It-Tlettax-Il Leġiżlatura Pl 1087

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It-Tlettax-Il Leġiżlatura Pl 1087 IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 1087 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 73 tal-24 ta’ Jannar 2018 mill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra AWTORITÀ TAL-IPPJANAR – APPLIKAZZJONIJIET PENDENTI GĦALL- KMAMAR U MĦAŻEN AGRIKOLI BARRA Ż-ŻONA TA’ ŻVILUPP *3094. L-ONOR. TONI BEZZINA staqsa lill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali: Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid kemm hemm/kien hemm applikazzjonijiet pendenti quddiem l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (qabel il-MEPA) għall-bini ta' kmamar u mħażen agrikoli barra ż-żona ta' żvilupp, sena b' sena, mill-2013 sakemm tiġi mwieġba din il-mistoqsija parlamentari? Liema huma dawn l-istess applikazzjonijiet? F'liema lokalità jinsabu? F'kull każ f'liema stadju jinsabu dawn l-applikazzjonijiet quddiem l-Awtorità? Liema minn dawn l-applikazzjonijiet ħarġilhom il-permess neċessarju? 20/12/2017 ONOR. IAN BORG: B’referenza għall-mistoqsija parlamentari numru 3094, l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar ivvalidat jew ippublikat sitt mija ħamsa u sittin applikazzjoni (665) tal-Ippjanar (Planning Applications) u ħames applikazzjonijiet tad-DNO (Development Notification Order) għal żvilupp relatat ma’ bini jew alterazzjonijiet ta’ kmamar u mħażen agrikoli barra miż-zona ta’ żvilupp mill-01/01/2013 sal-lum. Annessi hawn tabelli li jagħtu in-numru ta’ applikazzjonijiet (PAs u DNOs) ivvalidati / ippublikati kull sena. Qed inpoġġi fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra listi ta’ dawn l-applikazzjonijiet bl-informazzjoni mitluba mill-Onorevoli Interpellant. PAs 2013 44 2014 34 2015 157 2016 206 2017 224 DNOs 2013 2 2014 1 2015 1 2016 1 Din l-informazzjoni nġabret mis-sistema tal-informatika tal-Awtorità fuq applikazzjonijiet ivvalidati jew ippublikati mill-01/01/2013 fejn iż-żona hija ndikata bħala barra ż-żona tal-iżvilupp u fejn fil- proposta tal-iżvilupp tagħhom hemm xi waħda mill-kliem segwenti. · agri + warehouse/s · agri + store/s · agri + room/s · tool + room/s · maħżen / mħażen · agri + kamra / kmamar · agri + għodda / għodod Seduta Numru 73 24/01/2018 PQ3C~4 P.A No. Proposal Location L.C. Status Descriotion PN0000?/16 To_reinstate reservoir and construct overlying agricultural store. Site at, Wied is-Seqer, Triq L- Gharb, Ghasri Decided Granted Ghasri Gozo PN00023/17 Demolition of pre-1968 agricultural room, construction of agricultural room with underground basement, Site at ( agricultural land), Misrah Xriha, Siggiewi Decided Granted undemround reservoir and reinstatement of dilanidated rubble walls and cates. Siaaiewi Malta PN00025/15 Amalgamation of two permits for agricultural stores and field tunnels within the same site. Site at, Ta' Dnajar, Triq Ta' Trapna, Zebbug Decided Granted Zebbua. Malta PN00028/14 To sanction pump-room I agricultural store. Filed at, Gnien ta', Ghajn Tuffieha, Limiti Mgarr Decided Granted Ta' Maarr. Malta PN00028/16 Re-construction of an agricultural store which includes a basement level and the construction of an Plot C, Triq In- Noqra, Birzebbugia, Birzebbugia Awaiting DPA Report Pending underoround reservoir. Malta PN00031/14 To sanction pump-room I agricultural store. Field at, il-gnien ta', Ghajn Tuffieha, Mgarr Decided Granted Limiti Ta'. Moarr Malta PN00031/17 To construct agricultural store with underlying basement Site at, Ta' L-lmselliet, lz- Zebbiegh, Mgarr Decided Granted Moarr Malta PN00035/17 Sanctioning of pre-1978 agricultural stores including demolition and re-building of the latter stores due to Vella's, Ta' Srajmiet, Siggiewi, Malta Siggiewi Withdrawn Withdrawn foundation issues. Sanctioning of pre-1 978 concrete pathway and timber gate. Proposed re- construction/restoration of pre-1 967 rubble walls, reservoir and change of use ·Including dn " nce-1' ;ntn" ""' PN00036/16 Construction of aaricultural store. Site at. In- Niqrit, Qala, Gozo Qala Decided Granted PN00040/17 To sanction tool room, bird room, store and generator room Site at, Sqaq Dun Guzepp Mifsud, Msida Decided Not Granted Msida Malta PN00041/17 Sanctioning of built up structures mainly for the use of water reservoirs, a tool room and a small stable. Site at, Ta Libru, off, Triq Tal- Haddedin, Mgarr Withdrawn Withdrawn sanctioninq also to include subdivision of aariculturalland. land subdivided beino more than one tumolo. Maarr. Malta PN00048/17 To SC!-nction existing agricultural store utilising part of same structure as fodder store, construction of Site at ( agricultural Field ), Triq Has- Ghaxaq Decided Granted timber stables includina other ancillarv facilities olus reinstatement of existina rubble walls. Saotan Ghaxao. Malta PN00062/14 To sanction reconstruction of agricultural store as built in 1999. Farmhouse St. Alessio, Ta' Garibaldi Mtarfa Decided Granted aff Tria L-lmtarfa Mtarfa Malta PN00063/16 To sanction replacement of dangerous concrete roofs over pre-1967 agricultural rooms by new concrete Site at, In- Nadur, Zurrieq, Malta Zurrieq Decided Not Granted slabs, propose roofing over pre-1 967 reservoir (giebja), to propose the removal of loose material levelled ncriunrl "nrl PN00071/16 Proposed extension to existing agricultural store and to sanction reservoir. Agriculture Store, L-lrziezet ta' L- Rabat Decided Granted lmtahlep, Ghar Zerriegha, Mtahleb, IR"h' ''""' PN00095/13 Extension to an existing agricultural store approved in PA 01399/08 and PA 00177/04. Site at Campra Lane, Burmarrad, San San Pawl ii-Bahar Decided Granted Pawl ii-Bahar. Malta PN00112/13 To construct an underground water reservoir and an agricultural store. Site at, lx-Xaghra tai-Buskett, Rabat, Rabat Decided Granted Malta PN00118/16 Construction of agricultural store and reservoir; reinstatement of existing deteriorated rubble walls; Site at, Ta' Manduca, Siggiewi, Malta Siggiewi Decided Granted construction of a timber nate. PN00133/17 To sanction pre-1978 agricultural tool room. Site at, Triq Tax- Xantin, Mqabba, Malta Mqabba Decided Granted PN00134/17 To sanction existing farmer agricultural stores and reservoirs. Site at, Ta Bram, Has- Saptan, Ghaxaq, Ghaxaq Decided Granted Malta PN00135/15 Proposed agricultural store & underlying reservoir. Site at/Field, Tai-Haddedin, Mgarr, Mgarr Decided Granted Malta PN00140/16 To construct a pump chamber and sanction paint finish of fagade of agricultural store instead of Site At, Triq Fra Ludovoco Savoye, Rabat Decided Granted weathered stone. Rabat Malta PN00159/15 To demolish existing dilapidated agricultural store room, and reconstruct room internally connected with Site at, Land at Ta' Manduka, Alley off, Dingli Decided Granted underlying basement store, as per policy 2.5 a, (agricultural stores) and sanctioning of adjusted existing Triq Had- Dingli, Dingli, Malta PN00179/17 To demolish existing pre 1994 structure. to sanction construction of agricultural stores, reservoir, cesspit, Site at, lx- Xaghri L-lmqalleb, Mqabba, Mqabba Decided Not Granted pump room, pond and also additions to pool for horses and its boundary walls. To carry out internal Malta · ; tn py;,t;nn '"'hie PN00180/15 To construct greenhouses for the cultivation of plants and to construct an agricultural store as per current Site at, Agricultural Land, Buqana, Rabat Decided Granted policy and of a pre-1967 dilapidated store. Store to be constructed on a different position within the same Limits Of, Rabat, Malta l,;,e P"nels an the mal nl n"rt al the : "re also beina PN00193/16 Prooosed aaricultural stores for arable farm ina. Site at lc- Gens Ghasri Gozo Ghasri Decided Granted --,- PA/00214/17 To sanction pre 1994 small agricultural store, construction of underground reservoir, raising of soil, Ta' Dar ix-Xaghra, Triq Hagar Qim, Qrendi Decided Granted reinstatement and raisino of drv random rubble wall olus installation of timber nate. Orendi. Malta p A/00223/15 To sanction pre-1994 agricultural store. Field, Gnien Hira, Triq L- Gharreqin, Mdina Decided Granted Mdina. Malta p A/00230/17 To sanction a pre 1994 agricultural store. Site at, Wardija, San Pawl ii-Bahar, San Pawl il-Bahar Decided Granted Malta p A/00255/14 To regularize pre-1994 agricultural store and bee keeping stores, to sanction rubble walls and construct Field at, Triq tal-Marga, Bahrija, UO Rabat Decided Not Granted new rubble wall and fix aate. Rabat Bahriia. Rabat Malta p A/00259/16 Sanctioning of reservoir, agricultural store and canopy extension to a registered trapping station (pre- Site at, Ta', Wied Ghomor, Swieqi, Swieqi Decided Granted 1978 structure) Malta p A/00263/15 To construct an agricultural store. Site at, lx-Xewkija, Raba Nemel, Rabat, Rabat Decided Not Granted I Malta PA/00266/17 To renew permit PA1084/1 0 [To replace/reconstruct dangerous/collapsed parts (roofs and walls) of Site at, Triq L- lmgarr, Mgarr, Malta Mgarr Decided Granted existina ore 1967 aaricultural storel. I PA/00280/13 To convert existing derelict building into agricultural stores & construct reservoir. Application also includes Site at, Tai-Hireb, Bidnija UO, Mosta, Mosta Decided Not Granted the construction of rubble wall. Malta PA/00280/16 To reconstruct an existing agricultural store in conjunction with application tracking no166457; works Site off, Triq L- Gharreqin, Mdina, Malta Mdina Awaiting DPA R~pon Pending include the restoration of existing external rubble wall, installation of timber gates, construction of t and water' ·r heneath I 'tnre and 'of hard · PA/00282/17 To demolish existing agricultural store. to construct an agricultural store with underlying storage area, Site at, II- Qlejgha II- Kbira, Rabat, Rabat Decided
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