Foston on the Wolds Parish Council East Riding of

Annual Parish Report 2014/15

Annual Parish Meeting of Foston on the Wolds Parish Council held in Village Hall 07 May 2014. No electors attended. The Annual Parish Report 2013/14 was read and accepted as a true record of the previous year, and was published on the Parish website.

Annual Parish Council Meeting Foston on the Wolds Parish Council held in Village Hall 07 May 2014.

Mr J Tickle re-elected Chair of Foston on the Wolds Parish Council for the year 14/15, and Acceptance of Office papers duly signed. Mr C O’Connor assumed the post of Vice-Chair of Foston on the Wolds Parish Council for the year 14/15.

Five full Parish Council meetings were held in the year. Additionally the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting were held. April, June, August, September, November and February 2015 were omitted.


There were seven councillors during the period:

Mr J Tickle Mr C O’Connor Mr T Sellars Mr B Fleming Mrs J Foreman Mr R Watts Mr K Tate

The balance is:

Gembling – one Councillor Foston – four Councillors Brigham – two Councillors


A total of 13 Planning items were dealt with and commented upon during the year.


Accounts were maintained in the appropriate manner by the Clerk. The accounts were audited internally and externally. There were no comments from the auditors. The accounts are available for public inspection and are on the Foston PC website. Due notice of the Audit was given.

The annual precept was requested from ERYCC, accepted and paid into the PC HSBC account. Details of the Precept are available on the Foston PC web site and as part of the Minutes for the appropriate meeting. The Precept remained the same as for the previous 7 years.

Last VAT Refund applied for was period 15/06/2010-12/03/2012. Next submission in process of completion.

The Community Windfarm Fund paid £1000:00p to the PC. The end of grant report was completed and submitted by the Clerk. 1

Parish Web Site: Foston on the Wolds Parish Council


Driffield School Twilight Service £50:00p St Andrew’s Church Annual Clock Maintenance £211:20p One Edition of the Foston Focus – £112:00p

Meetings Attended

All Flood Liaison Group and mobile displays - Mrs Foreman. Cluster Meetings - Mr Watts/Mr Tickle Community Windfarm Fund – Mr Tickle, now to be Mr Fleming. Town/PC Liaison Meetings – Mr O’Connor/Mr Watts/Mr Tickle Code of Conduct – Mr O’Connor/Mr Watts Dedication of 158 Sqn RAF Memorial plaque 6 Sep 2014.

Web site – Clerk

Other meetings with Ward Councillors, contractors and other ERYC personnel, and parishioners over specific issues are minuted.


A total of 66 consultations, documents, correspondence items, maintenance issues and questionnaires were dealt with during the year.

Web Site

The current website is hosted by ERYC at no cost and the domain name has been bought by the Parish Council. The site is and is maintained at no additional cost by the Clerk. It has been upgraded recently by ERYC.

Standing Orders

These and other statutory items are appended to the website.


Regular submissions were made to the Foston Focus by the Clerk.

Clerk, Foston on the Wolds Parish Council


Parish Web Site: