failures and the time it is out of service, whether programmed Industrial maintenance is responsible for or not, which is called Mean Time To Repair . ensuring the ability of a equipment to perform its However, being an indicator, it only takes into function at the time or in the time that is required. account the distribution of faults and the time These functions can be classified as primary or that is applied to repair it (Melo, Lara & Jacobo, secondary; The primary ones are those reasons 2009). Formula [1] is applied to determine the why the equipment was acquired to satisfy a availability of a device: need, a secondary function is those that 푀푇퐵퐹 complement the primary function and add value 퐴 = (1) to the equipment (Mesa, Sánchez, & Pinzón, 푀푇퐵퐹+푀푇푇푅

2006). On the other hand, the tendency to The result of A is considered as the risk "preserve the equipment" that is considered as that a equipment is not fit to perform its function part of the literary review carried out for the when required in a period of time, therefore the present investigation, this approach generates indicator facilitates the generation of actions that that only maintenance is carried out when it is prolong the useful life of the equipment, despite required or thought that the failures are all the to this the evaluation of maintenance from same. Certainly that way of thinking hides the indicators is unclear because not all impact the consumption of resources in an irrational way, goals of the organization, that is why it is moving to a reactive and not preventive recommended to have few to not measure approach, since due to the diversity of the activities that do not generate value. (Penabad, equipments, methods focused on a specific Iznaga, Rodríguez & Cazañas, 2016). process, lack of interest; resulting in a problem in maintenance control (Deshpande & Mahant, A device can be labeled as critical due to 2013; Petrovic, Milosavljevic, & Lozanovic the frequency of failure due to the consequence, Sajic, 2018) its impact, safety, environment, operating costs,

repair time. Failures in a equipment can hardly Currently, industrial processes are be predicted with accuracy, but according to the governed according to strict reliability and literary review carried out for the present work it availability indicators, because if these has been identified that the fault history is used, parameters are not taken into consideration, the statistical methods, what is sought is to predict equipment may present failures that result in the closest fault to implement preventive actions economic losses, damage to personnel or the (Gasca, Camargo & Medina, 2017; Melo et al., environment. Permanent failures are the ones 2009;) has also been recognized the application that most often affect systems because they of the analysis of the mode and effect of the disturb the following system components (Silva, failure to determine the criticality of the Guedes, Portugal and Vasquez, 2012). It can also equipments from an easy and clear methodology be considered that if, after a fault occurs, it is where you can understand the operation of a repaired immediately, the system's availability is equipment and the different ways in which a not affected (Ruggeri & Pievatolo, 2004). For failure occurs, that is, it allows to establish these reasons, maintenance focuses on technical, preventive maintenance programs according to organizational and management achievements the needs of the equipments through relevant strategies based on statistical (Purarjomandlangrudi, Nourbakhsh, Tan analysis, cost reduction, resource management, Esmalifalak, 2013; Aguilar, Torres & Magaña , reliability and availability. (Petrovic et al. 2018) 2010).

ISSN 2524-2024 BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, R INOE® All rights reserved RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio. Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018 3 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth Diciembre 2018 Vol.2 No.3 1-6

The present work is applied a statistical Results analysis to be able to determine the time in which the next failures would appear, by means of the With the information gathered, a statistical determination of the availability, the average analysis was carried out, in order to identify time between failures and the average time to which are the faults that directly affect the repair. availability of critical equipment in a sugar mill.

Another important aspect to take into For the period of analysis according to consideration is having systems that optimize Table 1, where a total of 110 failures are administrative maintenance processes, in order presented, equivalent to 3760 minutes, during to monitor preventive and predictive which time 11,392.8 tons of sugarcane were maintenance, since the effectiveness of these processed. should be measured. (Schmidt & Schmidt, 2018). Area Frequency Time (min) Batey 35 881 Methodology to develop Mills 75 2879

Table 1 Distribution of time lost by area The present research work was developed by choosing a qualitative approach with a non- For the period one of measurement the experimental design, because the data collection following failures were presented in the was done in a single moment and the variables equipments that integrate the areas to analyze, were not manipulated. It has a descriptive scope according to the graph 1 it is possible to observe because it collects the information and is the elements of the system that presents the subjected to a statistical analysis to detail the greater number of stoppages; the three that behavior of critical equipment in the grinding generate most lost time are the mill # 5 with 1976 area. minutes, vertical elevator of bagasse 436 minutes and the mill # 4 with 348 minutes. It began with the collection of faults and Gráfica de Tiempo times that were generated in the study area, to 2000 facilitate the handling of data, a database was 1500

developed to determine the department where o


m 1000

e the failure occurs, the duration and the cause of i

T the unemployment. 500

0 a a r o a l l 1 1 2 4 5 a l s 2 5 e d ñ o z d a ra # # # # # ia a # # t From the previous point a codebook was a t a i ic m ll n a c c p t e te o o o e d i o y e in u g a r n u in ly n n t ra h n l li l e d a r e e l e li li is c li e a c d n b v g h o n S a u n c in r i e a r a C o o o u c o o r d o r M M M r e M d a A to o d n d t d G d r u generated for the faults to be able to translate the s c b r a a s r o g e u o B v a o o t a M d m d e R t g c e n a i l c e u o T rc E u u d d C a d J n 1 p n o # s o C a faults into quantitative values, this with the E C b m o B purpose of being able to submit the collected Equipo information to a software which processes the data to be able to obtain the behavior of the faults Graph 1 Equipments that generated stoppages of greater frequency. On the other hand, with the collected We proceed to obtain indicators of the information an analysis is elaborated, which performance of critical equipment; Mean Time serves as a support to identify the reasons why Between Failures (2), Mean Time To Repair (3) the stoppages occur in the areas of mills and and availability. According to the work of Mesa batey. According to graph 2, where the results of et al. (2006). In order to increase the availability the analysis are shown by a Pareto diagram, of a device, the average time between failures where the biggest source of stoppages is because must be increased and the average time to repair the equipment stops with 41 events that must be reduced. represent 37.3% of the failures. 82.7% of failures are generated when the equipment stops, 푇푇푂 푀푇퐹퐵 = (2) 푁°퐹 component wear or clogging.

푇푇푅 푀푇푇푅 = (3) 푁°퐹

ISSN 2524-2024 BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, R INOE® All rights reserved RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio. Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018 4 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth Diciembre 2018 Vol.2 No.3 1-6

Equipment Failure MTBF MTTR A Inclined table 9 9023.11 23.88 99.7 Conductor of 2 40604 6 99.98 cane Blade set 2 40604 67.5 99.83 Inductor drum 1 81208 60 99.92 Bagasse 2 40604 3 99.99 spreader Fast band 14 5800.57 6.5 99.88 Vertical 3 27069.3 145.66 99.46 elevator General 1 81208 10 99.98 Graph 2 Equipments that generated stoppages harrow Chute # 1 In order to obtain indicators of the areas 6 13534.6 2.83 99.97 of batey and mills, the stoppages programmed in Mill # 1 17 4776.9 2.83 99.69 Donely Driver the equipment must also be taken into account, 2 40604 2.83 99.97 in this way, in table 2, the generated times are # 2 shown in the same way that an unscheduled Mill # 4 12 6767.33 2.83 96.82 Donely Driver stoppage affects the availability of a machine, 1 81208 2.83 99.98 for the purposes of the present investigation # 5 there is a total of 87777 minutes per programmed Mill # 5 28 2900.28 2.83 97.62 stoppages. Mill # 2 2 40604 4055.5 90.91 Mill # 3 1 81208 70855 53.40 Equipment Frequency Time Dump 5 416 Table 3 Maintenance indicators in equipments Inclined table 3 3730 Mill # 3 1 70855 One of the specific objectives of this Mill # 4 1 2315 Water pump # 1 3 1275 work is to determine the reasons for failures that Radial crane 3 1075 occur in the equipments during the production Mill # 2 2 8111 process, for this it is supported in a database where the reason for failure is recorded, the Table 2 Time lost due to scheduled stoppages frequency with which it is repeated and the time lost during the stop. These data can be seen in Once the failures have been collected and Table 4, which showed the reasons that analyzed the times they generate, the indicators generated the most time lost when there was a of the area to be analyzed are determined by component failure, equipment stoppage and applying the Mean Time Between Failures derailment, respectively. equations (2), Mean Time To Repair (3) with the previous equations. the availability (1) of the Reason for failure Frequency Time equios. From the information generated in table Scheduled stoppage 2 67 3 it can be seen that the equipment with the Derailment 41 457 longest time to repair it after a fault is the mill # Get stuck 22 143 3 with 70855 minutes, on the other hand, there Component failure 28 2131 Noise in conductor 4 38 are equipment such as the mill # 5 that presented Electric components 2 12 a fault every 2900.2 minutes. With this Electrical power supply 4 30 information you can generate maintenance Lack of load MP 2 10 programs focused on preventing failures that are Derailment sensor 1 2 detected, applying preventive actions before the Others 1 36 event occurs. As mentioned in the previous Total 3,302 section, a failure can not be predicted when it Table 4 Main failures in equipments will be presented, but it is possible to present actions that seek to prolong the appearance of the In order to make future decisions about fault. the maintenance programs that will be applied from table 5 it is observed that for the area in which there is a longer time to be able to re- establish the equipment.

ISSN 2524-2024 BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, R INOE® All rights reserved RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio. Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018 5 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth Diciembre 2018 Vol.2 No.3 1-6

Area Mtbf Mttr A References Batey 2194.81 122.05 94.73 Mills 1027.94 1065.31 49.10 Aguilar Otero, J., Torres Arcique, R., & Magaña Jiménez, D. (2010). Análisis de modos de falla, efectos y criticidad (AMFEC) para la planeación Table 5 Maintenance indicators by area del mantenimiento. Tecnología, Ciencia, Conclusions Educación , 15-26.

The main objective of this work was to compare Deshpande, V., & Mahant, P. (2013). the factors that affect the availability of critical Application of reliability centred maintenance equipments in a sugar mill, as a result it can be methodology to develop maintenance program seen that mill # 3 has a dissonibility of 53.4%, for a heavy duty hydraulic stretching machine. which shows that only half operates of time, Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary which impacts the availability of the area as it is Engineering , 9 (2), 177-184. 49.1%. Díaz Concepción, A., Del Castillo Serpa, A., & From the data obtained it is important to Villar Ledo, L. (2017). Instrumento para evaluar take into consideration that every 1027.9 el estado de la gestión de mantenimiento. minutes there is a fault in the area of mills and Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 306-313.

2194.8 minutes in the area of batey; where the Gasca, M., Camargo, L., & Medina, B. (2017). raw material is received, weighed and the Sistema para Evaluar la Confiabilidad de sugarcane enters the process, it is observed that Equipments Críticos en. Información there is practically a relationship where, for Tecnológica , 28 (4), 111-124. every 2 work stoppages in mills, 1 is presented in batey. The availability of assets is of vital Melo González, R., Lara Hernández, C., & importance within the production process and is Jacobo Gordillo, F. (2009). Estimación de la not only an indicator of the maintenance confiabilidad-disponibilidad-mantenibilidad department, it is the assurance that equipment is mediante una simulación tipo Monte Carlo de un profitable for its use and unnecessary expenses sistema de compresión de gas amargo durante la are reduced, therefore, the optimum capacity is etapa de ingeniería. Tecnología, Ciencia, maintained of the asset (Ynzuza, Izar, Larios, Educación , 93-104. Aguilar, Bocarando, & Acosta , 2017)

Mesa Grajales, D. H., Sánchez Ortiz, Y., & Failure analysis cannot predict the exact Pinzón, M. (2006). La confiabilidad, la moment in which a failure occurs, however, with disponibilidad, y la mantenimibilidad, the data obtained, a means can be generated to disciplinas modernas aplicadas al establish the necessary strategies to apply mantenimiento. Scientia Et Technica , 155-160. maintenance that helps prolong the useful life of an asset. The strategies should focus on the Mokhtari, H., Mozdgir, A., & Nakhai Kamal effectiveness of the entire system, consequently, Abadi, I. (2012). A reliability/availability it should have an integral asset management with approach to joint production and maintenance a strategic focus improving the capacity of the scheduling with. International Journal of organization. (Simões, Gomes , & Yasin, 2016) Production Research , 50 (20), 5906–5925.

At the beginning of the present work with Penabad Sanz, L., Iznaga Benítez, A., Rodríguez the fault analysis it was thought that the origin of Ramos, P., & Cazañas Marisy, C. (2016). the stoppages was due to failures due to Disposición y disponibilidad como indicadores overloads of raw material in the equipments, in para el transporte. Ciencias Técnicas the areas of batey and mills. However, with the Agropecuarias , 25 (4), 64-73. information generated from the statistical analysis it is determined that the stoppages in the Petrovic, S., Milosavljevic, P., & Lozanovic equipments are generated by failures in the Sajic, J. (2018). Rapid evaluation of components, for this reason it is rejected that the maintenance process using statiscal process stoppages are generated by the overload of raw control and simulation. International Journal of material in the line. Simulation Modelling (IJSIMM) , 17 (1), 119-

132. ISSN 2524-2024 BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, R INOE® All rights reserved RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio. Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018 6 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth Diciembre 2018 Vol.2 No.3 1-6

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ISSN 2524-2024 BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, R INOE® All rights reserved RAMOS-TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio. Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018 7 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December 2018 Vol.2 No.3 7-12

Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for innovation capacity building

Caso industria de software: aplicación de un modelo conceptual para la creación de capacidades de innovación

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles†* & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, Ana Eugenia

Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco. Luis J. Jiménez 577, 1o. de Mayo, 44979 Guadalajara, Jal.

ID 1st Author: María de los Ángeles, Villalobos-Alonzo

ID 1st Coauthor: Ana Eugenia, Romo-González

Received August 07, 2018; Accepted December 08, 2018

Abstract Resumen

The IT industry in Mexico plays a key role in the national La industria de TI en México juega un papel clave en la development strategy, not only Because of Its growth estrategia de desarrollo nacional, no solo por su potencial potential, but Also Because of the positive effect it has on de crecimiento, sino por el efecto favorable que tiene sobre other Sectors and on the country's Competitiveness. In otros sectores y sobre la competitividad del país. En aras order to Promote the generation and exploitation of de potenciar la generación y explotación del conocimiento scientific and technological knowledge, to knowledge científico y tecnológico se implementó un modelo gestión management model was Implemented to create innovation del conocimiento para crear capacidades de innovación en capabilities in a Mexican software company. The project una empresa de software mexicana. El proyecto se abordó was Approached from the participatory action research, desde la investigación acción participante, bajo 4 fases; under four phases; organizational diagnosis, planning and diagnóstico organizacional, planeación y cambio, change, collaboration and monitoring and control. The colaboración y seguimiento y control. De los principales main results Were improved communication flows, use of resultados, se mejoró los flujos de comunicación, uso del Existing knowledge for the creation of projects, conocimiento existente para la creación de proyectos, Strengthening of Human Capital in innovation, application fortalecimiento del capital humano en materia de of a financial plan Aimed at R & D & I, collaboration with innovación, aplicación de un plan financiero orientado a la universities, I+D+i, colaboración con universidades, el sector privado y gobierno. Innovation capabilities, software industry and model Capacidades de innovación, Industria Software Y Modelo

Citation: VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-3: 7-12.

* Correspondence to Author (email: [email protected]) † Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara www.rinoe.org/westernsahara

8 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 7-12

Introduction In this case, the application of the conceptual model innovation capabilities was In an economy where the only certainty is conducted in a business software development uncertainty, the only source of lasting and secure located in the city of Guadalajara, dedicated to competitive advantage is knowledge (Nonaka software development in health care services, is and Takeuchi, 2000). To become competitive in composed of two founding members (Managing a changing market companies must be Director and Director General) and human generating their own source of knowledge and to capital has 15 employees in the administrative, rethink the direction of the organization. human resources, software programming, testing and customer (support and assistance). The Companies that want to achieve greater company does not have R + D so organizational performance, must possess Implementation Plan established in four phases valuable and inimitable resources and shown in Figure 1. capabilities that can be a source of sustainable competitive advantages (Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1986; Amit and Schoemaker, 1993). A growing body of research points to the capabilities of innovation as a means for attaining competitive and advantages of support in dynamic contexts and which define it as "a learning process initiated from the stock of knowledge through different mechanisms organizational, [...] are transformed into innovation that occur when this knowledge pays off, through commercial applications that feed back into the company "(Well, Salmador, and Merino, 2008; Vivas, 2015).

This project focused on enhancing innovation capabilities in an enterprise's IT sector as the roadmap ProMéxico (2014) mentions that the "industry Information Technology (IT) plays a key role in the strategy development of the federal government, not only because of its growth potential, but by the favorable effect it has on other sectors and on the competitiveness of the country ". Looking enhance innovation capabilities through participation, reflection and implementation of Figure 1 Implementation plan conceptual model for developing the various actors for the conceptual model is innovation capabilities Source: Self Made introjected and taken in a second-time short-term measure results in research and innovation. It is important to note that the process of applying the conceptual model was carried out Methodology to develop according to the 5 stages proposed by Martí (2000) related to IAP; 1. Stage pre-screening: Participatory Action Research (IAP), which design development. 2. First stage: Diagnosis: aims towards understanding and transforming contextual knowledge of the problem and reality, according to Kirchner, (2017) was used: approach. 3. Second stage: Programming. 4. "IAP is a methodology aimed at producing a Third stage: 5. Conclusions and proposals and proactive and transformative knowledge through post-stage research: Implementation of the a process of debate, reflection and collective Comprehensive Action Program (PAI) and construction of knowledge between the different evaluation, the latter is ongoing. The following actors. This methodology combines two section describes the results obtained in processes of knowing and acting, involving both implementing the plan of implementation of the the people whose reality is approached, pointing conceptual model for developing innovation to the transformation of reality in an effort to capabilities are described. improve it. "

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, ISSN -2524-2024 Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for RINOE® All rights reserved innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 9 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 7-12

Results 12 Does your company establish an innovation 100% Organizational Diagnosis Phase I strategy (Expenditure on R & D / Sales) The ACIET questionnaire with 18 items 13 To what extent (obtained from factor analysis and hypothesis your company has developed testing) with Likert scale to identify the patents, utility 100% models or resources and capabilities with which the intellectual company has applied. Company employees property 14 The opening of answered the questionnaire to the item 11 and domestic markets in the managers to 18, the results obtained are shown 100% last 3 years the in Table 1 organization has been: 15 The increase in Questionnaire software company: Human Capital customers over 5% 5% No. Questions 5 4 3 2 1 the past 3 years Very High Average Low Very has been: high low 16 To what extent 1 It has means for storing information maintains for research collaborative projects, 70.5% 29.5% networks to 5% 5% development and identify innovation opportunities for 2 Has physical or innovation virtual spaces for 17 To what extent it capturing ideas considers it become new 41% 35.5% 23.5% important that products, services the company is or process improvement linked with the University and 3 There are 5% 5% mechanisms to the government share knowledge 41% 53% 6% sector for the in your development of organization research and 4 Considers that the innovation organization for projects. which you labor 6% 12% 82% 18 It considers that has declared the transfer of towards innovation culture knowledge from 100% 5 Leadership (senior the university to management the industry is: support) to what extent supports 5% 65% 30% innovation Table 1 Results of the survey in a software company activities: Source: Self Made 6 In the organization using tools and applications (software) for the Based on the results of the ACIEAT storage and use of 10% 30% 60% knowledge applied survey applied to the human capital of the to the creation of innovations is software development company, it was found 7 The training that opportunities are recognized by the received by the company is leadership exercised by managers to encourage 18% 82% oriented towards innovation activities, as well as the possibility of creating innovation is: implementing ideas arising from of the 8 The time spent by managers in employees. Of the most important weaknesses, innovation 5% 35% 60% the change in the organizational culture focused activities in your company is: on innovation, a training plan, establishing 9 The possibility of implementing an collaboration agreements with external agents idea that emerged and the development of strategies to attract ideas personnel of his company to 47% 41% 12% that become innovations were presented as an become a product or service that is area of opportunity. released to the market. 10 The importance to your organization Phase II Planning and Change to implement innovative projects that respect the 6% 23.5% 70.5% environment in It consists of three elements called financial plan your organization is: design, organizational change strategy and a 11 To what extent training plan for employees and managers. have developed products from 70.5% 29.5% tracking customer needs:

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, ISSN -2524-2024 Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for RINOE® All rights reserved innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 10 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 7-12

Design of the Financial Plan The first mechanism that will be established is the routines for capturing In collaboration with the information, which is carried out through managers of the company, the "Campaigns to capture ideas" periodically design of the financial plan was through meetings of the staff of the organization structured in two phases: in the first one, the in order to capitalize on the tacit knowledge of objective of the financial plan was established people to identify trends that turn into product, and broken down, as well as the indicators to process or service innovation. measure the expected results. The second development is a social Organizational Change Strategy media networking application for the capture of ideas inside and outside the organization, since The preparation included a innovation must be a process open to the new structural and participation of different interest groups such as organizational design, in a customers, suppliers, employees, professionals, meeting with the managers, the students and researchers These ideas will be hierarchical structure maintained by the constantly evaluated by the Research area for the organization was analyzed and a more flexible detection of innovation opportunities. structure was designed to favor communication, leadership, decision making and collaboration. The third mechanism consists in the permanent. creation of an application called SoftInvent as a technological tool to follow up all the innovation Training plan for employees processes where some modules will be included, and managers such as: Collection of ideas, viability analysis, project development, projection of results, The Telecare medical expenses, return on investment, marketing and managers, according to the vision project documentation. and the organizational diagnosis described in phase I, established the strategic topics included The fourth and last mechanism consists in the capitation plan for the first year of of an App Module to follow up on ideas from application of the conceptual model of Clients, which contributes to the improvement of innovation capabilities. patient assistance at a distance.

Phase III Collaboration The improvement or modification of the mechanisms proposed for the capture of ideas in It consists of two elements called capturing digital spaces can be given in the analysis and internal ideas and the environment and design of the systems or when changing the collaboration agreements described below. requirements for the needs that the organization considers pertinent. Capture of internal ideas and the environment Collaboration Agreements

The company decided to focus The company defined the its efforts on the development of importance of establishing links for applications that will facilitate the collaboration and achieving the transfer capture of ideas inside and outside the of knowledge from different entities to influence organization, follow-up on the ideas that become the creation of innovations. viable projects, the documentation and budgets for the start-up; as well as face-to-face integration and collaboration mechanisms for the generation of ideas.

The following four proposals are the result of brainstorming of the company's personnel:

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, ISSN -2524-2024 Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for RINOE® All rights reserved innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 11 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 7-12

Collaboration agreements planned for 2015-2016 100% application of the financial plan Reason for Collaboration Type focused on innovation activities and specify 2 Development of a cell phone Company collaboration agreements with higher education prototype of easy handling and access, durable and economical to institutions in Mexico and one with the sector activate the medical assistance to government. It is expected that these goals favor elderly patients. the development of innovation capabilities in the creation of 5% in product, process and service Participation in the IT cluster, Government innovations that will help maintain the training and support for entrepreneurship. competitiveness of highly dynamic and complex sectors in Mexico. Training and research projects: Academy Occupational medicine with medical References school. Amit, R. & Schoemaker, PJH. (1993). Strategic Training and research projects: Academy Design of a vest for glucose (Technological management journal, 1993 - Wiley Online measurement with the departments of IES) Library. software development engineering and Engineering in electronic design Barney, J. B. (1986). Organizational culture: can and intelligent systems. it be a source of sustained competitive

advantage? Academy of management review. Table 1 Collaboration agreements with business, Vol. 11, No. 3. Pp. 656-665. government and academia Bueno, E., Salmador, M. P., y Merino, C. (2008). Phase IV Monitoring and Control Génesis, concepto y desarrollo del capital

Evaluation of the different strategies, the intelectual en la economía del conocimiento: importance of this phase implies that the short- Una reflexión sobre el Modelo Intellectus y sus term results must be planned, measured and aplicaciones. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, communicated so that all the human capital in 26(2), 43-63. the organization is aware of the achievements and strengthen the organizational change and Kirchner, A. (2017). La Investigación Acción encourage good practices that are developed in Participativa (IAP). Consultado el 17 de enero de the organization. 2017. En: file:///Users/Alejandra/Desktop/Investigacion_Ac

cion_Participativa.pdf Conclusions

Martí, J. (2000). La investigación acción The knowledge management model for the participativa. Estructura y fases. La investigación development of innovation capabilities is based social participativa. El viejo Topo. 1: 73-117. on exploratory statistical analysis (Villalobos, 2015), which allowed the design and definition Nonaka, I. y Takeuchi, H. (2000). La empresa of its components based on internal conditions - creadora de conocimiento. Harvard Business innovative performance and organizational Review. Gestión del conocimiento. Germán culture- and external conditions -Collaboration Orbegozo (Trad.). Bilbao. Ediciones Deusto, 200, Company-University, competitiveness and 23-49. indicators of business innovation- that are integrated in a flexible structure maintaining the ProMéxico. (2014c). Mapa de ruta tecnológico. interaction between them. Tecnologías de la información para manufactura avanzada. Recuperado en: Once the management model has been http://www.promexico.gob.mx/documentos/mapa designed, the feasibility of its implementation is s-deruta/MRT_TI_Manufacturas.pdf evident in all the phases that comprise it, with short-term results based on the annual financial Villalobos, A. M. A. (2015). Tesis de titulación de plan drawn up by the company where a return on Doctorado: Modelo de gestión del conocimiento investment of 3% is expected in activities of para la creación de capacidades de innovación en innovation, increase of 25% in the capture of empresas de Alta Tecnología de México. ideas inside and outside the organization. Planeación Estratégica y Dirección Tecnológica en el departamento de Ingeniería por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, México.

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, ISSN -2524-2024 Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for RINOE® All rights reserved innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 12 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 7-12

Vivas, L. S. (2015). Aprendizaje, Creación y Gestión del Conocimiento: Evidencias en la Gran Empresa Española (Learning, Creation and Management of Knowledge: It’s Presence in Big Spanish Companies).

Wernerfelt, B. (1984). Strategic management journal. Wiley Online Library.

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, ISSN -2524-2024 Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for RINOE® All rights reserved innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018.

13 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana

Metodología para la realización de un diagnóstico energético en la Universidad Veracruzana


Universidad Veracruzana, Av. Universidad km 7.5, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, México, CP 96538

ID 1st Author: Guillermo Miguel, Martínez-Rodríguez / ORC ID: 0000-0001-9760-7893, arXiv Author ID: Guillermo#2, CVU CONACYT ID: 947594

ID 1st Coauthor: Javier, Garrido-Melendez / ORC ID: 0000-0001-9143-408X, Researcher ID Thomson: C-9373-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 739319

ID 2nd Coauthor: Jesús, Jiménez-Rivera / ORC ID: 0000-0002-3134-6405, Researcher ID Thomson: T-2722-2018, CVU CONACYT ID: 599539

ID 3rd Coauthor: Gilberto, Jiménez-Rosas / ORC ID: 0000-0003-2908-4802, arXiv Author ID: GilbertoJimenez, CVU CONACYT ID: 947603

Received July 19, 2018; Accepted November 12, 2018

Abstract Resumen

Methodology for the realization of an energetic the La metodología para la realización de un Diagnostico Universidad Veracruzana diagnosis at, you have as energético en la Universidad Veracruzana, tiene como objective to know how and from what way the electric objetivo conocer cómo y de qué forma se está utilizando power Have being used, the intention of esta methodology la energía eléctrica, la intención de esta metodología es Is That the energetic audit Should be performed in a time que la auditoria energética sea realizada en un tiempo de of two to three weeks, and Those persons WHO make the dos a tres semanas, y las personas que realicen el diagnosis would be students and teachers in the school diagnostico sean alumnos o docentes de la propia escuela, itself, the study allowed the installation of metering el estudio permitió la instalación equipo de medición para equipment for Obtain information of the electrical obtener información de los parámetros eléctricos, tomar parameters, take levels of lighting, calculation of the heat niveles de iluminación, cálculo del balance térmico de la balance of the building, make a proposal of energetic edificación, realizar una propuesta de eficiencia energética efficiency based on the maintenance in the system of air en base al mantenimiento en el sistema de aire conditioning (Chiller), make the correction of the power acondicionado (Chiller), realizar la corrección del factor factor. An Important part of the relization of energetic de potencia. Un parte importante de la realización del diagnosis in University Is That the students Strengthen diagnóstico energético en la Universidad es que los Their learning In This area of knowledge and Make Their alumnos refuerzen sus aprendizajes en esta área de Proposals for the improvement of energy-saving and conocimiento y realicen sus propuestas de mejora de economic savings be Reflected. ahorro de energía y se reflejen los ahorros económicos.

Energy saving, Diagnosis, Maintenance Ahorro de energía, Diagnóstico, Mantenimiento

Citation: MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO-MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ-ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal- Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-3: 13-23.

* Correspondence to Author (email: [email protected]) † Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara www.rinoe.org/westernsahara

VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, ISSN -2524-2024 Ana Eugenia. Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for RINOE® All rights reserved innovation capacity building. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 14 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

Introduction As shown in figure 2 below describes each of the steps, and their application in the Today companies are interested in reducing their energy study Veracruzana University costs for energy consumption, at the Universidad Coatzacoalcos region. Veracruzana have implemented actions to reduce this consumption and contribute to the 1. Análisis histórico de datos environment, which is why they took diagnoses out energy in buildings Coatzacoalcos campus. 2. Recorrido por la instalación Energy audit was conducted at the Universidad Veracruzana, taking into account the duration of the energy assessment and scope 3. Medición de las variables for their implementation, data analysis continuing improvement proposals. The University has eleven buildings six two-story 4. Análisis de datos de las mediciones buildings each comprising nine classrooms for teaching, six laboratories, a building Unit Library Services and Information Technology 5. Propuesta de mejora (USBI), which is composed Language Center,

Computer Center and information Center, Self- Figure 2 Stages of an energy diagnosis access, area administrative offices and the Main Source: Self Made Library, conference area, in addition to a general building, in which the activities of management Analysis of historical data and administration of the faculties of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical are This step serves to get an idea of the behavior of met, accounting, Administration and Nursing, energy consumption are taken into where it will make the energy study. Energy diagnoses have given a more realistic picture of the electrical energy Points to analyze historical data: consumption and energy saving opportunities in lagunos cases with little investment. In figure 1 – Rate specified. the main entrance to the University Veracruzana – Percentage power factor. region Coatzacoalcos shown. – Peak demand costs – Energy consumption costs – Energy indices.

Below it is described as this step was applied. It calls on the authorities of the University historical information of power consumption, two services contracted on the notice-receipt were identified:

– HM rate for general service at a voltage of 13,200 volts for two transformers 500 Figure 1 Input campus of the Universidad Veracruzana kVA (T-1) and 300 kVA (T-2) connected Coatzacoalcos in a ring. – HM rate for general service at a voltage 2.0 Methodology for conducting an energy of 13,200 volts to 300 kVA transformer diagnosis (T-3) radial type.

Methodologies available for performing an The consumption of electric energy energy diagnosis you decide to use as a starting measured in T-2 from January to December point the kind of energy diagnosis proposed [1], 2016 and T-3 of October 31, 2016 to October 31, which is between level A and B energy audit, 2017 T-1 transformers shown in Figures 1 and 2 this paper proposes to apply the methodology for respectively, where identifies the month with the a energy diagnosis in an educational institution, highest consumption of electricity is May with consisting of the steps. 134.598 kWh and 33.152 kWh. ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 15 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

Consumption Energy Index The months with lower consumption are School Users per day July 59.33 kWh and December 5113 kWh, and per day (kW) (kW / User) Language 1600 1013.6 0.634 July to 13.666 kWh, coinciding with the months Center Computer of more heat in the region and the holiday 850 432.9 0.509 months period respectively. Center Self-access 260 379.0 1,458 center Consumo de Energía Eléctrica Total (kWh/mes) 2016 Table 2 Energy indices of air conditioning system of 134,598 school 121,089 119,049 123,446114,222 150 92,839 75,39982,657 90,07384,496 Source: Self Made 100 59,33 51,13 50 0 Energy indices are calculated to compare the current state of consumption, energy indices calculated once the energy saving proposals are Consumo (kWh) Consumo made. Periodo de Facturacion (mes) Installation Tour Graphic 1 Power consumption 2016 (T-1 and T-2 in ring. Source: Self Made At this stage of diagnosis the audit team makes the tour of the facility, to visually detect areas of Consumo de Energia Electrica (kWh/mes) opportunity for energy savings. The audit team 2016-17 consists of 2 or 3 people, preferably with 32.220 40.000 33.152 29.776 24.954 28.522 27.384 knowledge of the activities carried out at school. 30.000 21.296 18.285 23.249 20.000 14.50815.897 13.666 10.000 0 Points to consider for the tour of the facility:

Consumo (kWh) Consumo


dic-16 oct-17

feb-17 abr-17 jun-17



ago-17 nov-16

mar-17 – Request permission from the appropriate may-17 authorities. Periodo de Facturación (mes) – Avoid interfering with the activities taking place in the institution. Graphic 2 Electricity consumption 2 October 2016 to – Having established formats for gathering October 2017 (T-3 radial) Source: Self Made information on existing equipment. – Order the installation drawings, For the production of energy indices was electrical, mechanical and architectural, held at the Language Centers, Information and if not up to date, the auditor perform the Self-access, was taken based on the number of equipment and / or updated depending on students the school and consumption per period; the extent of diagnosis. based on the statistics of people registered – The audit team should use the required during the two semesters by averaging users per safety equipment. day attending and power consumption lighting based while is running for a day, in Table 1 the Below it is described as this step was indices obtained are shown. [two], applied. In the route the audit team is comprised of students under the supervision of teachers, a Users Consumption Energy Index survey was conducted for each building School per day per day (kW) (kW / User) equipment installed taking into account the Language 1600 135.9 0.085 operating hours, the following points are Center Computer followed: 850 79.8 0.094 Center Self-access 260 65.1 0.250 center – Lighting, lamp type, capacity, if they are rendered or not working, clean condition. Table 1 Energy indices of the lighting system of schools. – Air conditioners, capacity of each, if they Source: Self Made are in service, or does not work, the

temperature at which they are operating, For the air conditioning system the same distribution of load centers that are above approach was taken, with the other connected. parameter consumption of air conditioning system based while is operating, in Table 2 the obtained energy indices [2] occurs. ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 16 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

– Make a survey of the dimensions of the The value of the electrical power density areas: windows, doors, walls, room for lighting (DPEA) NOM-007-ENER-2014 [7] height, number of electrical devices standard was determined, must be calculated must, computers, copiers, modem or from the total load connected lighting and the computer to gain heat, so people total area illuminated according to formula 2 occupying the premises, for calculating Carga total conectada para alumbrado the thermal load. DPEA = (2) – lifting equipment installed in the engine Área total iluminada

room where the air conditioning system, ice water generating unit mark DPEA where is the density of electrical YCAS140SC York model with capacity power for lighting, expressed in W / m2 and total of 140 TR is performed, are two systems area illuminated is expressed in m2. [7]. Chiller each consists of two compressors screw type, one evaporator, one water Table 3 summarizes the lighting levels cooled condenser, three centrifugal obtained are shown in this the average luxes each pumps condensate, three centrifugal area Language Center floor minimum values, pumps for cold water and two cooling maximum values and presents its cumpliento towers induced type 2 air units (AMU) verified with the provisions of NOM -025- larger and 6 UMA smaller. STPS-2008 indicating that they are for office – Data plate and usage of each team were areas 300 lux minimum. taken. luxes Location Pro Ma meets Observations min Measurement of variables of interest m x Some burnouts, two switches, classroo 81 160 258 Do not one to five lamps and to three m 1 At this stage the variables of interest are lamps classroo Some burnouts, Damper 47 181 336 Do not measured to obtain the information necessary to m 2 capless perform further analysis, the measurement time classroo Some burnouts, Damper 227 370 591 Yes is considered a week. m 3 capless Main 24 76 174 Do not Some lights not working lobby Variables measured: Secretary 54 117 158 Do not Two switches three cubicles Coordina 80 139 250 Do not Has no independent Damper tion – Lighting level. Copy 7 77 209 Do not A fixture does not work – electrical variables room Receptio It is controlled by a switch a 54 63 82 Do not – Data operating air conditioning system n luminaire (Chiller). Archive 135 154 171 Do not A blown lamp Teacher's Luminaires and luminaires 57 101 220 Do not lounge located room Illumination Electric 225 251 274 Yes room measuring illumination in different areas was Stairs 12 29 66 Do not The luminaire does not work performed for selection of the measuring points Table 3 Abstract lighting Language Center (ground floor) is taken into account the characteristics and Source: Self Made needs of each area, the number of points determined measured using (1) and Table 2 of In Table 4 the dimensions of each area Chapter 2 of NOM-025-STPS-2008 [6]. Taking Language Center shown and the connected readings was performed with a luxómetro lighting load is taken according to the amount of LIGTH model LX-1108 METER, at night from lights and consumption per lamp, where 19:00 to 21:00 hours. compliance is shown with DPEA of NOM-007- ENER-2014. According to this rule should (푥)(푦) consider the DPEA 12 W / m2 for offices, 14 W 퐼퐶 = (1) ℎ(푥 + 푦) / m2 for educational institutions and 15 W / m2 for libraries, having these considerations shows Where, IC is the area index, x and y are that almost all areas of the ground floor of Center the dimensions of the area (length and width) in Language fulfilled by having a lower value, meters, h is the height of the luminaire with except for the coordination office over 12 W / respect to the work plane, in meters. m2, which has two different lights, one with T8U fluorescent lamps 32 W and one with 3 lamps T5 28 W.

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 17 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

Air conditioning system (Chiller) No. Total Dimen No. Consump DPEA Of consu meet Location sions Lamp tion per (W / Ga mption s (m2) / Gab lamp (W) m2) According to the manual operation of the b. (W) generator equipment ice water (Chiller) brand classroom 62.7 8 two 32 512 8 Yes York, running the operation of the cooling 1 classroom system shown, also shown in Figure 4, can be 57.75 6 4 32 768 13 Yes 2 found in [11], classroom 62.7 6 4 32 768 12 Yes 3 Main 61.63 8 two 32 512 8 Yes lobby Secretary 31.9 4 two 32 256 8 Yes Coordinati 2 and 28 3 Do 12.15 two 148 12 on 3 and 2 not Copy 14.85 two two 32 128 8 Yes room Reception 9.8 one two 32 64 6 Yes Archive 10.88 one two 32 64 5 Yes Teacher's 28 3 25.2 two two 240 9 Yes lounge and 2 Electric eleve 11.2 two two 32 128 Yes room n Stairs 16.42 one two 32 64 3 Yes

Table 4 Determination of DPEA Language Center (ground) Figure 4 Flowchart Chiller cooling system

Electrical variables During the journey through the machine room dende is the Chiller measured electrical Electrical variables measured are: current, currents pumps, compressor, the control panel voltage, power (real, reactive and apparent), temperature, compressor suction and discharge power factor, harmonics, for this the measuring of refrigerant from the compressor was recorded equipment power quality Fluke 435-II was used, for later comparison with the data the He was installed for a week in transformer T-1, manufacturer's manual. T-2 connected in a ring and T-3 radial type, also placed in a center feed supplying building Analysis of measurement data teaching, likewise one voltmeter and ammeter was used hook for electrical measurements on This step serves to analyze the behavior of the each computer where possible, recording the registered variable. measured values established formats. In Figure 3 position in the analyzer of power quality in T-2 Points to consider. he was placed in ring shown. – Lighting percentages of compliance with the above standards are made. – They graphed each of the electrical variables. – Power factor calculation. – Power Demand


It can be seen in Table 5 A summary of the buildings analyzed and the number of buildings

meet the acceptable values as established in the Figure 3 Network analyzer placed in the low voltage side NOM-025-STPS-2008 and NOM-007-ENER- of the transformer 300 kVA 2014, it is concluded that: The lighting levels are Source: Self Made insufficient in most areas, Las DPEA are met in most areas.

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 18 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

NOM-025 NOM-007 VOLTAJE buildings No. of No. of Percentage Percentage 134 acceptable acceptable (%) (%) areas areas 133 Language 132 4 25 16.00 20 24 83.33 Center 131 FASE A 130 Computer VOLTAJE 3 14 21.43 14 14 100.00 FASE B Center 129 FASE C Self-access 21.43 92.86 128 center 3 14 13 14 Sanitary floor March 3 100.00 March 1 33.33

Table 5 Summary Compliance with NOM-025-STPS- Graphic 4 Consumo power transformer 500 KVA during 2008 and NOM-007-ENER-2014 standards the period 13 to 14 February 2017

Electrical variables Power factor (PF) In Figure 5, the behavior of FP, which is late, Graphic 3 shows the behavior of the current in measured from 13 to 20 February 2017, these the T-2 ring, during the period of 8 to 15 March days the total FP is between 0.76 and 0.93 in 2017 shows that the current demand undergoes phases A and B, between 0.76 and 0.94 in shown changes during the course of the week, each peak the C phase, calculating the average FP seven corresponds to a labor day, presenting the higher days was obtained 0.83. power consumption on Thursday with 308.9 a, 322.7 a, and 340 a, in steps a, b and c FACTOR DEPOTENCIA respectively, having an average current 197.92 a 1 per day from Monday to Saturday, it is observed 0,95 that during night has an average consumption of 0,9 55A, this consumption is due to lighting that is FASE A 0,85 left in the different areas of the university. FP FASE B 0,8 FASE C TOTAL 340 Corrientes 0,75

400 0,7 350


3:32:07 1:32:07 9:32:07 7:32:07 5:32:07 3:32:07 1:32:07 9:32:07 7:32:07 5:32:07 3:32:07 1:32:07 9:32:07 7:32:07

11:32:07 11:32:07 250 11:32:07 200 150 Graphic 5 Power factor T1 500 KVA for the period 13 100 to 14 February 2017 Corriente Corriente (Amperes) 50 0

The Graphic 5 It shows the behavior of

01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 01:35:00 07:35:00 13:35:00 19:35:00 the power demand from 13 to 14 February 2017 Hora of a normal day of activities at the library, Corriente A Med Corriente B Med demand reaches a peak of 174.69 kW, and its Corriente C Med Corriente N Med minimum value of 120.66 KW, is observed in

the nighttime demand does not decrease to zero Graphic 3 Behavior of the current in Q2 300 kVA during the because the air conditioning on for any moisture period 8 to 15 March that may affect the books are kept. Source: Self Made

Voltage behavior DEMANDA 195000 In Figure 4 the behavior of the voltage 13 is 175000 155000 shown to February 14, 2017 as seen voltage 135000 FASE A

W 115000 ranges with values between 128.5 to 133 V, 95000 FASE B 75000 these values are within the ranges defined by the 55000 FASE C rules of the law the public electricity service. [3], 35000 TOTAL

Graphic 6 Consumer demand T-1 500 kVA for the period 13 to 14 February 2017

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 19 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

Suggestions for improvement Consumo energético del T-1 500 kVA

USBI At this stage saving measures proposed 5% 1% immediate energy, short, medium and long term. INTERRUPTOR 1 CONTADURIA 28% Points to consider. INTERRUPTOR 2 EDIFICIO BANCO 66% PETROLERA – Energy balance INTERRUPTOR 3 – Technical study. PLANTA DE EMERGENCIA – economic feasibility. – Temporality: Short, medium or long term Graphic 7 Energy balance of the T-1 500kVA USBI campus of Coatzacoalcos Proposals for improved energy audit at the Universidad Veracruzana are: In Figure 8 the energy balance is displayed within facilities LIUS Campus – Improved lighting levels Coatzacoalcos. – Formation of a committee for management and energy saving [4]. – Reengineering for the air conditioning Consumo energético de la USBI system. 5% Aire – Power factor correction. acondicionado – Keeping the air conditioning system. 11% Iluminacion

Energy balance 21% Equipos de 63% computo For evaluating the potential energy savings Otros energy balances were carried out with the aim of knowing the percentage of power used by computer at a certain time, so that measurements Graphic 8 Power consumption within the campus USBI at T-1 500 kVA and T-2 300 kVA were made Coatzacoalcos ring, so circuits derived from this in order to determine what percentage of energy consumed In the graph 9 As can be seen is the power by each area, the formula 3 is used, consumption of the T-1 500 KVA and T-2 of 300 KVA ring connection, also we can observe that ℎ푟 √3 푥 푉 푥 퐼 푥 퐹푃 푥 1% belongs to a mobile laboratory. 푑𝑖푎 푁표. 퐸푞푢𝑖푝표 푥 푝푟표푑푢푐푡표 (3) 푑í푎 Consumo energético de las cargas del T-1 500 kVA y T-2 300kVA en anillo. Where: USBI √3 = Factor by line voltage. 1% INTERRUPTOR 1 V = Voltage. CONTADURÍA I = current 34% 39% INTERRUPTOR 2 PF = power factor. EDIFICIO PETROLERA Hrs / day = team working hours a day. INTERRUPTOR 3 8% PLANTA DE Product / day = total annual consumption 2% 16% EMERGENCIA between one day.

Graphic 9 Energy consumption loads T500 and T300 on The graph 7 branch circuits and percentage of power consumption in the T-1 of Power Factor 500 kVA that feeds the campus LIUS Coatzacoalcos shown. An average of all values taking the maximum data measurements performed as shown:

Active Power = 147 kW Apparent power = 178 kVA Power factor = 0.83 Line voltage = 229 V

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 20 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

The power factor is calculated using The negative value of the formula 16 the formulas (4) to (10) and with reference [13]. means that the waveform of the reactive power is reversed. [14] 푃 퐒 = 푃 + 퐽 푠푒푛 (cos−1(푝푓)) (4) 푝푓 In Table 6 the cost of purchasing and installing a capacitor bank with a capacity of 50 |퐕 | 퐕p = L  ∅ (5) √3 KVAR, at a voltage of 240 V, shown is recommended to be given to the automatic ∗ 푆 power factor varies between values; From 0.76 퐼 = ( ) (6) 푉푝 to 0.93

퐕p Cost $ 45 000.00 퐙 = (7) 퐈 Workforce $ 15 000.00 Materials $ 2 000.00 2 2 R +X Freight $ 2 000.00 XC = −1 (8) R tan (cos 푓푝푐)−X Subtotal $ 63 000.00

Iva $ 10 800.00

1 TOTAL $ 73 080.00 푋 = (9) 1 (3퐶) Table 6 Cost of installation of capacitor bank

1 퐶 = − 푁 (3∗∗푋1) According to notice-receipt has a monthly penalty of $ 10,170.00 for low power factor. 2 푄퐶 = − 퐶|푉퐿| (10) The simple payback period is investment Where: between the expected benefits.

S = complex power. Where: P = actual power PF = power factor C = investment Z = Impedance = Saving benefits. R = real part of the load 퐂 $ퟕퟑ ퟎퟖퟎ X = imaginary part of the load 퐏퐒퐑 = = = ퟎ. ퟔ 퐚ñ퐨. (11) XC = reactance. 퐀퐡퐨퐫퐫퐨 $ퟏퟎ ퟏퟕퟎ  = Angular frequency (radians / s) C = Capacitance. Evaluate chilled water system Chiller by the method matenimiento. Table 5 shows the results using the above formulas is. The most common actions to decrease the electric power consumption in the compressor at complex power 퐒 = 147 + 퐽98.77 푘푉퐴 three levels: maintenance, operational and received by each technological change [10] for this reason is taken impedance. into consideration maintenance, calculating the Phasor voltage.  퐕p = 132.21 ∅Vrms efiencia team taking suction pressures and Current in each of the = 1346.34  − 33.90ºArms load impedances discharge of refrigerant compressor.

Load Impedance 퐙 = 0.0981  33.90° In Figure 9, shows the schematic diagram

퐙 = 0.0814 + j 0.0547  ph. for refrigerant R-22, taken from [12]. To start Reactance Xc for the study are considered suction and discharge power factor XC = −0.344082011 pressures of the refrigerant in the compressor. correction. Capacitance connected to Y is equivalent 퐶 = 2569 퐹 Without maintenance: capacitor 3C. Capacitor value in 푄퐶 = 50.78 kVAr Pabs = pman + P atm kVAr. Suction pressure = 60 + 14.7 = 74.7 lb / in2 Table 5 Return results improving power factor Discharge pressure = 265 + 14.7 = 279.7 lb / in2

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 21 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

With maintenance: Mechanical work

Pabs = pman + P atm If W is the work done in foot-pounds per pound Suction pressure = 60 + 7 = 14. 74.7 lb / in2 of refrigerant circulated and J is the mechanical Discharge pressure = 233 + 14.7 = 247.7 lb / in2 equivalent of heat, then.

W = (qw) (J) (14)

W = (15 Btu / lb) (778 ft - lb / Btu) = 11,670 ft - lb / lb

Mass flow for cooling for 1 minute (TR) m.

Q m = e (fifteen) q e

Where m is the mass flow rate of refrigerant circulated to produce the required cooling capacity, Qe, 1 ton., For the reference Graphic 10 Schematic diagram of pressure - enthalpy ph cycle. for HCFC-22 (Hydrogen, carbon, fluorine, chlorine)

200 Btu /min ton m = = 3.27 푙푏/ min 푡표푛 (16) With these values it enters the ph 61 Btu /lb diagram, with the constant pressure line in the scale readings provide constant enthalpy at the Qw thermal energy equivalent to the bottom in the diagram for the latent heat of work of understanding per minute per ton of vaporization of refrigerant to said pressure [8]. cooling capacity.

Then the theoretical power for the compressor maintenance is calculated: QW = ( m)(푞푤) (17)

The vaporizing pressure Q = ( 3.27)(15) = 49.05 퐵푡푢/ min 푡표푛 W The compression work W per minute per ton in It is the process B - C is the vaporization of ft-lb is. refrigerant in the evaporator.

W = (J) (m)( h h ) (18) q = h − h = 173 − 112 = 61 Btu/lb (12) d− c e c a

Where J = equivalent mechanical energy. where the cooling effect is in Btu / lb, hc is saturated steam enthalpy hand, has liquid side Substituting in (16) enthalpy is saturated.qe

푊 = (778)(3.27)(15) = Compression work per pound of refrigerant. 푊 = 38160.90 pies − lb /min ton

In process C - D is effected in the compressor as The theoretical power (Thp) in the steam pressure, the point D is increased, you horsepower to drive the compressor per ton of can be located in the diagram ph along the lines cooling. of constant entropy starting at point C to the point where the line constant entropy intersects 푊 푇ℎ푝/푡표푛 = (19) the constant pressure line. 33 000 q = h − h = 188 − 173 = 15 Btu/lb (13) 38 160.90 푓푒푒푡 − 푙푏 /min 푡표푛 w d c 푇ℎ푝 /푡표푛 = 33 000 푓푒푒푡 − 푙푏 /min 푡표푛 Where work (cold) compression per pound of refrigerant circulated, hd is enthalpy = 1.1563 ℎ푝 /푡표푛 superheated steam.푞푤

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 22 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

Then the desired power for the Simple investment period is calculated compressor maintenance is calculated using the using the formula (11). formulas (4) to (10): $151 200.00 푃푆푅 = = 1.00 푎ñ표 The vaporizing pressure. $ 150 050.83 qe = hc − ha′ = 173 − 108 = 65 Btu/lb Retrieving the simple period is 1 year, this time it is advisable to keep the air Compression work per pound of refrigerant. conditioning system (Chiller) operating in good condition and likewise tenr savings electricity qw = hd′ − hc = 186 − 173 = 13 Btu/lb consumption.

Mechanical work Recommendations:

W = (13 Btu / lb) (778 ft - lb / Btu) – Keep a log of the measurements of = 10,114 ft - lb / lb pressures, temperatures, etc. cooling system chilled water (chiller). mass flow for cooling for 1 minute (TR) 200 Btu /min ton m = = 3.07 푙푏/ min 푡표푛 – Check electrical hazards and use safety 65 Btu /lb equipment provided.

Thermal energy Qw – Formalize a committee eenergía saving, composed of students, faculty, staff. 푄푊 = ( 3.07)(13) = 39.91 퐵푡푢/ min 푡표푛 Results The compression work W per minute per ton in ft-lb is. – Power factor correction from 0.83 to 0.95%. 푊 = (778)(3.07)(13) = – Savings performing preventive 푊 = 31 049.98 pies − lb /min ton maintenance on air conditioning systems. The theoretical power (Thp) in – Best lighting level. horsepower to drive the compressor per ton of – Compliance with regulations. cooling. Acknowledgement

31 049.98 푓푒푒푡 − 푙푏 /min 푡표푛 We thank the Universidad Veracruzana by to 푇ℎ푝 /푡표푛 = 33 000 푓푒푒푡 − 푙푏 /min 푡표푛 provide facilities and necessary to carry out this research team, we thank the alumni: = 0.9409 ℎ푝 /푡표푛 Alejandro Fernandez Avendaño, José It is saving according to [9] is proposed, Eduardo Patino Perez, Miguel Angel Espinoza Guerrero and Ariel Ulises Rodriguez Castellanos, for contributing to the fundamental (1.1563 − 0.9409)ℎ푝 0.746푘푊 information for this article, Ing. Miguel Angel 퐴ℎ표푟푟표: 140푇푅 푥 푥 푇푅 ℎ푝 Ramirez Galan, external consultant in energy savings with their contribution to this project. ℎ푟 $ 푥 4600 푥1.45 = $150 050.83 푎ñ표 푘푊ℎ Conclusions

With this methodology an energy diagnosis Annual maintenance preventive shows that can be issued an audit report in which maintenance cost was considered: are specified as being consumed electricity at the Universidad Veracruzana $ $ 90 푥 140 푇푅 푥 12 푚푒푠푒푠 = 151 200 푚푒푠 푎ñ표

ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 23 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 13-23

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ISSN 2524-2024 MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO- R INOE® All rights reserved MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ- ROSAS, Gilberto. Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 24 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 24-28

First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto

Primer acercamiento a la percepción de las setas comestibles como recurso alimenticio en la Sierra de Santa Rosa, GTO.

ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco†*, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia Isela

ID 1st Author: Francisco, Alejo-Iturvide

ID 1st Coauthor: Maritza Nayeli, Aparicio-Zepeda

ID 2nd Coauthor: María Azucena, Marquez-Lucio

ID 3rd Coauthor: Claudia Isela, González-López

Received July 27, 2018; Accepted December 08, 2018

Abstract Resumen

Edible mushrooms are natural resource with a high Las setas comestibles son un recurso natural con un alto valor nutritional and economic value. Mexico Occupies estar nutricional y económico. México ocupa el décimo primer place in biological and cultural diversity, Which, lugar en diversidad biológica-cultural, que entremezclada con intermingled With ethnobiological aspects, you has-been aspectos etnobiológicos han sido poco estudiados y little Studied and valued. For This study, random samples valorados. Para este estudio se realizaron muestreos Were taken Within the area of interest, with weekly aleatorios dentro del área de interés, con registros semanales records in the rainy season. In Addition, to Identify the use en temporada de lluvias. Además, para identificar el by the population, surveys Were Carried Out with aprovechamiento por parte de la población se realizaron illustrative materials of the specimens found in the town encuestas con material ilustrativo de los ejemplares encontrados en el poblado Puerto de Santa Rosa aledaño al of Puerto de Santa Rosa close to the study area. 24 species área de estudio. Se identificaron 24 especies de setas of edible mushroms Belonging to the division comestibles pertenecientes a la división , Las Basidiomycota Were identified. The most representative especies más representativas por su frecuencia en la zona species for Their frequency in the area Were fueron, Lactarius indigo, , Lepista nuda, indigo, Lactarius deliciosus, nuda Lepista, Clitocybe Clitocybe gibba, Cantharellus cibarius y Collybia peronata. gibba, Cantharellus cibarius and Collybia peronata. The Las encuestas indicaron que las especies consumidas por los surveys indicated that the species consumed by the pobladores son , Lycoperdon perlatum y inhabitants are Ramaria flava, Lycoperdon perlatum and Amanita caearea, indicando además que debido a la falta de Amanita caearea, also indicating that due to the lack of información y conocimiento que tienen acerca de las especies information and knowledge they have about the edible de setas comestibles que se encuentran en la zona, son muy species found in the area, there are very few the pocas las especies aprovechadas, quedando un gran potencial species harvested, leaving a great potential to be used por ser aprovechadas sustentablemente. sustainably. Setas, Amanita, Diversidad Mushrooms, Amanita, Diversity

Citation: ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia Isela. First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 2-3: 24-28.

* Correspondence to Author (email: [email protected]) † Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara www.rinoe.org/westernsahara

25 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 24-28

Introduction As mentioned above, the mushrooms are a natural resource advantage and valued largely An important component of biological diversity for its nutritional properties, among which the of forest ecosystems are macromycetes, which percentage of protein in dry weight which may play an important ecological role by the way to vary between 10 and 30% but can be up to 40% get your nutrients. Wild edible mushrooms are a , high carbohydrate between 10 to 50% content, natural resource with high nutritional and from 3 to 5% lipid by dry weight, rich in economic value. vitamins as a source of thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, biotin and Although macromycetes are one of the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as well as taxonomic groups in various end (Guzman, absorbing substrate where they grow, usually 1998), the knowledge we have about its richness they contain good amount of phosphorus and and diversity at the local level is very low. potassium, and calcium to a lesser extent.

You are required lists of species of edible Materials and methods macromycetes present in the state of Guanajuato; one of the most representative areas Before Study Area: The Sierra de Santa Rosa is for this study is the area of the Sierra de Santa located north of the city of Guanajuato between Rosa, Gto., as the species macromycetes that 20 ° 45 'and 21 ° 25' north latitude and between have been studied are mainly distributed in 100 ° 53 'and 101 ° 25' west longitude. forest of (Quercus spp.), type of vegetation present in this area, in addition to its humid It is considered within the sub-province climate, which allow the presence and diversity of Sierras and northern plains of Guanajuato, in of macromycetes, mainly in rainy season. the physiographic region of the Central Bureau, which has strongly dissected mountains, So far identified just over 260 kinds of canyons and ravines, with altitudes ranging macromycetes in Guanajuato territory, mostly between 1,800 and 2,700 m. Its geology is from the Sierra de Santa Rosa and Biosphere formed by sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks Reserve Sierra Gorda (Márquez-Lucio et al., detrital material; Soils occupy a greater extent 2006). Identifying observation, comparison and are the Castanozem (> 60%), followed by description of various morphological Lithosols (25%) and Rendzina (8%). Its climate characteristics as hat, cuticle, , foot is more humid temperate subhumid, with about ring presence curtain and volva is based. 800 mm of average annual rainfall. As for vegetation, mainly it indicates the presence of Gender better represented in the Quercus forest, whereas the eastern slope of the documented recolectas are Boletus, Lactarius, Sierra crasicaule scrub is presented, as well as Russula, Ramaria and Agaricus. These taxa the mesquite plant communities and forest group together a number of edible species Pinus-Quercus, widely distributed in forests and , whose use for their own consumption and Collection: To carry out the collection of marketing is a common practice among foresters specimens, a label of 20 randomly selected central, southern and some locations in northern points within the study area, which samples were Mexico. taken weekly during the rainy season sampling was performed. The collection consisted in That is why the aim of this study is to making photographic material, and the collected understand the diversity of these organisms in specimens were placed on wax paper and placed the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto., Besides knowing in a cardboard box to prevent be damaged. Each the actual use that is given to wild species of specimen collected was assigned an edible importance by the population and identification key and relevant annotations that contribute to a moderate use of this natural later could be useful for identification were resource and avoid putting at risk the presence of performed. Mycological tab of each specimen these organisms in the area. were noted where performed: date of collection, collector's name, key specimen collection site, morphological characteristics of the specimen (shape, size and color of the and type of lamellae,

ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, ISSN 2524-2024 MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia RINOE® All rights reserved Isela. First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 26 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 24-28

Grade Frequency ID:; Cetto (1979); Cetto (1980a); Species Gerhardt et al (2000); Iñiguez et the collected Edibility Registration specimens were taken to the laboratory for Lactarius indigo * * * * * * identification, manuals, dichotomous keys and Lactarius deliciosus * * * * * * some guides fungi (Guzman (1977) were used al, Lactarius rugatus * * * (2006). Velázquez et al, (2006), among others.). Lactarius spp. * * * * * * lactarius lignyotus * * * * The degree of edibility macromycetes Russula xerampelina * * * * species found in the area, was determined based Boletus appendiculatus * * * * * on literature and often by observing the number exsudoporus frostii * * * * of copies during sampling. Agaricus arvensis * * * * * Ramaria flava * * * * * Clitocybe gibba * * * * collybia peronata * * * * Lepista nuda * * * * * Lycoperdon perlatum * * * * * Sparassis crispa * * * Amanita caesarea * * * * * Amanita fulva * * * * Amanita vaginata * * * * Marasmius oreades * * * * Tremella aurantia * * * Hydnum reandum * * * * Hygrophorus russula * * Figure 1 Sierra de Santa Rosa in Guanajuato Pleurotus ostreatus * * * * Cantharellus cibarius * * * * * * Surveys: a survey in Puerto de Santa Rosa, community adjacent to the study area was Table 1 Macromycetes edible species identified for Sierra conducted to determine the degree of utilization de Santa Rosa, Guanajuato of wild species by the population and their knowledge about these organisms.


A total of 24 species of mushrooms in algúngrado identified as edible (Table 1), of which the most common in the area were Lactarius indigo, Lactarius deliciosus, Lepista nuda, Clitocybe gibba, Cantharellus cibarius and peronata Collybia obtained. Genres most often represented by registration were Lactarius with 20.8% and 12.5% with Amanita, Lactarius indigo being the most greater abundance and distribution in the study area. On Figure 1 Species macromycetes consumed by the local the use of wild mushrooms by the local population population, surveys showed that the species most consumed by the local population were Discussion Ramaria flava, LYCOPERDON PERLATUM and Amanita caesarea (Figure 1) which in this In the study of biodiversity status of Guanajuato study had an intermediate frequency registry. vol. II a list of 33 species of edible mushrooms Further, Lactarius indigo still being the most for the area of the Sierra de Santa Rosa, represented and easily identifiable little Guanajuato reported. This data is based on three mushroom is consumed due to ignorance. studies in the areas known as Cerro el Zamorano, Consumed species are obtained by direct km 23.5 of the road Guanajuato - Dolores collection of people, usually adults and seldom Hidalgo and Las Palomas Station Basin of Hope obtained through vendors, unless it is known (Zamora-Martinez, 2012). neighbor.

ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, ISSN 2524-2024 MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia RINOE® All rights reserved Isela. First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 27 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 24-28

Compared in this study a total of 24 Well aware that his dispobibilidad goes species of edible mushrooms, which is less than hand in hand with the preservation of the the total reported above were obtained, however ecosystem that provides so care is needed. While considering that sampling covered only close to they are an important food resource, its km 23.5 area Guanajuato road - Dolores abundance and availability it depends on Hidalgo, is highly representative with 72% environmental factors such as humidity and considering only the number of species. As temperature(Arteraga & Moreno, 2006; species must note is that there were variations Rodríguez & Fernández, 1997), so to ensure its previously, being coincident perlatum use conservation of their environment is Lycoperdon species, Ramaria flava, Lactarius necessary not only locally, but at least regional. salmonicolor, Collybia peronata, Clitocybe gibba, frostii Boletus, Boletus appendiculatus, Consumption of edible mushrooms for Amanita vaginata, A. fulva, A. rubescens and A. certain populations they become an important caesarea. Importantly, 66.6% of the species had alternative source of food in times of plenty and not been reported thus represents a substantial even local sale might mean a significant contribution to knowledge and potential use of economic impact (Boa, 2005,. Burrola-Aguilar this resource as potential food. et al, 2012 ). However, excessive and unplanned use of species at risk of these organisms in some Despite the considerable amount of locations may involve overexploitation (Diaz- edible species, generally in Guanajuato there is Barriga, 1996).Some have a high margin of no strong tradition in the consumption of wild advantage, however in other margin is lower. Of mushrooms or fungi as they are known. This is the species found in this study, twoare listed in reflected in the low utilization of existing NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, Cantharellus species. The total species are exploited and only cibarius category being and protection as a 6 of these only two most frequently but threatened species Boletus edulis considering the total local population represents (SEMARNAT, 2010), so if its use must be given less than 1%. There is no consistent study in the under a scheme sustantable. percentage of a population that consumes or has consumed wild mushrooms on the total Conclusions population, however, a way to approach is selling at local markets. In this sense it was not Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto., Has a wide variety of recorded in any local market trade or sale of any mushrooms, which themselves are not fully species of wild mushroom or directly surveyed known due to lack of studies on biodiversity in the town or the town of Santa Rosa de Lima the state. The use of this natural resource by the which is larger in population, commercial population is actually minimal because of the 24 dynamics and tourism. This reflects that while species recorded as edible in this study are some species are consumed, do not represent any known and consumed only about 3 species. economic benefit and nutritional value as a representative species for its culinary source of alternative food is rather casual importance such as Agaricus arvensis or without a frequency representing albeit Lactarius indigo, were not mentioned by temporary part of your diet. On the other hand, villagers during the polls, which shows the lack in places with high etnomicológica tradition it is of knowledge and dissemination of these common for local markets offer a lot of species. organisms. It is important to implement studies Barrola-Aguilar et al., (2012) study in the region of biodiversity in the state, besides contributing of Amanalco, State of Mexico, found that 56 to the knowledge of renewable resources and species known by the population as edible 36 can promote its proper exploitation through be found in local markets, which would imply a disclosure. good acceptance as food source besides the economic benefits it represents. Thanks

Much outreach work focused on the Thank to Mexico National Technology and sustainable use of these organisms need to not Higher Technological Institute of Irapuato for only be considered as an alternative food for the facilities and funding granted for this study species such as L. indigo among others can be very easy to identify and even offer locally both the same people from the community and visitors.

ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, ISSN 2524-2024 MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia RINOE® All rights reserved Isela. First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. 28 Article Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth December, 2018 Vol.2 No.3 24-28

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ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, ISSN 2524-2024 MARQUEZ-LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia RINOE® All rights reserved Isela. First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de Santa Rosa, Gto. Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth. 2018. Instructions for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Publication

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Journal-Economic Development Technological Chance and Growth

“Determination of factors that affect the availability in critical equipment of the grinding area in a sugar mill” BERNARDINO-FLORES, Israel, MARTÍNEZ-ZAMUDIO, Abraham, RAMOS- TEJEDA, Ricardo and VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz

“Software industry case: Application of a conceptual model for innovation capacity building” VILLALOBOS-ALONZO, María de los Ángeles & ROMO-GONZÁLEZ, Ana Eugenia Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco

“Methodology for conducting an energy assessment at the Universidad Veracruzana” MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Guillermo Miguel, GARRIDO-MELENDEZ, Javier, JIMÉNEZ-RIVERA, Jesús and JIMÉNEZ-ROSAS, Gilberto Universidad Veracruzana

“First approach to the collection of edible mushrooms as a food resource in the Sierra de

Santa Rosa, Gto” ALEJO-ITURVIDE, Francisco, APARICIO-ZEPEDA, Maritza Nayeli, MARQUEZ- LUCIO, María Azucena and GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, Claudia Isela