Munzur University

Faculty of and Administrative Sciences

2018/2019 Academic Year List of Courses

Code/Credits Course Semester Contents Contact Department

(ECTS) Fall / Details Spring of

Lecturer EDB2101 TURKISH FALL The aim of the course is to gain the habit of forming the Economics LANGUAGE I correct sentence İŞL2105 BUSINESS FALL Information regarding definition, types, founding process, Economics MANAGEMENT enviroment and bussineses place in the economics are provided. SBK2107 BASIC NOTIONS FALL As an introductory course to law, it aims to enable the Economics OF LAW students to learn the basic , the basic concepts and issues, and basic knowledge related to law courses which will be received in subsequent years. İŞL2109 GENERAL FALL The contents of this course are; the basic concepts of Economics ACCOUNTING I accounting within the framework of the Uniform Chart of Accounts to the balance sheet and income statement accounts by examining the accounting records and the basic financial statements that measure the financial position of an entity. YBD2101 ENGLISH l FALL The aim of the course is to improve the reading, writing, Economics listening and speaking skills at the basic level İKT2101 INTRODUCTION FALL To provide basic information related to nature of economics Economics TO ECONOMICS 1 and the economic problems. TAR2101 ATATURK'S FALL The aim of this course is to inform the political, economic, Economics PRINCIPLES AND social and cultural phenomena of the historical period that HISTORY OF ended with the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 TURKISH and its background to the Ottoman State. REVOLUTION I İKT2103 MATHEMATICS I FALL To teach the basic mathematical knowledge and techniques Economics necessary for economists. EDB2102 TURKISH SPRING The aim of the course is to gain the habit of forming the Economics LANGUAGE II correct sentence SBK2108 INTRODUCTION SPRING Constitutional Economics Approach, Economic Economics TO Constitutional Approach, Fiscal Constitutional Approach, CONSTITUTIONAL Monetary Constitutional Approach, Individual Utility LAW Maximization, Rational Choices, Maastricht Criterias, Arrow Impossibility Theorem, Theory İŞL2106 GENERAL SPRING The contents of this course are; the basic concepts of Economics ACCOUNTING II accounting within the framework of the Uniform Chart of Accounts to the balance sheet and income statement accounts by examining the accounting records and the basic financial statements that measure the financial position of an entity. İKT2104 MATHEMATICS II SPRING To teach the basic mathematical knowledge and techniques Economics necessary for economists. YBD2102 ENGLISH Il SPRING The aim of the course is to improve the reading, writing, Economics listening and speaking skills at the basic level İKT2102 INTRODUCTION SPRING To provide basic information related to nature of economics Economics TO ECONOMICS 1I and the economic problems. SBK2110 RESEARCH SPRING This course presents the science, knowledge and resources. Economics METHODS IN The steps of the scientific method of research, content and SOCIAL SCIENCES benefits will be discussed. Measurement and scaling in the social sciences are discussed TAR2102 ATATURK'S SPRING The aim of this course is to inform the political, economic, Economics PRINCIPLES AND social and cultural phenomena of the historical period that HISTORY OF ended with the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 TURKISH and its background to the Ottoman State. REVOLUTION II İKT2201 MICROECONOMIC FALL The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the Economics THEORY I principles of microeconomics and to provide a basic understanding of how economic actors such as households and firms decide to manage/allocate their available resources in an efficient way. YBD2201 VOCATIONAL FALL Reading parts and related reading and word studies, to listen Economics FOREIGN dialogues, e-mail, report, telephone communication LANGUAGE examples and patterns İKT2203 MACROECONOMIC FALL To discuss the macroeconomic theories and to analyse their Economics THEORY I validity at national level. to analyse the macroeconomic events and phenomenon with supporting current issues. SBK2209 HISTORY OF FALL The aim of the course is to try to explain the factors that Economics POLITICAL constitute Turkey's political culture. Roots of the political THOUGHT culture will be grounded in the Ottoman Empire. In addition to revealing the main axes of political thought, critical political parties, circles, movements and thinkers will be emphasized throughout the course. İŞL2207 STATISTICS I FALL To educate students for choosing the right statistical methods Economics in researches and implementing the results correctly and have skills for these directions. İKT2205 MATHEMATICAL FALL A course on Mathematical Economics aims to shed light on Economics ECONOMICS I how the basic concepts of Mathematics are intensively used in Economics. In other words, it is the mix of Mathematics and the theory of Economics. At the end of the semester, students are expected to figure out what are the fundamental components of such a theoretical mixture. İKT2204 MACROECONOMIC SPRING The aim of this course is to introduce macro-economic Economics THEORY II theories and analyze the validity of today at the national level to discuss the current issues and promoting macro- economic events and facts to analyze the basic objective of this course İŞL2212 COST SPRING The aim of this course is to give an understanding of Economics ACCOUNTING fundamental concepts of cost accounting, classification of costs, cost elements, cost centres and cost allocation methods. After taking this course, students are also expected to have a broader perspective on the role and use of cost accounting in manufacturing companies. SBK2210 LABOR SPRING This course covers the microeconomics analysis of the Economics ECONOMICS AND labour market. The topics are: Basic terms and the INDUSTRIAL definitions of the labour markets; Labour supply (short term RELATIONS and long term) and Labour demand (short term and long term); Inflation and unemployment relation. The main teaching method of this course is regular lectures given by the instructor. İKT2202 MICROECONOMIC SPRING Analysis of firm behavior and decision-making processes in Economics THEORY II the market, the overall welfare economics and microeconomic market failures are detected. İKT2208 STATISTICS II SPRING To educate students for choosing the right statistical methods Economics in researches and implementing the results correctly and have skills for these directions. İKT2206 MATHEMATICAL SPRING A course on Mathematical Economics aims to shed light on Economics ECONOMICS II how the basic concepts of Mathematics are intensively used in Economics. In other words, it is the mix of Mathematics and the theory of Economics. At the end of the semester, students are expected to figure out what are the fundamental components of such a theoretical mixture. İKT2301 THEORY OF FALL The functioning of the international , will Economics INTERNATIONAL be discussed in the theoretical. ECONOMICS İKT2303 MONETARY FALL Explaining the importance of money in the economyand Economics THEORY explaining economics schools aspectsof regarding to money. Evaluating monetary events and developments, evaluating effects and consequences of monetarry development İKT2305 ECONOMETRICS I FALL Analyze economic events by using the methods of Economics econometric estimation ------/5 ELECTIVE COURSE FALL Economics GROUP 5 ------/5 ELECTIVE COURSE FALL Economics GROUP 5 ------/5 ELECTIVE COURSE FALL Economics GROUP 5 IKT2302 INTERNATIONAL SPRING The functioning of the international economic system, will Economics ECONOMICS be discussed in the theoretical and practical POLICY İKT2304 MONETARY SPRING Monetary policy definition, types, indicators, objectives and Economics POLICY tools of the monetary policy channels to influence the economy, open economy, macroeconomic stability and monetary policy (IS-LM analysis), analysis of aggregate demand and aggregate supply and monetary policy, outward- oriented economies, the demand-side policies (Mundel - Fleming model, the IS-LM-BP) and monetary policy, Classical, Keynesian, Monetarist, New Classical and New Keynesian theories of macroeconomic analysis and the effectiveness of monetary policy, monetary policy strategy, inflation and monetary instability, public deficits and monetary instability. İKT2306 ECONOMETRICS II SPRING Analyze economic events by using the methods of Economics econometric estimation ------/6 ELECTIVE COURSE SPRING Economics GROUP 6 ------/6 ELECTIVE COURSE SPRING Economics GROUP 6 ------/6 ELECTIVE COURSE SPRING Economics GROUP 6 İKT2403 ECONOMICS OF FALL Basic purpose of this lecture is, without pulling away from Economics TURKEY the historical context, considering the political/ideological changes evaluating the Economy of Turkey, term by term. İKT2401 THEORIES OF FALL Teaching Economic Growth Concept and Theory and Economics ECONOMIC Practice GROWTH İKT2405 ANALYSIS OF FALL Presentation of web pages which have economic indicators, Economics ECONOMIC analysis of economic indicators and relations between the INDICATORS indicators, both micro-and macro level analysis of the data used for the assessment of how the transfer of information ------/7 ELECTIVE COURSE FALL Economics GROUP 7 ------/7 ELECTIVE COURSE FALL Economics GROUP 7 ------/7 ELECTIVE COURSE FALL Economics GROUP 7 IKT2406 WORLD ECONOMY SPRING To analyze the orientation in change of the historical process Economics in world economy to demonstrate the differences in production, trade and financial movements of World economy to analyze The reflections of the world economic crisis İKT2404 DEVELOPMENT SPRING Teaching Concept and Theory and Economics ECONOMICS Practice İKT2402 SEMINAR SPRING In this course a seminar is prepared by the student on any Economics topic about international labour migration. ------/8 ELECTIVE COURSE SPRING Economics GROUP 8 ------/8 ELECTIVE COURSE SPRING Economics GROUP 8 ------/8 ELECTIVE COURSE SPRING Economics GROUP 8 Economics

ELECTIVE Code/Credits Course Semester Contents Contact Department

COURSES (ECTS) Fall / Details Spring of

Lecturer İKT2321 BANKING AND FALL The aim of this course; To provide information about the Economics FINANCIAL Turkish financial system especially banking and to create MARKETS a general comprehension.In this context, the concepts of financial markets and banking, institutions that make up the financial market, basic concepts, markets functioning and their place in the implementation of fiscal policy, will be discussed along with current developments and legal developments. İKT2323 PUBLIC FINANCE FALL Teaching at the basic level as well as on the financial Economics concepts, financial events and institutions in the science of what is and is also a key issue in fiscal theory of public expenditure, which do not present a detailed financial mission to teach the basic level. Elective İŞL2329 FINANCIAL FALL This course includes the techniques used in analyzing Economics Courses STATEMENT financial statements, and importance and goals of main Group 5 ANALYSIS financial statements as balance sheet and income statement, supplementary financial statements as cost of goods sold table, profit distribution table, fund flow statement, cash flow statement, change in net working capital table, change in owner's equity table etc. Financial analysis techniques, which are comparative analysis, percentage analysis, trend analysis and ratio analysis are also covered. The effect of inflation over financial statements is also a part of the course's content. SBK2325 LAW OF FALL To the student a) to teach the concepts and the institutions Economics OBLIGATIONS relating to the law of obligations. b) To earn the talent for vocational and scientific analyzing relating to the law of obligations. c) To earn the talent for solving problems relating to the law of obligations. SBK2327 HISTORY OF FALL Describe the major characteristics of civilization About Economics CIVILIZATION the form of a case chronology ecognize evidence and indicators of civilizations Perceive the change and continuity relate to each other determining factors of civilization analyze. will analyze the Mesopotamian civilization. will analyze the Egyiptian civilization. will analyze the China, South America and medditerian sea civilization. Civilization Islam and the other religions of the world to analyze the effects Willa analyze the modern world. IKT2322 FISCAL POLICY SPRING Expressing theoretical framework of the fiscal policy and Economics examining its relationship with macro economic aims within the context of the economic role of IKT2324 HISTORY OF SPRING In This course mainly the close relationship between Economics and economic thought is examined. In this THOUGHT course, the classical school and in the mercantilist doctrine and liberal doctrine are examined. In particular, focus on these doctrines and scholls for capital accumulation. IKT2326 ECONOMICAL SPRING Human and production, production for market, the human- Economics SOCIOLOGY nature and human-human relations, relations of property , relation of supervision, reflection of economic forms to the society . Elective IKT2328 INSTITUTIONAL SPRING Discussing the importance and development of social and Economics Courses ECONOMICS economic institutions in the framework of Instituitional Group 6 Economics. İŞL2334 ENTREPRENEURSHIP SPRING The role of entrepreneurships and entrepreneurs is highly Economics AND SME important for development of country. The course aims to provide knowledge and experience on entrepreneurship to the students who make his own business. İKT2330 INTEGRATION SPRING Terms of success of economic integration, Economics THEORY and institutional structure of EU, common policies applied in EU and the harmonisation of Turkey to these policies. SBK2332 LABOR AND SOCIAL SPRING To provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts Economics SECURITY LAW of social security law, importance of social security . 2. To analyse the Turkish Social Security system, and functions of social insurances 3. Finally, to create a practical and theoretical knowledge in order to provide an understanding of social security İKT2421 AGRICULTURE FALL The objectives of the Department of Agricultural Economics ECONOMICS Economics are to teach all the students of the college the fundamental concepts and principles of economics to make the best use of resources allocated to agriculture and agro industries, educate the students in the Department to be able to perform the duties expected of them and conduct research activities in both macro and micro level and develop solutions to the problems in the field İKT2423 LABOR ECONOMICS FALL Factors that affect labor supply and demand. Perfect and Economics imperfect competition in the labor market. Reasons for wage differentials, compensating wage differentials, human capital model, factors behind increasing wage inequality. The definition and types of unemployment, job search model, efficiency wages, Phillips curve. The main characteristics of the Turkish labor market and the unemployment problem. İKT2425 GAME THEORY FALL This course studies topics such as Dominant Strategy Economics Equilibrium; Iterated Elimination of DominatedActions; Elective Nash Equilibrium; Nash Equilibrium Applications; Mixed Courses Strategy Equilibrium; Games with Incomplete Group 7 Information; Bayesian Equilibrium; Auctions; Extensive Form Games; Extensive Form GamesApplications; Extensive Form Games with Incomplete Information. İKT2427 ECONOMICS OF FALL This course is an introduction to the economic analysis of Economics TECHNOLOGY AND science and technology. Attention is mostly focused on the INNOVATIONS microeconomics of innovation, even though important macroeconomic subjects will be covered as well. İKT2429 INTERNATIONAL FALL The aim of this course is to examine the basic working Economics FINANCIAL principles of international financial markets and MARKETS international companies in the rapidly growing and globalizing world economies and to provide the students with the necessary theoretical and practical infrastructure to gain effective management and analysis skills during their careers in these markets and companies. İKT2431 POLITICAL FALL The aim of this course is to teach students the Economics ECONOMICS development of as a science. For this purpose, the different perspectives in political economy and the subjects discussed in political economy will be presented to the students. İKT2433 HETEREDOX FALL The course aims to discuss the birth of school of economic Economics ECONOMICS thought and the process of separation schools, this context economic thought is be expressed in details modern heterodox schools. SBK2435 TAX LAW FALL The concept of taxation and tax law, tax law, tax law, Economics legal system, sources of tax laws in place in the space, time, and meaning in terms of implementation, the basic concepts of taxation Tax on taxation authority license, Representation, Private Contracts and Restricted Activities, Taxation, Tax Debt That Ended the Causes, Valuation Obligations of taxpayer Tax Law Times - Depreciation Tax Administration, Organizational Structure, Tax Audit Institutions, Information Acquisition Tax Crime And Punishment Termination of Major Tax Crimes and Penalties Penalties, Fines Reducing Causes Tax Disputes Tax Disputes Judicial Administrative Solution The Solution Path SBK2437 SOCIAL POLICY FALL The content of the course includes: Development of the Economics social dimensions of the modern state, social, economic and political factors behind of these developments, social policies implemented, in general and in Turkey. İKT2422 THE POLITICAL SPRING The aim of this course to analyze the roles played by Economics ECONOMY OF financial markets and institutions in the process of capital FINANCE accumulation. İKT2424 REGIONAL SPRING To investigate the causes of development disparities Economics ECONOMICS among the regions, analyze the results of regional disparities. To analyze the theories of regional development and growth in changing conditions. Examination of the problems of regional development and Elective regional development policies implemented in Turkey. Courses İKT2426 FEMINIST SPRING Observation of as a product of the Economics Group 8 ECONOMICS discovery of the intersection points of economics-gender and science is examined through observations of postmodernist views in economics. İKT2428 ECOLOGICAL SPRING The aim of this course is to increase the students' level of Economics ECONOMICS interest and awareness in environmental problems and global environmental problems by first entering the economic analysis of and environmental problems, and then increasing with a special emphasis on the political economy of the environment. İKT2430 PREPARATION OF SPRING The aim of this course is; The necessity for regional Economics DEVELOPMENT development, the natural geographical spaces with PROJECTS regional development, rural-urban socio-cultural and economic activities, relations between agrarian reform and land use planning, development approaches and reveal the applications from the world and Turkey. İKT2432 APPLIED SPRING The main objective of the course is to teach students Economics ECONOMETRICS advanced econometric methods building on their knowledge of the classical regression model and its violations learned in Econometrics. İŞL2436 COMMERCIAL LAW SPRING the general principles of commercial law, the theory is to Economics teach students to examine in detail. The purpose of negotiable instruments law, the general principles of the law of negotiable instruments, theory and practice, is to teach students to examine the issues in detail. SBK2434 EUROPEAN UNION SPRING Historical relations between Turkey and Europe, the Economics AND TURKEY establishment of the European Communities and Turkey’s RELATIONS application of an association, candidacy and accesion negotiations, economic, political and cultural aspects of relations, Turkey’s adaptation to EU policies