

by Hellmut H. Doelling and Grant C. Willis

OPEN-FILE REPORT 288 JULY 1993 UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a division of UTAH DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 0 This open-file release makes infonnation available to the public during the lengthy review and production period necessary for a fonnal UGS publication. Because the release is in review process and may not confonn to UGS policy and editorial standards, it may be premature for an individual or group to take action based on the contents. This OFR will not be reproduced when the final production is released. PREFACE

These guidelines prescribe the format for authors submitting geologic maps for the Utah Geological Survey map series. The focus is on format and content of maps and supporting materials, allowing authors considerable leeway in tailoring documents to the of particular map areas. These guidelines supersede any previous guidelines and should be used in conjunction with Guide for the Preparation of Repons for the Utah Geological Survey (Lund,1992) and Suggestions to Authors of Repons of the U.S. Geological Survey (seventh edition, Hansen, 1991).

This style guide is the result of the efforts of many reviewers and editors. Bob Gloyn, Bryce Tripp, and Fitzhugh Davis provided information on handling economic resources. Gary Christensen and the staff of the UGS Applied Geology program provided information on handling geologic hazards. The guide to surficial deposits was modified from an outline by Charles "Jack" Oviatt. Michael Ross, Fitzhugh Davis, Lehi Hintze, Bill Lund, Bob Gloyn, Gary Christensen, Jim Stringfellow, and Mike Shubat reviewed the manuscript. Dan Burke designed the layout of this manuscript, creating order from chaos.

This is a preliminary version of this guide. Any suggestions to improve the final version would be appreciated.

January 22, 1993 CONTENTS

ABSTRACT ...... 1

INTRODUCTION ...... 2 Purpose and Scope of the UGS Mapping Program ...... 2 UGS Quadrangle Mapping Priorities ...... 2 Submitting Mapping Proposals to the UGS ...... 2

TIPES OF UGS MAPS ...... 3 Geologic Maps ...... 3 Provisional Geologic Maps ...... 3 Interim Maps ...... 3 Other Geologic Maps ...... 3


FIELD WORK ...... 5 Ethics ...... 5 Field Procedures ...... 5

COMMON GEOLOGIC MAPPING PROBLEMS ...... 7 Reporting Unit Thicknesses ...... 7 Adjoining Map Problems ...... 7 Acceptable Geologic and Geographic Names ...... 7 Stratigraphic Nomenclature ...... 7 Geographic Names ...... 8



CONTENT AND FORMAT FOR PUBLICATION ...... • 12 Plate 1. The ...... -...... -.-. -•...... ; ..... -...... -- 12 Plate 2. Explanatory Plate for the Geologic Map ...... 12 Additional Plates ...... 12 Text Booklet ...... 12 Purpose ...... 13 Size ...... 13 Rules for the Draft Manuscript ...... 13 Units of Measure ...... 13 Title Page ...... • 13 Foreword or Preface ...... 14 Table of Contents and List of Figures and Plates ; ...... • . 14 Abstract ...... 14 Introduction ...... 14 Previous work ...... 14

II ...... 14 Igneous Rocks ...... 15 Special Units (optional) ...... 15 Structure ...... 15 Geologic History (optional) ...... 15 ...... 15 Economic (optional) ...... 16 Water Resources ...... 16 Geologic Hazards ...... 16 Eanhquakes ...... 16 Slope failures ...... 16 Problem soil and ...... 16 Shallow ground-water areas ...... 17 Aooding ...... 17 Other hazards ...... 17 Scenic Resources and Outstanding Geologic Features (optional) ...... 17 Other Headings ...... 17 Acknowledgments ...... 17 References ...... 18 Citations in the text ...... 18 Verbal and written communications ...... 18 Manuscripts in preparation ...... 18 The reference list ...... 18 Appendices ...... 19 Photographs ...... 19 Diagrams, Graphs, and Tables ...... 19 Measured Sections ...... 19

UGS MAP REVIEW AND PUBLICATION PROCESS ...... 21 Important Participants in the Mapping and Publication Process ...... 21 Mapping /Author ...... 21 Project Manager ...... 21 Document Coordinator ...... 21 Senior Mapping Geologist ...... 21 Deputy Director ...... 22 Editor...... 22 Reviewers ...... 22 Milestones ...... 22

STILE GUIDELINES ...... -...... 25 Abbreviations and Acronyms ...... • ...... 25 Highway and Road Designations: ...... 26 Colors ...... 26 Hyphenation ...... 26 Capitalization ...... 27 Compass Directions ...... 28 Proper Use of Formal Names ...... 28 Distance Above Sea Level ...... 28 Interval-of-Occurrence Versus Time Terms ...... 28 Time ...... 28

Ill REFERENCES ...... 29 References Cited ...... : ...... 29 Sources of Information ...... 30 Field Methods and General Geologic Information ...... 30 Geologic Report Writing and Map Preparation ...... 30 General Style Manuals ...... 30 Geologic Dictionaries ...... 30 General References to Utah Geology ...... 30

APPENDIX A CHECKLISTS OF MINIMUM STANDARDS ...... A-1 General ...... A-1 List of Deliverables ...... A-1 Plate 1. Geologic Map ...... A-1 Plate 2. Map Explanation (and Plate 3, if needed) ...... A-1 Text Booklet ...... A-1 Other Deliverables ...... A-1 Plate 1. Geologic Map ...... A-2 Plate 2. Map Explanation ...... A-3 Cross Section(s) ...... A-3 Description of Map Units ...... A-3 Correlation of Map Units ...... A-3 Lithologic Column ...... -• ...... A-4 Map Symbols ...... A-4 Other Plate 2 Features ...... A-4 Text Booklet ...... A-4 Consistency Among Parts ...... A-5

APPENDIX B. EXAMPLES OF SUBMITTED MATERIALS ...... B-0 Lithologic columns ...... • . . . . • . . . . B-1 Correlation diagrams ...... B-6 Cross sections ...... B-11 An.notated photographs ...... B-13 Block diagrams ...... B-14 Index maps ...... B-15 Other types ...... B-18



APPENDIX E. HOW TO HANDLE ECONOMIC RESOURCES ...... E-1 Information to Record ...... :_ ...... E-1 Other Suggestions ...... E-2 Special Coal Guidelines ...... E-2 Sampling and Kinds of Samples ...... E-3 List of Possible Economic Commodities to Consider ...... • ...... E--4

Iv APPENDIX F. HOW TO HANDLE GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ...... F-1 Important Considerations ...... F-1 Earthquake Hazards ...... F-1 Slope-failure Hazards ...... F-1 Problem Soils and Subsidence ...... F-2 Shallow Ground Water ...... F-2 Flooding ...... F-2 Radon ...... F-3 Geologic Hazards Checklist ...... F-3 Glossary of Geologic Hazard Terms ...... F-4 1991 Uniform Building Code Seismic Zone Map ...... F-8

APPENDIX G. UGS DATABASE REPORT FORMS ...... G-0 Stratigraphic Information Database Form ...... G-1 Geochronometry Database Form ...... G-2 I..andslide Inventory Form ...... G-3 Occurrence Report ...... G-4 Igneous Database Form ...... G-5

APPENDIX H. FORMS USED IN THE REVIEW AND TRACKING PROCESS ...... H-0 Ready for Open-filing and Review ...... H-1 Document Routing Form ...... H-2 Document Review Appraisal Form ...... H-3




Geologic maps are one of the fundamental tools use to convey scientific information and yet are one of the most complex and sophisticated forms of presenting data. To be useful, geologic maps and supporting materials must be accurate, well organized, and clearly written, and follow established conventions and formats. This guide provides the mapper, cartographer, and editor with instructions and standards that will save time and effort.

This guide provides an overview of: ( 1) the purpose and goals of the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) mapping program, (2) how to become involved in UGS mapping projects, (3) preparation for field mapping. (4) required field procedures, (5) how to handle inconsistencies or conflicts with previously completed, adjoining geologic maps, and (6) field reviews. Detailed guidelines are provided on: (1) information to be shown on a geologic map, (2) style to be followed in constructing maps, (3) format for UGS map publications, (4) map submission and review process, and (5) style problems particularly applicable to mapping. A check.list to be followed before submission of any document to the UGS mapping program is provided in an appendix. Other appendices provide examples of materials properly prepared for submission; aids for assessing and mapping geologic hazards, geology-related economic resources, and Quaternary deposits; useful forms; and proper symbols to use on maps and cross sections.


Geologic maps are essential mols for placed on stratigraphy. lithology, structure, most geologic investigations. Therefore they economic geology, and geologic hazards. must be accurate, legible, and standardized to avoid ambiguity, misinterpretation, and confu­ UGS Quadrangle Mapping Priorities sion. The geologist's responsibility does not end with the completion of field. literature, or labo­ The Utah Legislature has given the Utah ratory investigations. Still required is the submit­ Geological Survey a mandate to map the 1,512 tal of well-prepared products that are ready to be quadrangles that cover the state at a scale of converted into_high-quality publications. Strict 1:24,000. As of 1992, about one third of the preparation, re\·iew, and production controls are quadrangles are mapped to some degree at this necessary to insure that consistency and precision scale; however, only about 200 comply with the are maintained throughout the map series. U?S. ~ultipurpose map standard. Mapping ~nont1es are determined by considering the qua­ This guide does not cover all aspects of lity_ ~f. cur:ently available geologic maps, and by geologic mapping and document preparation. sohc1tmg mput from other government aoencies Rather, it addresses many of the questions and the State Mapping Advisory Committee, ~ther ' problems encountered during the first 7 years of UGS programs, and from industry and the pub­ the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) 7 1/2' quad­ lic. Expertise, interests, and preferences of staff rangle mapping program. With appropriate or contracting geologists are also considered but modifications, this guide will be useful in the may be preempted by other needs. preparation of maps at other scales. This guide is an aid to preparing high-quality map publica­ tions; however, the ultimate responsibility for Submitting Mapping Proposals quality, accuracy, and usability lies with the to the UGS authors. Their name will appear on the map; the honor or the shame will be theirs to bear! Quadrangle mapping can be undertaken by any properly trained geologist or by any Purpose and Scope of the properly supervised graduate-level geology UGS Mapping Program student. The UGS provides limited financial support for geologic mapping on a contractual basis to encourage students, professors, or other Th~ need for standardized geologic maps experienced geologists to produce a geologic was recogmzed by the Utah Legislature in 1983; quadrangle map as pan of their research. A subse~uently the UGS established its geologic contract should be in place before work stans. mapping program. Two map series were select­ U. S. ?eological Survey (USGS) geologists, by ed, 1:24,000-scale 7 1/2' quadrangle maps and following the UGS format, may submit 1:100,000-scale county maps. The UGS publish­ quadrangle maps for publication in the UGS es multi-purpose geologic maps for use by the map series. Interested persons may obtain · · general public as well as by professional geolo­ information on submitting a proposal and the gists. Geologists should write for well-educated current level and availability of funding from: readers and professionals in other fields. The primary purpose of UGS maps is to provide a UGS Mapping Program meaningful and accurate description of the geol­ Utah Geological Survey ogy of an area that can be understood by anyone 2363 South Foothill Drive interested in land use, resource development, Salt Lake City, UT 84109-1491 construction, recreation, or hazards mitigation. Tune and resources do not permit the plotting of Telephone: 801-467-7970 all mappable geologic features, so emphasis is Fax: 801-467-4070


Utah Geological Survey maps are re­ Interim Geologic Maps leased in four types: (1) GEOLOGIC MAPS, (2) PROVISIONAL GEOLOGIC MAPS, (3) Maps that are incomplete or that will INTERIM GEOLOGIC MAPS, and (4) other. soon be replaced are called INTERIM Toe GEOLOGIC MAP series and PROVI­ GEOLOGIC MAPS. They are submitted into SIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP series are published the OPEN-FILE REPORT series and are given a as color-printed plates accompanied by an 8- to publication number. They have not been 24-page printed booklet. These are inserted into subjected to a thorough review or screened for a protective envelope bearing the map title. conformity to UGS standards. There are two INTERIM GEOLOGIC MAPS are photocopied types: (1) non-reviewed maps waiting for in black and white from submitted materials. A publication. and (2) maps that are incomplete. few maps are released as parts of other UGS The first type, maps submitted for the publication series such as BULLETINS, GEOLOGIC MAP and PROVISIONAL MAP SPECIAL STUDIES, and CONTRACT series, are open-filed prior to the lengthy review REPORTS. A publication list informs potential and publication process in order to make the users of all available maps. data available in a timely fashion. The second type are maps that do not contain all the All GEOLOGIC and PROVISIONAL materials or work required by the standard maps, and most other maps, are published in the GEOLOGIC or PROVISIONAL GEOLOGIC UGS Map Series and are numbered MAP series. These include maps compiled or consecutively. INTERTh1 maps are published in prepared for other purposes. Examples are: a the Open-file Series. The UGS reserves the geologist mapped the structure and bedrock of right to select the designation of all submitted an area for a thesis, but did not map the surficial maps; however, authors may make suggestions. geology; or, another geologist mapped a small area to resolve a particular problem but chose Geologic Maps not to complete a quadrangle. Many are high quality. The UGS welcomes submissions to this GEOLOGIC MAPS are those that meet series. all standards, requirements, and purposes Both types are offered to the public as outlined in this guide. Significant field and temporary substitutes until published maps office time and research have been incorporated become available. They are removed from the into the project. Maps are detailed and accurate, open-file listings after publication of an and all features have been field checked. improved map. The open-file map and text Authors are recognized by their peers as copies are made by photocopying the submitted experienced mapping geologists. materials. For this reason, deliverables should be submitted in a complete, neat, and well­ Provisional Geologic Maps organized manner amenable to normal photocopying procedures. PROVISIONAL GEOLOGIC MAPS generally meet all standards, requirements, and Other Geologic Maps purposes outlined in this guide. They are usually of the same high calibre as the GEOLOGIC Geologic maps other than the 7 1/2 MAP series, but are produced by students and minute series, such as county geologic maps, 30 others with less mapping experience. With by 60-minute geologic maps, and Quaternary guidance, students generally produce high-quality geologic maps are occasionally produced by the work and their products often emulate those of UGS. Most are published at 1:100,000 scale. more experienced geologists.


Research and preparation are essential 3. The Sources of Information section of this before beginning field work. Mapping geolo­ guide (p. 30) lists references on Utah gists should search the geologic literature for geology of a general nature. They overview previous studies. Nomenclature and concepts many aspects of Utah geology and have established in earlier publications are to be fol­ excellent bibliographies. lowed unless it can be shown that earlier workers were in error or that previous concepts are inac­ 4. Utah Department of Natural Resources­ curate. The burden of proof lies with the "new­ Division of Oil, Gas and Mining, and comer." Division of Water Rights; and Deparunent of Transportation all maintain information Mappers should obtain and study aerial files that may be useful. photographs and acquire needed supplies and equipment well in advance of field work. Con­ 5. The UGS maintains a small research library. tact should be made with other geologists work­ ing in the area. 6. The UGS maintains several computer databases and facilities: Half the "battle" can be won before ever a) MAPBIB, a computer database listing going into the field by conducting a thorough over 2,000 geologic maps. It is review of all literature applicable to the geology searchable by author, scale, location and problems that will be encountered in the (latitude and longitude or 7.5', 30x60', study area. Sources of information include: or 1X2° quadrangle), and title; b) CHRON, a database of radiometric age 1. University lfbraries (see American Geological information; Institute - Index of North American Geolow). c) STRAT, a database of measured sections; 2 Major publishers on Utah Geology: d) IGBADAT, a database of igneous a) Utah Geological Survey (fonnerly Utah petrology and geochemistry; Geological and Mineral(ogical] Survey); e) UMOS (CRIB), a database and file b) Utah Geological Association (formerly system of information on all known Utah Geological Society and economic geology sites in the state; Intermountain Association of Petroleum t) HAZBIB, a database of references to Geologists); geologic hazards in the state; c) U.S. Geological Survey; g) Sample llorary--a large warehouse of d) Four Comers Geological Society; well cuttings and core from many areas e) Grand Junction Geological Society; of the state; all samples are cataloged t") Rocky Mountain Association of in a computer database for easy refer­ Petroleum Geologists; ence; g) Brigham Young University Geology h) Well log library--borehole geophysical Studies; logs of many wells in the state are on h) University theses and dissertations; and file and can be used in the UGS library; i) Other geologic societies and associa­ and tions. i) UGS Survey Notes, a yearly summary of field work projects in Utah.


Geologic mapping is so essential to many field studies rhat it is sometimes considered synonymous with 'field geology'. Rocks must be identified before rhey can be mapped. Moreover, many [geologic] relations can be understood only after exposures are examined in detail (Compton, 1962, p. 1)

Thorough field geology, the primary in a notebook. Appropriate map symbols are means of obtaining geologic data, is required to presented in appendix C. Appendices D, E, and produce UGS geologic maps. The detail of the F provide helpful field information. The investigation should be commensurate with the following checklist provides guidelines for field 1:24,000 scale. A mappable geologic unit is a investigations: body of rock that can be uniquely identified with respect to adjacent rock in the field and that is 1. Map unit contacts-differentiate by type of sufficient areal extent a_nd thickness that it can (indicated, inferred, or concealed). Plot be depicted on a map at the scale of interest. contacts and faults directly on aerial Mapping geologistS are expected to select map photographs so that the field information units based on field criteria. Rocks and strata can be retained for future reference. should be divided into the smallest units that can reasonably be shown at the 1:24,000 scale. 2. Map fault contacts or zones--differentiate by Similarly, all observable structures such as folds exposure (indicated, inferred, or concealed), and faultS should be plotted where possible. by type (normal, reverse, thrust, and so forth), and sense of offset (down, right­ Measure a stratigraphic section of each lateral slip, and so forth). Be sure to layered unit in the map area. Submit sections to portray the offset of contacts by faults. the UGS for inclusion in the STRAT database Special note should be made of Quaternary (see form in appendix G-1). Written sections faults, that is, those that offset Quaternary can be included in the text booklet if room map units. permits and if they make a valuable contribution. 3. Plot strikes and dips of bedding, faults, Ethics foliation, cleavage, and jointing. Avoid the tendency to over-emphasize local or unusual The mapper must obey all laws and act bedding attitudes which results in a skewed in a responsible, ethical, and safe manner when representation of what is really presenL The doing field work (see appendix J). Contact decision to use structure contours (generally landowners to obtain permission to cross private in quadrangles with simple to moderate property. Restrict vehicles, including bicycles, to structural complexity) should be made early existing roads. Restrict sampling to obscure so that the necessary field observations and areas and don't damage one-of-a-kind features. measurements can be made. Offset contours Do not spray paint stratigraphic sections. at faults.

Field Procedures 4. Portray on maps the trend and plunge of fold axes and record other information such as orientation of axial planes and It is beyond the scope of this guide to descriptions of minor structures. explain all possible field procedures and kinds of information a geologist should gather in the field 5. Plot mine, adit, shaft, quarry, prospect pits, (see Sources of Information, p. 30, for a list of oil-well and water-well locations, and other publications dealing with field geology). Plot •man-made" economic geology-related field information directly on aerial photographs, features (see appendix E). and base maps, and record detailed descriptions

5 6. Map economic deposits (coal-bed , 11. Map and describe volcanic features (cones, gypsum outcrops, dikes, mineralized bodies, vents, caldera margins, and so fonh). zones of extensive hydrothermal alteration, and so forth) where feasible. Thickness 12. Map major shorelines of Lake Bonneville or measurements and samples should be taken other ancient lakes. Record elevations and at favorable locations; marked on the map; names of shorelines, and whether they are and analyses reported in the text, plates, or aggradationalordegradational. on the figures (see appendix E). 13. Map and record significant or unusual 7. Map landslides, debris flows, slump blocks, geologic features (important outcrops, rock glaciers, expansive soils, and other unusually well-exposed or easily recognizable geologic hazards, and record their size, age, geologic features, arches, natural bridges, and type (see appendi"C F). and so forth). Choose features that would be easily recognized by laymen as well as 8. Record important fossil occurrences--map professional geologists. Be conservative and location, where found in the stratigraphic indicate only special or unusual features (see section, field number, and description. p. 39-41). However, use judgement about identifying delicate and easily damaged 9. Record important sample localities--map features such as petroglyphs. Some features location, kind of sample (grab, channel, and are precluded from being shown on maps by so forth), significance (purpose), results, and federal law. so forth (see appendix E). 14. Watch for significant features not previously 10. Measure important stratigraphic sections. listed. Be alert to map photographs and Record names, locations, authors, date of record features or data that will enhance the measurement, field numbers, descriptions, text booklet or map. thicknesses, method, and so forth.


Reporting Unit Thicknesses Adjoining Map Problems

Correct thickness measurements of strata It is the mapping geologist's are essential to geology studies. Therefore, responsibility to obtain copies of geologic maps thickness measurements must be made and of the same or adjoining area. Match contactS reported consistently for each quadrangle. across common map borders where appropriate. Uniform and well-defined rock units seldom If an adjoining, completed UGS 7 1/2 minute cause problems, but units with gradational map is thought to be in error, the author is contacts, post-depositional , or structural required to justify the change. An opportunity is deformation are often difficult to measure. provided for this discussion during the field Confusion generally can be avoided by explaining review (see Field Reviews, p. 9). In addition, the meaning of the reported numbers. Specify discuss significant changes in the text book.let. If how and where reported thicknesses were a map unit is validly subdivided on an adjacent obtained. Don't add the thickness of a map, but cannot be divided in the current map gradational interval to both involved units. area, the subdivision contact should be carried a Make sure reported figures indicate the proper short distance into the map area and then degree of precision. For example 79.3 feet, or terminated. Changes rarely occur right on even 79 feet, may be more precise than the quadrangle borders. Explain in the text why a method or the condition allowed. Use particular contact should not be used in the statements such as the following to clarify current mapping. Similarly, faults do not meaning: normally end at map boundaries. The text should explain changes that occur between • The measured thickness is 100 feet (30 m) . adjacent maps. This is not intended to discourage the mapping geologist from making • The unit ranges from 75 feet (23 m) in the needed changes. The author does not need to northern part of the quadrangle to 85 feet justify differences along map boundaries that are (25 m) in the southern part of the the result of increased detail or some other quadrangle. readily apparent reason.

• Prior to Quaternary erosion the unit was probably 50 feet (15 m) thick. Acceptable Geologic and Geographic Names • Thickness prior to structural attenuation was probably 200 feet (60 m). Stratigraphic Nomenclature

• Unfaulted thickness is estimated at 150 feet There is no absolute list of acceptable : stratigraphic nomenclature for UGS geologic (45 m). maps. The UGS suggests following the accepted usage of geologists who have worked in Utah. Thickness is estimated from geophysical well • Whenever possible, authors should use names logs at 12 feet (4 m). found in the "Geologic History of Utah" (Hintze, 1988). • The gradational inteival is included with the reported thickness of the lower uniL It may be necessary to redefine or propose new stratigraphic names. The author must provide proper documentation for changing names, creating new names, or abandoning

7 existing names. Make clear whether the new chronostratigraphic, or allostratigraphic (see names are formal or informal: NASC for other types).

1. Formal names. Examples: Chinle 3. Select suitable name. The name should Formation, Petrified Forest Member, Moab reflect a formal nearby geographic location Tongue. and a rank that appropriately describes the unit Clear proposed names with the USGS 2. Informal names. Designate informal status Geologic Names Unit, Denver Federal of unit names early in its discussion. Avoid Center, phone: (303) 236-5463. the use of letters or numbers, or designating a unit as "unnamed" whenever possible. 4. Specifv type section. Choose a type section Examples: rhyolite of Silver Peak, lower that is accessible and well e,rposed. member, sandstone and conglomerate Adequately describe the location, setting, member, red shale member, granodiorite and geology so future workers can find it. A porphyry, alluvial deposits, Provo limestone measured section is the foundation for (Provo formation is incorrect usage for an naming most units: inclusion of a written informal name). measured section, a graphic profile, the location on a map, and other figures in the "Undivided" and "undifferentiated" are manuscript are useful. similar terms that may be applied to map units. Undivided is generally used for 5. Adeguatelv describe the unit in the text. combined strata that are commonly mapped Define upper and lower boundaries and as separate formal or commonly used extent carefully. Describe lithology, color, informal units. Undifferentiated is used for structures, textures, , thickness, rocks that have not had names applied or lateral variations, and other characteristics as that are understood so poorly that names applicable. cannot be determined for specific parts. The term "undivided" is generally preferred. 6. Descnoe the historical background of the unit. This is probably the most important A new formal name requires designation aspect of naming a unit. Give previous of a type section and a measured stratigraphic . names of the unit and references. section. Abandonment of previously used names must be justified and explained. UGS maps with 7. Correlate and define age of the unit. State text booklets are acceptable publications for methods used. proposing new stratigraphic names. The UGS requires adherence to the North American Geographic Names Stratigraphic Code (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Authors of UGS maps should use the 1983) when formally naming geologic units. In official geographic names prescribed by the U.S. naming, establishing, revising, redefining, or Board on Geographic Names. These names are abandoning geologic units the author must published on USGS topographic maps. The use address the following requirements: of informal or unapproved geographic names is discouraged. If new names are needed, the 1. Justify intent to designate or modify a author must have them approved by the Board formal unit. The author must give a good on Geographic Names before they can be printed reason for naming or changing the on published geologic maps. The elevation of a designation of a unit feature already printed on the published topographic base map can be used as a reference 2. Designate categorv or rank of unit. The point in text discussion. Example: The author must specify the category and rank of is on the southeast side of hill 6345, section 35, the proposed unit, that is, lithostratigraphic, T. 18 S., R. 3 E.


Field reviews insure high quality and work in the region, thesis advisors, members uniformity in UGS maps by giving peers and of state or federal agencies, local political interested participants the opportunity to offer officials, educators, the local media, suggestions. A field review is usually conducted interested public, and county and local as a one-day field trip, and is scheduled near the planners. A minimum of five participants i.s completion of the field work. It should not be required to conduct a field review. Upper held until at least 90 percent of the field work is limits are dictated by logistics. The best completed and the geologist has prepared a field reviews normally occur with 10 to 25 hand-colored geologic map and cross sections of panicipants. the quadrangle. However, sufficient time should remain in the field season to complete additional 2. Where practical, the review should be work recommended by the reviewers. The time planned to last a full day, from 8 a.m. until 5 and place for the field review are determined p.m. A good location for a one-half to one jointly by the geologist and the UGS project hour lunch stop should be chosen. management. Participants should be shown enough interesting geology to make the expense of The geologist should plan the field their trip worthwhile. Field-trip stops review with the following purposes in mind: should include good exposures of the geologic units and their contacts, structural 1. To give peers a chance to evaluate the features, hazardous features, economic quality and completeness of the work in deposits, and spectacular or unusual geologic progress. sites. The mapping geologist is encouraged to take participants to problem areas for 2. To give the geologist an opportunity to help and opinions. obtain help with problems that come to light during the review. 3. Have a full-sized colored geologic map and cross-section available to show at the field­ 3. To give the geologist an opportunity to trip stops. Mount the map securely on a present results of field work. stiff board. Prepare handouts for each panicipant that include a description of rock 4. To inform and educate both UGS personnel units and a simplified geologic map that and the interested public about the geologic shows stop locations and the field-trip route. features (stratigraphic, structural, economic, Other diagrams may be prepared at the hazards, and so fOf'th) of the area. discretion of the mapper. Effective handouts are generally simple, easy to 5. To allow potential map users the follow, and to the point. opportunity to make suggestions for improvement and to make their mapping After the field review, the mapping geologist needs known. is required to submit an up-to-date, colored, full-sized geologic map and cross-section to The following steps should be followed: the UGS. These copies need not be finished products. The geologist should summarize 1. The geologist and UGS management the suggestions, criticisms. and opinions prepare a list of potential participants. The conveyed to him by the participants during list of invitees always includes the UGS the field review in a short document and Director, Deputy Director, Senior prepare an action plan. This document Geologists, and staff members. Other should be submitted to the UGS as soon as participants may include geologists who possible after the field review.


Deliverables submitted by an author scale. If the quadrangle is adjacent to a must contain, but are not limited to, the previously published UGS geologic map, minimum requirements needed for publication. every effort should be made to smoothly The author's name, the date of the submitted match adjoining contacts and faults (see version, and the project name should be on every Adjoining Map Problems, p. 7). submitted item. The date allows different versions of the map and text to be identified 2 Hand-colored paper copy of the geologic during the review and publication process. map with color key. Colors should be Original plates, figures, and text must be neat chosen for contrast rather than to conform and reproducible in black and white, since review . with geologic standards. The colored copy copies will not be colored (that is, don't use must be identical to the delivered mylar color as the only way to distinguish features on map; an earlier version is not acceptable. the drafted map and accompanying materials). Authors may wish to color several copies of All deliverables, including mylar originals, are the map with each emphasizing key features required at the time of submission for open-filing if the geologic complexity warrants iL and review. If there is a need to return mylar originals for major revision, it can be arranged. 3. Drafted cross section(s) on a stable(mylar) We encourage all text to be submitted on a base (see examples, appendix B). A computer disk, in addition to a hard copy. The minimum of one cross section drawn UGS prefers Word Perfect software, but will perpendicular to the most interesting or accept any word processing software that can be significant geologic structure of the converted to ASCII format. quadrangle is required. One should extend across the map from border to border. If The following deliverables and bedrock information beneath surficial units requirements are for 7 1/2 minute quadrangle is lacking, a suitable note should be written maps. Make suitable adaptations when working beneath the profile indicating whatever is with other scales. known. Additional cross sections should be added if necessary or desired. Generally 1. An uncolored, India-inked drafted geologic more than four small or three large cross map on a mylar base of the corresponding sections are not permissible due to space U. S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute, 1:24,000 constraints. The topographic profile and topographic quadrangle map. Contacts and . length of the cross-section should other data should be precisely marked and correspond exactly with the line of cross­ located using a thin-line (000 size) pen. section displayed on the mylar geologic map Heavier lines (pen size 1) should be used for (item 1). The geologic contacts along the faults. Unit designations should be neatly topographic profile should be accurately and legibly hand-lettered in ink. Stick-on placed. The interpretation of the subsurface lettering or patterns are not acceptable, should be structurally sound, with unit because they peel off during handling. Do thicknesses corresponding to those reported not color or pattern the mylar base map. in the text. The cross section should be Structure contours may be plotted with red restorable. Limit the vertical depth of the ink, where applicable. Mylar overlays to the cross section according to the reliability of geologic map, with registration marks, are surface information, drill hole data, and acceptable for complicated areas (they will geophysical evidence. No vertical be overprinted on the published version). exaggeration should be shown. If vertical No part of the quadrangle should be left exaggeration is necessary to show important unmapped. Give surficial deposits the same surficial features or geologic complexity, emphasis as bedrock units. Submitted maps additional cross sections may be submitted. should provide detail commensurate with the

10 4. Hand-colored copy of the cross section(s) as 8. A "Map Unit Descriptions" list describing all drafted on mylar (item J). units shown on the map and cross sections. Each map unit must be described and 5. Ink-drafted lithologic column showing the arranged with the youngest at the top. First systems, series, formations, map symbols, name the unit, then briefly designate the written thickness of units or range of gross lithology, color, texture, and other thickness, lithology shown graphically, and important features. profile showing relative resistance to erosion (see examples, appendix B). The vertical 9. A manuscript and suitable illustrations for a scale of the column is flexible, but enough standard text booklet of 8 to 24 printed detail should be presented to make all parts pages. At least three photos are required of the diagram useful. Depict thicknesses of with suitable captions. Glossy black and units proportionally. The lettering may be white photos are best, but colored prints free-handed if neat and legible. Stick-on with good contrast are acceptable, but will lettering is not acceptable (it peels off still be printed in black and white. Photos during handling and copying). Units shown must support the text; do not submit photos in the lithologic column must exactly match simply to fulfill the requirement. Diagrams, those on the map and in other deliverables. tables, and drafted figures should be well designed and self-explanatory. The content The symbols used to depict lithology of the text is discussed under the should be standard. If the formation PUBLICATION FORMAT heading. becomes sandier upward the drawing should reflect that change. Likewise, channeling, 10. A signed copy or "Checklist or Minimum dissolution, changes in carbonate content, UGS Map Standards and Formats" changes in bedding thickness, sedimentary (appendix A). Evaluate the materials to be structures (such as crossbedding, convoluted submitted using the questions on the bedding, rooting, mudcracks, or concretions), checklist. When each item has been variable resistance to erosion of individual satisfi~ check it off. When all items are beds in the formation~ abundant fossils, and checked off, attach the checklist to the front many other features can be shown that make of the submission materials. the column more informative and useful. 11. A computer floppy disk containing files or Computer-generated lithologic columns all text and written descriptions (Word are not acceptable. They do not have the Perfect or other ASCII is preferred). flexibility to show the required detail. It is good practice to sketch a lithologic column 12 A copy or the completed thesis or while in the field where you can actually dissertation (where applicable). Students observe details of the rock units. writing theses or papers in addition to the map text booklet are asked to submit a copy 6. An "Explanation or Map Symbols" chart for the UGS library. showing all symbols used on the geologic map and cross sections (see examples, 13. Other appropriate deliverables. For appendix B). example, figures and plates showing detailed correlation of strata, relationships of igneous 7. A "Correlation of Map Units" chart units, important mineral deposits, alteration illustrating age relationships (see examples, history, complex structures, detailed appendix B). Arrange the chart with the paleontology, data on relevant ages, and youngest unit at the top. Show units of the geochemistry may be useful. same age laterally. Identify prominent unconforrnities wherever possible. 14. Aerial photographs and other materials provided by the UGS.


GeologistS preparing maps for the UGS The choice of colors for the printed must provide all materials and information version of the geologic map rests with the UGS needed to facilitate the publication process. This editor. The UGS attempts to adhere to a section describes the process and product. standard geological color scheme. Colors have previously been chosen for most Utah Plate 1. The Geologic Map stratigraphic units. Suggestions are sometimes solicited from authors to help group related The published geologic map is printed igneous rocks by color when several suites are on a standard 21 x 29 inch paper stock. At this exposed in the quadrangle. size local printing companies can competitively . bid, resulting in a substantial cost-saving to the Plate 2. Explanatory Plate for the UGS. Geologic Map

Information allowed on plate 1 is the Plate 2 contains all explanatory text and geologic map, the USGS topographic base map, supplemental diagrams, charts, and information title, author(s), date of publication, and related that must be printed in color. If space is information. The marginal information has been available, black and white diagrams may also standardized by the UGS editor and suitable appear on plate 2 but authors are encouraged to notations are made if there are cooperating use plate 2 for materials that benefit from color agencies. display. It is printed on the same size paper stock as plate 1 or on half-sized sheets. The The title is printed in large bold letters cross sections, description of map units, map­ in the center, below the map, followed by the symbol explanation, correlation of map units, and name(s) of the county(ies) and state(s) in which lithologic column are usually printed on plate 2, the quadrangle is located, the author(s), and the plus any other appropriate tables, illustrations, year of publication. Although negotiable, the diagrams, and charts. Materials prepared for first given name of the author is usually spelled plate 2 should be modeled after the examples in out, followed by the middle initial, and the appendix B. surname: The author(s) should indicate their preference in advance. The UGS tries to Additional Plates maintain uniformity in reporting author's names in order to keep map references and A third plate may be necessary for some bibliographies unambiguous. quadrangles. For example, an extra plate may show special resource occurrences, geologic In the lower right hand comer, hazards, geophysical data, or the details of an immediately beneath the map and in small area within the quadrangle at a larger scale. The letters, information is given concerning when the supplemental information must be significant to field work was done, the names of field assistants warrant the printing of an additional plate. and/or thesis advisors, and the name of the cartographer scnoing the map. Such information should be provided by the author(s) when Text Booklet submitting maps for UGS publication. Example: The format of the UGS text booklet is Field mapping by author 1n 1983 and 1984 similar to most geologic reports. The writing Thesis advisors: J. Keith Rigby and L. F. Hlntu, ·style should be that of general scientific Brigham Young Univenity reporting. The UGS follows Guide for the Patricia IL Speranza. Cartographer Preparation of Reporrs for the Utah Geological

12 Survey (Lund,1992) and Suggestions to Authors of short phrase may be used at the start of a the Repons of the United Stares Geological Survey paragraph. It is underlined and indented, (Hansen, 1991). There are many other books but it does not have order. If possible, avoid and pamphlets that describe good scientific using fifth-order headings. writing techniques (see Sources of Information, p. 30).

Purpose ALL CAPITAL LE'ITERS (1st order] The purpose of the text booklet is to augment and clarify what is presented on the Upper and Lower Case Letters (2nd order] map and cross sections. When necessary, define new stratigraphic units, Jevise old ones, formalize Ldl Margin-Upper and Lawer Case Letters old ones, or review any controversies in names. (3rd order] The author observes many peninent features during mapping that cannot be represented on Len margin-lower case letters. underlined. colon: [4th order] the map or map explanation alone. Authors may ( on same line with first sentence o( paragraph) report on any aspect of the geology observed in the quadrangle. Discussions focused in the Len margin-indented, underlined, colon: discipline in which the author has expertise are [5th order] welcome. However, regional discussions should (on same line with llrst sentence or paragraph) be brief, except where the data are peninent to the quadrangle geology.

Size Units of Measure

The text booklet is limited to 24 printed Since UGS maps and text booklets are pages. The 24 pages include the title page, text, intended for the publi~ many of whom are illustrations, and appendices. Usually, four uncomfortable with the metric system, the UGS double-spaced typewritten pages make one requires that the English system be used, printed page. followed by the metric equivalent in parentheses. For example: 26 miles ( 42 km), or 27.3 miles Rules for the Draft Manuscript ( 43.9 km). Implied accuracy should be approximately the same for both English and 1. Don't justify the right margin, leave it metric equivalents: 400 feet (120 m) [not 122 m]; ragged. 4 miles (6 km) [not 6.4 km]. Equivalent measurements are not required for numerical 2. Do not use a hyphen to break a long word data presented in illustrations and tables. at the end of a line. This causes problems for typesetters. TIiie Page

3. Number all pages. A title page accompanies every manuscript and contains the following: 4. All typed materials should be double spaced, including the bibliography. 1. Map title. •Geologic Map of the... • or Provisional Geologic Map of the... ", not 5. Footnotes are not allowed in the text, b~t •Geology of the_•. Title should list all are acceptable for tables. counties covered by the map in order of size of area. Example: 6. Use the heading style shown below. Bold lettering may be used to highlight all Geologic Map of the Redmond Canyon headings. In additio~ a subject word or Quadrangle, Sanpete and Sevter CountJes. Utah

13 2. Formal name of all authors; no nicknames. about climate and vegetation should be brief. Previous mapping and pertinent studies, special 3. Current address and affiliation below each or unusual mapping methods, sampling methods, author's name. and analytical methods should be reported. The names of commercial or public laboratories 4. Date. Show month and year that the should be stated. Report when the field work manuscript is submitted for review. Change was done and the inclusive dates of the project. the date for each new revision. This date is Thesis candidate authors should note that the not the same as the open-file date or mapping was done to fulfill degree requirements publication date and is used to facilitate the and report the name of the sponsoring college or review. university. Subheadings are usually not necessary in the introduction. Foreword or Preface Previous work A foreword or preface is not a standard part of text booklets. They are only allowed This discussion is required, but can be when unusual circumstances exist that do not included under the "Introduction" heading. relate to the geology of the quadrangle but that Previous workers must be credited; it is do affect the understanding. accuracy, emphasis, unprofessional to overlook those who laid the or contents of the document. groundwork for current studies.

Table of Contents and List of Figures and Stratigraphy Plates The stratigraphy section is usually A table of contents is not a standard part divided into several subheadings. General and of map text booklets because booklets are summary information is placed directly under the typically short, and follow a standard format. main heading. Authors can report on the However, it is usually beneficial to prepare a condition of exposures, stratigraphic problems table of contents to assess the proper rank of encountered in mapping, the thicknesses of the headings. units, age intervals of units, and the like. A brief summary of subsurface units may also be Abstract included. The exposed units are then described from OLDEST TO YOUNGEST. Surficial The abstract is a stand-alone section that deposits may be divided by genesis and then by should summarize the most important age (appendix D). Every map unit must have its information contained on the plates and in the own heading. The required format for headings text booklet. Write it after completion of all is shown below: work. Major contributions should be highlighted, especially where they are not indicated in the title. Keep abstracts brief. It is STRATIGRAPHY suggested that an abstract for a report of this Tertiary nature be limited to 250 words. Subheadings, Green RJver Formation (Tg) references, or mention of tables or figures are Douglas Creek Member (Tgd): not permitted in abstracts. C tongue CTgdc):

Introduction Under main headings, report the general It is not necessary to explain the purpose nature of lithologies, important unconformities, of preparing geologic maps and text booklets and the total thickness of represented units. The since it is generally known. The geographical map symbol follows in parentheses as part of the location, terrain description, and accessibility are formation/member heading. Don't show a map not generally known and are helpful. Statements symbol that does not appear on the map or cross

14 section(s). For example, don't show (Tg) if the rocks or the Le Bas and others ( 1986) chemical Green River Formation is everywhere divided classification for aphyric rocks. into members. Report isotopic ages for Do not give the history of the unit name units whenever possible. If an age is not unless the type section is in the quadrangle, or available in the literature, send a suitable sample unless there is confusion with the nomenclature to a lab for an age determination. Report raw or definition of a unit. If there is confusion data also. because the presently accepted name is not in general use, the old name should be given and Special Units (optional) the reasons stated for its abandonment. Descriptive information for each unit should be Discuss unusual map units, such as more detailed than in the map descriptions, and breccia zones, mylonitic zones, wide fault-gouge any additional data and explanations can be zones, altered areas, or small unidentified blocks presented. Items to report are variations to the shown on the plates under a separate heading. normal, dominant features, relating descriptive information to map location, information about Structure fossils, samples, and other features in the units, emphasis of key features, upper contact Report on general attitudes of rock information, condition of exposures, trends of units, important joint and fracture systems, major outcrops, and environments of deposition. The folds and faults, and the relation with the order chosen for discussing these features should regional structure. Structural age relationships be maintained for all map units. The order and geologic history are also important. generally followed is (1) general statements of nomenclature, (2) distribution and exposures on Discuss all named structural features the quadrangle, (3) details of lithology, under separate subheadings. Report specific stratigraphic relationships, and thickness, and (4) trends, slip directions, strikes, dips, fossils, age, and correlations. displacements, plunges, lengths, and other descriptive structural information not shown on Unmapped or unmappable units may be the map or cross section(s). The order of discussed in relationship to the mapped discussion can be geographic, geologic, or formations, but should not be introduced with a chronologic, at the discretion of the author. separate heading. Geologic History (optional) Igneous Rocks Geologic history of the quadrangle can Use this heading when nonstratified be treated in a section if necessary, or it may be igneous rocks are present in the quadrangle. an integral part of the "Stratigraphy" and Volcanic igneous rocks that are sequentially •structure" sections. Refrain from presenting too deposited are reported in the stratigraphy section much detail on geologic history and concentrate (the section can be titled "Rock Units" if the on presenting the relevant sequence of events. author is uncomfortable with the title Avoid repeating information presented in "Stratigraphy"). In some cases this may be previous sections. awkward and a separate section for stratified igneous rocks may be warranted. Economic Geology

Include major element geochemical and Show all potential economic geology modal analyses of the representative igneous sites found on the quadrangle on the map. rock units in the quadrangle (graphical and table Descnoe them in the text booklet under their formats) and descriptive discussion. Use the own subheadings (appendix E). In quadrangles International Union of Geological Sciences with mining districts or petroleum fields, group (Streckeisen, (1979) nomenclature for igneous the deposits or wells logically for discussion

15 purposes. In quadrangles with scanered deposits to additional information. The two major or wells, it may be necessary to discuss them sources of water-resource information covering individually. The name of the occurrence or specific areas of Utah are USGS Water Supply deposit, the commodities of interest, the period Papers and Utah Department of Natural of development or activity, the production Resources Technical Publications. history, reserves, present, and ore controls are important items to be discussed. Geologic Hazards

Do not comment on the potential for Geologic hazards are important to multi­ development. State the grade of the deposit and purpose map users, especially to those involved report its size in accordance with acceptable in planning and engineering. Discuss potential procedures (see appendix E, General Chart for and existing geologic hazards in the quadrangle. Classifying Resources). Economic geologists are Report problems that are inherent in the interested in the dimensions, sizes, trends, characteristics of geologic materials and thicknesses, and attitudes of mineral deposits. structures, and point out hazards that may arise Host rock relationships are also of interest. through human interference or external forces. Larger areas of altered and mineralized rock Appendix F provides more guidelines and should be appropriately mapped and discussed. considerations. Geologic-hazard potential may be grouped as follows: Non-metallic minerals and construction materials also are important to multi-purpose Earthquakes: Report any faults that cut map users. Show sand and gravel pits, stone Quaternary deposits. Deformation of quarries, clay, gypsum, and the like on the map Quaternary deposits may indicate that ground­ and report on them in the text book.let. Almost shaking (earthquake) has occurred and should be any geologic material can be used in some reported. The University of Utah operates a industrial-mineral processes, but the ones with network of seismograph stations in Utah that value are marked by unusual purity, high record historical earthquake activity. Report the uniformity, or other special properties (see locations, frequencies and intensities of appendix E). Distance to market is not a factor significant earthquakes in or near the when discussing non-metallic minerals and quadrangle. C1ean, well-sorted, water saturated construction materials. If the deposits are of sand deposits may undergo liquefaction (quick good quality, they should be discussed, no matter sand) during earthquake ground shaking. These where they are. deposits should be noted in the text.

Economic Geochemistry (optional) Slope failures: Mappable landslides, rock fall, and related gravity-caused failures in geologic Systematic sampling of stream materials should be reported, regardless of or rocks can provide useful information about whether they are active or inactive. Discuss the economic resources in a map area. A 30-element relationship of landsliding to the geology, assay could be run on each sample and the delineate areas or formations that are especially information displayed in table or graphical form. prone to the hazard, and describe the ground Such assays are generally inexpensive. failure, rates of movement, and causes if known. Mudflow, debris-flow, landslide, and avalanche Water Resources paths and areas of expected problems should be recounted in the text. See Harty (1991). A brief discussion of the water resources in the quadrangle is required. Discuss perennial Problem soil and rock: Soil and rock units streams, lakes, rivers, and springs and ground containing expansive clay or claystone, gypsum, water. Include information about type, size, and rock salt, and related minerals can shrink and location of aquifers; depth to water tables; water­ swell with addition or removal of water. This can table gradient; and quality. Supplement the cause structural damage to buildings and roads water-resources summary with references leading

16 constructed upon them. Collapsible soil and soil Erosional Glucial Volcanic susceptible to piping and erosion are common in alcoves cirques C3lderas Utah. Such units and the potential hazard arches rnonanc:s cinder cones should be indicated in the text. Evidence for badlands stnauons cratcn subsidence and karst should be discussed. buttes dikes chimney rocks Structural lava Shallow ground-water areas: Boggy, muddy, dune fields tubes goblins anticlines flows and other areas of shallow ground water cause hoodoo rocks domes problems in roads and construction. These incised meanders faults Ot~r should be identified in the text. monuments folds natural bridges grabcns caverns Flooding: Flooding is a geology-related problem pedestal rocks hogbacks caves waterfalls jomts karst features in Utah and merits comment in the text booklet. monoclinc:s meteorite craters Most floods originate during the spring runoff or synclines petrified wood after torrential summer rains. Where possible, sinkholes determine which canyons, canyon mouths, and washes experience problems. Canyon slope If special features exist, include in the failures and fluctuations in closed-basin lake description the: (1) location, (2) accessibility, (3) revels can also cause flooding. physical dimensions, and (4) other data peninent to the feature being described. Locate such Other hazards: Other possible hazards include features on the geologic map with an appropriate blowing sand, hydrocompaction, erosion suscepti­ symbol. bility, and soils with high compressibility (peat bogs, marshes, highly organic soils, and so fonh). The author should avoid the temptation See appendix F. to judge the value of scenic features or to make suggestions regarding development in the area. Scenic Resources and Outstanding Geologic UGS text booklets are scientific and descriptive, Features (optional) and are not the proper forum for political or personal opinions. Many Utah quadrangles display scenic resources, either in the form of vistas or unusual Other Headings or classic geologic features. Any feature or vista ~a~ is exciting or pleasing to the mapper may Additional headings and discussions may incite the same feelings in another. The scenic be added as long as the page limitation is not resources of Utah support the tourist industry surpassed. If warranted and usefu4 special a~~ offer recreational destinations and opponu­ h~dings covering scenic geology, paleontology, ruues. Some of these features, if delicately mmeralogy, , geochemistry, preserved, may require protection from van­ , and so fonh, may be added. dalism. It may be necessary to report sensitive discoveries separate from the manuscript so that Acknowledgments proper agencies can be notified. Rare fossils or minerals may be protected by law and should be Limit acknowledgments to those who made available to the Utah Historical Society or ma~e direct contributions to the mapping the UGS for proper preservation and storage. A pro1ect. Do not mention family members, partial listing of scenic or geologic features friends, and others who offer moral support. follows: Acknowledge reviewers, thesis advisors, and those that provided financial or technical assistance and advice. Because reviews are conducted after the document is completed, do not forget to acknowledge reviewers before the final submission of the map and text booklet.

17 Individuals or companies that donate data, reference list. Manuscripts in press (accepted by photographs, use of equipmt!nt, conclusions, or the publisher) can be cited and listed in the any real assistance should be acknowledged. reference section.

References The reference list The reference list should appear at the end of the text booklet, under the Citations in the text: Citations in the text are heading, "References." The reference list is identified with the author's surname, followed by limited to the literature cited, and should not a comma, and the year of publication. Page include other "helpful" publications. Usually, the numbers added to the citation are desirable. given names of the author(s) are given as two When reference is made to data appearing in initials. It is acceptable to write out one several publications, use only the latest, most up­ complete given name if the author does not use to-date report, or the most complete report. an initial, provided the author's name usually However, when later literature merely repeats, appears in this manner. References are arranged excerpts, or summarizes an earlier work, cite the alphabetically by the surname of the author. original report. When the referenced statement More than one reference by an author should be includes more than one sentence, place the chronologically arranged from earliest to most citation at the end of the first sentence. recent. Nothing should be abbreviated in the reference list except for v. (volume), no. Referenced authors used as the subject (number), and p. (page or page range), pt. (part), of a sentence should be in a past tense form. ser. (series), pl(s). (plates), M.S. (Master of The year and page number follow the cited Science), Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy), or author's last name in parentheses. For example, U.S. (United States). Show the number of pages "Stokes (1980, p. 32) suggested that these rocks or page range in a publication. If the literature were deposited in a swamp." reference is a map, indicate the map scale.

In a reference with two authors, both E:

18 Dover, J.H., 198S, Geologic mop and structure sections o( Marking photos to show geologic the Logon 30' x 60' quadrangle, Utah ond Wyoming: U. features is desirable; however, an unmarked print S. Geologicol Survey Open-Flle Report 8S-216, 31 p•• 3 must be submitted with the marked copy to allow pL, scole 1:100,000. a higher-quality print to be made. Use white ink LaRue, E.A. de, 1937. Le volcanisme aux Nouvelles Hebrides: to mark black or dark areas of the photograph Bulletin Volconologique, ser. 2. v. 2. p. 79-142. and black ink to mark white or light areas. The ink should be tested to determine whether it will Oriel, S.S., and Armstrong, F.C., 1971, Uppermost spread or otherwise deface the photograph. Precambrian and lowest Cambrian rocks in southeast Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 394, Stick-on lettering, line patterns, and arrows are 52 p. acceptable on photos.

Oviatt, C.G., 1986, Geologic map of the Honeyville Diagrams, Graphs, and Tables quadrangle, Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map 88, 16 p., scale 1:24,000. Appropriate diagrams, graphs, and tables are desirable in UGS map booklets. Where Peterson, Fred, 197Sa, Cretaceous rocks in the Henry space permits, large figures and those that would Mountains region, Utah, and their relations to be improved through the use of color, should be neighboring regions, !!! Canyonlands country: Four incorporated on Plate 2. Prepare originals of Corners Geological Society Guidebook, 8th Annual Field Conference, p. 167 -189. booklet diagrams on 8 1/2 x 11 inch or slightly larger drafting sheets. Avoid stick-on lettering Peterson, Fred, 1975b, Geologic map of the Sooner Bench since it may fall off during storage and handling. quadrangle, Kane County, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Fold-out sized graphs and figures are not Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map 1-874, scale permitted in UGS map booklets. 1:24,000. Draft the line work in India ink and Appendices hand letter a copy of the original. The line-work should be neat, accurate, clear, and camera ready. Detailed tables, long lists, measured Publication-quality lettering will be added to the sections, and additional information of interest original line-work by the UGS editor. Graphs .to a small audience may be included in an and diagrams must be clear enough so that non­ appendix. The total number of published pages geologists will have no trouble interpreting them. in the text booklet must not exceed 24. Oral instructions for the illustrator usually prove ineffective; all submitted work should be self­ Photographs explanatory arid require no additional instruction. Three to five good quality, black and white photographs are required in text booklets, Measured Sections but they must be related to the subject matter. They are considered figures and must have a Measuring stratigraphic sections is figure number and a caption. Submit the desirable and recommended. Important photographs with the text materials. The photo­ measured sections can be included in the text graphs should be glossy prints and no smaller booklet when: (1) a new unit must be named or than 3 x 4 inches in size. Good quality color described, (2) an anomalous section of the unit is prints and slides may be acceptable, but their use present, or (3) a member needs a better depends on how well they appear printed in description. Otherwise, measured sections can black and white. The UGS reserves the right to be placed in an appendix. Fence diagrams and reject photographs of inferior quality. The detailed lithologic columns can also be used to author or the UGS may crop the photo to en­ summarize information from measured sections. hance the important parts of the image. All measured stratigraphic sections should be submitted for entry into the UGS database. Plot the precise locations, including

19 offsets on a topographic base map. The author stratigraphically highest (labeled with the is also requested to fill out a stratigraphic­ highest number) to lowest (labeled as unit database form (appendix G-1). 1).

In the typed or word-processor copy of 4. Total thickness. the measured section, information should be in the following order: 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each measured member or formation. 1. Introductory information. Give a description of the location; latitude and 6. Name of the underlying member or longitude; quarter section, section, township formation. The upper pan of the underlying and range; geographic name of the section; unit should then be described. name of measurer; method used (Jacob's staff, tape and compass); bedding attitude; Present descriptive information in a and date. consistent order - usually lithology, color, texture, cementation, structure, 2. Name of the overlying member or formation. miscellaneous features, and then thickness. The lower part of the overlying formation Either the upper or lower contact, but not should be described. both, should be consistently described with each unit. 3. Name of measured formation and/or member. Describe each unit in order from


Deliverables will be reviewed to insure 4. Receives deliverables and determines if all quality and credibility. Following are the key requirements have been met participants in the review and publication process: 5. Reviews deliverables for geologic and grammatical accuracy and completeness. Important Participants in the Mapping and Publication Process 6. Submits accepted deliverables to Document Coordinator. Mapping Geologist/Author 7. Reports monthly to Document Coordinator. The Mapping Geologist/Author has Document Coordinator primary responsibility for content, accuracy, completeness, readability, grammar, and quality The Document Coordinator tracks and of the published document. Reports to, seeks monitors progress of all UGS mapping projects. advice from, and submits materials to UGS­ assigned project manager. 1. Prepares a monthly summary of status of all mapping projectS of the UGS mapping 1. Does all field mapping and data collection program. and interpretation. 2 Receives deliverables from project manager. 2. Leads a field review of the map area. 3. Evaluates deliverables for completeness, 3. Prepares originals of maps, charts, figures, uniformity, and checks for conformity to and text. UGS guidelines and needs. 4. Reviews all materials prior to submission. 4. Submits approved deliverables to Senior Mapping Geologist. 5. Makes required revisions during the review process. 5. Selects and contactS reviewers; handles document shuffling during the formal review 6. Reviews and correctS proofs and galleys. process. Project Manager 6. Returns completed reviews to the Project Manager. The Project Manager is assigned by Senior Mapping Geologist to act as liaison 7. Checks editor's proofs. between UGS and mapping geologist Senior Mapping Geologist 1. Provides advice, suppol"½ and suggestions to mapping geologist. .Toe Mapping Geologist is the program executor. 2. Communicates with mapping geologist and receives monthly reports. 1. Sets priorities, selectS projects, and assigns mappers and project managers. 3. Sets up field review jointly with mapper; prepares summary of field review.

21 2. Audits all deliverables received from show forms that are used to track and re\icw the Document Coordinator. document:

3. Submits deliverables to Deputy Director. 1. Author reviews deliverables to be submitted. Author refers to lead author; it Deputy Director is the responsibility of the lead author to communicate with co-authors as needed The Deputy Director makes final during the review and publication process, evaluation of content and quality of documents. the UGS will send review materials or galleys only to the lead author). 1. Evaluates documents for accuracy, conten~ and to see that high standards are Author inspects and reviews each maintained for all UGS publications. deliverable item immediately before submission, following the checklist in 2. Recommends approval for open-file and appendLx A Author reads through text a publication. final time and checks all deliverables for consistency. Toe deliverables should be 3. Submits documents to Director for approval suitable for public distribution, since they and to ec..itorial for preparation of open-file will be copied directly to produce open-file or publication copies. reports. Don't get in a hurry at the end; take the time to do a thorough review. You Editor will find that this will catch many problems before they cause someone else much extra The Editor prepares open-file, review, work and yourself much embarrassment. and publication materials. IT IS THE AUTHOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROPERLY PREPARE ALL DELIVER­ 1. Assigns official UGS number to document. ABLE ITEMS FOLLOWING THE GUIDE­ LINES IN THIS BOOK. 2. Directs scribing, drafting, and typesetting. 2. Author submits deliverables to the Utah 3. Edits documenL Geological Survey Mapping Program. Author prepares a personal hard copy and 4. Prepares and distributes proofs to mappers. computer copy of all deliverables before sending them to the UGS. This copy will Reviewers facilitate future communication during the review process and will serve as a Reviewers are experts requested to replacement if deliverables are lost in evaluate and make helpful suggestions on all transit. Address deliverables to: aspects of the document. They are contacted by, and correspond with Document Coordinator. Mapplng Program Utah Geological Suney 2363 South Foothill Drive Milestones SaJt Lake City, UT 84109-1491

Each participant in the review process is Att: Document Coordinator asked to perform their function as quickly and accurately as possible. Problems arise when 3. UGS Mapping Section Project Manager reviewers hold deliverables too long, or when certifies that all deliverables have been authors do not address the reviews quickly after Included and performs an Initial review. they are returned. Documents will be routed as If deficiencies are discovered, author will be shown on figure 1. Appendix H-1, H-2, and H-3 · contacted or materials will be returned for completion or correction.

22 16 . Prl'pares puhl"-'Jl1on, submits 21 . Publishcli proof!> 10 author map~ MAP OPEN -FILED ~ ~ Editor;;; E ANI> RH .FASH) TO PUBLIC I~ . Approv.:i. Director;;; OR puhlil~ll1on / OeplAy Director= 00 SoolOf Geologist = SO (§1 Re~ewers = R 5. R•·\·ic.-w, anJ Document Tracker= OT or--n fiks Project Manager;;; PM Jdive,Jhk-li ~ Author= A

4 AuJ1t• / /! dclave,.. hkli lsal +- ✓ 20. Chccltli !I 13. AuJilli ~SG ✓ proofs §] Jocumenl L.J +- □ 8. Pali.5CI 7. Conduct reviews & 3. Ched:a / ! lcchnil:al document Jchverahlc:s for reviews lo l'M 12 . Checks /l / n:<1u1rcmenlli fml +- ✓ fml --+ ~ --+ fml Jocwnenl for fml ✓ re-tuiremcnls L.J +- ~ 6. ScnJa ~ ~ L.J el 2. Doc, du1:umcn110 1 19. Checks rcvicwclli proofs compleit /! 9. Passe, /l / f\'\'iew . ~ .... ✓, reviews& ~ ✓ Jucumcnt to~ ~ +- Rc1urn111mw1 ,,..,... 1 I II . Cheda inJica1c: p.11h u{ .. rcvic:wcJ 18 . C:hcdli /! return for / Jon1mcn1 / pmofs ✓ \'UHC\"lion u{ ✓ +- Jcli,:ic~·ic1 0 +- I. l'rq1;1ru, 10. Make ■ 17 . Cnrrn·h; Jo,:unll'nl. muJil k.'illlOIUI anJdwdu, nv..-w" ii. and & corr4'\:liuns pruul·li ,uhmi~ ii Figure 1. Document flow and line of responsibility chart. 4. Map document (deliverables) are INTERPRETIVE CHANGES. New data or forwarded through a three-step changes to maps and texts become much evaluation process to obtain approval for more expensiYe for the UGS after this time open-filing. Documents will be checked and generally will not be accepted. MAKE and approved by: (1) document coordinator, SURE EVERYfHING IS CORRECT; THE (2) senior mapping geologist, and (3) deputy AUTHOR IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE director. The document may be returned to FOR THE CONTENT OF THE PUB­ the author for revision anytime during this LISHED DOCUMENT. process. The document is then approved for open-filing and formal review. 9. Author returns corrected deliverables and reviewers' copies of earlier version 5. Document Is open-flied and made to document coordinator. available to the public. The document will receive a number and date and be 10. Document Is forwarded through a four­ photocopied for public purchase. Open-file step process to obtain approval for reports are produced directly from the publication. The corrected document will author's submitted materials. When the be checked for acceptance by: (1) the UGS document is published, the open-file version Project Manager, (2) the Document will be pulled from distribution. Coordinator, (3) the Senior Mapping Geologist, and (4) the Deputy Director. The 6. Suitable technical reviewers are chosen document may be returned to the author for by UGS. Authors may suggest technical revision during any part of this process. The reviewers. Documents are reviewed and UGS reserves the right to reject any map or returned to the document coordinator. text from publication. Technical reviewers are encouraged to return materials within two months or less. At 11. Document undergoes flnal review by the least two technical reviews are required for Director and Is accepted for each map document. publlcatlon.The Utah Geological Survey Director gives final approval for publication. 7. Document review coordinator receives reviews and records major deficiencies, 12. Document Is submitted to UGS editorial then forwards review materials to author. staff for processing. Editor makes final All review materials will be sent to the grammatical corrections. Editorial staff author at one time. The UGS will provide typesets text, scribes plates, and prepares clean copies for the author's corrections. peel coats, figures, and mockups. Originals will generally not be returned to the author at this stage, but if the author 13. Proofs are sent to the author, UGS requires them, their return may be arranged Mapping Program, and Deputy Director on a case-by-case basis. for flnal check. Author should check copy for editorial, typographical, and technical 8. Author revises document. The author errors. New data or interpretations are should address all reviewers' concerns or expensive to incorporate at this late stage give justification if reviewer suggestions are and generally will not be accepted. not followed. All parts of the revised document should be marked with a new 14. Corrections are made, map Is published, date. Tum-around time for correcting and author(s) receive copies. Open-file documents should be two months or less. report is pulled from distribution. THIS IS THE LAST OPPORTUNTIY FOR Congratulations on a job well done! THE AUTHOR TO MAKE GEOLOGIC OR


A few style guidelines are discussed A.D. = calendar years below because they generate many questions B.P. = yenrs before 1950 B.C. = ~ors before Christ from authors of UGS maps and text booklets. In log =- logarithm all matters of style not specifically covered below, bbl = barrels or petroleum ( 42 U.S. gnlloos) the author should pattern their writing by md = thousand cubic feet (natunu gas) consulting, in this order: (1) Guide for the ppm = parts per million preparation of reports for the Utah Geological Btu = British thermal units Survey (Lund, 1992), (2) Suggestions to Authors 2. The following are to be written out in texts, of the Reports of the United States Geological but may be abbreviated in comments in Survey (seventh edition) (Hansen, 1991), (3) parentheses in text, in tables and charts: other widely accepted, published style guides, and (4) good common sense. in = inches long = longitude n = feet ~ = percent Abbreviations and Acronyms yd(s) = yard(s) mm = m.illlmeters mi = miles cm = centimeters oz = ounces m = meters Abbreviating words and using acronyms lbs = pounds km = kilometers to shorten the writing process is not ton = tons/short tons g = grams recommended. Utah Geological Survey maps qt = quarts tonnes = metric tons and text booklets are intended for multi-purpose gal = zallons L = liters acres acres ha hectares use and many abbreviations and acronyms may = = hp = borsepowu kcal = kilocalories be intelligible only to professional geologists. In lat = latitude time the meanings of even commonly known acronyms will be lost. Acceptable rules of abbreviations and acronyms follow: 3. Compounds using a slash (virgule) interpreted as "per" may be abbreviated in 1. Some abbreviations of wide use are the text booklet- acceptable. Some are used with periods, others are noL The following is a partial list km/h Btu/lb of acceptable abbreviations that can be used 4. The following abbreviations may be used in the text: with an exact numerical age (generally determined as an absolute time a.m. = ante meridlem (be(on: noon) (Wrt1e '"12:00 noon" to avoid confusion) measurement). However, the first time D.S. = Bachelor o( Science these abbreviations are used in the text Dr. = doctor booklet their meaning should be written out M.A. = Master o( Arts in parentheses. All general references to M.S. = Master oC Science time should be written out- no. = number ((or bibliographic references onJy) p. = page or pages (95 p., p. 1-25, p. 26, and so forth) ka = thousands or years Ph.D. = Doctor oC Philosophy Ma :a millions oC years p.m. = post meridiem (a.llemoon) Ga = billlons o( years ser. = series (for bibliographic references only) U.S. :a United States Example: U.S.A. = United St.ates oC America "· = volume (Cor bibliographic references only) The pota.uium-argon (K-Ar) isotopic age o( the °C = degrees Centigrade or Celsius rbyollte ls 45. .2 : 0.3 Ma. The Cretaceous-TertJary "F = degrees Fahrenheit boundary ls 66.4 Ma. The formatJon was deposited 40 K = degrees Kelvin to SO million years ago. The eTent occurred about 15 • = degrees (for strike dJp, bearing, azimuth, million years ago. latitude., longitude; otherwise, write "degree" [ see Lund, 1992])

· 25 5. Agency or organization names that are long Service, Bureau of Land Management, and other are written out the first time they appear in local roads. Informal names for local roads are the text booklet followed by a suitable acceptable when they are properly introduced abbreviation (acronym) in parentheses. (from point A to point B, or in which part of Thereafter the abbreviation or acronym is map). permissible. Similarly, any acronym used to save many long repetitions should be Colors completely written out the first time it appears. 1. Use standard color terms when describing rocks and geologic features. Compound 6. Geologic map symbols should not be used as color terms as given in the rock-color chart abbreviations for units in the text booklet of the Geological Society of America unless they appear in parentheses after the (Goddard and others, 1948) or in the name has been fully spelled out. Munsell soil color charts (Munsell Color, 1990) are recommended. The alpha-numeric 7. References to full cadastral survey locations designation representing hue, value, and and some compass directions may be chroma given in these color charts (example, abbreviated according to the following 10 YR 4/6) should not be used in the text. examples: They are recommended for use in measured stratigraphic sections where they are placed NWU4 SEU4 NEl/4 section 30, T. 8 N., R. 8 W. in parentheses after the color name has been (northwest quarur or southeast quarter or northeast quarter or section 30, Township 15 South. Range 8 written out. Never use the numerical West) designation representing hue, value, and chroma to replace the color name. Select Nl/2 SEl/4 section lS, T. 8 N .. R. 9 E., USM (north color terms carefully. Some color chart halt ol southeast quarter of section lS, Township 8 North. Range 9 East, Uinta Special Meridian). However combinations are quite wordy. write: The deposit ls found in section 1S o{ lhe township (If the town.ship has been previously given). 2. Acceptable color terminology and adjectives It the study area overlaps the Salt Lake Base and follow: Meridian (SLBM) and the Uinta Special Meridian EtJSM), the acronym must appear 1n parentheses 1n red yellow blue p-een purple each case. maroon orange white gray black brown pink olive Ian The beds strike N. 8° E. and dip 46° E. IJ&ht medium dark ,.. moderate 8. All other words should be written out in the dusky TU'f strong text booklet. It may be necessary to abbreviate some words in tables and charts. 3. Avoid color names that readers may have The spelled out words, however, should trouble visualizing: cream, almond, wine, appear somewhere on the chart or caption lilac, tawny, chartreuse, charcoal, buff, rose, as an explanation. ruby, burgundy, magenta, violet, auburn, terra cotta, lemon, chocolate, and so forth. Highway and Road Designations 4. Color modifiers ending in •-ish• or not The following are examples of references ending in •-ish" are both acceptable - to highways or roads. reddish brown or red brown. However, the writer should be consistent in usage . . First use In a paragraph Second use 1n a panigrnph Interstate 70 (1-70) Hyphenation U.S. Highway 89 (U.S. 89) Utah Highway 40 (U-40) 1. Petrologic terminology: Connect like names Write out the names of county, Forest with hyphens. Names used in petrologic

26 terminology are generally of four classes: Capitalization rock names, mineral names, textural names, and names expressing the kind of elastic 1. Capitalize formal geographic names. Be aggregation. sure not to capitalize words that are not part of the formal name. Basin and valley are plngioclase-homblende gneiss porphyritic quartz monzonite not capitalized when used with river names: nepheline syenite porphyry Uinta Basin (geographic name), Paradox sandstone-siltstone breccia basin (geologic feature), Uintah County, tnichyte luff Basin and Range Province (special case), Colorado Plateau province, Jordan River, 2. Hyphenate two or more words that modify Jordan River valley, Tooele Valley; plural another word such as fine-grained sandstone, form: Jordan, Colorado, and San Juan rock-fall hazard, or well-sorted sandstone. Rivers. Do not hyphenate modifiers that end in "-ly" or "-y" such as "very poorly saned sand." 2. Capitalize the frames of quadrangles, but not the word "quadrangle." If "the" is a part of 3. Hyphenate the elements of compound color the formal name of the quadrangle it is also and other modifiers preceding a noun, but capitalized, even when it falls in the middle not those following the noun: reddish­ of a sentence: in The Barracks quadrangle, brown sandstone, the sandstone is reddish in the Barker Reservoir quadrangle, in the brown, very light-gray limestone, the Fisher Towers quadrangle. limestone is very light gray, light-olive-gray dolomite, the dolomite is light olive gray. 3. Capitalize the names of geologic features, However, when describing rock units in but not the noun that identifies the feature: measured sections, well logs, and other Wasatch fault, Paradox basin, Book Cliffs abbreviated lists, compound modifiers coal field, Salt Valley anticline, Antelope following the rock name are hyphenated. Island shear zone, Big Flat oil and gas field, Example: sandstone, pale-orangish-gray. Parco uranium mine, Ajax claim, and so Avoid compound color modifiers using more forth A few geologic features have been than two hyphens. adopted as geographic names. In that case the noun that identifies the feature is also 4. Commonly confused compounds: There are capitalized: San Rafael Swell, Bingham many compounds that are either open, Mine. hyphenated, or closed because of common usage. The following is a list of terms 4. All ranks of formal geologic rock units and commonly found in geologic reports. Some their identifiers are capitalized: Chinle of the examples are hyphenated in some uses Formation, Indianola Group, Petrified and open in others (see rule 2). Forest Member, Moab Tongue of the Entrada Sandstone, Farmington Canyon airphoto basin-and-range aerial benchJand bird's-eye photograph Complex, Aberdeen Sandstone Bed. In­ coalbed co-author ash !all formal geologic rock units should not be crossroad cross-bedded bench mark capitalized: lower red member, upper downdlp cross-country cross profile conglomerate, formation of Red Canyon downslope cross-index cross section (Red Canyon being a formal geographic downthrown cross-reference debris now horsepower cross-stratilled earth now name), mottled siltstone uniL If a series of mudfiow high-pressure ffood plain geologic formations is given in a sentence, percent fee-worn p-oond water the word "Formation" is capitalized: The radioactive large-scale rock fall Navajo, Entra~, Morrison and Mancos For­ textbook out-of-dale water table mations are exposed on the quadrangle (this waterpower fine-grained fine grained thin-bedded thin bedded is correct usage, even for formations with a well-sorted well sorted lithology name such as "Mancos Shale").

27 5. All formal geologic time and For example: The peak has an altitude of 9,000 time-stratigraphic names are capitalized: feet. The peak has an elevation of 9,000 feet Mesozoic Era, Jurassic System, Jurassic above sea level. Period. Pleistocene, Upper Cretaceous, Early Cretaceous, Miocene; but, Interval-of-Occurrence informal names are not: lower Miocene, Versus Time Terms late Holocene. Many authors erroneously use time terms Compass Directions to denote intervals of occurrence. Such words include "often," "occasionally," "sometimes," and 1. General usage: "west," "east," "south," and "frequently." These words can be replaced "north" may be used in a general sense. For directly with "commonly," "sporadically; and example, "west" means a general direction "rarely" or the sentence may -be rewritten using between west-northwest and west-southwest. "many of," "some of," "most of," or "few of."

2. Clarity: Make sure meanings are clear for For example: readers. For example, "The well is 3 miles northwest of Johns Peak" does not mean the The limestone ls onen fossiliferous. (incorrect) same as "... 3 miles north and 3 miles west of The limestone is commonly fossiliferous. (corr«t) Johns Peak." Many o( the limestone beds are fossiliferous. (correct)

The boulders are occasionally angular. (incorrect) 3. Indiscriminate use: Compass directions are The boulders are locally angular. (bato) commonly expressed as "east," "eastern," Some or the boulders are angular. (bat) "easterly," and "eastward." The use of any of these terms is acceptable, but should be See Hansen (1991, page 178) for more discussion consistent throughout the report. and examples.

Proper Use of Formal Names Time

Authors writing about geologic Some authors write as if conditions or formations commonly drop the word "formation" situations at the time of the study will remain (or lithologic equivalent] for brevity or to avoid permanenL Circumstances that may change repetitive use. For example, "The Navajo should be dated. The report may be read many (Sandstone] is exposed in Cottonwood Canyon." years after its publication. The full name should be given at its first use in each section. Avoid any possibility of confusion. For example: "The Green River ... " might mean The Manti landslide Is lnactJn. (incorrect) the river or the formation. The Manti landslide is presently inact1Ye. (berur) The Mand landslide was lnact1Ye In 1992. (bc:sr) Distance Above Sea Level The high-water leYel or the Great Salt Lake bas caused a sharp dec:llne In salt production. (incorm:t) "Altitude" and "elevation" are nearly The 1983 high-water level or the Great SaU Lake caused a synonymous terms. "Altitude" is preferred when sharp dec.ilne In salt production. (correct) indicating distance above sea level. "Elevation" is the height to which something is elevated from a A poorly maintained road provides access- (incorrect) A poorly maintained road (1988) provides... (cornet) specific reference point. "Elevation" may be used to indicate distance above sea level in a report if it is not used in any other way. With "elevation" it may be necessary to give point of reference.


References Cited Miller, D.M., and Schneyer, J.D., 1985, Gc:ologic map of the Tecoma quadrangle, Box Elder County, Utah and Elko County, Nevada: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Anderson, JJ., Iivari, T.A., and Rowley, P.O., 1987, Geologic Map n, 8 p. booklet, scale 1:24,000. map of the Lictle Creel.: Pe:ik quadrangle, Garfield and Munscil Color, 1990, Munsell soil color charts: Baltimore. Iron Counties, Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Maryland, Munsell Color, Macbeth Division o( Kallmorgen Map 104, 11 p. booklet, scale 1:24,000. Instruments Corporation, 4 p., 7 charts. Arabasz, WJ., Pechmann, J.C., and Brown, E.D., 1987, North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Observational seismology and the evaluation of earthquake 1983, North American stratigraphic code: American hazards and risk in the Wasatch Front area, Utah: U. S. Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, no. 5, Geological Survey Open-file Report 87-585, p. D1-39. p. 841-875. Compton, R.R., 1962, Manual of field geology: New York. Oviatt, C.G., 1991, Quaternary geology of the Black Rock John Wiley and Sons. Inc., 378 p. Desert, Millard County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Doelling H.H., 1980, Geology and mineral resources of Box Special Studies 73, 23 p., scale 1:100,000. Elder County, Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Oviatt, C.G., 1986, Geologic map of the Honeyville Bulletin 115, 251 p., 3 plates, scale 1:125,000. quadrangle, Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah: Utah Doelling, H.H., Willis, G.C., Jen.sen, M.E., Hecker, Suzanne, Geological and Mineral Survey Map 88, 13 p. booklet, Case, W.F., and Hand, J.S., 1990, Geologic map of sea.Jc 1:24,000. Antelope Island, Davis County, Utah: Utah Geological Oviatt, C.G., 1986, Geologic map of the Cutler Dam and Mineral Survey Map 127, 27 p. booklet, scale 1:24,000. quadrangle, Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah: Utah Doelling, H.H., Yonkee, WA, and Hand, J.S., 1991, Geologic Geological and Mineral Survey Map 91, 7 p. booklet, scale map of the Gold Bar Canyon quadrangle, Grand County, 1:24,000. Utah: Utah Geological Survey Open-File Report 230, 69 p. Palmer, AR-, 1983, The Decade of North American Geology booklet, scale 1:24,000. 1983 : Geology, v. 11, no. 9, p. 503-504. Haney, R.C., 1984, A code for fieldwork: Geotimcs v.11, p. Shubac, M.A, and Side~, MA, 1988, Geologic map o( the 6-7. Silver Peak quadrangle, Iron County, Utah: Utah Hansen, W.R., 1991, Suggestions to authors of the reports of Geological and Mineral Survey Map 108, 13 p. booklet, the United States Geological Survey (seventh edition): sea.Jc 1:24,000. Washington D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 289 p. Streickciscn, AL, 1979, Classification-and nomenclature of Harty, K-M., 1991, Landslide map of Utah: Utah Geological volcanic rocks, lampropbyrcs, carbonatites, and melilitic Survey Map 133, 28 p. boolcJet. scale 1:500,000. rocks; recommendations and suggestions of the IUGS Hintze, LF., 1988, Geologic history of Utah: Brigham Young Subcommis.sion on the Systematics o{ Igneous Rocks: University Geology Studies Special Publication 7, 202 p. Geology, v. 7, no. 7, p. 331-335. Hintze, LF., and Hammond, BJ., 1991, Geologic map of the Varnes, OJ., 1978, Slope movement types and processes, i!l Shivwits quadrangle, Washington County, Utah: Utah Schuster, R.L and Krizek, RJ., editors, Landslides analysis Geological Survey Open-File Report 213, 77 p. boolcJet. and control: Washington D.C., Transponation Research scale 1:24,000. Board, National Academy of Science, p. 11-33. International Conference of Building Officials, 1991, Uniform Wentworth. C.K-, 1922, A scale of grade and class terms for building code: Whittier, California, Internacional . elastic sediments: Journal of Geology, v. 30, p. 377-392. Conference of Building Officials, 1,050 p. Williams, V.S., Weir, G.W., and Beard, LS., 1990, Geologic Jordan, T.E., Crittenden, M.D., Jr., Allmendinger, R. W., and map of the Escalante quadrangle, Garfield County, Utah: Miller, D.M., 1988, Geologic map of the Thatcher Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map 116, 6 p. Mountain quadrangle, Bax Elder County, Utah: Utah bookJet. scale 1:24,000. Geological and Mineral Survey Map 109, 10 p. booklet. Willis, G.C., 1988, Geologic map of the Aurora quadrangle, scale 1:24,000. Sevier County, Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey LcBas, MJ., LeMaitre, R.W., Strckeiscn, AL., and Zanettin, Map 112, 21 p. booklet. scale 1:24,000. B., 1986, A chemical classification of volcanic rocks based Willis, G.C., 1991, Geologic map of the Redmond Canyon on the total alkali-silica diagram: Journal of Petrology, v. quadrangle, Sanpete and Sc:vier Counties, Utah: Utah 27, pt. 3, p. 745-750. Geological Survey Map 138, 17 p. boolcJet, scale 1:24,000. Lund, W.R., 1992, Guide for the preparation of reports for Willis, G.C., 1991, Geologic map oC the Harley Dome the Utah Geological Survey: Utah Geological Survey. quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Mattox, S.R., 1987, Provisional geologic map of the Hells Open-File Report 216, 70 p. boolcJet. scale 1:24,000. Kitchen Canyon SE quadrangie, Sanpete County, Utah: Wood, G.H., Jr., Kehn, T.M., Carter, M.D., and Culbertson, Utah Geological and Mincn1l Survey Map 98, 17 p. W.C., 1983, Coal resource classification system o{ the U.S. boolcJet, scale 1:24,000. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 891, Miller, D.M., and Glick, .L.L., 1986, Geologic map o( the 65 p. Lemay Island quadrangle, Bax Elder County, Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map 96, 9 p. booklet, scale 1:24,000.

29 Sources of Information Reynolds, M.W., Queen. J.E., Ratcliffe. N.M., Esco,,.itz, E.C., Taylor, R.B .. Davis, J.B., and Scott, W.E.• in press, Cartographic and digital standards for Field Methods and General Geologic publications-principles, symbols, colors, patterns. codes, Information and formats: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90. 0001. Barnes. J.W., 1981, Basic geological mapping: New York, John Wiley and Sons, Geological Society of London General Style Manuals Handbook Series, 112 p. (also revised edition of 1991). Compton, R.R., 1962. Manual of field geology: New York, Chicago manuaJ of style, 1982, (13th revised edition): John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 378 p. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 738 p. Compton, R.R., 1985, Geology in the field: New York. John U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984, Style manual, 1984: Wiley and Sons, Inc., 398 p. Washington, D.C.. 479 p. Dietrich, R.V., Dutro, J.T., Jr., and Foose, R.M., compilers, 1982, AG I data sheets for geology in the field, laboratory, Geologic Dictionaries and office: Falls Church, Virginia, American Geological Institute, pages not numbered. American Geological Institute, 1976, Dictionary of geologic Fry, Norman, 1984, The field description of metamorphic terms: Garden City, New York. Anchor Books, 472 p. rocks: New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Geological Bates, R.L, and Jackson, J.A., editors, 1987, Glossary of Society of London Handbook Series, 110 p. geology (3rd edition): Alexandria, Virginia, American Goddard, E.N., Trask, P.D., de Ford, R.K., Rove, O.N., Geological Institute, 788 p. Singewald, J.T., Jr., and Overbeck, R.M., 1948, Rock-color chart: Washington, D.C., National Research Council, 6 p. General References to Utah Geology (Republished by Geological Society of America, 1951, reprinted, 1963, 1970, 1975, 1979, 1980). Kottlowski, F.E., 1965, Measuring stratigraphic sections: New Christenson, G.E., in preparation, Earthquake hazards of York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Geologic Field Utah: Utah Geological Survey map. Techniques Series, 253 p. Cook. K.L, Bankey, Viki, Mabey, D.R., and DePangher, Lahee, F. H., 1961, Field geology (6th edition): New York. Michael, 1989, Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of McGraw•Hill Book Company, 883 p. Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map 122, scale McQay, K.R., 1987, The mapping of geological structures: 1:500,000. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Geological Society Doelling. H.H., and .Bon, R.L., 1990, Resource maps of Utah, of London Handbook, 161 p. in Allison, M.L., editor, Energy and mineral resources of Munsell Color, 1990, Munsell soil color charts: Baltimore, Utah: Utah Geological Association Publication 18, p. 173- Maryland, Munsell Color, Macbeth Division of Kallmorgen 196. Instruments Corporation, 4 p., 7 charts. Harty, K.M., 1991, Landslide map of Utah: Utah Geological North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Survey Map 133, 28 p. booklet, scale 1:500,000. 1983, North American stratigraphic code: American Harty, K.M., and Christenson, G.E., 1988, Flood hazards from Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, no. 5, lakes and failures of dams in Utah: Utah Geological and p. 841-875. Mineral Survey Map 111, 8 p. booklet, scale 1:750,000. Thorpe. R.S., and Brown, G.C., 1985, The field description of Hecker, SU7.anne, in pn:ss, Quaternary fault map of Utah: igneous rocks: New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Utah Geological Survey Map, scale 1:500,000. Geological Society of London Handbook Series, 162 p. Hecker, SU7.anne, and Harty, K.M., 1988, Shallow ground Tucker, M.E., 1982, The field description of sedimentary water and related hazards in Utah: Utah Geological and rocks: New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Geological Mineral Survey Map 110, 19 p. booklet, scale 1:750,000. Society of London Handbook Series, 124 p. Hintze, L.F., 1963, Geologic map of Utah (southwest Wentworth, C.K., 1922, A scale of grade and class terms for quarter): Utah State Land Board, scale 1:250,000. elastic sediments: Journal of Geology v. 30, p. 377-392. Hintze, LF., 1980, Geologic map of Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map, scale 1:500,000. Geologic Report Writing and Map Hintze, LF., 1988, Geologic history of Utah: Provo, Utah, Preparation Brigham Young Univcniry Geology Studies Special Publication 7, 202 p. Hintze, L.F., and Stokes, W.L, 1963, Geologic map of Utah Hansen, W.R., 1991, Suggestions to authors of the reports of (southeast quarter): Utah State Land Board, scale the United States Geological Survey (seventh edition): 1:250,000. Washington D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 289 p. Knight, Russell, 1985, Geologic thesis map index of.Utah: Lund, W.R., 1992, Guide for the preparation of rcpon.s for Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Map 86, scale the Utah Geological Survey: Utah Geological Survey, 1:100,000. Circular 85, 74 p. Mulvey, W.E., 1992, Soil and rocJt causing engineering Malde, H.E., 1986, Guidelines for reviewers of geological geologic problems in Utah: Utah Geological Survey Special manuscripu: AJc-

30 Stokes, W.1-, 1962, Geologic map of Utah (northwest U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Mineral and water resources of quarter): Utah State Land Board. scale 1:250,000. Utah: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Bulletin 73, Stokes, W.1-, 1986, Geology of Utah: Salt Lake City, Utah 275 p. Museum of Natural History and Utah GeologicaJ and Zietz, Lsidorc, Shuey, Ralph, and Kirby, J.R., Jr., 1976, Mineral Survey, Occasional Paper no. 6, 317 p. Aeromagnetic map of Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Stokes, W.1-, and Madsen, J.H.. Jr., compile~, 1961, Geologic Geophysical Investigations Map GP-907, scale 1:1,000,000. map of Utah (northeast quarter): Utah State Land Board. scale 1:250,000. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, 1983, Energy resources map of Utah: Utah GeologicaJ and MineraJ Survey Map 68, scale 1:500,000.


32 APPENDIX A. CHECKLISTS OF MINIMUM STANDARDS (Circle c!aCh item when criteria are met; sign when all are circled) Signature: ______Date: ____ Accepted by UGS: Yes __ No_ Date:---- General copy and one copy colored to match map).

1. Are all materials labeled with a project 4. Lithologic column. name, author name, and a date? 5. Written description of map units. 2. Are all materials neat, properly organized, and suitable to be open-filed and distributed 6. Other charts, diagrams, or explanatory to the public? material needed to understand the geologic map. 3. Have you asked yourself, "Is this the best I can do?" Text Booklet

List of Deliverables 1. Manuscript parts. Title page Table oC Contents Plate 1. Geologic Map Abstract Introduction (may include previous works) 1. Geologic map inked and hand-lettered on Previous Works (or include in Introduction) mylar base. Stratigraphy or Map Un.its Igneous Rocks ( optionol) Geochemistry (optional) 2. Colored paper copy of geologic map. Special map units ( optional) Structure 3. Any overlays with information that will be Geologic History ( optional) published on the geologic map (structural Economic Geology Economic Geochemistry ( optional) contours, bedding attitudes, mines). · Water Resources · Overlays must be on mylar with registration Geologic Bamrds (alignment) marks. Use overlays only if the Scenic Resources\Geologic F eatUJ'e5 ( optional) information would make the geologic map Acknowledgements too cluttered. References Appendices (optional) Other seclloos as needed ( optional) Plate 2. Map Explanation (and Plate 3, If Three &o nn pbotogruphs needed) Diagrams. graphs, and tables as needed Measured sections as needed (These do not need to be assembled into one plate, but each part should be labeled "[or Plate Other Deliverables 2" and have project name, author name, and date) 1. · Computer copy of all text on floppy disk (should include all written parts of plate 2). 1. One or more cross sections drafted on mylar (color one copy to match map). 2. Originals of all photographs, negatives, diagrams, tables, and charts. 2. Map Symbols chart showing all symbols used on map and cross sections. 3. Copy of all stratigraphic sections measured in the quadrangle. 3. Correlation of Map Units diagram showing age of all units used on the map and cross 4. Copies of laboratory reports of radiometric sections (both bedrock and surficial) in as dating, palynology, geochemistry, assays, and much detail as possible (one black and white other .analyses.

A-1 5. Completed UGS database forms: a. Mines. pits. quarries, and other Str.11igrnphic Sections workings. Geochronology b. Adits. shafts, tunnels. Petrology c. Mineralization, alteration, deposits. Landslide Im·enlory Economic Geology Feutures d. Gravel and road-fill pits and quarries. e. Deep drill holes (shallow drill holes are 6. Aerial photographs provided by the UGS. at the discretion of the author).

7. Orthophotoquad maps provided by the 10. Are named mines, quarries, drill holes, and UGS. other economic features labeled or keyed to a table? 8. Copy of completed thesis or dissertation (where applicable). 11. Are named faults, folds, and other features labeled? Plate 1. Geologic Map 12. Are sufficient strike and dip, foliation, joint, cleavage, and similar symbols shown? 1. Is every part of the quadrangle (except areas under perennial bodies of water) represented 13. Are structural contours shown where as a map unit? appropriate? 2. Is every area, no matter how small, labeled 14. Are structural contours indicated by or indicated by a leader from a label? continuous solid lines (good control), long Coloring, shading, or using patterns is not dashes (inadequate control), or short dashes an acceptable substitute. (where contours are projected into the air)? 3. Do symbols (faults, contacts, cleavage, and 15 Are contour lines properly labeled? so forth) used on the map conform to UGS guidelines (see appendix C)? 16. Are contacts and contour lines properly offset at faults? 4. Do map unit labels follow UGS guidelines (see appendices C and D)? 17. Do contour lines agree with bedding attitudes and fold axial traces? 5. Do faults represented by solid or dashed lines actually cut surface units? If not thev 18. Are indicators of bedding and fault attitudes should be shown as dotted (see appendix ·C). consistent? (three-point problems, This point is very important to geologic relationship between drafted contacts and hazards evaluation. topographic contours, strikes and dips, drill­ hole da~ and so forth)? 6. Check that no dotted faults appear as unit contacts. 19. ~o drafted contacts and faults "V" properly m washes and canyons and over ridges? 7. Is relative offset on all faults indicated by a bar and ball? li not, is the reason explained 20. Do contacts and faults match adjoining and in the text? previous maps, or is it explained why they don't in the text? 8. Are fold axes and other structural features properly indicated? 21. Do ancestral lake levels (as of Lake Bonneville) shown on the map follow 9. Are economic-related features shown topographic contours properly? properly (see appendix E)?

A-2 22. Are mass movements shown and properly apparent dip (be especially careful of curved labeled by age and type where possible? features and features crossed at an oblique angle; see Compton, 1962, p. 362)? 23. Have surficial deposits been subdivided and Example: a fault with a true dip of 500 that mapped in as much detail as is practical? is crossed by the cross section at a 45° angle to strike should be drafted with a 40° 24. Are dates of field work indicated (season apparent dip. and year)? 10. Are elevations shown on a scale along 25. Are names of thesis ad\-isors, field assistants, vertical margins? and others shown on the map? 11. Are the ends of the cross sections labeled 26. Are author names given as they should with a compass direction (East, Northeast)? appear in the title by-line (no nicknames)? 12. Are important geographic and structural Plate 2. Map Explanation features labeled on the cross section?

Cross Section(s) 13. Are the cross sections restorable (or else is a clear explanation of why not given)? 1. Are the cross sections drafted on a stable base? 14. Are structural relationships reasonable?

2. Is the number of cross sections sufficient? 15. Is offset on faults calculated and shown accurately? 3. Are the cross sections drawn in the most advantageous direction (generally Description of Map Units perpendicular to principle structural fabric)? 1. Is a written description of EVERY unit 4. Does at least one cross section extend from shown on the map and cross-sections border to border, if not, is there a valid provided? reason? 2. Is organiz.ation and order of discussion 5. Do the locations of contacts, faults, end consistent for all descriptions? points, and bends as shown on the cross section(s) match the cross section line on 3. Are descriptions sufficiently clear to make the mylar map EXACTLY!. (to within a line each map unit recognizable in the field? width)? 4. Are the lithology, mineralogy, colors, 6. Do they extend to a proper depth for texture, cementation, bedding characteristics, available control? thickness, age, and other needed features adequately described? 7. Are all units on the cross section labeled? Correlation of Map Units 8. Are the main cross sections drafted without vertical exaggeration? Extra cross sections 1. Is the age of every unit represented as with vertical exaggeration can be included to accurately as possible? show thin features (such as surficial deposits). 2. Is the correlation between map units as accurate as possible? 9. Have angles of drafted lines depicting contacts and faults been adjusted for 3. Are major unconformities indicated?

A-3 4. Are names of unconformities indicated (if 2. Do symbols conform to UGS guidelines? JvailJble)? (Example: J-2. unconformity) (see appendL'< C)

5. Are epoch. stage, and Jge names consistent and do they follow the UGS chart (see Other Plate 2 Features appendix I)? 1. Would other supplemental charts, diagrams Uthologic Column or explanations improve the overall product?

1. Is the column as detailed as is practical 2. Are all elements as clear and understandable ( example: shows details such as thin-bedded, as possible? thick-bedded, cherty, fossiliferous, lenticular, oolitic, and so forth)? 3. Are Plate 2 features referred to in the text booklet in a way that makes them easy to 2. Does the column give an accurate visual find? representation of each formation? 4. fs the space available on Plate 2 fully 3. Is thickness or thickness range listed for all utilized? For example, important diagrams units? or photographs can be printed in color on Plate 2. 4. Do columns conform to standard UGS style (see appendix B)? 5. Will everything planned for Plate 2 fit within an area of approximately 19 by 28 inches? 5. Is the erosion profile accurate and detailed? Text Booklet 6. Are thicknesses of individual units proponional to the scale of the column as a 1. Does the manuscript follow UGS style whole? guidelines?

7. Are all bedrock units and subdivisions that 2. Is the text clear, concise, accurate, and are shown on the map (including members, unders tandab le? tongues, marker beds, and so forth) included on the lithologic column? 3. Are the text and other typed materials double-spaced? 8. Is the lithologic representation hand­ drafted? Available computer software 4. Is the length of the manuscript planned so creates inferior-quality columns and does not that all materials, including t~ tables, • allow the flexibility needed to show detail. photos, and cover page will make 8 to 24 published pages (3 to 4 typed, double­ 9. Are nonstratified units (plutons, dikes, spaced, manuscript pages equals one metamorphic units, and so forth) shown in published page with no illustrations). the proper position according to their age? Do not show them inserted into the units 5. Are meaningful tables, photographs, and they cut; you may choose to show cross­ illustrations provided? cutting relationships of such units on a separate schematic drawing. 6. Are the names of all counties covered by the map included in the title? Map Symbols 7. Are all authors, affiliations, and current 1. Is every symbol that is used on the map and addresses listed on the title page? cross sections shown and explained?

A-4 8. Is every mJp unit discussed under a separate others. 1990" but the text is incorrectly heJding'? written 3S, "Jones said ......

9. Does the map unit he3ding show the map 21. Are multiple citations from the same symbol in parentheses'! author(s) in the same ye3r cited consistently with an "a," "b," and so forth. 10. Are all mines that occur in the map area discussed in the economic section of the text Consistency Among Parts (commodities mined, amounts, mine history, and so forth) Inconsistencies between pans is a common problem wirh submitted 11. Are all geologic hazards discussed in the materials. text? 1. Are unit names used consistently in all parts 12. Are map units that are prone to cause of the deliverables? Examples: "Flagstaff geologic hazards discussed in the hazards Formation" in one place and "Flagstaff section. Examples: units prone to landslide, Limestone" in another, or "lower member... " units with expanding clays, and so forth? in one place and "lower part... " in another, or "alluvial deposits" in one place and 13. Are faults that cut Quaternary deposits "alluvium" in another. Surprisingly, this type discussed in the hazards section? of problem is common--especially with surficial units. 14. Have all reviewers and contributors to the document, field assistants, and donors of 2. Do thicknesses and thickness ranges stated facilities or economic assistance been in the text, on the lithologic column. and in acknowledged? the Description of Map Units match exactly? Be especially cautious with approximations, 15. Is all information obtained from other rounding, metric equivalents, or when giving sources properly referenced or ranges. acknowledged? 3. Do thicknesses determined from map 16. Does the References section follow UGS solutions (using strike and dips, contours style guidelines (see page 18)? and contacts, three-point solutions), measured from the cross sections, or 17. Are stratigraphic units discussed from oldest measured in the field match thicknesses to youngest? stated in the written materials?

18. Are surficial deposits of similar age 4. Do unit labels shown on the map, in the subdivided first by genesis and then by age? Description of Map Units, in the Correlation of Map Units, in the lithologic 19. Are references written properly? (see column, and on the cross sections match examples, page 18; Lund, 1992; or Hansen, exactly? Example: Km in one place, Kml in 1991) another, Qap in one place, Qap1 in another. a. Are all authors names written out properly? 5. Are descriptions of map units in the text, in b. Are volume, number, part, pages given? the Description of Map Units (plate 2), and c. Is scale given for all maps? where depicted symbolically on the lithologic d. No abbreviations (for exceptions, see column consistent? page 18). 6. Are ages or age-ranges of map units stated 20. Are multiple author references cited in the text, Correlation of Map Units, properly? Example: reference is "Jones and

A-5 Description of Map Units, and on lithologic or deleted late in the writing process without column all the same? changing the "References" list.

7. Are references standard and complete? 9. Is the official USGS quadrangle name used a. Are all references cited in the text, properly in the title and throughout the figures, or on plate 2 included in the text? E"Glmples of incorrect usage: "References?" a. in an effort to shorten the writing, the b. Are all publications listed in the Big Pack Mountain NE quadrangle "References" actually cited? might be incorrectlv referred to as the c. Are illustrations, including photographs "Pack Mountain NE" or even the "Pack and tables, properly referenced? Mountain" quadrangle. b. "The" is part of the official name of 8. Did you do a final check at the very end of some quadrangles; include and capitalize the project for reference discrepancies? "The" every time the quadrangle is Reference problems are one of the most mentioned by name. common errors in submitted materials--they usually arise because a reference was added


B-1 to B-5 Llthologic columns B-6 to B-10 Correlation diagrams B-11 to B-12 Cross sections B-13 Annotated photographs B-14 Block diagrams B-15 to B-17 Index maps B-18 to B-19 Other types SY-Si'C: ..-.f -"""' D FO~~4TION O'­ LITHOL Q c.,'( ~c ~1c:S M:;~8eit.

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l111b Ifvr I >- ? 1 \J ~ ~ ~ ,;: "'C)" ~ ~ ~ ~


Qo.i Qmti QL\e I Q~ I Qes I QA, I Ofl I Q(~ Q4t-, Qe1f Qcv - Qe1t1

Qd} Qms O"'b Qa.t+ Oat,

Pt.e,s.n,c.e,J e- QUATE" RNA- R. '( QT~tEt cucd Pllo~ N~ ('?.) ~ND n-rl.nAR.'f (D

ICRe:r"'c cous,

J~k f S.-'C' \JPPEt. Juo.~ss1c J..,,t , 2 I 6

Jw. -i ~ Jc.,. V "'I J ~ ? J~I -V j(..\.l

Jft -& ~~ Jc.j u .x --,~- ... Jrh -..,2 I LOWER. JuRASs,c.

B-7 C ORR£ LA il O tJ O F M AP V N IT-=,

~ ~.... 'J ~ Qal Qa,I, ~ ~ Qa.~ Q4.f @;] w QuATERN~~'( ~ \U Qa., aAt1 QI .. / u Q ... 1 0 Qm1 I- Qiu/ ~ Qcls Qls Qiu. Qml l.u QI~ 1 Q .... ~ ~ ~


vnconfoR.,., ry


D'°"c.l Slt.lJIZ./).N 51~ SILi/~ I All - so OR. 001/IC.I AN Osr

8-8 1 ~~]~d.si~L~fr~ " I I I ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~ ~ ~I: I I "~ f.t.r,J p,-~$e"Yed.. rl~,i Qc ~'.. ; _.I ___ ,I - I - ;y ~ \I l \J "' QII ~ ~ Q~ Q/1, Olt Qtf ~ ':l ~ ~" ~ ~ lt.llOJ11fo ,,,,, ry "(:' I n, ~TV ~ ~. ~"' '- -.I I ~ ~ fl

.:J ~ j z,....f V § u ..Q ~ '< " ~ CI ] - 0.. ~ -.sil < \J w _£'I Y.tJfr - f J xw'f• XWf I 1~fr Xw'fc. I I - Y..w.f.. - 11 XWfh xwr1 ~fl ~~

B-9 Qa., Q,J,

Q~p 2.

a~l. Oafl. Oc.r+ Q,.,u.

~'-: <::r \.I i:' L Ttj ~ 1c. ~ Jfv. I I I I 1f"' I I I I Tr! I I I I I Q ~ 11 ~~ TJ<'nh ~~ 11 --?- 11

':)"' I I ~ ·~V I I ~ 11 '4, ~ 11

'7 ~ ~ ~ .,. )I, "' 0 Q(.< :JI ~I -, I ~· B

WEST fA5T (,.,t f,d 1000 7000

5ooo - 5000

4000 - 4000

m ...I A A' 50LJTHW£Sf Sed,o" c-r.' NORf}lf/151

rut:. Rd f«t 7000 1000


Tm Tm Tm.,,,, Tm 'fooo / -4000 / A' /JRY5orv w',i.5H /31 rro? CREEK Eajt SYNCLINE ANTICL/N'E

feel Ou ,ooo m

Jmb Jmsl Jc. JI( Jooo Jw pt 1.000

m 13' -4• Ncrtk,a.st feat N - bOOD

~ACK Colorado 5000 R.,ve.r

______,:t:__ ___.,,.~---;--=:=---_;i,,,_..,__ 4000 JK J.....i


Pel( :zooo

/00() IPh ------~. IAll=L>AIADV-- J ,,.a,r&.. -,;.._ T.1, ... , I'\ ... ,...., ·· -T" ~ .. ,,.. ,., ...... #._ . i~;::_. .., . ~-=:~~r:J\?;--; -;::r-.;~~TT/.:r.r·~\-~_:~~- -- . ,·1 Iu~~~~i::,.::~~~~·ri:i\t!•M•l~t~\~ .1i.i.i),. . ~~~:ti~t61;;!: -~fi~'i ::t;;~~~~r.:\Jt'f~:~!•'!~2 ·-.--::, :;. ;i

01JI I

ID ....I u

I' S. View or western front or 1011lhern half of Wcllsvlllc Mounluln, nu,th of llrli;ham Clly, showing expo"ucs of Cambrl"n 1111111: ('gc " Gee risen Canyon Quu1zltc, U • Langston 1:0,mallon, Cu• Ute 1:0,mallon, Cb• Blacksmith Formation, Cbl • Dloomlngton Formadon, Cn • Nounan Fomlallon, Csc • St. Charles Founa· lion. 01dovlclan units 11e also exposed high on the mountain: Oge• GuJcn City Fom111lon, Osp • Swan reak Fo1111allon, on,-SI • l'ish llavcn llolomlle anJ Lakelown llolomilc (Silurian). - Examples of block diagrams. Block diagrams can add much toward the understanding of the geology and make excellent illustrations for the text booklet or plate 2. (From Hintze, 1988, p. 57 and 90; Arabasz, 1987)

8-14 P-P atrara 0 f 42•15' [ill] "Hansel allocntnon P-P strata of . Willard pla I e ~ ~

Manning Canyon D Shale Mississippian ◄ ~ and old er st r a I a

~ older/younger fault

~ younger/older fault

~ overturned synclir:e --r syncline -Y anticline dip of homoc lin a I ~ block 4 2· 00' 0 5 ,o , 5


1 12·30' 1 1 2· 1 5 ' 1 12•00'

Ficure I. Regional geologic and geographic setting of the Thatcher Mountain quadrangle. -p.p·· in ~send indicaccs Pcnnsyh,ani.an and Permian a1e strata. :'4H • ~orth H:anscl ,'.1ountains. PV • Poc:atello Val~. SM • S.amaria ~... 1oun1ain. HH • Hansel Hills. :'-IP• ~orth Promonco~· ~ountains. WH • Wcsc Hills. BS• Blue Spring Hills. WV• Wellsville ~oun1:a1n. and L • Little .'-4ounta1n. Gcoloric framework adapted from Allmend,nger and othcn I 1984).

8-15 Mournains



N 4

... Strata- YOICano Oike V3lley • swarm 0 5 mi / . . Flow 0 ) dome I

Ficur~ J. Voic:inic vents of ~tount Dutton formation: qiiadrangle are:i is shaded. a.~ '4t1d~r.50,,, a-,d cfl,re,s., 1'187

,, .. Flcun I. Gcner2J ,eolou and suuet1u-a! fatuRS o( southwestern UWL Licht uas inciude Tatw'\· lavu. uh-flow tu.ffs. and volani~ dastic units. Di.aeon.al line ;,utan rq,rescnu tbc Ouon (Oli1oa:ne­ Pa!coc:ene!} and Iron Sprinp (C~­ taccousl Formations. Dute shaded areas are MiOCffle plutons: nuncnl­ izcd plutons lie a!ong the iroa uis. Stippled areas include all other rocits from Pn:ambri.an through Mesozoic and some Qu.ateraarv bas.a!L Hachumi tines endmc th~ Pioche miner2J belt (nonb) and the Dd.afflM-lron Spnnp mineraj bdt (south). M. ~odena: E. Entetl)rue: N, ~cwastlr. CC. Cedar Gty; SG. SL George. Geology modified from Hinuc ( 1980), structural fe2tures from Rowley and othcn ( 1979) .and ' Tobey ( 1976).

10 lO lO ge.-______..... _ _;~,,,,...=~~----'----..;..--=.::;:,--';:_.;._~37"" tt•• 117

8-16 I I I I I

SAN----~- JUAN CO. I Dome

f Lockharr - basin )



0 ,o


Figure l. Location map of important features L"l vicinity of Gold Bar Canyon quadrangle. The Gold Bar Canyon quadrangle is bounded on the north by Jug Rock, Merrimac Butte, and The Windows Section quadrangles, on the west by The Knoll quadrangle, on the east by the Moab quadrangle, and on the south by the Musselman Arch, Shafer Basin and Through Springs Canyon quadrangles. Also shown are surrounding structures, highways, and towns.


Map Sample Malerlal 100 48Ar rad Calculalcd Number Number Daltd lolal 48Ar Age (Mal Analysl Latllude Longilude

MBlll-16 hornblende" O.lWi l .6917S I io·II 18}9 }2.8 t 1.6 W .C. llillhousc 41"09'08" 111·so·w

• Hornblende is red-brown, with oxidized rims; hornblende from rhyod.lcilc unil (Tr)

TABLE 2. PALEONTOLOGY DATA .-OR TIIE LEMAY ISLAND QUADRANGLE Map field USGS Rock Fonll Dale of Faunal Location Number Number Collection Unit Ace Report Paleonloloslsl Descrlpllon l,alltude Lonaltude

Ml4Ll-02 2906-PC Grandeur formation Moil likely late 12/24/84 John Rcpct>ki JllnikodUJ Sp. 4l"IO' IJ" I ll"52'01" Early Permian I Paclemenl I Pbclemcnl I Sa clemenl I Sbelcmcnl N,oJtrtp/ognarhodwcf. N. Sukoplicatw (Younaquis1. llawlcy and Mille,) II Pa elemenls The range of N. Sukop/icarus is wilhin lhc Roadian Slllge. This is in approximalclr lhe upper third of lhe Lower m Permian ofUSGS usaae. This faunal asocmblage rcprescnls a ....• •hallow-waler biofacies. Cl) 2 Ml3LP-2S 21916-PC Tripon Pass limestone lower parl uf /soJticha- 9/19/ll Anila G . llarris l ◄ J Pa elements of Siphonod,lla /soJticha (Cooper) 41•12·54• I ll0 45'42" Upper Cf<'nula1a Zone lransilional 10 S. Obsokta llass (~latest Kirnlerhookian; S P1 clements of /'olygnathw Communis Communis • middle hrly llranson & Mehl Mis.siss111pi anl 2 l'a elements of Gnalhodus Punctatus (Cooper) 2 l'a elements of l'wud<,polygnalhusspp. S long-bladed spathognathodiform elcmcnu; (cf. "SpathoJCnolhodu>'' Muc,, Branson & Mchll I Mclcmcnt 7 l'b clements l lonchodiniform clcmcnll I Sa clement 4 Sc clements SBO indel. bar. blade, and platform fraamcnlS This collection can be veer li&hll~ dated and is diaano•lic of the lower part ohhc /w,iic·ha-lJppcr CrtnulataZonc ( = lalesl K indcrhookian) and i• thus from a correlalive of lhe Joana Limeslone. l MllLP-42 29l1S-l'C Tripon Pass limestone latest Kindcrhonkian 4117/84 Anit•G . lt.rris I juvenile Pa clement of GnatAoduicf. G. IHlicatus ◄ 1"1}'01" I ll"ffOS" Branson & Mehl I I'• clement f11gmcn1 of Gnathodw sp. indet. I Po clemenl fuimcnt ,,r Ozu,AuJ/na sp. indel. I Po clement of /'u/ygna1hus Cummunis Cummunis Branson & Mehl S Pa elements o( Siphonod,Jla /su11lcha (Cooper) 7 indel. bar, blade, and platform fraamenll The sample is of la1es1 Kinderhookian aac and the fauna (there is no mixing of ages) isconsi•lenl with the Tripon Pass Limestone. Tall~J. .WodJII ..l&ai_..,,a al VCHC:a.QK U111u from -~11ron Ou..J~ aDtl VicuurY To-vsuu ruff. T.J~- .... OUIIIOOY Tun.\lrmllffolCM 1-'0Ul!lt Dunon FormMIOO, rJ- iulf a{ ... :btou. CAO.roe. r~;,-loUVIIOO oiCMwr /l'ru. n,,.n,tff~ Tui1Mffll_,oi8""'8eC&a,- II~ TJ11"'1lro'li1cvtrbat,.f-a/Awvra.

Sample t:an Couaa Laanadc ~ MT.'( PUC SA:'i IIOT A.MPH PYX FI-TI SPH MA QTZ LJTH OTHDl SAT°""702 To 600 Ja•,1·11· 111•,i-"• ao., 14.J u 1..5 a.a O.J SAT<>iOIJ To 600 Jr1n2· 111·'°"· 71.J 17.6 41 l..: O.l 1.7 2.2 SAT°""I04 To 650 JM6":6• IU-&l'iT 71.9 II.I l .-' 1.7 I.S u cr Ir 2.J A UT°""::00 To 700 Jr,,·.a2· lll9'rt6• 71.0 ll.7 l . 1 1.6 o.7 0.9 Ir Ir SAAT~ Tda 760 ~·11· 111~,- U .I 6.6 l.6 u 1., u SAAT..lllO Tda 76.S lr'6'11· .... ~ ,1.: 44 l.! OJ 1.1 II' AUAT-4110 Tda 650 ll~"14· 111-,,,,r n.J JJ 1.7 U' Q.J 0.6 I.I er AUAT-4103 T&Tda 700 Jr,., •• Ill 9'1'J9'" 17.J 6.7' _, 1.0 O.J II' 4.72 AUAT-410S TaTda 750 JrS4·.a3• 1119'1-n- ,1.J _, 1.l Q.J Ir SAAT--0&01 Ta 701 Jr'6'r Ill~ 90.1 '4.4·'' G.7 u I.I O.J 2.7 SAAT-U7l Ta 650 lr'6'tJ· 111~- l,,U 2.Q OJ? 0., II' IU' AUAT-4111 Ta 6.SO JMS-,0- 111-,ne 16.j 1.0 0.9 fl.I 1.1 l.l l.l IJ AUAT-4:0,& Ta 700 lMs-,1• IJl~tJ· '1.4 4.4 0.1 I.I I.I I.I 0.7 AUAT-4207 Ta 650 Jr5J~.s- 111-,.'2,. ,1.1 4.l U' o., o.9 Ir 1l' AUAT~ Ta 700 W,J-:0- 111.,,·,~ 90.0 ,.1 J.oa 1.0 1l' O.J SAST-0:01 n,c 700 lr5l-Z:- ltl~'6- 39.6 23.6 1.7 13.0 1., 0.1 II' 0.1 SABT-4204 Tbc .. , 1r,r.:- 111~'6- 5'.J :zu l.l 12.0 I.I Q.J Q.J 0.1 SACP-:..~1 Tc:;, 600 ll.,r:11• 111-n-:::- 60.7 9.1 u ,.a ,.o O.J Q.l I.=' SAC?-:..~2 Tc:;, 600 1rsn1· 1119':r::"' n., u 10.0 7.1 ll 0.7 0., SACP-:503 Tc:;, soo Jr,nr 1119'2":!9 ,., l6.1 0.4 16.I l.l 0.4 Q.l JS.06 SACP-~ Tc;, 600 Jr,n2· 1119'2":I. 5'.I 19.7 10.l J.J 12.S SABK-1110 T~ 640 JMJ"t1• 111••9"]· 13.1 2.J lJ' 0.1 er Q.I 0., I.I' 10.r AUBIC.-4111 Tau soo 31•,s·56· 111•,n· 91.1 2.Q 0.1,4 er Ir 1.4 0.1 J.l••

IJ.f te-r a ',//,;, l'/88 'may iDcJud~ unadux. :...aic:Ja~. 7S 'wsida-/L.""'if,. 4i«/uda wff'«I ,niM. 1t-'ilu,...,_'$. •taoiuuc,:-J/~$. ~iu,c-l.6~. IU2iitc-l.:!'&. 'void.J..l2..J9'. cMilUN1.. "'!i, ~ pn:x:zu. b11t iD~Judff! u, mauu CfHllll ill cilia ,caioo 9arootMu-l0.I~ .rirT:Do-u. "111mir:r-J... , zin:oo-a

. ::-:-:-:•:-:-:-

u--.- S.flCSI- .. --


lI ca. . ,..__, w ..... ! ....,_-- ---i ,.._ ...; 4 ~,, s ~·1 ,,:, ,. 1 0 "So ~ A-0 § ca.i A-0 c::::::: Ila. F= • ,..., -1----°A G£."f€RALI.Z£O un-.o&.OGv 9 ._,,,. ~ =-.--::.. ~CN,f _[--- o~ ~_.,.--- - e::3~ f"::.,-3111-.w~ c:;J~caio.... EJc-...... CNf"(---

. Fi cur• I. Comparison o( ~he subdivisions ,:ruippcd o( the upper ~zoic s,nu in the Tiuu:hcr ~oun,a.in quadransfc wi,h ,he uaiu m:osnizc:d 1n adJ~l ran1n. O~he~ h~cs su11nt powblc ~om:l;auons of &he hthosaraucripnic units. whereas che fusuJinid ;ace euta indiulC .asc rdacions. The so lad honzoncal line 1ndu:2,n che numaccd posmon o( &he Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary in c.acJI scrtion. Sourcn o( infonn.auon a~: :'forth Ha~l Moun,ains from Allmcndinrcr( 1983) and Allmcndinccr ;and Pt.au I 19SJ): _:llorth Promonaory Moun,a.ins fromJordu, l9Ul: Blue

Spnnp Halls from lhas report .and Jordan and oahcnl 1981); Wes, Hills Crom Murph~ ( 1983) and Murphy and 01ncri, 19Ut. Samaria Mounaa.in from Pt.au (1977) 2nd Alhncndinscr and Pt.au (1913). ,.,, 1 .J , , a tr~ -.../ ,,,.. ,u,,, ti,c "' i:, :;; us /r n /


CONTAcrs Use (000) pen for ccntac:1: lines

Symbols added to contact line 30 Inferred or approximate contac:1: ,,,,,,,,,..-~------Buried or concealed contac:1: ·-· -······· ··· -· f'~ULTS Use (1) pen for faults-bar and ball on downthr~ side (000) ------...... ;;.______

Syfflbols added to fault lines (000)--left to riqht: bearing and plunge of reverse fault, normal fault, vertical dip, dip, bearing and plunqe of down­ thrown blocit, and relative horizontal movement.

Inferred or approximate fault ,____. -- ...... __ .- ..1.. ------

Buried or cc:ncealed fault ...... t ...... t ...... •.

Doubtful or hypothetical fault --?--?--? ...... ?······

Thrust fault: sa~eeth on upper plate

Fault zones wider than represented pen vidth

LINE~"1ENTS Use (0) pen for lineaments Lineament observable on ground

Photoqeoloqic lineament ------

FOLDS Use (000) for trace of axial plane. Dash axial ANTICLINES traces vhere inferred or approxi.mate, dot axial traces vhere buried or concealed. Show clire<:1:ion of plunge.

Overturned anticline Doubly-plunging anticlines ~ Antiform.l or innrted syncline + SYNCLINES Use (000) for trace of axial plane. Dash axial traces vhere inferred or approxiZNte, dot axial ,,,,,..----j ------trace ■ where buried or concealed. Show direction r-- of plunge.

overturned syncline

Doubly plunging synclines

Synformal or inverted anticline

MONOCLINES Use (000) pen for traces of &xes. Small 1110nocline

Anticlinal bend--Oo not use vith structure contours

Synclinal bend--do not use vhen map ha• structure contours

C·1 ECONOMIC Use (2) pen for aappinq outcrops of bedded economic DEPOSITS deposits such as coal ~,,,---, ___ ,...... , ____ _ Thickness of econcnic bed in feet measured at triangle ~- --- Clinkered coal

Trace of vein or dike--thin and thick ~7'7?_.. ,______, __ When more than one kind is present

STRUC"rt'R£ Use (000) pen and (1) for index contours. Always COtrrOURS label contours in feet. Use separate mylar to ------S000------+~o------present structure contours unless the map geology ------+eao------is simple. Structure contours should not be ~------4400------extended across surficial deposits. ------1+200 ------4000 ----

PLANAR Use (000) pen for drafting planar features. FEATURES Strike and dip of beds (1 tor: nonnal, overturned, 21/ 81/ / EB vertical and horizontal) Strike and dip of foliation or schistosity (1 tor: tS/ / normal, overturned, vertical and horizontal) + Strike and dip of cleavage (1 tor: normal, over­ ~ turned, vertical, and horizontal) / + Strike and dip of joints (1 tor: normal, vertical 10,,.....,.- and horizontal) / +

MINE OR QUARRY Shaft and inclined shaft at surface !I & WORJCINCS AND Adit, inaccessible ad.it, and trench .,_. ~ >---< WELLS Prospect, sine, and quarry (use vith letter for X" ~c .x. (,r ecrnmodity) ~~ Large highvall and mine dump [~ ....~r· Oil wall, g .. vell, oil and gas vell, dry hole • -0 • -9- Oil show, gas shov, shut-in oil well and gaa vell g 0 ♦ ¢ Flowing, non-!loving, dry water vells • 0 41 Undesignated vell, spring 0 (),\

OTHER SYMBOLS Use (000) pen Brecciated area ~ Silieified area E._:· , '',, _, Argillitized area ~

C-2 MINOR FOLD Miner anticline and syncline, showing plunge -,-,s- .JO~ AXES /IA Minor fold axes: horizontal and showing plunge - ~IO MASS HOVEMEm'S I:.arge landslide ~[D,yo,it) (S«'l't Oms, > >' Smaller features showing direction of mover.,ent >' ~ ~

ANCIENT Bonneville shoreline SHORELINES ---s---...... p _____ .,,.,,----8--- --.... ____ Provo shoreline --P- Stansbury shoreline --..... __ s------s- Gilbert shoreline --G------G-__ (use (0) pen for shorelines)

SA.'1PLE Fossil, radiometric, geochemical, palynomorph LOCALITIES ® ® © ®

SCENIC Arches, natural bridges, outstanding examples il OR UNUSUAL •

MISCELLANEOUS Line of stratigraphic measured section. (especially for type sections) ~

Volcanic ash .,.,.. .,1-°'~1'• layer . ... -. "' Ridge crest of moraine ,,--,,, ______cc,,..,,,.---...


Use the following Quaternary (surficial) Deltaic (d) map unit symbols on UGS geologic maps. Use of these symbols will maintain uniformity across Qd general areas or deltaic deposits the state's quadrangles and prevent problems Qdd distributary channel till Qdma marsh or shallow lake deposits in deltaic settings with inconsistent usage. Qdn natural-levee deposits Qdg gravel In this scheme, the first letter indicates Qds sand age as per formal bedrock units. The second Qdi silt letter indicates origin or depositional Qdm mud environment ("a" for alluvial, "e" for eolian, and Eolian (e) so forth). All Quaternary depositional environments that are likely to be found in Utah Qe general areas of eolian deposits are listed. The third letter is flexible to a degree, Qed eolian sand having well-developed dune morphology and is used to indicate morphology, texture, Qcs sand lithology, or some other characteristic of the Qei silt deposit that distinguishes it from other units. Qec clay Qeg gypsum Use the Wentworth (1922) scale to differentiate Qeo oolitic sand clay, silt, sand, and so forth. Qel loess

Use the list that follows where possible. Fill, artificial (man-made) (t) The creation of new symbols should be discussed with UGS geologists, and should be kept to a Qf general areas of artificial fill minimum. Qtll highway or railroad fill Qft tailings Qfm mine dumps Units having a similar origin, and similar Qfd fill and disturbed areas lithology or morphology, but distinctly different ages, should be given number subscripts to Glacial (g) indicate their relative ages. For example, in the (can be subdivided by event; b-Bull Lake, p­ series Qat1-Qat1-Qat3, Qat1 is the youngest and Pinedale) Qat3 is the oldest alluvial terrace. If ages are only broadly defined as younger and older, then Qg general areas of glacial deposits (till) "o" and "y" can be used as a third or fourth letter. Qgm moraines Qge esker Qgbm Bull Lake moraines Alluvial (a) Lacustrine (I) Qa general areas of alluvium Qal low-level alluvial deposits of flood plains and QI general areas of lacustrine deposits channels QII lagoon-fill deposits Qat terrace deposits Qlb boulders Qaf alluvial-fan deposits Qlg gravel Qap pediment-mantle alluvium Qls sand Qag gravel Qli silt Qas sand Qlf fine-grained deposits Qai silt Qlm mart Qam alluvial mud Qlt tufa Qao ~acialoutwash Qlo oolitic sand Qlc coa~-grained deposits Colluvium (see mass movement)

0-1 Mass-movement (m) Residual Deposits (regolith) (r)

Qm general areas of mass-movement deposits Qr general areas of residual deposits Qmc colluvium Qrg gravd Qms slides (landslides) and slumps. including small Qrs sand rotational slumps and large complex landslides. Qri silt Qml lateral-spread deposits Qrm mud Qma avalanche debris Qmf flows, including mudt10\\'S and debris flows Spring (s) Qmt talus (rock-fall debris) Qmp pro-talus deposits Qst spring tufa ( calcareous sinter) Qmr rock glacier Qsa spring tufa (siliceous sinter) Qmn nivation deposits Qsm marsh deposits associated with springs Qmcs mixed colluvial and slope-creep or landslide deposits Combined Depositional Environments Nongenetic (n) (put dominant environment first; make sure (generally not used--other terms are prefen-ed) combined unit symbols do not duplicate symbols appearing above) Qnd diamicton-poorly sorted rock debris in a muddy and finer-grained matri.'<. of uncertain origin Qca mixed eolian and alluvial deposits Qng gravel or conglomerate of uncertain origin Qae mixed alluvial and eolian deposits Qac mixed alluvial and colluvial deposits Playa (p) Qla mixed lacustrine and alluvial deposits

Qpc clay and silt Qps surface salt (indicate composition in explanation) Qpm undifferentiated mud


Information to Record 3. Production a. Yes, no, or unknown b. Small, medium, large, or actual figures Virtually every kind of geologic material when available found within any map area has been used as an c. Average ore grade when available "economic commodity." This sometimes leaves the field mapper feeling overwhelmed bv the task 4. Description of deposit of presenting an overview of the econo~ic a. Deposit type (vein, dike, bed, placer, geology of the map area. This is compounded by lode, pipe, dissemination, stockwork, the fact that economic geology is such a broad gossan, massive sulfide, and so forth) and diverse field that dozens of books and papers b. Deposit form or shape (pod, irregular, must be consulted to cover all the possibilities. tabular, pipe-like, and so forth) The following guidelines will help the field c. Deposit size (small, medium, large) mapper report economic resources. d. Deposit attitudes (strike and dip, plunge, direction of plunge, and so This list is comprehensive; some data forth) may not be available to the mapping geologist. e. Deposit dimensions (maximum width, Report the most important available items in the length, and thickness; average width, text booklet. In the field, use form 5, AppendLx length, and thickness; and so forth) G as a check list and turn it in with deliverables. Preserve data that are procured during the 5. Description of workings investigation, even if not appropriate for a. Surface, underground, or both publication, by submitting to the UGS for their b. Overall lengths, widths, areas, and so prospecting archiving. It is important to note forth signs of previous prospecting, mining, drilling, and c. Nature of workings (adit, sha~ sampling. open-pit, open-cast, trench, room and pillar, long-wall, inclined shaft, prospect, 1. Location pi~ drill-hole pact; bulldozer cutS, mine a. Quarter sections, section, township and dumps, mill tailings, and so fonh) range b. UTM or latitude and longitude 6. Geology of economic depositS c. Altitude a. Host rock (age, name, rock type[s]) d. Mining district or area b. Nearby igneous rock types e. Quadrangle and county c. Age of mineralization (note evidence) d. Ore controls 2. Commodity or commodities e. Major regional trends, structure (strike a. Major commodity names (silver, sand, and dip of host rock, and so forth) coal, oil, gravel, volcanic ash, pozzolan, f. Controlling features (host rock clay, beryllium, gold, zeolites, uranium, lithologies, jointing, brecciation, and so forth); this may require sampling porosity, permeability, faulting, and so and analyses forth) b. Minor commodity names g. Alteration, silicification, and so forth c. Potential commodity names (1) structurally controlled, pervasive d. Ore minerals or subtypes (pyrite, (wea~ moderate, strong) bituminous, Mexican onyx, proustite, (2) potassic, phyllic, argillic, propylitic, realgar, and so forth) silicic, bleached, and so forth e. Gangue minerals

E-1 7. Reserve or resource information (see page 6. MINES. BOTH SURFACE AND E-6. General Chart for Classifying UNDERGROUND, CAi'1 BE VERY Resources) DANGEROUS--DON'T ENTER THEM a. Indicated, inferred, Jnd potential WITHOUT PROPER EQUIPMENT AND resources or reserves. TRAINING, AND NEVER ALONE! b. Report method of determining reserves or resources. Special Coal Guidelines c. Report available low-grade and high­ (may also be foilowed for most kinds grade resource figures. of bedded deposits): d. Source of information. 1. Map coal bed outcrops on geologic map 8. E-cploration or development information with a heavier line than contacts (unless a. Report deposit owner--check claims and cluttering is a problem). claim posts for claim names, date of last a. Use solid lines where the coal bed is work, and name and address of owner. exposed at the surface. b. Deposit status: when discovered, by b. Use dashed line where the coal bed is whom, when active, year of first covered by colluvium (when you know production, year of last production, bed is still present). drilling activity, geophysical work, c. Use upside down Vs along the horizon geochemical work, and so forth. where the coal bed has been oxidized or burned in outcrop (when you can follow Other Suggestions the clinker zone).

1. Augment field data with data in files and 2. Measure and describe the coal bed wherever libraries. its outcrop is well-exposed. a. Library research a. Measure the true thickness of the coal b. UGS (UMOS or CRIB database) and bed, separating out obviously impure Division of Oil, Gas and Mining files _ layers--coal and splits of bone coal, c. U.S. Bureau of Mines files and impure coal, carbonaceous shale, shale, publications and sandstone. d. Company files b. Descnoe the condition of the e. Petroleum Information files coal-blocky, friable, earthy, brown, black, lignitic (moist. containing much 2. Place large amounts of data in table form. vegetative debris), fracture density, cleat directions and spacing, and so fonh. ·3. Use effective symbols and notations on the c. Measure and describe in detail 15 to 25 map and in the explanations (plate 2). feet of the roof rock as you would a measured section. 4. Don't forget industrial minerals - alunite, d. Measure and describe in detail 10 feet cement rock, clays, crushed stone, dimension of the floor rock. stone, gypsum, lightweight aggregate (perlite, pumice, bloating clays, shales, slate), 3. If possible collect a 5-pound channel sample limestone and dolomite, phosphates, (see p. E-3, item 2) of fresh coal in an active pozzolans, sand and gravel, road metal, mine or as core from an operating drilling specialty sand, wollastonite, zeolites, and so operation and obtain a proximate analysis, forth. Btu/lb analysis and sulfur contenL (NEVER ENTER AN UNDERGROUND MINE 5. Don't forget energy-related resources-oil UNLESS PROPERLY EQUIPPED AND and gas, tar sands, gilsonite and other ACCOMPANIED BY FULLY TRAINED bitumens, oil shale, coal, humates, and PERSONNEL) uranium.

E-2 a. Protect the sample by sealing it in a a. Best for determining the Jverage ore plastic bag. Coal samples may lose grade and calculating reserve or moisture or become oxidized in the resource tonnages. open air. b. Make sure that all parts of the interval b. Coal samples collected at the outcrop are suitably represented in the sample. are commonly oxidized to as far as Make sure that parts difficult to extract several hundred feet behind the outcrop. are included in the sample. Samples collected by digging a few feet into the outcrop may be useful for 3. Random samples are those that are intended ultimate analyses, where items other to give an unbiased, statistically sound than oxygen content and Btu/lb are representation of the deposit of interest. important. It may be well to take such a. Various methods have been devised, the a sample where ultimate analyses of the most common is based on a grid system. regional coal are nm readily available. b. All the methods require In all cases the particulars of sampling collecting large numbers of should be clearly identified. Grab samples. samples have little value when analyzing coal and can lead to misinterpretations. 4. Bulk or large samples are collected in deference to analytical needs or to insure Sampling and Kinds of Samples more accurate approximations. a. Best for analyzing nearly homogeneous 1. Grab samples are those selectively chosen by deposit types or for those requiring little the sampler. or no processing after mining. a. The richest or most representative sample is chosen--good for identifying 5. General sampling considerations: the commodities present and maximum a. Take care not to contaminate samples grade values. with extraneous material. b. Not useful for determining average ore b. Avoid bias in most sampling grade or relative abundances. procedures-grab samples are always bia.sed- 2. Channel samples are collected across the c. Make sure that samples are properly horizon of interest (top to bottom of coal sacked, protected from contamination, bed, across the vein to be mined, and so labeled, and identified. Proper forth). Sample all parts of interval that identification includes kind of sample, would have to be mined; do not omit splits, purpose of sampling, name of sampler, or thin or lower-grade horizons. location where sample was collected, date, and accompanying descriptions.

E-3 LIST OF POSSIBLE ECONOMIC COMMODITIES TO CONSIDER (Subjects in parenthesis are related categories)


E-4 QUARTZnc.1QUARTZOSE SANDSfOSE (Sandstone) STONE (landscaping stone, omamauai stone, building stone, RADIUM masonry stone, f1agsr011e) RARE EARTI-1 ELEME:-."TS CRUSHED/BROKEN STO!'IE (includes road meta~ riprap, scoria, REFRACTORY ~TERlAL RHENIU!\-1 slag, clinker, baked clay, red dogJ RHODIU!\-1 DIMENSION OR BUILDING STONE ccalciwn, carbonates, RUBIDIUM dolomites, limestone, granite, g,u:iss, and so forth) RUTHENIUM STRONTIUM SALINES (brines, magnt!Sium) SUU'UR SALT (brines, salines, sodmm, halite) TALC. SOAPSTONE SAND and GRAVEL TAILINGS (mill tailin~ and mine dumps) SAND (mold.in~ frac, abrasive, silica) TANTALUM SANDSl'ONE (silica, stone, quartzite) TAR SANOS (bituminous sandstone) SAPROI..J1c TEJ..U.JRIUM SCANDIUM TiiAWUM TiiORJUM SCORlA (Cindas) TIN SELENIUM MANIUM SHALE nJNGSTEN SILICA and SILICON (qtuJITZ, quarrzue, sandswne) URANIUM SILUMANrra VANADIUM SILVER VOLCANIC MATERlALS (ash, cint:kn) SLATE (stone) VERMICUUI'E SODIUM CARBONATE DEPOSITS WOUASTONrra SODIUM SULFATE DEPOSITS ITI'RIUM SfAUROI..J1c ZEOtm::S ZINC ZIRCONIUM

E-5 GENERAL CHART FOR CLASSIFYING RESOURCES (modified from Wood and others, 1983, p. 4)



------.- - INf EARED + SUUl CONOMIC SUBECONOt,UC SUOECONOMIC R[SOURr.LS A[SOUACES m 0) Classify resources when reporting: GLOSSARY: Measured reserves, Highest degree of assurance. Resources are computed from direct measurements in outcrops, drill holes, and other workings and ·extrapolated to a specified depth or distance. Indicated reserves: Resources computed for areas between limits chosen for measured reserve computations to a reasonably extended specified depth or distance. I Inferred reserves: Resources computed for areas beyond the limits chosen for indicated reserves and extended to an additional specified depth or distance based on geologic trends. Hypothetical resources: Resources computed b~sed on continuity beyond the inferred limits and extended to limits based on reasonable geologic assumptions. Speculative resources: Lowest degree of geologic assuranc~; based entirely on assumptions. Economic resources: Economically extractable with respect to ore grade, adequate tonnages, suitable geologic and mineralogic conditions, with present technology. Marginal economic resources: Hinable or extractable when prices for the commodity are high. Subeconomic resources: Extractable only during times of national emergency when no substitutes are available. (Changes in technology can make yesterday's subeconomic resources today's ore. Therefore the reporting of such resources is appropriate.) APPENDIX F. HOW TO HANDLE GEOLOGIC HAZARDS

Important Considerations 3. Surface faulting a. Presence of Quaternary faults in map Give an objective description of hazards area and proximity to structures. as they presently exist. Avoid conjecture or b. Width of the zone of deformation, scarp forecasts of future events. Report locations of height, evidence for amount of vulnerable features that you observe. Generally, offset/event. differentiate by type of hazard, constrain absolute or relative age as accurately as possible, discuss 4. Tectonic subsidence evidence of historic activity, name involved units, a. Evidence for prehistoric subsidence on describe internal composition of involved downthrown side of Quaternary faults in deposits, and note problems caused, or that may map area (basins, stream courses). be caused, by human intervention. Be observant, b. Possibility for flooding from shallow don't hesitate to seek UGS advice, and to ground water or lakes/reservoirs on examine UGS files. downthrown side.

Earthquake Hazards 5. Liquefaction a. Presence of sandy soil and shallow 1. General ground water. a. Distance from and activity of nearest b. Potential for earthquakes large enough Quaternary faults. (greater than magnitude 5) to cause b. Description of any Quaternary faults in liquefaction. the map area, age of Quaternary c. Evidence for prehistoric liquefaction deposits involved and probable age of (sand boils, lateral spreads, flows). most recent movement, summary of any paleoseism.ic data available, scarp 6. Seismic slope stability - heights and slope angles. (see Slope-failure hazards below) c. Discuss background seismicity and any historical earthquakes larger than 7. Flooding magnitude 4.0 in or near the map area. (see Flooding below) a. Canal or stream diversions by faults or 2. Ground shaking landslides. a. Uniform Building Code seismic zone b. Increase in ground-water discharge from (see map in appendix F-8). State in springs. which Uniform Building Code seismic c. Shoreline flooding around zone your map area is located, then give lakes/reservoirs from seiches or tectonic a statement such as: "An increase in subsidence. seismic zone corresponds to more d. Dam-failure inundation zones. stringent criteria for earthquake­ resistant building design and 8. Sensitive clays construction." Do not attempt to a. Presence of unconsolidated clav discuss probabilities or detailed risk. deposited in salt- or brackish-~ter b. Geologic conditions that may amplify environments. ground shaking. (1) deep basins filled with Slope-failure Hazards unconsolidated . (2) soft soil/ firm soil vs. bedrock. 1. Rock falls a. Source areas (hillside outcrops, boulders on slopes).

F-1 b. Talus, rock-fall deposits at base of c. Evidence for karst (sinkholes, disrupted slopes. drainage).

2. Landslides 3. Expansive soils a. Age, size. activity, and geologic setting a. High plasticity clay, weathered shale and of existing landslides in map area. claystone, popcorn texture at surface. b. E'(tent of unstable, slide-prone geologic units. 4. Organic 3. Debris flows a. Black, organic soil in swamp/bog areas; (consuier both erosion- and landslide­ phreatophytes. generated flows) b. Springs nearby. a. Presence of active alluvial-fan and debris­ flow deposits at mountain fronts, slopes of 5. Piping deposits, types of deposits exposed in stream a. Unconsolidated, sandy to fine-grained cuts, relative ages and amounts of incision of Quaternary deposits, poorly alluvial fans. consolidated claystone/siltstone. b. Conditions in source areas (elevation, b. Presence of free face for piped material likely snowpack, vegetation, erodibility, to exit (arroyo, incised drainage, man­ presence of debris slides, rock and soil made cut). types. c. Source of water (irrigation, runoff, c. Channel conditions in mountains precipitation). (debris-choked, bedrock floored, evidence for recent scour). 6. Artificial fill a. Hazardous or radioactive materials 4. Avalanche (mine or industrial wastes). a. Presence of avalanche deposits (debris b. Stability, compaction. cones, damage to vegetation). b. Source areas (climate, vegetation, 7. Erosion elevation, evidence for avalanche a. Soil erodibility tracks). b. Natural slope c. Runoff and drainage conditions Problem Soils and Subsidence d. Vegetation

1. Collapsible soils 8. Active sand dunes a. Presence of Holocene debris-flow, alluvial-fan, or loess deposits. 9. Mine subsidence b. Evidence for subsidence (swales, a. Area of underground mining; historical sinkholes, ground cracks). records. c. Arid to semi-arid climate, minimal depth of wetting from precipitation, Shallow Ground Water deep water table. d. Fine-grained rocks (shale, mudstone, 1. Drill-hole data gypsum) in source areas for alluvial­ fan/debris-flow deposits. 2. Phreatophytes

2. Soluble (karst) 3. Sources ( canals, irrigated field, lake, pond, a. Gypsum, salt, or carbonate rocks and artesian .flow, streams, spring) soils. b. Ground-water conditions (past and 4. Local perched conditions present).

F-2 Flooding Geologic Hazards Checklist

1. Slreams Earthquake a. FEMA or Corps of Engineers flood• Ground shaking plain maps. Surface faulting b. Geologic flood plains, depth of channel Tectonic subsidence incision, lateral erosion of banks. Liquefaction c. Flood.control structures. Slope failure d. Historical record. Flooding Sensitive clays 2. Alluvial fans a. Age of fan surfaces. Slope Failure b. Amount of incision of active channels. Rock fall Landslide c. Historical record. Debris flow d. Debris basins or other flood.control Avalanche structures. Problem Soils/subsidence 3. Lakes Collapsible a. Historical and prehistoric record of lake Soluble (karst) fluctuations. Expansive b. Outlet structures and man's control of Organic lake level. Piping c. Height of wind seiches and storm waves. Artificial fill d. Dikes and other flood.control measures. Erosion Active sand dunes 4. Dam failure Mine subsidence a. Type and size of dam. b. Availability of inundation map Shallow Ground Water Canals/ditches. Flooding Radon Streams Alluvial fans 1. Uranium content of soil and rock. Lakes Dam failure 2. Depth to ground water. Canals/ditches

3. Permeability, porosity, and thickness of soil. Radon 4. Proximity to "conduit" faults.

5. Measured levels at site or nearby (indoor, outdoor).

F-3 Glossary of Geologic Confined aquifer - An aquifer for which Hazard Terms bounding strata exhibit low permeability such that water in the aquifer is under pressure (Also called Artesian aquifer). Acceleration (ground m0tion) - The ra~e of change of velocity of an earth particle caused Debris flow - Generally shallow (failure plane by passage of a seismic wave. less than 10 ft. deep) slope failure that occurs on steep mountain slopes in soil or Active sand dunes - Shifting sand moved by slope colluvium. Debris flows contain wind. May present a hazard to exis~ing sufficient water to move as a viscous flow. structures (burial) or roadways (bunal, poor Debris flows can travel long distances from visibility). Sand dunes usually contain their source areas, presenting hazards to life insufficient fines to adequately renovate and property on downstream alluvial farIS. liquid waste. Debris slide - Generally shallow (failure plane Alluvial fan - A generally low, cone-shaped less than 10 ft. deep) slope failure that deposit formed by a stream issuing from occurs on steep mountain slopes in soil or mountains onto a lowland. slope colluvium. Chief mechanism of movement is by sliding. Debris slides Alluvial-fan flooding - Flooding of an alluvial-fan generally contain insufficient water to travel surface by overland (sheet) flow or flow in long distances from their source areas; may channels branching outward from a canyon mobilize into debris flows if sufficient water mouth. See also, alluvial fan; stream is present. flooding. Earthquake - A sudden motion or trembling in the earth as stored elastic energy is released Antithetic fault - Normal fault showing the by fracture and movement of rocks along a opposite orientation (dip) and_sense _of _ _ fault. movement as the main fault with which 1t IS associated. Earthquake flooding - Flooding caused by seiches, tectonic subsidence, increases in Aquifer - or zone below the surface of spring discharge or rises in water tables, and the earth capable of producing water as from disruption of streams and canals. See also, a well. Seiche; Tectonic subsidence. Avalanche - A mass of snow or ice moving Epicenter - The point on the earth's surface rapidly down a mountain slope. directly above the focus of an earthquake. Bearing capacity - The load per unit area which Erosion - Removal and trarISport of soil or rock the ground can safely support without from a land surface, usually through excessive yield. chemical or mechanical means. CanaVditch flooding - Flooding due to Expansive soiVrock - Soil or rock that swells overtopping or breaching of man-made when wetted and contracts when dried. canals or ditches. Associated with high clay content, particularly sodium-rich clay. Collapsible soil - Soil that has considerable strength in its dry, natural state but that Exposure time - The period of time being settles significantly when wetted due to considered when discussing probabilistic hydrocompaction. Usually associated with evaluatiorIS of earthquakes and resulting young alluvial farIS, debris-flow deposits, and hazards. Because earthquake occurrence is Ioess (wind-blown deposits).

F-4 time dependent. that is. the longer the time Landslide - General term referring to any type of period. the higha the probability that an slope failure, but usage here refers chietly to earthquake will occur. the period of time large-scale rotational slumps and slow­ being considered (usually 10, 50. or 250 moving earth nows. years) must be specified. Lateral spread - Lateral downslope displacement Fault segment - Section of a fault which behaves of soil layers, generally of several feet or independently from adjacent sections. more, resulting from liquefaction in sloping ground. Fault - A break in the earth along which movement occurs. Liquefaction - Sudden large decrease in shear strength of a saturated, cohesionless soil Focus - The point within the earth that is the (generally san~ silt) caused by collapse of center of an earthquake and the origin of its soil structure and temporary increase in pore seismic waves. water pressure during earthquake ground shaking. Graben - A block of earth downdropped between two faults. Liquefaction severity index - Estimated maximum amount (in inches) of lateral displacement Ground shaking - The shaking or vibration of accompanying liquefaction under particularly the ground during an earthquake. susceptible conditions (low, gently sloping, saturated flood plains deposits along Gypsiferous soil - Soil that contains the soluble streams) for a given exposure time. mineral gypsum. May be susceptible to settlement when wetted due to dissolution of Magnitude - A quantity characteristic of the total gypsum. See also Soluble soil/rock. energy released by an earthquake. Several scales to measure earthquake magnitude Holocene - An Epoch of the Quaternary Period, exist, including local (Richter) magnitude beginning 10,000 years ago and extending to (MJ, body wave magnitude (m1,), and the present. surface wave magnitude (M,). The local or Richter scale is commonly used in Utah Hydrocompaction - see Collapsible soil. earthquake catalogs. It is a logarithmic scale based on the motion that would be Intensity - A measure of the severity of measured by a standard type of seismograph eanhquake shaking at a particular site as 100 km from the epicenter of an earthquake. determined from its effect on the earth's surface, man, and man's structures. The Mine subsidence - Subsidence of the ground most commonly used scale in the U.S. is the surface due to the collapse of underground Modified Mercalli intensity scale. mine workings.

Intennountain seismic belt - Zone of · Non-engineered fill - Soil, rock, or other fill pronounced seismicity, up to 60 mi (100 km) material placed by man without engineering wide, extending from Arizona through Utah specification. Such fill may be uncompacted, to northwestern Montana. contain oversized and low-strength or decomposable material, and be subject to Karst - See Soluble soil/rock. differential subsidence.

Lake flooding - Shoreline flooding around a lake Normal fault - Fault caused by crustal extension caused by a rise in lake level. in which relative movement on opposite sides is downdip.

F-5 Organic deposits (Peat) - An unconsolidated The rock-fall runout zone is the area below surface deposit of semicarbonized plant a rock-fall source which is at risk from remains in a water-saturated environment falling rocks. such as a bog or swamp. Organic deposits are highly compressible, and have a high S factor - Site factor used in the Uniform water holding capacity and can oxidize and Building Code to calculate minimum force shrink rapidly when drained. levels for earthquake-resistant design. It is determined from thickness and type of Perched aquifer - An unconfined aquifer in sediment at a site and attempts to account which the underlying impermeable bed is not for the effects of soils on earthquake ground continuous over a large area and is situated motions. at some height above the main water table. Sand dunes - See Active sand dunes. Piping - Soil or rock subject to subsurface erosion through the development of Scarp - A relatively steeper slope separating two subsurface tunnels or pipes. Pipes can more gentle slopes, usually in reference to a remove support of overlying soil/rock and faulted surface marked by a steepening collapse. where a vertical fault displacement occurred.

Pleistocene - An Epoch of the Quaternary Seiche - Standing wave generated in a closed Peria~ beginning 1.6 million years ago and body of water such as a lake or reservoir by extending to 10,000 years ago. an earthquake. Ground shaking, tectonic tilting, subaqueous fault rupture, or Potentiometric surface - The level to which landsliding into water can all generate a water rises in wells that tap confined seiche. aquifers. This level is above the upper surface of the confined aquifer (Also called Seismicity - Seismic or earthquake activity. Piezometric surface). Sensitive clay - Clay soil which experiences a Quaternary - A period of geologic time particularly large loss of strength when extending from 1.6 million years ago to the disturbed and is subject to failure during present, including the Pleistocene and earthquake ground shaking. Holocene Epochs. Shallow ground water - Ground water within Radon - A radioactive gas that occurs naturally about 30 feet of the ground surface. Rising through the decay of uranium. Radon can be ground-water tables can cause flooding of found in high concentrations in soil or rock basements, and solid and liquid waste containing uranium, granite, shale, disposal systems. Shallow ground water is phosphate, and pitchblende. Exposure to necessary for liquefaction. elevated levels of radon can cause an increased risk of lung cancer. Shear strength - The internal resistance of a body of soil or rock to shear. Shear is the Recurrence interval - The length of time movement of one part of the body relative between occurrences of a particular event to another along a plane of contact such as a such as an earthquake. faulL

Richter magnitude - see Magnitude Slope failure - Downslope movement of soil or rock by falling, toppling, sliding, or flowing. Rock fall - The relatively free falling or precipitous movement of a rock from a slope by rolling, falling, toppling, or bouncing.

F-6 Slump - A slope:! failure in which the slide plane Surface fault rupture (surface faulting) - is curved (concave upward) and movement is PropagJtion of an earthquake-generating rotational. (See Typical Slump Diagram, fault rupture to the ground surface, below). displacing the surface and forming a scarp.

Soluble soil/rock (Karst) - Soil or rock Tectonic subsidence - Subsidence containing minerals which are soluble in (downdropping) and tilting of a basin floor water, such as calcium carbonate (principal on the downdropped side of a fault during constituent of limestone), dolomite, and an earthquake. gypsum. Dissolution of minerals and rocks can cause subsidence and formation of Unconfined aquifer - An aquifer without a low­ sinkholes. See also Gypsiferous soil. permeability overlying bed such that water in the aquifer is not under pressure. Stream flooding - Overbank flooding of flood plains along streams; area subject to Unconsolidated basin fill - Uncemented and flooding generally indicated by extent of nonindurated sediment, chiefly clay, silt, flood plain or calculated extent of the 100- sand, and gravel, deposited in basins. or 500-year flood. Water table • The upper boundary of the zone of Strong ground motion - Damaging ground saturation in an unconfined aquifer. motions associated with earthquakes. Threshold levels for damage are Z factor - Seismic zone factor used in the approximately a Modified Mercalli Intensity Uniform Building Code to calculate of VI or an acceleration of about 0.10 g, but minimum force levels for earthquake­ levels vary according to construction, resistant design. It is determined from a duration of shaking, and frequency (period) nationwide seismic zone map which attempts of motions. to quantify regional variations of the ground-shaking hazard on rock. Subsidence - Permanent lowering of the ground surface by hydrocompaction; piping; karst; Zone of deformation - The zone in the collapse of underground mines; loading, immediate vicinity of a surface fault rupture decomposition, or oxidation of organic soil; in which earth materials have been disturbed faulting; or settlement of non-engineered fill. by fault displacement, tilting, or downdropping.

F-7 tr------,.--:·_. ~ ~. __ ~_· ______t~!~~~'------~:- 1991 Yniform Building Code

8 0 Seismic Zone Map

II :.!O .w I ,~i ., 4.l" 28

T 0 0 i

>. ,~__ ·28 ·

_.. ... :.,, _,_. -- - "l•O"• • ~ ,,.. A ·~" ·-=• ·' ,_ - • ~✓:,.. __

, I

113 • 112 •

This map is based oa ground sh.a.king probability. Nationally, there arc six atcgorics: 0, l, 2A. 2B, 3, and 4, with 4 being lbe highest probability (International Confcn:no: of Building Officials, 1991 ).


G-1. Stratigraphic Information Database Form

G-2. Geochronometry Database Form

G-3. Landslide Inventory Form

G-4. Mineral Occurrence Report Form

G-5. Igneous Petrology Database Form

Photocopy forms as needed, complete during field wor~ and submit with deliverables. UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY--i\'1.APPING SECTION UTAH STRATIGRAPHIC INFOR.1\tlATION SYSTEM

Utah Gc:ologic:xJ Survey/ Mapping Section ... . ·--· ...... 2363 S. Foothill Drive . . _. -. .-_. : ·- ·. : .. :-: _: _:_:_: _ ... SaJt Lake City, UT ~109 :):,t!GS us§ 9nly ... . (801) 467-7970

Please complete this form and attach to the measured section. Name (Submitter): ______Date: ______Type of data: :MEASURED SECTION or DRILL HOLE Who measured section:


Formation Name:______(Formal or informal formation name. Write (inc) after formation name if this is an incomplete section.)

Previously Used or New Unit Name: ______(Only names that have been applied to this unit at this location)

Total Formation Thickness: (feet): _____ or (meters): _____

Member Information: ~rite inc. after member name if this Is an incomplete section of a member.) Member Name Thickness Lithology feet or meters •see below Top !.______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Base 6. ______

Formation Lithology:~ __ (Use this space only if no members are lbted above. Use symbols shown bebN.) Geologic Period(s): ______Geologic Epoch(s): ______Overlying Unit: ______Underlying Unit: ______Does this Section Contain Radiometric Ages or Diagnostic Fossils: Yes() No() If yea, explain be4ow. LOCATION A.J.'ffi REFEREi'fCE DATA

Informal Section Name (G~raphic locaJrty): ______County: ______State: ______7-1/2 Minute Quadrangle: ______Latitude: _____0 ______• N, Longitude: 0 ---- ____·w UTivf Zone: ______, mN, ______mE Township: ___ Range: ___ Section: ___ Quarter Section: ___ of__ _ of.__ _

Literature Reference:


• sandstone ss congtomcr.uc cg quanzite qt slate sl limestone ls bn:ccia br argillite ag silt si dolomite di diaauctite, tillitc di lava now 1! sand sa shale sh cl.astia, inu:rbcdded ci tuff t( clay d sillstone Sl volcanicwtic deposit.I vc marl ma gravel rt mudstone md evaporitcs t:'I coal co rubble ru G-1 UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY---MAPPING SECTION UTAH GEOCHRONOl\ilETRY

.--: .. - _. : - .. .:·:·, · :. Utah Gcologicil Survey / Mapping Section ;: : pqs use only 2363 S. Foothill Drive ·-··=-- _: .- :·::f}·::· .. ·:-· '. .::::::· _.-. ·-:-·-· SaJt Lake City, UT 84109 File No::>_ __._ : ---_::_. - ··-·-..· .. -·--·-·. ·-··.·.·.· :/;--_ - '::/ (801) 46 7 -i910 •f{F11e·1oc: ::!\i} ::(!··-· _ __ ._-:":::>· Date Form Completed:

Name (Submitter):

Analysis Material Age (my) Technique 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Most common name

.Alternate names-rm, gp, mbr, tongue, intru, cmptx, informal, previous, etc. Rock Type------Date Collected ______Collector's Name Field Sample No. _____ Lab Sample No. Laboratory ______Date Analyzed ______Sample Type (drill core, outcrop, Ooat, etc.) ______Is Sample from a Measured Section?

ANALYTICAL DATA (Constants.% constituents, C-13 adjust., etc.) ______

COI'tflWENTS (Location of sample in str.aL sequence, reliability of calculated age. etc.) ______


KEY WORDS (gec>gr.1phic area. district. mine, etc.) ______



7-1/1. Minute Quadrangle: ______

Latitude: · 0 ______• N, Longitude: 0 ____• W UTM Zone:______mN, ______mE Township: ___ Range: ____ Section: ____ Quarter Section: ___ of--- of--- County: ------State: ------Please fill in all blanks as applicable. Return form to above address.


Utah Geological Survey / Mapping Section 2363 S. Foothill Drive . ·.,: .·-· · ·.. Salt Lake: City, UT 34109 File No:: -,-,,,, .. (801) ,U,7-7970 File loc.: >- ... ?/' Entered: · :·:·:.:· -· -- · Date Investigated: ..·. ·-·· ·.<·:-: -:-:-.. .·. ---·.·-· · ·



7-1(2. Minute Quadrangle: ______Latitude: ____0 0 ------• N, Longitude: ·w UTlvl Zone: ______, m.N, ______---­ mE Township: ___. Range: Section: ___ Quarter Section: ___ of__ _ of County: ______State: ______---_


Crown elevation (feet) ______Toe elevation (feet) ______Average length (feet) ______Average width (feet) ______Estimated average depth to slide plane (feet) ______Average slope C-T (%) or (degrees) ____ Area (acres) or (feet:) ______L Aspect (1-360 degrees) ______Estimated volume (feer) ______

AGE CLASS (circle one)

Historical (1847-present) Date of Last Movement Holocene (10,000 yr B.P .-1846) More specific age? Late Middle Early Pleistocene (1 million-10,000 yr B.P.) More specific age? Late Middle Early Quaternary (sometime within the last 1.6 million yr B.P.) Pre-Quaternary · Un.known (no guess)


Failure Type (earthflow, debris flow, slump, block slide, etc.) ______Failed Unit--Formation and Member ______-Lithology (shale, tu~ etc..) ______Other Units Involved ______Probable Cause of Failure ______

REMARKS (Damage: estimate current and future stability; evidence for age, class, etc..)


Utah Geological Survey/ Mapping Section 2363 S. Foothill Drive Salt I...ake City, UT 34109 (801) 467-7970

Investigator. Date ______Name of Occurrence: ______


Latitude: ____0 ______• N, Longitude: ___0 ·w Township: ____, Range: ____, Section: Quarter Section: ___------of ___ of__ _ 7-1/2 11inute Quadrangle: ---

DEPOSIT DESCRIPTION Type ______Form or Shape ______Size (sml, med, lge; maximum length, width. and thickness) Structural Data ______(deposit stnke and dip, plunge, and so forth) Commodities Present: Ore Mincral.s Present: ______Gangue Minerals Present: ______

DESCRIPTION OF WORKIN'GS Surface ______Underground ______Both ___ Overall length______Overall area ______Overall width Length of underground workings ______Commen~------

GEOLOGY Host rock types Host formation or unit(s) ______Ore controls------Associated igneous rocks ______Age of mineralization ______Strike and dip of rocks ______Comm.en~------

ACTIVITY Years of production ______Years of exploration development ______Production ______

(none. smt. med. lgc, undetcrmiacd. tonnages when available) RESOURCES------(tonnages, grades, reliability, lgc, sml. med)

COMMENTS AND ANALYSES: Use reverse side if needed.

G-4 UTAH IGNEOUS PETROLOGY DATABASE (Complete blanks or circle items that apply)

Contributor's Name: Dare Submitted:


Rock Name: (Use IUGS Petrographic or Total Alkali-Silica Chemical Classifications)

Geologic Unit:


Latitude: ______Longitude: ___.. ___ ' ___.. (required) T. ___, R. ----' Sect. ___, ___ of ___ of _; BM State: ______County: ______7 1/2' Quadrangle:

Specimen location by latitude and longitude in source reference: · Not listed or shown · To nearest degree only · To nearest tenth of degree only Reference No(s): Give fuU references in "Additional Information" (Al).

ESSENTIAL OXIDES: (w•.%) SiO2 FeO Na~O Ti0.2 MnO K20 Al2O3 MgO PzOs Fe2O3 eao CO2 Total Analysis qualifiers: • Completeness incompletely specified in source description • Analysis normalized to 100% in source • Fe-oxide partition not determined on analyzed specimen · Total Fe only. Stored as FeO, FeiOJJ Fe

• Total H2O not directly determined · H2O not partitioned • H2O+ is loss on ignition (LOI) • Some essential axide(s) not determined


Be Rb Nd Hg F Sr Sm Pb s y Eu Th a Zr Gd u Sc Nb Dy Ti Mo Er V Ag Yb Cr Sn Hf Co Sb Ta Ni Ba w Cu La Pt -- Zn Cc An ----

Analytical procedures and methods qualifiers: • Result an average for multiple analyses of same specimen • Some essential axide(s) done by x-ray fluorescence • Result an average of anaJyses of 2 or more specimens • Some essential axide(s) done by atomic absorption • Analysed specimen is a standard or referencc material • Some essential oxide(s) done by electron probe • Composite sample used for analysis • Radiation other than XRF, EPR, NAC, ATAB, Tl.FT used • Replicate analysis of specimen in analysis • Correction of a previously published analysis • Some essential axide(s) done by neutron activation • Some essential oxidc(s) not quoted to 0.01 % • Some trace clemcnt(s) determined by arc spectrography • Alkalis determined by flame photometer

G-5 AGE: Str.itigraphic: Years: Isotopic: Material: Method: Rei.No.: ___

PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS: (Circle items that apply)


No information Dike Lava Pluton Subaerial AA Dome Lava lake Plutonic Submarine Agglomerate Extrusive Layered intrusion Pumice Tephra Ash Flow Lopolith Pyroclastic Tuff Ash flow Flow brcccia Neck Ring dike Tuff brcccia Batholith Hyaloclastite Nuee ardente Ropy lava Vein Block lava Hypabyssal Nodule Scoria Volcanic Bomb Ignimbrite Pabochoc Segregation Welded tut! Boss Intrusive Phacolith Sill Xenolith Breccia Intrusive brcccia Pillow lava Spalter Other (add in AI) Cone sheet Laccolith Pipe Stock Diatreme Lapilli Plug


No information Eqigranular Hypocrystalline Mynnekitic Scoriaceous Amygdular Felsitic Ignimbritic Ophitic Seriate Aphanitic Fine Intcrscrtal Orbicular Spherulitic Aphyric Foliated Lamprophyric Panidiomorphic Spinifc:x Aplitic G~ Llneated Pegmatitic Subophitic Banded G lomeropofl)h. Massive Perlitic Tracbytic Coarse Gneissic Medium Pbaneritic Variolitic Ccyptocrystln. Granitic Microcrystalline Pilotaxitic Vesicular Cumulate Granohyric Micrographic Platy Vitreous Devitrified Holoaystalline Microlitic Poikilitic Vitropbyric D i.scrystallin e Holohyaline Micropegmatitic Porphyritic Xenoaystic Doleritic Hyalioc Micropoikilitic Pumiccous Other ( add in AI) Eucrystallinc Hyalopilitic Micropofl)hyritic Recrystallized Eutaxitic Hypidiomofl)hic Microsphcrulitic Schistosc


No information Fresh Altered (slightly, moderately, c:xtensively) Other (add in Al)


No information Fenitic Metasomatic oxidation Saussuritic Solfataric Argillitic Hydrated Palagonitic Scricitic Weathered Carbonatic Hydrothermal Prchnitic Scrpcntinized Zcolitic Chloritic Leached Propylitic Silicification Other (add in AI) Deuteric Metamofl)hic Pyritic

G-6 MINERAL ASSE:\lBLlGE (Circle all that apply):

No Information PYROXENES. PHYLLOSILICATES 1 Clay miner:il(s) Spinet PYROXE~OIDS. DOUBLE CHA IN Cordierite Chromite FELDSPARS. FOIDS Ol!\·t~ES SILIC.-\TES. Epidote Hercynite AMPHIBOLOIDS Garnet Maghemite Alkali feldspar Pyro."

Associated date recorded in source description

• No petrographic information given in source reference · Stratigraphy age inferred; may not apply • No mineralogical information given in source reference to analyzed specimen • Petrological description generalized; may not apply • Physical age inferred; not determined to analyzed specimen to analyzed specimen • Mineralogical association gcncr.ilized; may not apply · Quantitative modal analysis of chemically to analyzed specimen analyzed specimen


May include: miner.u percentages, additional location information, isotopic data, additional reference information, etc. IC more space is needed. use back of form.


H-1. Ready for Open-Filing and Review Attached to document when it is first accepted from author by UGS.

H-2. Document Routing Form Attached to document when it has been reviewed, revised, and is believed to be ready for publication.

H-3. Document Review Appraisal Form Attached to review copies to guide reviewers in evaluating quality and accuracy of documents. UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY--MAPPING SECTION READY FOR OPEN-FILING AND REVIEW

DATE: TO: Deputy Director FR: Mapping Program OPEN-FILE NUMBER

DOCUMENT: AUTHOR: Attached are originals and copies of this mapping project. The map, charts, illustrations, and text meet all UGS guidelines (exceptions noted below will be corrected during the review process), and is now ready for open-filing and review. Please pass it on for preparation of open-file and review copies. COMMENTS: ------

AUTHOR DATE ---- PROJECT MANAGER ------DATE ---- DOCUMENT COORDINATOR------DATE SENIOR GEOLOGIST------DATE ---- DEPUTY DIRECTOR------DATE ---- The following reviewers are suggested. Outside reviewers: Inside reviewers:

TO: UGS Editor

Please prepare review copies of this report. Please deliver all review copies and original material to Document Coordinator. We do/do not need color photocopy(ies) this time.


Program: Title: Author (s): Recommended Publication Series: This document has been through the UGS document review process. The individuals who have reviewed the document are listed below. All review comments have been addressed by the author. Inside Reviewers:

Outside Reviewers and Organization:

We believe this document is now ready for publication.

Author Date Project Manager/ Date Section Chief Date

Document Review Coordinator Date

Senior Geologist Date

Please review this document and, if you concur with our recommendation, sign below and forward to the Editor.

Deputy Director Date

Director Date

Location of Document Materials: Paper copy of text: ______Computer copy of text: ______Illustration originals: ______Mylar copy map/cross sections: ______Colored copy map/cross sections: ______Plate 2 materials: 0ther: ------


Mapping Section Utah Geological Survey 2363 Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84109-1491

Grant C. Willis, Document Coordinator Name of map or document: ------Name of author(s): ------Name of reviewer: ------Date: ------IF YOU CANNOT REVIEW THIS DOCUMENT WITHIN ONE MONTH, PLEASE RETURN IT IMMEDIATELY. The provided materials are for you to mark. The following questions will provide guidelines as to what the UGS feels is important with respect to its maps and documents. Our 7 1/2' quadrangle map series is intended to be multi-purpose, treat Quaternary rocks with the same importance as bedrock units, and provide a brief, not comprehensive, discussion of stratigraphy, structure, economic geology, water resources, and geologic hazards. Your review of this document is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.


1. Are the map elements logical and consistent with common usage? (If not, please indicate suggested revisions on the map or below):

2. Are the cross sections clear and consistent with the cross section line? ___~ Are the interpretations logical? ___ Is the cross section positioned in the best place to show structural relationships? ____ Is the cross section shown at a 1:1 vertical to horizontal scale (vertical exaggeration on the main cross sections is not acceptable in UGS maps; additional vertically exaggerated cross sections can be added to show unique features)? ____ Is the cross section deep enough, or too deep? ____ Are additional cross sections necessary? ______

H-3 3. Are all symbols used on maps and cross sections explained or covered in the explanations and legends? Are the age relationships correct? Are all units described? Are some things omitted that should be included?------

4. Do you have other comments you wish to make about the map, cross sections, legends, and explanations?

TEXT REVIEW: 1. Is the organization of the text satisfactory?

2. Is the introductory material adequate?

3. Is the stratigraphy section complete and adequate? Are thicknesses and ages of units as narrowly defined as possible?

4. Is the structure section complete and adequate?

5. Is the economic geology section adequate?

6. Are the geologic hazards adequately addressed?

7. Is the Quaternary geology adequately presented?

H-4 8. UGS publications are intended to be used by both geologists and non-geologists. As such, they should include the technical information and terminology needed by the geologist as well as enough general information to help the non-geologist understand the basics of the area. For example, complex technical words should not be used if simpler terms could convey the same information without becoming unreasonably long or cumbersome. However, it is not expected that the non-geologist be able to understand everything. Does this document meet this "multi-user" standard as well as is possible?

9. Could the text be shortened without detriment; if so, how? Do additional sections or discussions need to be added?

10. Are illustrations, tables, and their captions necessary and adequate?

11. Is sufficient credit given to prior work?

12. Are references necessary, complete, and do they follow UGS format?

13. What other revisions do you recommend?

14. Do you have additional comments?

Please return all materials to the address above. Thank you very much.


Subdivisions (and their symbols) Age estunat~ Other age Age .ind stage naa,es coau:nonh of bow,d.an~ Ln ~a.tnatt?S Eon or E.ra or P~r:o.:1. System. 1nega-o1nnwn us..?ci inUta.h Eonothem Epoch or Series 1. 5 Erathe:n Subp.mo.:i. Subs\·st~m (_M,11 l I. & Quato?mary: Holocene 0.010 O.Ql \Q) Pleist~ne 1.6 Cl.6 • 1.9) 1.6 :\~s~=w. Pliocene Cenozoic : Subf'ff'o.1 or I 5 (4.9 - 5.3) 5.3 ..- 66 .4 Subsntr.n Miocene I M.. smchrw, 74.5 (4) (Cz) T~arv 2.; (23. 26) 23.7 p~~!iffle: Oligocene Cunoaruan ~ .O (.;~ m 38 (34 • 38) 36.6 S&n10ruan Subrl"no.1 or Eocene 87.3 ,.;.5) Subsvstetn 55 (54 • 56) 57.S Coruaaan Paleocene 88.5 (13) T11ron1ari 66 (63 - 66) 66.4 91 (.Ll) Cretaceous Lace Upper - 96 (95 • 9i) 9i.5 ~017\A:Uan Qi. - p -1 M.iddle M.iddle rn I 2.W {22) Earl y Lower {ooa.n 25-0 -240 2-is (20~ - 233 Permian Late Upper ~d.Jupw, 256 - 270 (Pl Early Lower Leonudian 1 273 l'hantToZ01c 290 (290 • 305) 266 (12) - ~U'cunp1ari Late Upper 2;() P~1u\syl vanian Virgwan Middle Middle Miuowun (D') 310 Early Lower I)ezr,oinesw, -330 320 - Late Upper MiSSlSsippian ~«)UnrTOWan (M) Early Lower 330 360 060 · 365) 360(10)- O,estrnan Late Upper 340 374 (18) Merazneciu, Devonian Middle Middle ~an Paleozoic 2 (0) 367 (28) Ki,,dcrhoomn f.arty Lower 3&5 (Pz) 410 (405 • -415) 0 (12) - Late U?Pff Silurian Middle Middle (S) -421 (12) Early Lower 435 (435 • 440) 438 (12) Late Upper Ordo,.;cian 458 (16) Middle Middle (0) 478 (16) Early Lower 500 (495 - 510) sos (32) Late Upper umbrun 523 (36) Middle Middle (C) S.W(28) Early Lower -5iOJ 570 """"';;~~.r ,z, I None defined Proterozoic .--.ugCl1c- 900 90i l'nxn"OZ

'Ran~es mlea uneftt&inties al botopic u,d l:rioscntigrapic age aligNNftts. Age boundmes not dos,ely bncuted by exisa:lg date shown by-. Deay constants and i.sou>pu: !'aUot ue cted in Ste-igw ~ )lgw (1977). Designation m.y. used far an intaVal oi lime. 7 Modifien (lower, auddle, upper or urly, middle. Late) whm uMd with these itans are WonNJ division5 o( the 1-g'ff Wlits; tJw first lettff ol the f'l\odiliff is lowftaSe. 'Rods oldn- tNn 570 M. wo called Prtambrwl (pCl. a cune tGTJ'I without specifu: 1Vlk. •womw tenn without speanc ran,_, SFroa, Palaler (19&3) Wlanainty in parenth-. 'Cffl.aatOUs from Pal.a,n- (1983); Miuisai~ Pmnsyh·anwi. .llld Pmnian troa, CORN Out CHinaa. 198.S). Divisions of geologic time - major geochronologic, chronostratigraphic, and geochronometric units (modified from Hansen, 1991).

1-1 APPENDIX J. there might be a tendencv ior parties commt!nded ro 1-our aUl!llflOll to become dispersed. Visiting quarries 1. An individual. or the leader o; a party. should have obtained prior permission to visit. A code 2. The leader ot a party should have made himself familiar w,th the current state oi the quarrv. He should have for field work consulted with the Manager as to where visitors mav go. and what local hazards should be avoided. Recenr letters to Gcot1mes have de­ form someone ot your intended 3. On each visit. both arrival and plored instances or vandalism at clas­ route. departure must be reported. sic outcrops. And last month. we 8. When exploring underground, be 4. In the quarry. the wearing oi saierv commented on the desirabilirv of sure you have the proper equipment, hats and stout boots is recommend­ more active parncipation by geolo­ and the necessary experience. Never ed. gists in local environmental and con­ go alone. Report to someone your 5. Keep dear of vehicles and machin­ servation societies. Both concerns are departure, location, estimated time ery. weil covered, we think. in A code for underground, and your actual return. &. Be sure that blast warning proce­ geological field work . issued bv the 9. Don't take risks on insecure cliffs or dures are understood. Geologists' Association. London, and rock faces. Take care not to dislodge 7. Beware ot rock ialls. Quarry faces called to our attention by a colleague rock, since other people may be be­ may be highly dangerous and liable to who believes that it deserves wider low. collapse without warning. circulation. The Code is reprinted 10. Se considerate. By your actions in 8. Beware ot sludge lagoons. here by permission oi the .~ssociation collecting. do not render an exposure (omitting only a short section reier­ untidy or dangerous for those who Research workers ring to the British Health and safety ac follow you. 1. No research worker has the special work acrJ . right to 'dig oul' any sire. ••• 2. Excavations should be back-iilled geological ·code of conduct' Sheer collecting pressure where necessarv to avoid hazards to A has become essential if opportu­ men and animais and to protect vul­ nities for field work in the future are is destroying the nerable outcrops from casual collect­ to be preserved. The rapid increase in scientific value of ing. field studies in recent vears has tend­ irreplaceable sites. At the 3. Don't disfigure rock surfaces with ed to concentrate anention upon a numbers or symbols in brightly col­ limited number of localities. so that same time the volume of oured paint. sheer collecting pressure is destroy­ field ~-ork is causing 4. Ensure that your research material ing the scientific value of irreplace­ concern to many site and notebooks eventually become able sites. At the same time the vol­ available for others by depositing ume ot field work is causing concern owners. them with an appropriate institution. to many site owners. Geologists must 5. Take care that the publication of be seen to use the countryside with details does nor lead to the destruc­ responsibilitv; to achieve this. the fol­ Collecting and field parties tion ot vulnerable exposures. In these low,ng general points should be ob­ 1. Students should be encouraged to ases. do nor give the precise location served. obsen,e and record but not to ham­ ot such sites. unless this is essential to 1. Obey the Country Code. and ob­ mer indiscriminately. scientific argument. The details or serve local byelaws. Remember to 2. Keep collecting to a minimum. such localirres could be deposited in a shut gates and leave no litter. Avoid removing in situ fossils, rocks national data centre for geology. 2. Always seek prior permission be­ or minerals unless they are genuinely fore entering private land. needed for serious study. Societies, schools and uni­ 3. Don't interlere with machinerv. 3. For teaching, the use ot replicas is versities 4. Don't litter fields or roads with 'rock commended. The collecting ot actual 1. Foster an interest in geolo~ical sites fragments which might cause injurv specimens should be restricted to and their wise conservation. Remem­ to livestock. or be a hazard to pedes­ those localities where there is a plen­ ber that much mav be done by collec­ trians or vehicles. tiful supply, or to scree. fallen blocks tive effort to help clean up overgrown 5. Avoid undue disturbance to wild­ and waste tips. sites (with permission of the owner. life. Plants and animals may inadver­ 4. Never collect from wails or build­ and in consultation with the Nature tently be displaced or destroyed by ings. Take care not to undermine Conservancy Council). careless actions. fences, wails, bridges or other struc­ 2. Create working groups for those 6. On coastal sections. consult the tures. amateurs who wish to do field work local Coastguard Service whenever S. The leader of a field party is asked and collect, providing leadership to possible. to learn of local hazards to ensure that the spirit of this Code is direct their studies. such as unstable cliffs. or tides which fulfilled. and to remind his party ot 3. Make contact with your local Coun­ might jeopardise excursions possible the need for care and consideration at ty Naturalists' Trust. Field Studies at other times. all times. He should remember that Centre. or Natural History Sociery, to 7. When working in mountainous or his supervisory role is of prime impor­ ensure that there is coordination in remote areas, follow the advice given tance. He must be supported by ade­ attempts to conserve geological sites in the pamphlet Mountatn safety. is­ quate assistance in the field. This is and retain access to them. sued by the Central Council for Physi­ particularly important on coastal sec­ ••• cal Education. and, in particular, in- tions. or over difficult terrain, where Robert C. H~ney

Nonmb« 1911-4
