Sportsnews1961january Dece
" UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MINNEAPOLIS 14 i-~'HHHHHHHHHHHHH'~-lHHHHHHHHHHl* 1961 GOIF BROCHURE "The Gophers" The Schedule March 2(}.21 Rice at Houston, Texas April 26 Carleton Here May 6 Iowa, Wisconsin at Iowa City May 19-20 Conference Meet at Bloomington, Ind. June 19-24 NCAA Meet at Lafayette, Ind. 1960 Minnesota Golf Results Minn. Opp. 23t St. Thomas 3} 16~ Maca1ester l~ 17 Hamline 1 29 Iowa 25 15 Wisconsin 21 27 Wisconsin 201. 22 Northwestern 13 181 Iowa 171 20 Alumni 10 21 Minneapolis Golf Club 15 Placed Fourth in Conference Meet *****i'MHHHh\~<iHHHH.YHHP,******",HHHHHHHfo This brochure was prepared by the Sports Information Office, University of Minnesota. For further information contact Otis'J. Dypwick, Sports Information Director, Room 208 Cooke Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota. - 2·- 1961 MINNESOTA GOLF PROSPECTS "Minnesota's golf outlook is the brightest in years.IV That optimistic statement is how veteran Gopher coach Les Bolstad views his team's prospects for the 1961 season. riAnything can happen in the Big 10, but we're aiming for as high as we can go,a Bolstad declares. Biggest factors in the rosy outlook, according to Bolstad, are experience and balance. The Gophers top four men, Gene Hansen, Capt. Carson Herron, Rolf Deming, and Jim Pfleider are extremely well matched, and Bolstad says he can't chose between them as to excellence. The other members of the squad's top six are Harry Newby and Les Peterson. Bolstad hopes his squad will continue the great improvement demonstrated last year when the Gophers catapulted from ninth to fourth place and almost finished second.
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