MRC-Holland ® Product Description version A101; Issued 11 February 2019 MLPA

Product Description SALSA ® MLPA ® Probemix P461-A1 DIS To be used with the MLPA General Protocol.

Version A1. First release.

Catalogue numbers: • P461-025R: SALSA MLPA Probemix P461 DIS, 25 reactions. • P461-050R: SALSA MLPA Probemix P461 DIS, 50 reactions. • P461-100R: SALSA MLPA Probemix P461 DIS, 100 reactions.

To be used in combination with a SALSA MLPA reagent kit, available for various number of reactions. MLPA reagent kits are either provided with FAM or Cy5.0 dyelabelled PCR primer, suitable for Applied Biosystems and Beckman capillary sequencers, respectively (see ).

Certificate of Analysis: Information regarding storage conditions, quality tests, and a sample electropherogram from the current sales lot is available at .

Precautions and warnings: For professional use only. Always consult the most recent product description AND the MLPA General Protocol before use: . It is the responsibility of the user to be aware of the latest scientific knowledge of the application before drawing any conclusions from findings generated with this product.

General Information: The SALSA MLPA Probemix P461 DIS is a research use only (RUO) assay for the detection of deletions or duplications in STRC , CATSPER2 and OTOA , which are associated with Deafness infertility syndrome, Autosomal recessive deafness 16 and Autosomal recessive deafness 22.

Deafnessinfertility syndrome (DIS; OMIM # 611102) is characterized by earlyonset deafness in males and females and infertility exclusively in males. DIS is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, as a contiguous deletion syndrome resulting from homozygous deletion of CATSPER2STRC in the 15q15.3 region.

STRC gene has also been associated to autosomal recessive deafness 16 (DFNB16; OMIM # 603720), a nonsyndromic hearing loss, with prelingual onset. DFNB16 is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations, multiexon or complete STRC deletions, or gene conversion between the STRC gene and the STRC ( pSTRC) (Moteki et al. 2016, Vona et al. 2015). CNVs are a common cause of nonsyndromic hearing loss, being CNVs of STRC gene as the most common followed by CNVs of OTOA gene (Shearer et al. 2014). Missense, splice site mutations or complete OTOA deletions cause autosomal recessive deafness 22 (DFNB22; OMIM # 607039).

More information is available for: DIS: ; ; Hereditary hearing loss and deafness: ; DFNB16: ; DFNB22: .

This SALSA MLPA Probemix is not CE/FDA registered for use in diagnostic procedures. Purchase of this product includes a limited license for research purposes.

Gene structure and Transcript variants: Gene shows transcript variants of each gene: For NM_ mRNA reference sequences: Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) database:

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Probemix content: The SALSA MLPA Probemix P461A1 DIS contains 40 MLPA probes with amplification products between 130 and 463 nt. This includes five probes for the STRC gene, five probes for the CATSPER2 gene, six probes for the OTOA gene. Multiple flanking probes are included for the aforementioned in the 15q15.3 and 16q12.2 regions, indicating the extent of eventual deletions/duplications (Tables 1 and 2). In addition, 12 reference probes are included and detect 12 different autosomal chromosomal locations. Complete probe sequences and the identity of the genes detected by the reference probes is available online ( ).

This Probemix contains nine quality control fragments generating amplification products between 64 and 105 nt: four DNA Quantity Fragments (Qfragments), two DNA Denaturation Fragments (Dfragments), one benchmark fragment, and one X and one chromosome Yspecific fragment (see table below). More information on how to interpret observations on these control fragments can be found in the MLPA General Protocol and online at .

Length (nt) Name 64707682 Qfragments (Only visible with <100 ng sample DNA) 8896 Dfragments (Low signal of 88 and 96 fragment indicates incomplete denaturation) 92 Benchmark fragment 100 Xfragment (X chromosome specific) 105 Yfragment (Y chromosome specific)

No DNA controls results in only five major peaks shorter than 121 nucleotides (nt): four Qfragments at 64, 70, 76 and 82 nt, and one 19 nt peak corresponding to the unused portion of the fluorescent PCR primer. Nonspecific peaks longer than 121 nt AND with a height >25% of the median of the four Qfragments should not be observed. Note: peaks below this 25% threshold are not expected to affect MLPA reactions when sufficient amount of sample DNA (50200 ng) is used.

MLPA technique: The principles of the MLPA technique (Schouten et al. 2002) are described in the MLPA General Protocol ( ).

Required specimens: Extracted DNA free from impurities known to affect MLPA reactions. For more information please refer to the section on DNA sample treatment found in the MLPA General Protocol.

Reference samples: All samples tested, including reference DNA samples, should be derived from the same tissue type, handled using the same procedure, and prepared using the same DNA extraction method when possible. Reference samples should be derived from unrelated individuals who are from families without a history of Congenital hearing loss. More information regarding the selection and use of reference samples can be found in the MLPA General Protocol.

Positive control DNA samples: MRCHolland cannot provide positive DNA samples. Inclusion of a positive sample in each experiment is recommended. Coriell Biobank ( and DSMZ ( have a diverse collection of biological resources which may be used as a positive control DNA sample in your MLPA experiments. Sample ID numbers NA03184, NA08039 and NA13031 from the Coriell Institute have been tested at MRCHolland and can be used as a positive control samples (see table below). The quality of cell lines can change, therefore samples should be validated before use.

Sample ID Expected Genotype Probes affected Coriell DQ Heterozygous duplication of All STRC and CATSPER2 probes NA03184 1.5 STRC and CATSPER2 (including all flaking probes in 15q15.3) Heterozygous duplication of All OTOA probes NA08039 1.5 OTOA (including all flaking probes in 16p12.2) Heterozygous deletion of All OTOA probes NA13031 0.5 OTOA (including all upstream flaking probes in 16p12.2)

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Data analysis: Coffalyser.Net software should be used for data analysis in combination with the appropriate lotspecific MLPA Coffalyser sheet. For both, the latest version should be used. Coffalyser.Net software is freely downloadable at . Use of other nonproprietary software may lead to inconclusive or false results. For more details on MLPA quality control and data analysis, including normalisation, see the Coffalyser.Net Reference Manual.

Interpretation of results: The standard deviation of all probes in the reference samples should be <0.10 and the dosage quotient (DQ) of the reference probes in the patient samples should be between 0.80 and 1.20. When these criteria are fulfilled, the following cutoff values for the DQ of the probes can be used to interpret MLPA results for autosomal :

Copy Number status Dosage quotient Normal 0.80 < DQ < 1.20 Homozygous deletion DQ = 0 Heterozygous deletion 0.40 < DQ < 0.65 Heterozygous duplication 1.30 < DQ < 1.65 Heterozygous triplication/ Homozygous duplication 1.75 < DQ < 2.15 Ambiguous copy number All other values

Arranging probes according to chromosomal location facilitates interpretation of the results and may reveal more subtle changes such as those observed in mosaic cases. Analysis of parental samples may be necessary for correct interpretation of complex results. False positive results: Please note that abnormalities detected by a single probe (or multiple consecutive probes) still have a considerable chance of being a false positive result. Incomplete DNA denaturation (e.g. due to salt contamination) can lead to a decreased probe signal, in particular for probes located in or near a GCrich region or in or near the CATSPER2 gene. The use of an additional purification step or an alternative DNA extraction method may resolve such cases. Additionally, contamination of DNA samples with cDNA or PCR amplicons of individual exons can lead to an increased probe signal (Varga et al. 2012). Analysis of an independently collected secondary DNA sample can exclude these kinds of contamination artefacts. Normal copy number variation in healthy individuals is described in the database of genomic variants: Users should always consult the latest update of the database and scientific literature when interpreting their findings. Not all abnormalities detected by MLPA are pathogenic. In some genes, intragenic deletions are known that result in very mild or no disease (Schwartz et al. 2007). For many genes, more than one transcript variant exists. Copy number changes of exons that are not present in all transcript variants may not have clinical significance. Duplications that include the first or last exon of a gene (e.g. exons 13) might not result in inactivation of that gene copy. Copy number changes detected by reference probes are unlikely to have any relation to the condition tested for.

Limitations of the procedure: MLPA cannot detect any changes that lie outside the target sequence of the probes and will not detect copy number neutral inversions or translocations. Even when MLPA did not detect any aberrations, the possibility remains that biological changes in that gene or chromosomal region do exist but remain undetected. Sequence changes (e.g. SNPs, point mutations, small indels) in the target sequence detected by a probe can cause false positive results. Mutations/SNPs (even when >20 nt from the probe ligation site) can reduce the probe signal by preventing ligation of the probe oligonucleotides or by destabilising the binding of a probe oligonucleotide to the sample DNA.

Confirmation of results: Copy number changes detected by only a single probe always require confirmation by another method. An apparent deletion detected by a single probe can be due to e.g. a mutation/polymorphism that prevents ligation or destabilises the binding of probe oligonucleotides to the DNA sample. Sequence analysis can establish whether mutations or polymorphisms are present in the probe target sequence. The finding of a heterozygous mutation or polymorphism indicates that two different alleles of the sequence are present in the sample DNA and that a false positive MLPA result was obtained.

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Copy number changes detected by more than one consecutive probe should be confirmed by another independent technique such as long range PCR, qPCR, array CGH or Southern blotting, whenever possible. Deletions/duplications of more than 50 kb in length can often be confirmed by FISH.

STRC , CATSPER2 and OTOA mutation databases: ; ; . We strongly encourage users to deposit positive results in the LOVD Database. Recommendations for the nomenclature to describe deletions/duplications of one or more exons can be found on .

Please report copy number changes detected by the reference probes, false positive results due to SNPs and unusual results (e.g., a duplication of STRC exons 23 and 25 but not exon 24) to MRCHolland: [email protected] .

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Table 1. SALSA MLPA Probemix P461-A1 DIS Length Chromosomal position (hg18) SALSA MLPA probe (nt) Reference 15q15.3 16p12.2 64 105 Control fragments – see table in probemix content section for more information 130 Reference probe 19551 L26105 2p13 136 ¬ UQCRC2 probe 20583 L28241 Exon 4 154 OTOA probe 20584 L28242 Exon 2 160 ¬ ∆ CKMT1B probe 20145 L27401 Exon 8 166 STRC probe 20146 L27402 Exon 24 172 Reference probe 10922 L11591 9q34 179 OTOA probe 20585 L28243 Exon 7 184 ¬ CKMT1B probe 20147 L27403 Exon 10 190 Reference probe 06743 L06347 8q12 196 Ж STRC probe 20148 SP0922 L27404 Exon 23 208 STRC probe 20149 L27405 Exon 19 220 ¬ PPIP5K1 probe 20151 L27407 Exon 30 226 Ж STRC probe 20 152 SP0924 L27408 Exon 25 232 OTOA probe 20586 L28244 Exon 1 7 238 Ж « CATSPER2 probe 20154 SP0926 L28842 Exon 1 244 STRC probe 20155 L27411 Exon 19 250 Reference probe 08695 L08707 13q32 263 ¬ PDIA3 probe 20157L28761 Exon 1 269 Reference probe 03075 L20665 5p15 274 Ж CATSPER2 probe 20159 SP0928 L27415 Exon 12 283 Ж¬ IGSF6 probe 20587SP0964L28245 Exon 6 290 ¬ METTL9 probe 20588 L28718 Exon 2 297 « CATSPER2 probe 20160 L28719 Exon 7 303 « CATSPER2 probe 20236L28905 Exon 2 310 Reference probe 13275 L14608 1p21 321 Reference probe 12552 L14280 3q13 329 Ж « CATSPER2 probe 20237SP0943L27568 Exon 4 337 OTOA probe 20590 L28248 Exon 16 348 Reference probe 06708 L22867 10p11 355 ¬ METTL9 probe 20592 L28250 Int ron 4 373 ¬ METTL9 probe 20722L28253 Exon 3 384 Reference probe 18677 L24031 11p14 39 4 Reference probe 03178 L18979 12p13 400 ¬ UQCRC2 probe 20597L28255 Exon 11 409 OTOA probe 20598 L28256 Exon 5 418 OTOA probe 20599 L28257 Exon 11 427 ¬ IGSF6 probe 20601L28259 Exon 1 433 ¬ METTL9 probe 20600 L28841 Exon 4 454 Reference probe 04075 L03310 17q11 463 Reference probe 09980L10439 19p13 ¬ Flanking probe. Included to help determine the extent of a deletion/duplication. Copy number alterations of only the flanking or reference probes are unlikely to be related to the condition tested. ∆ More variable. This probe has a high standard deviation. Ж This probe consists of three parts and has two ligation sites. A low signal of this probe can be due to depurination of the sample DNA, e.g. due to insufficient buffering capacity or a prolonged denaturation time. « Probe located in or near a GCrich region. A low signal can be caused by salt contamination in the DNA sample leading to incomplete DNA denaturation, especially of GCrich regions.

Note: The exon numbering used in this P461A1 DIS product description for STRC gene is the exon numbering from the RefSeq transcript NM_153700.2. The exon numbering used for CATSPER2 gene is the exon numbering from the RefSeq transcript NM_172095.3. The OTOA exon numbering has changed. From description version 03 onwards, we have adopted the NCBI exon numbering that is present in the NM_144672.4 sequence for this gene. The exon numbering used in previous versions of this product description can be found between brackets in Table 2b. The exon numbering and NM sequences are from 01/2019, but can be changed after the release of the product description. Please notify us of any mistakes: [email protected] .

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Table 2. P461-A1 probes arranged according to chromosomal location Table 2a. 15q15.3 Length SALSA MLPA Gene/ Genbank Partial sequence (24 nt Distance to (nt) probe Exon Ligation site adjacent to ligation site) next probe PPIP5K1 220 ¬ # 20151L27407 AGGGACTCTCCATGCTTCCTTGGC 39.2 kb Exon 30 160 ¬ ∆ 20145 L27401 CKMT1B Exon 8 CGTTAACAAAAC CTTTGTGGACTC 1.0 kb CKMT1B 184 ¬ 20147L27403 TAGGAAGCAGATCAAAGATTAGTG 1.7 kb Exon 10

STRC NM_153700.2 stop codon 5404 5406 ( Exon 29) 20152 SP0924 34 nt and 65 nt after GTGGTGGTGCTG 31 nt spanning 226 Ж Exon 25 0.6 kb L27408 exon 25 oligo ATCATGAAGGTC 166 # 20146 L27402 Exon 24 4771 4772 ATGGCTGGAGCA CCACTCAGGTAA 1.8 kb 20148SP0922 46224623 and 23 nt CAAAGCAAAACA24 nt spanning 196 Ж Exon 23 1.9 kb L27404 after exon 23 oligo GGTTGGCCATGA 244 # 20155L27411 Exon 19 117 nt after exon 19 CTGCCAAACAGATTCCTGTCTACA 0.3 kb 208 # 20149L27405 Exon 19 79 nt before exon 19 CATCTTAGCTGCGGACTGTGGGGT 26.5 kb start codon 79 81 (E xon 1)

CATSPER2 NM_172095.3 stop codon 1849 18 51 (E xon 13) 20159 SP0928 118 nt and 166 nt TTCTGCCTACAA 48 nt spanning 274 Ж Exon 12 7.0 kb L27415 after exon 12 oligoGGAATGTGTCCC 297 « 20160 L28719 Exon 7 19 nt before exon 7 CCACATCTGACA TGAGAGTTATGG 8.0 kb 20237SP0943 20 nt before exon 4 CCACTCTGTACA48 nt spanning 329 Ж « Exon 4 0.8 kb L27568 and 606607 oligoCTGGTCTTTTTG 303 « 20236 L28905 Exon 2 82 nt after exon 2 AAATTCTGGGGA GGTTTAGTTGCT 0.8 kb 238 Ж « 20154SP0926 238239 and 6 nt ACTGAGTGGGCA24 nt spanning Exon 1 98.0 kb # L28842 after exon 1 oligoCCCAGAAGCGAG start codon 259 261 (E xon 2)

263 ¬ # 20157 L28761 PDIA3 Exon 1 CGACGTGCTAGA ACTCACGGACGA ¬ Flanking probe. Included to help determine the extent of a deletion/duplication. Copy number alterations of only the flanking or reference probes are unlikely to be related to the condition tested. ∆ More variable. This probe has a high standard deviation. Ж This probe consists of three parts and has two ligation sites. A low signal of this probe can be due to depurination of the sample DNA, e.g. due to insufficient buffering capacity or a prolonged denaturation time. « Probe located in or near a GCrich region. A low signal can be caused by salt contamination in the DNA sample leading to incomplete DNA denaturation, especially of GCrich regions. # This probe’s specificity relies on a single nucleotide difference compared to a related gene or pseudogene. As a result, an apparent duplication of only this probe can be the result of a nonsignificant single nucleotide sequence change in the related gene or pseudogene.

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Table 2b. 16p12.2 Length SALSA MLPA Gene/ Genbank Partial sequence (24 nt Distance to (nt) probe Exon Ligation site adjacent to ligation site) next probe 290 ¬ 20588L28718 METTL9 Exon 2 AGAAATCGGGCTGGCTATTTATCC 5.3 kb 373 ¬ 20722L28253 METTL9 Exon 3 TTTCTTCAAAATGAGGGCTCATGA 7.1 kb 433 ¬ 20600 L28841 METTL9 Exon 4 AGGACAAGGGCA AGGATGACCCTG 16.2 kb 20587SP0964 ACCAAAATACTA34 nt spanning 283 ¬ Ж IGSF6 Exon 6 1.8 kb L28245 oligoAAATTTGCCAAG METTL 9 355 ¬ 20592L28250 GATTTGTTTCCACATGTCTCTTAT 9.6 kb Intron 4 427 ¬ 20601 L28259 IGSF6 Exon 1 TCCTTCATAAGA GGTTCCTCTCTT 25.9 kb

OTOA NM_144672. 4 start codon 270 272 (E xon 2) 154 20584 L28242 Exon 2 ( 1) 351 352 CAGTGCCAAATT CCAGGCAGGGTA 0.6 kb 1 nt before exon 5 409 20598L28256 Exon 5 (4) ATCCAGCAGTGCTACAATGGGAGT 6.1 kb reverse 179 20585 L28243 Exon 7 ( 6) 625 624 reverse TCATGGCAGTGC GGAACT GCTGGG 15.7 kb 418 20599 L28257 Exon 11 ( 10 ) 1216 1217 CAGCTCCTCCAA CTTTAACATGAG 18.2 kb 337 20590 L28248 Exon 16 ( 15 ) 1927 1928 GCTTCTGTTAAA GACCACCAGAAG 0.3 kb 232 20586 L28244 Exon 17 ( 16 ) 2013 2012 reverse CAGAAAGAAGTC AGTGCTCATGGC 238.2 kb st op codon 3687 3689 (E xon 2 9)

136 ¬ 20583 L28241 UQCRC2 Exon 4 TTTCCAAACACT TGAGGAAGTGAA 16.4 kb UQCRC2 400 ¬ 20597L28255 GTATAAATCCCAAAGAGTCCAGAA Exon 11 ¬ Flanking probe. Included to help determine the extent of a deletion/duplication. Copy number alterations of only the flanking or reference probes are unlikely to be related to the condition tested. Ж This probe consists of three parts and has two ligation sites. A low signal of this probe can be due to depurination of the sample DNA, e.g. due to insufficient buffering capacity or a prolonged denaturation time.

Note: The exon numbering used in this P461A1 DIS product description for STRC gene is the exon numbering from the RefSeq transcript NM_153700.2. The exon numbering used for CATSPER2 gene is the exon numbering from the RefSeq transcript NM_172095.3. The OTOA exon numbering has changed. From description version 01 onwards, we have adopted the NCBI exon numbering that is present in the NM_144672.4 sequence for this gene. The exon numbering used in previous versions of this product description can be found between brackets in Table 2b. The exon numbering and NM sequences are from 01/2019, but can be changed after the release of the product description. Please notify us of any mistakes: [email protected] .

Related SALSA MLPA probemixes  P153 EYA1 Contains probes for the EYA1 gene involved in bronchiotorenal dysplasia (BOR), affecting profoundly deaf children.  P163 GJBWFS1 Contains probes for the GJB2 , GJB6 , GJB3 , WFS1 and POU3F4 genes involved in prelingual deafness.  P280 SLC26A4 Contains probes for SLC26A4 gene involved in DFNB4 and Pendred syndrome.

References  Moteki H et al. (2016). Detection and Confirmation of DeafnessCausing Copy Number Variations in the STRC Gene by Massively Parallel Sequencing and Comparative Genomic Hybridization. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 125:91823.  Schouten JP et al. (2002). Relative quantification of 40 nucleic acid sequences by multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification. Nucleic Acids Res. 30:e57.  Schwartz M et al. (2007). Deletion of exon 16 of the gene is not associated with disease. Hum Mutat. 28:205.  Shearer AE et al. (2014). Copy number variants are a common cause of nonsyndromic hearing loss. Genome Med. 6:37.

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 Varga RE et al. (2012). MLPAbased evidence for sequence gain: pitfalls in confirmation and necessity for exclusion of false positives. Anal Biochem. 421:799801.  Vona B et al. (2015). DFNB16 is a frequent cause of congenital hearing impairment: implementation of STRC mutation analysis in routine diagnostics. Clin Genet. 87:4955.

Selected publications using SALSA MLPA Probemix P461 DIS  Cabanillas R et al. (2018). Comprehensive genomic diagnosis of nonsyndromic and syndromic hereditary hearing loss in Spanish patients. BMC Med Genomics. 11:58.  Markova SP et al. (2018). STRC Gene Mutations, Mainly Large Deletions, are a Very Important Cause of EarlyOnset Hereditary Hearing Loss in the Czech Population. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 22:12734.  Plevova P et al. (2017). STRC Deletion is a Frequent Cause of Slight to Moderate Congenital Hearing Impairment in the Czech Republic. Otol Neurotol. 38:e393e400.

P461 Product history Version Modification A1 First release.

Implemented changes in the product description Version A101 11 February 2019 (01P) Product description restructured and adapted to a new template. Exon numbering of the OTOA gene has been changed in Table 1 and 2b. Ligation sites of the probes targeting the OTOA and the CATSPER2 genes updated according to new version of the NM_reference sequence. Warning added to Table 1 and Table 2a for salt sensitive probe, 297 nt probe 20160L28719. Warning added to Table 1 and Table 2a for more variable probe, 160 nt probe 20145L27401. Warning added to Table 1 and Table 2a for flanking probes, 160 nt probe 20145L27401 and 184 nt probe 20147L27403. Warnings added for probe specificity relying on a single nucleotide difference between target gene and related gene or pseudogene to Table 2. Version 02 – 15 June 2017 (55) Product description adapted to a new lot (lot number added, small changes in Table 1 and Table 2, new picture included). Various minor textual changes on page 1. Version 01 – 13 September 2016 (55) Not applicable, new document.

More information: ; MRCHolland bv; Willem Schoutenstraat 1 1057 DL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email [email protected] (information & technical questions); [email protected] (orders) Phone +31 888 657 200

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