Systematic Innovation e-zine Issue 229, April 2021 In this month’s issue: Article – NEPTUNE: The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective (Innovation) Project Managers Article – ICMM – A Decade Down The Road Not So Funny – 1 + 1 < 2 Patent of the Month – Protective Helmet Best of The Month – Business Recoded Wow In Music – Good Morning, Captain Investments – Transparent Electronics Generational Cycles – The Map Of Tiny Perfect Things Biology – Rolling Swarms Short Thort News The Systematic Innovation e-zine is a monthly, subscription only, publication. Each month will feature articles and features aimed at advancing the state of the art in TRIZ and related problem solving methodologies. Our guarantee to the subscriber is that the material featured in the e-zine will not be published elsewhere for a period of at least 6 months after a new issue is released. Readers’ comments and inputs are always welcome. Send them to
[email protected] ©2021, DLMann, all rights reserved NEPTUNE: The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective (Innovation) Project Managers NAVIGATOR EMPATH PLATE- ECOLOGIST SPINNER TRANSCENDER NINJA UNITER I spent the first fifteen years of my working life at Rolls-Royce, about three years of which was effectively in a programme management role at the R&D end of the spectrum. In the aerospace world, R&D cycles tend to be long, the technology is highly complicated, and it is incredibly easy to spend enormous amounts of money in a very short amount of time. Although I didn’t know it at the time, looking back, my experience doing the job represented a classic example of ‘think of someone with an extreme version of your problem and they’re highly likely to have found a solution’.