The Answers to To
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This Issue: The Answers to to Our NEW Our -NEW . Telephone Number Telephone Number is is Mercury': 4-1 I.I I Mercury ; 4-1111 Published Every Thursday VOL. XI3&—NO. 27 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST -22, 1957 at IS Green Street, Wo&dbrldge, jr. J, PRICE SIGHT CENTS Forbes, Searching Votes, Jago Named Head Silagy'Replaces McPherson To Visit Here Saturday •EDISON—Sen. Malcolm. Forbes, Of TB Seal Drive AsGOP Council Candidate, Republican candidate for Gover- EDISON- The Republican nor, will tour Middlesex County EDISON—Richard Jago, Assist- County Committee this- week as part of "Operation Door Bell" ant Superintendent of Edison selected Charles Silagy,- Old Post Finn Streamlining Saturday. The Senator is ex- Township Schools, has been named 1957 Christmas Seal Sate chair- Road, as a candidate-for the coun- pected to be in Edison at approxi- man, Arnold Boyt, president of the cil: in the November election to fill B. of E* Procedures mately 11:00 A. M., when he will "be at the Municipal Building to Middlesex County' Tuberculosis By CHARLES E. GBEGOBT a vacancy on the Republican ticket and Health League announced this WOODBRIDGE—TNew methods greet' well-wishers. He will then week. caused by the withdrawal of Simon to streamline Board of Education "ring some door bells," he said. MePherson. meetings have been gradually in- Residents of each community in Funds raised by the Christmas I want* to pay my respects troduced in recent weeks. Seal sale support the various proj- to the Town Xommittee for Mr. McPherson withdrew as a the county may join the cam- ects of the league, which include candidate because the Shell Oil For years, folks who had.busi- paign caravan which will stast at its decision to institute a ness before the Board were forced at 8:30 P. M. From Edison,..Sen- giviBg chest X-rays to employes of Company has . transferred him. to to sit through the reading of '.ndustry, food handlers, women program of revaluation of all ator Forbes will go to Woodbridge employed by the Homemakers' Columbus, O. Mr. McPherson pages of minutes. A couple of and then to Carteret where ^ a Miss Wittnebert^ Teacher local real estate. stated that while he regretted months ago, the Board adopted Service, adoptive parents, recipi- luncheon has. been-, arranged. ents of Social Security, members of leaving the Township, the promo- tne system of the Town Commit- tee in which each member is fraternal organizations, service Start on , It is true I have been harp- tion was so important he could not given mimeographed copies of the clubs, PTAs, school personnel and 'Here 44 Years? to. Retire _ ing on the necessity for such refuse it. minutes which are then adopted New School Year other groups. The league also WOODBRIDGE — Miss Elsie Wittnebert, principal of Keasbey School, Ray Henry, Republican munici- "as presented." > maintains a weekly X-ray clinic at tendered her resignation to the Board of Education Monday night, Quigley States an undertaking';: for just its New Brunswick headquarters, after 44 years of continuous service to the community. pal chairman, presided at the The latest move was .taken open to all residents of the county. about 10 years, and my own Monday night, when on the rec- To Begin Sept. 5th Miss Wittnebert was born in Raritan Towship, now Edison Township, WOODBRIDGE — Contracts meeting at which Mr. Silagy's It also conducts a year-round edu- the daughter of Andrew and Anna Wittnebert. She recalls she attended convictions on the subject ommendation of Winfield J. Finn, ? with an "outstanding firm of ap- name was submitted and unani- EDISON—A record enrollment cational program, which works a little country school kown at that time as tlie Lafayette "School. It Board president, bids will no closely with schools, hospitals and praisers" will be signed early next were affirmed by the State mously endorsed. • longer be received at regular of more than 6,000 pupils from has sice been destroyed by fire. month and actual work on revalu- the kindergarten through 10th other social agencies, as well as the After graduation from Perth Departmentfof Local Gov- Mr.'Silagy declared he will start Board meetings, for some times general public. ation of real propertytin the Town- ernment which is the master campaigning, immediately. the reading of bids takes an hour grade is anticipated for Township Amboy High School, Miss Wittne- Assumes County Post ship will start within a month, or moreJ public-schools on the opening day Mr. Jago, who until recently was bert attended State Normal School both Mayor Hugh B. Quigley and of our fate when we are bent The new candidate was born in principal of .the Stelton School, Bids will be opened and pub- of school on September 5. in Trenton, now known as New Committeeman R. Richard Krauss, on borrowing for capital im- 1921 in Wendell, W. Va., and was formerly a teacher at the Clara Jersey State Teachers College. chairman of finance, said yester- moved to -Perth Amboy in 1936, licly read by the Secretary of the The 1957-58 school year will be Barton School and during the war provements, like schools. Board at special morning sessions. the first term in which the sopho- .Miss Wittebert's first teaching day. where he attended high school. In served,in the Army, the 106th In- post was in her naitve town where * # * * If the bids concern construction, more class will be enrolled at the fantry Division, which saw action Tuesday night an ordinance, 1937 he was employed by the Celo- the architect will' toe'present. If Edison High School. There will in the European theater of opera- she taught in the Sand Hills for authorizing an emergency appro- tex Company in Metuchen as a they are for books~ or supplies the be double sessions at that school. one year. In 1913, she joined the priation of $165,000 for the pro- In view of the fact revalua- tions. Woodbridge Township School sys- tion is now to be a reality, I machine operator and. has since office of the Superintendent of Present plans call for the en- gram, was passed on first reading. worked for the Baritan Copper Schools will be represented. Board rollment of the 11th grade in the tem and was assigned to teach Public hearing and final adoption L sixth grade in Keasbey School. are - scheduled to take place shall kneel and beg the par-.Works and the General Cable Co. members •will attend if they can, 1958 59 school year and the 12th don of all who have suffered but it .will not, be necessary. The grade in the following school Mayor-Weighing... Promotion to the principalship September 3 at 8 P. M. in. Perth Amboy. ,• bids will then be referred to the term. at Keasbey occurred in 1921, and "The revaluation program through my impatience—ex- His wife, the former Miss Mil- Board for action. Miss Wittnebert served in that should be well on its way by the Registration of pupils who will post up to the present time. pressed in wordy, tiresome dred Swerling of Perth Amboy, is Mr. Finn said when an-emer- enter Edison public schools for the Re-Warding Board time the Board of Education goes essays '•— all through these a Republican committee woman in gency exists, the bids will be re- first time, and who have not pre- Fond of travel. Miss Wittnebert to Trenton to ask for permission Bonhamtown, and is also a town- ceived in the morning and the viously, registered, will be con- WOODBRIDGE — As soon as hopes to see more of the United to start on the first phase- of its years. I guess there were ship nurse. He served in.the 17. S. (Continued on Page Seven) ducted in all Township schools on the ordinance, providing for the States now that she will have the construction program," Mayor many who believed I had Army Air: Force in World War II Wednesday, August 28, between creation of a Fourth Ward in leisure time. Quigley said yesterday. A similar contrived ,this issue in order in the Pacific theater and was dis- SHARE IN PLANT PROGRAM the hours of 9 A. M. and 3. P. M. Woodbridge Township, is adopted "I. have travelled quite a bit statement was also made toy Mi'. charged, in 1946 with commenda- EDISON — Eight residents of Children of the kindergarten September 3, a commission, con- abroad", she said,, "and have Krauss. to embarass the administra- tion for outstanding service. At this area were' among the 18 em- through Grade 6 should be regis- sisting of two Democrats and two visited 15 foreign countries. Now, Both men were questioned as to tion. This was never true- ployes of the Westinghouse Tele- tered in the school which serves Republicans, will be appointed by I would like to see more of this whether the committee planned to that time he became associated vision-Radio Division sharing $900 country—there are so many places advertise for bids for the program the area in which the children Mayor Hugh B. Quigley to fix and ; as I can prove—because one with his father in the general for "meritorious invention dis- I want to see. and the reply was the same, "It is contracting business. reside. To enroll in the kinder- define the boundaries of each of time about five years ago I closures" last month. the four wards. "Earned A Kest" not necessary to advertise for garten class, a child must have bids." Mr. Silagy moved to this town- The .area residents were D.