These Sections Is Further Divided Into Four Subsections. Eac.H Section
41. DOC Mit REBORE sp 178 514 4 ST 015. 009 OTEOR Vacha, Edward F.; And Others , TITLE 'Improving Classroom,. Social Climate; Tacherss - Handbook. INSTITUTION State. Dept. of Education,Sacramento. 4 PUB DATE 'CaliforniaMar 79 NOTE 2.92p. AVAILABLE FROM Holt, Rinehart a7nd Winston, 383 MadisonAvenue, 'New York, N.Y. 10017 (S1.9.95) 'EARS PRICE MPO1/PC12*Plus Posta0. - DESCRIPTORS Aspiration; Class Management; ClassroomEnvironment; Elementa:ry Edlication; Friendship;*Group Dynamics; Interaction Isrocess knalysis; *Interpersonal Relationship; Leadership; *Socialization;*Social Relations:, *Student Behavior BSTRACT The g\oal of this book is to help teacherscreate a positive social climate in -ihe elementary schlolclassroom. Six group processes areas are identified as combining to. create the social climate of t;Ie'claLssroom;(1) attraction; (2)leadership; communication;(4) stAdent norms of conduct; 15) individual(3) expectations; ''and(6) group cohesion. The book is divided _izto six sections, one for each of these sixgroup processes areas. Each of . these sections is further divided intofour subsections. Eac.h section begins with an introducticA that explains thetheories around which the lessons .f or that area are aesigned, the goals,of the 'les.sons for that area, and a discussion' of &lassrcom Aanageienttechniques necssary to support andk, reinforce the lessons'. s(JD) 4 j .*1pEep.rductions suPplied by. EDRS are the best that made ,from the original document. ..... ..., ..- ...,....1111* *d vi,;:,'""',"':;:,-,, ..... ,,.., -, . ','''''.: ,l'**. t'..1:.7iii,..... ',twi'''!_gr,-,.k`l,A4i .... ,...., -,..s...4 . *,'' . :: , F'',' 7 .. + ' '',,+ . _. ,, .%, 'I, '''',:i.s^j',''', ':4-, =r'`',':..',.::, ',.-' -4 - ' ' 7 i,'`' ' 43.,I, . f 1 .., Alkihi.'S"' TAA1'.4 ' A., . .. ' )7;A:,'' s %.': ; % 1 r,: 'Af:' '''I''''',t.,' ',/,,,,-* .
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