Chess, by M =:L Tl Pavitt

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Chess, by M =:L Tl Pavitt ) , , • . \ • • , , f"'· '.,. • I .. , I " ., I .'",.'" 1., , , ("' (" • " " -' -., - \ .~ . , • l'.. ' • • ,,. .. , , " ,· , , , , , " , , , , • ., • , , ,. , • I , , • , \ , ,rt • . • I , , -I. ,.;' , "" , ' .. , ,, , , ' , , • , , , ! , ( , .. , " , ',', · , • ,! , ' ' , .\ .-.',­ , t , , ,,' . , " , ') '!~ I ~I I , . - , .' \ ' , . " ·~.J··.il • , .\.' ~ , ' ., . , , . .;:: . , " ! , ! ; .....' \~· ••1 , . ":',,.;• , ... ·:'1', , , • , .. , , , ,." ", ·~i!C·'. " , • , .. '.' , • I " '" ", . , ..J. •• . ' : .. - • I ~ , , , , I , , , \ ( , , '.,..' , • , " ) •, . ~;"'-.. -. ~ , . " .. '- , ..'.. ' . ~ ...... , r I •• • , • • , , , , ,', I, , • -. " • , • • • • , , • ,. , , • " • , • • I •• , SALVATORE MATERA United States Junior Champi on ~ UNITED STA:I'ES Vulo.:", .. XXU mbn. 1967 EDITOR; Hun Ho<.hherg CONTENTS MOlerc W ins U S JL.nlor . .. .. .. - ... ... ... - .- .... .... ... ...... ...... ... ..... ... .. ...... 255 PIltI!$IDINT 'hrsban Rohland The Decl s ve G.::l:1"les, by Sal M=:ll ero .... .. .. .. .. ... ..... _.. ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... ........ 256 VICI·PRI!SIDIiNT Inae Kuhdan Benko Wins Atlantic Open .... .. ... .. .......... ............. ............... ....... ..... ..... 258 REGIONAL VICE.PRESIDENTS Industrial Chess, by M =:l tl Pavitt.. .. .. ... .. .... .... .. ... ... .......... .. ................ ... 259 Jamn 801l0n lIuold t>ondt. .:11 Hourdor: Games by LSCF Members, by J o~ n W Col lins.. ... .... ..................... .... 260 Rub"", 1.. lIflle Le.-t. E. Wood M l~ h.Ul Raimo M ore on the Barendregf V:::Hlatl on, by Robert Byrne .. ....... .. .................... 262 MID-ATLANTIC r.llr'l CI.,.y St~ve C " n.ltl1~rs Robert [ric.,. Chess life, Here and There, comptled by W m Goichber!:j ... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... .. 263, 270, 277, 288 PtlWp ""'nib ... t... Llhdoe CuroU M. CruU !>Iaylng to W in, by Pal Benko.... .. .. .... ... .. ...... ............. .. .... ........... 264 OQnaLCI W. IIUdJlI, !Jr. lIu,"., McC"·i:.n V . r. Vu:dtnbur, Larry Evans ::n C-;,ess .. ... .. _ .• .. ... .... .. ..... ............................ .. 266 Uf". 0.01',11 n eu Ih;>bfort (..,.nn KeD Kyklt.,. Benko's Bofflers, by Pal BenKO. .... ....... .......................... .... ..................... 268 'OUTHWISTIIIH W. W. Cnw J ohn A. lIowell .... rll Blabop Son Bruno Chess Festlva: .. .. _.... ... .... .. " ... .. .. ....... ........... ..... ..........269 "ACI"C IkIlTa«t Edcb' K.. nnelh Jonn Col. Paul t.. W,bb Serving You Bellcr, by E B Edmondson .. ........ .............................. 274 SICRITARY ..." ro~ the File .. .. ......... .... ... .. ... ........... .. .. .. ..... .... .. ................ .. .276 Dr. Lero)' Dubeck EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR L.:SCF Ra ting Supplement ............ .......... ..... ... .... .. .............................. 278 f. B. Edmondson Tournament Life, c::m;li!cd Dy Wm. G c l crbe~g . .. ........... ...... ......... 289 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS ARMID fOItCI$ CHISS. ,. .. .• ... Kol).,rt K.r~h COLL£G. CHISS .. .. ' .• .• . ) ,(ark L. Scnwarc. (DUNSI!\. .. TRIAsuRa . ..... P,vld lIortraann IN~USTRIAL CHIUS ~~t ~ ~" ..· A . 1'.w::U ,NTIIIHATIOHAL AI'I'Allts " . .. Jerry Su~nn JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEOERATION wOID"n'a Ir.tunallunal , .. .K" lhr)n !>111 .., USC, Is " 1I0n·pro!'!1 dp "' oc:r~~J e o lho! ortlelll , u ~ern i ttj: body and FIDE (Worltl JUNIOR CHISS .•. " . ..... .... lIob(ort !:rlln Che..... derltlnnl unIt lor ~he~ ,n Ih. l:SA. An),one 1 r. ~ eruI.d In advandne American ~hu.s fi),r:l" MASTIiIlS AFFAIIlS . .... lIubi:rl It .llcible for me",bo:u~. lp .... 11 1\ bendl~ .. l\leh Inelud .. a C li£..'..O; LIn: su.b5(!fiption and elletbUlty NATIONAL O .. IiN .. .Jlel:uo t:o.:udJ 'o r user rlUni . NOMINATIONS .•.••.• . • · r ~ nk Skoff RATINOS & ..AIIlINOS Arp.od I:. ):1... ltetUI", Memlhrlhl. : I 11000. Z )'Ut • • 11 • . 00; 1 )' ura. $%7 .00. Fami'y MtmMnhlp o r IlATING STATISTICIANS _ Win. Goldlbotrl: Jllnklr ",""'Muhlp n; r.du 21 at uplr.u'on dalfl: I fur . »00: 2 yean, 19.50; 1 yun, ' 13.:tO s t ..... n Spt'nnr t'a"'Uy meruberth!"" •• pp.). ,,' 11 .... t ..· u 0, "'Ofe tne:nbrn of Ihe ... me family rt'lillde a t lho: lUI .... TAX OIiOUCTI.n.ITY .• lIarutd Ilur.dls lIck1r." ...d h'C.,,·e only u"" mor.lh:y ""P), of 1.1 ... : The first family mem~r ".,v" ~ r , u i ll : .. I ....nd each .dd'II...... 1 m.mbo-r PI)'I th. ' .. m:1y Uln. All aueh memben !llI'-e I~e M",e TOUIlHAMt:NT ADM. Ceon:., Kul1l1now~'" ..plntklf! d.t... lhe nUl :r.e JDber (.,xr.,pl ..· I'll. , .. " l.I'e )f.. mbership). FamIly m .. :t:~nh i p$ TOUJtNAMENT .ULU _ _~ J I "'.S Shuwl:l shr.-Jld be 'lib",,"" '". Who:np ... r I:'.. )' Ire not. III .. n a:ne , . dnrou, .lld eXI'IUIIOn d.le of U. S. CHAM"IONSHII" _• . __ )l ~ o.: r : "., Kup.. r th.. '11'$1 tnember ", .. s' be r h ·.. n : It.e added tnpmbe. :I ) w ~ 1I ...v .. the $Ilme .xplrauon d .• l e. S ..... U. S. O"EN ••_ .. N .... _ . W . A . St'Oti hlnln. M.mbt'nh, .. ~comel Lihl Ift.. r : 0 con.t<'ulh·•• r.r."I' plymenu): S20 00. Once. SlIltllnln, WOMIN'S CHIISS • . •.. _. 1:\'1 Aru"""n )tl.beuhlp hll belllll, u ch .,.ec:e ••lve yUr'a d .... must be paId bel or.. Ihe uplratloll dJW Otbe~, the ,\lIt.lhd ll' O'cl.. alaTI. ov.. , ,,"!n II ),ear on. 1001 It wbale,·" r " ~I!I Ire then In ""fKL Llf. """",btnhlp: POO.OO. WORLD CHESS FEDERATION CHI•• LI,a if; publif;bed monthly by user ,nd en!.ered .. Kcond..:luoS mltwr at )A31 (F.I.D.!.) DIIbuq\le, 0110011. Non·member l ·yT . • ubacrlpUon: M .!14 (" .M! o"hlde USA); slnill", cop)': 65f 175, ouU:lde USA). CIuo.,.. of ,lkIr... : Allow .lJt; w",ilI nOlle.; plea.w &I"e II' bolh Ihe new add... " Fred Cramer .nd tile old .ddr... Intludlll, th. I1l1mbel"l and dlt •• on tile lop 1In .. of Jo.. r 'teneU. Vice · rr~stdeDt, ZOne S (U.s.A.) AdclTe .. aU eommun.l~.lIon •• "rod m.b .11 rhKIlI pI),.ble to: UNITa" STATU CHalS ,a"".ATION, ..... 11th SI'..... NIW YORK. N.Y. lGOOJ 254 CHESS LlFl:: MATERA INS U. S. JUNIOR Salvatore Matera, a sixteen.year-old California, Leroy Jackson, 51. Louis, Norman S, Weinstein, New York City. Junior at Breaklyn Prepar atory School. Missouri; and Charles I. Bassin, Detroit, finished fourth with 31f.t ·3!fz . Charles forged ahead at the halrway mark and Ml ehigan. Going into the lourth round Bassin, seeded last in pre·tournament clinched the title in the semi·final round he was tied for lirst place with Robert ratings. performed very well to finish in winning the second annual United Wachtel of Parlin, NeN Jersey, each fifth with a 3·4 score which included States Junior Chess Championship with with three wins. In the fourth round, wins over Brown and Weinstein. Tied a 5'h: ·l Y.! score. The tournament, an however, Wachtel lost to Walter Browne (or sixth and seventh with 21h ·4!h were eight-player event conducted by the t:.S. of Brooklyn. the 1966 Champion, while Leroy Jackson and James Tarjan; Greg· Chess Federation in cooperation with Matera took over undisputed first by ory DeFotis finished last (someone hu the Piatigorsky Foundation, was played drawing against Norman Weinstein of to!) with 2·5. July 10.16 at the Henry Hudson Hotel New York City. Matera widened his lead The existence of this invitational U.S. in New York City. in the firth round by winning from Ju.nior event has. in just two short years, I Matera's Grand Prize as U.S. Junior Gregory S. DeFotis of Chicago, while bro ught incalculable prestige and excite· Champion is qualification Into and an Waehtel (his closest competitor at this ment to Junio r chess. Young players all all·expenses·paid trip to compete in the point) draw against Tarjan. The clima~ over the country have been striving to World Junior Chess Championship, which came in the sixth and seml·final round improve their ability and thereby to when Matera, playing the black pieces, merit an invitation to the tournament. will be played this year in Jerusalem, Israel, August 9·28. He also wo n custody defeated Wachtel to take a l ih point It is hoped that a continuation of these for onc year of the permanent cup (upcn lead over the field with but one round erforts. toget her with a further widen· remaining. In that fi nal round, the new ing of interest in the tournament, will which his name is now engraved) sym· spur young American chessplayers along bolic of the U.S. Junior Chess Champion· champion lost to Walter Brown, who thereby finished second with a 5-2 score the road to mastership. ship. and won an all.expenses.paid trip to The tournamcnt was directed by Wil· Matera won his first three games compete in the C.S. Open at Atlanta, liam Lukowiak of Providence, Rhode against James E. Tarjan. Sherman Oaks, Georgia, August 13·25. Wachtel fi nished Island, and made possible through the third with a 4·3 score; personal trophies generosity of the Piatigorsky Founda· were presented to these top three. tion. I CROSSTABLE OF FINAL RESULTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Score 1. Salvatore Matera. Brooklyn, ........ ...... x 0 1 '" 1 1 1 1 51f.t ·l !fz New York 2. Walter Brown, Brooklyn, New York 1 x 1 o o 1 1 1 , ·2 3. Robert Wachtel, Parlin, New Jersey .. 0 o x 1 \I 1 \I 1 4 ·3 4. ~orman S. Weinstein, New York ......,. Y.r: 1 o x o o 1 1 31h ·3 Y.r: New York s . Charles I. Bassin, Detroit, Michigan .. 0 1 \I 1 x o 0 ' 6. Leroy Jackson, St. Louis, Missouri .... 0 o 0 1 II x \I \I ' 7. James E. Tarjan, Sherman Oaks, ...... 0 o \I o 1 \I x \I California 8. Gregory S. DeFotis, Chicago, lllinois .. 0 0 0 0 1 x 2 ., ' Tied for sixth place. Listed in order of starting ratings. The new United States Junior Champion has contributed annotations for two of his games from the tournament. which we publish herewith. More games Irom Wallttt Browne this event will appear in the October CHESS LIFE. The United Stat.. Student team departInq for HartO"chov, Czechoslovakia. ' the World Student Team Championship 'Was held luly 15.31 . The leam 'Was co,sponsored by the [I.
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