Andrew M. Cuomo Governor Erik Kulleseid Commissioner Saratoga Spa 19 Roosevelt Drive Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-584-2000

March 2019

Dear Coaches and Running Group Leaders,

We’d like your group to apply for your Saratoga Spa State Park running team practice and training permit. Please read our permit policy information and application package thoroughly.

Our permit policy promotes safety and balances the multiple uses of our historic park and the arts. The mission of State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic preservation is to provide safe and enjoyable recreational and interpretive opportunities for all New York State residents and visitors and to be responsible stewards of our valuable natural, historic and cultural resources.

All organized teams, groups, and clubs of runners must obtain the annual permit.

Please complete the attached application and return to Sue Ward at the above address by March 30, 2019, along with: (a) $_____ check made out to NYS Parks (at this time, we are issuing running team practice and training permits at no charge, however, there will be special permits and fees if you hold special events/races), (b) contact information and signature page, (c) calendar with your selected dates in order of preference, and (d) a copy your Acord 25 insurance form.

Insurance Requirements: • PERMITTEE shall provide the ACORD 25 Certificate of Insurance • The policy must contain the following: 1. “The State of New York, OPRHP, and their officers, employees, and agents are named as additional insureds” on the Contractor’s liability insurance policy. 2. In the box entitled “Certificate Holder”: The State of New York and OPRHP, 19 Roosevelt Dr., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Thank you, Sue Ward Parks and Rec Aide NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Saratoga Spa State Park 19 Roosevelt Drive Saratoga Springs, New York 12866 518-584-2000 x112 [email protected]


2019 Note to Running Coaches We need your help!

Coaches: We ask that everyone in your group read the Trail Etiquette rules and that you go over it with each person as they join your group. Please particularly note our expectation that all runners will run single file and at the left side of the roads. Running abreast on the roads and running in the middle of the roads is unsafe, even in the off-season. Please also note our expectation that all runners will respect others on the trails by running single file and leaving space for others to use the trail. Thank you in advance for helping us keep the Park a special place for all. We’re glad you enjoy Saratoga Spa State Park. We wish you success with your running endeavors.

The word is out that Saratoga Spa State Park is an amazing place for many activities and experiences. Use of the Park has grown significantly in an ever-widening variety of activities. Our goal is to make the Park an enjoyable place for everyone to safely pursue their favorite activities. You can help. We believe if we work together that we can improve the experience and safety for all.

What problems are we trying to solve? Primarily, we ask your help in avoiding situations which often create unsafe conditions, such as running abreast in the road, congregating in parking lots, doing drills in parking lots, congesting the trails, startling other park users on the trails. In addition, NYS Office of Emergency Management requires Park Management to be aware of the activities and attendance in the park at all times.

Why is this important? As you know from your experience coaching, it does not take much for an injury to occur. The same is true when you mix the variety of activities and volume of visitors we now have in the Park. We know that creating a safe environment is as important to you as a coach as it is to us as we manage the Park. We are hoping that by working together we can minimize, or hopefully, eliminate risky situations, avoiding injuries/bad experiences that have increased as the number of visitors to the preserve has accelerated.

How can coaches help? Of course, the best solution for the above types of problems is preventing dangerous situations. You can help us by educating those who you coach on how to be safe – for their safety and the safety of all other visitors. Please talk to your runners about road and trail etiquette and stress why it is important to their safety and the safety of others. Please share the etiquette with your teams.

Who does this policy affect ? ∑ Running groups and teams only (HS, college, organized groups, rec groups) ∑ Groups/teams are defined as official or organized runners with a leader or sponsor ∑ This permit policy does not apply to individual runners. Individual runners can run any time. ∑ The running team practice and training permit does not cover special events/races, which require separate permits and fees. Please contact the Park office for these.


Saratoga Spa State Park Trail Etiquette and Rules of use for running teams who practice and train in Saratoga Spa State Park:

V Must demonstrate polite trail and road etiquette . V When running on roads - runners will run single file and at the left side of the roads. Running abreast on the roads and running in the middle of the roads is unsafe, even in the off-season. V Running on trails - respect others on the trails by leaving space for others to use the trail and not startling other trail users, particularly horses. V Leave restrooms clean after using. If a team leaves a restroom dirty and littered with paper towels, they will lose their permit. Horseplay in the restrooms is also not permitted. V Do not congregate in parking lots V Do not use parking lots for performing agility drills. V Cones and other agility props should not be set up in the parking lots and no parking spaces should be blocked off. V Saratoga Spa State Park is a historic landmark. Athletes should take care not to damage any of the structures here. The stone benches under the arcades should not be used as surfaces for jumping drills. V Saratoga Spa State Parks are “Carry In / Carry Out.: Take all of your trash out of the park with you.


2019 I have read and fully understand all of the rules, regulations, and policies above. I understand that I am expected to fully comply with these and any further instruction by Park staff. Failure to comply with any of the above may result in the suspension or cancelation of the permit and the group/organization and associated individuals may be prohibited from using the Park for running activities. Park management reserves the right to revoke this permit at any time.

I understand that our group is to run single file on the left side of roads, not dominate the trails, and be courteous to other users and park staff, including in the restrooms.

I understand that running is a potentially hazardous activity and should not be performed unless participants are medically able and properly trained. We assume all risks associated with this activity including but not limited to: falls, contact with other Park patrons, the effects of the weather, including high heat, humidity, or wet conditions, traffic and conditions of the road/trail. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of our permit request, I waive and release the State of New York, their representatives, employees, volunteers and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this activity even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I hereby apply for an activity permit as shown above. I and all other members of my group have read and understand all of the rules and regulations associated with the Saratoga Spa State Park. I understand that this permit may be revoked if any of its terms and conditions are violated.

Signed: ______Date: ______




Group Name Grade/Age Group Total Group Size Saratoga Springs Recreation Department Running 11+ & all ages Approx. 208 throughout the Summer Program 30-50 per session Address State Zip 15 Vanderbilt Avenue, Saratoga Springs New York 12866 Phone Fax Email 518-587-3550 x2300 518-584-1748 [email protected] CONTACT INFORMATION

Primary Contact Title John Hirliman Administrative Director-Recreation Phone # E-Mail 518-587-3550 x2306 [email protected] Secondary Contact Title See Attached Phone # E-Mail

Secondary Contact Title See Attached Phone # E-Mail

Emergency Contact Title

Phone # E-Mail

Athletic Director / Coach Title

Phone # E-Mail

***In addition to an approved Group / School Running Practice and Training Permit Application, groups must also supply a Certificate of Insurance listing Rockefeller State Park Preserve and New York State as an “Addition Insured”. ***

Permit is non-transferrable.



Team/Club Name Saratoga Springs Recreation Department Running Program Color of uniform/school colors

Number of Runners See attached breakdown Approx. 208 throughout the Summer 30-50 per session Typical Routes, Starting and Ending Points




Days of the week and times of practice/training





Special practice days and times