Universal Postal Union Berne, September 2013

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Universal Postal Union Berne, September 2013 Statistics and Accounting Guide January 2017 edition Contact: Mr Philippe Grondein ([email protected]) Remuneration Programme Markets Development and Regulation Directorate UPU International Bureau This version of the guide includes changes to the UPU Convention decided upon by the 2012 Congress, as well as changes to the Letter Post Regulations decided upon by the Postal Operations Council up to February 2016. 3 Table of contents Page CHAPTER I – TERMINAL DUES RATES AND TRANSIT CHARGES ..................................................................................... 5 1 THE TERMINAL DUES SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Rates – Target system ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Rates – New target system .............................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 Rates – Transitional system ............................................................................................................................. 7 1.4 Exchange of format-separated mails ............................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Accession to the target system ........................................................................................................................ 9 1.6 Registered and insured items ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.7 M bags ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 1.8 Contributions to the Quality of Service Fund (QSF) .......................................................................................... 9 1.9 Bulk mail......................................................................................................................................................... 10 1.10 Link to quality of service ............................................................................................................................ 11 1.11 Direct access .............................................................................................................................................. 13 1.12 International business reply service (IBRS) ................................................................................................ 13 1.13 Advice of delivery service (AR) ................................................................................................................... 14 2 TRANSIT: CONVEYANCE AND CHARGES .......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1 Conveyance to the country of destination ..................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Transit of à découvert items and missent items ............................................................................................ 15 2.3 Return of empty bags ..................................................................................................................................... 17 3 EXEMPTION FROM TERMINAL DUES ............................................................................................................................. 19 CHAPTER II – STATISTICAL OPERATIONS RELATED TO TERMINAL DUES ..................................................................... 20 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 1.1 The target country system ............................................................................................................................. 20 1.2 The revision mechanism ................................................................................................................................. 20 2 OVERVIEW OF THE STATISTICAL PROCESS ...................................................................................................................... 22 2.1 General principles .......................................................................................................................................... 22 2.2 Sample selection for target system DOs (RL 229) .......................................................................................... 22 2.3 Sample selection for the revision mechanism (RL 232) .................................................................................. 26 2.4 Data collection ............................................................................................................................................... 29 2.5 Estimation overview ....................................................................................................................................... 31 2.6 Notice of design decisions .............................................................................................................................. 32 2.7 Statistical counts not performed .................................................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER III – TERMINAL DUES SYSTEM OPERATIONS AND ACCOUNTING ................................................................ 43 1 OPERATIONS CONCERNING REGISTRATION OF WEIGHT AND NUMBER OF ORDINARY MAIL AND REGISTERED AND INSURED ITEMS SUBJECT TO TERMINAL DUES ................................................................................................................................................ 43 1.1 Operations at the office of exchange of origin – CN 31 letter bill .................................................................. 43 1.2 Procedures for returning empty bags ............................................................................................................ 45 1.3 Operations at the office of exchange of destination ...................................................................................... 45 1.4 Operations at the central service of the designated operator of destination ................................................ 46 2 OPERATIONS CONCERNING BULK MAIL ......................................................................................................................... 47 2.1 Operations at the office of exchange of origin ............................................................................................... 47 2.2 Operations at the office of exchange of destination ...................................................................................... 47 2.3 Accounting for bulk mail ................................................................................................................................ 48 3 ACCOUNTING FOR TERMINAL DUES .............................................................................................................................. 48 3.1 CN 61 detailed account .................................................................................................................................. 48 3.2 Time limit for submission of CN 61 ................................................................................................................. 49 3.3 Time limit for acceptance of CN 61 ................................................................................................................ 49 4 SETTLEMENT OF TERMINAL DUES ACCOUNTS ................................................................................................................. 49 4.1 CN 64 statement ............................................................................................................................................ 49 4.2 Time limit for acceptance of CN 64 ................................................................................................................ 49 5 PROVISIONAL PAYMENTS OF TERMINAL DUES ................................................................................................................. 50 5.1 When and on what basis a provisional payment may be requested ............................................................. 50 5.2 Exchange rate to be applied ........................................................................................................................... 50 6 QUALITY OF SERVICE FUND ACCOUNTING ..................................................................................................................... 50 4 6.1 Regular billing ................................................................................................................................................ 50 6.2 Time limit for payment ................................................................................................................................... 51 CHAPTER IV – TRANSIT OPERATIONS AND ACCOUNTING .......................................................................................... 60 1 REGISTRATION OF THE WEIGHT OF MAIL SUBJECT TO CLOSED TRANSIT CHARGES AND OF EMPTY RECEPTACLES ............................. 60 1.1 Operations at the office of exchange of origin ............................................................................................... 60 1.2 Operations at the office of exchange of transit
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