REVIEW Print ISSN 1738-6586 / On-line ISSN 2005-5013 J Clin Neurol 2013;9:65-74

Open Access The Puzzling Case of Hyperexcitability in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Jong Seok Bae,a,b Neil G. Simon,b Parvathi Menon,b,c Steve Vucic,b,c Matthew C. Kiernanb,d aDepartment of Neurology, College of , Inje University, Busan, Korea bNeuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, Australia cDepartment of Neurology, Westmead Clinical School, University of Sydney, Westmead, Australia dMultidisciplinary Motor Neurone Disease Clinical Service, Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

The development of hyperexcitability in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a well-known ph- enomenon. Despite controversy as to the underlying mechanisms, cortical hyperexcitability ap- pears to be closely related to the interplay between excitatory corticomotoneurons and inhibitory interneurons. Hyperexcitability is not a static phenomenon but rather shows a pattern of progres- sion in a spatiotemporal aspect. Cortical hyperexcitability may serve as a trigger to the develop- ment of anterior horn cell degeneration through a ‘dying forward’ process. Hyperexcitability ap- pears to develop during the early disease stages and gradually disappears in the advanced stages of the disease, linked to the destruction of corticomotorneuronal pathways. As such, a more pre- cise interpretation of these unique processes may provide new insight regarding the pathophysiol- ogy of ALS and its clinical features. Recently developed technologies such as threshold tracking tr- anscranial magnetic stimulation and automated nerve excitability tests have provided some clues about underlying pathophysiological processes linked to hyperexcitability. Additionally, these Received February 14, 2012 novel techniques have enabled clinicians to use the specific finding of hyperexcitability as a useful Revised August 24, 2012 diagnostic biomarker, enabling clarification of various ALS-mimic syndromes, and the prediction Accepted August 24, 2012 of disease development in pre-symptomatic carriers of familial ALS. In terms of nerve excitabili- Correspondence ty tests for peripheral nerves, an increase in persistent Na+ conductances has been identified as a Matthew C. Kiernan, MD, PhD major determinant of peripheral hyperexcitability in ALS, inversely correlated with the survival Neuroscience Research Australia and in ALS. As such, the present Review will focus primarily on the puzzling theory of hyperexcitabil- University of New South Wales, ity in ALS and summarize clinical and pathophysiological implications for current and future Barker Street, Randwick Sydney, ALS research. J Clin Neurol 2013;9:65-74 NSW 2031, Australia Tel +61-2-9382-2437 Key Wordszzamyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hyperexcitability, corticomotoneuron, interneuron, Fax +61-2-9382-2437 gamma-aminobutyric acid. E-mail [email protected]

Introduction both upper motor neurons (UMNs) and lower motor neurons (LMNs) and subsequent catastrophic weakness of all volun- “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then tary muscles involving bulbar, limb, and respiratory regions.1 whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” ALS seems to be a predominantly ‘negative’ disease, in that Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes its clinical symptoms and signs develop from motor system destruction (death of UMNs and LMNs). However, ALS also Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a universally fatal, ne- exhibits unique ‘positive’ phenomena of hyperexcitability in- urodegenerative disease, characterized by cell death involving volving the motor system, specifically , , , and spasticity. Despite some controversy as to cc This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Cre- whether hyperexcitability is a trigger of the disease or only a ative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creative- which permits unrestricted non-com- transient phenomenon that appears during the disease course, mercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the ori- hyperexcitability is almost always encountered during the ginal work is properly cited. ALS disease course.2

Copyright © 2013 Korean Neurological Association 65 Hyperexcitability in ALS

At the time of the original description of ALS by Charcot, neurons and interneurons in the ventral horns of the spinal there were no in vivo tools for measuring the excitability of cord.5,13 For example, deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) in UMN the human nervous system. Recently novel electrophysiolog- lesions are typically increased (brisk), sometimes with clonus, ical techniques for measuring motor networks were develop- representing unconstrained activity in the feedback loop to ed to enable evaluation of this relatively unappreciated issue the hyperexcitable anterior horn cells from the Ia afferents im- in clinical neurology. Using these techniques, clinical neuro- posed during sudden muscle stretching. In ALS, DTRs may scientists may enhance understanding of the central and pe- be decreased when there is marked LMN weakness involving ripheral mechanisms associated with the development and the muscles activated by the respective DTRs. However the manifestations of hyperexcitability in ALS. Additionally, in H-reflex, an electrophysiological equivalent of DTRs, can so- the clinical field, these techniques may yet be further develop- metimes be elicited from weak or wasted muscles such as in- ed as a diagnostic biomarker, that may predict prognosis in trinsic muscles, in contrast to difficulties in demonstrat- ALS. As such, the present Review will focus on the puzzling ing this response in healthy 3 subjects.14 Presynaptic inhibi- issue of the hyperexcitability in ALS and, similar to Conan tion of the group Ia synapse on motor neurons has been found Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, will attempt to dissect the clinical to be significantly reduced in ALS,15 a finding not explained by and pathophysiological determinants and thereby implications motor neuron dropout in the disease, but likely to be due to for ALS research. loss of interneurons at the spinal level.

What Really is Hyperexcitability How Can We Objectively Assess in ALS? Hyperexcitability in ALS?

The term ‘hyperexcitability’ may be considered more as an In some ALS patients, and precede the electrophysiological term rather than common clinical parl- disease by many months, well prior to the development of mu- ance. Put similarly, ‘excitability’ may be defined as the “capa- scular weakness.16 Cramps can occur in unusual regions, such city to be activated by or react to a stimulus”.3 Thus, hyper- as in the abdomen and . Fasciculations are sometimes excitability means an increased or exaggerated response to a persistent, diffuse, and readily observed. This may suggest that stimulus, which may usually have been expected to evoke a early identification of a hyperexcitable motor system might normal response. In ALS, a disease of both UMNs and LMNs, help in the predication of the development of ALS and as such, hyperexcitability denotes unique clinical and electrophysio- may provide a chance to make some early “neuroprotective” logical phenomena which may arise independently from the intervention early in the disease process.17 Such findings may corticomotoneurons (CMs) and LMN. also argue for need to develop sensitive and objective tools for Fasciculation and cramp are commonly observed clinical the early detection of hyperexcitability in ALS. features in ALS and are considered to be representative fea- Using EMG to evaluate the LMN system, Krarup18 condu- tures of LMN hyperexcitability.4 Of these, fasciculation, or a cted a longitudinal study in ALS and observed that denerva- fasciculation potential in electromyography (EMG), has long tion was more common in weak muscles; fasciculation po- been considered a clinical or electrophysiological hallmark of tentials were more frequent in strong and proximal limb mu- ALS.5 However fasciculation may be detected in various dis- scles; and muscles with normal strength usually had fascicul- eases of motor neurons or peripheral nerves, and sometimes ation potentials and neurogenic motor unit potentials (chronic even in healthy subjects.6,7 Perhaps more intriguingly, there partial denervation with signs of reinnervation). According to has also been the suggestion that some fasciculations may this study, fasciculation, a feature of LMN hyperexcitability, originate from lesions involving the central nervous system occurred mainly in less-involved or compensated regions, ty- (CNS).8-11 More recently, the identification of fasciculations in pically during the early stages of the disease. In turn, these ob- ALS have been in incorporated into diagnostic criteria aimed servations may suggest that, clinically, hyperexcitability may at improving the diagnostic certainty of ALS, the Awaji-Shi- be overlooked frequently during the early stages of ALS be- ma criteria.12 cause of the lack of overtness of the developing phenotype. Identification of UMN hyperexcitability in ALS in the cli- Recently, two major advances have been introduced in the nic always seems rather challenging. Irrespective of LMN pa- field of in vivo assessments of excitability in the human mo- thology in ALS, which can give rise to various degrees of mu- tor system: transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and nerve scle wasting and weakness, hyperexcitability may seem clo- excitability test (NET). TMS provides a method of stimulat- sely related with the pathophysiological abnormalities that ing the cerebral cortex and has revealed hyperexcitability of follow damage to descending motor pathways and to motor CMs.19,20 Automated NET,21 using similar stimulating and re-

66 J Clin Neurol 2013;9:65-74 Bae JS et al. cording techniques to a conventional nerve conduction study, Most often, coupling is bidirectional and occurs between in- enables in vivo tracking of axonal excitability as either an in- terneurons of the same type. In the mammalian brain, where dependent measurement or various consequent changes to interneuronal communication is based mainly on chemical sy- the conditioning manipulation. With these two major adv- napses, electrical synapses between GABAergic interneurons ances, we can now identify and measure both the central and have only been demonstrated in a limited number of regions peripheral excitability of the motor system in normals and in of the adult brain (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, neurological disease states. thalamus, cerebellum, inferior olive, dorsal cochlear nucleus).34 Electrical synapses between cells have been considered an What is Origin of the important factor in synchronous activity.35,36 Physiologically, Hyperexcitability in ALS? GABAergic neurotransmission in the cortex has been con- sidered to provide a protective effect for the excitatory CMs. Although there has been debate regarding the origin of ALS,22-24 Release of inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA is largely a there is now increasing support to the theory that hyperexcit- function of interneurons, at both the cortical and spinal levels, ability develops due to the cortical origins of ALS. Hyperex- exerting a regulatory role over neuronal excitation of neurons citability in ALS seems to develop in a manner closely relat- and their networks. Thus, studies in cell culture models have ed to the disrupted integrity between two different parts of the shown the neuroprotective effects of GABAergic inhibition.37,38 human neocortex, the projection neurons (CMs, excitatory) The functional degradation of cortical neurons in old animals and the interneurons (inhibitory). Although recent research has largely been attributed to decreased intracortical GAB- has provided roles in ALS pathophysiology for other elements Aergic inhibition.29,30 in the neocortex, such as glial cells,25 several studies support the concept that an imbalance between γ-aminobutyric acid The paradox of cortical hyperexcitability (GABA)ergic interneurons and glutamatergic CMs in ALS in motor neuron death: ‘dying but overactive’ causes the increased cortical excitability, particulary in the The threshold of the motor cortex may be reduced early in the early stages of the disease. course of ALS, despite the continuous loss of CMs.10,39 The motor cortex in ALS becomes hyperexcitable, even during the Role of glutamate disease course marked by catastrophic destruction of neurons. Glutamate excitotoxicity and subsequent motor neuronal dea- This is a theoretically unique feature, which may suggest sev- th has been increasingly recognized as an important pathoph- eral possible mechanisms related to the complex interaction ysiological factor in ALS, although the specific mechanisms between glutamatergic CMs and GABAergic interneurons. underlying the selective degeneration of motor neurons in First, it may be explained by a theory associated with the this disease remain unknown. Additionally, it remains unkn- widespread degeneration of the motor system of neighboring own whether it is essential or an incidental bystander in the cells as well as CMs. Death of interneurons might disinhibit final disease.26,27 Glutamate is the major excitatory neuro- CMs and subsequently lead to the hyperexcitable state, de- transmitter in the CNS, and binds to ionotropic N-methyl-D- spite the continuous loss. Importantly, in addition to CM hy- aspartate receptors and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-iso- perexcitability, weakness in GABAergic inhibitory transmis- xazoleproprionic acid receptors on postsynaptic membranes.28,29 sion has also been documented in electrophysiological and Excessive activation of these postsynaptic receptors by glu- pathological studies of ALS patients.40 If this explanation is tamate, a process known as glutamate-induced excitotoxicity, correct, then progressive depletion of specific subpopulations can incite neurodegeneration through activation of calcium- of GABAergic neurons occurs even in the early course of the dependent enzymatic pathways.30,31 Glutamate-induced exci- disease because hyperexcitability seems to be an early phe- totoxicity can also result in the generation of free radicals, nomenon in ALS. A wide range of evidence from clinical, which, in turn, may cause neurodegeneration by damaging histological, genetic, neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and intracellular organelles and up-regulating proinflammatory neuropsychological studies, suggests that a loss of CNS in- mediators.32,33 hibitory neuronal influence is a contributing factor in ALS pa- thogenesis.13 Role of GABAergic interneurons A second explanation stems from the debate as to whether In the neocortex, GABAergic, inhibitory interneurons are widespread degeneration of motor system would be a feature morphologically distinct from excitatory pyramidal cells, and of the early stages of ALS. While cortical hyperexcitability is account for 20-25% of all neocortical neurons. GABAergic a well-accepted finding in the early stages of ALS, it is hard neocortical interneurons are interconnected by gap junctions. to assume that there is widespread degeneration of cortical 67 Hyperexcitability in ALS integrity in the early stage of ALS. In this sense, preferential cord. According to this theory, the axonal properties of LMNs loss of GABAergic interneurons may be an alternative mech- are adapted to the pattern and extent of impulse traffic from anism for ‘dying but overactive’ CMs. CMs. If the burden on UMNs exceeds the tolerance for LMN A pathological study demonstrated that GABAergic inhibi- adaptation, then subsequent pathological changes may ap- tory neurons were reduced in the motor cortex of ALS, in pear to develop in LMNs. Such a “dying forward” hypothesis comparison with control subjects.40 A previous in vivo study, has been supported by the clinical observations that the ocu- using TMS and PET, proposed that reduced cortical inhibi- lomotor, abducens, and Onuf’s motor nuclei, all lacking di- tion and reduced binding of flumazenil, a benzodiazepine an- rect CM connections, remain spared in ALS for a prolonged tagonist, in ALS patients might be due to a loss of GABAer- period.24 gic interneurons.10,41 Additionally, a recent study using mag- Studies utilizing novel threshold tracking TMS (TT-TMS) netic resonance spectroscopy technique supports these elec- established that cortical hyperexcitability was inversely cor- trophysiological findings by demonstrating differences in related with measures of LMN burden, which would suggest GABA content in the motor cortex of patients with ALS.42 that cortical hyperexcitability is an early feature of ALS, pro- This in vivo demonstration of selectively reduced GABAer- viding further indirect support for a dying forward process.45 gic activity in ALS might suggest the selective involvement Furthermore, the fact that cortical hyperexcitability was evi- of inhibitory GABAergic interneurons and subsequent pro- dent in ALS patients with advanced disease [Compound mus- duction of hyperexcitability of CMs, which are in a relatively cle action potential (CAMP) <4 mV] suggested that cortical intact state in the motor cortex. hyperexcitability was a persistent and ongoing process. The last theory concerns the susceptibility of the CMs th- There has been some debate against this spatial progres- emselves to GABA. The level of glutamic acid decarboxylase sion of hyperexcitability. Clinically, the detection of hyper- mRNA, as a marker of GABAergic interneurons, has been excitability before clinical signs of motor neuron loss does found to be similar in tissue from controls and ALS.43 Howev- not signify that the hyperexcitable CMs will cause preferen- er, a reduced alpha1-subunit mRNA level was developed due tial degeneration of the LMN, to which they have a direct to decreased mRNA expression in large CMs. Together, the synapse.46 For example, the muscles showing more cramps are PET data,41 showing reduced flumazenil binding, and a re- not necessarily those that will first become weak and wasted. duced mRNA level of the alpha1-subunit of the GABAA re- However, some authors have insisted that it is possible that the ceptor, suggests that alterations in the subunit assembly of cortical hyperexcitability in ALS represents cortical plastic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors occur in CMs. This rel- changes consequent to LMN degeneration or abnormal pe- atively less highlighted theory may provide a plausible ex- ripheral axonal membrane excitability.17 planation regarding the primary pathology in CMs, with dis- ordered interneuronal inhibition even in the early stages of Temporal evolution the disease. Recently, many genes have been found that are The onset of ALS remains a poorly defined issue, but it is wi- related to RNA metabolism in ALS.44 In the future, it may be dely believed that neurodegeneration, whether in the motor demonstrated that certain mutations may induce various sub- cortex or in the LMNs, begins long before the onset of symp- unit changes in receptors involved in neurotransmission with tomatic weakness.47,48 Some have proposed that the disease subsequent excitability changes in the motor system. starts some years prior to clinical onset, possibly in adolesc- ence, or even earlier, when there are marked alterations in Evolution of Hyperexcitability anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of the neocortex.11 Dur- ing adolescence, there is synaptic pruning, increases in white Spatial evolution matter, possibly related to continued myelination, and the for- In terms of the mechanism by which glutamate excitotoxicity mation of extensive neural circuits. may induce motor neuron degeneration, ALS may seem pri- The present lack of an identifying biomarker makes it im- marily a disorder of the CMs, which connect monosynapti- possible to diagnose sporadic ALS at a pre-clinical stage when cally with anterior horn cells.24 Dysfunction in these CMs has there might be the opportunity to normalize dysfunctional been proposed to result in alterations in glutamate metabo- neuronal elements before irreversible cell death occurs.49,50 lism and, thereby, anterior horn cell degeneration, by means Certainly, when muscle weakness and wasting become ap- of an anterograde process. Extreme overactivity of CMs or parent, there has already been loss of as many as 80% of the reduced intracortical inhibition in the motor cortex by gluta- anterior horn cells in the involved motor neuron pool. mate transmission consequently creates an excessive impulse One possible method for overcoming this problem is a stu- burden on connected LMNs in the ventral horn of the spinal dy design with familial ALS (fALS) subjects. If a certain dif-

68 J Clin Neurol 2013;9:65-74 Bae JS et al.

ference was found in fALS carriers at a pre-symptomatic st- 10 age, it could be judged as an early change in ALS. In this res- pect, TT-TMS was utilized in fALS carriers who were pre- 48 symptomatic. In copper-zinc superoxide dismutase type 1 1

(SOD-1) mutation carriers, who subsequently developed cli- ) mV nical features of the disease, the short-inhibitory cortical in- ( 0.1 terval (SICI) was clearly abnormal. Thus, hyperexcitability in Peak the motor cortex was identified as an early feature in some proportion of SOD-1 fALS subjects. To investigate the earli- 0.01 est structural change in this type of ALS, as a subsequent stu- 0 5 10 15 20 25 dy, seven asymptomatic SOD-1 mutation carriers were taken Elapsed time (min) A from a cohort studied previously.51 Both DTI and TT-TMS studies were performed in these SOD-1 mutation carriers. The combined anatomical and functional investigations estab- lished that in asymptomatic SOD-1 mutation carrier subjects, a the integrity of CMs was apparently normal. These findings suggest that hyperexcitability (as a physiological insult) pre- ceded the structural changes in the motor system in this type of fALS. As such, hyperexcitability may precede the clinical b features of ALS and may serve as a good therapeutic target for early intervention in the disease course.

Hyperexcitability and Its Clinical c Implications in ALS 0.2 mV

Cortical hyperexcitability 5 ms B Paired-stimulation TMS has a potential role in the evaluation Fig. 1. Threshold tracking transcranial magnetic stimulation (TT-TMS) of functional integrity between CMs and interneuron. In the protocol to identify the cortical excitability.52 The dashed horizontal conventional paired-pulse technique, the conditioning and test line represents the target output of 0.2 mV (peak to peak) which was “tracked”. The circles (clear and filled) represent the magnitude of stimuli are kept at constant intensity, and changes in the mo- the motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude with each stimulus tor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude are then measured. A (A). Illustrated three MEP responses of different amplitude track are tracked. The MEP response is initially larger (a), then smaller major limitation of this technique is the marked variability in (b), and again larger (c) than the target output of 0.2 mV in three the MEP amplitude with consecutive stimuli. In TT-TMS, the consecutive stimuli (B) (permission from John Wiley and Sons). target MEP is of a predetermined fixed amplitude and chang- es in the test stimulus intensity required to generate this tar- fALS get response, when preceded by a subthreshold conditioning Controls )

% 10 stimulus, are tracked automatically (Fig. 1). The threshold ( sALS tracking strategy used in the previous study is described else- where.52 4 A common TMS finding in ALS and fALS is the develop- ment of cortical hyperexcitability, as established by TT-TMS change Threshold -2 with a decrease in SICI - the ability of a subthreshold condi- tioning stimulus to suppress the response to a later suprath- -8 reshold test stimulus by interstimulus intervals of up to 10 ms 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Interstimulus interval (ms) (Fig. 2).45,51 The mechanism of SICI appears to be mediated by GABA-secreting inhibitory cortical interneurons, through Fig. 2. Short interval intracortical inhibition in fALS and sALS. SICI is 53,54 decreased in patients who are clinically affected with fALS, who ex- GABA-A receptors. Reduction in SICI may develop th- press a mutation in SOD1, and in patients with sALS in compari- rough loss of cortical inhibitory interneurons, combined with son to healthy controls. Modified from Vucic et al.51 (permission from Oxford University Press). fALS: familial amyotrophic lateral glutamine-mediated downregulation in CMs. Of relevance, sclerosis, sALS: sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, SICI: short- SICI can be partially restored in patients with ALS who are inhibitory cortical interval, SOD1: superoxide dismutase type 1. 69 Hyperexcitability in ALS treated with riluzole,55,56 possibly through inhibition of gluta- increase in Na+ flow would tend to depolarize the axon and mate. Furthermore, decreased SICI can be reversed by agents thereby contribute to LMN hyperexcitability (Fig. 3).69,72 that potentiate GABAergic transmission, such as diazepam and ALS patients have been stratified according to disease se- gabapentin.57 verity and showed decreased slow K+ currents in the inter- Cortical threshold, another index of hyperexcitability, was node and increased SDTC.69 Increased SDTC and decreased reported to be lowest early in the course of ALS, and to sub- slow K+ conductances would tend to indicate depolarization sequently increase as the disease progressed.58 The duration of the axolemma. Interestingly, these findings were most pro- of the cortical silent period seems to be uniformly decreased minent in the mild to moderate stages of the disease, during in all clinical ALS phenotypes.45 The duration of the cortical which period most patients experience a degree if LMN hy- silent period is mediated in the early phase by inhibition of perexcitability, such as fasciculation and cramp. anterior horn cells59 and by cortical processes, through GA- Two recent studies have shown further clinical utility of BA-B receptors, in later phase.60 Thus, measurements of the NET in ALS clinical studies, particularly as an excellent pre- cortical silent period could be refined to identify disinhibition dictor of survival in ALS.67 Indeed, prolonged SDTC was st- of anterior horn cells15,61 or progressive dysfunction of corti- rongly associated with shorter survival. This finding was con- cal inhibitory interneurons that act through GABA-B recep- sistent with a longitudinal EMG study, which showed that fa- tors. Of relevance, the latter finding has been reported in pa- sciculation potentials as well as and sharp waves, tients with ALS during the course of the disease.62 were poor prognostic factors, as defined by survival rate.18 In longitudinal studies in asymptomatic carriers of muta- In another longitudinal study of axonal excitability, longi- tions in SOD1, as discussed earlier, cortical hyperexcitability tudinal changes in axonal excitability in ALS patients show develops before the clinical onset of ALS.51 This finding was increasing K+ channel dysfunction in motor axons.73 Thus, sub- also supported by flumazenil PET studies63; decreases in sequent changes in axonal function with time in ALS may re- SICI in fALS could thus be a primary, presymptomatic event. flect the continually increasing demand for surviving motor Cortical hyperexcitability is absent in patients with Kennedy’s units to compensate for progressive weakness. disease, an X-linked recessive, LMN spinobulbar, neurode- generative disorder that is slowly progressive.64 However, hy- Special Issues perexcitability is present in patients who have LMN-predom- inant flail arm ALS,65 suggesting that it is important to clarify UMN hyperexcitability and ionic biophysics the pathophysiology of this variant and it could be useful in The precise mechanism of the persistent increased Na+ con- distinguishing ALS from Kennedy’s disease. In terms of cli- ductance in ALS remains unknown. However, it has been hy- nical-prognostic correlation, one previous study showed that pothesized that the increase in the Na+ influx into the cyto- the amount of the SICI decrease correlated with disease du- plasm would result in an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concen- ration and motor deficit score.66 However, studies with TT- trations, via activation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger,74 possibly TMS or NET showed that functional status or survival was increasing motor neuronal death. Additionally, a continuous instead correlated with peripheral NET or NCS parameters, increase in Na+ influx would lead to overload of the Na+-K+ such as CMAP or strength-duration time constant (SDTC).45,67 ATPase-dependent pump and excessive consumption of intra- cellular ATP and subsequent energy failure of the neuron. Peripheral axonal excitability in ALS Interestingly, hyperexcitability was demonstrated in CMs in In terms of developing a novel peripheral biomarker in ALS, a G93A mouse model, with a higher density of persistent Na+ measurements of axonal excitability have been validated as a currents in their CMs.75 In contrast to the peripheral Na+ cur- sensitive biomarker of the resting membrane potential. Ch- rent, cortical mechanisms underlying these changes in ionic anges in excitability produced by a combination of test and biophysics remain to be clarified, although the finding of an conditioning currents could be used to establish membrane increased channel density may favor transcriptional altera- potential and the biophysical properties of peripheral axons. tions over secondary functional modulation of channel behav- This process is now possible using threshold-tracking proto- ior, as in LMN excitability. cols that provide insight into the ionic mechanisms underly- ing the pathophysiology of axonal dysfunction (Fig. 3). Hyperexcitability and the ALS ‘split hand’ Although studies of peripheral excitability in patients with The so-called ALS “split hand” is a peculiar pattern of selec- ALS have, so far, been limited, an increase in persistent Na+ tive muscle wasting in intrinsic hand muscles. Among the in- conductances was been identified across patients with a range trinsic hand muscles, wasting predominantly affects the ‘lat- of clinical phenotypes, as shown by a rise in SDTC.68-71 This eral (thenar) hand’, involving both median innervated muscles

70 J Clin Neurol 2013;9:65-74 Bae JS et al.

Stimulus-response curve Strength-duration time constant 100 100 ALS (n=58) Normal (n=25) ) ) % % ( (


ALS (n=58) Normal (n=25) 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 A Threshold current (mA) B Time constant (ms)

Threshold electrotonus Current/threshold relationship 100 50 ALS (n=58) ALS (n=58) Normal (n=25) Normal (n=25) 50 ) ) % ( 0 0 % threshold % ( -50 -50 Current Current Threshold reduction reduction Threshold -100

-150 -100 0 50 100 150 200 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 C Delay (ms) D Threshold reduction (%)

Recovery cycle

100 ALS (n=58) Normal (n=25) ) % ( 50

0 Threshold change change Threshold

-50 1 10 100 E Conditioning-test interval (ms) Fig. 3. Grand-averaged data of multiple excitability measurements in patients with ALS (n=58; filled circle) and in age-matched normal subjects (n=25; open circle).69 In Stimulus-Response Curve, left curves were obtained by stimulus duration=1.0 ms; right curves were obtained by stimulus duration=0.2 ms. Each plot denotes various parameters of axonal excitability: stimulation-response curve (A), strength-duration time constant (B), threshold electrotonus (C), current/threshold relationship (D), recovery cycle (E). Error bars indicate SEM (permission from Oxford University Press). ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, SEM: standard error mean.

(APB and opponens pollicis) and ulnar innervated muscles addition, were markedly greater for APB and FDI motor axo- [first dorsal interosseous (FDI), adductor pollicis and flexor ns than for ADM axons. These findings may suggest that mo- pollicis brevis], with relative sparing of the ulnar innervated tor axons with physiologically greater persistent Na+ conduc- hypothenar muscles (abductor digiti minimi, ADM).76-78 tance, with subsequently depolarized axons, may be more In terms of mechanism, it has been hypothesized that, in hu- vulnerable to degeneration in ALS, thereby contributing to the mans, use of the APB muscle is greater than that of the ADM, development of the split hand. which could render the former muscle (involved in split hand Recently, there was a report about the ‘split-hand plus sign’, sign) subject to greater oxidative stress and metabolic de- which indicated the preferential saving of the flexor pollicis mands at both UMN and LMN level.79,80 In this regard, a dif- longus (FPL) muscle, even in advanced stages of ALS.82 This ference in axonal excitability between the thenar and hypo- unique feature was investigated from a central aspect using thenar muscles has been established in normal subjects.81 TT-TMS. It was confirmed that there were significant differ- Nodal persistent Na+ currents, estimated by SDTC and latent ences in SICI between APB and FPL CMs. Such a finding 71 Hyperexcitability in ALS may suggest that differences in intracortical integrity of excit- Recent advances in the genetics of both ALS and FTD have atory and inhibitory neurons, and related excitability changes, opened new chapters in pathophysiology at the molecular can result in dissociated involvement of small hand muscles level and have challenged the traditional concepts of disease in ALS. These findings may in turn relate the development of causation and indeed, clinical phenotype. Abnormal RNA the ALS ‘split hand’ to the relatively large cortical representa- products and related erroneous transcriptional interventions tion of hand muscles involved particularly in the human pin- into various cortical elements, and correlating such changes cer grip. with the components related to the underlying excitability in CMs or interneurons, may yet clarify the exact mechanism of Is hyperexcitability a shared feature of ALS and hyperexcitability at the molecular level in ALS. frontotemporal dementia (FTD) spectrum Ideally, however, much research work needs to be complet- diseases? ed in this complex area, to better facilitate new treatments for The recent recognition of clinical, pathological, and genetic this most therapeutically resistant neurodegenerative disease. overlaps between FTD and ALS supports the view that FTD Returning to the beginning, perhaps the final word should be and MND form the extremes of a disease spectrum, with a pre- with Sherlock Holmes: dominance of cognitive symptoms at one end and motor dys- function at the other83,84 Genetically, the ubiquitination of mis- “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insen- folded proteins that aggregate in affected cells are pathologi- sibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theo- cal hallmarks of ALS and FTD: misfolded TAR DNA-bind- ries to suit facts.” ing protein (TDP-43), which is involved in mRNA processing - Arthur Conan Doyle and the TARDBP gene, which encodes TDP-43, are frequent- Conflicts of Interest ly identified in both diseases.84-89 More recently, mutations in The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. the fused sarcoma gene (also known as “translocated in lipo- sarcoma”), an RNA-processing gene that is functionally relat- Acknowledgements ed to TARDBP, were identified in large ALS families, linked This work was supported by the Inje Research and Scholarship Founda- to chromosome 16q12.90,91 Furthermore, many other RNA- tion in 2012. binding proteins have been shown to be involved in ALS and TDP-43 aggregation, a core feature of both ALS and FTD, in REFERENCES pathological findings: C9ORF72, VCP, UBQLN2, and PFN1.44 1. 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