
^ • "4 ^ University Library ^ ^ THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT.


LET US HAVE A SPECIAL SESSION. , in cas' our Republican friends can't OUT OF TOWN SHOPPINC. people. In theory a currency bas id MORE SESSIONS NOT NEEDED. THE DEMOCRAT. A special session of the legislature agree on the disposition of the Ann For the purpose of attracting trade upon tiie assets of banking corpora- Hon. A. J. Sawyer, in a column in- PUBLISHED EVERY FBIDAY. called! to consider the problems of Arbor rw-st office they might compro- from the Interior towns to the retail tions may be all right, but in practice terview in the Detroit Journal, takes merchants of Detroit, tin- Evening it has been all wrong. The eonditio i railroad traffic and general taxation, mise <>n .] Democrat. an advanced stand for a constitutional CHAS. A. WARD, EDITOR AND PROP and honestly devoted to those pur- News and Detroit Tribune have com- of ideal honesty and consideration for amendment providing annual sessions PER YEAR. poses, will be a luxury in which the If Senator Wolcott would represent menced a system of "plugging" which, private to public welfare, necessary TERMS: $1.00 of the legislature, and removing tha people of this state can well afford his Colorado -'constituency beyond the viewed from a Detroit, standp>i>n. for the su'-c<*ssful operation of that to indulge. It is a notorious fact that limit, of lirs present term, lie will do ;c....- be commendable, but which theory, is yet to 'be esta-blished. time limit for the tat; iduction of bills. the ordinary sessions of our state well to remove all suspicion of undu not calculated to meet with ,o, ! The advocates of bank currency At present all bills must lie intro- legislature are almost wholly giv-3-.a Intimacy with thi Hanua admiiiistia with business interests outside of that recognize this truism when they pro- duced during the first 50 days of thg Entered at Ann Arbor Postofflce as Secon tion. Class Mail Matter. over to the consideration of legisla- city. The scheme is. comprehensive, vide in their schemes for government session. tion of a private and of a local na- covering everything from the clothing supervision and guarantees of re- Mr. Sawyer says: "A1 considerable After calmly surveying the post OFFICE: TIMES BLDG.. 8. MAIN ST ture, and. the log-rolling incident to of the family to the supplies for the demption. But if the government percentage of the bills introduced are office situation in Washtenaw count} this species of law-making precludes table. The News closes a glowing < redit is so good and so strong that prepared by citizens, and se.it to some we are led to the irresistible conclu more than the most superficial con- description of the merits of "shopping it is to be preferred to the credit Of representative or senator, with a po- sion that g. o. p. politics in Washte CLUBBING LIST. sideration of measures of a general by mail" with the following appeal: the banks, why resign to the banks lite note requesting their introduction. naw county is not without its liumoi "Now just a word to those who have the power and profit of issuing a cur- character. But, in an extraordinary ous side. The legislator addressed, by reason session! called, for the consideration been already converted to buying by rency ? of the fact that he has b-.it a few YOU can secure the Democrat anc mail, but who have been persuaded the following publications for of certain problems of grave, public days in which to prepare and Intro- We would remind the divers othe into the idea that they have to bu.» one year as follows: importance, and into the deliberations THE JOURNAL AND MR. BRYAN. duce measures which he believes to candidates for congressional honor i-i Chicago or New York. Have you Enemies of the cause of bimetallism !> other issues can be right- at the hands of the g. o. p. that thej people tried Detroit? You cannot Twice a Week Free Prees 1.41 busily engaged, has but litt'e or no fully injected, the d'istractio is of an would do well to defer a recapitulation beat Detroit goods or Detroit prices. have been in high glee because a Michigan Farmer 1.5' opportunity to examine the bill pent Michigan Farmer and Cleve- ordinary session will be wholly re- of their prospects until the fog-lion Besides, you ought to have some re- signed article appeared in the Nc,v him, and he finds himself reduced to land Daily World 2.00 moved and no legitimate bar will be of Ypsilnnti has been sounded. gard for your own state. Every bit York Journal, a newspaper which en- the alternative of either refusing to St Nicholas 3.25 placed upon the careful and deliberate of business diverted from Detroit is Harper's Magazine 4.0 thusiastically supports the Chicago introduce the measure, or to introduce eorskleratioH of the subject IU hand. Should party loyalty require it. it if. diverted from the state of Michigan. Youths Companion 2.01 platform, professing a wariness of it without so much as reading it; and Cosmopolitan 1.6( Though nothing should be accom- said that ex-fJovemor John T. Kiel Just try a Detroit house the next time he naturally reasons that, if he intro- Farm News 1.01 plished the educational results of an would sacrifice himself upon the altar you are sending out. an order." Mr. Bryan and arguing against his Womankind l.(X duces the bill, when the rush is over extended official discussion of the sub- of the Detroit eollectorship. "John T.' candidacy in 1900. The Journal has American Poultry Journal 1 2( The News might have said. Have he can give the ni.-.t-ter more e.iveful New York Tribune 1.25 ject of taxation would lie of inestima- has always been noted for making since announced that the article in you tried your home town? . You can- examination, and if he finds it is a ble value. The question of taxation sacrifices which were padded •with question did not reflect the opinion of Address, not, beat your home goods or your doubtful measure, or positively wrong, comes directly in touch with the good salary. home prices? Besides you ougllt to the paper, that it v/as simply a "feeler" he can suppress it. Acting up:.a this THE DEMOCRAT, everyday affairs of the people. It has li.-.ve some regard for your own town, intended to sound public sentiment, fallacious reasoning, he Indorses the Ann Arbor Mich. always been a fruitful theme for re- We would suggest to any of the your own locality and the people upon and that the Journal would at all bill and introduces it without so much formers and the occasion of much possible future postmasters of till whom you must depend directly for •as opening it." To say the least there is somethinj experimental legislation. That the city that if they are a little short on your own prosperity. Every bit of tin.es be a hearty supporter <>f Mr. re-Mark-alble about that Ohio legisla- sirbject has not been exhausted nor a enthusiasm, they might pick up a business diverted from your !ioin° Bryan or any other candidate who The class of bills which Mr. Sawyer ture. satisfactory conclusion reached, the ready-made elu'b, with all modern at- town is so much subtracted from, its stands upon Democratic principles. evidently had in mind in the above paragraph is comprised almost wholly universal dissatisfaction with existing tachments, in the vicinity of Colnm- prosperity. The article answered its purpose* of that "private legislation" which Mr. Burrows should put up sigm irethods and the acknowledged in- bus, Ohio, at less than first cost. There are few towns of consequence well. It. brought forth protests from occupies at each succeeding session warning Mr. Pingree to keep off his fficieney of those methods to secure m Michigan whose business houses all parts of the country whi-h should more and more of the time of the grass. an equitable apportionment of the If the numerous gyrations which •annot give just as good values for afford conclusive proof that the Dem- legislature, which was designed by the cost of government upon all classes Mr. Charles' Page Bryan has per- the same money as the shops of De- ocracy has not wavered iu loyalty t,> constitution to be devoted to measures About all that the Diagley tariff of citizens and all species of property, formed in order to land a diplomatic troit can give, and tiie buyer who its cause or its leader. All considera- of a general character. Much of the has raised thus far is trouble and should afford conclusive proof. appointment have not turned his head iurcluises of a home dealer lias the tions favor a firm and unyielding sup- local legislation which occupies the vexation. While the methods pursued in the the cordiality with which his name satisfaction of knowing that he is as- port of the Chicago platform. To re- severe! statos are by no means unl- has been* received by I lie senate eir- cede from any of the principles there- legislator's time could be better per- sisting iu upbuilding the resources of formed by municipal bodies. The This is not the season of the year •onn, the s.-une complaint of injustice tainly will not injure his thinking part. he community upon which he himself in enunciated would be a contvssioi, for the construction of pavements 'Dine from thorn all. of weakness. Were party success ti'.e private bills which are passed .ire of must depend. The incentive "for out detriment rather than advantage to but it is an excellent time to talk The theory in each instance is the Perhaps, in the event of a special only consideration it would demand of town shopping" lies in the erron- thi public. about it. same. It professes to proceed upon M ssion. Senator Campbell may bu • His notion that better bargains may a strict adherence to the doctrine The time limit upon the introduc- he assumption that the chief aim of able to land one o>f those delayed >e had in tin- large citie>. but in which saved tiie party from disinte- tion of bills was evidently designed that the Pingreeites have political society is the protection and federal appointments. If the old man ourse of tn.-e such notions are dis- gration and ralMed to us support n adopted a platform it might be well "curity of the institution of private can do nothiug for his constituents it larger vote tnan it had ever previous- to confine the legislative body to the b,v experience. Itoaest goods serious consideration of tiie business for the Michigan "federalists" to de- iroperty, that the benefits accruing would at least relieve the monotony lemand honest prices everywhere, ly received. It also demands that herefrom to the citizen are in direct the man who made this .success pos- already before it during the latter fine their intentions. of the situation should ho turn in ami nd he- wiio deals witli his local dealer >roportion to the property in his pos- sible anil and in whom are centered half of each session. The wisdom of do something for himself. tas the advantage of a guarantee of ession, and that he shall contribute the hopes of 6,500,000 electors, retai.i this provision is dearly proven by the I^et us suggest that if the postoffice tonest dealing which cannot be had o the maintenance of that protection a leadership which he has conducted fact that very little consideration is club would make itself really effective Judge Paxon, of Pennsylvania, the rom an outside concern. n direct proportion to his posstissions. so skillfully as t:> leave him now given to any legislation until it should hire a brass band and hold able judicial prop of the power s experi- Chicago platform because it is about views of hizzoxcelleney and those of ation of a special session of Hie draft of the proposed enactment dur- Republican whitewash, but HJzzex ence. Few people continue long in the relative ratio of the production the Republican press association upou egislature to consider this and allied ing the first half of the session. If c.ellency should not wax angry if his. this practice for the reason that they Mud of the accumulated stocks of gold the question of party loyalty do not uibjeets. all other bills were excluded entire! y numerous Republican admirers as! fail to receive satisfaction. and silver. But neither the Demo- coincide. the people would be better off. While the political vision of a ma- for a small bite of the old cheese now There is no question but that local cratic party nor Mr. Bryan is wedded In closing Mr., Sawyer says: ••There jority of the present legislature may and then jn&t to remind them of wha pride ami loyalty to local interests to "16 to 1." If when the cause of were 1.773 bills ami 67 joint resolu- It is understood here in Washtenaw be clouded they are not, on the whole. Michigan Republicanism was bofon are two essential requisites of a live bimetallism has so far advanced that tions introduced at the last session of that the stories about "untiring ac- a set of chumps. There are a zuuv- it fused with Pingree. town. And this loyalty must be man- only the question of ratio remains to the legislature. Of these, 2S0 bills tivity" in the work of Republican (re) ber of men in that .body whose abili- ifested .by f-hoee who have goods to lie determined, it shall appear that were enacted into law, and 2'J. joint organization are intended for con- ties are of the first rank and from The fact that S<\000 mill operatives sell as well as by those who have "12 to 1" or "20 to 1" -will be more and 15 concurrent resolutions consid- sumption in Washington. v-boni we shall expect a rational have quit work in New Englam goods to b'iy. ceariy confer, then tint ratio will be treatment of the question to be sub- rather than submit to a reduction ot adopted. The question of ratio is ered and passed between January 6, Ex-OJovernor Luce says that silver mitted. Should the discuss:.>n accom- and May 2*i. It is a conservative os- wages will do more to convince tin The evident and ultimate purpose only an incident to the principle of sentiment is stronger than ever in plish nothing more it will b&ve the tlirvate to say that one-third of all people that the millionaire manufac- of the bankers to secure control of bimetallism. Michigan and that lie is willing for effect of crystallizing public opinion the measures passed were never read turers and tmsts are tha sole bene- the currency is outlined in the fol- the success of the silver cause to upon a settled policy. ficiaries of the tariff than volumes ot by more than two-thirds of tiie mem- lowing remarks of Secretary Gage be- The quest ion of printers' wages may come through any source. -It will be urged, and not without a vociferous argument and fancy rhet- bers who voted upon them; and this fore the house committee on currency: or may not be a proper matter for show of reason, that a special session oric. evil will not be cured by reducing the "Theoretically, there is no reason why newspaper discussion. Be t hat as The Hon. W. W. Wedemeyer injects at this time would become a mere limit to 20 i-r 30 days, but only by the it should not be done now; practi- it may, the Courier provoked a refer- his pleasing personality into the con- prelude to the tug-of-war which is to press and the people insisting upon a Senator Burrows douibtless under- cally, there are many reasons. The ence to the wages paid its printers, gressional situation with a reckless decide whether the governor or his change in the present system of legis- stands that if the "national honor" is pre-disposition of the people is in in the columns of The Democrat, by abandon which presages no end of political enemies are to dominate the lation. It is a matter for serious con- to be preserved through his re-election, favor of government notes. I believe an insinuation that the proprietor of trouble for the other fellows. g. o. p. in Michigan. But this un- sideration whether, in view of the it must be done upon a. gold basis. the economic loss to the people from the latter journal was not making a fortunate strife need iiot necessarily wonderful growth of our state, since It was -ill right for Judas Iscariot this system, although unknown, out- lair division witii its printers. The If President McKinley wishes to obstruct the business of the session. the making of our present constitution, lo do business with silver, but the weighs the narrow advantage of the Courier cornea back in this manner: it would not be wise to so change the pose as an honest and conscientious The governor has the making of tin- dollars'which will be powerful enougl me/re saving of interest secured by bimetallism lie will immediately pro- issues. He also has perfect control "The editor of The Democrat is a constitution as to require ai imal ses- to re-elect. Michigan's most gorgeous those government notes. You cannot comparatively new man and perhaps sions and remove all limit for the in- ceed to kick his secretary of the of his following. Should he con line patriot must, lie just as good as every treasury out of the ibaek door. his forces to the work in hand the change the minds of the people. They he does not know that, the printers troduction of bills." ether dollar and better than "Ping's."' c-re timid and suspicious of bank note who have worked in this office havi burden of proof will lie placed upon We are of the opinion that the rem- issues. They disbelieve that any one Field Secretary Moran wants it dis- the other fellows and—well, it's some- received good wages, always is niiu-Ii edies Mr. Sawyer suggests would We have it on good authority that can uphold a. system such as I have tinctly understood that the postoffice times worth a great deal to the people sometimes more, than oth M- employ- aggravate rather than alleviate the .Tim and Julius have resolved not to sketched without selfish and sordid ; club is one thing in Washtenaw county to know, beyond peradventure, who's ers have paid, and they have been evils of which he compla.ias. Instead uncork, any Michigan federal patron- motives. They fear it involves hazard in which Billy Judson is not "impli- who and where they are at. paid every Saturday night—every of 1.773 bills every two years, the age of the vintage of "98" until it is and loss. They recall the period of cated" and Billy is willing to prove \n nny ilue I,hem." legislature would be confronted with needed to brace up the boys during wildcat banks. It is desirable, there. an alibi. The regularity with which the n.ore than that number every year. THE ADVANCE IN WOOL. Ping's special session. The loyalty fore, to make the first step so simple Courier employees have been paid has The remedy under existing conditions Wool 'has advanced within the past which will be inspired by a few -post- •is to show the people that it involves not been questioned. .Neither is it lies with the legislators themselves. Since Senator Hanma has modestly few 'months. Protectionists quite offices with a. marsflialship for a 00 dangers, so that in tine the full our purpose to question any other re- If they will make ample provision assumed partnership relations with naturally claim that credit for this "chaser" administered at an opportune development of the plan would be re- lation between I he proprietor and his for home rule by local bodies and the Deity it might be well for St. advance is due the DiugK\v tariff. moment will be something which even sponsive to public sentiment." en ployees other than those opened by courageously lable the mass f pri- Peter and his subordinates to have But the quotations of Use New York •the governor's vociferous eloqaeneo O himself. vate legislation they will have .impie their jobs included in the classified Wool Record show that foreign wools cannot phase. Jim and Julius have Says Senator Mason (Rep.) of Illi- The fa.-t thai the Courier is noi a time for the consideration of ail btisi- service. have also advanced quite as much. evidently been "-boning" tip on prac- nois: union office because it refused to pay i.ess of a really public nature which "No. 1" Michigan is quoted at 2S) tical politics. "I do noi believe iu retiring (he the union scale of wages le-ids to the will be presented. We beli>vc a ses- The. Republican editors in session cents. -X- Michigan at 24, and Mich- greenbacks and issuing notes without conclusion thai the employees of the sion once ID five years woul I be suf- I«st week declare.; that rhe people of igan combing wools at 22% to 24 It would geem that the birth of lie security of Hie government. That Courier are not receiving the wages ficient for tne transaction of all pub- Michigan are beginning to think, if cents, in the copy before us. In the W.ishtenaw's pos-tomVe club, which s apparently the only thing which paid in other offices. lic business. In cases .,i emergency this is true we could mention several same number Canadian combing is was heralded last week with a blare stands between us and a return to the When the Courier lias acquired a the governor 'has the power to call a Michigan statesmen who are liable to quoted at 30 to 31 ce;its. Australian of trumpets and a lavish display of old red-dog and stump-tail currency. knowledge of the fundamental princi- special session. And tiie fact that iii lose their constituencies. combing at 24 lo 2*3 cents. New printer's ink, was somewhat prema- * * I don't think we want to ples of the single tax theory, we shall the case of special sessions the execu- Zealand the same, and African wools ture. Whether it was the imputations •etura to those days again, and it !>" glad to discuss that question with tive has the power to limit the nature Congressman Shelden has triumphed 18 to 21 cents. Western American upon its parentage or for other good would require something more than it. Under present conditions discus- of the business which ma,. over Sam Stephenson in several post- wools run from 12 to 20 cents. As anil sufficient reasons, The Democrat the opinion of a. monetary commission sion is a waste of time. sldered at such session and thereby office contests in the Upper Peninsula, the proposition that an American tariff is not informed, but the officers ap- o show that asset banking is prefer- insure a more careful consideration of and his enthusiastic admirers have al- calculated to exclude foreign wools pointed to conduct the foundling ib!e to notes based on the credit of the business in hand, makes the spe- ready begun booming him for gov- Croon these markets will li-ive the ef- Knowing ones intimate tll.il the lit through the wet nurse stages have lie whoie- country." cial session more desirable fro?n a pub- ernor. The man who has proved his fect of raising tiie value of those l* luncheon which .Judge Kinne is dropped it like a hot brick, and v.n- Tiie senator seems to be oat of joint lic standpoint than a regular one. pre-eminence as a patronage-peddler wools abroad is untenable, it is but said to h.i ,-e had With his o-d frien 1 less a leader bold enough to brave the \itli I lie gentleman from Chicago is about the biggest kind of a states- reasonable to concir.de that we must down in Washington ths oilier day fire of the IT other candidates for the viio is furnishing the financial aeu- man that the average Republican look to other than tariff conditions for n ay have had more bearing on the Gov. Pingree's Buffalo speech is re- Ann Arbor postoffice, is speedily nen for the administration but he knows anything about.—Lansing Jour- an explanation of the general rise in postoffice situation in this city than spectfully referred to Washtenaw's found, its days of usefulness are num- las given expression to an opinion nal. wool quotations. the banquet which is proposed for Post Office Club without recommenda- bered ere they are begun. ichi by nine-tenths of the American February 18th. tion. THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. jANt'ARY 31, 1898.

PROFESSOR W. S. PERRY. but especially toward human souls a.- DAIRY INSPECTION. stables clean, ceilings dusty, ventila- THE COMMON COUNCIL. Death Loves a hunian souls. tion good, sanitary conditions fair, Shining nark. In Meiiioriam. No opinion of fellow teacher was MilH [nsnector Barron Keports Visits uses well water. Milk is cooled in Kegular Meeting Monday Night—Not a "She is an only Profitable Session. daughter and only Services In memory of tlie late ever ignored, no mines! of any pupil to Ann Arbor and Ypsllanti Iwrn. seventeen," writes ever was summarily dismissed, no Hash & Friedrlck—Oows clean, floors Mrs. H. H. Conklin, Trot. W. s. Perry were bekj in the llalrles. The regular meeting of the common of Morten Avenue, short-coming was ever condemned of stables clean, ceilings dusty, venti- cbapel o£ the high school Friday •During his recent visit to Ann Ar- council Monday night did not result in Batavia, N. Y., in a without investigation, no effort toward lation very good, sanitary conditions the transaction of a great amount of recent letter address- at 2 o'clock. On the stage were seated boi and Vpsilanti Milk Inspector J. B. ed to Doctor R. V. reform of even the worst pupil ever Barron Inspected n dairies as required lair, uses well water. This man has a business. The lire alarm proposal of Pierce, chief consult- the school board, the teachers of the lacked sympathy and encouragement, clean, airy cooling room. ing physician of the by law. The result of his inspection James E. Tryon, of Detroit, provoked Invalids' Hotel and schools or the city and members of DO good work was ever passed by is published In the December bulletin A. F. Smith -Cows part ••lean am. considerable discussion and furnished Surgical Institute, the clergy. The Misses Clara Josle without recognition. Here was a rare pan diny. stables clean, veantilaticn l he only spice to the meeting. Buffalo, N. Y. "We of the slate dairy and fond commis- Jacobs and Mi^s Fanny young, of the soul who stood in tin' presence of fairly goad, sanitary conditions fait. sion. At Hie request of Mr. Barron A petition was presented and re- School of Music, sang a '!"<•> with every oilier human soul as one who well water used. and other interested parties we pub- ferred asking for an extension of piano awMinpanhneoi by Miss Vir- must give account fox his personal II. Kayer -Cows dean. Stables clean, Hickory street through to Observa- began your medicine In influence in moulding lin nan lives and lish below the complete report for the May (the ' Favorite Pre- ginia Fisk.'. of the School of Music. drainage good, ventilation good, san; tory street, the petition to be referred scription '). My daugh- dairies of the "twin cities." It is bit; Rev. J. ••!. Gi lsl ••' prayer, characters. lary conditions fairly good, uses wi-r lu the B. P. \V. for selection of route then was very wasted, in jnsi i" say thai since the inspection we did not think she and. after a song by Miss i'oung, the As friends and fellow, teachers ami creek water. through the Sudworth property, the could live long. She had pro- president of the board, Mrs. Bach, whose work is not \ ei done, we could was made many of the dairymen have .Mrs. Roberts—Stables unclean, cows city to make the survey, 'hen ih" fuse tnenstrtation which was wish for* ourselves and for all-edu- acted on the suggestions .if Inspector unclean and not bedded, ventilation of long standing; also a bad spoke of the sterling Christian ch< land to be donated by subscribers. cough. We had spent a great ter of the deceased; whim shone lik.j cators no higher spiritual furnishing • m and corrected the faults noted fair, sanitary conditions poor, • well Property owners along Oxford str-eeit deal of money and worried a for our high calling of moulders of down by him. The report follows: water used. great deal. When she began ;i bright st;ir in our school life, and petitioned for a change of name to taking your medicine her which made its influence felt wiili all young life, thought and id&als, than At Ann Arbor. J. O'Hara—Cows part clean and part Oxford Road. weight was only this same spirit of reverence for all dirty, ventilation good, sanitary con- eighty-seven pounds. men. As a teacher he left a monu- J. Miller—Cows very dirty, stabler The cemetery committee reported She now weighs from things true, Iwmest, jusl and of good ment in this city and state more last- fairly clean, drainage poor, ventilation ditions very poor, uses well water. that the control of the Fifth ward ninety - eight to one repute, but especially reverence for hundred all the time ing and durable than marble and good, sanitary conditions poor, uses Manure is allowed to accumulate neaj cemetery should be placed in the the souls of which thes • virtues may and is well. Is cured brass. spring water. Manure is allowed it barns, sfatiles dirty. hands of the common council ami that, entirely of her diffi- become attributes. X. Woodmanse—Cows part clean culty, has no cough Miss L. G. Downs, who re] accumulate near barn. the ordinance relative to Che Fifth at all, and all for the ward schools, said that Prof. Per- In behalf of the high school teachers. !•'. H. Kirknor Cows part clean ami and part dirty, stables fairly clean ward cemetery be amended so as to eight or ten dollars. It had gotten to be a ry's name Is placed on the galaxy of J. G. l'A'I'PlvNClLI,. but find odor issues from same, ven- serious question with us. We had done all part dirty, siables fairly clean wit! invest the members of the cemetery we could for her. We are truly grateful to great educators in this land. His ef- K. R. SIXDKKI.AM), dusty eeifings, ventilation fair, san: tilation good, sanitary conditions poor, committee with the powers of the you for all your kind advice and sympathy fort to bring the mind of the teacher L. P. .TO KI.Y.V tary conditions poor, uses spring uses city water. Manure allowed to commission. Referred to the ordi- in the matter. We feel that you are a accumulate near barn. personal friend." upon every detail had its effect. It Committee. r. Manure is allowed to accumu- nance committee. The commission of No living physician has a wider practical was th" I Ms great success. the Fifth ward cemetery was ordered experience or enjoys a higher reputation in late near barn. At Ypsllantl. the treatment of diseases peculiar to wom- The speaker s.iid the deceased was a OUR GENIAL COUNTY CLERK. .1. Uowe Cows part clean and part u. A. A ins worth—Cows clean. t i report to the council the lots sold en than Dr. Pierce. In cases of this nature broad man. He save the little on< liny, stables dirty with dusty ceilings, Staibles clean, walls and ceilings being and the money received since the last he will send by mail careful professional 1 advice without charge, and instructions as much a • is the grown pupil. An Honest, Economical and Efficient ventilation fair, sanitary conditions whitewashed, ventilation good, sani- report. whereby the most obstinate ailments may He wished tl er to rule with Administration of the Clerk's Ol- poor, uses well water. Manure is al- be entirely overcome. His "Favorite Pre- tary conditions good, uses city water. city Attorney Kearney reported the scription " is the only proprietary remedy an iron h ind , .< ted with a veJvi i lii-e bv (apt. J. 1\ Schuh. lowed io accumulate near barn. Owing to ihe condition in which this satisfactory completion of the com- ever designed by an educated, authorized glove. T ter fell thai ber su- It Is now one year since Captain ,T. A. D. Budd- Cows part dean and siahle is kepi there are no foul odors promise settlement with Henry Col- physician specifically to cure women's dis- eases. It is the only medicine which perintendent believed that character F. Schuh assumed the duties of the dirty, stables with clean fioors Issue. lins and presented receipts. Mr. makes motherhood perfectly safe and com- building should be a chief feature in Office Of clerk of Washlenaw county. but open scaffolding, ventilation poor. (). A. Ajiflsworth—(Dairy No. 2) Tryon, of the Gaineweil Fire Alarm paratively easy and painless. the education of the child. says the rpsilanti Sentinel, and those Say "No" and stick to it when urged sanitary conditions poor, uses well Cows part clean and part dirty, floors company, presented his proposition to to accept a substitute. Father Kelly, ot St Thomas church. wim have had business to do with water. Manure is allowed to accumu- of stable clean and ceilings dusty, the council, as already referied to in said he had been invited to say a few that office have noted the efficient late near barn. these columns. There was much lively ventilation good, sanitary conditions >II-«K>I words at these exercises in behalf of ranner in which those duties have J. McCarly Cows very uncle^i, poor, uses well water. discussion and finally seeing no hope St. Thom-is school. It seemed to him been administered by the affable cap- tables very dirty, drainage poor, pen K. S. Wilson---Cows well cleaned, for his scheme Mr. Tryon withdrew that the vacant chair before him con- c iain and the courteous treatment tilation poor, sanitary conditions very stables unclean with dusty ceilings. his offer. tained more evidence in it than any- which lias been accorded to all. He bad. Manure is allowed to accumu- ventilation fair, sanitary conditions BAZAR. thing he could say. it epoke of taken to his work like a duck to late near barn. poor, uses well water. Washtenaw Fair Society. departed who had a noble character. water and the affairs of the office are T. Chandler—Cows clean, stables Scotney Bros.- Cows (dean, floors of A well attended meeting of the The deceased was broad enough in In excellent shape. The Old work has ; PATTERNS' airly clean, ventilation ir iod. sanitary stables fairly clean, but ceilings dusty. board ol' managers of the Wash* THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar- his range as an educatoT to erteiwi been kept up, and a .meal many valu- tistic. Fashionable. Original. Perfect- •i nditions fair. uses creek water. ventilation good, sanitary conditions Fair society was held in the court Fitting. Prices IO and 15 cents, Ti pass children of all cluflses, sects and able and time-saving Improvements Manure is allowed to accumulate near poor, uses spring water. Sells skimmed house Thursday. The committee ap- None higher. None better at any price. I denominations. He saw only the child have been made in the details of the barns. Sells skimmed milk in rm- milk in unlabeled bottles. pointed at a previous meeting to set- Some reliable merchant sells them in J and its intellectual improvement. .vork. His administration is honest, labeled bottles. 1. B. La Furgs i n«^ clean, staibles tle with the treasurer, F. II. BelseT, nearly every city or town. Ask for T Prof. Peny had frequently visited si. and economical. 'The contingent them, or they can be had by mail from a ,1. Murphy Oows unclean, stables an with dusty ceilings; manure- submitted ;i very flattering report ot Thomas' school aud had evidenced expenses of the county are largely us in either New York or Chicago. J unclean, dusty ceilings and poor drain- allowed to accumulate directly against •the treasurer's accounts, which report Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet 7 great interest in its work and its suc- within the control of the county clerk igej ventilation pour, sanitary eondl- them, drainage poor. One stable has slowed that after payipg an old In- sent upon receipt of one cent to pay fi cess. Those wlio Instruct others af( nit! Captain Schuh has spared no ef 1 iii us vi'vy poor, uses spring water. open scaffolding, and pool ventilation, debtedness amounting to over three postage. like stars thai shine through all eter- fort to effect a saving wherever a sav- E. Berch- Cows jiaii clean and part ventilation in other stable good, sani- hundred dollars, there was still in the nity. Prof. Perry had builded his star. ing can be made, and lie has permitted lirty. stables clean, drainage good, i.ny conditions very poor, uses well treasurer's hand three hundred and Father Kelly believed thai the school no unnecessary expense to be incurred. naiiure is allowed to accumulate near water. thiriy-four and one-fourth dollars. board should ai some time find it ex- His promptness and willingness to barns, ventilation good, sanitary con- The board extended a vote of thanks pedient -o erect a chape] to the u (I. .Marshall-Cows clean, stables tin- j MAGAZINE serve tin- people has made it a pleas- ditions fair, uses well and creek water. to the treasurer and general superin- ory of Prof. Perry. clean with dusty ceilings, ventilation Brightest ladies' magazine published. ure to seek information in the clerk's Sells skimmed milk ID unlabeled cans. fairly good, sanitary conditions very tendent and then elected the follow- Invaluable for the home. Fashions of Or. Gelstnn. a graduate of the high the day. Home Literature, Household office, and his services are appreciated E. L. ,T. S'nith— Cows part clean poor, uses weii water.. ing superintendents: school, followed Father Kelly and by all those who have had business Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, and part dirty, stables clean, good K. Kmerick Cows part clean and Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, in- spoke at length of the influence which al the court house. There is always General superintendent, F. E. Mills. drainage, ventilation good, sanitary pan dirty, floors of stables c-lean but cluding a tree pattern, your own selec- 5 the personality of Prof. Terry had left a multiplicity of Inquiries and re- Superintendents— conditions fairly good, ase3 well water. ceilings d-u«ty, ventilation good, sani- tion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps ? not only on the pupii but on the par-quests fur information in person and Department B, Horses, John Kepp- for sample copy. Address ft A. C. BehrlngeT Oows pin clean tary conditions fair, uses spring water. ent as well. Prof. Perry had an alia by letter pouring in upon the clerk's ler and F. C. Chapin. ami part dirty, condition of stables, .[. Simmons Cows part clean and THE McCALL COMPANY, s In life. To educate and Improve his office, which are sometimes calculated Department C, sheep, N. C. Carpen- Boors clean, ceilings dusty and drain- part dirty, floors of stables clian. 142-146 West 14th Street, New York. A fellow-men was his mission. In ordei lax the patience at the mosl genial ter. age poor, ventilation fair, sanitary drainage poor and ceilings dusty, san- 189 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. J to do this, a pi.in must be a good man, of men, but the present clerk is Im- Department D, swine, O. C. Burk- •i conditions poor, uses well water. itary conditions poor, uses spring hart. a, pure man, a Christian man, andpressed with the Idea thai lie is there D. Vaugleson Cows part clean and w;'icr. Manure is allowed to accumu- such a one was Prof. Perry. Tiie lo serve the people and all who come, Department B. poultry, W. S. Car- part dirty, floors of stables clean, late near barn. Stables with open speaker felt that a solar light Bad day or night, high or low, are greeted penter. Business Directory. ceilings dusty and drainage pool', scaffolding. gone out. with his genial smile and treated with Department P, dairy products, Mrs. ventilation good, sanitary conditions ('. Brown—Cows (lean, stables [air- EHMAN BROS. & STIVERS. Attorneys at Prof. A. IT. PatteugHl spoke for the consideration and respect. The people B D. Kelly. Law, Room 4, Saving's Bank Block, Ann poor, uses spring water. Manure is ly clean, with dusty ceilings, ventila- tenchers of Hie high school. The who sent him there may congratulate Department G, flowers, Mrs. ,1. M. Arbor, Mich. General Law Practice; also allowed to accumulate near bam. tion good, saniiary conditions poor, loans, collections and conveyancing. speaker said that the school was his themselves, for the office lias never Braun. .Mills Bros.- Cows clean, Boors of uses spring water. Manure is allowed ANTED—Trustworthy and active £O"t life. He never spared himself in any been in better or more capable hands •Department H, fruit, Mrs. M. G. Wlemen or ladies to travel for responsible stables clean, ceilings dusty, drainage tu accumulate near stables. Sells Moore. established honse in Michigan. Monthly way. He worked Incessantly for the than ai present. $6>.00 and expenses. Position steady. Ref- success of the schools, and when he fairly JJ-OIMI. ventilation good, sanitary skimmed milk in uiilalti'leil cans. Department I, rnechaaieal works erences. Enclose self-addressed envelope. ; The Dominion Company. Dept. Y. Chicago, "was stricken down it was the physical ALBERT _FOOTE DEAD. conditions fair, well water used. ('.. Olark—Cows clean, stables (dean, Win. Aprill. body, not the menial faculties that C W. Rose—Oows clean, floors of ventilation fair, sanitary conditions HOMAS D.KEARNEY. Attorney at Law, Department K, miscellaneous, J. H. T Ann Arbor, Mich.-.Ofljce, Huron Street, gave- way. AoFormer Ann Arbor JSuslncss Man stables clem, ceilings dusty, ventila- 1';. iiiy good, uses spring writer. Andrews. opqosite court house. tion good, sanitary conditions fair. Mrs. Dr. Sunderland, the next Commits Suicide at Flint. It. <;. Barnes—Oows part dean and Department L, schools, W. N. Lister. uses creek water. ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and Funeral speaker, paid a glowing tribute to the Albert E. Feote died at an early part dirty, floors of stables clean, ceil- Merchants display, S. W. Miliard. Director. Calls attended day or night. A. Sehilborn- -Cows fairly clean. ings dusty, ventilation good, sanitary Office No. 8E. Liberty. Phone 129. Resi memory of the deceased teacher. She hour Sunday morning at his lodging Standing committees were appointed dence 75 S. Fourth ave. spoke earnestly, feelingly, of the pur" room in the Mather block, Flint. stables clean, but ceilings dusty, ven- conditions poor, uses spuing water. by the president. «ml of the teacher in whose com- Foote locked himself in his roam Fri- tilation fair, sanitary conditions poor, Plans for a pioneer hall were dis- M. H. MURRAY. Attorney at Law, Ann Noted Social Evolutionist. W Arbor Mich. Officle in Court House. memoration these services were beiuc day evening before tea and partook uses well water. cussed. A committee consisting of The "Lectures on Present Day Prob- beld, intwiued itself around the soul of the fatal dose of morphine. Whe i W. Latlirop Cows clean. Boors of Mrs. J. YV. Babbitt, Mrs. H. D. Plait J. CAVANAUGH, Lawyer, Ann Arbor, lems," given under the auspices of the of the little one. breathing purity ho was called to tea he made no re stables clean, ceilings dusty, ventila- and President Avery were appointed M« Mich. Room 1. Savings bunk block. Students' Lecture Association will be and truth and knowledge. sponse and later an entrance to his tion good, sanitary conditions fair, with full power to appoint sub-com- RTHUR BROWN. Attorney at Law. Of- concluded by the addresses of Mi-s fice, corner of Fourth Ave and Ann st. Miss Jacobs sans "The Better Land" room was forced by putting a boy uses creek water. mittees and arrange for to© building A •lane Addans. of Chicago. Thursday and Father Kelly pronounced the ben- through the transom, who unlocked P. Can- Cows part eieai and pan of a large hall to be made of logs, OHN F. LAWRENCE, Attornej-at-Law. and Friday evenings in Oniyer&ity J Office, corner Fourth and Ann streets, ediction. Hie door. Foote was lying upon the dirty, stables very dirty and poor this to be erected on the fair grounds Ann Arbor, Mich. Hall. On Thursday Miss Addaffis bed breathing heavily and in a stupe drainage, ventilation fair, sanitary early in the spring, to be in readiness speaks on tihe "Study of a Chicago M. MARTIN, Funeral Director and Un- tied condition. Medical aid v.aV hasi- conditions very bad. uses well water. for the great semi-cent

them, and I'm afraid I shall encounter TRY • GLYCERINE • CREAM some breakers before I'm through. If matters get too hot I'll take a run out 1 An elegant preparation of the city for a time— Hello!" for the face and hands. A scorcher shot by me on his wheel as Schneider Bras. Just as cheap as glycerine if challenging a race with one of the policemen who was certain soon to dis- and better for the skin. cover him. My horse shied a little, but B iTH not dangerously so. Just ahead of me was a carriage, with the driver on top USh OUR holding the reins over two spirited ani- mals. WATER HEATER PURE EXTR.tr OF VANILLA. The sudden burst of the cyclist so startled them that they plunged off at Made from best beans headlong speed. The driver tugged at IS THE without or chemi- the lines, but for the time they were be- yond control. A scream from within the cals. vr' bowed the terror of the occu- •., ;uid the next thing I saw V/iv CHEAPZST AND BEST. (Continued.) He went. woman that had opened the door ; MANN BROS. "I don't think Sam Johnson will ever was trying to leap out, while some < DRUGGISTS. CHAPTER V. give Harold much trouble after this, for else, evidently a female, resolutely pi MY FIRST DAY, even if I was gentle with him ho dis-vented her. 213 S. MAIN STREET All this occurred on a Wednesday covered that I was his master— Hello! I spurred Jack forward and drew t night in May. Harold engaged passage Come in!" beside the vehicle. A BATH KOK on one of the outgoing steamers for Sat- The knock was so timid that I hardly uon't jump, madam!" I called. OUR WAY OF urday, to remain away a yearv daring heard it. The door "•» as geutiy pushed 'Yon will be killed. Keep your seat which time I was to be to all intents inward, and a woman stood before me. jnd we'll check the team in a few min and purposes Harold, instead of Harmon, She was plainly drtssed, but neat and .ttes." LOOKING AT IT. O. Westcott. clean looking, with pinched lace that "Mother, don't you hear him?" calle( 34h if i Cut. Much of the intervening time was told of much suffering. A wan smile lit the one who was holding back the oth The best way of securing pure and spent by him in preparing me, so far asup her countenance as she saluted me, er. "Keep your seat. It is Harold. H fresh spices lor our trade is to order he could, to face and dispose of the mat- and she stood trembling and appreben- will save us!" direct from the importer and grind ters likely to come before me. Of neces- ilive. I had to spur Jack to his best before IT IS MADE HY them as needed by our trade. sity there would be many little things My heart went out to her at once. could place myself within reach of th which he forgot. In those cases I must heads of the terrified team, but I did i This is the Season you want Possibly I was wrong, but I believed depend upon my own wit and ingenuity. that whatever she represented herself to at last, and. while thus occupied, saw "There will be any number of per- be that she was. mounted policeman bearing down upo EH: BROS,' sons after money. They will insist that "Sit down," I said kindly, pointing us. VVitli his help I was sure all wouL I promised them. • I may have given to a chair. "Did you walk up stairs?" end well, provided the mother could' b SPICES some of them encouragement, but every restrained. 22 W. WASHINGTON ST. "Yes, sir. There is a new boy run- SUCH AS distinct promise has been kept. You ning the elevator today.'' Reaching forward, I seized the bridli •will know how to dispose of them." "What of it? Didn't I tell you always rein of the near horse. In ths excite Coriander, Ginger, "I think so." ment of the moment I forgot my strengtl Cardamon, Maoe, to take the elevator? What is it made "If they become obstreperous, throw for if not for ladies? If the boy makes and drew back so furiously that th Caraway. Cloves, them out, for some of them were notany objection, let me know, and I will strap snapped, and the team coutinuec If You Are Going to Buy a Fennel, Mustard, present at the debut of yourself and Mr. have him discharged." their wild flight without the slightes Dill, and Allspice, Mortimer and may not be aware of your "Ye have always been kind to us, check. Celery Seeds, Nutmega, capacity as a bouncer. My appearance Mr. Westcott. What would Alike and I now determined to ride in front an* Pepper, Turmeric. is not calculated to strike terror to the me do if it were not for yer goodness?" round to the opposite side, so as to gras ordinary heart, and you look just like the other rein, remembering uot to break CUTTER For canning- purposes, catsups, etc "Pshaw, there arc plenty better than me.'' I, only you haven't found them!" it. the quality of the spices you use i I smiled, clearly foreseeing the nature of prime importance. You wan "Nor any one else," she su,id, with But- the devil got into Jack just then pure and reliable goods. Our goo of some of the coming interviews. flash of her Irish wit. and he refused to obey me. He shied toAnd Want the RIGHT Thing are absolutely perfect. Try them A few days later I was alone in the This was one of the cases of which I the i-igbt and came within a hair of un handsome bachelor apartments long oc- had been informed by Harold. Mrs. seating me. I was so enraged that at the RIGHT Price See ^ cupied by my friend, who had been so Murphy was a poor, industrious woman twisted his head back and dug the spur: Eberbach. A-'Son careful of his disguise in going aboard who had buried two children and had a into his flanks. He whinnied with pain the steamer that he was sure no one sus- husband in the last stages of consump and became frantic. DRUGGISTS, pected or dreamed of the truth. He took tion. Harold had investigated her story ' 'Confound yon I" I muttered. "I hav< another name, as a matter of course, and found her a worthy woman. a great mind to kill you! If it were no 12 South Main Street. though the change was not great, being "Why have yon been so long in call for those in the carriage, I would do it!' The Hurd Holmes Co•5 H. O. Walcott. He promised to write ing, Mrs. Murphy?" At that moment the form of a mar me monthly and to hold himself ready j "Well, sir, the money which ye were flew through the air, striking the road DETROIT STREET, to give me whatever counsel I might 1 kind enough to give me whin I came a way as if hurled from a catapult. need. fortnight since has kept poor Mike at It was the coachman, flung with Since I was fully satisfied of tbe in- comfortable as could be, and, with the frightful force from his seat, while the ^ ANN ARBOR sincerity of many of the clubmen, I took washing* that I had, there was no need team dashed madly on, with tiie strength IF YOU WOULD AVOID THE LURKING DANGERS OF THE no pains to keep upon friendly terms of trispassing on ycr goodness, for of the daughter who was clutching he: with them. When they called to con- which hiven will reward ye." mother's dress evidently failing, for tin <§j ELECTRIC v GRANITE j gratulate me over the astounding man- figure of the elder was partly through SEWER ner in which I knocked out the famous "Nonsense! You mustn't wait unti © WORKS you're penniless, and why should you the open door and gathering herself foi pugilist, I gave them to understand that wear yourself out with work when Mike the fatal leap. @ Designs and Builds } I knew the trick they tried upon me and needs your attention? Let me see—it that no gentleman would have been (Continued next week). © ARTISTIC guilty of anything of that nature. was $20 I handed you two weeks ago.' Secure-:-Good-:- Plumbing This caused a coldness between me "Excuse me, it was twinty-five. " "Very well. Here's $60"— January Inlander. ® GRANITE . and a "number of the leading members, "God bliss ye!" she faltered, the tears No Plumbing is better or cheaper than that done by especially when I expressed a wish to filling her eyes. The January Inlander is oul toda; ® MEMORIALS, try the same feat upon any and all of "None of that. You know I don't like with a frontispiece entitled "Th them. I was as offish as they and held Campus in Winter." There is an un I keep on hand Large Quantities my head as high in air. it. If you run short, come whenever KENNY & QUINMN, Plumbers, of all r,he various Granites in the you need more, and, Mrs. Murphy," I usual nutntoer of short stories, a v«r, Koush. and am prepared to execute "Who the deuce is this fellow?" I ask- Fine SloDumenial Work on Short ed, holding the card in my hand, on added severely, "if you don't wish to commendable feature. Very interesi Notice Inquire about my work. offend me, always take the elevator." Ing is a sii.in arficle on "The Firs 22 NORTH FOURTH AVE. Correspondence Solicited. which was engraved the name "Sam Johnson." I rose and accompanied her to the ele- French Grraminar," by Joim It. biffin vator, ringing sharply. When the boy ger, jr.. of the French department. Office: 6 Detroit St. I ordered the servant to show him in, came up, I said: and he quickly appeared, with a loud "Tom, when this lady comes to call Karl Edwin llari-iman. '!>.". contrib clearing of his throat and an overwhelm- utes an artistic and roinaiitic sketci JOHN BAUMGARDNER, <£ ing manner. He was large, flashilyon me, bring her up in the elevator. Do dressed, with dyed hair, side whiskers yon understand?" under the heading "The Girl a and mustache, an immense watch chain, "Yes, sir, but I'm afeard"— Perrysville." The story holds the at J. F. SCHUH © 8888 e»ccD;e»88Co: slightly bald, and with the unmistakable "Shut up, or I'll cuff your earsl Step tent ion throughout and has a most re in, Mrs. Murphy. Goodby!" markable denonement. A. M. Smith marks of dissipation and fast living on I laid my hand in a fatherly way on A Firpt-claes Sewing Machine, and all attachments, his pimply countenance. her shoulder to help her. Before I could '!i7. has a snort piece depicting tlio al warranted for 10 years. $20.00 (store pr^ce) former He strode hastily across the apartment remove it she impulsively caught and I'l.ist serious consequences at a VIM.V and extended his fat hand with great kissed it. At the same moment a hot slight uiisundertanding. The tuia price $45 00. All kinds of Sewing Machines sold effusion. I allowed him to take mine, tear dropped on the back of my hand. sumtog title is "Tomuij 1 at one-half former prices. Call at my store and but did not return the pressure. And when I sank in a chair in myChristmas." "I hope you're well. By the horned room—I'm not ashamed to own it—there save agent's commission. Write for prh3j. spoon, I never saw you look better!" he were tears in my own eyes. Tin' other story is by Mary l>nt\ exclaimed, as if the discovery caused his "That pays me for all else, no matter Spencer, and describes the peculiar whole being to bubble with delight. what comes. If. a man with wealth position of a young society man at til* ' 'I am well, but no better than usu- Junior Promenade. Tb«" Interesi :s 23 East Washington St. J F. SCHUH. al. Why did you call to see me?'' knew how to get the best good but of it He flushed under this chilling greet- there would be no such thing as ennui well sustained and the plot affords ing, but quickly rallied. in this world." some ludicrous situations. "The Jun- "I've good news for you—the best of I had no intention of staying in my ior civil Engineer's Trip North," DEALER IN ALL, KINDS OF news.'' rooms. It was a radiant day, with just Fred E. Leefe gives an account of an HARD AND SOFT GOAL, CANNEL "What is it?" enough coolness in the golden sunshine annual expedition by the Junior En- "We've floated the Queen. She "is to make it an ideal one for an outing. I Ann Arbor Savings Bank SMOKELESS COAL AND COKE went to the stable where Harold kept gineering Class for the purpose of .•!<•- safe." his horse and had him saddled for a ride quiring a practical knowledge of sue Organized May, 1806. under the General "I didn't know that fine naa ueeu in Banking Law of ibis Slate. OFFICE: 110 W. Washington St. any danger.'' in the park. veyiiiir. Phone 8, "Haw, haw, haw! As jolly as ever, It may have been fancy on my part, The department called "Dabs" i.! eh, Harold, my boy? This mine is in the but there was something in the manner CAPITAL, - $50,000 of Jack that made me half suspect he continued by Wortiiington in a very richest part of Colorado; 50 people were energetic style. The usual amount of after it; had to play my points mighty was not fully satisfied with me. It could Surplus, 150,000 Total Assets, $1,000,000 fine, but I played 'em and won—eu- not be, however, that his senses were so poetry is lacking, although that fur- Casti chred 'em all.'' much sharper than those of mankind, nished i.s of good quality. There arc Business Men. Guardians, Trustees, Ladies, and other persons will and I dismissed the thought as I vaulted the usual editorial comments, book re- find this Bank a safe and convenient place at which to do business. Have them made at the "Well, what of it?" Interest is allowed on all Savings Deposits of $1.00 and upwards, ao- 1 "That gives you the chance of your into the saddle and cantered off. views and clippings from other innga cording to rale of the bank, interest compounded semi-annually. life. You'll come in on the ground floor. The pony had been standing so long zines. You'll triple your money inside of sixin the stable that he was fractions and Money to Loan in Sums of $25.00 to $5,000 Ann - Arbor - Foundry weeks, for things are booming." caused me some concern, but after a brisk ride along the roadway he calmed S. C. A. Endowment. Secured by unencumbere of tnd eReal estate and other good securities. W. Huron Street "How much did you expect me to put P«CCTV nCDfKIT V/ A III TQ best modern construction. Absolutely Fire an into this hole in the ground?" down and became as tractable as a A movement has been put forth to OnlLl I UtrUOll VHUL JO Burglar Proof. Boxes to rent from 33 00 to $10.00 per yea Three Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits in tbe Searings Departmeii Plow castings and castings of "Why, what you said—$20,000." child's animal. endow the Students' Christian Asso- KINDS made to ord?i. "I have made up my mind not to put I continually encountered persons .riRECTORS- who saluted me and whom, of course, I ciation with $10,000 to provide for a 20 cents into it." OHRISTIAX MACK, t'A'RRIMAN "But, good heavens, you promised!" saluted in return. permanent bible, chair at the Univer- Hand-ball Tournament. he exclaimed, aghast and angry. "Harold certainly has a large number sity. The executive committee Of the DAVID RINSEY, DANIEL HISCOCK The handball tournament is now an "I made no promise. I told you I of lady acquaintances," I thought as I association has had I'he matter under WILLIAM DUBEL. L. GRUNER accomplished fact. T!ie Athletic would think it over. I have done so, raised iny hat for the twentieth time. eonsiredaiion for some time, but it Board has yet to arrange the details, and you have heard my conclusion." "He gave me little information about was not till very recently thai the plan OFFICERS but it is likely th.it tsb.e preli uin&rics I was self fluttered by noting that this has assumed a definite form. Sub- CHRISTIAN MACK, President. W. D. HARRIMAN, Vice- President will be held eaeb Saturday till nil the random shaft hit the mark exactly. scriptions from the faculty bave been OHAS. E. HrSCOCK, Cashier. M. J. FRITZ, Assistant Cashier. "I s'pose that's true, but them words entries have been played off. This was as good as a promise." secured, amounting to over $1,000 and might to provide plenty of interest in "I don't regard them as such. It is about $500 has been already subscrib- the game and Dr. Fitzgerald's kind useless to waste time. I look upon the ed by members of the association. otter of $10 toward ;i prize ought co whole thing as a swindle, and you don't hairman E. C. Goddard, of the en IIDC2T L.TJ get a penny from me.'' be gratefully appreciated by nil. Tbe Sowment committee said: "We ox- CORNER OF FOURTH AND DEPOT STS., ANN ARBOK. correspondent of the Students' Regis- "By , but I will have it!" roared sect to have the fund well started by ter jumped to the conclusion that it my caller, his face purple, as he rose from his chair. "You can't treat me Feb. 1, am; hope to have lialf of it was a money prize, not knowing that that way and intimate as much as I'm subscribed by the end of the year." racb a thing would never be thought a swindler." The necessity of a permanent ht-ad We manufacture our own Lumber and of in a University contest. The knowl- "I don't intimate it; I say it. You of the association has been felt for GUARANTEE VERY LOW PRICES. edge of the Register on matters ath- are a scamp, and if you had your deserts same time and a great effort will be letic is truly remarkable. All those would be behind prison bars. If you do made to make the endowment a iv.il- Give us a call ami we will make it to your interest, as our large desiring to compete will hand their not leave at once, I'll throw you out." and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. This was too much, and the infuriated iy. Frof. Color is now conducting names to Dr. Fitzgerald at die gym. several classes during the wivlj at A full assortment of Hione Sewer Pipe and Drain Tile, nianufae- after Wednesday, Jan. 19. Further rogue made for me. ured by the Jackson Fire Clay Co. These tile, being made of fire But he did not reach me. I had no XeWberry Hall and has for a long details, drawings, hours of play and right or wish to harm him. So I merely line urged the necessity •>!' 9U(jb an lay, are of unusual strength. the exact nature of the prize -will be lammed him .down so hard on the floor •ffOTt. T J KEECH, Sopt. JAS. TOLBERT, Prop. announced later. that it must have loosened several of his teeth. Then I opened the door and flung him through. "Wliy hate you been so long in calling, Advertise in The Democrat and get Subscribe for the Democrat. " Go ID psia- : • Mrs. Mwphyf" value received. Advertise in The Democrat. THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. JANUARY

Mrs. H. K. Fellows will entertain Mothers sJiould be more careful of the W. F. M. society on the first their boys. Property for Sale! HOW TO FIX A SMOKEY Wednesday in February. The Manchester Enterprise insists .Tosiah B. Sloat has bought tho that the citizens of that village should Parties Having Farm Property or We Have Just.... Fiank Mi-rithew farm, hare better facilities for reaching Sale or Exchange Can Ilhve the • 11 LAMP i • i Many Sharon people attended the Ana Arbor and Detroit, either by bet- Same Advertised In These Col- presentation of "Jepthah and ills ter service on the Lake Shore or by umns Free of Charge by Daughter" -it Ai'beiter hall, Manches- an electric Wat. Plaolng It With the AddidaNew and Large Assortment of New Things in Use Dean & Co's. "Red Star" ter, on Tuesday evening. The village of Gra** Lake does not Underslntcned. .Mrs. .T. T. Leland, of Kirkwood. support the luxury of a saloon and Fine residence with all modern con- )il—No Odor, No Smoke, no Mo., is visiting her parents, Mr. andyet tho News complains that the veniences in one of the best residence haring of wick—Gives a White Mrs. Win. Campbell. church bells get to jangling. streets in Ann Arbor to exchange for Mrs. Berkley Osborn is somewhat a good farm. 301. CARPETS lght. Improved In health; We hope she THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Two-story house in best of repair in will continue to do so. good resident district, ost- farm of 100 acres adjacent to the Ladies" Kid Button, new coin toe ------$2 00 village of Saline, a pleasant home Robert Clark returned last Tuesday strong again without the aid ofcfrice and express address, and tite Ladies' Ki I Button, new coin toe - - j W physic. farm—will take a resdence in Ann Ladies' Kid Lace, new coin toe 1 °° com Saginaw, after attending the free medicine will be promptly sent Arbor. 496 uaeral of his brother Henry. \\i>'> Wm. Johnson died at Milan '.ast direct from his laboratory. For Sale or Exchange—A profitable tied from concussion of the brain. week at the age of 70 years. His Suffer TS should take instant advan- farm of 187 acres, good soil and mother who survives him is 90. tage of his generous proposition. buildings, convenient thriving vil- Seeing now that our Republican lage and creamery—Will be sold riends have M. A. Hanua near the A Hillsdale stoekbuyer, who started Please tell the doctor that you saw on easy terms and at low price. 497 Men's Felt Boots this in The Democrat, Ann Arbor. lead of their force for seven long out with gold and greenbacks to pay For Excearige for Home in Ann Ar- Men's Best Knit Boots -- 00 •ears, what ;i big bunch of prosperity for stock, found that the fanners pre- bor, a farm of 38% acres in York Men's Best Felt. Boocs. - - '. e will have to handle in the near ferred greenbacks.—Manchester Enter- Highest cash price paid for Hides township. Has apple and Peach uture. Yet let no one get too bigprise.. and Pelts—Coon, Skunk, Mink, etc. orchard. 499 Men's 4-stay Felt Boots-- - f head on him, -for we think it \viil Anna Smith, a 2.'!-yeax--o'id girl of J*t4 Heintzmann & Laubengayer. 'ome so gradually that you won't Bridgewater. accuses a 16-year-old lad Purchase your goods In every line GOODSPEBD BROS. nind it in the least, and Mark and named Walter McCJuire of being the jf those merchants who will give you W.H.BUTLER, Viac know how to use it and have a parent of her illegitimate child. trading stamps. See directory. 119 South. Main Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan (Successor to Baeh & Buttler's, Jage on it, too. Remember crows go Real Estate and Insurance.) south in the fall yet some staj (o •aw around as M fnniily remembrance > us. So with our money system- 202 East Huron Street went some years ago and 'will re- irn in the spring of 1800, if there is $1000-GIVENAWAY-$1000 a.uy left to return. Every Month. Absolutely Without Cost to You. THE IMPROVED Johnny Magle will move on Senec i Greatest Enterprise ever Established in Ann Arbor. lugley's farm this spring. WANTED! Wm. Burrell has his saw-mill moved A bright, energetic German boy, age about 15, to learn the trade. Kd. Chase's farm where he has Call between 7 and 8 p. m. at the store. a large lot of timber purchased. TRADING STAMPS Fred Kimmel h,ul a sick cow last ASK FOR THB1VI. week and it being about the best one The Merchants' Supply Co., have established a syndicate of merchants RNOLD, fading Jeweler. le had he was pretty anxious to give in your city, having made contracts to give Trading Stamps to every one ier something to relieve her. Awasking for them. One for every ten cents represented in your purchase. Give them your patronage and receive a valuable premium free. Call at soda is pretty good ln> thought he our office, 30 E. Huron st, and see premiums and get particulars. would give her some, and after giv- Following is a list of merchants who will give you Trading Stamps: ng her a large dose (as Fred is pretty Artist's Supplies — W. W. Wet- Gloves—B. St. James, 126 8. Main st FARMERS! enerous especially in sickness), hismore, 106 S. Main st.. and 342 S. State st. Gents'Furnishings-Lindenschmitt wife came to the door inquiring: .,Mde substitutes. . 1 JANUARY 21, 1896. THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT.

GL&1NINGS OF A WEEK. G. \V. Patterson. s Attorney O. E. Butterfield was in sity, has just issued from the presses jumped advisedly for there is nothing J. T. .lacobs Camp, No. '.H>. «. of V.. With the staff of experienced, effi- were held in St. Andrews < hurc'i Lansing Tuesday, the guest of Dep- of Henry Holt & Co., New York, "An in the learned correspondent's disr will give another social party in their cient (and -handsome) military men at 2 ]>. in. followed by interment at uty State Railroad Commissioner Outline Introductory to Kant's Crit- course to warrant that conclusion. hall, 27 S. Main street on Tuesday; who now lead the fortunes of Ann Forest Hill cemetery. Wedemeyer. ique of Pure Reason." The book, al- It may not have occurred to "Quo"1 February 1. from 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. though only 95 pages in length, "is Arbor's Light. Infantry, the company Robert W. Hemphill, sole executor Joe Jacobus won an elegant gold that the rate per thousand of a servei Invitations are out. v ritten in a concise, lively style and should have a lead pipe cinch on of the .estate of the late Mary Ann watch Tuesday evening. Will Reule assessment; is determined by a com- At the meeting of the Congr-egatioii- gives a very adequate digest of Kant's c.-in'p honors this year. Starkweather, has entered suit iu chanced the watch off, the lucky num- parison o-f the cost of construction al society mi Wednesday evening, u onumental and epoch-making work. Otu> prominent business house in. this chancery for the construction of the ber being No. 08. with the assessed valuation of the January 12th, A. ('. MeLaughlin and city has been delayed with its an- will. As is already known the terms Miss Florence Schweinfurth re- A meeting for the purpose of re- property upon which that cost is X. W. Cheever were chosen trustees 1 r.ual inventory because the junior of the will are quite confused in some turned Tuesday from a few weeks organizing the Loyal Temperance levied. to succeed N. W. Cheever and T. .1. partner has been engaged m a com- respects. visit with her sister, Mrs. Isaa-- Legion will be held at Newl>erry hall It does not require a very extensive Keech. putation which (when" finished) will The talk by G. Frank Allmendinger Sheets, near Troy, Ohio. on Friday, January 21st, at 4 p. m. knowledge of mathematics to enable Miss Clara Bissinger was given a determine the relative merits of street Monday at the Y. M. C. A. rooms C. S. Elmer, of the Merchants' Sup- Mr. Richards and Miss Leonard, both one to understand that witli a fixed very pleasant surprise party Friday University students, have consented ear fares to "Ypsi," telephone rolls t ) was about "A Modern Flouring Mill." ply company, speijt Tuesday in De- cost of construction the rate per thou at her home on W. Liberty street, it t) give a portion of their valuable time Detroit am' r, cottage in Ann Arbor. The speaker illustrated his remarks troit buying goods to add to their sand will be high or low according being her 21st birthday. The evening to help the young people. They -will From ine descriptions appearing by numerous pictures and by boxes already large stock of premiums. to the value of the property assessed. was spent playing pedro, after -which be -assisted by Miss Wood, also of from day to day of those unfortunate of grain in different stages of prep- Mr. and Mrs. Duke, of Williams In the Washington street district a tine supper was served by Mi's. the University. Let there be a grand canines who are compelled \v I'm -i- aration for grinding. street, very pleasantly entertained a where the values are uniformly nigh, Kissinger. rally. of circumstances to associate with C. J. Shetterly has sold his barber few friends Monday evening at pedro. the rate of assessment is only $12.f5O Joe Klack!/urn. one of two conclusions Reports to the state board of health, Miss Marr won first prize while Dr. shop to Wilcox & White who will Owosso Argus: The high school per thousand.' In the 7th district, n-iKt li • drawn: Either the standard Lansing, show that rheumatism, neu- A. C. Nichols with his usual grace carry on the business at the old stand. students are determined to increase where th<> valuation averages about of cininity has been perceptibly ralgia, influenza, bronchitis and ton- Mr. Wilcox for the past year has been carried away the ''booby" prize. then- piano fund. 'A friend of Prof. .S:IK) per lot. the rate is $49.42. And raised in this city or -Joe" lias the isiiitis. in order named, caused most Mertz, F. M. Mulholland, a student at a trusted employee of Mr. Sheetehly County Treasurer Wm. Rehfuss there is not even a seeming injustice cms nil disposed of and is cornp* sickness during the past week. Con- the University of Michigan, has con- and as such has made many friends. drew a cheek Tuesday for $42,098.47 in this. Each district paid lor jusi ;<> tackle the thoroughbreds in oui. i sumption was reported at 150 places; sented to lecture on "The Athenians His partner is said to be an es-tima'ble in favor of Auditor General Roscoe D. what it got. The owner of a $5U0 t > make an b»neRt living. diphtheria, 38; scarlet fever, :>"; ty- and Their City." Mr. Mulholland has young man. The Democrat welcomes Dix in payment of Washtenaw's state lot in the 7th district which was as- Charles .1. Shetterly, who has recent- phoid fever. 36; measles, :;::. and traveled in Greece and is a liue speak- the new firm and wishes it success. tax up to January 10. The check sessed at the rate of .$49.42. paid $24.71 ly retired from active business after w hooping cough, 15. was paid by the State Savings bai.k. er. The lecture will be given about 1 Two sharp young men giving Detroit for his sewer, while the owner of a securing a competence from the close Dr. D. W. Nolan was arrested her-. February 4th. Very popular prices business references hired a rig Friday Eminent Commander Bach has re- lot valued at $2,000 in the Washington shaves of other people, will keep time this morning by Deputy Warner and will be charged so that everyone can night of Ypsilanti liverymen. They ceived positive notice that Ann Arbor Street district paid $25.20 for the sa i.e from interfering with his illgestion token to Ypsilanti for his recent as- enjoy the evening. did not return at the time agreed Corninandery, K. T., will be visited service. On the whole the 7th district by engaging in the some'what rural sault on Seward Cramer of The Times. upon and Inquiry of the Detroit par- by the Grand Commander on the even- The 'board of pu'blic works at its householder has a little the best of it. occupation of raising Boston baked He was lined $15 and assessed $o.~io ies named showed the men to be ing of February 8. There will be meeting Wednesday received the an- If this explanation does not appear beans. Mr. Shetterly would be costs, all of which lie paid. He was frauds. Sheriff .Judson was notified. meeting for drill every Tuesday even- nual reports Of the city engineer and sufficient to "Quo" he is respectfully 1,leased to receive point< rs from any- then ordered to give a Hand in the His men found the horse at Milan but ing until the date of the annual visit. street commissioner. The matter of referred to the files of the Washtenaw sum of .$500 as a guarantee that he e possessing a knowledge of ii;is the men are still at liberty. The board of directors of the Huron snow plowing was referred to Presi- Evening Times for January 2(1. 1897, will keep the peace in the future. branch of agriculture. This coining Friday evening, Janu- Valley Building Association met Mon- dent Smith. City Engineer Key was where the subject is fully discussed. Oscar Icle, formerly of this city, died ary 21. the entertainment for the ben- day night and elected the following of- directed to make a general inspection in Detroit Sunday. He was a HOT SHOT FROM PINCrtEE. efit of the sewing school will take ficers: President. Frederick Sehmid; of the city's sewer system. The clerk Interchaneeable Mileage. brother of Mrs. Myron II. Mills, of vice president, N. I). Gates; secretary, Extracts from the governor's Huf- place at high school hall. It is under was directed to notify all citizens The passenger representatives of the Packard street. W. K. Childs; treasurer, F. H. Belser. fal'o speech: the direction of (Miss MaeMomtirle owning property along the Main street following roads, to-wit: Gen. W. H. Withingfon. of Jackson, Mr. Ohilds succeeds Johu R. Miner as "The question of today, do half and the rehearsals show every sign of paving district to meet the "board Ann Arbor R. R., attended the recent annual meeting of success. Mr. Harkins will sing, also secretary of the association. Wednesday evening next at the clerk's fares on railroads and contributions C. & W. M. R. R., churches and institutions influence the trustees of the Harris Memorial Charlie Stinison. Music by two or- The 45th sanitary convention under office. D., G. R. & W. R. R., the clergy to deal gently with great fund in this city. chestras and tableaux with calcium the auspices of the state board of John R. Ludwlg, of the Ludwig D. & M. Ry., wrongs V" Prof. Brownell. principal of the Ann lights. health occurs at Tawas City Thursday Arbor high school in the early '00's, piano manufactory, New York city. F. & P. M. R. R., '"Today all the trusts, all the mo- Five young men who have taken and Friday of this week. Prof. F. G. died at Gales-burg, 111., Thursday. He called on Morris M. Seabolt, of the G. R. & I. Rv., nopolies, every agency which is bleed- supreme delight in 'creating disturb- Novy, of Ann 'Arbor, member of the will be remembered by some of our Ann Arbor Music Co., yesterday and L. M. & M. S. Ry., ing the country, has taken refuge iri- ance in the gallery of the Athens thea- state board, is on the program for the citizens. closed a contract for two carloads of N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R., der ihe wing of the Republican party ter recently, have each received a let- discussion of a paper on "Pure Water" new pianos to be shipped to this city P. & L. E. R. R.. Frank Mcliuyre. baritone. Alberto and for a paper at the last session, because they fear the Democratic ter from Manager Lise-mer to the ef- soon. Mr. Ludwig is on his way to M. & N. E. R. R.. Long,' violinist, Walter Crego, cornet Friday, on "Germs, What They Are party wivich has kicked them out." fecl that they will be refused admis- the western states 'where he expects Mich. Cent. R. R., 1st. and Prof. Lew Kenwick, piiuist, and Ho.v They Produce Disease." "The majority of the public men in sion to the theater hereafter. Mr. to receive many large orders, since have formed an organization called will give a concert at Ha'nibm'g Thurs- Lisemer thinks this mode of procedure The stockholders of the Michigan the Republican party dare not spc-ik day evening. nearly all 'his agents are doubling the Northern Mileage Ticket Bureau what they believe, for fear of on'e;ith for the purpoje of issuing and selling ing those whom they foolishly think ing in the theater is preferable to last. Wednesday elected the following dicate that the Ludwig piano is not birthday by attending the banquet and properly accounting for an. inter- are indispensable to the p:irry." ejecting the disturbers during a per- board of directors: W. D. Harriman. only becoming popular here but all Monday in Detroit of the society changeable thousand-rnile ticket dif- '•Principles are greater than men, formance. L. CJtuner, Moses Seabolt, C. HS. His-through the country. The new scales of the Sons of the American Revolu- fering from the form of ticket issued and i speak as a life-long Republican The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority cock, B. E. Beal. Paul Snauble, Mania and different designs that Ludwig & ticii of which he is a member. by the Central Passenger Association, when I say that unless the Republican entertained last Tuesday iu honor of Haller. The board then organized Co. are getting out ought to make Officer Wackenhut brought from and possessing the folio wing features: parry is led fofvcfc into the spirit of the Miss Belle Brewser. of Bay City, who thus: W. D. Harriman, president; L. their stock shown by the Ann Arbor Milan Saturday Lute and William It is good for passage upon any reg- principles which Mr. Lincoln so elear- is a member of that society. The Grimer, vice-president; C. E. Hiseock, Music company one of the most "beau- Vortle who, it is alleged, '-held up" a ular passeager train (excepting lim- \\ stated in 'he words whL?h 1 have reception lasted from 4 until 0 o'clock secretary and treasurer, Paul Snauble, tiful as well as musical, ever shown iraii named Fitzgerald Friday night in ited trains)of any and all the lines quoted, it cannot long live as a great and an informal evening party com- superintendent. in this city. an alleyway at Milan and secured $33, parties to this agreemeit, upon pre- party." menced at 8 o'clock. The house was Tuesday's Free Press has the Arm Arbor theater-goers who at- Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, of Chicago, sentation to the conductor of the train prettily decorated with roses and following Hem from its Washington "The masses of tiie Republican party tended tlte Cissy Fitzgerald and the who is to deliver his famous lecture on compliance with the reasonable carnations and a large vase of bril- correspondent: "Judge E. D. Kinue, do not want, bo stand sponsor for "In Gay Paris" perl'onnani-es at the : on "The Cost of a Fool" in the Unity provisions of the ticket required for liant red poinsettias- stood on the o! Ann Aifoor, is in Washington on those agencies which are playing the Athens last week in the expectation of club course next Wednesday evening, the purpose of identification. table in the dining-room, where a num- a pleasure trip. He was pleased to mischief with this country's welfare hearing and seeing vulgarity were ,lis- January 26, is probably the liesi It will be sold to the public at all ber of the young ladies waited on find that Speaker Reed's private secre- f any more than the Demo-rats do. apixMnted. known and most influential clergyman principal ticket offices of lines parties the guests. The Mesdames Herdinan tary, Amos L. Allen, was his particu- We have, however, some so-called in the West, of <;ny denomination. to this agreement, for the sum of Lydia Anna. Hosack, at Broadway, and Whittemore. and the Misses B-rew- lar chum in the Columbian Law leaders in our party who have nvore He was secretary of the World's Par- thirty dollars, with refbate of ten dol- aged 41. died Sunday of consump- ster, Macauler and Thome received. school, iu this city, 30 years ago, and faith in the power of money than in liament of Religions. He !'s editor of lars after use or upon expiration, upon tion. The funeral was held at the Miss Brewster sang a few songs, in- to celebrate his discovery tne two tiie power of the voting masses." the New Unity. He is pastor of a compliance with the agreement upon house Tuesday at 1:30 p. no., JU-v. cluding "Little Boy Blue." About gentlemen lunched together today." "The monopolist, the franchise large, popular institutional church in which the ticket is issued. Forrest officTiing. Interment in the two hundred ladies were present. Af- ra-bber, the lobbyist, tin- political The Ann -Arbor Agricultural com- Chicago. He Is president of the Chi- Fifth ward cemetery. ter the advent in the evening of The This ticket wiil be placed on sale apostles of boodle, arc all extreme pany held its annual election Tues- cago Browning society. There is Rev. Fr. Kelly desires to correct n gentlemen, who numbered about 30, February 1st, 1898. partisans, and when any one exposes day. \Y. I>. Harriman, Moses Sea- hardly a movement for the public ad- slight misstateinent in Saturday's re- dancing and charades were :n orde->- This ticket, of course, can be used their schemes or obstructs their am- bolt, E. H. Scott, J. E. Beal, George vancement in Chicago 'that he is not port of the Prof. Perry memorial ex- and Miss Bi'ewster honored the occa- only upon the lines of road parties bitions, they wrap themselves in the W. Phelps and E. W. Moore were prominent in. His calls to preach ercises. Father Kelly favored a suit- sion by singing several selections. to this agreement, and will be issued Hag and cry you are attacking the able ta-blet or a memorial scholarship elected directors. The board organ- and lecture in all parts of the country in addition to the tickets of the Mile- party." ized as follows:' President, Evart H. are far more than he can till. It is instead of a Chapel as ther_> stated. The Alpha Nu Debating society of age Bureau of the Central Passenger "In my own state the railroads, who Scott; vice-president, George W. a case of rare good fortune that Unity the University gave a ladies evening Association. line never paid their just and equal There was a good crowd Saturday Phelps; secretary and treasurer. John club has been able to secure him. and reception on Saturday. Invita- By recent action of the Central Pas- share of the taxes, have been a faith- night at the Klondike lecture at the Finnegan; superintendent, E. W. Admission only 25 cents. Don't miss tions were extended to the members senger Association the names of the ful ally of the Republican parly. They M. E. church. The stereoscopic views Moore. a great lecture. were fine and the accompanying re- of the Adelphi and the Philologia so- above mentioned lines that, are upon put up the money which helps elect A young man giving the name of. marks by Mr. 'Murray made the whole cieties. The program in cnarge of Philip Lohr, Tvho died in this city the 1000-mile Interchangeable tickets, their kind of people to the legislature Bert Gordon came to town Mouday a very interesting evening's entertain- Miss Nash lasted about one hour and Wednesday, had been tsmpted by For- issued by the Mileage Ticket Bureau iiml iu return expect favorable meas- to hunt a job. He filled up on intoxi- ment. included songs, recitations and speech- tune in a peculiar way. When he of that Association, have been stricken ures and exemptions from paying es, all descriptive of the life of a girl cants and. making the rounds in this came to Michigan he was employed off, and such tickets will therefore their due share of taxes.*1 Martin Schaller is the happiest man from babyhood to womanhood. Among condition had but indifferent success. as a farm hand. The farmer, at the not toe sold after January ::ist. 1898, in all Ann Arbor. His friends haven't the numbers were the following: Im- At one place he received a black eye close of the season, offered him ISO by any of the lines members of the For Shaving been doing a thing to him and it kept promptu speech. "Women as Debat- instead. Finally he was hospitably acres of land in the state of Illinois Northern Mileage Ticket Bureau. Sometimes make tine birds. We his clerk busy all Monday morning ers." Miss Connor, member of the Phi- received by an officer and locked up. for his year's pay. Mr. Lohr made Such tickets, however, sold prior to 'have beautiful shades for WelsiMW-h answering the 'phone. Martin sa<-s lologia society; paper on "American Tuesday afternoon Justice Pond sent a trip out West to inspect the land, February 1st, 1S9S. will be honored lights which will be an ornament to he is the best boy in town, it's an Women in Literature," Miss Quinby: the man to jail for five days in order to but when he viewed it he concluded within their life, or until further notice your room. 8-potmder. and recitation, Miss Bevans. At the enable him to recover from his black to take cash instead. He often re- by the above lines named thereon, One of the ears on the street rail- close of the regular program, an in- eye. gretted not having taken the land as upon compliance with the terms and If you are going to set married you way ran into D. Vangieson's milk formal reception was held. The en- The Ann Arbor Arbeiter Unter- pay. The court house in Chicago now provisions thereof. •an get an Eclipse stove and your delivery wagon at noon Monday on N. tertainment for the evening consisted stttetzungs Verein held their annual stands on the ISO acres he had re- 'ouse-fiiruishiiig goods of O. Schlonker, Main street, jolting the driver some- of an auction, the character of the election Monday with the follow- fused to accept. A few years after lie a Red Loop Tin- ll.Kilu.ire Man. \V. Liberty s:. what and scraping some paint off but things to be bought being hidden in ing result: President, Titus F. Hutzel; Mr. Lohr was offered several acres of That is what an electric lamp IOOKS doing no great -damage. The driver the names given them, beans taking Hne Coaches and Coupes for Wed- 1st vice-president, George Lutz, jr.; land in northern Michigan for a nom- like when eo.npared witi the glaring says the accident was all his own the place of money; and a progressive dings, Funerals, etc. Both 'p'hon ;s 2d vice-president, Wm. Feldliiaeuser; iral sum. He considered the proposl \Yols1>:icli gas light. 106. UO1.MKS LIYlvKY. fault. spelling match, for which two prizes prot. secretary, Mich. Gauss; corre- tion a few days but concluded not to were given. Miss Wood-Allen, presi- 26tf 515 E. Liberty s;. The many friends of Arthur Si. sponding secretary, John Mayer; invest. The principal mines of the George Blaich, grocer of 1219 S. dent of the Philologia society received Special rates on meats for boarding Clark, of Lexington, the well known treasurer, E. C. Spring; cashier, Fred Calumet & Hecla Mining courpany are University avenue, has been added to the first prize and Miss Connor the houses at the Northside Meat Market, Mason and the present United States st.-ieb; trustees, Chr. Martin, A. C. located on the lands which Mr. Loiir the list of those giving Trading booby prize. Speeches were called for Special price on 50 pound cans of pure consul at Samia. Out., will be glad Schumacher, Wm. Weimer, Albert had decided cot to purchase. Stamps. Give him your patronage and and Miss Wood-Allen responded with lard at the Northside Meat Market. to learn of his marriage in New York Glatzel, Ernil Golz, Eugene Oesterliu, Philip Lohr died at S p. m.. Wednes- ;et the stamps. an apt and clever answer to the suite- Telephone 42^—5 rings. city on Tuesday, January 16, by the Louis Kurtz; steward, Julius Lohrke; day, after having been a res- Rev. R. S. MeArthur, D. D.. to Mrs. ment made, that the Philologia society medical examiners, Dr. J. Kapp, Dr. ident of this county over 32 years. Elegant Northern Spy, Greenings Skate grinding at Wenger's, 100 N. Einnia Church Alfo.rd, of that city. was the strongest in college. M. Belser; color bearer, A, W. Hinz. -Deceased was born in Bavai-ia, Ger- and Snow Apples at Davis & Seabolt's. Fourth avenue. lSt3 THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. JANUARY 21, i898. JEN. BUTTERWORTH DEAD. in the .cities of Tsi-Xing, T'sao-Chow in association of individuals endowc I'U and C'he-Yoh. and dwelling house by law with certain powers and re ANN ARBOR F IS ALMOST ENDED, for the missionaries iu tlie seven place sponsibilitios. as an artificial person Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 1897. BIG UPBOAHT PARIS fo Passed Away Last Sunday at Thomasvllle, (.a. in the districts of 'Tsao-llion an There are public aJid private corpora TIME TABLE: Shan-Hien will be erected, for whic rions. Only the latter w.ll be discuss Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Extraordinary Scenes at a Thomasville, Georgia, January 17.— ^Thitmore Lake Inquest Ad- Time. purpose tlie sum of 226,000 taels wi id, Purely private such as mercantile NORTH. SOUTH. Monster Meeting. ion. Benjamin Butterworth, United journs to Jan. 27. be allowed. This amount is to bi 8:43 a.m. «7:30a. m cates commissioner of patents, who *12:15a. m. 11:25 a. m. ;:'ken, also, as a compensation fo from some public as railroads, etc. 4:46 p.m. 8:40 p.m. as been ill at the Piney Woods hotel tlie killing of the missionaries. The great capital of corporations is Majority of the Five Thousand Pres CcBride the Only Witness to Be Ex •Bun between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. .ere for several weeks, died at 3:15 The sanction of the throne has bee iften considered a public menace, but E. S. QILMORE, Agent ent Were Anarchists--Hand-to-Hand csienlay afternoon. The end wasammed Yet—His Deposition to Be obtained to the a:bove mode of settle u.cli capita! must be admitted .'nvos V. H BENNETT G, P. A. Toledo O. Fights Occurred. •aceful, and when it came his wife Taken Monday, Jan. 24, in Annmen t. -ary for certain enterprises, as build nd children were at his bedside, fie Arbor. ng railroads and lighting plains. a me here to recuperate from an at- ffllCHIGAN CM1B&L Paris, a.m. IS—A great anti-Dreyfui Mark Hanna as an LL. I). An objection is also made !•> corpor ick of pneumonia and recovered rap- The Niagara Falls Route." and anti-semite meeting last night a Wihltmore Lake, Mich., January 14.- Says a correspondent in fhe Toled alious on the ground that tiie stock- aiy till two weeks ago when he suf- holders are only limited in liabildty for the Tivoli Yauxhali produced extro Jverything moved faster at the ice Daily Bee: "Perhaps tlie most iud Central Standard Time. ered from uremic convulsions. From the debts of the corporation. But ordinary scenes. The neighborhooc iouse inquest yesterday and the ex •runs result of the recent Hanna coo TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. iiat relapse he never recovered. His is necessary in order to secure tlie de- EAST. WEST. .minataon is realiy ended, althoug eat is the invitation of the Oratorica P. M. was paraded by police, mounted an< i>dy will be sent to Washington to- sired capital. Each party is thm A. M ae testimony of Foreman MJoBrii -sociation of the Uuivarsity of Mich Mail and Ex a 47 B.. N. Y.Chi.... 8 12 on foot, and the rapidly growninj morrow. liable only to the extent of capital in- N. Y. Special 4 58 Mail 9 18 till remains to be taken. The us,.. an for him to act as chairman o O K. Express ...1110 Pacific Ex 12 HO crowd increased the excitement. A lie Michigan-Chicago debate, to b vested and his whole fortune canaoi •N S Limited 8 10 P M. rowd was on hand and ten witnesset Eastern Ex !) 47 Western Ex .... 1 38 9 o'clock on the ope&ing of the meet Fight to a Finish. neM at Ann Arbor on the 2Sth of tlii be involved. A. M. G E. & K. Ex ... 5 5i f&ce examined one after the other. D. N Express 5 50 Chi. Nt. Kxj 7 47 Ing the hall was a seething sea o Columbus, ()., -Ian. 14.—Senator month. The corporation is a creature of theAtlantic Kx 7 30 . orcman Todd being also recalled a, humanity, crowding every part, ges Hanna and the members of the legis- "No doubt it will be a question of i state and must be kepi so. it has only 'North Shore Limited is an extra fair train lature went home today. All will re- dough without getting anything new to be a charge of 52.50 to New York than on ticulating, shouting "A bag Zola," few months at most until we shasuch powers as are expressly granted other trains. uvrn by Tuesday next. The leaders .mm him. O. W. KUGOLES, H. W. HAYES, ••Vive l'Annee," and "Vive la RevOlu be compelled to read it M. A. Hauna it. by tlie legislature. >n both sides are still here preparing Peter Gibney was the first wit ti. L. D. This will, of course, yok G. P. & T Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor lion Sociale." The membe-'s erf the Corporations may be created by a or another fight next week. The op- •ailed. He testified that McBride gavi up ignorance with political 'honoi special legal enactment for each in- anti-Semite committee displayed bau position to Hanna was defeated in his.he order to have the braces removed They make a mighty powerful tean dividual case or under general la.. ners bearing the Inscription "Death I election, but it proposes to rightBO Wdcliride was present and assisted .Moreover, the cross would more aptlj applicable to a class. Tiie former is Rinsey and can sell at Low Figures. continued with shouting, win-ilia: t i serve the interests of all the peopli may grant as narrow or as wide pov- The large invoice of Teas they and singing of the Marsellia*; and tl) Hanna. who is sriil here and will re- ;>lans arid specifications were ado of my suite.' ers as it considers best." The state main till the investigation is com buy and sell is good proof that Carmagnole, while M. Thiedaud pro by tlie company they were submitted •'Ann Arbor Oratorical association may amend or repeal charters by gen- pleted, is Hon. E. <;. Bathbone, who to O. I>. Richards, chief engineer of ceeded in a violent speech, declaring how do you like- that? eral legislation. says he wants (lie bribery investiga- th" Ann Ai-lmr railroad, and were ap- In Quality and Price that the Dreyfus scandal was tli "Here follows more of the same tion pushed to the last ditch. He says proved by him. Tlie plans and speci- The present abuses of corporations commencement of a social revolution kind: 'Standing outside the line of the those who were in that 'business are fications were then sub Bitted in evi- are now receiving considerable -atten- by "a band of scoundrels desiring • smoke of battle, and viewing this situ They Give BARGAINS, raising the cry against others and thai dence. Hill slated that plans had tion. One remedy is publicity of tiie overthrow everything in order to rah ation from the standpoint of a citizen the investigation will show who isteen folia wed except that hemlock corporate affairs. Annual or other a. traitor." of Ohio, 1 come to accept this iiigl guilty and who is being persecuted as sills were used instead Of pine. Wit- stated periodic reports are requireo They roast their own Coffees every The scene now became a saturnalia In nor, recognizing thai when 1 resume week, as none but prime articles are well as slandered. ness had known Turubull ami Mc- to be submitted to stated public of- The anarchists removed the iron stair my duties in :he United Stat >s se:ut used. Bride for three years and had always ficials, and penalties imposed for fail- case giving access to the trib.ni • ihai I am the senator from the wl-ml Their Bakery turns out excellent considered both of Che uviillenie:! ure to report or for false reports. that the committee was unable to de AVarwliips Read; forJC'uba. people of Ohio. This is my nativ Bread. Cakes and Crakers. Call highly trustworthy. Asked if James* Laws are enacted against unlawful and see them. scend. Free fights began around tin Washington, January 35.—When iIn state. 1 was bom in Ohio. 1 have -,: Turn-bull was in the habit of dnnki.i combinations of corporations, and the (lags. Finally the students chase cabinet met at it o'clock yestcrdaj ways lived in this commonwealth charters of corporations entering i;i,o 1 he answered. "Yes." tin anarchists out of the hall. Tiu tiie members professed to feel satisfied have always striven to do wnat migli such combinations may legally be de and organizers of the ineetins; t'i";i with the situation in Cuba. Dr. Smith was next sworn and told be in my power to accomplish the ad prived of their franchises. The state the jia^-s decorating the hal! and ar- The north Atlantic squadron, whic.1 Lutz Son of Morey's death. van-cement of her development ami cannot, easily regulate the rates of ranged a. rendezvous at the Military has been gathering at Hampton roads. (riiy McGahin. another witness, prosperity. If it is now transplant, purely private corporations, such as Snccessor to Eauschenber & Co. Club, crying "Vive i'Arniee." Is to sail southward.tomorrow. Lest worked under Todd; heard MciBridt fo a different field of luiy. that dim mercantile, manufacturing enterprises, MANUFACTURERS there should be any misunderstanding The hall partially emptied, but sooi give orders to remove braces; Mc- will be none the less incumbent on etc. But in return for the wide pow- oi the purpose of tin- cruise, which the anarchists returned and, breakin Bride helped remove braces: never me.' ers granted railways and the like, a lias already been described in t'.ie or- FINELY open the great doors, began Further heard MoBride say pin back those •• 'If there was a few more 'thats, eonsiderafble control may be exercised ders as one of evolutiaa and drill lighting. It is alleged that seveia Maces. •the Time to Act. gers and employees. bune, led by M. Oourtois, flourishing partment says shows thai the squad- never have given orders to have Washington, January 19..—-Cuba Libraries Barber Shops a red flag and ali shouting ••('unspuez ron's movements have no reference ha. The power of eminent domain ex- braces removed. Whea assed if liea hearing in the house yesterday and Stores Millinery Rochefort" ispit upon Rochefort) am to Cuba. tends to corporations. The state may ever got drunk while in duty said: for a time it looked as if parliament- take any or all the property or fran- "Long live Zola.'' The cabinet discussion showed thai Saloons Emporiums "No, sir, I never did.'' No other ma- ary precedents would be sei aside and chises of a corporation for public use, The disturbances continued, the an-while the president lias decided not to terial evidence. the senate resolution recognizing th on payment of a fair and reasonable Etc. archists declaring from tin- tribune send a warship to Cuba at present, it Henry Webber and Alexander Todd, insurgents as belligerents would b value for the same. The railroads Design Work a Specialy. against, the army ami acclaiming is his purpose to keep one or more father of Foreman Todd. save evi- attached as a rider to the diplomatic i.ay be taxed for public purposes, Dreyfus. Spine of the injured people vessels within easy distance of Ha- Repairing of Furniture of Every dence as to the existease of a Jiea vy and consular appropriation bill. sither on their franchise, capital, wcvi^ carried out with their fares cov- vana, SO that one of our ships may Description. wind at and near the time of the ac- Mr. De Armond, a Missouri Demo ered with blood. reach there within six hours iu the shares or property, any two of these cident. eiat, precipitated the issue by offering or all at once. The interest was now transferred to ev< nt of a sudden call for its presenci Lutz and Son, Edwin Beckwith, whan put on thethe resolution as an amendment, but the streets, where the police had been from General Lee. Should our consul- "The legislature has no doubt ;ie.i stand, said lie had smelt liquor on a point of order against it was sus Office and Factory on Vine St., reinforced by the Republican guards. general say that the emergency de- fone as fa;- in its control of eorpora- Turnbull's breath. On cross examina- tained. Mr. De Armond appealed Near W. Liberty St. At 10 this evening large bodies of stu-h'auds if. a vessel will bo sent in ions as it may legally do. Certainly He urged the Republicans '\ho bad Ann Arbor, Mich. dents, flourishing the tri-color and s-tantly, it is stated. tion: "About one week teforo the ac- as to taxes, the rate is much lower professed friendship for the strug snouting "Vive i'Annre," proceeded cident Turnbull came in one afternoon ban on genera] property." and ordered me to remove all theglitig Cubans to override the decision Corporations are (specially subjects ia the direction of the military elu-b ?• 7> |Lons Debates rromised. »?T? CT boards on the platform of the scaffold of the chair as the only chance of o the police power of the state. The in the Avenue de i'< >pera. The 11 Washington. January 17.—The Ha- MusiclStore but one, saying anyone who is toosecuring action on the proposition. state can regulate rate of speed, hours eli ared the Place de la Republique waiian annexation treaty will this heavy to walk on one board is tonMr. Bailey, the leader of the minor- it running and the like. and charged the bodies of students. week again occupy the major portion A large force is protecting the mili- heavy for the job." "Did you remove ity, and other Democrats, joined in Foreign corporations can do business of the time of the senate. It appears the boards from the scaffold," was tlie appeal. The excitement became J. F. Schaeberle tary dub. improbable, however, that tlie treaty i. a sta-te only on expressed or tacit asked. "No, 1 did not. Mei:;-i said it.tense, but the appeals of Mr. Ding- lermission of the state, and if more will be taken up today. There i* not to mind him." Witness thought ley, the floor leader oi the majority, No. 8 W. Liberty St. Want Joint Action. unanimous agreement to vote on fhe tringent regulations are imposed than Tumbull slightly under the inlh. aw well as other Republican leaders, m corporations of the state, the for- Washington, Jan. 15.- As a resull of immigration bill during that day and CEO. P. HENRY J. of liquor at thai time. t-j their associates not to join iu the ign corporations must submit SCHLEMMEP. a conference held within the last feu- ii is altogether probable that this vole •Peter MeOulre testified that he hadprogram, succeeded. The Republican SCHLEMME«, days between the silver leaders of will be preceded by some discussion Corporations are- not only useful, mi: TwrabuM enter saloon once, twice tactics kepi to the front the point that necessary servants, but must be kept : : : THE : : : various parties, if is understood Chair- ne merits of tlie bill. The friends or three times in a day. Had seen the minority were seeking to override man Jones of the Democratic national of i he measure are confident of its In proper limits. Evils they have, but him drink. the rules of the house and they got O have all tilings which are good and Ann Arbor Fluff Rug Factory committee, Chairman Butler of thepassage, 1ml they are not very hope •very Republican vote, sustaining tho George W. Thomas president of the -ar.v. But if the corporations be- : : : AND : : : Populist national committee and ful of getting it through without fur- chair by a vote o-f 152-114. Chairman Towne of the Silver Repub- ther debate. ice- company, was the last witness. i'ine a source of danger to the public. Testified that (Mr. Bennett and II. W. During the debate Mr. Barley chal- Steam Carpet Cleaners lican national committee will issue ,1 Senator Wolcott has given notice of t HUM be because the legislature has A.shJ«7 had owned the ice-hnuses :n lenged Mr. Hitt to give the house any Manufacturers of strictly fiist-class joint manifesto the early parl of nexi i,is intention to address the senate •Itber failed to use. or has i'ljudicious- Hamburg Junction and on semii- assurance that ai'opportunity would week with a view to securing com Monday when he will make a report y used iis present, sufficient and am- them to the company took tlie price hi offered to vote on tlie resolution raon action by the Hirer organizations of tlie transactions of the recent in- 'le legal powers. Fluff Hugs out in stock in the company. Com- passed by the senate ,-it the test in the political contest of 1898. iionnl bimetallic commission. .Mr. ..FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS... pany organized under the law-- ofsion. hut he received no reply. is. In Aid of Cuba. The draft of the document is now inWolcott has never given extended Michigan. Capital stock of ,«7O.(HM>. the diplomatic bill came up the army Having been appointed .-i member Ail Orders Promptly Attended to. tlie course of preparation. It will ap- public utterance concerning the com- Bennett had the right to hire men hill was passed. >f iiie Ou'ban Relief commission by peal to all those Interested tn themission's work and there is very gen- Iis Excellency, Governor Pingree, for For Circulars OP any other Informatloa and care for the building of sai I Mr. Ilitt. chairman of the committee call ©n or addrets cause of silver i;; work in union and eral interest manifested as to the he purpose in cellecting funds, food to avoid rival strength will be dissi- le he may pursue in his speech house. Company pays all expen* on foreign relations, called up t.ie di- Office and Factory—409-411. W. Hur- Inquest then adjourned to meet plomatic and consular appropriation iothing jiml medicines in this p.-in pated. .HI Monday. Street, Thursday morning, January 27, Mc-bill. Mr. Bailey objected bo any Uni-if Michigan, .-ill such spplies to be The talks among the si'vor n en con- on on the genera! debate. Tiie 'orwai'ded by me to Hon. Allen Shel- Both Phones. Ann Ai'">or, Mich. tinued today but they did not lake the I'.iide's testimony to be taken ou or *~ J)ebatedoAriuy Needs. bill carries $1,729,008, an increase of "on. Hon. Levi L. B&rbour or ilie shape ,,f a formal conference, ("hair- before January 24, if his physicians Washington, .January IS.—Tin time would allow it. $33,700 over the law foe the current Ion. Clarence Black of Detroit, who Heada uarters man Towne has returned from the of the house was principally devoted year. .-111 forward the same free to Consu-- lumbus, where he assist- to the couside.-atiou of the army ap- feneral Lee o( Havana, I would for Harness, Trunks Vak'srs ' I in the opposition lo Mr. Banna. Difficulty Settled. propriation bill yesterday. '•• Lerefore announce that 1 am ready Telescopes and Dress baft Ke was about the bouse of rei resenta- Washing-ton, January 19.—-A cable Prof. Mechem on Corporations. a notable for a vigor >;•,•• to receive at my office in the Duffy Cases at LOvv PRICES tives talking with Rep. Bland and dispatch has just been received at the by Sir. Meridian, i I ;isi might Prof. Fiord K. M< block all such supplies as a generous > tiier silver expon i be Ceeliug Chinese legation from the Tsuiigli son of '. B. MDqpleilan, at- delivered a timely lecture befort? , •c.. M.-.maMy i>,U«' willinwjiiiug tco ccoa -mribiitl e A.. Teufel, S. MAIN ST. Yam-en Peking, to the following effect: developed was gMcrallv in favor of tacking bhe my organization Gcod Govorumeiu (Hub on the subject, j to alleviate the suffering and distress common action among all the silver A setilenient of the difficulty wil.h f as obsolete and inefficient. He as- "The relations of the corporation t'. of tlie starving wives, mothers and elements. Messrs Jftnes, Butli i Germany has been effected, Kiao- wm. HERZ serted that the United States is wo- the state." T.-tppan Hall was closely children at our very doors. Towne will confer further during the Oteau bay is to be leased, a belt sur- filled. The speaker spoke in suibstanci fully unprepared fur war should a This is a matter that should enlist Painting and Decorating, next tew days, and the address will rounding tlie bay extending. 100 Ii as follows: crisis come, ami argued for modern the immediate sympathy of all our re-Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes aud all •then be made public. (about :;o miles) to be the boundary, methods in organization, equipment The Increase in the number oi' cor-spected follow citizens, and most es- All the German troops outside the Painters Supplies. On Jan. 18 the American Bimetallic ami supplies, which would enable the porations, their extension into 3iev% pecially of all philanthropic ;ind Chris- T'liion, of which 'Jen. Warner, o, prescribed limits are to be withdrawn. 112 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. United States to meet an emergency. fields, and assumption oftentimes of tian people. All supplies will be re- Ohio is president, holds its meeting Two of tiie culprits charged witli the Established 1869. Telephone 88. Mr. Lewis also made a speech that :iouable powers, has brought'the ceipted for and acknowledged throug-h •here, and this is expected to give fur- murder of the missionaries are to be attracted attention in denunciation of subject prominently before the public. the press, ADVERTISE IN ther cohesion to the join; silver inore- punished with death, and the rest n.ent trusts which he declared ware threat- Omitting the industrial and social BUGEXE J. HBuKER, ening the liberties of the country. with imprisonment. Permission will sides of the question tha legal aspect be granted for the building of churches Commissioner for this Section. The - Democrat, will be considered. The corporation is Ann Arbor, January 18, 1898. And Get Value Received. JANUARY 21, 1898 THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT.

SIGH OF RELIEF. THE PROGRAM directors wish is to secure permissioi COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. to show that they are qualified to em Last of the $85,O00 Ilillsdale Bonds For the Michigan Dairymen's Asso- balm, disinfect and prepare a corpse YPSILANTI. Was Paid Up Monday Xlght. ciation Convention. dead of diphtheria so as to make n ''ommi.s»-ioner« to receive, examine and ad- 1n.it all claims and demands of all persons Tlie aldermen met in the city clerk's The fourteenth annual convention of safe to transport such a. corpse. Wha Karl Harriiuan, of the Detroit Jour- a freight train and got off at l> against tbe estate of Elizabeth Roberts, late office last Monday on account of the the Michigan Dairyman's Association the Board of Health want is regula- ff said Oountv deceased, hereby give notice nal, was in the city last evening. to commence the luxuriant life of a that six months from date are allnwed. by bad shape in which the council cham- and the annual meeting of the Miehi- tion of the subject, so as to lessen th< order of said Probate Court for Crediforb to The O"C'iillan;v.i> Comedy company tramp. They enacted the role just L'4 present their claims against the estate of ber is at present. Mayor Harding gan Jersey Cattle club will be held danger of the transportation of diph- said deceased, and that they will meet Ht the played to a small house at Belleville hours, when they ina«ile up their minds was and is in Detroit selling bicycles, in Cleary's hall, Ypsilanti, February theria corpses with no safeguard office nf J. Wipard Babbitt, in the City of Saturday night. that home, sweet home was sw^erer Ypsilanti, in said County, on Saturday, the so President Schaffer had to wield 1. 2 and 3. Tlie program of the Jer-whatever, as is' believed .sometimes IBM) day of April and on Saturday, the f6tli Arrangements have been made than ever and returned like the prodi- dav of Inly nex.r, at ten o'clock A. M. of each the sceptre. Aid. Huston is danger- sey Cattle club will be given at the occurs, under pressure from bereaved of said days, to receive, examine and adjust whereby Duaue Spalsbury will remain gals on—but they hadn't been away said claims. ously ill and Aid. Moore was indis- evening session Wednesday, February relatives, the cause of death being permanently with C. W. Rogers & Co. lcug enough to give the calf a rh uu • llKNHY STriMPFXIH'SEX, posed. Aid. Van Fossen was down ti- 2 The names of tlie officials who are alleged to be from some ordinary WARREN- AMERMAN, The marriage of Miss Louise Everett to fatten and besides their fathers Dated, Jan. 17. 1898. Commissioners. the Parish club talking on birds and directly in charge of the arrangements disease not communicable. The genera! to Mr. Ralph Bpyden is announced , wore cowhides. so toe did not show up. The remain- officers of railroads want safety to the are as follows: President, James N. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wash- for February 2 at her home on Brower "Dr." Nolan, besides being fined al- der of the cast of characters were M.'Bride, Owosso; secretary, S. J. Wil- railroad employees and their families. ^ tenaw. ss At a session of the Probate street. together $20.75 for simple assault and Court for th<> County of Wastenaw, holden at present and the play went on. son, Flint; Azra Fletcher, Ypsilanti. and safety of the public and conse- the Probate Ofiii-e in the City of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Prof. Pease, who has been battery, was forced to give bonds to The Michigan Bell Telephone com- local secretary. A 'large number of quent immunity of railroads from on Monday, the 10th day of January, in sick for some days past at her apart- keep the peace before Justice] Child-; tlio year one thousand eight hundred and pany petitioned that the six telepl premiums have been offered for but- prosecutions for alleged introduction ninety-eisht. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, jh<-nts at the Hawkins house, is im-and this eosl him enough extra so that Judep or Probate. new in use by the city be retained ie,- and other dairy products and anof diseases into localities. It In the matter of the estate of Char'es Oscar proving. tiie whole thing footed up to $25.40. O'Oonter, deceased. On reading and tilin" without any rental charges. Aid. elaborate program has been arranged proposed to have a commission to ex-the petition, duly verified, of Patrick O'Con- Work on improvements in the Corey The bands furnished were 'for ¥.~>IHI Davis moved that the petition be laid amine and give certificates to em- ner, praying that hi- administration of snid Block which was recently purchased ai'd lie seemed to have no trouble in tot- the entertainment of those who pstate may be granted to Lim or some other upon the table. 'Aid. Warden moved balmers who are qualified to do such suitable person by Huston and Dawson, has been com- securing them. James Robinson, the attend. A list of the speakers who as a substitute that the petition be work; and, when diphtheria corpses Thereupon it is ordered, That Monday, menced. Ann Arbor liveryman who accom- will take part in this meeting and the (lie Ttli day of February next, at ten not accepted and the company be re- prepared by qualified eru'balmers, are o'clock in the forenoon, be asigned for the Harry Wheeler, railway mail clerk panied him to this city, being one subjects to be discussed is given be- hearing of said petition, and that the helrs- quested to remove the 'phones at once. offered for transportation, the rail- at-lawof said deceased, and all other persons at present running between Mai'quetle surety, and Adam Shauer, of Ypsi- low: interested in said i required to ap- One alderman remarked that t:ie Mich- road authorities will" accept them. ami Calumet, is visiting iiis home in la.nti, the other. Tuesday—Prayer, Rev. R.VR. Wnar- pearata session of said Court, then to be igan Bell Telephone company had otherwise diphtheria corpses -will con- holden at the Probate Office. In the City of this city tins week. A bad accident happened to Eugene ton; address of welcome, N. B. Hard- Ann Arbor.and show cause. If any there be •'rode the city long enough and it. tinue to be refused transportation. why the prayer of the petitioner should not Mr. ami .Mrs. Philip Zwergel, of L. Brity, janitor of the high school. ing, mayor of Ypsilanti; president's be granted. And it is further ordered, that was time that the city rode the tele- The board appointed a committee to Niles, who have been visiting Mi1, and address, James X. MeBrido, Owosso: said petitioner give notice to the persons in- Monday evening. Mr. Erhy stands phone company." The motioj to have act -with representative funeral di- terested in said estate, of the pendency of Mrs. George Zwergel, have gone to "Michigan Factories as I Found said petition, and the hearing thereof, bv well with all the students of tup the company remove the phones was rectors to formulate a plan whereby ig a copy of this order to be published Ann Arbor for a visit. Them," E. A. Haven, dairy and food in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a. newspaper school aid is especially popular with carried unanimously and the X'e the rules of the General Baggage printed and circulated in said county three Mr. Mason, of Ludington, formerly inspector, Bloomingdale; "The Detroit the boys. Last evening one ef the State company was thereiby given Agents Association can be carried in- -ive weeks previous to said day of manager of. the Bell Telephone com- .Markets," H. H. Mack, Free Press, hearing. societies met and after the session one bit;- boost in business. to effect in Michigan as in other states. II. WIKT NKWKIBK, pany in this city, has secured his pat--of the boys and he got to wrestling Detroit; "The Cheese Industry." Hon. P. J. LEHMAN, Judge of Prabate. Wm. Campbell made application Co Probate Register. ent on a lcug distance telephone. j iu a g-ood minimi manner. Mr. Brlty Fred M. Warner, Farinington; "How The subject of the Quarter-Centen- [A true copy. | the appointment of scale tnspecto nial Celebration of the 2r>th Anniver- 23-28 Quite a few Ypsilautians took in "In j fell and iiis opponent came down on Can Michigan Factories Succeed in This is a uew office and one whie Making a More Uniform Cheese?" B. sary of the establishment of the Gay Paris" a! Ann Arbor Saturday top of him. The janitor's leg got QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County nf Washta- the aldermen had never been into E. Peebles. Fairiicld: "Poor Cheese: Michigan State Board of Health was > i n: w, ss. Al :i session of the l'robate eight. To avoid the compulsion of twisted in such a wanner that both *iced to before so that they pos Court for the County of Wash ten aw, holden blushes and explanations the list is ; bones of one leg were broken just Its Effect Upon the Market." G. D. thoroughly discussed, and tiie board it the Probate office In the City of Vim Vr- poiied action for two weeks to so outlined a provisional program which ;he y«ar one thousand eight hundred and suppressed. . above Brown, Seward, O.; "The Patrons' Re- ior. on Friday, the!7th day of January in ankle. if it came from a good family an sponsibility," J. H. Mourad. repre- will be perfected. ilnety elebt. Present, II.' Wirl Newkirk, The SchaTf tag, Bojc and Label com- could be embraced as an add: Judge of Probate. senting the agricultural department, The secretary presented the question In the matter of the estate of Catharine s member to the fold. of a summer resort directory for Mich- deceased Comstock V. Hill.tl "s;r rpritr i^rs:.^*™^ PERFORMANCE. Washington, D. C. 7 p. m.—"Lactic mlnlstratorot slid estate, comes into c b y The city accepted the gift of Mrs Ferment in Cheese Making." Davis igan which shall lie ready for use atand represents that he is now prepared to Nisley sends out 5,000 or 6,000 of these j Stephen Ilarve* Seems to lie caving It render his final account as such administra- Comwell of a lot near the wale Haven, Hartford; "Bacteriology of the time of the Quarter-Centennial. tor. every year. at Justice Chllds'. winks for park purposes. Milk and Cheese," Victor C. Yaughan. and shall place before Michigan's vis- Thereupon it Is ordered.itliat Monday, the A small crowd was present at the "th day of February next, at ten o'clock in Justice Childss gave a continuous 0. D. Bassett and eight others oi dean of medicine, University of Mich- itors at that lime the delightful ad- he forenoon be assigned for examining and concert given at high school hall last performance" Monday with Stephen allowing sni h account., ami that th Cered a protest against the asses> igan; "The Enforcement of the Oleo vantages there are in Michigan for heirs at law of said deceased, and all Friday evening Mi.>s Bassett and Harvey as the star on the program. ment made against the premises fo otber persons interested in said e«t:iT", Etoy Buell seemed Law: What I Means, What It Cosi>. healthful summer resorting. The ex-are required to aDDear at a session of said to be the stars of Ou November 19 last Mrs. S'-fih.m the S. Washington street sewer on tli ecutive officers of the State Board at 'ourt, then to beholden at the Probate ( the occasion. What Has Been Done, and What Max- n the C'ir.y of Ann Arbor, tn said County, and Harvey appeared before Justice OUllds following grounds: First, the sui Health, and others who will visit show cause, if any there be, why the said Owing to a lack of power caused by He Expected," Elliot O. Grosvaior, end swore out a warrant against her veyor's bill for his work on 330 fee Michigan at the time of the Qnart-r- Hvnunt should not be allowed: And the breaking down of machinery, the husband charging dairy and food commissioner; "The t is further ordered, that said petitioner htm with simple is $33 which is equal to 10 cents pe Centennial, will be men who in their •live notice to the persons interested in said motor car did not make a run from a.mt Officers Relation of the Commission Merchants estate, of the pendency of said account and a3S and Hipp foot; second, "the overseer or boss' to the Shippers and Producers/' Gw. several states and provinces art' auth- he hearing thereof, by causing a copy of Ypsilanti to Ann Arbor Saturday from | wmlt to sm-e was paid for his work ?3C or for 13 his order to be published in the Ann Arbor the tiie same R. Williams, Buffalo, Is'. Y. orities on questions ef health resorts, leimicrat, anewspauer prioted and circulat- 2:20 till 7 p. m. days' work. He said at the time tie ed in said county three successive weeks pre- evening. Harvey made no resistance Wednesday—Appointment of com- and such an advertising as Michigan F. E. Thompson, C. D. Wiilcoxson when the officers told him he was work was begun that it ought to vious to said day of hearing. mittees; "Suggestions for Improving should then receive will mean tlm II. WIRT XEWKIIIK. and Mrs. Elizabeth" Roberts were in- done in a week. In fact, they onlj wanted, but just as they were vp- the Conditions of the Dairy Industry thousands of dollars more will bi PETEH J. LEHMAN, Judge of Probate itiated into the Eastern Star last even- averaged 19 feet per day and the pa> Probate Register. proaching tlie lockup and in tiie vi- in Michigan," Geo. B. Horton. Fruit- brought into Michigan from outsid< 33 28 • I A. true cony.l ing. There were about 60 present ana of the boss and surveyor of nearly cinity of the Cross street bridge. Har- ridge; "How a Creamery Can Be Op- states, particularly those south of us the exercises were followed by a ban- per day was the result. Third. The vey suddenly jumped backward and erated to Pay the Dairyman." B. C.The facilities Michigan has for sum MORTGAGK SALE. quet. pulling a 3S-calibre revolve] sail: report of those who ascertained the Stroud, Milliards; "The Farmer's Side mer resorting are unequaled by anj EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN The case against Frank Hatlif'ofi, amount to be assessed on adjoining D the conditions of a certain mortgage "Good night, gentlemen." of the Creamery Question," Prof. C. other state; Us immense lake line who was arrested for non-support of premises cost $9. "This pay is- al made by George L. Carpenter and Mary A. About that fame time, however, Mr. D. Smith, Agricultural College; "The Caipenter, of the City of Aim Arbor, lite child, Ralph Rathfon, has been together too much" and they protests and the innumerable small inlanc Count? of Washtenaw and State of Mich- Rappleyee drew his revolver and or- History of the Cold Spring Creamery lakes, all go to make up a summe: igan, to The Ann Arbor Savings Associ- dropped. Mrs. Uathfon notifying the against such exorbitant charges and ation, a corporation organized and doing bus- dered Harvty to throw up his hands. at Middleville, and What Has Made authorities that she would not proceed asked that they be reduced to ai resort state. All this proposed adver iness under the laws of the State of Michigan, Either Harvey did not have the nerve It a Success," A' C. Jones, Middleville; tising of Michigan is due to resolu- at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and dated April further. to pull tlw trigger or else it w.is a sim- "honest" basis. It was referred t. 2nd. A. D. iS'Jl, aud recorded in the office of address, Gov. Hazen S.»Pingree, Lan- tions passed by the last legislature, theResisterot Deeds for the County of Wash- Owing to the fact that a majority ple bluff on his part in the first place. the board of public works. tenaw and State of Michigan, on the 2nd day sing; "Cattle on Michigan Farms—Do which provide that the State Boan o' April, A. D. 1891, in Liber 78 of Mortgages, of the stock was not represented at At any rate there was a waver when on pasre ii,on which mortgage there is claimed The board of public works, to whom They Need Improving?" Robert Gib- of Health shall place such informa- the annual meeting of tlie stockhold- he saw Mr. Rappleyee's gun pointed to be due at the date of this notice 'he sum was referred back their former report bons, editor of the Michigan Farmer; tion strongly before the people espe-, <>f seven hundred dollars, and an Attorney's ers of the Opera House company last at him and Hipp jumped at the pTis fee of twenty five dollars provided for in on the petition .from the Michigan cially those residing outside of Michi- said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings at evening, no business could be trans- oner. Harvey was soon disarmed and What Shall We Do to Make Our As- law having been instituted to recover the State Normal college for free water sociation More 'Powerful in the Fu-gan. It is expected that the people moneys secured by said mortgage, or any acted and a postponement was taken lai ded in the lockup. The revolver part thereof: until Friday evening. supply a fountain to be erected on ture?" E. N. Bates, Moline; "Dehorn- especially interested in summer re- was loaded and the officers were cer- the college grounds, reported that Now therefore, by virtue of tbe power of Alouzo Goldsmith suffered a slrok'.> ing the Dairy Cow," C. C. Little, sorts, including the railroad and sale contained in said mortgage, and the tainly in -t dangerous predicament. they have had the matter again .undei stature in such case inaae and provided, no- of paralysis Sunday night which lias Coopersville; "Big Cows vs. Little steamship transportation companies. ilcfc U hereby given that on Wednesday, the Harvey plead guilty to assault and consideration and have gooe over the 20th day of Auiil A. D. 1898, at nine o'clock greatly affected his powers of speech. for 'Milk 'Butter and Cheese," will have sufficient interest to see the in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auc- was sentenced to 00 clays in jail. college grounds. They viewed the J. W. Helm, Jr., Adrian; "The Balproposa- l successfully and satisfactor- tion, to the highest bidder, at the soutn front He 'had just returned home from a While "doing this bit" Mr. Uappleyee door of the Court House, in ihe City of Ann pioposed site for tlie fountain and inced Ration in Theory and Practice," ily carried out. Some of thess officials Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit visit across the river when he wasswore out a warrant for his arrest Court for Washtenaw County is holden). the cannot see any reason why they should Prof. C. D. Smith, Agricultural Col- have already signified a willingness taken with convulsions and a paralysis for resisting an officer and just as he premises described in said noorrgage, or so change their former report and there- lege; '^Selecting the Bull to Head the to do what is consistent, and the sec- mueli thereof as may be necessary to pay the of tlie throat lesulted. was about to be released from jail this amount then due on said mortgage, all legal fore again . recommended that tlie Herd—Points to Be Considered." retary was directed to place the sub- costs, toget—er with an attorney' fee of Miss Kila Spencer recently had anmorning he was re-arrested on the prayer of the petitioners be not grant- twenty-five dollars, covenanted for herein, Aaron Clark, Caledonia; "In-and-in ject before them with a view of se- the premises being described in said mort- oner to go to Eseanaba to teach and latter charge and brought to this cilv ed. The report, was laid on the tabh gage as all that certain piece and parcel of Breeding; How Far Can It Be Safely curing their views and kno.ving their land situated and being in the City of Ann asked to be released from the schools !Th e eomi)lilhu was read U) him J£ for two weeiks. President Sehalfer be- Khool board, however, re-: ._. . . . , ^^ Carried?" O. J. Bliss, Silver Creek; wishes. The secretary of tiie state Arbor nnd Countv of Washtenaw and State n waived ( xnmill:ltiou Jnsti| ( ing the only one to vote fo.- the re- •The Evolutions of Stabling and o' Miihigan, and described as fellows, to-wit: •fused and promoted her to the pos.- board would t>e glad to hear from Lot number fifty (50) in A Tenbrook's addi- put him under bontls for $500 to ap-port. Stable Fastenings," Jas. N. McBride, tion to the City of Ann Arbor, according to tkm of a high school teacher, the ac- any citizen of Michigan especially in- the accorded plot thereof. pear at the March term and not being- Burton; "Jersey Organizations and tion to take effect next month. Then came a scene of great rejoic- terested in the proposed action. THE ANN AKBOLl SAVINGS ASSOCIA- able to furnish it, he was again taken State Jersey Clubs," John I. Breck. TION, Mortgagee. Millard Sanders, trainer at the Sem- ; ing, it being none other than the final By THOMAS D. KKAHNEV. to the Ann Arbor jail to await h s payment of those celebrated Ilillsdale Jackson. Greek Athletics. Attorney. micolon stock farm, received a con trial. Dated. Ann Arbor, Michigan, January Uth, signment of 26'head of -oils from tiie railroad bonds and coupons. When Thursday—"Selection, Feeding and The Wisconsin Cardinal recently A. U 1898. West Wind stock farm of Pontaac, ill' railroad was first constructed :'are of Dairy Cows," C. P. Goodrich, contained the following interesting ex- Griffith's "Faust." Ypsilanti bonded Itself for S50.000 to REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. which is owned by Will Hammond. Ft. Atkinson, Wi.3.; "The Holstein tract from a lecture on Greek Life; The young stock came over in special George Goodale in the Detroit Free help the road along. These bonds Jow in the Economy of the Michigan TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte- "Athletics among the Greeks had S naw, ss. In the Matter of • the Es- cars that were fitted up a.; elegantly Press, November 4th, 1895, says: drew 8 per cent, interest. They were Dairy," Frank E. Mills, Ann Arbor; tite of Elizabeth Wallington, deceased "Griffith's production of 'Faust' is immediately -gobbled up by investors two aims. Among Dorian peoples the Notice is hereby Riven, that in pursuance as a palace car. The softs will be •Making and Marketing Butter," C. of an order grauted to the under- trained at the Simmieol-m farm. worth three times the admission when the supreme court -made a de- P. Goodrich, Ft. Atkinson, Wis.; re- sole object was to harden the bodv signed Administrator of the Estate of cision saying that such action was il- said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate clvarged and should be seen by every- ports of committees; election of offi- and for purposes of military training. for the County of Washtenaw. on the loth There was a shooting on E. Cross body." legal and money could not toe raised day of December. A. D. 1897, there will street Monday in the vicinity of cers; selection of next place of meet- The Iouians had the further abject of be sold at public Vendue, to the highest bid- Mr. Goodale is acknowledged to be in such a manner for such a purpose. ng; miscellaneous business. der, at the east front door of the i ourt House the Fifth ward park. A young .fellow- The city had nothing left but to re- developing grace, beauty and health. In tbe Count? of Washtenaw in said State, on got into an altercation with a couple the theatrical authority in the W3s1 Richard G. Boone, president, ex- Monday, the 31st day of Januatv A D. 18SKS, pudiate the bonds. The bondholders "There were two places of exercise, at 2 o'•'clocc k in the afternoon of and when he says a thing is worth tends a cordial invitation to the mem- that day (sub(s bjec| t to all encumbrances of farmers and pulling out a. gun sued. The city resisted. The courts the palaestra, or private training by seeing you want to lay your money bers of the Michigan State Dairymen's mortgage or otherwise existing at the time "banged away three times, out it is decided it was a just d?bt, as the schools for boys and the g'ymnasia or of the death of.r.ald deceased.) The following down with a certainty that you win Association to visit the State Normal described Real Estate, to wit: said that the shots were tired more to bondholders were innocent purdiasers. public exercise buildings for adulis. Tbe south-west Quarter of the south-west scare them away than for any fatal get value received. John Griffith and School. quarter of section number sixteen town three Lewis Morrison are the two acknowl- The city then had to go and rebond The favorite exercise was of the Pen- south of range number five east Washtenaw effect. The young fellow escaped. County, Michigan. edged leaders iu the character of Me- the issue for $S5,000 at 5 per cent. tathlon, which consisted of contest? Mrs. Haywood and daughters. The expenses and everything made the in leaping, running, wrestling, throw- FREDERICK WALLINGTGN, phlsto. They are in Faust what Bar- AN IMPORTANT MEETING. Administrator. Misses Carrie and U-r.ice, entertained rett was in Hamlet; what Booth was whole thing foot up to over .$105,000. ing the javelin and throwing tlie dis- The State Board of Health at Lansing cus, boxing and pancration, a sort of very delightfully at their pleasant in Brutus; what Downing is iu TheThis was 15 years ago and for 15 MORTGAGE SALE. AgreesJUpon Some Valuable home on Prospect avenue Friday even- Gladiator; what McCullough was in long years the city has been paying rough and tumble scrimmage were Default having been made in the condition ing. Among the guests were frtehds on an overage of nearly $6,000 and Matters. also practiced, as well as ball playing, of payment of a certain purchase money Yirginius. Faust will be given with mortgage made th'e 7th day of November, from Ann Arbor and Grass j,ake. interest in order to wipe out the debt. One of the most important meetings two variations on the modern 'tug of SJ'O by Herman Bucho'z, purchaser, to Anna great electrical effects at me opera VInry Kuehnle, vendor, whereby the power Miss Carrie Haywood is taking a pro- house next Monday evening. A curious thing about the matter is, ;ver held by the State Board of war,' to spinning, and 'five stones,' the of sale therein contained has become opera- Health was in session at the State arcestor of the modern jack stones. tive, which mortgage was recorded in the longed vacation and much-needed rest that when the city repudiated the office of the register of deeds for the coutty from the arduous duties of the nurse. bonds the bondholders got together apitol Tuesday. The meeting was The leaping was done with leaden of Washtenaw on the 8th day of November, Right of AVay Secured. 880. in liber 72 of mortgages on page 5(i7, on The death of Henry ,T. Williams oc- and made a proposition that they ailed to order by the president, and weights held in tbe hands to steady which mortgage there i- claimed to be due The Lansing, Dexter & Aim Arbor very member was present, as fol- one, and the highest reeoi'd made was at the date of this notice the sum of four curred at his home on Hamilton st. lundred and forty-one dollars, and no pro- railway has practically secured the would settle the matter for 835,000, ows: President Frank Wells, Ivan- 55 feet which must have been for hop, ceedings at law having been had to collect Monday evening. The deceased hat right of way over the entire route, and any one could have boaght them the said sum of money or any part thereof for some time past been .1. H. Mil- ing; Prof. Delos Fall, of Albion; step and jump. Tiie second contest Notice i« therefore hereby given that on the which is wonderful progress in the for that amount and cleaned up ?50,- udge Aaron V. McAlvay, of Manis- winners afterwards running in the th dav of March. A. I). 18S18. at the hour of ler's "advertiser" on the business ^o'clock in the forenoon of said day and short time of three weeks since the 000 if they had had the sand and ee; Prof. Frederick G. Novy, of Ana finals. The discus, a circular convex it the south frontdoor of tlie court bouse streets and was well known to every- company was organized. Secretary money. n the city of Ann Arbor. State of Michigan, body. He was 59 years of age and irbor; Doctor Fred R. Belknap, of stone weighing about four pounds, he said purchase money mortgage will be Taylor has devoted his entire time to By Aid. Worden—That the marshal T was thrown from a slight elevation, oreclosed and the lands and tenements, by leaves a widow and one daughter, \ iles; Doctor Samuel G. Milner, of he said mrrtfeage conveyed will be sold at that purpose. Wednesday the board be instructed to arrest tlie first rail- irand Rapids, and Secretary Baker, and some marvelous records were mblic iiuctlon or vendue to the highest bid • Mrs. Sidney Case. The funeral takes of directors will start with teams to road crew that blockades the crossing er to satisfy the money secured thereby an*; f Lansing. made. In throwing the javelin tbe he costs in d the expenses of these proceed - place tomorrow. traverse the whole route and to hold at Cross and River streets f^fr more ngs including an attorneys fee of twenty The first question under eonsider- Greeks used one with a very short The Daughters of the American Rev- mass meetings in the towns and vil-than five minutes at a time. Carried. five dollars provided for therein. tion was the transportation of dead handle and long metal point. In The lands, tenements and premises in the olution met wdth Mrs. Ainsworth lages in the interests of the project. sai'l mnrt.^age mentioned and then and there The Presbyterians held a "Wiio Am iodies; and the board were in session wrestling slugging was forbid/leu but to be sold are described as follows: All that Monday afternoon arjd the subject of Wednesday afternoon the first meet- I?" social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. s-"ith iH. P. Dearinjf, General Baggage butting with tiie head apparently was certain piece or parcel of land situate in tbe the meeting was "Massachusetts." ing will be held at Alaiedon town hall, citv of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw I). C. Batchelder last Tuesday. Pinned Vgent of the MMiigan Central R. R.,not. After a man had his opponent and state of Michigan to-wit: Lot Number The society is taking up the subject at 2 o'clock, and a mass convention twenty-seven (27) of Jewett's addition to the to the back of a person was the name epresenting the National Association down, a rougt) and tumble U^hr mig'hl citv of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded of the early history of Ypsilanti and the same evening at Mason. Thurs- of some notable person and the wearer f General Baggage Agents, and with or.sue 'i which one of the contestants plat thereof. vicinity and these papers will be pre- day, at 10 o'clock, a meeting will be Dated, Ann Arbor. Mich., Tec. 7th, 1897. by questions had to guess their iden- committee of the State Funeral Di- was occasionally killed. The prize served for the benefit of posterity. held at DansMlle, and in the afternoon ANNA MARY KUE1INLE tity of the person whose character he ectors Association. Under the pres- was awarded only to the winner in Mortgagee. Mrs. Edwards, of Detroit, state regent another wall be assembled at the town E. B NORRIP, was assuming. Adam Forepaugh and nt rules of the General Baggage three of the five contests, preferably Attorney for Mortgagee, for Michigan, was present. hall in White -Oak at 2 o'clock. President MeKinley and all intermedi- Vgents Association, diphtheria corpses running, wrestling and throwing th« Ann Arbor, Mich. Two boys living on the east side Thursday night a big mass meeting ate steps were represented. It af- re excluded from transportation un- discus. The contests began at noon so got tired of home Tuesday, jumped on will be held at Stockbridge. as to close before sundown."' If you didn't see it in The Democrat forded a great deal of amusement. er any condition. What the funeral it didn't happen. THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. JANUARY 21, 189S

the kind of training given in our art MODEL LIVERY BARN. "Enjoyable Fraternal Gathering." Ann Arbor Markets. THE DEMOCRAT. GIVEN A SWORD. school and our people should be proud Between thirty and forty of the Those consulting these reports will nembefs of Huron Lodge, I. O. O. F., Retiring Captain Pack Pleasantly Sur- of it. The studio will be open all this Holmes' New Establishment on East remember that some of the articles Friends of the Democrat who have ivailed themselves of the Invitation prised at the A. A. L,. I. Inspec- week. The small fee chargod is -well Liberty Street. quoted here are subject to rapid fluc- uelness at the Protatf Court xtended by Otseuingo Lodge of Ann •Will please request .ludge tion Dance. expended, and all that can be taken Acting on the invitation of the pro- tuation*. •irbor and drove down to that city Kewklrk to send, their Wednesday night's inspection dance in will fall far short of meeting the >rietors a Times representative visited Corrected regularly to Thursday of Printing to this office. ast Tuesday night. The lodj;e was by the Ann Arbor Light Infantry was, expenses, but Mr. Pattlson is deter- Holmes' new livery foams the other the current week. seeping "open house" in its magnifi- as usual, an unqualified success, a mined to have only first class art in day. He found a model barn, con- Corn per bu - IN AX1) ABOUT THE CITY. ent apartments in the Henning Meek Wheat, " 88 considerable crowd being present and the school. Some new pictures of his veniently arranged, delightfully clean Oats, " 2S If you want to buy, sell or trade use the .nd the Dexter brothers were the 42 local columns of the Democrat. everything going off beautifully. Cap- own are also on exhibition. They oaev and thoroughly modem in every par- Rye, " guests of honor. Jarley, 65-75- Mrs. A. J. Walker, of Jackson, is tain Pack put the men through a just returned from the St. Louis ex- ticular. A' brief description will hai'd- 75 Onions, ' "5 visiting her sister, 5lrs. Adams ot brief drill and then formally turned position. l' be out of place here in view of the After the regular business of the Potatoes 45 50 Butter, per 1b 15 Fourth avenue. the command over to Captain Granger, jitter fight •which certain parties edge, the Dexter degree team con- Honey, " '0 J his successor, who conducted the in- waged from the start against allow- erred the initiatory which vas fol-Tallow, '• 2'--2 j Mina E. Jacobs is forming a class FOOT BALL RULES, Lard, " 5V4 m (hawing for Illustrating. Studio at spection and at its close congratu- ng the barns to be erected in the owed by the Ann Arbor team giv:ng Pork, " 14.3* present location. .he second degree. The work of both Beef. " 6to7H No. 508 Monroe street. lated the retiring officer on the splen- Alterations Less Sweeping Than An- Chickens," - 7-8 did condition of the company. Col. The new building is on J3. Liberty earns was excellent and greatly en- Hides, " 8 The '08 llichigauensian has award- ticipated—Their Adoption Will Eggs perdoz 1" ed the contract for publishing this Dean then came forward and in a Mean a Big Fight. street a few doors west of State streei. oyed. Clover Seed *2.!K> Timothy Seed »1 30 year's annual to the Inland deservedly complimentary speech pre- Chicago, January 19.—The revised It is a handsome three-story brick, Lodge meeting was followed \v a Veal 7-8V4 sented Captain Pack, for the com- set back a few feet from the street social session and "bachelors' ban- Mutton 7 Leland T. Powers, the noted imper- western football rules have been sent Lamb... 8-9 sonator, appears Saturday night at pany, a magnificent gold chased, ivory out after a final conference. The iving room for a bit of lawn in front. quet," at which the Ann Arbor Turkeys- — 14-13 University hall in the S. I/. A. course. handled sword. Captain Pack was rules must now be submitted to theThe office is on the left as you enter. M-others did themselves proud. The Miss Anna FWthtngham returned completely surprised by the gift. Com- seven universities and a hard fight is md has the appearance of a prosper- sumptuous repast was followed by Your Xelghbor Does Not Know Wednesday to her home in Detroit af- pany A then gave three hearty cheers likely over their adoption. us counting room, with its electric short toasts and remarks from well Everything. known Odd Fellows, Hon. O. II. Manly ter a short visit with Mr. and Mrs for their retiring commander, after Alterations in the rules are less ainunciator, clerk's desk and easy But she probably knows what n sav- acting as toastmaster. J. J. Goodyear. which Captain Granger dismissed the sweeping than many anticipated. The chairs. Prom this room all the elec- ing dn time and la!bor a gas stove will A. AV. Ames bad a terrible fall Thurs- men and dancing began, the Che-goal after a touchdown is slated to tric lights of the building are con- The occasion was for the Dexter make, and will be glad to teli yon day morning on our Icy sidewalks. lie ouamegons furnishing the music. The count for only one additional point, trolled. Adjoining the office on the xrothers a most happy one and they about it. .struck his head with great force and sword presented to Captain Pack is the drop kick for four, the place kick north is the harness room. The bal-most heartily appreciate the many is still in a bad condition. a most beautiful specimen of the for three and the safety for two.ance of the ground floor is of cement courtesies extended to them. They IF IT IS QUALITY Manager tdsenier lias booked the A. sword-maker's art and was bought There is no requirement for seven and affords ample room for buggies, lope at no far distant date to welcome That you seek in the grocery line' L. Wilbur opera company for a week's from the well-known Detroit firm of men in the line but it is provided that cabs and carts. To the right of the them as guests of (Huron Lodge.-- you will go to Davis & Seabolt for stand at the new Athens Theater n xt Morgan, Puhl & Morris. if two linesmen are drawn back of entrance is the buggy washing room, Dexter Loader. your table supplies. season beginning Monday, October 23. the line they shall be outside of tile with all needed attachments ami •'The Wheel-Chair Evangelist." Henry Braun, in Ann 'Arbor town, line of scrimmage. Another safe- proper sewer connection. Here also DON'T SWEAR OFF Rev. Daniel Shepardson, Ph. D., Fine Feathers is building a new house. Braun & guard against roughness is that im- is a large elevator for hoisting or But make up.your mind to buy you' "the wheel-chair evangelist,'' arrived You want hot water. Yon can get Hcchrein are the builders. The con- posing a distance penalty for laying lowering to or from the second and meats from L. O. Weinmann's unex- yesterday afternoon, accompanied t in a hurry on the little heater which 'tr;'ct for the mason woTk has been hands on opponents before the ball is third stories. celled stock. by his wife, and began hie re- fits over the ordinary burner. Yours let to Koch Bros. put into play. The main barn is 40 feet wide bj for the asking. Henry Lolrr, of Battle Creek, and vival services last evening at 7:30 at An important alteration also is that 100 feet deep, and is supple nented at Baltimore Oysters in can or bulk re- Albert ami Eugene Ixmr, of Mar*all, the First Baptist church. Dr. Shep- AXX ARBOR GAS CO. permitting to the side scored on the the rear by an iron-covered two-story ceived fresh every day at Weinmanu's are here on account of the death of choice of kick off. structure 2Gx40 feet, extending at market. their father, Philip I^ohr. Engene BEFORE A'N'D AFTER Other changes suggested are in de- right angles with the rear of Ijohr is accompanied by his wife. Eating your dinner use none but ining the safety, allowing 15 yards the main building. The gro.md floor M. P. Vogel's meat market on W. J. F. Monroe, a. cigar-maker, resi- the Ann Arbor Brewing company's instead of 10 on the kick out after .1 of this addition affords standing room Huron street gives trading stamps. dence unknown, was killed at Milan Pure Beer and you will always be kick for goal on the first down, per- for drays and is lighted by electricity. the other day. He was riding on the healthy. mitting only two minutes of time The second floor is for the siorage bmnpers of a freight ear when the -FOR- taken out for injuries and modifying of hay and to guard against fire is cars became uncoupled allowing him GO TO TKIE PORTLAND CAFE one penalty of impositions when the not lighted and is entered only by day, tc< drop between the wheels. At 310 S. Main street, for a first- ball is close to tlhe goal line. and then through an iron door con- SCHOOL CHILDREN. Wednesday at fche bride's home. class meal, only 25 cents. Also meals necting it with the second floor of the Valuable and useful presents for those who 515 Spring street, Miss Flattie Barnetl Dr.Wenley on Journalism. main barn. This door is always kept and lunches at all hours. Open day will do a little work for THE DEMOOHAT. and night. Here is a chance for the school boys of Wash- vas united in marriage to Mr. Charles Prof. Wenley met his class in ethics looked. A covered inclined passage- tenaw County to provide themselves with skates, sleds for their winter's sport. A. Pryce, of Bay City. Rev. T. \\ . way on the outside of the building as usual Monday afternoon, alter For two ntjw subscribers tor one year at Young performed the ceremony in the few weeks aibsence abroad. Before connects the first and second floors OXOE A YEAR one dollar each, The Democrat will give as a presence of a few specially invited Christinas comes but once a year, premium a pair of Union Club skates. opening his lecture, he expressed his for the conveying of horses to and For three new subscribers for one year at friends. pleasure at being in Ann Arbor again from their quarters on the second Jut Weinman has everything sold in one dollar each, The Democrat will give us ;i Captain Ross Granger and Lieut. a first class meat market every day premium, a pair of Union Club skates. and the hope that .ill would have a floor. For three new subscribers for one year at 'Ambrose C. Pack iveui to Detroit yes- successful year, socially and ;i<:ad- in the year. one dollar each, The Democrat will rive as a terday to attend the second annual Here there are all mannc-r of aceora- premium, a Youths Companion Tubular emically. modations for horses, single stails. hand sled meeting of the Officers' Association of August Koch has opened a co onlete For twenty new subscribers for one year at Continuing Prof. Wenley said: box stalls, rooms for clipping horses ane dollar each, we will give as a premium, the Michigan National Guard. The line of groceries at 206 E. Wasn'agton "Since my leaving this country, I un-and a robe storage room, The third one O'Dell Typewriter, a simple and perfect members of the association banquet street, where he will be pleased to writing machine. derstand that I have become famous. floor is given up to the granaries, tonight at the Cadillac. All Premiums will be sent c.liarge» The newspapers act as if this were a see his friends and can assure thorn Plymouth Miall: Five persons hav connected with the floor below bv prepaid upon the receipt of the »ub- small country and there were a ijreat of good goods at lowest prices. 2014 been seriously Irjured by falling on •lrdson possesses the highest intellec- chutes, and general storage room for scrlptlona. lack of news. To illustrate: probably the icy sidewalks in Ann Arbor. If tual culture. He is a graduate of vehicles. This completes the round of the wittiest man in all England was You need a warm bath room. II you contemplate visiting in that city Dennison and Yale Universes, and the building and the visitor may reach THE DEMOCRAT, one by the name of Healy. On being you haven't got it you can get it witl 'this winter, put brads about an inch oi the Morgan Park Theological semi- the ground floor by elevator or stair- ANN BRBOE, MICH. asked upon his return from 'Egypt a gas stove. long In your shoe soles; if in the su'n-nary. He has spent some time in way. Every detail in construction why be had gone there, re replied 1bat iner take stilts. European travel and study. He is a and squipment has apparently been the had been to Healyopolis to see if attended to with the utmost care and The Gilt Edge minstrels will put clear and profound thinker, an ear- any of his family were still there the result is as we have said at the their excellent performance on in thenest, active Christian, and a forcible preacher of Christian truth. Being a professor of philosophy and start, "a model livery barn." Have Arrived Saline opera house on Thursday The not a wit, it did not occur to me to building is estimated to nave evening. January 27. They have al- cost OUR FIRST OONSINGNMENT OF Keal Estate Transfers. tell the papers that I was going to about $7,000. ready played in Ann Arbor and Yj>si- II. Yedder and wife to Charles Har- Wenley dale to see if any of my people lanti to crowded houses and we can is, Augusta, $1,800. were there. As near as 1 can see, the Mr. Ganapol'8 Song Recital. assure the people of Saline that they W. H. Wilber and wife to R. John- papers have made a philosophies A large gathering of residents and Holiday Goods have a rare treat in store. son, Augusta, $800. statement of the situation. Tim,, students were given a rare treat A talk to mothers "Ou the Proper Peter Dressie and wife to C. G. Al-major premise, Prof. Wanley is op Wednesday evening at Newberry hal! has leceivedthis week and each succeeding Training of Children" will be given an, Augusta, $1.5no. l»osed to co-education; minor premise in the way of a song recital l>y Mr day will bring more. by Mrs. T. C. Truetolood at the reg- J. A. Rose and wife to Win.- Hop- Prof. Wenley is about to resign Boris Leon Ganapol. of Detroit, and ular meeting of the Woman's Christian dus, Ann Arbor, $500. chair; conclusion, Prof. Wenley has his pupil, Mr. Joseph X. Krolik. Temperance Union, to be held Thurs- Mary Gruner to Fred Trinkle, Linn, accepted an appointment in Scotland (The program opened with Schu day, January 27th, at 3 p. m.. in the •! ,225. These statements have been going Inn's "Der Wanderer," which wa> Y. W. C. A. rooms over the postoflice. Pottery! Pottery! Pottery! John G. Feldkainp, administrator, to around the state greatly to my annoy rendered by 'Mr. Krolik in a very ar A coTdial invitation is extended to all. Fred Trinkle, Lima. $2,i:'.2. ance, so that I wish now to answei tistlc manner. His deep sympathetic (At the annual meeting of the Grand Of this ware we have a very large selection 1'". Trinkle and wife to C. Eiseman, each in its turn. voice and perfect control charmed tin Chapter, R. A. M., at Grand Rapids -ima, $3,357. audience from the first. Mr. Krolik'.-, of the Latest Styles and Prettiest Desings. "I will answer the first in a philo- Wednesday L. C. Utoodrlch, of this city, E. M. Rooke and wife to Robert work at once showed the effect of his was re-elected grand lecturer. Charles sophical way, that is, by asking a Ifemphill, Superior, $4,500. thorough and masterly training at the L. Stevens, or Spsilanti, was also re- question. 'Is it likely that if-1 were Silverware, Clocks and Watches! Moses iSeabolt to R. S. Copoland, hands of his teacher, Mr. Ganapol. elected grand principal sojonrner. opposed to co-educaMon that I would \mi Arbor, $4,000. "Die Beiden Grenadier." by Sclm When you hear of an article having been pur- The Grand Chapter voted a gift of have given ten of tjie best years of Charles Long, by executor, to Fanny mann, was sung by Mr. Ganapo $1,500 for the maintenance of the my life to fighting its battles in Scot- chased at HALLER'S, you know it is good. Robbing Ypsilanti, $2,200. with fervor and much feeling. The Michigan Masonic home. land?' As regards my views of the So, also, when you wish the donee to knowr it W. S. Thornton to C. E. Hawkes, ballad. "Happy Three," by Koeehel Remember the entertainment at comparative mental capacities of man $1,600. was rendered in a. manner tha is good, see that the name HALLER is on the High School hall Friday evening for and woman, I will only say that the C. E. Hawkes to W. S. Thornton, showed the versatility of a master articles and on the Box. the .benefit of the Sewing school. This best student in philosophy that 1 have Augusta, $l,O(io. The well selected program of ten mini school is a charity organization esiali- ever had was a woman, and that ujy The largest repair shop between Detroit and Chicago A. McKenny to M. Mohrhart, York, bers was brought to a climax Ushed in lssri. The children who are best student here in Ann Arbor is a Only first-class workmen employed. Established in 1858 *2,000. by Mr. Ganapol's spirited rendition of taught to sew come from the homes woman. As regards the second propo- Wm. Burtless and wife to M. Bristle, the "Toreador Song," from Carmen of poor working women who have in sition, the only information .which 1 Sharon, $3,<5OO. The no'ble ringing quality of his vole time to teach their children. A good have had on the subject I have glean- Haller's Jewlery Store, U Walker et al. to W. H. Buss, and the dramatic fire with which h« program lias been prepared for the ed from the newspapers forwarded to Manchester, $6,400. stvmed inspired were very effectiv entertainment, which is well worth me. As to the last proposition, I have Ann Arbor, Mich in this final number. Praise is due to the small siim of 10 cents. Art School Exhibition. never even had an offer.' Miss Maclean, of Detroit, for her thoi At the recent meeting of the board At the Art School Exhibition one of These announcements of Prof. Wen- oughly sympathetic playing of the ac of managers of the Washtenaw Fair the most Interesting features is the ley were received by those 111 attend- coinpanlments; Society the following standing com- group of pen and ink drawings for ance with a round of applause. True Economy mittees were announced for the 1898I lie Chicago Daily News by Mr. Fred IX AXX ARBOR fair: Transportation, F. E. Mills; Richardson, the chief of the artistic Marriage Licenses. You esti iiate value by comparison printing, F. E. Mills, p. I[. Belser, < >. staff, and the instructor in "IlKistra- In clothes buying means getting the greatest possible George Zeeb, 34, Xorthlield. and always. The \nmne;in is aekno'wl M. Martin; auditing, H. S. Dean, A. .!.Hon" at the Art Institute It is a measure of satisfaction and intrinsic value for the Marguerite Theurer, 24, Salem. edged to be more advanced in man Sawyer, Webster, s. w. Milliard; notable circumstance that popular an smallest price. Charles A. Pryee, 37, Bay City, and •ways than th.> Chinaman— ].y com pedigree, W. E. Boydeu, K. i. h. has in this case not deseendi d t> ITattie Barnett, 27, Ann Arijor. parison, therefore, the America J. H. Amiivw.-'. F. s. Cliapiu; premi- vulgar caricature. W-hen lie US38 Henry O. Severance, 30. Ann Arbor, standard is set—and so wi'h ever ums, B. D. Kelly. John Keppler, A. caricature it is in a refined way andand Annie Lane, 30, Hudson. A Suit or Overcoat .1. Sawyer, B. D. (Jeer, Isaac r. Sav- the figures ate studied and graceful other mark of merit gained or claimei Walter Ituss. l»:i. Augusta, and Mai.d Comparison of the quality of ety. A. c. Schumacher; by-laws a.id That the public appreciate tins is th 1 Which is disappointing to you in either service or style Laura, 19, Augusta. goods gold by Davis & Seaboli. g rules, Fred B. Itr.iun, IT. i\ Glover proved by the fact that this, the mos lA is not cheap at any price. W. H. Owen, 30, Ann Arbor, and ceis and 'bakers, with their prices, ses Seabolt, IVm. Stocking, Harris l>o])iil;ir evening daily, continues n Eva Fletcher, 24, Ynsii.inti. the cause of their large sales. Ball. publish these unusual conceptions Loren l'ou- qi, 24. Milan, and Elea- A mass meeting was held at the The execution is really charging—in nora Steidle, 19, Milan. STEIN-BLOCK AND HAMMERSL0U6H BROS'. Mast n c house Wednesday r every way a delight. Ir is 'nterestinr? FOE SALE CHEAP. consider the scheme of the Lansing also to everyone to note the size of Xew house in tlio best residence p A Few Left. CLOTHES are built-with a view to giving the wearers l>'\ter & Ann Arbor railroad. Th< these drawings :i!-.,l ii,-> size <>i the We have a few siii.ill heating stoves of Ann Arbor close to ear line. Sma.. the requisite strength, style and beauty, which make meeting was well attended ;ini! mucl reductions as I ir in the news- left which we wiM connect free of payment down. Long time and easj their clothes successful competitors with the product of interest was shown. The officers am !>aper. The drawings are about three < targe for .S2 each. terms on the balance, Address- R first-grade merchant tailor at about half their price. directors were all high, wiiile. the print is only 21 ANN" AiltBOR CAS CO. care Democrat. Addresses explaining the p] tug of tli inches, that is, the broadside of the company were made and many ques But one measurement, one try-on, your clothes ready m wspaper. FORTUNE FAVORS THE BRAVE WHIX.MAXX. Till-: MICAT MAN, to wear immediately, and money back if you want It. tions asked and answered. A com MT. Richardson is still young. He Buys in quantity and handles only Copyright 189? by And good health favors those who l'Ue Stein-BIucli Co mittee of business men was appointee was a Paris student with Doucet and drink none but Ann Arbor Brewing the choicest quality of goods in his to take hold of tlie matter ami set Lefebvre. He is slight of figure and Co.'s Pure Beer. Phone 101. line. What can be done. This commiiu- expressive of face. In fact it is an will meet Friday evening. The offl artist's face that looks at you and I have cash customers for two good Residents of the Novthstde will find cers and directors will hold a meet int. one not easily forgotten. farms at reasonable prices. Send full the best of everything in the Grocery today and Friday at Dansville, Whh There is a large amount of other description and lowest cash prices to line, also the popular trading stamps UNDENSCHMIT k APFEL, Oak, Stockbridge, Pinckney, Plain neuter on exhibition and all very at- L. D. OARR, over Ann Arbor Savings at Wm. P. Ludholz's store, No. 4 field and Dexter. tractive. The Ann Arbor work shows bank. Broadway. 211 South Main Street.