
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana Modena, Novembre 1999

Misikella ultima Kozur & Mock, 1991: first evidence of Late in Calabria (Southern Italy)

Adelaide MASTANDREA Claudio NERI Fabio lETTO Franco Russo Di p. di Scienze della Terra Di p. di Se. Geo!. e Paleomol. Dip. di Scienze della Terra Dip. di Scienze della Terra Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia Università di Ferrara Università di Napoli Federico II Università della Calabria

KEY- WORDS- Conodonts, Clusters, , Basin deposits, Catena Costiera, Calabria, Rhaetian.

ABSTRACT- The succession cropping out in the Fosso Pantanelle area (Mt. S. Giovanni, Calabrian "Catena Costiera'; Upper Trias) provided a rich and well preserved fauna. The basin stratigraphic succession is characterized by cherty lime mudstone with minor fine- grained calciturbidites and suspected tujìtes. Conodont founa is dominated by M. hernsteini and M. posthernsteini in the lower and middle part of the section, and by M. uftima in the uppermost part. Every species is represented by a great number of specimens. On the basis of the chronostratigraphic classification ofKozur & Mock (1991), the whole section may be referred to Rhaetian. Due to the good preservation and the great abundance of conodonts (some occurring in clusters), the calabrian Catena Costiera succession may represent a reference succession for the study ofthe latest conodont founas and .

RIASSUNTO- [ ultima Kozur & Mock, 1991: primo ritrovamento di conodonti del Reti co su p. in Calabria (Italia meridionale)] -Recenti ricerche sulla stratigrafia dei terreni triassici affìoranti nella "Catena costiera" calabrese hanno messo in evidenza la presenza di foune a conodonti ricche e ben conservate (talvolta in clusters) che consentono di datare tali terreni all'intervallo Norico - Retico. In particolare, la sezione Fosso Pantanelle (M. te S. Giovanni, Catena Costriera, Calabria, Triassico superiore), oggetto del presente lavoro, appartiene completamente al Retico (Zona a M. posthernsteini e Zona a M. ultima). La successione stratigrafica è rappresentata da depositi carbonatici di bacino (prevalenti micriti scure selciftre con minori intercalazioni di calcitorbiditi fini). Nella parte media della sezione sono presenti mudstone rossastri, interpretati come tujìti.

INTRODUCTION of the "Lower Sedimentary Complex" ofletto & Ietto (1998) and the base of the "Upper Sedimentary In Calabria, a carbonate, mainly dolo mi tic, Complex", represented by blackish fine grained successi o n ofLate Triassic age crops out in the so-called dolomites an d marls. Mastandrea et al. ( 1997) recog- "Catena Costierà' (= Coastal Mountain Belt) (Text- nized two biozones: the lower one is characterized by fig. l); it occurs within a few small tectonic windows, slovakensis (Kozur), and may be referred surrounded by the overlying thrust sheets pertaing to to Late (Sevatian); the second o ne is the metamorphic "Calabrian units" (Calabridi) (Ogni- characterized by the association Misikella hersteini- ben, 1969, 1973). posthernsteini, and, according to the zonation ofKozur This carbonate complex has been the object of & Mock (1991), marks the lower part of Rhaetian recent stratigraphic an d sedimentological studies (Ietto . The boundary between the two zones is located et al., 1993; 1995; Ietto & Ietto, 1998), but it still in the uppermost part of the so-called "Lower Sedimen- lacks a lithostratigraphic classification according to the tary Complex", about l O below the base of the Upper international stratigraphic rules. According to Ietto & Complex. Ietto (1998), i t may be subdivided into two main units, named respectively "Complesso Sedimentario Inferiore The present study deals with a stratigraphic section (Lower Sedimentary Complex)" and "Complesso Sedi- (Fosso Pantanelle section) exposed in the Mt. mentario Superiore (Upper Sedimentary Complex)": S.Giovanni area and completely pertaining to the both units comprise platform, slope and basin deposits, "Upper Sedimentary Complex" of Ietto and Ietto an d may be frobably regarded as major (second order?) (1998) (Text-fig. l); the section yelded rich conodont depositiona sequences. associations belonging to the Misikella posthernsteini The age of these rocks has been roughly and Misikella ultima zones (Rhaetian). It is worth of established on the base of the Dasycladacean alga noting that this is the first finding of Misikella ultima Gryphoporella curvata (Giimbel) (Barattolo et al., 1993) in Southern Italy. ancf on molluscan macrofauna (namely megalodont Due to the high frequence of conodonts and their bivalves, Posenato & Ietto, 1995). More recendy, a good degree of preservation, the carbonate successions biostratiraphic study based o n Conodonts (Mastandrea of the Calabrian "Catena Costierà' may represent a et al., 1997) allowed an accurate dating of a tract of very important record of the Norian-Rhaetian the carbonate succession cropping out at M t. Cocuzzo boundary and of the conodont assemblages of the (Colle del Crapio section). It comprises the upper part uppermost Triassic. 498 A. MASTANDREA eta/ii

LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY considerable tracts affected by soil cover (Text-fig. 2). OF THE FOSSO PANTANELLE SECTION The outcropping base of the section is located above the boundary between the Lower and the Upper As already stated, the investigated stratigraphic Complex; however, the above quoted boundary crops section pertains to the so-called "Upper Sedimentary out in a small quarry (Quarry ofMt.S. Giovanni) qui te Complex" o fletto & letto (1998). The Fosso Pantanelle near to the sampled section (Text-figs. l, 2). Although section, about 96 m thick, is badly exposed, with it is not possible to state how much stratigraphic

Falconara Albanese • • Pietraferruggia 1239

• Fiumefreddo o • z Domanico w a: a: f- a: <( :2 • Belmonte M. Lucerna 1256 Calabro • Grimaldi


Calabrian (Calabridi) D crystalline·metamorphic units

Carbonate complex

Border of the tectoniç • window Sampled outcrop

a Fosso Pantanelle section

' Ouarry of the b Mt. Giovanni

Texr-fìg. l -A, Srrucrural unirs and location of the outcrops sampled; B, Location map of the Fosso Pantanelle an d the Quarry of rhe M t. S. Giovanni sections.

Text-fìg. 2- Composite stratigraphic section including che Quarry of che M t. S. Giovanni an d che Fosso Pantanelle sections. The geometrical- stratigraphic relationships have not been clearly defìned, bue may consist in a thin vertical separation or in a very moderate overlap. The vertical range of ramiform elemenrs is not shown and che zona! scheme is from Kozur & Mock (199l).Key: l , covered tracts; 2, carbonate breccia (debrites and high-densiry turbidites); 3, coarse-grained calciturbidites; 4, alternating lime mudstone and fìne-grained, thin-bedded calcirurbidites; 5, red-coloured mudstone and siltstone, interpreted as pyroclastic deposit; 6, neptunian dykes; 7, chert; 8, conodont samples. OUARRY Mt. S. GIOVANNI FOSSO PANTANELLE SECTION r----..-----___r= ___D>_=--=r .. O" l "LOWER "UPPER SEDIMENTARY COMPLEX" SED. le - c c c COMPLEX " .L-- • _..l._ J l l __ __!______l

/o ' :p; , ·'\) · • , · . · \ P'{) · A · . : \ :::: : :: ·. o :. : /) : --- -- . . ------.. ------. • , ·' . . _P : [J : l • t>, . f, . j) f> : P!J t.:l • . 6 . t ,1 · ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • o o "T1"T1 "T1 ,, "T1 ., "T1 ., ., 1\) 1\) W 01 Ol ...._, CD

<ì M. hernsteini n liJ M. posthernsteini O •-o • -o------D g M. ultima 1iiiJ ;:;j

•liiiJD ::>p - · l /\) - · barren interval - · Assemblages

l l l "' /\) 3 l 8 g; g <1> :;:l M. posthernsteini Zone Cl> l

M. hernsteini - ·-.) M. ultima Zone M. posthemsteini M. Kossenensis Subzone l Subzone l L l

1f TflìTIJ:: l LMrJ . . l'i:TlSJE!) -- sJ CJ) Ul ,t.. W N -4

\D"" B \D 500 A. MASTANDREA et alii

thickness occurs from the base of "Upper Complex" both from rurbidites and mudstone, occur through exposed in the above quoted quarry and the base of the whole unir. Fosso Pantanelle section, their conodont associations pertain to the same M. hernsteini Subzone of the M. The above described sedimenrary features indicate posthernsteini Zone. a deep sea (basin-floor) depositional setting for most The succession exposed in the quarry is represented of the exposed section, and a possible toe-of-slope to by about 30 m of carbonate breccia, with clast ranging slope environment for uni t (c). The frequent occurrence in size from l cm to several decimetres, pardy deriving of neptunian dykes in unit (c) suggests the onset of from a carbonate platform, alternated to minor even- signifìcant syn-depositional extensional tectonics. The laminated calcarenites. This succession is abrupdy abrupt overlying of blackish dolomitic mudstone on overlain by a uni t, about l O m rhick, consisting of thin- the coarse breccia of the "Lower Complex", interpreted bedded aphanitic dolostone alternated to minor as a carbonate slope deposi t, may be due to a signifìcant laminated doloarenites (Text-fìg.2). The same litho- retreat of the platform margin. facies characterize the lower tract (unita) of the Fosso Pantanelle section. CONODONT FAUNA This section consists of the following units: a) (0-30 m): dark-grey to blackish fìne-grained The occurrences, vertical range and abundance of dolostone and dolomitic limestone derived from the conodonrs in the Fosso Pantanelle section (included dolomitization of originary mudstone and wackestone, the Quarry of the M t. S. Giovanni) are shown in Text- with chert and mm- to cm-thick calciturbidites; mud- fìg. 2. The fauna is dominated by genus Misikella Kozur dominated debrites and rare slumped tracts also occur; & Mock, locally associated with ramiform element in the uppermost part of the unir, reddish cm-thick pertaining to the genera Grodella Kozur & Mosder an d mudstone layers occur; they are quite similar to the Neohindeodella Kozur. Misikella posthernsteini represents presumed pyroclastic deposits that characterize the about the 75% of the specimens, while Misikella overlying unit (b). hernsteini e Misikella ultima represent almost all of the b) (30-63 m): this unit is dominated by dark- remaining 25%. colored, thin bedded, fìne-grained dolostone, locally Faharaeus & Ryley (1989) referred M. hernsteini with chert and marly interlayers; cm-thick and M posthernsteini to the Axiothea, a genus with calciturbidites are intercalated in the whole unir; the bimembrate apparatus composed of coniform and most prominent feature of unit (b) is the frequent pectiniform elements. lt has not been possible to occurrence of mudstone, red-purple to yellowish in reconstruct this apparatus because no coniform colour, l to 25 cm thick, interpreted as pyroclastic elements were found in the Fosso Pantanelle's materia!. materia! (cinerite) mixed to carbonate mud (Di Locally the number of specimens collected is Girolamo et al., in press). The maximum frequence of surprisingly high (i.e. sample FP l, about 6 Kg in the cineritic layer is in the middle part of unit (40-50 weight, yielded 600 specimens of M. posthernsteini). from the base), unfortunately affected by considerable The vertical disrriburion of conodonts is characterized recent cover. by following intervals: c) The uppermost unit, abour 20 m thick, is i- a tract characterized by the association of M. separated from the underlying one by a wide covered hernsteini (Pl. l, fìgs. 1-5, 8) and M posthernsteini tract (13m thick). lt is characterized by a progressive (sample Ql and FPl); in this level very common increase in gravity-displaced deposits, represented by are clusters of Misikella and ramiform elements (P l. thin-bedded (3-5 cm) calciturbidites alternated to 3); dominating lime mudsrone in the lower part of the ii- a tract about 25 m thick, from sample FP2 to FP4, unir, and by coarse calciturbidites and debrites with where only M. posthernsteini occurs; minor mudstone in the upper part. Neptunian dykes, iii- fìnally, an horizon characterized by Misikella ultima a few decimerres to a few metres thick and cm- to dm- associated to a few specimens of M posthernsteini thick, infìlled by wedge-shaped laminated clasts derived (sample FP9).


Figs. 1-5, 8 - Misikella hernsteini (Mosder, 1967). 1,2,5,8) lareral views, FPl, xl80; 3) lower view, FPl, xl80; 4) upper view, FPl, xl80.

Figs. 6-7, 9-12 - Misikella posthernsteini Kozur & Mock, 1974. 6-7) lower views, FPl, xl80; 9) lareral views (a-b) lower view (c), FP3, xl 50; l 0-11) lareral views, FPl and FP3, xl80; 12) lower view, FP3, xl80. A. MASTANDREA et a/ii, RHAETIAN CONODONTS FROM CALABRIA P!. l 502 A. MASTANDREA et alii

Unfortunately, a very thick (about 45 m) barren KRYSTYN, 1987 KOZUR & MOCK, 1991 interval occurs in the middle part of the section (sample FP5 to FP8), and prevents a detailed investigation of posthernsteini Neohindeodella de tre i the vertical evolution of the faunal associations. rhaetica Misikella ultima 3f-o gJ paucidemata M. Mssenensis Subzone BIO- AND CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY Misikella posthernsteini steinbergensis M. hernsteini-M. posthernsleini Subzone The controversia! term "Rhaetian" indicates the uppermost part ofLate Triassic (Baud & Gaetani, 1991) Text-fìg. 3 - Tethyan Rhaetian conodont zonations. corrisponding to Vandaites stuerzenbaumi and Choristoceras marshi ammonoid tethyan Zones (Krystyn, 1987; 1990). Duringthelastyears, anumber of different zonal schemes based on conodonts have roughly correlative of the stuerzenbaumi and marshi been proposed for Rhaetian stage. Krystyn (1987), Zones of the Tethys. investigating the Zamblach Beds, defined four Misikella ultima (Pl. 2, figs. 1-9) is the last repre- conodont zones, marked respectively by Norigondolella sentative of the genus Misikella. This species has been steinbergensis, Oncodella paucidentata, Misikella rhaetica reported from Alps an d Hungary (Mostler et al., 1978; and Misikella posthernsteini (Text-fig. 3). Kozur & Mock, 1991), while in the Southern Appen- Kozur & Mock (1991) proposed three zones for nines (Amadeo et al., 1993) only primitive forms of the same time-interval in the Buda Mountains, M ultima, transitional to M. posthernsteini, have been Hungary: Misikella posthernsteini, Misikella ultima an d described. Neohindeodella detrei Zone (Text-fig. 3). Kozur & Mock As the conodont fauna from Calabrian Catena (1991) stated that the zones ofKrystyn (1987) are facies Costiera seem to lack in almost all the taxa charac- assemblages and not real chronostratigraphic zones, terizing the zones proposed by Krystyn (1987), while being based on facies-controlled taxa (i.e., species that it is quite rich in Misikellae, in the present paper we occur in relatively shallow waters). follow the zonation of Kozur & Mock (1991) (Text- Kozur (1989) and Kozur & Mock (1974a, b; 1991) fig .2, 3). stressed the chronostratigraphic importance of genus lt possible to distinguish, in the studied section, Misikella and considered the posthernsteini the most two biozones Misikella posthernsteini Zone and Misikella characteristic species of the wfwle Rhaetian. Further- ultima Zone (Text-fig. 2). Their boundary has been more, only it survives in the higher part of Rhaetian arbitrary drawn within the wide barren interval separa- during the crisis corrisponding to sea level lowstand ting the fossiliferous tracts (b) and (c). UAB2 (Hirsch, 1994a, b). The base of the M. posthernsteini Zone probably M. posthernsteini (Pl. l , figs. 6-7, 9-12) is a cosmo- does not coincide with the first occurrence of the politan species: i t has been described by Kozur & Mock marker at the base of the "Upper Sedimentary (1974b) from the Zlambach Beds of Slovakia, and Complex"in the Quarry ofMt.S.Giovanni. In fact, data subsequently reported from: from Colle del Crapio section (Mastandrea et al., 1997) - Europa and mediterranean area (Mostler et al., point out that the FAD of M posthernsteini may be 1978; Gazdzicki, 1978; Gazdzicki et al., 1979; Kovacs located within the ur,permost part of the "Lower & Kozur, 1980; Krystyn, 1980, 1987; Golebiowski, Sedimentary Complex '. Furtherly, we have subdivided 1986, 1990; Faharaeus & Ryley, 1989; Kachroo, 1989; the M. posthernsteini Zone into the two subzones, the Kozur & Mock, 1991 ; Amadeo et al., 1993; Gullo, hernsteini Subzone (characterized by the association of 1996; Mastandrea et al., 1997); the M. hernsteini an d M. posthernsteini), an d the - Japan (lsozaki & Matsuda, 1982; 1983); kossenensis Subzone (Text-fig.2). The latter has been - New Guinea (Skwarko eta!., 1976) distinguished , although lacks in typical taxa such as - NorthAmerica (Orchard, 1991a,b,c; Orchard & M. kossenensis and M. rhaetica, on the basis of the Tozer, 1997), where it occurs within the crickmay Zone, disappearance of M hernsteini from the record.


Figs. 1-9 - Misikella ultima Kozur & Mock, 1991. la-b) latera! and upper views, FP9, xl SO ; 2) upper view, FP9, xl SO ; 3) latera! view, FP9, x180; 4-5) lower views, FP9, xl SO; 6a-b) latera! and lower views, FP9, xl SO; 7) latera! view, FP9, xl SO; Sa-b) latera! and lower views, FP9, xl SO; 9) latera! view, FP9, xl80. A. MASTANDREA et alii, RHAETIAN CONODONTS FROM CALABRIA Pl. 2 504 A. MASTANDREA et alii

CONCLUSIVE REMARKS conodonts in peninsular Italy: Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d'Italia, 110 (1991): 3-22. BARATIOLO, F., DE CASTRO, P. & PARENTE, M., 1993, Some remarks l - The conodont faunas occurring in the studied on Griphoporella curvata (Gi.imbel 1872) Pia 1915, section (pertainin!?, to the so-called "Upper Sedi- dasycladacean green alga from the Upper Triassic. In: Barattolo mentary Complex ') allow the recognition of rwo F., De Castro, P. & Parente, M. (eds.), Studies o n fossi! benthic bio-and chronozones: the M. posthernsteini Zone algae: Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Special and the M ultima Zone. The lower boundary of Volume no.1: 23-46. BAUD, E. & GAEATANI, M ., 1991 , Offìcial meeting of rhe posthernsteini Zone is probably located below the Subcommission on Triassic Srrarigraphy: Alberriana, 10: 11- top of the "Lower Sedimentary Complex", 15. according to data in Mastandrea et al. (1997). No DI GIROLAMO, P., I ETIO, A., IETTO, F. & STANZIONE, D ., (in press), data are available about the upward extension of Tufìri andesiriche nella successione carbonarica uiassica di Monte Cocuzzo (Carena Costiera-Calabria). M. ultima Zone. FAHARAEUS, L.E., RYLEY, C.C., 1989, Multielement species of 2 - The chronostratigraphic interpretation of the above Misikella Kozur & Mock, 1974 and Axiothea n .gen. quoted biozone according t o Kozur & Mock ( 1991) (Conodonta) from rhe Mamonia Complex (Upper Triassic), is that they correspond to Rhaetian stage: M. Ciprus: Canadian Journal of Earrh Sciences, 26: 1255-1263. GAZDZICKI, A., 1978, Conodonts of rhe Genus Misikella Kozur & posthernsteini is regarded by the authors as the Mock, 1974 from rhe Rhaerian of rhe Tarra Mrs (Wesr conodont marker of the base ofRhaetian. 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Figs. l, 3-4 - Clusrers oframiform elements, FPl, xl80. Fig. 2 -Cluster of Misikella ultima Kozur & Mock, 1991 and ramiform elements, FP9, xl 50. Figs. 5, 10-11 - Clusrers of Misikella hemsteini (Mosder,l967), FPl, xl80. Figs. 6-9 - Clusrers of Misikella posthernsteini Kozur & Mock, 1974, FPl, xl80. A. MASTANDREA et a/ii, RHAETIAN CONODONTS FROM CALABRIA P!. 3 506 A. MASTANDREA et alii

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