MILLENNIALS: CHANGING THE COMMUTE For subscription information or to change your mailing address, Issue 2, Volume 19 Spring 2015 WHAT’S INSIDE 2 DC Passes Transit contact Commuter Connections at 800.745.RIDE Benefits Ordinance 3 Ridesharing Still Makes Commuter Connections is a publication of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. This program is Sense with Lower Gas Prices funded by the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and U.S. Departments of Transportation and the Federal National Capital Region Highway Administration, under MAP-21. 4 D.C. Adopts Vision Zero for Traffic Deaths A recent study by Goldman Sachs shows Transportation Planning Board For information or to change your mailing address, contact Commuter Connections at 800.745.RIDE, or 5 Millennials: Changing the differences between Millennial Metropolitan Washington Council 202.962.3213 (TDD). We invite your comments and suggestions. Please send to: the Commute lifestyles and that of Generation Xers of Governments Commuter Connections Editor, c/o Commuter Connections, and Baby Boomers. 777 N. Capitol St., NE, Ste. 300 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments The Commuter Information Source for Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia Washington, D.C. 20002-4290 777 N Capitol St, NE, Ste 300 Washington, D.C. 20002-4290 Printed on recycled paper Millennials are a group of 92 million or e-mail us at
[email protected]. Commuter Connections © SPRING 2015 Americans born between 1980 and 800.745.RIDE 2000, and differ from their parents and grandparents. Differences include when they plan to get married, how they think about finances, how they consume WE’LL GET YOU HOME.