Dewdrop Beaded Bead. Beadwork: ON12, 24-26 Bead Four: Treasure Trove Beaded Bead
Beadwork Index through December 2017/January 2018 Issue abbreviations: D/J =December/January FM = February/March AM = April/May JJ = June/July AS=August/September ON=October/November This index covers Beadwork magazine, and special issues of Super Beadwork. To find an article, translate the issue/year/page abbreviations (for example, “Royal duchess cuff. D10/J11, 56-58” as Beadwork, December 2011/January 2012 issue, pages 56-58.) Website = or Names: the index is being corrected over time to include first names instead of initials. These corrections will happen gradually as more records are corrected. Corrections often appear in later issues of Beadwork magazine, and the index indicates these. Many corrections, including the most up-to-date ones, are also found on the website. 15th Anniversary Beaded Bead Contest Bead five: dewdrop beaded bead. Beadwork: ON12, 24-26 Bead four: treasure trove beaded bead. Beadwork: AS12, 22-24 Bead one: seeing stars. Beadwork: FM12, 18-19 Bead three: stargazer beaded bead. Beadwork: JJ12, 20-22 Bead two: cluster beaded bead. Beadwork: AM12, 20-23 Beaded bead contest winners. Beadwork: FM13, 23-25 1800s-era jewelry Georgian jewels necklace. Beadwork: D14/J15, 80-81 1900s-era jewelry Bramble necklace. Beadwork: AS13, 24-27 Royal duchess cuff. Beadwork: D10/J11, 56-58 1920s-era jewelry Art Deco bracelet. Beadwork: D13/J14, 34-37 Modern flapper necklace. Beadwork: AS16, 70-72 1950s-era jewelry Aurelia necklace. Beadwork: D10/J11, 44-47 2-hole beads. See two-hole beads 20th anniversary of Beadwork Beadwork celebrates 20 years of publication.
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