Index to Fishery Industry
INDEX TO FISHERY INDUSTRY. A. Alewife tisher~' in-Continued. Page, AlJalone- Page. New Halllpshire .. 679 Fishery 596,601,61:1 North Carolina .•.••. 478 Meats..•.•.........•.594,599, 601, G03, 604,607,618 Rhode' Island........•........294,297,30:1, :1OS, :100 Shells 594,597,599,601,604,607,618 Yirginia 4;,1,4::.6 Abalones, dried...... ..• 596 Alewives V" 2G8, 428 ;~94 Abseeominlet, NewJersey....•..•.•..•.....•••.. Earl~' all1lndallCe of 82,1;12,221, 70U, 710, ilG, 7:2-1 Accomac connty, Virginia ••.•.....•..••...•.•. .401, 4(j5 ror b3it _ " ..119.154,156,157, Hi::, 21:1. ~!4!:', 2f;J Acipenser stUNO .••••• •••••• .... •••••• ••• ••• •••••• 50:2 Fresh 119,1:13,138,18:3,186,187, Ula, 19li, 2'25. Acoakset river, Massachnsetts ........••..... __ .. 274 2{)4, 2[)H, 20:3, 27G l 2e4, 314 Acushnet river, Massachusetts •.••.••.••••...••.2G7, 270 In lake Ontario (i7:3 Adams, J. and B. C., on fisheries of Camden, Maine. 49 Pickled _.121, IPS, 191, l!l2,225,24S,2il5.2m. Adamsville, Rhode Island...... •.•. .. 29,J ~H4 2761 285, Addison, Maine.••...........•...•.•........... _. 25 2~5. Snloked 121 1 248, 276, 285, 2!J(), 297, 709 .IElurichthys 7IlarinU8 ,..... .. 586 Statistics of cateh of. ••.. 109, 11-3,281, 31-1, ~~4,1, 38~. Africa, exports offish to 205,206 411,417,424,452,479,504,505,515,523 Agawam ril'er, Massachusetts.... •.•... 7:>3 Algm, commel'dal ,alue of. .... ..•... .•.•.. 266 Agawam station, Massachusetts, alwewifo fishery AI;;'" Fertilizer Company...... 6D of .. 2(j4 Alicante, fish exports to __ I'!!! Alaharna- Alligator.g3rs 570,r,7~ :Fisheries of . 5(j8 Alpena, Michigan G;;S Statistics of salt·water fisheries of .••.•.••• 568 Altllmaha river, G,·orgia __ [,[)'2,514 Alahama river .••..........•..•.•.•........••••.
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