INSIDE: Maoist game reviews * Under Lock & Key * UnaMIM Notes Página 320 • June en 1-30, Esp 2005a ñol...• Page 1 MIM Notes June 1-30 2005, Nº 320 The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) Free Border vigilantism: fascism, not just race ANDY RAMIREZ Neo-Nazis spoil IS A FASCIST, May 9th VE day NOT JUST A celebrations The collective responsibility ‘COCONUT’ movement By HC116 and [email protected], May 3300 neo-Nazis demonstrated in Berlin 12, 2005 against the celebration of Victory in Friends of the Border Patrol Europe day, the 60th anniversary of the chairpersyn and executive director Andy end of World War II in Europe. A crowd Ramirez was a guest on Monday’s Lou approximately double that size Dobbs Tonight . Ramirez is the former demonstrated to stop them from executive director of the organization Save marching. The Nazi movement in Berlin Our State (Ron Prince), which has is an urgent reminder that MIM’s line for recently opposed legislation in Kalifornia collective responsibility is the only correct to allow undocumented persyns to have road for countries like Germany and the drivers’ licenses, and supported legislation united $tates. in Kalifornia, Proposition 187 (1994), that The neo-Nazis said they should no longer would have prohibited public services, hold the burden for “‘a cult of guilt.’”(1) including health services, for To them, the Soviet invasion of Germany undocumented persyns. Andy Ramirez was not liberation, but “‘occupation’” and has encouraged the u.$. Congress to pass VE celebrations are a product of legislation prohibiting drivers’ licenses for “‘professional Jews.’”(1) It’s the usual undocumented persyns in all States. The insane stuff, almost designed to disregard organization that Andy Ramirez now theory. directs, Friends of the Border Patrol, is in Because the Soviets did win World War the middle of organizing to have a II, and the Nazi movement is not in power, Zhang Chunqiao, member of Minuteman-like project happen in San the real problem is the imperialist country Diego in the summer, with training so-called Left and how it clears the way beginning in June. Ramirez has sought the for the Nazis, who otherwise would never “Gang of Four” dies at 88 support and help of Chris Simcox, leader get anywhere without the so-called Left’s Zhang Chunqiao died of cancer at the of wimmin has increased; and the of the Civil Homeland Defense Corps, theoretical and agitational aid. Always the age of 88 on 21 April 2005, according to government of the Peoples Republic of recently renamed to the Minuteman Civil chauvinist Left plants the ideological official reports released on 10 May. China has turned into a fascist Defense Corps, Inc. In fact, Minuteman seeds and the Nazis are the practice. Zhang was a member of the so-called dictatorship, as witnessed by the June, Project co-founders Chris Simcox and For example, in this VE day spoiling, “Gang of Four” and key figure in the 1989 Beijing Spring massacres.(2) Jim Gilchrist have both endorsed the several German imperialists criticized the Cultural Revolution. Together with Mao Zhang was the author of “On Friends of the Border Patrol according neo-Nazis. Interior Minister Otto Schily and other members of the “Gang of Four” Exercising All-Round Dictatorship over to Andy Ramirez on Fox and Friends , called it a “‘disgrace.’”(1) President Zhang led the struggle to keep the the Bourgeoisie,” which describes the May 3. Ramirez has appeared on other President Horst Koehler said Germans bourgeoisie within the Communist Party class struggle that occurs under socialism TV shows and radio shows, local and “‘look back with shame.’”(1) He also from seizing power. The against capitalist restoration.(3) Readers country-wide. said, “We have the responsibility to keep counterrevolutionary Hua Guofeng interested in learning more about the On Lou Dobbs Tonight , Lou Dobbs alive the memory of all this suffering and imprisoned Zhang and the other members material basis for a new bourgeoisie under said that the Friends of of the Border of its causes, and we must ensure it never of the “Gang of Four”—including Jiang socialism and how that bourgeoisie Patrol, like the Minuteman Project, was happens again. There can be no drawing Qing (1)—one month after the death of overturned revolutionary socialism in probably going to called vigilantes, and the line.”(1) Minister Juergen Trittin Mao, paving the way for the restoration China can read “The Political Economy asked how Ramirez addresses that. Later, criticized “‘these Nazis who were trying of capitalism in China. of Counterrevolution in China.”(4) Dobbs said: “And the idea that the ACLU to glorify the greatest genocide in Subsequent events have borne out the Notes: is concerned about human rights history.’”(2) predictions that Mao and the “Gang of 1. Listen to obituary of Jiang Qing here: violations, the suggestion that there’s Go to p. 3... Four” made of what would happen should potential, as they put it, for racism and mimnotescomm.html. A longer political for violence, how do you react to the You are not on a mailing list. You will not receive this paper again unless you take action. capitalist- biography of Jiang Qing can be found in MIM ACLU?”(1) (Actually, ACLU of Arizona MIM PRESORTED STANDARD roaders like Notes 13. Executive Director Eleanor Eisenberg PO Box 29670 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hua and Deng 2. said: “The Minuteman project has created , CA 90029 PERMIT #56365 Xiaoping ever tiananmen.html a powder-keg situation with the potential Return Service Requested BOSTON, MA seize power: 3. to go beyond harassment and false exploitation of text.php?mimfile=allround.txt imprisonment to real violence. We hope the workers 4. that our observer project will continue to and peasants china/pecc88/index.html shed light on the activities of the has returned; the oppression Go to p. 4... On the web: MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 2

mass murder of Germans and the already thinking about a host of issues territoriality concerning the German Germans know it! concerning imperialism. Holocaust, Japan is another checkpoint. Letters Further: it is wrong to compare the In building public opinion we want to We find no widespread view in the West About Dresden bombing of Dresden to the bombing of cause a fermentation that may lead later that Japan’s action in World War II was the WTC. The WTC was attacked by down the road to other things. It is the MIM recently engaged the issue of the uniquely criminal the way Hitler’s was. the oppressed (so we are told anyway). electoral politicians and other assorted imperialist mass murder at Dresden, So to argue against Ward Churchill using Dresden was attacked by oppressors. opportunists who simply cannot because of the anniversary of the The WTC was a symbol of global financial distinguish between public opinion work Germany is one thing, but most bombing. See domination by amerika. Dresden was a (best thought of as done anonymously Amerikans and I$raelis would have no Politics/MIM/mn/sept112001/ place with some railroad yards and lots with unseen consequences) and direct way to dodge the question of collective wardchurchilldresden022205.html. -- and lots of refugees, many if not most of recruiting—and that inevitably worsens responsibility that the Japanese accepted ed. whom were unregistered. sectarianism. One of the reasons for after World War II. Dear MIM: [email protected] replies: We’re not MIM’s public opinion effectiveness is that As for neo-Nazis using Dresden, we MIM is concerned that the neo-Nazis saying that ex- Soviet citizens should now before MIM speaks, MIM always wades will use dresden for their advantage. MIM are not wrong. They already do use it be saying, “we should have bombed in and knows the relative proportions of is wrong. Dresden presents an every year and it’s not a question of Germany like the Brits and Amerikans opinion from surveys and also through opportunity to split the imperialists and to theory. To the extent that the neo-Nazis’ did.” The question is more one of the confirmation talking to thousands of point to the humanity of communism. white brothers and sisters in the West do history of Amerikan views. The majority Amerikans in all walks of life. MIM should realize that harshly not uphold “collective responsibility” for of Amerikans held that the bombing of condemning the imperialist mass murder Both the Japanese and German themselves, fuel gets added to the flames. Dresden was right and the collective at Dresden serves the anti-imperialist examples are relevant; although Dresden responsibility movement in Germany was So the movement for collective cause. All MIM has to do is point out that is the one where imperialists themselves right. responsibility has to be generalized to the the USSR did _not bomb civilian targets are on record saying it was a civilian target MIM is drawing attention to Dresden majority-exploiter countries, partly to at all. Do we see pictures of red air fleets worthy of “psychological warfare.” Your so saying we are not is factually wrong. preserve and advance the gains in bombing cities in Germany? No. This is a comments are an example of some We’re quite happy to deal with it. If Germany and Japan that we see by very strong argument in favor of Stalin!! drawing attention to Dresden results in a rethinking the imperialist country oppressor nation people. This fact definitely turned me to revulsion that leads to a favorable population has to do. Yet, the imperialists communism. I can tell any German “the What resonates for neo-Nazis whether impression of Stalin, then that’s OK by and the public generally have not come Soviets did NOT abuse you!” And they they know it or not is the economic MIM. So is anarchist- pacifism, another forward to call the bombing of Dresden know I am right, despite fascist rape position of their peers in the West. possibility from thinking about Dresden. wrong. We do not hear them say, “9/11 legends. I can also say “The Imperialists Likewise, the German and Japanese Yet in a sense, these are both recruiting made me realize we were wrong about DID abuse you!” When I think of the examples have powerful potential in questions, not really handling public war I think of the actions of all sides. Only Dresden and we need to go back and re- spreading to Amerika, France, Belgium opinion as it exists in its own right. We the Soviets are clearly humane. evaluate our history.” It’s still a case are unlikely to win someone to anarchist- etc. The underlying economic conditions MIM should not underestimate the where the vast majority co-exists with a pacifism or communism strictly on the and nationalist pride are similar in these imperialists’ butchery. The correct line on double standard and knowing that is key question of Dresden alone and that’s what countries. It’s not just that we ask people Dresden (and Hamburg, Bremen, to influencing public opinion as best we makes Dresden commemorations this to join in solidarity with the peasants in Stuttgart, Berlin, Duesseldorf, Essen, Köln can. It is not appropriate to treat Western year an agitation/public opinion question, Peru or India. There is a most advanced - in short -every- major German city) is not one of party-building. Dresden could exploiters as if they were duped example in the oppressor nations to blame the imperialists. The Soviets did be a last straw only for someone who is proletarians about to wake up. The most themselves, “‘Spasibo.’” not in any way shape or form engage in positive proof of this is public opinion in Japan and Germany. Production by MC12 In speaking with Zionists about Ward Churchill, Dresden is obviously relevant, MIM Notes but also for those who cannot get out of The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement ISSN 1540-8817 What is MIM? MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging Notes is the official Party voice; more complete statements are published in our journal, Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English- MIM Theory. Material in MIM Notes is the Party’s position unless noted. MIM Notes speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist accepts submissions and critiques from anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking submissions unless permission is specifically denied by the author; submissions are Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire. published anonymously unless authors insist on identification (prisoners are never MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking identified by name). MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology comrades in order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the been directed at communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades, vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all are members of the Party. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) is an anti- groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by imperialist mass organization led by MIM (RCs are RAIL Comrades). MIM’s ten-point building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for program is available to anyone who sends in a SASE. North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government’s attempts to The paper is free to all prisoners, as long as they write to us every 90 days to confirm maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main their subsciptions. There are no individual subscriptions for people outside prison. questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within People who want to receive newspapers should become sponsors and distributors. the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the Sponsors pay for papers, distributors get them onto the streets, and officers do both death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao’s death and the overthrow of the “Gang distribution and financial support. Annual cost is: 12 copies (Priority Mail), $120; 25 of Four” in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance (Priority Mail), $150; 50 (Priority Mail), $280; 100, $380; 200, $750; 900 (Express of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has Mail), $3,840; 900 (8-10 days), $2,200. To become a sponor or distributor, send reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third anonymous money orders payable to “MIM.” Send to MIM, attn: Camb. branch, PO Box World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so- 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Or write [email protected]. called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty- Most back issues of MIM Notes are available free on our web site. The web site con- bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to tains thousands of documents, with ordering information for many more. advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on MIM grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason, as imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec, long as we are credited. the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, For general correspondence, contact: Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as MIM members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system P.O. Box 29670 of majority rule, on other questions of party line. Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670 “The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of eMail: learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution.” WWW: - Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208. MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 3 More rats leaving sinking imperialist ship

450 Bulgarian troops and hundreds of No genuine socialist country would The Japanese plan to end their fight to end the killing or you can sit back Japanese troops are leaving the U.$.- send troops to Iraq. However, even intervention in December. That’s not soon and watch the show. Just don’t be bought coalition in Iraq. They will be gone capitalist countries themselves have enough. Someone from Japan might die surprised if the show comes home. by the end of the year.(1) As in the conflicting interests. An ordinary in the meantime. The Japanese people Notes: Vietnam War, the emphasis is now on capitalist regime in Korea would have should continue to pressure their 1. training Iraqis to take on the job of fighting even less self-interest in sending troops government— before another Japanese 4523857.stm the insurgency themselves. than Japan does, and piquing Japanese persyn dies in another stupid imperialist 2. The Japanese contribution of troops militarism by making it look small cannot war to make the rich richer. 2005-05/05/content_2919361.htm was small relative to Japan’s size and that be in the ordinary interest of bourgeois The longer the war in Iraq continues is proof of the continuing legacy of the Koreans looking at history. In the the more likely it is to result in bombs here For more from MIM on the struggle of Chinese, Korean and Japanese situation in Poland and southern Korea in Amerika and the more Amerikans will war against Iraq, go to: people since Mao to reign in Japanese the story is one of extradordinary come home in coffins, missing arms, legs, militarism. In fact, U.$. lackey southern geopolitical debts of the lackey regimes eyes, and faces. You MIM readers have Korea has 3600 troops in Iraq, more than to Uncle $am. a choice: the Iraqi people do not. You can MIM/agitation/iraq/ Japan.(2) Neo-Nazis spoil May 9th VE day celebrations From 1... How the so-called Left fails on this is German so- called workers as passive against the migrant workers. The the united $tates cannot even own up to that these are imperialists. Yet these objects—even when those German resentment is not by the imperialists hiring 9/11. imperialists are more advanced than these workers are carrying out very systematic them and that needs to be said. If In the massively deluded Amerikan so- Nazis marching. MIM will say that out political action on behalf of raising their Germany goes to fascism internally with called Left, they dig in their heels against of regard for the truth. Most so-called own exploiter status. the social forces as they are now, it will MIM’s leadership for proposing the joint Left organizations will not. Lenin already It’s not false consciousness. It’s action be because the labor aristocracy drags the dictatorship of the proletariat of the told us that the labor aristocracy can be on behalf of an exploiter class. False imperialists into attacking the Turks and oppressed nations, as happened in the most die- hard element, but the so- consciousness is a border war that flares other national minorities within German Germany after World War II. The called Left based in the labor aristocracy up. It is not a march through numerous borders. Amerikans believe they are more can’t say it. countries with a plan for world The correct attitude is much more sophisticated than that. Somehow There are two underlying chauvinist domination. At some point, the actions common in Germany and Japan than in Amerikan imperialism is better than reasons. One is that the so-called Left is of the Germans with alleged false the rest of the West. “‘Spasibo’” said German they think. busy catering to the demands of the Nazi consciousness would have to sink in and thousands of demonstrators opposing the Even the so-called Marxists oppose the marchers, who the so-called Left sees it could no longer be false consciousness. Nazis in Berlin.(2) That is “thank you” in MIM line out of a love for their oppressor as proletarian or wayward labor That did not happen in Germany. Russian. There is no comparable nation. They are in opposition to revolution aristocracy about to return to the The so-called Left tells a criminal fairy- expression in the history of the white so- unless it is of the exploiter kind following proletariat. For MIM, these neo-Nazi tale in which the proletariat was a bunch called Left in Amerika. Thanks to the Red Hitler, Trotsky or some other guru to lead marchers are just labor aristocracy— of passive objects who did not bring down Army, “‘Spasibo’” is still closer to German the Western objects out of their misery. petty-bourgeoisie—and we have nothing Hitler. What is forgotten is that the views than the Hitler salute. Criticizing the fascists as labor aristocracy at stake in making excuses for them. Germans fought with Hitler to the end. The most criminal dynamic force in worse than the imperialists in any context Quite the contrary, we have everything The exploiter attitude had to be beaten undermining the anti-Nazi consensus in might be tantamount to giving up the white at stake in making sure they do not confuse out of Germany, and still the beating did Germany is the united $tates, which worker uprising fantasy of many on the the exploited and oppressed just because not go far enough. slowly and steadily spreads international so-called Left. Protection of that utopian the neo-Nazi youth with shaved heads are Today we cannot say there are 3300 political fallacies to reverse correct fantasy above all else many decades smaller exploiters than the imperialists. Germans with false consciousness. The verdicts from World War II. It goes after its relevance leads to disgusting Included in the Western so-called Left’s world knows what happened in World beyond the fact that the Republicans excuses for fascist action throughout the demands is an increased share of global War II. These are just recalcitrant opposed World War II, because they were West. exploitation. The so-called Left is unable exploiters who want a more militant not sure who was worse, the Nazis or The Western so-called Left needs to to give that up and hence out of solidarity parasitic posture for Germany along with communists and it goes beyond the Black look hard at those Germans saying with the neo-Nazis won’t say that the the so-called Left oinking for things that Book of Communism authored in France “Spasibo” and learn something instead of imperialists are actually more advanced make the Germans and Amerikans think that says Nazism was a lesser evil. The doing spade work for the next fascist on this question. about war for oil and racist repression old wounds in Latvia and other Baltic movement from below. If we put up the Another factor is that when one for jobs—superprofits shared by fewer states reopened by Bu$h in May 2005 are good fight and it looks like we may not pursues electoral reformism, one seeks bandits. still with us and an incorrect understanding win inside imperialist country borders with to curry favor with voters. The reformists The imperialists can expand into the of the Cold War is whitewashing all the proletarian demands, that is no reason to seek votes for Democrats in the united Third World and buy off Western Nazi activities in eastern Europe. Yet that take up a nationalist view with labor $tates and Social-Democrats in Germany populations. The people who want is in a sense all old news. The real aristocracy demands and oppose and sometimes that leads to failure to fascism at home are the labor problem occurs with the attitude toward proletarian revolution. criticize when criticism is necessary. aristocracy. In Germany, they have 9/11, and in this we have to point out that Notes: Likewise cult leaders and gurus don’t say already fire-bombed Turks and Kurds. the Zionists are no effective 1. anything that would cost recruits. In 1993 five Turks died in one incident.(3) counterweight to Nazism. We have a wp- dyn/content/article/2005/05/08/ Some of these same organizations of Despite this “revolutionary” practice of whole new generation with a whole new AR2005050800324.html the so-called Left are composed of their line, the German and other Western set of issues. 2. individuals who would get bent out of so-called Left continues oinking about Every year that the united $tates fails wireStory?id=7 39443 ; . http:// shape if an inconsiderate litterbug dropped oppressor nation so-called to take collective responsibility for 9/11 is a chewing gum wrapper on the street. unemployment, many times when as another year of festering and bitter 11d9-b376- Yet, tell them that German workers social-democrats they uphold capitalism nationalism of the Nazi and similar kinds 00000e2511c8,dwp_uuid=d4f2ab60- carried out millions of genocidal actions under which unemployment of real throughout the world. The united $tates c98e- 11d7-81c6-0820abe49a01.html in World War II, and the so- called Left proletarians is inevitable anyway. is in no position to tell German Nazi youth 3. makes excuses. It’s “false Throughout Europe there is a to feel guilty about World War II, when europe/9810/15/germany.politics/ consciousness” they say. They think of resentment by the labor aristocracy MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 4 Border vigilantism: fascism, not just race From 1... the party does not have power. Yet even Oppressor nations should be supporting The reactionary side of the anti-racist Minutemen and will ensure that private in the vanguard party, when the question integration as best they can. struggle is that it often ends up being citizens do not detain, harass or humiliate of borders comes up, it is possible to On the other hand, “coconut” has been integration within the oppressor to oppress others in violation of the law.”)(2) perpetrate white nationalism and white used to attack Latinos who have other nations and the bulk of the world’s Ramirez replied: racism by siding with the oppressors. That integrated with whites even though the people of color who happen to live outside “Well, the ACLU, if they are really is a line question and there has to be an Latinos are revolutionary and have not u.$. borders or the borders of Kanada, concerned about racism, violence, well, all-out battle over line questions. So it’s integrated with Euro-Amerikans in an the UKKK etc. Anti-racist Amerikan then, I think they should take a look at important to battle hard in those situations ideological way. Again, this has to do with nationalists say they are non-racist, the number of recent e-mails I’ve gotten where power plus prejudice equal racism not attacking people in a situation where because they simply do not care about from people that are also of Mexican or where the economics of imperialism no power beyond individual power is anyone outside u.$. borders, but they are ancestry that have called me a coconut, generate imperialist chauvinism. Even in involved. wrong. First of all, not caring about people as an example. If they are really a revolutionary vanguard party, if a Latino/ Culture formation and national outside u.$. borders again falls concerned about human rights, then they Latina finds him/herself favoring closed consciousness is not all voluntary: if disproportionately on people of color, so should be stationed at the border...”(1) borders, such a persyn is a coconut and it parents leave young children in front of there is no such thing as neutrality on that The coconut metaphor means brown raises the question whether recruiting “Leave it to Beaver” and the “Brady question. Secondly, whatever Amerika on the outside, white on the inside. There standards were too low or degeneration Bunch” on TV, there’s going to be some these alleged anti-racist integrationists set are similar metaphors for East Asian happened. The borders question has to cultural impact and that is part of national up behind closed borders is still going to persyns and Black persyns: banana/ be handled differently than the question formation. People should not spend all be active in attacking people of color twinkie (yellow/white) and oreo (black/ of language too. Parties speaking in their time individually conflicted over around the world, simply because that is white). different languages should exist and those things like that, where it’s partly “too late,” where their short-term economic interests Lou Dobbs’ interview with Andy who do not speak the language of a people but instead should move forward with lie. Without more proletariat inside u.$. Ramirez was very short, so the above is should not be claiming to lead those what is scientific in whatever context, borders and/or major support from actually a big chunk of that interview. It people. If English-speakers do not allow with an eye to the future. The individual outside, that is not going to change. And presents an opportunity to clarify the themselves to be misrepresented as is nothing anyway: the question is not how no, we cannot surmise that Martians will relationship between racism and this leaders of Spanish-speakers, that does not people have been screwed up by the past land and destroy the Pentagon or nukes deeply reactionary movement to heighten make them for closed borders. That is but how the individual can contribute to will hit and that change things: we have the repression of undocumented migrants just responsible accuracy. Mao said Wang larger solutions of the future. to work with what we have now to come and the closely related and increasingly Ming’s head was in the clouds above “Nation traitor” is often a more correct to our line and strategy or be guilty of intertwined border vigilantism Moscow, not even China, but even Wang term than “coconut,” which isn’t criminal division of the oppressed and movement.(3) Ming spoke Chinese. That is another necessarily focused on ideology. exploited based on fantasy. There are several things going on in reason MIM is in favor of separate Definitions of “nation” vary, but “nation “Lackey” and “running dog” are good Andy Ramirez’s statement. One is the vanguard parties for the joint dictatorship traitor” has an unambiguously social terms and apply more to oppressed portrayal of Ramirez’s opponents as of the proletariat of the oppressed nations. meaning and generalizes to every nation. nations. It is often necessary to be more racist—specifically, racist against Euro- Aztlán is an overriding reason for that by When it comes to the border with Mexico, specific than just “nation traitor”: it is Amerikans, who are actually a nation and itself. the question is mostly national and the better to have white oppressors be nation the dominant nation in the united $tates Also, Dobbs and Ramirez both focus national question is what drives all the traitors than have oppressed nationalities in addition to being the dominant race. on whether the vigilantes are racist when other questions including more purely be nation traitors, and that often needs Another thing is Ramirez’s putting white that is a different question from whether racial ones. pointing out. It is only supremacists (from racism on the same footing as oppressed- the vigilantes are fascist. That is Within a college inside u.$. borders, the the National Alliance to the Libertarian nation “racism,” which may not even be misleading. A movement can still be students are temporarily in the same National Socialist Green Party to David racism as far as what Ramirez mentioned, fascist or reactionary in another way place. It’s not a struggle over the borders, Yeagley) who pretend to believe that all the supposed “coconut” comments. without being racist. Fascism and racism but a struggle occurs to integrate the nation traitors are equal and deserve Attacking Ramirez as a “coconut” is one are not the same thing; although, college and that struggle has progressive contempt. The correct attitude in the just means of struggle. Racism is concretely, fascism and racism are bound thrust; even though its underlying premise oppressor nations was on display in Berlin something that requires power to up with each other in the united $tates. is the u.$. empire and the desirability of May 9th, when demonstrators said accomplish, and the migrants crossing the The Liberals who obsess with whether a joining it. So in that context, an anti-racist “Spasibo” to the Red Army for bringing border and their friends do not have the movement is racist or not actually pave struggle may occur and deserve support. down Nazi injustice. state on their side. Whites have such vast the way for fascism. They surrender the Nonetheless, there is a question of what Andy Ramirez is from Chino. power within the United $tates national question to the fascists by thinking really drives forward politics and we study Regardless of his subjective attitude, we government that every other ethnic or only in terms of race. It is subjectivism, that scientifically. The reason that national at MIM regard him to be standing on racial group voted against Bu$h, but he is and the fascists take advantage of the struggle is overall more correct than the Aztlán territory. There is a theory in power today. It was a tiny distinction larger population’s subjectivism by anti-racist struggle while the two overlap connected to that from Stalin on the between Kerry and Bu$h who were in pointing to tokens like Andy Ramirez to more often than not is that there is no national question, but that theory takes the exact same fraternity club at Yale, disprove charges of racism. And the material basis for the successful more time than saying Ramirez is a but still it was the whites who decided on fascist-tolerating Liberals fall for that conclusion of an anti-racist struggle, “coconut.” In a quick skirmish, people that fine distinction. So when MIM talks even though the vigilante groups are because there is no white proletariat. Just often latch on to what is easiest—what about whites having power and other disproportionately white people. as the Germans (including Jews or Turks they can see in skin color. Much more ethnicities or races not having power, “Coconut” has the potential to upset inside German borders for example) often than not, attacking coconuts in there is nothing hypothetical —or worse, ideas about race as a biological entity themselves could not take down Hitler, connection to Proposition 187 or the like semantic—about it. (“white” takes on a social meaning in and thereby conclude a successful anti- will be a good thing. Linking the anti-racist If someone says something truly wrong “coconut”) and could imply nation traitor racist struggle, so too, we cannot move struggle to the border question happens about whites in the united $tates, Kanada, the same way the term “labor aristocracy” forward against exploitation inside u.$. with the best anti-racist movements. England etc., it could be ethno-centrism refers to people who look like they’re borders with just the people who are The fact of race consciousness is not or maybe prejudice. It is not racism. Most historically of working-class origin but inside those borders now. So for us, a “key something MIM can fiat against and verbal attacks on whites occur in the have been converted to exploiters and the link” in all struggles is opening the border. make it go away for the immediate future. context of a struggle over power and they same way MIM calls biology-female Get that really accomplished and all other So we seek to identify those parts that are righteous given the situation. Where people “gender aristocracy” in the united struggles will be easier. Alternatively, do are progressive. White racism has no such attacks are incorrect is where they $tates. “Coconut” is similar to “Uncle not orient oneself to the national struggle economic solution to it, and is not do not really involve power: some attacks Tom” in this way, though “coconut” and and end up making excuses for what progressive, because it tends consciously on white lumpen in prisons are wrong, “Uncle Tom” can emphasize different happens next—60 million decisive votes and unconsciously to support dominance though again, white lumpen can side with things. for Bu$h for example, not just staying at of the financial system over the rest of the state, so some attacks on white lumpen For oppressed nations to oppose home and letting Bu$h happen but going the world. Anti-white race consciousness will be right. The vanguard party itself is integration with the dominant nation is out and actively voting for Bu$h like never is correct both for those who believe in also no place for identity attacks, because generally more progressive than not. before. integrated empires and those who see the MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 5

national question as principal at this time Kanadian border the same way in all the families and our way of life.’ “(8) Around $50,000 a year. ).(13) including MIM. thousands of miles of wilderness if the 2003, “Simcox issued this warning as part Typical crypto-fascist Andy Ramirez Of course, the white nationalists and situation arose, but we’re quite sure that of a ‘message to the world’: ‘Do not believes that the u.$. government is lackey fascists are going to call people like Andy his followers would not and have no attempt to cross the border illegally; you to the Mexico government, rather than Ramirez and Lupe Moreno record of fighting for an even-handed will be considered an enemy of the state; the other way around. “Then Bush (spokespersyn for the anti-migrant immigration policy. We also cannot help if aggressors attempt to forcefully enter continues the butt kissing when he calls Latino-Americans for Immigration wondering why drug-smuggling and our country they will be repelled with force Mexico a democracy. Is Bush the U.S. Reform) “Hispanics” even if Ramirez has terrorist infiltration is not Ramirez’s if necessary!’ “(9) President, or Fox’s Ambassador to the usually minimized his Mexican ancestry; concern at the Kanadian border or in the Religious “humanitarian” Border ? The Mexican Government although, Ramirez has seemed eager to ocean. Instead of obtaining an even- Angels’ founder and president Enrique is clearly a hostile neighbor, and counter accusations of vigilantes’ being handed immigration policy first, the Morones has in the last month been key constantly meddles in U.S. lawmaking, racist. They have even called Lupe fascists selectively enforce the law even in inadvertently sowing confusion about policymaking, and the political Moreno a “Latina activist.” They use if we take the very best interpretation of the fascist nature of the border vigilantism process.”(14) Moreno, Ramirez, and others, such as what they are saying. movement. On Scarborough Country , Andy Ramirez’s criticisms of u.$. Terry Anderson and Ezola Foster, as proof The concern with drug smuggling and April 5, Enrique, “opposing” the businesses’ paying low wages to that their movement isn’t racist. Since u.$. businesses’ taking advantage of Minuteman Project, implied it was just undocumented persyns are fake. Ramirez they are using Ramirez’s and Moreno’s undocumented migrants is also phony— people like the National Alliance and believes that the cost of living for “race” to disprove charges of racism, it if the vigilantes and other nationalists/ Aryan Resistance who were racist documented persyns is higher than for does make some sense to call Ramirez fascists were really concerned with among the vigilantes.(10) Too quick to undocumented persyns even if they live and Moreno coconuts as a second-best deaths and poverty related to drug dispel any implication that the Minuteman in the same place, a supposed explanation way of saying that their apparent ancestry smuggling and labor violations, they would Project itself was racist, Chris Simcox for Amerikans’ not taking the jobs doesn’t matter, but racism isn’t everything oppose imperialism as well as support replied that the Minuteman Project had undocumented migrants do. This is that motivates the movement to heighten migration policies allowing more labor “Hispanics Americans, “African- chauvinism. the repression of undocumented migrants. mobility. For Ramirez to support the Americans,” and that Simcox had a Callous Andy Ramirez believes the so- What is more, race is not about individuals, repression of undocumented migrants, “biracial African-American son.” called rights of “hardworking families, so a couple tokens like Ramirez and many of whom are proletarians, without Enrique’s other objection was that American families” trump the lives of Moreno never invalidate an anti-racist opposing imperialism is objectively fascist. Minuteman Project volunteers weren’t undocumented migrants.(15) struggle. People who cannot see that are There are no good intentions here, no trained law enforcement. Hysterical, whim-worshipping as yet pre-scientific Liberals who simply “well-meaning” vigilantes. They are Border Angels’ Enrique Morones is reactionary fear-monger Andy Ramirez: cannot think at the group level yet. chauvinist parasites, and even if they really proof that some Liberals don’t even know - says that the united $tates is more The anti-migrant activists not only repel think they are ending terrorism by sealing fascism when they see it. On 760 vulnerable than it was on the day of the criticisms of racism but pretend to oppose the border, they choose to be ignorant KFMB’s Rick Roberts Show , in San December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor raid; racism. Andy Ramirez himself opposes about what causes terrorism and absolve Diego, April 21, Enrique also spoke with - says that the u.$. government should racism in words. That’s true in two senses. themselves of any collective responsibility Andy Ramirez of the Kalifornia-based scrutinize migrants, rather than Amerikan Ramirez does nothing to oppose racism for u.$. militarism and genocide . The Friends of the Border Patrol.(11) (760 citizens with the Patriot Act; materially. And also, Ramirez encourages vigilantes and other oppressor nationalists KFMB is home to such other rednecks - proposes “call[ing] in the debts of racists to refrain from using obviously can’t provide one bit of evidence that as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and nations that owe America money” in racist language. “I guarantee the public terrorists are more likely to cross the u.$.- Michael Savage. The Rick Roberts Show order to improve the exchange rate of that we will not accept any individual Mexico border illegally—there is no such is now giving daily updates on the the u.$. dollar; and volunteering for the FBP Border Watch evidence, only scattered anecdotes about Kalifornia FBP Border Watch according - threatens sanctions against Mexico: who makes such irresponsible statements. a handful of suspects, some of whom to the Friends of the Border Patrol’s Web “Let’s place sanctions on foreign This has come from our own experience, may not have even entered the united site.) Enrique said he is “all for the governments and demand economic and and with the advice from a number of $tates and some of whom have since been sovereignty of one’s nation,” by which social reforms and keep them in place individuals including Jim Gilchrist discounted as suspects.(5) The oppressor Enrique includes the united $tates even until we see life improve for those nations, (Minuteman), and Chris Simcox (Civil nationalists are reactionary parasites who though there are multiple nations within and things shall improve.”(16) Homeland Defense).”(4) Ramirez, think that the united $tates is an oppressed the u.$. border. Enrique recognized the Andy Ramirez and other fascists don’t Gilchrist and Simcox hope nobody will country and believe that the united $tates u.$.-Mexico border as a legitimate border. acknowledge that there is already a realize fascist Mussolini also opposed is facing impending cultural and economic He agreed that there is an “issue” with lackey government in Mexico. racism in words and even criticized Hitler decline. “undocumented people” crossing the Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist for being too racist. This did not stop the The movement to heighten the border and seemed to disagree on only has even said that he’d support a revolution Italy under Mussolini from engaging in repression of undocumented migrants is how to police the border. Enrique in Mexico. But Gilchrist does not mean formal and informal racial policies against fascist in character regardless of who portrayed the problem with the bourgeois-democratic revolution or Blacks, Africans, miscegenation and advocates it. It is a reactionary movement Minuteman Project as just “isolated socialist revolution. Gilchrist’s “revolution” eventually Jews. with several different allies—as the cases” of unstable racists. Enrique feared would be no revolution: it would just be There urgently needs to be clarity on coming “Unite to Fight” Against Illegal an “international incident.” another comprador government in this point: this is not just about racism, but Immigration Summit in Las Vegas will Rick Roberts and Andy Ramirez both Mexico, more servile to a different faction also about white oppressor nation show(3)—who have only tactical said it is only Vicente Fox in Mexico, not of u.$. imperialists and more labor reactionary nationalism and fascism. disagreements over how to repress imperialism, that is the source of the aristocrats. Andy Ramirez has said Andy Ramirez supports intensifying the migrants and would-be migrants and economic conditions in Mexico. Enrique absolutely nothing to disagree with repression of undocumented migrants; the border-crossers. took a conciliatory position and put the Gilchrist over this proposal for a fascist- existing repression of Latinos, The fascist-tolerating Liberals alleging united $tates on the same footing as backed coup in Mexico, even going as documented and undocumented, is there are many well-meaning vigilantes Mexico, blaming both countries equally far as to threaten sanctions against already harsh and reactionary. This also are oblivious to the reactionary chauvinist for the “failure” at the border, without Mexico. Instead, Ramirez looks to fellow means that Ramirez supports migration fears, militarist threats and virulent anti- mentioning the relationship between fascist Gilchrist to give the Friends of the laws creating undocumented status in the communism characterizing the border pig imperialism and the bureaucrat capitalists Border Patrol credibility and assistance. first place. The idea that the white “friends” and border pig wannabes. in Mexico. Notes: nationalists and fascists only oppose “ ‘I’m here this week to bring a very Andy Ramirez believes that Mexico is 1. “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” http:// “illegal immigration,” but not Latino simple, blue-collar message to our elected a “hostile foreign government.”(12) immigration in general, draws a very officials,’ [Civil Homeland Defense Corps Ramirez believes Border Patrol agents 0505/09/ldt.01.html artificial distinction between illegal leader] Simcox said. ‘... the people are are “poorly paid” even though highly-paid immigration and immigration, and also going to pick up the slack from this point Border Patrol agents have caused WMV/050509-Ramirez-Dobbs.wmv blurs drug smugglers with “illegal on. We must take care of our own gentrification near the border ( putting the 2. “ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project immigrants.” We can take Ramirez at his property. We must secure our borders. lie to the notion that Border Patrol agents Staff Travels to Arizona to Support word that he would volunteer at the We must protect our neighbors and our aren’t making a living wage even at Go to next page... MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 6 Minutemen’s new name reflects changed tactics By HC116, May 7, 2005 were all “duds” according to Mayor Ray by attacking Latino migrants in general. Assistance), which fought with the Toward the end of April, Minuteman Borane of Douglas, Arizona, one of the But compared with American Border Contras against the Sandinistas and then Project founder Jim Gilchrist left Arizona towns where the Minutemen were Patrol leader Glenn Spencer, Chris Simcox got involved in detaining alleged before the completion of the Minuteman present.(2) The Civil Homeland Defense has been more willing to have volunteers undocumented migrants—and Project. The Minuteman Project’s Corps has played a pivotal role in recent carry firearms and use a militia.(3) “terrorizing” them according to one of the volunteers were placed under the fascist activism and action on the In 2000, vigilantes in Arizona distributed CMA’s own members.(5) The CMA “auspices” of Civil Homeland Defense Arizona-Sonora border, and now the a brochure in Douglas, “Neighborhood called itself a neighborhood watch Corps (CHDC), led by Chris Simcox, CHDC, under the new name of the Ranch Watch,” inviting “volunteers to program. Vigilantes still call themselves according to the Associated Press. Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, is come to ranches along the border ‘and neighborhood watch programs up to this CHDC volunteers themselves spreading to other States in the united help keep trespassers from destroying day. It’s an old ploy. The “secure the participated in the Minuteman Project as $tates and supporting other organizations, private property. Be a part of the border” movement’s pretense of political well led other Minuteman Project such as the Kalifornia Friends of the American Way Team.’ . . . The brochure neutrality and concern for combating volunteers. Chris Simcox is a co-founder Border Patrol. invites volunteers to set up their RVs on terrorism is bogus, too. Ranch Rescue of the Minuteman Project. The MCDC is not the only border border ranches and to bring CB or ham leader Jack Foote is known for “strong According to the former CHDC’s web vigilante organization currently active in radios, halogen spotlights, signal flares, anti-government sentiments, claims of site, the Civil Homeland Defense Corps’ Arizona. There are also the American sirens, infrared scopes or glasses to watch ‘Socialist’ media conspiracies.”(6) name has been changed to “Minuteman Patrol and Ranch Rescue, accused of for night movements and trip wire flare Civil Homeland Defense Corps leader Civil Defense Corps, Inc.” (MCDC). This assaulting suspected undocumented launchers”—technologies the Minuteman Chris Simcox’s recent emphasis on apparent merger of the Minuteman migrants. Ranchers outside these two Project has used.(4) Ranchers weren’t reporting sightings of suspected Project and the CHDC is symbolic of the organizations have detained and killed the only vigilantes before the Civil undocumented migrants and not CHDC’s strong leadership role within the suspected undocumented migrants in the Homeland Defense Corps. Border “engaging” them is tactical only. Aside Minuteman Project as well as the past. The American Border Patrol has vigilantism has been going on at the from its own “Standard Operating CHDC’s long leadership role in border been more transparent than the Civil Arizona-Sonora border for decades. Procedures” leaving open the possibility vigilantism in Arizona. Homeland Defense Corps and the Fascism expressed its of “tracking” and “containing” in future The CHDC tried to start similar Minuteman Project about its anti-Latino counterrevolutionary character in the “missions,” the CHDC has itself campaigns to the Minuteman Project migrant sentiments, going further than form of Thomas Vincent Posey’s Civilian reportedly detained suspected before Jim Gilchrist offered help, but they attacking just Latino “illegal immigrants” Materiel Assistance (Civilian Military Go to next page...

Viewpoint.html Fascism Mexico border from San Diego. U.S. 04/minuteman.asx 15. Andy Ramirez, “FBP Denounces From previous page... officials are questioning a suspected 12. Andy Ramirez, “Why I support the Bush Amnesty,” February 3, 2005, http:// Pakistani who carried a South African Border Patrol Agents...,” March 28, 2005, Monitoring Efforts by ACLU of Arizona,” passport and a plane ticket to New York Viewpoint.html April 16, 2005, when she crossed illegally from Mexico Viewpoint.html 16. Andy Ramirez, “Andy Ramirez’ ImmigrantsRights/ into Texas.” 13. Diane Smith, “Agents leaving Viewpoint,” http:// ImmigrantsRights.cfm?ID=18029&c=22 J. Jaime Hernández, “Al-Qaeda, A Border Patrol in droves, union says,” July 3. “ ‘Unite to Fight’ Against Illegal Pretext for Sealing Mexican Border,” 30, 2002, Viewpoint.html Immigration SUMMIT,” http:// March 21, 2005, http:// news/3762176.htm 17. Kelly Brusch, “Rally supports 14. Andy Ramirez, “Enforce the law? Border Patrol agents, programs,” July 24, summit_index.html 6. “Minutemen plan to patrol San Diego A novel concept for the Bush 2004, As of May 10, speakers and guests for border,” May 2, 2005, http:// administration,” March 24, 2005, http:// 2004/07/25/news/californian/ the May 27-29 conference in Las Vegas 23_22_217_24_04.txt include: Terry Anderson, Ezola Foster, Bob and Bonnie Eggle, Jan Herron, 7. Dan Baum, “Patriots on the William Herron, Frosty Wooldridge, Tim Borderline,” March 16, 2003, http:// Bueler, Jim Gilchrist, Chris Simcox, D. What is militarism? A. King (American Resistance immigration/borderline.htm Foundation), Glenn Spencer (American “Simcox speaks of sovereignty, the Border Patrol), Rick Oltman, Robert Pledge of Allegiance and the rule of law, Militarism is war-mongering or the It is important not to let capitalists Vasquez, Barbara Coe ( but his body language is all about the gun. advocacy of war or actual carrying out risk our lives in their ideas about war Coalition for Immigration Reform), Sooner or later he’s going to use it, he of war or its preparations. and peace or the environment. They Jeffrey Bennett, Rob Luton, Chet wants everybody to know, in a showdown While true pacifists condemn all have already had two world wars Deraway (American Patriot Party), T. J. with the illegal immigrants and Mexican violence as equally repugnant, we admitted by themselves in the last 100 Bonner, John and Barbara March, drug dealers he believes are ruining the Maoists do not consider self-defense years and they are conducting a third William Gheen, Madeline Cosman, Joan United States. ‘These are enemies who or the violence of oppressed nations right now against the Third World. Molinaro, Peter & Jan Gadiel, Lupe are wrecking our economy,’ he says, his against imperialism to be militarism. Even a one percent annual chance of Moreno, Angie Morfin, Gil Cedillo, Garrett eyes shiny with emotion. ‘This is about Militarism is mostly caused by nuclear war destruction caused by Chamberlain, Michael Corbin, Flash national security.’ If Simcox dies in a blaze imperialism at this time. Imperialism capitalist aggressiveness or “greed” as Sharrar, John Vincent, Richard Ziser, of border gunfire, so be it, he says. ‘Damn is the highest stage of capitalism— the people call it should not be tolerated Gianluca Zanna, and George Dare. them. That’s how much I care about my seen in countries like the United by the proletariat. After playing 4. “FBP Border Watch denies support country.’ “ $tates, England and France. Russian Roulette (in which the bullet and volunteer offer due to past racial 8. Chris Strohm, “Lawmakers consider Under capitalism, capitalists often chamber is different each time and not remarks,” May 3, 2005, http:// using military to seal U.S. borders,” April profit from war or its preparations. related at all to the one that came up in 30, 2005, Yet, it is the proletariat that does the previous spins) with 100 chambers and PRJTDenial01.html bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=93833 dying in the wars. The proletariat one bullet, the chance of survival is 5. Hugh Dellios, “Terror alerts ripple 9. Chris Simcox, “Leaders of two wants a system in which people do not only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other south of U.S. border,” Chicago Tribune, citizen patrol groups feud over methods,” have self-interest on the side of war- words, a seemingly small one percent August 19, 2004, Associated Press State & Local Wire, profiteering or war for imperialism. annual chance of world war means index.php/weblog/entry/war_on_terror2/ March 27, 2003. Militarism is one of the most eventual doom. After 100 years or turns “Last week, the FBI investigated and 10. “ ‘Scarborough Country’ for April important reasons to overthrow of Russian Roulette, the chances of ultimately discounted a report that another 5,” April 13, 2005, http:// capitalism. It even infects oppressed survival are only 36.6%. After 200 Al Qaeda suspect tried to open a bank nations and causes them to fight each years, survival has only a 13.4% account in Tijuana, across the U.S.- 11. other. chance. MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 7 Minuteman From previous page... undocumented migrants before, and the picketing employers who are hiring illegals oppressed by Mexico. It seeks to increase activism and action dovetails with the CHDC has repeatedly called for u.$. and see if we can’t make an effort, some the harsh and inherently violent repression imperialists’ already harsh and lethal military troops to be placed on the u.$.- impact there.” of undocumented migrant proletarians and repression of undocumented migrant Mexico border. Fascists and other white Publicly, Gilchrist and Simcox want to to spread terroristic fear among would- proletarians. Demokrat support for the nationalists have for years been calling minimize their differences. However, on be migrants. It openly panders to police Minutemen, recently embodied in John for the military to seal the border further. May 6, Express-News reported that “[t]he and military personnel and defends those, Kerry’s reportedly lauding “the success Criticizing President Bu$h for movement’s two top leaders are working such as Army Reservist Sgt. Patrick of the Minuteman Project during a supposedly being apathetic about the separately with splinter groups, and not Haab, accused of detaining at gunpoint meeting with co-organizer Chris Simcox migrant “invasion . . . a hostile takeover” all of the groups necessarily embrace the undocumented migrants. It calls for the in Washington D.C,” shows that the social and critical of the Minuteman Project— strict controls on volunteers established government to militarize the border and base of fascism in the united $tates is even though Bu$h will probably sign the by Minuteman organizers.”(10) make it more repressive and deadly than broad, far-reaching, and not limited to the supplemental spending bill including the “ ‘There are no ties,’ Gilchrist said this it already is. It pays lip service to Bu$h clique.(13) The conditions do not REAL ID Act (the final version of which week. ‘If we did anything else together, opposing “big business,” but it is deeply yet exist for internal fascism on a large was passed by the House last it would be as allies, not partners. I support hostile to communism. scale in the united $tates, but the incipient Thursday)—the American Patrol his goals, but I’m weary of his Jim Gilchrist and and the Civil fascism targets the undocumented declares: “If America is to be saved, management capabilities.’ . . . Numerous Homeland Defense Corps have openly proletarians and the lumpen proletariat, Americans must save it. . . . It is up to Arizona participants, including organizers, worked with virulent white nationalists not the petty-bourgeois Amerikan labor us.”(7) said Simcox’s dictatorial ways — he such as Fred Elbel and Mike McGarry. aristocracy. There must be resolute and Fascists are typically a motley became known as ‘The Little Prince’ and The mainstream media identified them as militant opposition to the fascist activism mishmash ideologically and full of ‘The Little Hitler’ — angered countless “spokesmans” for the Minuteman and action on the u.$.-Mexico border. The eclectics, whim-worshippers, and other volunteers, prompting many to quit.”(10) Project. What the media did not say is various parasites, from the labor pre-scientific types, each with their own Now, the Press-Enterprise reports that that Fred Elbel and Mike McGarry are aristocracy to imperialists, who support reactionary selfish interests. They vary “Simcox said his group, formerly Civil both directors of the Colorado Alliance the heightened repression of in their orientation toward cooperating Homeland Defense, has been renamed for Immigration Reform. CAIR advocates undocumented migrant proletarians must with the federal government and the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, and he “for the rights of future generations of be exposed and their fascist movement media and disagree on other matters. Not plans to grant franchise status to other Americans” and opposes immigration in against migrant proletarians defeated. surprisingly, the Minuteman Project groups modeled on the Minuteman general. “We need a population policy Notes: volunteers have reportedly divided into Project. He plans California border that protects the interests of future 1. Rick Murray and Chris Simcox, multiple groups “with each announcing its watches in June and October, he said.”(8) generations!”(11) “Minuteman Civil Defense expands south and own California border watch.”(8) This would allow the decentralized The vigilante movement is backed to north; DHS’ Chertoff to visit Cochise “Project co-founder James Gilchrist said leadership of the Minutemen to present the hilt by the labor aristocracy and County,” http:// he expects the groups to operate the appearance of unity increasingly more imperialists, some of independently yet simultaneously, some However it organizes itself, whatever whom went to Arizona to meet the 2. “Group of private citizens plan to patrol under his endorsement and the face it puts on, this movement is fascist Minuteman Project. The elements of the the Mexico-US border in April to deter illegal Minuteman banner. . . . ‘The Minuteman and must be stopped labor aristocracy that oppose the immigrants from crossing into this country,” Project is more like a master marketing Despite its “Hispanic” mouthpieces, its Minutemen and measures like the REAL National Public Radio (NPR), Morning Edition tool,’ Gilchrist said. ‘We are allies, but not token Black and indigenous members, and ID Act do so mainly on pragmatic and 10:00 AM EST NPR, March 23, 2005, as merging partners.’ “(8) its pretense of opposing “supremacy tactical grounds. Kalifornia transcript. Whether this is more a matter of groups . . . no matter what their race,” Assemblypersyn Lori Saldaña criticized 3. “Leaders of two citizen patrol groups feud strategy (a conscious policy of this whole “secure the borders” vigilante the Minuteman Project but “called on the over methods,” Associated Press, March 27, decentralization) or necessity isn’t clear movement is fascist in character. It is has governor to support more funding for the 2003. at this point: Gilchrist and Simcox might roots in chauvinist fears about an U.S. Border Patrol, introducing a petition 4. Arthur H. Rotstein, “Vigilante recruiting prefer that the leadership be more economic decline of the country, and asking him to support ‘trained, brochure aimed at deterring illegal crossers centralized. However, the assorted white openly appeals to fears about cultural professional law enforcement officers’ sparks protest,” Associated Press State & nationalists making up the Minuteman mixing and the decline of predominantly that would be ‘the best way to provide a Local Wire, April 26, 2000. Project have divided into factions, and white AmeriKKKa. It puts white safe and secure border for everyone.’ 5. Nadine Epstein, “Border Patrol gets “Gilchrist and two other Minuteman nationalism on the same footing as “(12) The vigilante movement and the unwanted vigilante aid,” Christian Science leaders have recently been quoted oppressed-nation narrow nationalism. It larger wave of repression against Monitor (Boston, MA), July 10, 1986, 1. swapping barbed comments about each equates white racism with oppressed- undocumented migrant proletarians 6. Thomas Korosec, “Soldiers of other.”(8) Jim Gilchrist has admitted to nation racism. It spreads confusion by appeals to, and draws its lifeblood from, Misfortune : Ranch Rescue finds its welcome having disagreements with fellow equating fascism with racism and then the most chauvinist and reactionary mat withdrawn,” Houston Press (Texas), Minuteman Project founder Chris waving around cracker wannabes like elements of AmeriKKKan society. The September 18, 2003. Simcox. On Hannity & Colmes , April Andy Ramirez and Henry Esparza in Minuteman Project has trained its 7. “It Is Up to Us Now : Bush Attacks Loyal 18, 2005, Alan Colmes pointed out “rumors order to prove it’s not racist because it volunteers to dupe the gullible mainstream Americans, Ignores Challenge to that [Simcox] and co-founder Jim has a few nation traitor friends from the media about their intentions at the border Sovereignty,” May 5, 2005, http:// Gilchrist, that’s the two of you, are not internal semi-colonies. Still, it portrays (and even a couple of supposed seeing eye-to-eye on the direction of the Latino migrants as innately violent people “Indymedia reporters” named Walt and 050505-BUSH-SIDES-WITH-INVADERS/ project. And that Mr. Gilchrist is leaving and sex offenders, and anti-”democratic.” Jessica). The Minuteman Project has 050505_Feature.html 10 days early.”(9) Simcox said he wasn’t It pays lip service to going after opposed fascism in words, but it has done 8. Sharon McNary, “Minuteman splinter leaving himself. Responding to the part businesses that employ undocumented everything, short of using undisguised groups plan California border patrols,” May about the rumors, Gilchrist said: “There migrants—and wrongly suggests only racist language, to appeal to the fascists 7, 2005, is no distinction between Chris and I other those businesses benefit from of Amerika and just encouraged the local/stories/ than we have different opinions about the undocumented migrant proletarians’ fascists who inevitably joined the PE_News_Local_D_border07.a2699.html media. That’s all.”(9) Colmes: “What are labor—but opposes removing the Minuteman Project to hide their fascist 9. FOX HANNITY & CO 9:00 PM EST, April your differing opinions?” Gilchrist: “We undocumented status that makes the language and in other ways convert to 18, 2005, transcript 041801cb.253. won’t go there. I like you and he doesn’t.” migrants vulnerable to minimum wage and crypto-fascists. 10. Hernán Rozemberg, “Minutemen But Simcox said: “I don’t think that’s other labor violations in the first place. It The “vigilante” movement has the bordering on chaos,” May 6, 2005, http:// something we should be talking about, but has no fundamental disagreement with support of the labor aristocracy, including Jim and I — there’s no need for both of either capitalism or imperialism and has unionized Border Patrol agents. Bu$h MYSA050605.1A.minuteman_texas.2478721ef.html us to be monitoring this situation now. Civil the support of imperialists like verbally opposed the “vigilantes,” and the 11. of homeland defense will take over a Congresspersyn Tom Tancredo, Senator “vigilantes” judge Bu$h for not being 12. “Rally rips governor’s citizen-patrol continuous effort of monitoring the border. Wayne Allard, DemoKKKrat John Kerry, ruthless enough toward undocumented nod,” May 7, 2005, http:// Jim is going to take phase two, Minutemen and Kalifornia Governor Arnold migrants, but the vigilantes unite with Project phase two and start implementing Schwarzenegger, and many others. In Bu$h on measures to reinforce and 20050507-9999-1m7border.html that on the interior where we’re going to fact, it obscures imperialism by further the repression of undocumented 13. be — have Minutemen protesters representing the united $tates as a country migrants. The labor aristocracy’s fascist MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 8 ‘Crown’ contributes to revolutionization Investigating entertainment conditions in the Western imperialist countries Europa Universalis: appease the four social groups, the prince button for “attack the natives.” As we will know how to make various decisions. said about EU1, the resistance of natives Crown of the North. The most annoying part of the game in a territory taken over is more realistic Strategy First, 2003 which ran quite well on XP in general is than in previous computer games with that it asks the prince (player) interesting simpler assumptions, so as programming A popular game in Western Europe, questions in successive order, but it places and realism it’s actually an advance. Now “Europa Universalis II” (EUII) does not the questions exactly over each other on we need to go further in video game seem to add much to the original game the screen so that clicking “yes” on one design and allow for natives to get along and I was about to say that we do not question very often ends up clicking on with other people— at least sometimes need another game of yore that a player the next question that pops up at that after struggle! Creating an Iroquois player most easily wins by killing off all second, when one is playing in faster was a step in the right direction, but not resistance. However, “Crown of the modes. The pop-up questions should enough. North” (CoN) that comes with EUII has appear on different parts of the screen. The ESRB gave this game package a some irresistible aspects. The positive aspect of the decisions “mild violence” rating, because the details CoN is about a contest for supremacy forced on the prince is that we learn to of violence are missing. What we see is in northern Europe from 1275 to 1340. think of them as politically based. Without icons representing troops clashing. EUII CoN’s real novelty stems from having support from the four social groups, revolt and CoN come together on the same CD. four social groups with conflicting is more likely, so the prince must learn In CoN, we have the bourgeois minimum interests— nobles, clergy, burghers and what makes the various groups happy. distinction between war and terrorism, peasants. Burghers we can think of as So the question for this game is whether because after a battle against troops, the merchants or the predecessors to the such positive aspects are worth the conqueror takes the town including its bourgeoisie. context CoN occurs in. While shopping people. It’s not a genocide. In contrast, For the years 1275 to 1340, Marxists for this game, the reviewer went to a in EUII “Fantasia,” the point is to clear those games, you have to know what you would have to look forward a few hundred major chain store for video games. There, the land of the people— genocide. True, are doing on an individual basis. While years to capitalism. Contrary to common a Black child of five years, maybe even one can play without doing so, but the we might question whether a politician’s ignorant opinion, the world was not four was just tall enough to get his hands message is that not doing so will make speech goes over its audience’s heads, always capitalist. In those years, the on a joystick demonstrating a TV-based one a “loser” in the game. Merely traveling we cannot question what the public goes burghers were the new emerging force. video game. He looked up to the TV through a province will lead to battles, so out and buys for itself over and over MIM does not write much on that period screen where he saw a squirrel dressed the positive aspects of exploration trade again. of history, but Marx knew much more. in a military uniform and helmet carrying off with genocide. So “Fantasia” has some At least in Kanada, the number one On our website, readers can see the a submachine gun. The joystick was to aspects brainwashing people to favor selling video game is about a sport that review of the Stalin era movie which is make the squirrel jump around and shoot genocide, along traditional Amerikkkan gets its highest ratings for stick/fist- about Novgorod in 1242. Novgorod also at assorted live targets. When the squirrel lines. fights—hockey. That’s very Kanadian of appears in EUII from 1275 to 1340, so lost the game, he fell into a pile of his CoN and even EUII are among the them and the preconception we have to we have the approximately correct era. own blood and died. best software games available, because be done with is the relative violence. NHL Novgorod received its due from Stalin’s The drawback of CoN—aside from not the standards in imperialist countries are is very mild pornography in comparison Soviet Union through its portrayal as an being simple enough like the games that incredibly violent. We advise readers to with what else is selling. advanced and democratically-minded city sell well today—is that from the beginning, walk through a store specializing in TV The number one selling game in in the movie “Alexander Nevsky.” the player must attack right away and and PC video games and look at each Amerika in 2002 was “Grand Theft Auto: Novgorod’s attitude toward conquerors grab provinces or soon lose. It’s not so box to see what the game is about, before Vice City,” with over 10 million copies is not without controversy, but what is much that we question the historical doubting MIM on this point. Then readers sold. It’s a game about being a mobster more important to us is that it’s an example accuracy of that particular scenario will understand MIM’s temptation to dealing in violence and prostitutes— of something that was ahead of its time. where timeliness of attack was essential. recommend games of good historical another variant on Amerika’s obsession The Alexander Nevsky era is proof that The real question is whether people are content that may nonetheless have with mass murder. In contrast, in an entire there is no timeless morality. CoN makes able to sort out the violence from the unintended consequences of supporting day, the CNN website may get 6 million it quite clear that burghers saw benefit to thought process. Whether a squirrel, robot militarism. viewers for all of its various stories while ending slavery and CoN also says the fantasy or historical setting, the point is According to the industry, 63% of Grand Theft Auto is just one game. When peasants actually opposed ending slavery. usually just props for militarism. One Amerikans over age 5 play video games, we make this sort of comparison, it’s The burghers preferred to hire cheap might think that no matter how well CoN which may be a self- interested easy to see how Nintendo, Sony labor according to CoN and some history did with history, many people would falsehood. However, we can be sure that Playstation, Microsoft X Box and others of slavery. interpret it as just another reason that total sales of over $10 billion a year in the are increasingly likely to leave all news So MIM condemns the bourgeoisie today’s European and Amerikan united $tates is not exaggerated. This reporting infotainment like CNN in the today, sometimes for trading slaves for militarism and random violence are figure is approximately the same as for dust. (We hereby officially beg for profit, but more often for wars for profit. positive. the adult entertainment industry or the reviews of even the dumbest games.) If However, had MIM been there in How video games justify the crime of non-adult Hollywood films industry when we combine the games and compare Alexander Nevsky’s day, we would have genocide is also strongly evident in the either is taken separately, though both them against the news stories, it’s clear to sing a completely different tune about other games packaged with CoN. It’s video games and adult films are growing where there will be more attention over the bourgeoisie. possible to play the EUII scenarios in the very fast—another question where we the long run. It is not possible in the game to instigate box as the Iroquois nation, but even then have to get over preconceptions and To a large extent, these games are just a revolution for the burghers or even other natives will attack the Iroquois, and where most alleged Marxist organizations a reflection of the real world. A top ten against slavery. There is an option to the only place it is safe to do trade and are lagging far behind MIM. game about Navy Seals is obviously declare some slaves free, but not a settlements is where there are no people: For MIM, the investigation of coming from somewhere real, but why systematic abolition. the natives will not trade or provide any entertainment in the united $tates is out of all the things going on on earth the The decisions that come the way of the benefit for interaction in the “Fantasia” another experience like Mao’s “fine” and Navy Seals is a top ten game is the prince are also very historically scenario: They simply attack at random “terrible” that started his scientific work question. informative. For example, how to handle times. Settler-go-home would mean not on China’s revolution. We cannot start The obvious answer is advertising— the the superstitions of the people at that time playing “Fantasia.” with preconceptions. active outreach component of is one question. Some questions may be Since the object of the game in The worst preconception about pornographic capitalism. People buy what difficult for players to understand in “Fantasia” is expansion, the most secure imperialist country people is that they are they are familiar with and the advertising context, so the object of the game is quite way of expanding one’s imaginary society innocent “workers” who know not what for the NHL, Navy Seals etc is already clear—”victory points” or “honor points.” is to build an army and kill the natives of they do in supporting imperialism. This is extensive. So games about heavily By pursuing honor points, while trying to each province. There is even a special baloney. To spend $10 billion and play Go to next page... MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 9 Political opportunism made simple The Political Machine. ads, one can raise the profile of an issue in a state, but the proportions for and Ubisoft, 2004 against any political stand do not change. This strategy game is a simulation of Meanwhile, candidates willing to work the campaign for the U.S. presidency. In with the issues that are already high the realm of politics, “Political Machine” profile enjoy an easy advantage. does not compare in sophistication to a Another benefit of the game is that the strategy game like “Superpower,” which proportions for and against various stands one can play for days at a time, because on political issues as presented by the “Political Machine” is a much simpler game do reflect the real world in the game that plays out in 41 turns. united $tates. People who have spent all “Political Machine” works within their time living in major cities like New completely bourgeois assumptions, but it York or Los Angeles or even just smaller succeeds in presenting the gist of what cities that are college towns might be in bourgeois politicians face. At the fringes, for a shock to see the whole picture. this game raises questions about alleged Left out of the game are the specific “socialism” in Western Europe, by which political debts one owes for raising money. the Amerikan-type game designers meant Money flows in as if solely from “social-democracy.” Socialism means volunteers interested in Amerikan politics appropriation of the means of production broadly speaking. and that has not happened in Western On the other hand, the game does Europe; although it is accurate that most show that long- run popularity depends Amerikans do confuse the terms the way largely on money to buy political ads in the game does. newspapers, radio and television. The Despite its bourgeois assumptions, “The effectiveness of those ad purchases Political Machine” may be of some use depends on the polling data that is given to younger game players, because it as fixed. contains some basic notions of what Once one learns what opportunism is political opportunism is. For example, a from this game, and once one realizes that have to fight within certain confines or it becomes impossible to move that piece. player may notice that the computer- countless would-be politicians follow a lose. This is especially true in the united Other states can get crowded too, so that generated opponent attacks from both path not unlike in this game, it is possible $tates and other majority-exploiter it is difficult to move pieces around or sides of each issue, just depending on to understand why Lenin wanted what countries where flattering the majority is see what is going on in the state. which state the candidate is in. The whole we call a “vanguard party” instead of a inconsistent with the goal of international People who are far along with their game is poll-driven, so if a player wants party like the Democrats or Republicans. peace. political development will find themselves to win in a certain state, s/he has to find People who want a fight for the truth Technically, the program has little naturally tiring of this game quickly. On something appealing to that state’s regardless of its popularity have no choice enough going on that there do not seem the other hand, MIM gives this game an residents, based on what they already but the vanguard party option. to be major errors or any major likelihood unqualified endorsement, especially for think. The people who change reality and the of the program’s crashing. The only youth, because of the other choices of According to the game, the only power parameters of the system are leaders. problem was graphical: a political tough games that youth might play instead. that the candidate has is one of emphasis: Leaders who have a direction are not the guy hired in Washington state may not There is also nothing at all that a parent if one spends enough money on political same thing as bourgeois politicians who show up on the game board and therefore could find objectionable in this game.

such a situation of existing through unfair part of the effect, but we agree with control other countries. It’s just that we Crown advantages. Capitalism by its nature MacKinnon broadly speaking on the do not want to rely only on imperialism’s From previous page... involves competition won through unfair question at hand. The problem we focus self-destruction. If we can, we seek to means and mega-corporations like the on is how violence became so “fun,” that speed up the process through other advertised movies like “Star Wars” and NHL would not arise if they were not there is a whole newly arising multi-billion means. the “Matrix” arise. profitable. If the monopoly capitalists dollar industry simulating it. MIM has set about studying the overall On the other hand, in most cases, could not hire governments they would In these games, they just do not seem facts on video games. From this advertising is extensive because hire their own private people to do the to be “fun” without violence—with the investigation, we have to wonder whether something sells enough to be profitable same things. exception of games about racing, CoN is still pornography and if we to advertise. So then we return to the Likewise, against the anarchist- professional sports and a handful of recommend CoN are we siding with soft- question at hand—why is it that people pacifists saying we should not support exploration games. A game out now with core pornography against other kinds. buy into what they do as “fun.” The games like CoN, we would say Lenin’s a teenage boy wedged between the Thus far, MIM’s answer is that if “Matrix” raised choreography of violence violent revolution ousted Russia from breasts of two young wimmin looks something contributes to revolutionization, to a new level and “Star Wars” came with World War I and pacifists have no such positively quaint by comparison with most we support it. Hockey video games may special lighting effects for blowing up accomplishment to their credit. It has to of the games glorifying total destruction. be an attraction to parents of young entire planets. do with whether individuals can really MIM tries desperately to understand this children, but we are reluctant to say they The monopoly capitalist corporations change the world through their spiritual about thrill-seekers in hopes of finding a revolutionize anyone just because they are such as the NHL and the monopoly purity or whether action needs to be social causation that we can turn around very mild pornography relatively capitalists’ government can compete at collective and still requires violence to end and use against the exploiters and speaking. In contrast, like the “Matrix” this level. NHL does well without real violence. oppressors. By itself, the will-to- or possibly even “Star Wars,” CoN is also competitors and because for some reason MIM is the only organization calling destruction culture is an example why the pornography making violence fun, but it newspapers have sports pages as if one itself Marxist in the imperialist countries exploiters tend to self-destruction. They does potentially contribute to the band of people were worthy of daily news working on the question of the do not really have a rational plan they can revolutionization of people, because it coverage. independent substance of “fun”—not as follow. If the oppressors wanted to run a contains elements promoting scientific The militarist games do well, because merely derivative of class and nation but military without Abu Ghraib, they could thought. the imperialist governments have not yet with its own dynamics. Catharine not. So, the total nihilism of the imperialist Note: gone bankrupt the way some businesses MacKinnon identified the eroticization of culture spills back on itself, even while do. Against the anarcho- capitalists, we power as the problem in gender relations the imperialists make ample use of it to wc.isa?TVB_Preview~VW62 would say it’s not just the governments in and pornography as the cause. We’re still 769~bTiQPJou not sure if pornography is the cause or MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 10

Build for the Unlock one of my trials for unlawful possession of a firearm. During any court appearance I appear the Box conference at I am forced to wear a 50,000 volt electronic For years we’ve been asking our comrades Under Lock & Key immobilization device (EID) otherwise known behind bars to send information on conditions as the “Bandit.” During the middle of my trial to help us build support for struggles like our as I was sitting at the defense table and my campaign to shut down prison Control Units. News from Prisons & Prisoners attorney and the prosecutor were at a sidebar We are currently working to bring this with the judge I was hit with all 50,000 volts movement to a higher level through an for 8 seconds. The Bandit is strapped to my upcoming conference called “Unlock the Box” to please publish this letter in you paper. Program strike in Oregon IMU calf, usually so tight that my toes go numb, on October 8 in San Francisco. Please send letters concerning my complaints It’s been a long time since my last letter yet and it is in direct contact with my skin. These We invite prisoners to help recruit for this to: I’m back. My mail is being fucked with yet creeprectional officers are always threatening event and build support for this movement. Barry Stout Pennsylvania you have sent me your Notes again without me and doing other weird things to my food. We want to reach out to and involve as many State Senate 1024 my asking and I thank you. I hope this letter So after the shock of the Bandit wore off I people and organizations as possible from Route 519, Suite 400 makes its way to where it’s going. I have some was to say the least very pissed off. across the country. You can help by: 1) Eighty Four PA 15530 news for MIM, some good and some not so I never dealt with a bunch of corrupt creeps Creating a list of organizations (with contact —a Pennsylvania prisoner, March 2005 good. I’m glad to say this will soon be over like I am forced to deal with right now. And to info) who are interested in this work to reach for me. Ten years dead for a crime that didn’t boot they actually have the nerve to say that out to 2) Contacting these organizations to Mental Health Crisis in Illinois Ad happen and I proved it. Or I should say they I’m faking and deny any responsibility by see if they will participate or support our work Seg/Control Unit did yet I could not afford freedom. stating that there is no evidence to support 3) Getting people on the streets building I want to thank you for the info [on the That really doesn’t matter now, I did the my allegations. awareness of the conference 4) Getting brutal mental health effects of control unit time and I’ll be paroling from IMU. I’ve been In closing I would like to thank you for interested organizations to host events or prisons]. I had it read aloud to everyone in in IMU this time for 18 months with 6 more to your newspaper and salute you for your meetings with representatives from our this seg control unit. Some of the inmates will go. I’m holding up on the outside yet cracking dedication in letting people know the whole campaign to present on the topic of the write up essays on the Control Unit Mental on the inside. I have seen my letters in your story. control units and recruit support for the Health Crisis. Under Lock & Key in the past, please don’t - A prisoner in Washington upcoming conference — a control unit prisoner in Illinois, 5 May, give up the ghost just yet. Prisoners can help support this work by 2005 I would like to tell you that team work is the spreading the word about the conference It’s important for families and friends of only way my self and 1/4 of SRCI IMU went within the prisons and encouraging our prisoners to understand the mental condition on a program strike. I would also like to say MIM on supporters on the inside to send information and challenges of prison inmates. There are 100% is just not going to happen. There are Prisons & Prisoners to their people on the outside to build prisoners that don’t expose their problematic some who like to get fucked over by DOC, participation. Those who can commit to this stressful conditions to family or friends due yet 1/4 of IMU C-Pod refused to do their MIM seeks to build public opinion recruiting and who want more information, to a lack of support. Myself, one prisoner, I brainwashing program packets. We ripped against Amerika’s criminal injustice sys- letters, fliers, etc should contact MIM. As have suffered mental challenges every day them up and pushed them out the door and tem, and to eventually replace the bour- always, we also need information from our that degrade and change my own behavior. on to the tier. We also flooded out to let it be comrades in the control units: statistics on Picture living alone in a confined cell, and known we’re one. We got bum rushed and geois injustice system with proletarian jus- the control units in your state or facility and having solitary confined recreation cages or 90% stayed strong. CO spray was used, many tice. The bourgeois injustice system im- reports on conditions in the control units are pods that have no bathroom stall. Twice a cans. We lost to the CO spray yet we won a prisons and executes a disproportionately important for our educational and agitation week, up to 18 prisoners fill these single-man long going fight for batteries. It sounds like a large and growing number of oppressed work. cages, and are made to stay for two-and-a- lot for so little yet when you have nothing, a half hours. There are no bathrooms in or new battery every week and a backup battery people while letting the biggest mass mur- Guards intimidate, extort prisoners outside these cages, nor will a station officer is like Xmas. derers — the imperialists and their lack- I’m writing this letter in deep concern, in take you out for restroom purposes. Prisoners I have to commend the 1/4 of IMU in eys — roam free. Imperialism is not op- need of desperate help, not only because I are forced to urinate and have bowel winning as a team of one. The only way is posed to murder or theft, it only insists that feel as though my life is in danger, I also fear movements around others, and to be one, comrades. And for the other 75% of SRCI the possibility of ever being paroled from this punished for this. Or they can hold their bodily IMU, I have nothing to say to them. these crimes be committed in the interests prison due to the ignorance of Pennsylvania waste. Then you have ones that throw human You see if we can pull together and one of the bourgeoisie. and take control of IMU beds then they have central office executive staff, from the feces in a confrontation with someone else, “All U.S. citizens are criminals— Secretary of Correction Jeffery A. Beard to risking hepatitis for themselves and others. lost control. If 50% of IMU is put on IEC, 50% accomplices and accessories to the crimes the staff members at SCI Greene. They are Corrections officers (C/Os) are supposed of the bullshit beefs would stop. If 100% could obviously refusing a thorough investigation to distinguish your level of voice and say happen then no one gets in. The downfall is of U.$. oppression globally until the day on the allegations and complaints I’ve made, whether you are talking or yelling. Yelling is a no one gets out. The big picture is control. U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S. You see IMU is frozen. There is always going not only here at SCI Greene, but also at SCI rule violation. What is yelling? How citizens should start from the point of view Camp Hill, about several security officers here appropriate is it for a C/O to determine a yell to be discomfort and hardship in war, at SCI Greene who have been breaking the in legal terms and punish us for this? There is comrades. It’s time to stand up as one and that they are reforming criminals.” law, from extorting inmates to blackmailing a difference, of course, between talking and put the bullshit aside. We are gearing up for MIM does not advocate that all and planting contraband in prisoners’ cells, yelling, but why should a C/O be able to say round two. Stand up, comrades! prisoners go free today; we have a — a prisoner in Oregon, April 2005 just to get packs of cigarettes from inmates to which is which when the determination results more effective program for fighting save money from their pockets! This is how in punishment? Housed on an open unit with things have been running up here at SCI 52 cells on two floors, if everyone speaks in Pre-trial repression in Washington crime as was demonstrated in China Greene for the seven years I’ve been here. tones meant to be heard six inches away like I have been continuously housed in the prior to the restoration of capitalism I was recently set up by officers on the you do in elementary school, the noise level Washington Correction Centers Intensive there in 1976. We say that all prisoners search team for reporting abuse by a DOC will still be at a roar because of how many Management Unit as a pre-trial detainee/ officer to my family. In revenge they planted people are talking in this confined space. We county boarder pending trial on five felony are political prisoners because under five weapons in my cell. Now this is right must decide either to communicate with other cases, one of which would be a “Third Strike” the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all after a state institutional search, the biggest prisoners and be heard, or avoid getting if convinced, since October 30, 2003. imprisonment is substantively search ever! I don’t care if you have an extra tickets for yelling and live in complete Both county and prison officials claim they political. It is our responsibility to comb; they’re going to take it! They do a isolation. Choosing isolation will lead to either are justified in keeping me in the WCC/IMU tight and thorough search. Now I passed this Attention Disorder or Post-Traumatic Stress because, a) the jail placed me on administrative exert revolutionary leadership and major shakedown with no problems. Besides, Disorder. segregation, b) I’m facing “Three Strikes” if conduct political agitation and I haven’t had a write up in four years and I The conditions we live in can be compared convicted. organization among prisoners — was going up for parole soon. Why would I to those of a dog who is isolated for 30 days. It is my understanding that I have a right to whose material conditions make them jeopardize my chance of going home? Imagine interacting with the dog only to give due process and due process was created to I know a lot of people up here who have it baths once a week, and giving it the same protect people from arbitrary actions by those an overwhelmingly revolutionary been going through the same hell. I know amount of food you would feed a puppy. How acting under color of law. It is also my group. Some prisoners should and will when something is wrong and when will the dog act when it is released? understanding that a pre-trial detainee work on self-criticism under a future something needs to be done about it. I’ll —a control unit prisoner in Illinois, May possesses a “presumption of innocence” stand up for what is right! And if I go through 2005 status. What does it mean if everything he dictatorship of the proletariat in those some harassment, if I have to go through the MIM adds: see suffers is justified by being convicted? Where cases in which prisoners really did do whole paper chase game to see justice, I’ll do Politics/MIM/agitation/prisons/controlunits/ is it written that the State may constitutionally something wrong by proletarian it! unlock.php for more information on control punish a pre-trial detainee? standards. The only thing I’m requesting from you, is units from MIM and others. On March 14, 2005 I was in the middle of MIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 11

Maltreatment of prisoners in effect. Any misconduct will also be cause for seg) in a building called Z unit. We have no Michigan denial of parole. The way a society treats sunlight in your cells, showers only given 3 Join the fight against Dear Congressman Conyers: those who have transgressed against it is times a week for barely enough time to wash the injustice system I am writing to express my concerns about evidence of the essential character of that up, and at this current time the entire the ongoing physical and mental maltreatment society. institution is on lock down going on for 3 of prisoners and their personal property I came to prison at the age of 22, and for the months and is rumored to be another month, While we fight to end the criminal within the Michigan Department of past eight years (in prison) I have tried to and that is what they told us 2 months prior. I injustice system MIM engages in Corrections (MDOC). This prevailing injustice transform myself from a male with no myself have run out of hygiene and rationing reformist battles to improve the lives is directed disproportionately towards direction or understanding on life, into a man my one bar of soap I get issued a week to of prisoners. Below are some of the African-Americans and Hispanics. with vision and responsibilities. I have bath, clean clothes/sheets, and keep my cell campaigns we are currently waging, Prisoners are arbitrarily being written major obtained my GED and certificates and clean. That little bar of soap goes quick. They and ways people behind the bars and misconduct tickets, which may cause a diplomas in an array of self-help programs. keep the cells here are cold. They give you 2 on the outside can get involved. More prisoner to increase his security level and I’ve tried to utilize every accomplishment pairs of socks, 2 pairs of boxers and 2 pars of info can be found on our prison web diminish his chances of being paroled. towards the betterment and advancement of the state issued t-shirts. They don’t warm myself and others. I have applied for Federal you up. I could go on forever about the COs’ site: Moreover, minorities are more likely to be MIM/agitation/prisons classified to a higher security level. Seventy- Student Aid and enrollment in a community conduct, their attitude and disrespect to nine percent of prisoners in level five are college. Entering prison with a third-grade everyone. Transfers are hard to come by at Stop Censorship in Prison: Prisons minorities, although minorities only make up reading and writing level, I could never have High Drama. There are people who have been frequently censor books, newspapers fifty-nine percent of the prison population. imagined attending college. waiting for a transfer for a year and a half. and magazines coming from MIM’s At the other end of the spectrum, minorities No life is without error or regret. I have - a CA prisoner, April 2005 books for prisoners program. We need make up only fifty-one percent of the made numerous mistakes in the past, but I The public should be made aware of the help from lawyers, paralegals and population of minimum security prisons. have learned to make more appropriate racism, favoritism and the prejudice going on jailhouse lawyers to fight this Additionally, more than half of the people decisions and weigh my actions. I have paid behind the walls. The Black inmates at High censorship. in prison have had some mental health eight years of my life for my transgression Desert State Prison D-facility have been on Books for Prisoners: This program problems. But prisoners with mental illness against society. I cannot change the past, but lockdown since August of 2004. They have focuses on political education of too frequently get tickets rather than I can study and determine the future from it. cell-searched us numerous times and are — a Michigan prisoner, April, 2005 doing it again. prisoners. Send donations of books and treatment. This can be a problem for them as money for our Books for Prisoners well as for those who have to live with them. In December the staff confiscated all of my The higher the level, the more people with New SRCI Mail Policy and my cellmate’s property and paperwork program. mental health problems. Sometimes, the In recent years MIM has reported on (i.e., legal work, letters, address books, phone End the Three Strikes laws: This conditions in level four, five, and censorship problems in Snake River numbers, photo albums, loose pictures, campaign is actively fighting the administrative segregation can actually cause Correctional Institution(SRCI) in Oregon. A novels). Approximately a week later they repressive California laws, but similar psychological problems. comrade recently sent us the following confiscated some other inmate’s property, laws exist in other states. Write to us Presently, at this concentration camp, information from the SRCI newsletter: also in my building. These inmates got their to request a petition to collect prisoners are taken to administrative “Books from Publishers and Distributors property back within 2 weeks. We did not get signatures. Send articles and segregation, and once inside are beaten, The SRCI Mail Processing Center is now ours back for two months. And when we got information on three strike laws. denied food and daily showers, and the right accepting books from all publishers and it back, not all of it was there. They kept Shut Down the Control Units: Across approximately 96 photos of family members to send out their U.S. Mail (prisoners will give distributors, including bookstores. the country there are a growing number Publications from bookstores must be mailed and close friends, all of my address books an officer a letter and it won’t make it to its of prison control units. These are destination). If a prisoner attempts to exercise from the point of purchase and not from the and phone numbers, so I can not contact my his First Amendment right in submitting an person purchasing the publication (ie. their family and associates that I do not know from permanently designated prisons or cells institutional grievance for redress of any of house). Mailroom staff will inspect the book memory. in prisons that lock prisoners up in the aforementioned injustices, he most prior to issuing it to you. This will make it Whenever we write inmate 602 appeals and solitary or small group confinement for certainly will be retaliated against in some form easier for senders to mail your books and will complaints against staff, they never get turned 22 or more hours a day with no or fashion. Prisoners are being oppressed and reduce the amount of books being returned in to the appeals coordinator’s box to be congregate dining, exercise or other repressed by a totalitarian Executive Branch to the sender.” processed, but instead mysteriously vanish. services, and virtually no programs for of the State of Michigan. This is a step forward, and will help MIM They are violating our rights in all areas. prisoners. Prisoners are placed in Now I have been a victim of reprisal by a which publishes and distributes its own stuff. — a prisoner at HDSP, March 2005 control units for extended periods of Prison Counselor. I submitted grievances But this still amounts to an unreasonable limit time. These units cause both mental and on prisoners’ access to reading materials, LA county jail covers up beatings against this Case Manager for refusing to physical problems for prisoners. forcing friends and family to pay full price I was victimized at the LA County Jail in reclassify me for an institutional work Write to us to request a petition to assignment and transfer me to a lower level (I and have books shipped directly to the 1996 by the Sheriffs Department. The deputies am a true level one but I’m currently classified prison. MIM frequently sends used books in lied and said I tried to stab the deputy with a collect signatures. Get your at level four). This Case Manager summoned to prisoners, and this Oregon policy prohibits pencil. This was to cover up the beatings I organization to sign the statement me to his office to inform me that he didn’t us from doing this. MIM will continue to received, and enforce the 3-strike law illegally. demanding control units be shut down. like the fact that I submitted prior grievances challenge these restrictions in our day-to-day I was sentenced to 25-to-life for an assault on Send us information about where there against him, and he informed me that he would work of getting books into prisoners in SRCI a deputy, with a pencil. My public defender are control units in your state. Include make sure I won’t go to a lower level. In other and around the country. We will keep you knew these deputies lie about their reports to the names of the prisons as well as the words, he’s going to have someone else write updated on these struggles here in the pages cover up the beatings and enforce the 3-strike number of control unit beds/cells in unfounded misconduct tickets or do it himself, of Under Lock and Key. law illegally. During trial she stipulated to the each prison if that is known. Send us and/or place me in administrative segregation. deputies’ evidence medical report, and other anti-control unit artwork. The aforementioned Case Manager knows Conditions at High Desert State false reports. The judge heard the deputies MIM’s Re-Lease on Life Program: lie in cross examination but he would not I am scheduled to go before the Parole Board Prison prison This program provides support for our this month, and that not having a work dismiss the case. I am a prisoner in California at High Desert comrades who have been recently assignment will reduce my chance of a parole. State Prison (aka High Drama). I am currently — a California prisoner, March 2005 Being in a higher level will have the same residing in administration segregation (ad- released from the prison system, to help them meet their basic needs and also continue with their revolutionary Facts on U$ imprisonment organizing on the outside. We need The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world’s leading prison-state per capita for the last funds, housing, and job resources. We 25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin’s declaration of a state of emergency.(1) also need prisoner’s input on the That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet “evil empire” he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita. following survey questions: In supposedly “hard-line” Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3) To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South 1. What are the biggest challenges Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war you face being released from prison? time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than China; even though China is four times our population.(5) 2. How can these problems be The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a “free country.” They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment. addressed? Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, “Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993,” The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite 3. What are the important elements 501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994 of a successful release program? 2. Ibid., 1992 report. 3. United Nations Development Programme, “Human Development Report 1994,:” Oxford University Press, p. 186. 4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211. 5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998. NotasMIM Notes 320 • June 1-30, 2005 • Page 12 Rojas junio 1 Nº 320 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis

por los historiadores burgueses tiene el propósito de la iglesia católica cuyo actual Papa, el ex militante que fueron los soviéticos quienes destrozaron la «TODA UNA VIDA NO de ocultar la esencia política de la segunda guerra de la juventud hitleriana, es expresión del avance poderosa Wehrmacht y que ello sirvió para llevar a SERÁ SUFICIENTE PARA mundial. La Alemania hitleriana, fue la expresión fascista en los países de la Comunidad Europea. cabo en éxito el desembarco de los aliados. Y que social y política de una fracción de la burguesía AGRADECER LO QUE Es en este contexto, controlado por las fuerzas gracias a ello los americanos y los ingleses pudieron internacional, y ahí radicó la medula del odio de más retrogradas del sistema capitalista, que se liberar Europa del Oeste. El historiador explica HIZO EL EJÉRCITO clase contra el socialismo soviético. Diversos tergiversa la historia y con ello se facilita la que al momento que se instaló la “guerra fría”, ROJO POR LA historiadores, incluso algunos de la burguesía, reimplantación de antiguos colaboradores nazis y cambio la historiografía occidental la que redujo a reconocen que el objetivo fundamental del gobierno LIBERTAD». simpatizantes del dominio racial. la nada el rol jugado por el poderío soviético en la (ERNEST HEMINGWAY) Alemán fue el extermino de la Unión Soviética lucha contra Hitler. Y ahora, dice Marc Ferro, la como República Socialista. Por: Luis Arce Borja Síntesis de la verdadera historia tendencia es exclusivamente a resaltar el rol de los A propósito de la segunda guerra mundial y la La forma como la burguesía internacional ha anglo-sajones en los triunfos de la segunda guerra participación gloriosa del pueblo soviético, hemos Casi sin excepción los medios de comunicación tratado el 60 aniversario del triunfo sobre el mundial. “Hay sobre todos ese rechazo a admitir creído conveniente traducir del francés un excelente y la mayoría de los intelectuales de Europa nazismo hitleriano, muestra que hasta la historia que pudo haber en cierto momento de la historia, articulo, que como una flor en el desierto de la occidental han pretendido escribir su propia historia tiene carácter de clase. Los verdaderos hechos deben una superioridad técnica industrial de los rusos prensa burguesa y que milagrosamente pudo sobre los acontecimientos de la segunda guerra ser rescatados en su autenticidad en tanto ello sirve sobre Alemania durante la guerra”, dice el escapar la censura de la Santa Inquisición, relata mundial. Su propósito, que alcanzó proporciones como prueba del heroísmo de un pueblo que luchó historiador. Como prueba cita el tanque T 34, “el con extraordinaria objetividad las razones por la groseras, fue echar una cortina de humo sobre el no solamente por su libertad sino la de todos los mejor tanque de la época, que provocó el pánico cuales la historia ha sido tan burdamente rol preponderante e histórico del Ejército Rojo de habitantes del planeta. Es bueno recordar que un en los alemanes, la producción de cañones de gran distorsionada. Los autores son belgas, y se trata la Unión Soviética en la derrota del fascismo factor histórico-político fundamental en la ejemplar calidad. Dice también el especialista, que la ayuda de Guy Spitaels, ministro de Estado, el escritor hitleriano. Lo curioso es que hasta los grupos y resistencia del pueblo soviético frente al invasor en materiales de guerra entregados por los anglo- Jean-Marie Chauvier y el periodista Vladimir Caller. medios de comunicación de izquierda, de palabra alemán fue el Partido Comunista de la Unión sajones a los rusos, tuvo lugar solamente después ¿Por qué minimizar la victoria roja?. (*) antifascista y antiimperialistas, bailaron al ritmo Soviética (PCUS). Esta organización de la victoria Soviética en Stalingrado. Los autores inician su recuento con una pregunta de la orquesta de la gran burguesía de los países revolucionaria, creada por Lenin, dirigió la unidad En 1941 cuando parecía el fin de la URSS, dicen bastante sugestiva: ricos y se refirieron a la guerra mundial en términos y la lucha del pueblo contra las tropas nazis. Los los autores, este país se recompuso mediante una “¿Por qué aquello que era una verdad en 1945, abstractos y antihistóricos. Pero todo no fue más destacados combatientes en el frente soviético gigantesca e impresionante movilización patriótica. al momento de la victoria sobre el nazismo, no lo “olvido” (voluntario por supuesto) sino también fueron, sin duda alguna, los militantes comunistas Para luchar contra el invasor se juntaron rusos, es ahora? Esta victoria tuvo por principales vulgar tergiversación de los hechos históricos. La provenientes principalmente de las fábricas. Por judíos, ucranianos, bielorrusos, georgianos, protagonistas el Ejército Rojo y el pueblo soviético. mayor parte de la prensa francesa de Europa ello, las tropas hitlerianas, lo primero que hacían armenios, musulmanes del Caucazo, de Grimea de La mitad de las víctimas de la segunda guerra (Francia, Bélgica, Suiza) se refirió al Ejército Rojo, cuando tomaban el control de pueblos y ciudades, Asia Central, batallones reclutados en los Goulag mundial fueron soviéticas. Los jefes nazis habían no para reconocer sus meritos en la guerra, sino era ejecutar masivamente y en el acto a los cuadros (cárceles), etc. Esta resistencia fue también un lugar previsto la desaparición de por lo menos 30 para acusarlo de “invasor” de los países bálticos”. y militantes comunistas. de iniciativas espontáneas y de una gran creatividad millones de “Untermenschen” (sub hombres) Un poco más y se declara a los soviéticos de la El 22 de junio de 1941, la Alemania nazi ejecuta social y artística. Algo sumamente importante es soviéticos, y la deportación de otro contingente de segunda guerra mundial tan culpables como las el “Plan Barbarota” y ataca la Unión Soviética. que nuevas investigaciones en los archivos de la 30 millones. En los territorios soviéticos ocupados tropas hitlerianas. Para los soviéticos se inicia la guerra Patria, y se segunda guerra mundial confirman que el genocidio los nazis lograron exterminar 10 millones de Gunter Verheugen, vicepresidente de la Comisión convoca a la más grande movilización de masas perpetrado por los nazis contra los “sub hombres” personas, de ellos 2’7 millones de judíos. Solamente Europea, exigió a comienzo del mes de mayo, que jamás vista en la historia de la humanidad. Obreros, slavos y el comienzo del genocidio contra los judíos entre 1941 y 42 hubieron 3’3 millones de Moscú reconozca que el Ejército Rojo “había Campesinos, amas de casa, jóvenes y viejos se fueron parte de un solo proceso dirigido contra el prisioneros soviéticos eliminados en la “muerte ilegalmente ocupado los países bálticos” (Letonia, unen a la resistencia armada y se inicia la gran bolchevismo, y que ello fue de naturaleza programada”. El cerco de Leningrado, los “millares Estonia y Lituania). Sobre el mismo tema, La Libre epopeya de lucha contra el nazismo. Hitler utiliza colonialista y racista. de Orador” en Bielorrusia, en Rusia y Ukrania, las Bélgique (un cotidiano cristiano de Bélgica), para atacar a la URSS un ejército de más de 6 Dicen los autores, que la cifra de “20 millones 70 mil ciudades destruidas, las innumerables anunció (6 de mayo 2005) que “Rusia había estado millones de hombres que a la época fue la más de victimas en la URSS” muchas veces ha parecido masacres perpetradas por los Einzatsgruppen, los invitada con insistencia por Occidente a reconocer poderosa fuerza militar del mundo capitalista. En exagerada, pero no es así. Recientes investigaciones SS, la Wehrmacht y sus auxiliares nacionalistas o la ocupación de los países bálticos por la URSS de noviembre de 1941, es decir a un poco más de un muestran que las victimas soviéticas en la segunda fascistas (polacos, bálticos, letones, lituaneces, Stalin”. El mismo George Bush, no tuvo ningún año del inicio del “Plan Barbarota”, las tropas guerra mundial serían de 26 a 27 millones de ucranianos). Un genocidio frente al cual los problema para denunciar a los “invasores alemanas ocupaban militarmente un territorio personas. A esto hay que agregar decenas de soviéticos pudieron salvar un millón de judíos…Lo soviéticos” en la segunda guerra mundial. soviético de 1’800,000 kilómetros cuadrados millones de mutilados, huérfanos, de gente sin dicho hasta aquí no se trata de una opinión, y es La política de arrasar de la memoria los donde antes de la guerra vivían 80 millones de vivienda, y sobre todo dicen ellos sin “Plan más bien hechos históricos pocos conocidos por verdaderos hechos históricos, es un arma estratégica personas. En términos comparativos, el territorio Marshall” para reconstruir una URSS cansada y las nuevas generaciones”. de los herederos del fascismo Europeo. Su ocupado por los nazis, era en conjunto la dimensión duramente destruida. Otra verdad señalan los Según los autores, “El presidente Franklin propósito fundamental es que los pueblos olviden de Inglaterra, Francia, Italia y Suecia. autores, es que el “Frente del Este” contra el “judío- Roosevelt, el primer ministro británico Winston a los verdaderos culpables del horror del pasado, y El frente Soviético fue decisivo en la segunda bolchevismo”, (según la definición nazi del poder Churchill y el general de Gaulle, principales jefes en tanto ello dejarles el camino libre para el guerra mundial. En el periodo de junio de 1941 y 9 soviético) no estaba integrado solo por los políticos y militares de los países de la coalición resurgimiento del terror nazi y criminal. Por lo de mayo de 1945, las fuerzas armadas nazis (La alemanes. Había tropas aliadas de Rumania, de anti-hitleriana, reconocieron el rol principal de los pronto, en Alemania, cuna del nazismo, Austria, wehrmacht), perdieron en la guerra contra los Hungría, de España, de Italia, de Croacia, de legiones soviéticos en la victoria contra el nazismo en 1945. Italia, España, así como en Bélgica, Holanda, soviéticos el 80% de sus efectivos. Es decir 607 y divisiones de SS llegados de toda Europa, y ¿Nuestra liberación habría sido posible sin las Dinamarca, y otros países del eje de la Comunidad divisiones alemanas fueron liquidadas y hechas comprendidos flamencos, wallones (Bélgica) victorias soviéticas logradas sucesivamente en Europea, ya los grupos ultra reaccionario son prisioneras. Esto significó 3 veces y medio más quienes apoyaron los planes hitlerianos mediante Moscú, Stalingrado y Koursk?, ¿o sin la inmensa fuerzas políticas oficiales que deciden directa o que lo que perdieron los alemanes en los frentes de “la bendición de ciertos clérigos”. Señalan que una contraofensiva llevada por los ejércitos del mariscal indirectamente las decisiones políticas de los África del Norte, en Italia y Europa Occidental. tesis malsana que encubrió la colaboración con las Joukov que concluyó cuando se colocó la bandera gobiernos. Tienen ministros, alcaldes, curas y Solo en la batalla de Stalingrado del 17 de julio del nazis fue aquella que hablaba de la “Europa roja sobre el Reichstan en Berlín?. Sin estas victorias ocupan altos puestos en la administración del 42 al 2 de febrero de 1943, los nazis perdieron cristiana y civilizada” contra la “barbarie rojas, el judocidio por parte de los nazis hubiera Estado. Son los mismos estados, y las grandes 1’500,000 soldados y oficiales, lo que fue igual al bolchevique”. Y eso precisamente, dicen, sirve continuado hasta la liquidación de 11 o 12 millones trasnacionales los que financian y sostienen a las 11% del total de perdidas alemanas en la segunda ahora para que rehabilitar en Alemania a los de judíos de Europa que habría sido el objetivo organizaciones de extrema derecha. Por ejemplo, guerra mundial. Las tropas de Hitler, cuando fueron herederos del nacional socialismo, y a los hitleriano. Pareciera que se desea hablar lo menos en Bélgica el grupo nazi llamado Vlaams Belang es derrotadas dejaron en suelo soviético 3,500 tanques, colaboradores nazis en Ukrania, en los países posible de esta contribución soviética a la libertad, la tercera fuerza política en la parte nerlandofona 3,000 aviones de combate y transporte, 12 mil bálticos y mismo en la Flandria (flamencos de que como dijera Ernest Hemingway, “Toda una de este país, y su influencia es tanta que los mismos cañones y morteros y otros materiales de guerra. Bélgica). Así dicen los autores, “nosotros deseamos vida no es suficiente para agradecer lo que hizo el partidos llamados democráticos comienzan a En todo esto, los soviéticos, como muestran nuevas simplemente que este 8 y 9 de mayo, días de la Ejército Rojo por la libertad”. (Chaque être humain cumplir los dictados y programas de esta investigaciones, perdieron entre 26 y 27 millones capitulación nazi, ciertos hechos históricos no sean qui aime la liberté doit plus de remerciements a organización que reivindica el nacional socialismo de habitantes. Dos hombres sobre 5 de aquellos victimas de la mentira por omisión. Y que la ocasión l’Armée Rouge qu’il ne puisse payer durant toute hitleriano. Este partido recibe anualmente varios que perdieron la vida en segunda guerra mundial no sirva para rehabilitar la colaboración y levantar une vie) ». millones de euros del Estado belga y tiene acceso a fueron soviéticos. monumentos a los antiguos SS”. Los autores señalan que habría ocurrido un « los canales de televisión y otros medios de Otro elemento importante a resultar es que la Bruselas, 13 de mayo 2005 tabú a posteriori » respeto a reconocer la comunicación. En Europa, en medio de una segunda guerra mundial mostró el rostro extremo Note: (*). Título original: Pourquoi minimiser participación fundamental de la URSS en la segunda creciente crisis económica, se aperturan los estados del sistema capitalista mundial y la voracidad la victoire rouge. La Libre Belgique, lunes 9 de guerra mundial. Para sustentar dicha versión policiales, crece el odio contra los extranjeros, y imperialista. Decir que Adolfo Hitler fue un mayo 2005. Autores; Guy Spitaels, ministro del recurren a los argumentos del historiador Marc comienza a reimplantarse las fuerzas retrogradas aventurero o loco como muchas veces es calificado Estado belga, Jean-Marie Chauvier, escritor y Ferro, especialista en Historia Rusa, quien afirma Vladimir Caller periodista.