Mrs L Leach 12 Waldorf Road Clerk to the Council Cleethorpes Telephone: 07926 885 184 North East Email: [email protected] DN35 0QD

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby give you notice that an extra Meeting of Barnoldby-le-Beck Parish Council will be held in Meeting room at Waltham Library on Monday 30th January 2017 starting at 7.30pm.

All Members are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting hereunder.

23rd January 2017 Mrs L Leach Clerk to the Council Agenda:

1. Declarations of Interest. (a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. (b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

2. To receive any apologies from Members not able to attend the meeting.

3. Open Forum (Suspension of Standing Orders) - To enable any resident to raise any items with the Parish Council. Residents will be given 5 minutes to speak on any item appertaining to .

4. Planning items: a) To consider the following planning applications: (1) DM/1167/16/FUL, Land at Road, Waltham Hybrid application to include Full Planning for 194 dwellings (houses and bungalows) and an Outline application to erect 5 detached dwellings with associated works including foul pumping station, landscaping, public open space, parking areas and garaging. (2) DM/1190/16/FUL, Rosedale, Waltham Road, Barnoldby le Beck Erect first floor extension to rear, entrance porch to front conversion of roof space with roof lift, dormers to front and the installation of roof lights with various alterations.