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THE WESTFIELD LEADER the LEADING and Motf WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER in UNION COUNTY YEAR—No THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOtf WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 1 Entered as Second C1&B8 Matter Published Post Office, Weatfleld. N, J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSE Y, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951 , Every Thursday 34 Page •—8 CwU Idult School Catalogs Council Asked United Campaign 1952 Budget Summary Lincoln PTA U. C. Campaign Goal To Halt North Expense Income Support Opens Season District Nursing Association ........$20,153 $11,378 $ 8,775 tailed to Residents Community Center 8,383 1,000 7,385 Ave. Speeding YWCA 21,341 7,815 13,526 Tuesday Night Police Warn Of YMCA 80,976 51,715 29,261 Set At $86,692 legislation For Fanwood Resident Girl Scouts 8,991 8,991 Drive on Speeders Boy Scouts 9,g38 9,838 "Back to School" Claims Section Observance Begins Community Players all Term Now ' Agency Totals $149,684 171,908 Acting Chief George Morton Is "Death Trap" Campaign and Office Expense 0,315 Year's Activities Announce Try-Outs New Figure told the "Leader" today that, act- Provision for Uncollectible ing on numerous complaints, the Bus drivers have made North Pledges The Lincoln School PTA has an cing Accepted department will shortly open a avenue a "death trap" for motor- 2,601 Try-outs for the Community Up $11,800 Over nounced its program for the 1851- Players* fall production Rebecca drive to curtail speeding in the ists and residents of the area, $86,692 52 year with the general theme of Sezistrations are now being ac- town. Slated for particular atten- Howard W. Ambruster of Fan- by Daphne Du Maurler will be "Home, School and Community held Sunday at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m Last Year Jj for the fall term of the tion will be motorists going tp and wood, former Westfleld resident, Living." itfield Adult School, which from trains, and those who speed told the Town Council Monday in the YMCA. Barbers Increase Thc first meeting of the group Major Herbert M. Dawley wili m Monday, Oct. 8 in the Roo- in school zones. Fair warning. night. He referred to the section SAR Chapter will be held Tuesday, Sept. 18, A goal of ?86,fl92 for the 1951 Junior High School. For of the roadway between Westfield be in charge of selecting the cast United Campaign for Westfield so- Haircut Price . when Back to School Night will bo which calls for six women and nine tie who wish to register by mail, and Fanwood. observed. The program for the cial agencies, recommended in the Plans Trek men. Copies of the script are report of the Budget Reviewing plications will be accepted up Referring to the "excessive Prices of haircut* here have evening la entitled "Know Your available at the Westfield Library ud including Friday, Sept. 21, Club Hears Talk speeding" on the street, he wrote gone up from 91 to $1.25 by ac- Teacher." Parents will be given Committee presented by Dr. Albert the office of the registrar, Mrs. that "Somerset buses are the worst the opportunity to visit thc class- E. Meder Jr., chairman, was unan- tion last week of tho Westfield imously approved by the board of leu Bauer. offenders. It is unlikely that oth- Annual Pilgrimage Master Barbers Association. Chil- rooms and tneet their children's The new catalogues have gone On House Plants er reckless and illegal drivers who teachers who will briefly outline trustees of the United Campaign Set For Saturday dren's haircuts have been in' Jr. Essex Troop Tuesday evening. in the mail this week to every see the buses speeding at from 40 creased from 80 cents to $1, Sec- the year's work. ally unit in Westfield. Those Season Opened At to 50 miles per hour would be The annual pilgrimage of thc retary Frank Abbruscato has an- Thc second program of the ser- The amount is approximately nous not receiving them may content to slow down unless the ies, entitled "Know Your Govern- Names Lt. Kling $8,800 more than was raised last Somerset drivers are compelled to West Fields Chapter of the Sons nounced. | (or one in the Westfield Pub- Meeting Tuesday of the American Revolution will This is the first increase in ment" is scheduled for Oct. 9 year, and is one of thc largest in Library. Registration will do so." when Mrs. Florence Dwycr of the the history of the organization. Otto H. Roller of New Milford be made to Stony Point, N. Y., three years voted by the associa- Croup Accepts It covers the 1052 budget require- «place Monday, Sept. 24 from He declared the bus drivers Saturday, thc motor cavalcade tion and was brought about by New Jersey State Legislature, will addressed the Garden Club of were forced to meet time sched- ments of the six agencies:'Young SO to 9 p.m. in the cafeteria of 1 leaving the Westfleld YMCA at increased operating costs, Abbrus- speak. Music will be'by thc Lin- 25 Recruits Westfield at its opening meeting ules, commenting "the responsibil- coln Singers. Men's Christian Association, Bthool. 10 a. m. This is the first time cato added. Young Women's Christian Associ- of the season Tuesday afternoon ity therefore goes back to officers Between Sept. 10 and Oct. 11, Junior Essex Troop B of Cav 'Wcstfield Leaders in Major In- at the home of Mrs. Guy Kelsey, of the bus company." Stony Point has been visited by ation, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, ittlcs" will be a feature course 739 Highland avenue, on "House the chapter, series of 18 home room teas will airy has announced that Lieut. Community Center, and District t fall and has been organized The speeding, said Mr. A be given by the homeroom mothers. Arthur Kling Jr. of thc 60th Re- Plants." bruster, "has been openly tolerated Stony Point is approximately Zoning Changed Nursing Association. (Breakdown a special committee to arrange fifty miles from.Westfield on the On Nov. 13, a panel of speakers connaissance Battalion has taken of the budget is shown in simpli- . the forum of 10 guest speak- A traveler, familiar with the by the police department for so including Addison C. Ely, area over the duties of military in South American countries, Mr. long I suggest, that you might west bank of the Hudson, seven director of Union County; Col. fied form at the left.) j. A question and answer pe- miles south of Bear Mountain structor for thc coming year, suc- |d will follow each lecture. This Roller showed a display of spec- properly serve notice on the Som- By Boro Council Lyman Parks, director of Civil ceeding Lieut. A. W. Olsen. Lieu- The Budget Reviewing Commit- imen plants to be used in the erset Bus Co. that unless the Park. It Is the scene of a raid led Defense in Westfield; Dr. E. Mil- tenant Kling is a former member tee, which is composed of nine urie is offered as an experiment by "Mad" Anthony Wayne, re- id does not pretend to exhaust home. His exhibit included mem- drivers alow down to the legal rate ton Staub, medical director of of the Junior Essex Troop B. leading citizens not identified with bers of the cacti family; begonia; immediately each one speeding will sulting in the capture of an im- Subdivision Lot Westfield Civil Defense and Hil- any of the agencies, was appointed ! supply of men of leadership portant fortress guarding a vital W. S. Fullnrd, 554 Sherwood rill? in Westfield. The programbird's foot and Japanese ivy, ca- be hauled into court." His letter Size Increased Hs M. Partington, principal of parkway, secretary of the troop last Bpring to make a study of the iludcs: 1, "Cortisone and Other millia, gloxinia, wandering Jew, was referred to tho police commit- ferry. The battlefield has been Lincoln School, will discuss "Know committee, has announced that ap- financial needs and budget re- spider plant, geranium and many tee. thoroughly monumented and is and Council Tuesday evening Your Civil Defense." quirements of tho six member onder Drugs," Dr. Carl E. Addi- others. plications of 25 recruits have al- lll, foreign scientific adviser', John T. Hopkins, town engineer, administered by the American amended the borough zoning ordi The next meeting, Dec. 13, will ready been accepted. Additional agencies. Serving with Dr. Meder Mtk& Co.; 2, "How Your Road During the business meeting was appointed' a member of the Scenic and Historic Preservation nance, setting up a minimum lot be the annual Christmas program applications received by Saturday ere Charles W. Anderson, execu- if Is Made," Otto G. Lindberg, Dr. Rachel Davis, newly elected Uahway Valley Sewerage Author- Society and the Palisades Inter- area of 16,000 square feet on any presented by the children of the morning will also receive consid- ivc vice president of American Ment, General Drafting Co., president, reminded members, of ity for a term expiring Feb. 1, state Park Commission. There is lots to be subdivided in thc future school. On Feb. 1, a talent show, eration. Machine and Metals Co.; Norman it, Mapmakers; 3, "Problems of the (lower shows to be given by 1856. An ordinance authorizing a stone museum on the grounds The present ordinance allowed a "Lincoln Levities," will be pre- The Junior Essex Troop, open to T. Gilroy, vice president in charge ' ice Fliyht," John W. Campbell th« Maplewood Garden Club Sat- conveyance of the town's interest containing pictures, murals, and 10,000 minimum but the Planning sented by PTA members. boys between the agca of 11 and of sales, Simmons Co.; Dennis N.
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