בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. --- Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)



Avodas Hashem That is Only Skin +++Deep+Deep “If a person shall have in the skin of his flesh + a Se’es, a Sapachas or a Baheres , and he shall be brought to Aharon HaKohen or to one of his descendants, the Kohanim . And the shall examine the affliction in the skin of the flesh and if the affliction

is deeper than the skin of the flesh then it is an affliction of Tzara’as.”

he two holy brothers, the Reb Shmelka of Nikoslberg and Rav Pinchos Horowitz , author of the Hafla’ah, traveled to the holy Maggid of Mezritch. When they appeared before him, he T asked, “Why have you come to me?” If you are wise Torah+scholars, go study the works of mussar and character refinement?!” “We have studied them and realized that we need to come to a Tzaddik,” they answered. In response to their request for guidance in Avodas Hashem , the Maggid began to explain the daily routine of a true oved and servant of Hashem . “He rises at midnight and recites the lamentations over the destru ction of the Bais HaMikdash known as Tikkun Chatzos, crying and weeping with all the kavanos . Afterwards, he sits down to his study regimen and he studies Nigleh and Nistar + the revealed and hidden Torah until the morning. When the time for Shacharis comes, he prays with kavana, using the kabbalistic meditations to rise from one spiritual abode to the next, ascending from Asiya to Yetzira, from Yetzira to Beriyah, from Beriyah to Atzilus . He doesn’t only have this in mind, he actually goes there! After all this is said and done, if he has even just a momentary fleeting thought that, ‘perhaps I actually did something and achieved something in Avodas Hashem’, even just a little bit … ‘they’ gather up all of his Avodah, roll it all up and toss it down + casting it to the deepest depths!”

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The two brothers were greatly moved and declared, “Had we come only to learn this, it would have been worthwhile! This story is used by the Nesivos Shalom to explain the Noam Elimelech’s commentary on the words: “If a person shall have in the skin of his flesh a Se’es, a Sapachas or a Baheres and he shall be brought to Aharon HaKohen or to one of his descendants, the Kohanim, and the Kohen shall examine the affliction in the skin of the flesh.” The Rebbe Reb Melech explains that each one of the categories of Tzra’as is a form of reaching for and seeking greatness in Avodas Hashem. Se’es means the desire to uplift oneself and rise up. Sapachas comes from the linguistic root of Sefach or Safcheni Na, please attach me and connect me to Hashem! Baheres refers to the Behirus or spiritual enlightenment that a person seeks to attain in Avodas Hashem. However, these are an affliction + for the Kohen examines them and sees that they are an affliction in the skin of the flesh + his Avodah is external and only skin+deep. If a person is afflicted with Tzara’as, meaning that he believes that he has done something and he mistakenly thinks that he has genuinely attained levels of spiritual greatness… then ‘they’ ball+up all of his Avodah and cast it down to the deepest depths!          TTTzTzzzaaaara’asra’as +++ The IIInternalInternal SSSpiritualSpiritual Disease TTThatThat LLLocksLocks UUUpUppp A JA JewJ ewewew

he affliction of Tzara’as is the one malady that the Torah devotes almost two whole Parshiyos, many pesukim and halachos to. As we have said before in the name of Tzaddikim, the seforim T teach us that the Torah teachings and messages are eternal + for all time, for all Jews and for all places – forever! So what can the messages of Tzara’as be for us now+a+days, bezman hazeh, that we no longer have this miraculous affliction of Tzara’as? The Slonimer Rebbe in Nesivos Sholom answers this question as follows: The Targum Onkelos translates the words Nega Tzara’as, an affliction of Tzara’as as + Michtash Sagiru, a disease of enclosure. The Rebbe explains that this means that a person’s sins have caused him to reach a state where all the supernal gates on high are closed and locked before him. All the goodness from above is shuttered up and cannot reach him. Furthermore, the pasuk dictates that in order to identify this disease as genuine tzara’as the Kohen must examine the signs to determine that this affliction is not a façade that is only skin+deep, rather it is deeper than the skin of the flesh. This indicates that the affliction is truly tzara’as and that this person is afflicted with an internal disease + something that not only afflicts the body but also the very soul itself! The best example of this is seen in the mundane world. Sometimes, a doctor examines a patient and he sees that the wound is only skin+deep. In such a case, he can treat it with some ointment and bandage the wound. However, if he discovers that the wound runs deep and there is internal damage, he must see to it that there has been no infection or blood poisoning which requires medicines and treatments such as antibiotics to treat the internal infection.

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Similarly here, sin causes internal damage, it poisons the blood and the soul. It causes a spiritual affliction and disease that closes and locks all the gates of goodness, blessings and purity. This means that his head, mind and heart are shuttered, closed and blocked + all his emotions are obstructed! A Jew needs to have a Jewish mind and heart to feel close to Hashem, to feel love for Hashem, for Torah and for other Jews. This is why sometimes, a Jew can through a Shabbos, Yom Tov and other auspicious times and he feel nothing! This is why there are times that a Jew might pray, study Torah and learn and feel nothing! This is because he is sick. His soul is sick, his blood has been poisoned by the internal disease of closure. He is afflicted by tzara’as and his heart, mind and emotions are covered up and he cannot feel!!! The only way to cure him is with a blood transfusion. How can this be done? The Torah says “bring him to the Kohen,” he must attach himself to the Tzaddik! Whoever is attached to something pure becomes purified as well. The Kohen, the Tzaddik, has the power and the ability to open and unlock all the gates. The only way to do so is to be fully attached to the Tzaddik just as someone must be fully immersed in the mikva in order to become purified. Even if just one hair remains out of the water, he has not achieved purity. Similarly, attachment to the Tzaddik must be total and complete. Then, the Kohen, the Tzaddik, prescribes the medicine and the procedure which will lead to a transfusion and clean him out, purify him, open his mind, release his heart to feel as a Jew should feel once again. This is Shabbos. The power of Shabbos, the power of Torah, Teshuva and the power of Simcha. This is the medicine and cure for the sickness and malady of tzara’as which shutters and locks up the Jewish mind, heart and soul. These are the keys that the Kohen prescribes to open and unlock the gates and to make us feel once again. However, such a person is often so far away, so sick that he doesn’t even realize how sick he is. He must be brought to the Kohen. He has to be taken to the Tzaddik because he lacks so much feeling he doesn’t even realize that he has a problem to be resolved and affliction that needs healing! A person must be attached to a Tzaddik regardless of spiritual level. Even one who serves Hashem all day needs the guidance of a true Tzaddik, for one never knows where he is actually holding. Rav Nochum of Chernoble, the author of Maor Eynaim, had such a disciple. This chassid used to fast from one Shabbos to the next and was a holy Jew who served Hashem with a very lofty form of Avodah. The powers of the other side greatly detested him and desired him for themselves. How could they succeed in ensnaring him and turning him towards their devices? The forces of darkness were cunning and they devised a plan. On Friday night, on Shabbos Kodesh, after his weeklong fast, when he was about to partake of the Shabbos feast, as he reached out for the fish, ‘they’ overturned the plate! Fish, brine and carrots went streaming down the pristine white tablecloth! The fireplace was not far and the food fell right into the ash that spilled out of the fireplace. Now the food was covered in ash and inedible, nothing could be salvaged! The same scenario repeated itself with the soup and the chicken. Each delectable Shabbos dish went tumbling off the table and fell down with a resounding crash which muffled the yelps of glee and delight of the dark side’s minions at their mischief! Everything was filthy, dirty and unfit for

3  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected] consumption. Ruined! After a weeklong fast, the entire Shabbos seudah was ruined! Finally, the chassid was so worked up he spat out in anger, “Why is everything wrong? So backwards and upside down!?” As soon as these words of anger left his mouth, the dark side had him in its clutches. For such a lofty Tzaddik, such a sin as anger on Shabbos was grievous indeed. From then on, explained the Maor Eynaim, even though this chassid continued davening, learning and fasting each week from one Shabbos to the next, all of his Avodah belonged to ‘them’! It all belonged to the other side, for the wicked, evil ones had ensnared him and captured him, and he didn’t even realize and he remained completely unaware of this! Therefore, only through being attached to the Tzaddik, to Klal Yisrael and the community, being among other Jews + this can save a person. The holy Rizhiner was once unable to go to the mikva on Shabbos. He sat among his Chassidim and then he declared that he was instead immersing himself among them. Just as they were attached to each other, just as they were bound to one another, heart and soul + they too were like a mikva! When a person sits together with other Yidden, they serve to form a body of purifying waters, and one can ‘immerse’ himself in the Kedusha of a chaburah of yidden! The power of attachment to other Jews and to the Tzaddik is most strong on Shabbos, at a tisch, a zitz, a botte, a farbrengen, a gathering of Jews for shalosh seudos, for davening, for learning and growing together! Shabbos is a time of gathering of attachment and dveykus, of Teshuva and of Simcha. All these purify the soul anew, infuse the body with new pure blood, boiling aflame to serve Hashem, opening the once locked gates of light, love and good + causing us to feel once again like a Jew!! nnn Y MASHAL UMELITZA Z RRReflectionsReflections ononon SSShavuosShavuos and SSSefirasSefiras HHHaOmerHaOmer magnificent! However, the fourth artist did not Rav Moshe Kobriner told the following strain himself at all. He did not lift a finger, mashal: neither to draw nor to paint. While his three There was once a great king who built companions labored intensively, he relaxed himself a magnificent palace. At the and wandered about, freely observing them conclusion of the construction, before the while eating, drinking and acting carefree. On opening ceremony, he invited four famous the final day before the king’s visit, the fourth artists from the four corners of the earth to artist left and he returned carrying a large, each paint and beautify the walls of his palace splendid mirror which he affixed to the fourth with tastefully dazzling frescoes and paintings wall. This mirror then reflected the other three that would enhance the splendor of his new magnificent works of art and therefore abode. Three of the artists labored day and appeared three times as brilliant as his fellows! night for weeks and months on end until they Shavous explained the Kobriner is like finished creating amazingly beautiful works of a mirror. All our hard work and labor during art that made each wall they worked on simply the days of sefira is “reflected” on Shavous. If

4  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected] we labored hard and produced, then on properly and pay you three times as much as Shavous it will be magnificent indeed and if the others!” said the king. The three artists not… hung their heads and shook them in sad Others end this mashal with a sharper disbelief + just what they had feared, was message: After the labor was over and the final about to transpire. day of inauguration arrived, the king came to The king commanded his royal treasury inspect the work and labors of his artists. The to be opened and he asked that a sack full of other three artists were worried + perhaps the golden dinars be hung on each of the three king would not notice that the fourth artist walls that were decorated by genuine art. Then used guile and trickery by installing a mirror. he turned towards the fourth artist who stood Perhaps he would even think that his work proudly erect, eagerly anticipating his reward, was so good that it was better than theirs and and the king said to him with a mischievous since it reflected their three works of art, twinkle in his eye, “Now gaze at the mirror on maybe the king would reward him with three your fourth wall and see how it reflects three times as much as they?! sacks full of gold dinars? There is your reward, The day came, and the king entered his three times as much as theirs! Ha, Ha, Ha!” new palace. He was awed at the beauty and ‘Achievements’ that come with no toil majesty of the art of each of his artists. As he and effort, are not true achievements at all. gazed with delight and examined each fresco The only thing they reflect is a lack of self and painting in turn, he finally turned towards motivation and they are no more real than a the fourth wall upon which hung the mirror reflection in a mirror is real. Hashem desires that reflected all three others and appeared the efforts and labors when we serve Him. May three times as magnificent. “Why this wall is we merit to do so, Amen! several times more splendid and beautiful than (Beer HaParsha Tazriah Metzora) the others!” he declared. “I must reward you


As we explained last week, in the name Rav Yochanan Twerski of Tolna was of the holy Kozhnitzer Maggid, the period after extremely strict when it came to gebrokts. He Pesach is the time when we reveal what Pesach avoided even the slightest possibility of his has instilled within us. All the hard work + matzah coming into contact with anything burning our personal chometz and all the wet. work of eating matzos is now revealing itself One year, during Chol HaMoed, he as we utilize it to prepare for Kabbalas conducted a tisch in honor of Rav Aharon HaTorah. Karliner’s Yorzeit, on the 19 th of Nissan, and Here are some amazing stories shared one of the guests was a German Jew whose by Rav Elimelech Biderman whose Pesach custom was to eat gebrokts and who had never message is just as relevant to us now during even heard of the custom not to. When they Sefira: served the soup, he simply did as he always did

5  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected] and he dipped and crumbled his matza in the another Jew in public is forbidden by the soup! As soon as the Chassidim saw this Torah itself and is much worse than eating blatant breach of sacred custom at their gebrokts + for shaming and disgracing a Jew is Rebbe’s holy tisch, they attacked! They began compared to shefichas damim, murder! to berate and yell at the poor Jew who stopped Similarly, Rav Binyomin Rabinowitz of eating, stunned and not understanding what the Eida Charedis had a custom to finish eating he had done to arouse their angst and ire?! the afikomen before midnight at the seder. The Rebbe witnessed the entire debacle One year, the recitation of the Haggada took so and remained silent throughout, he did not long, that by the time they washed and ate the speak nor respond. Instead he did something matza, there was little time left for the meal stronger than rebuke. He finished his soup and before chatzos. Knowing their grandfather’s asked for another bowl. Quickly, one of the stringency and customs, two of his Chassidim jumped up to go and bring more descendants quickly got up and began to make from the kitchen when the rebbe stopped him. haste, turning towards the kitchen to quickly “Wait,” his voice rang out sharply as he serve the meal and eat it as fast as possible. pointed to the German Jew’s untouched soup. When he noticed this, Rav Rabinowitz “No need to go to the kitchen, there is a full stopped them and explained, “The Rebbetzin bowl right here,” he said simply. And as the worked very hard to prepare this wonderful Chassidim watched, open mouthed in total and Yom Tov meal, you must consider her feelings. utter disbelief, he took the bowl of soup with How would she feel if we ate it so fast and matza crumbs floating in it and proceeded to didn’t take the time to enjoy her hard work eat in front of the shocked Chassidim who and labor?! It is pashut and simple that all the simply couldn’t believe what their eyes were chumros, strictures and stringencies of the witnessing! seder night are all worthless compared to the The Rebbe, ignored them completely sigh and distress of another Jew!” and finished eating the entire bowl of soup. Rav Shlomo Prishtik married the Then he said, “When you embarrassed our daughter of Rav Gedalyah Moshe of Zhvill. guest, in the Heavens on high, great and strict That year, before the seder, he was in a judgments awakened, upon me and my entire quandary, not knowing what to do since in his household, Heaven forbid. Therefore, I ate home they ate machine matzos whereas in from this bowl of soup to make our guest here Zhvill, he knew that they ate only hand feel more at home and reassure him that he matzos. He decided to ask Rav Shlom’ke of had done nothing wrong in the eyes of Zhvill directly, what to do? He was halacha, Jewish law and Hashem. When I did embarrassed, so he wrote the question down this, all the judgments and prosecutions were on a piece of paper. silenced. Not eating gebrokts is a holy custom, When the Tzaddik read the question he a stricture, and should be and must be answered back, “Do you think in Heaven they observed by those whose custom it is to uphold will ask you whether you ate machine or hand it. However, you must know that it is a matzos!? They will only ask you two things, stricture and a custom, whereas embarrassing

6  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected] did you guard your eyes from gazing at another Jew!” forbidden sights and whether or not you Rav Shlom’ke explained the Mishna we guarded your tongue from hurting or insulting sing on Lag BaOmer (Yoma 85b), “Just as a another Jew?!” mikva purifies the impure, so does Hashem When he related this story to a few purify Yisrael.” When people submerge Yungeleit, they said back, “But he never gave themselves in the waters of the mikva to purify you an answer?” At this Rav Shlomo grew themselves, they close their eyes and their upset and said, “He didn’t answer me?! Of mouth + so that water does not get in. To course he answered me. He completely achieve purity of soul, you also need to close disregarded these chumros, stringencies and your eyes from seeing evil and improper things strictures when compared with the feelings of and to close your mouth to not join in another Jew! When it comes to someone else’s machlokes and say the wrong things, and this feelings, there is no place for chumros at all!” shall save you from forbidden speech. This is He was bitterly disappointed that they failed to how one becomes purified. grasp this and said that had he known they Hashem told us at Kabbalas HaTorah wouldn’t get it, he wouldn’t have bothered (Shemos 19:5), “You shall be a segulah for Me, telling them the story at all. from among the nations.” Rav Biderman Rav Avraham of Zhvill once repeated explains that nekuda of Segol is written as two how on the seder night, he was present at his dots on the higher row that are leveled with grandfather, Rav Shlom’ke of Zhvill’s, seder. one another. This represents the two eyes. The There was a German Jew there as a guest and dot below them represents the mouth. This is he was eating gebrokts + matzos dipped in what Hashem asks of us as we prepare for soup. One of the youngsters got up to stop him Kabbalas HaTorah + be a segulah for Me from and rebuke him. As soon as Rav Shlom’ke saw the nations + give your eyes and your mouth, this, he hinted to him not to do or say anything guard them for Me and then you will be Mine! and he rebuked the youngster saying, “In This is the mussar message of Pesach Heaven they won’t ask you whether or not you and Sefiras HaOmer + a time when we must ate gebrokts. In Heaven, they will only ask you work hardest at love, respect and honor of if you guarded your eyes and if you guarded other Jews. you mouth from hurting the feelings of nnn ON A PERSONAL NONOTETETETE

This past week, a Kadosh, another holy stood out in my mind, “He loved every Jew.” neshama, was taken from us. We dedicate this This is the sentence that a grieving father had issue to the latest victim of Palestinian and to share with us about his precious and radical terrorist hatred, HYD. May his beloved son, HYD. This is the clear message of Neshama and all others lost to acts of terror the above+mentioned stories and of the and violence have an aliyah. teachings that we emphasized last week, and One sentence his father said about him such things need chizuk.

7  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

Ahavas Yisrael + respect and honor for Detroit, Michigan in Southfield. On Thursday , each other is the most important thing that can we attended the Brin Chasuna which was the lead us to achdus. And achdus is the one thing main reason for which we flew in . There, I had that binds us all together despite our a very amazing personal experience . I met one differences. We are all Yidden, all Hashem’s of the guests and when he mentioned that he kinderlach, and as we do acts of chesed and and some friends have Sh alosh Seudos together loving kindness for one another , each one and share words of chizuk, inspiration and brings us closer to the final Geula. Torah, I asked if he would like to receiv e this As we count sefira, leading up to the parsha sheet via email. When he asked my climax of Matan Torah, we count down each name, I introduced myself and received a ‘bear and every day as the Chin uch explains that we hug’ in return. Unbeknownst to me, he had do so as one who counts down the days until already been getting this parsha sheet and was he will be reunited with a cherished loved one. sharing it with others in his area! I was so Let us take the opportunity for growth excited and inspired that B aruch Hashem our that Sefiras HaOmer is all about and find just work and the Divrei Torah and Sippurei one act each day that we can do for another Tzaddikim are getting out there , everywhere. Jew to show them we love and care about Please continue to share this parsha them. sheet via email and via printout s with any Jews When I was with my Rebbe, the you think might appreciate them and be Clevelander Rebbe Shlita, in the U nited States inspired by them. It makes all our hard work for this past Shabbos HaGadol, we stayed in (me and my friends and editors) worthwhile! nnn

Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS FOR WEEK OF PARSHAS TAZRIAH - METZORAH /Iyar Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and ththth + 777 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Apr 25 th )  Rav Shlomo Ephraim of Luntchitz , author of Kli Yakar and Olelos Ephraim. Rav Shlomo Ephraim was born in Lunchitz in Poland. He was a disciple of Rav Shlomo Luria (Maharshal), the famous talmudist and author of Yam Shel Shlomo. After leading the in Lvov, Rav Shlomo Ephraim was appointed Rav of Prague. He sat on the B ais Din of that city with Rav Yeshayah Horowitz (the ‘Shelah HaKadosh’). Among Rav Shlomo Ephraim's prominent students was Rav Yom Tov Lipman Heller, author of the Mishnah commentary Tosfos Yom Tov. The Kli Yakar was niftar in Prague, Bohemia, (1550-1619);  Rav C haim Moshe Reuven Elazary , a student of the Slobodka Yeshiva, first in Europe and then in Chevron. He began his rabbinic career in the Bronx, and also taught at a yeshiva in Brooklyn. After 1929, he succeeded his father -in-law, Rav Ephraim Pelcovitz, as Rav of Congregation Agudas Achim in Canton, Ohio. (His father had been in Canton since 1914, and in 1929 , moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut.) In 1972, Rav Elazary settled in Petach Tikva. He left numerous published

8  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

and unpublished works and articles, many of them exhibiting the influence of Rav Nosson Zvi Finkel, the Alter of Slobodka. Rav Elazary's brothers, Rav Betzalel and Rav Yisrael, were among those murdered by Palestinian Arabs in the 1929 Chevron massacre (1984). ththth + 888 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Sunday Night (Apr 26 th )  Rav Yerachmiel Rabinowitz of Peshischa (1831);  Rav Moshe Mordechai Twersky of Trisk (1943);  Rav Raphael Binyamin Levine , son of Rav Aryeh Levine. Rav Refael studied in the Eitz Chaim Talmud Torah, and was very close to its Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer. He continued his studies in the Chevron Yeshiva in Yerushalayim and the Lomza Yeshiva in Petach Tikvah, where he studied be’chavrusa with Rav Reuven Katz, the Rav of Petach Tikva. He married Chanah Liba, daughter of Rav Chaim Shraga Feivel Frank, the Rav of the Yemin Moshe neighborhood in Yerushalayim. After his marriage, he continued his studies in the Mirrer yeshiva under Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel. When the Bais Aryeh Yeshiva opened, Rav Refael's father, Rav Aryeh Levine asked him to serve as its Menahel Ruchani, a position he occupied until his final day. He was also a dayan in the Bais Din Tzeddek of the Ashkenaz-Perushim community founded by Rav Shmuel Salant (1925-2002). ththth + 999 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Monday Night (Apr 27th )  Rav Moshe Hager , Rosh Yeshiva of Seret-Vizhnitz, Haifa (1999). ththth + 101010 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Apr 28th )  Eli Hakohen and his sons Chofni and Pinchas. The Bnai Yisrael were defeated by the Plishtim, 30,000 soldiers were slaughtered, the Aron HaKodesh was taken into captivity, and Chofni and Pinchas, the two sons of Eli Kohen Gadol were killed. Eli was niftar at age 98 in shock on hearing the news. The Mishkan at Shilo was destroyed, 864 BCE;  Rav Yitzchak Alfasi (RiF), codifier of the Gemara, author of Sefer HaHalachos. The period of the Geonim began in 589, and ended in 1038 with the petira of Rav Hai Gaon. Rav Chananel's father, Rav Chushiel Gaon, had set out from Bavel to collect funds for a needy bride and was seized by pirates. He was sold as a slave in Africa, but was later redeemed by the members of its Jewish communities. From Africa, he headed to Kairuan, where he became a Rosh Yeshiva. His son, Chananel, was born in Kairuan. A young student from the Algerian city of Kal'a asked to be admitted to Rav Chananel’s yeshiva. His name was Yitzchak HaKohen. As Rav Yitzchak advanced in his studies, he became keenly aware of the fact that many people were unable to elucidate the halacha from the Gemara due to the vast amount of material it contains. As a result, he conceived of the idea of compiling a comprehensive and extensive halachic work that would present all of the halachos and the practical conclusions of the Gemara in a clear, definitive manner. To achieve this goal, he retreated to his father-in-law's attic, where he worked on his sefer for 10 consecutive years. During this period, however, a Moslem tyrant gained control of Tunisia, and persecuted all those who did not accept his faith, especially the Jews of Kairuan. As a result, all of the city's Jewish residents fled to places controlled by the Elmuhides, who were more tolerant of the Jews. Among the fugitives was Rav Yitzchak who, with his wife and two children, moved to the Moroccan city of Fez. Rav Yitzchak remained in Fez for 40 years, during which time he completed his Sefer HaHalachos, which is considered the first fundamental work in halachic literature. Eventually, he became known as Rav Yitzchak Alfasi, or the Rif. Rav Yitzchak was niftar at the age of 90 in 1103. He was succeeded by the Ri MiGaash. [Some say 11 th of Iyar (1013-1103)];  Rav Yosef Teumim , author of Pri Megadim, on the Shulchan Aruch, Rav of Frankfurt. Pri Magadim is actually a 2-part commentary: (a) Mishbetzos Zahav on the Tur, and (b) Aishel Avraham on the Magen 9  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

Avraham. He also wrote a commentary on the Torah entitled Teivas Gomeh, as well as Poras Yosef and Rosh Yosef, chidushim on various mesechtas [Some say 11 th of Iyar (1727-1792)];  Rav Yitzchak Yehuda Yechiel Eizik of Komarna, known as the Sar Bais HaZohar. He was a tremendous Gaon in the revealed parts of Torah and he was from the greatest in his times in Kabbalah. He wrote Seforim on all aspects of Torah. Heichal HaBracha on Chumash, Pnei Zaken on Mishnayos, Otzar HaBracha on the Mitzvos, Zohar Chai on the Zohar, Shulchan HaTahor on the Shulchan Aruch, Notzar Chessed on Pirkei Avos, Asiris HaEifa on Toras Kohanim, as well as a number of works on Mussar and Chasidus. His Seforim are very uniquely written and a pleasure to learn. In particular, his Mussar and Chassidic works are full of tremendous chizuk and practical eitzos on how to better serve Hashem, especially during the bleak times. Being that he came from an extremely illustrious family and also having married the daughter of someone who traveled to and learnt from 300 Ba’alei Ruach HaKodesh, his Seforim are filled with amazing facts about these Tzaddikim’s life and how they overcame their own difficulties in Avodas Hashem. As well, he also recorded the miraculous stories his father-in-law witnessed by these Tzaddikim and later recounted to him (1806-1874);  Rav Dovid Twersky of Tolna, son of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl. His works include Magen Dovid. There is a Tolner Shul in Tzefas that still stands to this day (1808-1882);  Rav Hillel Lichtenstein of Kalamei, in the . Born near Pressburg (present-day Bratislava, Slovakia), he became one of the leading students of the Chasam Sofer. After his marriage, Rav Lichtenstein studied in Galante, Hungary. His rabbinic career in 1846, first as Rav of Margareten, Hungary, then as Rav of Klausenberg (today, Cluj, Romania). Eventually, he became Rav of Kolmyya, (today in Ukraine). He was among the fiercest opponents of the Haskalah and a strong supporter of settlement in Eretz Yisrael. He helped his son-in-law, Rav Akiva Yosef Schlesinger, buy land for what became the city of Petach Tikva. He wrote numerous seforim including Avkas Rochel (mussar), Bais Hillel (letters regarding strengthening observance), Maskil El Dal (derashos), Teshuvos Bais Hillel (responsa), and others, including Shirei Maskil, a mussar sefer said to be a segula for parnassa to those that study it. ththth + 111111 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Wenesday Night (Apr 29th )  Rav Naftali Tzvi of Ropshitz , author of Ayalah Sheluchah and Zera Kodesh. When Rav Naftali decided to join the chassidic movement, he chose Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk as his mentor. He subsequently became a dedicated chasid of the Chozeh of Lublin, the Maggid of Koznitz, and Rav Menachem Mendel of Rymanov. Foremost among his talmidim is Rav Chaim of . His son, Rav Yaakov, was the author of the Sefer Zerah Yaakov (1760-1827);  Rav Aaron Pfeffer , Rav in South Africa author of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch for Yore Deah Hilchos Nidda, Basar BeChalav, Melicha, Taaruvos;  Rav Yitzchak of Radwill, son of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Zlotchover Maggid, author of Ohr Yitzchok (1832). ththth + 121212 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Thursday Night (Apr 30 th )  Rav Yehuda Tzvi Eichenstein of Dolima (1909). ththth + 131313 of IyarIyarIyar ~ Begins Friday Night (May 1st )  Rav Masoud bar Yaakov Abuchatzera, the father of the Baba Sali [12 th of Iyar according to Hamodia 2006 and Yated 2007 (1908)].

10  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES ththth Rav Yitzchak Alfasi ,,, 101010 of Iyar Known as The Rif Rav Yitzchak Alfasi, one of the greatest The RIF fled to Spain, where he was of the early codifiers of Jewish Law, whose received with great honors at Cordova and name is familiar to all students of the Talmud, Granada. A year later, he went to Lucena, was born in Kalat ibn Hamad, a village near where he succeeded Rav Yitzchak ibn Ghayyat Fez, in North Africa, in the Jewish year 4773, as head of the community. Here, the RIF or 1013 of the Common Era. His name "Alfasi" established a Yeshiva which soon became most (or Alfes) means (in Arabic) a native of Fez. He famous, and attracted distinguished scholars. is also known as RIF (from the initials of Rav One of the youngest of his students was Rav Yitzchak Fasi). Yosef ibn Migash, who came to Lucena at the The RIF studied Gemara under the age of twelve and fourteen years later famous Rabbinical authorities Rabbeinu Nissim succeeded the RIF as head of the Yeshiva. Rav and Rabbeinu Chananel in Kairwan, a city not Alfasi himself appointed him as his successor, far from Fez, which, by virtue of these two although his own son Rav Yaakov was also a great luminaries, was then one of the leading great scholar. Among his students are believed centers of Torah learning. Afterwards, he to have been also the famous poets and returned to Fez, where he became the head of scholars Rav Yehuda HaLevi and Rav Moshe the Jewish community. When his two great ibn Ezra, who composed poems in honor of teachers passed away (about the year 1050), their teacher. Rav Yitzchak Alfasi became the greatest Rav Yitzchak Alfasi was a man of noble recognized Talmud authority of his day, which character, and he took a fatherly interest in his was the second generation after the period of many students. Yet from the day of his arrival the Geonim came to an end, with the closing in Spain, he met with unfriendly opposition down of the great Yeshivos in Babylon. from two prominent Jews, both of whom, like In 1088, at the advanced age of 75, Rav himself, were called Yitzchak: Rav Yitzchak ibn Alfasi was forced to flee from his native land, Ghayyat (mentioned earlier) and Rav Yitzchak because two wicked men, a father and a son, Albalia. The latter had a prominent position at denounced him as a traitor to the government. the court of the king of Seville, but lost his What the charge was is unknown, but since it position when the king was defeated by his was the time when the Moslem Moors of rival. Albalia went to live in Granada but did North Africa were fighting the Christian not stop to criticize the RIF to the day of his kingdoms of Spain and taking over the Iberian (Albalia's) passing (about 1098). However, on Peninsula, it may be assumed that the RIF was his deathbed, he called his son Baruch, then a accused by the two scoundrels of some boy of about seventeen, and instructed him to political offense, which endangered his life. go to Rav Alfasi, after his father's passing, and

11  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected] tell him that his father had forgiven him and Law, he used the Alfes together with the codes begged Rav Alfasi's forgiveness with all his of the Rambam and Rav Asher ben Yechiel heart, and that his last wish was that his son, (Rosh) as the three pillars of his work. The Baruch, should be accepted as the RIF's student. Alfes has been studied, and is still studied, to When the young Baruch came to the RIF and this day, by students of the Talmud, and is part delivered his father's message, the RIF was of the curriculum in many Yeshivos of moved to tears. He took the young man into his advanced Talmud study. Many commentaries home and treated him as a son, and taught him have been written on the Alfes by some of the with fatherly affection. greatest Talmudists of later generations. Rav Yitzchak Alfasi's great and The first printed edition of the Alfes monumental work is his Halachos, better appeared in Constantinople in 1509. Since known as the Alfes, or RIF. It is a "digest" of the then it has been reprinted many times with Talmud, following the order of the Talmudic various commentaries. The best edition of the Masechtos (tractates), but leaving out much of Alfes was printed in Wilno (by Romm, 1881) the discussion and Aggadic material in order and it appears with all regular editions of the to give the precise and definite Halachos Talmud. (practical rulings and laws). In ascertaining Rav Yitzchak Alfasi passed away at the the final decisions, he relied on the authority of ripe old age of 90 years in Lucena (Spain), on his great teachers Rav Nissim and, especially, the 10 th day of Iyar (or Sivan), in the year Rav Chananel, and on his own vast knowledge 4863 (1103). of the Talmud, both the Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi, and the Talmudic literature of the wish/Yitzchak-Ben-Yaakov-Hacohen-Alfasi.htm Gaonim and all other Rabbinic literature that had been written before him. Guided by the RIF The work was at once accepted by all Once, in his youth, Rav Menachem Jews as a work of the highest authority, and it Mendel of Rimanov was studying in the Bais became the basis of future codes of Jewish Midrash under Rav Daniel Yaffe in Berlin. He Law. It was said of this great work that "It studied the works of Rav Alfasu (the Rif ) on the could have been written only with Divine Talmud diligently, and his soul thirsted longingly inspiration." for self+perfection. Once, he learned so much in The Rambam (Maimonides), who was a one sitting that his tongue stuck to his palate. He pupil of the RIF's pupil, Rav Joseph ibn Migash, began to pray deep in his heart and cried to Hashem to enlighten him and brighten his called the RIF "my teacher," and said that the darkness. He prayed and prayed, until he fell into work was almost perfect. He advised his a deep sleep and dreamt. In his dreams he saw students to study it carefully together with his the Rif himself! The Rif showed him an image of own Yad HaChazaka. Rebbe Reb Melech of Lizhensk and told him to When Rav Yosef Caro, several hundred travel to the Rebbe, for there he would succeed years later, compiled the Shulchan Aruch, in attaining his goal. which became the standard Code of Jewish (Ohel Elimelech 183)

12  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

Rav Naftali Horowitz of RopshitzRopshitz,, 111111ththth ofofof Iyar Author of Zera Kodesh

Badchan Extraordinaire “No, you and I have it all wrong,” When Rav Naftali Ropshitzer first came explained the Rebbe as realization dawned on before the Rebbe Reb Melech of Lizensk, him. “This yungerman has caused the heavenly author of Noam Elimelech, the Rebbe sent him hosts on high to delight and rejoice in the away, saying that he wasn’t looking for simcha of Chosson and Kallah. Therefore, my meyuchasim, those of illustrious lineage. Rav sad lamentations are unacceptable on high. Naftali was very brokenhearted and he cried as This is why I cannot recite Tikkun Chatzos, for he left. making a Chosson and Kallah happy is like As he was leaving town, his ears caught rebuilding one of the ruins of Yerushalayim, notes of joy and music. He followed the sounds the very same ruin mentioned in Berachos 3a. of the songs and merriment and found himself There it says that in the ruins, a voice like a at a Yiddishe Chasunah. As was the custom, dove calls out and cries, “Woe to My children, the wedding needed a badchan to tell jokes because of their sins I destroyed My house, and make merry. Rav Naftali, being very clever burned My sanctuary and dispersed them to be and witty, used his wit and clever ways to joke, exiled among the nations!” Now, when there is rhyme and compose a grammen that would such joy, who can cry and lament at a time like delight the audience and bring joy to Chosson this!” ended the Rebbe. and Kallah. (as heard from Rav Moshe Weinbach Shlita, Mashpiah Ruchani of Clevelander Shul – Beitar Illit) Meanwhile, the holy Rebbe Reb Melech was trying to recite the lamentations of Tikkun Chatzos and something was preventing him… A DA DistantD istant RRRelationRelation Something was simply holding him back. He Rav Elimelech Biderman shared the sent his shamash to seek out the disturbance, following story: perhaps somewhere in the vicinity there was a There was once a Jew who desperately sinner whose tainted deeds were holding his needed a yeshuah, a salvation, for some prayers back? The shamash searched to no personal matter and so, as is customary, he avail. He came back empty handed. The Rebbe wrote down his name and his request on a slip was undeterred and he sent him out again to of paper + a kvittel, and approached the seek and search. This time, he came upon the renowned Tzaddik, the holy Chozeh or Seer of wedding and in the midst of the celebrations Lublin. However, when he entered the Rebbe’s he spotted the same yungerman who his holy inner sanctum, placed the kvittel before the Rebbe had cast out. This must be the cause of Tzaddik and told over his woes, the Tzaddik the Rebbe’s disturbance. He went back and remained silent. reported to the Rebbe that surely the The Jew understood that the salvation yungerman’s jokes and frivolous banter was he needed must be difficult to obtain, so he what was obstructing his prayers. tried his luck another way. He reminded the

13  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

Chozeh that they were related. “Rebbe,” he grandson of the Ropshitzer: begged, “Please help out your own flesh and Rebbe Reb Melech had a custom that blood!” The truth was that they were related after davening mincha, he would converse quite distantly, through being second and third with his close followers. He would then cousins through their shared grandparents, so proceed to a special private room to pray the Chozeh answered back, “Nu, distant ma’ariv in seclusion, purity and sanctity. Rav relatives.” The Jew turned away sadly and left. Naftali Ropshitzer, a disciple of the Rebbe, Just then, the Chozeh’s disciple, the holy Rav yearned to also be in that room. He constantly Naphtali of Ropshitz saw the Jew walk out so wished to observe the deeds of his Rebbe and despondent and with his face so down, he so wanted to see how he prayed there. approached him and inquired what the matter Once, he stole into the room unnoticed, was. The Jew spilled out all his anguish, and hid beneath the bed. The holy Rebbe concluding with the story of his failed attempt entered and closed the door behind him. He at using his family ties with the Rebbe. Smiling, took out his gartel and proceeded to fasten it Rav Naphtali said to the Jew, “Don’t worry. I around himself. know just what to do. Soon the Rebbe will go The first time the Rebbe wound the to daven mincha. While he is in the midst of gartel about his waist, the entire room was the afternoon prayers, when he recites the first filled with an awesome, unbelievable light. The blessing of the silent Amidah, he will say the second time he tied the gartel, the light grew in words “G+d of our forefathers, G+d of intensity, until the Ropshitzer could no longer Avraham, G+d of Yitzchok and G+d of Yaakov”, endure it. He grew weak and found himself listen in and seize the moment. As soon as the feeling faint. He could not help himself and Rebbe says these words, whisper back at him called out in a loud voice. Rebbe Reb Melech his own words of retort, “Nu, distant relatives!” heard the cries of distress coming from his Surely that will work!” the Ropshitzer said. disciple and recognized their source. “Naftali, The Jew did as he was told and when my son, are you here?” the Rebbe asked. the Chozeh began davening and reached the “Fortunately, you did not remain here for the place in the prayers where we remind Hashem third and final time I wound the gartel. If you of our zechus avos and we mention our had remained, your soul would have surely left forefathers, the patriarchs, the Jew whispered your body from the intensity of the great light.” to the Rebbe “Nu they are just distant (Eser Tzachtzachos 27; Ohel Elimelech 248) relatives!” After the prayers the Chozeh approached the Jew and delighted him by The Deveikus of Rebbe Reb Melech saying, “You have succeeded and you have achieved the salvation, but let me just ask you The son+in+law of the Rebbe of Dzikov one thing + tell me, is this one of (Rav) once related that once the holy master Rebbe Naphtali’s tricks?!” Naftali of Ropshitz was eating shalosh seudos with his teacher, the Noam Elimelech. He sat at

The Light of the Rebbe’s Gartel the table, observing the Rebbe, and realized that if Rebbe Reb Melech continued in his state Related by the Rav of Madin, a

14  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected] of rapture, his soul cou ld, Heaven forbid, from the table back to his lodgings. expire and leave his body. The Ropshitzer Rebbe Reb Melech sent someone to call banged on the table and said jokingly, “The him back. When Rav Naftali returned, Rebbe verse says that Hashem will turn to us from His Reb Melech said to him, “How dare you place in mercy. One can ask: Are there brooms interrupt my sta te of deveikus and ecstasy!” in Heaven with which to sweep?” (The Rav Naftali told his holy teacher, “We expression k ehern, to turn, is the same word still need the Rebbe to remain here in this used for sweeping with a broom.) “The answer world.” is that the verse simply means that He should Rebbe Reb M elech realized that his turn from His place with mercy.” talmid’s intentions had been honorable and This witty remark disturbed the Rebbe, said, “Yasher Ko’ach!” and he honored the for it had interrupted Rebbe Reb Melech ’s state Ropshitzer with leading the bentching. of rapture. Rav Naftali Ropshitzer, not wanting (Devarim Areivim, p. 21; Ohel Elimelech 300) to face the Rebbe’s disapproval, fled, running לרפואה שלימה גילה בת ציפורה פראנסיס  לרפואה שלימה ציפורה בת גילה לזכר ולעילוי נשמת ר ' שלו ב חיה רחל ומרת יוטא בת דבורה מרת ליבא חיה בת ר ' דוד ע"ה

In Loving Memor y of Our Dear Father and Teacher Refuah Sheleimah HaRav HaChassid Avraham Chaim ben Sholom and Frumit מרדכי צבי ב מינדל אסתר לאה of Micula, ל''ז Goldenberg יחיאל מיכל ב דבורה

A beloved talmid of זי סל בת אידל סומא ל''זצ HaRav Yechezkel Shraga Schonfeld רבקה בת מלכה – גיטל בת דבורה , and of the Holy Satmar Rav פסח גרשו ב שיינא דבורה ע''זי ”Ba’al “Divrei Yoel אלטר שמעו יחזקאל ב רחל חנה

לעילוי נשמת הרה ח'' ר' אברה חיי ר''ב שלו ל''ז Besoch She'ar Cholei Yisrael נפטר מוצש ק'' ''כ א שבט תשס ו'' ת נ. צ. ב. .ה.

לעילוי נשמת לעילוי נשמת ר ' שמעו ב ר ' ישראל ז ל" Yaakov Naftali ben Avraham Hy”d Reb . ה ' אייר ,Gilad Michael ben Ofir Hy”d Reb Shimon’s Yahrzeit is this Friday Eyal ben Uriel Hy”d Shimon was a special man who welcomed all with a smile and a hug. Although he suffere d terribly, he

never uttered any complaints. May he be a Meilitz

Yosher for his family and friends.

15  Tazriah - Metzorah / [email protected]

לזכר ולעילוי נשמת

Eliane bas Gabriel Sassoon

David ben Gabriel Sassoon

Rivkah bas Gabriel Sassoon

Yeshua b en Gabriel Sassoon

Moshe ben Gabriel Sa ssoon

Sara bas Gabriel Sassoon

Yaakob ben Gabriel Sassoon


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