WEEKLY NEWSPAPER: DO NOT DELAY—DATE MAILED 12-21-01 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Congress Facilitates Big Brother Brainwashing in Your Public Schools. Pages 8-9. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Bin Laden’s Latest Video Tops CIA Propaganda Charts. AmericanFreePressAmericanFreePress Page 3. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★For Life & Liberty . . . Against the New World Order ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

VOLUME I NUMBER 19 DECEMBER 31, 2001 www.americanfreepress.net $1 EACH British Chief of Staff Gun Grabbers Critical of America’s War on Terrorism ‘Stumped’ by Britain’s top military officer warns that the “war on terrorism” will “radical- Pro-Firearms ize” friendly states and lead to increased terrorism. Congressman

EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS A pro-gun representative has killed a By Christopher Bollyn controversial addition to legislation which would have meant the destruction hile Secretary of State Colin Powell visited Britain, the United State’s closest ally in of most war-time firearms relics. Afghanistan and only ally in Iraq, on the W three-month anniversary of the Sept. 11 EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS terror, significant differences surfaced on how to proceed By Mike Blair with the “war on terrorism.” British Chief of Staff Admiral Sir Michael Boyce section of the Defense Department budget for revealed a significant divergence between the allies’ mil- 2002, which could have meant the mandated itary and political branches on what to do after the destruction of hundreds of thousands of “war defeat of the Taliban. A relic” firearms, has been killed by a pro-gun Boyce said that America’s determination to use mili- congressman. tary might in a wider war was certain to “radicalize” Through the efforts of Rep. Bob Stump (R-Ariz.), a friendly states whose support Britain and other nations provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (S. need. 1438) which would allow the Pentagon to require “de- Speculation is growing that the will militarization” of any “significant military equipment” attack Iraq as part of its “war.” Powell will not rule out now in private hands was killed. war against Iraq. As reported by American Free Press on Oct. 22, it An attack on Iraq would further destabilize the would have given the secretary of defense power to region, experts on the Middle East warn, drawing in essentially destroy firearms sold to citizens, such as the neutral countries and stretching the allied coalition to Rep. Bob Stump stood up to gun grabbers in Congress M1 rifle, M1 carbine, Colt Models 1911 series .45 caliber the breaking point. and killed a stipulation in the National Defense pistols, even versions of 1903 series Springfield bolt- Britain will have to lay down “red lines” beyond Authorization Act (S. 1438) that would have allowed action rifles, many of which have been converted for which it would not go, Boyce said. Whatever is done confiscation of Americans’ antique military wea- sport shooting or hunting. must be legal, the admiral said, because to do otherwise pons. Many feared this attempt to grab older wea- “Demilitarization” is a term for rendering firearms, would jeopardize its legitimacy. pons was just a prelude to a broader gun confisca- firearm barrels, receivers, ammunition and gunpowder The alliance must beware of “exporting terrorism,” tion program. Above, some Civil War recreationists permanently inoperable. Section 1062 would have (See AMERICA LOSING, Page 12) use antique weapons in their battle simulations. (See WHO IS ORCHESTRATING, Page 12)

THE INSIDE SCOOP: Page 2: News You May Have Missed. Page 4: Pipeline Plan Dominates War on Terror. Page 5: Missile Shield in Afghanistan? Page 7: Making Military Votes Count. Page 8: Spotlight on Congress: Education Meddling; Defensive Pork. Pages 10-11: Radio Free America: Televangelists Promote NWO. Page 12: Sept. 11 Attacks Were Not a Surprise. Page 14: Suicide State Willing to Slaughter Its Own. Page 14: Lesson in Terror. Page 15: Culture Shock: People Like to Live Among Their Own. Page 16: U.S. Steel Needs Help. Page 17: Mass Vaccinations a Bad Idea. Page 17: Blood Supply in Danger. Page 19: Letters.

Argentines Irv Rubin’s Insurance Radio Free Rising Up JDL Exposed U.S. Steel Industry America: TV Against as America’s Industry a Wants its Preachers, New World Most Bloody, Helpless Pound of Rapture & Masters; Dangerous Victim of Flesh from the New Riot in Terrorist Free Trade. Citizens. World Order. Streets. Organization. Page 16. Page 6. Pages 10-11. Page 4. Page 14. 2 AMERICAN FREE PRESS December 31, 2001 Is There an Upside to U.S. War on Terror? (A compilation of significant news items News that have failed to appear in most of the nation’s press.) ★★★★ Missed FRINGE BENEFIT. It took terrorist attacks You May Have that killed 3,000 Americans for the nation to American Free Press finally take border protection seriously. Hun- Your weekly newspaper from Washington, D.C. dreds of National Guard troops will help patrol breaking into their warehouse. Kenney Der and OUR PROMISE TO YOU the 4,000-mile Canadian border under a $31.5 Darrell Kifer face the death penalty for shooting The point of view of the American Free Press (AFP) is best des- million emergency plan by the Justice Depart- a black man, Tygon Walker, who had a felony cribed as populist and nationalist. AFP is FOR Liberty for the record. “It blows my mind how blatantly ridicu- American people and AGAINST the New World Order. ment. A few terrorists have been caught crossing American Free Press is 100% employee-owned. You can trust the border but, more and more, the long porous lous it is,” said Ken Brady, who is raising funds the American Free Press to give you “the other side of the news” for their defense. State’s Attorney Patricia —to report on events which are vital to your welfare but which border has been used by tens of thousands of ille- would otherwise be hushed up or distorted by the controlled gal immigrants to sneak into the country. It Jessamy, who is also black, said the two men press. We make no attempt to give you “both sides.” We’ll leave the would cost much less, however, to take other resisting the burglar committed “a crime that establishment side to your daily newspaper, television and radio. Furthermore, we pledge that the American Free Press will correct nationalists’ advice to call U.S. troops home from needs to be prosecuted.” any meaningful error of fact. far-flung missions and use them for their proper ★★★★ Make up your own mind who is being honest with you: the BAH HUMBUG! Christmas got a cold recep- establishment media or the American Free Press. function—to protect America from invasion by tion in many public schools this year. Christmas OUR GUARANTEE millions of aliens, including terrorists. AFP will promptly refund the unused portion of your sub- ★★★★ cards with Christian messages were banned in scription if you are dissatisfied with our unique newspaper. To U.S. CODDLES TERRORISTS. You would many. Two middle school children in Rochester, cancel, drop us a note saying you want to end your subscription. think that the United States would enthusiasti- Minn., were disciplined for ending a skit by say- NATIONAL STAFF ing, “We hope you all have a merry Christmas.” Managing Editor: Christopher Petherick; Editor Emeri- cally participate in denouncing terrorism. But tus: Vince Ryan; Senior Editor: James P. Tucker Jr.; Corres- this country vetoed a UN Security Council reso- A teacher in Plymouth, Ill., was warned not to pondents: Mike Blair, F.C. Blahut, Christopher Bollyn, Michael read a book to her students. The book was in the Collins Piper; Editorial Assistant: Julia Foster; Art & Pro- lution denouncing terrorism in the Mideast. The duction Director: Paul T. Angel; Circulation, Subscription resolution called for an end to terrorism by Is- school library. Silverton, Ore., students were & List Director: Lois Hodges; Business Manager: James Cox raeli occupation troops and the Palestinian resis- ordered to remove all “religious” holiday decora- REGIONAL BUREAUS tance. tions from their lockers. Covington, Ga., deleted East: Jeffrey Smith; Southeast: Eustace Mullins, Jerome S. ★★★★ the word “Christmas” from the school calendar Myers; Robert Weems; Southwest: Howard Carson; Ted L. Gunderson; Donald MacPherson; Midwest: Gregory Douglas; WHO KNEW? German computer experts are after the ACLU threatened to sue. And so it goes. Van D. Loman; West: Anthony L. Hargis; Anthony J. Hilder; ★★★★ Daniel Hopsicker, George Kadar; Rev. Ted Pike analyzing harddrives and mainframes from financial companies found in the rubble of the KENNEDY CHRISTMAS. For the first time in INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS history, a Kennedy faces a tough re-election Australia: Geoffrey Muirden; Britain: Vivian Bird World Trade Center trying to find out if hun- BABBLE BALLOTS dreds of millions of dollars were rushed through effort. The solution? House Democratic leaders American Free Press is published weekly except for two is- Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.), who sues combined into one at the beginning of the year for $39 per networks as the Sept. 11 terror attacks unfolded, steered “nearly $90 million in federal projects” to year by National News Reporting Company at 1433 Pennsyl- barely beat incumbent Bob Dornan in Rep. Patrick Kennedy’s Rhode Island district, re- vania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. reports Reuters. “The suspicion is that inside in- formation about the attack was used to send 1996 with the help—according to a ports The Hill, a journal devoted to Congress. 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The graduation rate for E-mail addresses: ties when they go to vote,“ she said. Subscription: that as much as $100 million might have been white students was 78 percent. On the other [email protected] made immediately before or during the tragedy. hand, graduation rates for home-schooled chil- Editorial: [email protected] ★★★★ Smith in the Wall Street Journal. However, since dren, who are years ahead of their public school ADVERTISING REVERSE ‘REASONING.’ New York State is the WSJ attends secret Bilderberg meetings on a counterparts by all academic measures, was 100 Call or Write or Fax our Sales Office: dropping a regulation that, as intended, made it promise to reveal nothing, this is a bit like a billy percent. 7 Washington Street, Cumberland, MD 21502 ★★★★ (301) 722-1948 Fax: (301) 722-2810 harder for illegal aliens to get drivers’ licenses to goat taking care of a cabbage patch. ★★★★ SPANISH AS A MEDICAL SCHOOL Sharon DeWitt, Advertising Manager establish an identity. It was too inconvenient for James Wolfington, Advertising Consultant immigrants, according to the state’s Division of KEEPING THE FAITH. Anthony Lewis, a left- COURSE? One-fifth of Spanish-speaking Lati- Don’t forget to advertise in the alternative health publication Motor Vehicles. wing extremist, is retiring from The New York nos report not seeking medical treatment in the (bimonthly) of the American Free Press. Call: (301) 722-1948. ★★★★ Times after 32 years as a columnist. In a farewell United States due to language barriers, reports All ads run in the American Free Press must be accompanied NEW PERCEPTION. 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Copies of the same issue in bulk: 1-9, year veteran of CBS News, has written Bias, an thing other than their god.” $1.15 each; 10-49, $1 each; 50 or more, 90¢ each. expose of the hypocrisy, elitism and tendentious- ★★★★ ence’ and ‘sovereignty,’” wrote British Foreign REPRODUCTION POLICY: Except for copyrighted stories ness that define the major television networks, UPSIDE DOWN ‘JUSTICE.’ Two Harford Secretary Jack Straw in The Independent of Lon- (which are indicated as such), permission is hereby granted (and don. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a Bil- encouraged) to other publications and authors to quote American as well as institutions such as The New York County, Md., men face first-degree murder Free Press in whole or in part so long as full credit is given, includ- Times and ,” writes Russ charges for shooting an armed burglar as he was derberg boy, agrees. He said the war on terror- ing address and subscription price. ism has made national sovereignty out-of-date. All manuscripts submitted to American Free Press must be Will patriotism become a casualty of the terror- typewritten and double-spaced. If return is desired, a stamped self-addressed envelope is required. AFP assumes no responsi- ists? bility for unsolicited manuscripts. A Message from the Editor ★★★★ ADVERTISING POLICY: In line with our editorial policy, the he week of Christmas, the staff at AFP will be taking a much- TORTURERS AMONG US. Experts believe American Free Press encourages freedom of speech. We will not knowingly, however, publish advertisements that are fraudulent deserved break and will not be publishing a newspaper. hundreds of foreigners who engaged in torture or or misleading or for pornographic materials, alcohol or tobacco. other types of human rights abuses have reset- AFP will not run ads that are, in the opinion of the editor, con- However, you can expect a larger “double issue” after the first of trary to AFP’s interests. All ads published must be accompanied tled in the United States, Associated Press re- by a money-back guarantee. We reserve the right to reject, revise the year, jam-packed with all of the unique provocative news you ports. Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) said the arrival or request advertisers to edit their ads, with or without cause T have become accustomed to reading every week. Incidentally, if your of torturers in America is a largely overlooked being assigned. All ads we consider of a purely religious nature must run in the Classifieds section. All health ads, except when AFP has recently been late, chalk it up to the unusually busy post office. phenomenon. “These torturers are terrorists in run in our special bimonthly health supplement, will be billed Remember, they’ve had a really tough year, with the anthrax attacks their countries and could bring that terror to with a 20% surcharge. Furthermore, caveat emptor. America,” he said. Foley introduced the Anti- CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your old, incorrect address and post office closings. We hope you have a happy and blessed Christ- label along with your new address and ZIP code to the American Atrocity Alien Deportation Act that would make Free Press 30 days before you move. mas and that we all have a good New Year. See you in 2002. it easier for the Justice Department to pursue and deport torturers. December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 3 THE BIN LADEN VIDEO: Smoking Gun or CIA Production? The latest videotape implicating marriage of his child to the child of Aiman Al-Zawa- heri—which took place four years ago. Osama bin Laden has been called the Al Sibaei said it boggles the mind that an organiza- “smoking gun”—but critics of the U.S. tion like al Qaeda would create such simple-minded bombing of Afghanistan call it “smoke videotapes and then leave them behind in a private home. He added that bin Laden has twice denied and mirrors” deception. involvement in the attacks and said that he had sworn to Mullah Mohamed Omar, leader of the Taliban move- EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS ment, that the al Qaeda organization pledged it would By Christopher Bollyn not plan attacks against other countries from inside Afghanistan. he blurry 40-minute videotape released by the In the video, bin Laden, wearing a green military Pentagon on Dec.13, purportedly showing jacket and white headdress, claims to have known the Osama bin Laden boasting of masterminding attacks would take place five days in advance, and says T the terror attacks of Sept.11, has raised more the destruction of the twin towers exceeded his expecta- questions and doubts about its veracity than it has tions. answered. In the tape, which was broadcast with muffled sound According to U.S. officials, the tape was found in a accompanied by English translation, bin Laden said house in Jalalabad, eastern Afghanistan, and handed to that he believed that the fire from the jet fuel would the Pentagon by an unnamed person or group. At first it result in a partial collapse of the iron infrastructure of was reported that the CIA found the tape. Later press the World Trade Center. reports said United Front soldiers discovered it. The impact of the video may have been diluted to A blurry, dark frame grab, typical of the videotape Unless the United States gives more information some extent by its poor quality and language difficulties. released by the Pentagon, purportedly shows al about how the tape was found or provides more techno- Many Arabs either had to accept the English translation Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden talking about the logical details about it, doubts are bound to linger, The on TV or strain to hear the words themselves. Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on America. The Bush ad- Guardian of London wrote. Christopher Ross, a consultant hired by the ministration claims this tape proves his guilt. One specialist in Islamic affairs, Hani Al Sibaei, State Department, told the Arabic news network Al described the videotape as “fabricated and a scandal for Jazeera, that he had to replay the tape dozens of times failing to get any evidence against Osama.” the greatest democratic country in the world.” in order to hear the conversation because the sound was President Bush, who hopes the video will bolster In a telephone call with the Arabic news network Al so bad. international support for the war on terrorism, chal- Jazeera from London, he noted the congratulatory wish- Ross indicated that to improve the translation, he lenged the critics calling the videotape a “devastating es on the tape and bin Laden’s happy expression. replayed the tape another 50 times with the translator. declaration of guilt for this evil person.” He said that this segment was taken from a tape of He confirmed that the translation is not literal, Countering claims that the video was faked, Bush bin Laden being congratulated on the pre-arranged because of the poor quality of the original tape’s sound. said it was “preposterous for anybody to think this tape Some legal experts found the tape damning, if it was doctored,” adding, “Those who contend it’s a farce or could ever be admitted into court. “It is the most power- a fake are hoping for the best about an evil man. This is ful kind of evidence,” said Donald B. Ayer, former deputy bin Laden unedited.” attorney general. “It is a virtual confession.” Sean Broughton, director of the London-based pro- In an earlier interview with a Pakistani newspaper, duction company Smoke and Mirrors and one of bin Laden said “I have already said that I am not Britain’s leading experts on visual effects, said it would involved in the Sept.11 attacks in the United States. As be relatively easy for a professional to fake a video of bin a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no Laden. knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing But Broughton said to fool the top experts is much of innocent women, children and other humans as an more difficult. “There are perhaps 20 people in appreciable act.” America who would be good enough to fool everybody. To Prosecutors seeking to bring bin Laden to justice find someone that good and make sure they kept quiet would certainly be keen to produce the tape but might would probably be pretty difficult.” struggle to prove its authenticity. Henry Hingson, for- Bob Crabtree, editor of Computer Video, said it is mer president of the National Association of Criminal impossible to judge whether the video is a fake without Defense Lawyers, said: “In this day and age of digital more details of its source. wizardry, many things can be done to alter its veracity.” “The U.S. seems simply to have asked the world to The United States says the tape provides compelling trust them that it is genuine,” he said. evidence that bin Laden was behind the attacks but the OLD OSAMA VS. NEW OSAMA authenticity of the tape is doubted by many in the There are many problems with the videotape begin- Muslim world and dismissed as unconvincing propa- ning with the appearance of bin Laden. ganda. Bin Laden, who is reported to suffer from kidney For all his familiarity with the Sept. 11 events, bin problems and uses a cane, has appeared rather lean in Laden did not explicitly take responsibility for directing previous videotapes, but suddenly seems to have gained the operation. He said he had received notification of the weight and actually appears jolly in the latest video, Tuesday attacks the previous Thursday, indicating that supposedly made on Nov. 9, only weeks after his previ- the timing, at least, might have been left to others. ous video. In Jordan, Abdul Latif Arabiat, head of the Islamic Bin Laden, who is of Yemenite parentage, has a char- Action Front said, “Do Americans really think the world acteristic long neck and long narrow head. The “new” is that stupid to think that they would believe that this bin Laden appears to have a “husky” body and a small- tape is evidence?” er head in proportion to his body. A news vendor stands beside a Chinese newspaper “Of course it is fabricated,” Dia’a Rashwan, an Egyp- Some observers point out that in the latest video, bin with headlines on the release of a videotape appear- tian expert on Islamic movements said, “If this is the Laden appears to be wearing a ring on his right hand. In ing to show Osama bin Laden rejoicing over the Sept. kind of evidence that America has, then the blood of previous tapes bin Laden wore no jewelry except a 11 attacks at a news stand in the country’s capital. thousands who died and were injured in Afghanistan is watch. China said bin Laden was “known to all” as a sup- on Bush’s hands.” Others have pointed out that in the latest videotape porter of terrorism in response to the release of the Riaz Durrani, a spokesman for Jamiat Ulema-e-Is- bin Laden is “gesticulating excessively” with his right videotape, but the Chinese Foreign Ministry declined lam, a pro-Taliban party in Pakistan, said: “This video- hand, while in the earlier tapes bin Laden, who is left- to comment on the video's veracity. tape is not authentic. The Americans made it up after handed, spoke in a slow and deliberate manner. ★ 4 AMERICAN FREE PRESS December 31, 2001 Plans for Afghan Oil Pipeline Motivate U.S. War on Terror? Some establishment newspapers are chenko, denied the motivation. Shevchenko said: “Rus- sia is eager to have peace and stability in Afghanistan. even reporting that control over the natu- It is in the interests of all of us to have a stable country ral resources in Central Asia is playing a from where there will be no danger to neighboring coun- part in the war in Afghanistan. Radio Free tries or other countries in the world.” Iran’s suspicion of U.S. energy interests stems from a Europe, which is financed by the U.S. gov- failed pipeline project that was pursued by a U.S.-based ernment, acknowledged this suspicion oil company from 1995 to 1998. The plan sponsored by Unocal Corporation was to but quoted U.S. officials who said that the build a 1,400-kilometer pipeline to take gas from Turk- country’s potential for energy exports has menistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan and possibly little to do with the war on terrorism. India. An oil line to the Arabian Sea was also envisioned, but sources of the oil were never firmly identified. After years of effort, the project collapsed, in part By Radio Free Europe because Afghanistan was never unified. Unocal finally abandoned the plan in August 1998, after the bombings ecently, both Russia and the United States of two U.S. embassies in Africa were linked to Osama have been accused of seeking to control Cen- bin Laden. Former President Bill Clinton banned U.S. tral Asia’s resources by pursuing the war in investment in Taliban-controlled areas in 1999. R Afghanistan. Last week, a Unocal official in Houston told RFE/RL On Nov. 30, Iran’s official news agency IRNA report- that the company has no further interest in Afghanistan ed that the deputy commander of Iran’s Islamic pipeline projects and has now committed its resources Revolution Guards Corps said the aim of the United elsewhere. States in Afghanistan “is to have influence on Central Unocal spokeswoman Terry Covington said, “We Asia and access to fuel resources and geopolitical condi- don’t have any plans or interests in Central Asia.” She tions in the region.” also said she knows of no other U.S. companies that are Brigadier General Mohammad Zolqadr was quoted considering a pipeline investment in the country. Cov- as saying, “Settling the problem of Afghanistan, the U.S. ington said, “I haven’t heard of anyone saying it looks intends to stay in the region.” U.S. officials have denied like a good area to get in.” Though U.S. officials deny it, many Establishment such plans. Turkmenistan’s President Saparmurat Niyazov con- publications concede (following AFP’s lead) that On the same day last week, the London-based Finan- tinues to make the case for gas exports through Afghan- access to the vast natural resources in the Caspian cial Times quoted a former foreign secretary of Pakistan, istan. In October, Niyazov urged the United Nations to region may be playing a factor in the U.S.-led war in who charged Russia with similar objectives in Afghan- consider supporting the project as a way of bringing sta- Afghanistan. istan. Najmuddin Shaikh said Russia’s interest is to bility to the country, the Caspian News Agency reported. assure unrest in Afghanistan so that Central Asia’s oil Last week in Moscow, Kazakhstan’s President But despite the concerns of nearby countries, there and gas will flow north over Russian territory rather Nursultan Nazarbaev also showed interest in an Afghan seems to be no sign that the United States is motivated than south. export option, when speaking of the country’s attempts by energy strategy in Afghanistan. In an interview, for- Shaikh said, “You cannot control Central Asia if to form a new government. He was quoted by the Ka- mer U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Robert Pelletreau Afghanistan provides alternative exit routes for Central zakhstan Today news service as saying: “Such (a) gov- said such suspicions ignore the obvious, namely the war Asia’s oil.” He added, “Russia is intent on ensuring there ernment must make (the) territory of Afghanistan open. against terrorism. is only one controller of pipelines in this region so they We need to deal with rehabilitation of (the) Afghan econ- Pelletreau, who is now a partner at the law firm can keep a finger on the jugular vein.” omy. We are interested in Afghanistan as a transit coun- Afridi & Angell in Washington, said, “It just shows that But Russia’s ambassador to Pakistan, Eduard Shev- try for us.” conspiracy theories are alive and well.” Pelletreau also believes that Russia’s primary goal is to promote stabil- ity in a region that might threaten its southern border Argentines Starving; Riot Against Dollarization rather than to drive oil and gas north. The move toward dollarization is Julia Nanay, a director at Petroleum Finance Com- pany, a Washington-based consulting firm, said, “They causing economic stress and outrage in don’t necessarily want to prevent a pipeline through Argentina. Afghanistan, but the Russians would want to have a key role in it.” Still, Nanay said, all such possibilities are in the distant future because stability may still be a long By the Staff of American Free Press way off. Iran also has an interest in pipelines in the region. At ioting and looting broke out in Argentina Dec. the end of two days of meetings with top officials in 19 as austerity moves aimed at “dollarization” Islamabad, Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi caused widespread hunger and suffering. Presi- said on Dec. 1 that two joint committees were being set R dent Fernando de la Rua declared a state of up with Pakistan. The first is to plan for an Iranian gas siege to restore order in Buenos Aires and other cities. pipeline to Pakistan and possibly India. The second is to Opponents called on the national legislature to over- aid reconstruction in Afghanistan. turn the administration’s economic actions that are to Iran has tried to promote a line from its South Pars lead to adopting the dollar as Argentina’s national cur- gas fields in the Persian Gulf for years, although there rency. Unemployment is over 18 percent in Argentina. has been little mention of the project since last April. Bank transactions are already largely in dollars, not Reduced tensions with Pakistan following the defeat of pesos. The government claims these actions are neces- the Taliban could make a pipeline more plausible, but sary to end Argentina’s four-year recession. there seems little doubt that peace, not a pipeline, is the “I feel bad about it, but we’re dying of hunger,” said first concern. Sonia Aristici as she carried food from a supermarket Nanay believes that Central Asian energy routes being looted in Buenos Aires. through region are inevitable, although they may take Protesters throughout the country, including moth- years. He said, “In the long run, you’ve got to find some ers with small children, said they were unemployed and An Argentine demonstrator waves his nation’s flag in way to get some of these resources to the Asian markets, hungry. Some were shot with rubber bullets by police. At front of the Casa Rosada government house demand- and that means Iran or Afghanistan.” ★ least five were killed and more than 100 injured. ★ ing the resignation of President Fernando de la Rua. © 2001. RFE/RL, Inc. December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 5

Missile Shield Join hundreds of other truth seekers, authors, revisionist historians and subscribers to in Afghanistan? THE BARNES REVIEW at the . . . In high-level talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Bush laid out a plan to build a nuclear missile shield in Third Afghanistan that would protect the two countries from an attack by the last bas- tion of communism, China. International EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS Conference on By Mike Blair lans are afoot in Washington, London and Authentic Moscow to turn Afghanistan into a buffer against a potential missile attack from China’s P rapidly developing military. History & the President Bush announced in mid-December that the United States was pulling out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty with the former Soviet Union. First Amendment During the administration of President Bill Clinton, the Russians had threatened dire consequences if the United States dumped the pact. WASHINGTON, D.C., JUNE 14, 15, 16, 2002 However, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that the U.S. dropping out of the treaty made little difference Last year’s conference was a smash success, with lecturers and because his country could defend itself with its nuclear guests attending from around the globe. But our third conference arsenal, still largely intact since the collapse of the Soviet Union. will be bigger, better and even more informative. Putin’s change of heart was prompted by China’s con- tinued military and nuclear weapons build-up. You’ve seen these history conferences advertised Sources close to the Defense Department said Putin before. And so many times they are the same old was unconcerned about America bailing out of the treaty because of a new secret agreement that Bush was able speakers on the same old subjects they’ve been lec- to forge during their fall meeting at the president’s turing on for 20 years, barely scratching the surface of Texas ranch. new findings and hypotheses. The two leaders discussed how the southern Afghan mountains would provide an excellent location for de- ployment of a large part of America’s so-called National But THE BARNES REVIEW’s THIRD INTERNATIONAL Missile Defense System. CONFERENCE ON AUTHENTIC HISTORY will be noth- ing like that. We’re lining up ground-breaking experts Plans are afoot to turn Afghanistan into in their fields—from the mysteries of early men to the a buffer state against potential missile “terrorist” phenomenon of the 21st century—to enlighten you with their latest research and findings attack from China’s developing military. on all aspects of history, politics, international intrigue and more, no matter how controversial. The Afghan system, Putin was told in Texas, would not only protect the United States and its closest ally Get ready for an eye-opening, stimulating experience. Make Britain against a ballistic missile attack but Russia, as well, sources explained. your travel plans now to come to Washington for this outstanding Putin, along with Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister experience and mingle with some of the best-informed, courageous Tony Blair, have become increasingly alarmed by men and women you can find anywhere. China’s emergence as a world power. The communist country’s ever-growing ability to deploy intercontinental ballistic missiles has given them cause for concern. Don’t miss this! Register in advance and save . . . The Pakistani news media recently acknowledged re- ports of the Afghan missile defense shield. Advance registration, discounted 10% until May 5 for TBR sub- The Pakistan News Service reported Dec. 11 that scribers, is only $180 for one. You and your spouse, $297. Hotel “deployment of a national missile defense system in the southern part of Afghanistan by Washington is likely to rooms are extra and cost $171 a night for one; or $194 for a dou- counter any inter-continental ballistic missile attack ble. (This includes tax.) There will be a cocktail party Friday night, threat from China . . .” June 14 and a sumptuous banquet-style dinner Saturday night However, the story, which was posted on the Pakistan News Service’s web site, www.paknews.com, (June 15) where you’ll have your choice of three superb dishes: has been mysteriously pulled from the site, the deletion chicken with raspberry port wine sauce; filet of salmon with citrus attributed to “an error.” hollandaise sauce; or filet mignon on herb crouton with bearnaise The sources said the objectives of the United States sauce. Sunday there will be an “All-American” breakfast buffet. to come to this region were “Primarily to establish con- trol over the natural resources from Central Asian Send payment to TBR, Registration Office, P.O. Box 15877, states via Afghanistan, to contain increasing Chinese Washington, D.C. 20003. Remember to indicate your banquet economic and military influence and to deploy an anti- meal selection from the above three choices. missile defense system in Afghanistan to counter an ICBM attack from China.” ★ 6 AMERICAN FREE PRESS December 31, 2001 Insurance Industry Exploits September 11 Terror Tragedy Is greed the greatest evil of mankind? while insurers hike prices beyond reason,” said Robert Hunter of the Consumers Federation of America and a The insurance industry has now joined former Texas insurance commissioner. “Congress must those who exploit the terrorist attacks for act to prevent insurance companies from charging selfish purposes. excessive rates while taxpayers pick up the tab.” The CFA, citing several instances of price gouging, urged Congress to prevent insurance companies from By the Staff of American Free Press charging unjustifiable rates from the same taxpayers being asked to subsidize the industry. The interstate ongressional action is being sought in the wake commerce clause of the Constitution empowers Con- of mounting evidence that insurance firms are gress to intervene with national insurance companies. exploiting the terrorist attacks to increase costs Several examples of price gouging were cited by the Coutrageously at the same time the industry is CFA during a Washington news conference: seeking taxpayer handouts. • During debate on terrorism insurance in the House “It would be politically embarrassing for Congress to on Nov. 29, it was reported that the annual cost of insur- put the taxpayer on the hook for losses from terrorism ing Giants Stadium in New Jersey’s Meadowlands has increased five-fold from $700,000 to $3.5 million. • The Wall Street Journal reported that “insurance companies are already raising prices by 100 percent or more on some lines of commercial and industrial insur- ance . . . aviation underwriters have raised premiums for airlines by 200 percent to 400 percent . . . New York trophy properties are seeing giant rate increases . . . medium-sized and small corporate policyholders are also seeing premiums jump.” • Reinsurers are eliminating terrorism coverage from their policies but then, on top of that, hugely rais- Above, Ralph Hueppi, head of Zurich Financial Ser- ing prices for the remaining coverages not related to ter- vices, recently told a group of insurance moguls that rorism. For example, the giant reinsurer, Allianz, has now was the time to open the door for global insur- announced increases of 20 to 50 percent. A company ance giants to raise their rates, according to the spokesman added “that it might rise, in some cases, to Consumers Federation of America. 200 percent.” • Insurance Services Office, which files policy provi- insurance industry “prohibit terrorism exclusions, sions for many insurers, has announced that it is asking require a separate terrorism line item on insurance bills for terrorism exclusions in insurance policies across the that is explained and justified, and require states to cer- nation. tify that rates are not excessive and that coverage for • Rolf Hueppi, head of Zurich Financial Services, told terrorism is fully available.” a meeting of insurers on Nov. 27 that, in regard to the The CFA was also urged state insurance commission- terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the industry “. . . needed it ers to reject proposals to weaken oversight of insurance to operate efficiently. The players who are strong, in a rates and coverage. responsible manner, and are aggressive, will be the win- “You’d think that state regulators would be trying to ners in the next 15 years.” The CFA said: “Hueppi clear- figure out how to strengthen their ability to reject un- ly meant that the terrorist attack opened the door for warranted rate increases and attempts to eliminate ter- Giants Stadium, where the NFL’s Giants and Jets play global giants . . . to raise premium rates.” rorism coverage,” Hunter said. “Instead, they are con- football, has seen its rate for insuring the stadium go In a letter to congressional leaders, the CFA asked sidering how to reduce their ability to protect consumers up from $700,00 a year to $3.5 million a year. that any legislation providing taxpayer assistance to the and small businesses at this time of uncertainty.” ★ The Largest Selection of Revisionist Books and Videos Anywhere!

et your copy of THE BARNES REVIEW BOOK CLUB catalog for 2002 today. It’s loaded with scarce Revisionist books and videos —many to be found nowhere else. This 24-page catalog is interesting and educational in itself, filled with fascinating his- Gtorical tidbits and works of art. We’ll send you one free if you send us $1 to cover postage and handling. Send payment to TBR BOOK CLUB with your request, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003. If you want one right away, call 1-877-773-9077 and charge your catalogs to Visa or MasterCard. Order a dozen and distribute them to friends to help TBR’s outreach program. December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 7

Some in Senate PAID ADVERTISEMENT Want Soldiers’ Anthony J. Hilder’s Volcanic Video Votes Protected Why are some lawmakers afraid of military personnel voting when their bal- lots are in no way fraudulent? By the Staff of American Free Press Illuminazi 9-II provision protecting military voters is being Who’s Really Behind the Terrorist Attack weakened in the House, stirring anger in its Senate sponsor who said voting rights should A be protected for Americans fighting overseas. On the World Trade Center? Because the nation’s military is a federal responsibil- ity, the Constitution empowers Congress to protect the soldier’s right to vote in federal elections. Osama bin Laden—or someone much closer? The Senate measure closes loopholes used by Demo- crats to throw out military absentee ballots in Florida’s contested presidential election. Sponsored by Sen. Who benefits from this atrocity? Islam? Wayne Allard (R-Col.), the bill is stalled in a conference Israel? Or is it those who wish to establish a committee. House Republicans are pushing for a weaker alter- NEW WORLD ORDER on the smoldering ashes native, Allard said, and “if that happens, I’m going to be very disappointed in the House and furious that we of American sovereignty? weren’t able to maintain the Senate position.” The Senate bill prohibits disqualifying a military bal- There’s been a greater assault on our Bill of lot for lack of a postmark or witness signature. It also guarantees residency for military personnel while they Rights in the past 90 days than in the past travel on official duty. The House bill does not abolish the postmark requirement. 200 years. Who’ll call for a police state? But since postage is free in combat zones, mail picked Who’ll call for martial law? Who’ll call for up off ships or in remote areas where Americans are sta- tioned is often not postmarked. national ID cards to give us “security”? It HEAVILY REPUBLICAN The military absentee vote is traditionally heavily won’t be bin Laden. Are we watching the Republican despite the fact that the army is dispropor- tionately composed of blacks, who vote Democrat more Naziazation of our once free nation? than 90 percent of the time. Rep. Bob Ney (R-) chairman of the House Ad- In this 86-minute volcanic video, former FBI ministration Committee, and ranking member Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) oppose protecting the servicemen’s ballot. chief agent Ted Gunderson blows the lid off “Right now we are asking our men and women over- the “FBLie’s” involvement in the 1993 Trade seas to put their lives on the line for America and for freedom, yet we are not willing to stand strong and pro- Center bombing. THEY SET IT UP! Illuminati tect their voting rights,” Allard said. “I am very disap- pointed.” historian Jordan Maxwell, publisher Clayton The General Accounting Office, a watchdog arm of Congress, estimated that more than 8 percent of mili- Douglas of The Free American, Gunderson tary absentee ballots were disqualified nationally in the and Anthony J. Hilder are calling the attack 2000 election. The disqualification rate for other absen- tee ballots is less than 2 percent. Thus, the military on US an “inside job.” America has been absentee voter is more than four times as likely to have his ballot thrown out. ★ suckered one more time. This video will shake and shock you into a reality check.

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“I have concluded that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.” Charles de Gaulle

on Congress Bureaucrats in the Classroom Congress Votes to Expand Federal Role in Schools

he massive Elementary and Secondary Educa- be punished by withholding their taxpayers’ money. (In tion Act, so eagerly promoted by President Washington, the euphemism is “federal funds.”) Bush, will have federal bureaucrats effectively Under the new law, Washington orders states to: T patrolling class rooms. • Require annual tests in reading and math for every Not one lawmaker in either chamber explained how, child in grades three though eight. Funds will be deliv- under the Constitution’s 10th amendment, Congress ered or withheld according to bureaucratic whims. has a role in state and local school systems. They can’t. • Raise all students’ proficiency in reading and math The House approved the final version Dec. 13, 381- and close gaps between wealthy and poor students and 41, and the Senate followed. Some call it a “Christmas white, black and Hispanic kids. that schools close the gap between white students and gift” to America’s youth. The “gift” of Washington control • Develop periodic “report cards” showing a school’s black and Hispanic children. of state school systems will cost taxpayers $26.5 billion standardized test scores compared with local and state This could be accomplished by “dumbing down” stu- for fiscal year 2002, which began Oct. 1. schools. dents who excel by wasting their time with useless There are subtle “cultural” goals as well as Wash- Happily, there is a good “dictate”—as far as dictates schoolwork, reading and homework or forcing parents to ington control in the measure affecting children from which are forced upon society go—thanks to retiring send their children to schools plagued with violence and kindergarten through high school. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.): all funds would be cut off low morale in order to even the scales. States must follow Washington dictates to be reward- from any school or district that discriminates against Of course, the reverse could happen. A school with an ed with a return of some of their taxpayers’ money. Boy Scouts or similar groups that bar homosexuals. excellent record could be forced to take problem or vio- States that fail to please Washington bureaucrats will The subtle “cultural goal” to watch is the mandate lent children from a neighboring inner city in order to Who Voted to Get Big Brother Back in the Brainwashing Babies Business?

On Thursday, Dec. 13, the House passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Authorization bill, H.R. 1, by a vote of 381 to 41. Shortly after that, the bill was passed in the Senate. The legislation expands the U.S. government’s role in state and local schools by increasing federal funding. Democrats are listed in italics. Republicans are in reg- ular text. Independents are identified.

AYES 381 Bryant Deutsch Greenwood Jones (OH) McCarthy (NY) Pastor Sherman Velazquez Lewis (KY) Burr Diaz-Balart Grucci Kanjorski McCrery Payne Sherwood Visclosky Manzullo Abercrombie Buyer Dicks Gutierrez Kaptur McDermott Pelosi Shimkus Vitter McCollum Ackerman Callahan Dingell Hall (OH) Keller McGovern Peterson (PA) Shows Walden Moran (KS) Aderholt Calvert Doggett Hall (TX) Kelly, Scott McHugh Petri Shuster Walsh Paul Allen Camp Dooley Hansen Kennedy (RI) McInnis Phelps Simmons Wamp Pence Andrews Cannon Doolittle Harman Kildee McIntyre Pickering Simpson Watkins (OK) Armey Cantor Doyle Hart Kilpatrick McKeon Platts Skeen Watson (CA) Peterson (MN) Baca Capito Dreier Hastert Kind (WI) McKinney Pombo Skelton Watt (NC) Pitts Bachus Capps Dunn Hastings (FL) King (NY) McNulty Pomeroy Slaughter Watts (OK) Ramstad Baird Cardin Edwards Hastings (WA) Kingston Meehan Portman Smith (MI) Waxman Rohrabacher Baker Carson (IN) Ehlers Hayes Kirk Meeks (NY) Price (NC) Smith (NJ) Weiner Ryun (KS) Baldacci Carson (OK) Ehrlich Hayworth Kleczka Menendez Pryce (OH) Smith (TX) Weldon (PA) Sabo Baldwin Castle Emerson Herger Knollenberg Mica Putnam Smith (WA) Weller Sanders [I] Ballenger Chabot Engel Hill Kolbe Millender- Quinn Snyder Wexler Schaffer Barcia Chambliss English Hilleary Kucinich McDonald Radanovich Solis Whitfield Sensenbrenner Barr Clay Eshoo Hilliard LaFalce Miller, Dan Rahall Souder Wicker Barrett Clayton Etheridge Hinchey LaHood Miller, Gary Rangel Spratt Wilson Sessions Barton Clement Evans Hinojosa Lampson Miller, George Regula Stark Wolf Shadegg Bass Clyburn Everett Hobson Langevin Miller, Jeff Rehberg Stenholm Woolsey Stearns Becerra Coble Farr Hoeffel Lantos Mink Reyes Strickland Wu Tancredo Bentsen Collins Fattah Holden Largent Mollohan Reynolds Stump Wynn Taylor (NC) Bereuter Combest Ferguson Holt Larsen (WA) Moore Riley Stupak Young (FL) Tiahrt Berkley Condit Fletcher Honda Latham Moran (VA) Rivers Sununu Weldon (FL) Berman Conyers Foley Hooley LaTourette Morella Rodriguez Sweeney NOES 41 Berry Cooksey Forbes Horn Leach Murtha Roemer Tanner NOT VOTING 12 Biggert Costello Ford Houghton Lee Myrick Rogers (KY) Tauscher Akin Bilirakis Cox Fossella Hoyer Levin Nadler Rogers (MI) Tauzin Bartlett Bishop Coyne Frelinghuysen Hulshof Lewis (CA) Napolitano Ross Taylor (MS) Burton Brady (TX) Blagojevich Cramer Frost Hunter Lewis (GA) Neal Rothman Terry Capuano Brown (OH) Blumenauer Crenshaw Gallegly Hyde Linder Nethercutt Roukema Thomas Crane Cubin Blunt Crowley Ganske Inslee Lipinski Ney Roybal-Allard Thompson (CA) Culberson Gonzalez Boehlert Cummings Gekas Isakson LoBiondo Northup Royce Thompson (MS) DeLay Hostettler Boehner Cunningham Gephardt Israel Lofgren Norwood Rush Thornberry Duncan Larson (CT) Bonilla Davis (CA) Gibbons Issa Lowey Nussle Ryan (WI) Thune Filner Luther Bonior Davis (FL) Gillmor Istook Lucas (KY) Oberstar Sanchez Thurman Flake Meek (FL) Bono Davis (IL) Gilman Jackson (IL) Lucas (OK) Obey Sandlin Tiberi Frank Boozman Davis, Jo Ann Goodlatte Jackson-Lee (TX) Lynch Ortiz Sawyer Tierney Gilchrest Olver Borski Davis, Tom Gordon Jefferson Maloney (CT) Osborne Saxton Toomey Goode [I] Ros-Lehtinen Boswell Deal Goss Jenkins Maloney (NY) Ose Schakowsky Towns Gutknecht Waters Boucher DeFazio Graham John Markey Otter Schiff Traficant Hefley Young (AK) Boyd DeGette Granger Johnson (CT) Mascara Owens Schrock Turner Hoekstra Brady (PA) Delahunt Graves Johnson (IL) Matheson Oxley Serrano Udall (CO) Jones (NC) Brown (FL) DeLauro Green (TX) Johnson, E. B. Matsui Pallone Shaw Udall (NM) Kennedy (MN) Brown (SC) DeMint Green (WI) Johnson, Sam McCarthy (MO) Pascrell Shays Upton Kerns December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 9

reduce its outstanding record. How else would schools close the racial “gap”? The history of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides insight. Anthrax Clean Up Still Going on at Senate Office Building In the torrid debate that summer, Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga.) expressed concern that the legislation could lead to the busing of school children to achieve a “racial bal- ance.” The sponsor, Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), who was President Lyndon Johnson’s running mate in that presidential year, said if he thought it would require racial busing he would vote against it himself. Hum- phrey agreed to language asserting that nothing in the legislation should be construed as requiring the busing of children to achieve a racial balance. The rest is history. Federal judges said racial busing was required under the act and millions of children were bused past their neighborhood schools into dangerous inner city schools. Concerns for safety of work- If past is prologue, the requirement that states “close ers at the Hart Senate Office the gap” among wealthy and poor students and white, Building (closed since Oct. black and Hispanic kids, has frightening implications. 17) led authorities to attempt Closing the gap in “wealth” can only be accomplished in two ways: subsidize the poor family’s move into a mid- to disinfect the interior again dle class neighborhoods or require more affluent locali- with chlorine dioxide gas. ties to subsidize inner-city schools. The building remains closed, Closing the academic “gap” between white children however, as mechanical fail- and minorities can also be accomplished in only two ures halted the fumigation. ways: elevate the achievement of minorities or reduce Evidently, nothing works the accomplishment of white kids. properly at the Senate offices. The biggest consideration most young families have in choosing a home is the safety and quality of the local public schools. They pay much more for the home and in local taxes for this crucial benefit. “Three years from now, there will be a lot of pain,” wing populist. The other, Virgil Goode (Va.) identifies Will states be pressured to close the “wealth gap” by warned Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.). himself as strongly conservative and votes with Repub- requiring residents in middle class neighborhoods to Under the legislation, schools that fail to meet licans to organize the House. subsidize, through taxes, inner-city schools? Will the Washington’s definition of progress will receive more DEFENSE BOONDOGGLE academic “gap” be closed by forcing children from mid- money and local officials will receive tutoring by federal While the Defense Department funding bill includes dle class neighborhoods to attend slum schools? bureaucrats. After that, they could face federal penal- a significant victory for gun owners (see story page one) Americans should closely monitor how this federal ties, including the wholesale replacement of their staff it also includes a super boondoggle. power grab plays out in their own states and neighbor- or curriculum. “Even in the middle of a war, a war of monumental hoods. Citizens may be better served if their states tell Those few opposing the legislation are an interesting consequences and with no end in sight, the Appropria- federal bureaucrats to keep the money in Washington mix. Both independents voted against the legislation. tions Committee is still intent on using the Department and their noses out of local school systems. One, Rep. Bernie Sanders (Ver.) is a self-proclaimed left- of Defense as an agency for dispensing corporate wel- fare,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) thundered to his col- leagues. Fr. John O’Connor’s most revealing McCain had discovered a huge hunk of corporate pork larded into the defense appropriations bill signed & powerful presentation of those into law by President Bush. Without a hearing and without a request from the who Jesus called: Pentagon, the Boeing Co. is enriched by $30 billion under the guise of fighting the “war” on terrorism. The Air Force would lease 100 of Boeing’s 767 airlin- ers and return them 10 years later to the manufacturer, The Synagogue with taxpayers paying for conversion to military craft and conversion back to civilian airlines. of “I do not think, in the 22 years I’ve been here, I have Satan ever seen anything equal to this,” Sen. Phil Gramm (R- Tex.), another porkbuster, told syndicated columnist Robert Novak. f you want to know how the international bankers have To avoid debating the issue, the appropriators agreed to a McCain-Gramm amendment giving the president taken over the U.S. government, how they have subju- authority to kill the lease deal. Public outrage could gated whole nations by the control of their money, how bring that result. I Although such aircraft normally last 30 to 40 years, they got the U.S. into two world wars, how they have cor- they must be reconverted and returned to Boeing after rupted the morals of this once God-fearing nation and how 10—with a total taxpayer cost of $30 billion. ★ they are leading us to a One World government through their control of the United Nations, then this video will YOUR INFLUENCE COUNTS give you the answers—and the truth will set you free. You can contact the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or toll free 1-800-648-3516. Call and ask for your lawmaker’s office. (If you don’t know the name of your representative or senators, the This information-packed video is $26.45 postpaid. operator will be able to provide those names for you.) VHS, color, 1 hour and 41 minutes in length. Write your representative in care of the House of Representa- tives, Washington, D.C. 20515. Write both of your senators in care Catholiccounterpoint, P.O. Box 445, Broomall, PA 19008 of the U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510. 1-800-825-2366 http://www.catholiccounterpoint.com If you wish to check on the status of any legislation, you may call (202) 225-1772. 10 AMERICAN FREE PRESS December 31, 2001 One Worlders Promote Televangelists, ‘Last Days,’ Powerful globalist forces are promoting high-powered television evangelists and religious publishers who teach “end times” and “last days” religious dispensational- ism talking of an ultimate “rapture” in order to help lay the groundwork for one world RadioRadio government. That “controversial” proposition was put forth during a lively interview on Nov. 18 FreeFree between Radio Free America host Tom Valentine and his guest, John Anderson, pro- ducer of the thought-provoking new video, The Last Days. AmericaAmerica Anderson contends that true Christian fundamentalism, based on the teachings of the Bible, has absolutely nothing to do with the “end times” and “last days” theory (first to link the land promises to the physical nation enunciated in the late 18th century and popularized in the 19th century by Darby and that is called “Israel.” That is the key political Scofield). Instead, true Christian fundamentalism takes the Bible at its word and point being made by the people who have put for- ward this one-world scam (in the name of accepts that Christ accomplished all that he intended to do while on Earth and that His “Christianity” via the fraud of dispensationalism). kingdom is here and is now. They can’t have their global government if people believe that Christ has come and fulfilled the Old What follows is an edited transcript of the interview. Comments by Valentine are Testament and is there for every single person in boldface. Anderson’s responses are in regular text. and that we should all be out there being better stewards of His planet and His kingdom on Earth A host of television evangelists preach that “we and the gifts he has given us. are living in the last days,” that we are “facing Anyone who has actually bothered to read the Bible, Armageddon” and “the end times are upon us,” realizes that the Bible only speaks of one “last days.” that the modern-day political and geographic There are not multiple last days. There is only one. We state of Israel is “the handiwork of God.” find if we go back to Genesis 49:1, it says: “When Isaac In the Nov. issue of Insight magazine, which is called his 12 sons together” (which made up what was published by Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon known as Biblical Israel in the natural sense), he said, [the owner of The Washington Times], writer Don “Come and let me tell you what shall befall you in the Feder criticizes President George W. Bush for last days.” We find this theme all through the Old pressuring Israel, saying the fate of America and Testament. The last days were simply the last days of “the seed of Abraham” are intertwined, that the the old Jewish Covenant. United States has to treat Israel as the “handi- As the writer of Hebrews 8:13 points out: “That work of God” or else America will go down the which is waxing old and which is ready to banish away.” tubes. This appears time and time again. Hebrews 1:1-2 says When I first became a Christian and began that God, at sundry times and in diverse manners, reading the Bible on my own and not listening to spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, but others’ interpretations, I realized there is no such has “in these last days,” spoken to us by His son, Jesus thing as “Israel.” “Israel” was wiped out in 70 A.D. Christ. These two points were made: the writer of He- and God had a hand in it. Your excellent video- brews said that he (the writer) was living in the last tape, The Last Days, explains precisely that. days and that Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry was in the We are on a campaign to get people back into the last days. We have 1st Peter 4:7 saying “the end of all Bible. We get so much of our theology today from movies things is at hand.” We find James talking to the rich, and television. We have best-selling icons out there, John Anderson’s video, The Last Days, is available at $21.95 from saying, “you have heaped together for yourselves treas- such as The Late Great Planet Earth, by Hal Lindsay, First Amendment Books, 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, ure for the last days,” and the apostle, John, says in 2:18 the number one selling book for a long time. Now Tim Washington, DC 20003 or by calling 1-888-699-NEWS (6397). that “it is the last hour.” LaHaye’s Left Behind series has sold over 40 million So we have a choice. If we say that we believe the copies, and is a feature-length film. We are getting our sell? The escapist mentality, obviously. Bible, that is holy and inspired in both the Greek and in Biblical information from these types of people. As a If you want to bring about a one-world government the new language, then we can either believe them or result, we are getting a fictional account which they are and you have this huge Christian force out there, you not. As Jesus said to his apostles, He would lead them portraying as being Biblical. must get them to believe that prophecy has not been ful- into all truth. Luke 21, beginning with verse 8, quotes Today you have more evangelical “end time” filled yet and that a one-world government by the Anti- Jesus as saying: “Many will come in my name saying ‘I Christians in office than any other obvious “religion” in Christ must come before Jesus Christ will return and am Christ,’ and that the end has drawn near. Believe the world. So when people talk about God saying, “I will destroy all of this. All of the land promises to Israel were them not.” He then lists about a dozen things that they bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse conditional—and fulfilled. would see and know and be qualified to say when the Israel,” this rings down the corridors of Congress. Scofield’s Reference Bible was first published end had drawn near. That meant that anyone before Political decisions are being made based on this faulty by the Oxford Press controlled by the Rothschild interpretation of the Bible that only came into popular family of Britain who have been major forces pro- teaching in the mid-1800s. moting a New World Order. We Want You . . . The bottom line fundamental Biblical truth—con- A book, The Amazing Scofield, written by Joseph To Tune in to Radio Free America! trary to the so-called “fundamentalism” taught by the Canfield deals with Scofield. I am going to produce a Radio Free America is carried live over the Genesis Com- modern-day false prophets who teach that we are in the video on Mr. Scofield and give the history of this “dis- munications Network every Sunday night from 9 till 11 eastern “end times”—is that Christ did everything he said he pensationalism” and how it first came into popular time (6 to 8 on West Coast). Internet listeners may tune in via was going to do and as he said he was going to do it. teaching. www.gcnlive.com and the shortwave is broadcast over two sin- Anything other than that is absolute heresy. Canfield shows that Scofield, and, earlier, his mentor, gle sideband frequencies by WWFV in Copper Hill, Georgia. The John Darby of the so-called Plymouth Brethren, brought two frequencies are: 5.085 and 6.890 MHz. The satellite carrier is So how could Cyrus Ingerson Scofield come Galaxy 9, Channel 2, Audio 7.3. The program is also available to along in the 19th century and footnote the Bible this in. Morgan Edwards taught this philosophy here in all Cleveland, Ohio area listeners over WERE AM 1300. The pop- and claim the Bible says what it doesn’t say? the United States in 1799, the first documentation of ular Cleveland AM station picks the show up from the Genesis Let’s look at human nature. People say, “Why polish such a message being given here. Where did they get Communications Network and broadcasts it live. You are encour- the brass on a sinking ship? We’re going to be raptured their information from? A Jesuit priest. If we are going aged to contact your local AM station and request they also pick up the program. anyway.” What’s easier to sell: responsibility and doing to have a one-world government, Christians are going to The toll free call-in number to participate on RFA is now what Jesus Christ commanded you to do to make a dif- have to believe that prophecy has not been fulfilled. So 1-800-259-9231. Shortwave listeners may contact Dave Franz at ference, or to sit back and say, “Hey, we’re in the last dispensationalism was brought forth into the Dallas WWFV (formerly WGTG) over the phone to be guided on how to days and getting ready to be raptured. Why worry about Theological Seminary and the rest is history. best tune in the single sideband. His number is 706-492-5944. what’s happening in our world today?” Which is easier to Yet, modern-day “end times” teachers attempt December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 11 ’ Rapture to Lay Foundation for Global Government

SUN MYUNG MOON JERRY FALWELL TIM LAHAYE PAT ROBERTSON BILLY GRAHAM FRANKLIN GRAHAM Television evangelists, many of them unwittingly, are parroting “last days” and “end times” propaganda for internationalist forces that are secretly working for world government.

them was a false prophet, saying that the end had the 5,000 who came to Him and they tried to make is that Revelation was “at hand.” drawn near, or anyone after them saying that the end Christ king, He slipped away to the hills, saying, “My I knew a television minister driven off the air had drawn near. Those to whom Christ spoke were the kingdom is not of this world. The kingdom of Heaven because he challenged the teachings of “the last only ones empowered by Christ, God Almighty and the comes without observation. The kingdom of Heaven is days.” You cannot be a bigtime television evangel- Holy Spirit to say when the last days actually were. within.” ist unless you go along with these “late great plan- The Old Testament was there to establish the So the kingdom he brought and offered them is the et earth” teachings. This evangelist told me that New Testament. After I read the Old Testament, I one that they rejected because the physical, literal king- Revelation was written prior to 70 A.D. as a warn- read the New Testament several times, because I dom that they wanted, Christ never intended to estab- ing to the Christians of the day about the tribula- realized that the Old Testament had been fulfilled. lish. Today many people want a physical, literal Jesus tions to come. Your video explains this very well. “Fulfilled” means that it was over with: every- and a physical literal temple and a physical literal king- When we look at the book of Revelations, we have to thing that God had promised Israel was given to dom that they can point to and say: “There they are.” take God’s time statements literally. He says at 1:3 that them. It was a conditional promise and they didn’t Yet, today, we have the most magnificent king- “the time of Revelation is at hand.” At 22:10 He says keep all of it and they ended up paying a stiff dom that anyone who is a Christian and knows it that “the time is at hand.” Both the internal evidence of price. That was the horrid destruction of in his heart can see. The kingdom is there for the book itself, and the external evidence, confirms that. Jerusalem in the three and a half years leading up those who have Christ in their heart. He is on the The destruction of Jerusalem and the treat- to 70 A.D. throne and is there for every individual in the ment of the early Christians by Roman emperor When that temple was destroyed by Titus, the world who chooses to reach to Him. No king, no Nero are things that were such momentous events Roman, who said himself that God had a hand in power on Earth, can take that away. It is already that if anyone who had written the book of its destruction it tore that whole structure of the established. Yet, some people don’t think that is Revelation and not mentioned it, it would make original covenant people to oblivion. Even the enough. no sense at all. The case is closed. Jewish leaders were killing their own people, First Samuel, Chapter 8, points out that when they Revelation 17:10 refers to the seven kings and says according to Jewish historian Josephus. Your came to Samuel and asked for a king, he told them that that five have fallen; one is, and one is yet to come. If you videotape makes this clearer than anything I’ve they didn’t need one. Samuel took it to God and God count from Julius Caesar forward and count forward, ever seen. said, “Samuel, they have not rejected you but they have you get to Nero, so you have number six, who was the There was no more. There was no more Zion. rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” Today one who “is” (at the time) and the one yet to come was There was no more Israel. There was no more people are doing the same thing. Vespacious. For that final 42 months, February of 67 Judaism. Christ was now on the throne. Christi- People want to believe this 18th century theory A.D. until September of 70 A.D., that was the tribulation anity was the thing. The old order was gone. Yet that God is going to come down from Heaven and spoken of in the book of Revelation. today, we have the Zionists trying to rebuild the pave the streets of the literal city of Jerusalem That is all described in Revelation and in temple in Israel and a whole bunch of people call- with gold and that He will rule there for 1,000 Matthew 24. First John says that the Anti-Christ ing themselves “Christians” who say that the years. Yet, none of this is going to happen, accord- was present when First John was written. Nero rebuilding of this temple has to take place for ing to Scripture. was clearly “anti-Christ.” The Jewish elements God’s plan to work out. That is correct. One of the problems is that the dis- that were also “anti-Christ” in their harsh opposi- My simple mind says: “Hey, wait a minute. pensationalists totally ignore the time statements that tion to the teaching that God’s kingdom was Christ doesn’t have to do anything. He has already are made in the Bible. New Christians always want to already established on earth. Jesus talked about done it. What’s with you guys? This is a bunch of study Revelations, but many of them do not study it the kingdom of God, not about the physical land hokum.” I felt very alone when I came to this real- carefully to find out what it really says. When you look of Israel. The reality is the kingdom of God, which ization and stopped talking to people about it at Revelation 1:3 it says that “the time is at hand,” and was not of this Earth. The new kingdom of God, because many Christians were outraged that I you go all the way to the end, Revelation 22:10, where the new Jerusalem, was a new system that re- had concluded this. Jesus says don’t seal up the prophecy of this book, for placed the old system which vanished in 70 A.D. However, I met the late Grace Halsell and oth- the prophecy “is at hand.” Those are “bookends,” so to If the Christian world woke up to this truth, you ers who understand the truth out there. It speak, on the entire Revelation, which means that would see the shock waves go around the world. dawned on me that this “Christian Ecumenism” everything had to transpire within the “at hand” sce- Many good people may ask, “Well, if this is true, which is teaching the various Christian churches nario. “At hand” simply means it is about to happen. why haven’t we heard about it?” that we are living in “the end times” is a scam—a Paul said: “The time of my departure is at hand.” I tell them: “I will answer that question if you answer deliberate scam to worm the Pharisee plan for a Jesus said, “the time of the passover is at hand.” When this question: why did it take 1500 years for a man like world government into the minds of Christians we allow the Bible to interpret itself, we have to take a Martin Luther to come forward saying, ‘the just shall who will be dominated by these Pharisees. look at the time statement. People constantly use live by faith’ which is what Paul taught in the first cen- We are committing what I call “the Jewish error” all Second Peter to say that the day of the Lord is a thou- tury?” ★ over again. When Christ came, the Jews were looking sand years and a thousand years is equal to one day and for the Messiah to be the one who would break the that God’s time is different from our time. John Anderson’s web site is at: lighthouseproduction- Roman yoke off them and that he would set up a physi- Well, God is outside of time and not a part of time, yet sllc.com or he can be reached at 1-866-669-9600 or by cal, literal kingdom on this Earth. That was not His when He communicates to His creation, He does it in a e-mail at [email protected]. He also broadcasts a weekly intention, contrary to what some of the modern day manner that they can understand and that’s vitally program that precedes Radio Free America on the “prophets” would say. important. When we look at the phrase “at hand,” the Genesis Radio Network. When He attempted to try to explain it while feeding consequence of that statement, we have to understand, 12 AMERICAN FREE PRESS December 31, 2001 CIA, FBI Knew Since 1995 About Possible Hijack Scheme With a massive amount of information about planned terrorist attacks in hand, how could the government be caught by surprise on Sept. 11?

EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS By Christopher Bollyn and religious paraphernalia meant to disguise the ass- Rescue workers bring injured passengers from a Phil- he CIA and FBI have known—since 1995— assins. ippine jetliner that made an emergency landing at Na- about a terrorist plan to use civilian aircraft to The three terrorists who had occupied the apart- ha airport on the Japanese island of Okinawa after a attack the World Trade Center and U.S. gov- ment, Ramsi Ahmed Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad and bomb explosion during the flight killed one person T ernment installations. The plans to hijack a Wali Khan Amin Shah, were allegedly affiliated with and injured 10. Ramsi Yousef allegedly bragged of his large number of American commercial passenger planes international terrorist networks. All three had attended participation to the FBI during his extradition in 1995. simultaneously and explode them in mid-flight or crash pilot training schools in the Philippines. them into predetermined targets such as the World The Kuwaiti terrorists, Yousef and Murad, had devel- Trade Center have been well known by western intelli- oped undetectable liquid nitroglycerine bombs that America Losing gence agencies since 1995, according to a report in Die could be hidden in contact lens bottles, and plotted to Welt, a Hamburg, Germany, newspaper on Dec. 7. kill the pope and President Bill Clinton, according to The terrorist scenario that unfolded on Sept. 11 was The Guardian. Hearts & Minds neither new nor unexpected—and the American intelli- Investigators say the Bojinka bombs are among the gence agencies, both the CIA and the FBI, have known most sophisticated they have seen. Yousef and Murad of the plan to execute such an act for more than six planned to use liquid nitroglycerin, which is virtually of Islamic World, years, Die Welt said. undetectable by airport security screening. The airline terror plan, code named “Project Bojin- Although Yousef and Shah managed to escape after ka,” was first discovered in January 1995 during a police the fire, Murad was arrested when he returned to the Says Top Brit search of a Manila apartment in which a suspicious fire apartment to retrieve his laptop computer. (Continued from Page 1) had occurred just days before Pope John Paul II was to Federal investigative sources have confirmed that which had been the experience of the United States in travel nearby during his visit to the Philippines. Murad detailed an entire plot to dive bomb aircraft into Colombia, Boyce said, where military operations A Philippines police investigation revealed that a the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency against the guerrilla movement, FARC, had forced it three-man terrorist cell had occupied the apartment in (CIA) in Langley, Va. The plot was contained on the lap- into Mexico and Guatemala. the center of Manila and made preparations to assassi- top computer he had tried to recover. Boyce also warned of “excessive optimism” about suc- nate the pope. On Murad’s computer the police discovered “Project cesses against the Taliban because the war was not con- The contents of the apartment included bombs made Bojinka,” a plan to terrorize the United States by sabo- ventional and could not be measured in territory won. of liquid chemicals along with the garb of priests, Bibles, taging 11 westbound civilian aircraft simultaneously Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network remained “a with bombs, exploding them in mid-air as they ap- fielded, resourced, dedicated and essentially autono- proached the West Coast. mous terrorist force, quite capable of atrocity on a com- Who Is Orchestrating Furthermore, “Project Bojinka” included plans to hi- parable scale” to the Sept. 11 attacks, Boyce said. jack and crash several commercial airplanes into civil- Boyce criticized the massive U.S. bombing cam- Repeated Efforts to ian and government buildings simultaneously, precisely paigns saying that lack of constraint and proportionali- as it occurred on Sept. 11. ty could simply “radicalize” opinion in the Islamic world Confiscate Weapons? Yousef independently boasted of the plot to U.S. in favor of al Qaeda. Terrorism could only be defeated by Secret Service agent Brian Parr and FBI agent Charles winning “hearts and minds,” Boyce said. (Continued from Page 1) Stern on an extradition flight from Pakistan to the You cannot win the “war” by bombing and military allowed this action to be carried out by the owner, a United States in February 1995. The agents later testi- action could have precisely the opposite effect to the one third party or by the Department of Defense . fied to that fact in court. intended, he warned. The DOD could determine if the “demilitarized” Philippine investigators say the plan targeted not “Washington is making it quite plain that after firearm should be returned to its owner after the only the CIA but other U.S. government buildings in bombing Afghanistan and toppling the Taliban, it wants process or if its return was cost prohibitive. If this was Washington, including the Pentagon. to get out of the country as soon as Mullah Omar and the case, the DOD could keep the firearm and simply The Philippine police said that the World Trade bin Laden are captured, or presumed dead, leaving oth- reimburse the owner only for the fair market scrap Center and Sears Tower were specific targets in the ers to clean up the mess,” wrote Richard Norton-Taylor value of the gun. plan. of The Guardian. The provision would have included any firearm ever Shortly before the fire in Manila, at the end of 1994, Politicians and the media should take a longer-term owned by the government, even Civil War muskets and Yousef conducted a Bojinka test run. Yousef boarded view of events on the ground where the situation could trap-door Springfield rifles of the Indian Wars and Philippine Airlines Flight 434 bound for Tokyo from often be tenuous, he said. Spanish-American War. Manila. He carried the volatile liquid onto the airliner in The international community must attack the caus- Virtually hundreds of thousands of rifles and hand- a plastic contact-lens solution bottle. es, not the symptoms of terrorism, Boyce said. The guns that are now valuable war relics could have been Once airborne, Yousef went to the rest room to pre- enemy is not just Osama bin Laden. This was not a destroyed if Stump, who chairs the House Armed pare the bomb. Using a Casio watch as a timer and bat- “high-tech 21st century posse in the new Wild West,” he Services Committee, had not removed the provision. teries from children’s toys, he assembled the bomb, said. “Now, we’ve got to find out where within the Defense which he placed under a passenger seat. Boyce, however, did not mention the presence of Department this scheme came from, for the second year Yousef left the plane during a stop in the Philippine American bases in Saudi Arabia, or America’s failure to in a row, and see to it that he or she is dismissed or city of Cebu. The bomb exploded soon after the airliner apply pressure on Israel to recognize a Palestinian transferred to ‘Lower Slobovia,’” said long-time pro- left Cebu. One person was killed and several were state—“absolutely central issues raised only in private Second Amendment advocate Neal Knox, who fought to injured, though the pilot was able to make an emer- by senior officials” in both the British military and polit- get the section killed. ★ gency landing. ★ ical establishments, wrote Norton-Taylor. ★ December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 13 Old News Is Good News! Here’s Your Chance to Get Every Issue You’ve Missed of American Free Press or Order Multiple Copies for Distribution.

Issue 1: Inaugural Collectors’ Edition — information on Israelis held by the U.S. in Issue 14: Free Speech Bombed — Al Jazeera Heroes Vindicated! Finally the mainstream connection with the attacks. television, the only television news outlet giv- media has confirmed and reported what the ing airtime to the Taliban, was bombed by U.S. Issue 7: War on Terror Profitable — The oil staff of AFP has long told you: Israel vicious- planes to silence it. What was so dangerous riches of the Caspian region bordering ly attacked an American intelligence vessel in about the truth? Also, Congress has the Afghanistan are the real reason many pluto- 1967 killing dozens of U.S. servicemen and power to clip the tentacles of the World Trade crats are pushing for all-out war against the wounding over 150. Why was the mainstream Organization. Muslim world. Also includes an exposé on the so silent for so long? You know the answer. crimes, bribery and other wrongdoings of the Issue 15: Congress Moves to Save American Lots more stories in our first issue. 36-page Immigration and Naturalization Service. Family Farms. — It’s about time. U.S. family edition. farms are failing because of the plutocrats’ Issue 8: Bush and bin Laden — Would it sur- Issue 2: Blame it on NAFTA — We all know free trade policies. Find out how and why and prise you to find out that President G.W. Bush NAFTA is a travesty. But did you know NAFTA what can be done. Also, the Constitution has has extensive business ties to the bin Laden allows dangerous and unregulated Mexican taken a big hit from the “crackdown on ter- family? It shouldn’t. Also, Iraqi civilians still trucks on U.S. highways? Includes an exposé ror.” Will it affect your family? dying by the drove. Why is the U.S. still starv- on a China shipping company being used to ing them? Issue 16: Rights Stolen— Attorney General run illegal weapons into the United States. John Ashcroft’s rights grab and how it will Issue 9: Still Alive? — The case against the Issue 3: Who Wants a Race War? — Is the affect you. Also, an Israeli company mysteri- hijackers who crashed U.S. planes into the Anti-Defamation League inviting violent Neo- ously pulled out of its lengthy lease at the Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Nazis to free speech rallies to cause trou- World Trade Center just before the tragedy Pennsylvania countryside aren’t so cut-and ble—quelling a forum for the discussion on Thomas Jefferson, knowing full well the there. More evidence that Israel knew? dried. Several are alive and well in other our diminishing First Amendment rights? importance of a free press, would have countries. How has the FBI messed this up so Issue 17: CIA LInked to 1986 Bombing— Includes a simple plan to save Social Security. been a subscriber to American Free Press. badly? Also, what exactly does Osama bin Berlin TV has tied the Mossad and the CIA to Issue 4: Pay Tribute or Get Out! — Israel Laden want for the Muslim world? have some of them been set up by U.S. intelli- the infamous “disco bombing” that led to has recently told Christian charities in the gence? Is there any hard evidence against Ronald Reagan’s attack on Libya. How much Issue 10: Some Got Rich Off Tragedy — A Holy Land that they owe back taxes—lots of Osama bin Laden? Also, Colin Powell’s rift terror has the Mossad committed and blamed select few seem to have profited greatly from them. It’s all part of Israel’s attempt to stop with the warhawks in Bush’s cabinet. on others? Also, John Ashcroft wants domes- the terror attacks on America. Did they have non-Jews from preaching their religious mes- tic spying resumed after Congress banned it foreknowledge? How did they know. How did Issue 12: War Is Sell — Same old names and sage. Includes the plot behind the “alien years ago. Will Christian patriots be target- they profit in the billions of dollars? Also, an faces are poised to turn America’s darkest amnesty” movement. ed? exposé on the $10 BILLION America gives moment into profits for themselves. This Issue 5: America Mourns — The truth about Israel every year while our own cities and includes the Bush family. Also, free energy: Issue 18: Israel Knew!— Now FOX TV con- the terrorist tragedy that struck America public schools remain in ruin. Also, a FREE fact or fancy? firms what AFP has been telling America Sept. 11. Lots more in our fifth issue includ- copy of Whole Body Health, AFP’s bimonthly since the tragic event: Israeli intelligence ing George Washington’s warnings about for- alternative health supplement—12 extra Issue 13: Americans Kept in Dark — knew and did nothing to help America. Also, eign intervention. pages. Surprise: the government-controlled news the extent of Israeli spying operations in the media are keeping disturbing facts about the United States is staggering. Plus, evidence Issue 6: Did Israelis Have Foreknowledge? Issue 11: Evidence Planted? — There are war in Afghanistan secret for their masters. that the “anthrax terrorist” is an American — Lots of evidence indicates Israel knew in still many holes in the government’s case What? Who? How? Also, Congress wants to scientist. They just can’t admit it in public. advance about the terror attacks of Sept. 11 against the Arab hijackers who attacked the play hardball with terrorist money networks, And, a Jewish terrorist’s arrest for attempted and said nothing. What’s the truth? Includes Pentagon and the World Trade Center. But but not if they’re big U.S. banks. murder.

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State Suicide Sanctioned JDL Has History to Save Israel from Extinction of Violent Terror If anyone doubts the concept of right- The arrest of two JDL members in wing Israeli “suicide bombers” orches- a plot to blow up mosques and a con- trating the events of Sept. 11, consider the gressman’s office was not the first— fact of Israel’s own contingency plan for and certainly not the last—violent act national suicide. of terrorism perpetrated by the group.

EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS By American Free Press Staff By Michael Collins Piper he arrests of Irv Rubin and his sidekick, Earl hen the late Winston Churchill said that Krugel, have centered attention on the terror- two ancient peoples—the Greeks and the T ist organization, the Jewish Defense League Jews—suffered from a very strong impulse (JDL), rated second only in America to the Puerto W of self-destruction, he was not too far off Rican group, the FALN. the mark. On the night of July 4, 1984, the office of the Insti- Most Americans have no idea that the possibility of a tute for Historical Review, then in Torrance, Calif., full-fledged nuclear “suicide bombing” by the state of was firebombed, with the loss of its entire inventory Israel itself is a cornerstone of Israel’s national security of saleable books, videotapes, computers and busi- policy. ness records. This policy is better known by what Pulitzer Prize- winning author Seymour Hersh referred to, in the book Seymour Hersh, above, is one of many Zionist advo- by the same name, as “the Samson Option.” cates of what is known as “the Sampson Option”—a As Hersh has documented in his book—and which demented willingness to use atomic weapons Israeli historian Avner Cohen has reported in further against “enemies,” even if it means the destruction and even more in-depth detail in his own book, Israel of Israel itself. and the Bomb—Israel’s entire national defense policy (from its inception) was framed around the development policy of expansionism with the final aim of consolidat- of a nuclear bomb. As Hersh makes clear, the Israelis ing “Eretz Israel”—an imperial state in complete control are essentially willing, if necessary, to “blow up the of practically the entire Middle East. world”—including themselves—if they have to do so in In addition, Shahak’s volume—based almost entirely order to defeat the Arabs. on public pronouncements in the Hebrew language The “Samson Option” for Israel is based on the story press in Israel—says that what the Israeli government of Samson in the Bible who, after being captured by the tells its own people about its policies is entirely incon- Philistines, brought down Dagon’s Temple in Gaza and sistent with Israel’s insistence to the world that Israel killed himself along with his enemies. “wants peace.” This , Hersh says, is what Israeli nuclear planners Israel, Shahak contends, is essentially a militarist Irv Rubin, mouth open, showed up to cause trou- considers “the Samson Option.” As Hersh put it: “For and an undemocratic state as, shown by the second- ble at a meeting of black activists in California. Israel’s nuclear advocates, the Samson Option became class status accorded its Arab inhabitants and those another way of saying ‘Never again.’” Christian and Muslim Palestinians in occupied territo- On the morning after the arson, Rubin clambered In his book Open Secrets, a study of Israel’s strategic ries. atop a pile of waterlogged books and gleefully chor- foreign policy, the late Israeli writer Israel Shahak says The nation’s foundation rests upon its military and tled victory. The police, fire department and FBI did that, contrary to the general perception, Israel does not defense policies, which, as Shahak makes clear, ulti- nothing, although the devastation was the greatest seek peace. It is a myth, he says, that there is any real mately stem from the fanatic religious tendencies that act of terrorism that year. difference between the supposedly “conflicting” policies dictate the thinking of its military and intelligence lead- However, the IHR was started again and grew to being pursued by the “opposing” Likud and Labor blocs ers who are the prime movers behind the engine of state. such importance that on Oct. 1, 1993, it was taken whose rivalries have been played out on the global stage Israel is capable of forging temporary (and often co- over by agents, crooked lawyers and incompetents and overflowed into the American political process, pit- vert) and contradictory alliances and strategic arrange- planted inside the group who immediately began ting American Likud supporters such as Sen. Jesse ments even with Arab states—even to the point of deal- driving the IHR down. Helms (R-N.C.) against Labor backers such as Bill ing with the hated Saddam Hussein—when it is in Is- Today, it is just a faint shadow of its former dy- Clinton. rael’s immediate interest. But—as Shahak demonstrates namic self and ready to close its door, this time per- Shahak says the Israeli lobby in the United States— chillingly—Israel will say and do anything to pursue its manently. ★ with all its factions—is ultimately propping up Israel’s goal of winning total domination at all costs. ★

Are Arab Terrorists the Worst Threat to America? What About the Jewish Defense League? Contacting With the tacit blessing of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish De- fense League (JDL) has committed arson, murder and mayhem on hundreds of in- nocent American civilians. Founded by violent extremist Meir Kahane, the JDL has American Free Press worked with virtual impunity since its inception—leaving death and destruction in its wake. Find out why Muslim countries insist America crack down on violent terror in its own back yard and why the recent arrest of JDL chief Irv Rubin came as no sur- prise to readers of American Free Press. Order your copy of The Zionist Terror For all circulation and subscription inquiries Network: Background and Operations of the Jewish Defense League from First please call: 202-544-5977. Also use this Amendment Books, 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. 8.5” x number for our editorial and executive office. 11” format, 15 pages, saddle-stitched. One or two copies are $4 each; three or more For orders only please call 1-888-699-NEWS. are $2.50 each. Prices include postage and handling. You may send payment to the To contact our editors via email send to: above address using the handy coupon on page 16 of this issue or call our ordering [email protected] line toll free at 1-888-699-NEWS and charge your order to Visa or MasterCard. December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 15

From First Amendment Books MacArthur and Defeat in the Philippines by Richard Connaughton—The author brings us a fresh new look at one of America’s most forceful and controversial military leaders focusing on his abandonment of the Philippines. Devoid of the politically correct gloss found on most other biographies of MacArthur. Hardcover, 300+ pages, $40.

Secrecy or Freedom? by Alan B. Jones—“Twelve books in one” summarize the murky world of secret societies and their impact on our world today focusing on subversive elements and their war against the U.S. middle class. Soft- cover, 373 pages, $18.

Final Report on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building—Charles Key and the Oklahoma City Investigating Committee have finally published their final report on the OKC bombing and it was well worth the wait. Blowing apart the government cover-up, you’ll find eyewitness reports suppressed by the feds plus lots of previ- ously censored classified documents and evidence pointing to a greater conspiracy. The final word on the OKC bomb- ing will shake anyone who believes the government line on Resisting Culture Clash: It’s Only Human the tragedy. Quality softcover, over-sized, 555 pages, $40.

Human nature is such that even The but most scholars are much less struck by the progress Money Creators, by Gertrude M. Coogan—The facts and New York Times felt forced to report that than by how modest the numbers remain,” the Times principles presented in this book prove that usurpation by complained. an international group of the sovereign power to originate people prefer to associate with people of “A large fraction of black segregation is explained by money has enabled it to operate a de facto government, the same cultural and ethnic heritage. black poverty, since you can’t move out until you’ve now using its illicit economic power to destroy constitu- moved up,” the Times said. “For impoverished blacks tional rights guaranteed every citizen. Softcover, 344 pages, (and for many Puerto Ricans) isolation has become self- EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS first published 30 years ago, indexed, $18.95. perpetuating.” By James P. Tucker Jr. But the Times contradicts itself again, stunned to dis- Figuring Out the Fed, by Margaret Thoren—In only 53 cover that black segregation is by choice, even as it is pages, the facts about the Fed as taken from official publi- oth in sorrow and in anger, The New York Times with whites, Asians, Hispanics and other groups. cations. One of the most concise and damning books reported Dec. 9 on what it viewed as shocking It quotes George Galster, a professor of urban affairs about the Fed in print. Softcover, 53 pages, $7.95. but what others consider obvious: Most Ameri- at Wayne State University in Detroit: cans prefer to associate with people of their “Despite conventional wisdom, the upper-income The Federal Reserve Hoax, by Wickliffe B. Vennard Sr.— B A standard work on the Fed, originally published in 1963, own racial, cultural and ethnic background. group of black Americans by many indexes is as segre- “Assimilation isn’t working the way it used to,” the gated from white Americans as lower-income blacks explains just how the Fed was created and how it has per- Times groaned after reviewing census 2000 data. It con- are.” petrated at least 100 acts of treason against the United tinued: Scholars “disagree on whether middle class black States and her people. Includes a foreword by Lt. Gen. “Though blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other non- segregation should be understood essentially as a mat- Pedro A. del Valle and a chapter by populist Congressman white groups now constitute 31 percent of the popula- ter of choice—a conscious repudiation of the integration Louis McFadden. Also explains how bankers have become tion, up from 24 percent in 1990, the new housing data ethic,” the Times said. an invisible world government. Softcover, 364 pages, demonstrated a startling degree of isolation. The Times neglected to point out that many blacks, indexed, $18.95. “Hispanics and Asians are living in more heavily whose families moved to cities in the northern United The Truth in Money Book, by Theodore R. Thoren—Now Hispanic and Asian neighborhoods than they were 10 States several decades ago, are now returning to live in in its fourth printing, this innovative book gives you the years ago, while whites and blacks are only slightly black communities in the South. According to 2000 answers our country needs to solve our debt crisis and more exposed to one another than they were in 1990.” Census figures, the majority of counties in the country lower high taxes without cutting vital federal projects. “It is not assimilation that has failed; it is integra- that are majority black are in the South. Includes straightforward, easy-to-understand information on tion—the word we use specifically for the incorporation What this points to, say population experts, is that the Federal Reserve scam, federal debt and the budget, the of African-Americans into the mainstream,” the Times Americans of all races are most comfortable when they people’s need for money, six rules of monetary law in a moaned. live among and associate with people of their own cul- free society, inflation explained and much more. Charts “Blacks’ residential exposure to whites, like inter- ture and coercion in the form of government-sponsored and graphs. Softcover, 261 pages, $16.95. marriage rates, has increased every decade since 1970, initiatives has done little to change that. ★ How to Retire Happy—This book is not just for those over 50 years of age. Let award-winning retirement columnist Improve Your Health and Save Money With and financial expert Stan Hinden show you the way. This book answers all these questions and more: Are you ready to retire? Can you afford to retire? When should you apply True Health Newsletter for Social Security? What about your company savings OR THREE DECADES Tom Valentine has been battling for the health of Americans, plan? IRAs? Health insurance? Prescription drugs? How sorting through the claims and counterclaims to bring you the whole truth should you arrange your estate to save taxes and avoid pro- bate? Much more. Softcover, 224 pages, $17. F about our health. For just $36 you can join Tom’s Carotec Health Club and get a year’s subscription to the True Health newsletter, one of the most informative HOW TO ORDER ANY OF THESE GREAT BOOKS: health newsletters available today. Order these books from First Amendment Books (FAB), But that’s not all. As a member of the Carotec Health Club, you also get the very 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. best natural dietary supplements at special low prices. Join today and give yourself the Shipping and handling included in price. D.C. residents best chance at good health for the future. To join, call add 5.75% sales tax. Send check or money order or call 1-800-522-4279 and charge your membership or send a check or money order to 1-888-699-NEWS and charge to Visa or MasterCard. Carotec, Inc., PO Box 9919, Naples, Florida 34101. A FREE catalog will be sent by request. 1-888-699-NEWS (6397) 16 AMERICAN FREE PRESS December 31, 2001 Free Trade Executing U.S. Steel Industry Steelworkers are pressing Congress The steelworkers were staying in a shantytown they had set up on the campus of the National Labor College to save their jobs—now. outside Washington. The steelworkers said they are confident that their By Jack Ross lobbying efforts were not in vain. They were pleased with the turnout at their numerous rallies throughout TV Steel filed for bankruptcy early this year, downtown Washington. sparking massive layoffs. The company had Upon arriving in Washington, Leo Gerard, president been pushing for a $200 million loan guarantee of the USWA, met with President Bush and said that his Lfrom the government while the steelworkers words were encouraging and he hoped to see them fol- fought with them to save their jobs. lowed by action. During the depression “Cox’s army” converged on A court decision is approaching on whether efforts Washington asking to save America’s farms. In an effort can continue to save LTV. Industry analysts predict that to recreate that, 300 to 500 steelworkers from across the the court will rule in favor of LTV, but this is only a frac- country have been lobbying and holding rallies through- tion of the larger issue. out Washington for the last two weeks asking to save It’s not that steelworkers want handouts in the form American steel. of subsidies, note some economists. Free trade is The steel industry, already facing hard times, is a destroying American manufacturing and tax-payer vital part of America’s industrial infrastructure. funded subsidies are the price Americans must pay to American steel is facing a crisis that could undermine maintain internationalist policies of free trade. increase the price of imports, preventing multinational its existence. But thanks to the lobbying efforts of hun- As reported in the Dec. 24 issue of AFP, tariffs placed companies from dumping products in the United States, dreds of steelworkers, a House bill now pending would on imports by the federal government would provide a and also provide a great source of government revenue, authorize the loan guarantee to LTV has 98 sponsors. much better platform to even the playing field. Tariffs taking the burden off hardworking Americans. ★

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CITY, STATE, ZIP ______1-888-699-NEWS AFP18 December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 17 Wholesale Vaccinations Potentially Dangerous Mass vaccination programs aren’t the vaccine will likely go to troops and others at risk for anthrax exposure, including law enforcement and postal answer to epidemics—no matter what workers. caused them. Protesters say BioPort and the Pentagon are ignoring signs of illness in some of the 500,000 troops who have By William Carmichael been vaccinated. But Dr. Tom Waytes, Bioport’s medical director, said 18 studies indicate the vaccine is safe. he government is talking about massive civilian Waytes said an independent panel of civilian physi- vaccinations against anthrax and maybe even cians has reviewed each of the 1,623 reports of adverse smallpox, to guard against bioterrorism. But is reactions to the vaccine. The panel has found no pattern Tthat such a good idea? suggesting the vaccine causes more adverse reactions Even as the only American manufacturer of an than any other vaccine, he said. anthrax vaccine prepares for an inspection to decide He also said hospital records show that troops who whether it can be used, people who have long opposed have been vaccinated are as healthy in the long term as giving the vaccine to U.S. troops are trying to call atten- people who haven’t been vaccinated. tion to what they say are its potential dangers. The Pentagon originally wanted to vaccinate 2.4 mil- In the United States, an estimated 40 demonstrators lion troops with BioPort’s vaccine, but the vaccination protested the military’s anthrax vaccination program program is on hold because BioPort hasn’t been allowed Dec. 16 during rallies at BioPort Corp. and the Michigan to distribute it without FDA approval. state capitol in Lansing. Meanwhile, in Britain, a potential link has been They say the vaccine could be connected to com- found between Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (vCJD), a plaints of chronic fatigue, bone and joint pain, memory deadly brain disorder, and a batch of polio vaccine given loss and other problems, and that the military has not to as many as 80,000 people. A push by the U.S. government for mass vaccinations done enough to investigate the vaccine’s long-term Scientists have established that in 1994 two of citizens remains a contentious issue for those who effects or whether it can be given safely with other vac- teenagers who later developed the fatal brain condition are aware of the many serious health dangers asso- cines. variant vCJD received an oral polio vaccine containing ciated with anthrax and small pox vaccines. “Something is wrong with the vaccine,” said Steve British cattle material from a batch contaminated with Robinson, a Gulf War veteran who now works for the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow” Zealand, the United States or Canada. National Gulf War Resource Center, a veterans group. disease. The possible link was revealed when scientists from “You don’t have to be a scientist to figure it out.” British health advisers on the government’s Spon- the national CJD surveillance unit in Edinburgh exam- He said testimony before Congress has proven there giform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC) ined possible connections between five vCJD victims are many unanswered questions about the vaccine. said that there was no causal link between the victims from the Southampton area. Medical records showed The vaccine hasn’t been distributed since 1998 having the vaccine and contracting the disease and that that two had received oral polio vaccine from the same because BioPort has failed to win approval from the U.S. it could be coincidental. batch in 1994 when they were teenagers. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They also told parents that they should not withdraw The origins of mad cow disease and whether it is even In the past, the FDA said BioPort was not ensuring their children from the polio vaccination program. The related to vCJD remains a mystery to scientists. See that its labs were sterile and properly ventilated. If the UK Department of Health made it clear that bovine AFP’s page one story in this issue’s Whole Body Health FDA approves distribution, the government has said the material in vaccines today comes from Australia, New for more on this. ★ Safety of U.S. Blood Supply Still Concerns Experts One of America’s most revered sa- • Failures to properly defer certain donors with sought help from the famous charity, was rejected. syphilis, and failure to properly update and check a While no one knows of infections due to Red Cross cred cows might be a candidate for beef national registry of unsuitable donors; and lapses and “most blood is safe, that’s not good enough,” stew if the government gets its way. • Computer errors that could cause the release of said Dr. Sidney Wolfe of Public Citizen. The Red Cross blood before all safety testing had been finished. seems “incapable of reorganizing themselves, of getting By William Carmichael At the same time, the Red Cross reportedly provoked the kind of leadership necessary to clean up the blood tension with other blood banks by seeking massive blood supply,” he was quoted. he Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has donations following Sept. 11, even after it became clear The FDA charged that “persistent and serious viola- asked a federal judge to put a big red “X” on the supplies were sufficient. It wound up discarding an esti- tions” by the Red Cross continue despite a 1993 federal Red Cross. The health bureaucrats want a fed- mated 6 percent of donated red cells. court order mandating improvements, in what was eral judge to hold the Red Cross in contempt of The FDA action is the latest in a series of recent pub- described as “an unprecedented motion.” T lic problems for the Red Cross. The action was filed Dec. 13 in U.S. District Court in court, charging the charity with “a cavalier disregard” for federal regulations that dates back 16 years. The Red Cross came under sharp criticism and had to Washington. While the FDA says that the nation’s blood supply is backtrack from a plan to divert some of the half-billion The Red Cross, which provides about 45 percent of safe, the agency also says that its most recent inspec- dollars donated to help the terrorist victims to other uses. the nation’s blood supply, said it will fight the health tions of Red Cross facilities have found: No one knows if any victims and/or their families agency. In a statement, the Red Cross said the FDA • Release of blood possibly tainted with cytomega- have received aid directly from the Red Cross. But one wants to take action “beyond the legal authority grant- lovirus, which can blind or damage brains of newborns; man, who became ill working at “ground zero” and ed by Congress.” ★

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American Free Press 2002 Old Glory Calendar is constructed of sturdy, semi-gloss card stock to ensure long life and to vibrantly display the out- standing colors in the calendar. Wire binding makes sure your calendar will last. There’s plenty of room for writing in your own important dates and anniversaries too. Each Old Glory Calendar is just $12—plus great discounts for multiple orders. We’ll even pay for the shipping & handling. Order now and we’ll ship so you can get it before the New Year—via First Class mail. JUNE—Boy Scout holds flag at a Flag Day celebration AUGUST—First U.S. flag flown in battle To order fast, call 1-888-699-NEWS and charge to Visa or MasterCard. If you prefer, you can order your calendar with the coupon on page 16 of this issue. Mail with payment to American Free Press, 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. Indicate the number you want. See the chart to the left for multiple order discounts.

Order NOW using the coupon on page 16 of this issue or call 1-888-699-NEWS and charge to Visa or MasterCard. NOVEMBER—American memorabilia and U.S. flag DECEMBER—U.S. flag and troops at Valley Forge December 31, 2001 AMERICAN FREE PRESS 19 Anti-Communist General a Hero, Says Reader With all due respect to Mark Lane, his these so-called college professors on consti- attempts to bring together an active set of allegations concerning Indonesia in a re- tutional muster. political, economic and religious publica- Letters cent issue of AFP (issue no. 18, page 17) Only natural born and nationalized citi- tions. To the best of our knowledge this is need to be addressed. zens have constitutional rights. People with one of the most complete such collections in To the Editor The “250,000 killed” figure is wildly green cards and visas do not have the same the United States. inflated, it is the work of political propa- rights. And America does not have to afford It has been sustained over the years by ganda. “East Timor” is a former those rights to immigrants and non-citizens individuals and organizations who have Portuguese colony that had been left with- detained in this country. donated one copy of each of their publica- woman with no following, as his vice presi- out a functioning government after their D.J. LYNCH tions. It is important that this project be dential nominee? Surely he had to know he colonial masters ran off. Wildwood, Florida continued if we are to understand fully the was alienating his hardcore support. According to figures in his former gov- intellectual currents of the present day. What became of the $12 million in ernment, Gen. Suharto was attacked for FREEZE JDL ASSETS We wish to receive issues of your new matching funds Buchanan received? All providing “a disproportionate share” of As a result of Irv Rubin’s arrest, I won- publication, American Free Press, as they I saw was an invisible campaign with no Jakarta’s aid budget to the small colony. der if President Bush is going to freeze the are published. By donating items to the evidence of expenditures in any part Further, as a gesture of conciliation, assets of the violent terror group, the Social Documents Collection you help to of the country. Suharto built churches and shrines to Jewish Defense League, as he has frozen perpetuate an important archives, upon American Free Press’s continued support Timor’s Catholic majority. the assets of many other so-called Arab ter- which scholars will rely in studying our of Buchanan and the Reform Party may East Timor is not a nation or a coun- ror organizations? modern American society. Please mail your result in your own credibility being suspect. try, but a minuscule little half of a minus- While he’s at it, he should also investi- publication to the following address . . . In 1968 we in the American Indepen- cule little island. It is completely depend- gate the organizations and individuals, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA LIBRARIES dent Party got 10 million votes for Wallace, ent on Indonesia for its oil and markets. such as the Anti-Defamation League, who Iowa City, Iowa carried five states and came close in many Its independence is only formal. Giving have provided funds to this group so it others and we received no matching funds. “independence” to Timor is about as sane could carry out bombings, assaults and PATRIOTS VS. NATIONALISTS RAYMOND J. ZANTARSKI as giving independence to Fairbury, killings in the United States. Page 1: “Congress can block concessions Dumont, New Jersey Nebraska. Anything else would prove that the to the WTO”; Page 14: “Free Trade sellouts Gen. Suharto single-handedly saved U.S. government is racist and hypocritical can be stopped”; with a Congress that has UN GUN GRABBING the world’s third most populated country in that only Arabs can be considered been betraying its constituents for over a The United Nations has openly called from being overrun my Marxists in 1965, terrorists. 100 years why should we expect a change? for the abolition of the Second Amendment and therefore saved the entire civilization BILL STEINBERG Page 6: “Patriotism & Nationalism are to the Constitution. The late 1990s United of the South Pacific in so doing. Suharto Via email cut from the same cloth.” One can cut many Nations report by a group of governmental is a hero, not a criminal. variations from the same cloth. experts on small arms calls for “the prohibi- VLADIMIR KUCHERA LOCAL LIBRARIES The Bible gives us a better source of tion of . . . private ownership to “control Lincoln, Nebraska I want you and the other great patriots defining patriotism and nationalism than ammunition.” TRUTH HURTS of this populist America first newspaper to the dictionary: “By their works Ye shall The Constitution charges the federal I did not subscribe. Someone must be know that the weekly issues of American know them!” government with providing for national sending this to me. I prefer not to be on Free Press are available to the people at The difference between a patriot and a defense. The Second Amendment says “A your mailing list. four public libraries. nationalist is a patriot stands firmly behind well regulated militia, being necessary to RUNSTON G. MAINO They are located in the cities of his beliefs while many professing national- the security of a free state, the right of the Vista, California Hawthorne, Torrance and Inglewood in ists compromise to the point it is difficult to people to keep and bear arms shall not be California. One of two locations in Torrance determine whether they are nationalists or infringed.” The United Nations opposes (Of course, Maino is the California is at El Camino College. internationalists. both of these positions. judge who sided with the group of con- The staff of the libraries expressed M.G. MILLER The UN cannot allow American citizens spirators and forced the closure of Li- appreciation for the gift subscription and Paris, Missouri to privately own guns and ammunition. berty Lobby and The Spotlight. Appar- were genuinely eager to display the news- That will make us different and superior to ently, he didn’t appreciate being a re- paper with as many as 12 issues on the DROP BUCHANAN other countries. cipient of a six-week special introduc- shelf at the same time. Please do not continue your support of MADGE M. EICHER tory gift subscription to American Free On some visits to the various libraries, and the “Reform Party.” I Warrenton, Virginia Press. Perhaps the truth was just too I have observed different people reading had been a longtime supporter of Buchan- much for him?—Ed.) the newspapers. an, but he has proven to be an obvious UN LAND GRABBING GORDON MEGO fraud. The United Nations advocates the aboli- NO RIGHTS Hawthorne, California Questions: Why did Buchanan pick tion of private land ownership. Incredibly, Upon reading the Christopher Bollyn GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE Lenora Fulani (a known communist sympa- the United States is adopting the same article on Page 1 of the Dec. 3 issue of The University of Iowa Libraries main- thizer) as a campaign advisor? Why did he attitude. American Free Press I must take issue with tain a Social Documents Collection which pick Ezola Foster, an unknown black The U.S. government signed Agenda 21 and has been implementing the UN’s “Wildlands Project.” This is a plan that will I wonder how he and push millions of Americans off their land to make vast nature preserves, which will be Irv Rubin are going off-limits to people. These areas come under to get along? UN jurisdiction as International Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites. U.S. citizens need to know that their right to own property is being threatened and that their land may be taken from them. Our elected representatives need to know that the biological diversity treaty is neither necessary nor desired by Americans. JAMES B. HUTT JR M.D. Warrenton, Virginia

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Yes folks, we must preserve and pass on our Bill of Rights and Constitution to them. The other choice is slavery on the Global Plantation. America is in a serious situation. But we can win! Think not? Why then did the globalists move Heaven and Earth for 45 years to finally destroy The Spotlight newspaper? They must have been terrified of the truth being published. They know they are vulnerable! The same young staff that powered The Spotlight is now powering American Free Press—your new national newsweekly. But the staff is now wiser and stronger hav- ing wrestled with the naked forces of evil. This time, for the sake of our children, they will suc- ceed in rallying Americans to extinguish globalism. But only with your serious help and support. Last Week The most effective approach open to us momentarily is to grow of this American Free Press readers Special into the hundreds of thou- Offer! sands. This is best done by giving EVERY- ONE you know a 6-week American Free Press “Get Acquainted” subscription. The cost is just $5 each. Many you know will re-subscribe because you cared enough about them and America’s future to get them started.

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