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COURIER-JOURNAL Wednesday, June 20,1984 Pope Visit to Switzerland Continued from Page 1. Catholics and Jews and expressed "hope enthusistic congregation, the pope declared for the day when normal relations will exist that "a local church cannot exist unless it is between the Vatican state and the state of in communion with the others, unless it is Israel, so that the exchange of diplomatic open to the sufferings and joys of the other representatives becomes a matter of fact." local churches, unless it seeks to be in At Bern on June 14, the pope repeated harmony with them." his call for Christian unity in a talk to Unlike other papal trips outside Italy, the members of a Swiss ecumenical group but pope was greeted and guarded by Swiss restated his position that there could be no Guards in their ceremonial dress. joint Eucharist until Catholic and Protes Noting the guards dressed in the uniform tant churches reached a "complete agree designed by Michelangelo, the pope re ment on faith." called that "through many centuries, young The pope surprised some of his listeners Swiss citizens have served the successor of by asking rhetorically whether women have Peter in his many apostolic duties, "the place today in society and church faithfully and even at the cost of their which the creator intended for them." lives." Women are barred by canon law from The pope also noted Switzerland's the Catholic priesthood. neutral status in world politics through Several Protestant groups, including Lu which, he said, the country "has secured theran, Methodist and Episcopal'churches, long years of peace and social progress and ordain women. The pope made his comments in a talk to Pope Pan! II is greeted at the World Council of churches headquarters in Geneva also' has made possible the expansion of by Willem Vissef*t Hooft, the first WCC general secretary, left, and Rev. Philip humanitarian work especially in times of members of the Community of Christian Churches in Switzerland, an organization Potter, current secretary. Below.the pontiff reviews a contingent of Swiss Guards international conflict." on his arrival at Lugano airport. At Fribourg on the second day of his which includes Catholics and most Protes journey, Pope John Paul II warned scien tant denominations. tists to control "terrifying instruments of "We are all praying incessantly that the destruction and death" and has told Lord will lead us together in the visible .Catholic theologians to stay within the form of the one catholic and apostolic bounds of church teachings. church," Pope John Paul told the church A "growing number of scientists" are leaders. worried by changes that "risk compromis But he said that agreeing to a joint ing gravely the complex and delicate Eucharist at this point in inter-church balance of nature," the pope told about relations would "send delusive signals." A 5ti0 students and faculty members at the common eucharistic celebration is possible University of Fribourg. only with "complete agreement in faith," "They are worried by the technical he said. achievements capable of becoming terri On June 14 he praised ecumenical efforts fying instruments of destruction and but reiterated his position against in death," he said. tercommunion between Catholics and The pope also asked scientists to seek Protestants. greater independence. "We may not give a false sign," the pope "Scientific work should not be so de said at a meeting with the Swiss Protestant pendent on immediate goals, on business Evangelical Association June 14 in claims or economic interests," he added. Kehrsatz, a village outside Bern, After the morning meeting at the univer Switzerland's capital. women feel unwelcome, second-rate," she the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting sity, the pope told Swiss Catholic theology Shared communion is the goal of unity, said. i{ Christian Unity, responded for the pope professors to avoid "theses which are not and not the means toward it, he said, Churches give "lij^ijervice to the value of and said that for Catholics intercommu officially recognized and have not yet been addressing the group of Protestant leaders. women's position/tj but church doctrine nion was the biggest step, added the Baptist matured." The pope acknowledged the pain of separa and practice make ft evident that women minister. Catholic theologians do not have com tion felt by Christians of different denomi "are regarded ai| incomplete human plete autonomy, the pope said. They should nations who want to pray together at the beings," she said. Jf\ Sunday, June 17, the pope visited Sion, a not act on their own accord but should Eucharist, but said that to agree to She asked the poj§|,to "give a clear sign town less than 12 miles away from Econe, submit their research for evaluation by intercommunion just to avoid pain would that the church wiftfvercome the antago home of the suspended Archbishop Marcel "learned men outside the bounds of a be delusionary. nism between men a0t| women." Lefebvre, and stressed obedience to papal theological school or of a country," he "It would be of no use to do away with The pope said thai questions on women's authority and the need for church renewal. added. pain of separation if we do not remedy the rights and dignity ishould be part of The archbishop is leader of a movement Throughout the cool, sunny day, the cause of this pain, which is precisely the discussion among chflfches. opposed to ecumenical and liturgical re pope spoke to primarily French-speaking separation itself," the pope said. "We may hope jfikt they lead to a forms of the Second Vatican Council. The Catholics in the medieval city of Fribourg, Catholic and Protestant churches differ common clarificatioifUnd formation of stress on obedience came during a Mass at home of the University of Fribourg, on substantial doctrinal issues, such as the opinion,"he$aid. i| Sion's airport where he ordained nine men Switzerland's Catholic intellectual center role of the church as the mediator between A Baptist minist# reported that a to the priesthood and recalled the priest's founded in 1889. God and man and the role of the ministry. layman aSked the pj&jpe why the church promise of obedience to his bishop and to Afterward, the pope met Swiss Catholic Intercommunion is one of the most con could not take the srrtall step of allowing the pope. theology professors and toltl them that they troversial practical issues between Catholics intercommunion jfbr the sake of "By being obedient to these two, the had to study controversial' issues but that and Protestants. ecumenism. »„: '1,. priest lives in community with the-whole they should approach them with discretion "We believe that the celebration of Cardinal Johanne^ IVillebrands, head of church," the pope said. and not publicize private opinions as if they communion at separate tables means dis were official church teachings. He added obedience towards Christ's call and a that they must work in union with the limitation of his generosity," said J. P. bishops and with himself. Jornod, president of the Swiss Protestant Theologians "are not called to be judges, Evangelical Association. but to be loyal colleagues of those who, "By the way," he added, "many mem FEW REMAINING through their office, have the duty of unity bers of our churches feel this separation to for all," he said. "Theologians must also be unbearable and simply overlook it for be able t& accept the fact that from their they consider it counter-testimony." level, they cannot solve all the problems The pope echoed his words for last 0 GRAVEPLOTS that are presented to them." December's 500th anniversary of the birth The pope also cautioned theologians of Martin Luther and acknowledged about making their work public before it mistakes by all sides. He also cited a need ronmLY: has been properly evaluated. for objective study of the historical dis Includes Theological research "would therefore agreement. profit from being reviewed by other The pope noted that Switzerland this l Perpetual Care scholars beyond the boundaries of a year celebrates the 500fh anniversary of the Pr©%eef dIQ Paymentvs of '1pe3 i- Per Month particular theological school or country birth of Huldrych Zwingli, who with John before being presented to the general Calvin was a key Swiss figure in the NO INTEREST or Finance Charges public," he said. Protestant Reformation. A Limited Number of Plots at This Price "One must be careful not to confuse "We cannot forget that the work of their •••} those believers who are less instructed in reform remains a permanent point of questions of faith by presenting them with contention between us and makes our Stop in for details and theses which are not officially recognized church divisions something still present," receive k FREE family and are at times still immature and the pope said. Portfolio Record File to insufficiently nuanced," he added. organizes , personal and "On the other hand, no one can deny fsnanciaJ information. No At a press conference afterward. Bishop that the elements of the theology and purchsosel necessary — Henri Schwery, president of the Swiss sprituality of each one of them maintains see coupOw below. bishops' conference, and five of the pro the deep ties between us," he* added. fessors who attended the meeting said that "Perhaps the day will come, and 1 hope issues brought up by the theologians were it will be soon," the pope added, "when WHITE HAVEN MEMORIAL PARK the shortage of priests, the possibility of Swiss Catholics and Protestants will be able ordaining women, and the role of women in to write the history of that troubled and ! 210 Marsh Bd., Pitteferd, NY the church.