Mass Transfer and Kinetic Studies of a Solid-Liquid System Leigh Christine Hagenson Iowa State University

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Mass Transfer and Kinetic Studies of a Solid-Liquid System Leigh Christine Hagenson Iowa State University Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Dissertations 1997 Sonochemical reactions: mass transfer and kinetic studies of a solid-liquid system Leigh Christine Hagenson Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Acoustics, Dynamics, and Controls Commons, Chemical Engineering Commons, Chemistry Commons, and the Physics Commons Recommended Citation Hagenson, Leigh Christine, "Sonochemical reactions: mass transfer and kinetic studies of a solid-liquid system " (1997). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 11801. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Dissertations at Iowa State University Digital Repository. 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UMI A Bell & Ifowell Infonnadon Company 300 North Zed) Road, Ann Aibor MI 48106-1346 USA 313A761-4700 800/521-0600 Sonochemical reactions: Mass transfer and kinetic studies of a solid-liquid system by Ldgfai Chiistine Hagenson A dissertation submitted to the graduate Acuity ia partial fiilfiTlment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major Chemical Engineering Major Professor L. K Doraiswamy Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 1997 DMI NtJinber: 9737715 UMI Microform 9737715 Copyright 1997, by UMI Company. All rights reserved. This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. UMI 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 ii Graduate College Iowa State University This is to certify that the Doctoral dissertation of Leigh Christine Hagenson has met the dissertation requirements of Iowa State University Signature was redacted for privacy. MajorProfessorajor Professor Signature was redacted for privacy. For the Maj6r Program Signature was redacted for privacy. For the Graduate College iii DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents, Drs. Randy and Maiy Jane Hagenson, who, through their actions and words, provided me with excellent models to emulate. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTOFRGURES X LIST OF TABLES xiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS XV ABSTRACT xvi CHAPTER 1. (^NERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Litroduction 1 1.2 Dissertation Organization 1 CHAPTER 2. SONOCHEMISTRY: SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 4 2.1 Bistory 5 2.2 General Introduction 7 2.3 Theory 9 2.3.1 Bubble dynamics 10 2.3.2 Factors affecting cavitation 15 2.3.3 Sonoluminescence 25 2.3.4 Estimation of ultrasonic parameters 26 2.4 Applications in Organic Synthesis 31 V 2.4.1 Homogeneous systems 42 2.4.2 Heterogeneous systems 43 2.4.3 Effects on chemical bonding 49 2.4.4 Modeling 50 2.5 Other Applications 51 2.5.1 Organometallic chemistry 51 2.5.2 Polymerization 52 2.5.3 Biotechnology 53 2.5.4 Medicinal uses 54 2.6 Ultrasomid Used in Conjmiction M/ith Other Enhancement Techniques 55 2.6.1 Phase transfer catafysis 55 2.6.2 B^hasing 58 2.6.3 Sur&ctants 59 2.6.4 Photofysis 59 2.7 Kinetic Anafysis 60 2.7.1 Reaction zones 60 2.7.2 Kinetic modeling 63 2.8 Mass Transfer Studies 67 2.8.1 Fifan transfer 67 2.8.2 Dissolution 71 2.8.3 Permeability 74 2.9 Methods of Producing Cavitation 74 vi 2.9.1 Piezoelectric vs. magnetostrictive transducers 75 2.10 Characterization of the Sound Field 76 2.11 Ultrasonic System Types 77 2.11.1 Ultrasonic bath 77 2.11.2 Probe (horn) systems 79 2.11.3 Planar transducer 81 2.11.4 Conq>aiison of ^em types 83 2.12 Sonochemical Reactors with Electromechanical Transducers 84 2.12.1 Batch and/or continuous flow reactors 85 2.12.2 Batchreactors with external flow loop 87 2.12.3 Tubular reactors 90 2.13 Reactors Based on Alternative Methods of Generating Cavitation 98 2.13.1 liquid whistle 98 2.13.2 Hydrodynamic cavitation reactor 99 2.14 Scale-Up Considerations 100 2.15 Conclusions 102 2.16 Nomenclature 103 2.17 References 108 CHAPTER 3. RATE ENHANCEMENTS IN A SOLII>-LIQUID REACTION USING PTC, 131 MICROPHASE, ULTRASOUND AND COMBINATIONS THEREOF Abstract 131 3.1 bitroduction 132 vii 3.1.1 Objective 135 3.1.2 Previous work on sulfide synthesis 136 3.2 Mechanisin of PTC Action 137 3.3 E7q)eTimental Apparatus and Procedure 138 3.4 Results and Discussion 140 3.4.1 Reactions with PTC alone 140 3.4.2 Reactions under the influence of microphases 145 3.4.3 Reactions under the influence of ultrasound 150 3.4.4 Summary of individual and combined ef^s of PTC, 157 microphase and ultrasound 3.5 Conclusions 159 3.6 Nomenclature 160 3.7 References 161 CHAPTER 4. COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF ULTRASOUND AND 164 NFECHANICAL AGITATTON ON A REACTING SOLID-LIQUID SYSTEM Abstract 164 4.1 Introduction 165 4.1.1 General 165 4.1.2 Kinetic modeling approach 169 4.1.3 Objectives 170 4.2 E^qperimental^paratus, Procedure and Tools 170 4.3 Results and Discussion 173 viii 4.3 Results and Discussion 173 4.3.1 Power measurement 173 4.3.2 Particle size analysis 177 4.3.3 Kinetic studies 179 4.3.4 Effect on sur&ce area 190 4.3.5 Effect of sodium sulfide purity 191 4.3.6 Morphology of solid sur&ce 187 4.4 Conclusions 195 4.5 Nomenclature 196 4.6 References 198 CHAPTER 5. USE OF ULTRASOUND TO INDUCE SUPERSATURATION IN A 201 SOLID-LIQUID SYSTEM Abstract 201 5.1 Introduction 201 5.2 Theory 202 5.3 E^qperimental Apparatus, Procedure and Tools 204 5.4 Results 206 5.5 Discussion 209 5.5.1 Formation of supercritical fluid 209 5.5.2 Gibbs-Thonipson relationsh^ 211 5.5.3 Siq>ersaturation of an aqueous ^stem 213 5.6 Conclusions 214 ix 5.7 Nomenclature 215 5.8 References 216 CHAPTER 6. (SNERAL CONCLUSIONS 217 X LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. Particle degradation of NaiS in the presence and absence of ultrasound 45 Avith and without reaction (Hagenson and Doraiswaroy, 1997). Figure 2.2. Bistogram of average diameter data for sanq)les of NaiS in the presence 45 of ultrasound (Hagenson and Doraiswan^r, 1997). Figure 2.3. The use of PTC, ultrasound, and the combination on the conversion of 56 benzyl chloride for the ^thesis of dibenaiyi sulfide (Hagenson et al., 1994). Figure 2.4. Use of ultrasound and the combination of PTC and ultrasound on the 56 synthesis of TossTACN (Mason et a/., 1994). Figure 2.5. Three reaction zones of sonochemical reactions. 60 Figure 2.6. Symmetric collapse resulting in localized hot spot. 64 Figure 2.7. Ultrasonichorizontalsettiingcolumn(Woodeland W)randt, 1960). 70 Figure 2.8. Effect ofultrasound on the flow pattern within a horizontal settling 70 column (Woodel and \^randt, 1960). Figure 2.9. Siqiersaturation as a resuh of eTqiosure to ultrasound (Hagenson and 72 Doraiswamy, 1998). Figure 2.10. Ultrasonic enhancemoit of the rate of dissolution. 73 Figure 2.11. Ultrasonic bath systems with (a) mounted transducers and (b) 78 submersed transducers. Figure 2.12. Planar transducer ^stoms. 81 Figure 2.13. Sonochemical stirred tank reactor (Berger, 1996). 85 Figure 2.14. Hexagonal sonochemical reactor. 86 Figure 2.15. Flow loops used to sonicate external streams of batch and continuous 88 flow reactors. xi Figure 2.16. Harwell sonochemical reactor. 89 Figure 2.17. Branson sonocJiemical reactor (tubular configuration). 90 Figure 2.18. Ultrasonic reactor designed to emulsify immiscible Hqpnd streams 92 within the reaction chamber and then send the enmlsified mixture through a fbced bed tr^hase catalyst chamber (Ragaini, 1992). Hgure 2.19. Lewis Nearfidd Acoustic Processor (NAP). 93 Figure 2.20. Cylindrical p^e reactor. 93 Figure 2.21. Cross sections of two types of tube reactors. 94 Figure 2.22. Martin Walter push-pull ^^eoL 95 Figure 2.23. Shell and tube reactor configuration with transduces embedded in 96 shell waE The reaction mixture is contained on the shell side and the heat transfer fluid in contained in the tube (Ragaini, 1992). Figure 2.24. Sodeva sonotube. 97 Figure 2.25. Liquid whistle. 98 Figure 2.26. Flow through an orifice; hydrodynamically created cavitation. 100 Figure 2.27. Scale-iq> considerations. 101 Figure 3.1 Visual representation of PTC action.
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