August 27, 2019 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY & EMAIL Donald N. Gonzalez Vale District Manager Bureau of Land Management 100 Oregon Street Vale OR 97918
[email protected] Re: Southeastern Oregon Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and Draft Environmental Impact Statement Dear Mr. Gonzalez: On behalf of the Oregon Natural Desert Association (“ONDA”), Audubon Society of Portland, Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Northwest Environmental Defense Center, Oregon Wild, Sierra Club Oregon Chapter, Western Watersheds Project, and The Wilderness Society,1 please accept, fully consider, and specifically respond to these comments on the Bureau of Land Management’s (“BLM”) proposed plan amendment for the Southeastern Oregon Resource Management Plan (“SEORMP”).2 INTRODUCTION The SEORMP governs management of about 4.6 million acres of public land in southeast Oregon’s high desert. This region stretches from the remote Sheepshead and Trout Creek Mountains of the northern Great Basin, to the broad expanses of sagebrush dissected by the Owyhee Wild and Scenic Rivers canyonlands, to the southeastern front of the Blue Mountains, where the Malheur River emerges to join the Snake River. These are some of the most remote and wild landscapes in the lower 48 states. In fact, more than half of this remarkable landscape has been recognized by BLM and citizens alike as having irreplaceable wilderness values. 1 We provide contact and other information for each of the groups joining these comments, in Appendix A. 2 See BLM, Notice of Availability of the Draft Southeastern Oregon Resource Management Plan Amendment and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Malheur Field Office, Vale District, Oregon, 84 Fed.