St Lawrence’s, Brundish & St Mary’s, Wilby

February 2018 March 2018

Parish Magazine

Facebook ‘Brunby and friends’

Supported by community donations and advertising revenue


RECTOR Rev’d David Burrel 01986 798136 PRIEST Rev’d Ron Orams 01986 798901 OIL SYNDICATE Tim Gillingham 01728 628752 OIL Rix Petroleum 0800 5424924 CINEMA Priscilla Williamson 01379 388034 BRUNDISH HALL HIRE David Holliday 07765 345541 WILBY HALL HIRE Ian Taylor 01379 388112 POLICE Community 01986 385300 BROADBAND Fram Broadband 01728 726507 DEFIBRILLATOR (BRUNDISH) Peter Palmer 01728 628696 DEFIBRILLATOR (WILBY) VETS 01379 844704 DOCTOR Framlingham 01728 726507 DOCTOR Fressingfield 01728 586227 DENTIST Framlingham Dental 01728 723651 VET Framlingham 01728 621666 VET Castle Framlingham 01728 723481 GYM & SWIM Stradbroke Fitness 01379 384376 PRE-SCHOOL Occold 01379 678397 SCHOOL Wilby Primary School 01379 384708 SCHOOL Thomas Mills 01728 723493 SCHOOL Stradbroke 01379 384387 LIBRARY Framlingham 01728 723735 MILK DELIVERY Milk & More 01493 660400 PUB The Crown 01728 628282 TAXI Country Cars 01728 724377 TAXI Warnes 01728 724160 BUS LINK Connecting Communities 01449 614271 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR

Dear Reader,

Facebook page, ‘Brunby and friends’.

We now have over 41 members, it is for all residents in Wilby and Brundish and everyone is welcome. You can remind us of events, update news and information, put photos up (old and new!) and share in your community.

There is lots to read about in the magazine. We would like to hear from you for new ideas for the magazine. Our aim is to increase our readership and involve more people. We deliver to about 235 houses and would like to provide something for everyone!

Happy New Year! We wish you all the best for 2018.

Alison Hosford and Alex McNab EDITORS

Everyone is welcome to contribute to the magazine

20th March 2018 last day for contributions!

EMAIL [email protected]


Bickers Hill, Laxfield, IP13 8DP Telephone: 01986 798901

Dear Friends, Happy New Year! Looking ahead, 2018 has two prominent dates, the 5th July and 11th November. On the 11th November which coincidentally is a Sunday it is not only Remembrance Day, but we will mark exactly 100 years since the end of the first world war. I have heard some say that following that major anniversary we should no longer mark the occasion; it is important to note that nowadays we don’t just remember the fallen from the first world war, but those who have suffered in all conflicts no matter how recent. It is not celebrating or glorifying in war, far from it, it is a sign of hope. A time when politicians stand together, united and differences put to one side, a time when religious leaders of all faiths stand together. It is vital for our future vision of the world in which we live, for as George Santayana said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to think that perhaps one day the world would celebrate 100 years of global peace? It was on 5th July 1948 That Nye Bevan launched the National Health Service at The Park Hospital Manchester (now Trafford General) and bought free healthcare into every home in the . Of course the NHS isn’t free, its paid for through taxes and national insurance. And of course, some use it more than others, there are many people whose survival and quality of life would not have been possible without the NHS and the NHS can only survive if we pay for it, even though it may mean that many will pay more into it than they will ever get out. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus gave us a vision of a world of equality and justice, where everything will be levelled and put right. The NHS is a move towards that vision of equality, where those who can pay do, so that those who cannot, don’t have to. I hear more and more often in the media that the NHS is under threat; it would be one of the greatest tragedies in modern times if it were to fail, so please do support it in any way you can. With my prayers and best wishes, Ron

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Address: The Rectory, 15 Noyes Avenue, Laxfield IP13 8EB Telephone: 01986 798136 Email: [email protected]

Fifty years ago it was considered to be quite improper for a woman who had given birth to be seen in public before she had been “Churched”. It was almost as if the Old Testament idea that the act of bearing a child made a woman unclean still persisted. According to the Jewish law a mother was unclean for 40 days after the birth of a son and 80 days after the birth of a daughter. When that time was over she would come to the priest and offer a sacrifice of a lamb or two turtle doves or two young pigeons. So on the 40th day after Christmas the Church has observed the festival commonly called The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Christian faith, however, does not hold that the bearing of a child makes a woman unclean. In the new liturgy – Common Worship – the service of Churching has been replaced by The Service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child. It can be used as a private or public celebration of the birth or adoption of a child and it meets the needs of parents who see it as a preliminary to Baptism or who do not ask for Baptism, but who recognize that something has happened for which they wish to give thanks to God.

On 2nd February or the Sunday near to it the Church commemorates the events recorded in St Luke 2.22-40 when Mary and Joseph brought the infant Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord and when Simeon greeted him as “a light to lighten the Gentiles”. So the festival has two other names: “The Presentation of Christ in the Temple” and “Candlemas”. In the past it has suffered from some confusion – sometimes regarded as a “purple” penitential rite and sometimes as a time of light and joy.

Modern liturgy has sought to rescue the feast from this confusion. It is now regarded as a festival of the Lord – his presentation in the temple – although his mother still has a significant place in the story. During the season of Epiphany we have celebrated the revelation of Christ’s glory in a variety of ways. Candlemas marks the end of that season; but more than that it has become a pivotal point in the Christian year – when we take a last look back to Christmas and the Incarnation and then turn to face in another direction - with Lent near we turn towards Christ’s passion, Holy Week and Easter.

In this benefice we shall keep Candlemas on 4th February. May we celebrate this festival with joy and then turn towards the keeping of a holy Lent.

David Quiz answers

1. Jesus, 2. Mary, 3. God with us, 4. Bethlehem, 5. Melchior, Balthazar & Caspar, 6. East, 7. Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh, 8. I will accept ( John Francis Wade, John reading, John IV of Portugal or Frederick Oakeley) 9. Saint Nicholas (Santa) 10. Hark the herald angels sing, 11. White, 12. God bless us everyone, 13. Beaten egg white whipped, egg yolk, milk sugar, brandy or rum or whisky, 14. Dasher, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen Prancer, Vixen, Comet and Cupid. 15. As was pointed out it could be one of many but the most famous must Miracle on 34th Street. 16. Frosty, 17. Under the Mistletoe, 18. It glowed, 19. Silver bell, 20. Charles Dickens.

The winner was Linda Sherman who got all right but was the only person to send in an entry. Well done Linda enjoy the chocolate......

Tea at The Rectory. Every 1st Friday of the month.

Everybody is welcome at The Rectory on Friday 2nd February and Friday 2nd March from 3:00pm—4:30pm, for tea and to chat with the Rector.


We need 100 people to pay £12.00 a year for a monthly draw. 1 prize of £50.00 each month. You need to be in it to win it!

Interested? Email [email protected]


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St Lawrence’s, Brundish

Church Wardens Mig Bacon 01379 388808

John Graham 01379 384444 Lay Elders David Mulrenan 01728 628063 Sandra Apps 01728 628607 Michael Spencer 01728 724590

The Carol Service at Brundish. Contributed by David Mulrenan.

It all seems such a long way away now, but it ought to be mentioned how wonderful December and especially Christmas Eve was in this small place. Invitations to come to the Carol Service are always cordially given in the hope that the church will be filled with cheerful, expectant people on this most holy evening. No matter what faith one has or even none, it can’t be denied that the story of Christ’s birth is something that captures the heart. I have always felt that Christmas is a time when the church is expected to make a big effort for everyone, whether they are seasoned churchgoers or not. Perhaps something might strike a chord in the deepest part of one’s spirituality if a service is presented in a way which enriches and charms the senses. To that end, it was wonderfully rewarding for all the people who did such a splendid job in preparing the service and the church to hear such encouraging words of gratitude and accolade from those who left our much loved place of worship after the service on Christmas Eve. All 156 of them! The second biggest congregation for Christmas in sixty years! To each and every one of you who came, I hope you took something away with you that might stick in your minds. If that happened, then I can only thank God.

Mothering Sunday. Sunday 11th March 10:30am

Lay Minister Sandra Apps will conduct a Family Service on the big day. After having brought your mums a cup of tea in bed, why not come to your church where we will celebrate all mothers and provide them with a little something special? Refreshments are offered after the service. This is always such a lovely occasion. Please come along if you are able.

Choral Evensong for Passion Sunday. Sunday 18th March 6:30 pm

Amid the build up to Easter, Passion Sunday is often overlooked in its importance by the Church, especially in recent times. Its meaning is to signify the Church beginning to see Christ’s suffering as its main pre- occupation leading up to the events of Good Friday. To that end, Brundish will be having a Choral Evensong with The Chantry Singers to mark the event. Please join us. A Choral Liturgy for Good Friday. Friday 30th March 12 noon

The church is stripped bare of all adornments for this solemn service of commemoration. The Chantry Singers join the congregation which will re-live the pathos of this day of cruelty and betrayal.

A Service of Light for Easter Morning. Sunday 1st April 5:30am

Certainly this is a service for either the committed or the insomniac! As the sun rises over our village on this most glorious of mornings, a cauldron is lit in the church yard. From this, the Paschal Candle is lit and processed into the darkened church to represent the Light of Christ. Breakfast will be served after the service. You will have deserved it!

Easter Family Communion by Extension. Sunday 1st April 11:00am

This is the most important and happiest of all services in the Christian year. The church will be swathed in all its festal finery to proclaim the ultimate glory of the resurrection. The Chantry Singers will swell the voices of the congregation in a Communion Service by extension led by David Mulrenan. (By extension means the bread and wine, representing the body and blood of Christ, is consecrated beforehand by the Rector enabling a Lay Minister or Reader to conduct Communion). As usual, Simnel Cake and coffee or tea will be served after the service and we hope that the Easter Bunny will make his secret visit to the church and churchyard for the youngsters to find what he/ she has left. (Chocolate eggs, we hope!) Please mark this wonderful service down in your diaries and we hope you will join us on the day.

Easy Fundraising – It costs YOU nothing! St Lawrence’s, Brundish Last month you raised £22.16, altogether you have raised £617.74. Well done!

Readers and Flowers

If you could donate flowers from your garden for the church flower arrangements, it would be a great help. If you would like to be a reader or help with the flower arrangements, contact Mig Bacon 01379 388808 St Mary’s, Wilby

Church Wardens Mary Pipe 01728 723443

Rob Barber 01379 388040

Lay Elder Sheila Pipe 01728 723443

Lent Lunches Lent Lunches will be taking place again this year, all on Saturdays from 12:30 to 2:00pm. Do come along and tuck into some soup, followed by cheese and biscuits and tea/coffee, and enjoy a chat. No charge but donations welcome. Everyone most welcome—no need to book. 17th Feb Barbara and Ben Barker Oaklands Farm, Brundish Road, Wilby, IP21 5LS 3rd March Scilla and Gerald Western Briarwood House, Church Road, Wilby, IP21 5LE 17th March Jassy and John Newton Coles Farm, Cole Street, Wilby, IP21 5LH

Wilby bells. A team of ringers will be visiting Wilby church on Friday 16th February at 10am to attempt to ring a peal.

Drop in for Coffee. Tuesday 20th February 10:00am-11:30am

Drop in will be back on Tuesday 20th February from 10:00am to 11:30am. All are welcome for a cup of tea or coffee, delicious cake and a chat.

Mothering Sunday Service. Sunday 11th March 9:30am

Holy Week and Easter Maundy Thursday Service at 8:00pm on 29th March. Benefice Communion, stripping of the altar followed by a 'drop in and out' prayer vigil until midnight commemorating the Last Supper and Jesus being taken away, leaving the disciples bereft.

Good Friday Service. Friday 30th March 10:00am Easter Day. Sunday 1st April 11:00am

Lesson Readers Sunday 4th February Linda Wright Sunday 18th February Judy and David Brundan Sunday 4th March Alex and Roger Gwym Sunday 18th March Andrew Pilling

Easyfundraising– It costs YOU nothing!


Tel: 01728 628282

We would love to see you at the Crown., come and try our extensive menu cooked to order, with fresh local produce

Wednesdays and Thursday Bar open 6.00-11.00pm; Food 6.00-8.45pm Friday open 5.00-11.00pm Food 5.00-8.45pm Saturdays: Bar open 12.00-2.00pm; 6.00-11.00pm; Food 12.00-1.45pm; 6.00- 8.45pm Sundays: Bar open 12.00-4.00pm; Food 12.00-2.00pm

Closed: Monday & Tuesday; Monday - Friday lunch times PARISH COUNCIL NEWS

Wilby Parish Council

Ian Williamson, Chair 01379 388034 Julie Collet, Clerk 01986 798258


At its meeting on 15 January 2018 the Council narrowly approved its budget for 2018/19 and agreed to retain the Precept ( Parish Council funds met from the Council Tax) unchanged at £3500. Details of the budget etc. will be published in due course.

Neighbourhood Plan

Good progress is being made with the Neighbourhood Plan. There has been regular contact with the District Council Planning staff, a key milestone has been reached in that the Application to Designate a NP Area ( ie the parish boundary) has been approved by BMSDC , the volunteer group of residents has met to discuss and agree working methods, and an open event has been arranged for Saturday 10 February 2018 in the Village Hall to brief residents on progress and to enable everyone to have his/her say on such issues as future housing development, amenities, transport, the environment etc. to inform the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Babergh and Mid District Councils

The proposed creation of a single District Council was supported since this was the logical end point of the current fully integrated joint working under a single Chief Executive and reflected majority public opinion in as expressed in the 2011 referendum.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall on Wednesday 7 March 2018. All are welcome to attend. Brundish Parish Council

Anthony Bryant 01728 628600 Dina Bedwell, Clerk 01473 788510

Defibrillator Familiarisation Course. Wednesday 25th April 7.00pm- 8.30pm Brundish council have organised this course for up to 16 people. Everyone is welcome and it is free!

Please contact Dianne Palmer 01728628696 to reserve a place.

Brundish Village Fete July 2018 We need fresh ideas for the village fete! Anthony has exhausted his repertoire of fun fundraisers. All suggestions are welcome from everybody. If you are able to run a stall or game etc please let Anthony Bryant know on 01728628600.

Condition of road surfaces Potholes and poor surface condition have been reported to the county council along with photographic evidence. If you would like to report damage as well please contact Anthony Bryant

Playground at Crown Corner The parish council meeting 17th April 7.45pm will set time aside to discuss the future of the play area. It is currently closed as some equipment is not safe to play on. The discussion will be to decide to reduce the play equipment by simply not replacing any unsafe structures or to clear the whole area. If you have any comments please contact Anthony Bryant and/ or attend the meeting in April.

The Close (across from the Crown) The council have contacted the local county councillor Matthew Hicks to engage his support in remedying the road and drainage issues in the close. If anyone has any concerns or questions please contact Anthony Bryant.

Village Precept General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require the appointment of a Data Protection Officer by April 2018; to save costs The Suffolk Association of Local Government is trying to find a way for small parish council to share a DPO.

The Parish Precept will be increased by 5% for the 2018/19 financial year, hopefully this will cover our share of the DPO cost.

Next Meeting 17th April 7.45pm at the village hall. NEWS AND EVENTS FROM THE BENEFICE AND FRIENDS

Waveney Food bank-Please can you help?

Waveney Food bank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis. Its warehouse is just outside Eye, there is a collection point in Laxfield Church next to the pub. Visit the website for more details

Wingfield and District Gardening Club. Brundish Village Hall

Saturday 17th February 10:00am-1:00pm Willow weaving with Charlotte Blythe Thursday 22 March 7:30pm Maintenance Plants & Gardening with Matt Tanton-Brown

We hope to see as many of you as possible at these events. Our Treasurer is keen for you to remember that annual subscriptions are now due - £15 for single membership and £25 for couples.

Contact Priscilla Williamson 01379 388034 [email protected]

Wilby (and Brundish) Women’s Institute. Coronation Hall. Thursday 15th February & 15th March 7:00 for 7:30pm

The WI’s next meeting will be on 15th February, Barbara McElroy ’Life of Leonard Cheshire’, Who? This man is known as an Humanitarian doing good works, it will be very interesting. 15th March ‘Natural Spa supplies’ Sally Mittuch. There is a lot more going on at the WI, please come along and find out for yourself! We have a book club that meets at Brundish village hall with wine, snacks and good company and a roving ‘Ladies that Lunch’ once a month. You will be made very welcome with a cup of tea and homemade goodies. Good for your waistline...probably not, good for you...definitely yes!

Footpath Warden Christine Smart Contact Christine ([email protected] 01728627838) if you have any questions, concerns or information and she will help you.


Dennington Badminton Club Monday evenings Contact 01728 683506 Monk Frith, Bell Green, SUFFOLK IP19 0DH T 01986 799017


Saturday 28th April, 10.30-17.00, Tea & Delicious Cakes Cratfield Village Hall, Manse Lane, IP19 0DJ DONATIONS INVITED for Halesworth Dementia Carers & Prostate Cancer UK Information: 07879 425 617 or [email protected] 18 Somerset Gardens, London SE13 7SY M:07879425617 T:020 86914657

Points of View Photography Exhibition. Friday 27th April 6:00pm- 8:00pm Photography exhibition created by Chrissie Kitchen, Candy Blackham, Nick Eade, and Geoff Moore who all love their cameras. We are excited about wildlife, sights in Suffolk, buildings, plants and abstract patterns and would love to share with you moments in time which have held our imagination, feelings and thoughts as we peer through our various viewfinders! FREE ENTRY! Pay Bar & Nice Nibbles


Suffolk Library Mobile Service at Brundish Crown Corner Tuesday 11:20am monthly Calling every 4 weeks on Tuesday: 2018: 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 5 June, 3 July, 31 July, 28 August, 25 September, 23 October, 20 November, 18 December Contact: Helen Hudson and Peter Fiske Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01473 351249

EACH Christmas Raffle. Lesley and Maz provided the prizes for this raffle which raised £105 for the children’s hospice. Many thanks to them and to all whom generously bought tickets.

Life begins! Nigel Whayman of Post Office Cottages, Brundish, (Nutty, to his mates, of which there are many) recently celebrated his big 5 0 with a massive she- bang at Wilby Village Hall. A true countryman and a gentleman is Nutty and everyone in Brundish, Wilby and surrounds wishes him many happy and healthy returns of his special day.

Parish magazines Wilby Brundish Dennington Laxfield

Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market/ Saturday 3rd February 10:00am -12:30pm

Inside and around All Saint's Church and in the Royal Oak

Folk attending the January Market clearly appreciated having a lively event to visit at this quieter time of year, and again the Market offered a huge number of stalls to peruse, mostly taking cover in the Oak and All Saint's Church.

This being the second season of the monthly Market extending into the winter months as well, come along on Saturday 3rd February and find many familiar and new items on offer.

Over 30 interesting stalls will be set up inside the Church and the Royal Oak again, with one or two venturing outside if the weather is kind. Martin will be back with his much missed Sour-dough bread, along with a new stall- holder offering hand-made Belgium chocolates in the pub, and a chance to peruse the Suffolk Coffee Company's offering in the church. New last month was Willow Phoenix who will be back again with their lovely willow structures and bird sanctuaries for the garden. Look for lots of edibles including organic vegetables, local free-range pork and grass-fed beef, goat's cheeses and eggs, bird food, greetings cards and wrapping paper, perfumed soaps, crafts, vintage and collectibles, amongst the many, many more.

Lots of everyday items and treats too- all local, all individual and all very friendly

Please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852 for info on pitch spaces.

Cake of the month – Lime and Coconut Tart

The Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market welcomes you on the first Saturday morning of every month

Breakfasts, bacon rolls, tea, coffee and cake and lunches and beer all available – come and make a sociable morning of it! Great Glemham

Winter Exhibition. Great Glemham Village Hall. Saturday 24th— Sunday 25th February 10:00am-5:00pm FREE ENTRY

Twenty Suffolk artists will be showing their latest work, featuring Painting, Drawing, Etching, Fused Glass, Silver Jewellery, Textiles, Lampwork Glass, Weaving and Ceramics. Some of the artists involved are Laura Beardswell- Moore, Ken Minns, Caroline Greene, Susie Hammond, Clare Gaylard, Lorry Cudmore, Joan Hodgkiss, Christine Lester, Lin Carter.

Would You like to Update Your Computer / iPad Skills?

Then why not come to a FREE taster session at one of our friendly Computer Clubs held at Brundish Village Hall?

Sessions: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon

For more information: tel: 01728 627174 iPad and email:[email protected] Android

Brundish Training Centre

The training centre is on it’s summer break. Please book in advance for all courses on 01728 627174 and leave a message or email [email protected]

Tuesday Computer Club 10:00-12:00 Computer Club Fortnightly 13:00-15:00

Wednesday Computer Club 10:00-12:00

Thursday iPad Improvers 10:30-12:30 & Workshop (3rd Thursday) 13:30-15:30

Computer Clubs run on Monday and Tuesdays at Aldeburgh and Southwold iPad Improvers Workshops at Aldeburgh 2nd Thursday each month


Sunday 4th February Candlemas Malachi 3:1-14, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40 9:30am All Saints’ Laxfield, Morning Prayer 9:30am St Mary Worlingworth, Holy Communion 11:00am St Mary Wilby, Holy Communion 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Family Service 6:30pm St Lawrence Brundish, Evensong

Sunday 11th February Sunday before Lent 2 Kings 2:1-12, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Mark 9:2-9 9:30am St Lawrence Brundish, Village Worship 9:30am St Mary Wilby, Village Worship 10:00am Bedfield School, Family Service 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Morning Prayer 11:00am All Saints’ Laxfield, Holy Communion 11:00am St Mary Worlingworth, Morning Prayer 6:30pm St Mary Cratfield, Evensong

Sunday 18th February First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9:8-17, 1 Peter 3:18-end, Mark 1:9-15 8:00am All Saints’ Laxfield, Holy Communion 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Holy Communion 11:00am St Mary Wilby, Morning Prayer 11:00am St Mary Worlingworth, Let’s Celebrate 6:00pm Hartismere House Laxfield

Sunday 25th February Second Sunday of Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Romans 4:13-end, Mark 8:31-end 8:00am St Mary Cratfield, Holy Communion 9:30am, St Mary Wilby, Village Worship 9:30am St Nicholas Bedfield, Holy Communion 9:30am All Saints’ Laxfield, Family Service 11:00am St Lawrence Brundish, Holy Communion 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Morning Prayer 11:00am St Mary Worlingworth, Morning Prayer

14th Feb Deanery Ash Wednesday Service, with imposition of ashes, 7.30pm at St Peter & St Paul, Hoxne. All welcome. Easy parking.


Sunday 4th March Exodus 20:1-17, 1 Corinth 1:18-25, John 2:13-22 9:30am All Saints’ Laxfield, Morning Prayer 9:30am St Ethelbert Tannington, Holy Communion 11:00am St Mary Wilby, Holy Communion 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Family Service 6:30pm St Lawrence Brundish, Evensong

Sunday 11th March Mothering Sunday Numbers 21:4-9, Ephesians 2:1-10, John 3:14-21 9:30am St Mary Wilby, Village Worship 10:00am Bedfield School, Family Service 10:00am All Saints’ Laxfield, Mothering Sunday Service 10:30am St Lawrence Brundish, Mothering Sunday Service 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Morning Prayer 10:30am St Mary Worlingworth, Celebration 6:30pm St Mary Cratfield, Evensong

Thursday 29th March Maundy Thursday 7:00pm All Saints’ Laxfield, Seder Meal 7:00pm St Mary Cratfield, Bring and Share Agape 8:00 pm St Mary Wilby, Benefice Communion and Prayer Vigil (until midnight)

Sunday 18th March Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 5:5-10, John 12:20-33 8:00am All Saints’ Laxfield, Holy Communion 9:30am St Mary Cratfield, Holy Communion 11:00am St Mary Wilby, Morning Prayer 11:00am St Peter Monk Soham, Holy Communion 11:00am St Mary Worlingworth, Morning Prayer 6:00pm Hartismere House Laxfield 6:30pm St Lawrence Brundish, Choral Evensong for Passion Sunday

Sunday 25th March Palm Sunday Philippians 2:5-11, Luke 19:28-40 10:30am St Mary Worlingworth, Benefice Holy Communion for Palm Sunday

Friday 30th March Good Friday 10:00am St Mary Wilby, Good Friday Service 10:30am All Saints’ Laxfield, Quiet Hour 11:00am St Mary Worlingworth, Foot of the Cross 12:00pm St Lawrence Brundish, Choral Liturgy WILBY CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS

Cross curricular learning-China-Celebration Assembly-February 23rd- 2.30pm: To start this new year and in preparation for the Chinese New Year, our whole school topic is China. We have invited a group of professional Chinese Ribbon Dancers to work with children across the school for a full day. In addition to this in Design Technology/ Art the children are creating dragons and they will be performing dragon and ribbon dances and sharing a range of their cross curricular work on the Chinese New Year with parents at a special performance assembly on February 23rd .

Sporting news: The school now has sports ‘houses’ so that we can hold intra-school sports events. On Thursday 25th of January children across the school came out to support and cheer on their house football team. Next term we will be holding intra school netball competitions. Due to the appointment of our new school Sports Lead we are delighted to report that 88% of our pupils attend at least 1 hour of additional sports activities in addition to two hours of sports activities provided within the curriculum.

Church School links: This term we have celebrated Epiphany, Christingle and Candlemas. Supported by the Discovery Team from St Edmundsury cathedral the children have engaged in a whole range of practical activities and church services designed to help them experience and understand these key events in the church calendar. Please do join us for our Easter service at 2:30pm on Thursday March 29th at St Marys Church in Wilby.

Arts, Music and Drama: The term finished with a brilliant production of Ralph the Reindeer by Wren Class (pictured below). This term pupils across the school have produced some amazing art work which will entered into the Young Art (YAEA), a competition and exhibition of children’s art raising funds for Cancer Research UK.

Multi-cultural links: Before Christmas Kingfisher Class visited the Bond Street Mosque in Ipswich and this term we are being visited by Dr Sushi Sumi who will be telling Owl Class more about what it is like to be a practising Hindu. On Friday 2nd March we will also be celebrating Holi day which is destined to be a highly colourful event!

Author Julia Jarman visit February 28th: To celebrate World Book Day we have invited the international children’s author Julia Jarman into school. Julia will be working with all ages across the school and she will also be leading a short whole school introduction to her books and work as an author at 9:00am on 28th February. Please do join us for this event and stay behind afterwards for book purchase and signing.

Growth Mindset-visit to find out more: Last term all of our children took part in a series of Growth Mindset Lessons. Our parents, teachers and TAs also received training about what growth Mindset is and how to help our children to develop this approach towards their learning. The children love it and as a staff we have really noticed how much more positive and confident their attitude is when facing challenge in their learning. To find more out about this approach to learning please visit our school website where you can download information including our detailed Parents growth Mindset Leaflet and follow further links to videos etc.

Wilby (& Brundish) Women’s Institute WI is mainly about getting the girls together, making new friends, having a good chat and widening our knowledge on a variety of topics.

We are a fun and friendly group - No Jam or Jerusalem!

We would welcome new members of all ages. We meet every Third Thursday of the Month, 7.30pm – Wilby Coronation Hall

Full programme details More information contact Fiona Patrick - 01379 388458

Hair Logic Street Farm, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 8.30am-4pm

Beauty Therapy Friday 9am-8pm

Available from mid October: ADVERTISING 2017

If you would like to advertise with 25kg sacks of white potatoes us please phone or email 25kg sacks of red potatoes 3kg nets of white onions 01379384329 Free range eggs £1.00 [email protected] per 1/2 dozen 10kg nets of stock feed carrots 10kg nets of stock feed parsnips Annual advertising charges

All available for local home delivery, are: minimum order £7.50 £7.50 for an eighth of a page For more information £14 for a quarter page Please call on 07795 633535 or £27.50 for a half page or e-mail [email protected] £55.00 for a full page

House Sitting & Dog Walking Services

Many years’ experience with dogs, cats, chicken, horses etc.

Be able to go away, knowing that your home is in safe hands.

Excellent references available.

Contact Louise Howie: (M) 07920 047274 Email: [email protected]

SM Plumbing & Heating Flegg’s Fresh Fabulous For your local plumbing needs Free Range Eggs Specialist in bathroom installations, maintenance and repairs

01728628046 07732 272403 FREE QUOTATIONS [email protected] Bell Farm, The Street, Brundish,.

Ironing Fairy Nick Veronica Williams Provides an will clean any Ironing Service For You! cooker! Local collection and delivery starting from possible £45.00 01728627878 07923897705


Tel: 01379 384593 Email: [email protected]

Producers of wide range of high quality pork products from our own home produced stock. For full list of local stockists see our website RECIPE

If you are interested in cooking and would like to take over this slot please email the editors. We would love to hear from you!

This issues recipe is easy to do, cheap, filling and delicious! Its roots are in Northumberland but it works well in Suffolk too.

Pan Haggerty

Serves 4


Oil/lard 2 onions sliced thinly 800gms/2lbs of potatoes sliced thinly 150-200gms/5-7oz of strong cheddar cheese grated Salt and pepper


Medium frying pan with lid

Put a little fat into the frying pan. Take the potato slices and cover the bottom of the pan with 1 layer. Do the same with the onion and then sprinkle 1/3 to 1/2 of the cheese over the onion. Then cover the cheese with the next layer of potato, then onion, then cheese. If there are more ingredients continue to layer until all used up.

Put the lid on the frying pan and put on a low heat for about 50 minutes to an hour. Check the bottom of the pan doesn’t over cook.

Either serve on its own with HP sauce or Ketchup, can also be served with a salad, whichever suits you!

Sudoku 8 5 1

Each grid is made up of 6 2 9 9 columns by 9 rows. The grid is then divided 9 7 5 into 9 boxes. Each of these boxes must have 7 4 the number 1 to 9 placed in them and each row and column 4 3 5 8 1 must also have the numbers 1 to 9 in 9 5 them. 6 7 3 7

7 2 5


Wilby Defibrillator Emergency number 01379844704 Location; Wilby Phone Box in front of school A volunteer has been trained to help you.

Brundish Defibrillator Emergency number 01728628696 or Phone 999 and ask for the ambulance service who will give you the code to the Phone Box. Location; Phone Box opposite the pub, ‘The Crown’.

Inside the phone box there is a bag with instructions on how to use the equipment. There is also a recording of instructions. Please be reassured that using the Defibrillator cannot harm anyone as it will only work if the patient is actually having a heart attack.

Framlingham Medical Practice GP+ Appointments now available at Wickham Market 6.30pm to 9.00pm Weekdays & 9.00am to 1.00pm Saturdays Suffolk GP+ is for people who urgently need a doctor’s appointment or are unable to see their GP on a weekday, Saturday morning or during normal GP hours THIS IS NOT A WALK IN SERVICE

Connecting Communities Mid Suffolk 01449614271 Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.00pm

When you need to make a journey and there is no public transport available to you locally, we’ll collect you and connect you to an appropriate bus route or train link for onward travel so you can reach your destination quickly and easily. If you would like to volunteer to help as a driver please contact the above number.


A Small, Friendly Charity-based Pre-School

Welcoming Children of ALL abilities, aged 2 to 5 years We are very proud to be rated ‘OUTSTANDING’ byOfsted!

‘Breakfast Club’ Affordable fees – plus 30 From 8.00am hours funded places for Monday to Friday 2 + year olds

Lovely purpose-built room We focus on fun and learning within Occold Village Hall in a relaxed environment and, and, with our follow the EYFS curriculum own secure, all-weather outside play area

We are rated ‘After-school Club’ ‘OUTSTANDING’ Until 4.30pm

Please call us on 01379 678397 or email [email protected] or [email protected] to find out more, or to arrange a visit - we’d love to hear from you!

Visit our website at - Registered charity number: 1034160 A member of the Preschool Learning Alliance

Septic Tank Emptying & Domestic drains cleared.

Fast, friendly, reliable service.

(Environmental registered carrier)

Call Lenny: 07905 794221 Email: [email protected]

All types of house & garden property maintenance undertaken

Phone home: ( 01728) 621341 Mobile: 0788 7925507 Website: Email:

MO-JO Cleaning Services Sharpe Computer Services Computer/Laptop/Pads & Books/

Let me clean your Internet/Broadband/Printer & worries away! Networking Support &Repair Available

Daily/Weekly/Monthly 01728 685905 Contact Maureen [email protected] MOB 07765710311

Daniel Abbott

Garden maintenance Grass and hedge cutting Fencing Painting sheds etc And other gardening jobs

Tel. 01728 627807 or 0789 8308601

Kevin Property Maintenance 01728 628607 All types of property 07770530771 maintenance and refurbishment undertaken Just give me a ring, Kevin I’ll see if I can help 01728 628607 07770530771 LES RUTH (Yaddy) For all your carpentry needs – plus painting, decorating and tiling. Tel: 01379 384484 07900 287888

Is your garden over-run with Moles? Do you have a wasp’s nest? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control. No obligation – free survey/quotes.

Please call for a chat 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106


Roger C. Griffiths, BSc(Econ), Dip Soc Sci, PGCE, MCFHP, MAFHP



Verruca treatments, Ingrown RG AMIES toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, Nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for 6 Varieties of pre-packed coal available Diabetics at Foot health checks and all nail very competitive prices conditions.

For an appointment Phone: 01379 388162 Tel. 01379 384873 (Wilby) Mob. 07724 073328 MANOR BARNS THE STREET Email; [email protected] BRUNDISH Some evening appointments available WOODBRIDGE SUFFOLK IP13 8BL


Wilby Coronation Hall

Thank you to everyone that supported the New Year’s Eve Party, seems a while ago now but keep the date free for next year! Thanks to all those that helped decorate the hall for Christmas and enjoyed their bacon butty! The Christmas Tree looked particularly good situated on the stage. As ever we are always open to new ideas, ventures for the hall, and we will be meeting in early February, so if you have any please get in touch. The PUB NIGHTS continue to be well supported on the 1st & 3rd Friday of the month, so do come along if you can. BUCKSHEE make a return appearance this time for the Macmillan support charity in March, which should be another great evening. The Pond Rejuvenation Project is progressing well and we plan to have an open meeting soon, keep a lookout on the website. The ‘Wilby Whackers’ are still looking for their first win and with that in mind have organised a practice night on Wednesday 14th March, the bar will be open. The RECYLING centre has taken off well so thank you to all those of you who have made use of it. Once again thank you to all who support us in maintaining what is a wonderful facility for the village.

What’s on at Wilby Coronation Village Hall - February/March 2018

Pub Nights 2nd & 16th Feb/ 2nd & 16th march. - 8 pm Wilby VH Pool Team host: Halesworth White Swan B 28th Feb & Halesworth White Swan A March 21st- 8pm Dance with Alan Jones 24th Feb/ No Dance in March- 8pm Neighbourhood Plan Public Meeting 10th February - 7.30pm Parish Council - 7th March 7.30pm Charity Dance with BUCKSHEE - 24th March 7pm Tickets £7.50 Contact Doreen O’Connor 07591 499912



Hiring the Village Hall. Hire of the village hall contact David Holliday, 07765 345541. Hiring costs can be found at

Brundish Film Programme – February to April 2018-7.00 for 7.30pm

Thursday 8 February 2018 – My Cousin Rachel, based on Daphne du Maurier’s novel. The story of a young Englishmen who plots revenge against his late cousin’s mysterious, beautiful wife only to become beguiled by her charms. Starring Rachel Weisz, Sam Claflin and Holliday Grainger with Simon Russell Beale. Certificate 12A.

Thursday 8 March 2018 – Goodbye Christopher Robin. A behind the scenes look at the life of the author AA Milne and the creation of the Winnie the Pooh stories inspired by his son, Christopher Robin. The film interweaves fact and fantasy, youthful innocence and adult trauma. Certificate PG it stars Domnhall Gleeson, Margaret Robbie and Kelly Macdonald.

Thursday 12 April 2018 – The Death of Stalin. Details to follow.

Tickets payable at the door (£5 for adults and £4.50 for Under 18s). To reserve your place please contact Priscilla Williamson on 01379 388034 or by email at [email protected]

Brundish Baristas. Thursday 1st February and 1st March 10:00am Please come and join us in Brundish Village Hall for Coffee / Bacon Butties and cakes. Please don’t worry if you don’t know anyone it will be really good to see you and introduce you to others.

French for Beginners and Intermediate learners Wednesday 10.30am -12.30pm Intermediate 1:30pm-3:30pm Beginners

The courses have been going for one term already so some French would be helpful as you would not be starting from scratch. Pre-booking is essential.

Fees are payable each term in advance of the class: £108.00 full fee £102.60 if aged 60+ £75.60 for those on certain benefits

If you are interested please call: Coastal Leisure Learning on 01728 833171 9.00am-1.00pm.

Village Hall Bottle Bank Donation Lesley and Mario from The Crown continue to donate the proceeds from the bottle bank to the village hall. This time the amount was just under £125. Gratefully received.


Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage.

You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom: a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873



* Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4's* *Specialists in vehicle diagnostics* *Free local collection and delivery * Courtesy car available* *Prompt attention assured * Competitive rates* tel: (01379) 384689 email: [email protected] Open 8:00 am -5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am -12 noon Saturdays FEBRUARY AND MARCH DATES

Brundish Baristas 1 Feb, 10:00 Brundish Village Hall Tea at The Rectory 2 Feb, 15:30 The Rectory, Laxfield Wilby Pub Night 2 Feb, 20:00 Coronation Hall, Wilby Craft Market 3 Feb, 10:00 Laxfield Flicks in the Sticks 8 Feb. 19:00 Brundish Village Hall Neighbourhood Plan 10 Fen, 19:30 Coronation Hall, Wilby Mobile Library 13 Feb. 11:20 Crown Corner, Brundish Women’s Institute 15 Feb, 19:00 Coronation Hall, Wilby Wilby Pub Night 16 Feb, 20:00 Coronation Hall, Wilby WDGC 17 Feb. 10:00 Brundish Village Hall Wilby Lent Lunch 17 Feb, 12:30 Oaklands Farm World Book Day Talk 28 Feb, 09:00 Wilby School Village Lunch 27 Feb, 12:30 Coronation Hall, Wilby Brundish Baristas 1 March, 10:00 Brundish Village Hall Tea at The Rectory 2 March, 15:30 The Rectory, Laxfield Wilby Pub Night 2 March, 20:00 Coronation Hall, Wilby Wilby Lent Lunch 3 March, 12:30 Briarwood House Wilby Parish Council 7 March, 19:30 Coronation Hall, Wilby Flicks in the Sticks 7 March, 19:00 Brundish Village Hall Mobile Library 13 March. 11:20 Crown Corner, Brundish Women’s Institute 15 March, 19:00 Coronation Hall, Wilby Wilby Pub Night 16 March, 20:00 Coronation Hall, Wilby Wilby Lent Lunch 17 March, 12:30 Coles Farm WDGC 22 March. 19:30 Brundish Village Hall Village Lunch 27 March, 12:30 Coronation Hall, Wilby

Brundish Village Hall

ZUMBA Classes are every Tuesday during school term time. 6:00pm-7:00pm. Please contact Eileen Torosian-Tinney, text or telephone 0781 385 4255 or email [email protected].