, II Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa MosUy doad,. 0«&11011&1 -~ormed Campus and showus aDd UlllDder­ 'e face storms. Not modi c:haDP I COut_ Iowa Citf • in temperatan. Bleb to­ day. 83; low. It. Blah FrI­ iratioll at daJ'. 84; low. 55, I," the ! duty Est. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wue. AP Wuephoto - Five Cents Iowa Cily. Iowa. Saturday. May 24. 1952 - Vol. 86. No. 167 muary, I Korea ~eeem_ on in- 952, at -!I!l!!I!l!!I .lifulillil enera 5 emo e :rac own Prof. Z'opf Appointed Pharmacy Dean 1 Dies In Crash. :;:~g~:;~s Kuever to Relinquish North Of Iowa City pow Policy Virgil Bell, 49, o! Cedar Rapids, was killed Instantly in a car­ WASffiNGTON fA") -The army truck crash five miles north of Iowa City on highway 218 about 2:40 Friday "broke" the two brigadier Administrative Duties p.m. Friday afternoon. generals Involved in the KOje Bell was the first auto fatality in Johnson county this year. prisoners' revolt fiaseo in Korea. The slate board of education Friday named Louis C. Zop!, pro­ Hilhway patrolmen said Bell's It reduced them to the rank of lessor in the college of pharmacY, as dean ot the college succeedinr car collIded nearly headon with colonel. and ordered a formal R. A. Kuever, who will relinquish his administrative duties under the an Jowa Power and Light com­ reprimand for their Immediate university retirement policy on July 1. pany truck driven by Paul Hamer, superior. President Virgil M. Hancher, -------------­ 30, also ot Cedar Rapids. Unilied Europe Demoted to rank or colonel announcing the board's action, Vinton. During 1944-45, he was Taken to BosPi&a1 were Brig. Gen. Francis T. Dodd, said Dean Kuever will be accord­ a consultnntlo S. B. Penick &. Co .. , 11 m r was tak n to Unjv rslty Defense Force the Kolc commandant wbo was ed the tiUe of Dean Emeritus Bnd New York. hospltal1l (or ob crvation, but was seized and held for several day. will remain on the teaching Cacul- Professor Zopt is a member of not believed to be seriously hurt, by the Red POW's until their the Iowa Pharmaceutical associa­ patrolmen said. Set lor NATO "ransom" demands were met lind tion, Sigma Xl, Rho Chi, Beta Pi A II's Brig. Oen. Chllrles F. Colson, the comp,lnlon in B car, STRASBOURG, France (II") - mlln who agreed to the prisoners' Sigma, Theta Xl and the Univel'­ Charles rap, 40, 01 a ot Cedar sily hospitals' formulary commit­ Rapids, was treated at UniversIty Ministers 01 six W t European terms ror releasing Dodd. tee. He is chairman of the sub­ hospitals lor cuts on tbe head and nations Friday completed the Will Lon Pa, commlUee on dermatologie pro­ r leased. terms ot a treaty to merge their Each will lose $133.38 a month ducts of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia The lorce at the collision armies In a unWed defense force :c~~y and $34.20 In rent allow- Revision committee; chairman, knocked the box of the t~uck that will an wer ord rs of the In addition, the army ordered scientific section, American Phar­ completely oC! the chasl . maceutical association; member of North Atlantic ailiance. They dl'- an "administrative reprimand" for Witnes.~es at the accident. said cidcd thl' poet should run for 50 Brig. Gen. Paul F. Yount. com­ commiltee on cosmetics, American several liquor botlles were found Medical association since 1948, anll years. mande~ of the army base section ncar the scene of the accident. at Pusan which has Jurisdiction secretary-treasurer of the Ameri­ ReJ)Ol1II Weavlol' ca.r French Foreign Minister Robert over the Kole lsi nd prison camp. can Al>soclation of Colleges of A driver of a car which had Scbuman announced the treaty Coincident with the crackdown Phannacy since 1947. been ahead oC Bell for sevcral will be signed In Pari, Tuesday. announcement, the army Imposed lIolds Deanship 15 Yeai'll (Da1l1 l ow.n. Ph.'., miles prior to the accident. said A companion document to lh a blackout on further disclosures Dean Kuever, a native of Low­ Cedar Rapids Man Died in This Crash Bell's car was w avln" on the West German p ace contract to be about the KoJe episode. den, nas been on the faculty of highway. onlT Wan" Probe the college of pharmacy since VIRGIL BELL. 49. OF CEDAR RAPID , drtver of the above car, wa killed Ill, tantly wh~n hi ear Patrolmen said Bell's car was signed In Bonn Monday, the treaty Senale and house members 1907. He was named a Cull pro­ eras bed headon with .. ~ruck .tlve miles norLh of Iowa. City on hl.. hway 218 about 2:1 0 p.m. FrIday. travelling south and met the Is to line up more than a million aUke have said many clements of fessor In 1925, and has held the Two other men were Injured In the crash. Tirey .. re Pa.ul Hamer, 3D, and h&rles Crags, 40, both of truck on a curve. Witnesses said troop of We·t Germ ny, France, the case are completely baffling deanship since the retirement of Cedar Rapids. Hamer was drlvtnK &h e truck and Cr~s was rldl~ with Bt-Il. 8 11 was the flnt auto the car swerved In an attempt to Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and stili unexplained and have Dean Emeritus Wilbur J. Teeters fatality In JoblUon cowlty Ulis year. avoid the colllsion. but hit :he and Luxembourg. demanded II full-dress Investl,a- in 1937. truck just to the rear at the cab. R. A. Kuever The retiring dean holds two de­ Bolh the car and the truck H and when the trcaty is LlnaUy tlon. grees from the univerSity, having approved domesllc armies of the An army spokesman lold news­ Will Rel1lllin on Paclllty were totally demOlished, patrol­ partlclpa{lng naUons will dis. men at the P ntagon that FrldllY's received a graduate in pharmacy men said. ly. He has been grantetl a year's degree In 1907 and a degree of House Approves Huge Today Is Deadline appear. A concentrated Europ an announcement was all the armY leave of absence without salary pharmaceutical chemist In 1911. army, in a sinille uniform except expl'Cted to make public l'elatinl( beginning July 1. In addition to his teuching and lor headgear, will replace them. to the Official InvesUgatlon and Zopf has beon on the college- of administrative duties, Delln Kucv­ Foreign Aid Measure To Pick Up Hawkeye U.S. Flatly Denies Europc's military chools will be- recommendations received !rom come international cad mles. Gen. Mark W. Clark, the new Far pharmacy faculty since 1928 when er has acted as consultant to nu­ Today from to a.m. &0 • V.m. Is East commander In chief. he was appointed drug service merous commerciat firms in the WASHINGTON {JP)-The house the last da, the 1952 Uawkeye wlll Soviet Charge of From corps level up, the com­ The spokesman 1!aJd Clark's re­ pharmacist. He was an assistant Friday passed a $6,162,600,000 mand groups will be chosen !rom field of pharmaceutical pharmacy. (R-Ohlo) lead tho forccs demand­ be dlstribuled. port was classified - secret · or professor Crom 1924-41, when he Member of 10 Groups foreign aid blll alter cuUlng $1,- Ing the cuts. They overrode marc all the countrle . Each nation wlli The 402 pare maroon-covered confidential - and probably con­ became professor in charge of He is a member of the America n 737,400,000 from Presid nt Tru­ moderate reductions proposed by Meddling in Iran be assigned a proportionate share tained "considerable security In­ drug service, a position he Association for the Advancement man's requests. The measure DOW supporters of Gen. Dwight D. yearbook may be picked up In the of troops to raise. guns to supply, formation." The report, described renUy holds. ioes to the senate. WASHINGTON (JP) - The pianes to build. ot Science, American Chemical Eisenhower. Democratic absentee­ department of publlu tlona In &he United states flatly denied Fri­ as "very lengthy," reached Wash­ Holds 3 SUI Denees society, Americnn Association of The roll call vote was 245 to ism gave the Republ1cans control w t end of East hall. day a Sovlot charge that Amerl­ The powerbouse at the treaty Ington Friday morning. A native of Marengo, the new Colleges of Pharmacy, of which 110. during crucial voting Thursday I a commlssJarlat of nine men, to Distribution of the book beran can military missions control tho New Pollc)' Told dean received a graduate in phar­ he was president in 1941, Ameri­ Temporarily dominated by Re­ and Friday. armed of Iran. It also ac­ direct training. arming and de­ MeanwhJle, In related develop­ macy degree in 1926, a bachelor Friday. torces can Association at University publicans, the house sliced $726,- The cuts reduced mlUtary aid ~o cused Russia of meddling in ploymen t of the troops. It is ments: Professors, American Pharmaceu- 500,000 on the floor in addilion 10 Europe by $829 million and trim­ Iran's Internal affairs. pledged in advance to standardize I. Associated Press correspond­ , tical association, International $1,010,900,000 which the foreign med a lotal of $908,400,000 Crom The statement was made by arms In harmony with NATO. ent Robert Eunson said in a dis­ Pharmaceutical association, Sigma a[fairs commIttee previously trim­ economic aid lor Europe and the Government Lists Michael J. McDermott, state de­ The six ministers settled the patch from TOkyo that Gen.
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