2018 Wake Questionnaire Online Results 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree

Demographics Powerboat owner 259 (80.4%) Non-motorized owner 127 (39.4%) Idaho resident 211 (65.5%) Bonner County resident 177 (55.0%) Bonner County waterfront owner 151 (46.9%) I recreate in Bonner County, 78 (24.2%) but I’m not a resident

This is the place to add any comment or add a missing policy proposal. Normal wind induced wave action exceeds anything that boat wake does.

"Due to how my dock is constructed, my boat points toward the shoreline. This results in waves hitting my swim platform. This last year when I pulled my boat I noticed my swim platform was uneven. Unfortunately I found out one of my swim platform brackets was broken and the other bracket had worn where it connects to the transom causing alot of movement. This damage is a direct consequence of large waves. As time goes by manufactures are increasing the size of wave newer can generate. Besides the inceased waves we have boats that wakesurf in front of our home for long periods of time generating nonstop large waves. I feel if these boats are prevented from staying in one spot this will help with damage caused to the shoreline and boats. I also believe these boats should be required to stay at a wider area of the river.

Sincerely "

"To Those Concerned: We are the family and we own a home at Road. The location on the river is next to Camp Peine and we have had the privilege of spending the past 10 years on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. We have 3 amazing children and their absolute favorite thing to do is wakesurf, most recently with many of the Camp Peine families and with lots of neighbor kids up and down the river. We purchased a $160,000 wake surf/board boat to enjoy the summers and build memories and friendships that would last a lifetime. It brings immense joy to my husband and I to watch our children and all of their friends wakesurf from our dock. It has come to our attention that some of the neighbors are not pleased with this activity on the river. We understand the river is narrow at times; we also understand that wake boats make big waves. So do the many larger boats that often cruise by going to and from dinner. We have close to 400’ water frontage so we are intimately aware of potential shore erosion. But this is absolutely a solvable problem. More importantly, it is easy to do and is economical. Beyond that, optimized erosion control benefits the entire river. Its simply a matter of placing the correct material at the waters edge or simply upgrade to proper shoreline materials to break the waves. Some think he right answer is to prohibit wakesurfing on the river. Following that argument, lobbying against larger boats would follow suit. As family homeowners on the water, we completely understand the varied interests and sports. We personally hate the ridiculously loud high speed cigarette boats that fly by. In our minds, they ruin the peace and tranquility of nature BUT we understand people are different and that is the passion and interests of those owners. Those noisy things are like art on the water and I would bet they are great customers at all of the restaurants in town.

We love Pend Oreille and Sandpoint and are here because it is a wonderful small town full of art, culture and a daily reminder that the simplicity of family life is what makes for the best life. Wakesurfing is an amazing family experience. Its ultra-low speed, remarkably safe, quiet (except for poor use of sound systems on some boats), extremely clean, and very intimate. Our guests go home with the most remarkable pictures of their 10- year olds feet off the back of the boat smiling from ear to ear. To us, there is no better place for a family day than on the water and on the boat. Wakesurf boats are like minivans, they are built for families and built for family fun. To us, that is the essence of what Sandpoint is about.

Please feel free to personally contact us for any questions.

Emphasis patrols with Marine Deputies will only be effective if they are in "un-marked" boats! Boaters can recognize the silhouette of the forward-angled windshield from a mile away, and will "play nice" until the patrol boat is out of sight!

Proper preparations of shorelines can completely thwart shoreline damage. Most cases of complaints come from victims of outdated protection such as flat concrete walls or makeshift rip rap not fully implemented. A tax on boats that create large waves (wakesurfing/or cabin cruisers) could exist to help the community fix all of these broken and outdated protection methods.

Wondering why cigar boats and boats pulling tubes arent being targeted as they seem to create the same issue (and often worse)... I think the problem is in the uneducated and inconsiderate drivers. Weve never had a problem with neighbors or law enforcement because we try to be respectful of others. Seems pretty unfair to have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a beautiful property and thousands on a nice boat and now being told that we cant enjoy them for their intended purpose. If wakesurfing is restricted on the river you can be sure that property owners will start to leave and property values will greatly decrease. Sounds like a lose-lose for everyone. Wakesurfing, , , cruisers etc.. all produce waves. The power of the wave is mass x speed. Thus a large cruiser weighing 2x as much as a surf boat going 20mph will do much more damage then a wakesurfing at 10mph. I think people break the distance to homes too much and that should be easier to turn people in or report. I worry if you alienate surf boat owners that you might damage local business. It is important to protect the shore so certain restrictions are good, but surf boat owners tend to bring wealth to the area which is crucial to maintaining property values and local businesses. Many surf boat owners live in the river and restricting use of their boats completely in the river might make it a less desirable place to live, or discourage surfers from coming to our town.

"New restrictions and regulations are not needed. Lets enforce the laws already in place. Most of the problem is likely from inconsiderate or uneducated boaters. If wakesurfing is not allowed, property values would plummet, tax base would drop and tourism would decrease. I would relocate to a boater/surf friendly body of water (out of Idaho). I purchased in Idaho because of the relative freedoms that it provides. We love the outdoors and recreation on the river is unparalleled. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the property and tens of thousands on boat equipped to surf. I bring revenue to the state/county. Regulation of only is discriminatory since figure-8 tubing causes more repetitive waves than does surfing in a straight line. What about very large boats (cigar boats), that produce wakes even larger? Are those going to be prohibited? Strong wind and storms create waves and damage far greater than surfing ever could. This is a case of trying to fix a problem without the right diagnosis. Is there scientific evidence that surfing is the accurate problem? Would the Army Core of Engineers allow property owners to install floating logs in front of docks to buffer waves from any source? This would solve the problem for those who want to control the waves on their property, yet not infringe on the rights of others or target a specific sport. In summary, do not prohibit water sports, specifically surfing, on River!! New regulation is not the answer. Lets educate, enforce the current rules, and allow property owners to protect their own shores. "

Many people on the lake are from out of state or out of country so posted no wake areas are needed. BCSO should have an easy way to SMS/text in a boat registration #, notifying the appropriate authority of an offender. If boaters would abide by the 200 ft limit, we would all be better off but since they often don't do that, I don't see how increasing the limit to 300 or more will do any good. Also, for boater education there need to be options on how the education can be obtained or completed. Please note I spend summers on the river but my permanent residence is in Spokane. Thank you! The newer wake boats with the larger ballast tanks should not be allowed to operate/create wakes on the river past Dover Bay. Some of the worst damage we have sustained on our property came from this type a boat, even when they were operating at least 600 - 800 feet off the shoreline. We had to install a boat lift at a cost of $8000+ to protect our boat and dock. The wake boat problem was the only reason we bought the lift, which we purchased only after the use of "whips" failed to protect us. Our bulkhead will soon require serious maintenance. Thank you for your help with regulating wake boat usage.

The power and height of a wake does not significantly decrease over an additional 200 from shore. We see boats go by miles away and the wakes still roll up on shore just the same. Education is key. More restrictions will cause more problems. Maintaince is part of living, your house, yard, and water front.

I believe that Bonner County should continue patrols with the current schedule and warn or ticket those power boat operators that do not follow the current no wake laws. We are responsible operators of a wakesurf boat and do everything within our power to minimize disruption to shoreline property. Please consider education efforts and current enforcement rather than further restrictions.

"We have owned our riverfront property for roughly 50 years. We have seen a significant increase in erosion of our land as a result of use of wakeboarding boats and the corresponding dramatic increase in wake size. Use of these craft should be limited to much wider bodies of water to protect the environment as well as the interests of property owners.

We feel strongly that things stay as they are! The county should be more strict with those who are non- compliant. We are responsible boat owners who travel to areas of the river that are wide enough to comply with the 200' - that protects the shoreline and personal property. Thank you!

I am concerned that your survey seems to only address the river--how about the lake also. The county needs to act to put reasonable limits on speed and sound levels on the lake as well, including a nuisance ordinance for jet skis endless making noise in one place. LIving on or near the lake is getting to be like living on a major freeway. The sound levels in the summer are obnoxious.

Some wake boarders go right off of our dock. When it flooded last time and water was over our docks there was a boat that came under the RR bridge at highest water at full speed without regard for anyone's property. In some instances a video or photos should be allowed for stiff fines. Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront and please act favorably to the property owners whose expense it is to repair the damage. Unless the county is willing to spend a lot more money on enforcement, that isn't a viable solution. The only solution is to ban wakesurfing in areas where it causes significant impacts, most notably the P.O. River. The lake is huge, there is plenty of room for everyone to enjoy their chosen activity without negatively and financially impacting property owners. Just like smoking, wakesurfing impacts others who aren't participants. It should not be allowed where the effects are concentrated and not able to be effectively managed. As property owners on the Pend Oreille River at Snug Harbor just down river from Dover we can attest to the HUGE necessity of a clearly marked "NO WAKE ZONE". not only are the wake boats a problem but most all boats and jet skis pass at very high speeds including at least 10 plus pontoon boats, fully loaded that fly past, it creates a danger for swimmers, paddle boards, or any small vessel, and children playing on the shoreline. With each and every boat our docks flop around uncontrollably, damaging it and throwing our stuff in the river, trashing our boats as they are knocked against the dock and pushed to the shoreline, at this point we are unable to moor our airplane (#1 reason we purchased there) at our dock any longer due to the extreme wakes that our thrown our way, as well as the impact of property damage on our retaining wall, last year we witnessed over 3'+ waves hitting our property at the busy season, over, and over, and over again. We have thousands of dollars of repairs that have been forced upon us due to this problem and we look forward to a solution very much ! thank you, The

Emphasis patrols (last summer)? Really? We didn't notice any difference from previous summer patrols. And the range finders the marine deputies were using seemed inaccurate at best. "Ride The Core" program...waste of funds! We've owned our property for 30 yrs and had to re-do our rip rap last year because of the waves/erosion created by wake surf boats...not cabin cruisers! I sit on my deck and watch it happen...constantly. I don't sit on my dock any longer because of the waves. It is ridiculous. More boater education is not going to matter. What about people vacationing from other areas? They won't be required to take classes. And they don't care! 85% of the people wake surfing completely ignore the existing 200' no wake rule. What makes you think a larger no wake zone will make a difference? It won't! Ban wake surfing downriver from Snug Harbor. Issue tickets that actually matter...make it a misdemeanor (up to a $1,000 fine and 1 yr probation..and they have to go to court, not just pay a fine). A $50.00 or $100.00 fine isn't going to matter to people spending $100k on a boat. Many other communities are implementing similar restrictions. There are PLENTY of areas on Lake Pend Oreille that are (more) suitable for wake surfing. Pend Oreille River ISN'T suitable for wake surfing. It's time to do something that actually improves the situation. "We have experienced wake surfing boats with the internal bladders while ourselves. They create huge wakes that sometimes feel like you could even be swamped and we have an 18' sea ray ski boat. I really can't imagine the havoc they play with smaller boats and kayaks. And experiencing the size of these wakes, you know that they have to be destructive to the shoreline. Our property is located on the Pend Orielle River, and we definitely feel this part of the lake is just too narrow for these kinds of boats causing these kinds of wakes! Thank you. " The previous water sports didnt cause the damage/impact the wake boats seem to bring, I feel giving them an area out on the big lake area is a reasonable compromise, its unfortunate but something needs done . Thanks for your help. As an avid and powerboat fisherman I strongly urge the county to implement a wake boarding ban from the railroad bridge downriver and a 500 ft. no wake zone lake wide. I realize this sounds severe but wake board boat surfing is BY FAR the biggest cause of concern. I spend hundreds of days on the lake/river year 'round and the fall/winter/early spring period is the best time to enjoy the lake because wake boarding is nonexistent. Even "riding the core" is a huge problem because of completely unconcerned wake boarders riding way too close to other boats. I have personally been rolled in my kayak at times and I stay close to shore, well within the 200' zone. I have also had wake boarding boats pass within 15' of me in my power boat numerous times every summer while fishing. Yes, 15'!! When trolling it is impossible to turn fast enough to turn the bow into the oncoming massive wake, especially when it is 15' away. I fully realize the challenge the Marine Patrol has in enforcement and there is nothing that can be done to address drunken jerks on the water. I will readily admit to be completely biased on this subject. This kind of stuff is happening more and more every year and has made me absolutely despise wake board boats and boarders. A tip for the Marine Patrol: Just put an officer in an unmarked boat at City Beach from the bridge out to the end of the no wake zone. You will be able to write ticket after ticket all summer long. Probably put the county's budget in the black doing this. I have a slip at City Beach and am constantly being rocked violently as wake board boat after boat cruise by making large wakes. Other boats do this as well, but it is predominantly surf boat users. Another good spot to sit is from Contest Point to Anderson Point. Landowners along that "Interstate Hwy." would thank you for that. Thanks for the opportunity to comment and I apologize for the length of this comment. I also really appreciate the efforts of the Marine Patrol. Great folks doing a thankless job.

No Wake rule when river is at flood stage west of Dover. Place educational signage at all marinas and boat ramps. Increasing the no-wake-zones beyond 200 feet would significantly impact water-skiing on the river. in the middle of the lake is unacceptable, since water skiers value the calm water. Water skiing is not the problem, and has been a sport for many years. Don't make water skiers pay for the sins of the wake surfers.

My wife and I bought our waterfront home at - and moved here full time for the sole reason that it has incredible wakesurfing and now our grand kids actually WANT to visit us in Idaho. *We would lose tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars if we sell our house and boat and move. The hardship would be much greater the cost of rip-rapping several waterfront lots. *Please do not punish responsible local wakseurfers for the sins of a few, mostly out-of-state surfers. This is as bad as restricting firearms to good citizens because of a few bad apples. Few Idahoan's would tolerate that. *Most in the audience at the meeting last week have enormous misconceptions about wakesurf boats. One of our waves is large, the other is small. Combined they are equal to a 6,000# cabin cruiser's output when it is going the same speed. There are of-course many cabin cruisers that weigh far more and put out far bigger waves than any Wakesurf boat can. *We have demonstrated to new surfers that directing the small wave toward the shore that is 200' away and the big wave at the shore 1,000' away makes the waves hitting each shore much, much smaller. *New technology, is allowing the surfer to shape the face of the wake by remote control. This allows a firmer, better face with far less ballast, no ""leaning"" and a smaller wave. Our - has this technology. *We will do whatever it takes to educate both Surfers and Waterfront land owners. *We have and will continue to take anyone that asks, including the Water Advisory Committee members, surfing on our state-of-the-art - to show you these features. ------*My wife and I WILL GLADLY BUY the county at least 10 of the $300.00 buoys. ------*We are serious, responsible, 60-year old business owners. We employ 32 people in 2 states. I was a Yamaha/ Kawasaki dealer for 20 years. I was the - and I have worked as an expert witness in the powersports industry. My wife was the chairperson of - until we moved to the river last year. I was, and she is now the president of our HOA here on the river. I am an active private pilot with hangars in Bonner and Boundary counties. I am a USAF Vet. We are proud grandparents. We wakesurf and invite newcomers every sunny summer day and we will do whatever we can to protect this safe and amazing family sport AND those that own property on the Pend Orielle River.

*Please contact us and we will help!

I moved to the Pend Orielle River last year from Naples, Idaho. We moved specifically so we could purchase a wake surf boat and use it by our house. If the rules forbid us from wakesurfing, our financial lose will be huge! We pay a large amount of property tax in Bonner county and would have to consider moving to a state with less restrictions.

"There are still water skiers in the early morning and late evening, an occasional wakeboarder, and of course tubing for kids. But wake surfing is the dominant watersport activity and growing rapidly. It is the future. It's easy to learn, doesn't hurt when you fall and can be enjoyed by all ages. I'm sympathetic to those who have lived on the river for decades. But you can't go back in time. I believe that they have an obligation to take steps to protect their property. That said, I also believe that boaters need to be more consistently responsible and I support anything that can be done through education, enforcement, etc. I also think a moderate increase in the no wake zone would be helpful though I seldom see wake surfers violate it where I live. However jet skiers do so every day. I believe that taking some of the drastic measure being proposed would be a huge mistake and severely impact the enjoyment of the river/lake for MANY county citizens and visitors. I also believe that it would impact property values on the river. I would not buy my home again if I knew I couldn't wake surf in the vicinity of where we live. I would encourage the county to take moderate steps in addressing this issue. Thanks for this opportunity to voice my opinion. "

I respectfully disagree that more education will accomplish anything. The no wake limit should be a minimum of six hundred feet from Summer pool level. Citations should be issued. And ordinance should be passed making the registered owner of the boat liable for the citation. That way the burden of proof is simply to establish the offending boat, not the actual pilot of the boat. My Shoreline, on the north side of Warren Island, has eroded dramatically since the rise of wakeboarding and wakesurfing. About 4 years ago I had to extend my doc, landward, 8 feet, at a cost of several thousand dollars. All of the shoreline that supported that 8-foot section of Doc is now eroded and I will have to incur additional expense to try to protect my dock. Finally, I should note that I have owned by lot since 2002. For the first 12 years or so there was no erosion period in the last 4 years the erosion has been dramatic.

I think the emphasis should be placed on boater education and responsibility. I do not think increasing the no wake zone will decrease erosion of shoreline. "Enforcement of the current 200 ft wake laws is the answer to the issue. I understand the river is impacted with congestion, but thats the reality with more developments and more people. The Pend Oreille Lake and River are large bodies of water, with large bodies of water come large waves, created by Mothernature, and man alike. Being a waterfront property owner, I understand that the Lake and River are ever changing and take it upon myself to protect my property from natural and man made erosion. Its work, but thats the cost of waterfront property. The idea to ban a wakesurf boat is ludicrous. If you want to talk about wakesurf boats, you need to include all large vessels such as cabin cruisers. I believe the problem is not with the actual boats, its with the boat drivers, and enforcing the current 200 ft wake law Thank you for your time and consideration. " I feel any boating education is good boating education. In the past of seen boaters with 50' of shorelines not obeying the No Wake regulations even with No Wake buoys very evident. We need to educate not set restrictions. Thanks for the forum! I greatly appreciate the opportunity for public input!

Surf boats should be further away from all shore, not just on the river I have witnessed large wake and erosion from cruisers and bass boats, ski boats, tubers and storms. This problem cannot be exclusively contributed to "wake boats".

Restrict wake surfing to the lake east of the long bridge. No wake surfing west of the bridge. The river is too narrow and wake surfing wakes preclude every other type of recreation such as water skiing, fishing, wind surfing, paddle boarding and . Those are simply not possible if a wake surf boat is within 1000 feet.

I am not familiar with Ride the core campain but I dont think its necessary to be handing out tickets for people creating waves. Personally I think the best way to resolve the situation is to put buoys along the shoreline near dover so people are aware of how far they should be. The river narrows near the bridge and often times us boaters end up near the shoreline without realizing how close we are. Also I have had many debates with other boaters on exactly how far 200 ft is. It is hard to visualize exactly how far 200 ft is when on the water and having buoys in place would solve this issue. I personally am a resident in Dover and have lake front property and I do not think high volume waves ruining the shoreline is an issue, thats just my opinion. Wake boating should be banned completely in Bottle Bay. My family supports safe and responsible wake surfing. We will be relentless in fighting the efforts to restrict this freedom.

We need more patrol down near Albeni Dam. I am not into wakesurfing personally. I do not care for what they do to the lake. As our lake becomes more crowded, I feel it is extremely important to educate boaters. Creating off limit areas and Specific areas will be confusing and counterproductive. We are on the lake most of the weekends and there are already areas that due to congestion of boaters, are unpleasant to be around. Many of those areas are places that Wakesurfers congregate. By adding increased wake zones along the river, will also be more confusing to boaters as well. My family has be in the area and have been boaters since the early 1900's. I grew up living on the lake near Dover and can completely understand what the homeowners along the river are feeling. The argument that storms create just as much damage as wake may be true, but I have never seen a storm that lasted 12 hours a day for 3 months.... "Need more patrols. Was told there is only 1 marine boat on duty, that covers Sandpoint to Albeni dam. Marine patrol presence, safety equipment checks, and educating boaters, needs to be a priority on the rivers/lakes. We live on the river, and boats are constantly speeding by our place, many times, within 50 from our dock and shoreline. Also, in the overnight hours, we have been woken up by boats that are stopped and blasting their music, drinking, and being loud and obnoxious. "

Educate and enforce the laws you already have on the books. No more new regulations. Lets make the lake great again!!! Stop wasting our money with programs to appease a few people.

"I have been a boating person since high school. Was taught to respect Others on the water as well as the shoreline. Over the years, as a whole, most boating people do a pretty good job of being respectful of each other & shorelines. With the exception of the new wakeboard boats. Im not sure the owners are aware of the damage their wake creates!! They throw my grandkids off their floatpad that is 6 X 4, their wake washes out my riprap every year!!! I repair it because if I dont it takes out feet of shoreline. I have tried to speak kindly to these wakeboard boat owners. However as a whole they are rude & obnoxious! I would highly recommend that wakeboard boats be banned from the Pend Oreille Rive starting at Dover!!

We also have a wake problem from Long Bridge to Dover. Wake board areas should be designated and not permitted anywhere else on the lake or river>

More enforcement throughout lake pend oreille of the 200' no wake zone. We live in hope and boats routinely come very close to shore at tremendous speeds leaving a huge, damaging wake. Required boater education of the resulting damage from wakes. "I am a past commander of the Spokane Sail and Power Squadron with extensive boating experience on the ocean as well as on our lakes. ""Riding the Core"" will not prevent the wave from propagating to the shoreline. In the ocean waves can travel hundreds of miles. As wake boarding becomes more popular we will then occasionally experience the problem of two or more waves reinforcing to become much larger. When NOAA reports seas of 4 feet I know to expect to look up at an occasional 8 footer. This is just a matter of probabilities. With multiple wake boats creating 2-3 foot waves it will only be a matter of time before a truly big wave washes away a dock from its moorings or capsizes a . Thx Education would help, however as the number of users continues to increase,more marine deputies prepared to issue tickets on existing violations is a high need. A large number of boaters are ignoring existing no wake zones. In addition quite a few ignore the distance between boats rule. Sorry to say it, but actual fines might have a long term positive impact on these violations. No one wants to loose a loved one to a boating accident. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

Wake boats seem to result in the damage to property and many owner/operators don’t seem to respect other people. It would be good to find a way to co-exist All of my answers pertain to Wakeboard Boats Only. I have no issues with ski boats or other Recreational Boats. All of my answers pertain to Wakeboard Boats Only. I have no issues with ski boats or other Recreational boating.

The Pend Oreille River from Dover west to Albeni Falls Dam should be a no wake surfing area because the MAJORITY of the river in this area is too narrow thus causing shoreline damage. In this area it is too hard to patrol a variety of spots where it is wider vs narrower for patrol and it would be too difficult for boaters to be aware of start and stop areas. West of Dover, boats with added on ballast tanks filled with water should be illegal on the river with a fine automatically assigned. We live in Willow bay and last year our boat lift broke due to the wakes from these boats, to say nothing of the damage to our shoreline.

Substantially increase fines for first offenses, and adopt boat forfeiture for second offenses and criminal records and jail time for third offenses. It will just take one boat forfeiture and the word will get out...

"Wake boats are causing damage to our property including the dock and our boat. The water from the wake washes up into our yard and is eroding the infrastructure. We are west of Dover. Some neighbors had to install boat lifts. It would cost of $15,000 for us to do this. I wrote to the Army Corp two years ago about this and received no response.The river is too narrow for wake boats here. Ban them west of Dover." I live along the river near Riley Creek campground. The damage caused from wakeboarding is tremendous. The bank erosion, damage to docks and moored boats is unacceptable. Most wakeboarding is done over 200' from shore, but the wake is so big it still causes damage. These boats create huge waves! Being near Riley Creek and Willow Bay there is a concentration of these boats here. By using the 2000' option, the boats would be even more concentrated in our section of the river. I don't care about the boats per say, but I am against wakeboarding anywhere in the river. The activity causes too much erosion, damage to docks and boats to be allowed. I am a waterfront property owner and enjoy a variety of water sports. Dock starting while water skiing, skiing in smooth water near the shore line, dropping wake boarders near the dock... have been a part of the enjoyment of living on the water. Many of the tourists that visit the area may not know the wake zone restrictions. Imposing fines and policing them may discourage them from visiting our area. We want to be a friendly community. Furthermore, the minimal amount of "damage" that our shoreline has experienced in the 20 years that we have lived on the water, can mostly be contributed to the wave action that results from storms, not recreational activity.

The Pend Oreille river was created as a multi use body of water which includes power boat recreation. It is a key attraction for both residents and visitors and creates substantial economic benefit during the summer. The vast majority of mild bank erosion on our property is caused by the wind, especially during storms and by the occasion flood year. I disagree with the notion that any significant damaging impact to the shoreline or structures is caused by boaters. The additional proposed policy measures would not change the weather. They would mostly put limited enforcement manpower in an adversarial role with boaters and would diminish their effectiveness at promoting boater safety and respectful use of the lake resource. They would also negatively tarnish the area as unfriendly to boating enthusiasts which would drive away the economic activity that supports many local businesses and residents.

WHAT ABOUT PRIEST LAKE! The big wakes are destroying shorelines and docks. Also making it difficult to kayak in some areas. (ie: the area between Kalispel Bay and Kalispel Island. The boats think it is a race and use it all summer as a channel) Our cabin is in a bay and enforcement of wake zone isn't implemented other than by resident showing disapproval!!

Wake Surf Boats should be banned west of Dover. The shoreline in many areas is eroding. I have two lots and am loosing shoreline and trees. The Shoreline across the river from my property (natural area West of Riley Creek) has taken a huge hit. On top of the major environmental damage most of the property owners have had damage to improvements (docks etc) Since the rise of Wake Surfing and the increased usage of the wake surf boats , I have spent $100's of dollars each year in dock repairs. I frequently have waves from these boats go over my dock, that sits approx. 2 ft. above summer pool level. Please ban these boats on the river West of Dover. The damage done , even in the wider areas cannot be repaired.

Education and enforcement of existing laws is the answer. More education and public awareness marketing to stay away from the shore while wakesurfing. Absolutely no new laws. As a property owner and a owner of a wake boat I find this to be a conflicting issue. I am in support of a wider no wake zone, but do not think banning wake related activities is the answer. There are many types of vessels that are capable of creating wakes with potential to damage shorelines. I believe the ride the core is program worth continuing. Wake Surfing is eroding the shoreline of the Pend Oreille River including the wider areas. Along with the environmental damage there is damage to docks etc.. occurring because of Wake Surfing, costing homeowners hundreds and sometimes thousands of $. Wake Surfing should not be allowed West of Dover and maybe even West of the Long Bridge. Consistent 4 ft., artificial, Waves are not meant to be on Gems like the Pend Oreille. The damage being done is as bad as any mining operation or the dumping of pollutants near by ! I am a lakefront resident prooerty owner near Priest Lake Marina where wakes are damaging our shoreline. I strongly support the FIX-IT ticket as reqiriring violators to spend time is the only way to reach affluent boaters. Also increasing the no wake zone to 200 YARDS, emphasis patrols and boater education. Thank you for taking public comment. Instead of increasing no-wake distance from shoreline, I would propose that certain zones of the river be designated as either "no wake zones" or "non wake recreation zones". Wake surfing, wakeboarding (I own a wakeboarding boat) and tubing are mainly to blame for damaging wakes and in constricted (less than a 1/4 mile shore to shore) reaches of the river and bays around the lake, their wakes have minimal opportunity to dissipate. Think of what "school zones" or "park zones" on the water would look like and how they might improve the situation for all. Slower speeds and prohibited water sports within these zones. I'd be happy to discuss my ideas further. Education is the answer. When powerboat owners receive their boat registration tags, a flyer should be added on reasons for ALL powerboats to be at least 200' off-shore when under-way. Much like how the public was educated about zebra mussels, BC did a survey to see if people knew of the problem, and then produced educational flyers + posters for the marinas. I think the current boating rules are adequate.

I used to own waterfront on Lakeshore Drive. Storm damage and the repairs that come with it are part of owning waterfront. But damaging storms are infrequent, compared to the daylight to dark wave action that you see in the summer months. Lets get some common sense actions in place to lessen the effects of wake damage in the more sensitive waterfront areas. And while considering this, let's not overly restrict the boaters either

Wake boats are a dangerous addition to the Pend Oreille River. Its far too narrow for this activity.

Stop outsider control they moved on the river or lake with there big house

Education and enforcement, Should expand to lake Cocolalla .. "The other issue is Paddle Boarders and Kayakers that ride the core also If you expect powerboats to ride the core then all non-motorized craft should stay by the shore.. The entry ways into the marinas are also getting clogged with Rentals of non-powered craft usually occupied by less experienced people. That puts the least experienced people in the water next to spinning boat props when they are at their least maneuverable "

I live downriver from Dover, and I am a wake surfer, and I also appreciate the care taken to protect our waterfront properties. We are restricted from major improvements to our shoreline, which we need to protect from excessive wake, so I support measures to protect our shoreline.

Support responsible boating campaigns, but not changing laws. People have been recreating on the river for over 50 years.

The river in the Dover area is way to busy and dangerous! Its only a matter of time before there is a fatality. The huge waves constantly smashing against the shore makes floating and playing on our beach unbearable. I literally get sea sick when trying to float in my floatie. Send the wake boarders into the lake and slow down the boat traffic on the river!!!

No more regulations on the lake. Where does it end? What type of summertime boating activities will be next up for regulations? A few landowners don't have the right to dictate how the majority recreated on the water. Strongly disagree with more law enforcement time and money spent on aiding the few elitist waterfront homeowners at the expense (literally) of the tax payers of the county-most of whom don't live on waterfront, don't like more red tape regulations, and just are attempting to have fun on our public waterways. I think that wake surfing and wake boarding should be prohibited in all of pend Oreille river and elisport bay. There is to much bank erosion due to the boats and they do not understand the safety issues involved with large wakes they put out.

I think no wake zones on the river is a good idea. Primarily in front of the Dover Marina. Also, I don't think wake surfing is the problem. Tubing is the problem. Designated tubing areas is a better idea.

"1. Is there back-up supporting the claim by the questionnaire statement that damage is being caused by recreational boaters following the existing laws? This statement is misleading. 2. Enforcement of the existing laws and boater education will help ensure shorelines will be preserved."

Make current laws clearly defined and enforce them. Skiers nearly swamping small vessels and disturbing fishing boats is a major problem on the river! Thank you

I believe the laws should stay tr same, the wake strength is no different than other boats/large boats create and people are just complaining in my opinion

What is the Perceived problem? This is a preemptive measure that Has Not been analyzed or properly analyzed what so ever. This Needs to be Analyized before Any implementation of any new restrictions. This is a Detriment to the lake we All live on an recreate on. It will negatively impact the purchase and sale of waterfront real estate. Any county elects Tex official that supports or endorses this new restriction will Not be reelected. The voting community in our county will without a doubt will repeal this and disband this Rouge decision made by the current elected commissioners Guaranteed! This has not and is not a measured or analyized negative issue of Any sort. More studies surveys and information is Required to vote or change anything with the current status. Property values and sales will suffer at the expense of a Few disgruntled people compromising the future of All water users in Bonner County. A Huge Avoidable Hasty Mistake!!!!!!!!!

This measure if passed willl negatively impact impact All waterfront property values and time to sell real estate in the proposed areas. This is a short sighted approach to a Non-issue. The natural effects of the lake, river and dam are More damaging than anything a boat can produce.

Thank you for considering our opinions. I don't think it's a specific type of boat that is the issue. I think there are way to many uneducated people purchasing boats. I think both dealerships and the state need to work together to do a better job at teaching proper boating edicate and laws. Cruiser boats put out larger wakes than surf boats... It's not the boats themselves that are the issue. It is a lack of education for some drivers. There should be a license for boating in the state of Idaho. Or a mandatory education class upon purchase of a boat.

They should regulate boats over 30ft going over 5mph. Those boats put out more destructive force than any wake surf boat out there.

I would like to see an emphasis on wake prevention near marinas. NEED to get the wake broad boats out in the middle of the lake,NOT in the Bays on Priest Lake.Where is the Sherrif to enforce the WAKE Zone?

I've been recreating and boating on Priest for over 15 years and the wake surfing is causing severe damage to the shoreline, docks and marinas. Wake surfing should not be allowed in bays or coves and strictly limited to the middle of the lake a minimum of 500 offshore.

No wake areas in Priest Lake need to be established further out from shoreline if wake surfing is to be allowed. Wake surfing should be limited to the main body of the lake and not in the individual bays.

Increase fines for repeat offenders. 3 strikes and you are out policy... loose your tags for current year. Have all registered power boat owners sign a wake zone acknowledgementâ document with registration for yearly tags that references fines and consequences. Boat owner is responsible for all use of their boat by any driver! Our boat has been seriously damaged from wake while moored at blue diamond marina on priest lake. Please enforce riding the core!

Cool Cool

Wakesurfing is fun. No reason why it has to be done 200’ from shoreline. It erodes shorelines and unnecessarily ages docks and causes damages to boats in marinas.

These activities are causing damage to my property.

I am opposed to any changes at all on the lake. All power boats should be banned from the "thoroughfare" between the two Priest lakes. They have had their chance to stop widening the channel and have not slowed down. Dredging to get them back in there is just plain stupid. The shoreline no wake zone should be 400-500 feet in the entire county/state. The "Ride the Core" campaign has been failure. Enforcement is the answer. Even the Marine Deputies speed around the shoreline near Hope.

The large lake area can be used for designated areas for wake boats to protect shorelines. We want all the suvey responses applied to Cavanaugh Bay Priest Lake!! Wakeboarders are ruining the shoreline and docks! "I have been in the construction industry for years and lately it seems that there are so many regulations that it has gone beyond common sense. I have reservations about more regulations anywhere. But these wake surfers are causing a lot of damage to the shoreline and docks. I have to change my lines every year and add snubbers which I never had to do before. In the spring when we have high runoff we have no wake restrictions. These wake surfers are causing more damage than what we would do in the spring. My son was a supporter of the wake surfers until he spent a weekend in August. He then said why dont these wake surfer use common sense and go out on the Main Lake. Cavanaugh bay is to small for these huge waves. I agree with him. I wonder how far these waves have to travel before they get to a reasonable size. "

This also all holds true for Priest Lake as well. I strongly agree with the freedom of sports and activities in Bonner and North Idaho. People spend enough money boating, rights should not be taken away for the benefit of some house owners and complainers on the lake.

My main concern with designating "wake areas" along the river is the congestion that it will produce. Wake surfing has become extremely popular and congesting a particular area with many recreational boats will produce unsafe conditions and be extremely unpleasant for the property owners in that designated area. I strongly believe this will create an entirely new set of issues. I believe taking preventative steps like adding bouys to help visually show "no wake zones" is a great first step, as I often see boat operators encroach on this area. My concern with increasing the distance to 300' is again with safety. Bottlenecking recreational boats that change course and turn around often will create unsafe and uncomfortable conditions. Turning the entire river into a "no wake zone" sounds unrealistic and policing the use of wake manipulation will be a losing battle. I think we need to find ways to better enforce the current laws (i.e. adding bouys/ added patrol). Concerned property owner also have the ability to add protective elements to ensure the condition of their shoreline. It is very clear that the wake surf issue is a problem, especially on the river portion of the waterways. This is not just a Bonner County issue, but a country wide issue. In my opinion, education, fix it type citations, haven't and won't work. This is a far greater issue than simple waterway violations. This issue is damaging, destroying and undermining property and shorelines. This is a unique problem that hasn't been dealt with before because it is a new issue due to a new sport that has been developed recently. It is evident that Bonner County, as well as other neighboring counties is struggling to come up with a resolution to this problem. There comes a point when the right decision has to be made and followed. I feel that the safety of human beings, the shoreline, the eco-system and property far outway the revenue that a few wake surf boaters bring to the county.

I support educating the public on the current wake restrictions. For all boats. Banning one type of boat will not solve the problem. Tubers and cabin cruisers can also do damage with their wake if not responsible boaters. I have seen more boats over the years because of the growth of marinas and more water front homes on the river. All of this does help are economy. A no wake zone for where we live (by Willow Bay) would mean a boating day to Sandpoint would be to timely. we need to enforce the existing laws and stop these geriatrics from messing with our Nirvana. Very upsetting the rude behavior of these geriatrics trying to take away our current property rights. I own a wake boat and follow the law, I leave others alone. Their propaganda sheet was absurd, 6' wake? I wish! They need to leave the rest of us alone. I also want to let you know that the current wake law will show up as a criminal charge on anyone's record. Is that truly what we want? People losing jobs because of angry geriatrics? Please check it out with the DA. I was falsely charged by an angry neighbor 10 plus years back and almost lost my professional license over something that didn't happen. I couldn't get my 4 witnesses down to testify as they were 1,000 miles away. I don't want to see that happen to anyone else.

I will fight to allow wake surfing on the river. We follow all rules and stay 200 feet from the shore. Wake surfing is why we love the River so dearly. We have owned property on the river for 24 years and have never had an issue. This would completely ruin summers for my family.


Workshop Questionnaire Results April 30, 2018 5/1/2018 3. You are a powerboat owner. (True / False)


Percent Count

True 85.96% 49

False 14.04% 8

Totals 100% 57

4. You are a non-motorized boat owner (True / False)


Percent Count

True 83.64% 46

False 16.36% 9

Totals 100% 55

5. You are an Idaho resident (True / False)


Percent Count

True 91.38% 53

False 8.62% 5

Totals 100% 58

Page 2 of 8 5/1/2018 6. You are a Bonner County resident (True / False)


Percent Count

True 86.44% 51

False 13.56% 8

Totals 100% 59

7. You are a Bonner County waterfront property owner (True / False)


Percent Count

True 73.21% 41

False 26.79% 15

Totals 100% 56

8. You recreate in Bonner County but you re not a resident (True / False)


Percent Count

True 12.07% 7

False 87.93% 51

Totals 100% 58

Page 3 of 8 5/1/2018 9. You are an agency representative, law enforcement officer, or an elected official (True / False)


Percent Count

True 10.53% 6

False 89.47% 51

Totals 100% 57

10. Marine Deputies should perform "Emphasis Patrols," periodically providing a concentration of officers in problem areas. (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 56.14% 32

Agree 19.3% 11

Neutral 14.04% 8

Disagree 3.51% 2

Strongly Disagree 7.02% 4

Totals 100% 57

Page 4 of 8 5/1/2018 11. I support a "Fix-It" ticket option, where boaters can avoid moving violation fines by completing a boater education course which includes a wake education component. (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 25.86% 15

Agree 41.38% 24

Neutral 5.17% 3

Disagree 17.24% 10

Strongly Disagree 10.34% 6

Totals 100% 58

12. The county should prohibit the activity of wake surfing in the Pend Oreille River downriver of Dover Marina (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 41.07% 23

Agree 10.71% 6

Neutral 5.36% 3

Disagree 0% 0

Strongly Disagree 42.86% 24

Totals 100% 56

Page 5 of 8 5/1/2018 13. The county should establish wake surf areas in the wider ( 2000 ft +) stretches of the Pend Oreille River. (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 16.36% 9

Agree 14.55% 8

Neutral 7.27% 4

Disagree 18.18% 10

Strongly Disagree 43.64% 24

Totals 100% 55

14. The county should continue to educate boaters by funding the "Ride the Core" campaign. (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 38.89% 21

Agree 24.07% 13

Neutral 12.96% 7

Disagree 16.67% 9

Strongly Disagree 7.41% 4

Totals 100% 54

Page 6 of 8 5/1/2018 15. The Pend Oreille River should have at least 10 "Roving" No-Wake-Zone buoys (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 41.07% 23

Agree 30.36% 17

Neutral 7.14% 4

Disagree 3.57% 2

Strongly Disagree 17.86% 10

Totals 100% 56

16. Downriver from the Dover Marina, the No-Wake-Zone should be increased to: (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

No increase, keep at 45.45% 25 200 feet

300 feet 16.36% 9

400 feet 10.91% 6

500 feet 27.27% 15

Totals 100% 55

Page 7 of 8 5/1/2018 17. I am in favor of increasing No-Wake-Zones in the county beyond the existing 200 feet rule (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 37.5% 21

Agree 16.07% 9

Neutral 1.79% 1

Disagree 10.71% 6

Strongly Disagree 33.93% 19

Totals 100% 56

18. I support statewide mandatory boater education (Multiple Choice)


Percent Count

Strongly Agree 44.44% 24

Agree 29.63% 16

Neutral 7.41% 4

Disagree 9.26% 5

Strongly Disagree 9.26% 5

Totals 100% 54

Page 8 of 8